/*- * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Shunsuke Akiyama <akiyama@jp.FreeBSD.org>. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 X-TrueType Server Project, All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Id: fontcache.c,v 1.12 1999/01/31 13:47:45 akiyama Exp $ */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/Xext/fontcache.c,v 1.7 2003/10/28 23:08:43 tsi Exp $ */ /* THIS IS NOT AN X CONSORTIUM STANDARD */ #define NEED_REPLIES #define NEED_EVENTS #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include "misc.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "inputstr.h" #include "servermd.h" #define _FONTCACHE_SERVER_ #include "fontcacheP.h" #include "fontcachstr.h" #include <X11/Xfuncproto.h> #include "swaprep.h" #include "modinit.h" static int miscErrorBase; static void FontCacheResetProc( ExtensionEntry* /* extEntry */ ); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcFontCacheDispatch); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcFontCacheGetCacheSettings); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcFontCacheGetCacheStatistics); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcFontCacheQueryVersion); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcFontCacheChangeCacheSettings); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcFontCacheDispatch); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcFontCacheGetCacheSettings); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcFontCacheGetCacheStatistics); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcFontCacheQueryVersion); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcFontCacheChangeCacheSettings); #if 0 static unsigned char FontCacheReqCode = 0; #endif void FontCacheExtensionInit(INITARGS) { ExtensionEntry* extEntry; if ( (extEntry = AddExtension(FONTCACHENAME, FontCacheNumberEvents, FontCacheNumberErrors, ProcFontCacheDispatch, SProcFontCacheDispatch, FontCacheResetProc, StandardMinorOpcode))) { #if 0 FontCacheReqCode = (unsigned char)extEntry->base; #endif miscErrorBase = extEntry->errorBase; } } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void FontCacheResetProc (extEntry) ExtensionEntry* extEntry; { } static int ProcFontCacheQueryVersion(client) register ClientPtr client; { xFontCacheQueryVersionReply rep; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xFontCacheQueryVersionReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.majorVersion = FONTCACHE_MAJOR_VERSION; rep.minorVersion = FONTCACHE_MINOR_VERSION; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swapl(&rep.length, n); swaps(&rep.majorVersion, n); swaps(&rep.minorVersion, n); } WriteToClient(client, SIZEOF(xFontCacheQueryVersionReply), (char *)&rep); return (client->noClientException); } static int ProcFontCacheGetCacheSettings(client) register ClientPtr client; { xFontCacheGetCacheSettingsReply rep; FontCacheSettings cinfo; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xFontCacheGetCacheSettingsReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.length = 0; /* XXX */ FontCacheGetSettings(&cinfo); rep.himark = cinfo.himark; rep.lowmark = cinfo.lowmark; rep.balance = cinfo.balance; rep.reserve0 = 0; rep.reserve1 = 0; rep.reserve2 = 0; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swapl(&rep.himark, n); swapl(&rep.lowmark, n); swapl(&rep.balance, n); swapl(&rep.reserve0, n); swapl(&rep.reserve1, n); swapl(&rep.reserve2, n); } /* XXX */ WriteToClient(client, SIZEOF(xFontCacheGetCacheSettingsReply), (char *)&rep); return (client->noClientException); } static int ProcFontCacheGetCacheStatistics(client) register ClientPtr client; { xFontCacheGetCacheStatisticsReply rep; FontCacheStatistics cstats; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xFontCacheGetCacheStatisticsReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.length = (sz_xFontCacheGetCacheStatisticsReply - 32) >> 2; /* XXX */ FontCacheGetStatistics(&cstats); rep.purge_runs = cstats.purge_runs; rep.purge_stat = cstats.purge_stat; rep.balance = cstats.balance; rep.reserve0 = 0; rep.f_hits = cstats.f.hits; rep.f_misshits = cstats.f.misshits; rep.f_purged = cstats.f.purged; rep.f_usage = cstats.f.usage; rep.f_reserve0 = 0; rep.v_hits = cstats.v.hits; rep.v_misshits = cstats.v.misshits; rep.v_purged = cstats.v.purged; rep.v_usage = cstats.v.usage; rep.v_reserve0 = 0; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swapl(&rep.length, n); swapl(&rep.purge_runs, n); swapl(&rep.purge_stat, n); swapl(&rep.balance, n); swapl(&rep.reserve0, n); swapl(&rep.f_hits, n); swapl(&rep.f_misshits, n); swapl(&rep.f_purged, n); swapl(&rep.f_usage, n); swapl(&rep.f_reserve0, n); swapl(&rep.v_hits, n); swapl(&rep.v_misshits, n); swapl(&rep.v_purged, n); swapl(&rep.v_usage, n); swapl(&rep.v_reserve0, n); } /* XXX */ WriteToClient(client, SIZEOF(xFontCacheGetCacheStatisticsReply), (char *)&rep); return (client->noClientException); } static int ProcFontCacheChangeCacheSettings(client) register ClientPtr client; { FontCacheSettings cs; REQUEST(xFontCacheChangeCacheSettingsReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xFontCacheChangeCacheSettingsReq); /* XXX */ cs.himark = stuff->himark; cs.lowmark = stuff->lowmark; cs.balance = stuff->balance; if (cs.himark < 0 || cs.lowmark < 0) return BadValue; if (cs.himark <= cs.lowmark) return BadValue; if (!(10 <= cs.balance && cs.balance <= 90)) return BadValue; if (FontCacheChangeSettings(&cs) == 0) return miscErrorBase + FontCacheCannotAllocMemory; /* XXX */ return (client->noClientException); } static int ProcFontCacheDispatch (client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_FontCacheQueryVersion: return ProcFontCacheQueryVersion(client); case X_FontCacheGetCacheSettings: return ProcFontCacheGetCacheSettings(client); case X_FontCacheGetCacheStatistics: return ProcFontCacheGetCacheStatistics(client); case X_FontCacheChangeCacheSettings: return ProcFontCacheChangeCacheSettings(client); default: return miscErrorBase + FontCacheBadProtocol; } } static int SProcFontCacheQueryVersion(client) register ClientPtr client; { register int n; REQUEST(xFontCacheQueryVersionReq); swaps(&stuff->length, n); return ProcFontCacheQueryVersion(client); } static int SProcFontCacheGetCacheSettings(client) ClientPtr client; { register int n; REQUEST(xFontCacheGetCacheSettingsReq); swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xFontCacheGetCacheSettingsReq); return ProcFontCacheGetCacheSettings(client); } static int SProcFontCacheGetCacheStatistics(client) ClientPtr client; { register int n; REQUEST(xFontCacheGetCacheStatisticsReq); swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xFontCacheGetCacheStatisticsReq); return ProcFontCacheGetCacheStatistics(client); } static int SProcFontCacheChangeCacheSettings(client) ClientPtr client; { register int n; REQUEST(xFontCacheChangeCacheSettingsReq); swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xFontCacheChangeCacheSettingsReq); /* XXX */ swapl(&stuff->himark, n); swapl(&stuff->lowmark, n); swapl(&stuff->balance, n); /* XXX */ return ProcFontCacheChangeCacheSettings(client); } static int SProcFontCacheDispatch (client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_FontCacheQueryVersion: return SProcFontCacheQueryVersion(client); case X_FontCacheGetCacheSettings: return SProcFontCacheGetCacheSettings(client); case X_FontCacheGetCacheStatistics: return SProcFontCacheGetCacheStatistics(client); case X_FontCacheChangeCacheSettings: return SProcFontCacheChangeCacheSettings(client); default: return miscErrorBase + FontCacheBadProtocol; } }