/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/Xext/mbufbf.c,v 3.5tsi Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* $Xorg: mbufbf.c,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:04:32 xorgcvs Exp $ */ #define NEED_REPLIES #define NEED_EVENTS #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <nx-X11/X.h> #include <nx-X11/Xproto.h> #include "misc.h" #include "os.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "resource.h" #include "opaque.h" #include "regionstr.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "inputstr.h" #include "validate.h" #include <sys/time.h> #define _MULTIBUF_SERVER_ /* don't want Xlib structures */ #define _MULTIBUF_BUFFER_ #include <nx-X11/extensions/multibufst.h> /* Support for doublebuffer hardare This code is designed to support doublebuffer hardware where the displayed buffer is selected on a per-pixel basis by an additional bit plane, called the select plane. It could probably be easily modified to work with systems that use window-id planes. This is done by creating a new drawable type, DRAWABLE_BUFFER. The type has the same exact layout as a window drawable. Your code should treat a DRAWABLE_BUFFER the same as it would tread a DRAWABLE_WINDOW when handling the gc drawing functions. In addition, PaintWindowBackground, CopyWindow, and all of the gc drawing functions to be able to draw into both framebuffers. Which framebuffer to draw into is selected by the contents of pWin->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex]. The content of the devPrivate is either from frameBuffer[0] or frameBuffer[1], depending on which buffer is being drawn into. When pWin->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex] == frameBuffer[0], the functions should draw into the front framebuffer. When pWin->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex] == frameBuffer[1], the functions should draw into the back framebuffer. In addition, you need to provide a function that allows you to copy bits between the buffers (optional since CopyArea can be used) and a function that draws into the select plane. Then, you need to register your functions and other information, by calling: void RegisterDoubleBufferHardware(pScreen, nInfo, pInfo, frameBuffer, selectPlane, CopyBufferBitsFunc, DrawSelectPlaneFunc) int nInfo; xMbufBufferInfo *pInfo; DevUnion *frameBuffer; DevUnion selectPlane; "pInfo" is an array indicating which visuals and depths that double buffering is supported on. "nInfo" is the length of the array. "frameBuffer" is array of length 2. The contents of the array element is ddx-specific. The content of frameBuffer[0] should, when placed in the window private, indicate that framebuffer 0 should be drawn into. The contents of frameBuffer[1], when placed into the window private, should indicate that framebuffer 1 should be drawn into. "selectPlane" is ddx-specific. It should contain information neccessary for your displayProc to access the select plane. It is passed to DrawSelectPlaneFunc. "CopyBufferBitsFunc" is a ddx-specific function that copies from one buffer of a multibuffered window to another buffer. If the CopyBufferBitsFunc is NULL, a default function will be used that calls pScreen->CopyArea. void CopyBufferBitsFunc(pMBWindow, srcBufferNum, dstBufferNum) mbufWindowPtr pMBWindow; int srcBufferNum, dstBufferNum; "DrawSelectPlaneFunc" is a ddx-specific function that fills the regions "prgn" of select plane with the value "bufferNum". If selectPlane is a DrawablePtr (such as a PixmapPtr), you can pass NULL for DrawSelectPlaneFunc, a default function will be used that calls FillRectangle on the selectPlane. void DrawSelectPlaneFunc(pScreen, selectPlane, prgn, bufferNum) ScreenPtr pScreen; DevUnion selectPlane; RegionPtr prgn; long bufferNum; ... ... ... */ #define MAX_BUFFERS 2 /* Only supports 2 buffers */ #define FRONT_BUFFER 0 #define BACK_BUFFER 1 /* Buffer drawables have the same structure as window drawables */ typedef WindowRec BufferRec; typedef WindowPtr BufferPtr; /* * Call RegisterHdwrBuffer for every screen that has doublebuffer hardware. */ static int bufNumInfo[MAXSCREENS]; static xMbufBufferInfo *bufInfo[MAXSCREENS]; static DevUnion *bufFrameBuffer[MAXSCREENS]; static DevUnion bufselectPlane[MAXSCREENS]; static void (* bufCopyBufferBitsFunc[MAXSCREENS])(); static void (* bufDrawSelectPlaneFunc[MAXSCREENS])(); static Bool bufMultibufferInit(); void RegisterDoubleBufferHardware(pScreen, nInfo, pInfo, frameBuffer, selectPlane, CopyBufferBitsFunc, DrawSelectPlaneFunc) ScreenPtr pScreen; int nInfo; xMbufBufferInfo *pInfo; DevUnion *frameBuffer; DevUnion selectPlane; void (* CopyBufferBitsFunc)(); void (* DrawSelectPlaneFunc)(); { bufNumInfo[pScreen->myNum] = nInfo; bufInfo[pScreen->myNum] = pInfo; bufFrameBuffer[pScreen->myNum] = frameBuffer; bufselectPlane[pScreen->myNum] = selectPlane; bufCopyBufferBitsFunc[pScreen->myNum] = CopyBufferBitsFunc; bufDrawSelectPlaneFunc[pScreen->myNum] = DrawSelectPlaneFunc; /* Register ourselves with device-independent multibuffers code */ RegisterMultibufferInit(pScreen, bufMultibufferInit); } /* * Called by Multibuffer extension initialization. * Initializes mbufScreenRec and its devPrivate. */ static Bool NoopDDA_True() { return TRUE; } static Bool bufPositionWindow(); static int bufCreateImageBuffers(); static void bufDestroyImageBuffers(); static void bufDisplayImageBuffers(); static void bufClearImageBufferArea(); static void bufDestroyBuffer(); static void bufCopyBufferBits(); static void bufDrawSelectPlane(); static void bufWrapScreenFuncs(); static void bufResetProc(); static void bufPostValidateTree(); static void bufClipNotify(); static void bufWindowExposures(); static Bool bufChangeWindowAttributes(); static void bufClearToBackground(); static void bufCopyWindow(); extern WindowPtr *WindowTable; static Bool bufMultibufferInit(pScreen, pMBScreen) ScreenPtr pScreen; mbufScreenPtr pMBScreen; { mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv; BoxRec box; /* Multibuffer info */ pMBScreen->nInfo = bufNumInfo[pScreen->myNum]; pMBScreen->pInfo = bufInfo[pScreen->myNum]; /* Hooks */ pMBScreen->CreateImageBuffers = bufCreateImageBuffers; pMBScreen->DestroyImageBuffers = bufDestroyImageBuffers; pMBScreen->DisplayImageBuffers = bufDisplayImageBuffers; pMBScreen->ClearImageBufferArea = bufClearImageBufferArea; pMBScreen->ChangeMBufferAttributes = NoopDDA_True; pMBScreen->ChangeBufferAttributes = NoopDDA_True; pMBScreen->DeleteBufferDrawable = bufDestroyBuffer; pMBScreen->WrapScreenFuncs = bufWrapScreenFuncs; pMBScreen->ResetProc = bufResetProc; /* Create devPrivate part */ pMBPriv = (mbufBufferPrivPtr) xalloc(sizeof *pMBPriv); if (!pMBPriv) return (FALSE); pMBScreen->devPrivate.ptr = (void *) pMBPriv; pMBPriv->frameBuffer = bufFrameBuffer[pScreen->myNum]; pMBPriv->selectPlane = bufselectPlane[pScreen->myNum]; /* * Initializing the subtractRgn to the screen area will ensure that * the selectPlane will get cleared on the first PostValidateTree. */ box.x1 = 0; box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pScreen->width; box.y2 = pScreen->height; pMBPriv->rgnChanged = TRUE; RegionInit(&pMBPriv->backBuffer, &box, 1); RegionInit(&pMBPriv->subtractRgn, &box, 1); RegionNull(&pMBPriv->unionRgn); /* Misc functions */ pMBPriv->CopyBufferBits = bufCopyBufferBitsFunc[pScreen->myNum]; pMBPriv->DrawSelectPlane = bufDrawSelectPlaneFunc[pScreen->myNum]; if (!pMBPriv->CopyBufferBits) pMBPriv->CopyBufferBits = bufCopyBufferBits; if (!pMBPriv->DrawSelectPlane) pMBPriv->DrawSelectPlane = bufDrawSelectPlane; /* screen functions */ pMBPriv->funcsWrapped = 0; pMBPriv->inClearToBackground = FALSE; pMBPriv->WindowExposures = NULL; pMBPriv->CopyWindow = NULL; pMBPriv->ClearToBackground = NULL; pMBPriv->ClipNotify = NULL; pMBPriv->ChangeWindowAttributes = NULL; /* Start out wrapped to clear select plane */ WRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen,pMBPriv,PostValidateTree, bufPostValidateTree); return TRUE; } static void UpdateBufferFromWindow(pBuffer, pWin) BufferPtr pBuffer; WindowPtr pWin; { pBuffer->drawable.x = pWin->drawable.x; pBuffer->drawable.y = pWin->drawable.y; pBuffer->drawable.width = pWin->drawable.width; pBuffer->drawable.height = pWin->drawable.height; pBuffer->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER; /* Update for PaintWindowBackground */ pBuffer->parent = pWin->parent; /* * Make the borderClip the same as the clipList so * NotClippedByChildren comes out with just clipList. */ pBuffer->clipList = pWin->clipList; pBuffer->borderClip = pWin->clipList; pBuffer->winSize = pWin->winSize; pBuffer->borderSize = pWin->borderSize; pBuffer->origin = pWin->origin; } static BufferPtr bufCreateBuffer(pScreen, pWin, bufferNum) ScreenPtr pScreen; WindowPtr pWin; int bufferNum; { mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv; DevUnion *devPrivates; BufferPtr pBuffer; int i; pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); pBuffer = AllocateWindow(pWin->drawable.pScreen); if (!pBuffer) return (NULL); /* XXX- Until we know what is needed, copy everything. */ devPrivates = pBuffer->devPrivates; *pBuffer = *pWin; pBuffer->devPrivates = devPrivates; pBuffer->drawable.type = DRAWABLE_BUFFER; pBuffer->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER; pBuffer->nextSib = NULL; pBuffer->prevSib = NULL; pBuffer->firstChild = NULL; pBuffer->lastChild = NULL; /* XXX - Worry about backingstore later */ pBuffer->backStorage = NULL; pBuffer->backingStore = NotUseful; /* XXX - Need to call pScreen->CreateWindow for tile/stipples * or should I just copy the devPrivates? */ for (i=0; i < pScreen->WindowPrivateLen; i++) pBuffer->devPrivates[i] = pWin->devPrivates[i]; pBuffer->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex] = pMBPriv->frameBuffer[bufferNum]; return pBuffer; } static void bufDestroyBuffer(pDrawable) DrawablePtr pDrawable; { xfree(pDrawable); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int bufCreateImageBuffers (pWin, nbuf, ids, action, hint) WindowPtr pWin; int nbuf; XID *ids; int action; int hint; { ScreenPtr pScreen; mbufScreenPtr pMBScreen; mbufWindowPtr pMBWindow; mbufBufferPtr pMBBuffer; int i; pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; pMBScreen = MB_SCREEN_PRIV(pScreen); pMBWindow = MB_WINDOW_PRIV(pWin); pMBWindow->devPrivate.ptr = (void *) RegionCreate(0,0); if (!pMBWindow->devPrivate.ptr) return(0); RegionCopy((RegionPtr) pMBWindow->devPrivate.ptr, &pWin->clipList); for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++) { pMBBuffer = pMBWindow->buffers + i; pMBBuffer->pDrawable = (DrawablePtr) bufCreateBuffer(pScreen,pWin,i); if (!pMBBuffer->pDrawable) break; if (!AddResource (ids[i], MultibufferDrawableResType, (void *) pMBBuffer->pDrawable)) { bufDestroyBuffer((BufferPtr) pMBBuffer->pDrawable); break; } pMBBuffer->pDrawable->id = ids[i]; /* * If window is already mapped, generate exposures and * clear the area of the newly buffers. */ if ((pWin->realized) && (i != pMBWindow->displayedMultibuffer)) (* pMBScreen->ClearImageBufferArea)(pMBBuffer, 0,0, 0,0, TRUE); } return i; } static void bufDestroyImageBuffers(pWin) WindowPtr pWin; { ScreenPtr pScreen; mbufWindowPtr pMBWindow; pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; if (pMBWindow = MB_WINDOW_PRIV(pWin)) { mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); /* * if the backbuffer is currently being displayed, move the bits * to the frontbuffer and display it instead. */ if (pWin->realized && (pMBWindow->displayedMultibuffer == BACK_BUFFER)) { (* pMBPriv->CopyBufferBits)(pMBWindow, BACK_BUFFER, FRONT_BUFFER); RegionSubtract(&pMBPriv->backBuffer, &pMBPriv->backBuffer, &pWin->clipList); (* pMBPriv->DrawSelectPlane)(pScreen, pMBPriv->selectPlane, &pWin->clipList, FRONT_BUFFER); } /* Switch window rendering to front buffer */ pWin->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex] = pMBPriv->frameBuffer[FRONT_BUFFER]; RegionDestroy((RegionPtr) pMBWindow->devPrivate.ptr); pMBWindow->devPrivate.ptr = NULL; } } /* * Can be replaced by pScreen->ClearToBackground if pBuffer->eventMask * and wOtherEventsMasks(pBuffer) were setup. */ static void bufClearImageBufferArea(pMBBuffer, x,y, w,h, generateExposures) mbufBufferPtr pMBBuffer; short x,y; unsigned short w,h; Bool generateExposures; { BoxRec box; RegionRec reg; RegionPtr pBSReg = NullRegion; ScreenPtr pScreen; BoxPtr extents; int x1, y1, x2, y2; BufferPtr pBuffer; pBuffer = (BufferPtr) pMBBuffer->pDrawable; /* compute everything using ints to avoid overflow */ x1 = pBuffer->drawable.x + x; y1 = pBuffer->drawable.y + y; if (w) x2 = x1 + (int) w; else x2 = x1 + (int) pBuffer->drawable.width - (int) x; if (h) y2 = y1 + h; else y2 = y1 + (int) pBuffer->drawable.height - (int) y; extents = &pBuffer->clipList.extents; /* clip the resulting rectangle to the window clipList extents. This * makes sure that the result will fit in a box, given that the * screen is < 32768 on a side. */ if (x1 < extents->x1) x1 = extents->x1; if (x2 > extents->x2) x2 = extents->x2; if (y1 < extents->y1) y1 = extents->y1; if (y2 > extents->y2) y2 = extents->y2; if (x2 <= x1 || y2 <= y1) { x2 = x1 = 0; y2 = y1 = 0; } box.x1 = x1; box.x2 = x2; box.y1 = y1; box.y2 = y2; pScreen = pBuffer->drawable.pScreen; RegionInit(®, &box, 1); if (pBuffer->backStorage) { /* * If the window has backing-store on, call through the * ClearToBackground vector to handle the special semantics * (i.e. things backing store is to be cleared out and * an Expose event is to be generated for those areas in backing * store if generateExposures is TRUE). */ pBSReg = (* pScreen->ClearBackingStore)(pBuffer, x, y, w, h, generateExposures); } RegionIntersect(®, ®, &pBuffer->clipList); if (pBuffer->backgroundState != None) (*pScreen->PaintWindowBackground)(pBuffer, ®, PW_BACKGROUND); if (generateExposures) MultibufferExpose(pMBBuffer, ®); #ifdef _notdef /* XXBS - This is the original miClearToBackground code. * WindowExposures needs to be called (or the functionality emulated) * in order for backingStore to work, but first, pBuffer->eventMask * and wOtherEventsMasks(pBuffer) need to be setup correctly. */ if (generateExposures) (*pScreen->WindowExposures)(pBuffer, ®, pBSReg); else if (pBuffer->backgroundState != None) (*pScreen->PaintWindowBackground)(pBuffer, ®, PW_BACKGROUND); #endif RegionUninit(®); if (pBSReg) RegionDestroy(pBSReg); } static void bufWrapScreenFuncs(pScreen) ScreenPtr pScreen; { mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); WRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen,pMBPriv,PostValidateTree, bufPostValidateTree); WRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen,pMBPriv,ClipNotify, bufClipNotify); WRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen,pMBPriv,WindowExposures,bufWindowExposures); WRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen,pMBPriv,ChangeWindowAttributes, bufChangeWindowAttributes); WRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen,pMBPriv,ClearToBackground,bufClearToBackground); WRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen,pMBPriv,CopyWindow,bufCopyWindow); } static void bufResetProc(pScreen) ScreenPtr pScreen; { mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); /* * frameBuffer, selectPlane, and pInfo should be freed by * whoever called RegisterDoubleBufferHardware */ RegionUninit(&pMBPriv->backBuffer); RegionUninit(&pMBPriv->subtractRgn); RegionUninit(&pMBPriv->unionRgn); xfree(pMBPriv); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Used if CopyBufferBitsFunc is not provided when registering. * This should work for everybody since CopyArea needs to support * copying between buffers anyway. */ static void bufCopyBufferBits(pMBWindow, srcBufferNum, dstBufferNum) mbufWindowPtr pMBWindow; int srcBufferNum, dstBufferNum; { DrawablePtr pSrcBuffer, pDstBuffer; GCPtr pGC; pSrcBuffer = pMBWindow->buffers[srcBufferNum].pDrawable; pDstBuffer = pMBWindow->buffers[dstBufferNum].pDrawable; pGC = GetScratchGC (pDstBuffer->depth, pDstBuffer->pScreen); if (!pGC) return; ValidateGC (pDstBuffer, pGC); (* pGC->ops->CopyArea) (pSrcBuffer, pDstBuffer, pGC, 0,0, pDstBuffer->width, pDstBuffer->height, 0,0); FreeScratchGC (pGC); } /* * Used if DrawSelectPlanFunc is not provided for when registering. * However, it only works if selectPlane.ptr is a drawable. Also * assumes that painting with color 0 selects the front buffer, * while color 1 selects the back buffer. */ static void bufDrawSelectPlane(pScreen, selectPlane, prgn, bufferNum) ScreenPtr pScreen; DevUnion selectPlane; RegionPtr prgn; long bufferNum; { DrawablePtr pDrawable; GCPtr pGC; register int i; register BoxPtr pbox; register xRectangle *prect; int numRects; XID value; if (RegionNumRects(prgn) == 0) return; pDrawable = (DrawablePtr) selectPlane.ptr; pGC = GetScratchGC (pDrawable->depth, pScreen); if (!pGC) return; prect = (xRectangle *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(RegionNumRects(prgn) * sizeof(xRectangle)); if (!prect) { FreeScratchGC(pGC); return; } value = (XID) bufferNum; DoChangeGC(pGC, GCForeground, &value, 0); ValidateGC(pDrawable, pGC); numRects = RegionNumRects(prgn); pbox = RegionRects(prgn); for (i= numRects; --i >= 0; pbox++, prect++) { prect->x = pbox->x1; prect->y = pbox->y1; prect->width = pbox->x2 - pbox->x1; prect->height = pbox->y2 - pbox->y1; } prect -= numRects; (* pGC->ops->PolyFillRect)(pDrawable, pGC, numRects, prect); DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(prect); FreeScratchGC (pGC); } static void bufDisplayImageBuffers(pScreen, ppMBWindow, ppMBBuffer, nbuf) ScreenPtr pScreen; mbufBufferPtr *ppMBBuffer; mbufWindowPtr *ppMBWindow; int nbuf; { WindowPtr pWin; BufferPtr pPrevBuffer, pNewBuffer; int i, number; mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv; mbufBufferPtr pPrevMBBuffer; pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++) { number = ppMBBuffer[i]->number; /* 0=frontbuffer, 1=backbuffer */ pWin = ppMBWindow[i]->pWindow; pPrevMBBuffer = MB_DISPLAYED_BUFFER(ppMBWindow[i]); pPrevBuffer = (BufferPtr) pPrevMBBuffer->pDrawable; pNewBuffer = (BufferPtr) ppMBBuffer[i]->pDrawable; if (pPrevBuffer != pNewBuffer) { RegionPtr backBuffer = &pMBPriv->backBuffer; /* * Update the select plane and the backBuffer region. */ (* pMBPriv->DrawSelectPlane)(pScreen, pMBPriv->selectPlane, &pWin->clipList, number); if (number == BACK_BUFFER) RegionUnion(backBuffer, backBuffer, &pWin->clipList); else RegionSubtract(backBuffer, backBuffer, &pWin->clipList); /* Switch which framebuffer the window draws into */ pWin->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex] = pMBPriv->frameBuffer[number]; } switch (ppMBWindow[i]->updateAction) { case MultibufferUpdateActionUndefined: break; case MultibufferUpdateActionBackground: (* MB_SCREEN_PRIV(pScreen)->ClearImageBufferArea) (pPrevMBBuffer, 0,0, 0,0, FALSE); break; case MultibufferUpdateActionUntouched: break; case MultibufferUpdateActionCopied: if (pPrevBuffer != pNewBuffer) { (* pMBPriv->CopyBufferBits) (ppMBWindow[i], ppMBBuffer[i]->number, pPrevMBBuffer->number); } break; } } } /* Updates the backBuffer region and paints the selectPlane. */ static void bufPostValidateTree(pParent, pChild, kind) WindowPtr pParent, pChild; VTKind kind; { ScreenPtr pScreen; mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv; if (pParent) pScreen = pParent->drawable.pScreen; else if (pChild) pScreen = pChild->drawable.pScreen; else return; /* Hopeless */ pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); UNWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, PostValidateTree); if (pScreen->PostValidateTree) (* pScreen->PostValidateTree)(pParent, pChild, kind); REWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, PostValidateTree); /* Does backBuffer need to change? */ if (pMBPriv->rgnChanged) { RegionRec exposed; RegionPtr pSubtractRgn, pUnionRgn; Bool overlap; pMBPriv->rgnChanged = FALSE; pSubtractRgn = &pMBPriv->subtractRgn; pUnionRgn = &pMBPriv->unionRgn; RegionValidate(pSubtractRgn, &overlap); #ifdef DEBUG if (overlap) FatalError("bufPostValidateTree: subtractRgn overlaps"); #endif RegionValidate(pUnionRgn, &overlap); #ifdef DEBUG if (overlap) FatalError("bufPostValidateTree: unionRgn overlaps"); #endif /* Update backBuffer: subtract must come before union */ RegionSubtract(&pMBPriv->backBuffer, &pMBPriv->backBuffer, pSubtractRgn); RegionUnion(&pMBPriv->backBuffer, &pMBPriv->backBuffer, pUnionRgn); /* Paint gained and lost backbuffer areas in select plane */ RegionNull(&exposed); RegionSubtract(&exposed, pSubtractRgn, pUnionRgn); (* pMBPriv->DrawSelectPlane)(pScreen, pMBPriv->selectPlane, &exposed, FRONT_BUFFER); RegionSubtract(&exposed, pUnionRgn, pSubtractRgn); (* pMBPriv->DrawSelectPlane)(pScreen, pMBPriv->selectPlane, &exposed, BACK_BUFFER); RegionUninit(&exposed); RegionEmpty(pSubtractRgn); RegionEmpty(pUnionRgn); } } /* * If the window is multibuffered and displaying the backbuffer, * add the old clipList to the subtractRgn and add the new clipList * to the unionRgn. PostValidateTree will use subtractRgn and unionRgn * to update the backBuffer region and the selectPlane. * * Copy changes to the window structure into the buffers. * Send ClobberNotify events. */ static void bufClipNotify(pWin, dx,dy) WindowPtr pWin; int dx,dy; { ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); mbufWindowPtr pMBWindow; int i; UNWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, ClipNotify); if (pScreen->ClipNotify) (* pScreen->ClipNotify)(pWin, dx,dy); REWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, ClipNotify); if (pMBWindow = MB_WINDOW_PRIV(pWin)) { RegionPtr pOldClipList = (RegionPtr) pMBWindow->devPrivate.ptr; if (! RegionEqual(pOldClipList, &pWin->clipList)) { if (pMBWindow->displayedMultibuffer == BACK_BUFFER) { pMBPriv->rgnChanged = TRUE; RegionAppend(&pMBPriv->subtractRgn, pOldClipList); RegionAppend(&pMBPriv->unionRgn, &pWin->clipList); } RegionCopy(pOldClipList,&pWin->clipList); } /* Update buffer x,y,w,h, and clipList */ for (i=0; i<pMBWindow->numMultibuffer; i++) { mbufBufferPtr pMBBuffer = pMBWindow->buffers + i; if (pMBBuffer->clobber != pWin->visibility) { pMBBuffer->clobber = pWin->visibility; MultibufferClobber(pMBBuffer); } UpdateBufferFromWindow(pMBBuffer->pDrawable, pWin); } } } /* * Updates buffer's background fields when the window's changes. * This is necessary because pScreen->PaintWindowBackground * is used to paint the buffer. * * XXBS - Backingstore state will have be tracked too if it is supported. */ static Bool bufChangeWindowAttributes(pWin, mask) WindowPtr pWin; unsigned long mask; { ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); mbufWindowPtr pMBWindow; Bool ret; UNWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, Bool, ChangeWindowAttributes); ret = (* pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes)(pWin, mask); REWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, Bool, ChangeWindowAttributes); if (pMBWindow = MB_WINDOW_PRIV(pWin)) { if (mask & (CWBackPixmap | CWBackPixel)) { BufferPtr pBuffer; int i; for (i=0; i<pMBWindow->displayedMultibuffer; i++) { pBuffer = (BufferPtr) pMBWindow->buffers[i].pDrawable; pBuffer->backgroundState = pWin->backgroundState; pBuffer->background = pWin->background; } } } return ret; } /* * Send exposures and clear the background for a buffer whenever * its corresponding window is exposed, except when called by * ClearToBackground. */ static void bufWindowExposures(pWin, prgn, other_exposed) WindowPtr pWin; register RegionPtr prgn, other_exposed; { ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; mbufWindowPtr pMBWindow = MB_WINDOW_PRIV(pWin); mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); RegionRec tmp_rgn; int i; Bool handleBuffers; handleBuffers = (!pMBPriv->inClearToBackground) && (pWin->drawable.type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) && pMBWindow && (prgn && !RegionNil(prgn)); /* miWindowExposures munges prgn and other_exposed. */ if (handleBuffers) { RegionNull(&tmp_rgn); RegionCopy(&tmp_rgn, prgn); } UNWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, WindowExposures); (* pScreen->WindowExposures) (pWin, prgn, other_exposed); REWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, WindowExposures); if (!handleBuffers) return; /* * Send expose events to all clients. Paint the exposed region for all * buffers except the displayed buffer since it is handled when the * window is painted. * * XXBS - Will have to be re-written to handle BackingStore on buffers. */ for (i=0; i<pMBWindow->numMultibuffer; i++) { mbufBufferPtr pMBBuffer; BufferPtr pBuffer; pMBBuffer = pMBWindow->buffers + i; pBuffer = (BufferPtr) pMBBuffer->pDrawable; if (i != pMBWindow->displayedMultibuffer) (* pScreen->PaintWindowBackground)(pBuffer,&tmp_rgn,PW_BACKGROUND); if ((pMBBuffer->otherEventMask | pMBBuffer->eventMask) & ExposureMask) MultibufferExpose(pMBBuffer, &tmp_rgn); } RegionUninit(&tmp_rgn); } /* * Set ``inClearToBackground'' so that WindowExposures does not attempt * to send expose events or clear the background on the buffers. */ static void bufClearToBackground(pWin, x,y,w,h, sendExpose) WindowPtr pWin; int x,y, w,h; Bool sendExpose; { ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); pMBPriv->inClearToBackground = TRUE; UNWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, ClearToBackground); (* pScreen->ClearToBackground)(pWin, x,y,w,h, sendExpose); REWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, ClearToBackground); pMBPriv->inClearToBackground = FALSE; } /* * Move bits in both buffers. It does this by calling pScreen->CopyWindow * twice, once with the root window's devPrivate[frameWindowPrivateIndex] * pointing to the frontbuffer pixmap and once with it pointed to the * backbuffer pixmap. It does this if there are *any* existing multibuffered * window... a possible optimization is to copy the backbuffer only if this * window or its inferiors are multibuffered. May be faster, maybe not. * * XXX - Only works if your CopyWindow checks the root window's devPrivate * to see which buffer to draw into. Works for cfbPaintWindow. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void bufCopyWindow(pWin, ptOldOrg, prgnSrc) WindowPtr pWin; DDXPointRec ptOldOrg; RegionPtr prgnSrc; { ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; mbufBufferPrivPtr pMBPriv = MB_SCREEN_PRIV_BUFFER(pScreen); WindowPtr pwinroot; DevUnion save; UNWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, CopyWindow); pwinroot = WindowTable[pScreen->myNum]; save = pwinroot->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex]; /* * Copy front buffer */ pwinroot->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex] = pMBPriv->frameBuffer[FRONT_BUFFER]; (* pScreen->CopyWindow)(pWin, ptOldOrg, prgnSrc); /* * Copy back buffer */ /* CopyWindow translates prgnSrc... translate it back for 2nd call. */ RegionTranslate(prgnSrc, ptOldOrg.x - pWin->drawable.x, ptOldOrg.y - pWin->drawable.y); pwinroot->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex] = pMBPriv->frameBuffer[BACK_BUFFER]; (* pScreen->CopyWindow)(pWin, ptOldOrg, prgnSrc); pwinroot->devPrivates[frameWindowPrivateIndex] = save; REWRAP_SCREEN_FUNC(pScreen, pMBPriv, void, CopyWindow); }