/* $Xorg: panoramiX.c,v 1.5 2000/08/17 19:47:57 cpqbld Exp $ */ /***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1991, 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Digital Equipment Corporation shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Digital Equipment Corporation. ******************************************************************/ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/Xext/panoramiX.c,v 3.37tsi Exp $ */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_DMX_CONFIG_H #include <dmx-config.h> #endif #define NEED_REPLIES #include <stdio.h> #include <nx-X11/X.h> #include <nx-X11/Xproto.h> #include <nx-X11/Xarch.h> #include "misc.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "cursorstr.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "gc.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "window.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "panoramiX.h" #include <nx-X11/extensions/panoramiXproto.h> #include "panoramiXsrv.h" #include "globals.h" #include "servermd.h" #include "resource.h" #ifdef RENDER #include "picturestr.h" #endif #include "modinit.h" #include "protocol-versions.h" #ifdef GLXPROXY extern VisualPtr glxMatchVisual(ScreenPtr pScreen, VisualPtr pVisual, ScreenPtr pMatchScreen); #endif #if 0 static unsigned char PanoramiXReqCode = 0; #endif /* * PanoramiX data declarations */ int PanoramiXPixWidth = 0; int PanoramiXPixHeight = 0; int PanoramiXNumScreens = 0; PanoramiXData *panoramiXdataPtr = NULL; RegionRec PanoramiXScreenRegion = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, NULL}; static int PanoramiXNumDepths; static DepthPtr PanoramiXDepths; static int PanoramiXNumVisuals; static VisualPtr PanoramiXVisuals; /* We support at most 256 visuals */ XID *PanoramiXVisualTable = NULL; unsigned long XRC_DRAWABLE; unsigned long XRT_WINDOW; unsigned long XRT_PIXMAP; unsigned long XRT_GC; unsigned long XRT_COLORMAP; /* * Function prototypes */ static int panoramiXGeneration; static int ProcPanoramiXDispatch(ClientPtr client); static void PanoramiXResetProc(ExtensionEntry*); /* * External references for functions and data variables */ #include "panoramiXh.h" int (* SavedProcVector[256]) (ClientPtr client) = { NULL, }; ScreenInfo *GlobalScrInfo = NULL; static int PanoramiXGCIndex = -1; static int PanoramiXScreenIndex = -1; typedef struct { DDXPointRec clipOrg; DDXPointRec patOrg; GCFuncs *wrapFuncs; } PanoramiXGCRec, *PanoramiXGCPtr; typedef struct { CreateGCProcPtr CreateGC; CloseScreenProcPtr CloseScreen; } PanoramiXScreenRec, *PanoramiXScreenPtr; RegionRec XineramaScreenRegions[MAXSCREENS]; static void XineramaValidateGC(GCPtr, unsigned long, DrawablePtr); static void XineramaChangeGC(GCPtr, unsigned long); static void XineramaCopyGC(GCPtr, unsigned long, GCPtr); static void XineramaDestroyGC(GCPtr); static void XineramaChangeClip(GCPtr, int, void *, int); static void XineramaDestroyClip(GCPtr); static void XineramaCopyClip(GCPtr, GCPtr); GCFuncs XineramaGCFuncs = { XineramaValidateGC, XineramaChangeGC, XineramaCopyGC, XineramaDestroyGC, XineramaChangeClip, XineramaDestroyClip, XineramaCopyClip }; #define Xinerama_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE(pGC)\ PanoramiXGCPtr pGCPriv = \ (PanoramiXGCPtr) (pGC)->devPrivates[PanoramiXGCIndex].ptr;\ (pGC)->funcs = pGCPriv->wrapFuncs; #define Xinerama_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE(pGC)\ pGCPriv->wrapFuncs = (pGC)->funcs;\ (pGC)->funcs = &XineramaGCFuncs; static Bool XineramaCloseScreen (int i, ScreenPtr pScreen) { PanoramiXScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (PanoramiXScreenPtr) pScreen->devPrivates[PanoramiXScreenIndex].ptr; pScreen->CloseScreen = pScreenPriv->CloseScreen; pScreen->CreateGC = pScreenPriv->CreateGC; RegionUninit(&XineramaScreenRegions[pScreen->myNum]); if (pScreen->myNum == 0) RegionUninit(&PanoramiXScreenRegion); free ((void *) pScreenPriv); return (*pScreen->CloseScreen) (i, pScreen); } Bool XineramaCreateGC(GCPtr pGC) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pGC->pScreen; PanoramiXScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (PanoramiXScreenPtr) pScreen->devPrivates[PanoramiXScreenIndex].ptr; Bool ret; pScreen->CreateGC = pScreenPriv->CreateGC; if((ret = (*pScreen->CreateGC)(pGC))) { PanoramiXGCPtr pGCPriv = (PanoramiXGCPtr) pGC->devPrivates[PanoramiXGCIndex].ptr; pGCPriv->wrapFuncs = pGC->funcs; pGC->funcs = &XineramaGCFuncs; pGCPriv->clipOrg.x = pGC->clipOrg.x; pGCPriv->clipOrg.y = pGC->clipOrg.y; pGCPriv->patOrg.x = pGC->patOrg.x; pGCPriv->patOrg.y = pGC->patOrg.y; } pScreen->CreateGC = XineramaCreateGC; return ret; } static void XineramaValidateGC( GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDraw ){ Xinerama_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE (pGC); if((pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) && !(((WindowPtr)pDraw)->parent)) { /* the root window */ int x_off = panoramiXdataPtr[pGC->pScreen->myNum].x; int y_off = panoramiXdataPtr[pGC->pScreen->myNum].y; int new_val; new_val = pGCPriv->clipOrg.x - x_off; if(pGC->clipOrg.x != new_val) { pGC->clipOrg.x = new_val; changes |= GCClipXOrigin; } new_val = pGCPriv->clipOrg.y - y_off; if(pGC->clipOrg.y != new_val) { pGC->clipOrg.y = new_val; changes |= GCClipYOrigin; } new_val = pGCPriv->patOrg.x - x_off; if(pGC->patOrg.x != new_val) { pGC->patOrg.x = new_val; changes |= GCTileStipXOrigin; } new_val = pGCPriv->patOrg.y - y_off; if(pGC->patOrg.y != new_val) { pGC->patOrg.y = new_val; changes |= GCTileStipYOrigin; } } else { if(pGC->clipOrg.x != pGCPriv->clipOrg.x) { pGC->clipOrg.x = pGCPriv->clipOrg.x; changes |= GCClipXOrigin; } if(pGC->clipOrg.y != pGCPriv->clipOrg.y) { pGC->clipOrg.y = pGCPriv->clipOrg.y; changes |= GCClipYOrigin; } if(pGC->patOrg.x != pGCPriv->patOrg.x) { pGC->patOrg.x = pGCPriv->patOrg.x; changes |= GCTileStipXOrigin; } if(pGC->patOrg.y != pGCPriv->patOrg.y) { pGC->patOrg.y = pGCPriv->patOrg.y; changes |= GCTileStipYOrigin; } } (*pGC->funcs->ValidateGC)(pGC, changes, pDraw); Xinerama_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE (pGC); } static void XineramaDestroyGC(GCPtr pGC) { Xinerama_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE (pGC); (*pGC->funcs->DestroyGC)(pGC); Xinerama_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE (pGC); } static void XineramaChangeGC ( GCPtr pGC, unsigned long mask ){ Xinerama_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE (pGC); if(mask & GCTileStipXOrigin) pGCPriv->patOrg.x = pGC->patOrg.x; if(mask & GCTileStipYOrigin) pGCPriv->patOrg.y = pGC->patOrg.y; if(mask & GCClipXOrigin) pGCPriv->clipOrg.x = pGC->clipOrg.x; if(mask & GCClipYOrigin) pGCPriv->clipOrg.y = pGC->clipOrg.y; (*pGC->funcs->ChangeGC) (pGC, mask); Xinerama_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE (pGC); } static void XineramaCopyGC ( GCPtr pGCSrc, unsigned long mask, GCPtr pGCDst ){ PanoramiXGCPtr pSrcPriv = (PanoramiXGCPtr) pGCSrc->devPrivates[PanoramiXGCIndex].ptr; Xinerama_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE (pGCDst); if(mask & GCTileStipXOrigin) pGCPriv->patOrg.x = pSrcPriv->patOrg.x; if(mask & GCTileStipYOrigin) pGCPriv->patOrg.y = pSrcPriv->patOrg.y; if(mask & GCClipXOrigin) pGCPriv->clipOrg.x = pSrcPriv->clipOrg.x; if(mask & GCClipYOrigin) pGCPriv->clipOrg.y = pSrcPriv->clipOrg.y; (*pGCDst->funcs->CopyGC) (pGCSrc, mask, pGCDst); Xinerama_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE (pGCDst); } static void XineramaChangeClip ( GCPtr pGC, int type, void *pvalue, int nrects ){ Xinerama_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE (pGC); (*pGC->funcs->ChangeClip) (pGC, type, pvalue, nrects); Xinerama_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE (pGC); } static void XineramaCopyClip(GCPtr pgcDst, GCPtr pgcSrc) { Xinerama_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE (pgcDst); (* pgcDst->funcs->CopyClip)(pgcDst, pgcSrc); Xinerama_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE (pgcDst); } static void XineramaDestroyClip(GCPtr pGC) { Xinerama_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE (pGC); (* pGC->funcs->DestroyClip)(pGC); Xinerama_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE (pGC); } int XineramaDeleteResource(void * data, XID id) { free(data); return 1; } static Bool XineramaFindIDOnAnyScreen(void * resource, XID id, void * privdata) { PanoramiXRes *res = (PanoramiXRes*)resource; int j; FOR_NSCREENS(j) if(res->info[j].id == *((XID*)privdata)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } PanoramiXRes * PanoramiXFindIDOnAnyScreen(RESTYPE type, XID id) { return LookupClientResourceComplex(clients[CLIENT_ID(id)], type, XineramaFindIDOnAnyScreen, &id); } typedef struct { int screen; int id; } PanoramiXSearchData; static Bool XineramaFindIDByScrnum(void * resource, XID id, void * privdata) { PanoramiXRes *res = (PanoramiXRes*)resource; PanoramiXSearchData *data = (PanoramiXSearchData*)privdata; return (res->info[data->screen].id == data->id); } PanoramiXRes * PanoramiXFindIDByScrnum(RESTYPE type, XID id, int screen) { PanoramiXSearchData data; if(!screen) return LookupIDByType(id, type); data.screen = screen; data.id = id; return LookupClientResourceComplex(clients[CLIENT_ID(id)], type, XineramaFindIDByScrnum, &data); } WindowPtr PanoramiXChangeWindow(int ScrnNum, WindowPtr pWin) { int num = pWin->drawable.pScreen->myNum; if(num != ScrnNum) { PanoramiXRes *win; win = PanoramiXFindIDByScrnum(XRT_WINDOW, pWin->drawable.id, num); if (win) pWin = (WindowPtr) LookupIDByType(win->info[ScrnNum].id, RT_WINDOW); } return pWin; } typedef struct _connect_callback_list { void (*func)(void); struct _connect_callback_list *next; } XineramaConnectionCallbackList; static XineramaConnectionCallbackList *ConnectionCallbackList = NULL; Bool XineramaRegisterConnectionBlockCallback(void (*func)(void)) { XineramaConnectionCallbackList *newlist; if(!(newlist = malloc(sizeof(XineramaConnectionCallbackList)))) return FALSE; newlist->next = ConnectionCallbackList; newlist->func = func; ConnectionCallbackList = newlist; return TRUE; } static void XineramaInitData(ScreenPtr pScreen) { int i, w, h; RegionNull(&PanoramiXScreenRegion); for (i = 0; i < PanoramiXNumScreens; i++) { BoxRec TheBox; pScreen = screenInfo.screens[i]; panoramiXdataPtr[i].x = dixScreenOrigins[i].x; panoramiXdataPtr[i].y = dixScreenOrigins[i].y; panoramiXdataPtr[i].width = pScreen->width; panoramiXdataPtr[i].height = pScreen->height; TheBox.x1 = panoramiXdataPtr[i].x; TheBox.x2 = TheBox.x1 + panoramiXdataPtr[i].width; TheBox.y1 = panoramiXdataPtr[i].y; TheBox.y2 = TheBox.y1 + panoramiXdataPtr[i].height; RegionInit(&XineramaScreenRegions[i], &TheBox, 1); RegionUnion(&PanoramiXScreenRegion, &PanoramiXScreenRegion, &XineramaScreenRegions[i]); } PanoramiXPixWidth = panoramiXdataPtr[0].x + panoramiXdataPtr[0].width; PanoramiXPixHeight = panoramiXdataPtr[0].y + panoramiXdataPtr[0].height; for (i = 1; i < PanoramiXNumScreens; i++) { w = panoramiXdataPtr[i].x + panoramiXdataPtr[i].width; h = panoramiXdataPtr[i].y + panoramiXdataPtr[i].height; if (PanoramiXPixWidth < w) PanoramiXPixWidth = w; if (PanoramiXPixHeight < h) PanoramiXPixHeight = h; } } void XineramaReinitData(ScreenPtr pScreen) { int i; RegionUninit(&PanoramiXScreenRegion); for (i = 0; i < PanoramiXNumScreens; i++) RegionUninit(&XineramaScreenRegions[i]); XineramaInitData(pScreen); } /* * PanoramiXExtensionInit(): * Called from InitExtensions in main(). * Register PanoramiXeen Extension * Initialize global variables. */ void PanoramiXExtensionInit(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; Bool success = FALSE; ExtensionEntry *extEntry; ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[0]; PanoramiXScreenPtr pScreenPriv; if (noPanoramiXExtension) return; GlobalScrInfo = &screenInfo; /* For debug visibility */ PanoramiXNumScreens = screenInfo.numScreens; if (PanoramiXNumScreens == 1) { /* Only 1 screen */ noPanoramiXExtension = TRUE; return; } while (panoramiXGeneration != serverGeneration) { extEntry = AddExtension(PANORAMIX_PROTOCOL_NAME, 0,0, ProcPanoramiXDispatch, SProcPanoramiXDispatch, PanoramiXResetProc, StandardMinorOpcode); if (!extEntry) { ErrorF("PanoramiXExtensionInit(): failed to AddExtension\n"); break; } #if 0 PanoramiXReqCode = (unsigned char)extEntry->base; #endif /* * First make sure all the basic allocations succeed. If not, * run in non-PanoramiXeen mode. */ panoramiXdataPtr = (PanoramiXData *) xcalloc(PanoramiXNumScreens, sizeof(PanoramiXData)); BREAK_IF(!panoramiXdataPtr); BREAK_IF((PanoramiXGCIndex = AllocateGCPrivateIndex()) < 0); BREAK_IF((PanoramiXScreenIndex = AllocateScreenPrivateIndex()) < 0); for (i = 0; i < PanoramiXNumScreens; i++) { pScreen = screenInfo.screens[i]; if(!AllocateGCPrivate(pScreen, PanoramiXGCIndex, sizeof(PanoramiXGCRec))) { noPanoramiXExtension = TRUE; return; } pScreenPriv = malloc(sizeof(PanoramiXScreenRec)); pScreen->devPrivates[PanoramiXScreenIndex].ptr = (void *)pScreenPriv; if(!pScreenPriv) { noPanoramiXExtension = TRUE; return; } pScreenPriv->CreateGC = pScreen->CreateGC; pScreenPriv->CloseScreen = pScreen->CloseScreen; pScreen->CreateGC = XineramaCreateGC; pScreen->CloseScreen = XineramaCloseScreen; } XRC_DRAWABLE = CreateNewResourceClass(); XRT_WINDOW = CreateNewResourceType(XineramaDeleteResource) | XRC_DRAWABLE; XRT_PIXMAP = CreateNewResourceType(XineramaDeleteResource) | XRC_DRAWABLE; XRT_GC = CreateNewResourceType(XineramaDeleteResource); XRT_COLORMAP = CreateNewResourceType(XineramaDeleteResource); panoramiXGeneration = serverGeneration; success = TRUE; } if (!success) { noPanoramiXExtension = TRUE; ErrorF("%s Extension failed to initialize\n", PANORAMIX_PROTOCOL_NAME); return; } XineramaInitData(pScreen); /* * Put our processes into the ProcVector */ for (i = 256; i--; ) SavedProcVector[i] = ProcVector[i]; ProcVector[X_CreateWindow] = PanoramiXCreateWindow; ProcVector[X_ChangeWindowAttributes] = PanoramiXChangeWindowAttributes; ProcVector[X_DestroyWindow] = PanoramiXDestroyWindow; ProcVector[X_DestroySubwindows] = PanoramiXDestroySubwindows; ProcVector[X_ChangeSaveSet] = PanoramiXChangeSaveSet; ProcVector[X_ReparentWindow] = PanoramiXReparentWindow; ProcVector[X_MapWindow] = PanoramiXMapWindow; ProcVector[X_MapSubwindows] = PanoramiXMapSubwindows; ProcVector[X_UnmapWindow] = PanoramiXUnmapWindow; ProcVector[X_UnmapSubwindows] = PanoramiXUnmapSubwindows; ProcVector[X_ConfigureWindow] = PanoramiXConfigureWindow; ProcVector[X_CirculateWindow] = PanoramiXCirculateWindow; ProcVector[X_GetGeometry] = PanoramiXGetGeometry; ProcVector[X_TranslateCoords] = PanoramiXTranslateCoords; ProcVector[X_CreatePixmap] = PanoramiXCreatePixmap; ProcVector[X_FreePixmap] = PanoramiXFreePixmap; ProcVector[X_CreateGC] = PanoramiXCreateGC; ProcVector[X_ChangeGC] = PanoramiXChangeGC; ProcVector[X_CopyGC] = PanoramiXCopyGC; ProcVector[X_SetDashes] = PanoramiXSetDashes; ProcVector[X_SetClipRectangles] = PanoramiXSetClipRectangles; ProcVector[X_FreeGC] = PanoramiXFreeGC; ProcVector[X_ClearArea] = PanoramiXClearToBackground; ProcVector[X_CopyArea] = PanoramiXCopyArea;; ProcVector[X_CopyPlane] = PanoramiXCopyPlane;; ProcVector[X_PolyPoint] = PanoramiXPolyPoint; ProcVector[X_PolyLine] = PanoramiXPolyLine; ProcVector[X_PolySegment] = PanoramiXPolySegment; ProcVector[X_PolyRectangle] = PanoramiXPolyRectangle; ProcVector[X_PolyArc] = PanoramiXPolyArc; ProcVector[X_FillPoly] = PanoramiXFillPoly; ProcVector[X_PolyFillRectangle] = PanoramiXPolyFillRectangle; ProcVector[X_PolyFillArc] = PanoramiXPolyFillArc; ProcVector[X_PutImage] = PanoramiXPutImage; ProcVector[X_GetImage] = PanoramiXGetImage; ProcVector[X_PolyText8] = PanoramiXPolyText8; ProcVector[X_PolyText16] = PanoramiXPolyText16; ProcVector[X_ImageText8] = PanoramiXImageText8; ProcVector[X_ImageText16] = PanoramiXImageText16; ProcVector[X_CreateColormap] = PanoramiXCreateColormap; ProcVector[X_FreeColormap] = PanoramiXFreeColormap; ProcVector[X_CopyColormapAndFree] = PanoramiXCopyColormapAndFree; ProcVector[X_InstallColormap] = PanoramiXInstallColormap; ProcVector[X_UninstallColormap] = PanoramiXUninstallColormap; ProcVector[X_AllocColor] = PanoramiXAllocColor; ProcVector[X_AllocNamedColor] = PanoramiXAllocNamedColor; ProcVector[X_AllocColorCells] = PanoramiXAllocColorCells; ProcVector[X_AllocColorPlanes] = PanoramiXAllocColorPlanes; ProcVector[X_FreeColors] = PanoramiXFreeColors; ProcVector[X_StoreColors] = PanoramiXStoreColors; ProcVector[X_StoreNamedColor] = PanoramiXStoreNamedColor; #ifdef RENDER PanoramiXRenderInit (); #endif } extern Bool CreateConnectionBlock(void); Bool PanoramiXCreateConnectionBlock(void) { int i, j, length; Bool disableBackingStore = FALSE; Bool disableSaveUnders = FALSE; int old_width, old_height; float width_mult, height_mult; xWindowRoot *root; xVisualType *visual; xDepth *depth; VisualPtr pVisual; ScreenPtr pScreen; /* * Do normal CreateConnectionBlock but faking it for only one screen */ if(!PanoramiXNumDepths) { ErrorF("PanoramiX error: Incompatible screens. No common visuals\n"); return FALSE; } for(i = 1; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++) { pScreen = screenInfo.screens[i]; if(pScreen->rootDepth != screenInfo.screens[0]->rootDepth) { ErrorF("PanoramiX error: Incompatible screens. Root window depths differ\n"); return FALSE; } if(pScreen->backingStoreSupport != screenInfo.screens[0]->backingStoreSupport) disableBackingStore = TRUE; if(pScreen->saveUnderSupport != screenInfo.screens[0]->saveUnderSupport) disableSaveUnders = TRUE; } if(disableBackingStore || disableSaveUnders) { for(i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++) { pScreen = screenInfo.screens[i]; if(disableBackingStore) pScreen->backingStoreSupport = NotUseful; if(disableSaveUnders) pScreen->saveUnderSupport = NotUseful; } } i = screenInfo.numScreens; screenInfo.numScreens = 1; if (!CreateConnectionBlock()) { screenInfo.numScreens = i; return FALSE; } screenInfo.numScreens = i; root = (xWindowRoot *) (ConnectionInfo + connBlockScreenStart); length = connBlockScreenStart + sizeof(xWindowRoot); /* overwrite the connection block */ root->nDepths = PanoramiXNumDepths; for (i = 0; i < PanoramiXNumDepths; i++) { depth = (xDepth *) (ConnectionInfo + length); depth->depth = PanoramiXDepths[i].depth; depth->nVisuals = PanoramiXDepths[i].numVids; length += sizeof(xDepth); visual = (xVisualType *)(ConnectionInfo + length); for (j = 0; j < depth->nVisuals; j++, visual++) { visual->visualID = PanoramiXDepths[i].vids[j]; for (pVisual = PanoramiXVisuals; pVisual->vid != visual->visualID; pVisual++) ; visual->class = pVisual->class; visual->bitsPerRGB = pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue; visual->colormapEntries = pVisual->ColormapEntries; visual->redMask = pVisual->redMask; visual->greenMask = pVisual->greenMask; visual->blueMask = pVisual->blueMask; } length += (depth->nVisuals * sizeof(xVisualType)); } connSetupPrefix.length = length >> 2; free(PanoramiXVisuals); for (i = 0; i < PanoramiXNumDepths; i++) free(PanoramiXDepths[i].vids); free(PanoramiXDepths); /* * OK, change some dimensions so it looks as if it were one big screen */ old_width = root->pixWidth; old_height = root->pixHeight; root->pixWidth = PanoramiXPixWidth; root->pixHeight = PanoramiXPixHeight; width_mult = (1.0 * root->pixWidth) / old_width; height_mult = (1.0 * root->pixHeight) / old_height; root->mmWidth *= width_mult; root->mmHeight *= height_mult; while(ConnectionCallbackList) { void *tmp; tmp = (void *)ConnectionCallbackList; (*ConnectionCallbackList->func)(); ConnectionCallbackList = ConnectionCallbackList->next; free(tmp); } return TRUE; } extern void PanoramiXConsolidate(void) { int i, j, k; VisualPtr pVisual, pVisual2; ScreenPtr pScreen, pScreen2; DepthPtr pDepth, pDepth2; PanoramiXRes *root, *defmap, *saver; Bool foundDepth, missingDepth; if(!PanoramiXVisualTable) PanoramiXVisualTable = xcalloc(256 * MAXSCREENS, sizeof(XID)); pScreen = screenInfo.screens[0]; pVisual = pScreen->visuals; pDepth = pScreen->allowedDepths; PanoramiXNumDepths = 0; PanoramiXDepths = xcalloc(pScreen->numDepths,sizeof(DepthRec)); PanoramiXNumVisuals = 0; PanoramiXVisuals = xcalloc(pScreen->numVisuals,sizeof(VisualRec)); for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++, pDepth++) { missingDepth = FALSE; for (j = 1; j < PanoramiXNumScreens; j++) { pScreen2 = screenInfo.screens[j]; pDepth2 = pScreen2->allowedDepths; foundDepth = FALSE; for (k = 0; k < pScreen2->numDepths; k++, pDepth2++) { if(pDepth2->depth == pDepth->depth) { foundDepth = TRUE; break; } } if(!foundDepth) { missingDepth = TRUE; break; } } if(!missingDepth) { PanoramiXDepths[PanoramiXNumDepths].depth = pDepth->depth; PanoramiXDepths[PanoramiXNumDepths].numVids = 0; if(pDepth->numVids) PanoramiXDepths[PanoramiXNumDepths].vids = malloc(sizeof(VisualID) * pDepth->numVids); else PanoramiXDepths[PanoramiXNumDepths].vids = NULL; PanoramiXNumDepths++; } } for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numVisuals; i++, pVisual++) { PanoramiXVisualTable[pVisual->vid * MAXSCREENS] = pVisual->vid; /* check if the visual exists on all screens */ for (j = 1; j < PanoramiXNumScreens; j++) { pScreen2 = screenInfo.screens[j]; #ifdef GLXPROXY pVisual2 = glxMatchVisual(pScreen, pVisual, pScreen2); if (pVisual2) { PanoramiXVisualTable[(pVisual->vid * MAXSCREENS) + j] = pVisual2->vid; continue; } else if (glxMatchVisual(pScreen, pVisual, pScreen)) { PanoramiXVisualTable[(pVisual->vid * MAXSCREENS) + j] = 0; break; } #endif pVisual2 = pScreen2->visuals; for (k = 0; k < pScreen2->numVisuals; k++, pVisual2++) { if ((pVisual->class == pVisual2->class) && (pVisual->ColormapEntries == pVisual2->ColormapEntries) && (pVisual->nplanes == pVisual2->nplanes) && (pVisual->redMask == pVisual2->redMask) && (pVisual->greenMask == pVisual2->greenMask) && (pVisual->blueMask == pVisual2->blueMask) && (pVisual->offsetRed == pVisual2->offsetRed) && (pVisual->offsetGreen == pVisual2->offsetGreen) && (pVisual->offsetBlue == pVisual2->offsetBlue)) { /* We merely assign the first visual that matches. OpenGL will need to get involved at some point if you want match GLX visuals */ PanoramiXVisualTable[(pVisual->vid * MAXSCREENS) + j] = pVisual2->vid; break; } } } /* if it doesn't exist on all screens we can't use it */ for (j = 0; j < PanoramiXNumScreens; j++) { if (!PanoramiXVisualTable[(pVisual->vid * MAXSCREENS) + j]) { PanoramiXVisualTable[pVisual->vid * MAXSCREENS] = 0; break; } } /* if it does, make sure it's in the list of supported depths and visuals */ if(PanoramiXVisualTable[pVisual->vid * MAXSCREENS]) { PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].vid = pVisual->vid; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].class = pVisual->class; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].bitsPerRGBValue = pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].ColormapEntries = pVisual->ColormapEntries; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].nplanes = pVisual->nplanes; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].redMask = pVisual->redMask; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].greenMask = pVisual->greenMask; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].blueMask = pVisual->blueMask; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].offsetRed = pVisual->offsetRed; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].offsetGreen = pVisual->offsetGreen; PanoramiXVisuals[PanoramiXNumVisuals].offsetBlue = pVisual->offsetBlue; PanoramiXNumVisuals++; for (j = 0; j < PanoramiXNumDepths; j++) { if (PanoramiXDepths[j].depth == pVisual->nplanes) { PanoramiXDepths[j].vids[PanoramiXDepths[j].numVids] = pVisual->vid; PanoramiXDepths[j].numVids++; break; } } } } root = (PanoramiXRes *) malloc(sizeof(PanoramiXRes)); root->type = XRT_WINDOW; defmap = (PanoramiXRes *) malloc(sizeof(PanoramiXRes)); defmap->type = XRT_COLORMAP; saver = (PanoramiXRes *) malloc(sizeof(PanoramiXRes)); saver->type = XRT_WINDOW; for (i = 0; i < PanoramiXNumScreens; i++) { root->info[i].id = screenInfo.screens[i]->root->drawable.id; root->u.win.class = InputOutput; root->u.win.root = TRUE; saver->info[i].id = savedScreenInfo[i].wid; saver->u.win.class = InputOutput; saver->u.win.root = TRUE; defmap->info[i].id = (screenInfo.screens[i])->defColormap; } AddResource(root->info[0].id, XRT_WINDOW, root); AddResource(saver->info[0].id, XRT_WINDOW, saver); AddResource(defmap->info[0].id, XRT_COLORMAP, defmap); } /* * PanoramiXResetProc() * Exit, deallocating as needed. */ static void PanoramiXResetProc(ExtensionEntry* extEntry) { int i; #ifdef RENDER PanoramiXRenderReset (); #endif screenInfo.numScreens = PanoramiXNumScreens; for (i = 256; i--; ) ProcVector[i] = SavedProcVector[i]; free(panoramiXdataPtr); } int ProcPanoramiXQueryVersion (ClientPtr client) { /* REQUEST(xPanoramiXQueryVersionReq); */ xPanoramiXQueryVersionReply rep; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xPanoramiXQueryVersionReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.majorVersion = SERVER_PANORAMIX_MAJOR_VERSION; rep.minorVersion = SERVER_PANORAMIX_MINOR_VERSION; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swapl(&rep.length, n); swaps(&rep.majorVersion, n); swaps(&rep.minorVersion, n); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof (xPanoramiXQueryVersionReply), (char *)&rep); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcPanoramiXGetState(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xPanoramiXGetStateReq); WindowPtr pWin; xPanoramiXGetStateReply rep; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xPanoramiXGetStateReq); pWin = LookupWindow (stuff->window, client); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.state = !noPanoramiXExtension; if (client->swapped) { swaps (&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swapl (&rep.length, n); swaps (&rep.state, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xPanoramiXGetStateReply), (char *) &rep); return client->noClientException; } int ProcPanoramiXGetScreenCount(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xPanoramiXGetScreenCountReq); WindowPtr pWin; xPanoramiXGetScreenCountReply rep; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xPanoramiXGetScreenCountReq); pWin = LookupWindow (stuff->window, client); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.ScreenCount = PanoramiXNumScreens; if (client->swapped) { swaps (&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swapl (&rep.length, n); swaps (&rep.ScreenCount, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xPanoramiXGetScreenCountReply), (char *) &rep); return client->noClientException; } int ProcPanoramiXGetScreenSize(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xPanoramiXGetScreenSizeReq); WindowPtr pWin; xPanoramiXGetScreenSizeReply rep; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xPanoramiXGetScreenSizeReq); pWin = LookupWindow (stuff->window, client); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; /* screen dimensions */ rep.width = panoramiXdataPtr[stuff->screen].width; rep.height = panoramiXdataPtr[stuff->screen].height; if (client->swapped) { swaps (&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swapl (&rep.length, n); swaps (&rep.width, n); swaps (&rep.height, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xPanoramiXGetScreenSizeReply), (char *) &rep); return client->noClientException; } int ProcXineramaIsActive(ClientPtr client) { /* REQUEST(xXineramaIsActiveReq); */ xXineramaIsActiveReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xXineramaIsActiveReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.state = !noPanoramiXExtension; if (client->swapped) { register int n; swaps (&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swapl (&rep.length, n); swapl (&rep.state, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xXineramaIsActiveReply), (char *) &rep); return client->noClientException; } int ProcXineramaQueryScreens(ClientPtr client) { /* REQUEST(xXineramaQueryScreensReq); */ xXineramaQueryScreensReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xXineramaQueryScreensReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.number = (noPanoramiXExtension) ? 0 : PanoramiXNumScreens; rep.length = rep.number * sz_XineramaScreenInfo >> 2; if (client->swapped) { register int n; swaps (&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swapl (&rep.length, n); swapl (&rep.number, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xXineramaQueryScreensReply), (char *) &rep); if(!noPanoramiXExtension) { xXineramaScreenInfo scratch; int i; for(i = 0; i < PanoramiXNumScreens; i++) { scratch.x_org = panoramiXdataPtr[i].x; scratch.y_org = panoramiXdataPtr[i].y; scratch.width = panoramiXdataPtr[i].width; scratch.height = panoramiXdataPtr[i].height; if(client->swapped) { register int n; swaps (&scratch.x_org, n); swaps (&scratch.y_org, n); swaps (&scratch.width, n); swaps (&scratch.height, n); } WriteToClient (client, sz_XineramaScreenInfo, (char *) &scratch); } } return client->noClientException; } static int ProcPanoramiXDispatch (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_PanoramiXQueryVersion: return ProcPanoramiXQueryVersion(client); case X_PanoramiXGetState: return ProcPanoramiXGetState(client); case X_PanoramiXGetScreenCount: return ProcPanoramiXGetScreenCount(client); case X_PanoramiXGetScreenSize: return ProcPanoramiXGetScreenSize(client); case X_XineramaIsActive: return ProcXineramaIsActive(client); case X_XineramaQueryScreens: return ProcXineramaQueryScreens(client); } return BadRequest; } #if X_BYTE_ORDER == X_LITTLE_ENDIAN #define SHIFT_L(v,s) (v) << (s) #define SHIFT_R(v,s) (v) >> (s) #else #define SHIFT_L(v,s) (v) >> (s) #define SHIFT_R(v,s) (v) << (s) #endif static void CopyBits(char *dst, int shiftL, char *src, int bytes) { /* Just get it to work. Worry about speed later */ int shiftR = 8 - shiftL; while(bytes--) { *dst |= SHIFT_L(*src, shiftL); *(dst + 1) |= SHIFT_R(*src, shiftR); dst++; src++; } } /* Caution. This doesn't support 2 and 4 bpp formats. We expect 1 bpp and planar data to be already cleared when presented to this function */ void XineramaGetImageData( DrawablePtr *pDrawables, int left, int top, int width, int height, unsigned int format, unsigned long planemask, char *data, int pitch, Bool isRoot ){ RegionRec SrcRegion, GrabRegion; BoxRec SrcBox, *pbox; int x, y, w, h, i, j, nbox, size, sizeNeeded, ScratchPitch, inOut, depth; DrawablePtr pDraw = pDrawables[0]; ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; char *ScratchMem = NULL; size = 0; /* find box in logical screen space */ SrcBox.x1 = left; SrcBox.y1 = top; if(!isRoot) { SrcBox.x1 += pDraw->x + panoramiXdataPtr[0].x; SrcBox.y1 += pDraw->y + panoramiXdataPtr[0].y; } SrcBox.x2 = SrcBox.x1 + width; SrcBox.y2 = SrcBox.y1 + height; RegionInit(&SrcRegion, &SrcBox, 1); RegionNull(&GrabRegion); depth = (format == XYPixmap) ? 1 : pDraw->depth; for(i = 0; i < PanoramiXNumScreens; i++) { pDraw = pDrawables[i]; inOut = RegionContainsRect(&XineramaScreenRegions[i],&SrcBox); if(inOut == rgnIN) { (*pDraw->pScreen->GetImage)(pDraw, SrcBox.x1 - pDraw->x - panoramiXdataPtr[i].x, SrcBox.y1 - pDraw->y - panoramiXdataPtr[i].y, width, height, format, planemask, data); break; } else if (inOut == rgnOUT) continue; RegionIntersect(&GrabRegion, &SrcRegion, &XineramaScreenRegions[i]); nbox = RegionNumRects(&GrabRegion); if(nbox) { pbox = RegionRects(&GrabRegion); while(nbox--) { w = pbox->x2 - pbox->x1; h = pbox->y2 - pbox->y1; ScratchPitch = PixmapBytePad(w, depth); sizeNeeded = ScratchPitch * h; if(sizeNeeded > size) { char *tmpdata = ScratchMem; ScratchMem = realloc(ScratchMem, sizeNeeded); if(ScratchMem) size = sizeNeeded; else { ScratchMem = tmpdata; break; } } x = pbox->x1 - pDraw->x - panoramiXdataPtr[i].x; y = pbox->y1 - pDraw->y - panoramiXdataPtr[i].y; (*pDraw->pScreen->GetImage)(pDraw, x, y, w, h, format, planemask, ScratchMem); /* copy the memory over */ if(depth == 1) { int k, shift, leftover, index, index2; x = pbox->x1 - SrcBox.x1; y = pbox->y1 - SrcBox.y1; shift = x & 7; x >>= 3; leftover = w & 7; w >>= 3; /* clean up the edge */ if(leftover) { int mask = (1 << leftover) - 1; for(j = h, k = w; j--; k += ScratchPitch) ScratchMem[k] &= mask; } for(j = 0, index = (pitch * y) + x, index2 = 0; j < h; j++, index += pitch, index2 += ScratchPitch) { if(w) { if(!shift) memcpy(data + index, ScratchMem + index2, w); else CopyBits(data + index, shift, ScratchMem + index2, w); } if(leftover) { data[index + w] |= SHIFT_L(ScratchMem[index2 + w], shift); if((shift + leftover) > 8) data[index + w + 1] |= SHIFT_R(ScratchMem[index2 + w],(8 - shift)); } } } else { j = BitsPerPixel(depth) >> 3; x = (pbox->x1 - SrcBox.x1) * j; y = pbox->y1 - SrcBox.y1; w *= j; for(j = 0; j < h; j++) { memcpy(data + (pitch * (y + j)) + x, ScratchMem + (ScratchPitch * j), w); } } pbox++; } RegionSubtract(&SrcRegion, &SrcRegion, &GrabRegion); if(!RegionNotEmpty(&SrcRegion)) break; } } if(ScratchMem) free(ScratchMem); RegionUninit(&SrcRegion); RegionUninit(&GrabRegion); }