 *	File: xtest1dd.c
 *	This file contains the device dependent parts of the input
 *	synthesis extension.


Copyright 1986, 1987, 1988, 1998  The Open Group

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Copyright 1986, 1987, 1988 by Hewlett-Packard Corporation

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
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 * include files

#include <dix-config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <nx-X11/Xos.h>
#include <nx-X11/X.h>
#include <nx-X11/Xmd.h>
#include <nx-X11/Xproto.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "dixstruct.h"
#define  XTestSERVER_SIDE
#include <nx-X11/extensions/xtestext1.h>	

#include "xtest1dd.h"

 * defines

 * the size of the fake input action array

 * externals

 * Holds the xTestInputAction event type code.
 * This is defined in xtestext1di.c.
extern int			XTestInputActionType;
 * Holds the xTestFakeAck event type code.
 * This is defined in xtestext1di.c.
extern int			XTestFakeAckType;
 * used in the WriteReplyToClient macro
extern int			exclusive_steal;

 * variables

 * array to hold fake input actions
struct {
	 * holds the action type, one of: XTestDELAY_ACTION,
	CARD8	type;	
	 * holds the device type, in the range 0 to 15
	CARD8	device;
	 * for XTestKEY_ACTION type, holds the keycode
	CARD8	keycode;
	 * for XTestKEY_ACTION type, holds the key up/down state
	CARD8	keystate;
	 * for XTestMOTION_ACTION and XTestJUMP_ACTION types,
	 * holds the x and y coordinates to move the mouse to
	int	x;
	int	y;
	 * holds the time to delay (in milliseconds) before performing
	 * the action
	CARD32	delay_time;

 * write index for input action array
static int			write_index = 0;
 * read index for input action array
static int			read_index = 0;
 * this is where the input actions are accumulated until they are sent
 * to a client (in a wire event)
static xTestInputActionEvent	input_action_packet;
 * holds the index (in bytes) into the input actions buffer in the
 * current input action event
static int 			packet_index;
 * logical x position of the mouse during input action gathering
short				xtest_mousex;
 * logical y position of the mouse during input action gathering
short				xtest_mousey;
 * logical x position of the mouse while we are reading fake input actions
 * from the client and putting them into the fake input action array
static short			pmousex;
 * logical y position of the mouse while we are reading fake input actions
 * from the client and putting them into the fake input action array
static short			pmousey;
 * The playback_on flag is set to 1 while there are input actions in the 
 * input action array.  It is set to 0 when the server has received all of
 * the user actions.
int			playback_on = 0;
 * identity of the client using XTestGetInput to get user input actions
ClientPtr 		current_xtest_client;
 * if 1 send multiple input actions per XTestInputAction event;
 * if 0 send one input action per XTestInputAction event
static char			packed_mode;
 * identity of the client using the XTestFakeInput function to send some
 * fake input actions to the server
ClientPtr		playback_client = NULL;
 * Set to 1 when the XTestFAKE_ACK_REQUEST flag is set in a XTestFakeInput
 * request.  Set back to 0 when all of the input actions have been sent
 * to the server.
static int			acknowledge = 0;
 * The server's idea of the current time is saved in these variables when
 * a XTestFakeInput request is received.  It is restored when all fake input
 * actions are sent to the server or when the playback client disconnects.
static int			saved_sec;
static int			saved_usec;
 * Set to 1 when there is a valid time in saved_sec and saved_usec.
static int			time_saved = 0;
 * holds the extension's notion of what the current time is while it is 
 * sending input actions to a client
static struct timeval		current_time;
 * holds the time when the extension should place the next fake input action
 * into the server's normal events queue
static struct timeval		play_time;
 * set to 1 when play_time is first set, cleared to 0 when the
 * client using the extension disconnects, or when XTestReset is called
static char			play_clock = 0;
 * holds the amount of time left until the next input action from the
 * input action array can be sent to the server
static struct timeval		rtime;
 * Set to 1 after the extension is done waiting for the correct time delay
 * for an input action to be sent to the server.  Remains a 1 until the time
 * delay for the next input action is computed.  Then set to 0 if the
 * extension has to wait for the correct time delay.
static int			go_for_next = 1;
 * needed to restore waitime if playback is to be aborted
static struct timeval		*restorewait;
 * tmon special command key
 * To use the test monitor program (called tmon) efficiently, it is
 * desirable to have the extension be able to recognize a special "trigger"
 * key.  If the extension did not do this, tmon would have to have the
 * extension send all keyboard user input actions exclusively to tmon,
 * only to have tmon send them right back if they were not the command key.
 * If the extension can recognize the command key, then tmon can let the
 * extension handle keyboard user input actions normally until the command
 * key is pressed (and released), and only then have the extension start
 * sending keyboard user input actions exclusively to tmon.
 * Any key on the keyboard can be used for this command key.  It is most
 * convenient if it is a low-frequency key.  If you want to generate a
 * normal occurrance of this key to a client, just hit it twice.  Tmon
 * will recognize the first occurrance of the key, take control of the input
 * actions, and wait for certain keys.  If it sees another occurrance of the
 * command key, it will send one occurrance of the command key to the
 * extension, and go back to waiting.
 * set and also referenced in device layer
 * XXX there should be a way to set this through the protocol
KeyCode			xtest_command_key = 0;

 * function declarations

static void	parse_key_fake(
			XTestKeyInfo	* /* fkey */
static void	parse_motion_fake(
			XTestMotionInfo	* /* fmotion */
static void	parse_jump_fake(
			XTestJumpInfo	* /* fjump */
static void	parse_delay_fake(
			XTestDelayInfo	* /* tevent */
static void	send_ack(
			ClientPtr	 /* client */
static void	start_play_clock(
static void	compute_action_time(
			struct timeval	* /* rtime */
static int	find_residual_time(
			struct timeval	* /* rtime */

static CARD16	check_time_event(
static CARD32	current_ms(
			struct timeval	* /* otime */
static int	there_is_room(
			int	/* actsize */

 * 	stop_stealing_input
 *	Stop stealing input actions.
 * put any code that you might need to stop stealing input actions here
	if (packet_index != 0) 
		 * if there is a partially full input action event waiting
		 * when this function is called, send it to the client

 * 	steal_input
 *	Start stealing input actions and sending them to the passed-in client.
steal_input(client, mode)
 * which client is to receive the input action events
ClientPtr	client;
 * what input action packing mode to use.  one of 0, XTestPACKED_MOTION,
 * or XTestPACKED_ACTIONS; optionally 'or'ed with XTestEXCLUSIVE,
CARD32		mode;
	if (packet_index != 0) 
		 * if there is a partially full input action event waiting
		 * when this function is called, send it to the client
		 * otherwise, set up a new input action event
		input_action_packet.type = XTestInputActionType;
		packet_index = 0;
	 * set up the new input action packing mode
	packed_mode = mode & ~(XTestEXCLUSIVE);
	 * keep track of where the mouse is
	XTestGetPointerPos(&xtest_mousex, &xtest_mousey);
	 * keep track of which client is getting input actions
	current_xtest_client = client;
	 * find out what time it is
	 * jump to the initial position of the mouse, using a device type of 0.
	XTestStealJumpData(xtest_mousex, xtest_mousey, 0);
 *	flush_input_actions
 *	Write the input actions event to the current requesting client
 *	and re-initialize the input action event.
	 * pointer to the input action event
	char			*rep;
	 * loop index
	int			i;

	if (packet_index == 0)
		 * empty input actions event 
	else if (packet_index < XTestACTIONS_SIZE)
		 * fill to the end of the input actions event with 0's
		for (i = packet_index; i <XTestACTIONS_SIZE; i++)
			input_action_packet.actions[i] = 0;
	rep = (char *) (&input_action_packet);

	 * set the serial number of the input action event
	input_action_packet.sequenceNumber = current_xtest_client->sequence;
	 * send the input action event to the client
	WriteEventsToClient(current_xtest_client, 1, (xEvent *) rep);
	 * re-initialize the input action event
	input_action_packet.type = XTestInputActionType;
 	packet_index = 0;

 *	XTestStealJumpData
 *	Create one or more input actions and put them in the input action
 *	event.  The input actions will be an (maybe) XTestDELAY_ACTION
 *	and an XTestJUMP_ACTION.
XTestStealJumpData(jx, jy, dev_type)
 * the x and y coordinates to jump to
int	jx;
int	jy;
 * which device caused the jump
int	dev_type;
	XTestJumpInfo 	*jmp_ptr;
	 * time delta (in ms) from previous event
	CARD16			tchar;

	 * Get the time delta from the previous event.  If needed,
	 * the check_time_event routine will put an XTestDELAY_ACTION
	 * type action in the input action event.
	tchar = check_time_event();
	if (!there_is_room(sizeof(XTestJumpInfo)))
		 * If there isn't room in the input action event for
		 * an XTestJUMP_ACTION, then send that event to the
		 * client and start filling an empty one.
	 * update the logical mouse position
	xtest_mousex = jx;
	xtest_mousey = jy;
	 * point jmp_ptr to the correct place in the input action event
	jmp_ptr = (XTestJumpInfo *)
	 * compute the input action header
	jmp_ptr->header = (XTestPackDeviceID(dev_type) | XTestJUMP_ACTION);	
	 * set the x and y coordinates to jump to in the input action
	jmp_ptr->jumpx = jx;
	jmp_ptr->jumpy = jy;
	 * set the delay time in the input action
	jmp_ptr->delay_time = tchar;
	 * increment the packet index by the size of the input action
	packet_index = packet_index + sizeof(XTestJumpInfo);
	if (packed_mode == 0)
		 * if input actions are not packed, send the input
		 * action event to the client

 *	current_ms
 *	Returns the number of milliseconds from the passed-in time to the
 *	current time, and then updates the passed-in time to the current time.
static CARD32
struct timeval	*otime;
	struct timeval	tval;
	unsigned long	the_ms;
	unsigned long	sec;
	unsigned long	usec;

	 * get the current time
	if (tval.tv_usec < otime->tv_usec)
		 * borrow a second's worth of microseconds if needed
		usec = tval.tv_usec - otime->tv_usec + 1000000;
		sec = tval.tv_sec - 1 - otime->tv_sec;
		usec = tval.tv_usec - otime->tv_usec;
		sec = tval.tv_sec - otime->tv_sec;
	 * update the passed-in time to the new time
	*otime = tval;
	 * compute the number of milliseconds contained in
	 * 'sec' seconds and 'usec' microseconds
	the_ms = (sec * 1000000L + usec) / 1000L;
	return (the_ms);

 *	check_time_event
 *	If time delta is > XTestSHORT_DELAY_TIME then insert a time event
 *	and return 0; else return the delay time.
static CARD16
	CARD32		tstamp;
	CARD16		tchar;
	XTestDelayInfo	*tptr;

	 * get the number of milliseconds between input actions
	tstamp = current_ms(&current_time);
	 * if the number of milliseconds is too large to fit in a CARD16,
	 * then add a XTestDELAY_ACTION to the input action event.
	if (tstamp > XTestSHORT_DELAY_TIME)
		 * If there isn't room in the input action event for
		 * an XTestDELAY_ACTION, then send that event to the
		 * client and start filling an empty one.
		if (!there_is_room(sizeof(XTestDelayInfo)))
		 * point tptr to the correct place in the input action event
		tptr = (XTestDelayInfo *)
		 * compute the input action header
		tptr->header = XTestPackDeviceID(XTestDELAY_DEVICE_ID) |
		 * set the delay time in the input action
		tptr->delay_time = tstamp;
		 * increment the packet index by the size of the input action
		packet_index = packet_index + (sizeof(XTestDelayInfo));
		if (packed_mode != XTestPACKED_ACTIONS) 
			 * if input actions are not packed, send the input
			 * action event to the client
		 * set the returned delay time to 0
		tchar = 0;
		 * set the returned delay time to the computed delay time
		tchar = tstamp;

 *	there_is_room
 *	Checks if there is room in the input_action_packet for an input action
 *	of the size actsize bytes.  Returns 1 if there is space, 0 otherwise.
static int
 * the number of bytes of space needed
int	actsize;
	if ((packet_index + actsize) > XTestACTIONS_SIZE)

 *	XTestStealMotionData
 *	Put motion information from the locator into an input action.
 *	called from x_hil.c
XTestStealMotionData(dx, dy, dev_type, mx, my)
 * the x and y delta motion of the locator
int	dx;
int	dy;
 * which locator did the moving
int	dev_type;
 * the x and y position of the locator before the delta motion
int	mx;
int	my;
	 * pointer to a XTestMOTION_ACTION input action
	XTestMotionInfo	*fm;
	 * time delta from previous event
	CARD16			tchar;

	 * if the current position of the locator is not the same as
	 * the logical position, then update the logical position
	if ((mx != xtest_mousex) || (my != xtest_mousey))
		XTestStealJumpData(mx, my, dev_type);
	 * if the delta motion is outside the range that can
	 * be held in a motion input action, use a jump input action
	if ((dx > XTestMOTION_MAX) || (dx < XTestMOTION_MIN) ||
	    (dy > XTestMOTION_MAX) || (dy < XTestMOTION_MIN))
		XTestStealJumpData((xtest_mousex + dx),
				   (xtest_mousey + dy), dev_type);
		 * compute the new logical position of the mouse
		xtest_mousex += dx;
		xtest_mousey += dy;
		 * Get the time delta from the previous event.  If needed,
		 * the check_time_event routine will put an XTestDELAY_ACTION
		 * type action in the input action event.
		tchar = check_time_event();
		 * If there isn't room in the input action event for
		 * an XTestDELAY_ACTION, then send that event to the
		 * client and start filling an empty one.
		if (!there_is_room(sizeof(XTestMotionInfo)))
		 * point fm to the correct place in the input action event
		fm = (XTestMotionInfo *)
		 * compute the input action header
		fm->header = XTestMOTION_ACTION;
		if (dx < 0)	
			fm->header |= XTestX_NEGATIVE;
			dx = abs(dx);
		if (dy < 0)   
			fm->header |= XTestY_NEGATIVE;
			dy = abs(dy);
		fm->header |= XTestPackDeviceID(dev_type);
		 * compute the motion data byte
		fm->motion_data = XTestPackYMotionValue(dy);
		fm->motion_data |= XTestPackXMotionValue(dx);
		 * set the delay time in the input action
		fm->delay_time = tchar;
		 * increment the packet index by the size of the input action
		packet_index = packet_index + sizeof(XTestMotionInfo);
		if (packed_mode == 0)
			 * if input actions are not packed, send the input
			 * action event to the client


 *	XTestStealKeyData
 * 	Place this key data in the input_action_packet.
XTestStealKeyData(keycode, keystate, dev_type, locx, locy)
 * which key/button moved
unsigned	keycode;
 * whether the key/button was pressed or released
int		keystate;
 * which device caused the input action
int		dev_type;
 * the x and y coordinates of the locator when the action happenned
int		locx;
int		locy;
	 * pointer to key/button motion input action
	XTestKeyInfo	*kp;
	 * time delta from previous event
	CARD16			tchar;
	char		keytrans = 0;

	 * update the logical position of the locator if the physical position
	 * of the locator is not the same as the logical position.
	if ((locx != xtest_mousex) || (locy != xtest_mousey))
		XTestStealJumpData(locx, locy, dev_type);
	 * Get the time delta from the previous event.  If needed,
	 * the check_time_event routine will put an XTestDELAY_ACTION
	 * type action in the input action event.
	tchar = check_time_event();
	if (!there_is_room(sizeof(XTestKeyInfo)))
		 * If there isn't room in the input action event for
		 * an XTestDELAY_ACTION, then send that event to the
		 * client and start filling an empty one.
	 * point kp to the correct place in the input action event
	kp = (XTestKeyInfo *)
	 * compute the input action header
	kp->header = XTestPackDeviceID(dev_type);
	if ((keystate == KeyRelease) || (keystate == ButtonRelease))
		keytrans = XTestKEY_UP;
	else if ((keystate == KeyPress) || (keystate == ButtonPress))
		keytrans = XTestKEY_DOWN;
		printf("%s: invalid key/button state %d.\n",
	kp->header = kp->header | keytrans | XTestKEY_ACTION;
	 * set the keycode in the input action
	kp->keycode = keycode;
	 * set the delay time in the input action
	kp->delay_time = tchar;
	 * increment the packet index by the size of the input action
	packet_index = packet_index + sizeof(XTestKeyInfo);
	 * if the command key has been released or input actions are not
	 * packed, send the input action event to the client
 	if(((keycode == xtest_command_key) && (keystate == KeyRelease)) ||
	   (packed_mode != XTestPACKED_ACTIONS))
	/* return TRUE if the event should be passed on to DIX */
	if (exclusive_steal)
		return ((keystate == KeyRelease) &&
			(keycode == xtest_command_key));
		return ((keystate != KeyRelease) ||
			(keycode != xtest_command_key));

 *	parse_fake_input
 *	Parsing routine for a XTestFakeInput request.  It will take a request
 *	and parse its contents into the input action array.  Eventually the
 *	XTestProcessInputAction routine will be called to take input actions
 *	from the input action array and send them to the server to be handled.
parse_fake_input(client, req)
 * which client did the XTestFakeInput request
ClientPtr	client;
 * a pointer to the xTestFakeInputReq structure sent by the client
char		*req;
	 * if set to 1, done processing input actions from the request
	int	        	done = 0;
	 * type of input action
	CARD8			action_type;
	 * device type
	CARD8			dev_type;
	 * pointer to an xTestFakeInputReq structure
	xTestFakeInputReq	*request;
	 * holds the index into the action list in the request
	int			parse_index;	

	 * get a correct-type pointer to the client-supplied request data
	request = (xTestFakeInputReq *) req;
	 * save the acknowledge requested state for use in
	 * XTestProcessInputAction
	acknowledge = request->ack;
	 * set up an index into the action list in the request
	parse_index = 0;
	if (write_index >= ACTION_ARRAY_SIZE)
		 * if the input action array is full, don't add any more
		done = 1;
	while (!done)
		 * get the type of input action in the list
		action_type = (request->action_list[parse_index])
			      & XTestACTION_TYPE_MASK;
		 * get the type of device in the list
		dev_type = XTestUnpackDeviceID(request->action_list[parse_index]);
		 * process the input action appropriately
		switch (action_type)
		case XTestKEY_ACTION:
			parse_key_fake((XTestKeyInfo *)
			parse_index = parse_index + sizeof(XTestKeyInfo);
			parse_motion_fake((XTestMotionInfo *)
			parse_index = parse_index + sizeof(XTestMotionInfo);
		case XTestJUMP_ACTION:
			parse_jump_fake((XTestJumpInfo *)
			parse_index = parse_index + sizeof(XTestJumpInfo);
			if (dev_type == XTestDELAY_DEVICE_ID)
				parse_delay_fake((XTestDelayInfo *)
				parse_index = parse_index +
				 * An invalid input action header byte has
				 * been detected, so there are no more
				 * input actions in this request.
				 * The intended invalid action header byte
				 * for this case should have a value of 0.
				done = 1;
		if (parse_index >= XTestMAX_ACTION_LIST_SIZE)
			 * entire XTestFakeInput request has been processed
			done = 1;
		if (write_index >= ACTION_ARRAY_SIZE) 
			 * no room in the input actions array
			done = 1;
	if (write_index > read_index)
		 * there are fake input actions in the input action array
		 * to be given to the server
		playback_on = 1;
		playback_client = client;

 *	parse_key_fake
 *	Called from parse_fake_input.
 *	Copy the fake key input action from its packed form into the array of
 *	pending input events.
static void
XTestKeyInfo	*fkey;
	action_array[write_index].type = XTestKEY_ACTION;
	action_array[write_index].device = XTestUnpackDeviceID(fkey->header);
	action_array[write_index].keycode = fkey->keycode;
	action_array[write_index].keystate = fkey->header & XTestKEY_STATE_MASK;
	action_array[write_index].delay_time = fkey->delay_time;

 *	parse_motion_fake
 *	Called from parse_fake_input.
 *	Copy the fake motion input action from its packed form into the array of
 *	pending input events.
static void
XTestMotionInfo	*fmotion;
	int	dx;
	int	dy;

	dx = (XTestUnpackXMotionValue(fmotion->motion_data));
	dy = (XTestUnpackYMotionValue(fmotion->motion_data));
	if (((fmotion->header) & XTestX_SIGN_BIT_MASK) == XTestX_NEGATIVE)
		pmousex -= dx;
		pmousex += dx;
	if (((fmotion->header) & XTestY_SIGN_BIT_MASK) == XTestY_NEGATIVE)
		pmousey -= dy;
		pmousey += dy;
	action_array[write_index].type = XTestJUMP_ACTION;
	action_array[write_index].device = XTestUnpackDeviceID(fmotion->header);
	action_array[write_index].x = pmousex;
	action_array[write_index].y = pmousey;
	action_array[write_index].delay_time = fmotion->delay_time;

 *	parse_jump_fake
 *	Called from parse_fake_input.
 *	Copy the fake jump input action from its packed form into the array of
 *	pending input events.
static void
XTestJumpInfo	*fjump;
	pmousex = fjump->jumpx;
	pmousey = fjump->jumpy;
	action_array[write_index].type = XTestJUMP_ACTION;
	action_array[write_index].device = XTestUnpackDeviceID(fjump->header);
	action_array[write_index].x = pmousex;
	action_array[write_index].y = pmousey;
	action_array[write_index].delay_time = fjump->delay_time;

 *	parse_delay_fake
 *	Called from parse_fake_input.
 *	Copy the fake delay input action from its packed form into the array of
 *	pending input events.
static void
XTestDelayInfo	*tevent;
	action_array[write_index].type = XTestDELAY_ACTION;
	action_array[write_index].delay_time = tevent->delay_time;

 *	XTestComputeWaitTime
 *	Compute the amount of time the server should wait before sending the
 *	next monitor event in playback mode.
struct timeval	*waittime;
	 * The playback_on flag is set to 1 in parse_fake_input.  It is set to
	 * 0 in XTestProcessInputAction if the server has replayed all input
	 * actions.
	if (playback_on)
		if (!play_clock)
			 * if the playback clock has never been set,
			 * then do it now
		 * We need to save the waittime the first time through.  This
		 * is a value the server uses, and we have to restore it when
		 * all of the input actions are processed by the server.
		if (!time_saved)
			saved_sec = waittime->tv_sec;
			saved_usec = waittime->tv_usec; 
			time_saved = 1;
		if (go_for_next) 
			 * if we just processed an input action, figure out
			 * how long to wait for the next input action
			 * else just find out how much more time to wait
			 * on the current input action
		waittime->tv_sec = rtime.tv_sec;
		waittime->tv_usec = rtime.tv_usec;

 *	XTestProcessInputAction
 *	If there are any input actions in the input action array,
 *	then take one out and process it.
XTestProcessInputAction(readable, waittime)
 * This is the value that a 'select' function returned just before this
 * routine was called.  If the select timed out, this value will be 0.
 * This extension modifies the select call's timeout value to cause the
 * select to time out when the next input action is ready to given to
 * the server.  This routine is called immediately after the select, to 
 * give it a chance to process an input action.  If we have an input action
 * to process and the only reason that the select returned was because it
 * timed out, then we change the select value to 1 and return 1 instead of 0.
int		readable;
 * this is the timeout value that the select was called with
struct timeval	*waittime;
int mousex, mousey;
	 * if playback_on is 0, then the input action array is empty
	if (playback_on)
		restorewait = waittime;
		 * figure out if we need to wait for the next input action
		if (find_residual_time(&rtime) > 0) 
			 * still have to wait before processing the current
			 * input action
			go_for_next = 0;
			 * don't have to wait any longer before processing
			 * the current input action
			go_for_next = 1;
		 * if we have an input action to process and the only reason
		 * that the select returned was because it timed out, then we
		 * change the select value to 1 and return 1 instead of 0
		if (readable == 0) 
		 * if we don't need to wait, then get an input action from
		 * the input action array and process it
		if (go_for_next)
			 * There are three possible types of input actions in
			 * the input action array (motion input actions are
			 * converted to jump input actions before being put
			 * into the input action array).  Delay input actions 
			 * are processed by the compute_action_time function
			 * which is called from XTestComputeWaitTime.  The
			 * other two types of input actions are processed here.
			if (action_array[read_index].type == XTestJUMP_ACTION)
			if (action_array[read_index].type == XTestKEY_ACTION)
			    GetSpritePosition(&mousex, &mousey);
			 * if all input actions are processed, then restore 
			 * the server state 
			if (read_index >= write_index)
				waittime->tv_sec = saved_sec;
				waittime->tv_usec = saved_usec;
				time_saved = 0;
				playback_on = 0;
				if (acknowledge) 
					 * if the playback client is waiting
					 * for an xTestFakeAck event, send
					 * it to him
					acknowledge = 0;
				write_index = 0;
				read_index = 0;
				playback_client = (ClientPtr) NULL;
				play_clock = 0;

 *	send_ack
 *	send an xTestFakeAck event to the client
static void
ClientPtr	client;
	xTestFakeAckEvent  rep;

	 * set the serial number of the xTestFakeAck event
	rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
	rep.type = XTestFakeAckType;
	WriteEventsToClient(client, 1, (xEvent *) &rep);		

 *	start_play_clock
 *	start the clock for play back.
static void
	 * flag that play_time is valid
	play_clock = 1;

 *	compute_action_time
 *	Set the play clock to the time when the next input action should be put
 *	into the server's input queue.  Fill the rtime structure with values
 *	for the delta until the time for the next input action.
static void
struct timeval	*rtime;
	 * holds the delay time in milliseconds
	unsigned long	dtime;
	 * holds the number of microseconds in the sum of the dtime value
	 * and the play_time value
	unsigned long	tot_usec;
	 * holds the number of seconds and microseconds in the
	 * dtime value
	unsigned long 	sec;
	unsigned long 	usec;
	 * holds the current time
	struct timeval	btime;

	 * Put the time from the current input action in dtime
	dtime = action_array[read_index].delay_time;
	 * If the current input action is a delay input action,
	 * add in the time from the following input action.
	if ((action_array[read_index].type == XTestDELAY_ACTION) &&
	    ((read_index + 1) < write_index))
		dtime = dtime + action_array[read_index].delay_time;
	 * compute the number of seconds and microseconds in the
	 * dtime value
  	sec = dtime / 1000;
  	usec = (dtime % 1000) * 1000;
	 * get the current time in btime
	 * compute the number of microseconds in the sum of the dtime value
	 * and the current usec value
	tot_usec = btime.tv_usec + usec;
	 * if it is greater than one second's worth, adjust the seconds
	if (tot_usec >= 1000000)
		tot_usec -= 1000000;
	play_time.tv_usec = tot_usec;
	play_time.tv_sec = btime.tv_sec + sec;
	 * put the time until the next input action in rtime
	rtime->tv_sec = sec;
	rtime->tv_usec = usec;

 *	find_residual_time
 *	Find the time interval from the current time to the value in play_time.
 *	This is the time to wait till putting the next input action into the
 *	server's input queue.  If the time is already up, reset play_time to
 *	the current time.
static int
struct timeval	*the_residual;
	 * if > 0, there is time to wait.  If < 0, then don't wait
	int		wait = 1;
	 * holds the current time
	struct timeval	btime;
	 * holds the current time in seconds and microseconds
	unsigned long	bsec;
	unsigned long	busec;
	 * holds the playback time in seconds and microseconds
	unsigned long	psec;
	unsigned long	pusec;

	 * get the current time in btime
	 * get the current time in seconds and microseconds
	bsec = btime.tv_sec;
	busec = btime.tv_usec;
	 * get the playback time in seconds and microseconds
	psec = play_time.tv_sec;
	pusec = play_time.tv_usec;
	 * if the current time is already later than the playback time,
	 * we don't need to wait
	if (bsec > psec)	
	    wait = -1;
		if (bsec == psec)
			 * if the current and playback times have the same
			 * second value, then compare the microsecond values
			if ( busec >= pusec) 
				 * if the current time is already later than
				 * the playback time, we don't need to wait
				wait = -1;
				the_residual->tv_usec = pusec - busec;
				the_residual->tv_sec = 0;
			if (busec > pusec)
				 * 'borrow' a second's worth of microseconds
				 * from the seconds left to wait
				the_residual->tv_usec = 1000000 - busec + pusec;
				the_residual->tv_sec = psec - bsec;
				the_residual->tv_sec = psec - bsec;
				the_residual->tv_usec = pusec - busec;
	if (wait < 0)
		 * if don't need to wait, set the playback time
		 * to the current time
		 * set the time to wait to 0
		the_residual->tv_sec = 0;
		the_residual->tv_usec = 0;
 *	abort_play_back
	 * If we were playing back input actions at the time of the abort,
	 * restore the original wait time for the select in the main wait
	 * loop of the server
	if (playback_on)
		restorewait->tv_sec = saved_sec;
		restorewait->tv_usec = saved_usec;
	 * make the input action array empty
	read_index = 0;
	write_index = 0;
	 * we are no longer playing back anything
	playback_on = 0;
	play_clock = 0;
	go_for_next = 1;
	 * there is no valid wait time saved any more
	time_saved = 0;
	 * there are no valid clients using this extension
	playback_client = (ClientPtr) NULL;
	current_xtest_client = (ClientPtr) NULL;

 *	return_input_array_size
 *	Return the number of input actions in the input action array.
 * which client to send the reply to
ClientPtr	client;
	xTestQueryInputSizeReply  rep;

	rep.type = X_Reply;
	 * set the serial number of the reply
	rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
	rep.length = 0;
	rep.size_return = ACTION_ARRAY_SIZE;
			   (void *) &rep);