/* * $Id: compinit.c,v 1.9 2005/07/03 07:37:34 daniels Exp $ * * Copyright © 2003 Keith Packard * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include "compint.h" #include "compositeext.h" #ifndef NXAGENT_SERVER DevPrivateKeyRec CompScreenPrivateKeyRec; DevPrivateKeyRec CompWindowPrivateKeyRec; DevPrivateKeyRec CompSubwindowsPrivateKeyRec; #else /* !defined(NXAGENT_SERVER) */ int CompScreenPrivIndex = -1; int CompWindowPrivIndex = -1; int CompSubwindowsPrivIndex = -1; #endif static Bool compCloseScreen (int index, ScreenPtr pScreen) { CompScreenPtr cs = GetCompScreen (pScreen); Bool ret; free(cs->alternateVisuals); pScreen->CloseScreen = cs->CloseScreen; pScreen->InstallColormap = cs->InstallColormap; pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes = cs->ChangeWindowAttributes; pScreen->ReparentWindow = cs->ReparentWindow; /* * Unsupported by our old Xserver infrastructure, replaced with direct calls to * compReallocPixmap(). */ /* pScreen->ConfigNotify = cs->ConfigNotify; */ pScreen->MoveWindow = cs->MoveWindow; pScreen->ResizeWindow = cs->ResizeWindow; pScreen->ChangeBorderWidth = cs->ChangeBorderWidth; pScreen->ClipNotify = cs->ClipNotify; pScreen->UnrealizeWindow = cs->UnrealizeWindow; pScreen->RealizeWindow = cs->RealizeWindow; pScreen->DestroyWindow = cs->DestroyWindow; pScreen->CreateWindow = cs->CreateWindow; pScreen->CopyWindow = cs->CopyWindow; pScreen->PositionWindow = cs->PositionWindow; pScreen->GetImage = cs->GetImage; pScreen->GetSpans = cs->GetSpans; pScreen->SourceValidate = cs->SourceValidate; xfree (cs); FAKE_DIX_SET_SCREEN_PRIVATE(pScreen, NULL); ret = (*pScreen->CloseScreen) (index, pScreen); return ret; } static void compInstallColormap (ColormapPtr pColormap) { VisualPtr pVisual = pColormap->pVisual; ScreenPtr pScreen = pColormap->pScreen; CompScreenPtr cs = GetCompScreen (pScreen); int a; for (a = 0; a < cs->numAlternateVisuals; a++) if (pVisual->vid == cs->alternateVisuals[a]) return; pScreen->InstallColormap = cs->InstallColormap; (*pScreen->InstallColormap) (pColormap); cs->InstallColormap = pScreen->InstallColormap; pScreen->InstallColormap = compInstallColormap; } /* Unsupported by current architecture, drop for now. */ #if 0 static void compCheckBackingStore(WindowPtr pWin) { if (pWin->backingStore != NotUseful && !pWin->backStorage) { compRedirectWindow(serverClient, pWin, CompositeRedirectAutomatic); pWin->backStorage = TRUE; } else if (pWin->backingStore == NotUseful && pWin->backStorage) { compUnredirectWindow(serverClient, pWin, CompositeRedirectAutomatic); pWin->backStorage = FALSE; } } /* Fake backing store via automatic redirection */ static Bool compChangeWindowAttributes(WindowPtr pWin, unsigned long mask) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; CompScreenPtr cs = GetCompScreen(pScreen); Bool ret; pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes = cs->ChangeWindowAttributes; ret = pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes(pWin, mask); if (ret && (mask & CWBackingStore) && pScreen->backingStoreSupport != NotUseful) compCheckBackingStore(pWin); pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes = compChangeWindowAttributes; return ret; } #endif /* 0 */ static void compGetImage(DrawablePtr pDrawable, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, unsigned int format, unsigned long planemask, char *pdstLine) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen; CompScreenPtr cs = GetCompScreen(pScreen); pScreen->GetImage = cs->GetImage; if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) compPaintChildrenToWindow(pScreen, (WindowPtr) pDrawable); (*pScreen->GetImage) (pDrawable, sx, sy, w, h, format, planemask, pdstLine); cs->GetImage = pScreen->GetImage; pScreen->GetImage = compGetImage; } static void compGetSpans(DrawablePtr pDrawable, int wMax, DDXPointPtr ppt, int *pwidth, int nspans, char *pdstStart) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen; CompScreenPtr cs = GetCompScreen(pScreen); pScreen->GetSpans = cs->GetSpans; if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) compPaintChildrenToWindow(pScreen, (WindowPtr) pDrawable); (*pScreen->GetSpans) (pDrawable, wMax, ppt, pwidth, nspans, pdstStart); cs->GetSpans = pScreen->GetSpans; pScreen->GetSpans = compGetSpans; } static void compSourceValidate(DrawablePtr pDrawable, int x, int y, int width, int height /* , unsigned int subWindowMode */ /* unsupported */) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen; CompScreenPtr cs = GetCompScreen(pScreen); pScreen->SourceValidate = cs->SourceValidate; if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW /* && subWindowMode == IncludeInferiors */ /* unsupported */) compPaintChildrenToWindow(pScreen, (WindowPtr) pDrawable); if (pScreen->SourceValidate) (*pScreen->SourceValidate) (pDrawable, x, y, width, height /*, subWindowMode */ /* unsupported */); cs->SourceValidate = pScreen->SourceValidate; pScreen->SourceValidate = compSourceValidate; } /* * Add alternate visuals -- always expose an ARGB32 and RGB24 visual */ static DepthPtr compFindVisuallessDepth (ScreenPtr pScreen, int d) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++) { DepthPtr depth = &pScreen->allowedDepths[i]; if (depth->depth == d) { /* * Make sure it doesn't have visuals already */ if (depth->numVids) return 0; /* * looks fine */ return depth; } } /* * If there isn't one, then it's gonna be hard to have * an associated visual */ return 0; } /* * Add a list of visual IDs to the list of visuals to implicitly redirect. */ static Bool compRegisterAlternateVisuals(CompScreenPtr cs, VisualID * vids, int nVisuals) { VisualID *p; #ifndef NXAGENT_SERVER p = reallocarray(cs->alternateVisuals, cs->numAlternateVisuals + nVisuals, sizeof(VisualID)); #else p = xrealloc(cs->alternateVisuals, sizeof(VisualID) * (cs->numAlternateVisuals + nVisuals)); #endif if (p == NULL) return FALSE; memcpy(&p[cs->numAlternateVisuals], vids, sizeof(VisualID) * nVisuals); cs->alternateVisuals = p; cs->numAlternateVisuals += nVisuals; return TRUE; } Bool CompositeRegisterAlternateVisuals(ScreenPtr pScreen, VisualID * vids, int nVisuals) { CompScreenPtr cs = GetCompScreen(pScreen); return compRegisterAlternateVisuals(cs, vids, nVisuals); } Bool CompositeRegisterImplicitRedirectionException(ScreenPtr pScreen, VisualID parentVisual, VisualID winVisual) { CompScreenPtr cs = GetCompScreen(pScreen); CompImplicitRedirectException *p; #ifndef NXAGENT_SERVER p = reallocarray(cs->implicitRedirectExceptions, cs->numImplicitRedirectExceptions + 1, sizeof(p[0])); #else p = xrealloc(cs->implicitRedirectExceptions, sizeof(p[0]) * (cs->numImplicitRedirectExceptions + 1)); #endif if (p == NULL) return FALSE; p[cs->numImplicitRedirectExceptions].parentVisual = parentVisual; p[cs->numImplicitRedirectExceptions].winVisual = winVisual; cs->implicitRedirectExceptions = p; cs->numImplicitRedirectExceptions++; return TRUE; } typedef struct _alternateVisual { int depth; CARD32 format; } CompAlternateVisual; static CompAlternateVisual altVisuals[] = { #if COMP_INCLUDE_RGB24_VISUAL { 24, PICT_r8g8b8 }, #endif { 32, PICT_a8r8g8b8 }, }; static const int NUM_COMP_ALTERNATE_VISUALS = sizeof(altVisuals) / sizeof(CompAlternateVisual); static Bool compAddAlternateVisual (ScreenPtr pScreen, CompScreenPtr cs, CompAlternateVisual * alt) { VisualPtr visual; DepthPtr depth; PictFormatPtr pPictFormat; unsigned long alphaMask; /* * The ARGB32 visual is always available. Other alternate depth visuals * are only provided if their depth is less than the root window depth. * There's no deep reason for this. */ if (alt->depth >= pScreen->rootDepth && alt->depth != 32) return FALSE; depth = compFindVisuallessDepth(pScreen, alt->depth); if (!depth) /* alt->depth doesn't exist or already has alternate visuals. */ return TRUE; pPictFormat = PictureMatchFormat(pScreen, alt->depth, alt->format); if (!pPictFormat) return FALSE; if (ResizeVisualArray(pScreen, 1, depth) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } visual = pScreen->visuals + (pScreen->numVisuals - 1); /* the new one */ /* Initialize the visual */ visual->bitsPerRGBValue = 8; if (PICT_FORMAT_TYPE(alt->format) == PICT_TYPE_COLOR) { visual->class = PseudoColor; visual->nplanes = PICT_FORMAT_BPP(alt->format); visual->ColormapEntries = 1 << visual->nplanes; } else { DirectFormatRec *direct = &pPictFormat->direct; visual->class = TrueColor; visual->redMask = ((unsigned long) direct->redMask) << direct->red; visual->greenMask = ((unsigned long) direct->greenMask) << direct->green; visual->blueMask = ((unsigned long) direct->blueMask) << direct->blue; alphaMask = ((unsigned long) direct->alphaMask) << direct->alpha; visual->offsetRed = direct->red; visual->offsetGreen = direct->green; visual->offsetBlue = direct->blue; /* * Include A bits in this (unlike GLX which includes only RGB) * This lets DIX compute suitable masks for colormap allocations */ visual->nplanes = Ones(visual->redMask | visual->greenMask | visual->blueMask | alphaMask); /* find widest component */ visual->ColormapEntries = (1 << max(Ones(visual->redMask), max(Ones(visual->greenMask), Ones(visual->blueMask)))); } /* remember the visual ID to detect auto-update windows */ compRegisterAlternateVisuals(cs, &visual->vid, 1); return TRUE; } static Bool compAddAlternateVisuals(ScreenPtr pScreen, CompScreenPtr cs) { int alt, ret = 0; for (alt = 0; alt < NUM_COMP_ALTERNATE_VISUALS; alt++) ret |= compAddAlternateVisual(pScreen, cs, altVisuals + alt); return ! !ret; } Bool compScreenInit (ScreenPtr pScreen) { CompScreenPtr cs; #ifndef NXAGENT_SERVER if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&CompScreenPrivateKeyRec, PRIVATE_SCREEN, 0)) return FALSE; if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&CompWindowPrivateKeyRec, PRIVATE_WINDOW, 0)) return FALSE; if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&CompSubwindowsPrivateKeyRec, PRIVATE_WINDOW, 0)) return FALSE; #else /* !defined(NXAGENT_SERVER) */ if ((CompScreenPrivIndex = AllocateScreenPrivateIndex()) < 0) return FALSE; if ((CompWindowPrivIndex = AllocateWindowPrivateIndex()) < 0) return FALSE; if ((CompSubwindowsPrivIndex = AllocateWindowPrivateIndex()) < 0) return FALSE; if (!AllocateWindowPrivate (pScreen, CompWindowPrivIndex, 0)) return FALSE; if (!AllocateWindowPrivate (pScreen, CompSubwindowsPrivIndex, 0)) return FALSE; #endif if (GetCompScreen (pScreen)) return TRUE; cs = (CompScreenPtr) xalloc (sizeof (CompScreenRec)); if (!cs) return FALSE; cs->damaged = FALSE; cs->overlayWid = FakeClientID(0); cs->pOverlayWin = NULL; cs->pOverlayClients = NULL; cs->numAlternateVisuals = 0; cs->alternateVisuals = NULL; cs->numImplicitRedirectExceptions = 0; cs->implicitRedirectExceptions = NULL; if (!compAddAlternateVisuals (pScreen, cs)) { xfree (cs); return FALSE; } if (!disableBackingStore) pScreen->backingStoreSupport = WhenMapped; cs->PositionWindow = pScreen->PositionWindow; pScreen->PositionWindow = compPositionWindow; cs->CopyWindow = pScreen->CopyWindow; pScreen->CopyWindow = compCopyWindow; cs->CreateWindow = pScreen->CreateWindow; pScreen->CreateWindow = compCreateWindow; cs->DestroyWindow = pScreen->DestroyWindow; pScreen->DestroyWindow = compDestroyWindow; cs->RealizeWindow = pScreen->RealizeWindow; pScreen->RealizeWindow = compRealizeWindow; cs->UnrealizeWindow = pScreen->UnrealizeWindow; pScreen->UnrealizeWindow = compUnrealizeWindow; cs->ClipNotify = pScreen->ClipNotify; pScreen->ClipNotify = compClipNotify; /* * Unsupported by our old Xserver infrastructure, replaced with direct calls to * compReallocPixmap(). */ /* cs->ConfigNotify = pScreen->ConfigNotify; pScreen->ConfigNotify = compConfigNotify; */ cs->MoveWindow = pScreen->MoveWindow; pScreen->MoveWindow = compMoveWindow; cs->ResizeWindow = pScreen->ResizeWindow; pScreen->ResizeWindow = compResizeWindow; cs->ChangeBorderWidth = pScreen->ChangeBorderWidth; pScreen->ChangeBorderWidth = compChangeBorderWidth; cs->ReparentWindow = pScreen->ReparentWindow; pScreen->ReparentWindow = compReparentWindow; cs->InstallColormap = pScreen->InstallColormap; pScreen->InstallColormap = compInstallColormap; /* Unsupported by our current architecture, drop for now. */ /* cs->ChangeWindowAttributes = pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes; pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes = compChangeWindowAttributes; */ cs->BlockHandler = NULL; cs->CloseScreen = pScreen->CloseScreen; pScreen->CloseScreen = compCloseScreen; cs->GetImage = pScreen->GetImage; pScreen->GetImage = compGetImage; cs->GetSpans = pScreen->GetSpans; pScreen->GetSpans = compGetSpans; cs->SourceValidate = pScreen->SourceValidate; pScreen->SourceValidate = compSourceValidate; FAKE_DIX_SET_SCREEN_PRIVATE(pScreen, cs); RegisterRealChildHeadProc(CompositeRealChildHead); return TRUE; }