/*********************************************************** Copyright 1987, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* (c)Copyright 1988,1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sublicense this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notices appear in all copies and that both those copyright notices and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation and that the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. No trademark license to use the Adobe trademarks is hereby granted. If the Adobe trademark "Display PostScript"(tm) is used to describe this software, its functionality or for any other purpose, such use shall be limited to a statement that this software works in conjunction with the Display PostScript system. Proper trademark attribution to reflect Adobe's ownership of the trademark shall be given whenever any such reference to the Display PostScript system is made. ADOBE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. ADOBE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON- INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ADOBE BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ADOBE WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY TRAINING OR OTHER SUPPORT FOR THE SOFTWARE. Adobe, PostScript, and Display PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Author: Adobe Systems Incorporated */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <nx-X11/X.h> #include <nx-X11/Xmd.h> #include "misc.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #define XK_LATIN1 #include <nx-X11/keysymdef.h> #ifdef XCSECURITY #define _SECURITY_SERVER #include <nx-X11/extensions/security.h> #endif /* * CompareTimeStamps returns -1, 0, or +1 depending on if the first * argument is less than, equal to or greater than the second argument. */ int CompareTimeStamps(TimeStamp a, TimeStamp b) { if (a.months < b.months) return EARLIER; if (a.months > b.months) return LATER; if (a.milliseconds < b.milliseconds) return EARLIER; if (a.milliseconds > b.milliseconds) return LATER; return SAMETIME; } /* * convert client times to server TimeStamps */ #define HALFMONTH ((unsigned long) 1<<31) TimeStamp ClientTimeToServerTime(CARD32 c) { TimeStamp ts; if (c == CurrentTime) return currentTime; ts.months = currentTime.months; ts.milliseconds = c; if (c > currentTime.milliseconds) { if (((unsigned long) c - currentTime.milliseconds) > HALFMONTH) ts.months -= 1; } else if (c < currentTime.milliseconds) { if (((unsigned long)currentTime.milliseconds - c) > HALFMONTH) ts.months += 1; } return ts; } /* * ISO Latin-1 case conversion routine * * this routine always null-terminates the result, so * beware of too-small buffers */ static unsigned char ISOLatin1ToLower (unsigned char source) { unsigned char dest; if ((source >= XK_A) && (source <= XK_Z)) dest = source + (XK_a - XK_A); else if ((source >= XK_Agrave) && (source <= XK_Odiaeresis)) dest = source + (XK_agrave - XK_Agrave); else if ((source >= XK_Ooblique) && (source <= XK_Thorn)) dest = source + (XK_oslash - XK_Ooblique); else dest = source; return dest; } void CopyISOLatin1Lowered(char *dest, const char *source, int length) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++, source++, dest++) *dest = ISOLatin1ToLower (*source); *dest = '\0'; } int CompareISOLatin1Lowered(unsigned char *s1, int s1len, unsigned char *s2, int s2len) { unsigned char c1, c2; for (;;) { /* note -- compare against zero so that -1 ignores len */ c1 = s1len-- ? *s1++ : '\0'; c2 = s2len-- ? *s2++ : '\0'; if (!c1 || (c1 != c2 && (c1 = ISOLatin1ToLower (c1)) != (c2 = ISOLatin1ToLower (c2)))) break; } return (int) c1 - (int) c2; } #ifdef XCSECURITY /* SecurityLookupWindow and SecurityLookupDrawable: * Look up the window/drawable taking into account the client doing * the lookup and the type of access desired. Return the window/drawable * if it exists and the client is allowed access, else return NULL. * Most Proc* functions should be calling these instead of * LookupWindow and LookupDrawable, which do no access checks. */ WindowPtr SecurityLookupWindow(XID rid, ClientPtr client, Mask access_mode) { WindowPtr pWin; client->errorValue = rid; if(rid == INVALID) return NULL; if (client->trustLevel != XSecurityClientTrusted) return (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, rid, RT_WINDOW, access_mode); if (client->lastDrawableID == rid) { if (client->lastDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) return ((WindowPtr) client->lastDrawable); return (WindowPtr) NULL; } pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, rid, RT_WINDOW, access_mode); if (pWin && pWin->drawable.type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { client->lastDrawable = (DrawablePtr) pWin; client->lastDrawableID = rid; client->lastGCID = INVALID; client->lastGC = (GCPtr)NULL; } return pWin; } void * SecurityLookupDrawable(XID rid, ClientPtr client, Mask access_mode) { register DrawablePtr pDraw; if(rid == INVALID) return (void *) NULL; if (client->trustLevel != XSecurityClientTrusted) return (DrawablePtr)SecurityLookupIDByClass(client, rid, RC_DRAWABLE, access_mode); if (client->lastDrawableID == rid) return ((void *) client->lastDrawable); pDraw = (DrawablePtr)SecurityLookupIDByClass(client, rid, RC_DRAWABLE, access_mode); if (pDraw && (pDraw->type != UNDRAWABLE_WINDOW)) return (void *)pDraw; return (void *)NULL; } /* We can't replace the LookupWindow and LookupDrawable functions with * macros because of compatibility with loadable servers. */ WindowPtr LookupWindow(XID rid, ClientPtr client) { return SecurityLookupWindow(rid, client, SecurityUnknownAccess); } void * LookupDrawable(XID rid, ClientPtr client) { return SecurityLookupDrawable(rid, client, SecurityUnknownAccess); } #else /* not XCSECURITY */ WindowPtr LookupWindow(XID rid, ClientPtr client) { WindowPtr pWin; client->errorValue = rid; if(rid == INVALID) return NULL; if (client->lastDrawableID == rid) { if (client->lastDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) return ((WindowPtr) client->lastDrawable); return (WindowPtr) NULL; } pWin = (WindowPtr)LookupIDByType(rid, RT_WINDOW); if (pWin && pWin->drawable.type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { client->lastDrawable = (DrawablePtr) pWin; client->lastDrawableID = rid; client->lastGCID = INVALID; client->lastGC = (GCPtr)NULL; } return pWin; } void * LookupDrawable(XID rid, ClientPtr client) { register DrawablePtr pDraw; if(rid == INVALID) return (void *) NULL; if (client->lastDrawableID == rid) return ((void *) client->lastDrawable); pDraw = (DrawablePtr)LookupIDByClass(rid, RC_DRAWABLE); if (pDraw && (pDraw->type != UNDRAWABLE_WINDOW)) return (void *)pDraw; return (void *)NULL; } #endif /* XCSECURITY */ ClientPtr LookupClient(XID rid, ClientPtr client) { void * pRes = (void *)SecurityLookupIDByClass(client, rid, RC_ANY, SecurityReadAccess); int clientIndex = CLIENT_ID(rid); if (clientIndex && pRes && clients[clientIndex] && !(rid & SERVER_BIT)) { return clients[clientIndex]; } return (ClientPtr)NULL; } int AlterSaveSetForClient(ClientPtr client, WindowPtr pWin, unsigned mode, Bool toRoot, Bool remap) { int numnow; SaveSetElt *pTmp = NULL; int j; numnow = client->numSaved; j = 0; if (numnow) { pTmp = client->saveSet; while ((j < numnow) && (SaveSetWindow(pTmp[j]) != (void *)pWin)) j++; } if (mode == SetModeInsert) { if (j < numnow) /* duplicate */ return(Success); numnow++; pTmp = (SaveSetElt *)realloc(client->saveSet, sizeof(*pTmp) * numnow); if (!pTmp) return(BadAlloc); client->saveSet = pTmp; client->numSaved = numnow; SaveSetAssignWindow(client->saveSet[numnow - 1], pWin); SaveSetAssignToRoot(client->saveSet[numnow - 1], toRoot); SaveSetAssignRemap(client->saveSet[numnow - 1], remap); return(Success); } else if ((mode == SetModeDelete) && (j < numnow)) { while (j < numnow-1) { pTmp[j] = pTmp[j+1]; j++; } numnow--; if (numnow) { pTmp = (SaveSetElt *)realloc(client->saveSet, sizeof(*pTmp) * numnow); if (pTmp) client->saveSet = pTmp; } else { free(client->saveSet); client->saveSet = (SaveSetElt *)NULL; } client->numSaved = numnow; return(Success); } return(Success); } void DeleteWindowFromAnySaveSet(WindowPtr pWin) { register int i; register ClientPtr client; for (i = 0; i< currentMaxClients; i++) { client = clients[i]; if (client && client->numSaved) (void)AlterSaveSetForClient(client, pWin, SetModeDelete, FALSE, TRUE); } } /* No-op Don't Do Anything : sometimes we need to be able to call a procedure * that doesn't do anything. For example, on screen with only static * colormaps, if someone calls install colormap, it's easier to have a dummy * procedure to call than to check if there's a procedure */ void NoopDDA(void) { } typedef struct _BlockHandler { BlockHandlerProcPtr BlockHandler; WakeupHandlerProcPtr WakeupHandler; void * blockData; Bool deleted; } BlockHandlerRec, *BlockHandlerPtr; static BlockHandlerPtr handlers; static int numHandlers; static int sizeHandlers; static Bool inHandler; static Bool handlerDeleted; /** * * \param pTimeout DIX doesn't want to know how OS represents time * \param pReadMask nor how it represents the det of descriptors */ void BlockHandler(void * pTimeout, void * pReadmask) { register int i, j; ++inHandler; for (i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++) (* screenInfo.screens[i]->BlockHandler)(i, screenInfo.screens[i]->blockData, pTimeout, pReadmask); for (i = 0; i < numHandlers; i++) (*handlers[i].BlockHandler) (handlers[i].blockData, pTimeout, pReadmask); if (handlerDeleted) { for (i = 0; i < numHandlers;) if (handlers[i].deleted) { for (j = i; j < numHandlers - 1; j++) handlers[j] = handlers[j+1]; numHandlers--; } else i++; handlerDeleted = FALSE; } --inHandler; } /** * * \param result 32 bits of undefined result from the wait * \param pReadmask the resulting descriptor mask */ void WakeupHandler(int result, void * pReadmask) { register int i, j; ++inHandler; for (i = numHandlers - 1; i >= 0; i--) (*handlers[i].WakeupHandler) (handlers[i].blockData, result, pReadmask); for (i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++) (* screenInfo.screens[i]->WakeupHandler)(i, screenInfo.screens[i]->wakeupData, result, pReadmask); if (handlerDeleted) { for (i = 0; i < numHandlers;) if (handlers[i].deleted) { for (j = i; j < numHandlers - 1; j++) handlers[j] = handlers[j+1]; numHandlers--; } else i++; handlerDeleted = FALSE; } --inHandler; } /** * Reentrant with BlockHandler and WakeupHandler, except wakeup won't * get called until next time */ Bool RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (BlockHandlerProcPtr blockHandler, WakeupHandlerProcPtr wakeupHandler, void * blockData) { BlockHandlerPtr new; if (numHandlers >= sizeHandlers) { new = (BlockHandlerPtr) realloc (handlers, (numHandlers + 1) * sizeof (BlockHandlerRec)); if (!new) return FALSE; handlers = new; sizeHandlers = numHandlers + 1; } handlers[numHandlers].BlockHandler = blockHandler; handlers[numHandlers].WakeupHandler = wakeupHandler; handlers[numHandlers].blockData = blockData; handlers[numHandlers].deleted = FALSE; numHandlers = numHandlers + 1; return TRUE; } void RemoveBlockAndWakeupHandlers (BlockHandlerProcPtr blockHandler, WakeupHandlerProcPtr wakeupHandler, void * blockData) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numHandlers; i++) if (handlers[i].BlockHandler == blockHandler && handlers[i].WakeupHandler == wakeupHandler && handlers[i].blockData == blockData) { if (inHandler) { handlerDeleted = TRUE; handlers[i].deleted = TRUE; } else { for (; i < numHandlers - 1; i++) handlers[i] = handlers[i+1]; numHandlers--; } break; } } void InitBlockAndWakeupHandlers () { free (handlers); handlers = (BlockHandlerPtr) 0; numHandlers = 0; sizeHandlers = 0; } /* * A general work queue. Perform some task before the server * sleeps for input. */ WorkQueuePtr workQueue; static WorkQueuePtr *workQueueLast = &workQueue; void ProcessWorkQueue(void) { WorkQueuePtr q, *p; p = &workQueue; /* * Scan the work queue once, calling each function. Those * which return TRUE are removed from the queue, otherwise * they will be called again. This must be reentrant with * QueueWorkProc. */ while ((q = *p)) { if ((*q->function) (q->client, q->closure)) { /* remove q from the list */ *p = q->next; /* don't fetch until after func called */ free (q); } else { p = &q->next; /* don't fetch until after func called */ } } workQueueLast = p; } void ProcessWorkQueueZombies(void) { WorkQueuePtr q, *p; p = &workQueue; while ((q = *p)) { if (q->client && q->client->clientGone) { (void) (*q->function) (q->client, q->closure); /* remove q from the list */ *p = q->next; /* don't fetch until after func called */ free (q); } else { p = &q->next; /* don't fetch until after func called */ } } workQueueLast = p; } Bool QueueWorkProc ( Bool (*function)(ClientPtr /* pClient */, void * /* closure */), ClientPtr client, void * closure) { WorkQueuePtr q; q = (WorkQueuePtr) malloc (sizeof *q); if (!q) return FALSE; q->function = function; q->client = client; q->closure = closure; q->next = NULL; *workQueueLast = q; workQueueLast = &q->next; return TRUE; } /* * Manage a queue of sleeping clients, awakening them * when requested, by using the OS functions IgnoreClient * and AttendClient. Note that this *ignores* the troubles * with request data interleaving itself with events, but * we'll leave that until a later time. */ typedef struct _SleepQueue { struct _SleepQueue *next; ClientPtr client; ClientSleepProcPtr function; void * closure; } SleepQueueRec, *SleepQueuePtr; static SleepQueuePtr sleepQueue = NULL; Bool ClientSleep (ClientPtr client, ClientSleepProcPtr function, void * closure) { SleepQueuePtr q; q = (SleepQueuePtr) malloc (sizeof *q); if (!q) return FALSE; IgnoreClient (client); q->next = sleepQueue; q->client = client; q->function = function; q->closure = closure; sleepQueue = q; return TRUE; } Bool ClientSignal (ClientPtr client) { SleepQueuePtr q; for (q = sleepQueue; q; q = q->next) if (q->client == client) { return QueueWorkProc (q->function, q->client, q->closure); } return FALSE; } void ClientWakeup (ClientPtr client) { SleepQueuePtr q, *prev; prev = &sleepQueue; while ( (q = *prev) ) { if (q->client == client) { *prev = q->next; free (q); if (client->clientGone) /* Oops -- new zombie cleanup code ensures this only * happens from inside CloseDownClient; don't want to * recurse here... */ /* CloseDownClient(client) */; else AttendClient (client); break; } prev = &q->next; } } Bool ClientIsAsleep (ClientPtr client) { SleepQueuePtr q; for (q = sleepQueue; q; q = q->next) if (q->client == client) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* * Generic Callback Manager */ /* ===== Private Procedures ===== */ static int numCallbackListsToCleanup = 0; static CallbackListPtr **listsToCleanup = NULL; static Bool _AddCallback( CallbackListPtr *pcbl, CallbackProcPtr callback, void *data) { CallbackPtr cbr; cbr = (CallbackPtr) malloc(sizeof(CallbackRec)); if (!cbr) return FALSE; cbr->proc = callback; cbr->data = data; cbr->next = (*pcbl)->list; cbr->deleted = FALSE; (*pcbl)->list = cbr; return TRUE; } static Bool _DeleteCallback( CallbackListPtr *pcbl, CallbackProcPtr callback, void *data) { CallbackListPtr cbl = *pcbl; CallbackPtr cbr, pcbr; for (pcbr = NULL, cbr = cbl->list; cbr != NULL; pcbr = cbr, cbr = cbr->next) { if ((cbr->proc == callback) && (cbr->data == data)) break; } if (cbr != NULL) { if (cbl->inCallback) { ++(cbl->numDeleted); cbr->deleted = TRUE; } else { if (pcbr == NULL) cbl->list = cbr->next; else pcbr->next = cbr->next; free(cbr); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void _CallCallbacks( CallbackListPtr *pcbl, void *call_data) { CallbackListPtr cbl = *pcbl; CallbackPtr cbr, pcbr; ++(cbl->inCallback); for (cbr = cbl->list; cbr != NULL; cbr = cbr->next) { (*(cbr->proc)) (pcbl, cbr->data, call_data); } --(cbl->inCallback); if (cbl->inCallback) return; /* Was the entire list marked for deletion? */ if (cbl->deleted) { DeleteCallbackList(pcbl); return; } /* Were some individual callbacks on the list marked for deletion? * If so, do the deletions. */ if (cbl->numDeleted) { for (pcbr = NULL, cbr = cbl->list; (cbr != NULL) && cbl->numDeleted; ) { if (cbr->deleted) { if (pcbr) { cbr = cbr->next; free(pcbr->next); pcbr->next = cbr; } else { cbr = cbr->next; free(cbl->list); cbl->list = cbr; } cbl->numDeleted--; } else /* this one wasn't deleted */ { pcbr = cbr; cbr = cbr->next; } } } } static void _DeleteCallbackList( CallbackListPtr *pcbl) { CallbackListPtr cbl = *pcbl; CallbackPtr cbr, nextcbr; int i; if (cbl->inCallback) { cbl->deleted = TRUE; return; } for (i = 0; i < numCallbackListsToCleanup; i++) { if ((listsToCleanup[i] = pcbl) != 0) { listsToCleanup[i] = NULL; break; } } for (cbr = cbl->list; cbr != NULL; cbr = nextcbr) { nextcbr = cbr->next; free(cbr); } free(cbl); *pcbl = NULL; } static CallbackFuncsRec default_cbfuncs = { _AddCallback, _DeleteCallback, _CallCallbacks, _DeleteCallbackList }; /* ===== Public Procedures ===== */ Bool CreateCallbackList(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, CallbackFuncsPtr cbfuncs) { CallbackListPtr cbl; int i; if (!pcbl) return FALSE; cbl = (CallbackListPtr) malloc(sizeof(CallbackListRec)); if (!cbl) return FALSE; cbl->funcs = cbfuncs ? *cbfuncs : default_cbfuncs; cbl->inCallback = 0; cbl->deleted = FALSE; cbl->numDeleted = 0; cbl->list = NULL; *pcbl = cbl; for (i = 0; i < numCallbackListsToCleanup; i++) { if (!listsToCleanup[i]) { listsToCleanup[i] = pcbl; return TRUE; } } listsToCleanup = (CallbackListPtr **)xnfrealloc(listsToCleanup, sizeof(CallbackListPtr *) * (numCallbackListsToCleanup+1)); listsToCleanup[numCallbackListsToCleanup] = pcbl; numCallbackListsToCleanup++; return TRUE; } Bool AddCallback(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, CallbackProcPtr callback, void * data) { if (!pcbl) return FALSE; if (!*pcbl) { /* list hasn't been created yet; go create it */ if (!CreateCallbackList(pcbl, (CallbackFuncsPtr)NULL)) return FALSE; } return ((*(*pcbl)->funcs.AddCallback) (pcbl, callback, data)); } Bool DeleteCallback(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, CallbackProcPtr callback, void * data) { if (!pcbl || !*pcbl) return FALSE; return ((*(*pcbl)->funcs.DeleteCallback) (pcbl, callback, data)); } void CallCallbacks(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, void * call_data) { if (!pcbl || !*pcbl) return; (*(*pcbl)->funcs.CallCallbacks) (pcbl, call_data); } void DeleteCallbackList(CallbackListPtr *pcbl) { if (!pcbl || !*pcbl) return; (*(*pcbl)->funcs.DeleteCallbackList) (pcbl); } void InitCallbackManager() { int i; for (i = 0; i < numCallbackListsToCleanup; i++) { DeleteCallbackList(listsToCleanup[i]); } if (listsToCleanup) free(listsToCleanup); numCallbackListsToCleanup = 0; listsToCleanup = NULL; }