/* $XConsortium: fbcmap.c,v 4.19 94/04/17 20:28:46 dpw Exp $ */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/fb/fbcmap.c,v 1.5 2000/09/20 00:09:13 keithp Exp $ */ /************************************************************ Copyright 1987 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mountain View, CA. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright no- tice appear in all copies and that both that copyright no- tice and this permission notice appear in supporting docu- mentation, and that the names of Sun or X Consortium not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Sun and X Consortium make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SUN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN BE LI- ABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <nx-X11/X.h> #include <nx-X11/Xproto.h> #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "colormapst.h" #include "resource.h" #include "fb.h" #ifndef XFree86Server ColormapPtr FbInstalledMaps[MAXSCREENS]; int fbListInstalledColormaps(ScreenPtr pScreen, Colormap *pmaps) { /* By the time we are processing requests, we can guarantee that there * is always a colormap installed */ *pmaps = FbInstalledMaps[pScreen->myNum]->mid; return (1); } void fbInstallColormap(ColormapPtr pmap) { int index = pmap->pScreen->myNum; ColormapPtr oldpmap = FbInstalledMaps[index]; if(pmap != oldpmap) { /* Uninstall pInstalledMap. No hardware changes required, just * notify all interested parties. */ if(oldpmap != (ColormapPtr)None) WalkTree(pmap->pScreen, TellLostMap, (char *)&oldpmap->mid); /* Install pmap */ FbInstalledMaps[index] = pmap; WalkTree(pmap->pScreen, TellGainedMap, (char *)&pmap->mid); } } void fbUninstallColormap(ColormapPtr pmap) { int index = pmap->pScreen->myNum; ColormapPtr curpmap = FbInstalledMaps[index]; if(pmap == curpmap) { if (pmap->mid != pmap->pScreen->defColormap) { curpmap = (ColormapPtr) LookupIDByType(pmap->pScreen->defColormap, RT_COLORMAP); (*pmap->pScreen->InstallColormap)(curpmap); } } } void fbResolveColor(unsigned short *pred, unsigned short *pgreen, unsigned short *pblue, VisualPtr pVisual) { int shift = 16 - pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue; unsigned lim = (1 << pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue) - 1; if ((pVisual->class | DynamicClass) == GrayScale) { /* rescale to gray then rgb bits */ *pred = (30L * *pred + 59L * *pgreen + 11L * *pblue) / 100; *pblue = *pgreen = *pred = ((*pred >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } else { /* rescale to rgb bits */ *pred = ((*pred >> shift) * 65535) / lim; *pgreen = ((*pgreen >> shift) * 65535) / lim; *pblue = ((*pblue >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } } Bool fbInitializeColormap(ColormapPtr pmap) { register unsigned i; register VisualPtr pVisual; unsigned lim, maxent, shift; pVisual = pmap->pVisual; lim = (1 << pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue) - 1; shift = 16 - pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue; maxent = pVisual->ColormapEntries - 1; if (pVisual->class == TrueColor) { unsigned limr, limg, limb; limr = pVisual->redMask >> pVisual->offsetRed; limg = pVisual->greenMask >> pVisual->offsetGreen; limb = pVisual->blueMask >> pVisual->offsetBlue; for(i = 0; i <= maxent; i++) { /* rescale to [0..65535] then rgb bits */ pmap->red[i].co.local.red = ((((i * 65535) / limr) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->green[i].co.local.green = ((((i * 65535) / limg) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->blue[i].co.local.blue = ((((i * 65535) / limb) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } } else if (pVisual->class == StaticColor) { unsigned n; unsigned r, g, b; unsigned red, green, blue; for (n = 0; n*n*n < pVisual->ColormapEntries; n++) ; n--; i = 0; for (r = 0; r < n; r++) { red = (((r * 65535 / (n - 1)) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; for (g = 0; g < n; g++) { green = (((g * 65535 / (n - 1)) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; for (b = 0; b < n; b++) { blue = (((b * 65535 / (n - 1)) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->red[i].co.local.red = red; pmap->red[i].co.local.green = green; pmap->red[i].co.local.blue = blue; i++; } } } n = pVisual->ColormapEntries - i; for (r = 0; r < n; r++) { red = (((r * 65535 / (n - 1)) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->red[i].co.local.red = red; pmap->red[i].co.local.green = red; pmap->red[i].co.local.blue = red; i++; } } else if (pVisual->class == StaticGray) { for(i = 0; i <= maxent; i++) { /* rescale to [0..65535] then rgb bits */ pmap->red[i].co.local.red = ((((i * 65535) / maxent) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->red[i].co.local.green = pmap->red[i].co.local.red; pmap->red[i].co.local.blue = pmap->red[i].co.local.red; } } return TRUE; } /* When simulating DirectColor on PseudoColor hardware, multiple entries of the colormap must be updated */ #define AddElement(mask) { \ pixel = red | green | blue; \ for (i = 0; i < nresult; i++) \ if (outdefs[i].pixel == pixel) \ break; \ if (i == nresult) \ { \ nresult++; \ outdefs[i].pixel = pixel; \ outdefs[i].flags = 0; \ } \ outdefs[i].flags |= (mask); \ outdefs[i].red = pmap->red[red >> pVisual->offsetRed].co.local.red; \ outdefs[i].green = pmap->green[green >> pVisual->offsetGreen].co.local.green; \ outdefs[i].blue = pmap->blue[blue >> pVisual->offsetBlue].co.local.blue; \ } int fbExpandDirectColors (ColormapPtr pmap, int ndef, xColorItem *indefs, xColorItem *outdefs) { register int red, green, blue; int maxred, maxgreen, maxblue; int stepred, stepgreen, stepblue; VisualPtr pVisual; register int pixel; register int nresult; register int i; pVisual = pmap->pVisual; stepred = 1 << pVisual->offsetRed; stepgreen = 1 << pVisual->offsetGreen; stepblue = 1 << pVisual->offsetBlue; maxred = pVisual->redMask; maxgreen = pVisual->greenMask; maxblue = pVisual->blueMask; nresult = 0; for (;ndef--; indefs++) { if (indefs->flags & DoRed) { red = indefs->pixel & pVisual->redMask; for (green = 0; green <= maxgreen; green += stepgreen) { for (blue = 0; blue <= maxblue; blue += stepblue) { AddElement (DoRed) } } } if (indefs->flags & DoGreen) { green = indefs->pixel & pVisual->greenMask; for (red = 0; red <= maxred; red += stepred) { for (blue = 0; blue <= maxblue; blue += stepblue) { AddElement (DoGreen) } } } if (indefs->flags & DoBlue) { blue = indefs->pixel & pVisual->blueMask; for (red = 0; red <= maxred; red += stepred) { for (green = 0; green <= maxgreen; green += stepgreen) { AddElement (DoBlue) } } } } return nresult; } Bool fbCreateDefColormap(ScreenPtr pScreen) { unsigned short zero = 0, ones = 0xFFFF; VisualPtr pVisual; ColormapPtr cmap; Pixel wp, bp; for (pVisual = pScreen->visuals; pVisual->vid != pScreen->rootVisual; pVisual++) ; if (CreateColormap(pScreen->defColormap, pScreen, pVisual, &cmap, (pVisual->class & DynamicClass) ? AllocNone : AllocAll, 0) != Success) return FALSE; wp = pScreen->whitePixel; bp = pScreen->blackPixel; if ((AllocColor(cmap, &ones, &ones, &ones, &wp, 0) != Success) || (AllocColor(cmap, &zero, &zero, &zero, &bp, 0) != Success)) return FALSE; pScreen->whitePixel = wp; pScreen->blackPixel = bp; (*pScreen->InstallColormap)(cmap); return TRUE; } extern int defaultColorVisualClass; #define _RZ(d) ((d + 2) / 3) #define _RS(d) 0 #define _RM(d) ((1 << _RZ(d)) - 1) #define _GZ(d) ((d - _RZ(d) + 1) / 2) #define _GS(d) _RZ(d) #define _GM(d) (((1 << _GZ(d)) - 1) << _GS(d)) #define _BZ(d) (d - _RZ(d) - _GZ(d)) #define _BS(d) (_RZ(d) + _GZ(d)) #define _BM(d) (((1 << _BZ(d)) - 1) << _BS(d)) #define _CE(d) (1 << _RZ(d)) #define MAX_PSEUDO_DEPTH 10 /* largest DAC size I know */ #define StaticGrayMask (1 << StaticGray) #define GrayScaleMask (1 << GrayScale) #define StaticColorMask (1 << StaticColor) #define PseudoColorMask (1 << PseudoColor) #define TrueColorMask (1 << TrueColor) #define DirectColorMask (1 << DirectColor) #define ALL_VISUALS (StaticGrayMask|\ GrayScaleMask|\ StaticColorMask|\ PseudoColorMask|\ TrueColorMask|\ DirectColorMask) #define LARGE_VISUALS (TrueColorMask|\ DirectColorMask) typedef struct _fbVisuals { struct _fbVisuals *next; int depth; int bitsPerRGB; int visuals; int count; Pixel redMask, greenMask, blueMask; } fbVisualsRec, *fbVisualsPtr; static const int fbVisualPriority[] = { PseudoColor, DirectColor, GrayScale, StaticColor, TrueColor, StaticGray }; #define NUM_PRIORITY 6 static fbVisualsPtr fbVisuals; static int popCount (int i) { int count; count = (i >> 1) & 033333333333; count = i - count - ((count >> 1) & 033333333333); count = (((count + (count >> 3)) & 030707070707) % 077); /* HAKMEM 169 */ return count; } /* * Distance to least significant one bit */ static int maskShift (Pixel p) { int s; if (!p) return 0; s = 0; while (!(p & 1)) { s++; p >>= 1; } return s; } Bool fbSetVisualTypesAndMasks (int depth, int visuals, int bitsPerRGB, Pixel redMask, Pixel greenMask, Pixel blueMask) { fbVisualsPtr new, *prev, v; new = (fbVisualsPtr) xalloc (sizeof *new); if (!new) return FALSE; if (!redMask || !greenMask || !blueMask) { redMask = _RM(depth); greenMask = _GM(depth); blueMask = _BM(depth); } new->next = 0; new->depth = depth; new->visuals = visuals; new->bitsPerRGB = bitsPerRGB; new->redMask = redMask; new->greenMask = greenMask; new->blueMask = blueMask; new->count = popCount (visuals); for (prev = &fbVisuals; (v = *prev); prev = &v->next); *prev = new; return TRUE; } Bool fbHasVisualTypes (int depth) { fbVisualsPtr v; for (v = fbVisuals; v; v = v->next) if (v->depth == depth) return TRUE; return FALSE; } Bool fbSetVisualTypes (int depth, int visuals, int bitsPerRGB) { return fbSetVisualTypesAndMasks (depth, visuals, bitsPerRGB, _RM(depth), _GM(depth), _BM(depth)); } /* * Given a list of formats for a screen, create a list * of visuals and depths for the screen which coorespond to * the set which can be used with this version of fb. */ Bool fbInitVisuals (VisualPtr *visualp, DepthPtr *depthp, int *nvisualp, int *ndepthp, int *rootDepthp, VisualID *defaultVisp, unsigned long sizes, int bitsPerRGB) { int i, j = 0, k; VisualPtr visual; DepthPtr depth; VisualID *vid; int d, b; int f; int ndepth, nvisual; int nvtype; int vtype; fbVisualsPtr visuals, nextVisuals; /* none specified, we'll guess from pixmap formats */ if (!fbVisuals) { for (f = 0; f < screenInfo.numPixmapFormats; f++) { d = screenInfo.formats[f].depth; b = screenInfo.formats[f].bitsPerPixel; if (sizes & (1 << (b - 1))) { if (d > MAX_PSEUDO_DEPTH) vtype = LARGE_VISUALS; else if (d == 1) vtype = StaticGrayMask; else vtype = ALL_VISUALS; } else vtype = 0; if (!fbSetVisualTypes (d, vtype, bitsPerRGB)) return FALSE; } } nvisual = 0; ndepth = 0; for (visuals = fbVisuals; visuals; visuals = nextVisuals) { nextVisuals = visuals->next; ndepth++; nvisual += visuals->count; } depth = (DepthPtr) xalloc (ndepth * sizeof (DepthRec)); visual = (VisualPtr) xalloc (nvisual * sizeof (VisualRec)); if (!depth || !visual) { xfree (depth); xfree (visual); return FALSE; } *depthp = depth; *visualp = visual; *ndepthp = ndepth; *nvisualp = nvisual; for (visuals = fbVisuals; visuals; visuals = nextVisuals) { nextVisuals = visuals->next; d = visuals->depth; vtype = visuals->visuals; nvtype = visuals->count; vid = NULL; if (nvtype) { vid = (VisualID *) xalloc (nvtype * sizeof (VisualID)); if (!vid) return FALSE; } depth->depth = d; depth->numVids = nvtype; depth->vids = vid; depth++; for (i = 0; i < NUM_PRIORITY; i++) { if (! (vtype & (1 << fbVisualPriority[i]))) continue; visual->class = fbVisualPriority[i]; visual->bitsPerRGBValue = visuals->bitsPerRGB; visual->ColormapEntries = 1 << d; visual->nplanes = d; visual->vid = *vid = FakeClientID (0); switch (visual->class) { case PseudoColor: case GrayScale: case StaticGray: case StaticColor: visual->redMask = 0; visual->greenMask = 0; visual->blueMask = 0; visual->offsetRed = 0; visual->offsetGreen = 0; visual->offsetBlue = 0; break; case DirectColor: case TrueColor: visual->ColormapEntries = _CE(d); visual->redMask = visuals->redMask; visual->greenMask = visuals->greenMask; visual->blueMask = visuals->blueMask; visual->offsetRed = maskShift (visuals->redMask); visual->offsetGreen = maskShift (visuals->greenMask); visual->offsetBlue = maskShift (visuals->blueMask); } vid++; visual++; } xfree (visuals); } fbVisuals = NULL; visual = *visualp; depth = *depthp; for (i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) { if (*rootDepthp && *rootDepthp != depth[i].depth) continue; for (j = 0; j < depth[i].numVids; j++) { for (k = 0; k < nvisual; k++) if (visual[k].vid == depth[i].vids[j]) break; if (k == nvisual) continue; if (defaultColorVisualClass < 0 || visual[k].class == defaultColorVisualClass) break; } if (j != depth[i].numVids) break; } if (i == ndepth) { for (i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) { if (depth[i].numVids) break; } if (i == ndepth) return FALSE; j = 0; } *rootDepthp = depth[i].depth; *defaultVisp = depth[i].vids[j]; return TRUE; } #else #include "micmap.h" int fbListInstalledColormaps(ScreenPtr pScreen, Colormap *pmaps) { return miListInstalledColormaps(pScreen, pmaps); } void fbInstallColormap(ColormapPtr pmap) { miInstallColormap(pmap); } void fbUninstallColormap(ColormapPtr pmap) { miUninstallColormap(pmap); } void fbResolveColor(unsigned short *pred, unsigned short *pgreen, unsigned short *pblue, VisualPtr pVisual) { miResolveColor(pred, pgreen, pblue, pVisual); } Bool fbInitializeColormap(ColormapPtr pmap) { return miInitializeColormap(pmap); } int fbExpandDirectColors (ColormapPtr pmap, int ndef, xColorItem *indefs, xColorItem *outdefs) { return miExpandDirectColors(pmap, ndef, indefs, outdefs); } Bool fbCreateDefColormap(ScreenPtr pScreen) { return miCreateDefColormap(pScreen); } void fbClearVisualTypes(void) { miClearVisualTypes(); } Bool fbSetVisualTypes (int depth, int visuals, int bitsPerRGB) { return miSetVisualTypes(depth, visuals, bitsPerRGB, -1); } /* * Given a list of formats for a screen, create a list * of visuals and depths for the screen which coorespond to * the set which can be used with this version of fb. */ Bool fbInitVisuals (VisualPtr *visualp, DepthPtr *depthp, int *nvisualp, int *ndepthp, int *rootDepthp, VisualID *defaultVisp, unsigned long sizes, int bitsPerRGB) { return miInitVisuals(visualp, depthp, nvisualp, ndepthp, rootDepthp, defaultVisp, sizes, bitsPerRGB, -1); } #endif