/*                                                                        */
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine, http://www.nomachine.com/.         */
/*                                                                        */
/* NXAGENT, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software    */
/* are copyright of NoMachine. Redistribution and use of the present      */
/* software is allowed according to terms specified in the file LICENSE   */
/* which comes in the source distribution.                                */
/*                                                                        */
/* Check http://www.nomachine.com/licensing.html for applicability.       */
/*                                                                        */
/* NX and NoMachine are trademarks of Medialogic S.p.A.                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* All rights reserved.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */

#include "scrnintstr.h"
#include "Agent.h"

#include "Xutil.h"
#include "Xatom.h"
#include "Xlib.h"

#include "misc.h"
#include "scrnintstr.h"
#include "resource.h"

#include "NXpack.h"

#include "Atoms.h"
#include "Args.h"
#include "Image.h"
#include "Display.h"
#include "Screen.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "Agent.h"

 * Set here the required log level.

#define PANIC
#define WARNING
#undef  TEST
#undef  DEBUG

 * These values should be moved in
 * the option repository.

Bool nxagentWMIsRunning;

static void startWMDetection(void);

static int nxagentInitAtomMap(char **atomNameList, int count, Atom *atomsRet);

#ifdef DEBUG
static void nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo(char *message);
#define nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo(arg)


static char *nxagentAtomNames[NXAGENT_NUMBER_OF_ATOMS + 1] =
  "NX_IDENTITY",                 /* 0  */
  "WM_PROTOCOLS",                /* 1  */
  "WM_DELETE_WINDOW",            /* 2  */
  "WM_NX_READY",                 /* 3  */
  "MCOPGLOBALS",                 /* 4  */
  "NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER",        /* 5  */
  "TARGETS",                     /* 6  */
  "TEXT",                        /* 7  */
  "NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE",          /* 8  */
  "NXDARWIN",                    /* 9  */
  "CLIPBOARD",                   /* 10 */
  "TIMESTAMP",                   /* 11 */
  "UTF8_STRING",                 /* 12 */
  "_NET_WM_STATE",               /* 13 */
  "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN",    /* 14 */

static XErrorHandler previousErrorHandler = NULL;

static void catchAndRedirect(Display* dpy, XErrorEvent* X)
  if (X -> error_code == BadAccess &&
      X -> request_code == X_ChangeWindowAttributes &&
      X -> resourceid == DefaultRootWindow(dpy))
    nxagentWMIsRunning = TRUE;
    previousErrorHandler(dpy, X);

static void startWMDetection()
   * We are trying to detect if is there any client
   * that is listening for 'WM' events on the root
   * window.

  nxagentWMIsRunning = FALSE;

  previousErrorHandler = XSetErrorHandler((XErrorHandler)&catchAndRedirect);

   * After this request we need to Sync with
   * the X server to be sure we get any error
   * that is generated.

                   RootWindow (nxagentDisplay, 0),
                       SubstructureRedirectMask | ResizeRedirectMask | ButtonPressMask);

static void finishWMDetection(Bool verbose)

  if (nxagentWMIsRunning)
    if (verbose == 1)
      fprintf(stderr, "Info: Detected window manager running.\n");
    if (verbose == 1)
      fprintf(stderr, "Info: Not found a window manager running.\n");

     * We are not really interested on root window events.

    XSelectInput(nxagentDisplay, RootWindow (nxagentDisplay, 0), 0);

void nxagentWMDetect() 
  Bool verbose = False;
  int windowManagerWasRunning = nxagentWMIsRunning;


  XSync(nxagentDisplay, 0);

  if (windowManagerWasRunning != nxagentWMIsRunning)
    verbose = False;


int nxagentInitAtoms(WindowPtr pWin)
  Atom atom;

   * Value of nxagentAtoms[8] is "NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE".
   * We don't need to save the atom's value. It will
   * be checked by other agents to find if they are
   * run nested.

  atom = MakeAtom(nxagentAtomNames[8], strlen(nxagentAtomNames[8]), 1);

  if (atom == None)
    #ifdef PANIC
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentInitAtoms: PANIC! Could not create [%s] atom.\n",

    return -1;

  return 1;

int nxagentQueryAtoms(ScreenPtr pScreen)
  int i;
  static unsigned long atomGeneration = 1;

  int num_of_atoms = NXAGENT_NUMBER_OF_ATOMS;

  unsigned long int startingTime = GetTimeInMillis();

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentQueryAtoms: Going to create the intern atoms on real display.\n");

  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentQueryAtoms: Starting time is [%ld].\n", startingTime);

  nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo("nxagentQueryAtoms: Entering");

  for (i = 0; i < num_of_atoms; i++)
    names[i] = nxagentAtomNames[i];

    nxagentAtoms[i] = None;

  if (nxagentSessionId[0])
    names[num_of_atoms - 1] = nxagentSessionId;


  nxagentInitAtomMap(names, num_of_atoms, nxagentAtoms);

   * We need to be synchronized with the X server
   * in order to detect the Window Manager, since
   * after a reset the XInternAtom could be cached
   * by Xlib.

  if (atomGeneration != serverGeneration)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentQueryAtoms: The nxagent has been reset with server %ld atom %ld.\n",
                serverGeneration, atomGeneration);

    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentQueryAtoms: Forcing a sync to detect the window manager.\n");

    atomGeneration = serverGeneration;

    XSync(nxagentDisplay, 0);


   * Value of nxagentAtoms[9] is "NXDARWIN".
   * We check if it was created by the NX client.

  if (nxagentAtoms[9] > nxagentAtoms[0])
    nxagentAtoms[9] = None;

   * Value of nxagentAtoms[8] is "NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE".
   * This atom is created internally by the agent server at
   * startup to let other agents determine if they are run
   * nested. If agent is run nested, in fact, at the time it
   * will create the NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE atom on the real X
   * server it will find the existing atom with a value less
   * than any NX_IDENTITY created but itself.

  if (nxagentAtoms[8] > nxagentAtoms[0])
    nxagentAtoms[8] = None;

  if (nxagentAtoms[8] != None)
     * We are running nested in another agent
     * server.

    nxagentChangeOption(Nested, 1);

     * Avoid the image degradation caused by
     * multiple lossy encoding.

    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Disabling use of lossy encoding in nested mode.\n");

    nxagentPackMethod = nxagentPackLossless;

  #ifdef TEST

  for (i = 0; i < num_of_atoms; i++)
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [%s] with id [%ld].\n",
                names[i], nxagentAtoms[i]);


  nxagentChangeOption(DisplayLatency, GetTimeInMillis() - startingTime);

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentQueryAtoms: Ending time is [%ld] reference latency is [%d] Ms.\n",
              GetTimeInMillis(), nxagentOption(DisplayLatency));

  nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo("nxagentQueryAtoms: Exiting");

  return 1;


typedef struct {
    Atom local;
    Atom remote;
    char *string;
    int  length;
} AtomMap;

static AtomMap *privAtomMap = NULL;
static unsigned int privAtomMapSize = 0;
static unsigned int privLastAtom = 0;

static void nxagentExpandCache(void);
static void nxagentWriteAtom(Atom, Atom, char*, Bool);
static AtomMap* nxagentFindAtomByRemoteValue(Atom);
static AtomMap* nxagentFindAtomByLocalValue(Atom);
static AtomMap* nxagentFindAtomByName(char*, unsigned);

static void nxagentExpandCache(void)

  privAtomMap = realloc(privAtomMap, privAtomMapSize * sizeof(AtomMap));

  if (privAtomMap == NULL)
    FatalError("nxagentExpandCache: realloc failed\n");

 * Check if there is space left on the map
 * and manage the possible consequent allocation,
 * then cache the atom-couple.

static void nxagentWriteAtom(Atom local, Atom remote, char *string, Bool duplicate)
  char *s;

   * We could remove this string duplication if
   * we know for sure that the server will not
   * reset, since only at reset the dix layer
   * free all the atom names.

  if (duplicate)
    s = strdup(string);

    #ifdef WARNING
    if (s == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWriteAtom: Malloc failed.\n");
    s = string;

  if (privLastAtom == privAtomMapSize)

  privAtomMap[privLastAtom].local = local;
  privAtomMap[privLastAtom].remote = remote;
  privAtomMap[privLastAtom].string = s;
  privAtomMap[privLastAtom].length = strlen(s);


 * FIXME: We should clean up the atom map
 * at nxagent reset, in order to cancel 
 * all the local atoms but still mantaining 
 * the Xserver values and the atom names.

void nxagentResetAtomMap()
  unsigned i;

  nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo("nxagentResetAtomMap: Entering");

  for (i = 0; i < privLastAtom; i++)
    privAtomMap[i].local = None;

  nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo("nxagentResetAtomMap: Exiting");

 * Init map.
 * Initializing the atomNameList all in one.

static int nxagentInitAtomMap(char **atomNameList, int count, Atom *atomsRet)
  XlibAtom *atom_list;
  char **name_list;
  unsigned int i;
  int ret_value = 0;
  int list_size = count + privLastAtom;

  nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo("nxagentInitAtomMap: Entering");

  atom_list = malloc((list_size) * sizeof(*atom_list));
  name_list = malloc((list_size) * sizeof(char*));

  if ((atom_list == NULL) || (name_list == NULL))
    FatalError("nxagentInitAtomMap: malloc failed\n");

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
    name_list[i] = atomNameList[i];
    atom_list[i] = None;
  for (i = 0; i < privLastAtom; i++)
    name_list[count + i] = privAtomMap[i].string;
    atom_list[count + i] = None;

   * Ask X-Server for ours Atoms
   * ... if successfull cache them too.

  ret_value = XInternAtoms(nxagentDisplay, name_list, list_size, False, atom_list);

  if (ret_value == 0)
    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentInitAtomMap: WARNING! XInternAtoms request failed.\n");


    return 0;

  for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++)
    AtomMap *aMap = nxagentFindAtomByName(name_list[i], strlen(name_list[i]));

    if (aMap == NULL)
      Atom local = MakeAtom(name_list[i], strlen(name_list[i]), True);

      if (ValidAtom(local))
        nxagentWriteAtom(local, atom_list[i], name_list[i], False);
        #ifdef WARNING
        fprintf(stderr, "nxagentInitAtomMap: WARNING MakeAtom failed.\n");
      aMap -> remote = atom_list[i];

      if (i < count && aMap -> local == None)
        aMap -> local = MakeAtom(name_list[i], strlen(name_list[i]), True);

    if (i < count)
      atomsRet[i] = atom_list[i];


  nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo("nxagentInitAtomMap: Exiting");

  return 1;

 * If the nxagent has been resetted,
 * the local value of the atoms stored
 * in cache could have the value None, 
 * do not call this function with None.

static AtomMap* nxagentFindAtomByLocalValue(Atom local)
  unsigned i;

  if (!ValidAtom(local))
    return NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < privLastAtom; i++)
    if (local == privAtomMap[i].local)
      return (privAtomMap + i);

  return NULL;

static AtomMap* nxagentFindAtomByRemoteValue(Atom remote)
  unsigned i;

  if (remote == None || remote == BAD_RESOURCE)
    return NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < privLastAtom; i++)
    if (remote == privAtomMap[i].remote)
      return (privAtomMap + i);

  return NULL;

static AtomMap* nxagentFindAtomByName(char *string, unsigned int length)
  unsigned i;

  for (i = 0; i < privLastAtom; i++)
    if ((length == privAtomMap[i].length) && 
            (strcmp(string, privAtomMap[i].string) == 0))
      return (privAtomMap + i);

  return NULL;

 * Convert local atom's name to X-server value.
 * Reading them from map, if they have been already cached or
 * really asking to X-server and caching them.
 * FIXME: I don't really know if is better to allocate
 *        an automatic variable like ret_value and write it, instead of make all
 *        these return!, perhaps this way the code is a little bit easyer to read.
 *        I think this and the 2 .*Find.* are the only functions to look for performances.

Atom nxagentMakeAtom(char *string, unsigned int length, Bool Makeit)
  Atom local;
  AtomMap *current;

   * Surely MakeAtom is faster than
   * our nxagentFindAtomByName.

  local = MakeAtom(string, length, Makeit);

  if (!ValidAtom(local))
    return None;

  if (local <= XA_LAST_PREDEFINED)
    return local;

  if ((current = nxagentFindAtomByLocalValue(local)))
     * Found cached by value.

    return current->remote;

  if ((current = nxagentFindAtomByName(string, length)))
     * Found Cached by name.
     * It means that nxagent has been resetted,
     * but not the xserver so we still have cached its atoms.

    current->local = local;

    return current->remote;

   * We really have to ask Xserver for it.

    Atom remote;

    remote = XInternAtom(nxagentDisplay, string, !Makeit);

    if (remote == None)
      #ifdef WARNING
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentMakeAtom: WARNING XInternAtom failed.\n");

      return None;

    nxagentWriteAtom(local, remote, string, True);

    return remote;

Atom nxagentLocalToRemoteAtom(Atom local)
  AtomMap *current;
  char    *string;
  Atom    remote;

  if (!ValidAtom(local))
    return None;

  if (local <= XA_LAST_PREDEFINED)
    return local;

  if ((current = nxagentFindAtomByLocalValue(local)))
    return current->remote;

  string = NameForAtom(local);

  remote = XInternAtom(nxagentDisplay, string, False);

  if (remote == None)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentLocalToRemoteAtom: WARNING XInternAtom failed.\n");

    return None;

  nxagentWriteAtom(local, remote, string, True);

  return remote;

Atom nxagentRemoteToLocalAtom(Atom remote)
  AtomMap *current;
  char    *string;
  Atom    local;

  if (remote == None || remote == BAD_RESOURCE)
    return None;

  if (remote <= XA_LAST_PREDEFINED)
    return remote;

  if ((current = nxagentFindAtomByRemoteValue(remote)))
    if (!ValidAtom(current->local))
      local = MakeAtom(current->string, current->length, True);

      if (ValidAtom(local))
        current->local = local;
        #ifdef WARNING
        fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRemoteToLocalAtom: WARNING MakeAtom failed.\n");

        current->local = None;

    return current->local;

  if ((string = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, remote)))
    local = MakeAtom(string, strlen(string), True);

    if (!ValidAtom(local))
      #ifdef WARNING
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRemoteToLocalAtom: WARNING MakeAtom failed.\n");

      local = None;

    nxagentWriteAtom(local, remote, string, True);


    return local;

  #ifdef WARNING
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRemoteToLocalAtom: WARNING failed to get name from remote atom.\n");

  return None;

#ifdef DEBUG

static void nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo(char *message)
  unsigned i;

  fprintf(stderr, "--------------- Atom map in context [%s] ----------------------\n", message);
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo: Map at [%p] size [%d] number of entry [%d] auto increment [%d].\n",
              (void*) privAtomMap, privLastAtom, privAtomMapSize, NXAGENT_ATOM_MAP_SIZE_INCREMENT);

  for (i = 0; i < privLastAtom; i++)
    fprintf(stderr, "[%5.1d] local: %6.1lu - remote: %6.1lu - [%p] %s\n", i,
                        privAtomMap[i].string, validateString(privAtomMap[i].string));

  fprintf(stderr, "---------------------------------------------\n");
