/*                                                                        */
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com)          */
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder <o.shneyder@phoca-gmbh.de>  */
/* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>*/
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de>                */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller <uli42@gmx.de>                 */
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com)           */
/*                                                                        */
/* NXAGENT, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software    */
/* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies.             */
/*                                                                        */
/* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according    */
/* to terms specified in the file LICENSE which comes in the source       */
/* distribution.                                                          */
/*                                                                        */
/* All rights reserved.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other      */
/* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as   */
/* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */
/* as copyright holder, as well.                                          */
/*                                                                        */

#include "X.h"
#include "Xproto.h"
#include "Xatom.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "windowstr.h"
#include "scrnintstr.h"

#include "Windows.h"
#include "Atoms.h"
#include "Agent.h"
#include "Args.h"
#include "Trap.h"
#include "Rootless.h"
#include "Clipboard.h"
#include "Utils.h"

#include "gcstruct.h"
#include "xfixeswire.h"
#include "X11/include/Xfixes_nxagent.h"

 * Use asynchronous get property replies.

#include "compext/Compext.h"

 * Set here the required log level.

#define PANIC
#define WARNING
#undef  TEST
#undef  DEBUG

 * These are defined in the dispatcher.

extern int NumCurrentSelections;
extern Selection *CurrentSelections;

int nxagentLastClipboardClient = -1;

static int agentClipboardStatus;
#ifdef DEBUG
static int clientAccum;

Atom serverCutProperty;
Atom clientCutProperty;
static Window serverWindow;

const int nxagentPrimarySelection = 0;
const int nxagentClipboardSelection = 1;
const int nxagentMaxSelections = 2;

typedef struct _SelectionOwner
  Atom selection;       /* _external_ Atom */
  ClientPtr client;     /* internal client */
  Window window;        /* internal window id */
  WindowPtr windowPtr;  /* internal window struct */
  Time lastTimeChanged; /* internal time */
} SelectionOwner;

 * this contains the last selection owner in nxagent. The
 * lastTimeChanged is always an internal time. If .client is NULL the
 * owner is outside nxagent. .selection will _always_ contain the
 * external atom of the selection
static SelectionOwner *lastSelectionOwner;
static Atom nxagentLastRequestedSelection;

 * Needed to handle the notify selection event to
 * be sent to client once the selection property
 * has been retrieved from the real X server.

typedef enum
} ClientSelectionStage;

static WindowPtr     lastClientWindowPtr;
static ClientPtr     lastClientClientPtr;
static Window        lastClientRequestor;
static Atom          lastClientProperty;
static Atom          lastClientSelection;
static Atom          lastClientTarget;
static Time          lastClientTime;
static Time          lastClientReqTime;
static unsigned long lastClientPropertySize;

static ClientSelectionStage lastClientStage;

static Window lastServerRequestor;
static Atom   lastServerProperty;
static Atom   lastServerTarget;
static Time   lastServerTime;

static Atom serverTARGETS;
static Atom serverTIMESTAMP;
static Atom serverTEXT;
static Atom serverUTF8_STRING;
static Atom serverClientCutProperty;
static Atom clientTARGETS;
static Atom clientTEXT;
static Atom clientCOMPOUND_TEXT;
static Atom clientUTF8_STRING;

static char szAgentTARGETS[] = "TARGETS";
static char szAgentTEXT[] = "TEXT";
static char szAgentCOMPOUND_TEXT[] = "COMPOUND_TEXT";
static char szAgentUTF8_STRING[] = "UTF8_STRING";

 * some helpers for debugging output

#ifdef DEBUG
const char * GetClientSelectionStageString(int stage)
    case SelectionStageNone:      return("None"); break;;
    case SelectionStageQuerySize: return("QuerySize"); break;;
    case SelectionStageWaitSize:  return("WaitSize"); break;;
    case SelectionStageQueryData: return("QueryData"); break;;
    case SelectionStageWaitData:  return("WaitData"); break;;
    default:                      return("UNKNOWN!"); break;;
#define SetClientSelectionStage(stage) do {fprintf(stderr, "%s: Changing selection stage from [%s] to [%s]\n", __func__, GetClientSelectionStageString(lastClientStage), GetClientSelectionStageString(SelectionStage##stage)); lastClientStage = SelectionStage##stage;} while (0)
#define PrintClientSelectionStage() do {fprintf(stderr, "%s: Current selection stage [%s]\n", __func__, GetClientSelectionStageString(lastClientStage));} while (0)
#define WINDOWID(ptr) (ptr) ? (ptr->drawable.id) : 0
#define CLINDEX(clientptr) (clientptr) ? (clientptr->index) : -1
#define SetClientSelectionStage(stage) do {lastClientStage = SelectionStage##stage;} while (0)
#define PrintClientSelectionStage()

 * see also nx-X11/lib/src/ErrDes.c
const char * GetXErrorString(int code)
    case Success:           return("Success"); break;;
    case BadRequest:        return("BadRequest"); break;;
    case BadValue:          return("BadValue"); break;;
    case BadWindow:         return("BadWindow"); break;;
    case BadPixmap:         return("BadPixmap"); break;;
    case BadAtom:           return("BadAtom"); break;;
    case BadCursor:         return("BadCursor"); break;;
    case BadFont:           return("BadFont"); break;;
    case BadMatch:          return("BadMatch"); break;;
    case BadDrawable:       return("BadDrawable"); break;;
    case BadAccess:         return("BadAccess"); break;;
    case BadAlloc:          return("BadAlloc"); break;;
    case BadColor:          return("BadColor"); break;;
    case BadGC:             return("BadGC"); break;;
    case BadIDChoice:       return("BadIDChoice"); break;;
    case BadName:           return("BadName"); break;;
    case BadLength:         return("BadLength"); break;;
    case BadImplementation: return("BadImplementation"); break;;
    default:                return("UNKNOWN!"); break;;

 * Save the values queried from X server.

XFixesAgentInfoRec nxagentXFixesInfo = { -1, -1, -1, 0 };

extern Display *nxagentDisplay;

Bool nxagentValidServerTargets(Atom target);
static void endTransfer(Bool success);
void nxagentTransferSelection(int resource);
void nxagentCollectPropertyEvent(int resource);
void nxagentResetSelectionOwner(void);
WindowPtr nxagentGetClipboardWindow(Atom property);
void nxagentNotifyConvertFailure(ClientPtr client, Window requestor,
                                     Atom selection, Atom target, Time time);
int nxagentSendNotify(xEvent *event);

void nxagentPrintClipboardStat(char *);

#ifdef DEBUG
void nxagentPrintSelectionStat(int sel)
  SelectionOwner lOwner = lastSelectionOwner[sel];
  Selection curSel = CurrentSelections[sel];
  char *s = NULL;

  fprintf(stderr, "  lastSelectionOwner[].client            [%p] index [%d] PID [%d] Cmd [%s]\n",
          (void *)lOwner.client,
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastSelectionOwner[].client            [%p] index [%d]\n",
          (void *)lOwner.client,
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastSelectionOwner[].window            [0x%x]\n", lOwner.window);
  if (lOwner.windowPtr)
    fprintf(stderr, "  lastSelectionOwner[].windowPtr         [%p] ([0x%x]\n", (void *)lOwner.windowPtr, WINDOWID(lOwner.windowPtr));
    fprintf(stderr, "  lastSelectionOwner[].windowPtr         -\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastSelectionOwner[].lastTimeChanged   [%u]\n", lOwner.lastTimeChanged);

    print the selection name.
  if (lOwner.client)
    fprintf(stderr, "  lastSelectionOwner[].selection         [% 4d][%s] (local)\n", lOwner.selection, NameForAtom(lOwner.selection));
    SAFE_XFree(s); s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, lOwner.selection);
    fprintf(stderr, "  lastSelectionOwner[].selection         [% 4d][%s] (remote)\n", lOwner.selection, validateString(s));
  fprintf(stderr, "  CurrentSelections[].client             [%p] index [%d] PID [%d] Cmd [%s]\n",
          (void *)curSel.client,
  fprintf(stderr, "  CurrentSelections[].client             [%p] index [%d]\n",
          (void *)curSel.client,
  fprintf(stderr, "  CurrentSelections[].window             [0x%x]\n", curSel.window);

void nxagentPrintClipboardStat(char *header)
  #ifdef DEBUG
  char *s =NULL;

  fprintf(stderr, "/----- Clipboard internal status - %s -----\n", header);

  fprintf(stderr, "  current time                    (Time) [%u]\n", GetTimeInMillis());
  fprintf(stderr, "  agentClipboardStatus             (int) [%d]\n", agentClipboardStatus);
  fprintf(stderr, "  clientAccum                      (int) [%d]\n", clientAccum);
  fprintf(stderr, "  nxagentMaxSelections             (int) [%d]\n", nxagentMaxSelections);
  fprintf(stderr, "  NumCurrentSelections             (int) [%d]\n", NumCurrentSelections);
  fprintf(stderr, "  serverWindow                  (Window) [0x%x]\n", serverWindow);
  fprintf(stderr, "  nxagentLastClipboardClient       (int) [%d]\n", nxagentLastClipboardClient);

  fprintf(stderr, "  ClipboardMode                          ");
    case ClipboardBoth:    fprintf(stderr, "[Both]"); break;;
    case ClipboardClient:  fprintf(stderr, "[Client]"); break;;
    case ClipboardServer:  fprintf(stderr, "[Server]"); break;;
    case ClipboardNone:    fprintf(stderr, "[None]"); break;;
    default:               fprintf(stderr, "[UNKNOWN] (FAIL!)"); break;;

  fprintf(stderr, "lastServer\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastServerRequestor           (Window) [0x%x]\n", lastServerRequestor);
  SAFE_XFree(s); s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, lastServerProperty);
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastServerProperty              (Atom) [% 4d][%s]\n", lastServerProperty, s);
  SAFE_XFree(s); s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, lastServerTarget);
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastServerTarget                (Atom) [% 4d][%s]\n", lastServerTarget, s);
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastServerTime                  (Time) [%u]\n", lastServerTime);

  fprintf(stderr, "lastClient\n");
  if (lastClientWindowPtr)
    fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientWindowPtr        (WindowPtr) [%p] ([0x%x])\n", (void *)lastClientWindowPtr, WINDOWID(lastClientWindowPtr));
    fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientWindowPtr        (WindowPtr) -\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientClientPtr        (ClientPtr) [%p]\n", (void *)lastClientClientPtr);
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientRequestor           (Window) [0x%x]\n", lastClientRequestor);
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientProperty              (Atom) [% 4d][%s]\n", lastClientProperty, NameForAtom(lastClientProperty));
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientSelection             (Atom) [% 4d][%s]\n", lastClientSelection, NameForAtom(lastClientSelection));
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientTarget                (Atom) [% 4d][%s]\n", lastClientTarget, NameForAtom(lastClientTarget));
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientTime                  (Time) [%u]\n", lastClientTime);
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientReqTime               (Time) [%u]\n", lastClientReqTime);
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientPropertySize (unsigned long) [%lu]\n", lastClientPropertySize);
  fprintf(stderr, "  lastClientStage (ClientSelectionStage) [%d][%s]\n", lastClientStage, GetClientSelectionStageString(lastClientStage));

  fprintf(stderr, "PRIMARY\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "CLIPBOARD\n");

  fprintf(stderr, "Atoms (server side)\n");
  SAFE_XFree(s); s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, serverTARGETS);
  fprintf(stderr, "  serverTARGETS                          [% 4d][%s]\n", serverTARGETS, validateString(s));
  SAFE_XFree(s); s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, serverTEXT);
  fprintf(stderr, "  serverTEXT                             [% d][%s]\n", serverTEXT, s);
  SAFE_XFree(s); s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, serverUTF8_STRING);
  fprintf(stderr, "  serverUTF8_STRING                      [% 4d][%s]\n", serverUTF8_STRING, s);
  SAFE_XFree(s); s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, serverCutProperty);
  fprintf(stderr, "  serverCutProperty                      [% 4d][%s]\n", serverCutProperty, s);
  SAFE_XFree(s); s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, serverClientCutProperty);
  fprintf(stderr, "  serverClientCutProperty                [% 4d][%s]\n", serverClientCutProperty, s);

  SAFE_XFree(s); s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, serverTIMESTAMP);
  fprintf(stderr, "  serverTIMESTAMP                        [% 4d][%s]\n", serverTIMESTAMP, s);

  fprintf(stderr, "Atoms (inside nxagent)\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  clientTARGETS                          [% 4d][%s]\n", clientTARGETS, NameForAtom(clientTARGETS));
  fprintf(stderr, "  clientTEXT                             [% 4d][%s]\n", clientTEXT, NameForAtom(clientTEXT));
  fprintf(stderr, "  clientCOMPOUND_TEXT                    [% 4d][%s]\n", clientCOMPOUND_TEXT, NameForAtom(clientCOMPOUND_TEXT));
  fprintf(stderr, "  clientUTF8_STRING                      [% 4d][%s]\n", clientUTF8_STRING, NameForAtom(clientUTF8_STRING));
  fprintf(stderr, "  clientCutProperty                      [% 4d][%s]\n", clientCutProperty, NameForAtom(clientCutProperty));
  fprintf(stderr, "  nxagentLastRequestedSelection          [% 4d][%s]\n", nxagentLastRequestedSelection, NameForAtom(nxagentLastRequestedSelection));

  fprintf(stderr, "\\------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");


 * This is from NXproperty.c.

int GetWindowProperty(WindowPtr pWin, Atom property, long longOffset, long longLength,
                          Bool delete, Atom type, Atom *actualType, int *format,
                              unsigned long *nItems, unsigned long *bytesAfter,
                                  unsigned char **propData);

 * Send a SelectionNotify event to the real X server and do some error
 * handling (in DEBUG mode)
Status SendSelectionNotifyEventToServer(XSelectionEvent *event_to_send)
  Window w = event_to_send->requestor;

  event_to_send->type = SelectionNotify;
  event_to_send->send_event = True;
  event_to_send->display = nxagentDisplay;

  Status result = XSendEvent(nxagentDisplay, w, False, 0L, (XEvent *)event_to_send);

  #ifdef DEBUG
   * man XSendEvent: XSendEvent returns zero if the conversion to wire
   * protocol format failed and returns nonzero otherwise.  XSendEvent
   * can generate BadValue and BadWindow errors.
  if (result == 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: XSendEvent to [0x%x] failed.\n", __func__, w);
    if (result == BadValue || result == BadWindow)
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! XSendEvent to [0x%x] failed: %s\n", __func__, w, GetXErrorString(result));
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: XSendEvent() successfully sent to [0x%x]\n", __func__, w);

  //NXFlushDisplay(nxagentDisplay, NXFlushLink);

  return result;

int SendEventToClient(ClientPtr client, xEvent *pEvents)
  return TryClientEvents (client, pEvents, 1, NoEventMask, NoEventMask, NullGrab);

int SendSelectionNotifyEventToClient(ClientPtr client,
                                     Time time,
                                     Window requestor,
                                     Atom selection,
                                     Atom target,
                                     Atom property)
  xEvent x = {0};
  x.u.u.type = SelectionNotify;
  x.u.selectionNotify.time = time;
  x.u.selectionNotify.requestor = requestor;
  x.u.selectionNotify.selection = selection;
  x.u.selectionNotify.target = target;
  x.u.selectionNotify.property = property;

  #ifdef DEBUG
  if (property == None)
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: Denying request to client [%d].\n", __func__,
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: Sending event to client [%d].\n", __func__,

  return SendEventToClient(client, &x);

 * Check if target is a valid content type target sent by the real X
 * server, like .e.g XA_STRING or UTF8_STRING. Other, non content type
 * targets like "TARGETS" or "TIMESTAMP" will return false.
Bool nxagentValidServerTargets(Atom target)
  if (target == XA_STRING)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: valid target [XA_STRING].\n", __func__);
    return True;
  else if (target == serverTEXT)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: valid target [TEXT].\n", __func__);
    return True;
  /* by dimbor */
  else if (target == serverUTF8_STRING)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: valid target [UTF8_STRING].\n", __func__);
    return True;
  else if (target == serverTARGETS)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: special target [TARGETS].\n", __func__);
    return False;
  else if (target == serverTIMESTAMP)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: special target [TIMESTAMP].\n", __func__);
    return False;

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid target [%u].\n", __func__, target);
  return False;

void nxagentClearSelectionOwner(SelectionOwner *owner)
    /* there's no owner on nxagent side anymore */
    owner->client = NULL;
    owner->window = None;
    owner->lastTimeChanged = GetTimeInMillis();
    /* FIXME: why is windowPtr not cleared in the function? */

void nxagentStoreSelectionOwner(SelectionOwner *owner, Selection *sel)
  owner->client = sel->client;
  owner->window = sel->window;
  owner->windowPtr = sel->pWin;
  owner->lastTimeChanged = GetTimeInMillis();

void nxagentClearClipboard(ClientPtr pClient, WindowPtr pWindow)
  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called with client [%p] index [%d] window [%p] ([0x%x]).\n", __func__,
              (void *) pClient, CLINDEX(pClient), (void *) pWindow, WINDOWID(pWindow));

  nxagentPrintClipboardStat("before nxagentClearClipboard");

   * Only for PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections.

  for (int i = 0; i < nxagentMaxSelections; i++)
    if ((pClient != NULL && lastSelectionOwner[i].client == pClient) ||
            (pWindow != NULL && lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr == pWindow))
      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: Resetting state with client [%p] window [%p].\n", __func__,
                  (void *) pClient, (void *) pWindow);

      /* FIXME: why is windowPtr not cleared in the function? */
      lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr = NULL;

      lastClientWindowPtr = NULL;

      lastServerRequestor = None;

  if (pWindow == lastClientWindowPtr)
    lastClientWindowPtr = NULL;

  nxagentPrintClipboardStat("after nxagentClearClipboard");

int nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(Atom sel)
  int i = 0;
  while ((i < nxagentMaxSelections) &&
            (lastSelectionOwner[i].selection != sel))
  return i;

int nxagentFindCurrentSelectionIndex(Atom sel)
  int i = 0;
  while ((i < NumCurrentSelections) &&
            (CurrentSelections[i].selection != sel))
  return i;

 * This is called from Events.c dispatch loop on reception of a
 * SelectionClear event. We receive this event if someone on the real
 * X server claims the selection ownership.
void nxagentClearSelection(XEvent *X)
  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: SelectionClear event for selection [%lu].\n", __func__, X->xselectionclear.selection);

  nxagentPrintClipboardStat("before nxagentClearSelection");

  if (agentClipboardStatus != 1 ||
          nxagentOption(Clipboard) == ClipboardServer)

  int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(X->xselectionclear.selection);

  if (i < nxagentMaxSelections)
    if (lastSelectionOwner[i].client != NULL)
      /* send a SelectionClear event to (our) previous owner */
      xEvent x = {0};
      x.u.u.type = SelectionClear;
      x.u.selectionClear.time = GetTimeInMillis();
      x.u.selectionClear.window = lastSelectionOwner[i].window;
      x.u.selectionClear.atom = CurrentSelections[i].selection;

      SendEventToClient(lastSelectionOwner[i].client, &x);

     * set the root window with the NullClient as selection owner. Our
     * clients asking for the owner via XGetSelectionOwner() will get
     * these for an answer
    CurrentSelections[i].window = screenInfo.screens[0]->root->drawable.id;
    CurrentSelections[i].client = NullClient;


  lastClientWindowPtr = NULL;
  nxagentPrintClipboardStat("after nxagentClearSelection");

 * Send a SelectionNotify event as reply to the RequestSelection
 * event X. If success is True take the property from the event, else
 * take None (which reports "failed/denied" to the requestor.

void nxagentReplyRequestSelection(XEvent *X, Bool success)
  XSelectionEvent eventSelection = {
    .requestor = X->xselectionrequest.requestor,
    .selection = X->xselectionrequest.selection,
    .target    = X->xselectionrequest.target,
    .time      = X->xselectionrequest.time,
    .property  = X->xselectionrequest.property

  if (!success)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: denying request\n", __func__);
    eventSelection.property = None;


  NXFlushDisplay(nxagentDisplay, NXFlushLink);

 * This is called from Events.c dispatch loop on reception of a
 * SelectionRequest event, meaning a client of the real X server wants
 * to have the selection content. The real X server knows the nxagent
 * as selection owner. But in reality one of our windows is the owner,
 * so we must pass the request on to the real owner.
void nxagentRequestSelection(XEvent *X)
  #ifdef DEBUG
      char *strTarget = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, X->xselectionrequest.target);
      char *strSelection = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, X->xselectionrequest.selection);
      char *strProperty = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, X->xselectionrequest.property);

      fprintf(stderr, "%s: Received SelectionRequest from real server: selection [%ld][%s] " \
              "target [%ld][%s] requestor [%s/0x%lx] destination [%ld][%s] lastServerRequestor [0x%x]\n",
              X->xselectionrequest.selection, validateString(strSelection),
              X->xselectionrequest.target,    validateString(strTarget),
              DisplayString(nxagentDisplay), X->xselectionrequest.requestor,
              X->xselectionrequest.property,  validateString(strProperty),


  nxagentPrintClipboardStat("before nxagentRequestSelection");

  if (agentClipboardStatus != 1)

   * check if this request needs special treatment by checking
   * if any of the following is true:
   * - this is a special request like TARGETS or TIMESTAMP
   * - lastServerRequestor in non-NULL (= we are currenty in the transfer phase)
   * - the selection in this request is none we own.
   * In all cases we'll send back a SelectionNotify event with an
   * appropriate answer
  if (!nxagentValidServerTargets(X->xselectionrequest.target) ||
         (lastServerRequestor != None) ||
             ((X->xselectionrequest.selection != lastSelectionOwner[nxagentPrimarySelection].selection) &&
                 (X->xselectionrequest.selection != lastSelectionOwner[nxagentClipboardSelection].selection)))
    if (X->xselectionrequest.target == serverTARGETS)
       * the selection request target is TARGETS. The requestor is
       * asking for a list of supported data formats. Currently
       * there's only one format we support: XA_STRING
       * The selection does not matter here, we will return this for
       * FIXME: shouldn't we support UTF8_STRING, too?
       * FIXME: I am wondering if we should align this with
       * nxagentConvertSelection, where we report more formats.
       * FIXME: the perfect solution should not just answer with
       * XA_STRING but ask the real owner what format it supports. The
       * should then be sent to the original requestor.
       * FIXME: these must be external Atoms!

      Atom targets[] = {XA_STRING};
      int numTargets = 1;

      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: available targets:\n", __func__);
      for (int i = 0; i < numTargets; i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s:  %s\n", __func__, NameForAtom(targets[i]));
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");

       * pass on the requested list by setting the property provided
       * by the requestor accordingly.
                      XInternAtom(nxagentDisplay, "ATOM", 0),
                      (unsigned char*)&targets,

      nxagentReplyRequestSelection(X, True);
    else if (X->xselectionrequest.target == serverTIMESTAMP)
       * Section 2.6.2 of the ICCCM states:
       * TIMESTAMP - To avoid some race conditions, it is important
       * that requestors be able to discover the timestamp the owner
       * used to acquire ownership. Until and unless the protocol is
       * changed so that a GetSelectionOwner request returns the
       * timestamp used to acquire ownership, selection owners must
       * support conversion to TIMESTAMP, returning the timestamp they
       * used to obtain the selection.
       * FIXME: ensure we are reporting an _external_ timestamp

      int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(X->xselectionrequest.selection);
      if (i < nxagentMaxSelections)
                        (unsigned char *) &lastSelectionOwner[i].lastTimeChanged,
        nxagentReplyRequestSelection(X, True);
      /* deny the request */
      nxagentReplyRequestSelection(X, False);

   * reaching this means the request is neither a special request nor
   * invalid. We can process it now.

   * This is required for nxagentGetClipboardWindow.
  nxagentLastRequestedSelection = X->xselectionrequest.selection;

  /* find the index of the requested selection */
  int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(X->xselectionrequest.selection);
  if (i < nxagentMaxSelections)
    if ((lastClientWindowPtr != NULL) && (lastSelectionOwner[i].client != NULL))
       * Request the real X server to transfer the selection content
       * to the NX_CUT_BUFFER_CLIENT property of the serverWindow.
       * FIXME: document how we can end up here
      XConvertSelection(nxagentDisplay, CurrentSelections[i].selection,
                            X->xselectionrequest.target, serverCutProperty,
                                serverWindow, lastClientTime);

      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: Sent XConvertSelection.\n", __func__);
       * if one of our clients owns the selection we ask it to copy
       * the selection to the clientCutProperty on nxagent's root
       * window
      if (lastSelectionOwner[i].client != NULL &&
             nxagentOption(Clipboard) != ClipboardClient)
         * store who on the real X server requested the data and how
	 * and where it wants to have it
        lastServerProperty = X->xselectionrequest.property;
        lastServerRequestor = X->xselectionrequest.requestor;
        lastServerTarget = X->xselectionrequest.target;
        lastServerTime = X->xselectionrequest.time;

        /* by dimbor */
        if (lastServerTarget != XA_STRING)
            lastServerTarget = serverUTF8_STRING;

        /* prepare the request (like XConvertSelection, but internally) */
        xEvent x = {0};
        x.u.u.type = SelectionRequest;
        x.u.selectionRequest.time = GetTimeInMillis();
        x.u.selectionRequest.owner = lastSelectionOwner[i].window;
        x.u.selectionRequest.selection = CurrentSelections[i].selection;
        x.u.selectionRequest.property = clientCutProperty;
        x.u.selectionRequest.requestor = screenInfo.screens[0]->root->drawable.id; /* Fictitious window.*/

         * Don't send the same window, some programs are clever and
         * verify cut and paste operations inside the same window and
         * don't Notify at all.
         * x.u.selectionRequest.requestor = lastSelectionOwnerWindow;

        /* by dimbor (idea from zahvatov) */
        if (X->xselectionrequest.target != XA_STRING)
          x.u.selectionRequest.target = clientUTF8_STRING;
          x.u.selectionRequest.target = XA_STRING;

        SendEventToClient(lastSelectionOwner[i].client, &x);

        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: sent SelectionRequest event to client [%d] property [%d][%s]" \
		"target [%d][%s] requestor [0x%x].\n", __func__,
		x.u.selectionRequest.property, NameForAtom(x.u.selectionRequest.property),
		x.u.selectionRequest.target, NameForAtom(x.u.selectionRequest.target),
	/* deny the request */
        nxagentReplyRequestSelection(X, False);
  nxagentPrintClipboardStat("after nxagentRequestSelection");

 * end current selection transfer by sending a notification to the
 * client and resetting the corresponding variables and the state
 * machine. If success is False send a None reply, meaning "request
 * denied/failed"
 * Use SELECTION_SUCCESS and SELECTION_FAULT macros for success.
static void endTransfer(Bool success)
  if (lastClientClientPtr == NULL)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: lastClientClientPtr is NULL - doing nothing.\n", __func__);

  #ifdef DEBUG
  if (success == SELECTION_SUCCESS)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: sending notification to client [%d], property [%d][%s]\n", __func__,
	        CLINDEX(lastClientClientPtr), lastClientProperty, NameForAtom(lastClientProperty));
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: sending negative notification to client [%d]\n", __func__,

                                   success == SELECTION_SUCCESS ? lastClientProperty : None);

   * Enable further requests from clients.
  lastClientWindowPtr = NULL;

void nxagentTransferSelection(int resource)
  if (lastClientClientPtr -> index != resource)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: WARNING! Inconsistent resource [%d] with current client [%d].\n", __func__,
                 resource, CLINDEX(lastClientClientPtr));



  switch (lastClientStage)
    case SelectionStageQuerySize:
      int result;

       * Don't get data yet, just get size. We skip
       * this stage in current implementation and
       * go straight to the data.

      nxagentLastClipboardClient = NXGetCollectPropertyResource(nxagentDisplay);

      if (nxagentLastClipboardClient == -1)
        #ifdef WARNING
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Asynchronous GetProperty queue full.\n", __func__);

        result = -1;
        result = NXCollectProperty(nxagentDisplay,

      if (result == -1)
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: Aborting selection notify procedure for client [%d].\n", __func__,




      NXFlushDisplay(nxagentDisplay, NXFlushLink);

    case SelectionStageQueryData:
      int result;


       * Request the selection data now.

      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: Getting property content from remote server.\n", __func__);

      nxagentLastClipboardClient = NXGetCollectPropertyResource(nxagentDisplay);

      if (nxagentLastClipboardClient == -1)
        #ifdef WARNING
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Asynchronous GetProperty queue full.\n", __func__);

        result = -1;
        result = NXCollectProperty(nxagentDisplay,

      if (result == -1)
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: Aborting selection notify procedure for client [%d].\n", __func__,




      /* we've seen situations where you had to move the mouse or press a
	 key to let the transfer complete. Flushing here fixed it */
      NXFlushDisplay(nxagentDisplay, NXFlushLink);

      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: WARNING! Inconsistent state [%s] for client [%d].\n", __func__,
                   GetClientSelectionStageString(lastClientStage), CLINDEX(lastClientClientPtr));


   Called from Events.c/nxagentHandlePropertyNotify

   This event is generated after XChangeProperty(), XDeleteProperty() or

void nxagentCollectPropertyEvent(int resource)
  Atom                  atomReturnType;
  int                   resultFormat;
  unsigned long         ulReturnItems;
  unsigned long         ulReturnBytesLeft;
  unsigned char         *pszReturnData = NULL;
  int                   result;

   * We have received the notification so we can safely retrieve data
   * from the client structure.

  result = NXGetCollectedProperty(nxagentDisplay,

  nxagentLastClipboardClient = -1;

  if (result == 0)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: Failed to get reply data.\n", __func__);

  else if (resultFormat != 8 && resultFormat != 16 && resultFormat != 32)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: WARNING! Invalid property format.\n", __func__);

    switch (lastClientStage)
      case SelectionStageWaitSize:
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: Got size notify event for client [%d].\n", __func__,

        if (ulReturnBytesLeft == 0)
          #ifdef DEBUG
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: Aborting selection notify procedure.\n", __func__);

          #ifdef DEBUG
          fprintf(stderr, "%s: Got property size from remote server.\n", __func__);

           * Request the selection data now.
          lastClientPropertySize = ulReturnBytesLeft;

      case SelectionStageWaitData:
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: Got data notify event for client [%d].\n", __func__,

        if (ulReturnBytesLeft != 0)
          #ifdef DEBUG
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: Aborting selection notify procedure.\n", __func__);

          #ifdef DEBUG
          fprintf(stderr, "%s: Got property content from remote server.\n", __func__);

                               resultFormat, PropModeReplace,
                               ulReturnItems, pszReturnData, 1);

          #ifdef DEBUG
          fprintf(stderr, "%s: Selection property [%d][%s] changed to [\"%*.*s\"...]\n", __func__,
                      lastClientProperty, validateString(NameForAtom(lastClientProperty)),
                          (int)(min(20, ulReturnItems * resultFormat / 8)),
                              (int)(min(20, ulReturnItems * resultFormat / 8)),

        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: WARNING! Inconsistent state [%s] for client [%d].\n", __func__,
                     GetClientSelectionStageString(lastClientStage), CLINDEX(lastClientClientPtr));

 * This is _only_ called from Events.c dispatch loop on reception of a
 * SelectionNotify event from the real X server. These events are
 * sent out by nxagent itself!
void nxagentHandleSelectionNotifyFromXServer(XEvent *X)
  if (agentClipboardStatus != 1)

  #ifdef DEBUG
    XSelectionEvent * e = (XSelectionEvent *)X;
    char * s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, e->property);
    char * t = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, e->target);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: SelectionNotify event from real X server, property "\
            "[%ld][%s] requestor [0x%lx] target [%ld][%s] time [%ld] send_event [%d].\n",
            __func__, e->property, validateString(s), e->requestor, e->target,
            validateString(t), e->time, e->send_event);


  if (lastClientWindowPtr != NULL)
     * We reach here after a paste inside the nxagent, triggered by
     * the XConvertSelection call in nxagentConvertSelection(). This
     * means that data we need has been transferred to the
     * serverCutProperty of the serverWindow (our window on the real X
     * server). We now need to transfer it to the original requestor,
     * which is stored in the lastClient* variables.
    if ((lastClientStage == SelectionStageNone) && (X->xselection.property == serverCutProperty))
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: Starting selection transferral for client [%d].\n", __func__,

       * The state machine is able to work in two phases. In the first
       * phase we get the size of property data, in the second we get
       * the actual data. We save a round-trip by requesting a prede-
       * termined amount of data in a single GetProperty and by discar-
       * ding the remaining part. This is not the optimal solution (we
       * could get the remaining part if it doesn't fit in a single
       * reply) but, at least with text, it should work in most situa-
       * tions.

      lastClientPropertySize = 262144;

      nxagentTransferSelection(lastClientClientPtr -> index);
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Resetting selection transferral for client [%d].\n", __func__,

    int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(X->xselection.selection);
    if (i < nxagentMaxSelections)
      /* if the last owner was an internal one */
      if ((lastSelectionOwner[i].client != NULL) &&
             (lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr != NULL) &&
                 (X->xselection.property == serverClientCutProperty))
        Atom            atomReturnType;
        int             resultFormat;
        unsigned long   ulReturnItems;
        unsigned long   ulReturnBytesLeft;
        unsigned char   *pszReturnData = NULL;

        /* first get size values ... */
        int result = GetWindowProperty(lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr, clientCutProperty, 0, 0, False,
                                           AnyPropertyType, &atomReturnType, &resultFormat,
                                               &ulReturnItems, &ulReturnBytesLeft, &pszReturnData);

        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: GetWindowProperty() window [0x%x] property [%d] returned [%s]\n", __func__,
		    lastSelectionOwner[i].window, clientCutProperty, GetXErrorString(result));
        if (result == BadAlloc || result == BadAtom ||
                result == BadWindow || result == BadValue)
          lastServerProperty = None;
          /* ... then use the size values for the actual request */
          result = GetWindowProperty(lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr, clientCutProperty, 0,
                                         ulReturnBytesLeft, False, AnyPropertyType, &atomReturnType,
                                             &resultFormat, &ulReturnItems, &ulReturnBytesLeft,
          #ifdef DEBUG
          fprintf(stderr, "%s: GetWindowProperty() window [0x%x] property [%d] returned [%s]\n", __func__,
		      lastSelectionOwner[i].window, clientCutProperty, GetXErrorString(result));

          if (result == BadAlloc || result == BadAtom ||
                  result == BadWindow || result == BadValue)
            lastServerProperty = None;
            /* Fill the property on the initial requestor with the requested data */
            /* The XChangeProperty source code reveals it will always
               return 1, no matter what, so no need to check the result */
            /* FIXME: better use the format returned by above request */

            #ifdef DEBUG
              char *s = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, lastServerProperty);
              fprintf(stderr, "%s: XChangeProperty sent to window [0x%x] for property [%d][%s] value [\"%*.*s\"...]\n",
                      (int)(min(20, ulReturnItems * 8 / 8)),
                      (int)(min(20, ulReturnItems * 8 / 8)),

          /* FIXME: free it or not? */
           * SAFE_XFree(pszReturnData);

         * inform the initial requestor that the requested data has
         * arrived in the desired property. If we have been unable to
         * get the data from the owner XChangeProperty will not have
         * been called and lastServerProperty will be None which
         * effectively will send a "Request denied" to the initial
         * requestor.
        XSelectionEvent eventSelection = {
          .requestor = lastServerRequestor,
          .selection = X->xselection.selection,
          /* .target = X->xselection.target, */
          .target    = lastServerTarget,
          .property  = lastServerProperty,
          .time      = lastServerTime,
          /* .time   = CurrentTime */
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: Sending SelectionNotify event to requestor [%p].\n", __func__,
		(void *)eventSelection.requestor);


        lastServerRequestor = None; /* allow further request */

 * Let nxagent's serverWindow acquire the selection. All requests from
 * the real X server (or its clients) will be sent to this window. The
 * real X server never communicates with our windows directly.
void nxagentResetSelectionOwner(void)
  if (lastServerRequestor != None)
     * we are in the process of communicating back and forth between
     * real X server and nxagent's clients - let's not disturb.
    #if defined(TEST) || defined(DEBUG)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Requestor window [0x%x] already found.\n", __func__,

    /* FIXME: maybe we should put back the event that lead us here. */

   * Only for PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections.

  for (int i = 0; i < nxagentMaxSelections; i++)
    XSetSelectionOwner(nxagentDisplay, lastSelectionOwner[i].selection, serverWindow, CurrentTime);

    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Reset selection state for selection [%d].\n", __func__, i);

    lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr = NULL;

  lastClientWindowPtr = NULL;

  /* Hmm, this is already None when reaching this */
  lastServerRequestor = None;


 * The callback is called from dix. This is the normal operation
 * mode. The callback is also called when nxagent gets XFixes events
 * from the real X server. In that case the Trap is set and the
 * callback will do nothing.

void nxagentSetSelectionCallback(CallbackListPtr *callbacks, void *data,
                                   void *args)
   * Only act if the trap is unset. The trap indicates that we are
   * triggered by an XFixes clipboard event originating from the real
   * X server. In that case we do not want to propagate back changes
   * to the real X server, because it already knows about them and we
   * would end up in an infinite loop of events. If there was a better
   * way to identify that situation during callback processing we
   * could get rid of the Trap...
  if (nxagentExternalClipboardEventTrap != 0)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trap is set, doing nothing\n", __func__);

  SelectionInfoRec *info = (SelectionInfoRec *)args;

  Selection * pCurSel = (Selection *)info->selection;

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: pCurSel->lastTimeChanged [%d]\n", __func__, pCurSel->lastTimeChanged.milliseconds);

  if (info->kind == SelectionSetOwner)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: called with SelectionCallbackKind SelectionSetOwner\n", __func__);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: pCurSel->pWin [0x%x]\n", __func__, WINDOWID(pCurSel->pWin));
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: pCurSel->selection [%s]\n", __func__, NameForAtom(pCurSel->selection));

    if ((pCurSel->pWin != NULL) &&
        (nxagentOption(Clipboard) != ClipboardNone) &&
        ((pCurSel->selection == XA_PRIMARY) ||
         (pCurSel->selection == MakeAtom("CLIPBOARD", 9, 0))))
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: calling nxagentSetSelectionOwner\n", __func__);
  else if (info->kind == SelectionWindowDestroy)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: called with SelectionCallbackKind SelectionWindowDestroy\n", __func__);
  else if (info->kind == SelectionClientClose)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: called with SelectionCallbackKind SelectionClientClose\n", __func__);
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: called with unknown SelectionCallbackKind\n", __func__);

 * This is called from the nxagentSetSelectionCallback, so it is using
 * internal Atoms
void nxagentSetSelectionOwner(Selection *pSelection)
  if (agentClipboardStatus != 1)

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: Setting selection owner to serverwindow ([0x%x]).\n", __func__,

  #if defined(TEST) || defined(DEBUG)
  if (lastServerRequestor != None)
     * we are in the process of communicating back and forth between
     * real X server and nxagent's clients - let's not disturb
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: WARNING! Requestor window [0x%x] already set.\n", __func__,

   * Only for PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections.

  for (int i = 0; i < nxagentMaxSelections; i++)
    /* FIXME: using CurrentSelections with the index limited my MaxSelections looks wrong */
    if (pSelection->selection == CurrentSelections[i].selection)
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: lastSelectionOwner.client [%p] index [%d] -> [%p] index [%d]\n", __func__,
              (void *)lastSelectionOwner[i].client,
              (void *)pSelection->client,
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: lastSelectionOwner.window [0x%x] -> [0x%x]\n", __func__,
	      lastSelectionOwner[i].window, pSelection->window);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: lastSelectionOwner.windowPtr [%p] -> [%p] [0x%x] (serverWindow: [0x%x])\n", __func__,
	      (void *)lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr, (void *)pSelection->pWin,
	      nxagentWindow(pSelection->pWin), serverWindow);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: lastSelectionOwner.lastTimeChanged [%d]\n", __func__,

       * inform the real X server that our serverWindow is the
       * clipboard owner.
      XSetSelectionOwner(nxagentDisplay, lastSelectionOwner[i].selection, serverWindow, CurrentTime);

       * The real owner window (inside nxagent) is stored in
       * lastSelectionOwner.window.  lastSelectionOwner.windowPtr
       * points to the struct that contains all information about the
       * owner window.
      nxagentStoreSelectionOwner(&lastSelectionOwner[i], pSelection);

  lastClientWindowPtr = NULL;

  lastServerRequestor = None;


   if (XGetSelectionOwner(nxagentDisplay,pSelection->selection)==serverWindow)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: SetSelectionOwner OK\n", __func__);

      lastSelectionOwnerSelection = pSelection;
      lastSelectionOwnerClient = pSelection->client;
      lastSelectionOwnerWindow = pSelection->window;
      lastSelectionOwnerWindowPtr = pSelection->pWin;

      lastClientWindowPtr = NULL;

      lastServerRequestor = None;
   else fprintf (stderr, "%s: SetSelectionOwner failed\n", __func__);

void nxagentNotifyConvertFailure(ClientPtr client, Window requestor,
                                     Atom selection, Atom target, Time time)
   * Check if the client is still valid.
  if (clients[client -> index] != client)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Invalid client pointer.", __func__);


  SendSelectionNotifyEventToClient(client, time, requestor, selection, target, None);

 * This is called from dix (ProcConvertSelection) if an nxagent client
 * issues a ConvertSelection request. So all the Atoms are internal
 * return codes:
 * 0: let dix process the request
 * 1: don't let dix process the request
int nxagentConvertSelection(ClientPtr client, WindowPtr pWin, Atom selection,
                                Window requestor, Atom property, Atom target, Time time)
  if (agentClipboardStatus != 1 ||
           nxagentOption(Clipboard) == ClipboardServer)
    return 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < nxagentMaxSelections; i++)
    if ((selection == CurrentSelections[i].selection) &&
           (lastSelectionOwner[i].client != NULL))
       * There is a client owner on the agent side, let normal dix stuff happen.
      return 0;

  if (lastClientWindowPtr != NULL)
    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: lastClientWindowPtr != NULL.\n", __func__);

    if ((GetTimeInMillis() - lastClientReqTime) > 5000)
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: timeout expired on last request, "
                  "notifying failure to client\n", __func__);

      nxagentNotifyConvertFailure(lastClientClientPtr, lastClientRequestor,
                                     lastClientSelection, lastClientTarget, lastClientTime);

      lastClientWindowPtr = NULL;
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: got request "
                  "before timeout expired on last request, notifying failure to client\n", __func__);

      nxagentNotifyConvertFailure(client, requestor, selection, target, time);

      return 1;

  #if defined(TEST) || defined(DEBUG)
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: client [%d] requests sel [%s] "
              "on window [%x] prop [%d][%s] target [%d][%s].\n", __func__,
                  CLINDEX(client), validateString(NameForAtom(selection)), requestor,
                      property, validateString(NameForAtom(property)),
                          target, validateString(NameForAtom(target)));

  const char *strTarget = NameForAtom(target);

  if (strTarget == NULL)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot find name for target Atom [%d] - returning\n", __func__, target);
    return 1;

   * The selection request target is TARGETS. The requestor is asking
   * for a list of supported data formats. Currently there's 4 of them.
   * FIXME: I am wondering if we should align this with
   * nxagentRequestSelection, where we only report one format.
  if (target == clientTARGETS)
    /* --- Order changed by dimbor (prevent sending COMPOUND_TEXT to client --- */
    Atom targets[] = {XA_STRING, clientUTF8_STRING, clientTEXT, clientCOMPOUND_TEXT};
    int numTargets = 4;

    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: available targets:\n", __func__);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTargets; i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s:  %s\n", __func__, NameForAtom(targets[i]));
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

                         MakeAtom("ATOM", 4, 1),

    SendSelectionNotifyEventToClient(client, time, requestor, selection, target, property);

    return 1;

   * Section 2.6.2 of the ICCCM states:
   * "TIMESTAMP - To avoid some race conditions, it is important
   * that requestors be able to discover the timestamp the owner
   * used to acquire ownership. Until and unless the protocol is
   * changed so that a GetSelectionOwner request returns the
   * timestamp used to acquire ownership, selection owners must
   * support conversion to TIMESTAMP, returning the timestamp they
   * used to obtain the selection."
  if (target == MakeAtom("TIMESTAMP", 9, 1))
    int i = nxagentFindCurrentSelectionIndex(selection);
    if (i < NumCurrentSelections)
       * "If the specified property is not None, the owner should place
       * the data resulting from converting the selection into the
       * specified property on the requestor window and should set the
       * property's type to some appropriate value, which need not be
       * the same as the specified target."
                           (unsigned char *) &lastSelectionOwner[i].lastTimeChanged,

      SendSelectionNotifyEventToClient(client, time, requestor, selection, target, property);

      return 1;

  #ifdef DEBUG
  if (lastClientClientPtr == client && (GetTimeInMillis() - lastClientReqTime < 5000))
     * The same client made consecutive requests of clipboard content
     * with less than 5 seconds time interval between them.

    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Consecutives request from client [%p] selection [%u] "
                "elapsed time [%u] clientAccum [%d]\n", __func__, (void *) client, selection,
                    GetTimeInMillis() - lastClientReqTime, clientAccum);

    /* reset clientAccum as now another client requested the clipboard content */
    if (lastClientClientPtr != client)
      clientAccum = 0;

  if ((target == clientTEXT) ||
          (target == XA_STRING) ||
              (target == clientCOMPOUND_TEXT) ||
                  (target == clientUTF8_STRING))
    lastClientWindowPtr = pWin;
     * store the original requestor, we need that later after
     * serverCutProperty contains the desired selection content
    lastClientRequestor = requestor;
    lastClientClientPtr = client;
    lastClientTime = time;
    lastClientProperty = property;
    lastClientSelection = selection;
    lastClientTarget = target;

    /* if the last client request time is more than 5s ago update it. Why? */
    if ((GetTimeInMillis() - lastClientReqTime) > 5000)
      lastClientReqTime = GetTimeInMillis();

    if (selection == MakeAtom("CLIPBOARD", 9, 0))
      selection = lastSelectionOwner[nxagentClipboardSelection].selection;

     * we only convert to either UTF8 or XA_STRING, despite accepting
    if (target == clientUTF8_STRING)
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: Sending XConvertSelection with target [%d][UTF8_STRING], property [%d][NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER]\n", __func__,
	      serverUTF8_STRING, serverCutProperty);
      XConvertSelection(nxagentDisplay, selection, serverUTF8_STRING, serverCutProperty,
                           serverWindow, CurrentTime);
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: Sending XConvertSelection with target [%d][%s], property [%d][NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER]\n", __func__,
	      XA_STRING, validateString(NameForAtom(XA_STRING)), serverCutProperty);

      XConvertSelection(nxagentDisplay, selection, XA_STRING, serverCutProperty,
                           serverWindow, CurrentTime);

    /* FIXME: check returncode of XConvertSelection */

    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Sent XConvertSelection with target=[%s], property [%s]\n", __func__,
                validateString(NameForAtom(target)), validateString(NameForAtom(property)));

    return 1;
    /* deny request */
    SendSelectionNotifyEventToClient(client, time, requestor, selection, target, None);

    return 1;
  return 0;

 * This is _only_ called from ProcSendEvent in NXevents.c. It is used
 * to send a SelectionNotify event to our server window which will
 * trigger the dispatch loop in Events.c to run
 * nxagentHandleSelectionNotifyFromXServer which in turn will take
 * care of transferring the selection content from the owning client
 * to to a property of the server window.
 * Returning 1 here means the client request will not be further
 * handled by dix. Returning 0 means a SelectionNotify event being
 * pushed out to our clients.
 * From https://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/events/client-communication/selection.html:
 * "This event is generated by the X server in response to a
 * ConvertSelection protocol request when there is no owner for the
 * selection. When there is an owner, it should be generated by the
 * owner of the selection by using XSendEvent()."
int nxagentSendNotify(xEvent *event)
  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: Got called.\n", __func__);

  if (agentClipboardStatus != 1)
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: agentClipboardStatus != 1 - doing nothing.\n", __func__);
    return 0;

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: property is [%d][%s].\n", __func__,
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: requestor is [0x%x].\n", __func__, event->u.selectionNotify.requestor);
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: lastServerRequestor is [0x%x].\n", __func__, lastServerRequestor);

   * If we have nested sessions there are situations where we do not
   * need to send out anything to the real X server because
   * communication happens completely between our own clients (some of
   * which can be nxagents themselves). In that case we return 0 (tell
   * dix to go on) and do nothing!
  if (event->u.selectionNotify.property == clientCutProperty && lastServerRequestor != None)

     * Setup selection notify event to real server.
     * .property must be a server-side Atom. As this property is only
     * set on our serverWindow and normally there are no other
     * properties except serverCutProperty, the only thing we need to
     * ensure is that the internal Atom clientCutProperty must differ
     * from the server-side serverCutProperty Atom. The actual name is
     * not important. To be clean here we use a seperate
     * serverClientCutProperty.

    XSelectionEvent eventSelection = {
      .requestor = serverWindow,
      .selection = event->u.selectionNotify.selection,
      .target    = event->u.selectionNotify.target,
      .property  = serverClientCutProperty,
      .time      = CurrentTime,

     * On the real server, the right CLIPBOARD atom is
     * XInternAtom(nxagentDisplay, "CLIPBOARD", 1), which is stored in
     * lastSelectionOwner[nxagentClipboardSelection].selection. For
     * PRIMARY there's nothing to map because that is identical on all
     * X servers (defined in Xatom.h).

    if (event->u.selectionNotify.selection == MakeAtom("CLIPBOARD", 9, 0))
      eventSelection.selection = lastSelectionOwner[nxagentClipboardSelection].selection;

     * .target must be translated, too, as a client on the real
     * server is requested to fill our property and it needs to know
     * the format.

    if (event->u.selectionNotify.target == clientUTF8_STRING)
      eventSelection.target = serverUTF8_STRING;
    else if (event->u.selectionNotify.target == clientTEXT)
      eventSelection.target = serverTEXT;
    /*else if (event->u.selectionNotify.target == clientCOMPOUND_TEXT)
      eventSelection.target = serverCOMPOUND_TEXT;
      eventSelection.target = XA_STRING;

    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: mapping local to remote Atom: [%d] -> [%ld] [%s]\n", __func__,
            event->u.selectionNotify.selection, eventSelection.selection,
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: mapping local to remote Atom: [%d] -> [%ld] [%s]\n", __func__,
            event->u.selectionNotify.target, eventSelection.target,
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: mapping local to remote Atom: [%d] -> [%ld] [%s]\n", __func__,
            event->u.selectionNotify.property, eventSelection.property,


    return 1;
  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: sent nothing.\n", __func__);
  return 0;

WindowPtr nxagentGetClipboardWindow(Atom property)
  int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(nxagentLastRequestedSelection);

  if ((i < nxagentMaxSelections) && (property == clientCutProperty) &&
          (lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr != NULL))
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Returning last [%d] selection owner window [%p] (0x%x).\n", __func__,
	    (void *)lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr, WINDOWID(lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr));

    return lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr;
    return NULL;

void nxagentInitSelectionOwner(SelectionOwner *owner, Atom selection)
  owner->selection = selection;
  owner->client = NullClient;
  owner->window = screenInfo.screens[0]->root->drawable.id;
  owner->windowPtr = NULL;
  owner->lastTimeChanged = GetTimeInMillis();

int nxagentInitClipboard(WindowPtr pWin)
  Window iWindow = nxagentWindow(pWin);

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: Got called.\n", __func__);


  lastSelectionOwner = (SelectionOwner *) malloc(nxagentMaxSelections * sizeof(SelectionOwner));

  if (lastSelectionOwner == NULL)
    FatalError("nxagentInitClipboard: Failed to allocate memory for the clipboard selections.\n");

  serverTIMESTAMP = nxagentAtoms[11];   /* TIMESTAMP */

  nxagentInitSelectionOwner(&lastSelectionOwner[nxagentPrimarySelection], XA_PRIMARY);
  nxagentInitSelectionOwner(&lastSelectionOwner[nxagentClipboardSelection], nxagentAtoms[10]);   /* CLIPBOARD */

    extern unsigned long startTime;

    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Initializing start [%d] milliseconds.\n", __func__,
            GetTimeInMillis() - startTime);

  agentClipboardStatus = 0;
  serverWindow = iWindow;

   * Local property to hold pasted data.

  serverCutProperty = nxagentAtoms[5];  /* NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER */
  serverTARGETS = nxagentAtoms[6];  /* TARGETS */
  serverTEXT = nxagentAtoms[7];  /* TEXT */
  serverUTF8_STRING = nxagentAtoms[12]; /* UTF8_STRING */
  /* see nxagentSendNotify for an explanation */
  serverClientCutProperty = nxagentAtoms[15]; /* NX_CUT_BUFFER_CLIENT */

  if (serverCutProperty == None)
    #ifdef PANIC
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC! Could not create NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER atom\n", __func__);

    return -1;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: Setting owner of selection [%s][%d] on window 0x%x\n", __func__,
              "NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER", (int) serverCutProperty, iWindow);

  XSetSelectionOwner(nxagentDisplay, serverCutProperty, iWindow, CurrentTime);

  if (XQueryExtension(nxagentDisplay,
                      &nxagentXFixesInfo.ErrorBase) == 0)
    ErrorF("Unable to initialize XFixes extension.\n");
    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Registering for XFixesSelectionNotify events.\n", __func__);

    for (int i = 0; i < nxagentMaxSelections; i++)
      XFixesSelectSelectionInput(nxagentDisplay, iWindow,
                                 XFixesSetSelectionOwnerNotifyMask |
                                 XFixesSelectionWindowDestroyNotifyMask |

    nxagentXFixesInfo.Initialized = 1;

     The first paste from CLIPBOARD did not work directly after
     session start. Removing this code makes it work. It is unsure why
     it was introduced in the first place so it is possible that we
     see other effects by leaving out this code.

     Fixes X2Go bug #952, see https://bugs.x2go.org/952 for details .

  if (nxagentSessionId[0])
    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: setting the ownership of %s to %lx"
                " and registering for PropertyChangeMask events\n", __func__,
                    validateString(XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, nxagentAtoms[10])), iWindow);

    XSetSelectionOwner(nxagentDisplay, nxagentAtoms[10], iWindow, CurrentTime);
    pWin -> eventMask |= PropertyChangeMask;
    nxagentChangeWindowAttributes(pWin, CWEventMask);

  if (nxagentReconnectTrap)
     * Only for PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections.

    for (int i = 0; i < nxagentMaxSelections; i++)
      if (lastSelectionOwner[i].client && lastSelectionOwner[i].window)
        XSetSelectionOwner(nxagentDisplay, lastSelectionOwner[i].selection, iWindow, CurrentTime);
    lastSelectionOwner[nxagentPrimarySelection].client = NULL;
    lastSelectionOwner[nxagentClipboardSelection].client = NULL;

    lastServerRequestor = None;

    lastClientWindowPtr = NULL;
    lastClientReqTime = GetTimeInMillis();

    clientCutProperty = MakeAtom(szAgentNX_CUT_BUFFER_CLIENT,
                                         strlen(szAgentNX_CUT_BUFFER_CLIENT), 1);
    clientTARGETS = MakeAtom(szAgentTARGETS, strlen(szAgentTARGETS), True);
    clientTEXT = MakeAtom(szAgentTEXT, strlen(szAgentTEXT), True);
    clientCOMPOUND_TEXT = MakeAtom(szAgentCOMPOUND_TEXT, strlen(szAgentCOMPOUND_TEXT), True);
    clientUTF8_STRING = MakeAtom(szAgentUTF8_STRING, strlen(szAgentUTF8_STRING), True);

    if (clientCutProperty == None)
      #ifdef PANIC
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC! "
              "Could not create NX_CUT_BUFFER_CLIENT atom.\n", __func__);

      return -1;

  agentClipboardStatus = 1;

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: Clipboard initialization completed.\n", __func__);

    extern unsigned long startTime;

    fprintf(stderr, "%s: initializing ends [%d] milliseconds.\n", __func__,
                GetTimeInMillis() - startTime);

  return 1;