/**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com) */ /* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder <o.shneyder@phoca-gmbh.de> */ /* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>*/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de> */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller <uli42@gmx.de> */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com) */ /* */ /* NXAGENT, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software */ /* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies. */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according */ /* to terms specified in the file LICENSE which comes in the source */ /* distribution. */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other */ /* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as */ /* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */ /* as copyright holder, as well. */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ /* * $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/render/picture.c,v 1.29 2002/11/23 02:38:15 keithp Exp $ * * Copyright © 2000 SuSE, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of SuSE not be used in advertising or * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission. SuSE makes no representations about the * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" * without express or implied warranty. * * SuSE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL SuSE * BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: Keith Packard, SuSE, Inc. */ #include "picturestr.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Pixmaps.h" #include "Drawable.h" #include "Render.h" /* prototypes */ PictFormatPtr PictureCreateDefaultFormats (ScreenPtr pScreen, int *nformatp); PicturePtr AllocatePicture (ScreenPtr pScreen); PicturePtr CreatePicture (Picture pid, DrawablePtr pDrawable, PictFormatPtr pFormat, Mask vmask, XID *vlist, ClientPtr client, int *error); static PicturePtr createSourcePicture(void); int FreePicture (void *value, XID pid); #include "../../render/picture.c" #define PANIC #define WARNING #undef TEST #undef DEBUG void *nxagentVisualFromID(ScreenPtr pScreen, VisualID visual); void *nxagentMatchingFormats(PictFormatPtr pForm); void nxagentPictureCreateDefaultFormats(ScreenPtr pScreen, FormatInitRec *formats, int *nformats); PictFormatPtr PictureCreateDefaultFormats (ScreenPtr pScreen, int *nformatp) { int nformats, f; PictFormatPtr pFormats; FormatInitRec formats[1024]; CARD32 format; nformats = 0; nxagentPictureCreateDefaultFormats(pScreen, formats, &nformats); pFormats = (PictFormatPtr) malloc (nformats * sizeof (PictFormatRec)); if (!pFormats) return 0; memset (pFormats, '\0', nformats * sizeof (PictFormatRec)); for (f = 0; f < nformats; f++) { pFormats[f].id = FakeClientID (0); pFormats[f].depth = formats[f].depth; format = formats[f].format; pFormats[f].format = format; switch (PICT_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) { case PICT_TYPE_ARGB: pFormats[f].type = PictTypeDirect; pFormats[f].direct.alphaMask = Mask(PICT_FORMAT_A(format)); if (pFormats[f].direct.alphaMask) pFormats[f].direct.alpha = (PICT_FORMAT_R(format) + PICT_FORMAT_G(format) + PICT_FORMAT_B(format)); pFormats[f].direct.redMask = Mask(PICT_FORMAT_R(format)); pFormats[f].direct.red = (PICT_FORMAT_G(format) + PICT_FORMAT_B(format)); pFormats[f].direct.greenMask = Mask(PICT_FORMAT_G(format)); pFormats[f].direct.green = PICT_FORMAT_B(format); pFormats[f].direct.blueMask = Mask(PICT_FORMAT_B(format)); pFormats[f].direct.blue = 0; break; case PICT_TYPE_ABGR: pFormats[f].type = PictTypeDirect; pFormats[f].direct.alphaMask = Mask(PICT_FORMAT_A(format)); if (pFormats[f].direct.alphaMask) pFormats[f].direct.alpha = (PICT_FORMAT_B(format) + PICT_FORMAT_G(format) + PICT_FORMAT_R(format)); pFormats[f].direct.blueMask = Mask(PICT_FORMAT_B(format)); pFormats[f].direct.blue = (PICT_FORMAT_G(format) + PICT_FORMAT_R(format)); pFormats[f].direct.greenMask = Mask(PICT_FORMAT_G(format)); pFormats[f].direct.green = PICT_FORMAT_R(format); pFormats[f].direct.redMask = Mask(PICT_FORMAT_R(format)); pFormats[f].direct.red = 0; break; case PICT_TYPE_A: pFormats[f].type = PictTypeDirect; pFormats[f].direct.alpha = 0; pFormats[f].direct.alphaMask = Mask(PICT_FORMAT_A(format)); /* remaining fields already set to zero */ break; case PICT_TYPE_COLOR: case PICT_TYPE_GRAY: pFormats[f].type = PictTypeIndexed; pFormats[f].index.vid = pScreen->visuals[PICT_FORMAT_VIS(format)].vid; break; } if (nxagentMatchingFormats(&pFormats[f]) != NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "PictureCreateDefaultFormats: Format with type [%d] depth [%d] rgb [%d,%d,%d] " "mask rgb [%d,%d,%d] alpha [%d] alpha mask [%d] matches.\n", pFormats[f].type, pFormats[f].depth, pFormats[f].direct.red, pFormats[f].direct.green, pFormats[f].direct.blue, pFormats[f].direct.redMask, pFormats[f].direct.greenMask, pFormats[f].direct.blueMask, pFormats[f].direct.alpha, pFormats[f].direct.alphaMask); #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "PictureCreateDefaultFormats: Format with type [%d] depth [%d] rgb [%d,%d,%d] " "mask rgb [%d,%d,%d] alpha [%d] alpha mask [%d] doesn't match.\n", pFormats[f].type, pFormats[f].depth, pFormats[f].direct.red, pFormats[f].direct.green, pFormats[f].direct.blue, pFormats[f].direct.redMask, pFormats[f].direct.greenMask, pFormats[f].direct.blueMask, pFormats[f].direct.alpha, pFormats[f].direct.alphaMask); #endif } } *nformatp = nformats; return pFormats; } PicturePtr AllocatePicture (ScreenPtr pScreen) { PictureScreenPtr ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen); PicturePtr pPicture; char *ptr; DevUnion *ppriv; unsigned int *sizes; unsigned int size; int i; pPicture = (PicturePtr) malloc (ps->totalPictureSize); if (!pPicture) return 0; ppriv = (DevUnion *)(pPicture + 1); pPicture->devPrivates = ppriv; sizes = ps->PicturePrivateSizes; ptr = (char *)(ppriv + ps->PicturePrivateLen); for (i = ps->PicturePrivateLen; --i >= 0; ppriv++, sizes++) { if ( (size = *sizes) ) { ppriv->ptr = (void *)ptr; ptr += size; } else ppriv->ptr = (void *)NULL; } nxagentPicturePriv(pPicture) -> picture = 0; return pPicture; } PicturePtr CreatePicture (Picture pid, DrawablePtr pDrawable, PictFormatPtr pFormat, Mask vmask, XID *vlist, ClientPtr client, int *error) { PicturePtr pPicture; PictureScreenPtr ps = GetPictureScreen(pDrawable->pScreen); pPicture = AllocatePicture (pDrawable->pScreen); if (!pPicture) { *error = BadAlloc; return 0; } pPicture->id = pid; pPicture->pDrawable = pDrawable; pPicture->pFormat = pFormat; pPicture->format = pFormat->format | (pDrawable->bitsPerPixel << 24); if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) { /* * Let picture always point to the virtual pixmap. * For sure this is not the best way to deal with * the virtual frame-buffer. */ pPicture->pDrawable = nxagentVirtualDrawable(pDrawable); ++((PixmapPtr)pDrawable)->refcnt; pPicture->pNext = 0; } else { pPicture->pNext = GetPictureWindow(((WindowPtr) pDrawable)); SetPictureWindow(((WindowPtr) pDrawable), pPicture); } SetPictureToDefaults (pPicture); if (vmask) *error = ChangePicture (pPicture, vmask, vlist, 0, client); else *error = Success; if (*error == Success) *error = (*ps->CreatePicture) (pPicture); if (*error != Success) { FreePicture (pPicture, (XID) 0); pPicture = 0; } return pPicture; } PicturePtr CreateSolidPicture (Picture pid, xRenderColor *color, int *error) { PicturePtr pPicture; pPicture = createSourcePicture(); if (!pPicture) { *error = BadAlloc; return 0; } pPicture->id = pid; pPicture->pSourcePict = (SourcePictPtr) malloc(sizeof(PictSolidFill)); if (!pPicture->pSourcePict) { *error = BadAlloc; free(pPicture); return 0; } pPicture->pSourcePict->type = SourcePictTypeSolidFill; pPicture->pSourcePict->solidFill.color = xRenderColorToCard32(*color); pPicture->pSourcePict->solidFill.fullColor.alpha=color->alpha; pPicture->pSourcePict->solidFill.fullColor.red=color->red; pPicture->pSourcePict->solidFill.fullColor.green=color->green; pPicture->pSourcePict->solidFill.fullColor.blue=color->blue; return pPicture; } static PicturePtr createSourcePicture(void) { PicturePtr pPicture; extern int nxagentPicturePrivateIndex; unsigned int totalPictureSize; DevUnion *ppriv; char *privPictureRecAddr; int i; /* * Compute size of entire PictureRect, plus privates. */ totalPictureSize = sizeof(PictureRec) + picturePrivateCount * sizeof(DevUnion) + sizeof(nxagentPrivPictureRec); pPicture = (PicturePtr) malloc(totalPictureSize); if (pPicture != NULL) { ppriv = (DevUnion *) (pPicture + 1); for (i = 0; i < picturePrivateCount; ++i) { /* * Other privates are inaccessible. */ ppriv[i].ptr = NULL; } privPictureRecAddr = (char *) &ppriv[picturePrivateCount]; ppriv[nxagentPicturePrivateIndex].ptr = (void *) privPictureRecAddr; pPicture -> devPrivates = ppriv; nxagentPicturePriv(pPicture) -> picture = 0; } pPicture->pDrawable = 0; pPicture->pFormat = 0; pPicture->pNext = 0; SetPictureToDefaults(pPicture); return pPicture; } int FreePicture (void * value, XID pid) { PicturePtr pPicture = (PicturePtr) value; if (--pPicture->refcnt == 0) { nxagentDestroyPicture(pPicture); if (pPicture->transform) free (pPicture->transform); if (!pPicture->pDrawable) { if (pPicture->pSourcePict) { if (pPicture->pSourcePict->type != SourcePictTypeSolidFill) free(pPicture->pSourcePict->linear.stops); free(pPicture->pSourcePict); } } else { ScreenPtr pScreen = pPicture->pDrawable->pScreen; PictureScreenPtr ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen); if (pPicture->alphaMap) FreePicture ((void *) pPicture->alphaMap, (XID) 0); (*ps->DestroyPicture) (pPicture); (*ps->DestroyPictureClip) (pPicture); if (pPicture->pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { WindowPtr pWindow = (WindowPtr) pPicture->pDrawable; PicturePtr *pPrev; for (pPrev = (PicturePtr *) &((pWindow)->devPrivates[PictureWindowPrivateIndex].ptr); *pPrev; pPrev = &(*pPrev)->pNext) { if (*pPrev == pPicture) { *pPrev = pPicture->pNext; break; } } } else if (pPicture->pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) { (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) ((PixmapPtr)pPicture->pDrawable); } } free (pPicture); } return Success; } #ifndef True # define True 1 #endif #ifndef False # define False 0 #endif void nxagentReconnectPictFormat(void*, XID, void*); Bool nxagentReconnectAllPictFormat(void *p) { PictFormatPtr formats_old, formats; int nformats, nformats_old; VisualPtr pVisual; Bool success = True; Bool matched; int i, n; CARD32 type, a, r, g, b; #if defined(NXAGENT_RECONNECT_DEBUG) || defined(NXAGENT_RECONNECT_PICTFORMAT_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectAllPictFormat\n"); #endif formats_old = GetPictureScreen(nxagentDefaultScreen) -> formats; nformats_old = GetPictureScreen(nxagentDefaultScreen) -> nformats; /* * TODO: We could copy PictureCreateDefaultFormats, * in order not to waste ID with FakeClientID(). */ formats = PictureCreateDefaultFormats (nxagentDefaultScreen, &nformats); if (!formats) return False; for (n = 0; n < nformats; n++) { if (formats[n].type == PictTypeIndexed) { pVisual = nxagentVisualFromID(nxagentDefaultScreen, formats[n].index.vid); if ((pVisual->class | DynamicClass) == PseudoColor) type = PICT_TYPE_COLOR; else type = PICT_TYPE_GRAY; a = r = g = b = 0; } else { if ((formats[n].direct.redMask| formats[n].direct.blueMask| formats[n].direct.greenMask) == 0) type = PICT_TYPE_A; else if (formats[n].direct.red > formats[n].direct.blue) type = PICT_TYPE_ARGB; else type = PICT_TYPE_ABGR; a = Ones (formats[n].direct.alphaMask); r = Ones (formats[n].direct.redMask); g = Ones (formats[n].direct.greenMask); b = Ones (formats[n].direct.blueMask); } formats[n].format = PICT_FORMAT(0,type,a,r,g,b); } for (n = 0; n < nformats_old; n++) { for (i = 0, matched = False; (!matched) && (i < nformats); i++) { if (formats_old[n].format == formats[i].format && formats_old[n].type == formats[i].type && formats_old[n].direct.red == formats[i].direct.red && formats_old[n].direct.green == formats[i].direct.green && formats_old[n].direct.blue == formats[i].direct.blue && formats_old[n].direct.redMask == formats[i].direct.redMask && formats_old[n].direct.greenMask == formats[i].direct.greenMask && formats_old[n].direct.blueMask == formats[i].direct.blueMask && formats_old[n].direct.alpha == formats[i].direct.alpha && formats_old[n].direct.alphaMask == formats[i].direct.alphaMask) { /* * Regard depth 16 and 15 as were the same, if all other values match. */ if ((formats_old[n].depth == formats[i].depth) || ((formats_old[n].depth == 15 || formats_old[n].depth == 16) && (formats[i].depth == 15 || formats[i].depth == 16))) { matched = True; } } } if (!matched) { return False; } } free(formats); /* TODO: Perhaps do i have to do PictureFinishInit ?. */ /* TODO: We have to check for new Render protocol version. */ for (i = 0; (i < MAXCLIENTS) && (success); i++) { if (clients[i]) { FindClientResourcesByType(clients[i], PictFormatType, nxagentReconnectPictFormat, &success); } } return success; } /* * It seem we don't have nothing * to do for reconnect PictureFormat. */ void nxagentReconnectPictFormat(void *p0, XID x1, void *p2) { #if defined(NXAGENT_RECONNECT_DEBUG) || defined(NXAGENT_RECONNECT_PICTFORMAT_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectPictFormat.\n"); #endif } /* * The set of picture formats may change considerably * between different X servers. This poses a problem * while migrating NX sessions, because a requisite to * successfully reconnect the session is that all pic- * ture formats have to be available on the new X server. * To reduce such problems, we use a limited set of * pictures available on the most X servers. */ void nxagentPictureCreateDefaultFormats(ScreenPtr pScreen, FormatInitRec *formats, int *nformats) { DepthPtr pDepth; VisualPtr pVisual; CARD32 format; CARD8 depth; int r, g, b; int bpp; int d; int v; formats[*nformats].format = PICT_a1; formats[*nformats].depth = 1; *nformats += 1; formats[*nformats].format = PICT_a4; formats[*nformats].depth = 4; *nformats += 1; formats[*nformats].format = PICT_a8; formats[*nformats].depth = 8; *nformats += 1; formats[*nformats].format = PICT_a8r8g8b8; formats[*nformats].depth = 32; *nformats += 1; /* * This format should be required by the * protocol, but it's not used by Xgl. * * formats[*nformats].format = PICT_x8r8g8b8; * formats[*nformats].depth = 32; * *nformats += 1; */ /* now look through the depths and visuals adding other formats */ for (v = 0; v < pScreen->numVisuals; v++) { pVisual = &pScreen->visuals[v]; depth = visualDepth (pScreen, pVisual); if (!depth) continue; bpp = BitsPerPixel (depth); switch (pVisual->class) { case DirectColor: case TrueColor: r = Ones (pVisual->redMask); g = Ones (pVisual->greenMask); b = Ones (pVisual->blueMask); if (pVisual->offsetBlue == 0 && pVisual->offsetGreen == b && pVisual->offsetRed == b + g) { format = PICT_FORMAT(bpp, PICT_TYPE_ARGB, 0, r, g, b); *nformats = addFormat (formats, *nformats, format, depth); } break; case StaticColor: case PseudoColor: case StaticGray: case GrayScale: break; } } for (d = 0; d < pScreen -> numDepths; d++) { pDepth = &pScreen -> allowedDepths[d]; bpp = BitsPerPixel(pDepth -> depth); switch (bpp) { case 16: if (pDepth->depth == 15) { *nformats = addFormat (formats, *nformats, PICT_x1r5g5b5, pDepth->depth); } if (pDepth->depth == 16) { *nformats = addFormat (formats, *nformats, PICT_r5g6b5, pDepth->depth); } break; case 24: if (pDepth->depth == 24) { *nformats = addFormat (formats, *nformats, PICT_r8g8b8, pDepth->depth); } break; case 32: if (pDepth->depth == 24) { *nformats = addFormat (formats, *nformats, PICT_x8r8g8b8, pDepth->depth); } break; } } }