/**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com) */ /* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder */ /* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com) */ /* */ /* NXAGENT, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software */ /* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies. */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according */ /* to terms specified in the file LICENSE which comes in the source */ /* distribution. */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other */ /* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as */ /* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */ /* as copyright holder, as well. */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ /* * Copyright © 2000 SuSE, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of SuSE not be used in advertising or * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission. SuSE makes no representations about the * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" * without express or implied warranty. * * SuSE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL SuSE * BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: Keith Packard, SuSE, Inc. */ #include "../render/render.c" #include "Trap.h" #include "Render.h" #include "Pixmaps.h" #include "Options.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Cursor.h" /* * Set here the required log level. */ #define PANIC #define WARNING #undef TEST #undef DEBUG #ifdef TEST #include "Literals.h" #endif /* * From NXglyph.c. */ extern void GlyphExtents(int nlist, GlyphListPtr list, GlyphPtr *glyphs, BoxPtr extents); /* * From NXmitrap.c. */ extern void miTrapezoidBounds (int ntrap, xTrapezoid *traps, BoxPtr box); /* * Functions from Render.c. */ extern int nxagentCursorSaveRenderInfo(ScreenPtr, CursorPtr); extern void nxagentCursorPostSaveRenderInfo(CursorPtr, ScreenPtr, PicturePtr, int, int); extern void nxagentRenderRealizeCursor(ScreenPtr, CursorPtr); extern int nxagentCreatePicture(PicturePtr, Mask); extern void nxagentChangePicture(PicturePtr, Mask); extern int nxagentChangePictureClip(PicturePtr, int, int, xRectangle *, int, int); extern void nxagentComposite(CARD8, PicturePtr, PicturePtr, PicturePtr, INT16, INT16, INT16, INT16, INT16, INT16, CARD16, CARD16); extern void nxagentCompositeRects(CARD8, PicturePtr, xRenderColor *, int, xRectangle *); extern void nxagentCreateGlyphSet(GlyphSetPtr glyphSet); extern void nxagentReferenceGlyphSet(GlyphSetPtr glyphSet); extern void nxagentFreeGlyphs(GlyphSetPtr glyphSet, CARD32 *gids, int nglyph); extern void nxagentFreeGlyphSet(GlyphSetPtr glyphSet); extern void nxagentSetPictureTransform(PicturePtr pPicture, void * transform); extern void nxagentSetPictureFilter(PicturePtr pPicture, char *filter, int name_size, void * params, int nparams); extern void nxagentTrapezoids(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pDst, PictFormatPtr maskFormat, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, int ntrap, xTrapezoid *traps); extern void nxagentRenderCreateSolidFill(PicturePtr pPicture, xRenderColor *color); extern void nxagentRenderCreateLinearGradient(PicturePtr pPicture, xPointFixed *p1, xPointFixed *p2, int nStops, xFixed *stops, xRenderColor *colors); extern void nxagentRenderCreateRadialGradient(PicturePtr pPicture, xPointFixed *inner, xPointFixed *outer, xFixed innerRadius, xFixed outerRadius, int nStops, xFixed *stops, xRenderColor *colors); extern void nxagentRenderCreateConicalGradient(PicturePtr pPicture, xPointFixed *center, xFixed angle, int nStops, xFixed *stops, xRenderColor *colors); extern int nxagentAlphaEnabled; /* * The void pointer is actually a XGlyphElt8. */ void nxagentGlyphs(CARD8, PicturePtr, PicturePtr, PictFormatPtr, INT16, INT16, int, void *, int, GlyphPtr *); static int ProcRenderQueryVersion (ClientPtr client) { RenderClientPtr pRenderClient = GetRenderClient (client); xRenderQueryVersionReply rep = { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .majorVersion = nxagentRenderVersionMajor, .minorVersion = nxagentRenderVersionMinor }; REQUEST(xRenderQueryVersionReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xRenderQueryVersionReq); pRenderClient->major_version = stuff->majorVersion; pRenderClient->minor_version = stuff->minorVersion; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.majorVersion); swapl(&rep.minorVersion); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xRenderQueryVersionReply), &rep); return (client->noClientException); } static int ProcRenderQueryPictFormats (ClientPtr client) { RenderClientPtr pRenderClient = GetRenderClient (client); xRenderQueryPictFormatsReply *reply; xPictScreen *pictScreen; xPictDepth *pictDepth; xPictVisual *pictVisual; xPictFormInfo *pictForm; CARD32 *pictSubpixel; ScreenPtr pScreen; VisualPtr pVisual; DepthPtr pDepth; int v, d; PictureScreenPtr ps; PictFormatPtr pFormat; int nformat; int ndepth; int nvisual; int rlength; int s; int numScreens; int numSubpixel; /* REQUEST(xRenderQueryPictFormatsReq); */ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xRenderQueryPictFormatsReq); #ifdef PANORAMIX if (noPanoramiXExtension) numScreens = screenInfo.numScreens; else numScreens = ((xConnSetup *)ConnectionInfo)->numRoots; #else numScreens = screenInfo.numScreens; #endif ndepth = nformat = nvisual = 0; for (s = 0; s < numScreens; s++) { pScreen = screenInfo.screens[s]; for (d = 0; d < pScreen->numDepths; d++) { pDepth = pScreen->allowedDepths + d; ++ndepth; for (v = 0; v < pDepth->numVids; v++) { pVisual = findVisual (pScreen, pDepth->vids[v]); if (pVisual && PictureMatchVisual (pScreen, pDepth->depth, pVisual)) ++nvisual; } } ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen); if (ps) nformat += ps->nformats; } if (pRenderClient->major_version == 0 && pRenderClient->minor_version < 6) numSubpixel = 0; else numSubpixel = numScreens; rlength = (sizeof (xRenderQueryPictFormatsReply) + nformat * sizeof (xPictFormInfo) + numScreens * sizeof (xPictScreen) + ndepth * sizeof (xPictDepth) + nvisual * sizeof (xPictVisual) + numSubpixel * sizeof (CARD32)); reply = (xRenderQueryPictFormatsReply *) calloc (1, rlength); if (!reply) return BadAlloc; reply->type = X_Reply; reply->sequenceNumber = client->sequence; reply->length = (rlength - sizeof(xGenericReply)) >> 2; reply->numFormats = nformat; reply->numScreens = numScreens; reply->numDepths = ndepth; reply->numVisuals = nvisual; reply->numSubpixel = numSubpixel; pictForm = (xPictFormInfo *) (reply + 1); for (s = 0; s < numScreens; s++) { pScreen = screenInfo.screens[s]; ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen); if (ps) { for (nformat = 0, pFormat = ps->formats; nformat < ps->nformats; nformat++, pFormat++) { pictForm->id = pFormat->id; pictForm->type = pFormat->type; pictForm->depth = pFormat->depth; pictForm->direct.red = pFormat->direct.red; pictForm->direct.redMask = pFormat->direct.redMask; pictForm->direct.green = pFormat->direct.green; pictForm->direct.greenMask = pFormat->direct.greenMask; pictForm->direct.blue = pFormat->direct.blue; pictForm->direct.blueMask = pFormat->direct.blueMask; pictForm->direct.alpha = nxagentAlphaEnabled ? pFormat->direct.alpha : 0; pictForm->direct.alphaMask = pFormat->direct.alphaMask; if (pFormat->type == PictTypeIndexed && pFormat->index.pColormap) pictForm->colormap = pFormat->index.pColormap->mid; else pictForm->colormap = None; if (client->swapped) { swapl (&pictForm->id); swaps (&pictForm->direct.red); swaps (&pictForm->direct.redMask); swaps (&pictForm->direct.green); swaps (&pictForm->direct.greenMask); swaps (&pictForm->direct.blue); swaps (&pictForm->direct.blueMask); swaps (&pictForm->direct.alpha); swaps (&pictForm->direct.alphaMask); swapl (&pictForm->colormap); } pictForm++; } } } pictScreen = (xPictScreen *) pictForm; for (s = 0; s < numScreens; s++) { pScreen = screenInfo.screens[s]; pictDepth = (xPictDepth *) (pictScreen + 1); ndepth = 0; for (d = 0; d < pScreen->numDepths; d++) { pictVisual = (xPictVisual *) (pictDepth + 1); pDepth = pScreen->allowedDepths + d; nvisual = 0; for (v = 0; v < pDepth->numVids; v++) { pVisual = findVisual (pScreen, pDepth->vids[v]); if (pVisual && (pFormat = PictureMatchVisual (pScreen, pDepth->depth, pVisual))) { pictVisual->visual = pVisual->vid; pictVisual->format = pFormat->id; if (client->swapped) { swapl (&pictVisual->visual); swapl (&pictVisual->format); } pictVisual++; nvisual++; } } pictDepth->depth = pDepth->depth; pictDepth->nPictVisuals = nvisual; if (client->swapped) { swaps (&pictDepth->nPictVisuals); } ndepth++; pictDepth = (xPictDepth *) pictVisual; } pictScreen->nDepth = ndepth; ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen); if (ps) pictScreen->fallback = ps->fallback->id; else pictScreen->fallback = 0; if (client->swapped) { swapl (&pictScreen->nDepth); swapl (&pictScreen->fallback); } pictScreen = (xPictScreen *) pictDepth; } pictSubpixel = (CARD32 *) pictScreen; for (s = 0; s < numSubpixel; s++) { pScreen = screenInfo.screens[s]; ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen); if (ps) *pictSubpixel = ps->subpixel; else *pictSubpixel = SubPixelUnknown; if (client->swapped) { swapl (pictSubpixel); } ++pictSubpixel; } if (client->swapped) { swaps (&reply->sequenceNumber); swapl (&reply->length); swapl (&reply->numFormats); swapl (&reply->numScreens); swapl (&reply->numDepths); swapl (&reply->numVisuals); swapl (&reply->numSubpixel); } WriteToClient(client, rlength, reply); free (reply); return client->noClientException; } static int ProcRenderCreatePicture (ClientPtr client) { PicturePtr pPicture; DrawablePtr pDrawable; PictFormatPtr pFormat; int len; int error; REQUEST(xRenderCreatePictureReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderCreatePictureReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->pid, client); SECURITY_VERIFY_DRAWABLE(pDrawable, stuff->drawable, client, DixWriteAccess); pFormat = (PictFormatPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType (client, stuff->format, PictFormatType, DixReadAccess); if (!pFormat) { client->errorValue = stuff->format; return RenderErrBase + BadPictFormat; } if (pFormat->depth != pDrawable->depth) return BadMatch; len = client->req_len - (sizeof(xRenderCreatePictureReq) >> 2); if (Ones(stuff->mask) != len) return BadLength; pPicture = CreatePicture (stuff->pid, pDrawable, pFormat, stuff->mask, (XID *) (stuff + 1), client, &error); if (!pPicture) return error; nxagentCreatePicture(pPicture, stuff -> mask); if (!AddResource (stuff->pid, PictureType, (void *)pPicture)) return BadAlloc; return Success; } static int ProcRenderChangePicture (ClientPtr client) { PicturePtr pPicture; REQUEST(xRenderChangePictureReq); int len; int error; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderChangePictureReq); VERIFY_PICTURE (pPicture, stuff->picture, client, DixWriteAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); len = client->req_len - (sizeof(xRenderChangePictureReq) >> 2); if (Ones(stuff->mask) != len) return BadLength; error = ChangePicture (pPicture, stuff->mask, (XID *) (stuff + 1), (DevUnion *) 0, client); nxagentChangePicture(pPicture, stuff->mask); return error; } static int ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xRenderSetPictureClipRectanglesReq); PicturePtr pPicture; int nr; int result; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderSetPictureClipRectanglesReq); VERIFY_PICTURE (pPicture, stuff->picture, client, DixWriteAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); if (!pPicture->pDrawable) return BadDrawable; /* * The original code used sizeof(xRenderChangePictureReq). * This was harmless, as both structures have the same size. * * nr = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xRenderChangePictureReq); */ nr = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xRenderSetPictureClipRectanglesReq); if (nr & 4) return BadLength; nr >>= 3; result = SetPictureClipRects (pPicture, stuff->xOrigin, stuff->yOrigin, nr, (xRectangle *) &stuff[1]); nxagentChangePictureClip (pPicture, CT_NONE, nr, (xRectangle *) &stuff[1], (int)stuff -> xOrigin, (int)stuff -> yOrigin); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } /* * Check if both pictures have drawables which are * virtual pixmaps. See the corresponding define * in NXpicture.c */ #define NXAGENT_PICTURE_ALWAYS_POINTS_TO_VIRTUAL #ifdef NXAGENT_PICTURE_ALWAYS_POINTS_TO_VIRTUAL #define nxagentCompositePredicate(pSrc, pDst) TRUE #else /* * This is still under development. The final * goal is to let pictures point to the real * pixmaps instead of pointing to virtuals. */ int nxagentCompositePredicate(PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pDst) { PixmapPtr pPixmap1; PixmapPtr pPixmap2; pPixmap1 = (pSrc -> pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP ? ((PixmapPtr) pSrc -> pDrawable) : NULL); pPixmap2 = (pDst -> pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP ? ((PixmapPtr) pDst -> pDrawable) : NULL); if (pPixmap1 == NULL || pPixmap2 == NULL) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCompositePredicate: Case 0.\n"); #endif return FALSE; } else { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCompositePredicate: Case 1.\n"); #endif if (nxagentPixmapIsVirtual(pPixmap1) == 1 && nxagentPixmapIsVirtual(pPixmap2) == 1) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCompositePredicate: Case 2.\n"); #endif return TRUE; } } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCompositePredicate: Case 3.\n"); #endif return FALSE; } #endif static int ProcRenderComposite (ClientPtr client) { PicturePtr pSrc, pMask, pDst; REQUEST(xRenderCompositeReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xRenderCompositeReq); if (!PictOpValid (stuff->op)) { client->errorValue = stuff->op; return BadValue; } VERIFY_PICTURE (pDst, stuff->dst, client, DixWriteAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); if (!pDst->pDrawable) return BadDrawable; VERIFY_PICTURE (pSrc, stuff->src, client, DixReadAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); VERIFY_ALPHA (pMask, stuff->mask, client, DixReadAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); if ((pSrc->pDrawable && pSrc->pDrawable->pScreen != pDst->pDrawable->pScreen) || (pMask && pMask->pDrawable && pDst->pDrawable->pScreen != pMask->pDrawable->pScreen)) return BadMatch; ValidatePicture (pSrc); if (pMask) ValidatePicture (pMask); ValidatePicture (pDst); #ifdef NXAGENT_PICTURE_ALWAYS_POINTS_TO_VIRTUAL if (nxagentCompositePredicate(pSrc, pDst)) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "ProcRenderComposite: Going to composite with " "source at [%p] mask at [%p] and destination at [%p].\n", (void *) pSrc, (void *) pMask, (void *) pDst); #endif CompositePicture (stuff->op, pSrc, pMask, pDst, stuff->xSrc, stuff->ySrc, stuff->xMask, stuff->yMask, stuff->xDst, stuff->yDst, stuff->width, stuff->height); } #else if (pSrc -> pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP && pDst -> pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP && (!pMask || pMask -> pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP)) { PixmapPtr pVirtualPixmapSrc; PixmapPtr pVirtualPixmapDst; PixmapPtr pVirtualPixmapMask; PicturePtr pVirtualPictureSrc; PicturePtr pVirtualPictureDst; PicturePtr pVirtualPictureMask; pVirtualPixmapSrc = (PixmapPtr) pSrc -> pDrawable; pVirtualPictureSrc = nxagentPixmapPriv(pVirtualPixmapSrc) -> pPicture; pVirtualPixmapDst = (PixmapPtr) pDst -> pDrawable; pVirtualPictureDst = nxagentPixmapPriv(pVirtualPixmapDst) -> pPicture; if (pMask) { pVirtualPixmapMask = (PixmapPtr) pMask -> pDrawable; pVirtualPictureMask = nxagentPixmapPriv(pVirtualPixmapMask) -> pPicture; } else { pVirtualPixmapMask = NULL; pVirtualPictureMask = NULL; } if (pVirtualPictureSrc && pVirtualPictureDst) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "ProcRenderComposite: Going to composite with " "source at [%p] mask at [%p] and destination at [%p].\n", (void *) pVirtualPixmapSrc, (void *) pVirtualPixmapMask, (void *) pVirtualPixmapDst); #endif CompositePicture (stuff->op, pVirtualPictureSrc, pVirtualPictureMask, pVirtualPictureDst, stuff->xSrc, stuff->ySrc, stuff->xMask, stuff->yMask, stuff->xDst, stuff->yDst, stuff->width, stuff->height); } } #endif nxagentComposite (stuff -> op, pSrc, pMask, pDst, stuff -> xSrc, stuff -> ySrc, stuff -> xMask, stuff -> yMask, stuff -> xDst, stuff -> yDst, stuff -> width, stuff -> height); return Success; } static int ProcRenderTrapezoids (ClientPtr client) { int ntraps; PicturePtr pSrc, pDst; PictFormatPtr pFormat; REQUEST(xRenderTrapezoidsReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderTrapezoidsReq); if (!PictOpValid (stuff->op)) { client->errorValue = stuff->op; return BadValue; } VERIFY_PICTURE (pSrc, stuff->src, client, DixReadAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); VERIFY_PICTURE (pDst, stuff->dst, client, DixWriteAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); if (!pDst->pDrawable) return BadDrawable; if (pSrc->pDrawable && pSrc->pDrawable->pScreen != pDst->pDrawable->pScreen) return BadMatch; if (stuff->maskFormat) { pFormat = (PictFormatPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType (client, stuff->maskFormat, PictFormatType, DixReadAccess); if (!pFormat) { client->errorValue = stuff->maskFormat; return RenderErrBase + BadPictFormat; } } else pFormat = 0; ntraps = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof (xRenderTrapezoidsReq); if (ntraps % sizeof (xTrapezoid)) return BadLength; ntraps /= sizeof (xTrapezoid); if (ntraps) { if (pFormat != NULL) { if (nxagentTrapezoidExtents && nxagentTrapezoidExtents != NullBox) free(nxagentTrapezoidExtents); nxagentTrapezoidExtents = (BoxPtr) malloc(sizeof(BoxRec)); miTrapezoidBounds (ntraps, (xTrapezoid *) &stuff[1], nxagentTrapezoidExtents); } if (nxagentCompositePredicate(pSrc, pDst) == 1) { CompositeTrapezoids (stuff->op, pSrc, pDst, pFormat, stuff->xSrc, stuff->ySrc, ntraps, (xTrapezoid *) &stuff[1]); } nxagentTrapezoids (stuff->op, pSrc, pDst, pFormat, stuff->xSrc, stuff->ySrc, ntraps, (xTrapezoid *) &stuff[1]); if (nxagentTrapezoidExtents != NullBox) { free(nxagentTrapezoidExtents); nxagentTrapezoidExtents = NullBox; } } return client->noClientException; } static int ProcRenderCreateGlyphSet (ClientPtr client) { GlyphSetPtr glyphSet; PictFormatPtr format; int f; REQUEST(xRenderCreateGlyphSetReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xRenderCreateGlyphSetReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->gsid, client); format = (PictFormatPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType (client, stuff->format, PictFormatType, DixReadAccess); if (!format) { client->errorValue = stuff->format; return RenderErrBase + BadPictFormat; } switch (format->depth) { case 1: f = GlyphFormat1; break; case 4: f = GlyphFormat4; break; case 8: f = GlyphFormat8; break; case 16: f = GlyphFormat16; break; case 32: f = GlyphFormat32; break; default: return BadMatch; } if (format->type != PictTypeDirect) return BadMatch; glyphSet = AllocateGlyphSet (f, format); if (!glyphSet) return BadAlloc; if (!AddResource (stuff->gsid, GlyphSetType, (void *)glyphSet)) return BadAlloc; nxagentCreateGlyphSet(glyphSet); return Success; } static int ProcRenderReferenceGlyphSet (ClientPtr client) { GlyphSetPtr glyphSet; REQUEST(xRenderReferenceGlyphSetReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xRenderReferenceGlyphSetReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->gsid, client); glyphSet = (GlyphSetPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType (client, stuff->existing, GlyphSetType, DixWriteAccess); if (!glyphSet) { client->errorValue = stuff->existing; return RenderErrBase + BadGlyphSet; } glyphSet->refcnt++; nxagentReferenceGlyphSet(glyphSet); if (!AddResource (stuff->gsid, GlyphSetType, (void *)glyphSet)) return BadAlloc; return client->noClientException; } static int ProcRenderFreeGlyphSet (ClientPtr client) { GlyphSetPtr glyphSet; REQUEST(xRenderFreeGlyphSetReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xRenderFreeGlyphSetReq); glyphSet = (GlyphSetPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType (client, stuff->glyphset, GlyphSetType, DixDestroyAccess); if (!glyphSet) { client->errorValue = stuff->glyphset; return RenderErrBase + BadGlyphSet; } nxagentFreeGlyphSet(glyphSet); FreeResource (stuff->glyphset, RT_NONE); return client->noClientException; } static int ProcRenderFreeGlyphs (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xRenderFreeGlyphsReq); GlyphSetPtr glyphSet; int nglyph; CARD32 *gids; CARD32 glyph; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderFreeGlyphsReq); glyphSet = (GlyphSetPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType (client, stuff->glyphset, GlyphSetType, DixWriteAccess); if (!glyphSet) { client->errorValue = stuff->glyphset; return RenderErrBase + BadGlyphSet; } nglyph = ((client->req_len << 2) - sizeof (xRenderFreeGlyphsReq)) >> 2; gids = (CARD32 *) (stuff + 1); nxagentFreeGlyphs(glyphSet, gids, nglyph); while (nglyph-- > 0) { glyph = *gids++; if (!DeleteGlyph (glyphSet, glyph)) { client->errorValue = glyph; return RenderErrBase + BadGlyph; } } return client->noClientException; } typedef struct XGlyphElt8{ GlyphSet glyphset; _Xconst char *chars; int nchars; int xOff; int yOff; } XGlyphElt8; static int ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs (ClientPtr client) { GlyphSetPtr glyphSet; GlyphSet gs; PicturePtr pSrc, pDst; PictFormatPtr pFormat; GlyphListRec listsLocal[NLOCALDELTA]; GlyphListPtr lists, listsBase; GlyphPtr glyphsLocal[NLOCALGLYPH]; Glyph glyph; GlyphPtr *glyphs, *glyphsBase; xGlyphElt *elt; CARD8 *buffer, *end; int nglyph; int nlist; int space; int size; int n; XGlyphElt8 *elements, *elementsBase; REQUEST(xRenderCompositeGlyphsReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderCompositeGlyphsReq); switch (stuff->renderReqType) { default: size = 1; break; case X_RenderCompositeGlyphs16: size = 2; break; case X_RenderCompositeGlyphs32: size = 4; break; } if (!PictOpValid (stuff->op)) { client->errorValue = stuff->op; return BadValue; } VERIFY_PICTURE (pSrc, stuff->src, client, DixReadAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); VERIFY_PICTURE (pDst, stuff->dst, client, DixWriteAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); if (!pDst->pDrawable) return BadDrawable; if (pSrc->pDrawable && pSrc->pDrawable->pScreen != pDst->pDrawable->pScreen) return BadMatch; if (stuff->maskFormat) { pFormat = (PictFormatPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType (client, stuff->maskFormat, PictFormatType, DixReadAccess); if (!pFormat) { client->errorValue = stuff->maskFormat; return RenderErrBase + BadPictFormat; } } else pFormat = 0; glyphSet = (GlyphSetPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType (client, stuff->glyphset, GlyphSetType, DixReadAccess); if (!glyphSet) { client->errorValue = stuff->glyphset; return RenderErrBase + BadGlyphSet; } buffer = (CARD8 *) (stuff + 1); end = (CARD8 *) stuff + (client->req_len << 2); nglyph = 0; nlist = 0; while (buffer + sizeof (xGlyphElt) < end) { elt = (xGlyphElt *) buffer; buffer += sizeof (xGlyphElt); if (elt->len == 0xff) { buffer += 4; } else { nlist++; nglyph += elt->len; space = size * elt->len; if (space & 3) space += 4 - (space & 3); buffer += space; } } if (nglyph <= NLOCALGLYPH) glyphsBase = glyphsLocal; else { glyphsBase = (GlyphPtr *) malloc (nglyph * sizeof (GlyphPtr)); if (!glyphsBase) return BadAlloc; } if (nlist <= NLOCALDELTA) listsBase = listsLocal; else { listsBase = (GlyphListPtr) malloc (nlist * sizeof (GlyphListRec)); if (!listsBase) { if (glyphsBase != glyphsLocal) free(glyphsBase); return BadAlloc; } } elementsBase = malloc(nlist * sizeof(XGlyphElt8)); if (!elementsBase) { if (glyphsBase != glyphsLocal) free(glyphsBase); if (listsBase != listsLocal) free(listsBase); return BadAlloc; } buffer = (CARD8 *) (stuff + 1); glyphs = glyphsBase; lists = listsBase; elements = elementsBase; while (buffer + sizeof (xGlyphElt) < end) { elt = (xGlyphElt *) buffer; buffer += sizeof (xGlyphElt); if (elt->len == 0xff) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs: Glyphset change with base size [%d].\n", size); #endif if (buffer + sizeof (GlyphSet) < end) { memcpy(&gs, buffer, sizeof(GlyphSet)); glyphSet = (GlyphSetPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType (client, gs, GlyphSetType, DixReadAccess); if (!glyphSet) { client->errorValue = gs; if (glyphsBase != glyphsLocal) free (glyphsBase); if (listsBase != listsLocal) free (listsBase); #ifdef NXAGENT_SERVER free(elementsBase); #endif return RenderErrBase + BadGlyphSet; } } buffer += 4; } else { lists->xOff = elt->deltax; lists->yOff = elt->deltay; lists->format = glyphSet->format; lists->len = 0; if (glyphSet -> remoteID == 0) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs: Going to reconnect glyphset at [%p].\n", (void *) glyphSet); #endif nxagentReconnectGlyphSet(glyphSet, (XID) 0, (void*) NULL); } elements -> glyphset = glyphSet -> remoteID; elements -> chars = (char *) buffer; elements -> nchars = elt->len; elements -> xOff = elt->deltax; elements -> yOff = elt->deltay; n = elt->len; while (n--) { if (buffer + size <= end) { switch (size) { case 1: glyph = *((CARD8 *)buffer); break; case 2: glyph = *((CARD16 *)buffer); break; case 4: default: glyph = *((CARD32 *)buffer); break; } if ((*glyphs = FindGlyph (glyphSet, glyph))) { lists->len++; glyphs++; } } buffer += size; } space = size * elt->len; if (space & 3) buffer += 4 - (space & 3); lists++; elements++; } } if (buffer > end) { if (glyphsBase != glyphsLocal) free(glyphsBase); if (listsBase != listsLocal) free(listsBase); #ifdef NXAGENT_SERVER free(elementsBase); #endif return BadLength; } /* * We need to know the glyphs extents to synchronize * the drawables involved in the composite text ope- * ration. Also we need to synchronize only the back- * ground of the text we are going to render, so the * operations on the framebuffer must be executed * after the X requests. */ nxagentGlyphsExtents = (BoxPtr) malloc(sizeof(BoxRec)); GlyphExtents(nlist, listsBase, glyphsBase, nxagentGlyphsExtents); nxagentGlyphs(stuff -> op, pSrc, pDst, pFormat, stuff -> xSrc, stuff -> ySrc, nlist, elementsBase, size, glyphsBase); if (nxagentCompositePredicate(pSrc, pDst) == 1) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs: Going to composite glyphs with " "source at [%p] and destination at [%p].\n", (void *) pSrc, (void *) pDst); #endif CompositeGlyphs(stuff -> op, pSrc, pDst, pFormat, stuff -> xSrc, stuff -> ySrc, nlist, listsBase, glyphsBase); } free(nxagentGlyphsExtents); nxagentGlyphsExtents = NullBox; if (glyphsBase != glyphsLocal) free (glyphsBase); if (listsBase != listsLocal) free (listsBase); free(elementsBase); return client->noClientException; } static int ProcRenderFillRectangles (ClientPtr client) { PicturePtr pDst; int things; REQUEST(xRenderFillRectanglesReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE (xRenderFillRectanglesReq); if (!PictOpValid (stuff->op)) { client->errorValue = stuff->op; return BadValue; } VERIFY_PICTURE (pDst, stuff->dst, client, DixWriteAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); if (!pDst->pDrawable) return BadDrawable; things = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xRenderFillRectanglesReq); if (things & 4) return(BadLength); things >>= 3; CompositeRects (stuff->op, pDst, &stuff->color, things, (xRectangle *) &stuff[1]); ValidatePicture (pDst); nxagentCompositeRects(stuff -> op, pDst, &stuff -> color, things, (xRectangle *) &stuff[1]); return client->noClientException; } static int ProcRenderCreateCursor (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xRenderCreateCursorReq); PicturePtr pSrc; ScreenPtr pScreen; unsigned short width, height; CARD32 *argbbits, *argb; unsigned char *srcbits, *srcline; unsigned char *mskbits, *mskline; int stride; int x, y; int nbytes_mono; CursorMetricRec cm; CursorPtr pCursor; CARD32 twocolor[3]; int ncolor; RealizeCursorProcPtr saveRealizeCursor; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xRenderCreateCursorReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->cid, client); VERIFY_PICTURE (pSrc, stuff->src, client, DixReadAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); if (!pSrc->pDrawable) return BadDrawable; pScreen = pSrc->pDrawable->pScreen; width = pSrc->pDrawable->width; height = pSrc->pDrawable->height; if (height && width > UINT32_MAX/(height*sizeof(CARD32))) return BadAlloc; if ( stuff->x > width || stuff->y > height ) return (BadMatch); argbbits = malloc (width * height * sizeof (CARD32)); if (!argbbits) return (BadAlloc); stride = BitmapBytePad(width); nbytes_mono = stride*height; srcbits = (unsigned char *)malloc(nbytes_mono); if (!srcbits) { free (argbbits); return (BadAlloc); } mskbits = (unsigned char *)malloc(nbytes_mono); if (!mskbits) { free(argbbits); free(srcbits); return (BadAlloc); } bzero ((char *) mskbits, nbytes_mono); bzero ((char *) srcbits, nbytes_mono); if (pSrc->format == PICT_a8r8g8b8) { (*pScreen->GetImage) (pSrc->pDrawable, 0, 0, width, height, ZPixmap, 0xffffffff, (void *) argbbits); } else { PixmapPtr pPixmap; PicturePtr pPicture; PictFormatPtr pFormat; int error; pFormat = PictureMatchFormat (pScreen, 32, PICT_a8r8g8b8); if (!pFormat) { free (argbbits); free (srcbits); free (mskbits); return (BadImplementation); } pPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, width, height, 32, CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SCRATCH); if (!pPixmap) { free (argbbits); free (srcbits); free (mskbits); return (BadAlloc); } pPicture = CreatePicture (0, &pPixmap->drawable, pFormat, 0, 0, client, &error); if (!pPicture) { free (argbbits); free (srcbits); free (mskbits); return error; } (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPixmap); CompositePicture (PictOpSrc, pSrc, 0, pPicture, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); (*pScreen->GetImage) (pPicture->pDrawable, 0, 0, width, height, ZPixmap, 0xffffffff, (void *) argbbits); FreePicture (pPicture, 0); } /* * Check whether the cursor can be directly supported by * the core cursor code */ ncolor = 0; argb = argbbits; for (y = 0; ncolor <= 2 && y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; ncolor <= 2 && x < width; x++) { CARD32 p = *argb++; CARD32 a = (p >> 24); if (a == 0) /* transparent */ continue; if (a == 0xff) /* opaque */ { int n; for (n = 0; n < ncolor; n++) if (p == twocolor[n]) break; if (n == ncolor) twocolor[ncolor++] = p; } else ncolor = 3; } } /* * Convert argb image to two plane cursor */ srcline = srcbits; mskline = mskbits; argb = argbbits; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { CARD32 p = *argb++; if (ncolor <= 2) { CARD32 a = ((p >> 24)); SetBit (mskline, x, a != 0); SetBit (srcline, x, a != 0 && p == twocolor[0]); } else { CARD32 a = ((p >> 24) * DITHER_SIZE + 127) / 255; CARD32 i = ((CvtR8G8B8toY15(p) >> 7) * DITHER_SIZE + 127) / 255; CARD32 d = orderedDither[y&(DITHER_DIM-1)][x&(DITHER_DIM-1)]; /* Set mask from dithered alpha value */ SetBit(mskline, x, a > d); /* Set src from dithered intensity value */ SetBit(srcline, x, a > d && i <= d); } } srcline += stride; mskline += stride; } /* * Dither to white and black if the cursor has more than two colors */ if (ncolor > 2) { twocolor[0] = 0xff000000; twocolor[1] = 0xffffffff; } else { free (argbbits); argbbits = 0; } #define GetByte(p,s) (((p) >> (s)) & 0xff) #define GetColor(p,s) (GetByte(p,s) | (GetByte(p,s) << 8)) cm.width = width; cm.height = height; cm.xhot = stuff->x; cm.yhot = stuff->y; /* * This cursor uses RENDER, so we make sure * that it is allocated in a way that allows * the mi and dix layers to handle it but we * later create it on the server by mirror- * ing the RENDER operation we got from the * client. */ saveRealizeCursor = pScreen -> RealizeCursor; pScreen -> RealizeCursor = nxagentCursorSaveRenderInfo; pCursor = AllocCursorARGB (srcbits, mskbits, argbbits, &cm, GetColor(twocolor[0], 16), GetColor(twocolor[0], 8), GetColor(twocolor[0], 0), GetColor(twocolor[1], 16), GetColor(twocolor[1], 8), GetColor(twocolor[1], 0)); pScreen -> RealizeCursor = saveRealizeCursor; /* * Store into the private data members the * information needed to recreate it at * reconnection. This is done in two steps * as in the first step we don't have the * picture info. */ if (pCursor == NULL) { return BadAlloc; } nxagentCursorPostSaveRenderInfo(pCursor, pScreen, pSrc, stuff -> x, stuff -> y); nxagentRenderRealizeCursor(pScreen, pCursor); if (AddResource(stuff->cid, RT_CURSOR, (void *)pCursor)) return (client->noClientException); return BadAlloc; } static int ProcRenderSetPictureTransform (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xRenderSetPictureTransformReq); PicturePtr pPicture; int result; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xRenderSetPictureTransformReq); VERIFY_PICTURE (pPicture, stuff->picture, client, DixWriteAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); result = SetPictureTransform (pPicture, (PictTransform *) &stuff->transform); nxagentSetPictureTransform(pPicture, &stuff->transform); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } static int ProcRenderSetPictureFilter (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST (xRenderSetPictureFilterReq); PicturePtr pPicture; int result; xFixed *params; int nparams; char *name; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE (xRenderSetPictureFilterReq); VERIFY_PICTURE (pPicture, stuff->picture, client, DixWriteAccess, RenderErrBase + BadPicture); name = (char *) (stuff + 1); params = (xFixed *) (name + ((stuff->nbytes + 3) & ~3)); nparams = ((xFixed *) stuff + client->req_len) - params; result = SetPictureFilter (pPicture, name, stuff->nbytes, params, nparams); nxagentSetPictureFilter(pPicture, name, stuff->nbytes, params, nparams); return result; } static int ProcRenderCreateAnimCursor (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xRenderCreateAnimCursorReq); CursorPtr *cursors; CARD32 *deltas; CursorPtr pCursor; int ncursor; xAnimCursorElt *elt; int i; int ret; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderCreateAnimCursorReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->cid, client); if (client->req_len & 1) return BadLength; ncursor = (client->req_len - (SIZEOF(xRenderCreateAnimCursorReq) >> 2)) >> 1; cursors = malloc (ncursor * (sizeof (CursorPtr) + sizeof (CARD32))); if (!cursors) return BadAlloc; deltas = (CARD32 *) (cursors + ncursor); elt = (xAnimCursorElt *) (stuff + 1); for (i = 0; i < ncursor; i++) { cursors[i] = (CursorPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, elt->cursor, RT_CURSOR, DixReadAccess); if (!cursors[i]) { free (cursors); client->errorValue = elt->cursor; return BadCursor; } deltas[i] = elt->delay; elt++; } ret = AnimCursorCreate (cursors, deltas, ncursor, &pCursor); free (cursors); if (ret != Success) return ret; nxagentAnimCursorBits = pCursor -> bits; for (i = 0; i < MAXSCREENS; i++) { pCursor -> devPriv[i] = NULL; } if (AddResource (stuff->cid, RT_CURSOR, (void *)pCursor)) return client->noClientException; return BadAlloc; } static int ProcRenderCreateSolidFill(ClientPtr client) { PicturePtr pPicture; int error = 0; REQUEST(xRenderCreateSolidFillReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderCreateSolidFillReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->pid, client); pPicture = CreateSolidPicture(stuff->pid, &stuff->color, &error); if (!pPicture) return error; /* AGENT SERVER */ nxagentRenderCreateSolidFill(pPicture, &stuff -> color); /* AGENT SERVER */ if (!AddResource (stuff->pid, PictureType, (void *)pPicture)) return BadAlloc; return Success; } static int ProcRenderCreateLinearGradient (ClientPtr client) { PicturePtr pPicture; int len; int error = 0; xFixed *stops; xRenderColor *colors; REQUEST(xRenderCreateLinearGradientReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderCreateLinearGradientReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->pid, client); len = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xRenderCreateLinearGradientReq); if (stuff->nStops > UINT32_MAX/(sizeof(xFixed) + sizeof(xRenderColor))) return BadLength; if (len != stuff->nStops*(sizeof(xFixed) + sizeof(xRenderColor))) return BadLength; stops = (xFixed *)(stuff + 1); colors = (xRenderColor *)(stops + stuff->nStops); pPicture = CreateLinearGradientPicture (stuff->pid, &stuff->p1, &stuff->p2, stuff->nStops, stops, colors, &error); if (!pPicture) return error; /* AGENT SERVER */ nxagentRenderCreateLinearGradient(pPicture, &stuff->p1, &stuff->p2, stuff->nStops, stops, colors); /* AGENT SERVER */ if (!AddResource (stuff->pid, PictureType, (void *)pPicture)) return BadAlloc; return Success; } static int ProcRenderCreateRadialGradient (ClientPtr client) { PicturePtr pPicture; int len; int error = 0; xFixed *stops; xRenderColor *colors; REQUEST(xRenderCreateRadialGradientReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderCreateRadialGradientReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->pid, client); len = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xRenderCreateRadialGradientReq); if (len != stuff->nStops*(sizeof(xFixed) + sizeof(xRenderColor))) return BadLength; stops = (xFixed *)(stuff + 1); colors = (xRenderColor *)(stops + stuff->nStops); pPicture = CreateRadialGradientPicture (stuff->pid, &stuff->inner, &stuff->outer, stuff->inner_radius, stuff->outer_radius, stuff->nStops, stops, colors, &error); if (!pPicture) return error; /* AGENT SERVER */ nxagentRenderCreateRadialGradient(pPicture, &stuff->inner, &stuff->outer, stuff->inner_radius, stuff->outer_radius, stuff->nStops, stops, colors); /* AGENT SERVER */ if (!AddResource (stuff->pid, PictureType, (void *)pPicture)) return BadAlloc; return Success; } static int ProcRenderCreateConicalGradient (ClientPtr client) { PicturePtr pPicture; int len; int error = 0; xFixed *stops; xRenderColor *colors; REQUEST(xRenderCreateConicalGradientReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xRenderCreateConicalGradientReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->pid, client); len = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xRenderCreateConicalGradientReq); if (len != stuff->nStops*(sizeof(xFixed) + sizeof(xRenderColor))) return BadLength; stops = (xFixed *)(stuff + 1); colors = (xRenderColor *)(stops + stuff->nStops); pPicture = CreateConicalGradientPicture (stuff->pid, &stuff->center, stuff->angle, stuff->nStops, stops, colors, &error); if (!pPicture) return error; /* AGENT SERVER */ nxagentRenderCreateConicalGradient(pPicture, &stuff->center, stuff->angle, stuff->nStops, stops, colors); /* AGENT SERVER */ if (!AddResource (stuff->pid, PictureType, (void *)pPicture)) return BadAlloc; return Success; } static int ProcRenderDispatch (ClientPtr client) { int result; REQUEST(xReq); if (stuff->data < RenderNumberRequests) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "ProcRenderDispatch: Request [%s] OPCODE#%d.\n", nxagentRenderRequestLiteral[stuff->data], stuff->data); #endif /* * Set the nxagentGCTrap flag while * dispatching a render operation to * avoid reentrancy in GCOps.c. */ nxagentGCTrap = 1; result = (*ProcRenderVector[stuff->data]) (client); nxagentGCTrap = 0; return result; } else return BadRequest; } static int SProcRenderDispatch (ClientPtr client) { int result; REQUEST(xReq); if (stuff->data < RenderNumberRequests) { /* * Set the nxagentGCTrap flag while * dispatching a render operation to * avoid reentrancy in GCOps.c. */ nxagentGCTrap = 1; result = (*SProcRenderVector[stuff->data]) (client); nxagentGCTrap = 0; return result; } else return BadRequest; }