/*                                                                        */
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine, http://www.nomachine.com/.         */
/*                                                                        */
/* NXAGENT, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software    */
/* are copyright of NoMachine. Redistribution and use of the present      */
/* software is allowed according to terms specified in the file LICENSE   */
/* which comes in the source distribution.                                */
/*                                                                        */
/* Check http://www.nomachine.com/licensing.html for applicability.       */
/*                                                                        */
/* NX and NoMachine are trademarks of Medialogic S.p.A.                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* All rights reserved.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */

#include "scrnintstr.h"
#include "miscstruct.h"
#include "pixmapstr.h"
#include "dixstruct.h"
#include "regionstr.h"
#include "../../include/gc.h"
#include "servermd.h"
#include "mi.h"

#include "../../fb/fb.h"

#include "Agent.h"
#include "Display.h"
#include "Screen.h"
#include "Pixmaps.h"
#include "Trap.h"
#include "GCs.h"
#include "GCOps.h"
#include "Image.h"
#include "Split.h"
#include "Drawable.h"
#include "Visual.h"
#include "Client.h"
#include "Events.h"
#include "Holder.h"
#include "Args.h"

#include "NXlib.h"
#include "NXpack.h"


 * Set here the required log level.

#define PANIC
#define WARNING
#undef  TEST
#undef  DEBUG
#undef  DUMP

#ifdef TEST
#include "Font.h"

int nxagentPixmapPrivateIndex;

int nxagentCorruptedPixmaps;
int nxagentCorruptedBackgrounds;

 * Force deallocation of the virtual pixmap.

static Bool nxagentDestroyVirtualPixmap(PixmapPtr pPixmap);

 * This serves as a tool to check the synchronization
 * between pixmaps in framebuffer and the correspondent
 * pixmaps in the real X server.

#ifdef TEST
Bool nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity(PixmapPtr pPixmap);

struct nxagentPixmapPair
  Pixmap pixmap;
  PixmapPtr pMap;

PixmapPtr nxagentCreatePixmap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int width,
                                  int height, int depth)
  nxagentPrivPixmapPtr pPixmapPriv, pVirtualPriv;

  PixmapPtr pPixmap;
  PixmapPtr pVirtual;

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreatePixmap: Creating pixmap with width [%d] "
              "height [%d] depth [%d].\n", width, height, depth);

   * Create the pixmap structure but do
   * not allocate memory for the data.

  pPixmap = AllocatePixmap(pScreen, 0);

  if (!pPixmap)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreatePixmap: WARNING! Failed to create pixmap with "
                "width [%d] height [%d] depth [%d].\n", width, height, depth);

    return NullPixmap;

   * Initialize the core members.

  pPixmap -> drawable.type = DRAWABLE_PIXMAP;
  pPixmap -> drawable.class = 0;
  pPixmap -> drawable.pScreen = pScreen;
  pPixmap -> drawable.depth = depth;
  pPixmap -> drawable.bitsPerPixel = BitsPerPixel(depth);
  pPixmap -> drawable.id = 0;
  pPixmap -> drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER;
  pPixmap -> drawable.x = 0;
  pPixmap -> drawable.y = 0;
  pPixmap -> drawable.width = width;
  pPixmap -> drawable.height = height;
  pPixmap -> devKind = 0;
  pPixmap -> refcnt = 1;
  pPixmap -> devPrivate.ptr = NULL;

   * Initialize the privates of the real picture.

  pPixmapPriv = nxagentPixmapPriv(pPixmap);

  pPixmapPriv -> isVirtual = False;
  pPixmapPriv -> isShared = nxagentShmPixmapTrap;

   * The shared memory pixmaps are never
   * synchronized with the remote X Server.

  if (pPixmapPriv -> isShared == 1)
    BoxRec box;

    box.x1 = 0;
    box.y1 = 0;
    box.x2 = width;
    box.y2 = height;

    pPixmapPriv -> corruptedRegion = REGION_CREATE(pPixmap -> drawable.pScreen, &box, 1);
    pPixmapPriv -> corruptedRegion = REGION_CREATE(pPixmap -> drawable.pScreen, (BoxRec *) NULL, 1);

  pPixmapPriv -> corruptedBackground = 0;

  pPixmapPriv -> containGlyphs = 0;
  pPixmapPriv -> containTrapezoids = 0;

   * The lazy encoding policy generally does
   * not send on remote X server the off-screen
   * images, by preferring to synchronize the
   * windows content. Anyway this behaviour may
   * be inadvisable if a pixmap is used, for
   * example, for multiple copy areas on screen.
   * This counter serves the purpose, taking in-
   * to account the number of times the pixmap
   * has been used as source for a deferred
   * operation. 

  pPixmapPriv -> usageCounter = 0;

  pPixmapPriv -> corruptedBackgroundId = 0;
  pPixmapPriv -> corruptedId = 0;

  pPixmapPriv -> synchronizationBitmap = NullPixmap;

  pPixmapPriv -> corruptedTimestamp = 0;

  pPixmapPriv -> splitResource = NULL;

  pPixmapPriv -> isBackingPixmap = 0;

   * Create the pixmap based on the default
   * windows. The proxy knows this and uses
   * this information to optimize encode the
   * create pixmap message by including the
   * id of the drawable in the checksum.

  if (width != 0 && height != 0 && nxagentGCTrap == 0)
    pPixmapPriv -> id = XCreatePixmap(nxagentDisplay,
                                      nxagentDefaultWindows[pScreen -> myNum],
                                      width, height, depth);
    pPixmapPriv -> id = 0;

    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreatePixmap: Skipping the creation of pixmap at [%p] on real "
                "X server with nxagentGCTrap [%d].\n", (void *) pPixmap, nxagentGCTrap);

  pPixmapPriv -> mid = FakeClientID(serverClient -> index);

  AddResource(pPixmapPriv -> mid, RT_NX_PIXMAP, pPixmap);

  pPixmapPriv -> pRealPixmap = pPixmap;
  pPixmapPriv -> pVirtualPixmap = NULL;
  pPixmapPriv -> pPicture = NULL;

   * Create the pixmap in the virtual framebuffer.

  pVirtual = fbCreatePixmap(pScreen, width, height, depth);

  if (pVirtual == NULL)
    #ifdef PANIC
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreatePixmap: PANIC! Failed to create virtual pixmap with "
                "width [%d] height [%d] depth [%d].\n", width, height, depth);


    return NullPixmap;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr,"nxagentCreatePixmap: Allocated memory for the Virtual %sPixmap %p of real Pixmap %p (%dx%d)\n",
              nxagentShmPixmapTrap ? "Shm " : "", (void *) pVirtual, (void *) pPixmap, width, height);

  pPixmapPriv -> pVirtualPixmap = pVirtual;

   * Initialize the privates of the virtual picture. We
   * could avoid to use a flag and just check the pointer
   * to the virtual pixmap that, if the pixmap is actually
   * virtual, will be NULL. Unfortunately the flag can be
   * changed in nxagentValidateGC(). That code should be
   * removed in future.

  pVirtualPriv = nxagentPixmapPriv(pVirtual);

  pVirtualPriv -> isVirtual = True;
  pVirtualPriv -> isShared = nxagentShmPixmapTrap;

  pVirtualPriv -> corruptedRegion = REGION_CREATE(pVirtual -> drawable.pScreen, (BoxRec *) NULL, 1);

  pVirtualPriv -> corruptedBackground = 0;

  pVirtualPriv -> containGlyphs = 0;
  pVirtualPriv -> containTrapezoids = 0;

  pVirtualPriv -> usageCounter = 0;

  pVirtualPriv -> corruptedBackgroundId = 0;
  pVirtualPriv -> corruptedId = 0;

  pVirtualPriv -> synchronizationBitmap = NullPixmap;

  pVirtualPriv -> corruptedTimestamp = 0;

  pVirtualPriv -> splitResource = NULL;

   * We might distinguish real and virtual pixmaps by
   * checking the pointers to pVirtualPixmap. We should
   * also remove the copy of id and use the one of the
   * real pixmap.
  pVirtualPriv -> id = pPixmapPriv -> id;
  pVirtualPriv -> mid = 0;

   * Storing a pointer back to the real pixmap is
   * silly. Unfortunately this is the way it has
   * been originally implemented. See also the
   * comment in destroy of the pixmap.

  pVirtualPriv -> pRealPixmap = pPixmap;
  pVirtualPriv -> pVirtualPixmap = NULL;
  pVirtualPriv -> pPicture = NULL;

   * Check that the virtual pixmap is created with
   * the appropriate bits-per-plane, otherwise free
   * everything and return.

  if (pVirtual -> drawable.bitsPerPixel == 0)
    #ifdef WARNING

    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreatePixmap: WARNING! Virtual pixmap at [%p] has invalid "
                "bits per pixel.\n", (void *) pVirtual);

    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreatePixmap: WARNING! Real pixmap created with width [%d] "
                "height [%d] depth [%d] bits per pixel [%d].\n", pPixmap -> drawable.width,
                    pPixmap -> drawable.height = height, pPixmap -> drawable.depth,
                        pPixmap -> drawable.bitsPerPixel);


    if (!nxagentRenderTrap)
      #ifdef WARNING
      fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Disabling render extension due to missing pixmap format.\n");

      nxagentRenderTrap = 1;


    return NullPixmap;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreatePixmap: Created pixmap at [%p] virtual at [%p] with width [%d] "
              "height [%d] depth [%d].\n", (void *) pPixmap, (void *) pVirtual,
                  width, height, depth);

  return pPixmap;

Bool nxagentDestroyPixmap(PixmapPtr pPixmap)
  PixmapPtr pVirtual;

  nxagentPrivPixmapPtr pPixmapPriv;

  if (!pPixmap)
    #ifdef PANIC
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyPixmap: PANIC! Invalid attempt to destroy "
                "a null pixmap pointer.\n");

    return False;

  pPixmapPriv = nxagentPixmapPriv(pPixmap);

  pVirtual = pPixmapPriv -> pVirtualPixmap;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyPixmap: Destroying pixmap at [%p] with virtual at [%p].\n",
              (void *) pPixmap, (void *) pVirtual);

  if (pPixmapPriv -> isVirtual)
    int refcnt;

     * For some pixmaps we receive the destroy only for the
     * virtual. Infact to draw in the framebuffer we can use
     * the virtual pixmap instead of the pointer to the real
     * one. As the virtual pixmap can collect references, we
     * must transfer those references to the real pixmap so
     * we can continue as the destroy had been requested for
     * it.

    pVirtual = pPixmap;
    pPixmap  = pPixmapPriv -> pRealPixmap;

    pPixmapPriv = nxagentPixmapPriv(pPixmap);

     * Move the references accumulated by the virtual
     * pixmap into the references of the real one.

    refcnt = pVirtual -> refcnt - 1;

    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyPixmap: Adding [%d] references to pixmap at [%p].\n",
                refcnt, (void *) pPixmap);

    pPixmap -> refcnt += refcnt;

    pVirtual -> refcnt -= refcnt;

  --pPixmap -> refcnt;

  #ifdef TEST

  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyPixmap: Pixmap has now [%d] references with virtual pixmap [%d].\n",
              pPixmap -> refcnt, pVirtual -> refcnt);

  if (pVirtual != NULL && pVirtual -> refcnt != 1)
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyPixmap: PANIC! Virtual pixmap has [%d] references.\n",
                pVirtual -> refcnt);


  if (pPixmap -> refcnt > 0)
    return True;

  #ifdef TEST

  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyPixmap: Managing to destroy the pixmap at [%p]\n",
              (void *) pPixmap);



  if (pPixmapPriv -> corruptedRegion != NullRegion)
    REGION_DESTROY(pPixmap -> drawable.pScreen, pPixmapPriv -> corruptedRegion);

    pPixmapPriv -> corruptedRegion = NullRegion;

  if (nxagentSynchronization.pDrawable == (DrawablePtr) pPixmap)
    nxagentSynchronization.pDrawable = NULL;

    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyPixmap: Synchronization drawable [%p] removed from resources.\n",
                (void *) pPixmap);

  nxagentDestroyCorruptedResource((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, RT_NX_CORR_BACKGROUND);

  nxagentDestroyCorruptedResource((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, RT_NX_CORR_PIXMAP);

  nxagentDestroyDrawableBitmap((DrawablePtr) pPixmap);

  if (pPixmapPriv -> splitResource != NULL)
    nxagentReleaseSplit((DrawablePtr) pPixmap);

   * A pixmap with width and height set to 0 is
   * created at the beginning. To this pixmap is
   * not assigned an id. This is likely a scratch
   * pixmap used by the X server.

  if (pPixmapPriv -> id)
    XFreePixmap(nxagentDisplay, pPixmapPriv -> id);

  if (pPixmapPriv -> mid)
    FreeResource(pPixmapPriv -> mid, RT_NONE);


  return True;

Bool nxagentDestroyVirtualPixmap(PixmapPtr pPixmap)
  PixmapPtr pVirtual;
  nxagentPrivPixmapPtr pVirtualPriv;

  pVirtual = nxagentPixmapPriv(pPixmap) -> pVirtualPixmap;

   * Force the routine to get rid of the virtual
   * pixmap.

  if (pVirtual != NULL)
    pVirtual -> refcnt = 1;

    pVirtualPriv = nxagentPixmapPriv(pVirtual);

    if (pVirtualPriv -> corruptedRegion != NullRegion)
      REGION_DESTROY(pVirtual -> drawable.pScreen, pVirtualPriv -> corruptedRegion);

      pVirtualPriv -> corruptedRegion = NullRegion;


  return True;

RegionPtr nxagentPixmapToRegion(PixmapPtr pPixmap)
  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "PixmapToRegion: Pixmap = [%p] nxagentVirtualPixmap = [%p]\n",
              (void *) pPixmap, (void *) nxagentVirtualPixmap(pPixmap));

  return fbPixmapToRegion(nxagentVirtualPixmap(pPixmap));

Bool nxagentModifyPixmapHeader(PixmapPtr pPixmap, int width, int height, int depth,
                                   int bitsPerPixel, int devKind, pointer pPixData)
  PixmapPtr pVirtualPixmap;

   * See miModifyPixmapHeader() in miscrinit.c. This
   * function is used to recycle the scratch pixmap
   * for this screen. We let it refer to the virtual
   * pixmap.

  if (!pPixmap)
    return False;

  if (nxagentPixmapIsVirtual(pPixmap))
    #ifdef PANIC
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentModifyPixmapHeader: PANIC! Pixmap at [%p] is virtual.\n",
                (void *) pPixmap);

    FatalError("nxagentModifyPixmapHeader: PANIC! Pixmap is virtual.");

  pVirtualPixmap = nxagentVirtualPixmap(pPixmap);

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentModifyPixmapHeader: Pixmap at [%p] Virtual at [%p].\n",
              (void *) pPixmap, (void *) pVirtualPixmap);

  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentModifyPixmapHeader: Pixmap has width [%d] height [%d] depth [%d] "
              "bits-per-pixel [%d] devKind [%d] pPixData [%p].\n", pPixmap->drawable.width,
                  pPixmap->drawable.height, pPixmap->drawable.depth, pPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel,
                      pPixmap->devKind, (void *) pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr);

  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentModifyPixmapHeader: New parameters are width [%d] height [%d] depth [%d] "
              "bits-per-pixel [%d] devKind [%d] pPixData [%p].\n", width, height, depth,
                  bitsPerPixel, devKind, (void *) pPixData);

  if ((width > 0) && (height > 0) && (depth > 0) &&
          (bitsPerPixel > 0) && (devKind > 0) && pPixData)
    pPixmap->drawable.depth = depth;
    pPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;
    pPixmap->drawable.id = 0;
    pPixmap->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER;
    pPixmap->drawable.x = 0;
    pPixmap->drawable.y = 0;
    pPixmap->drawable.width = width;
    pPixmap->drawable.height = height;
    pPixmap->devKind = devKind;
    pPixmap->refcnt = 1;
    pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = pPixData;

    pVirtualPixmap->drawable.depth = depth;
    pVirtualPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;
    pVirtualPixmap->drawable.id = 0;
    pVirtualPixmap->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER;
    pVirtualPixmap->drawable.x = 0;
    pVirtualPixmap->drawable.y = 0;
    pVirtualPixmap->drawable.width = width;
    pVirtualPixmap->drawable.height = height;
    pVirtualPixmap->devKind = devKind;
    pVirtualPixmap->refcnt = 1;
    pVirtualPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = pPixData;
    if (width > 0)
        pPixmap->drawable.width = width;

    if (height > 0)
        pPixmap->drawable.height = height;

    if (depth > 0)
        pPixmap->drawable.depth = depth;

    if (bitsPerPixel > 0)
        pPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;
    else if ((bitsPerPixel < 0) && (depth > 0))
        pPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel = BitsPerPixel(depth);

    if (devKind > 0)
        pPixmap->devKind = devKind;
    else if ((devKind < 0) && ((width > 0) || (depth > 0)))
        pPixmap->devKind = PixmapBytePad(pPixmap->drawable.width,

    if (pPixData)
       pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = pPixData; 

      * XXX This was the previous assignment:
      * pVirtualPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = pPixData;

    if (width > 0)
        pVirtualPixmap->drawable.width = width;

    if (height > 0)
        pVirtualPixmap->drawable.height = height;

    if (depth > 0)
        pVirtualPixmap->drawable.depth = depth;

    if (bitsPerPixel > 0)
        pVirtualPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;
    else if ((bitsPerPixel < 0) && (depth > 0))
        pVirtualPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel = BitsPerPixel(depth);

    if (devKind > 0)
        pVirtualPixmap->devKind = devKind;
    else if ((devKind < 0) && ((width > 0) || (depth > 0)))
        pVirtualPixmap->devKind = PixmapBytePad(pVirtualPixmap->drawable.width,

    if (pPixData)
        pVirtualPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = pPixData;

    #ifdef PANIC

    if (pPixmap->drawable.x != 0 || pPixmap->drawable.y != 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentModifyPixmapHeader: PANIC! Pixmap at [%p] has x [%d] and y [%d].\n",
                  (void *) pPixmap, pPixmap->drawable.x, pPixmap->drawable.y);

      FatalError("nxagentModifyPixmapHeader: PANIC! Pixmap has x or y greater than zero.");


  return True;

static void nxagentPixmapMatchID(void *p0, XID x1, void *p2)
  PixmapPtr pPixmap = (PixmapPtr)p0;
  struct nxagentPixmapPair *pPair = p2;

  if ((pPair -> pMap == NULL) && (nxagentPixmap(pPixmap) == pPair -> pixmap))
    pPair -> pMap = pPixmap;

PixmapPtr nxagentPixmapPtr(Pixmap pixmap)
  int i;
  struct nxagentPixmapPair pair;

  if (pixmap == None)
    return NULL;

  pair.pixmap = pixmap;
  pair.pMap = NULL;

  FindClientResourcesByType(clients[serverClient -> index], RT_NX_PIXMAP,
                                nxagentPixmapMatchID, &pair);

  for (i = 0; (pair.pMap == NULL) && (i < MAXCLIENTS); i++)
    if (clients[i])
      FindClientResourcesByType(clients[i], RT_PIXMAP,
                                    nxagentPixmapMatchID, &pair);

  #ifdef WARNING

  if (pair.pMap == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFindPixmap: WARNING! Failed to find "
	    "remote pixmap [%ld].\n", (long int) pair.pixmap);
  else if (nxagentDrawableStatus((DrawablePtr) pair.pMap) == NotSynchronized)
    fprintf(stderr, "WARNING! Rootless icon at [%p] [%d,%d] is not synchronized.\n",
                (void *) pair.pMap, pair.pMap -> drawable.width,
                    pair.pMap -> drawable.height);


  return pair.pMap;

 * Reconnection stuff.

int nxagentDestroyNewPixmapResourceType(pointer p, XID id)
   * Address of the destructor is set in Init.c.

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyNewPixmapResourceType: Destroying mirror id [%ld] for pixmap at [%p].\n",
              nxagentPixmapPriv((PixmapPtr) p) -> mid, (void *) p);

  nxagentPixmapPriv((PixmapPtr) p) -> mid = None;

  return True;

void nxagentDisconnectPixmap(void *p0, XID x1, void *p2)
  PixmapPtr pPixmap = (PixmapPtr) p0;

  Bool *pBool;

  pBool = (Bool*) p2;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectPixmap: Called with bool [%d] and pixmap at [%p].\n",
              *pBool, (void *) pPixmap);

  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectPixmap: Virtual pixmap is [%ld].\n",

  nxagentPixmap(pPixmap) = None;

  if (nxagentDrawableStatus((DrawablePtr) pPixmap) == NotSynchronized)
    nxagentDestroyCorruptedResource((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, RT_NX_CORR_BACKGROUND);

    nxagentDestroyCorruptedResource((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, RT_NX_CORR_PIXMAP);

Bool nxagentDisconnectAllPixmaps()
  int r = 1;
  int i;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectAllPixmaps: Going to iterate through pixmap resources.\n");

   * The RT_NX_PIXMAP resource type is allocated
   * only on the server client, so we don't need
   * to find it through the other clients too.

  FindClientResourcesByType(clients[serverClient -> index], RT_NX_PIXMAP, nxagentDisconnectPixmap, &r);

  #ifdef WARNING

  if (r == 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectAllPixmaps: WARNING! Failed to disconnect "
                "pixmap for client [%d].\n", serverClient -> index);


  for (i = 0, r = 1; i < MAXCLIENTS; r = 1, i++)
    if (clients[i])
      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectAllPixmaps: Going to disconnect pixmaps of client [%d].\n", i);

      FindClientResourcesByType(clients[i], RT_PIXMAP, nxagentDisconnectPixmap, &r);

      #ifdef WARNING

      if (r == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectAllPixmaps: WARNING! Failed to disconnect "
                    "pixmap for client [%d].\n", i);


  #ifdef WARNING

  if (r == 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectAllPixmaps: WARNING! Failed to disconnect "
                "pixmap for client [%d].\n", i);


  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectAllPixmaps: Pixmaps disconnection completed.\n");

  return r;

void nxagentReconnectPixmap(void *p0, XID x1, void *p2)
  PixmapPtr pPixmap = (PixmapPtr) p0;
  Bool *pBool = (Bool*) p2;
  nxagentPrivPixmapPtr pPixmapPriv;

  if (*pBool == 0 || pPixmap == NULL ||
          NXDisplayError(nxagentDisplay) == 1)
    *pBool = 0;

    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectPixmap: Ignoring pixmap at [%p] while "
                "recovering from the error.\n", (void *) pPixmap);

  else if (pPixmap == nxagentDefaultScreen -> pScratchPixmap)
     * Every time the scratch pixmap is used its
     * data is changed, so we don't need to recon-
     * nect it.

    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectPixmap: Ignoring scratch pixmap at [%p].\n",
                (void *) pPixmap);


  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectPixmap: Called with result [%d] and pixmap at [%p].\n",
              *pBool, (void *) pPixmap);

  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectPixmap: Virtual pixmap is at [%p] picture is at [%p].\n",
              (void *) nxagentPixmapPriv(pPixmap) -> pVirtualPixmap,
                  (void *) nxagentPixmapPriv(pPixmap) -> pPicture);

  pPixmapPriv = nxagentPixmapPriv(pPixmap);

  if (pPixmap -> drawable.width && pPixmap -> drawable.height)
    pPixmapPriv -> id = XCreatePixmap(nxagentDisplay,
                                      nxagentDefaultWindows[pPixmap -> drawable.pScreen -> myNum],
                                      pPixmap -> drawable.width,
                                      pPixmap -> drawable.height,
                                      pPixmap -> drawable.depth);

    nxagentPixmap(pPixmapPriv -> pVirtualPixmap) = pPixmapPriv -> id;

    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectPixmap: Created virtual pixmap with id [%ld] for pixmap at [%p].\n",
                nxagentPixmap(pPixmap), (void *) pPixmap);

    if (pPixmap == (PixmapPtr) nxagentDefaultScreen -> devPrivate)
      #ifdef WARNING
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectPixmap: WARNING! Pixmap is root screen. Returning.\n");


    nxagentSplitTrap = 1;

    *pBool = nxagentSynchronizeDrawableData((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, NEVER_BREAK, NULL);

    nxagentSplitTrap = 0;

    if (*pBool == 0)
      #ifdef PANIC
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectPixmap: PANIC! Failed to synchronize the pixmap.\n");

    if (nxagentDrawableStatus((DrawablePtr) pPixmap) == NotSynchronized)
      if (nxagentIsCorruptedBackground(pPixmap) == 1)
        nxagentAllocateCorruptedResource((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, RT_NX_CORR_BACKGROUND);

        nxagentFillRemoteRegion((DrawablePtr) pPixmap,
                                    nxagentCorruptedRegion((DrawablePtr) pPixmap));
        nxagentAllocateCorruptedResource((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, RT_NX_CORR_PIXMAP);

Bool nxagentReconnectAllPixmaps(void *p0)
  Bool result = 1;

  int i;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectAllPixmaps: Going to recreate all pixmaps.\n");

   * Reset the geometry and alpha information
   * used by proxy to unpack the packed images.



   * The RT_NX_PIXMAP resource type is allocated
   * only on the server client, so we don't need
   * to find it through the other clients too.

  FindClientResourcesByType(clients[serverClient -> index], RT_NX_PIXMAP, nxagentReconnectPixmap, &result);

  #ifdef WARNING

  if (result == 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectAllPixmaps: WARNING! Failed to reconnect "
                "pixmap for client [%d].\n", serverClient -> index);


  for (i = 0, result = 1; i < MAXCLIENTS; result = 1, i++)
    if (clients[i] != NULL)
      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectAllPixmaps: Going to reconnect pixmaps of client [%d].\n", i);

       * Let the pixmap be reconnected as it was an
       * image request issued by the client owning
       * the resource. The client index is used as
       * a subscript by the image routines to cache
       * the data per-client.

      FindClientResourcesByType(clients[i], RT_PIXMAP, nxagentReconnectPixmap, &result);

      #ifdef WARNING

      if (result == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectAllPixmaps: WARNING! Failed to reconnect "
                    "pixmap for client [%d].\n", serverClient -> index);


  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectAllPixmaps: Pixmaps reconnection completed.\n");

  return result;

#ifdef TEST

static void nxagentCheckOnePixmapIntegrity(void *p0, XID x1, void *p2)
  PixmapPtr pPixmap = (PixmapPtr) p0;
  Bool      *pBool = (Bool*) p2;

  if (*pBool == False)

  if (pPixmap == nxagentDefaultScreen -> devPrivate)
    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckOnePixmapIntegrity: pixmap %p is screen.\n",
                (void *) pPixmap);


  if (pPixmap == nxagentDefaultScreen -> PixmapPerDepth[0])
    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckOnePixmapIntegrity: pixmap %p is default stipple of screen.\n",
                (void *) pPixmap);


  *pBool = nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity(pPixmap);

Bool nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity(PixmapPtr pPixmap)
  Bool integrity = 1;
  XImage *image;
  char *data;
  int format;
  unsigned long plane_mask = AllPlanes;
  unsigned int width, height, length, depth;
  PixmapPtr pVirtual = nxagentVirtualPixmap(pPixmap);

  width = pPixmap -> drawable.width;
  height = pPixmap -> drawable.height;
  depth = pPixmap -> drawable.depth;
  format = (depth == 1) ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap;

  if (width && height)
    length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, format, 0, depth);

    data = malloc(length);

    if (data == NULL)
      FatalError("nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Failed to allocate a buffer of size %d.\n", length);

    image = XGetImage(nxagentDisplay, nxagentPixmap(pPixmap), 0, 0,
                          width, height, plane_mask, format);
    if (image == NULL)
      FatalError("XGetImage: Failed.\n");


      return False;

    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Image from X has length [%d] and checksum [0x%s].\n",
                length, nxagentChecksum(image->data, length));


    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Image after clean has checksum [0x%s].\n",
                nxagentChecksum(image->data, length));

    fbGetImage((DrawablePtr) pVirtual, 0, 0, width, height, format, plane_mask, data);

    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Image from FB has length [%d] and checksum [0x%s].\n",
                length, nxagentChecksum(data, length));

    if (image != NULL && memcmp(image -> data, data, length) != 0)
      integrity = 0;
      integrity = 1;

      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Pixmap at [%p] has been realized. "
                  "Now remote and frambuffer data are synchronized.\n", (void *) pPixmap);

    #ifdef WARNING

    if (integrity == 0)

      int i;
      char *p, *q;

      for (i = 0, p = image -> data, q = data; i < length; i++)
        if (p[i] != q[i])
          fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Byte [%d] image -> data [%d] data [%d]. "
                      "Buffers differ!\n", i, p[i], q[i]);
          fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Byte [%d] image -> data [%d] data [%d].\n",
                      i, p[i], q[i]);

      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Pixmap at [%p] width [%d], height [%d], has been realized "
                  "but the data buffer still differs.\n", (void *) pPixmap, width, height);

      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: bytes_per_line [%d] byte pad [%d] format [%d].\n",
                  image -> bytes_per_line, nxagentImagePad(width, height, 0, depth), image -> format);

      FatalError("nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Image is corrupted!!\n");



    if (image != NULL)

    if (data != NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckPixmapIntegrity: Ignored pixmap at [%p] with geometry [%d] [%d].\n",
                (void *) pPixmap, width, height);

  return integrity;

Bool nxagentCheckAllPixmapIntegrity()
  int i;
  Bool imageIsGood = True;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckAllPixmapIntegrity\n");

  FindClientResourcesByType(clients[serverClient -> index], RT_NX_PIXMAP,
                                nxagentCheckOnePixmapIntegrity, &imageIsGood);

  for (i = 0; (i < MAXCLIENTS) && (imageIsGood); i++)
    if (clients[i])
      FindClientResourcesByType(clients[i], RT_PIXMAP,
                                    nxagentCheckOnePixmapIntegrity, &imageIsGood);


  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckAllPixmapIntegrity: pixmaps integrity = %d.\n", imageIsGood);

  return imageIsGood;


void nxagentSynchronizeShmPixmap(DrawablePtr pDrawable, int xPict, int yPict,
                                     int wPict, int hPict)
  GCPtr pGC;
  char *data;
  int width, height;
  int depth, length, format;
  CARD32 attributes[3];

  int saveTrap;

  if (pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP &&
         nxagentIsShmPixmap((PixmapPtr) pDrawable) == 1)
    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSynchronizeShmPixmap: WARNING! Synchronizing shared pixmap at [%p].\n",
                (void *) pDrawable);

    pGC = nxagentGetScratchGC(pDrawable -> depth, pDrawable -> pScreen);

    attributes[0] = 0x228b22;
    attributes[1] = 0xffffff;
    attributes[2] = FillSolid;

    ChangeGC(pGC, GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFillStyle, attributes);

    ValidateGC(pDrawable, pGC);

    width  = (wPict != 0 && wPict <= pDrawable -> width) ? wPict : pDrawable -> width;
    height = (hPict != 0 && hPict <= pDrawable -> height) ? hPict : pDrawable -> height;

    depth  = pDrawable -> depth;

    format = (depth == 1) ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap;

    length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, format, 0, depth);

    saveTrap = nxagentGCTrap;

    nxagentGCTrap = 0;

    nxagentSplitTrap = 1;

    nxagentFBTrap = 1;

    if ((data = xalloc(length)) != NULL)
      fbGetImage(nxagentVirtualDrawable(pDrawable), xPict, yPict,
                     width, height, format, 0xffffffff, data);

      nxagentPutImage(pDrawable, pGC, depth, xPict, yPict,
                          width, height, 0, format, data);

    #ifdef WARNING
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSynchronizeShmPixmap: WARNING! Failed to allocate memory for the operation.\n");

    nxagentGCTrap = saveTrap;

    nxagentSplitTrap = 0;

    nxagentFBTrap = 0;


#ifdef DUMP

 * This function is useful to visualize a pixmap and check
 * its data consistency. To avoid the creation of many
 * windows, one pixmap only can be monitored at a time.

Bool nxagentPixmapOnShadowDisplay(PixmapPtr pMap)
  static Display *shadow;
  static Window win;
  static int init = True;
  static int showTime;
  static PixmapPtr pPixmap;
  static int depth;
  static int width;
  static int height;
  static int length;
  static unsigned int format;

  XlibGC gc;
  XGCValues value;
  XImage *image;
  Visual *pVisual;
  char *data = NULL;

  if (init)
    if (pMap == NULL)
      return False;
      pPixmap = pMap;

    depth = pPixmap -> drawable.depth;
    width = pPixmap -> drawable.width;
    height = pPixmap -> drawable.height;
    format = (depth == 1) ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap;

    shadow = XOpenDisplay("localhost:0");

    if (shadow == NULL)
      #ifdef WARNING
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPixmapOnShadowDisplay: WARNING! Shadow display not opened.\n");

      return False;

    init = False;

    win = XCreateSimpleWindow(shadow, DefaultRootWindow(shadow), 0, 0,
                                  width, height, 0, 0xFFCC33, 0xFF);

    XMapWindow(shadow, win);
    XClearWindow(shadow, win);

FIXME: If the pixmap has a different depth from the window, the
       XPutImage returns a BadMatch. For example this may happens if
       the Render extension is enabled.
       Can we fix this creating a new pixmap?

  if (DisplayPlanes(shadow, DefaultScreen(shadow)) != depth)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPixmapOnShadowDisplay: Pixmap and Window depths [%d - %d] are not equals!\n",
                depth, DisplayPlanes(shadow, DefaultScreen(shadow)));

    return False;

   * If the framebuffer is updated continuously, the nxagent
   * visualization become too much slow.

  if ((GetTimeInMillis() - showTime) < 500)
    return False;

  showTime = GetTimeInMillis();

  length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, format, 0, depth);

  if ((data = xalloc(length)) == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPixmapOnShadowDisplay: WARNING! Failed to allocate memory for the operation.\n");

    return False;

  fbGetImage((DrawablePtr) nxagentVirtualPixmap(pPixmap), 0, 0,
                 width, height, format, AllPlanes, data);

  pVisual = nxagentImageVisual((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, depth);

  if (pVisual == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPixmapOnShadowDisplay: WARNING! Visual not found. Using default visual.\n");
    pVisual = nxagentVisuals[nxagentDefaultVisualIndex].visual;

  image = XCreateImage(nxagentDisplay, pVisual,
                           depth, format, 0, (char *) data,
                               width, height, BitmapPad(nxagentDisplay),
                                   nxagentImagePad(width, format, 0, depth));

  if (image == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPixmapOnShadowDisplay: XCreateImage failed.\n");

    if (data != NULL)

    return False;

  value.foreground = 0xff0000;
  value.background = 0x000000;
  value.plane_mask = 0xffffff;
  value.fill_style = FillSolid;

  gc = XCreateGC(shadow, win, GCBackground |
                     GCForeground | GCFillStyle | GCPlaneMask, &value);


  XPutImage(shadow, win, gc, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);

  XFreeGC(shadow, gc);

  if (image != NULL)

  return True;

Bool nxagentFbOnShadowDisplay()
  static Display *shadow;
  static Window win;
  static int init = True;
  static int showTime;
  static int prevWidth, prevHeight;

  XlibGC gc;
  XGCValues value;
  XImage *image;
  Visual *pVisual;
  WindowPtr pWin = WindowTable[0];
  unsigned int format;
  int depth, width, height, length;
  char *data = NULL;

  if (pWin == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFbOnShadowDisplay: The parent window is NULL.\n");

    return False;

  depth = pWin -> drawable.depth;
  width = pWin -> drawable.width;
  height = pWin -> drawable.height;
  format = (depth == 1) ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap;

  if (init)
    shadow = XOpenDisplay("localhost:0");

    if (shadow == NULL)
      #ifdef WARNING
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFbOnShadowDisplay: WARNING! Shadow display not opened.\n");

      return False;

    init = False;

    prevWidth = width;
    prevHeight = height;

    win = XCreateSimpleWindow(shadow, DefaultRootWindow(shadow), 0, 0,
                                  width, height, 0, 0xFFCC33, 0xFF);

    XMapWindow(shadow, win);
    XClearWindow(shadow, win);

  if (DisplayPlanes(shadow, DefaultScreen(shadow)) != depth)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFbOnShadowDisplay: Depths [%d - %d] are not equals!\n",
                depth, DisplayPlanes(shadow, DefaultScreen(shadow)));

    return False;

   * If the framebuffer is updated continuously, the nxagent
   * visualization becomes too much slow.

  if ((GetTimeInMillis() - showTime) < 500)
    return False;

  showTime = GetTimeInMillis();

   * If the root window is resized, also the window on shadow
   * display must be resized.

  if (prevWidth != width || prevHeight != height)
    XWindowChanges values;

    prevWidth = width;
    prevHeight = height;

    values.width = width;
    values.height = height;
    XConfigureWindow(shadow, win, CWWidth | CWHeight, &values);

  length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, format, 0, depth);

  if ((data = xalloc(length)) == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFbOnShadowDisplay: WARNING! Failed to allocate memory for the operation.\n");

    return False;

  fbGetImage((DrawablePtr)pWin, 0, 0,
                 width, height, format, AllPlanes, data);

  pVisual = nxagentImageVisual((DrawablePtr) pWin, depth);

  if (pVisual == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFbOnShadowDisplay: WARNING! Visual not found. Using default visual.\n");
    pVisual = nxagentVisuals[nxagentDefaultVisualIndex].visual;

  image = XCreateImage(nxagentDisplay, pVisual,
                           depth, format, 0, (char *) data,
                               width, height, BitmapPad(nxagentDisplay),
                                   nxagentImagePad(width, format, 0, depth));

  if (image == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFbOnShadowDisplay: XCreateImage failed.\n");

    if (data)

    return False;

  value.foreground = 0xff0000;
  value.background = 0x000000;
  value.plane_mask = 0xffffff;
  value.fill_style = FillSolid;

  gc = XCreateGC(shadow, win, GCBackground |
                     GCForeground | GCFillStyle | GCPlaneMask, &value);


  XPutImage(shadow, win, gc, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);

  XFreeGC(shadow, gc);

  if (image != NULL)

  return True;


#ifdef DEBUG

void nxagentPrintResourceTypes()
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourceTypes: RT_PIXMAP [%lu].\n", (unsigned long) RT_PIXMAP);
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourceTypes: RT_NX_PIXMAP [%lu].\n", (unsigned long) RT_NX_PIXMAP);
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourceTypes: RT_GC [%lu].\n", (unsigned long) RT_GC);
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourceTypes: RT_NX_GC [%lu].\n", (unsigned long) RT_NX_GC);
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourceTypes: RT_FONT [%lu].\n", (unsigned long) RT_FONT);
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourceTypes: RT_NX_FONT [%lu].\n", (unsigned long) RT_NX_FONT);
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourceTypes: RT_CURSOR [%lu].\n", (unsigned long) RT_CURSOR);
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourceTypes: RT_WINDOW [%lu].\n", (unsigned long) RT_WINDOW);
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourceTypes: RT_COLORMAP [%lu].\n", (unsigned long) RT_COLORMAP);

void nxagentPrintResourcePredicate(void *value, XID id, XID type, void *cdata)
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResourcePredicate: Resource [%p] id [%lu] type [%lu].\n",
              (void *) value, (unsigned long) id, (unsigned long) type);

void nxagentPrintResources()
  Bool result;
  int i;


  for (i = 0; i < MAXCLIENTS; i++)
    if (clients[i])
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPrintResources: Printing resources for client [%d]:\n",

      FindAllClientResources(clients[i], nxagentPrintResourcePredicate, &result);
