/**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com) */ /* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder */ /* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com) */ /* */ /* NXAGENT, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software */ /* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies. */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according */ /* to terms specified in the file LICENSE which comes in the source */ /* distribution. */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other */ /* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as */ /* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */ /* as copyright holder, as well. */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "Agent.h" #include "Display.h" #include "Drawable.h" #include "Events.h" #include "GCs.h" #include "compext/Compext.h" /* * Set here the required log level. */ #define PANIC #define WARNING #undef TEST #undef DEBUG /* * This should be a macro but for now we make it a real function to * log a warning in the logs. */ DrawablePtr nxagentSplitDrawable(DrawablePtr pDrawable) { if (pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP && nxagentPixmapIsVirtual((PixmapPtr) pDrawable)) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSplitDrawable: WARNING! The drawable at [%p] is " "virtual. Assuming real at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable, (void *) nxagentRealPixmap((PixmapPtr) pDrawable)); #endif return (DrawablePtr) nxagentRealPixmap((PixmapPtr) pDrawable); } else { return pDrawable; } } void nxagentInitSplitResources(void) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentInitSplitResources: Initializing the split resources.\n"); #endif for (int resource = 0; resource < NXNumberOfResources; resource++) { SplitResourcePtr pResource = &nxagentSplitResources[resource]; pResource -> pending = 0; pResource -> commit = 0; pResource -> split = NXNoResource; pResource -> unpack = NXNoResource; pResource -> drawable = NULL; pResource -> region = NullRegion; pResource -> gc = NULL; } } SplitResourcePtr nxagentAllocSplitResource(void) { int resource; for (;;) { resource = NXAllocSplit(nxagentDisplay, NXAnyResource); if (resource != NXNoResource) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentAllocSplitResource: Reserving resource [%d] for the next split.\n", resource); #endif break; } else { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentAllocSplitResource: PANIC! No more resources for the next split.\n"); #endif /* FIXME: Must deal with the case all resources are exausted. */ FatalError("nxagentAllocSplitResource: PANIC! No more resources for the next split.\n"); } } SplitResourcePtr pResource = &nxagentSplitResources[resource]; if (pResource -> pending != 0 || pResource -> split != NXNoResource || pResource -> unpack != NXNoResource || pResource -> drawable != NULL || pResource -> region != NullRegion || pResource -> commit != 0 || pResource -> gc != NULL) { /* * This is really an unrecoverable error. */ #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentAllocSplitResource: PANIC! Invalid record for resource [%d] with " "pending [%d] split [%d] unpack [%d] drawable [%p] region [%p] commit [%d] gc [%p].\n", resource, pResource -> pending, pResource -> split, pResource -> unpack, (void *) pResource -> drawable, (void *) pResource -> region, pResource -> commit, (void *) pResource -> gc); #endif FatalError("nxagentAllocSplitResource: PANIC! Invalid record for resource [%d] with " "pending [%d] split [%d] unpack [%d] drawable [%p] region [%p] commit [%d] gc [%p].\n", resource, pResource -> pending, pResource -> split, pResource -> unpack, (void *) pResource -> drawable, (void *) pResource -> region, pResource -> commit, (void *) pResource -> gc); } pResource -> pending = 1; pResource -> split = resource; return pResource; } void nxagentFreeSplitResource(SplitResourcePtr pResource) { if (pResource -> pending == 0 || pResource -> split == NXNoResource || pResource -> drawable != NULL || pResource -> region != NullRegion || pResource -> gc != NULL) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeSplitResource: PANIC! Invalid record provided with values " "pending [%d] split [%d] unpack [%d] drawable [%p] region [%p] commit [%d] gc [%p].\n", pResource -> pending, pResource -> split, pResource -> unpack, (void *) pResource -> drawable, (void *) pResource -> region, pResource -> commit, (void *) pResource -> gc); #endif FatalError("nxagentFreeSplitResource: PANIC! Invalid record provided with values " "pending [%d] split [%d] unpack [%d] drawable [%p] region [%p] commit [%d] gc [%p].\n", pResource -> pending, pResource -> split, pResource -> unpack, (void *) pResource -> drawable, (void *) pResource -> region, pResource -> commit, (void *) pResource -> gc); } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeSplitResource: Clearing the record for resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split); #endif NXFreeSplit(nxagentDisplay, pResource -> split); pResource -> pending = 0; pResource -> commit = 0; pResource -> split = NXNoResource; pResource -> unpack = NXNoResource; pResource -> drawable = NULL; pResource -> region = NullRegion; pResource -> gc = NULL; } void nxagentInitUnpackResources(void) { /* FIXME: This must be implemented. */ } UnpackResourcePtr nxagentAllocUnpackResource(void) { /* FIXME: This must be implemented. */ return NULL; } void nxagentFreeUnpackResource(UnpackResourcePtr pResource) { /* FIXME: This must be implemented. */ } void nxagentReleaseAllSplits(void) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseAllSplits: Going to release all the split resources.\n"); #endif for (int resource = 0; resource < NXNumberOfResources; resource++) { SplitResourcePtr pResource = &nxagentSplitResources[resource]; if (pResource != NULL && pResource -> pending == 1) { DrawablePtr pDrawable = pResource -> drawable; if (pDrawable != NULL) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseAllSplits: Releasing the drawable at [%p] for " "resource [%d].\n", (void *) pDrawable, pResource -> split); #endif nxagentReleaseSplit(pDrawable); } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseAllSplits: Freeing the resource [%d].\n", resource); #endif nxagentFreeSplitResource(pResource); } } } /* * Check the coherency of the split record. */ #ifdef TEST static void nxagentCheckSplit(DrawablePtr pDrawable, SplitResourcePtr pResource) { if (pResource == NULL) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckSplit: PANIC! No record associated to drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif FatalError("nxagentCheckSplit: PANIC! No record associated to drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); } else if (pResource -> drawable != pDrawable || pResource -> split == NXNoResource) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckSplit: PANIC! The record [%d] doesn't match the drawable at [%p].\n", pResource -> split, (void *) pDrawable); #endif FatalError("nxagentCheckSplit: PANIC! The record [%d] doesn't match the drawable at [%p].\n", pResource -> split, (void *) pDrawable); } else if (pResource -> commit == 1 && pResource -> gc == NULL) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckSplit: PANIC! The record [%d] doesn't have a valid GC.\n", pResource -> split); #endif FatalError("nxagentCheckSplit: PANIC! The record [%d] doesn't have a valid GC.\n", pResource -> split); } } static void nxagentCheckResource(SplitResourcePtr pResource, int resource) { if (pResource == NULL) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckResource: PANIC! No record associated to resource [%d].\n", resource); #endif FatalError("nxagentCheckResource: PANIC! No record associated to resource [%d].\n", resource); } else if ((pResource -> split != resource || pResource -> pending != 1) || (pResource -> commit == 1 && (pResource -> drawable == NULL || pResource -> gc == NULL))) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckResource: PANIC! Invalid record for resource [%d] with " "pending [%d] split [%d] unpack [%d] drawable [%p] region [%p] commit [%d] gc [%p].\n", resource, pResource -> pending, pResource -> split, pResource -> unpack, (void *) pResource -> drawable, (void *) pResource -> region, pResource -> commit, (void *) pResource -> gc); #endif FatalError("nxagentCheckResource: PANIC! Invalid record for resource [%d] with " "pending [%d] split [%d] unpack [%d] drawable [%p] region [%p] commit [%d] gc [%p].\n", resource, pResource -> pending, pResource -> split, pResource -> unpack, (void *) pResource -> drawable, (void *) pResource -> region, pResource -> commit, (void *) pResource -> gc); } } #endif int nxagentCreateSplit(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr *pGC) { pDrawable = nxagentSplitDrawable(pDrawable); SplitResourcePtr pResource = nxagentAllocSplitResource(); if (pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) { nxagentPixmapPriv((PixmapPtr) pDrawable) -> splitResource = pResource; } else { nxagentWindowPriv((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> splitResource = pResource; } pResource -> drawable = pDrawable; pResource -> commit = 1; /* * Make a copy of the GC so the client can safely remove it. */ pResource -> gc = CreateScratchGC(pDrawable -> pScreen, pDrawable -> depth); /* FIXME: What do we do here? */ if (pResource -> gc == NULL) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateSplit: PANIC! Failed to create split GC for resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split); #endif FatalError("nxagentCreateSplit: PANIC! Failed to create split GC for resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split); } else if (CopyGC(*pGC, pResource -> gc, GCFunction | GCPlaneMask | GCSubwindowMode | GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCClipMask | GCForeground | GCBackground) != Success) { /* FIXME: What do we do here? */ #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateSplit: PANIC! Failed to copy split GC for resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split); #endif FatalError("nxagentCreateSplit: PANIC! Failed to copy split GC for resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split); } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateSplit: Associated GC at [%p] to resource [%d] " "with id [%lu].\n", (void *) pResource -> gc, pResource -> split, (unsigned long) nxagentGC(pResource -> gc)); #endif *pGC = pResource -> gc; #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateSplit: Associated resource [%d] to drawable at [%p].\n", pResource -> split, (void *) pResource -> drawable); #endif return pResource -> split; } /* * Set the region to be the current streaming region. */ void nxagentRegionSplit(DrawablePtr pDrawable, RegionPtr pRegion) { pDrawable = nxagentSplitDrawable(pDrawable); SplitResourcePtr pResource = nxagentSplitResource(pDrawable); #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRegionSplit: Associating region to resource [%d] drawable at [%p].\n", pResource -> split, (void *) pDrawable); nxagentCheckSplit(pDrawable, pResource); #endif if (pResource == NULL) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRegionSplit: PANIC! No valid split record for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif return; } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRegionSplit: Associated region [%d,%d,%d,%d] to drawable at [%p] " "with resource [%d].\n", pRegion -> extents.x1, pRegion -> extents.y1, pRegion -> extents.x2, pRegion -> extents.y2, (void *) pDrawable, pResource -> split); #endif pResource -> region = pRegion; } /* * Remove the association between the drawable and the split * resource. The resource is not deallocated until the end of the * split. */ void nxagentReleaseSplit(DrawablePtr pDrawable) { pDrawable = nxagentSplitDrawable(pDrawable); SplitResourcePtr pResource = nxagentSplitResource(pDrawable); if (pResource == NULL) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseSplit: No split resources for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif return; } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseSplit: Going to release resource [%d] for drawable at [%p].\n", pResource -> split, (void *) pDrawable); nxagentCheckSplit(pDrawable, pResource); #endif if (pResource -> region != NullRegion) { /* * If we have a region the commits had to be still valid. In this * case tell the proxy to abort the data transfer. */ #ifdef TEST if (pResource -> commit == 0) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseSplit: PANIC! Found a region for resource [%d] but the " "commits are invalid.\n", pResource -> split); #endif FatalError("nxagentReleaseSplit: PANIC! Found a region for resource [%d] but the " "commits are invalid.\n", pResource -> split); } #endif #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseSplit: Aborting the data transfer for resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split); #endif NXAbortSplit(nxagentDisplay, pResource -> split); #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseSplit: Freeing the region for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif RegionDestroy(pResource -> region); pResource -> region = NullRegion; } if (pResource -> gc != NULL) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseSplit: Freeing the split GC for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif FreeScratchGC(pResource -> gc); pResource -> gc = NULL; } /* * Remove the association between the drawable and the resource * record. */ #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReleaseSplit: Removing association to drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif if (pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) { nxagentPixmapPriv((PixmapPtr) pDrawable) -> splitResource = NULL; } else { nxagentWindowPriv((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> splitResource = NULL; } /* * Invalidate the commits and remove the association between the * resource and the drawable. */ pResource -> drawable = NULL; pResource -> commit = 0; } void nxagentValidateSplit(DrawablePtr pDrawable, RegionPtr pRegion) { pDrawable = nxagentSplitDrawable(pDrawable); SplitResourcePtr pResource = nxagentSplitResource(pDrawable); if (pResource == NULL) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateSplit: No split resource for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif return; } else if (pResource -> region == NullRegion) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateSplit: No split region yet for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif return; } else if (pResource -> commit == 0) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateSplit: WARNING! Split for drawable at [%p] was " "already invalidated.\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif return; } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateSplit: Going to validate resource [%d] drawable at [%p].\n", pResource -> split, (void *) pDrawable); nxagentCheckSplit(pDrawable, pResource); #endif #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateSplit: Checking the region for resource [%d] " "and drawable at [%p].\n", pResource -> split, (void *) pDrawable); #endif /* * If a null region is passed as parameter, we assume that all the * commits have to be discarded. */ if (pRegion == NullRegion) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateSplit: Forcing all commits as invalid for " "drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif nxagentReleaseSplit(pDrawable); } else { RegionRec tmpRegion; /* * Check if the provided region overlaps the area covered by the * image being streamed. */ RegionInit(&tmpRegion, NullBox, 1); RegionIntersect(&tmpRegion, pResource -> region, pRegion); if (RegionNil(&tmpRegion) == 0) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateSplit: Marking the overlapping commits as invalid " "for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif nxagentReleaseSplit(pDrawable); } #ifdef TEST else { fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateSplit: Leaving the commits as valid for " "drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); } #endif RegionUninit(&tmpRegion); } } void nxagentFreeSplit(int resource) { DrawablePtr pDrawable; SplitResourcePtr pResource = &nxagentSplitResources[resource]; if (pResource == NULL) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeSplit: PANIC! No valid split record for resource [%d].\n", resource); #endif FatalError("nxagentFreeSplit: PANIC! No valid split record for resource [%d].\n", resource); } else if (pResource -> split != resource) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeSplit: PANIC! The record [%d] doesn't match the resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split, resource); #endif FatalError("nxagentFreeSplit: PANIC! The record [%d] doesn't match the resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split, resource); } pDrawable = pResource -> drawable; if (pDrawable != NULL) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeSplit: Removing association to drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif nxagentReleaseSplit(pDrawable); } #ifdef TEST else { /* * The end of the split has come after we have invalidated the * operation and removed the association to the drawable. This * happens, for example, if the drawable is destroyed. */ fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeSplit: WARNING! Releasing invalidated resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split); } #endif #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeSplit: Freeing the record for resource [%d].\n", pResource -> split); #endif nxagentFreeSplitResource(pResource); } /* FIXME: This must be enabled when the vanilla synchronization procedure is working. */ #define USE_FINISH_SPLIT void nxagentWaitDrawable(DrawablePtr pDrawable) { SplitResourcePtr pResource; pDrawable = nxagentSplitDrawable(pDrawable); pResource = nxagentSplitResource(pDrawable); if (pResource == NULL) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitDrawable: WARNING! The drawable at [%p] is already awake.\n", (void *) pDrawable); #endif return; } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitDrawable: Waiting drawable at [%p] with resource [%d].\n", (void *) pDrawable, pResource -> split); #endif /* * Be sure we intercept an I/O error as well as an interrupt. */ #ifdef USE_FINISH_SPLIT NXFinishSplit(nxagentDisplay, pResource -> split); #endif NXFlushDisplay(nxagentDisplay, NXFlushBuffer); for (;;) { /* * Handling all the possible events here preempts the queue and * makes a better use of the link. * * We should better use XIfEvent() instead of looping again and * again through the event queue. */ nxagentDispatchEvents(NULL); /* * Wait indefinitely until the resource is released or the display * is shut down. */ if (nxagentSplitResource(pDrawable) == NULL || NXDisplayError(nxagentDisplay) == 1) { #ifdef TEST if (NXDisplayError(nxagentDisplay) == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitDrawable: WARNING! Display error detected while " "waiting for the drawable.\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitDrawable: Drawable at [%p] can now be restarted.\n", (void *) pDrawable); } #endif return; } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitDrawable: Yielding control to the NX transport.\n"); #endif nxagentWaitEvents(nxagentDisplay, 0); } } static Bool nxagentCommitSplitPredicate(Display *disp, XEvent *event, XPointer ptr) { return (event -> type == ClientMessage && event -> xclient.data.l[0] == NXCommitSplitNotify && event -> xclient.window == 0 && event -> xclient.message_type == 0 && event -> xclient.format == 32); } void nxagentWaitCommitEvent(int resource) { XEvent event; /* * Check if there is any commit pending. As we are at it, handle any * commit, even those commits pertaining to other resources. * * We can receive some commits even if we'll later receive a * no-split event. The proxy, in fact, may have missed to find the * image in the memory cache and could have loaded it from disk (so * requiring a commit) before we marked the end of the split * sequence. */ while (nxagentCheckEvents(nxagentDisplay, &event, nxagentCommitSplitPredicate, NULL) == 1) { int client = event.xclient.data.l[1]; int request = event.xclient.data.l[2]; int position = event.xclient.data.l[3]; #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitCommitEvent: Commit event received with " "client [%d] request [%d] and position [%d].\n", client, request, position); #endif nxagentHandleCommitSplitEvent(client, request, position); } } static Bool nxagentWaitSplitPredicate(Display *disp, XEvent *event, XPointer ptr) { return (event -> type == ClientMessage && (event -> xclient.data.l[0] == NXNoSplitNotify || event -> xclient.data.l[0] == NXStartSplitNotify) && event -> xclient.window == 0 && event -> xclient.message_type == 0 && event -> xclient.format == 32); } Bool nxagentWaitSplitEvent(int resource) { XEvent event; Bool split = 0; /* * Don't flush the link. We only want to query the NX transport to * check whether the operation caused a split. */ NXFlushDisplay(nxagentDisplay, NXFlushBuffer); for (;;) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitSplitEvent: Waiting for the split event for resource [%d].\n", resource); #endif XIfEvent(nxagentDisplay, &event, nxagentWaitSplitPredicate, NULL); if (NXDisplayError(nxagentDisplay) == 1) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitSplitEvent: WARNING! Error detected reading the event.\n"); #endif nxagentHandleNoSplitEvent(resource); break; } #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitSplitEvent: Going to process the split event.\n"); #endif if (resource != (int) event.xclient.data.l[1]) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitSplitEvent: PANIC! Got event for resource [%d] while " "waiting for resource [%d].\n", (int) event.xclient.data.l[1], resource); fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitSplitEvent: PANIC! Restarting resource [%d] due to the " "missing split event.\n", resource); #endif nxagentHandleNoSplitEvent(resource); break; } else if (event.xclient.data.l[0] == NXNoSplitNotify) { nxagentHandleNoSplitEvent(resource); break; } else { nxagentHandleStartSplitEvent(resource); split = True; break; } } return split; } void nxagentHandleNoSplitEvent(int resource) { if (resource >= 0 && resource < NXNumberOfResources) { #ifdef TEST SplitResourcePtr pResource = &nxagentSplitResources[resource]; fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleNoSplitEvent: Received event for resource [%d].\n", resource); nxagentCheckResource(pResource, resource); #endif #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleNoSplitEvent: Checking if there is any commit pending.\n"); #endif nxagentWaitCommitEvent(resource); #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleNoSplitEvent: No streaming was required with resource [%d] " "and drawable at [%p].\n", resource, (void *) pResource -> drawable); #endif /* * Release the resource. */ nxagentFreeSplit(resource); } #ifdef PANIC else { fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleNoSplitEvent: PANIC! Invalid resource identifier [%d] " " received in event.\n", resource); } #endif } void nxagentHandleStartSplitEvent(int resource) { if (resource >= 0 && resource < NXNumberOfResources) { #ifdef TEST SplitResourcePtr pResource = &nxagentSplitResources[resource]; fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleStartSplitEvent: Received event for resource [%d].\n", resource); nxagentCheckResource(pResource, resource); #endif #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleStartSplitEvent: Checking if there is any commit pending.\n"); #endif nxagentWaitCommitEvent(resource); #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleStartSplitEvent: Streaming started with resource [%d] " "and drawable at [%p].\n", resource, (void *) pResource -> drawable); #endif } #ifdef PANIC else { fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleStartSplitEvent: PANIC! Invalid resource identifier [%d] " " received in event.\n", resource); } #endif } void nxagentHandleCommitSplitEvent(int resource, int request, int position) { if (resource >= 0 && resource < NXNumberOfResources && request >= 0 && position >= 0) { SplitResourcePtr pResource = &nxagentSplitResources[resource]; #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleCommitSplitEvent: Received event for resource [%d].\n", resource); #endif if (pResource != NULL && pResource -> commit == 1) { #ifdef TEST nxagentCheckResource(pResource, resource); fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleCommitSplitEvent: Committing request [%d] with " "position [%d] for resource [%d].\n", request, position, resource); #endif NXCommitSplit(nxagentDisplay, resource, 1, request, position); } else { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleCommitSplitEvent: Discarding request [%d] for " "resource [%d] with position [%d].\n", request, resource, position); #endif NXCommitSplit(nxagentDisplay, resource, 0, request, position); } } #ifdef PANIC else { fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleCommitSplitEvent: PANIC! Invalid commit event with " "request [%d] and position [%d] for resource [%d].\n", request, position, resource); } #endif } void nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent(int resource) { if (resource >= 0 && resource < NXNumberOfResources) { SplitResourcePtr pResource = &nxagentSplitResources[resource]; #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: Received event for resource [%d].\n", resource); nxagentCheckResource(pResource, resource); #endif #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: Checking if there is any commit pending.\n"); #endif nxagentWaitCommitEvent(resource); if (pResource != NULL && pResource -> commit == 1) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: Checking the split region at [%p] " "for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pResource -> drawable, (void *) pResource -> region); if (pResource -> region == NULL) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: PANIC! Invalid region [%p] for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pResource -> region, (void *) pResource -> drawable); #endif FatalError("nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: PANIC! Invalid region [%p] for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pResource -> region, (void *) pResource -> drawable); } else if (pResource -> gc == NULL) { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: PANIC! Invalid GC [%p] for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pResource -> gc, (void *) pResource -> drawable); #endif FatalError("nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: PANIC! Invalid GC [%p] for drawable at [%p].\n", (void *) pResource -> gc, (void *) pResource -> drawable); } #endif if (pResource -> drawable != NULL && pResource -> region != NullRegion) { if (RegionNil(pResource -> region) == 0) { RegionSubtract( nxagentCorruptedRegion(pResource -> drawable), nxagentCorruptedRegion(pResource -> drawable), pResource -> region); /* FIXME: Implementing the valid region policy nxagentExpandValidRegion(pResource -> drawable, pResource -> region); */ #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: Synchronized region [%d,%d,%d,%d] " "for drawable at [%p].\n", pResource -> region -> extents.x1, pResource -> region -> extents.y1, pResource -> region -> extents.x2, pResource -> region -> extents.y2, (void *) pResource -> drawable); #endif } else { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: PANIC! The region [%d,%d,%d,%d] for drawable " "at [%p] is empty.\n", pResource -> region -> extents.x1, pResource -> region -> extents.y1, pResource -> region -> extents.x2, pResource -> region -> extents.y2, (void *) pResource -> drawable); #endif FatalError("nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: PANIC! The region [%d,%d,%d,%d] for drawable " "at [%p] is empty.\n", pResource -> region -> extents.x1, pResource -> region -> extents.y1, pResource -> region -> extents.x2, pResource -> region -> extents.y2, (void *) pResource -> drawable); } } else { #ifdef PANIC fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: PANIC! Invalid record for resource [%d] with " "pending [%d] split [%d] unpack [%d] drawable [%p] region [%p] commit [%d] gc [%p].\n", resource, pResource -> pending, pResource -> split, pResource -> unpack, (void *) pResource -> drawable, (void *) pResource -> region, pResource -> commit, (void *) pResource -> gc); #endif FatalError("nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: PANIC! Invalid record for resource [%d] with " "pending [%d] split [%d] unpack [%d] drawable [%p] region [%p] commit [%d] gc [%p].\n", resource, pResource -> pending, pResource -> split, pResource -> unpack, (void *) pResource -> drawable, (void *) pResource -> region, pResource -> commit, (void *) pResource -> gc); } } /* * Release the resource. */ nxagentFreeSplit(resource); } #ifdef TEST else { fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEndSplitEvent: WARNING! Ignoring split event " "for resource [%d].\n", resource); } #endif } void nxagentHandleEmptySplitEvent(void) { /* FIXME: Should run a consistency check here. */ #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleEmptySplitEvent: No more split event to handle.\n"); #endif } /* * The drawable is going to become corrupted. */ void nxagentSetCorruptedTimestamp(DrawablePtr pDrawable) { if (nxagentDrawableStatus(pDrawable) == Synchronized) { if (pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSetCorruptedTimestamp: Corruption timestamp for pixmap at [%p] was [%lu].\n", (void *) pDrawable, nxagentPixmapPriv((PixmapPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp); #endif nxagentPixmapPriv((PixmapPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp = GetTimeInMillis(); #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSetCorruptedTimestamp: New corruption timestamp for pixmap at [%p] is [%lu].\n", (void *) pDrawable, nxagentPixmapPriv((PixmapPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp); #endif } else { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSetCorruptedTimestamp: Corruption timestamp for window at [%p] was [%lu].\n", (void *) pDrawable, nxagentWindowPriv((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp); #endif nxagentWindowPriv((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp = GetTimeInMillis(); #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSetCorruptedTimestamp: New corruption timestamp for window at [%p] is [%lu].\n", (void *) pDrawable, nxagentWindowPriv((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp); #endif } } } /* * Reset the timestamp taken when the drawable became initially * corrupted. The timestamp is reset only after the drawable has been * fully synchronized. */ void nxagentResetCorruptedTimestamp(DrawablePtr pDrawable) { if (nxagentDrawableStatus(pDrawable) == Synchronized) { if (pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentResetCorruptedTimestamp: Corruption timestamp for pixmap at [%p] was [%lu].\n", (void *) pDrawable, nxagentPixmapPriv((PixmapPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp); #endif nxagentPixmapPriv((PixmapPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp = 0; } else { #ifdef TEST fprintf(stderr, "nxagentResetCorruptedTimestamp: Corruption timestamp for window at [%p] was [%lu].\n", (void *) pDrawable, nxagentWindowPriv((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp); #endif nxagentWindowPriv((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> corruptedTimestamp = 0; } } }