.TH x2goagent 1 .SH NAME x2goagent \- X2Go Agent. .SH SYNOPSIS .B x2goagent .I "[options]" .SH DESCRIPTION \fBx2goagent\fR is an Xnest-like X server for remote application/desktop access. .PP \fBx2goagent\fR implements a very efficient compression of the X11 protocol. .PP This increases performance when using X applications over high latency and low bandwidth networks, while providing a local (LAN-like) usage experience even if connecting from off-site locations (via cable modem or GSM). .PP \fBx2goagent\fR is not designed to be used as a standalone application. It has to be launched on the server side by the X2Go server software. .PP Available clients are \fBx2goclient\fR, \fBpyhoca-gui\fR and \fBpyhoca-gui\fR (using the Python X2Go API). .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \--help Lists all others options that are not listed here. .SH FURTHER READINGS Information on X2Go: http://wiki.x2go.org .PP Information on NX: http://www.nomachine.com .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>.