/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/ilbm/ilbm.h,v 3.2 1998/04/05 16:42:23 robin Exp $ */ /* Combined Purdue/PurduePlus patches, level 2.0, 1/17/89 */ /*********************************************************** Copyright (c) 1987 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* $XConsortium: ilbm.h,v 5.31 94/04/17 20:28:15 dpw Exp $ */ /* Monochrome Frame Buffer definitions written by drewry, september 1986 */ /* Modified jun 95 by Geert Uytterhoeven (Geert.Uytterhoeven@cs.kuleuven.ac.be) to use interleaved bitplanes instead of normal bitplanes */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include "pixmap.h" #include "region.h" #include "gc.h" #include "colormap.h" #include "miscstruct.h" #include "mibstore.h" extern int ilbmInverseAlu[]; extern int ilbmScreenPrivateIndex; /* warning: PixelType definition duplicated in maskbits.h */ #ifndef PixelType #define PixelType unsigned long #endif /* PixelType */ #define AFB_MAX_DEPTH 8 /* ilbmbitblt.c */ extern void ilbmDoBitblt( DrawablePtr /*pSrc*/, DrawablePtr /*pDst*/, int /*alu*/, RegionPtr /*prgnDst*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptSrc*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); extern RegionPtr ilbmBitBlt( DrawablePtr /*pSrc*/, DrawablePtr /*pDst*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*srcx*/, int /*srcy*/, int /*width*/, int /*height*/, int /*dstx*/, int /*dsty*/, void (*doBitBlt)(), unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); extern RegionPtr ilbmCopyArea( DrawablePtr /*pSrcDrawable*/, DrawablePtr /*pDstDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*srcx*/, int /*srcy*/, int /*width*/, int /*height*/, int /*dstx*/, int /*dsty*/ ); extern RegionPtr ilbmCopyPlane( DrawablePtr /*pSrcDrawable*/, DrawablePtr /*pDstDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*srcx*/, int /*srcy*/, int /*width*/, int /*height*/, int /*dstx*/, int /*dsty*/, unsigned long /*plane*/ ); extern void ilbmCopy1ToN( DrawablePtr /*pSrc*/, DrawablePtr /*pDst*/, int /*alu*/, RegionPtr /*prgnDst*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptSrc*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmbltC.c */ extern void ilbmDoBitbltCopy( DrawablePtr /*pSrc*/, DrawablePtr /*pDst*/, int /*alu*/, RegionPtr /*prgnDst*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptSrc*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmbltCI.c */ extern void ilbmDoBitbltCopyInverted( DrawablePtr /*pSrc*/, DrawablePtr /*pDst*/, int /*alu*/, RegionPtr /*prgnDst*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptSrc*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmbltG.c */ extern void ilbmDoBitbltGeneral( DrawablePtr /*pSrc*/, DrawablePtr /*pDst*/, int /*alu*/, RegionPtr /*prgnDst*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptSrc*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmbltO.c */ extern void ilbmDoBitbltOr( DrawablePtr /*pSrc*/, DrawablePtr /*pDst*/, int /*alu*/, RegionPtr /*prgnDst*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptSrc*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmbltX.c */ extern void ilbmDoBitbltXor( DrawablePtr /*pSrc*/, DrawablePtr /*pDst*/, int /*alu*/, RegionPtr /*prgnDst*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptSrc*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmbres.c */ extern void ilbmBresS( PixelType * /*addrl*/, int /*nlwidth*/, int /*sizeDst*/, int /*depthDst*/, int /*signdx*/, int /*signdy*/, int /*axis*/, int /*x1*/, int /*y1*/, int /*e*/, int /*e1*/, int /*e2*/, int /*len*/, unsigned char * /*rrops*/ ); /* ilbmbresd.c */ extern void ilbmBresD( int * /*pdashIndex*/, unsigned char * /*pDash*/, int /*numInDashList*/, int * /*pdashOffset*/, int /*isDoubleDash*/, PixelType * /*addrl*/, int /*nlwidth*/, int /*sizeDst*/, int /*depthDst*/, int /*signdx*/, int /*signdy*/, int /*axis*/, int /*x1*/, int /*y1*/, int /*e*/, int /*e1*/, int /*e2*/, int /*len*/, unsigned char * /*rrops*/, unsigned char * /*bgrrops*/ ); /* ilbmbstore.c */ extern void ilbmSaveAreas( PixmapPtr /*pPixmap*/, RegionPtr /*prgnSave*/, int /*xorg*/, int /*yorg*/, WindowPtr /*pWin*/ ); extern void ilbmRestoreAreas( PixmapPtr /*pPixmap*/, RegionPtr /*prgnRestore*/, int /*xorg*/, int /*yorg*/, WindowPtr /*pWin*/ ); /* ilbmclip.c */ extern RegionPtr ilbmPixmapToRegion( PixmapPtr /*pPix*/ ); /* ilbmcmap.c */ extern Bool ilbmInitializeColormap( ColormapPtr /*pmap*/ ); extern void ilbmResolveColor( unsigned short * /*pred*/, unsigned short * /*pgreen*/, unsigned short * /*pblue*/, VisualPtr /*pVisual*/ ); extern Bool ilbmSetVisualTypes( int /*depth*/, int /*visuals*/, int /*bitsPerRGB*/ ); /* ilbmfillarc.c */ extern void ilbmPolyFillArcSolid( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*narcs*/, xArc * /*parcs*/ ); /* ilbmfillrct.c */ extern void ilbmPolyFillRect( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*nrectFill*/, xRectangle * /*prectInit*/ ); /* ilbmply1rct.c */ extern void ilbmFillPolygonSolid( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*mode*/, int /*shape*/, int /*count*/, DDXPointPtr /*ptsIn*/ ); /* ilbmfillsp.c */ extern void ilbmSolidFS( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*nInit*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptInit*/, int * /*pwidthInit*/, int /*fSorted*/ ); extern void ilbmStippleFS( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*nInit*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptInit*/, int * /*pwidthInit*/, int /*fSorted*/ ); extern void ilbmTileFS( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*nInit*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptInit*/, int * /*pwidthInit*/, int /*fSorted*/ ); extern void ilbmUnnaturalTileFS( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*nInit*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptInit*/, int * /*pwidthInit*/, int /*fSorted*/ ); extern void ilbmUnnaturalStippleFS( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*nInit*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptInit*/, int * /*pwidthInit*/, int /*fSorted*/ ); extern void ilbmOpaqueStippleFS( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*nInit*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptInit*/, int * /*pwidthInit*/, int /*fSorted*/ ); extern void ilbmUnnaturalOpaqueStippleFS( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*nInit*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptInit*/, int * /*pwidthInit*/, int /*fSorted*/ ); /* ilbmfont.c */ extern Bool ilbmRealizeFont( ScreenPtr /*pscr*/, FontPtr /*pFont*/ ); extern Bool ilbmUnrealizeFont( ScreenPtr /*pscr*/, FontPtr /*pFont*/ ); /* ilbmgc.c */ extern Bool ilbmCreateGC( GCPtr /*pGC*/ ); extern void ilbmValidateGC( GCPtr /*pGC*/, unsigned long /*changes*/, DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/ ); extern void ilbmDestroyGC( GCPtr /*pGC*/ ); extern void ilbmReduceRop( int /*alu*/, Pixel /*src*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/, int /*depth*/, unsigned char * /*rrops*/ ); extern void ilbmReduceOpaqueStipple ( Pixel /*fg*/, Pixel /*bg*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/, int /*depth*/, unsigned char * /*rrops*/ ); extern void ilbmComputeCompositeClip( GCPtr /*pGC*/, DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/ ); /* ilbmgetsp.c */ extern void ilbmGetSpans( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, int /*wMax*/, DDXPointPtr /*ppt*/, int * /*pwidth*/, int /*nspans*/, char * /*pdstStart*/ ); /* ilbmhrzvert.c */ extern int ilbmHorzS( PixelType * /*addrl*/, int /*nlwidth*/, int /*sizeDst*/, int /*depthDst*/, int /*x1*/, int /*y1*/, int /*len*/, unsigned char * /*rrops*/ ); extern int ilbmVertS( PixelType * /*addrl*/, int /*nlwidth*/, int /*sizeDst*/, int /*depthDst*/, int /*x1*/, int /*y1*/, int /*len*/, unsigned char * /*rrops*/ ); /* ilbmigbblak.c */ extern void ilbmImageGlyphBlt ( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/, unsigned int /*nglyph*/, CharInfoPtr * /*ppci*/, pointer /*pglyphBase*/ ); /* ilbmigbwht.c */ /* ilbmimage.c */ extern void ilbmPutImage( DrawablePtr /*dst*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*depth*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int /*w*/, int /*h*/, int /*leftPad*/, int /*format*/, char * /*pImage*/ ); extern void ilbmGetImage( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, int /*sx*/, int /*sy*/, int /*w*/, int /*h*/, unsigned int /*format*/, unsigned long /*planeMask*/, char * /*pdstLine*/ ); /* ilbmline.c */ extern void ilbmLineSS( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*mode*/, int /*npt*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptInit*/ ); extern void ilbmLineSD( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*mode*/, int /*npt*/, DDXPointPtr /*pptInit*/ ); /* ilbmmisc.c */ extern void ilbmQueryBestSize( int /*class*/, unsigned short * /*pwidth*/, unsigned short * /*pheight*/, ScreenPtr /*pScreen*/ ); /* ilbmpntarea.c */ extern void ilbmSolidFillArea( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, unsigned char * /*rrops*/ ); extern void ilbmStippleAreaPPW( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, PixmapPtr /*pstipple*/, unsigned char * /*rrops*/ ); extern void ilbmStippleArea( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, PixmapPtr /*pstipple*/, int /*xOff*/, int /*yOff*/, unsigned char * /*rrops*/ ); /* ilbmplygblt.c */ extern void ilbmPolyGlyphBlt( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/, unsigned int /*nglyph*/, CharInfoPtr * /*ppci*/, pointer /*pglyphBase*/ ); /* ilbmpixmap.c */ extern PixmapPtr ilbmCreatePixmap( ScreenPtr /*pScreen*/, int /*width*/, int /*height*/, int /*depth*/ ); extern Bool ilbmDestroyPixmap( PixmapPtr /*pPixmap*/ ); extern PixmapPtr ilbmCopyPixmap( PixmapPtr /*pSrc*/ ); extern void ilbmPadPixmap( PixmapPtr /*pPixmap*/ ); extern void ilbmXRotatePixmap( PixmapPtr /*pPix*/, int /*rw*/ ); extern void ilbmYRotatePixmap( PixmapPtr /*pPix*/, int /*rh*/ ); extern void ilbmCopyRotatePixmap( PixmapPtr /*psrcPix*/, PixmapPtr * /*ppdstPix*/, int /*xrot*/, int /*yrot*/ ); extern void ilbmPaintWindow( WindowPtr /*pWin*/, RegionPtr /*pRegion*/, int /*what*/ ); /* ilbmpolypnt.c */ extern void ilbmPolyPoint( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*mode*/, int /*npt*/, xPoint * /*pptInit*/ ); /* ilbmpushpxl.c */ extern void ilbmPushPixels( GCPtr /*pGC*/, PixmapPtr /*pBitMap*/, DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, int /*dx*/, int /*dy*/, int /*xOrg*/, int /*yOrg*/ ); /* ilbmscrclse.c */ extern Bool ilbmCloseScreen( int /*index*/, ScreenPtr /*pScreen*/ ); /* ilbmscrinit.c */ extern Bool ilbmAllocatePrivates( ScreenPtr /*pScreen*/, int * /*pWinIndex*/, int * /*pGCIndex*/ ); extern Bool ilbmScreenInit( ScreenPtr /*pScreen*/, pointer /*pbits*/, int /*xsize*/, int /*ysize*/, int /*dpix*/, int /*dpiy*/, int /*width*/ ); extern PixmapPtr ilbmGetWindowPixmap( WindowPtr /*pWin*/ ); extern void ilbmSetWindowPixmap( WindowPtr /*pWin*/, PixmapPtr /*pPix*/ ); /* ilbmseg.c */ extern void ilbmSegmentSS( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*nseg*/, xSegment * /*pSeg*/ ); extern void ilbmSegmentSD( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*nseg*/, xSegment * /*pSeg*/ ); /* ilbmsetsp.c */ extern int ilbmSetScanline( int /*y*/, int /*xOrigin*/, int /*xStart*/, int /*xEnd*/, PixelType * /*psrc*/, int /*alu*/, PixelType * /*pdstBase*/, int /*widthDst*/, int /*sizeDst*/, int /*depthDst*/, int /*sizeSrc*/ ); extern void ilbmSetSpans( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, char * /*psrc*/, DDXPointPtr /*ppt*/, int * /*pwidth*/, int /*nspans*/, int /*fSorted*/ ); /* ilbmtegblt.c */ extern void ilbmTEGlyphBlt( DrawablePtr /*pDrawable*/, GCPtr/*pGC*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/, unsigned int /*nglyph*/, CharInfoPtr * /*ppci*/, pointer /*pglyphBase*/ ); /* ilbmtileC.c */ extern void ilbmTileAreaPPWCopy( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, int /*alu*/, PixmapPtr /*ptile*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmtileG.c */ extern void ilbmTileAreaPPWGeneral( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, int /*alu*/, PixmapPtr /*ptile*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); extern void ilbmTileAreaCopy( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, int /*alu*/, PixmapPtr /*ptile*/, int /*xOff*/, int /*yOff*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmtileG.c */ extern void ilbmTileAreaGeneral( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, int /*alu*/, PixmapPtr /*ptile*/, int /*xOff*/, int /*yOff*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); extern void ilbmOpaqueStippleAreaPPWCopy( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, int /*alu*/, PixmapPtr /*ptile*/, unsigned char */*rropsOS*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmtileG.c */ extern void ilbmOpaqueStippleAreaPPWGeneral( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, int /*alu*/, PixmapPtr /*ptile*/, unsigned char */*rropsOS*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); extern void ilbmOpaqueStippleAreaCopy( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, int /*alu*/, PixmapPtr /*ptile*/, int /*xOff*/, int /*yOff*/, unsigned char */*rropsOS*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmtileG.c */ extern void ilbmOpaqueStippleAreaGeneral( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, int /*nbox*/, BoxPtr /*pbox*/, int /*alu*/, PixmapPtr /*ptile*/, int /*xOff*/, int /*yOff*/, unsigned char */*rropsOS*/, unsigned long /*planemask*/ ); /* ilbmwindow.c */ extern Bool ilbmCreateWindow( WindowPtr /*pWin*/ ); extern Bool ilbmDestroyWindow( WindowPtr /*pWin*/ ); extern Bool ilbmMapWindow( WindowPtr /*pWindow*/ ); extern Bool ilbmPositionWindow( WindowPtr /*pWin*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/ ); extern Bool ilbmUnmapWindow( WindowPtr /*pWindow*/ ); extern void ilbmCopyWindow( WindowPtr /*pWin*/, DDXPointRec /*ptOldOrg*/, RegionPtr /*prgnSrc*/ ); extern Bool ilbmChangeWindowAttributes( WindowPtr /*pWin*/, unsigned long /*mask*/ ); /* ilbmzerarc.c */ extern void ilbmZeroPolyArcSS( DrawablePtr /*pDraw*/, GCPtr /*pGC*/, int /*narcs*/, xArc * /*parcs*/ ); /* private field of pixmap pixmap.devPrivate = (PixelType *)pointer_to_bits pixmap.devKind = width_of_pixmap_in_bytes private field of screen a pixmap, for which we allocate storage. devPrivate is a pointer to the bits in the hardware framebuffer. note that devKind can be poked to make the code work for framebuffers that are wider than their displayable screen (e.g. the early vsII, which displayed 960 pixels across, but was 1024 in the hardware.) private field of GC */ typedef struct { unsigned char rrops[AFB_MAX_DEPTH]; /* reduction of rasterop to 1 of 3 */ unsigned char rropOS[AFB_MAX_DEPTH]; /* rop for opaque stipple */ } ilbmPrivGC; typedef ilbmPrivGC *ilbmPrivGCPtr; extern int ilbmGCPrivateIndex; /* index into GC private array */ extern int ilbmWindowPrivateIndex; /* index into Window private array */ #ifdef PIXMAP_PER_WINDOW extern int frameWindowPrivateIndex; /* index into Window private array */ #endif #define ilbmGetGCPrivate(pGC) \ ((ilbmPrivGC *)((pGC)->devPrivates[ilbmGCPrivateIndex].ptr)) /* private field of window */ typedef struct { unsigned char fastBorder; /* non-zero if border tile is 32 bits wide */ unsigned char fastBackground; unsigned short unused; /* pad for alignment with Sun compiler */ DDXPointRec oldRotate; PixmapPtr pRotatedBackground; PixmapPtr pRotatedBorder; } ilbmPrivWin; /* Common macros for extracting drawing information */ #define ilbmGetPixelWidthAuxDepthAndPointer(pDrawable, width, aux, dep, pointer) {\ PixmapPtr _pPix; \ if ((pDrawable)->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) \ _pPix = (PixmapPtr)(pDrawable)->pScreen->devPrivates[ilbmScreenPrivateIndex].ptr; \ else \ _pPix = (PixmapPtr)(pDrawable); \ (pointer) = (PixelType *)_pPix->devPrivate.ptr; \ (width) = ((int)_pPix->devKind)/sizeof(PixelType); \ (dep) = _pPix->drawable.depth; \ (aux) = (width)*(dep); \ } /* ilbm uses the following macros to calculate addresses in drawables. * To support banked framebuffers, the macros come in four flavors. * All four collapse into the same definition on unbanked devices. * * ilbmScanlineFoo - calculate address and do bank switching * ilbmScanlineFooNoBankSwitch - calculate address, don't bank switch * ilbmScanlineFooSrc - calculate address, switch source bank * ilbmScanlineFooDst - calculate address, switch destination bank */ /* The NoBankSwitch versions are the same for banked and unbanked cases */ #define ilbmScanlineIncNoBankSwitch(_ptr, _off) _ptr += (_off) #define ilbmScanlineOffsetNoBankSwitch(_ptr, _off) ((_ptr)+(_off)) #define ilbmScanlineDeltaNoBankSwitch(_ptr, _y, _w) \ ilbmScanlineOffsetNoBankSwitch(_ptr, (_y)*(_w)) #define ilbmScanlineNoBankSwitch(_ptr, _x, _y, _w) \ ilbmScanlineOffsetNoBankSwitch(_ptr, (_y)*(_w)+((_x)>>MFB_PWSH)) #ifdef MFB_LINE_BANK #include "ilbmlinebank.h" /* get macro definitions from this file */ #else /* !MFB_LINE_BANK - unbanked case */ #define ilbmScanlineInc(_ptr, _off) ilbmScanlineIncNoBankSwitch(_ptr, _off) #define ilbmScanlineIncSrc(_ptr, _off) ilbmScanlineInc(_ptr, _off) #define ilbmScanlineIncDst(_ptr, _off) ilbmScanlineInc(_ptr, _off) #define ilbmScanlineOffset(_ptr, _off) ilbmScanlineOffsetNoBankSwitch(_ptr, _off) #define ilbmScanlineOffsetSrc(_ptr, _off) ilbmScanlineOffset(_ptr, _off) #define ilbmScanlineOffsetDst(_ptr, _off) ilbmScanlineOffset(_ptr, _off) #define ilbmScanlineSrc(_ptr, _x, _y, _w) ilbmScanline(_ptr, _x, _y, _w) #define ilbmScanlineDst(_ptr, _x, _y, _w) ilbmScanline(_ptr, _x, _y, _w) #define ilbmScanlineDeltaSrc(_ptr, _y, _w) ilbmScanlineDelta(_ptr, _y, _w) #define ilbmScanlineDeltaDst(_ptr, _y, _w) ilbmScanlineDelta(_ptr, _y, _w) #endif /* MFB_LINE_BANK */ #define ilbmScanlineDelta(_ptr, _y, _w) \ ilbmScanlineOffset(_ptr, (_y)*(_w)) #define ilbmScanline(_ptr, _x, _y, _w) \ ilbmScanlineOffset(_ptr, (_y)*(_w)+((_x)>>MFB_PWSH)) /* precomputed information about each glyph for GlyphBlt code. this saves recalculating the per glyph information for each box. */ typedef struct _ilbmpos{ int xpos; /* xposition of glyph's origin */ int xchar; /* x position mod 32 */ int leftEdge; int rightEdge; int topEdge; int bottomEdge; PixelType *pdstBase; /* longword with character origin */ int widthGlyph; /* width in bytes of this glyph */ } ilbmTEXTPOS; /* reduced raster ops for ilbm */ #define RROP_BLACK GXclear #define RROP_WHITE GXset #define RROP_NOP GXnoop #define RROP_INVERT GXinvert #define RROP_COPY GXcopy /* macros for ilbmbitblt.c, ilbmfillsp.c these let the code do one switch on the rop per call, rather than a switch on the rop per item (span or rectangle.) */ #define fnCLEAR(src, dst) (0) #define fnAND(src, dst) (src & dst) #define fnANDREVERSE(src, dst) (src & ~dst) #define fnCOPY(src, dst) (src) #define fnANDINVERTED(src, dst) (~src & dst) #define fnNOOP(src, dst) (dst) #define fnXOR(src, dst) (src ^ dst) #define fnOR(src, dst) (src | dst) #define fnNOR(src, dst) (~(src | dst)) #define fnEQUIV(src, dst) (~src ^ dst) #define fnINVERT(src, dst) (~dst) #define fnORREVERSE(src, dst) (src | ~dst) #define fnCOPYINVERTED(src, dst) (~src) #define fnORINVERTED(src, dst) (~src | dst) #define fnNAND(src, dst) (~(src & dst)) #define fnSET(src, dst) (~0) /* Using a "switch" statement is much faster in most cases * since the compiler can do a look-up table or multi-way branch * instruction, depending on the architecture. The result on * A Sun 3/50 is at least 2.5 times faster, assuming a uniform * distribution of RasterOp operation types. * * However, doing some profiling on a running system reveals * GXcopy is the operation over 99.5% of the time and * GXxor is the next most frequent (about .4%), so we make special * checks for those first. * * Note that this requires a change to the "calling sequence" * since we can't engineer a "switch" statement to have an lvalue. */ #define DoRop(result, alu, src, dst) \ { \ if (alu == GXcopy) \ result = fnCOPY (src, dst); \ else if (alu == GXxor) \ result = fnXOR (src, dst); \ else \ switch (alu) { \ case GXclear: \ result = fnCLEAR (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXand: \ result = fnAND (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXandReverse: \ result = fnANDREVERSE (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXandInverted: \ result = fnANDINVERTED (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXnoop: \ result = fnNOOP (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXor: \ result = fnOR (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXnor: \ result = fnNOR (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXequiv: \ result = fnEQUIV (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXinvert: \ result = fnINVERT (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXorReverse: \ result = fnORREVERSE (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXcopyInverted: \ result = fnCOPYINVERTED (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXorInverted: \ result = fnORINVERTED (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXnand: \ result = fnNAND (src, dst); \ break; \ case GXset: \ result = fnSET (src, dst); \ break; \ } \ } /* C expression fragments for various operations. These get passed in * as -D's on the compile command line. See ilbm/Imakefile. This * fixes XBUG 6319. * * This seems like a good place to point out that ilbm's use of the * words black and white is an unfortunate misnomer. In ilbm code, black * means zero, and white means one. */ #define MFB_OPEQ_WHITE |= #define MFB_OPEQ_BLACK &=~ #define MFB_OPEQ_INVERT ^= #define MFB_EQWHOLEWORD_WHITE =~0 #define MFB_EQWHOLEWORD_BLACK =0 #define MFB_EQWHOLEWORD_INVERT ^=~0 #define MFB_OP_WHITE /* nothing */ #define MFB_OP_BLACK ~