/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/iplan2p4/iplbitblt.c,v 3.1tsi Exp $ */ /* * ipl copy area */ /* Copyright (c) 1989 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. Author: Keith Packard */ /* $XConsortium: iplbitblt.c,v 5.51 94/05/27 11:00:56 dpw Exp $ */ /* Modified nov 94 by Martin Schaller (Martin_Schaller@maus.r.de) for use with interleaved planes */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xmd.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include "gcstruct.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "regionstr.h" #include "ipl.h" #include "fastblt.h" #define MFB_CONSTS_ONLY #include "maskbits.h" #include "iplmskbits.h" RegionPtr iplBitBlt (pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty, doBitBlt, bitPlane) register DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable; register DrawablePtr pDstDrawable; GC *pGC; int srcx, srcy; int width, height; int dstx, dsty; void (*doBitBlt)(); unsigned long bitPlane; { RegionPtr prgnSrcClip; /* may be a new region, or just a copy */ Bool freeSrcClip = FALSE; RegionPtr prgnExposed; RegionRec rgnDst; DDXPointPtr pptSrc; register DDXPointPtr ppt; register BoxPtr pbox; int i; register int dx; register int dy; xRectangle origSource; DDXPointRec origDest; int numRects; BoxRec fastBox; int fastClip = 0; /* for fast clipping with pixmap source */ int fastExpose = 0; /* for fast exposures with pixmap source */ origSource.x = srcx; origSource.y = srcy; origSource.width = width; origSource.height = height; origDest.x = dstx; origDest.y = dsty; if ((pSrcDrawable != pDstDrawable) && pSrcDrawable->pScreen->SourceValidate) { (*pSrcDrawable->pScreen->SourceValidate) (pSrcDrawable, srcx, srcy, width, height); } srcx += pSrcDrawable->x; srcy += pSrcDrawable->y; /* clip the source */ if (pSrcDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) { if ((pSrcDrawable == pDstDrawable) && (pGC->clientClipType == CT_NONE)) { prgnSrcClip = iplGetCompositeClip(pGC); } else { fastClip = 1; } } else { if (pGC->subWindowMode == IncludeInferiors) { if (!((WindowPtr) pSrcDrawable)->parent) { /* * special case bitblt from root window in * IncludeInferiors mode; just like from a pixmap */ fastClip = 1; } else if ((pSrcDrawable == pDstDrawable) && (pGC->clientClipType == CT_NONE)) { prgnSrcClip = iplGetCompositeClip(pGC); } else { prgnSrcClip = NotClippedByChildren((WindowPtr)pSrcDrawable); freeSrcClip = TRUE; } } else { prgnSrcClip = &((WindowPtr)pSrcDrawable)->clipList; } } fastBox.x1 = srcx; fastBox.y1 = srcy; fastBox.x2 = srcx + width; fastBox.y2 = srcy + height; /* Don't create a source region if we are doing a fast clip */ if (fastClip) { fastExpose = 1; /* * clip the source; if regions extend beyond the source size, * make sure exposure events get sent */ if (fastBox.x1 < pSrcDrawable->x) { fastBox.x1 = pSrcDrawable->x; fastExpose = 0; } if (fastBox.y1 < pSrcDrawable->y) { fastBox.y1 = pSrcDrawable->y; fastExpose = 0; } if (fastBox.x2 > pSrcDrawable->x + (int) pSrcDrawable->width) { fastBox.x2 = pSrcDrawable->x + (int) pSrcDrawable->width; fastExpose = 0; } if (fastBox.y2 > pSrcDrawable->y + (int) pSrcDrawable->height) { fastBox.y2 = pSrcDrawable->y + (int) pSrcDrawable->height; fastExpose = 0; } } else { REGION_INIT(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst, &fastBox, 1); REGION_INTERSECT(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst, &rgnDst, prgnSrcClip); } dstx += pDstDrawable->x; dsty += pDstDrawable->y; if (pDstDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { if (!((WindowPtr)pDstDrawable)->realized) { if (!fastClip) REGION_UNINIT(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst); if (freeSrcClip) REGION_DESTROY(pGC->pScreen, prgnSrcClip); return NULL; } } dx = srcx - dstx; dy = srcy - dsty; /* Translate and clip the dst to the destination composite clip */ if (fastClip) { RegionPtr cclip; /* Translate the region directly */ fastBox.x1 -= dx; fastBox.x2 -= dx; fastBox.y1 -= dy; fastBox.y2 -= dy; /* If the destination composite clip is one rectangle we can do the clip directly. Otherwise we have to create a full blown region and call intersect */ /* XXX because CopyPlane uses this routine for 8-to-1 bit * copies, this next line *must* also correctly fetch the * composite clip from an mfb gc */ cclip = iplGetCompositeClip(pGC); if (REGION_NUM_RECTS(cclip) == 1) { BoxPtr pBox = REGION_RECTS(cclip); if (fastBox.x1 < pBox->x1) fastBox.x1 = pBox->x1; if (fastBox.x2 > pBox->x2) fastBox.x2 = pBox->x2; if (fastBox.y1 < pBox->y1) fastBox.y1 = pBox->y1; if (fastBox.y2 > pBox->y2) fastBox.y2 = pBox->y2; /* Check to see if the region is empty */ if (fastBox.x1 >= fastBox.x2 || fastBox.y1 >= fastBox.y2) { REGION_NULL(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst); } else { REGION_INIT(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst, &fastBox, 1); } } else { /* We must turn off fastClip now, since we must create a full blown region. It is intersected with the composite clip below. */ fastClip = 0; REGION_INIT(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst, &fastBox, 1); } } else { REGION_TRANSLATE(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst, -dx, -dy); } if (!fastClip) { REGION_INTERSECT(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst, &rgnDst, iplGetCompositeClip(pGC)); } /* Do bit blitting */ numRects = REGION_NUM_RECTS(&rgnDst); if (numRects && width && height) { if(!(pptSrc = (DDXPointPtr)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(numRects * sizeof(DDXPointRec)))) { REGION_UNINIT(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst); if (freeSrcClip) REGION_DESTROY(pGC->pScreen, prgnSrcClip); return NULL; } pbox = REGION_RECTS(&rgnDst); ppt = pptSrc; for (i = numRects; --i >= 0; pbox++, ppt++) { ppt->x = pbox->x1 + dx; ppt->y = pbox->y1 + dy; } (*doBitBlt) (pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC->alu, &rgnDst, pptSrc, pGC->planemask, bitPlane); DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(pptSrc); } prgnExposed = NULL; if (pGC->fExpose) { extern RegionPtr miHandleExposures(); /* Pixmap sources generate a NoExposed (we return NULL to do this) */ if (!fastExpose) prgnExposed = miHandleExposures(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC, origSource.x, origSource.y, (int)origSource.width, (int)origSource.height, origDest.x, origDest.y, bitPlane); } REGION_UNINIT(pGC->pScreen, &rgnDst); if (freeSrcClip) REGION_DESTROY(pGC->pScreen, prgnSrcClip); return prgnExposed; } void iplDoBitblt (pSrc, pDst, alu, prgnDst, pptSrc, planemask) DrawablePtr pSrc, pDst; int alu; RegionPtr prgnDst; DDXPointPtr pptSrc; unsigned long planemask; { void (*blt)() = iplDoBitbltGeneral; if ((planemask & INTER_PMSK) == INTER_PMSK) { switch (alu) { case GXcopy: blt = iplDoBitbltCopy; break; case GXxor: blt = iplDoBitbltXor; break; case GXor: blt = iplDoBitbltOr; break; } } (*blt) (pSrc, pDst, alu, prgnDst, pptSrc, planemask); } RegionPtr iplCopyArea(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty) register DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable; register DrawablePtr pDstDrawable; GC *pGC; int srcx, srcy; int width, height; int dstx, dsty; { void (*doBitBlt) (); doBitBlt = iplDoBitbltCopy; if (pGC->alu != GXcopy || (pGC->planemask & INTER_PMSK) != INTER_PMSK) { doBitBlt = iplDoBitbltGeneral; if ((pGC->planemask & INTER_PMSK) == INTER_PMSK) { switch (pGC->alu) { case GXxor: doBitBlt = iplDoBitbltXor; break; case GXor: doBitBlt = iplDoBitbltOr; break; } } } return iplBitBlt (pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty, doBitBlt, 0L); } /* shared among all different ipl depths through linker magic */ RegionPtr (*iplPuntCopyPlane)(); RegionPtr iplCopyPlane(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty, bitPlane) DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable; DrawablePtr pDstDrawable; GCPtr pGC; int srcx, srcy; int width, height; int dstx, dsty; unsigned long bitPlane; { RegionPtr ret; extern RegionPtr miHandleExposures(); void (*doBitBlt)(); ret = (*iplPuntCopyPlane) (pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty, bitPlane); return ret; }