/**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com) */ /* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder <o.shneyder@phoca-gmbh.de> */ /* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>*/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de> */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller <uli42@gmx.de> */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com) */ /* */ /* nx-X11, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software */ /* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies. */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according */ /* to terms specified in the file LICENSE which comes in the source */ /* distribution. */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other */ /* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as */ /* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */ /* as copyright holder, as well. */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ #include <Server.tmpl> NULL = /* * If you have any extra files to be put into the library, define them here. */ ZONEID_DEFINES = -UHAVE_GETZONEID #if NXLibraries NX_INCLUDES = -I../../../../nxcomp NX_DEFINES = -DNX_TRANS_SOCKET \ -DNX_TRANS_AUTH \ -DNX_TRANS_FOPEN \ -DNX_TRANS_SLEEP \ -DNX_TRANS_EXIT \ -DNX_TRANS_WAKEUP=1000 \ -DNXAGENT_SERVER \ $(NULL) # -DNX_TRANS_WARN \ # -DNX_TRANS_INFO \ # -DNX_TRANS_TEST \ # -DNX_TRANS_DEBUG \ #endif /* * do not modify the following two definitions */ #ifndef OtherSources #define OtherSources #endif #ifndef OtherObjects #define OtherObjects #endif #if HasXdmAuth XDMAUTHDEFS = -DHASXDMAUTH XDMAUTHOBJS = xdmauth.o XDMAUTHSRCS = xdmauth.c #else XDMAUTHDEFS = XDMAUTHOBJS = XDMAUTHSCRS = #endif #if HasSecureRPC RPCDEFS = -DSECURE_RPC RPCOBJS = rpcauth.o RPCSRCS = rpcauth.c #else RPCDEFS = RPCOBJS = RPCSRCS = #endif #if HasBSD44Sockets SOCK_DEFINES = -DBSD44SOCKETS #endif #if HasGetIfAddrs IFADDRS_DEFINES = -DHAS_GETIFADDRS #endif #if !defined(DDXOsColor) COLOR_SRCS=oscolor.c COLOR_OBJS=oscolor.o #endif #if !HasSnprintf SNPRINTF_SRCS = snprintf.c SNPRINTF_OBJS = snprintf.o #endif #if !HasStrlcat STRLCAT_SRCS = strlcat.c strlcpy.c STRLCAT_OBJS = strlcat.o strlcpy.o #endif #if !HasReallocarray REALLOCARRAY_SRCS = reallocarray.c REALLOCARRAY_OBJS = reallocarray.o #endif #if HasGetpeerucred GETPEER_DEFINES = -DHAS_GETPEERUCRED #else # if HasGetpeereid GETPEER_DEFINES = -DHAS_GETPEEREID # endif #endif #if !HasTimingsafeMemcmp TMEMCMP_SRCS = timingsafe_memcmp.c TMEMCMP_OBJS = timingsafe_memcmp.o #endif BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS = SRCS = WaitFor.c \ access.c \ client.c \ connection.c \ io.c \ $(COLOR_SRCS) \ osinit.c \ utils.c \ log.c \ auth.c \ mitauth.c \ secauth.c \ $(XDMAUTHSRCS) \ $(RPCSRCS) \ xdmcp.c \ OtherSources \ xstrans.c \ $(SNPRINTF_SRCS) \ $(STRLCAT_SRCS) \ $(REALLOCARRAY_SRCS) \ xprintf.c \ $(TMEMCMP_SRCS) \ $(NULL) OBJS = WaitFor.o \ access.o \ client.o \ connection.o \ io.o \ $(COLOR_OBJS) \ osinit.o \ utils.o \ log.o \ auth.o \ mitauth.o \ secauth.o \ $(XDMAUTHOBJS) \ $(RPCOBJS) \ xdmcp.o \ OtherObjects \ xstrans.o \ $(SNPRINTF_OBJS) \ $(STRLCAT_OBJS) \ $(REALLOCARRAY_OBJS) \ xprintf.o \ $(TMEMCMP_OBJS) \ $(NULL) #if UseMemLeak MEM_DEFINES = -DMEMBUG #endif ADM_DEFINES = -DADMPATH=\"$(ADMDIR)/X\%smsgs\" XDMCP_DEFINES = ServerXdmcpDefines ERROR_DEFINES = ServerErrorDefines #if HasPam && HasPamMisc PAM_DEFINES = -DUSE_PAM #endif XTRANS_DEFINES = -DXTRANS_SEND_FDS=0 DEFINES = $(CONNECTION_FLAGS) \ $(MEM_DEFINES) \ $(XDMAUTHDEFS) \ $(RPCDEFS) \ $(SIGNAL_DEFINES) \ $(OS_DEFINES) \ $(GETPEER_DEFINES) \ $(RANDOM_DEFINES) \ $(BUGMSG) \ $(XTRANS_FAILDEFINES) \ $(XTRANS_DEFINES) \ $(NX_DEFINES) \ $(NULL) INCLUDES = -I. \ -I../include \ -I$(XINCLUDESRC) \ -I$(EXTINCSRC) \ -I$(SERVERSRC)/Xext \ -I$(SERVERSRC)/render \ -I$(TOP)/lib/Xau \ $(NX_INCLUDES) \ `pkg-config --cflags-only-I pixman-1` \ $(NULL) DEPEND_DEFINES = $(XDMCP_DEFINES) \ $(EXT_DEFINES) \ $(TRANS_INCLUDES) \ $(CONNECTION_FLAGS) \ $(GETPEER_DEFINES) \ DependDefines \ $(NULL) LINTLIBS = ../dix/llib-ldix.ln #ifdef NEED_ALLOCA_FROM_LIBPW PWLIB = /lib/libPW.a #endif /* NEED_ALLOCA_FROM_LIBPW */ NormalLibraryObjectRule() NormalLibraryTarget(os,$(OBJS)) LintLibraryTarget(os,$(SRCS)) NormalLintTarget($(SRCS)) #ifdef NEED_ALLOCA_FROM_LIBPW XCOMM XCOMM And this one is to get the version of alloca that lives in /lib/libPW.a XCOMM without getting all of the rest of the stuff in there. XCOMM alloca.o: $(PWLIB) rm -f alloca.o ar x $(PWLIB) alloca.o #endif /* NEED_ALLOCA_FROM_LIBPW */ SpecialCObjectRule(access,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(XDMCP_DEFINES) $(SOCK_DEFINES) $(IFADDRS_DEFINES) $(ZONEID_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(auth,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(XDMCP_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(xdmauth,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(XDMCP_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(xdmcp,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(SOCK_DEFINES) $(XDMCP_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(connection,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(SOCK_DEFINES) $(XDMCP_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(osinit,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(ADM_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(WaitFor,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(EXT_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(io,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(EXT_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(utils,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(XDMCP_DEFINES) $(EXT_DEFINES) $(ERROR_DEFINES) $(PAM_DEFINES) $(FONT_DEFINES)) #if defined(SparcArchitecture) && HasGcc && !HasGcc2 oscolor.o: oscolor.c $(ICONFIGFILES) $(RM) $@ cc -c $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(ALLDEFINES) $*.c #endif #if !HasSnprintf LinkSourceFile(snprintf.c,$(LIBSRC)/misc) #endif DependTarget()