/* $XdotOrg: xc/programs/Xserver/os/utils.c,v 1.21 2005/11/08 06:33:30 jkj Exp $ */ /* $Xorg: utils.c,v 1.5 2001/02/09 02:05:24 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1987, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, Copyright 1994 Quarterdeck Office Systems. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital and Quarterdeck not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL AND QUARTERDECK DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/os/utils.c,v 3.96 2004/01/07 04:16:37 dawes Exp $ */ /**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2001, 2007 NoMachine, http://www.nomachine.com/. */ /* */ /* NX-X11, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software */ /* are copyright of NoMachine. Redistribution and use of the present */ /* software is allowed according to terms specified in the file LICENSE */ /* which comes in the source distribution. */ /* */ /* Check http://www.nomachine.com/licensing.html for applicability. */ /* */ /* NX and NoMachine are trademarks of NoMachine S.r.l. */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #ifdef __CYGWIN__ #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #endif #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) #include <X11/Xwinsock.h> #endif #include <X11/Xos.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "misc.h" #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xtrans/Xtrans.h> #include "input.h" #include "dixfont.h" #include "osdep.h" #ifdef X_POSIX_C_SOURCE #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE X_POSIX_C_SOURCE #include <signal.h> #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #else #if defined(X_NOT_POSIX) || defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) #include <signal.h> #else #define _POSIX_SOURCE #include <signal.h> #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #endif #endif #ifndef WIN32 #include <sys/wait.h> #endif #if !defined(SYSV) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(Lynx) && !defined(QNX4) #include <sys/resource.h> #endif #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <ctype.h> /* for isspace */ #include <stdarg.h> #if defined(DGUX) #include <sys/resource.h> #include <netdb.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc() */ #if defined(TCPCONN) || defined(STREAMSCONN) # ifndef WIN32 # include <netdb.h> # endif #endif #include "opaque.h" #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE #include "dixstruct.h" #endif #ifdef XKB #include <X11/extensions/XKBsrv.h> #endif #ifdef XCSECURITY #define _SECURITY_SERVER #include <X11/extensions/security.h> #endif #ifdef RENDER #include "picture.h" #endif #ifdef XPRINT #include "DiPrint.h" #endif Bool noTestExtensions; #ifdef BIGREQS Bool noBigReqExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef COMPOSITE /* COMPOSITE is disabled by default for now until the * interface is stable */ Bool noCompositeExtension = TRUE; #endif #ifdef DAMAGE Bool noDamageExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef DBE Bool noDbeExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef DPSEXT Bool noDPSExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef DPMSExtension Bool noDPMSExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef EVI Bool noEVIExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef FONTCACHE Bool noFontCacheExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef GLXEXT Bool noGlxExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef LBX Bool noLbxExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef SCREENSAVER Bool noScreenSaverExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef MITSHM Bool noMITShmExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef MITMISC Bool noMITMiscExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef MULTIBUFFER Bool noMultibufferExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef RANDR Bool noRRExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef RENDER Bool noRenderExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef SHAPE Bool noShapeExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XCSECURITY Bool noSecurityExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XSYNC Bool noSyncExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef TOGCUP Bool noXcupExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef RES Bool noResExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XAPPGROUP Bool noXagExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XCMISC Bool noXCMiscExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XEVIE /* Xevie is disabled by default for now until the * interface is stable */ Bool noXevieExtension = TRUE; #endif #ifdef XF86BIGFONT Bool noXFree86BigfontExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XFreeXDGA Bool noXFree86DGAExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XF86DRI Bool noXFree86DRIExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XF86MISC Bool noXFree86MiscExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XF86VIDMODE Bool noXFree86VidModeExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XFIXES Bool noXFixesExtension = FALSE; #endif /* |noXkbExtension| is defined in xc/programs/Xserver/xkb/xkbInit.c */ #ifdef PANORAMIX /* Xinerama is disabled by default unless enabled via +xinerama */ Bool noPanoramiXExtension = TRUE; #endif #ifdef XINPUT Bool noXInputExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XIDLE Bool noXIdleExtension = FALSE; #endif #ifdef XV Bool noXvExtension = FALSE; #endif #define X_INCLUDE_NETDB_H #include <X11/Xos_r.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef NX_TRANS_SOCKET #include "NX.h" #include "NXvars.h" #endif #ifdef NX_TRANS_EXIT void (*OsVendorStartRedirectErrorFProc)() = NULL; void (*OsVendorEndRedirectErrorFProc)() = NULL; #endif Bool CoreDump; #ifdef PANORAMIX Bool PanoramiXVisibilityNotifySent = FALSE; Bool PanoramiXMapped = FALSE; Bool PanoramiXWindowExposureSent = FALSE; Bool PanoramiXOneExposeRequest = FALSE; Bool PanoramiXExtensionDisabledHack = FALSE; #endif int auditTrailLevel = 1; Bool Must_have_memory = FALSE; #ifdef AIXV3 int SyncOn = 0; extern int SelectWaitTime; #endif #ifdef DEBUG #ifndef SPECIAL_MALLOC #define MEMBUG #endif #endif #if defined(SVR4) || defined(__linux__) || defined(CSRG_BASED) #define HAS_SAVED_IDS_AND_SETEUID #endif #ifdef MEMBUG #define MEM_FAIL_SCALE 100000 long Memory_fail = 0; #include <stdlib.h> /* for random() */ #endif #ifdef sgi int userdefinedfontpath = 0; #endif /* sgi */ char *dev_tty_from_init = NULL; /* since we need to parse it anyway */ extern char dispatchExceptionAtReset; /* Extension enable/disable in miinitext.c */ extern Bool EnableDisableExtension(char *name, Bool enable); extern void EnableDisableExtensionError(char *name, Bool enable); OsSigHandlerPtr OsSignal(sig, handler) int sig; OsSigHandlerPtr handler; { #ifdef X_NOT_POSIX return signal(sig, handler); #else struct sigaction act, oact; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); if (handler != SIG_IGN) sigaddset(&act.sa_mask, sig); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = handler; sigaction(sig, &act, &oact); return oact.sa_handler; #endif } #ifdef SERVER_LOCK /* * Explicit support for a server lock file like the ones used for UUCP. * For architectures with virtual terminals that can run more than one * server at a time. This keeps the servers from stomping on each other * if the user forgets to give them different display numbers. */ #ifndef __UNIXOS2__ #define LOCK_DIR "/tmp" #endif #define LOCK_TMP_PREFIX "/.tX" #define LOCK_PREFIX "/.X" #define LOCK_SUFFIX "-lock" #if defined(DGUX) #include <limits.h> #include <sys/param.h> #endif #ifdef __UNIXOS2__ #define link rename #endif #ifndef PATH_MAX #ifndef Lynx #include <sys/param.h> #else #include <param.h> #endif #ifndef PATH_MAX #ifdef MAXPATHLEN #define PATH_MAX MAXPATHLEN #else #define PATH_MAX 1024 #endif #endif #endif static Bool StillLocking = FALSE; static char LockFile[PATH_MAX]; static Bool nolock = FALSE; /* * LockServer -- * Check if the server lock file exists. If so, check if the PID * contained inside is valid. If so, then die. Otherwise, create * the lock file containing the PID. */ void LockServer(void) { char tmp[PATH_MAX], pid_str[12]; int lfd, i, haslock, l_pid, t; char *tmppath = NULL; int len; char port[20]; if (nolock) return; /* * Path names */ #ifndef __UNIXOS2__ tmppath = LOCK_DIR; #else /* OS/2 uses TMP directory, must also prepare for 8.3 names */ tmppath = getenv("TMP"); if (!tmppath) FatalError("No TMP dir found\n"); #endif sprintf(port, "%d", atoi(display)); len = strlen(LOCK_PREFIX) > strlen(LOCK_TMP_PREFIX) ? strlen(LOCK_PREFIX) : strlen(LOCK_TMP_PREFIX); len += strlen(tmppath) + strlen(port) + strlen(LOCK_SUFFIX) + 1; if (len > sizeof(LockFile)) FatalError("Display name `%s' is too long\n", port); (void)sprintf(tmp, "%s" LOCK_TMP_PREFIX "%s" LOCK_SUFFIX, tmppath, port); (void)sprintf(LockFile, "%s" LOCK_PREFIX "%s" LOCK_SUFFIX, tmppath, port); /* * Create a temporary file containing our PID. Attempt three times * to create the file. */ StillLocking = TRUE; i = 0; do { i++; lfd = open(tmp, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0644); if (lfd < 0) sleep(2); else break; } while (i < 3); if (lfd < 0) { unlink(tmp); i = 0; do { i++; lfd = open(tmp, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0644); if (lfd < 0) sleep(2); else break; } while (i < 3); } if (lfd < 0) FatalError("Could not create lock file in %s\n", tmp); (void) sprintf(pid_str, "%10ld\n", (long)getpid()); (void) write(lfd, pid_str, 11); #ifndef __UNIXOS2__ #ifndef USE_CHMOD (void) fchmod(lfd, 0444); #else (void) chmod(tmp, 0444); #endif #endif (void) close(lfd); /* * OK. Now the tmp file exists. Try three times to move it in place * for the lock. */ i = 0; haslock = 0; while ((!haslock) && (i++ < 3)) { haslock = (link(tmp,LockFile) == 0); if (haslock) { /* * We're done. */ break; } else { /* * Read the pid from the existing file */ lfd = open(LockFile, O_RDONLY); if (lfd < 0) { unlink(tmp); FatalError("Can't read lock file %s\n", LockFile); } pid_str[0] = '\0'; if (read(lfd, pid_str, 11) != 11) { /* * Bogus lock file. */ unlink(LockFile); close(lfd); continue; } pid_str[11] = '\0'; sscanf(pid_str, "%d", &l_pid); close(lfd); /* * Now try to kill the PID to see if it exists. */ errno = 0; t = kill(l_pid, 0); if ((t< 0) && (errno == ESRCH)) { /* * Stale lock file. */ unlink(LockFile); continue; } else if (((t < 0) && (errno == EPERM)) || (t == 0)) { /* * Process is still active. */ unlink(tmp); FatalError("Server is already active for display %s\n%s %s\n%s\n", port, "\tIf this server is no longer running, remove", LockFile, "\tand start again."); } } } unlink(tmp); if (!haslock) FatalError("Could not create server lock file: %s\n", LockFile); StillLocking = FALSE; } /* * UnlockServer -- * Remove the server lock file. */ void UnlockServer(void) { if (nolock) return; if (!StillLocking){ #ifdef __UNIXOS2__ (void) chmod(LockFile,S_IREAD|S_IWRITE); #endif /* __UNIXOS2__ */ (void) unlink(LockFile); } } #endif /* SERVER_LOCK */ /* Force connections to close on SIGHUP from init */ /*ARGSUSED*/ SIGVAL AutoResetServer (int sig) { int olderrno = errno; dispatchException |= DE_RESET; isItTimeToYield = TRUE; #ifdef GPROF chdir ("/tmp"); exit (0); #endif #if defined(SYSV) && defined(X_NOT_POSIX) OsSignal (SIGHUP, AutoResetServer); #endif errno = olderrno; } /* Force connections to close and then exit on SIGTERM, SIGINT */ /*ARGSUSED*/ SIGVAL GiveUp(int sig) { int olderrno = errno; #if defined(NX_TRANS_SOCKET) && defined(NX_TRANS_TEST) fprintf(stderr, "GiveUp: Called with signal [%d].\n", sig); #endif dispatchException |= DE_TERMINATE; isItTimeToYield = TRUE; #if defined(SYSV) && defined(X_NOT_POSIX) if (sig) OsSignal(sig, SIG_IGN); #endif errno = olderrno; } #ifndef DDXTIME CARD32 GetTimeInMillis(void) { struct timeval tp; X_GETTIMEOFDAY(&tp); return(tp.tv_sec * 1000) + (tp.tv_usec / 1000); } #endif void AdjustWaitForDelay (pointer waitTime, unsigned long newdelay) { static struct timeval delay_val; struct timeval **wt = (struct timeval **) waitTime; unsigned long olddelay; if (*wt == NULL) { delay_val.tv_sec = newdelay / 1000; delay_val.tv_usec = 1000 * (newdelay % 1000); *wt = &delay_val; } else { olddelay = (*wt)->tv_sec * 1000 + (*wt)->tv_usec / 1000; if (newdelay < olddelay) { (*wt)->tv_sec = newdelay / 1000; (*wt)->tv_usec = 1000 * (newdelay % 1000); } } } void UseMsg(void) { #if !defined(AIXrt) && !defined(AIX386) ErrorF("use: X [:<display>] [option]\n"); ErrorF("-a # mouse acceleration (pixels)\n"); ErrorF("-ac disable access control restrictions\n"); #ifdef MEMBUG ErrorF("-alloc int chance alloc should fail\n"); #endif ErrorF("-audit int set audit trail level\n"); ErrorF("-auth file select authorization file\n"); ErrorF("bc enable bug compatibility\n"); ErrorF("-br create root window with black background\n"); ErrorF("+bs enable any backing store support\n"); ErrorF("-bs disable any backing store support\n"); ErrorF("-c turns off key-click\n"); ErrorF("c # key-click volume (0-100)\n"); ErrorF("-cc int default color visual class\n"); ErrorF("-co file color database file\n"); #ifdef COMMANDLINE_CHALLENGED_OPERATING_SYSTEMS ErrorF("-config file read options from file\n"); #endif ErrorF("-core generate core dump on fatal error\n"); ErrorF("-dpi int screen resolution in dots per inch\n"); #ifdef DPMSExtension ErrorF("dpms enables VESA DPMS monitor control\n"); ErrorF("-dpms disables VESA DPMS monitor control\n"); #endif ErrorF("-deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs\n"); ErrorF("-f # bell base (0-100)\n"); ErrorF("-fc string cursor font\n"); ErrorF("-fn string default font name\n"); ErrorF("-fp string default font path\n"); ErrorF("-help prints message with these options\n"); ErrorF("-I ignore all remaining arguments\n"); #ifdef RLIMIT_DATA ErrorF("-ld int limit data space to N Kb\n"); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_NOFILE ErrorF("-lf int limit number of open files to N\n"); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_STACK ErrorF("-ls int limit stack space to N Kb\n"); #endif #ifdef SERVER_LOCK ErrorF("-nolock disable the locking mechanism\n"); #endif #ifndef NOLOGOHACK ErrorF("-logo enable logo in screen saver\n"); ErrorF("nologo disable logo in screen saver\n"); #endif ErrorF("-nolisten string don't listen on protocol\n"); ErrorF("-noreset don't reset after last client exists\n"); ErrorF("-reset reset after last client exists\n"); ErrorF("-p # screen-saver pattern duration (minutes)\n"); ErrorF("-pn accept failure to listen on all ports\n"); ErrorF("-nopn reject failure to listen on all ports\n"); ErrorF("-r turns off auto-repeat\n"); ErrorF("r turns on auto-repeat \n"); #ifdef RENDER ErrorF("-render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy\n"); #endif ErrorF("-s # screen-saver timeout (minutes)\n"); #ifdef XCSECURITY ErrorF("-sp file security policy file\n"); #endif #ifdef XPRINT PrinterUseMsg(); #endif ErrorF("-su disable any save under support\n"); ErrorF("-t # mouse threshold (pixels)\n"); ErrorF("-terminate terminate at server reset\n"); ErrorF("-to # connection time out\n"); ErrorF("-tst disable testing extensions\n"); ErrorF("ttyxx server started from init on /dev/ttyxx\n"); ErrorF("v video blanking for screen-saver\n"); ErrorF("-v screen-saver without video blanking\n"); ErrorF("-wm WhenMapped default backing-store\n"); ErrorF("-x string loads named extension at init time \n"); ErrorF("-maxbigreqsize set maximal bigrequest size \n"); #ifdef PANORAMIX ErrorF("+xinerama Enable XINERAMA extension\n"); ErrorF("-xinerama Disable XINERAMA extension\n"); #endif #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE ErrorF("-dumbSched Disable smart scheduling, enable old behavior\n"); ErrorF("-schedInterval int Set scheduler interval in msec\n"); #endif ErrorF("+extension name Enable extension\n"); ErrorF("-extension name Disable extension\n"); #ifdef XDMCP XdmcpUseMsg(); #endif #endif /* !AIXrt && ! AIX386 */ #ifdef XKB XkbUseMsg(); #endif ddxUseMsg(); } /* This function performs a rudimentary sanity check * on the display name passed in on the command-line, * since this string is used to generate filenames. * It is especially important that the display name * not contain a "/" and not start with a "-". * --kvajk */ static int VerifyDisplayName(const char *d) { if ( d == (char *)0 ) return( 0 ); /* null */ if ( *d == '\0' ) return( 0 ); /* empty */ if ( *d == '-' ) return( 0 ); /* could be confused for an option */ if ( *d == '.' ) return( 0 ); /* must not equal "." or ".." */ if ( strchr(d, '/') != (char *)0 ) return( 0 ); /* very important!!! */ return( 1 ); } /* * This function is responsible for doing initalisation of any global * variables at an very early point of server startup (even before * |ProcessCommandLine()|. */ void InitGlobals(void) { ddxInitGlobals(); } /* * This function parses the command line. Handles device-independent fields * and allows ddx to handle additional fields. It is not allowed to modify * argc or any of the strings pointed to by argv. */ void ProcessCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, skip; defaultKeyboardControl.autoRepeat = TRUE; #ifdef NO_PART_NET PartialNetwork = FALSE; #else PartialNetwork = TRUE; #endif for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { /* call ddx first, so it can peek/override if it wants */ if((skip = ddxProcessArgument(argc, argv, i))) { i += (skip - 1); } else if(argv[i][0] == ':') { /* initialize display */ display = argv[i]; display++; if( ! VerifyDisplayName( display ) ) { ErrorF("Bad display name: %s\n", display); UseMsg(); FatalError("Bad display name, exiting: %s\n", display); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-a") == 0) { if(++i < argc) defaultPointerControl.num = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-ac") == 0) { defeatAccessControl = TRUE; } #ifdef MEMBUG else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-alloc") == 0) { if(++i < argc) Memory_fail = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } #endif else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-audit") == 0) { if(++i < argc) auditTrailLevel = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-auth") == 0) { if(++i < argc) InitAuthorization (argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "bc") == 0) permitOldBugs = TRUE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-br") == 0) blackRoot = TRUE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "+bs") == 0) enableBackingStore = TRUE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-bs") == 0) disableBackingStore = TRUE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "c") == 0) { if(++i < argc) defaultKeyboardControl.click = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-c") == 0) { defaultKeyboardControl.click = 0; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-cc") == 0) { if(++i < argc) defaultColorVisualClass = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-co") == 0) { if(++i < argc) rgbPath = argv[i]; else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-core") == 0) CoreDump = TRUE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-dpi") == 0) { if(++i < argc) monitorResolution = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } #ifdef DPMSExtension else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "dpms") == 0) DPMSEnabledSwitch = TRUE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-dpms") == 0) DPMSDisabledSwitch = TRUE; #endif else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-deferglyphs") == 0) { if(++i >= argc || !ParseGlyphCachingMode(argv[i])) UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-f") == 0) { if(++i < argc) defaultKeyboardControl.bell = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-fc") == 0) { if(++i < argc) defaultCursorFont = argv[i]; else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-fn") == 0) { if(++i < argc) defaultTextFont = argv[i]; else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-fp") == 0) { if(++i < argc) { #ifdef sgi userdefinedfontpath = 1; #endif /* sgi */ defaultFontPath = argv[i]; } else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-help") == 0) { UseMsg(); exit(0); } #ifdef XKB else if ( (skip=XkbProcessArguments(argc,argv,i))!=0 ) { if (skip>0) i+= skip-1; else UseMsg(); } #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_DATA else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-ld") == 0) { if(++i < argc) { limitDataSpace = atoi(argv[i]); if (limitDataSpace > 0) limitDataSpace *= 1024; } else UseMsg(); } #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_NOFILE else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-lf") == 0) { if(++i < argc) limitNoFile = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_STACK else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-ls") == 0) { if(++i < argc) { limitStackSpace = atoi(argv[i]); if (limitStackSpace > 0) limitStackSpace *= 1024; } else UseMsg(); } #endif #ifdef SERVER_LOCK else if ( strcmp ( argv[i], "-nolock") == 0) { #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__UNIXOS2__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) if (getuid() != 0) ErrorF("Warning: the -nolock option can only be used by root\n"); else #endif nolock = TRUE; } #endif #ifndef NOLOGOHACK else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-logo") == 0) { logoScreenSaver = 1; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "nologo") == 0) { logoScreenSaver = 0; } #endif else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-nolisten") == 0) { if(++i < argc) { if (_XSERVTransNoListen(argv[i])) FatalError ("Failed to disable listen for %s transport", argv[i]); } else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-noreset") == 0) { dispatchExceptionAtReset = 0; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-reset") == 0) { dispatchExceptionAtReset = DE_RESET; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-p") == 0) { if(++i < argc) defaultScreenSaverInterval = ((CARD32)atoi(argv[i])) * MILLI_PER_MIN; else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-pn") == 0) PartialNetwork = TRUE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-nopn") == 0) PartialNetwork = FALSE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "r") == 0) defaultKeyboardControl.autoRepeat = TRUE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-r") == 0) defaultKeyboardControl.autoRepeat = FALSE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-s") == 0) { if(++i < argc) defaultScreenSaverTime = ((CARD32)atoi(argv[i])) * MILLI_PER_MIN; else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-su") == 0) disableSaveUnders = TRUE; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-t") == 0) { if(++i < argc) defaultPointerControl.threshold = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-terminate") == 0) { dispatchExceptionAtReset = DE_TERMINATE; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-to") == 0) { if(++i < argc) TimeOutValue = ((CARD32)atoi(argv[i])) * MILLI_PER_SECOND; else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-tst") == 0) { noTestExtensions = TRUE; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "v") == 0) defaultScreenSaverBlanking = PreferBlanking; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-v") == 0) defaultScreenSaverBlanking = DontPreferBlanking; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-wm") == 0) defaultBackingStore = WhenMapped; else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-maxbigreqsize") == 0) { if(++i < argc) { long reqSizeArg = atol(argv[i]); /* Request size > 128MB does not make much sense... */ if( reqSizeArg > 0L && reqSizeArg < 128L ) { maxBigRequestSize = (reqSizeArg * 1048576L) - 1L; } else { UseMsg(); } } else { UseMsg(); } } #ifdef PANORAMIX else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "+xinerama") == 0){ noPanoramiXExtension = FALSE; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-xinerama") == 0){ noPanoramiXExtension = TRUE; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-disablexineramaextension") == 0){ PanoramiXExtensionDisabledHack = TRUE; } #endif else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-x") == 0) { if(++i >= argc) UseMsg(); /* For U**x, which doesn't support dynamic loading, there's nothing * to do when we see a -x. Either the extension is linked in or * it isn't */ } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-I") == 0) { /* ignore all remaining arguments */ break; } else if (strncmp (argv[i], "tty", 3) == 0) { /* just in case any body is interested */ dev_tty_from_init = argv[i]; } #ifdef XDMCP else if ((skip = XdmcpOptions(argc, argv, i)) != i) { i = skip - 1; } #endif #ifdef XPRINT else if ((skip = PrinterOptions(argc, argv, i)) != i) { i = skip - 1; } #endif #ifdef XCSECURITY else if ((skip = XSecurityOptions(argc, argv, i)) != i) { i = skip - 1; } #endif #ifdef AIXV3 else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-timeout") == 0) { if(++i < argc) SelectWaitTime = atoi(argv[i]); else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-sync") == 0) { SyncOn++; } #endif #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-dumbSched") == 0) { SmartScheduleDisable = TRUE; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-schedInterval") == 0) { if (++i < argc) { SmartScheduleInterval = atoi(argv[i]); SmartScheduleSlice = SmartScheduleInterval; } else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-schedMax") == 0) { if (++i < argc) { SmartScheduleMaxSlice = atoi(argv[i]); } else UseMsg(); } #endif #ifdef RENDER else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-render" ) == 0) { if (++i < argc) { int policy = PictureParseCmapPolicy (argv[i]); if (policy != PictureCmapPolicyInvalid) PictureCmapPolicy = policy; else UseMsg (); } else UseMsg (); } #endif else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "+extension") == 0) { if (++i < argc) { if (!EnableDisableExtension(argv[i], TRUE)) EnableDisableExtensionError(argv[i], TRUE); } else UseMsg(); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-extension") == 0) { if (++i < argc) { if (!EnableDisableExtension(argv[i], FALSE)) EnableDisableExtensionError(argv[i], FALSE); } else UseMsg(); } else { ErrorF("Unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]); UseMsg(); FatalError("Unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]); } } } #ifdef COMMANDLINE_CHALLENGED_OPERATING_SYSTEMS static void InsertFileIntoCommandLine( int *resargc, char ***resargv, int prefix_argc, char **prefix_argv, char *filename, int suffix_argc, char **suffix_argv) { struct stat st; FILE *f; char *p; char *q; int insert_argc; char *buf; int len; int i; f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!f) FatalError("Can't open option file %s\n", filename); fstat(fileno(f), &st); buf = (char *) xalloc((unsigned) st.st_size + 1); if (!buf) FatalError("Out of Memory\n"); len = fread(buf, 1, (unsigned) st.st_size, f); fclose(f); if (len < 0) FatalError("Error reading option file %s\n", filename); buf[len] = '\0'; p = buf; q = buf; insert_argc = 0; while (*p) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (!*p) break; if (*p == '#') { while (*p && *p != '\n') p++; } else { while (*p && !isspace(*p)) *q++ = *p++; /* Since p and q might still be pointing at the same place, we */ /* need to step p over the whitespace now before we add the null. */ if (*p) p++; *q++ = '\0'; insert_argc++; } } buf = (char *) xrealloc(buf, q - buf); if (!buf) FatalError("Out of memory reallocing option buf\n"); *resargc = prefix_argc + insert_argc + suffix_argc; *resargv = (char **) xalloc((*resargc + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (!*resargv) FatalError("Out of Memory\n"); memcpy(*resargv, prefix_argv, prefix_argc * sizeof(char *)); p = buf; for (i = 0; i < insert_argc; i++) { (*resargv)[prefix_argc + i] = p; p += strlen(p) + 1; } memcpy(*resargv + prefix_argc + insert_argc, suffix_argv, suffix_argc * sizeof(char *)); (*resargv)[*resargc] = NULL; } /* end InsertFileIntoCommandLine */ void ExpandCommandLine(int *pargc, char ***pargv) { int i; #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__UNIXOS2__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) if (getuid() != geteuid()) return; #endif for (i = 1; i < *pargc; i++) { if ( (0 == strcmp((*pargv)[i], "-config")) && (i < (*pargc - 1)) ) { InsertFileIntoCommandLine(pargc, pargv, i, *pargv, (*pargv)[i+1], /* filename */ *pargc - i - 2, *pargv + i + 2); i--; } } } /* end ExpandCommandLine */ #endif /* Implement a simple-minded font authorization scheme. The authorization name is "hp-hostname-1", the contents are simply the host name. */ int set_font_authorizations(char **authorizations, int *authlen, pointer client) { #define AUTHORIZATION_NAME "hp-hostname-1" #if defined(TCPCONN) || defined(STREAMSCONN) static char *result = NULL; static char *p = NULL; if (p == NULL) { char hname[1024], *hnameptr; unsigned int len; #if defined(IPv6) && defined(AF_INET6) struct addrinfo hints, *ai = NULL; #else struct hostent *host; #ifdef XTHREADS_NEEDS_BYNAMEPARAMS _Xgethostbynameparams hparams; #endif #endif gethostname(hname, 1024); #if defined(IPv6) && defined(AF_INET6) bzero(&hints, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME; if (getaddrinfo(hname, NULL, &hints, &ai) == 0) { hnameptr = ai->ai_canonname; } else { hnameptr = hname; } #else host = _XGethostbyname(hname, hparams); if (host == NULL) hnameptr = hname; else hnameptr = host->h_name; #endif len = strlen(hnameptr) + 1; result = xalloc(len + sizeof(AUTHORIZATION_NAME) + 4); p = result; *p++ = sizeof(AUTHORIZATION_NAME) >> 8; *p++ = sizeof(AUTHORIZATION_NAME) & 0xff; *p++ = (len) >> 8; *p++ = (len & 0xff); memmove(p, AUTHORIZATION_NAME, sizeof(AUTHORIZATION_NAME)); p += sizeof(AUTHORIZATION_NAME); memmove(p, hnameptr, len); p += len; #if defined(IPv6) && defined(AF_INET6) if (ai) { freeaddrinfo(ai); } #endif } *authlen = p - result; *authorizations = result; return 1; #else /* TCPCONN */ return 0; #endif /* TCPCONN */ } /* XALLOC -- X's internal memory allocator. Why does it return unsigned * long * instead of the more common char *? Well, if you read K&R you'll * see they say that alloc must return a pointer "suitable for conversion" * to whatever type you really want. In a full-blown generic allocator * there's no way to solve the alignment problems without potentially * wasting lots of space. But we have a more limited problem. We know * we're only ever returning pointers to structures which will have to * be long word aligned. So we are making a stronger guarantee. It might * have made sense to make Xalloc return char * to conform with people's * expectations of malloc, but this makes lint happier. */ #ifndef INTERNAL_MALLOC void * Xalloc(unsigned long amount) { register pointer ptr; if ((long)amount <= 0) { return (unsigned long *)NULL; } /* aligned extra on long word boundary */ amount = (amount + (sizeof(long) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(long) - 1); #ifdef MEMBUG if (!Must_have_memory && Memory_fail && ((random() % MEM_FAIL_SCALE) < Memory_fail)) return (unsigned long *)NULL; #endif if ((ptr = (pointer)malloc(amount))) { return (unsigned long *)ptr; } if (Must_have_memory) FatalError("Out of memory"); return (unsigned long *)NULL; } /***************** * XNFalloc * "no failure" realloc, alternate interface to Xalloc w/o Must_have_memory *****************/ void * XNFalloc(unsigned long amount) { register pointer ptr; if ((long)amount <= 0) { return (unsigned long *)NULL; } /* aligned extra on long word boundary */ amount = (amount + (sizeof(long) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(long) - 1); ptr = (pointer)malloc(amount); if (!ptr) { FatalError("Out of memory"); } return ((unsigned long *)ptr); } /***************** * Xcalloc *****************/ void * Xcalloc(unsigned long amount) { unsigned long *ret; ret = Xalloc (amount); if (ret) bzero ((char *) ret, (int) amount); return ret; } /***************** * XNFcalloc *****************/ void * XNFcalloc(unsigned long amount) { unsigned long *ret; ret = Xalloc (amount); if (ret) bzero ((char *) ret, (int) amount); else if ((long)amount > 0) FatalError("Out of memory"); return ret; } /***************** * Xrealloc *****************/ void * Xrealloc(pointer ptr, unsigned long amount) { #ifdef MEMBUG if (!Must_have_memory && Memory_fail && ((random() % MEM_FAIL_SCALE) < Memory_fail)) return (unsigned long *)NULL; #endif if ((long)amount <= 0) { if (ptr && !amount) free(ptr); return (unsigned long *)NULL; } amount = (amount + (sizeof(long) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(long) - 1); if (ptr) ptr = (pointer)realloc((char *)ptr, amount); else ptr = (pointer)malloc(amount); if (ptr) return (unsigned long *)ptr; if (Must_have_memory) FatalError("Out of memory"); return (unsigned long *)NULL; } /***************** * XNFrealloc * "no failure" realloc, alternate interface to Xrealloc w/o Must_have_memory *****************/ void * XNFrealloc(pointer ptr, unsigned long amount) { if (( ptr = (pointer)Xrealloc( ptr, amount ) ) == NULL) { if ((long)amount > 0) FatalError( "Out of memory" ); } return ((unsigned long *)ptr); } /***************** * Xfree * calls free *****************/ void Xfree(pointer ptr) { if (ptr) free((char *)ptr); } void OsInitAllocator (void) { #ifdef MEMBUG static int been_here; /* Check the memory system after each generation */ if (been_here) CheckMemory (); else been_here = 1; #endif } #endif /* !INTERNAL_MALLOC */ char * Xstrdup(const char *s) { char *sd; if (s == NULL) return NULL; sd = (char *)Xalloc(strlen(s) + 1); if (sd != NULL) strcpy(sd, s); return sd; } char * XNFstrdup(const char *s) { char *sd; if (s == NULL) return NULL; sd = (char *)XNFalloc(strlen(s) + 1); strcpy(sd, s); return sd; } #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE unsigned long SmartScheduleIdleCount; Bool SmartScheduleIdle; Bool SmartScheduleTimerStopped; #ifdef SIGVTALRM #define SMART_SCHEDULE_POSSIBLE #endif #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE_POSSIBLE #define SMART_SCHEDULE_SIGNAL SIGALRM #define SMART_SCHEDULE_TIMER ITIMER_REAL #endif #ifdef NX_TRANS_SOCKET void SmartScheduleStopTimer (void) #else static void SmartScheduleStopTimer (void) #endif { #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE_POSSIBLE struct itimerval timer; #ifdef NX_TRANS_TEST fprintf(stderr, "SmartScheduleStopTimer: Stopping timer.\n"); #endif timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; timer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0; (void) setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &timer, 0); SmartScheduleTimerStopped = TRUE; #endif } Bool SmartScheduleStartTimer (void) { #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE_POSSIBLE struct itimerval timer; #ifdef NX_TRANS_SOCKET if (SmartScheduleDisable) { return FALSE; } #endif #ifdef NX_TRANS_TEST fprintf(stderr, "SmartScheduleStartTimer: Starting timer with [%ld] ms.\n", SmartScheduleInterval); #endif SmartScheduleTimerStopped = FALSE; timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; timer.it_interval.tv_usec = SmartScheduleInterval * 1000; timer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; timer.it_value.tv_usec = SmartScheduleInterval * 1000; return setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &timer, 0) >= 0; #endif return FALSE; } #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE_POSSIBLE static void SmartScheduleTimer (int sig) { int olderrno = errno; SmartScheduleTime += SmartScheduleInterval; #ifdef NX_TRANS_TEST fprintf(stderr, "SmartScheduleTimer: Got timer with time [%ld] ms.\n", SmartScheduleTime); #endif if (SmartScheduleIdle) { SmartScheduleStopTimer (); } errno = olderrno; } #endif Bool SmartScheduleInit (void) { #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE_POSSIBLE struct sigaction act; if (SmartScheduleDisable) return TRUE; #ifdef NX_TRANS_TEST fprintf(stderr, "SmartScheduleInit: Initializing the smart scheduler.\n"); #endif bzero ((char *) &act, sizeof(struct sigaction)); /* Set up the timer signal function */ act.sa_handler = SmartScheduleTimer; sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask); sigaddset (&act.sa_mask, SMART_SCHEDULE_SIGNAL); if (sigaction (SMART_SCHEDULE_SIGNAL, &act, 0) < 0) { perror ("sigaction for smart scheduler"); return FALSE; } /* Set up the virtual timer */ if (!SmartScheduleStartTimer ()) { perror ("scheduling timer"); return FALSE; } /* stop the timer and wait for WaitForSomething to start it */ SmartScheduleStopTimer (); return TRUE; #else return FALSE; #endif } #endif #ifdef SIG_BLOCK static sigset_t PreviousSignalMask; static int BlockedSignalCount; #endif void OsBlockSignals (void) { #ifdef SIG_BLOCK if (BlockedSignalCount++ == 0) { sigset_t set; sigemptyset (&set); #ifdef SIGALRM sigaddset (&set, SIGALRM); #endif #ifdef SIGVTALRM sigaddset (&set, SIGVTALRM); #endif #ifdef SIGWINCH sigaddset (&set, SIGWINCH); #endif #ifdef SIGIO sigaddset (&set, SIGIO); #endif #ifdef SIGTSTP sigaddset (&set, SIGTSTP); #endif #ifdef SIGTTIN sigaddset (&set, SIGTTIN); #endif #ifdef SIGTTOU sigaddset (&set, SIGTTOU); #endif #ifdef SIGCHLD sigaddset (&set, SIGCHLD); #endif sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &set, &PreviousSignalMask); } #endif } void OsReleaseSignals (void) { #ifdef SIG_BLOCK if (--BlockedSignalCount == 0) { sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &PreviousSignalMask, 0); } #endif } #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__UNIXOS2__) /* * "safer" versions of system(3), popen(3) and pclose(3) which give up * all privs before running a command. * * This is based on the code in FreeBSD 2.2 libc. * * XXX It'd be good to redirect stderr so that it ends up in the log file * as well. As it is now, xkbcomp messages don't end up in the log file. */ int System(char *command) { int pid, p; #ifdef SIGCHLD void (*csig)(int); #endif int status; if (!command) return(1); #ifdef SIGCHLD csig = signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); #endif #ifdef DEBUG ErrorF("System: `%s'\n", command); #endif #ifdef NX_TRANS_EXIT if (OsVendorStartRedirectErrorFProc != NULL) { OsVendorStartRedirectErrorFProc(); } #endif switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: /* error */ p = -1; case 0: /* child */ if (setgid(getgid()) == -1) _exit(127); if (setuid(getuid()) == -1) _exit(127); execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, (char *)NULL); _exit(127); default: /* parent */ do { p = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } while (p == -1 && errno == EINTR); } #ifdef NX_TRANS_EXIT if (OsVendorEndRedirectErrorFProc != NULL) { OsVendorEndRedirectErrorFProc(); } #endif #ifdef SIGCHLD signal(SIGCHLD, csig); #endif return p == -1 ? -1 : status; } static struct pid { struct pid *next; FILE *fp; int pid; } *pidlist; pointer Popen(char *command, char *type) { struct pid *cur; FILE *iop; int pdes[2], pid; if (command == NULL || type == NULL) return NULL; if ((*type != 'r' && *type != 'w') || type[1]) return NULL; if ((cur = (struct pid *)xalloc(sizeof(struct pid))) == NULL) return NULL; if (pipe(pdes) < 0) { xfree(cur); return NULL; } #ifdef NX_TRANS_EXIT if (OsVendorStartRedirectErrorFProc != NULL) { OsVendorStartRedirectErrorFProc(); } #endif switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: /* error */ close(pdes[0]); close(pdes[1]); xfree(cur); return NULL; case 0: /* child */ if (setgid(getgid()) == -1) _exit(127); if (setuid(getuid()) == -1) _exit(127); if (*type == 'r') { if (pdes[1] != 1) { /* stdout */ dup2(pdes[1], 1); close(pdes[1]); } close(pdes[0]); } else { if (pdes[0] != 0) { /* stdin */ dup2(pdes[0], 0); close(pdes[0]); } close(pdes[1]); } #ifdef NX_TRANS_SOCKET /* * Check if the child process should not * use the parent's libraries. */ if (_NXUnsetLibraryPath) { #ifndef __sun unsetenv ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"); #else extern char **environ; char **ep = environ; ep = environ; while (*ep) { if (!strncmp("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=", *ep, strlen("LD_LIBRARY_PATH="))) { break; } *ep++; } while (*ep) { *ep = *(ep + 1); ep++; } #endif } #endif execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, (char *)NULL); _exit(127); } /* Avoid EINTR during stdio calls */ OsBlockSignals (); /* parent */ if (*type == 'r') { iop = fdopen(pdes[0], type); close(pdes[1]); } else { iop = fdopen(pdes[1], type); close(pdes[0]); } cur->fp = iop; cur->pid = pid; cur->next = pidlist; pidlist = cur; #ifdef DEBUG ErrorF("Popen: `%s', fp = %p\n", command, iop); #endif return iop; } /* fopen that drops privileges */ pointer Fopen(char *file, char *type) { FILE *iop; #ifndef HAS_SAVED_IDS_AND_SETEUID struct pid *cur; int pdes[2], pid; if (file == NULL || type == NULL) return NULL; if ((*type != 'r' && *type != 'w') || type[1]) return NULL; if ((cur = (struct pid *)xalloc(sizeof(struct pid))) == NULL) return NULL; if (pipe(pdes) < 0) { xfree(cur); return NULL; } switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: /* error */ close(pdes[0]); close(pdes[1]); xfree(cur); return NULL; case 0: /* child */ if (setgid(getgid()) == -1) _exit(127); if (setuid(getuid()) == -1) _exit(127); if (*type == 'r') { if (pdes[1] != 1) { /* stdout */ dup2(pdes[1], 1); close(pdes[1]); } close(pdes[0]); } else { if (pdes[0] != 0) { /* stdin */ dup2(pdes[0], 0); close(pdes[0]); } close(pdes[1]); } execl("/bin/cat", "cat", file, (char *)NULL); _exit(127); } /* Avoid EINTR during stdio calls */ OsBlockSignals (); /* parent */ if (*type == 'r') { iop = fdopen(pdes[0], type); close(pdes[1]); } else { iop = fdopen(pdes[1], type); close(pdes[0]); } cur->fp = iop; cur->pid = pid; cur->next = pidlist; pidlist = cur; #ifdef DEBUG ErrorF("Popen: `%s', fp = %p\n", command, iop); #endif return iop; #else int ruid, euid; ruid = getuid(); euid = geteuid(); if (seteuid(ruid) == -1) { return NULL; } iop = fopen(file, type); if (seteuid(euid) == -1) { fclose(iop); return NULL; } return iop; #endif /* HAS_SAVED_IDS_AND_SETEUID */ } int Pclose(pointer iop) { struct pid *cur, *last; int pstat; int pid; #ifdef DEBUG ErrorF("Pclose: fp = %p\n", iop); #endif fclose(iop); for (last = NULL, cur = pidlist; cur; last = cur, cur = cur->next) if (cur->fp == iop) break; if (cur == NULL) return -1; do { pid = waitpid(cur->pid, &pstat, 0); } while (pid == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (last == NULL) pidlist = cur->next; else last->next = cur->next; xfree(cur); /* allow EINTR again */ OsReleaseSignals (); #ifdef NX_TRANS_EXIT if (OsVendorEndRedirectErrorFProc != NULL) { OsVendorEndRedirectErrorFProc(); } #endif return pid == -1 ? -1 : pstat; } int Fclose(pointer iop) { #ifdef HAS_SAVED_IDS_AND_SETEUID return fclose(iop); #else return Pclose(iop); #endif } #endif /* !WIN32 && !__UNIXOS2__ */ /* * CheckUserParameters: check for long command line arguments and long * environment variables. By default, these checks are only done when * the server's euid != ruid. In 3.3.x, these checks were done in an * external wrapper utility. */ /* Consider LD* variables insecure? */ #ifndef REMOVE_ENV_LD #define REMOVE_ENV_LD 1 #endif /* Remove long environment variables? */ #ifndef REMOVE_LONG_ENV #define REMOVE_LONG_ENV 1 #endif /* * Disallow stdout or stderr as pipes? It's possible to block the X server * when piping stdout+stderr to a pipe. * * Don't enable this because it looks like it's going to cause problems. */ #ifndef NO_OUTPUT_PIPES #define NO_OUTPUT_PIPES 0 #endif /* Check args and env only if running setuid (euid == 0 && euid != uid) ? */ #ifndef CHECK_EUID #ifndef WIN32 #define CHECK_EUID 1 #else #define CHECK_EUID 0 #endif #endif /* * Maybe the locale can be faked to make isprint(3) report that everything * is printable? Avoid it by default. */ #ifndef USE_ISPRINT #define USE_ISPRINT 0 #endif #define MAX_ARG_LENGTH 128 #define MAX_ENV_LENGTH 256 #define MAX_ENV_PATH_LENGTH 2048 /* Limit for *PATH and TERMCAP */ #if USE_ISPRINT #include <ctype.h> #define checkPrintable(c) isprint(c) #else #define checkPrintable(c) (((c) & 0x7f) >= 0x20 && ((c) & 0x7f) != 0x7f) #endif enum BadCode { NotBad = 0, UnsafeArg, ArgTooLong, UnprintableArg, EnvTooLong, OutputIsPipe, InternalError }; #if defined(VENDORSUPPORT) #define BUGADDRESS VENDORSUPPORT #elif defined(BUILDERADDR) #define BUGADDRESS BUILDERADDR #else #define BUGADDRESS "xorg@freedesktop.org" #endif #define ARGMSG \ "\nIf the arguments used are valid, and have been rejected incorrectly\n" \ "please send details of the arguments and why they are valid to\n" \ "%s. In the meantime, you can start the Xserver as\n" \ "the \"super user\" (root).\n" #define ENVMSG \ "\nIf the environment is valid, and have been rejected incorrectly\n" \ "please send details of the environment and why it is valid to\n" \ "%s. In the meantime, you can start the Xserver as\n" \ "the \"super user\" (root).\n" void CheckUserParameters(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { enum BadCode bad = NotBad; int i = 0, j; char *a, *e = NULL; #if defined(__QNX__) && !defined(__QNXNTO__) char cmd_name[64]; #endif #if CHECK_EUID if (geteuid() == 0 && getuid() != geteuid()) #endif { /* Check each argv[] */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fp") == 0) { i++; /* continue with next argument. skip the length check */ if (i >= argc) break; } else { if (strlen(argv[i]) > MAX_ARG_LENGTH) { bad = ArgTooLong; break; } } a = argv[i]; while (*a) { if (checkPrintable(*a) == 0) { bad = UnprintableArg; break; } a++; } if (bad) break; } if (!bad) { /* Check each envp[] */ for (i = 0; envp[i]; i++) { /* Check for bad environment variables and values */ #if REMOVE_ENV_LD while (envp[i] && (strncmp(envp[i], "LD", 2) == 0)) { #ifdef ENVDEBUG ErrorF("CheckUserParameters: removing %s from the " "environment\n", strtok(envp[i], "=")); #endif for (j = i; envp[j]; j++) { envp[j] = envp[j+1]; } } #endif if (envp[i] && (strlen(envp[i]) > MAX_ENV_LENGTH)) { #if REMOVE_LONG_ENV #ifdef ENVDEBUG ErrorF("CheckUserParameters: removing %s from the " "environment\n", strtok(envp[i], "=")); #endif for (j = i; envp[j]; j++) { envp[j] = envp[j+1]; } i--; #else char *eq; int len; eq = strchr(envp[i], '='); if (!eq) continue; len = eq - envp[i]; e = malloc(len + 1); if (!e) { bad = InternalError; break; } strncpy(e, envp[i], len); e[len] = 0; if (len >= 4 && (strcmp(e + len - 4, "PATH") == 0 || strcmp(e, "TERMCAP") == 0)) { if (strlen(envp[i]) > MAX_ENV_PATH_LENGTH) { bad = EnvTooLong; break; } else { free(e); } } else { bad = EnvTooLong; break; } #endif } } } #if NO_OUTPUT_PIPES if (!bad) { struct stat buf; if (fstat(fileno(stdout), &buf) == 0 && S_ISFIFO(buf.st_mode)) bad = OutputIsPipe; if (fstat(fileno(stderr), &buf) == 0 && S_ISFIFO(buf.st_mode)) bad = OutputIsPipe; } #endif } switch (bad) { case NotBad: return; case UnsafeArg: ErrorF("Command line argument number %d is unsafe\n", i); ErrorF(ARGMSG, BUGADDRESS); break; case ArgTooLong: ErrorF("Command line argument number %d is too long\n", i); ErrorF(ARGMSG, BUGADDRESS); break; case UnprintableArg: ErrorF("Command line argument number %d contains unprintable" " characters\n", i); ErrorF(ARGMSG, BUGADDRESS); break; case EnvTooLong: ErrorF("Environment variable `%s' is too long\n", e); ErrorF(ENVMSG, BUGADDRESS); break; case OutputIsPipe: ErrorF("Stdout and/or stderr is a pipe\n"); break; case InternalError: ErrorF("Internal Error\n"); break; default: ErrorF("Unknown error\n"); ErrorF(ARGMSG, BUGADDRESS); ErrorF(ENVMSG, BUGADDRESS); break; } FatalError("X server aborted because of unsafe environment\n"); } /* * CheckUserAuthorization: check if the user is allowed to start the * X server. This usually means some sort of PAM checking, and it is * usually only done for setuid servers (uid != euid). */ #ifdef USE_PAM #include <security/pam_appl.h> #include <security/pam_misc.h> #include <pwd.h> #endif /* USE_PAM */ void CheckUserAuthorization(void) { #ifdef USE_PAM static struct pam_conv conv = { misc_conv, NULL }; pam_handle_t *pamh = NULL; struct passwd *pw; int retval; if (getuid() != geteuid()) { pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw == NULL) FatalError("getpwuid() failed for uid %d\n", getuid()); retval = pam_start("xserver", pw->pw_name, &conv, &pamh); if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS) FatalError("pam_start() failed.\n" "\tMissing or mangled PAM config file or module?\n"); retval = pam_authenticate(pamh, 0); if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_end(pamh, retval); FatalError("PAM authentication failed, cannot start X server.\n" "\tPerhaps you do not have console ownership?\n"); } retval = pam_acct_mgmt(pamh, 0); if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_end(pamh, retval); FatalError("PAM authentication failed, cannot start X server.\n" "\tPerhaps you do not have console ownership?\n"); } /* this is not a session, so do not do session management */ pam_end(pamh, PAM_SUCCESS); } #endif } #ifdef __SCO__ #include <fcntl.h> static void lockit (int fd, short what) { struct flock lck; lck.l_whence = 0; lck.l_start = 0; lck.l_len = 1; lck.l_type = what; (void)fcntl (fd, F_SETLKW, &lck); } /* SCO OpenServer 5 lacks pread/pwrite. Emulate them. */ ssize_t pread (int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes, off_t offset) { off_t saved; ssize_t ret; lockit (fd, F_RDLCK); saved = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET); ret = read (fd, buf, nbytes); lseek (fd, saved, SEEK_SET); lockit (fd, F_UNLCK); return ret; } ssize_t pwrite (int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes, off_t offset) { off_t saved; ssize_t ret; lockit (fd, F_WRLCK); saved = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET); ret = write (fd, buf, nbytes); lseek (fd, saved, SEEK_SET); lockit (fd, F_UNLCK); return ret; } #endif /* __SCO__ */