/* $XTermId: Tekproc.c,v 1.131 2005/11/03 13:17:27 tom Exp $ */ /* * $Xorg: Tekproc.c,v 1.5 2001/02/09 02:06:02 xorgcvs Exp $ * * Warning, there be crufty dragons here. */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xterm/Tekproc.c,v 3.55 2005/11/03 13:17:27 dickey Exp $ */ /* Copyright 2001-2004,2005 by Thomas E. Dickey All Rights Reserved Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization. Copyright 1988 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. * Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. * * All Rights Reserved * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital Equipment * Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. * * * DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING * ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL * DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, * ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS * SOFTWARE. */ /* Tekproc.c */ #define RES_OFFSET(field) XtOffsetOf(TekWidgetRec, field) #include <xterm.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/cursorfont.h> #include <X11/Xmu/CharSet.h> #if OPT_TOOLBAR #if defined(HAVE_LIB_XAW) #include <X11/Xaw/Form.h> #elif defined(HAVE_LIB_XAW3D) #include <X11/Xaw3d/Form.h> #elif defined(HAVE_LIB_NEXTAW) #include <X11/neXtaw/Form.h> #elif defined(HAVE_LIB_XAWPLUS) #include <X11/XawPlus/Form.h> #endif #endif /* OPT_TOOLBAR */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <signal.h> #include <Tekparse.h> #include <data.h> #include <error.h> #include <menu.h> #define DefaultGCID XGContextFromGC(DefaultGC(screen->display, DefaultScreen(screen->display))) /* Tek defines */ #define DOTDASHEDLINE 2 #define DOTTEDLINE 1 #define EAST 01 #define LINEMASK 07 #define LONGDASHEDLINE 4 #define MARGIN1 0 #define MARGIN2 1 #define MAX_PTS 150 #define MAX_VTX 300 #define NORTH 04 #define PENDOWN 1 #define PENUP 0 #define SHORTDASHEDLINE 3 #define SOLIDLINE 0 #define SOUTH 010 #define TEKBOTTOMPAD 23 #define TEKDEFHEIGHT 565 #define TEKDEFWIDTH 750 #define TEKHEIGHT 3072 #define TEKHOME ((TekChar[screen->page.fontsize].nlines - 1)\ * TekChar[screen->page.fontsize].vsize) #define TEKMINHEIGHT 452 #define TEKMINWIDTH 600 #define TEKTOPPAD 34 #define TEKWIDTH 4096 #define WEST 02 #define TekMove(x,y) screen->cur_X = x; screen->cur_Y = y #define input() Tinput() #define unput(c) *Tpushback++ = c /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct Tek_Char { int hsize; /* in Tek units */ int vsize; /* in Tek units */ int charsperline; int nlines; } TekChar[TEKNUMFONTS] = { {56, 88, 74, 35}, /* large */ {51, 82, 81, 38}, /* #2 */ {34, 53, 121, 58}, /* #3 */ {31, 48, 133, 64}, /* small */ }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static Cursor GINcursor; static XSegment *line_pt; static int nplot; static TekLink Tek0; static jmp_buf Tekjump; static TekLink *TekRecord; static XSegment *Tline; static Const int *curstate = Talptable; static Const int *Tparsestate = Talptable; static char defaultTranslations[] = "\ ~Meta<KeyPress>: insert-seven-bit() \n\ Meta<KeyPress>: insert-eight-bit() \n\ !Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\ !Lock Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\ !Lock Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\ !Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\ !Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\ !Lock Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\ !Lock Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\ !Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\ Shift ~Meta<Btn1Down>: gin-press(L) \n\ ~Meta<Btn1Down>: gin-press(l) \n\ Shift ~Meta<Btn2Down>: gin-press(M) \n\ ~Meta<Btn2Down>: gin-press(m) \n\ Shift ~Meta<Btn3Down>: gin-press(R) \n\ ~Meta<Btn3Down>: gin-press(r)"; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static XtActionsRec actionsList[] = { { "string", HandleStringEvent }, { "insert", HandleKeyPressed }, /* alias for insert-seven-bit */ { "insert-seven-bit", HandleKeyPressed }, { "insert-eight-bit", HandleEightBitKeyPressed }, { "gin-press", HandleGINInput }, { "secure", HandleSecure }, { "create-menu", HandleCreateMenu }, { "popup-menu", HandlePopupMenu }, /* menu actions */ { "allow-send-events", HandleAllowSends }, { "set-visual-bell", HandleSetVisualBell }, #ifdef ALLOWLOGGING { "set-logging", HandleLogging }, #endif { "redraw", HandleRedraw }, { "send-signal", HandleSendSignal }, { "quit", HandleQuit }, { "set-scrollbar", HandleScrollbar }, { "set-jumpscroll", HandleJumpscroll }, { "set-reverse-video", HandleReverseVideo }, { "set-autowrap", HandleAutoWrap }, { "set-reversewrap", HandleReverseWrap }, { "set-autolinefeed", HandleAutoLineFeed }, { "set-appcursor", HandleAppCursor }, { "set-appkeypad", HandleAppKeypad }, { "set-scroll-on-key", HandleScrollKey }, { "set-scroll-on-tty-output", HandleScrollTtyOutput }, { "set-allow132", HandleAllow132 }, { "set-cursesemul", HandleCursesEmul }, { "set-marginbell", HandleMarginBell }, { "set-altscreen", HandleAltScreen }, { "soft-reset", HandleSoftReset }, { "hard-reset", HandleHardReset }, { "set-terminal-type", HandleSetTerminalType }, { "set-visibility", HandleVisibility }, { "set-tek-text", HandleSetTekText }, { "tek-page", HandleTekPage }, { "tek-reset", HandleTekReset }, { "tek-copy", HandleTekCopy }, #if OPT_TOOLBAR { "set-toolbar", HandleToolbar }, #endif }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static Dimension defOne = 1; #define GIN_TERM_NONE_STR "none" #define GIN_TERM_CR_STR "CRonly" #define GIN_TERM_EOT_STR "CR&EOT" #define GIN_TERM_NONE 0 #define GIN_TERM_CR 1 #define GIN_TERM_EOT 2 #ifdef VMS #define DFT_FONT_SMALL "FIXED" #else #define DFT_FONT_SMALL "6x10" #endif static XtResource resources[] = { {XtNwidth, XtCWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), XtOffsetOf(CoreRec, core.width), XtRDimension, (caddr_t) & defOne}, {XtNheight, XtCHeight, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), XtOffsetOf(CoreRec, core.height), XtRDimension, (caddr_t) & defOne}, Fres("fontLarge", XtCFont, tek.Tfont[TEK_FONT_LARGE], "9x15"), Fres("font2", XtCFont, tek.Tfont[TEK_FONT_2], "6x13"), Fres("font3", XtCFont, tek.Tfont[TEK_FONT_3], "8x13"), Fres("fontSmall", XtCFont, tek.Tfont[TEK_FONT_SMALL], DFT_FONT_SMALL), Sres("initialFont", "InitialFont", tek.initial_font, "large"), Sres("ginTerminator", "GinTerminator", tek.gin_terminator_str, GIN_TERM_NONE_STR), #if OPT_TOOLBAR Wres(XtNmenuBar, XtCMenuBar, tek.tb_info.menu_bar, 0), Ires(XtNmenuHeight, XtCMenuHeight, tek.tb_info.menu_height, 25), #endif }; static IChar Tinput(void); static int getpoint(void); static void TCursorBack(void); static void TCursorDown(void); static void TCursorForward(void); static void TCursorUp(void); static void TekBackground(TScreen * screen); static void TekConfigure(Widget w); static void TekDraw(int x, int y); static void TekEnq(unsigned status, int x, int y); static void TekFlush(void); static void TekInitialize(Widget request, Widget wnew, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args); static void TekPage(void); static void TekRealize(Widget gw, XtValueMask * valuemaskp, XSetWindowAttributes * values); static WidgetClassRec tekClassRec = { { /* core_class fields */ (WidgetClass) & widgetClassRec, /* superclass */ "Tek4014", /* class_name */ sizeof(TekWidgetRec), /* widget_size */ NULL, /* class_initialize */ NULL, /* class_part_initialize */ False, /* class_inited */ TekInitialize, /* initialize */ NULL, /* initialize_hook */ TekRealize, /* realize */ actionsList, /* actions */ XtNumber(actionsList), /* num_actions */ resources, /* resources */ XtNumber(resources), /* num_resources */ NULLQUARK, /* xrm_class */ True, /* compress_motion */ True, /* compress_exposure */ True, /* compress_enterleave */ False, /* visible_interest */ NULL, /* destroy */ TekConfigure, /* resize */ TekExpose, /* expose */ NULL, /* set_values */ NULL, /* set_values_hook */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost, /* set_values_almost */ NULL, /* get_values_hook */ NULL, /* accept_focus */ XtVersion, /* version */ NULL, /* callback_offsets */ defaultTranslations, /* tm_table */ XtInheritQueryGeometry, /* query_geometry */ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator, /* display_accelerator */ NULL /* extension */ } }; #define tekWidgetClass ((WidgetClass)&tekClassRec) static Bool Tfailed = False; int TekInit(void) { Widget form_top, menu_top; if (!Tfailed && tekWidget == 0) { TRACE(("TekInit\n")); /* this causes the Initialize method to be called */ tekshellwidget = XtCreatePopupShell("tektronix", topLevelShellWidgetClass, toplevel, ourTopLevelShellArgs, number_ourTopLevelShellArgs); SetupMenus(tekshellwidget, &form_top, &menu_top); /* this causes the Realize method to be called */ tekWidget = (TekWidget) XtVaCreateManagedWidget("tek4014", tekWidgetClass, form_top, #if OPT_TOOLBAR XtNmenuBar, menu_top, XtNresizable, True, XtNfromVert, menu_top, XtNtop, XawChainTop, XtNleft, XawChainLeft, XtNright, XawChainRight, XtNbottom, XawChainBottom, #endif (XtPointer) 0); #if OPT_TOOLBAR ShowToolbar(resource.toolBar); #endif } return (!Tfailed); } /* * If we haven't allocated the PtyData struct, do so. */ int TekPtyData(void) { if (Tpushb == 0) { if ((Tpushb = TypeMallocN(Char, 10)) == NULL || (Tline = TypeMallocN(XSegment, MAX_VTX)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Not enough core for Tek mode\n", xterm_name); if (Tpushb) free(Tpushb); Tfailed = True; return 0; } } return 1; } static void Tekparse(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; int x, y; IChar c = 0; IChar ch; int nextstate; for (;;) { c = input(); /* * The parsing tables all have 256 entries. If we're supporting * wide characters, we handle them by treating them the same as * printing characters. */ #if OPT_WIDE_CHARS if (c > 255) { nextstate = (Tparsestate == Talptable) ? CASE_PRINT : CASE_IGNORE; } else #endif nextstate = Tparsestate[c]; TRACE(("Tekparse %04X -> %d\n", c, nextstate)); switch (nextstate) { case CASE_REPORT: TRACE(("case: report address\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) { TekGINoff(); TekEnqMouse(0); } else { c = 064; /* has hard copy unit */ if (screen->margin == MARGIN2) c |= 02; TekEnq(c, screen->cur_X, screen->cur_Y); } TekRecord->ptr[-1] = NAK; /* remove from recording */ Tparsestate = curstate; break; case CASE_VT_MODE: TRACE(("case: special return to vt102 mode\n")); Tparsestate = curstate; TekRecord->ptr[-1] = NAK; /* remove from recording */ FlushLog(screen); return; case CASE_SPT_STATE: TRACE(("case: Enter Special Point Plot mode\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); Tparsestate = curstate = Tspttable; break; case CASE_GIN: TRACE(("case: Do Tek GIN mode\n")); screen->TekGIN = &TekRecord->ptr[-1]; /* Set cross-hair cursor raster array */ if ((GINcursor = make_colored_cursor(XC_tcross, T_COLOR(screen, MOUSE_FG), T_COLOR(screen, MOUSE_BG))) != 0) { XDefineCursor(screen->display, TWindow(screen), GINcursor); } Tparsestate = Tbyptable; /* Bypass mode */ break; case CASE_BEL: TRACE(("case: BEL\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); if (!TekRefresh) Bell(XkbBI_TerminalBell, 0); Tparsestate = curstate; /* clear bypass condition */ break; case CASE_BS: TRACE(("case: BS\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); Tparsestate = curstate; /* clear bypass condition */ TCursorBack(); break; case CASE_PT_STATE: TRACE(("case: Enter Tek Point Plot mode\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); Tparsestate = curstate = Tpttable; break; case CASE_PLT_STATE: TRACE(("case: Enter Tek Plot mode\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); Tparsestate = curstate = Tplttable; if ((c = input()) == BEL) screen->pen = PENDOWN; else { unput(c); screen->pen = PENUP; } break; case CASE_TAB: TRACE(("case: HT\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); Tparsestate = curstate; /* clear bypass condition */ TCursorForward(); break; case CASE_IPL_STATE: TRACE(("case: Enter Tek Incremental Plot mode\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); Tparsestate = curstate = Tipltable; break; case CASE_ALP_STATE: TRACE(("case: Enter Tek Alpha mode from any other mode\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); /* if in one of graphics states, move alpha cursor */ if (nplot > 0) /* flush line VTbuffer */ TekFlush(); Tparsestate = curstate = Talptable; break; case CASE_UP: TRACE(("case: cursor up\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); Tparsestate = curstate; /* clear bypass condition */ TCursorUp(); break; case CASE_COPY: TRACE(("case: make copy\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); TekCopy(); TekRecord->ptr[-1] = NAK; /* remove from recording */ Tparsestate = curstate; /* clear bypass condition */ break; case CASE_PAGE: TRACE(("case: Page Function\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); TekPage(); /* clear bypass condition */ break; case CASE_BES_STATE: TRACE(("case: Byp: an escape char\n")); Tparsestate = Tbestable; break; case CASE_BYP_STATE: TRACE(("case: set bypass condition\n")); Tparsestate = Tbyptable; break; case CASE_IGNORE: TRACE(("case: Esc: totally ignore CR, ESC, LF, ~\n")); break; case CASE_ASCII: TRACE(("case: Select ASCII char set\n")); /* ignore for now */ Tparsestate = curstate; break; case CASE_APL: TRACE(("case: Select APL char set\n")); /* ignore for now */ Tparsestate = curstate; break; case CASE_CHAR_SIZE: TRACE(("case: character size selector\n")); TekSetFontSize((int) (c & 03)); Tparsestate = curstate; break; case CASE_BEAM_VEC: TRACE(("case: beam and vector selector\n")); /* only line types */ if ((c &= LINEMASK) != screen->cur.linetype) { if (nplot > 0) TekFlush(); if (c <= TEKNUMLINES) screen->cur.linetype = c; } Tparsestate = curstate; break; case CASE_CURSTATE: Tparsestate = curstate; break; case CASE_PENUP: TRACE(("case: Ipl: penup\n")); screen->pen = PENUP; break; case CASE_PENDOWN: TRACE(("case: Ipl: pendown\n")); screen->pen = PENDOWN; break; case CASE_IPL_POINT: TRACE(("case: Ipl: point\n")); x = screen->cur_X; y = screen->cur_Y; if (c & NORTH) y++; else if (c & SOUTH) y--; if (c & EAST) x++; else if (c & WEST) x--; if (screen->pen == PENDOWN) TekDraw(x, y); else TekMove(x, y); break; case CASE_PLT_VEC: TRACE(("case: Plt: vector\n")); unput(c); if (getpoint()) { if (screen->pen == PENDOWN) { TekDraw(screen->cur.x, screen->cur.y); } else { TekMove(screen->cur.x, screen->cur.y); } screen->pen = PENDOWN; } break; case CASE_PT_POINT: TRACE(("case: Pt: point\n")); unput(c); if (getpoint()) { TekMove(screen->cur.x, screen->cur.y); TekDraw(screen->cur.x, screen->cur.y); } break; case CASE_SPT_POINT: TRACE(("case: Spt: point\n")); /* ignore intensity character in c */ if (getpoint()) { TekMove(screen->cur.x, screen->cur.y); TekDraw(screen->cur.x, screen->cur.y); } break; case CASE_CR: TRACE(("case: CR\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); if (nplot > 0) /* flush line VTbuffer */ TekFlush(); screen->cur_X = screen->margin == MARGIN1 ? 0 : TEKWIDTH / 2; Tparsestate = curstate = Talptable; break; case CASE_ESC_STATE: TRACE(("case: ESC\n")); Tparsestate = Tesctable; break; case CASE_LF: TRACE(("case: LF\n")); if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); TCursorDown(); if (!TekRefresh) do_xevents(); break; case CASE_SP: TRACE(("case: SP\n")); TCursorForward(); break; case CASE_PRINT: TRACE(("case: printable character\n")); ch = c; c = screen->cur.fontsize; x = (int) (screen->cur_X * TekScale(screen)) + screen->border; y = (int) ((TEKHEIGHT + TEKTOPPAD - screen->cur_Y) * TekScale(screen)) + screen->border; #if OPT_WIDE_CHARS if (screen->wide_chars && (ch > 255)) { XChar2b sbuf; sbuf.byte2 = CharOf(ch); sbuf.byte1 = CharOf(ch >> 8); XDrawImageString16(screen->display, TWindow(screen), screen->TnormalGC, x, y, &sbuf, 1); } else #endif XDrawString(screen->display, TWindow(screen), screen->TnormalGC, x, y, (char *) &ch, 1); TCursorForward(); break; case CASE_OSC: /* FIXME: someone should disentangle the input queues * of this code so that it can be state-driven. */ TRACE(("case: do osc escape\n")); { Char buf2[512]; IChar c2; unsigned len = 0; while ((c2 = input()) != BEL) { if (!isprint(c2 & 0x7f) || len + 2 >= (int) sizeof(buf2)) break; buf2[len++] = c2; } buf2[len] = 0; if (c2 == BEL) do_osc(buf2, len, BEL); } Tparsestate = curstate; break; } } } static int rcnt; static char *rptr; static PtySelect Tselect_mask; static IChar Tinput(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; TekLink *tek; if (Tpushback > Tpushb) return (*--Tpushback); if (TekRefresh) { if (rcnt-- > 0) return (*rptr++); if ((tek = TekRefresh->next) != 0) { TekRefresh = tek; rptr = tek->data; rcnt = tek->count - 1; TekSetFontSize(tek->fontsize); return (*rptr++); } TekRefresh = (TekLink *) 0; longjmp(Tekjump, 1); } again: if (VTbuffer->next >= VTbuffer->last) { int update = VTbuffer->update; if (nplot > 0) /* flush line */ TekFlush(); #ifdef VMS Tselect_mask = pty_mask; /* force a read */ #else /* VMS */ XFD_COPYSET(&pty_mask, &Tselect_mask); #endif /* VMS */ for (;;) { #ifdef CRAY struct timeval crocktimeout; crocktimeout.tv_sec = 0; crocktimeout.tv_usec = 0; (void) Select(max_plus1, &Tselect_mask, NULL, NULL, &crocktimeout); #endif if (readPtyData(screen, &Tselect_mask, VTbuffer)) { break; } if (Ttoggled && curstate == Talptable) { TCursorToggle(TOGGLE); Ttoggled = False; } if (XtAppPending(app_con) & XtIMXEvent) { #ifdef VMS Tselect_mask = X_mask; #else /* VMS */ XFD_COPYSET(&X_mask, &Tselect_mask); #endif /* VMS */ } else { XFlush(screen->display); #ifdef VMS Tselect_mask = Select_mask; #else /* VMS */ XFD_COPYSET(&Select_mask, &Tselect_mask); if (Select(max_plus1, &Tselect_mask, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) SysError(ERROR_TSELECT); continue; } #endif /* VMS */ } #ifdef VMS if (Tselect_mask & X_mask) { xevents(); if (VTbuffer->update != update) goto again; } #else /* VMS */ if (FD_ISSET(ConnectionNumber(screen->display), &Tselect_mask)) { xevents(); if (VTbuffer->update != update) goto again; } #endif /* VMS */ } if (!Ttoggled && curstate == Talptable) { TCursorToggle(TOGGLE); Ttoggled = True; } } tek = TekRecord; if (tek->count >= TEK_LINK_BLOCK_SIZE || tek->fontsize != screen->cur.fontsize) { if ((TekRecord = tek->next = CastMalloc(TekLink)) == 0) Panic("Tinput: malloc error (%d)\n", errno); tek = tek->next; tek->next = (TekLink *) 0; tek->fontsize = screen->cur.fontsize; tek->count = 0; tek->ptr = tek->data; } tek->count++; (void) morePtyData(screen, VTbuffer); return (*tek->ptr++ = nextPtyData(screen, VTbuffer)); } /* this should become the Tek Widget's Resize proc */ static void TekConfigure(Widget w) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; int border = 2 * screen->border; double d; if (TWindow(screen)) XClearWindow(screen->display, TWindow(screen)); TWidth(screen) = w->core.width - border; THeight(screen) = w->core.height - border; TekScale(screen) = (double) TWidth(screen) / TEKWIDTH; if ((d = (double) THeight(screen) / (TEKHEIGHT + TEKTOPPAD + TEKBOTTOMPAD)) < TekScale(screen)) TekScale(screen) = d; TFullWidth(screen) = w->core.width; TFullHeight(screen) = w->core.height; } /*ARGSUSED*/ void TekExpose(Widget w GCC_UNUSED, XEvent * event GCC_UNUSED, Region region GCC_UNUSED) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; TRACE(("TekExpose\n")); #ifdef lint region = region; #endif if (!Ttoggled) TCursorToggle(CLEAR); Ttoggled = True; Tpushback = Tpushb; screen->cur_X = 0; screen->cur_Y = TEKHOME; TekSetFontSize(screen->page.fontsize); screen->cur = screen->page; screen->margin = MARGIN1; if (screen->TekGIN) { screen->TekGIN = NULL; TekGINoff(); } TekRefresh = &Tek0; rptr = TekRefresh->data; rcnt = TekRefresh->count; Tparsestate = curstate = Talptable; TRACE(("TekExpose resets data to replay %d bytes\n", rcnt)); if (waiting_for_initial_map) first_map_occurred(); if (!screen->waitrefresh) dorefresh(); } void dorefresh(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; static Cursor wait_cursor = None; if (wait_cursor == None) wait_cursor = make_colored_cursor(XC_watch, T_COLOR(screen, MOUSE_FG), T_COLOR(screen, MOUSE_BG)); XDefineCursor(screen->display, TWindow(screen), wait_cursor); XFlush(screen->display); if (!setjmp(Tekjump)) Tekparse(); XDefineCursor(screen->display, TWindow(screen), (screen->TekGIN && GINcursor) ? GINcursor : screen->arrow); } static void TekPage(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; TekLink *tek; XClearWindow(screen->display, TWindow(screen)); screen->cur_X = 0; screen->cur_Y = TEKHOME; screen->margin = MARGIN1; screen->page = screen->cur; if (screen->TekGIN) TekGINoff(); tek = TekRecord = &Tek0; tek->fontsize = screen->cur.fontsize; tek->count = 0; tek->ptr = tek->data; tek = tek->next; if (tek) do { TekLink *tek2 = tek->next; free(tek); tek = tek2; } while (tek); TekRecord->next = (TekLink *) 0; TekRefresh = (TekLink *) 0; Ttoggled = True; Tparsestate = curstate = Talptable; /* Tek Alpha mode */ } #define EXTRABITS 017 #define FIVEBITS 037 #define HIBITS (FIVEBITS << SHIFTHI) #define LOBITS (FIVEBITS << SHIFTLO) #define SHIFTHI 7 #define SHIFTLO 2 #define TWOBITS 03 static int getpoint(void) { int c, x, y, e, lo_y = 0; TScreen *screen = &term->screen; x = screen->cur.x; y = screen->cur.y; for (;;) { if ((c = input()) < ' ') { /* control character */ unput(c); return (0); } if (c < '@') { /* Hi X or Hi Y */ if (lo_y) { /* seen a Lo Y, so this must be Hi X */ x &= ~HIBITS; x |= (c & FIVEBITS) << SHIFTHI; continue; } /* else Hi Y */ y &= ~HIBITS; y |= (c & FIVEBITS) << SHIFTHI; continue; } if (c < '`') { /* Lo X */ x &= ~LOBITS; x |= (c & FIVEBITS) << SHIFTLO; screen->cur.x = x; screen->cur.y = y; return (1); /* OK */ } /* else Lo Y */ if (lo_y) { /* seen a Lo Y, so other must be extra bits */ e = (y >> SHIFTLO) & EXTRABITS; x &= ~TWOBITS; x |= e & TWOBITS; y &= ~TWOBITS; y |= (e >> SHIFTLO) & TWOBITS; } y &= ~LOBITS; y |= (c & FIVEBITS) << SHIFTLO; lo_y++; } } static void TCursorBack(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; struct Tek_Char *t; int x, l; x = (screen->cur_X -= (t = &TekChar[screen->cur.fontsize])->hsize ); if (((screen->margin == MARGIN1) && (x < 0)) || ((screen->margin == MARGIN2) && (x < TEKWIDTH / 2))) { if ((l = (screen->cur_Y + (t->vsize - 1)) / t->vsize + 1) >= t->nlines) { screen->margin = !screen->margin; l = 0; } screen->cur_Y = l * t->vsize; screen->cur_X = (t->charsperline - 1) * t->hsize; } } static void TCursorForward(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; struct Tek_Char *t; int l; if ((screen->cur_X += (t = &TekChar[screen->cur.fontsize])->hsize ) > TEKWIDTH ) { if ((l = screen->cur_Y / t->vsize - 1) < 0) { screen->margin = !screen->margin; l = t->nlines - 1; } screen->cur_Y = l * t->vsize; screen->cur_X = screen->margin == MARGIN1 ? 0 : TEKWIDTH / 2; } } static void TCursorUp(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; struct Tek_Char *t; int l; t = &TekChar[screen->cur.fontsize]; if ((l = (screen->cur_Y + (t->vsize - 1)) / t->vsize + 1) >= t->nlines) { l = 0; if ((screen->margin = !screen->margin) != MARGIN1) { if (screen->cur_X < TEKWIDTH / 2) screen->cur_X += TEKWIDTH / 2; } else if (screen->cur_X >= TEKWIDTH / 2) screen->cur_X -= TEKWIDTH / 2; } screen->cur_Y = l * t->vsize; } static void TCursorDown(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; struct Tek_Char *t; int l; t = &TekChar[screen->cur.fontsize]; if ((l = screen->cur_Y / t->vsize - 1) < 0) { l = t->nlines - 1; if ((screen->margin = !screen->margin) != MARGIN1) { if (screen->cur_X < TEKWIDTH / 2) screen->cur_X += TEKWIDTH / 2; } else if (screen->cur_X >= TEKWIDTH / 2) screen->cur_X -= TEKWIDTH / 2; } screen->cur_Y = l * t->vsize; } static void AddToDraw(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; XSegment *lp; TRACE(("AddToDraw (%d,%d) (%d,%d)\n", x1, y1, x2, y2)); if (nplot >= MAX_PTS) { TekFlush(); } lp = line_pt++; lp->x1 = x1 = (int) (x1 * TekScale(screen) + screen->border); lp->y1 = y1 = (int) ((TEKHEIGHT + TEKTOPPAD - y1) * TekScale(screen) + screen->border); lp->x2 = x2 = (int) (x2 * TekScale(screen) + screen->border); lp->y2 = y2 = (int) ((TEKHEIGHT + TEKTOPPAD - y2) * TekScale(screen) + screen->border); nplot++; TRACE(("...AddToDraw %d points\n", nplot)); } static void TekDraw(int x, int y) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; if (nplot == 0 || T_lastx != screen->cur_X || T_lasty != screen->cur_Y) { /* * We flush on each unconnected line segment if the line * type is not solid. This solves a bug in X when drawing * points while the line type is not solid. */ if (nplot > 0 && screen->cur.linetype != SOLIDLINE) TekFlush(); } AddToDraw(screen->cur_X, screen->cur_Y, x, y); T_lastx = screen->cur_X = x; T_lasty = screen->cur_Y = y; } static void TekFlush(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; TRACE(("TekFlush\n")); XDrawSegments(screen->display, TWindow(screen), ((screen->cur.linetype == SOLIDLINE) ? screen->TnormalGC : screen->linepat[screen->cur.linetype - 1]), Tline, nplot); nplot = 0; line_pt = Tline; } void TekGINoff(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; TRACE(("TekGINoff\n")); XDefineCursor(screen->display, TWindow(screen), screen->arrow); if (GINcursor) XFreeCursor(screen->display, GINcursor); if (screen->TekGIN) { *screen->TekGIN = CAN; /* modify recording */ screen->TekGIN = NULL; } } void TekEnqMouse(int c) /* character pressed */ { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; int mousex, mousey, rootx, rooty; unsigned int mask; /* XQueryPointer */ Window root, subw; TRACE(("TekEnqMouse\n")); XQueryPointer( screen->display, TWindow(screen), &root, &subw, &rootx, &rooty, &mousex, &mousey, &mask); if ((mousex = (int) ((mousex - screen->border) / TekScale(screen))) < 0) mousex = 0; else if (mousex >= TEKWIDTH) mousex = TEKWIDTH - 1; if ((mousey = (int) (TEKHEIGHT + TEKTOPPAD - (mousey - screen->border) / TekScale(screen))) < 0) mousey = 0; else if (mousey >= TEKHEIGHT) mousey = TEKHEIGHT - 1; TekEnq((unsigned) c, mousex, mousey); } static void TekEnq(unsigned status, int x, int y) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; Char cplot[7]; int len = 5; int adj = (status != 0) ? 0 : 1; TRACE(("TekEnq\n")); cplot[0] = status; /* Translate x and y to Tektronix code */ cplot[1] = 040 | ((x >> SHIFTHI) & FIVEBITS); cplot[2] = 040 | ((x >> SHIFTLO) & FIVEBITS); cplot[3] = 040 | ((y >> SHIFTHI) & FIVEBITS); cplot[4] = 040 | ((y >> SHIFTLO) & FIVEBITS); if (screen->gin_terminator != GIN_TERM_NONE) cplot[len++] = '\r'; if (screen->gin_terminator == GIN_TERM_EOT) cplot[len++] = '\004'; #ifdef VMS tt_write(cplot + adj, len - adj); #else /* VMS */ v_write(screen->respond, cplot + adj, (unsigned) (len - adj)); #endif /* VMS */ } void TekRun(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; TRACE(("TekRun ...\n")); if (!TWindow(screen) && !TekInit()) { if (VWindow(screen)) { screen->TekEmu = False; return; } Exit(ERROR_TINIT); } if (!screen->Tshow) { set_tek_visibility(True); } update_vttekmode(); update_vtshow(); update_tekshow(); set_tekhide_sensitivity(); Tpushback = Tpushb; Ttoggled = True; if (!setjmp(Tekend)) Tekparse(); if (!Ttoggled) { TCursorToggle(TOGGLE); Ttoggled = True; } screen->TekEmu = False; } #define DOTTED_LENGTH 2 #define DOT_DASHED_LENGTH 4 #define SHORT_DASHED_LENGTH 2 #define LONG_DASHED_LENGTH 2 static int dash_length[TEKNUMLINES] = { DOTTED_LENGTH, DOT_DASHED_LENGTH, SHORT_DASHED_LENGTH, LONG_DASHED_LENGTH, }; static unsigned char dotted[DOTTED_LENGTH] = {3, 1}; static unsigned char dot_dashed[DOT_DASHED_LENGTH] = {3, 4, 3, 1}; static unsigned char short_dashed[SHORT_DASHED_LENGTH] = {4, 4}; static unsigned char long_dashed[LONG_DASHED_LENGTH] = {4, 7}; static unsigned char *dashes[TEKNUMLINES] = { dotted, dot_dashed, short_dashed, long_dashed, }; /* * The following is called to create the tekWidget */ static void TekInitialize(Widget request GCC_UNUSED, Widget wnew GCC_UNUSED, ArgList args GCC_UNUSED, Cardinal *num_args GCC_UNUSED) { Widget tekparent = SHELL_OF(wnew); TRACE(("TekInitialize\n")); /* look for focus related events on the shell, because we need * to care about the shell's border being part of our focus. */ XtAddEventHandler(tekparent, EnterWindowMask, False, HandleEnterWindow, (Opaque) 0); XtAddEventHandler(tekparent, LeaveWindowMask, False, HandleLeaveWindow, (Opaque) 0); XtAddEventHandler(tekparent, FocusChangeMask, False, HandleFocusChange, (Opaque) 0); XtAddEventHandler((Widget) wnew, PropertyChangeMask, False, HandleBellPropertyChange, (Opaque) 0); } static void TekRealize(Widget gw GCC_UNUSED, /* same as tekWidget */ XtValueMask * valuemaskp, XSetWindowAttributes * values) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; int i; TekLink *tek; double d; int border = 2 * screen->border; int pr; XGCValues gcv; int winX, winY, width, height; XSizeHints sizehints; char Tdefault[32]; unsigned TEKgcFontMask; TRACE(("TekRealize\n")); #ifndef NO_ACTIVE_ICON term->screen.whichTwin = &term->screen.fullTwin; #endif /* NO_ACTIVE_ICON */ BorderPixel(tekWidget) = BorderPixel(term); for (i = 0; i < TEKNUMFONTS; i++) { if (!tekWidget->tek.Tfont[i]) { tekWidget->tek.Tfont[i] = XQueryFont(screen->display, DefaultGCID); } TRACE(("Tfont[%d] %dx%d\n", i, tekWidget->tek.Tfont[i]->ascent + tekWidget->tek.Tfont[i]->descent, tekWidget->tek.Tfont[i]->max_bounds.width)); tekWidget->tek.tobaseline[i] = tekWidget->tek.Tfont[i]->ascent; } if (!TekPtyData()) return; if (term->misc.T_geometry == NULL) { int defwidth, defheight; if (term->misc.tekSmall) { defwidth = TEKMINWIDTH; defheight = TEKMINHEIGHT; } else { defwidth = TEKDEFWIDTH; defheight = TEKDEFHEIGHT; } sprintf(Tdefault, "=%dx%d", defwidth + border, defheight + border); term->misc.T_geometry = Tdefault; } winX = 1; winY = 1; width = TEKDEFWIDTH + border; height = TEKDEFHEIGHT + border; TRACE(("parsing T_geometry %s\n", NonNull(term->misc.T_geometry))); pr = XParseGeometry(term->misc.T_geometry, &winX, &winY, (unsigned int *) &width, (unsigned int *) &height); TRACE(("... position %d,%d size %dx%d\n", winY, winX, height, width)); if ((pr & XValue) && (pr & XNegative)) winX += DisplayWidth(screen->display, DefaultScreen(screen->display)) - width - (BorderWidth(SHELL_OF(term)) * 2); if ((pr & YValue) && (pr & YNegative)) winY += DisplayHeight(screen->display, DefaultScreen(screen->display)) - height - (BorderWidth(SHELL_OF(term)) * 2); /* set up size hints */ sizehints.min_width = TEKMINWIDTH + border; sizehints.min_height = TEKMINHEIGHT + border; sizehints.width_inc = 1; sizehints.height_inc = 1; sizehints.flags = PMinSize | PResizeInc; sizehints.x = winX; sizehints.y = winY; if ((XValue & pr) || (YValue & pr)) { sizehints.flags |= USSize | USPosition; sizehints.flags |= PWinGravity; switch (pr & (XNegative | YNegative)) { case 0: sizehints.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity; break; case XNegative: sizehints.win_gravity = NorthEastGravity; break; case YNegative: sizehints.win_gravity = SouthWestGravity; break; default: sizehints.win_gravity = SouthEastGravity; break; } } else { /* set a default size, but do *not* set position */ sizehints.flags |= PSize; } sizehints.width = width; sizehints.height = height; if ((WidthValue & pr) || (HeightValue & pr)) sizehints.flags |= USSize; else sizehints.flags |= PSize; TRACE(("make resize request %dx%d\n", height, width)); (void) XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget) tekWidget, width, height, &tekWidget->core.width, &tekWidget->core.height); TRACE(("...made resize request %dx%d\n", tekWidget->core.height, tekWidget->core.width)); /* XXX This is bogus. We are parsing geometries too late. This * is information that the shell widget ought to have before we get * realized, so that it can do the right thing. */ if (sizehints.flags & USPosition) XMoveWindow(XtDisplay(tekWidget), TShellWindow, sizehints.x, sizehints.y); XSetWMNormalHints(XtDisplay(tekWidget), TShellWindow, &sizehints); XFlush(XtDisplay(tekWidget)); /* get it out to window manager */ values->win_gravity = NorthWestGravity; values->background_pixel = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG); XtWindow(tekWidget) = TWindow(screen) = XCreateWindow(screen->display, XtWindow(SHELL_OF(tekWidget)), tekWidget->core.x, tekWidget->core.y, tekWidget->core.width, tekWidget->core.height, BorderWidth(tekWidget), (int) tekWidget->core.depth, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, ((*valuemaskp) | CWBackPixel | CWWinGravity), values); TFullWidth(screen) = width; TFullHeight(screen) = height; TWidth(screen) = width - border; THeight(screen) = height - border; TekScale(screen) = (double) TWidth(screen) / TEKWIDTH; if ((d = (double) THeight(screen) / (TEKHEIGHT + TEKTOPPAD + TEKBOTTOMPAD)) < TekScale(screen)) TekScale(screen) = d; screen->cur.fontsize = TEK_FONT_LARGE; if (tekWidget->tek.initial_font) { char *s = tekWidget->tek.initial_font; if (XmuCompareISOLatin1(s, "large") == 0) screen->cur.fontsize = TEK_FONT_LARGE; else if (XmuCompareISOLatin1(s, "2") == 0 || XmuCompareISOLatin1(s, "two") == 0) screen->cur.fontsize = TEK_FONT_2; else if (XmuCompareISOLatin1(s, "3") == 0 || XmuCompareISOLatin1(s, "three") == 0) screen->cur.fontsize = TEK_FONT_3; else if (XmuCompareISOLatin1(s, "small") == 0) screen->cur.fontsize = TEK_FONT_SMALL; } #define TestGIN(s) XmuCompareISOLatin1(tekWidget->tek.gin_terminator_str, s) if (TestGIN(GIN_TERM_NONE_STR) == 0) screen->gin_terminator = GIN_TERM_NONE; else if (TestGIN(GIN_TERM_CR_STR) == 0) screen->gin_terminator = GIN_TERM_CR; else if (TestGIN(GIN_TERM_EOT_STR) == 0) screen->gin_terminator = GIN_TERM_EOT; else fprintf(stderr, "%s: illegal GIN terminator setting \"%s\"\n", xterm_name, tekWidget->tek.gin_terminator_str); gcv.graphics_exposures = True; /* default */ gcv.font = tekWidget->tek.Tfont[screen->cur.fontsize]->fid; gcv.foreground = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG); gcv.background = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG); /* if font wasn't successfully opened, then gcv.font will contain the Default GC's ID, meaning that we must use the server default font. */ TEKgcFontMask = (gcv.font == DefaultGCID) ? 0 : GCFont; screen->TnormalGC = XCreateGC(screen->display, TWindow(screen), (TEKgcFontMask | GCGraphicsExposures | GCForeground | GCBackground), &gcv); gcv.function = GXinvert; gcv.plane_mask = (T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG) ^ T_COLOR(screen, TEK_CURSOR)); gcv.join_style = JoinMiter; /* default */ gcv.line_width = 1; screen->TcursorGC = XCreateGC(screen->display, TWindow(screen), (GCFunction | GCPlaneMask), &gcv); gcv.foreground = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG); gcv.line_style = LineOnOffDash; gcv.line_width = 0; for (i = 0; i < TEKNUMLINES; i++) { screen->linepat[i] = XCreateGC(screen->display, TWindow(screen), (GCForeground | GCLineStyle), &gcv); XSetDashes(screen->display, screen->linepat[i], 0, (char *) dashes[i], dash_length[i]); } TekBackground(screen); screen->margin = MARGIN1; /* Margin 1 */ screen->TekGIN = False; /* GIN off */ XDefineCursor(screen->display, TWindow(screen), screen->pointer_cursor); { /* there's gotta be a better way... */ static Arg args[] = { {XtNtitle, (XtArgVal) NULL}, {XtNiconName, (XtArgVal) NULL}, }; char *icon_name, *title, *tek_icon_name, *tek_title; args[0].value = (XtArgVal) & icon_name; args[1].value = (XtArgVal) & title; XtGetValues(SHELL_OF(tekWidget), args, 2); tek_icon_name = XtMalloc(strlen(icon_name) + 7); strcpy(tek_icon_name, icon_name); strcat(tek_icon_name, "(Tek)"); tek_title = XtMalloc(strlen(title) + 7); strcpy(tek_title, title); strcat(tek_title, "(Tek)"); args[0].value = (XtArgVal) tek_icon_name; args[1].value = (XtArgVal) tek_title; XtSetValues(SHELL_OF(tekWidget), args, 2); XtFree(tek_icon_name); XtFree(tek_title); } tek = TekRecord = &Tek0; tek->next = (TekLink *) 0; tek->fontsize = screen->cur.fontsize; tek->count = 0; tek->ptr = tek->data; Tpushback = Tpushb; screen->cur_X = 0; screen->cur_Y = TEKHOME; line_pt = Tline; Ttoggled = True; screen->page = screen->cur; return; } void TekSetFontSize(int newitem) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; int oldsize = screen->cur.fontsize; int newsize = MI2FS(newitem); Font fid; TRACE(("TekSetFontSize(%d)\n", newitem)); if (!tekWidget || oldsize == newsize) return; if (!Ttoggled) TCursorToggle(TOGGLE); set_tekfont_menu_item(oldsize, False); fid = tekWidget->tek.Tfont[newsize]->fid; if (fid == DefaultGCID) /* we didn't succeed in opening a real font for this size. Instead, use server default. */ XCopyGC(screen->display, DefaultGC(screen->display, DefaultScreen(screen->display)), GCFont, screen->TnormalGC); else XSetFont(screen->display, screen->TnormalGC, fid); screen->cur.fontsize = newsize; set_tekfont_menu_item(newsize, True); if (!Ttoggled) TCursorToggle(TOGGLE); } void ChangeTekColors(TScreen * screen, ScrnColors * pNew) { int i; XGCValues gcv; if (COLOR_DEFINED(pNew, TEK_FG)) { T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG) = COLOR_VALUE(pNew, TEK_FG); TRACE(("... TEK_FG: %#lx\n", T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG))); } if (COLOR_DEFINED(pNew, TEK_BG)) { T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG) = COLOR_VALUE(pNew, TEK_BG); TRACE(("... TEK_BG: %#lx\n", T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG))); } if (COLOR_DEFINED(pNew, TEK_CURSOR)) { T_COLOR(screen, TEK_CURSOR) = COLOR_VALUE(pNew, TEK_CURSOR); TRACE(("... TEK_CURSOR: %#lx\n", T_COLOR(screen, TEK_CURSOR))); } else { T_COLOR(screen, TEK_CURSOR) = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG); TRACE(("... TEK_CURSOR: %#lx\n", T_COLOR(screen, TEK_CURSOR))); } if (tekWidget) { XSetForeground(screen->display, screen->TnormalGC, T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG)); XSetBackground(screen->display, screen->TnormalGC, T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG)); if (BorderPixel(tekWidget) == T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG)) { BorderPixel(tekWidget) = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG); BorderPixel(XtParent(tekWidget)) = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG); if (XtWindow(XtParent(tekWidget))) XSetWindowBorder(screen->display, XtWindow(XtParent(tekWidget)), BorderPixel(tekWidget)); } for (i = 0; i < TEKNUMLINES; i++) { XSetForeground(screen->display, screen->linepat[i], T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG)); } gcv.plane_mask = (T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG) ^ T_COLOR(screen, TEK_CURSOR)); XChangeGC(screen->display, screen->TcursorGC, GCPlaneMask, &gcv); TekBackground(screen); } return; } void TekReverseVideo(TScreen * screen) { int i; XGCValues gcv; EXCHANGE(T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG), T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG), i); T_COLOR(screen, TEK_CURSOR) = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG); if (tekWidget) { XSetForeground(screen->display, screen->TnormalGC, T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG)); XSetBackground(screen->display, screen->TnormalGC, T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG)); if (BorderPixel(tekWidget) == T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG)) { BorderPixel(tekWidget) = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG); BorderPixel(XtParent(tekWidget)) = T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG); if (XtWindow(XtParent(tekWidget))) XSetWindowBorder(screen->display, XtWindow(XtParent(tekWidget)), BorderPixel(tekWidget)); } for (i = 0; i < TEKNUMLINES; i++) { XSetForeground(screen->display, screen->linepat[i], T_COLOR(screen, TEK_FG)); } gcv.plane_mask = (T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG) ^ T_COLOR(screen, TEK_CURSOR)); XChangeGC(screen->display, screen->TcursorGC, GCPlaneMask, &gcv); TekBackground(screen); } } static void TekBackground(TScreen * screen) { if (TWindow(screen)) XSetWindowBackground(screen->display, TWindow(screen), T_COLOR(screen, TEK_BG)); } /* * Toggles cursor on or off at cursor position in screen. */ void TCursorToggle(int toggle) /* TOGGLE or CLEAR */ { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; int c, x, y; unsigned int cellwidth, cellheight; if (!screen->Tshow) return; c = screen->cur.fontsize; cellwidth = (unsigned) tekWidget->tek.Tfont[c]->max_bounds.width; cellheight = (unsigned) (tekWidget->tek.Tfont[c]->ascent + tekWidget->tek.Tfont[c]->descent); x = (int) ((screen->cur_X * TekScale(screen)) + screen->border); y = (int) (((TEKHEIGHT + TEKTOPPAD - screen->cur_Y) * TekScale(screen)) + screen->border - tekWidget->tek.tobaseline[c]); if (toggle == TOGGLE) { if (screen->select || screen->always_highlight) XFillRectangle(screen->display, TWindow(screen), screen->TcursorGC, x, y, cellwidth, cellheight); else { /* fix to use different GC! */ XDrawRectangle(screen->display, TWindow(screen), screen->TcursorGC, x, y, cellwidth - 1, cellheight - 1); } } else { /* Clear the entire rectangle, even though we may only * have drawn an outline. This fits with our refresh * scheme of redrawing the entire window on any expose * event and is easier than trying to figure out exactly * which part of the cursor needs to be erased. */ XClearArea(screen->display, TWindow(screen), x, y, cellwidth, cellheight, False); } } void TekSimulatePageButton(Bool reset) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; if (!tekWidget) return; if (reset) { bzero((char *) &screen->cur, sizeof screen->cur); } TekRefresh = (TekLink *) 0; TekPage(); screen->cur_X = 0; screen->cur_Y = TEKHOME; } /* write copy of screen to a file */ void TekCopy(void) { TScreen *screen = &term->screen; TekLink *Tp; char buf[32]; char initbuf[5]; int tekcopyfd; timestamp_filename(buf, "COPY"); if (access(buf, F_OK) >= 0 && access(buf, W_OK) < 0) { Bell(XkbBI_MinorError, 0); return; } #ifndef VMS if (access(".", W_OK) < 0) { /* can't write in directory */ Bell(XkbBI_MinorError, 0); return; } #endif if ((tekcopyfd = open_userfile(screen->uid, screen->gid, buf, False)) >= 0) { sprintf(initbuf, "%c%c%c%c", ESC, (char) (screen->page.fontsize + '8'), ESC, (char) (screen->page.linetype + '`')); write(tekcopyfd, initbuf, 4); Tp = &Tek0; do { write(tekcopyfd, Tp->data, Tp->count); Tp = Tp->next; } while (Tp); close(tekcopyfd); } }