/* $XTermId: doublechr.c,v 1.43 2005/08/05 01:25:39 tom Exp $ */ /* * $XFree86: xc/programs/xterm/doublechr.c,v 3.17 2005/08/05 01:25:39 dickey Exp $ */ /************************************************************ Copyright 1997-2004,2005 by Thomas E. Dickey All Rights Reserved Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization. ********************************************************/ #include <xterm.h> #include <data.h> #include <fontutils.h> #include <assert.h> /* * The first column is all that matters for double-size characters (since the * controls apply to a whole line). However, it's easier to maintain the * information for special fonts by writing to all cells. */ #define curChrSet SCRN_BUF_CSETS(screen, screen->cur_row)[0] #if OPT_DEC_CHRSET static void repaint_line(unsigned newChrSet) { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; int curcol = screen->cur_col; int currow = screen->cur_row; unsigned len = MaxCols(screen); int width = len; unsigned oldChrSet = SCRN_BUF_CSETS(screen, currow)[0]; assert(width > 0); /* * Ignore repetition. */ if (oldChrSet == newChrSet) return; TRACE(("repaint_line(%2d,%2d) (%d)\n", currow, screen->cur_col, newChrSet)); HideCursor(); /* If switching from single-width, keep the cursor in the visible part * of the line. */ if (CSET_DOUBLE(newChrSet)) { width /= 2; if (curcol > width) curcol = width; } /* * ScrnRefresh won't paint blanks for us if we're switching between a * single-size and double-size font. So we paint our own. */ if (CSET_DOUBLE(oldChrSet) != CSET_DOUBLE(newChrSet)) { ClearCurBackground(screen, CursorY(screen, currow), CurCursorX(screen, currow, 0), (unsigned) FontHeight(screen), len * CurFontWidth(screen, currow)); } /* FIXME: do VT220 softchars allow double-sizes? */ memset(SCRN_BUF_CSETS(screen, currow), (Char) newChrSet, len); set_cur_col(screen, 0); ScrnUpdate(screen, currow, 0, 1, (int) len, True); set_cur_col(screen, curcol); } #endif /* * Set the line to double-height characters. The 'top' flag denotes whether * we'll be using it for the top (true) or bottom (false) of the line. */ void xterm_DECDHL(Bool top) { #if OPT_DEC_CHRSET repaint_line((unsigned) (top ? CSET_DHL_TOP : CSET_DHL_BOT)); #endif } /* * Set the line to single-width characters (the normal state). */ void xterm_DECSWL(void) { #if OPT_DEC_CHRSET repaint_line(CSET_SWL); #endif } /* * Set the line to double-width characters */ void xterm_DECDWL(void) { #if OPT_DEC_CHRSET repaint_line(CSET_DWL); #endif } #if OPT_DEC_CHRSET static void discard_font(TScreen * screen, XTermFonts * data) { TRACE(("discard_font chrset=%d %s\n", data->chrset, (data->fn != 0) ? data->fn : "<no-name>")); data->chrset = 0; data->flags = 0; if (data->gc != 0) { XFreeGC(screen->display, data->gc); data->gc = 0; } if (data->fn != 0) { free(data->fn); data->fn = 0; } if (data->fs != 0) { XFreeFont(screen->display, data->fs); data->fs = 0; } } int xterm_Double_index(unsigned chrset, unsigned flags) { int n; TScreen *screen = &term->screen; XTermFonts *data = screen->double_fonts; flags &= BOLD; TRACE(("xterm_Double_index chrset=%#x, flags=%#x\n", chrset, flags)); for (n = 0; n < screen->fonts_used; n++) { if (data[n].chrset == chrset && data[n].flags == flags) { if (n != 0) { XTermFonts save; TRACE(("...xterm_Double_index -> %d (OLD:%d)\n", n, screen->fonts_used)); save = data[n]; while (n > 0) { data[n] = data[n - 1]; n--; } data[n] = save; } return n; } } /* Not, found, push back existing fonts and create a new entry */ if (screen->fonts_used >= screen->cache_doublesize) { TRACE(("...xterm_Double_index: discard oldest\n")); discard_font(screen, &(data[screen->fonts_used - 1])); } else { screen->fonts_used += 1; } for (n = screen->fonts_used; n > 0; n--) data[n] = data[n - 1]; TRACE(("...xterm_Double_index -> (NEW:%d)\n", screen->fonts_used)); data[0].chrset = chrset; data[0].flags = flags; data[0].fn = 0; data[0].fs = 0; data[0].gc = 0; return 0; } /* * Lookup/cache a GC for the double-size character display. We save up to * NUM_CHRSET values. */ GC xterm_DoubleGC(unsigned chrset, unsigned flags, GC old_gc) { XGCValues gcv; register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; unsigned long mask = (GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont); int n; char *name; XTermFonts *data; if ((name = xtermSpecialFont(screen, flags, chrset)) == 0) return 0; n = xterm_Double_index(chrset, flags); data = &(screen->double_fonts[n]); if (data->fn != 0) { if (!strcmp(data->fn, name)) { if (data->fs != 0) { XCopyGC(screen->display, old_gc, (unsigned long) (~GCFont), data->gc); return data->gc; } } discard_font(screen, data); data->chrset = chrset; data->flags = flags & BOLD; } data->fn = name; TRACE(("xterm_DoubleGC %s %d: %s\n", flags & BOLD ? "BOLD" : "NORM", n, name)); if ((data->fs = XLoadQueryFont(screen->display, name)) == 0) { /* Retry with * in resolutions */ char *nname = xtermSpecialFont(screen, flags | NORESOLUTION, chrset); if (!nname) return 0; if ((data->fs = XLoadQueryFont(screen->display, nname)) == 0) { XtFree(nname); return 0; } XtFree(name); data->fn = nname; } TRACE(("-> OK\n")); gcv.graphics_exposures = TRUE; /* default */ gcv.font = data->fs->fid; gcv.foreground = T_COLOR(screen, TEXT_FG); gcv.background = T_COLOR(screen, TEXT_BG); data->gc = XCreateGC(screen->display, VWindow(screen), mask, &gcv); XCopyGC(screen->display, old_gc, (unsigned long) (~GCFont), data->gc); return data->gc; } #endif