/**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2001, 2010 NoMachine, http://www.nomachine.com/. */ /* */ /* NXCOMP, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software */ /* are copyright of NoMachine. Redistribution and use of the present */ /* software is allowed according to terms specified in the file LICENSE */ /* which comes in the source distribution. */ /* */ /* Check http://www.nomachine.com/licensing.html for applicability. */ /* */ /* NX and NoMachine are trademarks of Medialogic S.p.A. */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef DecodeBuffer_H #define DecodeBuffer_H #include <string.h> #include "IntCache.h" #include "CharCache.h" #include "XidCache.h" #include "FreeCache.h" #include "OpcodeCache.h" #include "ActionCache.h" #include "ActionCacheCompat.h" #include "PositionCacheCompat.h" #define DECODE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_SIZE 4194304 #define DECODE_BUFFER_POSTFIX_SIZE 1 class DecodeBuffer { public: DecodeBuffer(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int length); ~DecodeBuffer() { } int decodeValue(unsigned int &value, unsigned int numBits, unsigned int blockSize = 0, int endOkay = 0); int decodeCachedValue(unsigned int &value, unsigned int numBits, IntCache &cache, unsigned int blockSize = 0, int endOkay = 0); int decodeCachedValue(unsigned char &value, unsigned int numBits, CharCache &cache, unsigned int blockSize = 0, int endOkay = 0); void decodeDiffCachedValue(unsigned int &value, unsigned int &previous, unsigned int numBits, IntCache &cache, unsigned int blockSize = 0) { decodeCachedValue(value, numBits, cache, blockSize); previous += (value + 1); previous &= (0xffffffff >> (32 - numBits)); value = previous; } void decodeBoolValue(unsigned int &value) { decodeValue(value, 1); } int decodeOpcodeValue(unsigned char &value, OpcodeCache &cache, int endOkay = 0) { int result = decodeCachedValue(value, 8, cache.base_[cache.slot_], 8, endOkay); if (result == 1) { cache.slot_ = value; } return result; } void decodeActionValue(unsigned char &value, unsigned short &position, ActionCache &cache); void decodeNewXidValue(unsigned int &value, unsigned int &lastId, IntCache &lastIdCache, IntCache &cache, FreeCache &freeCache); void decodeNewXidValue(unsigned int &value, unsigned int &lastId, IntCache &lastIdCache, XidCache &cache, FreeCache &freeCache); void decodeXidValue(unsigned int &value, XidCache &cache); void decodeFreeXidValue(unsigned int &value, FreeCache &cache); void decodeActionValueCompat(unsigned char &value, ActionCacheCompat &cache) { decodeCachedValue(value, 2, cache.base_[cache.slot_]); cache.slot_ = value; } void decodePositionValueCompat(short int &value, PositionCacheCompat &cache); void decodeTextData(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int numBytes) { decodeMemory(buffer, numBytes); } void decodeIntData(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int numBytes) { decodeMemory(buffer, numBytes); } void decodeLongData(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int numBytes) { decodeMemory(buffer, numBytes); } const unsigned char *decodeMemory(unsigned int numBytes); void decodeMemory(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int numBytes) { memcpy(buffer, decodeMemory(numBytes), numBytes); } private: const unsigned char *buffer_; const unsigned char *end_; const unsigned char *nextSrc_; unsigned char srcMask_; }; #endif /* DecodeBuffer_H */