/*                                                                        */
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com)          */
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder <o.shneyder@phoca-gmbh.de>  */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller <uli42@gmx.de>                 */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de>                */
/* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>*/
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com)           */
/*                                                                        */
/* NXCOMP, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software     */
/* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies.             */
/*                                                                        */
/* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according    */
/* to terms specified in the file LICENSE.nxcomp which comes in the       */
/* source distribution.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* All rights reserved.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other      */
/* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as   */
/* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */
/* as copyright holder, as well.                                          */
/*                                                                        */

#ifndef Keeper_H
#define Keeper_H

#include "Misc.h"
#include "Types.h"

// Set the verbosity level.

#define PANIC
#define WARNING
#undef  TEST
#undef  DEBUG

// Define this to check how many file
// nodes are allocated and deallocated.


class Keeper;

class File
  friend class Keeper;




  // Allow sort by time and size. If time
  // is the same, keep the bigger element.

  bool compare(File *b) const;


  char *name_;

  int    size_;
  time_t time_;


  static int references_;


class Keeper

  Keeper(int caches, int images, const char *root,
             int sleep, int parent);


  // Call this just once.

  int cleanupCaches();

  // Call this at any given interval.

  int cleanupImages();

  // Call this if it's time to exit.

  void setSignal(int signal)
    signal_ = signal;

  int getSignal()
    return signal_;

  int getParent()
    return parent_;


  // Get a list of files in directory.
  int collect(const char *path);

  // Sort the collected files according to
  // last modification time and delete the
  // older ones until disk size is below
  // the threshold.

  int cleanup(int threshold);

  // Empty the files repository.

  void empty();

  // Size in bytes of total allowed
  // storage for persistent caches.

  int caches_;

  // Size in bytes of total allowed
  // storage for images cache.

  int images_;

  // Path of the NX root directory.

  char *root_;

  // The little delay to be introduced
  // before reading a new entry.

  int sleep_;

  // Total size of files in repository.

  int total_;

  // The parent process, so we can exit
  // if it is gone.

  int parent_;

  // Set if we need to give up because
  // of a signal.

  int signal_;

  // Repository where to collect files.

  T_files *files_;

#endif /* Keeper_H */