/*                                                                        */
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com)          */
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder <o.shneyder@phoca-gmbh.de>  */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller <uli42@gmx.de>                 */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de>                */
/* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>*/
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com)           */
/*                                                                        */
/* NXCOMP, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software     */
/* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies.             */
/*                                                                        */
/* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according    */
/* to terms specified in the file LICENSE.nxcomp which comes in the       */
/* source distribution.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* All rights reserved.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other      */
/* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as   */
/* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */
/* as copyright holder, as well.                                          */
/*                                                                        */

#ifndef Split_H
#define Split_H

#include "Types.h"
#include "Timestamp.h"
#include "Message.h"

// Set the verbosity level.

#define PANIC
#define WARNING
#undef  TEST
#undef  DEBUG

// Define this to know how many splits
// are allocated and deallocated.


// Size of header of messages saved on
// disk.

#define SPLIT_HEADER_SIZE            12

// This class is used to divide big messages
// in smaller chunks and send them at idle
// time.

class EncodeBuffer;
class DecodeBuffer;

class SplitStore;
class CommitStore;

// Preferred message streaming policy.

typedef enum
  split_none = -1,
  split_async = 1,

} T_split_mode;

// Current state of the split. Used to
// implement the state machine.

typedef enum
  split_undefined = -1,

} T_split_state;

class Split
  friend class SplitStore;
  friend class CommitStore;




  // Note that, differently from the message
  // store, the split store doesn't account
  // for the data offset when dealing with
  // the data. This means that both the size_
  // and c_size members represent the actual
  // size of the data part.

  void compressedSize(int size)
    c_size_ = size;

    store_ -> validateSize(d_size_, c_size_);

  int compressedSize()
    return c_size_;

  int plainSize()
    return i_size_ + d_size_;

  T_checksum getChecksum()
    return checksum_;

  MessageStore *getStore()
    return store_;
  T_split_state getState()
    return state_;

  T_store_action getAction()
    return action_;

  // We may need to find the resource
  // associated to the split message
  // because old protocol version use
  // a single store for all splits.

  int getResource()
    return resource_;

  int getRequest()
    return store_ -> opcode();

  int getPosition()
    return position_;

  T_split_mode getMode()
    return mode_;

  void setPolicy(int load, int save)
    load_ = load;
    save_ = save;

  void setState(T_split_state state)
    state_ = state;


  // The agent's resource which is splitting
  // the message.

  int resource_;

  // Where to find the message in the message
  // store or the X sequence number of the
  // original request, in recent versions.

  int position_;

  // Which store is involved.

  MessageStore *store_;

  // Identity size of the message.

  int i_size_;

  // This is the uncompressed data size of the
  // original message.

  int d_size_;

  // This is the size of the compressed data,
  // if the data is stored in this form.

  int c_size_;

  // Size of the data buffer, as known by the
  // encoding side. This field is only used at
  // the decoding side. The remote size can be
  // different from the actual data size, if
  // the encoding side did not confirm that it
  // received the abort split event.

  int r_size_;
  // Position in the data buffer that will be
  // the target of the next send or receive
  // operation while streaming the message.

  int next_;

  // Load or save the split to disk.

  int load_;
  int save_;

  // Checksum of the original message.

  T_checksum checksum_;

  // Was this split confirmed or aborted?

  T_split_state state_;

  // What's the policy for sending this split?

  T_split_mode mode_;

  // Operation that had been performed on the
  // store at the time the split was added.

  T_store_action action_;

  // Container for the identity and data part
  // of the X message.

  T_data identity_;
  T_data data_;


  static int references_;


class SplitStore

  SplitStore(StaticCompressor *compressor, CommitStore *commits, int resource);


  Split *getFirstSplit() const
    if (splits_ -> size() > 0)
      return (*(splits_ -> begin()));

    return NULL;

  Split *getLastSplit() const
    if (splits_ -> size() > 0)
      return (*(--(splits_ -> end())));

    return NULL;

  int getNodeSize(const Split *split) const
    // Take in account 64 bytes of overhead
    // for each node.

    return (sizeof(class Split) + 64 +
                split -> i_size_ + split -> d_size_);

  int getStorageSize()
    return splitStorageSize_;

  static int getTotalSize()
    return totalSplitSize_;

  static int getTotalStorageSize()
    return totalSplitStorageSize_;

  int getResource()
    return resource_;

  int getSize()
    return splits_ -> size();

  T_splits *getSplits()
    return splits_;

  // Used, respectively, at the encoding
  // and decoding side.

  Split *add(MessageStore *store, int resource, T_split_mode mode,
                 int position, T_store_action action, T_checksum checksum,
                     const unsigned char *buffer, const int size);

  Split *add(MessageStore *store, int resource, int position,
                T_store_action action, T_checksum checksum,
                     unsigned char *buffer, const int size);

  // Handle the streaming of the message data.

  int send(EncodeBuffer &encodeBuffer, int packetSize);

  int receive(DecodeBuffer &decodeBuffer);

  // Remove the top element of the split store
  // and update the storage size.

  void remove(Split *split);

  // Load the message from disk and replace the
  // message in the store with the new copy.

  int load(Split *split);

  // Save the data to disk after the message has
  // been recomposed at the local side.

  int save(Split *split);

  // Find the message on disk and update the last
  // modification time. This is currently unused.

  int find(Split *split);

  // Remove the element on top of the queue and
  // discard any split data that still needs to
  // be transferred.

  Split *pop();

  // Dump the content of the store.

  void dump();


  // Repository where to add the splits.

  T_splits *splits_;

  // Compress and decompress the data payload.

  StaticCompressor *compressor_;


  int start(EncodeBuffer &encodeBuffer);

  int start(DecodeBuffer &decodeBuffer);

  void push(Split *split);

  // Determine the name of the file object based
  // on the checksum.

  const char *name(const T_checksum checksum);

  // The number of elements and data bytes
  // in the repository.

  int splitStorageSize_;

  static int totalSplitSize_;
  static int totalSplitStorageSize_;

  // Current element being transferred.

  T_splits::iterator current_;

  // Repository where to move the splits
  // after they are completely recomposed.

  CommitStore *commits_;

  // Index in the client store or none,
  // if this is a commit store.

  int resource_;


  static int references_;


class CommitStore : public SplitStore
  // This is just a split store.


  CommitStore(StaticCompressor *compressor)

    : SplitStore(compressor, NULL, nothing)

  // Move identity and data of the split to the
  // provided buffer, uncompressing the message,
  // if needed.

  int expand(Split *split, unsigned char *buffer, const int size);

  // We recomposed the data part. If the message
  // was originally added to the message store,
  // replace the data and/or update the size.

  int update(Split *split);

  // Remove the split from the commit queue.

  Split *pop();

  // This is just used for debug. It checks
  // if any message in the message store has
  // an invalid number of locks.

  int validate(Split *split);

#endif /* Split_H */