/*                                                                        */
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com)          */
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder <o.shneyder@phoca-gmbh.de>  */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller <uli42@gmx.de>                 */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de>                */
/* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>*/
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com)           */
/*                                                                        */
/* NXCOMP, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software     */
/* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies.             */
/*                                                                        */
/* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according    */
/* to terms specified in the file LICENSE.nxcomp which comes in the       */
/* source distribution.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* All rights reserved.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other      */
/* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as   */
/* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */
/* as copyright holder, as well.                                          */
/*                                                                        */

#include "config.h"

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include "NX.h"

#include "Misc.h"

#include "Types.h"
#include "Timestamp.h"

#include "Control.h"
#include "Statistics.h"
#include "Proxy.h"

#include "Keeper.h"
#include "Fork.h"

// Set the verbosity level.

#define PANIC
#define WARNING
#undef  TEST
#undef  DEBUG


// These are from the main loop.

extern Keeper *keeper;

extern int (*signalHandler)(int);

extern int useUnixSocket;

extern int lastDialog;
extern int lastWatchdog;
extern int lastKeeper;

extern void CleanupListeners();
extern void CleanupSockets();
extern void CleanupAgent();
extern void CleanupGlobal();

extern void InstallSignals();

extern char *GetClientPath();

extern int CheckParent(const char *name, const char *type,
                           int parent);

#ifdef __sun
extern char **environ;

// Close all the unused descriptors and
// install any signal handler that might
// have been disabled in the main process.

static void SystemCleanup(const char *name);

// Release all objects allocated in the
// heap.

static void MemoryCleanup(const char *name);

// Remove 'name' from the environment.

static int UnsetEnv(const char *name);

static int NXTransKeeperHandler(int signal);
static void NXTransKeeperCheck();

// Start a nxclient process in dialog mode.

int NXTransDialog(const char *caption, const char *message,
                      const char *window, const char *type, int local,
                         const char* display)
  // Be sure log file is valid.

  if (logofs == NULL)
    logofs = &cerr;

  int pid;

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransDialog: Going to fork with NX pid '"
          << getpid() << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

  pid = Fork();

  if (pid != 0)
    if (pid < 0)
      #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransDialog: WARNING! Function fork failed. "
              << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
              << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

      cerr << "Warning" << ": Function fork failed. "
           << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
           << "'.\n";
    #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransDialog: Created NX dialog process "
              << "with pid '" << pid << "'.\n"
              << logofs_flush;

    return pid;

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransDialog: Executing child with pid '"
          << getpid() << "' and parent '" << getppid()
          << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;


  // Copy the client command before
  // freeing up the control class.

  char command[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT];

  if (control != NULL)
    strcpy(command, control -> ClientPath);
    char *path = GetClientPath();

    strcpy(command, path);

    delete [] path;

  // Get rid of the unused resources.


  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransDialog: Running external NX dialog with caption '"
          << caption << "' message '" << message << "' type '"
          << type << "' local '" << local << "' display '"
          << display << "'.\n"
          << logofs_flush;

  int pulldown = (strcmp(type, "pulldown") == 0);

  char parent[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT];

  snprintf(parent, DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT, "%d", getppid());

  parent[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT - 1] = '\0';


  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    if (local != 0)
      if (pulldown)
        execlp(command, command, "--dialog", type, "--caption", caption,
                   "--window", window, "--local", "--parent", parent,
                       "--display", display, NULL);
        execlp(command, command, "--dialog", type, "--caption", caption,
                   "--message", message, "--local", "--parent", parent,
                       "--display", display, NULL);
      if (pulldown)
        execlp(command, command, "--dialog", type, "--caption", caption,
                   "--window", window, "--parent", parent,
                       "--display", display, NULL);
        execlp(command, command, "--dialog", type, "--caption", caption,
                   "--message", message, "--parent", parent,
                       "--display", display, NULL);

    #ifdef WARNING
    *logofs << "NXTransDialog: WARNING! Couldn't start '"
            << command << "'. " << "Error is " << EGET()
            << " '" << ESTR() << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

    cerr << "Warning" << ": Couldn't start '" << command
         << "'. Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
         << "'.\n";

    // Retry by looking for the default name
    // in the default NX path.

    if (i == 0)

      strcpy(command, "nxclient");

      char newPath[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT];

      strcpy(newPath, "/usr/NX/bin:/opt/NX/bin:/usr/local/NX/bin:");

      #ifdef __APPLE__

      strcat(newPath, "/Applications/NX Client for OSX.app/Contents/MacOS:");


      #ifdef __CYGWIN32__

      strcat(newPath, ".:");


      int newLength = strlen(newPath);

      char *oldPath = getenv("PATH");

      strncpy(newPath + newLength, oldPath, DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT - newLength - 1);

      newPath[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT - 1] = '\0';

      #ifdef WARNING
      *logofs << "NXTransDialog: WARNING! Trying with path '"
              << newPath << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

      cerr << "Warning" << ": Trying with path '" << newPath
           << "'.\n";

      // Solaris doesn't seem to have
      // function setenv().

      #ifdef __sun

      char newEnv[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT + 5];

      sprintf(newEnv,"PATH=%s", newPath);



      setenv("PATH", newPath, 1);



  // Hopefully useless.


// Start a nxclient process in dialog mode.

int NXTransClient(const char* display)
  // Be sure log file is valid.

  if (logofs == NULL)
    logofs = &cerr;

  int pid;

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransClient: Going to fork with NX pid '"
          << getpid() << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

  pid = Fork();

  if (pid != 0)
    if (pid < 0)
      #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransClient: WARNING! Function fork failed. "
              << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
              << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

      cerr << "Warning" << ": Function fork failed. "
           << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
           << "'.\n";
    #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransClient: Created NX client process "
              << "with pid '" << pid << "'.\n"
              << logofs_flush;

    return pid;

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransClient: Executing child with pid '"
          << getpid() << "' and parent '" << getppid()
          << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;


  // Copy the client command before
  // freeing up the control class.

  char command[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT];

  if (control != NULL)
    strcpy(command, control -> ClientPath);
    char *path = GetClientPath();

    strcpy(command, path);

    delete [] path;

  // Get rid of unused resources.


  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransClient: Running external NX client with display '"
          << display << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

  // Provide the display in the environment.

  char newDisplay[DISPLAY_LENGTH_LIMIT];

  #ifdef __sun

  snprintf(newDisplay, DISPLAY_LENGTH_LIMIT - 1, "DISPLAY=%s", display);

  newDisplay[DISPLAY_LENGTH_LIMIT - 1] = '\0';



  strncpy(newDisplay, display, DISPLAY_LENGTH_LIMIT - 1);

  newDisplay[DISPLAY_LENGTH_LIMIT - 1] = '\0';

  setenv("DISPLAY", newDisplay, 1);



  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    execlp(command, command, NULL);

    #ifdef WARNING
    *logofs << "NXTransClient: WARNING! Couldn't start '"
            << command << "'. Error is " << EGET() << " '"
            << ESTR() << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

    cerr << "Warning" << ": Couldn't start '" << command
         << "'. Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
         << "'.\n";

    // Retry by looking for the default name
    // in the default NX path.

    if (i == 0)

      strcpy(command, "nxclient");

      char newPath[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT];

      strcpy(newPath, "/usr/NX/bin:/opt/NX/bin:/usr/local/NX/bin:");

      #ifdef __APPLE__

      strcat(newPath, "/Applications/NX Client for OSX.app/Contents/MacOS:");


      #ifdef __CYGWIN32__

      strcat(newPath, ".:");


      int newLength = strlen(newPath);

      char *oldPath = getenv("PATH");

      strncpy(newPath + newLength, oldPath, DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT - newLength - 1);

      newPath[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT - 1] = '\0';

      #ifdef WARNING
      *logofs << "NXTransClient: WARNING! Trying with path '"
              << newPath << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

      cerr << "Warning" << ": Trying with path '" << newPath
           << "'.\n";

      // Solaris doesn't seem to have
      // function setenv().

      #ifdef __sun

      char newEnv[DEFAULT_STRING_LIMIT + 5];

      sprintf(newEnv,"PATH=%s", newPath);



      setenv("PATH", newPath, 1);


  // Hopefully useless.


// Wait until the timeout is expired.
// The timeout is expressed in milli-
// seconds.

int NXTransWatchdog(int timeout)
  // Be sure log file is valid.

  if (logofs == NULL)
    logofs = &cerr;

  int pid;

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransWatchdog: Going to fork with NX pid '"
          << getpid() << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

  pid = Fork();

  if (pid != 0)
    if (pid < 0)
      #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransWatchdog: WARNING! Function fork failed. "
              << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
              << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

      cerr << "Warning" << ": Function fork failed. "
           << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
           << "'.\n";
    #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransWatchdog: Created NX watchdog process "
              << "with pid '" << pid << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

    return pid;

  int parent = getppid();

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransWatchdog: Executing child with pid '"
          << getpid() << "' and parent '" << parent
          << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;


  // Get rid of unused resources.


  // Run until the timeout is expired
  // or forever, if no timeout is
  // provided.

  T_timestamp startTs = getTimestamp();

  int diffTs = 0;

  for (;;)
    // Complain if the parent is dead.

    if (CheckParent("NXTransWatchdog", "watchdog", parent) == 0)
      #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransWatchdog: Exiting with no parent "
              << "running.\n" << logofs_flush;


    if (timeout > 0)
      if (diffTs >= timeout)
        #ifdef TEST
        *logofs << "NXTransWatchdog: Timeout of " << timeout
                << " Ms raised in watchdog.\n" << logofs_flush;

        // We will just exit. Our parent should be
        // monitoring us and detect that the process
        // is gone.


    if (timeout > 0)
      #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransWatchdog: Waiting for the timeout "
              << "with " << timeout - diffTs << " Ms to run.\n"
              << logofs_flush;

      usleep((timeout - diffTs) * 1000);

      diffTs = diffTimestamp(startTs, getNewTimestamp());
      #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransWatchdog: Waiting for a signal.\n"
              << logofs_flush;


  // Hopefully useless.


int NXTransKeeperHandler(int signal)
  if (keeper != NULL)
    switch (signal)
      case SIGTERM:
      case SIGINT:
      case SIGHUP:
        #ifdef TEST
        *logofs << "NXTransKeeperHandler: Requesting giveup "
                << "because of signal " << signal << " ,'"
                << DumpSignal(signal) << "'.\n"
                << logofs_flush;

        keeper -> setSignal(signal);

        return 0;

  return 1;

void NXTransKeeperCheck()
  if (CheckParent("NXTransKeeper", "keeper",
          keeper -> getParent()) == 0 || keeper -> getSignal() != 0)
    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeperCheck: Exiting because of signal "
            << "or no parent running.\n" << logofs_flush;


int NXTransKeeper(int caches, int images, const char *root)
  // Be sure log file is valid.

  if (logofs == NULL)
    logofs = &cerr;

  if (caches == 0 && images == 0)
    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: No NX cache house-keeping needed.\n"
            << logofs_flush;

    return 0;

  int pid;

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Going to fork with NX pid '"
          << getpid() << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

  pid = Fork();

  if (pid != 0)
    if (pid < 0)
      #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: WARNING! Function fork failed. "
              << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
              << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

      cerr << "Warning" << ": Function fork failed. "
           << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
           << "'.\n";
    #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Created NX keeper process "
              << "with pid '" << pid << "'.\n"
              << logofs_flush;

    return pid;

  int parent = getppid();

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Executing child with pid '"
          << getpid() << "' and parent '" << parent
          << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;


  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Going to run with caches " << caches
          << " images " << images << " and root " << root
          << " at " << strMsTimestamp() << ".\n" << logofs_flush;

  // Create the house-keeper class.

  int timeout = control -> KeeperTimeout;

  keeper = new Keeper(caches, images, root, 100, parent);

  signalHandler = NXTransKeeperHandler;

  if (keeper == NULL)
    #ifdef PANIC
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: PANIC! Failed to create the keeper object.\n"
            << logofs_flush;

     cerr << "Error" << ": Failed to create the keeper object.\n";


  // Get rid of unused resources. Root path
  // must be copied in keeper's constructor
  // before control is deleted.

  // Decrease the priority of this process.
  // The following applies to Cygwin: "Cygwin processes can be 
  // call. If you pass a positive number to nice(), then the
  // priority level will decrease by one (within the above list
  // of priorities). A negative number would make it increase
  // by one. It is not possible to change it by more than one
  // at a time without making repeated calls".

  if (nice(5) < 0 && errno != 0)
    #ifdef WARNING
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: WARNING! Failed to renice process to +5. "
            << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
            << "'.\n" << logofs_flush;

     cerr << "Warning" << ": Failed to renice process to +5. "
          << "Error is " << EGET() << " '" << ESTR()
          << "'.\n";

  // Delay a bit the first run to give
  // a boost to the session startup.

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Going to sleep for "
          << timeout / 20 << " Ms.\n" << logofs_flush;

  usleep(timeout / 20 * 1000);


  // The house keeping of the persistent
  // caches is performed only once.

  if (caches != 0)
    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Going to cleanup the NX cache "
            << "directories at " << strMsTimestamp() << ".\n"
            << logofs_flush;

    keeper -> cleanupCaches();

    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Completed cleanup of NX cache "
            << "directories at " << strMsTimestamp() << ".\n"
            << logofs_flush;
  #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Nothing to do for the "
            << "persistent caches.\n" << logofs_flush;

  if (images == 0)
    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Nothing to do for the "
            << "persistent images.\n" << logofs_flush;


  // Take care of the persisten image cache.
  // Run a number of iterations and then exit,
  // so we can keep the memory consumption
  // low. The parent will check our exit code
  // and will eventually restart us.

  for (int iterations = 0; iterations < 100; iterations++)
    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Running iteration " << iterations
            << " at " << strMsTimestamp() << ".\n"
            << logofs_flush;


    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Going to cleanup the NX images "
            << "directories at " << strMsTimestamp() << ".\n"
            << logofs_flush;

    if (keeper -> cleanupImages() < 0)
      #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Exiting because of error "
              << "handling the image cache.\n" << logofs_flush;


    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Completed cleanup of NX images "
            << "directories at " << strMsTimestamp() << ".\n"
            << logofs_flush;


    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "NXTransKeeper: Going to sleep for " << timeout
            << " Ms.\n" << logofs_flush;

    usleep(timeout * 1000);


  // Hopefully useless.


void SystemCleanup(const char *name)
  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << name << ": Performing system cleanup in process "
          << "with pid '" << getpid() << "'.\n"
          << logofs_flush;

  // Reinstall signals that might
  // have been restored by agents.


void MemoryCleanup(const char *name)
  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << name << ": Performing memory cleanup in process "
          << "with pid '" << getpid() << "'.\n"
          << logofs_flush;


  // Prevent deletion of unix socket
  // and lock file.

  useUnixSocket = 0;

  // Don't let cleanup kill other
  // children.

  lastDialog   = 0;
  lastWatchdog = 0;
  lastKeeper   = 0;





int UnsetEnv(const char *name)
  int result;

  #ifdef __sun

  char **pEnv = environ;

  int nameLen = strlen(name) + 1;

  char *varName = new char[nameLen + 1];

  strcpy(varName, name);

  strcat(varName, "=");

  pEnv = environ;

  while (*pEnv != NULL)
    if (!strncmp(varName, *pEnv, nameLen))


  while (*pEnv != NULL)
    *pEnv = *(pEnv + 1);


  result = 0;


  #ifdef __APPLE__

  result = 0;


  result = unsetenv(name);



  return result;