/*                                                                        */
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com)          */
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder <o.shneyder@phoca-gmbh.de>  */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller <uli42@gmx.de>                 */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de>                */
/* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>*/
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com)           */
/*                                                                        */
/* NXCOMP, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software     */
/* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies.             */
/*                                                                        */
/* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according    */
/* to terms specified in the file LICENSE.nxcomp which comes in the       */
/* source distribution.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* All rights reserved.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other      */
/* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as   */
/* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */
/* as copyright holder, as well.                                          */
/*                                                                        */

#ifndef Control_H
#define Control_H

#include "NXpack.h"

#include "Misc.h"
#include "Types.h"
#include "Timestamp.h"
#include "Statistics.h"

#define PANIC
#define WARNING
#undef  TEST
#undef  DEBUG

// This is the mode proxy is running.

typedef enum
  proxy_undefined = -1,

// Handle advances in the connection
// procedure.

typedef enum

// Hint about whether or not the proxy is
// connected to a NX agen.

typedef enum
  session_undefined = -1,

// Set how data will be written to the peer
// socket.

typedef enum
  policy_undefined = -1,

// Link mode, after negotiation, will be set to
// any of the values defined in the NXproto.h.

#define link_undefined  -1;

// This class collects functioning parameters, 
// to be configurable at run-time. They are for
// the most part regarding timeouts, transport
// and message stores handling.

class Control

  // Does proxy run in client mode or server mode?
  // As soon as we'll have gone through parsing of
  // the command line options the current mode will
  // be propagated to the control class.

  T_proxy_mode ProxyMode;

  // Goes from initializing to operational.

  T_proxy_stage ProxyStage;

  // Hint about type of session currently running.

  T_session_mode SessionMode;

  // Either immediate or deferred flushes.

  T_flush_policy FlushPolicy;

  // If set, the channels will try to flush the
  // encoded data whenever there is a prioritized
  // message. Depending on the flush policy, this
  // may determine an immediate flush or an event
  // being generated telling to the agent that it
  // should flush the proxy link.

  int FlushPriority;

  // Id corresponding to link speed negotiated
  // between proxies.

  int LinkMode;

  // Set if the proxy is connected to a program
  // providing the encryption of the point to
  // point communication.

  int LinkEncrypted;

  // Maximum number of bytes sent for each token.

  int TokenSize;

  // Maximum number of tokens that can be spent
  // by the client proxy before having to block
  // waiting for a reply.

  int TokenLimit;

  // Bitmask used to determine the distribution
  // of channel ids between the client and server
  // proxies.

  int ChannelMask;

  // Kill session if control parameters cannot
  // be negotiated before this timeout.

  int InitTimeout;

  // Enter the congestion state if the remote does
  // not reply to the ping within the given amount
  // of time.

  int PingTimeout;

  // Enqueue motion notify events in server channel.

  int MotionTimeout;

  // Force an update of the congestion counter if
  // the proxy is idle for this time.

  int IdleTimeout;

  // Close the connection if can't write before
  // this timeout.

  int ChannelTimeout;

  // Close connection if can't write before
  // this timeout.

  int ProxyTimeout;

  // How many milliseconds to wait for the shared
  // memory completion event to become available.

  int ShmemTimeout;

  // Wait for applications to complete at the time
  // proxy is shut down.

  int CleanupTimeout;

  // Wait this amount of milliseconds before any
  // iteration of the house-keeping process.

  int KeeperTimeout;

  // Adjust timeout calculations.

  int LatencyTimeout;

  // Maximum allowed size of log files.

  int FileSizeLimit;
  int FileSizeCheckTimeout;

  // What do we do at the end of session? If
  // this flag is set we launch a new client
  // letting the user run a new NX session.

  int EnableRestartOnShutdown;

  // The client can request the proxy to kill
  // a number of processes before exiting.

  int *KillDaemonOnShutdown;
  int KillDaemonOnShutdownNumber;
  int KillDaemonOnShutdownLimit;

  // Do we generate a core dump and exit in
  // case of program errors?

  int EnableCoreDumpOnAbort;

  // Is statistic output enabled?

  int EnableStatistics;

  // Version number of local and remote proxy.

   * LocalVersionMaintenancePatch, RemoteVersionMaintenancePatch
   * CompatVersionMaintenancePatch
   * currently not used, for future compatibility checks
  int LocalVersionMajor;
  int LocalVersionMinor;
  int LocalVersionPatch;
  int LocalVersionMaintenancePatch;

  int RemoteVersionMajor;
  int RemoteVersionMinor;
  int RemoteVersionPatch;
  int RemoteVersionMaintenancePatch;

  int CompatVersionMajor;
  int CompatVersionMinor;
  int CompatVersionPatch;
  int CompatVersionMaintenancePatch;

  // Compatibility version for the proxy

  static const char* const NXPROXY_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION;

  // Which unpack methods are implemented in proxy?

  unsigned char *LocalUnpackMethods;
  unsigned char *RemoteUnpackMethods;

  // Memory restriction imposed by user.

  int LocalMemoryLevel;

  // Use or not differential compression
  // and caching of X protocol messages.

  int LocalDeltaCompression;
  int RemoteDeltaCompression;

  // Compression of images and replies.

  int LocalDataCompression;
  int LocalDataCompressionLevel;

  int RemoteDataCompression;
  int RemoteDataCompressionLevel;

  // Minimum packet size to be compressed.

  int LocalDataCompressionThreshold;

  // Compress or not data flowing through the proxy
  // link. Level should be one of the ZLIB level as

  int LocalStreamCompression;
  int LocalStreamCompressionLevel;

  int RemoteStreamCompression;
  int RemoteStreamCompressionLevel;

  // Size of read operations in read buffer classes.

  int ClientInitialReadSize;
  int ClientMaximumBufferSize;

  int ServerInitialReadSize;
  int ServerMaximumBufferSize;

  int ProxyInitialReadSize;
  int ProxyMaximumBufferSize;

  int GenericInitialReadSize;
  int GenericMaximumBufferSize;

  // Set initial size and resize policy of
  // transport buffers. If maximum size is
  // exceeded, print a warning.

  int TransportXBufferSize;
  int TransportProxyBufferSize;
  int TransportGenericBufferSize;

  int TransportXBufferThreshold;
  int TransportProxyBufferThreshold;
  int TransportGenericBufferThreshold;

  int TransportMaximumBufferSize;

  // Flush the data produced for the channel
  // connection if it exceeds this size.

  int TransportFlushBufferSize;

  // Socket options.

  int OptionProxyKeepAlive;
  int OptionProxyLowDelay;
  int OptionProxyClientNoDelay;
  int OptionProxyServerNoDelay;
  int OptionClientNoDelay;
  int OptionServerNoDelay;

  int OptionProxyReceiveBuffer;
  int OptionClientReceiveBuffer;
  int OptionServerReceiveBuffer;

  int OptionProxySendBuffer;
  int OptionClientSendBuffer;
  int OptionServerSendBuffer;

  int OptionProxyRetryAccept;
  int OptionProxyRetryConnect;
  int OptionServerRetryConnect;

  // Calculate current bitrate on proxy link
  // using these observation periods. Value
  // is in milliseconds.  

  int ShortBitrateTimeFrame;
  int LongBitrateTimeFrame;

  // Limit the bandwidth usage of the proxy
  // link.

  int LocalBitrateLimit;

  int ClientBitrateLimit;
  int ServerBitrateLimit;
  // This is the limit imposed by user on
  // total cache size.

  int ClientTotalStorageSize;
  int ServerTotalStorageSize;

  int LocalTotalStorageSize;
  int RemoteTotalStorageSize;

  // Discard messages in store older than
  // this amount of seconds.

  int StoreTimeLimit;

  // Any new message in store starts with
  // this amount of hits.

  int StoreHitsAddBonus;

  // Unless it is loaded from persistent
  // cache.

  int StoreHitsLoadBonus;

  // Stop increasing hits at this threshold.

  int StoreHitsLimit;

  // Give a special weight to messages put or
  // taken from cache during startup time.

  int StoreHitsStartup;

  // Weight of touch and untoch operations.

  int StoreHitsTouch;
  int StoreHitsUntouch;

  // Directives on size of messages to cache.

  int MinimumMessageSize;
  int MaximumMessageSize;

  // Maximum size of a single X request.

  int MaximumRequestSize;

  // Currently selected streaming mode.

  int SplitMode;

  // Send new split data any given amount of
  // milliseconds.

  int SplitTimeout;

  // Maximum number of distinct messages and
  // maximum size in bytes of the temporary
  // storage.

  int SplitTotalSize;
  int SplitTotalStorageSize;

  // Don't split messages smaller that this
  // threshold and send no more than the
  // given amount of bytes in a single data
  // shot when streaming the split messages.

  int SplitDataThreshold;
  int SplitDataPacketLimit;

  // Agent related parameters. These values apply
  // to the agent which, at startup, must query
  // the user's settings.

  int PackMethod;
  int PackQuality;
  int HideRender;
  int TaintReplies;
  int TaintThreshold;

  // Do we allow shared memory image support in
  // client and or server?

  int ShmemClient;
  int ShmemServer;

  // Default size of shared memory segments used
  // in MIT-SHM support.

  int ShmemClientSize;
  int ShmemServerSize;

  // The user's home directory.

  char *HomePath;

  // The ".nx" directory, usually in
  // the user's home.

  char *RootPath;

  // Usually the /usr/NX" directory.

  char *SystemPath;

  // Usually the "/tmp" directory.

  char *TempPath;

  // The complete path to the client.

  char *ClientPath;

  // String containing path of cache
  // file selected for load or save.

  char *PersistentCachePath;

  // Name of selected cache file.

  char *PersistentCacheName;

  // Minimum size of cache in memory
  // to proceed to its storage on disk.

  int PersistentCacheThreshold;

  // Is persistent cache enabled?

  int PersistentCacheEnableLoad;
  int PersistentCacheEnableSave;

  // This is used just for test because
  // it requires that client and server
  // reside on the same machine.

  int PersistentCacheCheckOnShutdown;

  // Load packed image and render extension
  // message stores. This currently depends
  // on the type of session.

  int PersistentCacheLoadPacked;
  int PersistentCacheLoadRender;

  // Maximum disk consumption of message
  // caches on disk.

  int PersistentCacheDiskLimit;

  // String containing the base path
  // of image cache files.

  char *ImageCachePath;

  // Is image cache enabled?

  int ImageCacheEnableLoad;
  int ImageCacheEnableSave;

  // Maximum disk consumption of image
  // caches on disk.

  int ImageCacheDiskLimit;

  // Only constructor, destructor
  // and a few utility functions.



  // Should not leverage control to find channel
  // stores' size limits. As most of values in
  // control, this info must be moved elsewhere.

  int getUpperStorageSize() const
    return (ClientTotalStorageSize >
                ServerTotalStorageSize ?
                    ClientTotalStorageSize :

  int getLowerStorageSize() const
    return (ClientTotalStorageSize <
                ServerTotalStorageSize ?
                    ClientTotalStorageSize :

  void setProtoStep(int step);

  int getProtoStep();


  // Look in Control.cpp.

  void setLocalUnpackMethods();

  // Manage the encoding according
  // to the protocol version.

  int protoStep_;

  // Min and max values allowed for protocol step
  // depending on protocol version compatibility

  static const int NX_MIN_PROTO_STEP;
  static const int NX_MAX_PROTO_STEP;

  // Check the validity of protocol step

  bool isValidProtoStep(int step)
    return ((step >= NX_MIN_PROTO_STEP) && (step <= NX_MAX_PROTO_STEP));


#endif /* Control_H */