#!/usr/bin/perl -w #/**************************************************************************/ #/* */ #/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com) */ #/* */ #/* NXSCRIPTS, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software */ #/* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies. */ #/* */ #/* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according */ #/* to terms specified in the file LICENSE.nxcomp which comes in the */ #/* source distribution. */ #/* */ #/* All rights reserved. */ #/* */ #/* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other */ #/* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as */ #/* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */ #/* as copyright holder, as well. */ #/* */ #/**************************************************************************/ use strict; use Getopt::Long; use IO::Socket; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval sleep ); use IO::Socket::INET; my ($opt_batch, $opt_count, $opt_host, $opt_port, $opt_debug, $opt_blocksize, $opt_dump, $opt_delay); my ($cmd_echo, $cmd_pingbench, $cmd_rand_read_bench, $cmd_fast_read_bench, $cmd_fast_write_bench); my ($cmd_rand_write_bench, $cmd_fast_echo_bench, $cmd_rand_echo_bench, $cmd_all_bench); my ($cmd_char_write_bench, $cmd_char_read_bench); my ($cmd_help); $opt_host = ""; $opt_count = 10000; $opt_blocksize = 1024; $opt_delay = 0; Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); GetOptions( "d|dump" => \$opt_dump, "c|count=i" => \$opt_count, "H|host=s" => \$opt_host, "P|port=i" => \$opt_port, "D|debug" => \$opt_debug, "e|delay=f" => \$opt_delay, "b|blocksize=i" => \$opt_blocksize, "E|echo=s" => \$cmd_echo, "pingbench" => \$cmd_pingbench, "randreadbench" => \$cmd_rand_read_bench, "fastreadbench" => \$cmd_fast_read_bench, "fastwritebench" => \$cmd_fast_write_bench, "randwritebench" => \$cmd_rand_write_bench, "fastechobench" => \$cmd_fast_echo_bench, "randechobench" => \$cmd_rand_echo_bench, "charwritebench" => \$cmd_char_write_bench, "charreadbench" => \$cmd_char_read_bench, "a|allbench" => \$cmd_all_bench, "h|help" => \$cmd_help, ) or die "Getopt failed"; if ($cmd_help) { print <<HELP; Usage: $0 --port <port> [options] <command> NX Slave Channel demo, benchmark and tester. Options: -b, --blocksize=INT Block size for testing. 1024 bytes by default. -c, --count=NUM Number of blocks or pings to issue. -D, --debug Output protocol data for debugging -d, --dump Dump benchmark data in tab separated format, for graphing. -e, --delay=FLOAT Delay between blocks or pings. None by default. -H, --host=HOST Host to connect to. 'localhost' by default. -P, --port=PORT Port to connect to. Mandatory. Benchmarks: -a, --allbench Run all the benchmarks --fastechobench Benchmark sending a single repeated character, and receiving it back. --fastreadbench Benchmark reading a single repeated character. --fastwritebench Benchmark writing a single repeated character. --pingbench Benchmark ping time. --randechobench Benchmark sending random data, and receiving it back --randreadbench Benchmark reading random, incompressible data. --randwritebench Benchmark writing random, incompressible data. Other commands: -E, --echo=STR Send STR to the slave channel handler, and print the response. -h, --help Show this text Example: Test basic connectivity: $0 --port 42000 --echo "hi" Connect to port 42000 and run all the benchmarks: $0 --port 42000 -a HELP exit(0); } if (!$opt_port) { print STDERR "Syntax: $0 --port <port> <command> [arguments]\nUse $0 --help for more information.\n\n"; exit(1); } my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $opt_host, PeerPort => $opt_port, Proto => 'tcp'); if (!$socket) { die "Can't connect to $opt_host:$opt_port: $!"; } my @greeting = read_until_prompt(); my $sl = StatusLine->new(); my $random_fh; if ( $cmd_all_bench ) { $cmd_pingbench = 1; $cmd_rand_read_bench = 1; $cmd_fast_read_bench = 1; $cmd_fast_write_bench = 1; $cmd_rand_write_bench = 1; $cmd_fast_echo_bench = 1; $cmd_rand_echo_bench = 1; $cmd_all_bench = 1; } if ( $cmd_echo ) { send_cmd("echo $cmd_echo"); print read_until_prompt() . "\n"; } if ( $cmd_pingbench ) { my $t0 = [gettimeofday()]; for(my $i=0;$i<$opt_count;$i++) { send_cmd("echo $i"); read_until_prompt(); my $elapsed = tv_interval($t0, [gettimeofday()]); if ( $opt_dump ) { print "$elapsed\t$i\n"; } else { $sl->set("Pinged " . ($i+1) . " times, ${elapsed}s elapsed, " . $opt_count / $elapsed . "/s"); } sleep($opt_delay) if ($opt_delay>0); } $sl->show_last(); print STDERR "\n\n"; } if ( $cmd_rand_read_bench ) { read_bench("Random read", "randgen"); } if ( $cmd_fast_read_bench ) { read_bench("Fast read", "fastgen"); } if ( $cmd_fast_write_bench ) { write_bench("Fast write", "discard", sub { "x" x $opt_blocksize }, 0); } if ( $cmd_rand_write_bench ) { write_bench("Random write", "discard", \&get_random_bytes, 0); } if ( $cmd_fast_echo_bench ) { write_bench("Fast echo", "blkecho $opt_blocksize", sub { "x" x $opt_blocksize }, 1); } if ( $cmd_rand_echo_bench ) { write_bench("Random echo", "blkecho $opt_blocksize", \&get_random_bytes, 1); } if ( $cmd_char_write_bench ) { for(my $i=0;$i<=255;$i++) { write_bench("Fast write $i", "discard", sub { chr($i) x $opt_blocksize }, 0); } } if ( $cmd_char_read_bench ) { for(my $i=0;$i<=255;$i++) { read_bench("Fast read $i", "fastgen $i"); } } sub get_random_bytes { if (!$random_fh) { open($random_fh, '<', "/dev/urandom") or die "Can't open /dev/urandom: $!"; } my $buf=""; while(length($buf) < $opt_blocksize) { my $tmp; sysread($random_fh, $tmp, $opt_blocksize - length($buf)); $buf .= $tmp; } return $buf; } sub read_bench { my ($desc, $command) = @_; init(); send_cmd($command); my $t0 = [gettimeofday()]; my $bytes = 0; while($bytes < $opt_count * $opt_blocksize) { my $junk = ""; while(length($junk) < $opt_blocksize) { $junk .= read_sock($opt_blocksize - length($junk)); } $bytes += length($junk); my $elapsed = tv_interval($t0, [gettimeofday()]); if ( $opt_dump ) { print "$elapsed\t$bytes\n"; } else { $sl->set("$desc $bytes bytes, ${elapsed}s elapsed, " . sprintf("%0.3f", ($bytes / $elapsed) / (1024*1024)) . " MB/s"); } sleep($opt_delay) if ($opt_delay>0); } $sl->show_last(); print STDERR "\n\n"; } sub write_bench { my ($desc, $command, $generator, $do_read) = @_; init(); send_cmd($command); my $t0 = [gettimeofday()]; my $bytes = 0; while($bytes < $opt_count * $opt_blocksize) { my $junk = $generator->(); $bytes += length($junk); write_sock($junk); if ( $do_read ) { my $readbuf = ""; while(length($readbuf) < $opt_blocksize) { $readbuf .= read_sock($opt_blocksize-length($readbuf)); } if ( $junk ne $readbuf ) { die "Agent returned different data! Sent:\n$junk\nReceived:\n$readbuf\n"; } } my $elapsed = tv_interval($t0, [gettimeofday()]); if ( $opt_dump ) { print "$elapsed\t$bytes\n"; } else { $sl->set("$desc $bytes bytes, ${elapsed}s elapsed, " . sprintf("%0.3f", ($bytes / $elapsed) / (1024*1024)) . " MB/s"); } sleep($opt_delay) if ($opt_delay>0); } $sl->show_last(); print STDERR "\n\n"; } sub read_until_prompt { my $buf; my $tmp; my @lines; my $ret = ""; while(1) { $buf .= read_sock(1024); while ( $buf =~ /^(.*?)\n/m ) { dbg("LINE: '$1'\n"); push @lines, $1; $ret .= "$1\n"; $buf =~ s/^(.*?)\n//m; } dbg("BUF: '$buf'\n"); if ( $buf =~ /^(Agent|Proxy|\?)> / ) { dbg("PROMPT: '$buf'\n"); return wantarray ? @lines : $ret; } } } sub init { if ( $socket ) { close $socket; } $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $opt_host, PeerPort => $opt_port, Proto => 'tcp'); if (!$socket) { die "Can't connect to $opt_host:$opt_port: $!"; } my @greeting = read_until_prompt(); } sub read_sock { my ($len) = @_; my $buf; my $ret = sysread($socket, $buf, $len); if (!defined $ret) { die "Error reading $len bytes from socket: $!"; } if ( $ret == 0 ) { die "Socket unexpectedly closed when trying to read $len bytes"; } dbg("READ: '$buf', length $ret\n"); return $buf; } sub write_sock { my ($data) = @_; dbg("SEND: '$data'\n"); my $written = 0; my $total = length($data); while($written < $total) { my $ret = syswrite($socket, $data, $total, $written); if (!$ret) { die "Error writing '$data' to socket: $!"; } if ( $ret == 0 ) { die "Socket closed when writing '$data' to socket"; } $written += $ret; } } sub send_cmd { my ($cmd) = @_; write_sock("$cmd\n"); } sub dbg { my ($str) = @_; if ( $opt_debug ) { $str =~ s/[^[:print:]\r\n\t]/./g; print STDERR $str; } } package StatusLine; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { prev_len => 0 }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub set { my ($self, $str) = @_; my $now = [gettimeofday()]; $self->{last_str} = $str; if ( !defined $self->{prev_time} || tv_interval($self->{prev_time}, $now) >= 0.1 ) { print STDERR "\r" . (" " x $self->{prev_len}) . "\r$str"; $self->{prev_len} = length($str); $self->{prev_time} = $now; } } sub clear { my ($self) = @_; undef $self->{prev_time}; $self->set(""); } sub show_last { my ($self) = @_; undef $self->{prev_time}; $self->set( $self->{last_str} ) if ( $self->{last_str} ); }