NAME Arctica::Browser::WebView - Core Perl modules for the Arctica Web Browser SYNOPSIS use Arctica::Browser::WebView; DESCRIPTION Package Variables $Arctica::Browser::WebView:: . $Arctica::Browser::WebView:: . Class Methods This method does .... This method does .... Instance Methods This method does .... This method does .... Overloaded Operators Explanation on this... SEE ALSO Arctica::Telekinesis::Server, Arctica::Telekinesis::Client, Arctica::Browser::Core, Arctica::Browser::Proxy, Arctica::Browser::ToolBar, perl AUTHOR AUTHOR_FULLNAME COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Arctica Project. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of the license.