################################################################################ # _____ _ # |_ _| |_ ___ # | | | ' \/ -_) # |_| |_||_\___| # _ _ ____ _ _ # / \ _ __ ___| |_(_) ___ __ _ | _ \ _ __ ___ (_) ___ ___| |_ # / _ \ | '__/ __| __| |/ __/ _` | | |_) | '__/ _ \| |/ _ \/ __| __| # / ___ \| | | (__| |_| | (_| (_| | | __/| | | (_) | | __/ (__| |_ # /_/ \_\_| \___|\__|_|\___\__,_| |_| |_| \___// |\___|\___|\__| # |__/ # The Arctica Modular Remote Computing Framework # ################################################################################ # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 The Arctica Project # http://http://arctica-project.org/ # # This code is dual licensed: strictly GPL-2 or AGPL-3+ # # GPL-2 # ----- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # AGPL-3+ # ------- # This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This programm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Guangzhou Nianguan Electronics Technology Co.Ltd. # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Mike Gabriel # ################################################################################ package Arctica::Core::Mother::Forker; use strict; use Arctica::Core::eventInit qw( genARandom BugOUT ); use Data::Dumper; use Exporter qw(import); ## Be very selective about what (if any) gets exported by default: our @EXPORT = qw(); ## And be mindfull of what we lett the caller request here too: our @EXPORT_OK = qw(); use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h mkfifo); use FileHandle; use IO::Pty; my $arctica_core_object; # A BUNCH OF CLEANUP STUFF IS MISSING RIGHT NOW # CLEANUP WHEN CHILD TERMINATES AND ON "DESTROY" # FIX THAT SOON AND REMOVE THIS TEXT WHEN ITS DONE sub new { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker new->ENTER"); my $class_name = $_[0];# Be EXPLICIT!! DON'T SHIFT OR "@_"; $arctica_core_object = $_[1]; my $the_tmpdir = $arctica_core_object->{'a_dirs'}{'tmp_adir'}; my $dev_conf = $_[2]; if (lc($dev_conf->{'fork_style'}) =~ /^(interactive_pty)$/) { # There may be future options for other ways of going about forking... # But hopefully the interavtive_pty method will be a good universal approach for most $dev_conf->{'fork_style'} = $1; BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker fork_style is $dev_conf->{'fork_style'}"); } else { die("Mother::Forker Unknown fork_style: '$dev_conf->{'fork_style'}'"); } my $self = { dummydata => {# RM this junk before public release! somevalue => 321, otherinfo => "The Other INFO!", }, child_name => $dev_conf->{'child_name'}, fork_style => $dev_conf->{'fork_style'}, isArctica => 1, # Declare that this is a Arctica "something" aobject_name => "MForker_Child", }; if (-x $dev_conf->{'exec_path'}) { if ($dev_conf->{'exec_path'} =~ /^\//) {# Not M$ Windoz friendly... deal with that later... $self->{'exec_path'} = $dev_conf->{'exec_path'}; BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker exec_path is $self->{'exec_path'}"); } else { die("We're only going to fork stuff you provide a full path for. ('$dev_conf->{'exec_path'}'!?!?)"); } } else { die("$dev_conf->{'exec_path'} is not executable!"); } if ($dev_conf->{'exec_cl_argv'}) {# add some sanity checks and whatnot here? BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker We got command line arguments for child!"); $self->{'exec_cl_argv'} = $dev_conf->{'exec_cl_argv'}; } if ($dev_conf->{'return_stdin'} eq 1) { $self->{'stdin'} = 1; } if ($dev_conf->{'handle_stdeoc'}) {# combine ERR and OUT EOC = "Err+Out Combined" if ($dev_conf->{'handle_stdout'} or $dev_conf->{'handle_stderr'}) { die("You can't have a combo STEOC and individual ERR and OUT handlers"); } BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker Combining STDERR into STDOUT"); $self->{'handle_stdeoc'} = $dev_conf->{'handle_stdeoc'}; } else { if ($dev_conf->{'handle_stdout'}) { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker Individual handler for STDOUT"); $self->{'handle_stdout'} = $dev_conf->{'handle_stdout'}; } else { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker No handler for STDOUT"); } if ($dev_conf->{'handle_stderr'}) { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker Individual handler for STDERR"); $self->{'handle_stderr'} = $dev_conf->{'handle_stderr'}; } else { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker No handler for STDERR"); } } if ($dev_conf-> {'handle_death'}) { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker GoT handler for DEATH of forked child"); $self->{'handle_death'} = $dev_conf->{'handle_death'}; } else { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker No handler for DEATH of forked child"); } $self->{'child_aid'} = genARandom('id'); bless($self, $class_name);# Blessed be thy object. # Then append our self to the ACO tree: $arctica_core_object->{'aobj'}{'MForker'}{$self->{'child_aid'}} = \$self; # START dealing with ENV here. if ($dev_conf->{'env_strict'}) { $self->{'env_strict'} = 1; if ($dev_conf->{'env_pass'}) { $self->{'env_pass'} = $dev_conf->{'env_pass'}; } } if ($dev_conf->{'env_set'}) { $self->{'env_set'} = $dev_conf->{'env_set'}; } # DONE dealing with ENV here. if ($dev_conf->{'exec_hold'} eq 1) {# Not executing yet, eh? BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker exec_hold requested!!"); } else {# Executing right away, huh!? BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker NO HOLD requested, executing now..."); $self->run_child(); } $self->_chkncreatedir(); return $self; } sub run_child { BugOUT(8,"Mother::Forker about to run_child..."); my $self = $_[0]; $self->_afork_ipty(); } sub _afork_ipty { my $self = $_[0]; my $main_pty = IO::Pty->new; $main_pty->set_raw();# WE DONT WANT ECHOING OF WHAT WE SEND... my $errpipe; if ($self->{'handle_stderr'}) { $errpipe = $self->_create_pipe($self->{'handle_stderr'}); } unless ($self->{'child_pid'} = fork) { # START OF THE FORKING CHILD $ENV{LANG} = "C";# We wan't to be dealing with the child in English my $slave_pty = $main_pty->slave; $main_pty->make_slave_controlling_terminal(); # $main_pty->slave->clone_winsize_from(\*STDIN); STDOUT->autoflush(1);# These three sometimes makes a difference. STDERR->autoflush(1);# Other times they don't... STDIN->autoflush(1); # Depending on the child?!? at least causes no problems. my $slave_pty_fn = $slave_pty->fileno; open STDIN, "<&$slave_pty_fn" or die $!; if ($self->{'handle_stdeoc'}) { open STDOUT, ">&$slave_pty_fn" or die $!; open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die $!; } else { open STDOUT, ">&$slave_pty_fn" or die $!; if ($self->{'handle_stderr'}) { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker Sending STDERR to fifopipe $errpipe"); open(STDERR, ">$errpipe") or die($!); } else { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker Sending STDERR to /dev/null"); open(STDERR, ">/dev/null") or die($!); } } my @cl_args;# Move this whole following code chunk out of the child??? if ($self->{'exec_cl_argv'}) { foreach my $the_arg (@{$self->{'exec_cl_argv'}}) { # do some sanitation here? push @cl_args, $the_arg; } } # START dealing with ENV here. if ($self->{'env_strict'}) {# Yay! Strict ENV! foreach my $key (sort keys %ENV) { if (($key =~ /^A\_/) and ($self->{'env_pass'}{'ARCTICA'} eq 1)) { # Probably do nothing here!?! } elsif ($self->{'env_pass'}{$key} eq 1) { # Probably do nothing here!?! } else { $ENV{$key} = undef; delete($ENV{$key}); } } } if ($self->{'env_set'}) { foreach my $key (keys $self->{'env_set'}) { $ENV{$key} = $self->{'env_set'}{$key}; } } # DONE dealing with ENV here. exec($self->{'exec_path'},@cl_args); # END OF THE FORKING CHILD } if ($self->{'child_pid'} > 0) { BugOUT(8,"Mother::Forker child PID is: $self->{'child_pid'}"); $self->{'glib_tnw'}{'reaper_of_zombie_children'} = Glib::Timeout->add(500, sub {\$self->_is_child_alive();}, undef, 1 ); if ($self->{'stdin'} eq 1) { $self->{'stdin'} = $main_pty; } if ($self->{'handle_stdeoc'}) { $self->{'glib_tnw'}{'stderr_and_out'} = Glib::IO->add_watch( fileno( $main_pty ), ['in', 'hup','err'], sub {\$self->_input_reader($main_pty,$self->{'handle_stdeoc'},$_[0],$_[1],$_[2]);}); BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker combined STD OUT/ERR watcher initiated."); } else { if ($self->{'handle_stdout'}) { $self->{'glib_tnw'}{'stdout'} = Glib::IO->add_watch( fileno( $main_pty ), ['in', 'hup','err'], sub {\$self->_input_reader($main_pty,$self->{'handle_stdout'},$_[0],$_[1],$_[2]);}); BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker STDOUT watcher initiated."); } else { # Apparently we need to pretend to do something with STDOUT to keep everything happy... $self->{'glib_tnw'}{'stdout'} = Glib::IO->add_watch( fileno( $main_pty ), ['in', 'hup','err'], sub {\$self->_input_reader($main_pty,sub {},$_[0],$_[1],$_[2]);}); BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker watching STDOUT but doing nothing."); } # if ($self->{'handle_stderr'}) { # This is already being taken care of by the pipe plumber.. # Do nothing here? remove this chunk before release?!!? # print "INSERT ERRPIPE STUFF HERE!\n"; # } } } else { warn("FAIL TO FORK!");# The application using this module may want to try to recover from this.. or not?!? } } sub _is_child_alive {# Ideally you should catch deaths before this do... # Could this be done more efficient and pretty? my $self = $_[0]; my $thekill = kill(0,$self->{'child_pid'}); if ($thekill > 0) { foreach my $zpid (ZombieSlayer()) { $zpid =~ s/\D//g; if ($zpid eq $self->{'child_pid'}) { BugOUT(8,"Mother::Forker child appear to be dead..."); $self->limpiador_de_la_muerte(); } } } else { # insert the call for cleanup here too? } } sub limpiador_de_la_muerte { my $self = $_[0]; if ($self->{'dead'} ne 1) {# Death may be noticed multiple places... $self->{'dead'} = 1;# Prevents multiple cleanup instances... my $death_handler; if ($self->{'handle_death'}) { $death_handler = $self->{'handle_death'}; } # Glib::Source->remove($self->{'glib_timeout'});# THESE TWO NEED TO GO... # Glib::Source->remove($self->{'glib_watcher'});# foreach of $self->{'glib_tnw'} instead... # Not that it's really needed.... explicitly cleaning shit up never hurt nobody... if ($death_handler) { $death_handler->("AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WERE DEAD!!!"); } return 0; } } sub send { my $self = $_[0]; if ($self->{'stdin'} and ($self->{'dead'} ne 1)) { my $bytes_written = syswrite($self->{'stdin'},"$_[1]\n") or warn("Mother::Forker fail to write to childs STDIN"); $self->{'stdin'}->flush;# REDUNDANT!? if ($bytes_written > 0) { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker $bytes_written bytes Written to childs STDIN") } else { if (lenght($_[1]) > 0) { warn("Mother::Forker fail to write to childs STDIN"); } else { warn("Mother::Forker WTF?!"); } } } else { warn("Mother::Forker write: Did not write a damn thing!"); } } sub _input_reader { my $self = $_[0]; my $read_fd = $_[1]; my $handler_function = $_[2]; # print "$read_fd\t$_[3]\t$_[4]\t$_[5]\n\n";# don't forget to either remove this or turn it into a bugout my $buffer; my $bytesread = sysread($read_fd,$buffer,8192); if ($bytesread > 0) { foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $buffer)) { $line =~ s/\n//g; unless ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { $handler_function->($line); } else { # print "GOT EMPTY LINE\n"; } } } return 1; } sub _create_pipe { my $self = $_[0]; my $handler_function = $_[1]; if ($handler_function) { my $fullpath2 = $self->_chkncreatedir(); my $pipeid = genARandom('id'); my $pipeFH = FileHandle->new; mkfifo("$fullpath2/$pipeid.fifo",0700); open($pipeFH,"+<$fullpath2/$pipeid.fifo"); $pipeFH->autoflush(1); $self->{'glib_tnw'}{"fifo_$pipeid"} = Glib::IO->add_watch($pipeFH->fileno, [qw/in/], sub {\$self->_input_reader($pipeFH,$handler_function,$_[0],$_[1],$_[2]);} ,$pipeFH); return "$fullpath2/$pipeid.fifo"; } else { die("Mother::Forker did you forget to specify a handler func?"); } } sub log_slurper {# create pipe we can declare as log file. my $self = $_[0]; my $handler_function = $_[1]; if ($handler_function) { unless (($self->{'dead'} eq 1) and ($self->{'child_pid'} > 0)) { print "SLURP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOM NOM NOM.....\n"; my $pipe_path = $self->_create_pipe($handler_function); if (-p $pipe_path) { return $pipe_path; } else { die("Mother::Forker Unable to create pipe"); } } else { die("Mother::Forker Slurper must be initated before exec!"); } } } sub clargv_append { my $self = $_[0]; my $new_clargv = $_[1]; unless ($new_clargv =~ /^\s*$/) { unless (($self->{'dead'} eq 1) and ($self->{'child_pid'} > 0)) { push $self->{'exec_cl_argv'}, $new_clargv; } else { die("Mother::Forker Must append cl_argv before exec!"); } } } sub new_blank_file { my $self = $_[0]; my $options = $_[1]; my $full_path = $self->_chkncreatedir('files'); if (-d $full_path) { my $file_id = genARandom('id'); my $fext = "file"; if ($options->{'_configfile'} eq 1) { $fext = "conf"; } if (($options->{'_configfile'} ne 1) and ($options->{'create'} eq 1)) { open(EMPTY,">$full_path/$file_id.$fext") or die("Mother::Forker Can't create file: '$full_path/$file_id.$fext' ($!)"); close(EMPTY); BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker created empty file: '$full_path/$file_id.$fext'"); } else { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker got path for new file: '$full_path/$file_id.$fext'"); } if (lc($options->{'name'}) =~ /^([a-z]{1,16})$/) { $self->{'Files'}{$file_id}{'name'} = $1; } $self->{'Files'}{$file_id}{'path'} = "$full_path/$file_id.$fext"; $self->{'Files'}{$file_id}{'fext'} = $fext; return "$full_path/$file_id.$fext"; } else { die("Mother::Forker Directory '$full_path' does not exist?!"); } } sub new_empty_dir { my $self = $_[0]; my $options = $_[1]; my $full_path = $self->_chkncreatedir('dirs'); if (-d $full_path) { my $dir_id = genARandom('id'); if (lc($options->{'name'}) =~ /^([a-z]{1,16})$/) { $self->{'Dirs'}{$dir_id}{'name'} = $1; } mkdir("$full_path/$dir_id") or die("Mother::Forker Can't create dir '$full_path/$dir_id' ($!)"); $self->{'Dirs'}{$dir_id}{'path'} = "$full_path/$dir_id"; BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker created empty dir '$self->{'Dirs'}{$dir_id}{'path'}'"); return "$full_path/$dir_id"; } else { die("Mother::Forker Directory '$full_path' does not exist?!"); } } sub cfg_file_init { my $self = $_[0]; my $options = $_[1]; if ($options->{'blob'}) {# complete blob BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker cfg_file_init BLOB"); # This will be for when you'd want to just supply a whole config file blob # rather than using the config template functions die("BLOB CONF Not yet!!"); } elsif ($options->{'template'}) {# use template if ((-f $options->{'template'}) and ($options->{'template'} =~ /^\//)) { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker cfg_file_init TEMPLATE: '$options->{'template'}'"); open(ACNFT,$options->{'template'}); my ($first_line,@file_content) = ; close(ACNFT); if (uc($first_line) =~ /ACNFT\_START/) { my $cfg_id = genARandom('id'); # $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'} # my %decvars; my $var_dec; ($var_dec,$self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'template'},undef) = split(/\#{6,}\n/,"@file_content"); foreach my $varline (split(/\n/,$var_dec)) { $varline =~ s/^\s*//g; $varline =~ s/\s*$//g; if ($varline =~ /^(\d)\;([a-z0-9]{1,16})\;([A-Z0-9\_]{3,32})\=(.*)$/) { $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$3}{'value'} = $4; if ($1 eq 0) { $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$3}{'req'} = 0; } else { $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$3}{'req'} = 1; } if ($2 eq 0) { $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$3}{'sanitation'} = 0; } else { # ADD SOME SANITATION STUFF HERE? die("Mother::Forker cfg_file_init '$2' is not a valid sanitation rule"); } } else { if (length($varline) > 0) { warn("Mother::Forker cfg_file_init not a valid vardec: '$varline'"); # print "NOT A VALID VARDEC LINE?!\n"; } } } # @file_content = undef;$var_dec = undef; $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'file_path'} = $self->new_blank_file({ _configfile => 1, create => 0, }); $self->_cfg_file_template_prep_vars($cfg_id,$options->{'vars'},1,0); if ($options->{'handle_cfg_change'}) { $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'handle_cfg_change'} = $options->{'handle_cfg_change'}; } return $cfg_id; } else { die("Mother::Forker '$options->{'template'}' does not appear to be a ACNFT file?!?"); } } else { die("Mother::Forker cfg template must be full path to existing file!"); } } else { die("Mother::Forker cfg file must be either 'blob' or 'template'!"); } } sub cfg_file_chval {# update existing config file.... maybe trigger some signaling? my $self = $_[0]; my $cfg_id = $_[1]; my $new_confv = $_[2]; if ($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}) { if (($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'template'}) and (ref($new_confv) eq "HASH")) { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker cfg_file_chval template style."); $self->_cfg_file_template_prep_vars($cfg_id,$new_confv,1,1); } elsif ($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'blob'}) { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker cfg_file_chval blob style."); die("Mother::Forke blobs not supportet ATM.. :-("); } else { die("Mother::Forker something is probably messed up!"); } } else { warn("Mother::Forker '$cfg_id' is not a valid cfg file id"); } # if (reg($new_values) eq "HASH") #mostly relying on _cfg_file_template_prep_vars for template based files #conf blobs not a pri at the moment } sub _cfg_file_template_prep_vars { my $self = $_[0]; my $cfg_id = $_[1]; my $in_vars = $_[2]; my $writefile = $_[3]; my $trigger_call = $_[4]; if ($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'template'}) { foreach my $inv_key (keys $in_vars) { # if (length($in_vars->{$inv_key}) > 0) {# need to allow empty values my $uc_key = uc($inv_key); if ($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$uc_key}) { if ($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$uc_key}{'sanitation'} eq 0) { unless (($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$uc_key}{'req'} eq 1) and (length($in_vars->{$inv_key}) < 1)) { $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$uc_key}{'value'} = $in_vars->{$inv_key}; } else { warn("Mother::Forker _cfg_file_template_prep_vars required var '$inv_key' can not be set to empty value!"); } } else { # Insert some santiation functions here at some point? die("BUT FOR NOW... WE DIE HERE!"); } } else { warn("Mother::Forker invalid cfg var '$inv_key'!"); } # }# need to allow empty values } if (($writefile eq 1) and ($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'file_path'} =~ /^\//)) { my $template = $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'template'}; foreach my $key (keys $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}) { if ($template =~ /\$\$ACV\-$key\$\$/) { # my $value = $decvars{$key}{'value'}; # print "FOUND MATCH: $1 $value\n"; unless (($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$key}{'req'} eq 1) and (length($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$key}{'value'}) < 1)) { $template =~ s/\$\$ACV\-$key\$\$/$self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'pdv'}{$key}{'value'}/g } else { warn("Mother::Forker _cfg_file_template_prep_vars required var '$key' can not be set to empty value!"); } } else { warn("Mother::Forker _cfg_file_template_prep_vars no match in template for '$key'!"); } } if ($template =~ /\$\$ACV\-[A-Z0-9\_]{3,32}\$\$/) { $template =~ s/\$\$ACV\-[A-Z0-9\_]{3,32}\$\$//g; warn("Mother::Forker _cfg_file_template_prep_vars leftover placeholder(s) in template!"); } open(CFG,">$self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'file_path'}") or die("Mother::Forker _cfg_file_template_prep_vars UNABLE to write to file '$self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'file_path'}' ($!)"); foreach my $cfg_line (split(/\n/, $template)) { $cfg_line =~ s/^\s*//g; $cfg_line =~ s/\s*$//g; unless ($cfg_line =~ /^\s*$/) { print CFG "$cfg_line\n"; } } close(CFG); if (($trigger_call eq 1) and ($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'handle_cfg_change'})) { $self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}{'handle_cfg_change'}($cfg_id); } } } else { if ($self->{'cfg_files'}{$cfg_id}) { die("Mother::Forker '$cfg_id' is not a valid cfg_id?!"); } else { die("Mother::Forker '$cfg_id' is not a template style cfg file!?!"); } } } sub _chkncreatedir { my $self = $_[0]; my $subdir = $_[1]; # Figure out what class this application is and create in appropraite place. # DONT FORGET TO SET STRICT FILE PERMS (WE GOT A SUB FOR THAT!!) my $full_path = $arctica_core_object->{'a_dirs'}{'tmp_adir'}; unless (-d $full_path) { mkdir($full_path) or die("Could not create directory: '$full_path' ($!)"); } $full_path .= "/foobar";# This is probably where we would want to so something based on application class. unless (-d $full_path) { mkdir($full_path) or die("Could not create directory: '$full_path' ($!)"); } $full_path .= "/$arctica_core_object->{'AExecDeclaration'}{'self_aID'}.apd"; unless (-d $full_path) { mkdir($full_path) or die("Could not create directory: '$full_path' ($!)"); } $full_path .= "/children"; unless (-d $full_path) { mkdir($full_path) or die("Could not create directory: '$full_path' ($!)"); } $full_path .= "/$self->{'child_aid'}.cld"; unless (-d $full_path) { mkdir($full_path) or die("Could not create directory: '$full_path' ($!)"); } if ($subdir eq "files") { $full_path .= "/files/"; unless (-d $full_path) { mkdir($full_path) or die("Could not create directory: '$full_path' ($!)"); } } elsif ($subdir eq "dirs") { $full_path .= "/dirs/"; unless (-d $full_path) { mkdir($full_path) or die("Could not create directory: '$full_path' ($!)"); } } if (-d $full_path) { return $full_path; } else { return 0; } } #sub _check_n_remove_dirĀ { $self = $_[0];} sub signal { my $self = $_[0]; my $signal = uc($_[1]); # signal the child if its running... # Obviously we'll do something with "kill" here... # playing with a few options. if (($signal =~ /^(\-?[A-Z]*)$/) or ($signal =~ /^(\-?\d*)$/)) { $signal = $1; # add some future signal sanitation? if ($self->{'child_pid'}) { if (kill(0,$self->{'child_pid'}) and ($self->{'dead'} ne 1)) { BugOUT(9,"Mother::Forker sending '$signal' to PID#$self->{'child_pid'}"); kill($signal,$self->{'child_pid'}) or warn("Mother::Forker unable to signal child PID#$self->{'child_pid'} ($!)"); } else { warn("Mother::Forker unable to signal child PID#$self->{'child_pid'} ($self->{'dead'})"); } } else { warn("Mother::Forker NO child PID? So... we're unable to signal child, did it ever run?)"); } } else { die("Mother::Forker signal '$signal' is invalid or not supported."); } } sub ZombieSlayer {# This one may be usefull for external use too... # usleep(1000);# Give stuff a remote chance of actually being zombified... and if not.... not really a big deal.. my $zombID = 1; my $maxCnt = 0;# Just for those unforseen, unlikely events when '$zombID' would never free us from the while loop. my @zombieList; while (($zombID > 0) and ($maxCnt < 100)) { $maxCnt++; $zombID = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); if ($zombID > 0) { push @zombieList, $zombID; } } return @zombieList; } sub DESTROY { my $self = $_[0]; warn("Mother::Forker DESTROY object $self->{'child_id'}"); } 1;