################################################################################ # _____ _ # |_ _| |_ ___ # | | | ' \/ -_) # |_| |_||_\___| # _ _ ____ _ _ # / \ _ __ ___| |_(_) ___ __ _ | _ \ _ __ ___ (_) ___ ___| |_ # / _ \ | '__/ __| __| |/ __/ _` | | |_) | '__/ _ \| |/ _ \/ __| __| # / ___ \| | | (__| |_| | (_| (_| | | __/| | | (_) | | __/ (__| |_ # /_/ \_\_| \___|\__|_|\___\__,_| |_| |_| \___// |\___|\___|\__| # |__/ # The Arctica Modular Remote Computing Framework # ################################################################################ # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 The Arctica Project # http://http://arctica-project.org/ # # This code is dual licensed: strictly GPL-2 or AGPL-3+ # # GPL-2 # ----- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # AGPL-3+ # ------- # This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This programm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Guangzhou Nianguan Electronics Technology Co.Ltd. # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Mike Gabriel # ################################################################################ package Arctica::Core::ManageDirs; use strict; use Exporter qw(import); use Arctica::Core::Basics; use Arctica::Core::BugOUT::Basics qw( BugOUT ); use File::stat; use Data::Dumper;# Remove this before release! (unless we're still dependant) # Be very selective about what (if any) gets exported by default: our @EXPORT = qw( new check_for_rtail_dir permZealot ); # And be mindfull of what we lett the caller request here too: our @EXPORT_OK = qw( ); my %_CONF; sub new { BugOUT(9,"ManageDir->new ENTER\n"); my $class_name = $_[0];# Be EXPLICIT!! DON'T SHIFT OR "@_"; my $DefaultTMP = "/tmp";# Load from Config? my $self = { isArctica => 1, # Declare that this is a Arctica "something" }; if ((-d $ENV{'HOME'}) and (user_owns_it($ENV{'HOME'}))) { my $check_arctica_home = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.arctica"; if ($check_arctica_home =~ /^(.*\/\.arctica)$/) { $check_arctica_home = $1; } unless (-d $check_arctica_home) { mkdir($check_arctica_home) or die("ManageDirs: Fail to create .arctica 'HOME' directory"); } permZealot($check_arctica_home); if (check_secure_permissions($check_arctica_home)) { $self->{'home_adir'} = $check_arctica_home; } else { die("ManageDirs: Unable to initiate .arctica HOME dir"); } } else {die("The user is a homeless bum...");} if (-d $DefaultTMP) { if (my $gotDir = check_for_rtail_dir($DefaultTMP)) { # GOT DIR... LETS WORK WITH THAT.... if (-d "$DefaultTMP/$gotDir") { BugOUT(9,"Found existing ADir: '$gotDir'"); $self->{'tmp_adir'} = "$DefaultTMP/$gotDir"; } else { die("Retesting full path failed: \"$DefaultTMP/$gotDir\""); } } else { BugOUT(9,"No ADir, lets create a new one!"); my $gotDir = create_new_adir($DefaultTMP); if (-d "$DefaultTMP/$gotDir") { BugOUT(9,"Verified creation of: '$gotDir'"); $self->{'tmp_adir'} = "$DefaultTMP/$gotDir"; } else { die("Retesting full path failed: \"$DefaultTMP/$gotDir\""); } } } else {die("No TMP? ( $DefaultTMP )");} BugOUT(9,"ManageDir->new END\n"); return $self; } sub permZealot { # IF WE CAN'T SET SECURE PERMISSIONS... DIE! my $the_path = $_[0]; $the_path =~ s/\n//g; if (-f $the_path) { chmod(0600,$the_path) or die("permZealot: Can't set permissions on \"$the_path\"!"); unless (check_secure_permissions($the_path)) { die("permZealot Can't verify permissions on \"$the_path\"!"); } BugOUT(9,"permZealot-> set chmod 0600 for file $the_path"); } elsif (-d $the_path) { chmod(0700,$the_path) or die("permZealot: Can't set permissions on \"$the_path\"!"); unless (check_secure_permissions($the_path)) { die("permZealot: Can't verify permissions on \"$the_path\"!"); } BugOUT(9,"permZealot-> set chmod 0600 for dir $the_path"); } elsif (-S $the_path) { chmod(0700,$the_path) or die("permZealot: Can't set permissions on \"$the_path\"!"); unless (check_secure_permissions($the_path)) { die("permZealot: Can't verify permissions on \"$the_path\"!"); } BugOUT(9,"permZealot-> set chmod 0600 for socket $the_path"); } else { die("permZealot: Failed to set permissions on \"$the_path\"!"); } } sub create_new_adir { BugOUT(9,"Entering 'create_new_adir'"); my $the_tmp_dir = $_[0]; my $the_sanetized_username = make_sane_userdir_name(); my $the_random_dirtail = genARandom('dirtail',16); my $potential_new_adir = ".arctica\-$the_sanetized_username\-$the_random_dirtail"; unless (-d "$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir") { mkdir("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir") or die("Unable to create '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir'"); permZealot("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir"); mkdir("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/cli") or die("Unable to create '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/cli'"); permZealot("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/cli"); mkdir("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/ses") or die("Unable to create '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/ses'"); permZealot("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/ses"); mkdir("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/con") or die("Unable to create '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/con'"); permZealot("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/con"); mkdir("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc") or die("Unable to create '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc'"); permZealot("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc"); mkdir("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/local/") or die("Unable to create '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/local/'"); permZealot("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/local/"); mkdir("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/remote/") or die("Unable to create '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/remote/'"); permZealot("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/remote/"); mkdir("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/remote/in/") or die("Unable to create '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/remote/in/'"); permZealot("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/remote/in/"); mkdir("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/remote/out/") or die("Unable to create '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/remote/out/'"); permZealot("$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir/soc/remote/out/"); BugOUT(8,"create_new_adir: all seems ok, returning '$potential_new_adir'"); return $potential_new_adir; } else { die("Realizing '$the_tmp_dir/$potential_new_adir' already exist?!"); } BugOUT(9,"Unexpected end of 'create_new_adir'"); } sub check_for_rtail_dir { my $check_in_dir = $_[0]; my $the_sanetized_username = make_sane_userdir_name(); if (-d $check_in_dir) { my @potential_dirs; my $dir_to_use; opendir(CHKDIR, $check_in_dir) or die("could not read \"$check_in_dir\""); while (readdir(CHKDIR)) { my $chk_dir = $_; if (-d "$check_in_dir/$chk_dir") { if ($chk_dir =~ /^\.arctica\-([a-zA-Z0-9\_]*)\-([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$/) { my $d_usrname = $1; my $d_rndtail = $2; if ($the_sanetized_username eq $d_usrname) { my $sanetized_dir_name = ".arctica-$d_usrname-$d_rndtail"; if (user_owns_it("$check_in_dir/$sanetized_dir_name")) { push @potential_dirs, $sanetized_dir_name; } else { warn("check_for_rtail_dir: ", "wonky ownership of $sanetized_dir_name"); } } } else { # ADD SOME DEBUGGING STUFF HERE?! # print " POFS: $_\n"; } } } closedir(CHKDIR); my $pdircnt = @potential_dirs; my $pdmtime = 0; if ($pdircnt > 0) { if ($pdircnt > 1) { warn("check_for_rtail_dir: more than one tmp dir?"); } # Pick the one with highest mtime.... foreach my $pdir (@potential_dirs) { $pdir =~ s/[\s\n]//g; if (-d "$check_in_dir/$pdir") { my $mtime = stat("$check_in_dir/$pdir")->mtime; if ($mtime > $pdmtime) { $pdmtime = $mtime; $dir_to_use = $pdir; } } } if (-d "$check_in_dir/$dir_to_use") { return $dir_to_use; } else { warn("check_for_rtail_dir: no existing dirs found!"); return 0; } } else { warn("check_for_rtail_dir: no existing dirs found!"); return 0; } } else { die("rtail check fail! This is not a dir: \"$check_in_dir\""); } } sub check_secure_permissions { my $the_path = $_[0]; BugOUT(9,"check_secure_permissions for $the_path"); $the_path =~ s/\n//g; if (user_owns_it($the_path)) { my $file_stat = stat($the_path); if (-f $the_path) { if ($file_stat->mode ne 33152) { warn("Insecure permissions for \"$the_path\" ", "(",$file_stat->mode,")\n"); return 0; } else { return 1; } } elsif (-d $the_path) { if ($file_stat->mode ne 16832) { warn("Insecure permissions for \"$the_path\" ", "(",$file_stat->mode,")\n"); return 0; } else { return 1; } } elsif (-S $the_path) { if ($file_stat->mode ne 49600) { warn("Insecure permissions for \"$the_path\" ", "(",$file_stat->mode,")\n"); return 0; } else { return 1; } } else { warn("Failed to check permissions for \"$the_path\"!"); return 0; } } else { return 0; } } sub user_owns_it { my $the_path = $_[0]; $the_path =~ s/\n//g; BugOUT(9,"check user_owns_it $the_path"); my $the_user = $_[1]; if (-e $the_path) { unless ($the_user) { $the_user = $ENV{'USER'}; } my $file_stat = stat($the_path); if (getpwuid($file_stat->uid) eq $the_user) { return 1; } else { warn("user_owns_it, $the_path is owned by ", getpwuid($file_stat->uid)," not $the_user !\n"); return 0; } } else { warn("user_owns_it, can't find: $the_path !\n"); return 0; } } sub make_sane_userdir_name { my $name = $ENV{'USER'}; BugOUT(9,"make_sane_userdir_name for '$name'"); $name =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/sprintf("_%x",ord($1))/egi; if ($name =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\_]*)$/) { $name = $1; return $name; } else { die("make_sane_userdir_name: sanitation of '$ENV{'USER'}/$name' FAILED!"); } } 1;