path: root/mesalib/docs/MESA_texture_signed_rgba.spec
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authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2013-06-04 09:07:26 +0200
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2013-06-04 09:48:59 +0200
commitfd2b28971a2afbf54b6cb641aa6a2d5e940a1450 (patch)
tree1b103a8b2114125ffa8d79827d931aba3744a0d2 /mesalib/docs/MESA_texture_signed_rgba.spec
parent62a1ce0583cf41c173f4edb91511430b552e04da (diff)
xwininfo fontconfig libX11 libXau libXdmcp libXext mesa libXinerama libxcb libxcb/xcb-proto libfontenc pixman xkbcomp mkfontscale xkeyboard-config git update 4 Jun 2013
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Diffstat (limited to 'mesalib/docs/MESA_texture_signed_rgba.spec')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/mesalib/docs/MESA_texture_signed_rgba.spec b/mesalib/docs/MESA_texture_signed_rgba.spec
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--- a/mesalib/docs/MESA_texture_signed_rgba.spec
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- MESA_texture_signed_rgba
-Name Strings
- GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba
-IP Status
- No known IP issues
- 0.3, 2009-03-24
- Not assigned ?
- Written based on the wording of the OpenGL 2.0 specification.
- This extension trivially interacts with ARB_texture_float.
- This extension shares some language with ARB_texture_compression_rgtc
- but does not depend on it.
- OpenGL prior to 3.1 does not support any signed texture formats.
- ARB_texture_compression_rgtc introduces some compressed red and
- red_green signed formats but no uncompressed ones, which might
- still be useful. NV_texture_shader adds signed texture formats,
- but also a lot of functionality which has been superseded by fragment
- shaders.
- It is usually possible to get the same functionality
- using a unsigned format by doing scale and bias in a shader, but this
- is undesirable since modern hardware has direct support for this.
- This extension adds a signed 4-channel texture format by backporting
- the relevant features from OpenGL 3.1, as a means to support this in
- OpenGL implementations only supporting older versions.
- 1) What should this extension be called?
- RESOLVED: MESA_texture_signed_rgba seems reasonable.
- The rgba part is there because only 4 channel format is supported.
- 2) Should the full set of signed formats (alpha, luminance, rgb, etc.)
- be supported?
- RESOLVED: NO. To keep this extension simple, only add the most
- universal format, rgba. alpha/luminance can't be trivially supported
- since OpenGL 3.1 does not support them any longer, and there is some
- implied dependency on ARB_texture_rg for red/red_green formats so
- avoid all this. Likewise, only 8 bits per channel is supported.
- 3) Should this extension use new enums for the texture formats?
- RESOLVED: NO. Same enums as those used in OpenGL 3.1.
- 4) How are signed integer values mapped to floating-point values?
- RESOLVED: Same as described in issue 5) of
- ARB_texture_compression_rgtc (quote):
- A signed 8-bit two's complement value X is computed to
- a floating-point value Xf with the formula:
- { X / 127.0, X > -128
- Xf = {
- { -1.0, X == -128
- This conversion means -1, 0, and +1 are all exactly representable,
- however -128 and -127 both map to -1.0. Mapping -128 to -1.0
- avoids the numerical awkwardness of have a representable value
- slightly more negative than -1.0.
- This conversion is intentionally NOT the "byte" conversion listed
- in Table 2.9 for component conversions. That conversion says:
- Xf = (2*X + 1) / 255.0
- The Table 2.9 conversion is incapable of exactly representing
- zero.
- (Difference to ARB_texture_compression_rgtc):
- This is the same mapping as OpenGL 3.1 uses.
- This is also different to what NV_texture_shader used.
- The above mapping should be considered the reference, but there
- is some leeway so other mappings are allowed for implementations which
- cannot do this. Particularly the mapping given in NV_texture_shader or
- the standard OpenGL byte/float mapping is considered acceptable too, as
- might be a mapping which represents -1.0 by -128, 0.0 by 0 and 1.0 by
- 127 (that is, uses different scale factors for negative and positive
- numbers).
- Also, it is ok to store incoming GL_BYTE user data as-is, without
- converting to GL_FLOAT (using the standard OpenGL float/byte mapping)
- and converting back (using the mapping described here).
- Other than those subtle issues there are no other non-standard
- conversions used, so when using for instance CopyTexImage2D with
- a framebuffer clamped to [0,1] all converted numbers will be in the range
- [0, 127] (and not scaled and biased).
- 5) How will signed components resulting from RGBA8_SNORM texture
- fetches interact with fragment coloring?
- RESOLVED: Same as described in issue 6) of
- ARB_texture_compression_rgtc (quote):
- The specification language for this extension is silent
- about clamping behavior leaving this to the core specification
- and other extensions. The clamping or lack of clamping is left
- to the core specification and other extensions.
- For assembly program extensions supporting texture fetches
- (ARB_fragment_program, NV_fragment_program, NV_vertex_program3,
- etc.) or the OpenGL Shading Language, these signed formats will
- appear as expected with unclamped signed components as a result
- of a texture fetch instruction.
- If ARB_color_buffer_float is supported, its clamping controls
- will apply.
- NV_texture_shader extension, if supported, adds support for
- fixed-point textures with signed components and relaxed the
- fixed-function texture environment clamping appropriately. If the
- NV_texture_shader extension is supported, its specified behavior
- for the texture environment applies where intermediate values
- are clamped to [-1,1] unless stated otherwise as in the case
- of explicitly clamped to [0,1] for GL_COMBINE. or clamping the
- linear interpolation weight to [0,1] for GL_DECAL and GL_BLEND.
- Otherwise, the conventional core texture environment clamps
- incoming, intermediate, and output color components to [0,1].
- This implies that the conventional texture environment
- functionality of unextended OpenGL 1.5 or OpenGL 2.0 without
- using GLSL (and with none of the extensions referred to above)
- is unable to make proper use of the signed texture formats added
- by this extension because the conventional texture environment
- requires texture source colors to be clamped to [0,1]. Texture
- filtering of these signed formats would be still signed, but
- negative values generated post-filtering would be clamped to
- zero by the core texture environment functionality. The
- expectation is clearly that this extension would be co-implemented
- with one of the previously referred to extensions or used with
- GLSL for the new signed formats to be useful.
- 6) Should the RGBA_SNORM tokens also be accepted by CopyTexImage
- functions?
- 7) What to do with GetTexParameter if ARB_texture_float is supported,
- in particular what datatype should this return for TEXTURE_RED_TYPE_ARB,
- RESOLVED: ARB_texture_float states type is either NONE,
- UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED_ARB, or FLOAT. This extension adds a new enum,
- SIGNED_NORMALIZED, which will be returned accordingly. This is the
- same behaviour as in OpenGL 3.1.
-New Tokens
- Accepted by the <internalformat> parameter of
- TexImage1D, TexImage2D, TexImage3D, CopyTexImage1D, and CopyTexImage2D:
- RGBA8_SNORM 0x8F97
- Returned by the <params> parameter of GetTexLevelParameter:
-Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Rasterization):
- -- Section 3.8.1, Texture Image Specification
- Add to Table 3.16 (page 154): Sized internal formats
- Sized Base R G B A L I D
- Internal Format Internal Format bits bits bits bits bits bits bits
- --------------- --------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
- RGBA8_SNORM RGBA 8 8 8 8 0 0 0
-Dependencies on ARB_texture_float extension:
- If ARB_texture_float is supported, GetTexParameter queries with <value>
- the base internal format is RGBA_SNORM.