path: root/mesalib/src/glsl/nir/nir_opcodes.py
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authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2015-02-22 14:31:16 +0100
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2015-02-22 14:31:16 +0100
commitf1c2db43dcf35d2cf4715390bd2391c28e42a8c2 (patch)
tree46b537271afe0f6534231b1bd4cc4f91ae1fb446 /mesalib/src/glsl/nir/nir_opcodes.py
parent5e5a48ff8cd08f123601cd0625ca62a86675aac9 (diff)
xwininfo fontconfig libX11 libXdmcp libfontenc libxcb libxcb/xcb-proto mesalib xserver xkeyboard-config mkfontscale git update 22 Feb 2015
xserver commit 3a06faf3fcdb7451125a46181f9152e8e59e9770 libxcb commit e3ec1f74637237ce500dfd0ca59f2e422da4e019 libxcb/xcb-proto commit 4c550465934164aab2449a125f75f4ca07816233 xkeyboard-config commit 26f344c93f8c6141e9233eb68088ba4fd56bc9ef libX11 commit c8e19b393defd53f046ddc2da3a16881221b3c34 libXdmcp commit 9f4cac7656b221ce2a8f97e7bd31e5e23126d001 libfontenc commit de1843aaf76015c9d99416f3122d169fe331b849 mkfontscale commit 87d628f8eec170ec13bb9feefb1ce05aed07d1d6 xwininfo commit 0c49f8f2bd56b1e77721e81030ea948386dcdf4e fontconfig commit d6d5adeb7940c0d0beb86489c2a1c2ce59e5c044 mesa commit 4359954d842caa2a9f8d4b50d70ecc789884b68b
Diffstat (limited to 'mesalib/src/glsl/nir/nir_opcodes.py')
1 files changed, 591 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mesalib/src/glsl/nir/nir_opcodes.py b/mesalib/src/glsl/nir/nir_opcodes.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77f3bb826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mesalib/src/glsl/nir/nir_opcodes.py
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+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Connor Abbott
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+# Software.
+# Authors:
+# Connor Abbott (cwabbott0@gmail.com)
+# Class that represents all the information we have about the opcode
+# NOTE: this must be kept in sync with nir_op_info
+class Opcode(object):
+ """Class that represents all the information we have about the opcode
+ NOTE: this must be kept in sync with nir_op_info
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, output_size, output_type, input_sizes,
+ input_types, algebraic_properties, const_expr):
+ """Parameters:
+ - name is the name of the opcode (prepend nir_op_ for the enum name)
+ - all types are strings that get nir_type_ prepended to them
+ - input_types is a list of types
+ - algebraic_properties is a space-seperated string, where nir_op_is_ is
+ prepended before each entry
+ - const_expr is an expression or series of statements that computes the
+ constant value of the opcode given the constant values of its inputs.
+ Constant expressions are formed from the variables src0, src1, ...,
+ src(N-1), where N is the number of arguments. The output of the
+ expression should be stored in the dst variable. Per-component input
+ and output variables will be scalars and non-per-component input and
+ output variables will be a struct with fields named x, y, z, and w
+ all of the correct type. Input and output variables can be assumed
+ to already be of the correct type and need no conversion. In
+ particular, the conversion from the C bool type to/from NIR_TRUE and
+ NIR_FALSE happens automatically.
+ For per-component instructions, the entire expression will be
+ executed once for each component. For non-per-component
+ instructions, the expression is expected to store the correct values
+ in dst.x, dst.y, etc. If "dst" does not exist anywhere in the
+ constant expression, an assignment to dst will happen automatically
+ and the result will be equivalent to "dst = <expression>" for
+ per-component instructions and "dst.x = dst.y = ... = <expression>"
+ for non-per-component instructions.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(name, str)
+ assert isinstance(output_size, int)
+ assert isinstance(output_type, str)
+ assert isinstance(input_sizes, list)
+ assert isinstance(input_sizes[0], int)
+ assert isinstance(input_types, list)
+ assert isinstance(input_types[0], str)
+ assert isinstance(algebraic_properties, str)
+ assert isinstance(const_expr, str)
+ assert len(input_sizes) == len(input_types)
+ assert 0 <= output_size <= 4
+ for size in input_sizes:
+ assert 0 <= size <= 4
+ if output_size != 0:
+ assert size != 0
+ self.name = name
+ self.num_inputs = len(input_sizes)
+ self.output_size = output_size
+ self.output_type = output_type
+ self.input_sizes = input_sizes
+ self.input_types = input_types
+ self.algebraic_properties = algebraic_properties
+ self.const_expr = const_expr
+# helper variables for strings
+tfloat = "float"
+tint = "int"
+tbool = "bool"
+tunsigned = "unsigned"
+commutative = "commutative "
+associative = "associative "
+# global dictionary of opcodes
+opcodes = {}
+def opcode(name, output_size, output_type, input_sizes, input_types,
+ algebraic_properties, const_expr):
+ assert name not in opcodes
+ opcodes[name] = Opcode(name, output_size, output_type, input_sizes,
+ input_types, algebraic_properties, const_expr)
+def unop_convert(name, in_type, out_type, const_expr):
+ opcode(name, 0, out_type, [0], [in_type], "", const_expr)
+def unop(name, ty, const_expr):
+ opcode(name, 0, ty, [0], [ty], "", const_expr)
+def unop_horiz(name, output_size, output_type, input_size, input_type,
+ const_expr):
+ opcode(name, output_size, output_type, [input_size], [input_type], "",
+ const_expr)
+def unop_reduce(name, output_size, output_type, input_type, prereduce_expr,
+ reduce_expr, final_expr):
+ def prereduce(src):
+ return "(" + prereduce_expr.format(src=src) + ")"
+ def final(src):
+ return final_expr.format(src="(" + src + ")")
+ def reduce_(src0, src1):
+ return reduce_expr.format(src0=src0, src1=src1)
+ src0 = prereduce("src0.x")
+ src1 = prereduce("src0.y")
+ src2 = prereduce("src0.z")
+ src3 = prereduce("src0.w")
+ unop_horiz(name + "2", output_size, output_type, 2, input_type,
+ final(reduce_(src0, src1)))
+ unop_horiz(name + "3", output_size, output_type, 3, input_type,
+ final(reduce_(reduce_(src0, src1), src2)))
+ unop_horiz(name + "4", output_size, output_type, 4, input_type,
+ final(reduce_(reduce_(src0, src1), reduce_(src2, src3))))
+# These two move instructions differ in what modifiers they support and what
+# the negate modifier means. Otherwise, they are identical.
+unop("fmov", tfloat, "src0")
+unop("imov", tint, "src0")
+unop("ineg", tint, "-src0")
+unop("fneg", tfloat, "-src0")
+unop("inot", tint, "~src0") # invert every bit of the integer
+unop("fnot", tfloat, "(src0 == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f")
+unop("fsign", tfloat, "(src0 == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((src0 > 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f)")
+unop("isign", tint, "(src0 == 0) ? 0 : ((src0 > 0) ? 1 : -1)")
+unop("iabs", tint, "(src0 < 0) ? -src0 : src0")
+unop("fabs", tfloat, "fabsf(src0)")
+unop("fsat", tfloat, "(src0 > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : ((src0 <= 0.0f) ? 0.0f : src0)")
+unop("frcp", tfloat, "1.0f / src0")
+unop("frsq", tfloat, "1.0f / sqrtf(src0)")
+unop("fsqrt", tfloat, "sqrtf(src0)")
+unop("fexp", tfloat, "expf(src0)") # < e^x
+unop("flog", tfloat, "logf(src0)") # log base e
+unop("fexp2", tfloat, "exp2f(src0)")
+unop("flog2", tfloat, "log2f(src0)")
+unop_convert("f2i", tfloat, tint, "src0") # Float-to-integer conversion.
+unop_convert("f2u", tfloat, tunsigned, "src0") # Float-to-unsigned conversion
+unop_convert("i2f", tint, tfloat, "src0") # Integer-to-float conversion.
+# Float-to-boolean conversion
+unop_convert("f2b", tfloat, tbool, "src0 == 0.0f")
+# Boolean-to-float conversion
+unop_convert("b2f", tbool, tfloat, "src0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f")
+# Int-to-boolean conversion
+unop_convert("i2b", tint, tbool, "src0 == 0")
+unop_convert("b2i", tbool, tint, "src0 ? 0 : -1") # Boolean-to-int conversion
+unop_convert("u2f", tunsigned, tfloat, "src0") #Unsigned-to-float conversion.
+unop_reduce("bany", 1, tbool, tbool, "{src}", "{src0} || {src1}", "{src}")
+unop_reduce("ball", 1, tbool, tbool, "{src}", "{src0} && {src1}", "{src}")
+unop_reduce("fany", 1, tfloat, tfloat, "{src} != 0.0f", "{src0} || {src1}",
+ "{src} ? 1.0f : 0.0f")
+unop_reduce("fall", 1, tfloat, tfloat, "{src} != 0.0f", "{src0} && {src1}",
+ "{src} ? 1.0f : 0.0f")
+# Unary floating-point rounding operations.
+unop("ftrunc", tfloat, "truncf(src0)")
+unop("fceil", tfloat, "ceilf(src0)")
+unop("ffloor", tfloat, "floorf(src0)")
+unop("ffract", tfloat, "src0 - floorf(src0)")
+unop("fround_even", tfloat, "_mesa_round_to_even(src0)")
+# Trigonometric operations.
+unop("fsin", tfloat, "sinf(src0)")
+unop("fcos", tfloat, "cosf(src0)")
+unop("fsin_reduced", tfloat, "sinf(src0)")
+unop("fcos_reduced", tfloat, "cosf(src0)")
+# Partial derivatives.
+unop("fddx", tfloat, "0.0f") # the derivative of a constant is 0.
+unop("fddy", tfloat, "0.0f")
+unop("fddx_fine", tfloat, "0.0f")
+unop("fddy_fine", tfloat, "0.0f")
+unop("fddx_coarse", tfloat, "0.0f")
+unop("fddy_coarse", tfloat, "0.0f")
+# Floating point pack and unpack operations.
+def pack_2x16(fmt):
+ unop_horiz("pack_" + fmt + "_2x16", 1, tunsigned, 2, tfloat, """
+dst.x = (uint32_t) pack_fmt_1x16(src0.x);
+dst.x |= ((uint32_t) pack_fmt_1x16(src0.y)) << 16;
+""".replace("fmt", fmt))
+def pack_4x8(fmt):
+ unop_horiz("pack_" + fmt + "_4x8", 1, tunsigned, 4, tfloat, """
+dst.x = (uint32_t) pack_fmt_1x8(src0.x);
+dst.x |= ((uint32_t) pack_fmt_1x8(src0.y)) << 8;
+dst.x |= ((uint32_t) pack_fmt_1x8(src0.z)) << 16;
+dst.x |= ((uint32_t) pack_fmt_1x8(src0.w)) << 24;
+""".replace("fmt", fmt))
+def unpack_2x16(fmt):
+ unop_horiz("unpack_" + fmt + "_2x16", 2, tfloat, 1, tunsigned, """
+dst.x = unpack_fmt_1x16((uint16_t)(src0.x & 0xffff));
+dst.y = unpack_fmt_1x16((uint16_t)(src0.x << 16));
+""".replace("fmt", fmt))
+def unpack_4x8(fmt):
+ unop_horiz("unpack_" + fmt + "_4x8", 4, tfloat, 1, tunsigned, """
+dst.x = unpack_fmt_1x8((uint8_t)(src0.x & 0xff));
+dst.y = unpack_fmt_1x8((uint8_t)((src0.x >> 8) & 0xff));
+dst.z = unpack_fmt_1x8((uint8_t)((src0.x >> 16) & 0xff));
+dst.w = unpack_fmt_1x8((uint8_t)(src0.x >> 24));
+""".replace("fmt", fmt))
+# Lowered floating point unpacking operations.
+unop_horiz("unpack_half_2x16_split_x", 1, tfloat, 1, tunsigned,
+ "unpack_half_1x16((uint16_t)(src0.x & 0xffff))")
+unop_horiz("unpack_half_2x16_split_y", 1, tfloat, 1, tunsigned,
+ "unpack_half_1x16((uint16_t)(src0.x >> 16))")
+# Bit operations, part of ARB_gpu_shader5.
+unop("bitfield_reverse", tunsigned, """
+/* we're not winning any awards for speed here, but that's ok */
+dst = 0;
+for (unsigned bit = 0; bit < 32; bit++)
+ dst |= ((src0 >> bit) & 1) << (31 - bit);
+unop("bit_count", tunsigned, """
+dst = 0;
+for (unsigned bit = 0; bit < 32; bit++) {
+ if ((src0 >> bit) & 1)
+ dst++;
+unop_convert("ufind_msb", tunsigned, tint, """
+dst = -1;
+for (int bit = 31; bit > 0; bit--) {
+ if ((src0 >> bit) & 1) {
+ dst = bit;
+ break;
+ }
+unop("ifind_msb", tint, """
+dst = -1;
+for (int bit = 31; bit >= 0; bit--) {
+ /* If src0 < 0, we're looking for the first 0 bit.
+ * if src0 >= 0, we're looking for the first 1 bit.
+ */
+ if ((((src0 >> bit) & 1) && (src0 >= 0)) ||
+ (!((src0 >> bit) & 1) && (src0 < 0))) {
+ dst = bit;
+ break;
+ }
+unop("find_lsb", tint, """
+dst = -1;
+for (unsigned bit = 0; bit < 32; bit++) {
+ if ((src0 >> bit) & 1) {
+ dst = bit;
+ break;
+ }
+for i in xrange(1, 5):
+ for j in xrange(1, 5):
+ unop_horiz("fnoise{0}_{1}".format(i, j), i, tfloat, j, tfloat, "0.0f")
+def binop_convert(name, out_type, in_type, alg_props, const_expr):
+ opcode(name, 0, out_type, [0, 0], [in_type, in_type], alg_props, const_expr)
+def binop(name, ty, alg_props, const_expr):
+ binop_convert(name, ty, ty, alg_props, const_expr)
+def binop_compare(name, ty, alg_props, const_expr):
+ binop_convert(name, tbool, ty, alg_props, const_expr)
+def binop_horiz(name, out_size, out_type, src1_size, src1_type, src2_size,
+ src2_type, const_expr):
+ opcode(name, out_size, out_type, [src1_size, src2_size], [src1_type, src2_type],
+ "", const_expr)
+def binop_reduce(name, output_size, output_type, src_type, prereduce_expr,
+ reduce_expr, final_expr):
+ def final(src):
+ return final_expr.format(src= "(" + src + ")")
+ def reduce_(src0, src1):
+ return reduce_expr.format(src0=src0, src1=src1)
+ def prereduce(src0, src1):
+ return "(" + prereduce_expr.format(src0=src0, src1=src1) + ")"
+ src0 = prereduce("src0.x", "src1.x")
+ src1 = prereduce("src0.y", "src1.y")
+ src2 = prereduce("src0.z", "src1.z")
+ src3 = prereduce("src0.w", "src1.w")
+ opcode(name + "2", output_size, output_type,
+ [2, 2], [src_type, src_type], commutative,
+ final(reduce_(src0, src1)))
+ opcode(name + "3", output_size, output_type,
+ [3, 3], [src_type, src_type], commutative,
+ final(reduce_(reduce_(src0, src1), src2)))
+ opcode(name + "4", output_size, output_type,
+ [4, 4], [src_type, src_type], commutative,
+ final(reduce_(reduce_(src0, src1), reduce_(src2, src3))))
+binop("fadd", tfloat, commutative + associative, "src0 + src1")
+binop("iadd", tint, commutative + associative, "src0 + src1")
+binop("fsub", tfloat, "", "src0 - src1")
+binop("isub", tint, "", "src0 - src1")
+binop("fmul", tfloat, commutative + associative, "src0 * src1")
+# low 32-bits of signed/unsigned integer multiply
+binop("imul", tint, commutative + associative, "src0 * src1")
+# high 32-bits of signed integer multiply
+binop("imul_high", tint, commutative,
+ "(int32_t)(((int64_t) src0 * (int64_t) src1) >> 32)")
+# high 32-bits of unsigned integer multiply
+binop("umul_high", tunsigned, commutative,
+ "(uint32_t)(((uint64_t) src0 * (uint64_t) src1) >> 32)")
+binop("fdiv", tfloat, "", "src0 / src1")
+binop("idiv", tint, "", "src0 / src1")
+binop("udiv", tunsigned, "", "src0 / src1")
+# returns a boolean representing the carry resulting from the addition of
+# the two unsigned arguments.
+binop_convert("uadd_carry", tbool, tunsigned, commutative, "src0 + src1 < src0")
+# returns a boolean representing the borrow resulting from the subtraction
+# of the two unsigned arguments.
+binop_convert("usub_borrow", tbool, tunsigned, "", "src1 < src0")
+binop("fmod", tfloat, "", "src0 - src1 * floorf(src0 / src1)")
+binop("umod", tunsigned, "", "src1 == 0 ? 0 : src0 % src1")
+# Comparisons
+# these integer-aware comparisons return a boolean (0 or ~0)
+binop_compare("flt", tfloat, "", "src0 < src1")
+binop_compare("fge", tfloat, "", "src0 >= src1")
+binop_compare("feq", tfloat, commutative, "src0 == src1")
+binop_compare("fne", tfloat, commutative, "src0 != src1")
+binop_compare("ilt", tint, "", "src0 < src1")
+binop_compare("ige", tint, "", "src0 >= src1")
+binop_compare("ieq", tint, commutative, "src0 == src1")
+binop_compare("ine", tint, commutative, "src0 != src1")
+binop_compare("ult", tunsigned, "", "src0 < src1")
+binop_compare("uge", tunsigned, "", "src0 >= src1")
+# integer-aware GLSL-style comparisons that compare floats and ints
+binop_reduce("ball_fequal", 1, tbool, tfloat, "{src0} == {src1}",
+ "{src0} && {src1}", "{src}")
+binop_reduce("bany_fnequal", 1, tbool, tfloat, "{src0} != {src1}",
+ "{src0} || {src1}", "{src}")
+binop_reduce("ball_iequal", 1, tbool, tint, "{src0} == {src1}",
+ "{src0} && {src1}", "{src}")
+binop_reduce("bany_inequal", 1, tbool, tint, "{src0} != {src1}",
+ "{src0} || {src1}", "{src}")
+# non-integer-aware GLSL-style comparisons that return 0.0 or 1.0
+binop_reduce("fall_equal", 1, tfloat, tfloat, "{src0} == {src1}",
+ "{src0} && {src1}", "{src} ? 1.0f : 0.0f")
+binop_reduce("fany_nequal", 1, tfloat, tfloat, "{src0} != {src1}",
+ "{src0} || {src1}", "{src} ? 1.0f : 0.0f")
+# These comparisons for integer-less hardware return 1.0 and 0.0 for true
+# and false respectively
+binop("slt", tfloat, "", "(src0 < src1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f") # Set on Less Than
+binop("sge", tfloat, "", "(src0 >= src1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f") # Set on Greater or Equal
+binop("seq", tfloat, commutative, "(src0 == src1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f") # Set on Equal
+binop("sne", tfloat, commutative, "(src0 != src1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f") # Set on Not Equal
+binop("ishl", tint, "", "src0 << src1")
+binop("ishr", tint, "", "src0 >> src1")
+binop("ushr", tunsigned, "", "src0 >> src1")
+# bitwise logic operators
+# These are also used as boolean and, or, xor for hardware supporting
+# integers.
+binop("iand", tunsigned, commutative + associative, "src0 & src1")
+binop("ior", tunsigned, commutative + associative, "src0 | src1")
+binop("ixor", tunsigned, commutative + associative, "src0 ^ src1")
+# floating point logic operators
+# These use (src != 0.0) for testing the truth of the input, and output 1.0
+# for true and 0.0 for false
+binop("fand", tfloat, commutative,
+ "((src0 != 0.0f) && (src1 != 0.0f)) ? 1.0f : 0.0f")
+binop("for", tfloat, commutative,
+ "((src0 != 0.0f) || (src1 != 0.0f)) ? 1.0f : 0.0f")
+binop("fxor", tfloat, commutative,
+ "(src0 != 0.0f && src1 == 0.0f) || (src0 == 0.0f && src1 != 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f")
+binop_reduce("fdot", 1, tfloat, tfloat, "{src0} * {src1}", "{src0} + {src1}",
+ "{src}")
+binop("fmin", tfloat, "", "fminf(src0, src1)")
+binop("imin", tint, commutative + associative, "src1 > src0 ? src0 : src1")
+binop("umin", tunsigned, commutative + associative, "src1 > src0 ? src0 : src1")
+binop("fmax", tfloat, "", "fmaxf(src0, src1)")
+binop("imax", tint, commutative + associative, "src1 > src0 ? src1 : src0")
+binop("umax", tunsigned, commutative + associative, "src1 > src0 ? src1 : src0")
+binop("fpow", tfloat, "", "powf(src0, src1)")
+binop_horiz("pack_half_2x16_split", 1, tunsigned, 1, tfloat, 1, tfloat,
+ "pack_half_1x16(src0.x) | (pack_half_1x16(src1.x) << 16)")
+binop_convert("bfm", tunsigned, tint, "", """
+int offset = src0, bits = src1;
+if (offset < 0 || bits < 0 || offset + bits > 32)
+ dst = 0; /* undefined per the spec */
+ dst = ((1 << bits)- 1) << offset;
+opcode("ldexp", 0, tfloat, [0, 0], [tfloat, tint], "", """
+dst = ldexp(src0, src1);
+/* flush denormals to zero. */
+if (!isnormal(dst))
+ dst = copysign(0.0f, src0);
+# Combines the first component of each input to make a 2-component vector.
+binop_horiz("vec2", 2, tunsigned, 1, tunsigned, 1, tunsigned, """
+dst.x = src0.x;
+dst.y = src1.x;
+def triop(name, ty, const_expr):
+ opcode(name, 0, ty, [0, 0, 0], [ty, ty, ty], "", const_expr)
+def triop_horiz(name, output_size, src1_size, src2_size, src3_size, const_expr):
+ opcode(name, output_size, tunsigned,
+ [src1_size, src2_size, src3_size],
+ [tunsigned, tunsigned, tunsigned], "", const_expr)
+triop("ffma", tfloat, "src0 * src1 + src2")
+triop("flrp", tfloat, "src0 * (1 - src2) + src1 * src2")
+# Conditional Select
+# A vector conditional select instruction (like ?:, but operating per-
+# component on vectors). There are two versions, one for floating point
+# bools (0.0 vs 1.0) and one for integer bools (0 vs ~0).
+triop("fcsel", tfloat, "(src0 != 0.0f) ? src1 : src2")
+opcode("bcsel", 0, tunsigned, [0, 0, 0],
+ [tbool, tunsigned, tunsigned], "", "src0 ? src1 : src2")
+triop("bfi", tunsigned, """
+unsigned mask = src0, insert = src1 & mask, base = src2;
+if (mask == 0) {
+ dst = base;
+} else {
+ unsigned tmp = mask;
+ while (!(tmp & 1)) {
+ tmp >>= 1;
+ insert <<= 1;
+ }
+ dst = (base & ~mask) | insert;
+opcode("ubitfield_extract", 0, tunsigned,
+ [0, 1, 1], [tunsigned, tint, tint], "", """
+unsigned base = src0;
+int offset = src1.x, bits = src2.x;
+if (bits == 0) {
+ dst = 0;
+} else if (bits < 0 || offset < 0 || offset + bits > 32) {
+ dst = 0; /* undefined per the spec */
+} else {
+ dst = (base >> offset) & ((1 << bits) - 1);
+opcode("ibitfield_extract", 0, tint,
+ [0, 1, 1], [tint, tint, tint], "", """
+int base = src0;
+int offset = src1.x, bits = src2.x;
+if (bits == 0) {
+ dst = 0;
+} else if (offset < 0 || bits < 0 || offset + bits > 32) {
+ dst = 0;
+} else {
+ dst = (base << (32 - offset - bits)) >> offset; /* use sign-extending shift */
+# Combines the first component of each input to make a 3-component vector.
+triop_horiz("vec3", 3, 1, 1, 1, """
+dst.x = src0.x;
+dst.y = src1.x;
+dst.z = src2.x;
+def quadop_horiz(name, output_size, src1_size, src2_size, src3_size,
+ src4_size, const_expr):
+ opcode(name, output_size, tunsigned,
+ [src1_size, src2_size, src3_size, src4_size],
+ [tunsigned, tunsigned, tunsigned, tunsigned],
+ "", const_expr)
+opcode("bitfield_insert", 0, tunsigned, [0, 0, 1, 1],
+ [tunsigned, tunsigned, tint, tint], "", """
+unsigned base = src0, insert = src1;
+int offset = src2.x, bits = src3.x;
+if (bits == 0) {
+ dst = 0;
+} else if (offset < 0 || bits < 0 || bits + offset > 32) {
+ dst = 0;
+} else {
+ unsigned mask = ((1 << bits) - 1) << offset;
+ dst = (base & ~mask) | ((insert << bits) & mask);
+quadop_horiz("vec4", 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, """
+dst.x = src0.x;
+dst.y = src1.x;
+dst.z = src2.x;
+dst.w = src3.x;