path: root/tools/bison++/bison.info-3
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authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2010-11-19 13:18:48 +0000
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2010-11-19 13:18:48 +0000
commit12f606ce06ef926f366a03079c5e3107c23f18af (patch)
tree28d7be4328bca9c31c1ab0f7cb5924c196be23a0 /tools/bison++/bison.info-3
parent773752eab55047c33bad0d88006bb69f5c601502 (diff)
Added tool bison++-1.21.11
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/bison++/bison.info-3')
1 files changed, 1287 insertions, 0 deletions
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+This is bison.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.1 from bison.texinfo.
+* bison: (bison). GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement).
+ This file documents the Bison parser generator.
+ Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 98, 1999 Free Software
+Foundation, Inc.
+ Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+preserved on all copies.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
+this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
+that the sections entitled "GNU General Public License" and "Conditions
+for Using Bison" are included exactly as in the original, and provided
+that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms
+of a permission notice identical to this one.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+versions, except that the sections entitled "GNU General Public
+License", "Conditions for Using Bison" and this permission notice may be
+included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation
+instead of in the original English.
+File: bison.info, Node: Mid-Rule Actions, Prev: Action Types, Up: Semantics
+Actions in Mid-Rule
+ Occasionally it is useful to put an action in the middle of a rule.
+These actions are written just like usual end-of-rule actions, but they
+are executed before the parser even recognizes the following components.
+ A mid-rule action may refer to the components preceding it using
+`$N', but it may not refer to subsequent components because it is run
+before they are parsed.
+ The mid-rule action itself counts as one of the components of the
+rule. This makes a difference when there is another action later in
+the same rule (and usually there is another at the end): you have to
+count the actions along with the symbols when working out which number
+N to use in `$N'.
+ The mid-rule action can also have a semantic value. The action can
+set its value with an assignment to `$$', and actions later in the rule
+can refer to the value using `$N'. Since there is no symbol to name
+the action, there is no way to declare a data type for the value in
+advance, so you must use the `$<...>' construct to specify a data type
+each time you refer to this value.
+ There is no way to set the value of the entire rule with a mid-rule
+action, because assignments to `$$' do not have that effect. The only
+way to set the value for the entire rule is with an ordinary action at
+the end of the rule.
+ Here is an example from a hypothetical compiler, handling a `let'
+statement that looks like `let (VARIABLE) STATEMENT' and serves to
+create a variable named VARIABLE temporarily for the duration of
+STATEMENT. To parse this construct, we must put VARIABLE into the
+symbol table while STATEMENT is parsed, then remove it afterward. Here
+is how it is done:
+ stmt: LET '(' var ')'
+ { $<context>$ = push_context ();
+ declare_variable ($3); }
+ stmt { $$ = $6;
+ pop_context ($<context>5); }
+As soon as `let (VARIABLE)' has been recognized, the first action is
+run. It saves a copy of the current semantic context (the list of
+accessible variables) as its semantic value, using alternative
+`context' in the data-type union. Then it calls `declare_variable' to
+add the new variable to that list. Once the first action is finished,
+the embedded statement `stmt' can be parsed. Note that the mid-rule
+action is component number 5, so the `stmt' is component number 6.
+ After the embedded statement is parsed, its semantic value becomes
+the value of the entire `let'-statement. Then the semantic value from
+the earlier action is used to restore the prior list of variables. This
+removes the temporary `let'-variable from the list so that it won't
+appear to exist while the rest of the program is parsed.
+ Taking action before a rule is completely recognized often leads to
+conflicts since the parser must commit to a parse in order to execute
+the action. For example, the following two rules, without mid-rule
+actions, can coexist in a working parser because the parser can shift
+the open-brace token and look at what follows before deciding whether
+there is a declaration or not:
+ compound: '{' declarations statements '}'
+ | '{' statements '}'
+ ;
+But when we add a mid-rule action as follows, the rules become
+ compound: { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
+ '{' declarations statements '}'
+ | '{' statements '}'
+ ;
+Now the parser is forced to decide whether to run the mid-rule action
+when it has read no farther than the open-brace. In other words, it
+must commit to using one rule or the other, without sufficient
+information to do it correctly. (The open-brace token is what is called
+the "look-ahead" token at this time, since the parser is still deciding
+what to do about it. *Note Look-Ahead Tokens: Look-Ahead.)
+ You might think that you could correct the problem by putting
+identical actions into the two rules, like this:
+ compound: { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
+ '{' declarations statements '}'
+ | { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
+ '{' statements '}'
+ ;
+But this does not help, because Bison does not realize that the two
+actions are identical. (Bison never tries to understand the C code in
+an action.)
+ If the grammar is such that a declaration can be distinguished from a
+statement by the first token (which is true in C), then one solution
+which does work is to put the action after the open-brace, like this:
+ compound: '{' { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
+ declarations statements '}'
+ | '{' statements '}'
+ ;
+Now the first token of the following declaration or statement, which
+would in any case tell Bison which rule to use, can still do so.
+ Another solution is to bury the action inside a nonterminal symbol
+which serves as a subroutine:
+ subroutine: /* empty */
+ { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
+ ;
+ compound: subroutine
+ '{' declarations statements '}'
+ | subroutine
+ '{' statements '}'
+ ;
+Now Bison can execute the action in the rule for `subroutine' without
+deciding which rule for `compound' it will eventually use. Note that
+the action is now at the end of its rule. Any mid-rule action can be
+converted to an end-of-rule action in this way, and this is what Bison
+actually does to implement mid-rule actions.
+File: bison.info, Node: Declarations, Next: Multiple Parsers, Prev: Semantics, Up: Grammar File
+Bison Declarations
+ The "Bison declarations" section of a Bison grammar defines the
+symbols used in formulating the grammar and the data types of semantic
+values. *Note Symbols::.
+ All token type names (but not single-character literal tokens such as
+`'+'' and `'*'') must be declared. Nonterminal symbols must be
+declared if you need to specify which data type to use for the semantic
+value (*note More Than One Value Type: Multiple Types.).
+ The first rule in the file also specifies the start symbol, by
+default. If you want some other symbol to be the start symbol, you
+must declare it explicitly (*note Languages and Context-Free Grammars:
+Language and Grammar.).
+* Menu:
+* Token Decl:: Declaring terminal symbols.
+* Precedence Decl:: Declaring terminals with precedence and associativity.
+* Union Decl:: Declaring the set of all semantic value types.
+* Type Decl:: Declaring the choice of type for a nonterminal symbol.
+* Expect Decl:: Suppressing warnings about shift/reduce conflicts.
+* Start Decl:: Specifying the start symbol.
+* Pure Decl:: Requesting a reentrant parser.
+* Decl Summary:: Table of all Bison declarations.
+File: bison.info, Node: Token Decl, Next: Precedence Decl, Up: Declarations
+Token Type Names
+ The basic way to declare a token type name (terminal symbol) is as
+ %token NAME
+ Bison will convert this into a `#define' directive in the parser, so
+that the function `yylex' (if it is in this file) can use the name NAME
+to stand for this token type's code.
+ Alternatively, you can use `%left', `%right', or `%nonassoc' instead
+of `%token', if you wish to specify precedence. *Note Operator
+Precedence: Precedence Decl.
+ You can explicitly specify the numeric code for a token type by
+appending an integer value in the field immediately following the token
+ %token NUM 300
+It is generally best, however, to let Bison choose the numeric codes for
+all token types. Bison will automatically select codes that don't
+conflict with each other or with ASCII characters.
+ In the event that the stack type is a union, you must augment the
+`%token' or other token declaration to include the data type
+alternative delimited by angle-brackets (*note More Than One Value
+Type: Multiple Types.).
+ For example:
+ %union { /* define stack type */
+ double val;
+ symrec *tptr;
+ }
+ %token <val> NUM /* define token NUM and its type */
+ You can associate a literal string token with a token type name by
+writing the literal string at the end of a `%token' declaration which
+declares the name. For example:
+ %token arrow "=>"
+For example, a grammar for the C language might specify these names with
+equivalent literal string tokens:
+ %token <operator> OR "||"
+ %token <operator> LE 134 "<="
+ %left OR "<="
+Once you equate the literal string and the token name, you can use them
+interchangeably in further declarations or the grammar rules. The
+`yylex' function can use the token name or the literal string to obtain
+the token type code number (*note Calling Convention::).
+File: bison.info, Node: Precedence Decl, Next: Union Decl, Prev: Token Decl, Up: Declarations
+Operator Precedence
+ Use the `%left', `%right' or `%nonassoc' declaration to declare a
+token and specify its precedence and associativity, all at once. These
+are called "precedence declarations". *Note Operator Precedence:
+Precedence, for general information on operator precedence.
+ The syntax of a precedence declaration is the same as that of
+`%token': either
+ %left SYMBOLS...
+ %left <TYPE> SYMBOLS...
+ And indeed any of these declarations serves the purposes of `%token'.
+But in addition, they specify the associativity and relative precedence
+for all the SYMBOLS:
+ * The associativity of an operator OP determines how repeated uses
+ of the operator nest: whether `X OP Y OP Z' is parsed by grouping
+ X with Y first or by grouping Y with Z first. `%left' specifies
+ left-associativity (grouping X with Y first) and `%right'
+ specifies right-associativity (grouping Y with Z first).
+ `%nonassoc' specifies no associativity, which means that `X OP Y
+ OP Z' is considered a syntax error.
+ * The precedence of an operator determines how it nests with other
+ operators. All the tokens declared in a single precedence
+ declaration have equal precedence and nest together according to
+ their associativity. When two tokens declared in different
+ precedence declarations associate, the one declared later has the
+ higher precedence and is grouped first.
+File: bison.info, Node: Union Decl, Next: Type Decl, Prev: Precedence Decl, Up: Declarations
+The Collection of Value Types
+ The `%union' declaration specifies the entire collection of possible
+data types for semantic values. The keyword `%union' is followed by a
+pair of braces containing the same thing that goes inside a `union' in
+ For example:
+ %union {
+ double val;
+ symrec *tptr;
+ }
+This says that the two alternative types are `double' and `symrec *'.
+They are given names `val' and `tptr'; these names are used in the
+`%token' and `%type' declarations to pick one of the types for a
+terminal or nonterminal symbol (*note Nonterminal Symbols: Type Decl.).
+ Note that, unlike making a `union' declaration in C, you do not write
+a semicolon after the closing brace.
+File: bison.info, Node: Type Decl, Next: Expect Decl, Prev: Union Decl, Up: Declarations
+Nonterminal Symbols
+When you use `%union' to specify multiple value types, you must declare
+the value type of each nonterminal symbol for which values are used.
+This is done with a `%type' declaration, like this:
+Here NONTERMINAL is the name of a nonterminal symbol, and TYPE is the
+name given in the `%union' to the alternative that you want (*note The
+Collection of Value Types: Union Decl.). You can give any number of
+nonterminal symbols in the same `%type' declaration, if they have the
+same value type. Use spaces to separate the symbol names.
+ You can also declare the value type of a terminal symbol. To do
+this, use the same `<TYPE>' construction in a declaration for the
+terminal symbol. All kinds of token declarations allow `<TYPE>'.
+File: bison.info, Node: Expect Decl, Next: Start Decl, Prev: Type Decl, Up: Declarations
+Suppressing Conflict Warnings
+ Bison normally warns if there are any conflicts in the grammar
+(*note Shift/Reduce Conflicts: Shift/Reduce.), but most real grammars
+have harmless shift/reduce conflicts which are resolved in a
+predictable way and would be difficult to eliminate. It is desirable
+to suppress the warning about these conflicts unless the number of
+conflicts changes. You can do this with the `%expect' declaration.
+ The declaration looks like this:
+ %expect N
+ Here N is a decimal integer. The declaration says there should be no
+warning if there are N shift/reduce conflicts and no reduce/reduce
+conflicts. The usual warning is given if there are either more or fewer
+conflicts, or if there are any reduce/reduce conflicts.
+ In general, using `%expect' involves these steps:
+ * Compile your grammar without `%expect'. Use the `-v' option to
+ get a verbose list of where the conflicts occur. Bison will also
+ print the number of conflicts.
+ * Check each of the conflicts to make sure that Bison's default
+ resolution is what you really want. If not, rewrite the grammar
+ and go back to the beginning.
+ * Add an `%expect' declaration, copying the number N from the number
+ which Bison printed.
+ Now Bison will stop annoying you about the conflicts you have
+checked, but it will warn you again if changes in the grammar result in
+additional conflicts.
+File: bison.info, Node: Start Decl, Next: Pure Decl, Prev: Expect Decl, Up: Declarations
+The Start-Symbol
+ Bison assumes by default that the start symbol for the grammar is
+the first nonterminal specified in the grammar specification section.
+The programmer may override this restriction with the `%start'
+declaration as follows:
+ %start SYMBOL
+File: bison.info, Node: Pure Decl, Next: Decl Summary, Prev: Start Decl, Up: Declarations
+A Pure (Reentrant) Parser
+ A "reentrant" program is one which does not alter in the course of
+execution; in other words, it consists entirely of "pure" (read-only)
+code. Reentrancy is important whenever asynchronous execution is
+possible; for example, a nonreentrant program may not be safe to call
+from a signal handler. In systems with multiple threads of control, a
+nonreentrant program must be called only within interlocks.
+ Normally, Bison generates a parser which is not reentrant. This is
+suitable for most uses, and it permits compatibility with YACC. (The
+standard YACC interfaces are inherently nonreentrant, because they use
+statically allocated variables for communication with `yylex',
+including `yylval' and `yylloc'.)
+ Alternatively, you can generate a pure, reentrant parser. The Bison
+declaration `%pure_parser' says that you want the parser to be
+reentrant. It looks like this:
+ %pure_parser
+ The result is that the communication variables `yylval' and `yylloc'
+become local variables in `yyparse', and a different calling convention
+is used for the lexical analyzer function `yylex'. *Note Calling
+Conventions for Pure Parsers: Pure Calling, for the details of this.
+The variable `yynerrs' also becomes local in `yyparse' (*note The Error
+Reporting Function `yyerror': Error Reporting.). The convention for
+calling `yyparse' itself is unchanged.
+ Whether the parser is pure has nothing to do with the grammar rules.
+You can generate either a pure parser or a nonreentrant parser from any
+valid grammar.
+File: bison.info, Node: Decl Summary, Prev: Pure Decl, Up: Declarations
+Bison Declaration Summary
+ Here is a summary of all Bison declarations:
+ Declare the collection of data types that semantic values may have
+ (*note The Collection of Value Types: Union Decl.).
+ Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) with no precedence or
+ associativity specified (*note Token Type Names: Token Decl.).
+ Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is
+ right-associative (*note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.).
+ Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is
+ left-associative (*note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.).
+ Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is nonassociative
+ (using it in a way that would be associative is a syntax error)
+ (*note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.).
+ Declare the type of semantic values for a nonterminal symbol
+ (*note Nonterminal Symbols: Type Decl.).
+ Specify the grammar's start symbol (*note The Start-Symbol: Start
+ Decl.).
+ Declare the expected number of shift-reduce conflicts (*note
+ Suppressing Conflict Warnings: Expect Decl.).
+ Request a pure (reentrant) parser program (*note A Pure
+ (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.).
+ Don't generate any `#line' preprocessor commands in the parser
+ file. Ordinarily Bison writes these commands in the parser file
+ so that the C compiler and debuggers will associate errors and
+ object code with your source file (the grammar file). This
+ directive causes them to associate errors with the parser file,
+ treating it an independent source file in its own right.
+ The output file `NAME.h' normally defines the tokens with
+ Yacc-compatible token numbers. If this option is specified, the
+ internal Bison numbers are used instead. (Yacc-compatible numbers
+ start at 257 except for single character tokens; Bison assigns
+ token numbers sequentially for all tokens starting at 3.)
+ Generate an array of token names in the parser file. The name of
+ the array is `yytname'; `yytname[I]' is the name of the token
+ whose internal Bison token code number is I. The first three
+ elements of `yytname' are always `"$"', `"error"', and
+ `"$illegal"'; after these come the symbols defined in the grammar
+ file.
+ For single-character literal tokens and literal string tokens, the
+ name in the table includes the single-quote or double-quote
+ characters: for example, `"'+'"' is a single-character literal and
+ `"\"<=\""' is a literal string token. All the characters of the
+ literal string token appear verbatim in the string found in the
+ table; even double-quote characters are not escaped. For example,
+ if the token consists of three characters `*"*', its string in
+ `yytname' contains `"*"*"'. (In C, that would be written as
+ `"\"*\"*\""').
+ When you specify `%token_table', Bison also generates macro
+ definitions for macros `YYNTOKENS', `YYNNTS', and `YYNRULES', and
+ The highest token number, plus one.
+ The number of non-terminal symbols.
+ The number of grammar rules,
+ The number of parser states (*note Parser States::).
+File: bison.info, Node: Multiple Parsers, Prev: Declarations, Up: Grammar File
+Multiple Parsers in the Same Program
+ Most programs that use Bison parse only one language and therefore
+contain only one Bison parser. But what if you want to parse more than
+one language with the same program? Then you need to avoid a name
+conflict between different definitions of `yyparse', `yylval', and so
+ The easy way to do this is to use the option `-p PREFIX' (*note
+Invoking Bison: Invocation.). This renames the interface functions and
+variables of the Bison parser to start with PREFIX instead of `yy'.
+You can use this to give each parser distinct names that do not
+ The precise list of symbols renamed is `yyparse', `yylex',
+`yyerror', `yynerrs', `yylval', `yychar' and `yydebug'. For example,
+if you use `-p c', the names become `cparse', `clex', and so on.
+ *All the other variables and macros associated with Bison are not
+renamed.* These others are not global; there is no conflict if the same
+name is used in different parsers. For example, `YYSTYPE' is not
+renamed, but defining this in different ways in different parsers causes
+no trouble (*note Data Types of Semantic Values: Value Type.).
+ The `-p' option works by adding macro definitions to the beginning
+of the parser source file, defining `yyparse' as `PREFIXparse', and so
+on. This effectively substitutes one name for the other in the entire
+parser file.
+File: bison.info, Node: Interface, Next: Algorithm, Prev: Grammar File, Up: Top
+Parser C-Language Interface
+ The Bison parser is actually a C function named `yyparse'. Here we
+describe the interface conventions of `yyparse' and the other functions
+that it needs to use.
+ Keep in mind that the parser uses many C identifiers starting with
+`yy' and `YY' for internal purposes. If you use such an identifier
+(aside from those in this manual) in an action or in additional C code
+in the grammar file, you are likely to run into trouble.
+* Menu:
+* Parser Function:: How to call `yyparse' and what it returns.
+* Lexical:: You must supply a function `yylex'
+ which reads tokens.
+* Error Reporting:: You must supply a function `yyerror'.
+* Action Features:: Special features for use in actions.
+File: bison.info, Node: Parser Function, Next: Lexical, Up: Interface
+The Parser Function `yyparse'
+ You call the function `yyparse' to cause parsing to occur. This
+function reads tokens, executes actions, and ultimately returns when it
+encounters end-of-input or an unrecoverable syntax error. You can also
+write an action which directs `yyparse' to return immediately without
+reading further.
+ The value returned by `yyparse' is 0 if parsing was successful
+(return is due to end-of-input).
+ The value is 1 if parsing failed (return is due to a syntax error).
+ In an action, you can cause immediate return from `yyparse' by using
+these macros:
+ Return immediately with value 0 (to report success).
+ Return immediately with value 1 (to report failure).
+File: bison.info, Node: Lexical, Next: Error Reporting, Prev: Parser Function, Up: Interface
+The Lexical Analyzer Function `yylex'
+ The "lexical analyzer" function, `yylex', recognizes tokens from the
+input stream and returns them to the parser. Bison does not create
+this function automatically; you must write it so that `yyparse' can
+call it. The function is sometimes referred to as a lexical scanner.
+ In simple programs, `yylex' is often defined at the end of the Bison
+grammar file. If `yylex' is defined in a separate source file, you
+need to arrange for the token-type macro definitions to be available
+there. To do this, use the `-d' option when you run Bison, so that it
+will write these macro definitions into a separate header file
+`NAME.tab.h' which you can include in the other source files that need
+it. *Note Invoking Bison: Invocation.
+* Menu:
+* Calling Convention:: How `yyparse' calls `yylex'.
+* Token Values:: How `yylex' must return the semantic value
+ of the token it has read.
+* Token Positions:: How `yylex' must return the text position
+ (line number, etc.) of the token, if the
+ actions want that.
+* Pure Calling:: How the calling convention differs
+ in a pure parser (*note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.).
+File: bison.info, Node: Calling Convention, Next: Token Values, Up: Lexical
+Calling Convention for `yylex'
+ The value that `yylex' returns must be the numeric code for the type
+of token it has just found, or 0 for end-of-input.
+ When a token is referred to in the grammar rules by a name, that name
+in the parser file becomes a C macro whose definition is the proper
+numeric code for that token type. So `yylex' can use the name to
+indicate that type. *Note Symbols::.
+ When a token is referred to in the grammar rules by a character
+literal, the numeric code for that character is also the code for the
+token type. So `yylex' can simply return that character code. The
+null character must not be used this way, because its code is zero and
+that is what signifies end-of-input.
+ Here is an example showing these things:
+ yylex ()
+ {
+ ...
+ if (c == EOF) /* Detect end of file. */
+ return 0;
+ ...
+ if (c == '+' || c == '-')
+ return c; /* Assume token type for `+' is '+'. */
+ ...
+ return INT; /* Return the type of the token. */
+ ...
+ }
+This interface has been designed so that the output from the `lex'
+utility can be used without change as the definition of `yylex'.
+ If the grammar uses literal string tokens, there are two ways that
+`yylex' can determine the token type codes for them:
+ * If the grammar defines symbolic token names as aliases for the
+ literal string tokens, `yylex' can use these symbolic names like
+ all others. In this case, the use of the literal string tokens in
+ the grammar file has no effect on `yylex'.
+ * `yylex' can find the multi-character token in the `yytname' table.
+ The index of the token in the table is the token type's code.
+ The name of a multi-character token is recorded in `yytname' with a
+ double-quote, the token's characters, and another double-quote.
+ The token's characters are not escaped in any way; they appear
+ verbatim in the contents of the string in the table.
+ Here's code for looking up a token in `yytname', assuming that the
+ characters of the token are stored in `token_buffer'.
+ for (i = 0; i < YYNTOKENS; i++)
+ {
+ if (yytname[i] != 0
+ && yytname[i][0] == '"'
+ && strncmp (yytname[i] + 1, token_buffer,
+ strlen (token_buffer))
+ && yytname[i][strlen (token_buffer) + 1] == '"'
+ && yytname[i][strlen (token_buffer) + 2] == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ The `yytname' table is generated only if you use the
+ `%token_table' declaration. *Note Decl Summary::.
+File: bison.info, Node: Token Values, Next: Token Positions, Prev: Calling Convention, Up: Lexical
+Semantic Values of Tokens
+ In an ordinary (nonreentrant) parser, the semantic value of the
+token must be stored into the global variable `yylval'. When you are
+using just one data type for semantic values, `yylval' has that type.
+Thus, if the type is `int' (the default), you might write this in
+ ...
+ yylval = value; /* Put value onto Bison stack. */
+ return INT; /* Return the type of the token. */
+ ...
+ When you are using multiple data types, `yylval''s type is a union
+made from the `%union' declaration (*note The Collection of Value
+Types: Union Decl.). So when you store a token's value, you must use
+the proper member of the union. If the `%union' declaration looks like
+ %union {
+ int intval;
+ double val;
+ symrec *tptr;
+ }
+then the code in `yylex' might look like this:
+ ...
+ yylval.intval = value; /* Put value onto Bison stack. */
+ return INT; /* Return the type of the token. */
+ ...
+File: bison.info, Node: Token Positions, Next: Pure Calling, Prev: Token Values, Up: Lexical
+Textual Positions of Tokens
+ If you are using the `@N'-feature (*note Special Features for Use in
+Actions: Action Features.) in actions to keep track of the textual
+locations of tokens and groupings, then you must provide this
+information in `yylex'. The function `yyparse' expects to find the
+textual location of a token just parsed in the global variable
+`yylloc'. So `yylex' must store the proper data in that variable. The
+value of `yylloc' is a structure and you need only initialize the
+members that are going to be used by the actions. The four members are
+called `first_line', `first_column', `last_line' and `last_column'.
+Note that the use of this feature makes the parser noticeably slower.
+ The data type of `yylloc' has the name `YYLTYPE'.
+File: bison.info, Node: Pure Calling, Prev: Token Positions, Up: Lexical
+Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers
+ When you use the Bison declaration `%pure_parser' to request a pure,
+reentrant parser, the global communication variables `yylval' and
+`yylloc' cannot be used. (*Note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.)
+In such parsers the two global variables are replaced by pointers
+passed as arguments to `yylex'. You must declare them as shown here,
+and pass the information back by storing it through those pointers.
+ yylex (lvalp, llocp)
+ YYSTYPE *lvalp;
+ YYLTYPE *llocp;
+ {
+ ...
+ *lvalp = value; /* Put value onto Bison stack. */
+ return INT; /* Return the type of the token. */
+ ...
+ }
+ If the grammar file does not use the `@' constructs to refer to
+textual positions, then the type `YYLTYPE' will not be defined. In
+this case, omit the second argument; `yylex' will be called with only
+one argument.
+ If you use a reentrant parser, you can optionally pass additional
+parameter information to it in a reentrant way. To do so, define the
+macro `YYPARSE_PARAM' as a variable name. This modifies the `yyparse'
+function to accept one argument, of type `void *', with that name.
+ When you call `yyparse', pass the address of an object, casting the
+address to `void *'. The grammar actions can refer to the contents of
+the object by casting the pointer value back to its proper type and
+then dereferencing it. Here's an example. Write this in the parser:
+ %{
+ struct parser_control
+ {
+ int nastiness;
+ int randomness;
+ };
+ #define YYPARSE_PARAM parm
+ %}
+Then call the parser like this:
+ struct parser_control
+ {
+ int nastiness;
+ int randomness;
+ };
+ ...
+ {
+ struct parser_control foo;
+ ... /* Store proper data in `foo'. */
+ value = yyparse ((void *) &foo);
+ ...
+ }
+In the grammar actions, use expressions like this to refer to the data:
+ ((struct parser_control *) parm)->randomness
+ If you wish to pass the additional parameter data to `yylex', define
+the macro `YYLEX_PARAM' just like `YYPARSE_PARAM', as shown here:
+ %{
+ struct parser_control
+ {
+ int nastiness;
+ int randomness;
+ };
+ #define YYPARSE_PARAM parm
+ #define YYLEX_PARAM parm
+ %}
+ You should then define `yylex' to accept one additional
+argument--the value of `parm'. (This makes either two or three
+arguments in total, depending on whether an argument of type `YYLTYPE'
+is passed.) You can declare the argument as a pointer to the proper
+object type, or you can declare it as `void *' and access the contents
+as shown above.
+ You can use `%pure_parser' to request a reentrant parser without
+also using `YYPARSE_PARAM'. Then you should call `yyparse' with no
+arguments, as usual.
+File: bison.info, Node: Error Reporting, Next: Action Features, Prev: Lexical, Up: Interface
+The Error Reporting Function `yyerror'
+ The Bison parser detects a "parse error" or "syntax error" whenever
+it reads a token which cannot satisfy any syntax rule. A action in the
+grammar can also explicitly proclaim an error, using the macro
+`YYERROR' (*note Special Features for Use in Actions: Action Features.).
+ The Bison parser expects to report the error by calling an error
+reporting function named `yyerror', which you must supply. It is
+called by `yyparse' whenever a syntax error is found, and it receives
+one argument. For a parse error, the string is normally
+`"parse error"'.
+ If you define the macro `YYERROR_VERBOSE' in the Bison declarations
+section (*note The Bison Declarations Section: Bison Declarations.),
+then Bison provides a more verbose and specific error message string
+instead of just plain `"parse error"'. It doesn't matter what
+definition you use for `YYERROR_VERBOSE', just whether you define it.
+ The parser can detect one other kind of error: stack overflow. This
+happens when the input contains constructions that are very deeply
+nested. It isn't likely you will encounter this, since the Bison
+parser extends its stack automatically up to a very large limit. But
+if overflow happens, `yyparse' calls `yyerror' in the usual fashion,
+except that the argument string is `"parser stack overflow"'.
+ The following definition suffices in simple programs:
+ yyerror (s)
+ char *s;
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
+ }
+ After `yyerror' returns to `yyparse', the latter will attempt error
+recovery if you have written suitable error recovery grammar rules
+(*note Error Recovery::). If recovery is impossible, `yyparse' will
+immediately return 1.
+ The variable `yynerrs' contains the number of syntax errors
+encountered so far. Normally this variable is global; but if you
+request a pure parser (*note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.)
+then it is a local variable which only the actions can access.
+File: bison.info, Node: Action Features, Prev: Error Reporting, Up: Interface
+Special Features for Use in Actions
+ Here is a table of Bison constructs, variables and macros that are
+useful in actions.
+ Acts like a variable that contains the semantic value for the
+ grouping made by the current rule. *Note Actions::.
+ Acts like a variable that contains the semantic value for the Nth
+ component of the current rule. *Note Actions::.
+ Like `$$' but specifies alternative TYPEALT in the union specified
+ by the `%union' declaration. *Note Data Types of Values in
+ Actions: Action Types.
+ Like `$N' but specifies alternative TYPEALT in the union specified
+ by the `%union' declaration. *Note Data Types of Values in
+ Actions: Action Types.
+ Return immediately from `yyparse', indicating failure. *Note The
+ Parser Function `yyparse': Parser Function.
+ Return immediately from `yyparse', indicating success. *Note The
+ Parser Function `yyparse': Parser Function.
+ Unshift a token. This macro is allowed only for rules that reduce
+ a single value, and only when there is no look-ahead token. It
+ installs a look-ahead token with token type TOKEN and semantic
+ value VALUE; then it discards the value that was going to be
+ reduced by this rule.
+ If the macro is used when it is not valid, such as when there is a
+ look-ahead token already, then it reports a syntax error with a
+ message `cannot back up' and performs ordinary error recovery.
+ In either case, the rest of the action is not executed.
+ Value stored in `yychar' when there is no look-ahead token.
+ Cause an immediate syntax error. This statement initiates error
+ recovery just as if the parser itself had detected an error;
+ however, it does not call `yyerror', and does not print any
+ message. If you want to print an error message, call `yyerror'
+ explicitly before the `YYERROR;' statement. *Note Error
+ Recovery::.
+ This macro stands for an expression that has the value 1 when the
+ parser is recovering from a syntax error, and 0 the rest of the
+ time. *Note Error Recovery::.
+ Variable containing the current look-ahead token. (In a pure
+ parser, this is actually a local variable within `yyparse'.) When
+ there is no look-ahead token, the value `YYEMPTY' is stored in the
+ variable. *Note Look-Ahead Tokens: Look-Ahead.
+ Discard the current look-ahead token. This is useful primarily in
+ error rules. *Note Error Recovery::.
+ Resume generating error messages immediately for subsequent syntax
+ errors. This is useful primarily in error rules. *Note Error
+ Recovery::.
+ Acts like a structure variable containing information on the line
+ numbers and column numbers of the Nth component of the current
+ rule. The structure has four members, like this:
+ struct {
+ int first_line, last_line;
+ int first_column, last_column;
+ };
+ Thus, to get the starting line number of the third component, you
+ would use `@3.first_line'.
+ In order for the members of this structure to contain valid
+ information, you must make `yylex' supply this information about
+ each token. If you need only certain members, then `yylex' need
+ only fill in those members.
+ The use of this feature makes the parser noticeably slower.
+File: bison.info, Node: Algorithm, Next: Error Recovery, Prev: Interface, Up: Top
+The Bison Parser Algorithm
+ As Bison reads tokens, it pushes them onto a stack along with their
+semantic values. The stack is called the "parser stack". Pushing a
+token is traditionally called "shifting".
+ For example, suppose the infix calculator has read `1 + 5 *', with a
+`3' to come. The stack will have four elements, one for each token
+that was shifted.
+ But the stack does not always have an element for each token read.
+When the last N tokens and groupings shifted match the components of a
+grammar rule, they can be combined according to that rule. This is
+called "reduction". Those tokens and groupings are replaced on the
+stack by a single grouping whose symbol is the result (left hand side)
+of that rule. Running the rule's action is part of the process of
+reduction, because this is what computes the semantic value of the
+resulting grouping.
+ For example, if the infix calculator's parser stack contains this:
+ 1 + 5 * 3
+and the next input token is a newline character, then the last three
+elements can be reduced to 15 via the rule:
+ expr: expr '*' expr;
+Then the stack contains just these three elements:
+ 1 + 15
+At this point, another reduction can be made, resulting in the single
+value 16. Then the newline token can be shifted.
+ The parser tries, by shifts and reductions, to reduce the entire
+input down to a single grouping whose symbol is the grammar's
+start-symbol (*note Languages and Context-Free Grammars: Language and
+ This kind of parser is known in the literature as a bottom-up parser.
+* Menu:
+* Look-Ahead:: Parser looks one token ahead when deciding what to do.
+* Shift/Reduce:: Conflicts: when either shifting or reduction is valid.
+* Precedence:: Operator precedence works by resolving conflicts.
+* Contextual Precedence:: When an operator's precedence depends on context.
+* Parser States:: The parser is a finite-state-machine with stack.
+* Reduce/Reduce:: When two rules are applicable in the same situation.
+* Mystery Conflicts:: Reduce/reduce conflicts that look unjustified.
+* Stack Overflow:: What happens when stack gets full. How to avoid it.
+File: bison.info, Node: Look-Ahead, Next: Shift/Reduce, Up: Algorithm
+Look-Ahead Tokens
+ The Bison parser does _not_ always reduce immediately as soon as the
+last N tokens and groupings match a rule. This is because such a
+simple strategy is inadequate to handle most languages. Instead, when a
+reduction is possible, the parser sometimes "looks ahead" at the next
+token in order to decide what to do.
+ When a token is read, it is not immediately shifted; first it
+becomes the "look-ahead token", which is not on the stack. Now the
+parser can perform one or more reductions of tokens and groupings on
+the stack, while the look-ahead token remains off to the side. When no
+more reductions should take place, the look-ahead token is shifted onto
+the stack. This does not mean that all possible reductions have been
+done; depending on the token type of the look-ahead token, some rules
+may choose to delay their application.
+ Here is a simple case where look-ahead is needed. These three rules
+define expressions which contain binary addition operators and postfix
+unary factorial operators (`!'), and allow parentheses for grouping.
+ expr: term '+' expr
+ | term
+ ;
+ term: '(' expr ')'
+ | term '!'
+ ;
+ Suppose that the tokens `1 + 2' have been read and shifted; what
+should be done? If the following token is `)', then the first three
+tokens must be reduced to form an `expr'. This is the only valid
+course, because shifting the `)' would produce a sequence of symbols
+`term ')'', and no rule allows this.
+ If the following token is `!', then it must be shifted immediately so
+that `2 !' can be reduced to make a `term'. If instead the parser were
+to reduce before shifting, `1 + 2' would become an `expr'. It would
+then be impossible to shift the `!' because doing so would produce on
+the stack the sequence of symbols `expr '!''. No rule allows that
+ The current look-ahead token is stored in the variable `yychar'.
+*Note Special Features for Use in Actions: Action Features.
+File: bison.info, Node: Shift/Reduce, Next: Precedence, Prev: Look-Ahead, Up: Algorithm
+Shift/Reduce Conflicts
+ Suppose we are parsing a language which has if-then and if-then-else
+statements, with a pair of rules like this:
+ if_stmt:
+ IF expr THEN stmt
+ | IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt
+ ;
+Here we assume that `IF', `THEN' and `ELSE' are terminal symbols for
+specific keyword tokens.
+ When the `ELSE' token is read and becomes the look-ahead token, the
+contents of the stack (assuming the input is valid) are just right for
+reduction by the first rule. But it is also legitimate to shift the
+`ELSE', because that would lead to eventual reduction by the second
+ This situation, where either a shift or a reduction would be valid,
+is called a "shift/reduce conflict". Bison is designed to resolve
+these conflicts by choosing to shift, unless otherwise directed by
+operator precedence declarations. To see the reason for this, let's
+contrast it with the other alternative.
+ Since the parser prefers to shift the `ELSE', the result is to attach
+the else-clause to the innermost if-statement, making these two inputs
+ if x then if y then win (); else lose;
+ if x then do; if y then win (); else lose; end;
+ But if the parser chose to reduce when possible rather than shift,
+the result would be to attach the else-clause to the outermost
+if-statement, making these two inputs equivalent:
+ if x then if y then win (); else lose;
+ if x then do; if y then win (); end; else lose;
+ The conflict exists because the grammar as written is ambiguous:
+either parsing of the simple nested if-statement is legitimate. The
+established convention is that these ambiguities are resolved by
+attaching the else-clause to the innermost if-statement; this is what
+Bison accomplishes by choosing to shift rather than reduce. (It would
+ideally be cleaner to write an unambiguous grammar, but that is very
+hard to do in this case.) This particular ambiguity was first
+encountered in the specifications of Algol 60 and is called the
+"dangling `else'" ambiguity.
+ To avoid warnings from Bison about predictable, legitimate
+shift/reduce conflicts, use the `%expect N' declaration. There will be
+no warning as long as the number of shift/reduce conflicts is exactly N.
+*Note Suppressing Conflict Warnings: Expect Decl.
+ The definition of `if_stmt' above is solely to blame for the
+conflict, but the conflict does not actually appear without additional
+rules. Here is a complete Bison input file that actually manifests the
+ %token IF THEN ELSE variable
+ %%
+ stmt: expr
+ | if_stmt
+ ;
+ if_stmt:
+ IF expr THEN stmt
+ | IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt
+ ;
+ expr: variable
+ ;
+File: bison.info, Node: Precedence, Next: Contextual Precedence, Prev: Shift/Reduce, Up: Algorithm
+Operator Precedence
+ Another situation where shift/reduce conflicts appear is in
+arithmetic expressions. Here shifting is not always the preferred
+resolution; the Bison declarations for operator precedence allow you to
+specify when to shift and when to reduce.
+* Menu:
+* Why Precedence:: An example showing why precedence is needed.
+* Using Precedence:: How to specify precedence in Bison grammars.
+* Precedence Examples:: How these features are used in the previous example.
+* How Precedence:: How they work.
+File: bison.info, Node: Why Precedence, Next: Using Precedence, Up: Precedence
+When Precedence is Needed
+ Consider the following ambiguous grammar fragment (ambiguous because
+the input `1 - 2 * 3' can be parsed in two different ways):
+ expr: expr '-' expr
+ | expr '*' expr
+ | expr '<' expr
+ | '(' expr ')'
+ ...
+ ;
+Suppose the parser has seen the tokens `1', `-' and `2'; should it
+reduce them via the rule for the addition operator? It depends on the
+next token. Of course, if the next token is `)', we must reduce;
+shifting is invalid because no single rule can reduce the token
+sequence `- 2 )' or anything starting with that. But if the next token
+is `*' or `<', we have a choice: either shifting or reduction would
+allow the parse to complete, but with different results.
+ To decide which one Bison should do, we must consider the results.
+If the next operator token OP is shifted, then it must be reduced first
+in order to permit another opportunity to reduce the sum. The result
+is (in effect) `1 - (2 OP 3)'. On the other hand, if the subtraction
+is reduced before shifting OP, the result is `(1 - 2) OP 3'. Clearly,
+then, the choice of shift or reduce should depend on the relative
+precedence of the operators `-' and OP: `*' should be shifted first,
+but not `<'.
+ What about input such as `1 - 2 - 5'; should this be `(1 - 2) - 5'
+or should it be `1 - (2 - 5)'? For most operators we prefer the
+former, which is called "left association". The latter alternative,
+"right association", is desirable for assignment operators. The choice
+of left or right association is a matter of whether the parser chooses
+to shift or reduce when the stack contains `1 - 2' and the look-ahead
+token is `-': shifting makes right-associativity.
+File: bison.info, Node: Using Precedence, Next: Precedence Examples, Prev: Why Precedence, Up: Precedence
+Specifying Operator Precedence
+ Bison allows you to specify these choices with the operator
+precedence declarations `%left' and `%right'. Each such declaration
+contains a list of tokens, which are operators whose precedence and
+associativity is being declared. The `%left' declaration makes all
+those operators left-associative and the `%right' declaration makes
+them right-associative. A third alternative is `%nonassoc', which
+declares that it is a syntax error to find the same operator twice "in a
+ The relative precedence of different operators is controlled by the
+order in which they are declared. The first `%left' or `%right'
+declaration in the file declares the operators whose precedence is
+lowest, the next such declaration declares the operators whose
+precedence is a little higher, and so on.
+File: bison.info, Node: Precedence Examples, Next: How Precedence, Prev: Using Precedence, Up: Precedence
+Precedence Examples
+ In our example, we would want the following declarations:
+ %left '<'
+ %left '-'
+ %left '*'
+ In a more complete example, which supports other operators as well,
+we would declare them in groups of equal precedence. For example,
+`'+'' is declared with `'-'':
+ %left '<' '>' '=' NE LE GE
+ %left '+' '-'
+ %left '*' '/'
+(Here `NE' and so on stand for the operators for "not equal" and so on.
+We assume that these tokens are more than one character long and
+therefore are represented by names, not character literals.)