path: root/tools/bison++/bison.info-5
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authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2010-11-19 15:19:19 +0000
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2010-11-19 15:19:19 +0000
commitd12ad2fa1165573df95c857ce59f582f964b7cee (patch)
tree8d5546283940c928290a23c50748b3f5c431ef06 /tools/bison++/bison.info-5
parentbd5413c3a7e500fa8c8ccd68a33d2fcc4c172e28 (diff)
parent12f606ce06ef926f366a03079c5e3107c23f18af (diff)
svn merge ^/branches/released .
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/bison++/bison.info-5')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/bison++/bison.info-5 b/tools/bison++/bison.info-5
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bison++/bison.info-5
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+This is bison.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.1 from bison.texinfo.
+* bison: (bison). GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement).
+ This file documents the Bison parser generator.
+ Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 98, 1999 Free Software
+Foundation, Inc.
+ Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+preserved on all copies.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
+this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
+that the sections entitled "GNU General Public License" and "Conditions
+for Using Bison" are included exactly as in the original, and provided
+that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms
+of a permission notice identical to this one.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+versions, except that the sections entitled "GNU General Public
+License", "Conditions for Using Bison" and this permission notice may be
+included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation
+instead of in the original English.
+File: bison.info, Node: Index, Prev: Glossary, Up: Top
+* Menu:
+* $$: Actions.
+* $N: Actions.
+* %expect: Expect Decl.
+* %left: Using Precedence.
+* %nonassoc: Using Precedence.
+* %prec: Contextual Precedence.
+* %pure_parser: Pure Decl.
+* %right: Using Precedence.
+* %start: Start Decl.
+* %token: Token Decl.
+* %type: Type Decl.
+* %union: Union Decl.
+* @N: Action Features.
+* action: Actions.
+* action data types: Action Types.
+* action features summary: Action Features.
+* actions in mid-rule: Mid-Rule Actions.
+* actions, semantic: Semantic Actions.
+* additional C code section: C Code.
+* algorithm of parser: Algorithm.
+* associativity: Why Precedence.
+* Backus-Naur form: Language and Grammar.
+* Bison declaration summary: Decl Summary.
+* Bison declarations: Declarations.
+* Bison declarations (introduction): Bison Declarations.
+* Bison grammar: Grammar in Bison.
+* Bison invocation: Invocation.
+* Bison parser: Bison Parser.
+* Bison parser algorithm: Algorithm.
+* Bison symbols, table of: Table of Symbols.
+* Bison utility: Bison Parser.
+* BNF: Language and Grammar.
+* C code, section for additional: C Code.
+* C declarations section: C Declarations.
+* C-language interface: Interface.
+* calc: Infix Calc.
+* calculator, infix notation: Infix Calc.
+* calculator, multi-function: Multi-function Calc.
+* calculator, simple: RPN Calc.
+* character token: Symbols.
+* compiling the parser: Rpcalc Compile.
+* conflicts: Shift/Reduce.
+* conflicts, reduce/reduce: Reduce/Reduce.
+* conflicts, suppressing warnings of: Expect Decl.
+* context-dependent precedence: Contextual Precedence.
+* context-free grammar: Language and Grammar.
+* controlling function: Rpcalc Main.
+* dangling else: Shift/Reduce.
+* data types in actions: Action Types.
+* data types of semantic values: Value Type.
+* debugging: Debugging.
+* declaration summary: Decl Summary.
+* declarations, Bison: Declarations.
+* declarations, Bison (introduction): Bison Declarations.
+* declarations, C: C Declarations.
+* declaring literal string tokens: Token Decl.
+* declaring operator precedence: Precedence Decl.
+* declaring the start symbol: Start Decl.
+* declaring token type names: Token Decl.
+* declaring value types: Union Decl.
+* declaring value types, nonterminals: Type Decl.
+* default action: Actions.
+* default data type: Value Type.
+* default stack limit: Stack Overflow.
+* default start symbol: Start Decl.
+* defining language semantics: Semantics.
+* else, dangling: Shift/Reduce.
+* error: Error Recovery.
+* error recovery: Error Recovery.
+* error recovery, simple: Simple Error Recovery.
+* error reporting function: Error Reporting.
+* error reporting routine: Rpcalc Error.
+* examples, simple: Examples.
+* exercises: Exercises.
+* file format: Grammar Layout.
+* finite-state machine: Parser States.
+* formal grammar: Grammar in Bison.
+* format of grammar file: Grammar Layout.
+* glossary: Glossary.
+* grammar file: Grammar Layout.
+* grammar rule syntax: Rules.
+* grammar rules section: Grammar Rules.
+* grammar, Bison: Grammar in Bison.
+* grammar, context-free: Language and Grammar.
+* grouping, syntactic: Language and Grammar.
+* infix notation calculator: Infix Calc.
+* interface: Interface.
+* introduction: Introduction.
+* invoking Bison: Invocation.
+* invoking Bison under VMS: VMS Invocation.
+* LALR(1): Mystery Conflicts.
+* language semantics, defining: Semantics.
+* layout of Bison grammar: Grammar Layout.
+* left recursion: Recursion.
+* lexical analyzer: Lexical.
+* lexical analyzer, purpose: Bison Parser.
+* lexical analyzer, writing: Rpcalc Lexer.
+* lexical tie-in: Lexical Tie-ins.
+* literal string token: Symbols.
+* literal token: Symbols.
+* look-ahead token: Look-Ahead.
+* LR(1): Mystery Conflicts.
+* main function in simple example: Rpcalc Main.
+* mfcalc: Multi-function Calc.
+* mid-rule actions: Mid-Rule Actions.
+* multi-character literal: Symbols.
+* multi-function calculator: Multi-function Calc.
+* mutual recursion: Recursion.
+* nonterminal symbol: Symbols.
+* operator precedence: Precedence.
+* operator precedence, declaring: Precedence Decl.
+* options for invoking Bison: Invocation.
+* overflow of parser stack: Stack Overflow.
+* parse error: Error Reporting.
+* parser: Bison Parser.
+* parser stack: Algorithm.
+* parser stack overflow: Stack Overflow.
+* parser state: Parser States.
+* polish notation calculator: RPN Calc.
+* precedence declarations: Precedence Decl.
+* precedence of operators: Precedence.
+* precedence, context-dependent: Contextual Precedence.
+* precedence, unary operator: Contextual Precedence.
+* preventing warnings about conflicts: Expect Decl.
+* pure parser: Pure Decl.
+* recovery from errors: Error Recovery.
+* recursive rule: Recursion.
+* reduce/reduce conflict: Reduce/Reduce.
+* reduction: Algorithm.
+* reentrant parser: Pure Decl.
+* reverse polish notation: RPN Calc.
+* right recursion: Recursion.
+* rpcalc: RPN Calc.
+* rule syntax: Rules.
+* rules section for grammar: Grammar Rules.
+* running Bison (introduction): Rpcalc Gen.
+* semantic actions: Semantic Actions.
+* semantic value: Semantic Values.
+* semantic value type: Value Type.
+* shift/reduce conflicts: Shift/Reduce.
+* shifting: Algorithm.
+* simple examples: Examples.
+* single-character literal: Symbols.
+* stack overflow: Stack Overflow.
+* stack, parser: Algorithm.
+* stages in using Bison: Stages.
+* start symbol: Language and Grammar.
+* start symbol, declaring: Start Decl.
+* state (of parser): Parser States.
+* string token: Symbols.
+* summary, action features: Action Features.
+* summary, Bison declaration: Decl Summary.
+* suppressing conflict warnings: Expect Decl.
+* symbol: Symbols.
+* symbol table example: Mfcalc Symtab.
+* symbols (abstract): Language and Grammar.
+* symbols in Bison, table of: Table of Symbols.
+* syntactic grouping: Language and Grammar.
+* syntax error: Error Reporting.
+* syntax of grammar rules: Rules.
+* terminal symbol: Symbols.
+* token: Language and Grammar.
+* token type: Symbols.
+* token type names, declaring: Token Decl.
+* tracing the parser: Debugging.
+* unary operator precedence: Contextual Precedence.
+* using Bison: Stages.
+* value type, semantic: Value Type.
+* value types, declaring: Union Decl.
+* value types, nonterminals, declaring: Type Decl.
+* value, semantic: Semantic Values.
+* VMS: VMS Invocation.
+* warnings, preventing: Expect Decl.
+* writing a lexical analyzer: Rpcalc Lexer.
+* YYABORT: Parser Function.
+* YYACCEPT: Parser Function.
+* YYBACKUP: Action Features.
+* yychar: Look-Ahead.
+* yyclearin: Error Recovery.
+* yydebug: Debugging.
+* YYDEBUG: Debugging.
+* YYEMPTY: Action Features.
+* yyerrok: Error Recovery.
+* YYERROR: Action Features.
+* yyerror: Error Reporting.
+* YYERROR_VERBOSE: Error Reporting.
+* YYINITDEPTH: Stack Overflow.
+* yylex: Lexical.
+* YYLEX_PARAM: Pure Calling.
+* yylloc: Token Positions.
+* YYLTYPE: Token Positions.
+* yylval: Token Values.
+* YYMAXDEPTH: Stack Overflow.
+* yynerrs: Error Reporting.
+* yyparse: Parser Function.
+* YYPARSE_PARAM: Pure Calling.
+* YYPRINT: Debugging.
+* YYRECOVERING: Error Recovery.
+* |: Rules.