path: root/xorg-server/doc
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authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2012-11-19 10:38:33 +0100
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2012-11-19 10:38:33 +0100
commit24635abae6008bef13e30d798b3f33abab412770 (patch)
treee799fbde24e0fd935af76b0bc48d30ef69f75d54 /xorg-server/doc
parente0844ae8b5ef87049537a7e0ebff81acc2695256 (diff)
parent6ce1d8f0f8c23e186175a7c84c21d7bfbe168dc5 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/released'
* origin/released: Changed file permissions dos -> unix Conflicts: libX11/include/X11/Xregion.h libX11/src/ConvSel.c libX11/src/CrGlCur.c libX11/src/CrWindow.c libX11/src/GetDflt.c libX11/src/StrKeysym.c libX11/src/Window.c libX11/src/xkb/XKBBind.c libX11/src/xkb/XKBGetMap.c libX11/src/xkb/XKBSetGeom.c libX11/src/xkb/XKBUse.c libX11/src/xlibi18n/XimProto.h libX11/src/xlibi18n/lcDynamic.c libXdmcp/Key.c libXdmcp/Write.c libxcb/src/xcb_windefs.h xkbcomp/keycodes.c xkbcomp/xkbpath.c xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/winpriv.h xorg-server/xkeyboard-config/rules/bin/ml1_s.sh xorg-server/xkeyboard-config/rules/bin/ml1v1_s.sh xorg-server/xkeyboard-config/rules/bin/ml1v_s.sh xorg-server/xkeyboard-config/rules/bin/ml_s.sh xorg-server/xkeyboard-config/rules/bin/mln_s.sh xorg-server/xkeyboard-config/rules/bin/mlnvn_s.sh xorg-server/xkeyboard-config/rules/bin/mlv_s.sh xorg-server/xkeyboard-config/rules/compat/.gitignore
Diffstat (limited to 'xorg-server/doc')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/xorg-server/doc/smartsched b/xorg-server/doc/smartsched
index 466408431..057a759fd 100644
--- a/xorg-server/doc/smartsched
+++ b/xorg-server/doc/smartsched
@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
- Client Scheduling in X
- Keith Packard
- SuSE
- 10/28/99
-Since the original X server was written at Digital in 1987, the OS and DIX
-layers shared responsibility for scheduling the order to service
-client requests. The original design was simplistic; under the maximum
-first make it work, then make it work well, this was a good idea. Now
-that we have a bit more experience with X applications, it's time to
-rethink the design.
-The basic dispatch loop in DIX looks like:
- for (;;)
- {
- nready = WaitForSomething (...);
- while (nready--)
- {
- isItTimeToYield = FALSE;
- while (!isItTimeToYield)
- {
- if (!ReadRequestFromClient (...))
- break;
- (execute request);
- }
- }
- }
-WaitForSomething looks like:
- for (;;)
- if (ANYSET (ClientsWithInput))
- return popcount (ClientsWithInput);
- select (...)
- compute clientsReadable from select result;
- return popcount (clientsReadable)
- }
-ReadRequestFromClient looks like:
- if (!fullRequestQueued)
- {
- read ();
- if (!fullRequestQueued)
- {
- remove from ClientsWithInput;
- timesThisConnection = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (twoFullRequestsQueued)
- add to ClientsWithInput;
- if (++timesThisConnection >= 10)
- {
- isItTimeToYield = TRUE;
- timesThisConnection = 0;
- }
- return 1;
-Here's what happens in this code:
-With a single client executing a stream of requests:
- A client sends a packet of requests to the server.
- WaitForSomething wakes up from select and returns that client
- to Dispatch
- Dispatch calls ReadRequestFromClient which reads a buffer (4K)
- full of requests from the client
- The server executes requests from this buffer until it emptys,
- in two stages -- 10 requests at a time are executed in the
- inner Dispatch loop, a buffer full of requests are executed
- because WaitForSomething immediately returns if any clients
- have complete requests pending in their input queues.
- When the buffer finally emptys, the next call to ReadRequest
- FromClient will return zero and Dispatch will go back to
- WaitForSomething; now that the client has no requests pending,
- WaitForSomething will block in select again. If the client
- is active, this select will immediately return that client
- as ready to read.
-With multiple clients sending streams of requests, the sequence
-of operations is similar, except that ReadRequestFromClient will
-set isItTimeToYield after each 10 requests executed causing the
-server to round-robin among the clients with available requests.
-It's important to realize here that any complete requests which have been
-read from clients will be executed before the server will use select again
-to discover input from other clients. A single busy client can easily
-monopolize the X server.
-So, the X server doesn't share well with clients which are more interactive
-in nature.
-The X server executes at most a buffer full of requests before again heading
-into select; ReadRequestFromClient causes the server to yield when the
-client request buffer doesn't contain a complete request. When
-that buffer is executed quickly, the server spends a lot of time
-in select discovering that the same client again has input ready. Thus
-the server also runs busy clients less efficiently than is would be
-What to do.
-There are several things evident from the above discussion:
- 1 The server has a poor metric for deciding how much work it
- should do at one time on behalf of a particular client.
- 2 The server doesn't call select often enough to detect less
- aggressive clients in the face of busy clients, especially
- when those clients are executing slow requests.
- 3 The server calls select too often when executing fast requests.
- 4 Some priority scheme is needed to keep interactive clients
- responding to the user.
-And, there are some assumptions about how X applications work:
- 1 Each X request is executed relatively quickly; a request-granularity
- is good enough for interactive response almost all of the time.
- 2 X applications receiving mouse/keyboard events are likely to
- warrant additional attention from the X server.
-Instead of a request-count metric for work, a time-based metric should be
-used. The server should select a reasonable time slice for each client
-and execute requests for the entire timeslice before yielding to
-another client.
-Instead of returning immediately from WaitForSomething if clients have
-complete requests queued, the server should go through select each
-time and gather as many ready clients as possible. This involves
-polling instead of blocking and adding the ClientsWithInput to
-clientsReadable after the select returns.
-Instead of yielding when the request buffer is empty for a particular
-client, leave the yielding to the upper level scheduling and allow
-the server to try and read again from the socket. If the client
-is busy, another buffer full of requests will already be waiting
-to be delivered thus avoiding the call through select and the
-additional overhead in WaitForSomething.
-Finally, the dispatch loop should not simply execute requests from the
-first available client, instead each client should be prioritized with
-busy clients penalized and clients receiving user events praised.
-How it's done:
-Polling the current time of day from the OS is too expensive to
-be done at each request boundary, so instead an interval timer is
-set allowing the server to track time changes by counting invocations
-of the related signal handler. Instead of using the wall time for
-this purpose, the process CPU time is used instead. This serves
-two purposes -- first, it allows the server to consume no CPU cycles
-when idle, second it avoids conflicts with SIGALRM usage in other
-parts of the server code. It's not without problems though; other
-CPU intensive processes on the same machine can reduce interactive
-response time within the X server. The dispatch loop can now
-calculate an approximate time value using the number of signals
-received. The granularity of the timer sets the scheduling jitter,
-at 20ms it's only occasionally noticeable.
-The changes to WaitForSomething and ReadRequestFromClient are
-straightforward, adjusting when select is called and avoiding
-setting isItTimeToYield too often.
-The dispatch loop changes are more extensive, now instead of
-executing requests from all available clients, a single client
-is chosen after each call to WaitForSomething, requests are
-executed for that client and WaitForSomething is called again.
-Each client is assigned a priority, the dispatch loop chooses the
-client with the highest priority to execute. Priorities are
-updated in three ways:
- 1. Clients which consume their entire slice are penalized
- by having their priority reduced by one until they
- reach some minimum value.
- 2. Clients which have executed no requests for some time
- are praised by having their priority raised until they
- return to normal priority.
- 3. Clients which receive user input are praised by having
- their priority rased until they reach some maximal
- value, above normal priority.
-The effect of these changes is to both improve interactive application
-response and benchmark numbers at the same time.
-$XFree86: $
+ Client Scheduling in X
+ Keith Packard
+ SuSE
+ 10/28/99
+Since the original X server was written at Digital in 1987, the OS and DIX
+layers shared responsibility for scheduling the order to service
+client requests. The original design was simplistic; under the maximum
+first make it work, then make it work well, this was a good idea. Now
+that we have a bit more experience with X applications, it's time to
+rethink the design.
+The basic dispatch loop in DIX looks like:
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ nready = WaitForSomething (...);
+ while (nready--)
+ {
+ isItTimeToYield = FALSE;
+ while (!isItTimeToYield)
+ {
+ if (!ReadRequestFromClient (...))
+ break;
+ (execute request);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+WaitForSomething looks like:
+ for (;;)
+ if (ANYSET (ClientsWithInput))
+ return popcount (ClientsWithInput);
+ select (...)
+ compute clientsReadable from select result;
+ return popcount (clientsReadable)
+ }
+ReadRequestFromClient looks like:
+ if (!fullRequestQueued)
+ {
+ read ();
+ if (!fullRequestQueued)
+ {
+ remove from ClientsWithInput;
+ timesThisConnection = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (twoFullRequestsQueued)
+ add to ClientsWithInput;
+ if (++timesThisConnection >= 10)
+ {
+ isItTimeToYield = TRUE;
+ timesThisConnection = 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+Here's what happens in this code:
+With a single client executing a stream of requests:
+ A client sends a packet of requests to the server.
+ WaitForSomething wakes up from select and returns that client
+ to Dispatch
+ Dispatch calls ReadRequestFromClient which reads a buffer (4K)
+ full of requests from the client
+ The server executes requests from this buffer until it emptys,
+ in two stages -- 10 requests at a time are executed in the
+ inner Dispatch loop, a buffer full of requests are executed
+ because WaitForSomething immediately returns if any clients
+ have complete requests pending in their input queues.
+ When the buffer finally emptys, the next call to ReadRequest
+ FromClient will return zero and Dispatch will go back to
+ WaitForSomething; now that the client has no requests pending,
+ WaitForSomething will block in select again. If the client
+ is active, this select will immediately return that client
+ as ready to read.
+With multiple clients sending streams of requests, the sequence
+of operations is similar, except that ReadRequestFromClient will
+set isItTimeToYield after each 10 requests executed causing the
+server to round-robin among the clients with available requests.
+It's important to realize here that any complete requests which have been
+read from clients will be executed before the server will use select again
+to discover input from other clients. A single busy client can easily
+monopolize the X server.
+So, the X server doesn't share well with clients which are more interactive
+in nature.
+The X server executes at most a buffer full of requests before again heading
+into select; ReadRequestFromClient causes the server to yield when the
+client request buffer doesn't contain a complete request. When
+that buffer is executed quickly, the server spends a lot of time
+in select discovering that the same client again has input ready. Thus
+the server also runs busy clients less efficiently than is would be
+What to do.
+There are several things evident from the above discussion:
+ 1 The server has a poor metric for deciding how much work it
+ should do at one time on behalf of a particular client.
+ 2 The server doesn't call select often enough to detect less
+ aggressive clients in the face of busy clients, especially
+ when those clients are executing slow requests.
+ 3 The server calls select too often when executing fast requests.
+ 4 Some priority scheme is needed to keep interactive clients
+ responding to the user.
+And, there are some assumptions about how X applications work:
+ 1 Each X request is executed relatively quickly; a request-granularity
+ is good enough for interactive response almost all of the time.
+ 2 X applications receiving mouse/keyboard events are likely to
+ warrant additional attention from the X server.
+Instead of a request-count metric for work, a time-based metric should be
+used. The server should select a reasonable time slice for each client
+and execute requests for the entire timeslice before yielding to
+another client.
+Instead of returning immediately from WaitForSomething if clients have
+complete requests queued, the server should go through select each
+time and gather as many ready clients as possible. This involves
+polling instead of blocking and adding the ClientsWithInput to
+clientsReadable after the select returns.
+Instead of yielding when the request buffer is empty for a particular
+client, leave the yielding to the upper level scheduling and allow
+the server to try and read again from the socket. If the client
+is busy, another buffer full of requests will already be waiting
+to be delivered thus avoiding the call through select and the
+additional overhead in WaitForSomething.
+Finally, the dispatch loop should not simply execute requests from the
+first available client, instead each client should be prioritized with
+busy clients penalized and clients receiving user events praised.
+How it's done:
+Polling the current time of day from the OS is too expensive to
+be done at each request boundary, so instead an interval timer is
+set allowing the server to track time changes by counting invocations
+of the related signal handler. Instead of using the wall time for
+this purpose, the process CPU time is used instead. This serves
+two purposes -- first, it allows the server to consume no CPU cycles
+when idle, second it avoids conflicts with SIGALRM usage in other
+parts of the server code. It's not without problems though; other
+CPU intensive processes on the same machine can reduce interactive
+response time within the X server. The dispatch loop can now
+calculate an approximate time value using the number of signals
+received. The granularity of the timer sets the scheduling jitter,
+at 20ms it's only occasionally noticeable.
+The changes to WaitForSomething and ReadRequestFromClient are
+straightforward, adjusting when select is called and avoiding
+setting isItTimeToYield too often.
+The dispatch loop changes are more extensive, now instead of
+executing requests from all available clients, a single client
+is chosen after each call to WaitForSomething, requests are
+executed for that client and WaitForSomething is called again.
+Each client is assigned a priority, the dispatch loop chooses the
+client with the highest priority to execute. Priorities are
+updated in three ways:
+ 1. Clients which consume their entire slice are penalized
+ by having their priority reduced by one until they
+ reach some minimum value.
+ 2. Clients which have executed no requests for some time
+ are praised by having their priority raised until they
+ return to normal priority.
+ 3. Clients which receive user input are praised by having
+ their priority rased until they reach some maximal
+ value, above normal priority.
+The effect of these changes is to both improve interactive application
+response and benchmark numbers at the same time.
+$XFree86: $