path: root/xorg-server/exa/exa_migration_mixed.c
diff options
authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2009-10-05 15:13:41 +0000
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2009-10-05 15:13:41 +0000
commit78db264e7992131e0781bdfa5ede821305262b2d (patch)
tree7461ae9dab5bf69f056250fc233c1ada393dc957 /xorg-server/exa/exa_migration_mixed.c
parent1d2fa791e7eb383cf2818bb2e33da546edbeade9 (diff)
parent77a4732b0637493966889fe3545966fdc12a1b5e (diff)
svn merge https://vcxsrv.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vcxsrv/branches/released .
Diffstat (limited to 'xorg-server/exa/exa_migration_mixed.c')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/xorg-server/exa/exa_migration_mixed.c b/xorg-server/exa/exa_migration_mixed.c
index d1ee9871b..f42c9c233 100644
--- a/xorg-server/exa/exa_migration_mixed.c
+++ b/xorg-server/exa/exa_migration_mixed.c
@@ -31,55 +31,16 @@
#include "exa_priv.h"
#include "exa.h"
-static void
-exaUploadFallback(PixmapPtr pPixmap, CARD8 *src, int src_pitch)
- ExaPixmapPriv(pPixmap);
- RegionPtr damage = DamageRegion (pExaPixmap->pDamage);
- GCPtr pGC = GetScratchGC (pPixmap->drawable.depth,
- pPixmap->drawable.pScreen);
- int nbox, cpp = pPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel / 8;
- DamagePtr backup = pExaPixmap->pDamage;
- BoxPtr pbox;
- CARD8 *src2;
- /* We don't want damage optimisations. */
- pExaPixmap->pDamage = NULL;
- ValidateGC (&pPixmap->drawable, pGC);
- pbox = REGION_RECTS(damage);
- nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(damage);
- while (nbox--) {
- src2 = src + pbox->y1 * src_pitch + pbox->x1 * cpp;
- ExaCheckPutImage(&pPixmap->drawable, pGC,
- pPixmap->drawable.depth, pbox->x1, pbox->y1,
- pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1, 0,
- ZPixmap, (char*) src2);
- pbox++;
- }
- FreeScratchGC (pGC);
- pExaPixmap->pDamage = backup;
exaCreateDriverPixmap_mixed(PixmapPtr pPixmap)
ScreenPtr pScreen = pPixmap->drawable.pScreen;
- RegionPtr damage = DamageRegion (pExaPixmap->pDamage);
- void *sys_buffer = pExaPixmap->sys_ptr;
int w = pPixmap->drawable.width, h = pPixmap->drawable.height;
int depth = pPixmap->drawable.depth, bpp = pPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel;
int usage_hint = pPixmap->usage_hint;
- int sys_pitch = pExaPixmap->sys_pitch;
- int paddedWidth = sys_pitch;
- int nbox;
- BoxPtr pbox;
+ int paddedWidth = pExaPixmap->sys_pitch;
/* Already done. */
if (pExaPixmap->driverPriv)
@@ -105,50 +66,8 @@ exaCreateDriverPixmap_mixed(PixmapPtr pPixmap)
if (!pExaPixmap->driverPriv)
- pExaPixmap->offscreen = TRUE;
- pExaPixmap->sys_ptr = pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = NULL;
- pExaPixmap->sys_pitch = pPixmap->devKind = 0;
- pExaPixmap->score = EXA_PIXMAP_SCORE_PINNED;
(*pScreen->ModifyPixmapHeader)(pPixmap, w, h, 0, 0,
paddedWidth, NULL);
- /* scratch pixmaps */
- if (!w || !h)
- goto finish;
- /* we do not malloc memory by default. */
- if (!sys_buffer)
- goto finish;
- if (!pExaScr->info->UploadToScreen)
- goto fallback;
- pbox = REGION_RECTS(damage);
- nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(damage);
- while (nbox--) {
- if (!pExaScr->info->UploadToScreen(pPixmap, pbox->x1, pbox->y1, pbox->x2 - pbox->x1,
- pbox->y2 - pbox->y1, (char *) (sys_buffer) + pbox->y1 * sys_pitch + pbox->x1 * (bpp / 8), sys_pitch))
- goto fallback;
- pbox++;
- }
- goto finish;
- exaUploadFallback(pPixmap, sys_buffer, sys_pitch);
- free(sys_buffer);
- /* We no longer need this. */
- if (pExaPixmap->pDamage) {
- DamageUnregister(&pPixmap->drawable, pExaPixmap->pDamage);
- DamageDestroy(pExaPixmap->pDamage);
- pExaPixmap->pDamage = NULL;
- }
@@ -175,8 +94,16 @@ exaDoMigration_mixed(ExaMigrationPtr pixmaps, int npixmaps, Bool can_accel)
for (i = 0; i < npixmaps; i++) {
PixmapPtr pPixmap = pixmaps[i].pPix;
if (!pExaPixmap->driverPriv)
+ if (pExaPixmap->pDamage && exaPixmapIsOffscreen(pPixmap)) {
+ pPixmap->devKind = pExaPixmap->fb_pitch;
+ exaCopyDirtyToFb(pixmaps + i);
+ }
+ pExaPixmap->offscreen = exaPixmapIsOffscreen(pPixmap);
@@ -192,3 +119,91 @@ exaMoveInPixmap_mixed(PixmapPtr pPixmap)
exaDoMigration(pixmaps, 1, TRUE);
+/* With mixed pixmaps, if we fail to get direct access to the driver pixmap, we
+ * use the DownloadFromScreen hook to retrieve contents to a copy in system
+ * memory, perform software rendering on that and move back the results with the
+ * UploadToScreen hook (see exaFinishAccess_mixed).
+ */
+exaPrepareAccessReg_mixed(PixmapPtr pPixmap, int index, RegionPtr pReg)
+ if (!ExaDoPrepareAccess(pPixmap, index)) {
+ ExaPixmapPriv(pPixmap);
+ Bool is_offscreen = exaPixmapIsOffscreen(pPixmap);
+ ExaMigrationRec pixmaps[1];
+ /* Do we need to allocate our system buffer? */
+ if (!pExaPixmap->sys_ptr) {
+ pExaPixmap->sys_ptr = malloc(pExaPixmap->sys_pitch *
+ pPixmap->drawable.height);
+ if (!pExaPixmap->sys_ptr)
+ FatalError("EXA: malloc failed for size %d bytes\n",
+ pExaPixmap->sys_pitch * pPixmap->drawable.height);
+ }
+ if (index == EXA_PREPARE_DEST || index == EXA_PREPARE_AUX_DEST) {
+ pixmaps[0].as_dst = TRUE;
+ pixmaps[0].as_src = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ pixmaps[0].as_dst = FALSE;
+ pixmaps[0].as_src = TRUE;
+ }
+ pixmaps[0].pPix = pPixmap;
+ pixmaps[0].pReg = pReg;
+ if (!pExaPixmap->pDamage && (is_offscreen || !exaPixmapIsPinned(pPixmap))) {
+ Bool as_dst = pixmaps[0].as_dst;
+ /* Set up damage tracking */
+ pExaPixmap->pDamage = DamageCreate(NULL, NULL, DamageReportNone,
+ TRUE, pPixmap->drawable.pScreen,
+ pPixmap);
+ DamageRegister(&pPixmap->drawable, pExaPixmap->pDamage);
+ /* This ensures that pending damage reflects the current operation. */
+ /* This is used by exa to optimize migration. */
+ DamageSetReportAfterOp(pExaPixmap->pDamage, TRUE);
+ if (is_offscreen) {
+ exaPixmapDirty(pPixmap, 0, 0, pPixmap->drawable.width,
+ pPixmap->drawable.height);
+ /* We don't know which region of the destination will be damaged,
+ * have to assume all of it
+ */
+ if (as_dst) {
+ pixmaps[0].as_dst = FALSE;
+ pixmaps[0].as_src = TRUE;
+ pixmaps[0].pReg = NULL;
+ }
+ pPixmap->devKind = pExaPixmap->fb_pitch;
+ exaCopyDirtyToSys(pixmaps);
+ }
+ if (as_dst)
+ exaPixmapDirty(pPixmap, 0, 0, pPixmap->drawable.width,
+ pPixmap->drawable.height);
+ } else if (is_offscreen) {
+ pPixmap->devKind = pExaPixmap->fb_pitch;
+ exaCopyDirtyToSys(pixmaps);
+ }
+ pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = pExaPixmap->sys_ptr;
+ pPixmap->devKind = pExaPixmap->sys_pitch;
+ pExaPixmap->offscreen = FALSE;
+ }
+/* Move back results of software rendering on system memory copy of mixed driver
+ * pixmap (see exaPrepareAccessReg_mixed).
+ */
+void exaFinishAccess_mixed(PixmapPtr pPixmap, int index)
+ ExaPixmapPriv(pPixmap);
+ if (pExaPixmap->pDamage && exaPixmapIsOffscreen(pPixmap)) {
+ DamageRegionProcessPending(&pPixmap->drawable);
+ exaMoveInPixmap_mixed(pPixmap);
+ }