path: root/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/doc/README.fonts
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authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2009-07-25 19:39:46 +0000
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2009-07-25 19:39:46 +0000
commit4a3dbb926ae3f5410198d7cc4f4ebe4f62eebf05 (patch)
treec1e02b9d3509aa97703aa4b540d4cd22ec4600ed /xorg-server/hw/xfree86/doc/README.fonts
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Added xorg-server-1.6.2.tar.gz
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- Fonts in X11R6.9
- Juliusz Chroboczek, <jch@pps.jussieu.fr>
- 25 March 2004
-1. Introduction
-This document describes the support for fonts in X11R6.9. Installing fonts
-(section 2., page 1) is aimed at the casual user wishing to install fonts in
-X11R6.9 the rest of the document describes the font support in more detail.
-We assume some familiarity with digital fonts. If anything is not clear to
-you, please consult Appendix: Background (section 5., page 1) at the end of
-this document for background information.
-1.1 Two font systems
-X includes two font systems: the original core X11 fonts system, which is
-present in all implementations of X11, and the Xft fonts system, which may
-not be distributed with implementations of X11 that are not based on X11R6.9
-but will hopefully be included by them in the future
-The core X11 fonts system is directly derived from the fonts system included
-with X11R1 in 1987, which could only use monochrome bitmap fonts. Over the
-years, it has been more or less happily coerced into dealing with scalable
-fonts and rotated glyphs.
-Xft was designed from the start to provide good support for scalable fonts,
-and do so efficiently. Unlike the core fonts system, it supports features
-such as anti-aliasing and sub-pixel rasterisation. Perhaps more importantly,
-it gives applications full control over the way glyphs are rendered, making
-fine typesetting and WYSIWIG display possible. Finally, it allows applica-
-tions to use fonts that are not installed system-wide for displaying docu-
-ments with embedded fonts.
-Xft is not compatible with the core fonts system: usage of Xft requires mak-
-ing fairly extensive changes to toolkits (user-interface libraries). While
-X.org will continue to maintain the core fonts system, toolkit authors are
-encouraged to switch to Xft as soon as possible.
-2. Installing fonts
-This section explains how to configure both Xft and the core fonts system to
-access newly-installed fonts.
-2.1 Configuring Xft
-Xft has no configuration mechanism itself, rather it relies upon the fontcon-
-fig library to configure and customize fonts. That library is not specific
-to X11R6.9 or indeed on any particular font output mechanism. This discus-
-sion describes how fontconfig, rather than Xft, works.
-2.1.1 Installing fonts in Xft
-Fontconfig looks for fonts in a set of well-known directories that include
-all of X11R6.9's standard font directories (`/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/lib/fonts/*')
-by default) as well as a directory called `.fonts/' in the user's home direc-
-tory. Installing a font for use by Xft applications is as simple as copying
-a font file into one of these directories.
- $ cp lucbr.ttf ~/.fonts/
-Fontconfig will notice the new font at the next opportunity and rebuild its
-list of fonts. If you want to trigger this update from the command line (for
-example in order to globally update the system-wide Fontconfig information),
-you may run the command `fc-cache'.
- $ fc-cache
-2.1.2 Fine-tuning Xft
-Fontconfig's behaviour is controlled by a set of configuration files: a sys-
-tem-wide configuration file, `/etc/fonts/fonts.conf', and a user-specific
-file called `.fonts.conf' in the user's home directory (this can be overrid-
-den with the `FONTCONFIG_FILE' environment variable).
-Every Fontconfig configuration file must start with the following boiler-
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
- <fontconfig>
-In addition, every Fontconfig configuration file must end with the following
- </fontconfig>
-The default Fontconfig configuration file includes the directory `~/.fonts/'
-in the list of directories searched for font files, and this is where user-
-specific font files should be installed. In the unlikely case that a new
-font directory needs to be added, this can be done with the following syntax:
- <dir>/usr/local/share/fonts/</dir>
-Another useful option is the ability to disable anti-aliasing (font smooth-
-ing) for selected fonts. This can be done with the following syntax:
- <match target="font">
- <test qual="any" name="family">
- <string>Lucida Console</string>
- </test>
- <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
- <bool>false</bool>
- </edit>
- </match>
-Anti-aliasing can be disabled for all fonts by the following incantation:
- <match target="font">
- <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
- <bool>false</bool>
- </edit>
- </match>
-Xft supports sub-pixel rasterisation on LCD displays. X11R6.9 should auto-
-matically enable this feature on laptops and when using an LCD monitor con-
-nected with a DVI cable; you can check whether this was done by typing
- $ xdpyinfo -ext RENDER | grep sub-pixel
-If this doesn't print anything, you will need to configure Render for your
-particular LCD hardware manually; this is done with the following syntax:
- <match target="font">
- <edit name="rgba" mode="assign">
- <const>rgb</const>
- </edit>
- </match>
-The string `rgb' within the `<const>'...`</const>' specifies the order of
-pixel components on your display, and should be changed to match your hard-
-ware; it can be one of `rgb (normal LCD screen), `bgr' (backwards LCD
-screen), `vrgb' (LCD screen rotated clockwise) or `vbgr' (LCD screen rotated
-2.1.3 Configuring applications
-Because most current applications use the core fonts system by default, it is
-necessary to explicitly configure them to use Xft. How this is done depends
-on the application.
-XTerm can be set to use Xft by using the `-fa' command line option or by set-
-ting the `XTerm*faceName' resource:
- XTerm*faceName: Courier
- $ xterm -fa "Courier"
-For applications based on GTK+ 2.0 (including GNOME 2 applications), the
-environment variable `GDK_USE_XFT' should be set to `1':
- $ export GDK_USE_XFT=1
-GTK+ 2.2 uses Xft by default.
-For KDE applications, you should select ``Anti-alias fonts'' in the ``Fonts''
-panel of KDE's ``Control Center''. Note that this option is misnamed: it
-switches KDE to using Xft but doesn't enable anti-aliasing in case it was
-disabled by your Xft configuration file.
-(What about Mozilla?)
-2.1.4 Troubleshooting
-If some Xft-based applications don't seem to notice the changes you are mak-
-ing to your configuration files, they may be linked against an old version of
-Xft. In order to fix the problem, you should relink them against a current
-version of Xft; on most systems, it is enough to install the current version
-of the Xft and Fontconfig libraries.
-If, for some reason, you cannot upgrade the shared libraries, please check
-the Xft(3) manual page included with XFree86 4.2 for the configuration mecha-
-nisms of the previous version of Xft.
-2.2 Configuring the core X11 fonts system
-Installing fonts in the core system is a two step process. First, you need
-to create a font directory that contains all the relevant font files as well
-as some index files. You then need to inform the X server of the existence
-of this new directory by including it in the font path.
-2.2.1 Installing bitmap fonts
-The X11R6.9 server can use bitmap fonts in both the cross-platform BDF format
-and the somewhat more efficient binary PCF format. (X11R6.9 also supports
-the obsolete SNF format.)
-Bitmap fonts are normally distributed in the BDF format. Before installing
-such fonts, it is desirable (but not absolutely necessary) to convert the
-font files to the PCF format. This is done by using the command `bdftopcf',
- $ bdftopcf courier12.bdf
-You will then want to compress the resulting PCF font files:
- $ gzip courier12.pcf
-After the fonts have been converted, you should copy all the font files that
-you wish to make available into a arbitrary directory, say
-`/usr/local/share/fonts/bitmap/'. You should then create the index file
-`fonts.dir' by running the command `mkfontdir' (please see the mkfontdir(1)
-manual page for more information):
- $ mkdir /usr/local/share/fonts/bitmap/
- $ cp *.pcf.gz /usr/local/share/fonts/bitmap/
- $ mkfontdir /usr/local/share/fonts/bitmap/
-All that remains is to tell the X server about the existence of the new font
-directory; see Setting the server font path (section 2.2.4, page 1) below.
-2.2.2 Installing scalable fonts
-The X11R6.9 server supports scalable fonts in three formats: Type 1, TrueType
-and CIDFont. This section only applies to the first two; for information on
-CIDFonts, please see Installing CIDFonts (section 2.2.3, page 1) later in
-this document. Previous versions also included support for the Speedo scal-
-able font format, but that is disabled in the default builds of X11R6.9 and
-not included in X11R7.0 and later releases.
-Installing scalable fonts is very similar to installing bitmap fonts: you
-create a directory with the font files, and run `mkfontdir' to create an
-index file called `fonts.dir'.
-There is, however, a big difference: `mkfontdir' cannot automatically recog-
-nise scalable font files. For that reason, you must first index all the font
-files in a file called `fonts.scale'. While this can be done by hand, it is
-best done by using the `mkfontscale' utility.
- $ mkfontscale /usr/local/share/fonts/Type1/
- $ mkfontdir /usr/local/share/fonts/Type1/
-Under some circumstances, it may be necessary to modify the `fonts.scale'
-file generated by mkfontscale; for more information, please see the mkfont-
-dir(1) and mkfontscale(1) manual pages and Core fonts and internationalisa-
-tion (section 4.1, page 1) later in this document.
-2.2.3 Installing CID-keyed fonts
-The CID-keyed font format was designed by Adobe Systems for fonts with large
-character sets. A CID-keyed font, or CIDFont for short, contains a collec-
-tion of glyphs indexed by character ID (CID).
-In order to map such glyphs to meaningful indices, Adobe provide a set of
-CMap files. The PostScript name of a font generated from a CIDFont consists
-of the name of the CIDFont and the name of the CMap separated by two dashes.
-For example, the font generated from the CIDFont `Munhwa-Regular' using the
-CMap `UniKS-UCS2-H' is called
- Munhwa-Regular--UniKS-UCS2-H
-The CIDFont code in X11R6.9 requires a very rigid directory structure. The
-main directory must be called `CID' (its location defaults to
-`/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID' but it may be located anywhere), and it should
-contain a subdirectory for every CID collection. Every subdirectory must
-contain subdirectories called CIDFont (containing the actual CIDFont files),
-CMap (containing all the needed CMaps), AFM (containing the font metric
-files) and CFM (initially empty). For example, in the case of the font
-Munhwa-Regular that uses the CID collection Adobe-Korea1-0, the directory
-structure should be as follows:
- CID/Adobe-Korea1/CIDFont/Munhwa-Regular
- CID/Adobe-Korea1/CMap/UniKS-UCS2-H
- CID/Adobe-Korea1/AFM/Munhwa-Regular.afm
- CID/Adobe-Korea1/CFM/
- CID/fonts.dir
- CID/fonts.scale
-After creating this directory structure and copying the relevant files, you
-should create a `fonts.scale' file. This file has the same format as in the
-case of (non-CID) scalable fonts, except that its first column contains
-PostScript font names with the extension `.cid' appended rather than actual
- 1
- Adobe-Korea1/Munhwa-Regular--UniKS-UCS2-H.cid \
- -adobe-munhwa-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso10646-1
-(both names on the same line). Running `mkfontdir' creates the `fonts.dir'
- $ cd /usr/local/share/fonts/CID
- $ mkfontdir
-Finally, you should create the font metrics summary files in the directory
-`CFM' by running the command `mkcfm':
- $ mkcfm /usr/local/share/fonts/CID
-If no CFM files are available, the server will still be able to use the CID
-fonts but querying them will take a long time. You should run `mkcfm' again
-whenever a change is made to any of the CID-keyed fonts, or when the CID-
-keyed fonts are copied to a machine with a different architecture.
-2.2.4 Setting the server's font path
-The list of directories where the server looks for fonts is known as the font
-path. Informing the server of the existence of a new font directory consists
-of putting it on the font path.
-The font path is an ordered list; if a client's request matches multiple
-fonts, the first one in the font path is the one that gets used. When match-
-ing fonts, the server makes two passes over the font path: during the first
-pass, it searches for an exact match; during the second, it searches for
-fonts suitable for scaling.
-For best results, scalable fonts should appear in the font path before the
-bitmap fonts; this way, the server will prefer bitmap fonts to scalable fonts
-when an exact match is possible, but will avoid scaling bitmap fonts when a
-scalable font can be used. (The `:unscaled' hack, while still supported,
-should no longer be necessary in X11R6.9.)
-You may check the font path of the running server by typing the command
- $ xset q
- Temporary modification of the font path
-The `xset' utility may be used to modify the font path for the current ses-
-sion. The font path is set with the command xset fp; a new element is added
-to the front with xset +fp, and added to the end with xset fp+. For example,
- $ xset +fp /usr/local/fonts/Type1
- $ xset fp+ /usr/local/fonts/bitmap
-Conversely, an element may be removed from the front of the font path with
-`xset -fp', and removed from the end with `xset fp-'. You may reset the font
-path to its default value with `xset fp default'.
-For more information, please consult the xset(1) manual page.
- Permanent modification of the font path
-The default font path (the one used just after server startup or after `xset
-fp default') is specified in the X server's `xorg.conf' file. It is computed
-by appending all the directories mentioned in the `FontPath' entries of the
-`Files' section in the order in which they appear.
- FontPath "/usr/local/fonts/Type1"
- ...
- FontPath "/usr/local/fonts/bitmap"
-For more information, please consult the xorg.conf(5) manual page.
-2.2.5 Troubleshooting
-If you seem to be unable to use some of the fonts you have installed, the
-first thing to check is that the `fonts.dir' files are correct and that they
-are readable by the server (the X server usually runs as root, beware of NFS-
-mounted font directories). If this doesn't help, it is quite possible that
-you are trying to use a font in a format that is not supported by your
-X11R6.9 supports the BDF, PCF, SNF, Type 1, TrueType, OpenType and CIDFont
-font formats. However, not all X11R6.9 servers come with all the font back-
-ends configured in.
-On most platforms, the X11R6.9 servers are modular: the font backends are
-included in modules that are loaded at runtime. The modules to be loaded are
-specified in the `xorg.conf' file using the `Load' directive:
- Load "type1"
-If you have trouble installing fonts in a specific format, you may want to
-check the server's log file in order to see whether the relevant modules are
-properly loaded. The list of font modules distributed with X11R6.9 is as
- o "bitmap": bitmap fonts (`*.bdf', `*.pcf' and `*.snf');
- o "freetype": TrueType fonts (`*.ttf' and `*.ttc'), OpenType fonts
- (`*.otf' and `*.otc') and Type 1 fonts (`*.pfa' and `*.pfb');
- o "type1": alternate Type 1 backend (`*.pfa' and `*.pfb') and CIDFont
- backend;
- o "xtt": alternate TrueType backend (`*.ttf' and `*.ttc').
-Please note that the argument of the `Load' directive is case-sensitive.
-3. Fonts included with X11R6.9
-3.1 Standard bitmap fonts
-The Sample Implementation of X11 (SI) comes with a large number of bitmap
-fonts, including the `fixed' family, and bitmap versions of Courier, Times,
-Helvetica and some members of the Lucida family. In the SI, these fonts are
-provided in the ISO 8859-1 encoding (ISO Latin Western-European).
-In X11R6.9, a number of these fonts are provided in Unicode-encoded font
-files instead. At build time, these fonts are split into font files encoded
-according to legacy encodings, a process which allows us to provide the stan-
-dard fonts in a number of regional encodings with no duplication of work.
-For example, the font file
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/6x13.bdf
-with XLFD
- -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1
-is a Unicode-encoded version of the standard `fixed' font with added support
-for the Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Georgian, Armenian, IPA and other scripts
-plus numerous technical symbols. It contains over 2800 glyphs, covering all
-characters of ISO 8859 parts 1-5, 7-10, 13-15, as well as all European IBM
-and Microsoft code pages, KOI8, WGL4, and the repertoires of many other char-
-acter sets.
-This font is used at build time for generating the font files
- 6x13-ISO8859-1.bdf
- 6x13-ISO8859-2.bdf
- ...
- 6x13-ISO8859-15.bdf
- 6x13-KOI8-R.bdf
-with respective XLFDs
- -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
- ...
- -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-15
- -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-60-koi8-r
-The standard short name `fixed' is normally an alias for
- -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
-3.2 The ClearlyU Unicode font family
-The ClearlyU family of fonts provides a set of 12 pt, 100 dpi proportional
-fonts with many of the glyphs needed for Unicode text. Together, the fonts
-contain approximately 7500 glyphs.
-The main ClearlyU font has the XLFD
- -mutt-clearlyu-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-101-iso10646-1
-and resides in the font file
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/cu12.pcf.gz
-Additional ClearlyU fonts include
- -mutt-clearlyu alternate glyphs-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-91-iso10646-1
- -mutt-clearlyu pua-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-111-iso10646-1
- -mutt-clearlyu arabic extra-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-103-fontspecific-0
- -mutt-clearlyu ligature-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-141-fontspecific-0
-The Alternate Glyphs font contains additional glyph shapes that are needed
-for certain languages. A second alternate glyph font will be provided later
-for cases where a character has more than one commonly used alternate shape
-(e.g. the Urdu heh).
-The PUA font contains extra glyphs that are useful for certain rendering pur-
-The Arabic Extra font contains the glyphs necessary for characters that don't
-have all of their possible shapes encoded in ISO 10646. The glyphs are
-roughly ordered according to the order of the characters in the ISO 10646
-The Ligature font contains ligatures for various scripts that may be useful
-for improved presentation of text.
-3.3 Standard scalable fonts
-X11R6.9 includes all the scalable fonts distributed with X11R6.
-3.3.1 Standard Type 1 fonts
-The IBM Courier set of fonts cover ISO 8859-1 and ISO 8859-2 as well as Adobe
-Standard Encoding. These fonts have XLFD
- -adobe-courier-medium-*-*--0-0-0-0-m-0-*-*
-and reside in the font files
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/cour*.pfa
-The Adobe Utopia set of fonts only cover ISO 8859-1 as well as Adobe Standard
-Encoding. These fonts have XLFD
- -adobe-utopia-*-*-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
-and reside in the font files
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/UT*.pfa
-Finally, X11R6.9 also comes with Type 1 versions of Bitstream Courier and
-Charter. These fonts have XLFD
- -bitstream-courier-*-*-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-1
- -bitstream-charter-*-*-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
-and reside in the font files
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/c*bt_.pfb
-3.4 The Bigelow & Holmes Luxi family
-X11R6.9 includes the Luxi family of scalable fonts, in both TrueType and
-Type 1 format. This family consists of the fonts Luxi Serif, with XLFD
- -b&h-luxi serif-medium-*-normal--*-*-*-*-p-*-*-*
-Luxi Sans, with XLFD
- -b&h-luxi sans-medium-*-normal--*-*-*-*-p-*-*-*
-and Luxi Mono, with XLFD
- -b&h-luxi mono-medium-*-normal--*-*-*-*-m-*-*-*
-Each of these fonts comes Roman, oblique, bold and bold oblique variants The
-TrueType version have glyphs covering the basic ASCII Unicode range, the
-Latin 1 range, as well as the Extended Latin range and some additional punc-
-tuation characters. In particular, these fonts include all the glyphs needed
-for ISO 8859 parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13 and 15, as well as all the glyphs in the
-Adobe Standard encoding and the Windows 3.1 character set.
-The glyph coverage of the Type 1 versions is somewhat reduced, and only cov-
-ers ISO 8859 parts 1, 2 and 15 as well as the Adobe Standard encoding.
-The Luxi fonts are original designs by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow. Luxi
-fonts include seriffed, sans serif, and monospaced styles, in roman and
-oblique, and normal and bold weights. The fonts share stem weight, x-height,
-capital height, ascent and descent, for graphical harmony.
-The character width metrics of Luxi roman and bold fonts match those of core
-fonts bundled with popular operating and window systems.
-The license terms for the Luxi fonts are included in the file `COPYRIGHT.BH',
-as well as in the License document.
-Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes from Bigelow and Holmes Inc. developed the
-Luxi typeface designs in Ikarus digital format.
-URW++ Design and Development GmbH converted the Ikarus format fonts to True-
-Type and Type1 font programs and implemented the grid-fitting "hints" and
-kerning tables in the Luxi fonts.
-For more information, please contact <design@bigelowandholmes.com> or
-<info@urwpp.de>, or consult the URW++ web site <URL:http://www.urwpp.de>.
-An earlier version of the Luxi fonts was made available under the name
-Lucidux. This name should no longer be used due to trademark uncertainties,
-and all traces of the Lucidux name have been removed from X11R6.9.
-4. More about core fonts
-This section describes X11R6.9-specific enhancements to the core X11 fonts
-4.1 Core fonts and internationalisation
-The scalable font backends (Type 1 and TrueType) can automatically re-encode
-fonts to the encoding specified in the XLFD in `fonts.dir'. For example, a
-`fonts.dir' file can contain entries for the Type 1 Courier font such as
- cour.pfa -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-1
- cour.pfa -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-2
-which will lead to the font being recoded to ISO 8859-1 and ISO 8859-2
-4.1.1 The fontenc layer
-Two of the scalable backends (Type 1 and the FreeType TrueType backend) use a
-common fontenc layer for font re-encoding. This allows these backends to
-share their encoding data, and allows simple configuration of new locales
-independently of font type.
-Please note: the X-TrueType (X-TT) backend is not included in X11R6.9. That
-functionality has been merged into the FreeType backend.>
-In the fontenc layer, an encoding is defined by a name (such as iso8859-1),
-possibly a number of aliases (alternate names), and an ordered collection of
-mappings. A mapping defines the way the encoding can be mapped into one of
-the target encodings known to fontenc; currently, these consist of Unicode,
-Adobe glyph names, and arbitrary TrueType ``cmap''s.
-A number of encodings are hardwired into fontenc, and are therefore always
-available; the hardcoded encodings cannot easily be redefined. These
- o iso10646-1: Unicode;
- o iso8859-1: ISO Latin-1 (Western Europe);
- o iso8859-2: ISO Latin-2 (Eastern Europe);
- o iso8859-3: ISO Latin-3 (Southern Europe);
- o iso8859-4: ISO Latin-4 (Northern Europe);
- o iso8859-5: ISO Cyrillic;
- o iso8859-6: ISO Arabic;
- o iso8859-7: ISO Greek;
- o iso8859-8: ISO Hebrew;
- o iso8859-9: ISO Latin-5 (Turkish);
- o iso8859-10: ISO Latin-6 (Nordic);
- o iso8859-15: ISO Latin-9, or Latin-0 (Revised Western-European);
- o koi8-r: KOI8 Russian;
- o koi8-u: KOI8 Ukrainian (see RFC 2319);
- o koi8-ru: KOI8 Russian/Ukrainian;
- o koi8-uni: KOI8 ``Unified'' (Russian, Ukrainian, and Byelorussian);
- o koi8-e: KOI8 ``European,'' ISO-IR-111, or ECMA-Cyrillic;
- o microsoft-symbol and apple-roman: these are only likely to be useful
- with TrueType symbol fonts.
-Additional encodings can be added by defining encoding files. When a font
-encoding is requested that the fontenc layer doesn't know about, the backend
-checks the directory in which the font file resides (not necessarily the
-directory with fonts.dir!) for a file named `encodings.dir'. If found, this
-file is scanned for the requested encoding, and the relevant encoding defini-
-tion file is read in. The `mkfontdir' utility, when invoked with the `-e'
-option followed by the name of a directory containing encoding files, can be
-used to automatically build `encodings.dir' files. Please see the mkfont-
-dir(1) manual page for more details.
-A number of encoding files for common encodings are included with X11R6.9.
-Information on writing new encoding files can be found in Format of encodings
-directory files (section 4.1.3, page 1) and Format of encoding files (section
-4.1.4, page 1) later in this document.
-4.1.2 Backend-specific notes about fontenc
- The FreeType backend
-For TrueType and OpenType fonts, the FreeType backend scans the mappings in
-order. Mappings with a target of PostScript are ignored; mappings with a
-TrueType or Unicode target are checked against all the cmaps in the file.
-The first applicable mapping is used.
-For Type 1 fonts, the FreeType backend first searches for a mapping with a
-target of PostScript. If one is found, it is used. Otherwise, the backend
-searches for a mapping with target Unicode, which is then composed with a
-built-in table mapping codes to glyph names. Note that this table only cov-
-ers part of the Unicode code points that have been assigned names by Adobe.
-Specifying an encoding value of adobe-fontspecific for a Type 1 font disables
-the encoding mechanism. This is useful with symbol and incorrectly encoded
-fonts (see Incorrectly encoded fonts (section 4.1.6, page 1) below).
-If a suitable mapping is not found, the FreeType backend defaults to
-ISO 8859-1.
- Type 1
-The Type 1 backend behaves similarly to the FreeType backend with Type 1
-fonts, except that it limits all encodings to 8-bit codes.
-4.1.3 Format of encoding directory files
-In order to use a font in an encoding that the font backend does not know
-about, you need to have an `encodings.dir' file either in the same directory
-as the font file used or in a system-wide location
-(`/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/' by default).
-The `encodings.dir' file has a similar format to `fonts.dir'. Its first line
-specifies the number of encodings, while every successive line has two
-columns, the name of the encoding, and the name of the encoding file; this
-can be relative to the current directory, or absolute. Every encoding name
-should agree with the encoding name defined in the encoding file. For exam-
- 3
- mulearabic-0 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/mulearabic-0.enc
- mulearabic-1 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/mulearabic-1.enc
- mulearabic-2 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/mulearabic-2.enc
-The name of an encoding must be specified in the encoding file's `STARTENCOD-
-ING' or `ALIAS' line. It is not enough to create an `encodings.dir' entry.
-If your platform supports it (it probably does), encoding files may be com-
-pressed or gzipped.
-The `encoding.dir' files are best maintained by the `mkfontdir' utility.
-Please see the mkfontdir(1) manual page for more information.
-4.1.4 Format of encoding files
-The encoding files are ``free form,'' i.e. any string of whitespace is equiv-
-alent to a single space. Keywords are parsed in a non-case-sensitive manner,
-meaning that `size', `SIZE', and `SiZE' all parse as the same keyword; on the
-other hand, case is significant in glyph names.
-Numbers can be written in decimal, as in `256', in hexadecimal, as in
-`0x100', or in octal, as in `0400'.
-Comments are introduced by a hash sign `#'. A `#' may appear at any point in
-a line, and all characters following the `#' are ignored, up to the end of
-the line.
-The encoding file starts with the definition of the name of the encoding, and
-possibly its alternate names (aliases):
- STARTENCODING mulearabic-0
- ALIAS arabic-0
-The name of the encoding and its aliases should be suitable for use in an
-XLFD font name, and therefore contain exactly one dash `-'.
-The encoding file may then optionally declare the size of the encoding. For
-a linear encoding (such as ISO 8859-1), the SIZE line specifies the maximum
-code plus one:
- SIZE 0x2B
-For a matrix encoding, it should specify two numbers. The first is the num-
-ber of the last row plus one, the other, the highest column number plus one.
-In the case of `jisx0208.1990-0' (JIS X 0208(1990), double-byte encoding,
-high bit clear), it should be
- SIZE 0x75 0x80
-In the case of a matrix encoding, a `FIRSTINDEX' line may be included to
-specify the minimum glyph index in an encoding. The keyword `FIRSTINDEX' is
-followed by two integers, the minimum row number followed by the minimum col-
-umn number:
- FIRSTINDEX 0x20 0x20
-In the case of a linear encoding, a `FIRSTINDEX' line is not very useful. If
-for some reason however you chose to include on, it should be followed by a
-single integer.
-Note that in most font backends inclusion of a `FIRSTINDEX' line has the side
-effect of disabling default glyph generation, and this keyword should there-
-fore be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
-Codes outside the region defined by the `SIZE' and `FIRSTINDEX' lines are
-understood to be undefined. Encodings default to linear encoding with a size
-of 256 (0x100). This means that you must declare the size of all 16 bit
-What follows is one or more mapping sections. A mapping section starts with
-a `STARTMAPPING' line stating the target of the mapping. The target may be
-one of:
- o Unicode (ISO 10646):
- o a given TrueType ``cmap'':
- o PostScript glyph names:
- STARTMAPPING postscript
-Every line in a mapping section maps one from the encoding being defined to
-the target of the mapping. In mappings with a Unicode or TrueType mapping,
-codes are mapped to codes:
- 0x21 0x0660
- 0x22 0x0661
- ...
-As an abbreviation, it is possible to map a contiguous range of codes in a
-single line. A line consisting of three integers
- <it/start/ <it/end/ <it/target/
-is an abbreviation for the range of lines
- start target
- start+1 target+1
- ...
- end target+end-start
-For example, the line
- 0x2121 0x215F 0x8140
-is an abbreviation for
- 0x2121 0x8140
- 0x2122 0x8141
- ...
- 0x215F 0x817E
-Codes not listed are assumed to map through the identity (i.e. to the same
-numerical value). In order to override this default mapping, you may specify
-a range of codes to be undefined by using an `UNDEFINE' line:
- UNDEFINE 0x00 0x2A
-or, for a single code,
- UNDEFINE 0x1234
-PostScript mappings are different. Every line in a PostScript mapping maps a
-code to a glyph name
- 0x41 A
- 0x42 B
- ...
-and codes not explicitly listed are undefined.
-A mapping section ends with an ENDMAPPING line
-After all the mappings have been defined, the file ends with an ENDENCODING
-In order to make future extensions to the format possible, lines starting
-with an unknown keyword are silently ignored, as are mapping sections with an
-unknown target.
-4.1.5 Using symbol fonts
-Type 1 symbol fonts should be installed using the adobe-fontspecific encod-
-In an ideal world, all TrueType symbol fonts would be installed using one of
-the microsoft-symbol and apple-roman encodings. A number of symbol fonts,
-however, are not marked as such; such fonts should be installed using
-microsoft-cp1252, or, for older fonts, microsoft-win3.1.
-In order to guarantee consistent results (especially between Type 1 and True-
-Type versions of the same font), it is possible to define a special encoding
-for a given font. This has already been done for the ZapfDingbats font; see
-the file `encodings/adobe-dingbats.enc'.
-4.1.6 Hints about using badly encoded fonts
-A number of text fonts are incorrectly encoded. Incorrect encoding is some-
-times done by design, in order to make a font for an exotic script appear
-like an ordinary Western text font on systems which are not easily extended
-with new locale data. It is often the result of the font designer's laziness
-or incompetence; for some reason, most people seem to find it easier to
-invent idiosyncratic glyph names rather than follow the Adobe glyph list.
-There are two ways of dealing with such fonts: using them with the encoding
-they were designed for, and creating an ad hoc encoding file.
- Using fonts with the designer's encoding
-In the case of Type 1 fonts, the font designer can specify a default encod-
-ing; this encoding is requested by using the `adobe-fontspecific' encoding in
-the XLFD name. Sometimes, the font designer omitted to specify a reasonable
-default encoding, in which case you should experiment with `adobe-standard',
-`iso8859-1', `microsoft-cp1252', and `microsoft-win3.1'. (The encoding
-`microsoft-symbol' doesn't make sense for Type 1 fonts).
-TrueType fonts do not have a default encoding. However, most TrueType fonts
-are designed with either Microsoft or Apple platforms in mind, so one of
-`microsoft-symbol', `microsoft-cp1252', `microsoft-win3.1', or `apple-roman'
-should yield reasonable results.
- Specifying an ad hoc encoding file
-It is always possible to define an encoding file to put the glyphs in a font
-in any desired order. Again, see the `encodings/adobe-dingbats.enc' file to
-see how this is done.
- Specifying font aliases
-By following the directions above, you will find yourself with a number of
-fonts with unusual names --- with encodings such as `adobe-fontspecific',
-`microsoft-win3.1' etc. In order to use these fonts with standard applica-
-tions, it may be useful to remap them to their proper names.
-This is done by writing a `fonts.alias' file. The format of this file is very
-simple: it consists of a series of lines each mapping an alias name to a font
-name. A `fonts.alias' file might look as follows:
- "-ogonki-alamakota-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-2" \
- "-ogonki-alamakota-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-adobe-fontspecific"
-(both XLFD names on a single line). The syntax of the `fonts.alias' file is
-more precisely described in the mkfontdir(1) manual page.
-4.2 Additional notes about scalable core fonts
-The FreeType (libfreetype-xtt2) backend (module `freetype', formerly known as
-xfsft) is able to deal with both TrueType and Type 1 fonts. This puts it in
-conflict with the X-TT and Type 1 backends respectively.
-If both the FreeType and the Type 1 backends are loaded, the FreeType backend
-will be used for Type 1 fonts. If both the FreeType and X-TT backends are
-loaded, X-TT will be used for TrueType fonts.
-4.2.1 About the FreeType backend
-The FreeType (libfreetype-xtt2) backend (formerly xfsft) is a backend based
-on version 2 of the FreeType library (see the FreeType web site
-<URL:http://www.freetype.org/>) and has the X-TT functionalities for CJKV
-support provided by the After X-TT Project (see the After X-TT Project web
-site <URL:http://x-tt.sourceforge.jp/>). The FreeType module has support for
-the ``fontenc'' style of internationalisation (see The fontenc layer (section
-4.1.1, page 1)). This backend supports TrueType font files (`*.ttf'), Open-
-Type font files (`*.otf'), TrueType Collections (`*.ttc'), OpenType Collec-
-tions (`*.otc') and Type 1 font files (`*.pfa' and `*.pfb').
-In order to access the faces in a TrueType Collection file, the face number
-must be specified in the fonts.dir file before the filename, within a pair of
-colons, or by setting the 'fn' TTCap option. For example,
- :1:mincho.ttc -misc-pmincho-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-jisx0208.1990-0
-refers to face 1 in the `mincho.ttc' TrueType Collection file.
-The new FreeType backend supports the extended `fonts.dir' syntax introduced
-by X-TrueType with a number of options, collectively known as `TTCap'. A
-`TTCap' entry follows the general syntax
- option=value:
-and should be specified before the filename. The new FreeType almost per-
-fectly supports TTCap options that are compatible with X-TT 1.4. The Auto-
-matic Italic (`ai'), Double Strike (`ds') and Bounding box Width (`bw')
-options are indispensable in CJKV. For example,
- mincho.ttc -misc-mincho-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
- ds=y:mincho.ttc -misc-mincho-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
- ai=0.2:mincho.ttc -misc-mincho-medium-i-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
- ds=y:ai=0.2:mincho.ttc -misc-mincho-bold-i-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
- bw=0.5:mincho.ttc -misc-mincho-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-jisx0201.1976-0
- bw=0.5:ds=y:mincho.ttc -misc-mincho-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-jisx0201.1976-0
- bw=0.5:ai=0.2:mincho.ttc -misc-mincho-medium-i-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-jisx0201.1976-0
- bw=0.5:ds=y:ai=0.2:mincho.ttc -misc-mincho-bold-i-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-jisx0201.1976-0
-setup the complete combination of jisx0208 and jisx0201 using mincho.ttc
-only. More information on the TTCap syntax is found on the After X-TT Pro-
-ject page <URL:http://x-tt.sourceforge.jp/>.
-The FreeType backend uses the fontenc layer in order to support recoding of
-fonts; this was described in The fontenc layer (section 4.1.1, page 1) and
-especially FreeType-specific notes about fontenc (section, page 1)
-earlier in this document.
-4.2.2 About the X-TrueType TrueType backend
-The `X-TrueType' backend is a backend based on version 1 of the FreeType
-library. X-TrueType doesn't use the `fontenc' layer for managing font encod-
-ings, but instead uses its own database of encodings.
-Since the functionalities for CJKV support introduced by X-TT have been
-merged into the new FreeType backend, the X-TT backend will be removed from
-X11R6.9's tree near the future. Therefore, the use of FreeType backend is
-preferred over the X-TT backend.
-General information on X-TrueType may be found at the After X-TT Project page
-4.2.3 Delayed glyph rasterisation
-When loading a proportional fonts which contain a huge number of glyphs, the
-old FreeType delayed glyph rasterisation until the time at which the glyph
-was first used. The new FreeType (libfreetype-xtt2) has an improved `very
-lazy' metric calculation method to speed up the process when loading TrueType
-or OpenType fonts. Although the X-TT module also has this method, the
-"vl=y" TTCap option must be set if you want to use it. This is the default
-method for FreeType when it loads multi-byte fonts. Even if you use a uni-
-code font which has tens of thousands of glyphs, this delay will not be wor-
-risome as long as you use the new FreeType backend -- its `very lazy' method
-is super-fast.
-The maximum error of bitmap position using `very lazy' method is 1 pixel, and
-is the same as that of a character-cell spacing. When the X-TT backend is
-used with the `vl=y' option, a chipped bitmap is displayed with certain
-fonts. However, the new FreeType backend has minimal problem with this,
-since it corrects left- and right-side bearings using `italicAngle' in the
-TrueType/OpenType post table, and does automatic correction of bitmap posi-
-tions when rasterisation so that chipped bitmaps are not displayed. Never-
-theless if you don't want to use the `very lazy' method when using multi-
-bytes fonts, set `vl=n' in the TTCap option to disable it:
- vl=n:luxirr.ttf -b&h-Luxi Serif-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso10646-1
-Of course, both backends also support an optimisation for character-cell
-fonts (fonts with all glyph metrics equal, or terminal fonts). A font with
-an XLFD specifying a character-cell spacing `c', as in
- -misc-mincho-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
- fs=c:mincho.ttc -misc-mincho-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-jisx0208.1990-0
-will not compute the metric for each glyph, but instead trust the font to be
-a character-cell font. You are encouraged to make use of this optimisation
-when useful, but be warned that not all monospaced fonts are character-cell
-5. Appendix: background and terminology
-5.1 Characters and glyphs
-A computer text-processing system inputs keystrokes and outputs glyphs, small
-pictures that are assembled on paper or on a computer screen. Keystrokes and
-glyphs do not, in general, coincide: for example, if the system does generate
-ligatures, then to the sequence of two keystrokes <f><i> will typically cor-
-respond a single glyph. Similarly, if the system shapes Arabic glyphs in a
-vaguely reasonable manner, then multiple different glyphs may correspond to a
-single keystroke.
-The complex transformation rules from keystrokes to glyphs are usually fac-
-tored into two simpler transformations, from keystrokes to characters and
-from characters to glyphs. You may want to think of characters as the basic
-unit of text that is stored e.g. in the buffer of your text editor. While
-the definition of a character is intrinsically application-specific, a number
-of standardised collections of characters have been defined.
-A coded character set is a set of characters together with a mapping from
-integer codes --- known as codepoints --- to characters. Examples of coded
-character sets include US-ASCII, ISO 8859-1, KOI8-R, and JIS X 0208(1990).
-A coded character set need not use 8 bit integers to index characters. Many
-early systems used 6 bit character sets, while 16 bit (or more) character
-sets are necessary for ideographic writing systems.
-5.2 Font files, fonts, and XLFD
-Traditionally, typographers speak about typefaces and founts. A typeface is
-a particular style or design, such as Times Italic, while a fount is a
-molten-lead incarnation of a given typeface at a given size.
-Digital fonts come in font files. A font file contains the information nec-
-essary for generating glyphs of a given typeface, and applications using font
-files may access glyph information in an arbitrary order.
-Digital fonts may consist of bitmap data, in which case they are said to be
-bitmap fonts. They may also consist of a mathematical description of glyph
-shapes, in which case they are said to be scalable fonts. Common formats for
-scalable font files are Type 1 (sometimes incorrectly called ATM fonts or
-PostScript fonts), TrueType and OpenType.
-The glyph data in a digital font needs to be indexed somehow. How this is
-done depends on the font file format. In the case of Type 1 fonts, glyphs
-are identified by glyph names. In the case of TrueType fonts, glyphs are
-indexed by integers corresponding to one of a number of indexing schemes
-(usually Unicode --- see below).
-The X11 core fonts system uses the data in a font file to generate font
-instances, which are collections of glyphs at a given size indexed according
-to a given encoding.
-X11 core font instances are usually specified using a notation known as the X
-Logical Font Description (XLFD). An XLFD starts with a dash `-', and con-
-sists of fourteen fields separated by dashes, for example:
- -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1
-Or particular interest are the last two fields `iso8859-1', which specify the
-font instance's encoding.
-A scalable font is specified by an XLFD which contains zeroes instead of some
- -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-1
-X11 font instances may also be specified by short name. Unlike an XLFD, a
-short name has no structure and is simply a conventional name for a font
-instance. Two short names are of particular interest, as the server will not
-start if font instances with these names cannot be opened. These are
-`fixed', which specifies the fallback font to use when the requested font
-cannot be opened, and `cursor', which specifies the set of glyphs to be used
-by the mouse pointer.
-Short names are usually implemented as aliases to XLFDs; the standard `fixed'
-and `cursor' aliases are defined in
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/font/misc/fonts.alias
-5.3 Unicode
-Unicode (urlnam <URL:http://www.unicode.org>) is a coded character set with
-the goal of uniquely identifying all characters for all scripts, current and
-historical. While Unicode was explicitly not designed as a glyph encoding
-scheme, it is often possible to use it as such.
-Unicode is an open character set, meaning that codepoint assignments may be
-added to Unicode at any time (once specified, though, an assignment can never
-be changed). For this reason, a Unicode font will be sparse, meaning that it
-only defines glyphs for a subset of the character registry of Unicode.
-The Unicode standard is defined in parallel with the international standard
-ISO 10646. Assignments in the two standards are always equivalent, and we
-often use the terms Unicode and ISO 10646 interchangeably.
-When used in the X11 core fonts system, Unicode-encoded fonts should have the
-last two fields of their XLFD set to `iso10646-1'.
-6. References
-X11R6.9 comes with extensive documentation in the form of manual pages and
-typeset documents. Before installing fonts, you really should read the font-
-config(3) and mkfontdir(1) manual pages; other manual pages of interest
-include X(7), Xserver(1), xset(1), Xft(3), xlsfonts(1) and showfont(1). In
-addition, you may want to read the X Logical Font Description document, by
-Jim Flowers, which is provided in the file `xc/doc/xlfd.PS.Z'.
-The latest released version of the X11R6.9 documentation (including this doc-
-ument and all manual pages) can be found from current X11R6.9 documentation
-The comp.fonts FAQ <URL:http://www.netmeg.net/faq/computers/fonts/>, which is
-unfortunately no longer being maintained, contains a wealth of information
-about digital fonts.
-Xft and Fontconfig are described on Keith Packard's Fontconfig site
-The xfsft home page <URL:http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/jec/programs/xfsft/>
-has been superseded by this document, and is now obsolete; you may however
-still find some of the information that it contains useful. Joerg Pommnitz'
-xfsft page <URL:http://www.joerg-pommnitz.de/TrueType/xfsft.html> is the
-canonical source for the `ttmkfdir' utility, which is the ancestor of
-The author's software pages <URL:http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~jch/software/>
-might or might not contain related scribbles and development versions of
-The documentation of X-TrueType is available from the After X-TT Project page
-A number of East-Asian CIDFonts are available from O'Reilly's FTP site
-While the Unicode consortium site <URL:http://www.unicode.org> may be of
-interest, you are more likely to find what you need in Markus Kuhn's UTF-8
-and Unicode FAQ <URL:http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html>.
-The IANA RFC documents, available from a number of sites throughout the
-world, often provide interesting information about character set issues; see
-for example RFC 373.