path: root/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/doc/man/Xorg.man
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authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2011-01-19 19:42:41 +0000
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2011-01-19 19:42:41 +0000
commitcdc60fdcddbe5666aac11af34c6c030d4a670b99 (patch)
tree4ec58bc0728308be9921485d5e79979bbc65a9b1 /xorg-server/hw/xfree86/doc/man/Xorg.man
parent800da6ed70c65f5059726b7ce35030e9c7235f01 (diff)
parenta13b75f056f9f9efcf6ecb8610b40ddbbb2bbb69 (diff)
svn merge ^/branches/released .
Diffstat (limited to 'xorg-server/hw/xfree86/doc/man/Xorg.man')
1 files changed, 689 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/doc/man/Xorg.man b/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/doc/man/Xorg.man
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fa334cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/doc/man/Xorg.man
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+.\" $XdotOrg: xserver/xorg/hw/xfree86/doc/man/Xorg.man.pre,v 1.3 2005/07/04 18:41:01 ajax Exp $
+.\" shorthand for double quote that works everywhere.
+.ds q \N'34'
+.TH __xservername__ __appmansuffix__ __vendorversion__
+__xservername__ - X11R7 X server
+.B __xservername__
+.RI [\fB:\fP display ]
+.RI [ option
+.IR ... ]
+.B __xservername__
+is a full featured X server that was originally designed for UNIX and
+UNIX-like operating systems running on Intel x86 hardware. It now runs
+on a wider range of hardware and OS platforms.
+This work was derived by the X.Org Foundation from the XFree86 Project's
+.I "XFree86\ 4.4rc2"
+The XFree86 release was originally derived from
+.I "X386\ 1.2"
+by Thomas Roell which was contributed to X11R5 by Snitily Graphics
+Consulting Service.
+.B __xservername__
+operates under a wide range of operating systems and hardware platforms.
+The Intel x86 (IA32) architecture is the most widely supported hardware
+platform. Other hardware platforms include Compaq Alpha, Intel IA64, AMD64,
+SPARC and PowerPC. The most widely supported operating systems are the
+free/OpenSource UNIX-like systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD,
+OpenBSD, and Solaris. Commercial UNIX operating systems such as
+UnixWare are also supported. Other supported operating systems include
+GNU Hurd. Mac OS X is supported with the
+Xquartz(__appmansuffix__) X server. Win32/Cygwin is supported with the
+XWin(__appmansuffix__) X server.
+.B __xservername__
+supports connections made using the following reliable
+.TP 4
+.I "Local"
+On most platforms, the "Local" connection type is a UNIX-domain socket.
+On some System V platforms, the "local" connection types also include
+STREAMS pipes, named pipes, and some other mechanisms.
+.TP 4
+.B __xservername__
+listens on port
+.RI 6000+ n ,
+.I n
+is the display number. This connection type can be disabled with the
+.B \-nolisten
+option (see the Xserver(1) man page for details).
+For operating systems that support local connections other than Unix
+Domain sockets (SVR3 and SVR4), there is a compiled-in list specifying
+the order in which local connections should be attempted. This list
+can be overridden by the
+environment variable described below. If the display name indicates a
+best-choice connection should be made (e.g.
+.BR :0.0 ),
+each connection mechanism is tried until a connection succeeds or no
+more mechanisms are available. Note: for these OSs, the Unix Domain
+socket connection is treated differently from the other local connection
+types. To use it the connection must be made to
+.BR unix:0.0 .
+environment variable should contain a list of one more
+more of the following:
+.RS 8
+which represent SVR4 Named Streams pipe, Old-style USL Streams pipe,
+SCO XSight Streams pipe, and ISC Streams pipe, respectively. You can
+select a single mechanism (e.g.
+or an ordered list (e.g. \fIXLOCAL="NAMED:PTS:SCO"\fP).
+his variable overrides the compiled-in defaults. For SVR4 it is
+recommended that
+be the first preference connection. The default setting is
+To globally override the compiled-in defaults, you should define (and
+export if using
+.B sh
+.BR ksh )
+globally. If you use startx(1) or xinit(1), the definition should be
+at the top of your
+.I .xinitrc
+file. If you use xdm(1), the definitions should be early on in the
+.I __projectroot__/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession
+.B __xservername__
+supports several mechanisms for supplying/obtaining configuration and
+run-time parameters: command line options, environment variables, the
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) configuration files, auto-detection, and
+fallback defaults. When the same information is supplied in more than
+one way, the highest precedence mechanism is used. The list of mechanisms
+is ordered from highest precedence to lowest. Note that not all parameters
+can be supplied via all methods. The available command line options
+and environment variables (and some defaults) are described here and in
+the Xserver(__appmansuffix__) manual page. Most configuration file
+parameters, with their defaults, are described in the
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) manual page. Driver and module specific
+configuration parameters are described in the relevant driver or module
+manual page.
+In addition to the normal server options described in the
+Xserver(__appmansuffix__) manual page,
+.B __xservername__
+accepts the following command line switches:
+.TP 8
+.BI vt XX
+.I XX
+specifies the Virtual Terminal device number which
+.B __xservername__
+will use. Without this option,
+.B __xservername__
+will pick the first available Virtual Terminal that it can locate. This
+option applies only to platforms that have virtual terminal support, such
+as Linux, BSD, OpenSolaris, SVR3, and SVR4.
+.B \-allowMouseOpenFail
+Allow the server to start up even if the mouse device can't be opened
+or initialised. This is equivalent to the
+.B AllowMouseOpenFail
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file option.
+.TP 8
+.B \-allowNonLocalXvidtune
+Make the VidMode extension available to remote clients. This allows
+the xvidtune client to connect from another host. This is equivalent
+to the
+.B AllowNonLocalXvidtune
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file option. By default non-local
+connections are not allowed.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-bgamma " value"
+Set the blue gamma correction.
+.I value
+must be between 0.1 and 10.
+The default is 1.0. Not all drivers support this. See also the
+.BR \-gamma ,
+.BR \-rgamma ,
+.B \-ggamma
+.TP 8
+.BI \-bpp " n"
+No longer supported. Use
+.B \-depth
+to set the color depth, and use
+.B \-fbbpp
+if you really need to force a non-default framebuffer (hardware) pixel
+.TP 8
+.BI \-config " file"
+Read the server configuration from
+.IR file .
+This option will work for any file when the server is run as root (i.e,
+with real-uid 0), or for files relative to a directory in the config
+search path for all other users.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-configdir " directory"
+Read the server configuration files from
+.IR directory .
+This option will work for any directory when the server is run as root
+(i.e, with real-uid 0), or for directories relative to a directory in the
+config directory search path for all other users.
+.TP 8
+.B \-configure
+When this option is specified, the
+.B __xservername__
+server loads all video driver modules, probes for available hardware,
+and writes out an initial __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file based on
+what was detected. This option currently has some problems on some
+platforms, but in most cases it is a good way to bootstrap the
+configuration process. This option is only available when the server
+is run as root (i.e, with real-uid 0).
+.TP 8
+.BI "\-crt /dev/tty" XX
+SCO only. This is the same as the
+.B vt
+option, and is provided for compatibility with the native SCO X server.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-depth " n"
+Sets the default color depth. Legal values are 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, and
+24. Not all drivers support all values.
+.TP 8
+.B \-disableVidMode
+Disable the parts of the VidMode extension (used by the xvidtune
+client) that can be used to change the video modes. This is equivalent
+to the
+.B DisableVidModeExtension
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file option.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fbbpp \fIn\fP
+Sets the number of framebuffer bits per pixel. You should only set this
+if you're sure it's necessary; normally the server can deduce the correct
+value from
+.B \-depth
+above. Useful if you want to run a depth 24 configuration with a 24
+bpp framebuffer rather than the (possibly default) 32 bpp framebuffer
+(or vice versa). Legal values are 1, 8, 16, 24, 32. Not all drivers
+support all values.
+.TP 8
+.B \-flipPixels
+Swap the default values for the black and white pixels.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-gamma " value"
+Set the gamma correction.
+.I value
+must be between 0.1 and 10. The default is 1.0. This value is applied
+equally to the R, G and B values. Those values can be set independently
+with the
+.BR \-rgamma ,
+.BR \-bgamma ,
+.B \-ggamma
+options. Not all drivers support this.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-ggamma " value"
+Set the green gamma correction.
+.I value
+must be between 0.1 and 10. The default is 1.0. Not all drivers support
+this. See also the
+.BR \-gamma ,
+.BR \-rgamma ,
+.B \-bgamma
+.TP 8
+.B \-ignoreABI
+.B __xservername__
+server checks the ABI revision levels of each module that it loads. It
+will normally refuse to load modules with ABI revisions that are newer
+than the server's. This is because such modules might use interfaces
+that the server does not have. When this option is specified, mismatches
+like this are downgraded from fatal errors to warnings. This option
+should be used with care.
+.TP 8
+.B \-isolateDevice \fIbus\-id\fP
+Restrict device resets to the device at
+.IR bus\-id .
+.I bus\-id
+string has the form
+.IB bustype : bus : device : function
+(e.g., \(oqPCI:1:0:0\(cq).
+At present, only isolation of PCI devices is supported; i.e., this option
+is ignored if
+.I bustype
+is anything other than \(oqPCI\(cq.
+.TP 8
+.B \-keeptty
+Prevent the server from detaching its initial controlling terminal.
+This option is only useful when debugging the server. Not all platforms
+support (or can use) this option.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-keyboard " keyboard-name"
+Use the __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file
+.B InputDevice
+section called
+.I keyboard-name
+as the core keyboard. This option is ignored when the
+.B Layout
+section specifies a core keyboard. In the absence of both a Layout
+section and this option, the first relevant
+.B InputDevice
+section is used for the core keyboard.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-layout " layout-name"
+Use the __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file
+.B Layout
+section called
+.IR layout-name .
+By default the first
+.B Layout
+section is used.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-logfile " filename"
+Use the file called
+.I filename
+as the
+.B __xservername__
+server log file. The default log file is
+.BI __logdir__/__xservername__. n .log
+on most platforms, where
+.I n
+is the display number of the
+.B __xservername__
+server. The default may be in a different directory on some platforms.
+This option is only available when the server is run as root (i.e, with
+real-uid 0).
+.TP 8
+.BR \-logverbose " [\fIn\fP]"
+Sets the verbosity level for information printed to the
+.B __xservername__
+server log file. If the
+.I n
+value isn't supplied, each occurrence of this option increments the log
+file verbosity level. When the
+.I n
+value is supplied, the log file verbosity level is set to that value.
+The default log file verbosity level is 3.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-modulepath " searchpath"
+Set the module search path to
+.IR searchpath .
+.I searchpath
+is a comma separated list of directories to search for
+.B __xservername__
+server modules. This option is only available when the server is run
+as root (i.e, with real-uid 0).
+.TP 8
+.B \-nosilk
+Disable Silken Mouse support.
+.TP 8
+.B \-pixmap24
+Set the internal pixmap format for depth 24 pixmaps to 24 bits per pixel.
+The default is usually 32 bits per pixel. There is normally little
+reason to use this option. Some client applications don't like this
+pixmap format, even though it is a perfectly legal format. This is
+equivalent to the
+.B Pixmap
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file option.
+.TP 8
+.B \-pixmap32
+Set the internal pixmap format for depth 24 pixmaps to 32 bits per pixel.
+This is usually the default. This is equivalent to the
+.B Pixmap
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file option.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-pointer " pointer-name"
+Use the __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file
+.B InputDevice
+section called
+.I pointer-name
+as the core pointer. This option is ignored when the
+.B Layout
+section specifies a core pointer. In the absence of both a Layout
+section and this option, the first relevant
+.B InputDevice
+section is used for the core pointer.
+.TP 8
+.B \-quiet
+Suppress most informational messages at startup. The verbosity level
+is set to zero.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-rgamma " value"
+Set the red gamma correction.
+.I value
+must be between 0.1 and 10. The default is 1.0. Not all drivers support
+this. See also the
+.BR \-gamma ,
+.BR \-bgamma ,
+.B \-ggamma
+.TP 8
+.BI \-screen " screen-name"
+Use the __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file
+.B Screen
+section called
+.IR screen-name .
+By default the screens referenced by the default
+.B Layout
+section are used, or the first
+.B Screen
+section when there are no
+.B Layout
+.TP 8
+.B \-showconfig
+This is the same as the
+.B \-version
+option, and is included for compatibility reasons. It may be removed
+in a future release, so the
+.B \-version
+option should be used instead.
+.TP 8
+.B \-showDefaultModulePath
+Print out the default module path the server was compiled with.
+.TP 8
+.B \-showDefaultLibPath
+Print out the path libraries should be installed to.
+.TP 8
+.B \-showopts
+For each driver module installed, print out the list of options and their
+argument types.
+.TP 8
+.BI \-weight " nnn"
+Set RGB weighting at 16 bpp. The default is 565. This applies only to
+those drivers which support 16 bpp.
+.TP 8
+.BR \-verbose " [\fIn\fP]"
+Sets the verbosity level for information printed on stderr. If the
+.I n
+value isn't supplied, each occurrence of this option increments the
+verbosity level. When the
+.I n
+value is supplied, the verbosity level is set to that value. The default
+verbosity level is 0.
+.TP 8
+.B \-version
+Print out the server version, patchlevel, release date, the operating
+system/platform it was built on, and whether it includes module loader
+.B __xservername__
+server is normally configured to recognize various special combinations
+of key presses that instruct the server to perform some action, rather
+than just sending the key press event to a client application. These actions
+depend on the XKB keymap loaded by a particular keyboard device and may or
+may not be available on a given configuration.
+The following key combinations are commonly part of the default XKEYBOARD
+.TP 8
+.B Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
+Immediately kills the server -- no questions asked. It can be disabled by
+setting the
+.B DontZap
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file option to a TRUE value.
+.RS 8
+It should be noted that zapping is triggered by the
+.B Terminate_Server
+action in the keyboard map. This action is not part of the default keymaps
+but can be enabled with the XKB option
+.B \*qterminate:ctrl_alt_bksp\*q.
+.TP 8
+.B Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus
+Change video mode to next one specified in the configuration file.
+This can be disabled with the
+.B DontZoom
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file option.
+.TP 8
+.B Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minus
+Change video mode to previous one specified in the configuration file.
+This can be disabled with the
+.B DontZoom
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file option.
+.TP 8
+.B Ctrl+Alt+F1...F12
+For systems with virtual terminal support, these keystroke
+combinations are used to switch to virtual terminals 1 through 12,
+respectively. This can be disabled with the
+.B DontVTSwitch
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) file option.
+.B __xservername__
+typically uses a configuration file called
+.B __xconfigfile__
+and configuration files with the suffix
+.I .conf
+in a directory called
+.B __xconfigdir__
+for its initial setup.
+Refer to the __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) manual page for information
+about the format of this file.
+.B __xservername__
+has a mechanism for automatically generating a built-in configuration
+at run-time when no
+.B __xconfigfile__
+file or
+.B __xconfigdir__
+files are present. The current version of this automatic configuration
+mechanism works in two ways.
+The first is via enhancements that have made many components of the
+.B __xconfigfile__
+file optional. This means that information that can be probed or
+reasonably deduced doesn't need to be specified explicitly, greatly
+reducing the amount of built-in configuration information that needs to
+be generated at run-time.
+The second is to have "safe" fallbacks for most configuration information.
+This maximises the likelihood that the
+.B __xservername__
+server will start up in some usable configuration even when information
+about the specific hardware is not available.
+The automatic configuration support for __xservername__ is work in progress.
+It is currently aimed at the most popular hardware and software platforms
+supported by __xservername__. Enhancements are planned for future releases.
+.B __xservername__
+server config files can be found in a range of locations. These are
+documented fully in the __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) manual page. The
+most commonly used locations are shown here.
+.TP 30
+.B /etc/X11/__xconfigfile__
+Server configuration file.
+.TP 30
+.B /etc/X11/__xconfigfile__-4
+Server configuration file.
+.TP 30
+.B /etc/__xconfigfile__
+Server configuration file.
+.TP 30
+.B __projectroot__/etc/__xconfigfile__
+Server configuration file.
+.TP 30
+.B __projectroot__/lib/X11/__xconfigfile__
+Server configuration file.
+.TP 30
+.B /etc/X11/__xconfigdir__
+Server configuration directory.
+.TP 30
+.B /etc/X11/__xconfigdir__-4
+Server configuration directory.
+.TP 30
+.B /etc/__xconfigdir__
+Server configuration directory.
+.TP 30
+.B __projectroot__/etc/__xconfigdir__
+Server configuration directory.
+.TP 30
+.B __projectroot__/lib/X11/__xconfigdir__
+Server configuration directory.
+.TP 30
+.BI __logdir__/__xservername__. n .log
+Server log file for display
+.IR n .
+.TP 30
+.B __projectroot__/bin/\(**
+Client binaries.
+.TP 30
+.B __projectroot__/include/\(**
+Header files.
+.TP 30
+.B __projectroot__/lib/\(**
+.TP 30
+.B __datadir__/fonts/X11/\(**
+.TP 30
+.B __projectroot__/share/X11/XErrorDB
+Client error message database.
+.TP 30
+.B __projectroot__/lib/X11/app-defaults/\(**
+Client resource specifications.
+.TP 30
+.B __mandir__/man?/\(**
+Manual pages.
+.TP 30
+.BI /etc/X n .hosts
+Initial access control list for display
+.IR n .
+X(__miscmansuffix__), Xserver(__appmansuffix__), xdm(__appmansuffix__), xinit(__appmansuffix__),
+__xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__), xvidtune(__appmansuffix__),
+openchrome (__drivermansuffix__),
+Web site
+.IR <http://www.x.org> .
+__xservername__ has many contributors world wide. The names of most of them
+can be found in the documentation, ChangeLog files in the source tree,
+and in the actual source code.
+__xservername__ was originally based on XFree86 4.4rc2.
+That was originally based on \fIX386 1.2\fP by Thomas Roell, which
+was contributed to the then X Consortium's X11R5 distribution by SGCS.
+__xservername__ is released by the X.Org Foundation.
+The project that became XFree86 was originally founded in 1992 by
+David Dawes, Glenn Lai, Jim Tsillas and David Wexelblat.
+XFree86 was later integrated in the then X Consortium's X11R6 release
+by a group of dedicated XFree86 developers, including the following:
+.RS 4
+Stuart Anderson \fIanderson@metrolink.com\fP
+Doug Anson \fIdanson@lgc.com\fP
+Gertjan Akkerman \fIakkerman@dutiba.twi.tudelft.nl\fP
+Mike Bernson \fImike@mbsun.mlb.org\fP
+Robin Cutshaw \fIrobin@XFree86.org\fP
+David Dawes \fIdawes@XFree86.org\fP
+Marc Evans \fImarc@XFree86.org\fP
+Pascal Haible \fIhaible@izfm.uni-stuttgart.de\fP
+Matthieu Herrb \fIMatthieu.Herrb@laas.fr\fP
+Dirk Hohndel \fIhohndel@XFree86.org\fP
+David Holland \fIdavidh@use.com\fP
+Alan Hourihane \fIalanh@fairlite.demon.co.uk\fP
+Jeffrey Hsu \fIhsu@soda.berkeley.edu\fP
+Glenn Lai \fIglenn@cs.utexas.edu\fP
+Ted Lemon \fImellon@ncd.com\fP
+Rich Murphey \fIrich@XFree86.org\fP
+Hans Nasten \fInasten@everyware.se\fP
+Mark Snitily \fImark@sgcs.com\fP
+Randy Terbush \fIrandyt@cse.unl.edu\fP
+Jon Tombs \fItombs@XFree86.org\fP
+Kees Verstoep \fIversto@cs.vu.nl\fP
+Paul Vixie \fIpaul@vix.com\fP
+Mark Weaver \fIMark_Weaver@brown.edu\fP
+David Wexelblat \fIdwex@XFree86.org\fP
+Philip Wheatley \fIPhilip.Wheatley@ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM\fP
+Thomas Wolfram \fIwolf@prz.tu-berlin.de\fP
+Orest Zborowski \fIorestz@eskimo.com\fP
+__xservername__ source is available from the FTP server
+\fI<ftp://ftp.x.org/>\fP, and from the X.Org
+server \fI<http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/>\fP. Documentation and other
+information can be found from the X.Org web site
+.B __xservername__
+is copyright software, provided under licenses that permit modification
+and redistribution in source and binary form without fee.
+.B __xservername__ is copyright by numerous authors and
+contributors from around the world. Licensing information can be found
+.IR <http://www.x.org> .
+Refer to the source code for specific copyright notices.
+.B XFree86(TM)
+is a trademark of The XFree86 Project, Inc.
+.B X11(TM)
+.B X Window System(TM)
+are trademarks of The Open Group.