path: root/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/utils/xorgcfg/text-mode.c
diff options
authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2009-07-25 19:39:46 +0000
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2009-07-25 19:39:46 +0000
commit4a3dbb926ae3f5410198d7cc4f4ebe4f62eebf05 (patch)
treec1e02b9d3509aa97703aa4b540d4cd22ec4600ed /xorg-server/hw/xfree86/utils/xorgcfg/text-mode.c
parentdc3c299dd0995549e2a6973ca0f25b254afd38a5 (diff)
Added xorg-server-1.6.2.tar.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'xorg-server/hw/xfree86/utils/xorgcfg/text-mode.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3379 deletions
diff --git a/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/utils/xorgcfg/text-mode.c b/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/utils/xorgcfg/text-mode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b6e65482..000000000
--- a/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/utils/xorgcfg/text-mode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3379 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000 by Conectiva S.A. (http://www.conectiva.com)
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Conectiva Linux shall
- * not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
- * dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from
- * Conectiva Linux.
- *
- * Author: Paulo César Pereira de Andrade <pcpa@conectiva.com.br>
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#if defined(__SCO__) || defined(__UNIXWARE__) || \
- (defined(sun) && defined(__SVR4)) || defined(__NetBSD__)
-#include <curses.h>
-#include <ncurses.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/XKBstr.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/XKBrules.h>
-#include "cards.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "xf86config.h"
-#include "loader.h"
-#define IS_KBDDRIV(X) ((strcmp((X),"kbd") == 0))
-#define PROJECT_ROOT "/usr"
-#ifndef XKB_RULES_DIR
-#define XKB_RULES_DIR PROJECT_ROOT "/share/X11/xkb/rules"
-#define CONTROL_A 1
-#define CONTROL_D 4
-#define CONTROL_E 5
-#define CONTROL_K 11
-#define TAB 9
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-void TextMode(void);
-static void ClearScreen(void);
-static void PaintWindow(WINDOW*, char*, int, int, int, int);
-static void PaintBox(WINDOW*, int, int, int, int);
-static void PaintButton(WINDOW*, char*, int, int, int);
-static void PrintWrap(WINDOW*, char*, int, int, int);
-static int Dialog(char*, char*, int, int, char*, char*, int);
-static void PaintItem(WINDOW*, char*, int, int);
-static int DialogMenu(char*, char*, int, int, int, int, char**, char*, char*, int);
-static void PaintCheckItem(WINDOW*, char*, int, int, int);
-static int DialogCheckBox(char*, char*, int, int, int, int, char**, char*, char*, char*);
-static char *DialogInput(char*, char*, int, int, char*, char*, char*, int);
-static void PaintScroller(WINDOW*, int, int, int);
-static int MouseConfig(void);
-static int KeyboardConfig(void);
-static int MonitorConfig(void);
-static int CardConfig(void);
-static int ScreenConfig(void);
-static int LayoutConfig(void);
-static int WriteXF86Config(void);
-static XF86ConfLayoutPtr CopyLayout(XF86ConfLayoutPtr);
-static XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr CopyAdjacency(XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr);
-static XF86ConfInputrefPtr CopyInputref(XF86ConfInputrefPtr);
-static XF86ConfInactivePtr CopyInactive(XF86ConfInactivePtr);
-static void FreeLayout(XF86ConfLayoutPtr);
-extern int string_to_parser_range(char*, parser_range*, int);
-#define PARSER_RANGE_SIZE 256
-/* string must have at least 256 bytes */
-extern int parser_range_to_string(char*, parser_range*, int);
-static Bool newconfig;
-static chtype screen_attr = A_NORMAL;
-static chtype dialog_attr = A_REVERSE;
-static chtype highlight_border_attr = A_REVERSE;
-static chtype shadow_border_attr = A_REVERSE;
-static chtype title_attr = A_NORMAL;
-static chtype button_active_attr = A_NORMAL;
-static chtype button_inactive_attr = A_NORMAL;
-static int menu_width, item_x;
-static char Edit[] = "Edit ";
-static char *main_menu[] = {
-#define CONF_MOUSE 0
- "Configure mouse",
-#define CONF_KEYBOARD 1
- "Configure keyboard",
-#define CONF_MONITOR 2
- "Configure monitor",
-#define CONF_CARD 3
- "Configure card",
-#define CONF_SCREEN 4
- "Configure screen",
-#define CONF_LAYOUT 5
- "Configure layout",
-#define CONF_FINISH 6
- "Write "__XCONFIGFILE__" and quit",
-#define CONF_QUIT 7
- "Quit",
- static int first = 1;
- int i, choice = CONF_MOUSE;
- if (!nomodules)
- LoaderInitializeOptions();
- initscr();
- noecho();
- nonl();
- keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
- if (first) {
- const char *filename;
- first = 0;
- if (has_colors()) {
- start_color();
- init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK);
- screen_attr = A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(1);
- init_pair(2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE);
- dialog_attr = COLOR_PAIR(2);
- init_pair(3, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE);
- shadow_border_attr = A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(3);
- init_pair(4, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE);
- highlight_border_attr = A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(4);
- init_pair(5, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
- title_attr = A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(5);
- button_active_attr = title_attr;
- init_pair(6, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK);
- button_inactive_attr = A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(6);
- }
- if ((filename = xf86openConfigFile(getuid() == 0 ?
- XF86Config_path, NULL)) != NULL) {
- XF86Config_path = (char *)filename;
- if ((XF86Config = xf86readConfigFile()) == NULL) {
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- Dialog("Configuration error",
- "Error parsing configuration file.",
- 7, 50, " Ok ", NULL, 0);
- }
- }
- if (XF86Config == NULL) {
- XF86Config = (XF86ConfigPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfigRec));
- newconfig = True;
- }
- else
- newconfig = False;
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- while (1) {
- int cancel = FALSE;
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- if (Dialog( __XSERVERNAME__" Configuration",
- "This program will create the "__XCONFIGFILE__" file, based on "
- "menu selections you make.\n"
- "\n"
-#if defined(__SCO__) || defined(__UNIXWARE__)
- "The "__XCONFIGFILE__" file usually resides in /etc. A "
- "sample "__XCONFIGFILE__" file is supplied with "
- "The "__XCONFIGFILE__" file usually resides in " PROJECT_ROOT "/etc/X11 "
- "or /etc/X11. A sample "__XCONFIGFILE__" file is supplied with "
- __XSERVERNAME__"; it is configured for a standard VGA card and "
- "monitor with 640x480 resolution. This program will ask for "
- "a pathname when it is ready to write the file.\n"
- "\n"
- "You can either take the sample "__XCONFIGFILE__" as a base and "
- "edit it for your configuration, or let this program "
- "produce a base "__XCONFIGFILE__" file for your configuration and "
- "fine-tune it.",
- 20, 60, " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0) != 0)
- break;
- while (!cancel) {
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- switch (DialogMenu("Main menu",
- "Choose one of the options:",
- 17, 60, 8, sizeof(main_menu) /
- sizeof(main_menu[0]), main_menu,
- " Ok ", " Cancel ", choice)) {
- case CONF_MOUSE:
- i = MouseConfig();
- if (i > 0 && choice == CONF_MOUSE)
- choice = CONF_KEYBOARD;
- else if (i == 0)
- choice = CONF_MOUSE;
- break;
- i = KeyboardConfig();
- if (i > 0 && choice <= CONF_KEYBOARD)
- choice = CONF_MONITOR;
- else if (i == 0)
- choice = CONF_KEYBOARD;
- break;
- i = MonitorConfig();
- if (i > 0 && choice <= CONF_MONITOR)
- choice = CONF_CARD;
- else if (i == 0)
- choice = CONF_MONITOR;
- break;
- case CONF_CARD:
- i = CardConfig();
- if (i > 0 && choice <= CONF_CARD)
- choice = CONF_SCREEN;
- else if (i == 0)
- choice = CONF_CARD;
- break;
- i = ScreenConfig();
- if (i > 0 && choice <= CONF_SCREEN)
- choice = CONF_LAYOUT;
- else if (i == 0)
- choice = CONF_SCREEN;
- break;
- i = LayoutConfig();
- if (i > 0 && choice <= CONF_LAYOUT)
- choice = CONF_FINISH;
- else if (i == 0)
- choice = CONF_LAYOUT;
- break;
- if (WriteXF86Config() < 0)
- break;
- case CONF_QUIT:
- endwin();
- exit(0);
- default:
- cancel = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- endwin();
-static int
- char *xf86config;
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- xf86config = DialogInput("Write "__XCONFIGFILE__, "Write configuration to file:",
- 10, 60, XF86Config_path ? XF86Config_path :
- "/etc/X11/"__XCONFIGFILE__, " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (xf86config == NULL)
- return (-1);
- if (newconfig) {
- if (XF86Config->conf_modules == NULL) {
- static char *modules[] = {"extmod", "glx", "dri", "dbe",
- "record", "xtrap", "type1"};
- XF86LoadPtr load;
- int i;
- XF86Config->conf_modules = (XF86ConfModulePtr)
- XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfModuleRec));
- XF86Config->conf_modules->mod_comment =
- XtNewString("\tLoad \"freetype\"\n"
- "\t# Load \"xtt\"\n");
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(modules) / sizeof(modules[0]); i++) {
- load = (XF86LoadPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86LoadRec));
- load->load_name = XtNewString(modules[i]);
- XF86Config->conf_modules->mod_load_lst =
- xf86addModule(XF86Config->conf_modules->mod_load_lst, load);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!xf86writeConfigFile(xf86config, XF86Config)) {
- char msg[1024];
- XmuSnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Failed to write configuration file %s.",
- xf86config);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- (void)Dialog("Write failed!", msg, 8, 60, " Ok ", NULL, 0);
- XtFree(xf86config);
- return (-1);
- }
- XtFree(xf86config);
- return (1);
-static char *protocols[] = {
-#ifdef __SCO__
- "OsMouse",
- "wsmouse",
- "Auto",
- "SysMouse",
- "MouseSystems",
- "BusMouse",
- "PS/2",
- "Microsoft",
-#ifndef __FreeBSD__
- "ImPS/2",
- "ExplorerPS/2",
- "GlidePointPS/2",
- "MouseManPlusPS/2",
- "NetMousePS/2",
- "NetScrollPS/2",
- "ThinkingMousePS/2",
- "AceCad",
- "GlidePoint",
- "IntelliMouse",
- "Logitech",
- "MMHitTab",
- "MMSeries",
- "MouseMan",
- "ThinkingMouse",
-static int
- int i, nlist, def, proto, emul;
- char **list = NULL, *device, *str;
- XF86ConfInputPtr *inputs = NULL;
- XF86ConfInputPtr input = XF86Config->conf_input_lst;
- XF86OptionPtr option;
- nlist = 0;
- while (input) {
- if (strcmp(input->inp_driver, "mouse") == 0) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(sizeof(Edit) +
- strlen(input->inp_identifier) + 1);
- sprintf(list[nlist], "%s%s", Edit, input->inp_identifier);
- inputs = (XF86ConfInputPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)inputs, (nlist + 1) *
- sizeof(XF86ConfInputPtr));
- inputs[nlist] = input;
- ++nlist;
- }
- input = (XF86ConfInputPtr)(input->list.next);
- }
- input = NULL;
- if (nlist) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 2) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Add new mouse");
- if (nlist == 2) {
- i = strlen("Remove ") + strlen(inputs[0]->inp_identifier) + 1;
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(i);
- XmuSnprintf(list[nlist], i, "Remove %s", inputs[0]->inp_identifier);
- ++nlist;
- }
- else
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Remove mouse");
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Mouse configuration",
- "You can edit or remove a previously configured mouse, "
- "or add a new one.", 14, 60, 4, nlist, list,
- " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)inputs);
- return (-1);
- }
- if (nlist > 2 && i == nlist - 1) {
- if (nlist > 3) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist - 2; i++) {
- /* XXX Remove the "Edit " from list entries */
- memmove(list[i], list[i] + sizeof(Edit) - 1,
- strlen(list[i]) - sizeof(Edit) + 2);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Remove mouse",
- "Select which mouse to remove",
- 13, 60, 4, nlist - 2, list,
- " Remove ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)inputs);
- return (-1);
- }
- input = inputs[i];
- }
- else
- input = inputs[0];
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)inputs);
- xf86removeInput(XF86Config, input);
- return (0);
- }
- if (i < nlist - 2)
- input = inputs[i];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)inputs);
- if (input == NULL) {
- char label[32];
- input = (XF86ConfInputPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfInputRec));
- XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "Mouse%d", nlist ? nlist - 2 : 0);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- input->inp_identifier =
- DialogInput("Mouse identifier",
- "Enter an identifier for your mouse definition:",
- 11, 40, label,
- " Next >>", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (input->inp_identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)input);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- def = 0;
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "Protocol");
- if (option)
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(protocols)/sizeof(protocols[0]); i++)
- if (strcasecmp(option->opt_val, protocols[i]) == 0) {
- def = i;
- break;
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Select mouse protocol",
- "If you have a serial mouse, it probably will work with "
- "the \"Auto\" protocol. But, if it is an old serial "
- "mouse probably it is not PNP; in that case, most serial "
- "mouses understand the \"Microsoft\" protocol.",
- 19, 60, 7, sizeof(protocols) /
- sizeof(protocols[0]), protocols, " Next >>", " Cancel ", def);
- if (i < 0) {
- if (input->inp_driver == NULL) {
- XtFree(input->inp_driver);
- XtFree((XtPointer)input);
- }
- return (i);
- }
- proto = i;
- def = 0;
- if (input->inp_driver) {
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "Emulate3Buttons");
- def = option ? 0 : 1;
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = Dialog("Mouse 3 buttons emulation",
- "If your mouse has only two buttons, it is recommended that "
- "you enable Emulate3Buttons.\n"
- "\n"
- "Do you want to enable Emulate3Buttons?",
- 10, 60, " Yes ", " No ", def);
- if (i < 0)
- return (i);
- emul = !i;
- str = NULL;
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "Device");
- if (option)
- str = option->opt_val;
- if (str == NULL)
- str = "/dev/wsmouse";
-#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
- str = "/dev/sysmouse";
-#elif defined(__linux__)
- str = "/dev/input/mice";
- str = "/dev/mouse";
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- device = DialogInput("Select mouse device",
- "Enter mouse device:", 10, 40, str,
- " Finish ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (device == NULL) {
- if (input->inp_driver == NULL) {
- XtFree(input->inp_driver);
- XtFree((XtPointer)input);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Finish mouse configuration */
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "Protocol");
- if (option) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)option->opt_val);
- option->opt_val = XtNewString(protocols[proto]);
- }
- else
- input->inp_option_lst = xf86addNewOption(input->inp_option_lst,
- XtNewString("Protocol"), XtNewString(protocols[proto]));
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "Emulate3Buttons");
- if (option && !emul) {
- xf86removeOption(&input->inp_option_lst, "Emulate3Buttons");
- }
- else if (option == NULL && emul)
- input->inp_option_lst = xf86addNewOption(input->inp_option_lst,
- XtNewString("Emulate3Buttons"), NULL);
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "Device");
- if (option) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)option->opt_val);
- option->opt_val = device;
- }
- else
- input->inp_option_lst = xf86addNewOption(input->inp_option_lst,
- XtNewString("Device"), device);
- if (input->inp_driver == NULL) {
- input->inp_driver = XtNewString("mouse");
- XF86Config->conf_input_lst =
- xf86addInput(XF86Config->conf_input_lst, input);
- }
- return (1);
-static int
- int i;
- char *rulesfile;
- static int first = 1;
- static XkbRF_RulesPtr rules;
- static char **models, **layouts;
- XF86ConfInputPtr *inputs = NULL, input = XF86Config->conf_input_lst;
- char **list = NULL, *model, *layout;
- int nlist, def;
- XF86OptionPtr option;
- nlist = 0;
- while (input) {
- if (IS_KBDDRIV(input->inp_driver)) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(sizeof(Edit) +
- strlen(input->inp_identifier) + 1);
- sprintf(list[nlist], "%s%s", Edit, input->inp_identifier);
- inputs = (XF86ConfInputPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)inputs, (nlist + 1) *
- sizeof(XF86ConfInputPtr));
- inputs[nlist] = input;
- ++nlist;
- }
- input = (XF86ConfInputPtr)(input->list.next);
- }
- input = NULL;
- if (nlist) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 2) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Add new keyboard");
- if (nlist == 2) {
- i = strlen("Remove ") + strlen(inputs[0]->inp_identifier) + 1;
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(i);
- XmuSnprintf(list[nlist], i, "Remove %s", inputs[0]->inp_identifier);
- ++nlist;
- }
- else
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Remove keyboard");
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Keyboard configuration",
- "You can edit or remove a previously configured "
- "keyboard, or add a new one.", 14, 60, 4, nlist, list,
- " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)inputs);
- return (-1);
- }
- if (nlist > 2 && i == nlist - 1) {
- if (nlist > 3) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist - 2; i++) {
- /* XXX Remove the "Edit " from list entries */
- memmove(list[i], list[i] + sizeof(Edit) - 1,
- strlen(list[i]) - sizeof(Edit) + 2);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Remove keyboard",
- "Select which keyboard to remove",
- 13, 60, 4, nlist - 2, list,
- " Remove ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)inputs);
- return (-1);
- }
- input = inputs[i];
- }
- else
- input = inputs[0];
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)inputs);
- xf86removeInput(XF86Config, input);
- return (0);
- }
- if (i < nlist - 2)
- input = inputs[i];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)inputs);
- if (input == NULL) {
- char label[32];
- input = (XF86ConfInputPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfInputRec));
- XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "Keyboard%d", nlist ? nlist - 2 : 0);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- input->inp_identifier =
- DialogInput("Keyboard identifier",
- "Enter an identifier for your keyboard definition:",
- 11, 40, label,
- " Next >>", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (input->inp_identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)input);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
-#ifdef XFREE98_XKB
- rulesfile = XKB_RULES_DIR "/xfree98";
- rulesfile = XKB_RULES_DIR "/"__XKBDEFRULES__;
- rules = XkbRF_Load(rulesfile, "", True, False);
- if (rules == NULL) {
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- Dialog("Configuration error",
- "XKB rules file not found.\n"
- "\n"
- "Keyboard XKB options will be set to default values.",
- 10, 50, " Ok ", NULL, 0);
- if (input->inp_driver == NULL) {
- input->inp_option_lst =
- xf86addNewOption(input->inp_option_lst,
- XtNewString("XkbModel"), XtNewString("pc101"));
- input->inp_option_lst =
- xf86addNewOption(input->inp_option_lst,
- XtNewString("XkbLayout"), XtNewString("us"));
- input->inp_driver = XtNewString("kbd");
- XF86Config->conf_input_lst =
- xf86addInput(XF86Config, input);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- models = (char**)XtMalloc(sizeof(char*) * rules->models.num_desc);
- for (i = 0; i < rules->models.num_desc; i++)
- models[i] = XtNewString(rules->models.desc[i].desc);
- layouts = (char**)XtMalloc(sizeof(char*) * rules->layouts.num_desc);
- for (i = 0; i < rules->layouts.num_desc; i++)
- layouts[i] = XtNewString(rules->layouts.desc[i].desc);
- }
- else if (rules == NULL)
- return (-1);
- def = 0;
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "XkbModel");
- if (option) {
- for (i = 0; i < rules->models.num_desc; i++)
- if (strcasecmp(option->opt_val, rules->models.desc[i].name) == 0) {
- def = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Keyboard model",
- "Please select one of the following keyboard types that is "
- "the better description of your keyboard. If nothing really "
- "matches, choose \"Generic 101-key PC\".\n",
- 20, 60, 9, rules->models.num_desc,
- models, " Next >>", " Cancel ", def);
- if (i < 0)
- return (i);
- model = rules->models.desc[i].name;
- def = 0;
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "XkbLayout");
- if (option) {
- for (i = 0; i < rules->layouts.num_desc; i++)
- if (strcasecmp(option->opt_val, rules->layouts.desc[i].name) == 0) {
- def = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Keyboard layout",
- "Select keyboard layout:",
- 20, 60, 11, rules->layouts.num_desc,
- layouts, " Finish ", " Cancel ", def);
- if (i < 0)
- return (i);
- layout = rules->layouts.desc[i].name;
- /* Finish keyboard configuration */
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "XkbModel");
- if (option) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)option->opt_val);
- option->opt_val = XtNewString(model);
- }
- else
- input->inp_option_lst = xf86addNewOption(input->inp_option_lst,
- XtNewString("XkbModel"), XtNewString(model));
- option = xf86findOption(input->inp_option_lst, "XkbLayout");
- if (option) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)option->opt_val);
- option->opt_val = XtNewString(layout);
- }
- else
- input->inp_option_lst = xf86addNewOption(input->inp_option_lst,
- XtNewString("XkbLayout"), XtNewString(layout));
- if (input->inp_driver == NULL) {
- input->inp_driver = XtNewString("kbd");
- XF86Config->conf_input_lst =
- xf86addInput(XF86Config->conf_input_lst, input);
- }
- return (1);
-static char *hsync[] = {
- "Enter your own horizontal sync range",
- "31.5; Standard VGA, 640x480 @ 60 Hz",
- "31.5 - 35.1; Super VGA, 800x600 @ 56 Hz",
- "31.5, 35.5; 8514 Compatible, 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced (no 800x600)",
- "31.5, 35.15, 35.5; Super VGA, 1024x768 @ 87 Hz int., 800x600 @ 56 Hz",
- "31.5 - 37.9; Extended Super VGA, 800x600 @ 60 Hz, 640x480 @ 72 Hz",
- "31.5 - 48.5; Non-Interlaced SVGA, 1024x768 @ 60 Hz, 800x600 @ 72 Hz",
- "31.5 - 57.0; High Frequency SVGA, 1024x768 @ 70 Hz",
- "31.5 - 64.3; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz",
- "31.5 - 79.0; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 74 Hz",
- "31.5 - 82.0; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 76 Hz",
- "31.5 - 92.0; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 85 Hz",
- "31.5 - 108.0; Monitor that can do 1600x1200 @ 85 Hz",
- "31.5 - 128.5; Monitor that can do 1920x1440 @ 85 Hz",
- "31.5 - 137.0; Monitor that can do 2048x1536 @ 85 Hz"
-static char *vrefresh[] = {
- "Enter your own vertical sync range",
- "50 - 70",
- "50 - 90",
- "50 - 100",
- "40 - 150",
-static int
- int i;
- XF86ConfMonitorPtr *monitors = NULL, monitor = XF86Config->conf_monitor_lst;
- char **list = NULL, *identifier = NULL, *tmp;
- int nlist, def;
- char hsync_str[256], vrefresh_str[256];
- hsync_str[0] = vrefresh_str[0] = '\0';
- nlist = 0;
- while (monitor) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(sizeof(Edit) +
- strlen(monitor->mon_identifier) + 1);
- sprintf(list[nlist], "%s%s", Edit, monitor->mon_identifier);
- monitors = (XF86ConfMonitorPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)monitors, (nlist + 1) *
- sizeof(XF86ConfMonitorPtr));
- monitors[nlist] = monitor;
- ++nlist;
- monitor = (XF86ConfMonitorPtr)(monitor->list.next);
- }
- monitor = NULL;
- if (nlist) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 2) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Add new monitor");
- if (nlist == 2) {
- i = strlen("Remove ") + strlen(monitors[0]->mon_identifier) + 1;
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(i);
- XmuSnprintf(list[nlist], i, "Remove %s", monitors[0]->mon_identifier);
- ++nlist;
- }
- else
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Remove monitor");
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Monitor configuration",
- "You can edit or remove a previously configured "
- "monitor, or add a new one.", 14, 60, 4, nlist, list,
- " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitors);
- return (-1);
- }
- if (nlist > 2 && i == nlist - 1) {
- if (nlist > 3) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist - 2; i++) {
- /* XXX Remove the "Edit " from list entries */
- memmove(list[i], list[i] + sizeof(Edit) - 1,
- strlen(list[i]) - sizeof(Edit) + 2);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Remove monitor",
- "Select which monitor to remove",
- 13, 60, 4, nlist - 2, list,
- " Remove ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitors);
- return (-1);
- }
- monitor = monitors[i];
- }
- else
- monitor = monitors[0];
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitors);
- xf86removeMonitor(XF86Config, monitor);
- return (0);
- }
- if (i < nlist - 2)
- monitor = monitors[i];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitors);
- if (monitor == NULL) {
- char label[32];
- monitor = (XF86ConfMonitorPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfMonitorRec));
- XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "Monitor%d", nlist ? nlist - 2 : 0);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- identifier =
- DialogInput("Monitor identifier",
- "Enter an identifier for your monitor definition:",
- 11, 40, label,
- " Next >>", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitor);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- if (monitor->mon_identifier == NULL) {
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = Dialog("Monitor configuration",
- "Now we want to set the specifications of the monitor. The "
- "two critical parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which "
- "is the rate at which the whole screen is refreshed, and most "
- "importantly the horizontal sync rate, which is the rate at "
- "which scanlines are displayed.\n"
- "\n"
- "The valid range for horizontal sync and vertical sync should "
- "be documented in the manual of your monitor.",
- 15, 60, " Next >>", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i != 0) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitor);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- def = 0;
- if (monitor->mon_identifier) {
- int len;
- parser_range_to_string(hsync_str, &(monitor->mon_hsync[0]),
- monitor->mon_n_hsync);
- len = strlen(hsync_str);
- for (i = 1; i < sizeof(hsync) / sizeof(hsync[0]); i++) {
- tmp = strchr(hsync[i], ';');
- if (strncmp(hsync_str, hsync[i], len) == 0) {
- def = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (hsync_str[0] == '\0')
- strcpy(hsync_str, "31.5");
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Monitor HorizSync",
- "You must indicate the horizontal sync range of your "
- "monitor. You can either select one of the predefined "
- "ranges below that correspond to industry-standard monitor "
- "types, or give a specific range.",
- 22, 78, 11, sizeof(hsync) /
- sizeof(hsync[0]), hsync, " Next >>", " Cancel ", def);
- if (i < 0) {
- if (monitor->mon_identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitor);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- if (i == CONF_MONITOR_HSYNC) {
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- tmp = DialogInput("Monitor HorizSync",
- "Please enter the horizontal sync range of your "
- "monitor, in the format used in the table of monitor "
- "types above. You can either specify one or more "
- "continuous ranges (e.g. 15-25, 30-50), or one or more "
- "fixed sync frequencies.\n"
- "\n"
- "Horizontal sync range:", 16, 62, hsync_str,
- " Ok ", " Cancel ", def);
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- if (monitor->mon_identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitor);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- XmuSnprintf(hsync_str, sizeof(hsync_str), "%s", tmp);
- XtFree(tmp);
- }
- else {
- tmp = strchr(hsync[i], ';');
- strncpy(hsync_str, hsync[i], tmp - hsync[i]);
- hsync_str[tmp - hsync[i]] = '\0';
- }
- def = 0;
- if (monitor->mon_identifier) {
- parser_range_to_string(vrefresh_str, &(monitor->mon_vrefresh[0]),
- monitor->mon_n_vrefresh);
- for (i = 1; i < sizeof(vrefresh) / sizeof(vrefresh[0]); i++) {
- if (strcmp(vrefresh_str, vrefresh[i]) == 0) {
- def = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (vrefresh_str[0] == '\0')
- strcpy(vrefresh_str, "50 - 70");
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Monitor VertRefresh",
- "You must indicate the vertical sync range of your monitor. "
- "You can either select one of the predefined ranges below "
- "that correspond to industry-standard monitor types, or "
- "give a specific range. For interlaced modes, the number "
- "that counts is the high one (e.g. 87 Hz rather than 43 Hz).",
- 19, 60, 5, sizeof(vrefresh) /
- sizeof(vrefresh[0]), vrefresh, " Finish ", " Cancel ", def);
- if (i < 0) {
- if (monitor->mon_identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitor);
- }
- return (i);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- tmp = DialogInput("Monitor VertRefresh",
- "Vertical sync range:", 10, 50, vrefresh_str,
- " Done ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- if (monitor->mon_identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitor);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- XmuSnprintf(vrefresh_str, sizeof(vrefresh_str), "%s", tmp);
- XtFree(tmp);
- }
- else
- strcpy(vrefresh_str, vrefresh[i]);
- /* Finish monitor configuration */
- monitor->mon_n_hsync = string_to_parser_range(hsync_str,
- &(monitor->mon_hsync[0]), CONF_MAX_HSYNC);
- monitor->mon_n_vrefresh = string_to_parser_range(vrefresh_str,
- &(monitor->mon_vrefresh[0]), CONF_MAX_VREFRESH);
- if (monitor->mon_identifier == NULL) {
- monitor->mon_identifier = identifier;
- XF86Config->conf_monitor_lst =
- xf86addMonitor(XF86Config->conf_monitor_lst, monitor);
- }
- return (1);
-static int
- int i;
- XF86ConfDevicePtr *devices = NULL, device = XF86Config->conf_device_lst;
- char **list = NULL, *identifier = NULL, *driver, *busid, *tmp;
- int nlist, def;
- CardsEntry *entry = NULL;
- static char **drivers;
- static int ndrivers;
- static char *xdrivers[] = {
- "apm",
- "ark",
- "ast",
- "ati",
- "r128",
- "radeon",
- "chips",
- "cirrus",
- "cyrix",
- "fbdev",
- "glint",
- "i128",
- "i740",
- "i810",
- "imstt",
- "mga",
- "neomagic",
- "nv",
- "rendition",
- "s3",
- "s3virge",
- "savage",
- "siliconmotion",
- "sis",
- "tdfx",
- "tga",
- "trident",
- "tseng",
- "vmware",
- "vga",
- "vesa",
- };
- if (!nomodules) {
- xf86cfgModuleOptions *opts = module_options;
- drivers = NULL;
- ndrivers = 0;
- while (opts) {
- if (opts->type == VideoModule) {
- ++ndrivers;
- drivers = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)drivers,
- ndrivers * sizeof(char*));
- /* XXX no private copy */
- drivers[ndrivers - 1] = opts->name;
- }
- opts = opts->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ndrivers = sizeof(xdrivers) / sizeof(xdrivers[0]);
- drivers = xdrivers;
- }
- nlist = 0;
- while (device) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(sizeof(Edit) +
- strlen(device->dev_identifier) + 1);
- sprintf(list[nlist], "%s%s", Edit, device->dev_identifier);
- devices = (XF86ConfDevicePtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)devices, (nlist + 1) *
- sizeof(XF86ConfDevicePtr));
- devices[nlist] = device;
- ++nlist;
- device = (XF86ConfDevicePtr)(device->list.next);
- }
- device = NULL;
- if (nlist) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 2) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Add new card");
- if (nlist == 2) {
- i = strlen("Remove ") + strlen(devices[0]->dev_identifier) + 1;
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(i);
- XmuSnprintf(list[nlist], i, "Remove %s", devices[0]->dev_identifier);
- ++nlist;
- }
- else
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Remove device");
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Card configuration",
- "You can edit or remove a previously configured "
- "card, or add a new one.", 14, 60, 4, nlist, list,
- " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)devices);
- return (-1);
- }
- if (nlist > 2 && i == nlist - 1) {
- if (nlist > 3) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist - 2; i++) {
- /* XXX Remove the "Edit " from list entries */
- memmove(list[i], list[i] + sizeof(Edit) - 1,
- strlen(list[i]) - sizeof(Edit) + 2);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Remove card",
- "Select which card to remove",
- 13, 60, 4, nlist - 2, list,
- " Remove ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)devices);
- return (-1);
- }
- device = devices[i];
- }
- else
- device = devices[0];
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)devices);
- xf86removeDevice(XF86Config, device);
- return (0);
- }
- if (i < nlist - 2)
- device = devices[i];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)devices);
- if (device == NULL) {
- char label[32];
- device = (XF86ConfDevicePtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfDeviceRec));
- device->dev_chipid = device->dev_chiprev = device->dev_irq = -1;
- XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "Card%d", nlist ? nlist - 2 : 0);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- identifier =
- DialogInput("Card identifier",
- "Enter an identifier for your card definition:",
- 11, 40, label,
- " Next >>", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)device);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- if (Dialog("Card configuration",
- "Now we must configure video card specific settings. At this "
- "point you can choose to make a selection out of a database of "
- "video card definitions.\n"
- "\n"
- "The database entries include information about the chipset, "
- "what driver to run, the Ramdac and ClockChip, and comments "
- "that will be included in the Device section. However, a lot "
- "of definitions only hint about what driver to run (based on "
- "the chipset the card uses) and are untested.\n"
- "\n"
- "Do you want to look at the card database?",
- 18, 60, " Yes ", " No ", device->dev_identifier != NULL) == 0) {
- static char **cards;
- static int ncards;
- if (cards == NULL) {
- ReadCardsDatabase();
- cards = GetCardNames(&ncards);
- cards = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)cards,
- (ncards + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- for (i = ncards; i > 0; i--)
- cards[i] = cards[i - 1];
- cards[0] = "** Unlisted card **";
- ++ncards;
- }
- if (device->dev_card)
- entry = LookupCard(device->dev_card);
- def = 0;
- if (entry) {
- for (i = 0; i < NumCardsEntry; i++)
- if (strcasecmp(CardsDB[i]->name, entry->name) == 0) {
- def = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- /* make sure entry is set to null again */
- entry = NULL;
- }
- i = DialogMenu("Card database",
- "Select name that better matches your card:",
- 20, 70, 11, ncards, cards, "Next >>", " Cancel ", def);
- if (i > 0)
- entry = LookupCard(cards[i]);
- }
- def = 0;
- tmp = device->dev_driver ? device->dev_driver : entry && entry->driver ?
- entry->driver : "vga";
- for (i = 0; i < ndrivers; i++)
- if (strcmp(drivers[i], tmp) == 0) {
- def = i;
- break;
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Card driver",
- "You can select the driver for your card here, or just press "
- "Enter to use the default/current:", 20, 50, 9,
- ndrivers, drivers, " Ok ", " Cancel ", def);
- if (i < 0) {
- if (device->dev_identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)device);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- driver = ndrivers ? drivers[i] : "vga";
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- tmp = device->dev_busid ? device->dev_busid : "";
- busid = DialogInput("Card BusID",
- "You normally does not need to fill this field "
- "if you have only one video card:", 11, 50, tmp,
- " Finish ", " Cancel ", 0);
- /* Finish card configuration */
- if (entry) {
- XtFree(device->dev_card);
- device->dev_card = XtNewString(entry->name);
- if (entry->chipset) {
- XtFree(device->dev_chipset);
- device->dev_chipset = XtNewString(entry->chipset);
- }
- if (entry->ramdac) {
- XtFree(device->dev_ramdac);
- device->dev_ramdac = XtNewString(entry->ramdac);
- }
- if (entry->clockchip) {
- XtFree(entry->clockchip);
- device->dev_clockchip = XtNewString(entry->clockchip);
- }
- }
- if (busid) {
- XtFree(device->dev_busid);
- if (*busid)
- device->dev_busid = busid;
- else {
- device->dev_busid = NULL;
- XtFree(busid);
- }
- }
- XtFree(device->dev_driver);
- device->dev_driver = XtNewString(driver);
- if (device->dev_identifier == NULL) {
- device->dev_identifier = identifier;
- XF86Config->conf_device_lst =
- xf86addDevice(XF86Config->conf_device_lst, device);
- }
- return (1);
-static char *depths[] = {
- "1 bit, monochrome",
- "4 bit, 16 colors",
- "8 bit, 256 colors",
- "15 bits, 32Kb colors",
- "16 bits, 65Kb colors",
- "24 bits, 16Mb colors",
-static char *modes[] = {
- "2048x1536",
- "1920x1440",
- "1800x1400",
- "1600x1200",
- "1400x1050",
- "1280x1024",
- "1280x960",
- "1152x864",
- "1024x768",
- "800x600",
- "640x480",
- "640x400",
- "512x384",
- "400x300",
- "320x240",
- "320x200",
-static int
- int i, disp_allocated;
- XF86ConfScreenPtr *screens = NULL, screen = XF86Config->conf_screen_lst;
- char **list = NULL, *identifier = NULL;
- int nlist, def;
- XF86ConfDevicePtr device = NULL;
- XF86ConfMonitorPtr monitor = NULL;
- XF86ConfDisplayPtr display;
- XF86ModePtr mode, ptr = NULL;
- char *checks;
- nlist = 0;
- while (screen) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(sizeof(Edit) +
- strlen(screen->scrn_identifier) + 1);
- sprintf(list[nlist], "%s%s", Edit, screen->scrn_identifier);
- screens = (XF86ConfScreenPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)screens, (nlist + 1) *
- sizeof(XF86ConfScreenPtr));
- screens[nlist] = screen;
- ++nlist;
- screen = (XF86ConfScreenPtr)(screen->list.next);
- }
- screen = NULL;
- if (nlist) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 2) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Add new screen");
- if (nlist == 2) {
- i = strlen("Remove ") + strlen(screens[0]->scrn_identifier) + 1;
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(i);
- XmuSnprintf(list[nlist], i, "Remove %s", screens[0]->scrn_identifier);
- ++nlist;
- }
- else
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Remove screen");
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Screen configuration",
- "You can edit or remove a previously configured "
- "screen, or add a new one.", 14, 60, 4, nlist, list,
- " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)screens);
- return (-1);
- }
- if (nlist > 2 && i == nlist - 1) {
- if (nlist > 3) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist - 2; i++) {
- /* XXX Remove the "Edit " from list entries */
- memmove(list[i], list[i] + sizeof(Edit) - 1,
- strlen(list[i]) - sizeof(Edit) + 2);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Remove screen",
- "Select which screen to remove",
- 13, 60, 4, nlist - 2, list,
- " Remove ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)screens);
- return (-1);
- }
- screen = screens[i];
- }
- else
- screen = screens[0];
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)screens);
- xf86removeScreen(XF86Config, screen);
- return (0);
- }
- if (i < nlist - 2)
- screen = screens[i];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)screens);
- if (screen == NULL) {
- char label[256];
- XF86ConfDevicePtr *devices = NULL;
- XF86ConfMonitorPtr *monitors = NULL;
- device = XF86Config->conf_device_lst;
- monitor = XF86Config->conf_monitor_lst;
- if (device == NULL || monitor == NULL) {
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- Dialog("Configuration error",
- "You need to configure (at least) one card and one "
- "monitor before creating a screen definition.",
- 9, 50, " Ok ", NULL, 0);
- return (-1);
- }
- XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "Screen%d", nlist ? nlist - 2 : 0);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- identifier =
- DialogInput("Screen identifier",
- "Enter an identifier for your screen definition:",
- 11, 40, label,
- " Next >>", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (identifier == NULL)
- return (-1);
- nlist = 0;
- list = NULL;
- while (device) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist] = XtNewString(device->dev_identifier);
- devices = (XF86ConfDevicePtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)devices, (nlist + 1) *
- sizeof(XF86ConfDevicePtr));
- devices[nlist] = device;
- ++nlist;
- device = (XF86ConfDevicePtr)(device->list.next);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Screen card", "Please select a video card:",
- 13, 60, 4, nlist, list, " Next >>", " Cancel ", 0);
- for (def = 0; def < nlist; def++)
- XtFree(list[def]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- if (i < 0) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)devices);
- return (-1);
- }
- device = devices[i];
- XtFree((XtPointer)devices);
- nlist = 0;
- list = NULL;
- while (monitor) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist] = XtNewString(monitor->mon_identifier);
- monitors = (XF86ConfMonitorPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)monitors, (nlist + 1) *
- sizeof(XF86ConfMonitorPtr));
- monitors[nlist] = monitor;
- ++nlist;
- monitor = (XF86ConfMonitorPtr)(monitor->list.next);
- }
- XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label),
- "Select the monitor connected to \"%s\":",
- device->dev_identifier);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Screen monitor", label,
- 13, 60, 4, nlist, list, " Next >>", " Cancel ", 0);
- for (def = 0; def < nlist; def++)
- XtFree(list[def]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- if (i < 0) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitors);
- return (-1);
- }
- monitor = monitors[i];
- XtFree((XtPointer)monitors);
- screen = (XF86ConfScreenPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfScreenRec));
- screen->scrn_device = device;
- screen->scrn_monitor = monitor;
- }
- if (screen->scrn_defaultdepth == 1)
- def = 0;
- else if (screen->scrn_defaultdepth == 4)
- def = 1;
- else if (screen->scrn_defaultdepth == 8)
- def = 2;
- else if (screen->scrn_defaultdepth == 15)
- def = 3;
- else if (screen->scrn_defaultdepth == 16)
- def = 4;
- else if (screen->scrn_defaultdepth == 24)
- def = 5;
- else {
- if (screen->scrn_device && screen->scrn_device->dev_driver &&
- strcmp(screen->scrn_device->dev_driver, "vga") == 0)
- def = 1; /* 4bpp */
- else
- def = 2; /* 8bpp */
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Screen depth",
- "Please specify which color depth you want to use by default:",
- 15, 60, 6, sizeof(depths) / sizeof(depths[0]), depths,
- " Next >>", " Cancel ", def);
- if (i < 0) {
- if (screen->scrn_identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)screen);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- else
- /* XXX depths must begin with the depth number */
- screen->scrn_defaultdepth = atoi(depths[i]);
- def = 0; /* use def to count how many modes are selected*/
- nlist = 0;
- list = NULL;
- checks = XtMalloc(sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]));
- /* XXX list fields in the code below are not allocated */
- disp_allocated = 0;
- display = screen->scrn_display_lst;
- while (display && display->disp_depth != screen->scrn_defaultdepth)
- display = (XF86ConfDisplayPtr)(display->list.next);
- if (display == NULL) {
- display = (XF86ConfDisplayPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfDisplayRec));
- display->disp_white.red = display->disp_black.red = -1;
- display->disp_depth = screen->scrn_defaultdepth;
- disp_allocated = 1;
- }
- else {
- mode = display->disp_mode_lst;
- while (mode) {
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]); i++)
- if (strcmp(modes[i], mode->mode_name) == 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (i == sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0])) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list,
- (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist] = mode->mode_name;
- checks = XtRealloc(checks, sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]) +
- nlist + 1);
- checks[nlist] = 1;
- ++def;
- nlist++;
- break;
- }
- mode = (XF86ModePtr)(mode->list.next);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]); i++)
- checks[i + nlist] = 0;
- mode = display->disp_mode_lst;
- while (mode) {
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]); i++)
- if (strcmp(modes[i], mode->mode_name) == 0) {
- ++def;
- checks[i + nlist] = 1;
- break;
- }
- mode = (XF86ModePtr)(mode->list.next);
- }
- if (nlist == 0 && def == 0)
- checks[7] = 1; /* 640x480 */
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + sizeof(modes) /
- sizeof(modes[0])) * sizeof(char*));
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]); i++)
- list[i + nlist] = modes[i];
- nlist += sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogCheckBox("Screen modes",
- "Select the video modes for this screen:",
- 17, 60, 8, sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]), modes,
- " Finish ", " Cancel ", checks);
- if (i < 0) {
- if (screen->scrn_identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- XtFree((XtPointer)screen);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- if (disp_allocated)
- XtFree((XtPointer)display);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- mode = display->disp_mode_lst;
- while (mode) {
- ptr = (XF86ModePtr)(mode->list.next);
- XtFree(mode->mode_name);
- XtFree((XtPointer)mode);
- mode = ptr;
- }
- display->disp_mode_lst = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++) {
- if (checks[i]) {
- mode = (XF86ModePtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ModeRec));
- mode->mode_name = XtNewString(list[i]);
- if (display->disp_mode_lst == NULL)
- display->disp_mode_lst = ptr = mode;
- else {
- ptr->list.next = mode;
- ptr = mode;
- }
- }
- }
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- if (disp_allocated) {
- display->list.next = NULL;
- if (screen->scrn_display_lst == NULL)
- screen->scrn_display_lst = display;
- else
- screen->scrn_display_lst->list.next = display;
- }
- if (screen->scrn_identifier == NULL) {
- screen->scrn_identifier = identifier;
- screen->scrn_monitor_str = XtNewString(monitor->mon_identifier);
- screen->scrn_device_str = XtNewString(device->dev_identifier);
- XF86Config->conf_screen_lst =
- xf86addScreen(XF86Config->conf_screen_lst, screen);
- }
- return (1);
-static XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr
-CopyAdjacency(XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr ptr)
- XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr adj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)
- XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfAdjacencyRec));
- adj->adj_scrnum = ptr->adj_scrnum;
- adj->adj_screen = ptr->adj_screen;
- adj->adj_screen_str = XtNewString(ptr->adj_screen_str);
- adj->adj_top = ptr->adj_top;
- if (ptr->adj_top_str)
- adj->adj_top_str = XtNewString(ptr->adj_top_str);
- adj->adj_bottom = ptr->adj_bottom;
- if (ptr->adj_bottom_str)
- adj->adj_bottom_str = XtNewString(ptr->adj_bottom_str);
- adj->adj_left = ptr->adj_left;
- if (ptr->adj_left_str)
- adj->adj_left_str = XtNewString(ptr->adj_left_str);
- adj->adj_right = ptr->adj_right;
- if (ptr->adj_right_str)
- adj->adj_right_str = XtNewString(ptr->adj_right_str);
- adj->adj_where = ptr->adj_where;
- adj->adj_x = ptr->adj_x;
- adj->adj_y = ptr->adj_y;
- if (ptr->adj_refscreen)
- adj->adj_refscreen = XtNewString(ptr->adj_refscreen);
- return (adj);
-static XF86ConfInactivePtr
-CopyInactive(XF86ConfInactivePtr ptr)
- XF86ConfInactivePtr inac = (XF86ConfInactivePtr)
- XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfInactiveRec));
- inac->inactive_device = ptr->inactive_device;
- if (ptr->inactive_device_str)
- inac->inactive_device_str = XtNewString(ptr->inactive_device_str);
- return (inac);
-static XF86ConfInputrefPtr
-CopyInputref(XF86ConfInputrefPtr ptr)
- XF86ConfInputrefPtr iref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)
- XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfInputrefRec));
- XF86OptionPtr opt = ptr->iref_option_lst;
- iref->iref_inputdev = ptr->iref_inputdev;
- if (ptr->iref_inputdev_str)
- iref->iref_inputdev_str = XtNewString(ptr->iref_inputdev_str);
- while (opt) {
- iref->iref_option_lst = xf86addNewOption(iref->iref_option_lst,
- XtNewString(opt->opt_name),
- opt->opt_val ? XtNewString(opt->opt_val) : NULL);
- opt = (XF86OptionPtr)(opt->list.next);
- }
- return (iref);
-static XF86ConfLayoutPtr
-CopyLayout(XF86ConfLayoutPtr ptr)
- XF86ConfLayoutPtr lay = (XF86ConfLayoutPtr)
- XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfLayoutRec));
- XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr adj = ptr->lay_adjacency_lst, padj;
- XF86ConfInactivePtr inac = ptr->lay_inactive_lst, pinac;
- XF86ConfInputrefPtr iref = ptr->lay_input_lst, piref;
- XF86OptionPtr opt = ptr->lay_option_lst;
- if (ptr->lay_identifier)
- lay->lay_identifier = XtNewString(ptr->lay_identifier);
- if (adj) {
- padj = lay->lay_adjacency_lst = CopyAdjacency(adj);
- adj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)(adj->list.next);
- while (adj) {
- padj->list.next = CopyAdjacency(adj);
- padj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)(padj->list.next);
- adj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)(adj->list.next);
- }
- }
- if (inac) {
- pinac = lay->lay_inactive_lst = CopyInactive(inac);
- inac = (XF86ConfInactivePtr)(inac->list.next);
- while (inac) {
- pinac->list.next = CopyInactive(inac);
- pinac = (XF86ConfInactivePtr)(pinac->list.next);
- inac = (XF86ConfInactivePtr)(inac->list.next);
- }
- }
- if (iref) {
- piref = lay->lay_input_lst = CopyInputref(iref);
- iref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)(iref->list.next);
- while (iref) {
- piref->list.next = CopyInputref(iref);
- piref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)(piref->list.next);
- iref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)(iref->list.next);
- }
- }
- while (opt) {
- lay->lay_option_lst = xf86addNewOption(lay->lay_option_lst,
- XtNewString(opt->opt_name),
- opt->opt_val ? XtNewString(opt->opt_val) : NULL);
- opt = (XF86OptionPtr)(opt->list.next);
- }
- return (lay);
-static void
-FreeLayout(XF86ConfLayoutPtr lay)
- static XF86ConfigRec xf86config;
- xf86config.conf_layout_lst = lay;
- xf86removeLayout(&xf86config, lay);
-static int
- int i;
- XF86ConfLayoutPtr *layouts = NULL, rlayout = NULL,
- layout = XF86Config->conf_layout_lst;
- XF86ConfInputPtr input = XF86Config->conf_input_lst;
- char **list = NULL, *identifier = NULL;
- XF86ConfInputPtr *mouses = NULL, *keyboards = NULL, mouse, keyboard;
- XF86ConfInputrefPtr iref, piref, mref, kref;
- XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr adj, padj;
- int nmouses, nkeyboards;
- int nlist;
- XF86OptionPtr option;
- XF86ConfScreenPtr screen, *screens;
- nmouses = nkeyboards = 0;
- while (input) {
- if (strcmp(input->inp_driver, "mouse") == 0) {
- mouses = (XF86ConfInputPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)mouses,
- (nmouses + 1) * sizeof(XF86ConfInputPtr));
- mouses[nmouses] = input;
- ++nmouses;
- }
- else if (IS_KBDDRIV(input->inp_driver)) {
- keyboards = (XF86ConfInputPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)keyboards,
- (nkeyboards + 1) * sizeof(XF86ConfInputPtr));
- keyboards[nkeyboards] = input;
- ++nkeyboards;
- }
- input = (XF86ConfInputPtr)(input->list.next);
- }
- if (XF86Config->conf_screen_lst == NULL ||
- nmouses == 0 || nkeyboards == 0) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)mouses);
- XtFree((XtPointer)keyboards);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- Dialog("Configuration error",
- "You need to configure (at least) one screen, mouse "
- "and keyboard before creating a layout definition.",
- 9, 50, " Ok ", NULL, 0);
- return (-1);
- }
- nlist = 0;
- while (layout) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(sizeof(Edit) +
- strlen(layout->lay_identifier) + 1);
- sprintf(list[nlist], "%s%s", Edit, layout->lay_identifier);
- layouts = (XF86ConfLayoutPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)layouts, (nlist + 1) *
- sizeof(XF86ConfLayoutPtr));
- layouts[nlist] = layout;
- ++nlist;
- layout = (XF86ConfLayoutPtr)(layout->list.next);
- }
- layout = NULL;
- if (nlist) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 2) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Add new layout");
- if (nlist == 2) {
- i = strlen("Remove ") + strlen(layouts[0]->lay_identifier) + 1;
- list[nlist] = XtMalloc(i);
- XmuSnprintf(list[nlist], i, "Remove %s", layouts[0]->lay_identifier);
- ++nlist;
- }
- else
- list[nlist++] = XtNewString("Remove layout");
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Layout configuration",
- "You can edit or remove a previously configured "
- "layout, or add a new one.", 14, 60, 4, nlist, list,
- " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)layouts);
- XtFree((XtPointer)mouses);
- XtFree((XtPointer)keyboards);
- return (-1);
- }
- if (nlist > 2 && i == nlist - 1) {
- if (nlist > 3) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist - 2; i++) {
- /* XXX Remove the "Edit " from list entries */
- memmove(list[i], list[i] + sizeof(Edit) - 1,
- strlen(list[i]) - sizeof(Edit) + 2);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Remove layout",
- "Select which layout to remove",
- 13, 60, 4, nlist - 2, list,
- " Remove ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)layouts);
- XtFree((XtPointer)mouses);
- XtFree((XtPointer)keyboards);
- return (-1);
- }
- layout = layouts[i];
- }
- else
- layout = layouts[0];
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)layouts);
- XtFree((XtPointer)mouses);
- XtFree((XtPointer)keyboards);
- xf86removeLayout(XF86Config, layout);
- return (0);
- }
- if (i < nlist - 2)
- layout = layouts[i];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++)
- XtFree(list[i]);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)layouts);
- if (layout == NULL) {
- char label[32];
- layout = (XF86ConfLayoutPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfLayoutRec));
- XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "Layout%d", nlist ? nlist - 2 : 0);
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- identifier =
- DialogInput("Layout identifier",
- "Enter an identifier for your layout definition:",
- 11, 40, label,
- " Next >>", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (identifier == NULL) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)layout);
- XtFree((XtPointer)mouses);
- XtFree((XtPointer)keyboards);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- else {
- /* So that we can safely change it */
- rlayout = layout;
- layout = CopyLayout(rlayout);
- }
- mouse = keyboard = NULL;
- /* Mouse */
- piref = NULL;
- iref = layout->lay_input_lst;
- while (iref) {
- if (strcmp(iref->iref_inputdev->inp_driver, "mouse") == 0) {
- if (mouse == NULL)
- piref = iref;
- if (xf86findOption(iref->iref_option_lst, "CorePointer")) {
- mouse = iref->iref_inputdev;
- piref = iref;
- break;
- }
- }
- iref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)(iref->list.next);
- }
- if (mouse == NULL) {
- if (piref) {
- mref = piref;
- mouse = piref->iref_inputdev;
- piref->iref_option_lst =
- xf86addNewOption(piref->iref_option_lst,
- XtNewString("CorePointer"), NULL);
- }
- else {
- mouse = mouses[0];
- mref = iref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfInputrefRec));
- iref->iref_inputdev_str = XtNewString(mouse->inp_identifier);
- iref->iref_inputdev = mouse;
- iref->iref_option_lst =
- xf86addNewOption(iref->iref_option_lst,
- XtNewString("CorePointer"), NULL);
- iref->list.next = layout->lay_input_lst;
- if (layout->lay_input_lst == NULL)
- layout->lay_input_lst = iref;
- else {
- iref->list.next = layout->lay_input_lst;
- layout->lay_input_lst = iref;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- mref = piref;
- /* XXX list fields are not allocated */
- if (nmouses > 1) {
- nlist = 0;
- list = (char**)XtMalloc(sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = mouse->inp_identifier;
- input = XF86Config->conf_input_lst;
- while (input) {
- if (input != mouse && strcmp(input->inp_driver, "mouse") == 0) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = input->inp_identifier;
- }
- input = (XF86ConfInputPtr)(input->list.next);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Select Core Pointer",
- "Select the mouse connected to you computer",
- 12, 60, 4, nlist, list, " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)mouses);
- XtFree((XtPointer)keyboards);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- if (layout->lay_identifier == NULL)
- XtFree(identifier);
- FreeLayout(layout);
- return (-1);
- }
- if (i > 0) {
- /* Did not select the default one */
- iref = layout->lay_input_lst;
- while (iref) {
- if (strcasecmp(iref->iref_inputdev_str, list[i]) == 0) {
- if ((option = xf86findOption(iref->iref_option_lst,
- "SendCoreEvents")) != NULL) {
- XtFree(option->opt_name);
- option->opt_name = XtNewString("CorePointer");
- }
- else
- iref->iref_option_lst =
- xf86addNewOption(iref->iref_option_lst,
- XtNewString("CorePointer"), NULL);
- option = xf86findOption(mref->iref_option_lst,
- "CorePointer");
- XtFree(option->opt_name);
- option->opt_name = XtNewString("SendCoreEvents");
- break;
- }
- iref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)(iref->list.next);
- }
- }
- /* XXX Write code to add/remove more mouses here */
- }
- /* Keyboard */
- piref = NULL;
- iref = layout->lay_input_lst;
- while (iref) {
- if (IS_KBDDRIV(iref->iref_inputdev->inp_driver)) {
- if (keyboard == NULL)
- piref = iref;
- if (xf86findOption(iref->iref_option_lst, "CoreKeyboard")) {
- keyboard = iref->iref_inputdev;
- piref = iref;
- break;
- }
- }
- iref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)(iref->list.next);
- }
- if (keyboard == NULL) {
- if (piref) {
- kref = piref;
- keyboard = piref->iref_inputdev;
- piref->iref_option_lst =
- xf86addNewOption(piref->iref_option_lst,
- XtNewString("CoreKeyboard"), NULL);
- }
- else {
- keyboard = keyboards[0];
- kref = iref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfInputrefRec));
- iref->iref_inputdev_str = XtNewString(keyboard->inp_identifier);
- iref->iref_inputdev = keyboard;
- iref->iref_option_lst =
- xf86addNewOption(iref->iref_option_lst,
- XtNewString("CoreKeyboard"), NULL);
- iref->list.next = layout->lay_input_lst;
- if (layout->lay_input_lst == NULL)
- layout->lay_input_lst = iref;
- else {
- iref->list.next = layout->lay_input_lst;
- layout->lay_input_lst = iref;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- kref = piref;
- /* XXX list fields are not allocated */
- if (nkeyboards > 1) {
- nlist = 0;
- list = (char**)XtMalloc(sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = keyboard->inp_identifier;
- input = XF86Config->conf_input_lst;
- while (input) {
- if (input != keyboard && IS_KBDDRIV(input->inp_driver)) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- list[nlist++] = input->inp_identifier;
- }
- input = (XF86ConfInputPtr)(input->list.next);
- }
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Select Core Keyboard",
- "Select the keyboard connected to you computer",
- 12, 60, 4, nlist, list, " Ok ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i < 0) {
- XtFree((XtPointer)mouses);
- XtFree((XtPointer)keyboards);
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- if (layout->lay_identifier == NULL)
- XtFree(identifier);
- FreeLayout(layout);
- return (-1);
- }
- if (i > 0) {
- /* Did not select the default one */
- iref = layout->lay_input_lst;
- while (iref) {
- if (strcasecmp(iref->iref_inputdev_str, list[i]) == 0) {
- if ((option = xf86findOption(iref->iref_option_lst,
- "SendCoreEvents")) != NULL) {
- XtFree(option->opt_name);
- option->opt_name = XtNewString("CoreKeyboard");
- }
- else
- iref->iref_option_lst =
- xf86addNewOption(iref->iref_option_lst,
- XtNewString("CoreKeyboard"), NULL);
- option = xf86findOption(kref->iref_option_lst,
- "CoreKeyboard");
- XtFree(option->opt_name);
- option->opt_name = XtNewString("SendCoreEvents");
- break;
- }
- iref = (XF86ConfInputrefPtr)(iref->list.next);
- }
- }
- /* XXX Write code to add/remove more keyboards here */
- }
- XtFree((XtPointer)mouses);
- XtFree((XtPointer)keyboards);
- /* Just one screen */
- if (XF86Config->conf_screen_lst->list.next == NULL) {
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- Dialog("Layout configuration",
- (nmouses > 1 || nkeyboards > 1) ?
- "As you have only one screen configured, I can now finish "
- "creating this Layout configuration."
- :
- "As you have only one screen, mouse and keyboard configured, "
- "I can now finish creating this Layout configuration.",
- 12, 60, " Finish ", NULL, 0);
- goto LayoutFinish;
- }
- /* The code below just adds a screen to the right of the last
- * one, or allows removing a screen.
- * Needs some review, and adding more options.
- */
- while (1) {
- static char *screen_opts[] = {
- "Add a new screen to layout",
- "Remove screen from layout",
- "Finish layout configuration",
- };
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Layout configuration", "Please choose one option:",
- 12, 60, 3, sizeof(screen_opts) / sizeof(screen_opts[0]),
- screen_opts, " Done ", " Cancel all changes ", 2);
- /* cancel */
- if (i < 0) {
- XtFree(identifier);
- FreeLayout(layout);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* add new screen */
- else if (i == 0) {
- nlist = 0;
- list = NULL;
- screens = NULL;
- screen = XF86Config->conf_screen_lst;
- while (screen) {
- adj = layout->lay_adjacency_lst;
- while (adj) {
- if (adj->adj_screen == screen)
- break;
- adj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)(adj->list.next);
- }
- if (adj == NULL) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- screens = (XF86ConfScreenPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)screens,
- (nlist + 1) * sizeof(XF86ConfScreenPtr));
- /* NOT duplicated */
- list[nlist] = screen->scrn_identifier;
- screens[nlist] = screen;
- ++nlist;
- }
- screen = (XF86ConfScreenPtr)(screen->list.next);
- }
- if (nlist == 0)
- continue;
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Layout add screen", "Choose screen to add:",
- 12, 60, 3, nlist, list,
- " Add ", " Cancel ", 0);
- if (i >= 0) {
- padj = layout->lay_adjacency_lst;
- adj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)
- XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfAdjacencyRec));
- adj->adj_screen = screens[i];
- if (padj == NULL) {
- adj->adj_where = CONF_ADJ_ABSOLUTE;
- layout->lay_adjacency_lst = adj;
- }
- else {
- while (padj->list.next)
- padj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)(padj->list.next);
- padj->list.next = adj;
- adj->adj_where = CONF_ADJ_RIGHTOF;
- adj->adj_refscreen =
- XtNewString(padj->adj_screen->scrn_identifier);
- }
- }
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)screens);
- }
- /* remove a screen */
- else if (i == 1) {
- nlist = 0;
- list = NULL;
- screens = NULL;
- adj = layout->lay_adjacency_lst;
- while (adj) {
- list = (char**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)list, (nlist + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- screens = (XF86ConfScreenPtr*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)screens,
- (nlist + 1) * sizeof(XF86ConfScreenPtr));
- list[nlist] = adj->adj_screen->scrn_identifier;
- screens[nlist] = adj->adj_screen;
- ++nlist;
- adj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)(adj->list.next);
- }
- if (nlist == 0)
- continue;
- ClearScreen();
- refresh();
- i = DialogMenu("Layout remove screen", "Choose screen to remove:",
- 12, 60, 3, nlist, list,
- " Remove ", " Cancel ", 0);
- adj = padj = layout->lay_adjacency_lst;
- while (adj) {
- if (adj->adj_screen == screens[i]) {
- padj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)(padj->list.next);
- if (padj && adj->adj_where == CONF_ADJ_RIGHTOF &&
- padj->adj_where == CONF_ADJ_RIGHTOF) {
- XtFree(padj->adj_refscreen);
- padj->adj_refscreen = XtNewString(adj->adj_refscreen);
- }
- xf86removeAdjacency(layout, adj);
- break;
- }
- padj = adj;
- adj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)(padj->list.next);
- }
- XtFree((XtPointer)list);
- XtFree((XtPointer)screens);
- }
- /* finish screen configuration */
- else
- break;
- }
- if (layout->lay_adjacency_lst == NULL) {
- adj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfAdjacencyRec));
- adj->adj_screen = XF86Config->conf_screen_lst;
- adj->adj_screen_str = XtNewString(XF86Config->conf_screen_lst->scrn_identifier);
- adj->adj_where = CONF_ADJ_ABSOLUTE;
- layout->lay_adjacency_lst = adj;
- }
- if (rlayout) {
- /* just edited this layout */
- if (nmouses > 1 || nkeyboards > 1) {
- XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr tadj = rlayout->lay_adjacency_lst;
- XF86ConfInactivePtr tinac = rlayout->lay_inactive_lst;
- XF86ConfInputrefPtr tinp = rlayout->lay_input_lst;
- rlayout->lay_adjacency_lst = layout->lay_adjacency_lst;
- rlayout->lay_inactive_lst = layout->lay_inactive_lst;
- rlayout->lay_input_lst = layout->lay_input_lst;
- layout->lay_adjacency_lst = tadj;
- layout->lay_inactive_lst = tinac;
- layout->lay_input_lst = tinp;
- FreeLayout(layout);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- else {
- layout->lay_identifier = identifier;
- XF86Config->conf_layout_lst =
- xf86addLayout(XF86Config->conf_layout_lst, layout);
- }
- return (1);
-static void
- int i, j;
- wattrset(stdscr, screen_attr);
- for (i = 0; i < LINES; i++) {
- wmove(stdscr, i, 0);
- for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
- waddch(stdscr, ACS_PLUS);
- }
- touchwin(stdscr);
-static int
-Dialog(char *title, char * prompt, int height, int width,
- char *label1, char *label2, int button)
- int x, x1, x2, y, key, l1len, l2len;
- WINDOW *dialog;
- x = (COLS - width) / 2;
- y = (LINES - height) / 2;
- dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x);
- keypad(dialog, TRUE);
- PaintWindow(dialog, title, 0, 0, height, width);
- wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
- PrintWrap(dialog, prompt, width - 3, 2, 3);
- l1len = strlen(label1);
- if (label2)
- l2len = strlen(label2);
- else {
- l2len = button = 0;
- }
- x1 = (width - (l1len + l2len)) / (label2 ? 3 : 2);
- x2 = x1 + x1 + l1len;
- y = height - 3;
- if (!button) {
- if (label2)
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- }
- else {
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, FALSE);
- if (label2)
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, TRUE);
- }
- wrefresh(dialog);
- while (1) {
- key = wgetch(dialog);
- switch (key) {
- case KEY_LEFT:
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- if (!button) {
- if (label2) {
- button = 1;
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, TRUE);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (label2) {
- button = 0;
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- }
- }
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case ' ':
- case '\r':
- case '\n':
- delwin(dialog);
- return button;
- }
- }
-static void
-PaintWindow(WINDOW *win, char *title_str, int y, int x, int height, int width)
- int i, j;
- if (title_str != NULL) {
- j = (width - strlen(title_str)) / 2 - 1;
- wattrset(win, title_attr);
- wmove(win, x, y);
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
- waddch(win, ' ');
- waddstr(win, title_str);
- for (; i < width; i++)
- waddch(win, ' ');
- }
- wattrset(win, 0);
- for (i = 1; i < height; i++) {
- wmove(win, y + i, x);
- for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
- if (i == height - 1 && !j)
- waddch(win, highlight_border_attr | ACS_LLCORNER);
- else if (i == height - 1 && j == width - 1)
- waddch(win, shadow_border_attr | ACS_LRCORNER);
- else if (i == height - 1)
- waddch(win, shadow_border_attr | ACS_HLINE);
- else if (!j)
- waddch(win, highlight_border_attr | ACS_VLINE);
- else if (j == width - 1)
- waddch(win, shadow_border_attr | ACS_VLINE);
- else
- waddch(win, dialog_attr | ' ');
- }
-static void
-PaintBox(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int height, int width)
- int i, j;
- wattrset(win, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
- wmove(win, y + i, x);
- for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
- if (!i && !j)
- waddch(win, shadow_border_attr | ACS_ULCORNER);
- else if (i == height - 1 && !j)
- waddch(win, shadow_border_attr | ACS_LLCORNER);
- else if (!i && j == width-1)
- waddch(win, highlight_border_attr | ACS_URCORNER);
- else if (i == height - 1 && j == width - 1)
- waddch(win, highlight_border_attr | ACS_LRCORNER);
- else if (!i)
- waddch(win, shadow_border_attr | ACS_HLINE);
- else if (i == height - 1)
- waddch(win, highlight_border_attr | ACS_HLINE);
- else if (!j)
- waddch(win, shadow_border_attr | ACS_VLINE);
- else if (j == width - 1)
- waddch(win, highlight_border_attr | ACS_VLINE);
- else
- waddch(win, dialog_attr | ' ');
- }
-static void
-PaintButton(WINDOW *win, char *label, int y, int x, int selected)
- int i, temp;
- wmove(win, y, x);
- wattrset(win, selected ? button_active_attr : button_inactive_attr);
- waddstr(win, selected ? "[" : " ");
- temp = strspn(label, " ");
- label += temp;
- wattrset(win, selected ? button_active_attr : button_inactive_attr);
- for (i = 0; i < temp; i++)
- waddch(win, ' ');
- wattrset(win, selected ? button_active_attr : button_inactive_attr);
- waddch(win, label[0]);
- wattrset(win, selected ? button_active_attr : button_inactive_attr);
- waddstr(win, label + 1);
- wattrset(win, selected ? button_active_attr : button_inactive_attr);
- waddstr(win, selected ? "]" : " ");
- wmove(win, y, x + temp + 1);
-static void
-PrintWrap(WINDOW *win, char *prompt, int width, int y, int x)
- int cur_x, cur_y, len, yinc;
- char *word, *tempstr = XtMalloc(strlen(prompt) + 1);
- cur_x = x;
- cur_y = y;
- while (*prompt == '\n') {
- ++cur_y;
- ++prompt;
- }
- strcpy(tempstr, prompt);
- for (word = strtok(tempstr, " \n"); word != NULL; word = strtok(NULL, " \n")) {
- yinc = 0;
- len = strlen(word);
- while (prompt[word - tempstr + len + yinc] == '\n')
- ++yinc;
- if (cur_x + strlen(word) > width) {
- cur_y++;
- cur_x = x;
- }
- wmove(win, cur_y, cur_x);
- waddstr(win, word);
- getyx(win, cur_y, cur_x);
- if (yinc) {
- cur_y += yinc;
- cur_x = x;
- }
- else
- cur_x++;
- }
- free(tempstr);
-static int
-DialogMenu(char *title, char *prompt, int height, int width, int menu_height,
- int item_no, char **items, char *label1, char *label2, int choice)
- int i, x, y, cur_x, cur_y, box_x, box_y, key = 0, button = 0,
- scrlx = 0, max_choice, nscroll, max_scroll, x1, x2, l1len, l2len;
- WINDOW *dialog, *menu;
- max_choice = MIN(menu_height, item_no);
- max_scroll = MAX(0, item_no - max_choice);
- x = (COLS - width) / 2;
- y = (LINES - height) / 2;
- dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x);
- keypad(dialog, TRUE);
- PaintWindow(dialog, title, 0, 0, height, width);
- wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
- PrintWrap(dialog, prompt, width - 3, 2, 3);
- l1len = strlen(label1);
- l2len = strlen(label2);
- x1 = (width - (l1len + l2len)) / 3;
- x2 = x1 + x1 + l1len;
- menu_width = width - 6;
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- box_y = cur_y + 1;
- box_x = (width - menu_width) / 2 - 1;
- menu = subwin(dialog, menu_height, menu_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1);
- keypad(menu, TRUE);
- /* draw a box around the menu items */
- PaintBox(dialog, box_y, box_x, menu_height + 2, menu_width + 2);
- item_x = 3;
- if (choice > menu_height) {
- scrlx = MIN(max_scroll, choice);
- choice -= scrlx;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
- PaintItem(menu, items[i + scrlx], i, i == choice);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- x = width / 2 - 11;
- y = height - 3;
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- while (1) {
- i = choice;
- key = wgetch(dialog);
- if (menu_height > 1 && key == KEY_PPAGE) {
- if (!choice) {
- if (scrlx) {
- /* Scroll menu down */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- nscroll = max_choice > scrlx ? -scrlx : -max_choice;
- scrollok(menu, TRUE);
- wscrl(menu, nscroll);
- scrollok(menu, FALSE);
- PaintItem(menu, items[i = scrlx + nscroll], 0, TRUE);
- for (++i; i <= scrlx; i++)
- PaintItem(menu, items[i], i - (scrlx + nscroll), FALSE);
- scrlx += nscroll;
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- }
- else if (menu_height > 1 && key == KEY_NPAGE) {
- if (choice == max_choice - 1) {
- if (scrlx < max_scroll) {
- /* Scroll menu up */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- nscroll = (scrlx + max_choice > max_scroll ?
- max_scroll : scrlx + max_choice) - scrlx;
- scrollok(menu, TRUE);
- wscrl(menu, nscroll);
- scrollok(menu, FALSE);
- scrlx += nscroll;
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice - 1; i++)
- PaintItem(menu, items[i + scrlx], i, FALSE);
- PaintItem(menu, items[i + scrlx], max_choice - 1, TRUE);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- }
- i = max_choice - 1;
- }
- else if (key == KEY_UP) {
- if (!choice) {
- if (scrlx) {
- /* Scroll menu down */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- if (menu_height > 1) {
- PaintItem(menu, items[scrlx], 0, FALSE);
- scrollok(menu, TRUE);
- wscrl(menu, - 1);
- scrollok(menu, FALSE);
- }
- scrlx--;
- PaintItem(menu, items[scrlx], 0, TRUE);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- i = choice - 1;
- }
- else if (key == KEY_DOWN) {
- if (choice == max_choice - 1) {
- if (scrlx + choice < item_no - 1) {
- /* Scroll menu up */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- if (menu_height > 1) {
- PaintItem(menu, items[scrlx + max_choice - 1], max_choice - 1, FALSE);
- scrollok(menu, TRUE);
- scroll(menu);
- scrollok(menu, FALSE);
- }
- scrlx++;
- PaintItem(menu, items[scrlx + max_choice - 1], max_choice - 1, TRUE);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- i = MIN(choice + 1, item_no - 1);
- }
- if (i != choice) {
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- PaintItem(menu, items[scrlx + choice], choice, FALSE);
- choice = i;
- PaintItem(menu, items[scrlx + choice], choice, TRUE);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- switch (key) {
- case TAB:
- case KEY_LEFT:
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- if (!button) {
- button = 1;
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, TRUE);
- }
- else {
- button = 0;
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- }
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case ' ':
- case '\r':
- case '\n':
- delwin(dialog);
- return (!button ? scrlx + choice : -1);
- default:
- for (i = scrlx + choice + 1; i < item_no; i++)
- if (toupper(items[i][0]) == toupper(key))
- break;
- if (i == item_no) {
- for (i = 0; i < scrlx + choice; i++)
- if (toupper(items[i][0]) == toupper(key))
- break;
- }
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- if (i < item_no && i != scrlx + choice) {
- if (i >= scrlx && i < scrlx + max_choice) {
- /* it is already visible */
- PaintItem(menu, items[scrlx + choice], choice, FALSE);
- choice = i - scrlx;
- }
- else {
- scrlx = MIN(i, max_scroll);
- choice = i - scrlx;
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
- if (i != choice)
- PaintItem(menu, items[scrlx + i], i, FALSE);
- }
- PaintItem(menu, items[scrlx + choice], choice, TRUE);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-static void
-PaintItem(WINDOW *win, char *item, int choice, int selected)
- int i;
- wattrset(win, selected ? title_attr : dialog_attr);
- wmove(win, choice, 1);
- for (i = 1; i < menu_width; i++)
- waddch(win, ' ');
- wmove(win, choice, item_x);
- wattrset(win, selected ? title_attr : dialog_attr);
- waddstr(win, item);
-static void
-PaintScroller(WINDOW *win, int offset, int lenght, int visible)
- int i, pos;
- if (lenght > visible)
- pos = (visible / (double)lenght) * offset;
- else
- pos = offset;
- wattrset(win, shadow_border_attr);
- for (i = 0; i < visible; i++) {
- wmove(win, i, 0);
- waddch(win, i == pos ? ACS_BLOCK : ACS_VLINE);
- }
-static int
-DialogCheckBox(char *title, char *prompt, int height, int width, int menu_height,
- int item_no, char **items, char *label1, char *label2, char *checks)
- int i, x, y, cur_x, cur_y, box_x, box_y, key = 0, button = 0, choice = 0,
- scrlx = 0, max_choice, nscroll, max_scroll, x1, x2, l1len, l2len;
- WINDOW *dialog, *menu;
- max_choice = MIN(menu_height, item_no);
- max_scroll = MAX(0, item_no - max_choice);
- x = (COLS - width) / 2;
- y = (LINES - height) / 2;
- dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x);
- keypad(dialog, TRUE);
- PaintWindow(dialog, title, 0, 0, height, width);
- wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
- PrintWrap(dialog, prompt, width - 3, 2, 3);
- l1len = strlen(label1);
- l2len = strlen(label2);
- x1 = (width - (l1len + l2len)) / 3;
- x2 = x1 + x1 + l1len;
- menu_width = width - 6;
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- box_y = cur_y + 1;
- box_x = (width - menu_width) / 2 - 1;
- menu = subwin(dialog, menu_height, menu_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1);
- keypad(menu, TRUE);
- /* draw a box around the menu items */
- PaintBox(dialog, box_y, box_x, menu_height + 2, menu_width + 2);
- item_x = 3;
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[i + scrlx], i, i == 0, checks[i + scrlx]);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- x = width / 2 - 11;
- y = height - 3;
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- while (1) {
- i = choice;
- key = wgetch(dialog);
- if (menu_height > 1 && key == KEY_PPAGE) {
- if (!choice) {
- if (scrlx) {
- /* Scroll menu down */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- nscroll = max_choice > scrlx ? -scrlx : -max_choice;
- scrollok(menu, TRUE);
- wscrl(menu, nscroll);
- scrollok(menu, FALSE);
- i = scrlx + nscroll;
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[i], 0, TRUE, checks[i]);
- for (++i; i <= scrlx; i++)
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[i], i - (scrlx + nscroll), FALSE, checks[i]);
- scrlx += nscroll;
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- }
- else if (menu_height > 1 && key == KEY_NPAGE) {
- if (choice == max_choice - 1) {
- if (scrlx < max_scroll) {
- /* Scroll menu up */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- nscroll = (scrlx + max_choice > max_scroll ?
- max_scroll : scrlx + max_choice) - scrlx;
- scrollok(menu, TRUE);
- wscrl(menu, nscroll);
- scrollok(menu, FALSE);
- scrlx += nscroll;
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice - 1; i++)
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[i + scrlx], i, FALSE, checks[i + scrlx]);
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[i + scrlx], max_choice - 1, TRUE, checks[i + scrlx]);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- }
- i = max_choice - 1;
- }
- else if (key == KEY_UP) {
- if (!choice) {
- if (scrlx) {
- /* Scroll menu down */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- if (menu_height > 1) {
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx], 0, FALSE, checks[scrlx]);
- scrollok(menu, TRUE);
- wscrl(menu, - 1);
- scrollok(menu, FALSE);
- }
- scrlx--;
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx], 0, TRUE, checks[scrlx]);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- i = choice - 1;
- }
- else if (key == KEY_DOWN) {
- if (choice == max_choice - 1) {
- if (scrlx + choice < item_no - 1) {
- /* Scroll menu up */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- if (menu_height > 1) {
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx + max_choice - 1], max_choice - 1, FALSE, checks[scrlx + max_choice - 1]);
- scrollok(menu, TRUE);
- scroll(menu);
- scrollok(menu, FALSE);
- }
- scrlx++;
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx + max_choice - 1], max_choice - 1, TRUE, checks[scrlx + max_choice - 1]);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- i = MIN(choice + 1, item_no - 1);
- }
- if (i != choice) {
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx + choice], choice, FALSE, checks[scrlx + choice]);
- choice = i;
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx + choice], choice, TRUE, checks[scrlx + choice]);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue;
- }
- switch (key) {
- case TAB:
- case KEY_LEFT:
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- if (!button) {
- button = 1;
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, TRUE);
- }
- else {
- button = 0;
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- }
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case ' ':
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- checks[scrlx + choice] = !checks[scrlx + choice];
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx + choice], choice, TRUE, checks[scrlx + choice]);
- wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case '\r':
- case '\n':
- delwin(dialog);
- return (!button ? 0 : -1);
- default:
- for (i = scrlx + choice + 1; i < item_no; i++)
- if (toupper(items[i][0]) == toupper(key))
- break;
- if (i == item_no) {
- for (i = 0; i < scrlx + choice; i++)
- if (toupper(items[i][0]) == toupper(key))
- break;
- }
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- if (i < item_no && i != scrlx + choice) {
- if (i >= scrlx && i < scrlx + max_choice) {
- /* it is already visible */
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx + choice], choice, FALSE, checks[scrlx + choice]);
- choice = i - scrlx;
- }
- else {
- scrlx = MIN(i, max_scroll);
- choice = i - scrlx;
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
- if (i != choice)
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx + i], i, FALSE, checks[scrlx + i]);
- }
- PaintCheckItem(menu, items[scrlx + choice], choice, TRUE, checks[scrlx + choice]);
- PaintScroller(menu, scrlx + choice, item_no, menu_height);
- wnoutrefresh(menu);
- wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-static void
-PaintCheckItem(WINDOW *win, char *item, int choice, int selected, int checked)
- int i;
- wattrset(win, selected ? title_attr : dialog_attr);
- wmove(win, choice, 1);
- for (i = 1; i < menu_width; i++)
- waddch(win, ' ');
- wmove(win, choice, item_x);
- wattrset(win, selected ? title_attr : dialog_attr);
- wprintw(win, "[%c] ", checked ? 'X' : ' ');
- waddstr(win, item);
-static char *
-DialogInput(char *title, char *prompt, int height, int width, char *init,
- char *label1, char *label2, int def_button)
- int i, x, y, box_y, box_x, box_width, len,
- input_x = 0, scrlx = 0, key = 0, button = -1, x1, x2, l1len, l2len;
- char instr[1024 + 1];
- WINDOW *dialog;
- x = (COLS - width) / 2;
- y = (LINES - height) / 2;
- dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x);
- keypad(dialog, TRUE);
- PaintWindow(dialog, title, 0, 0, height, width);
- wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
- PrintWrap(dialog, prompt, width - 3, 2, 3);
- l1len = strlen(label1);
- l2len = strlen(label2);
- x1 = (width - (l1len + l2len)) / 3;
- x2 = x1 + x1 + l1len;
- box_width = width - 6;
- getyx(dialog, y, x);
- box_y = y + 2;
- box_x = (width - box_width) / 2;
- PaintBox(dialog, y + 1, box_x - 1, 3, box_width + 2);
- x = width / 2 - 11;
- y = height - 3;
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, def_button == 1);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, def_button == 0);
- memset(instr, '\0', sizeof(instr));
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x);
- wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
- if (init)
- strncpy(instr, init, sizeof(instr) - 2);
- input_x = len = strlen(instr);
- if (input_x >= box_width) {
- scrlx = input_x - box_width + 1;
- input_x = box_width - 1;
- for (i = 0; i < box_width - 1; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[scrlx + i]);
- }
- else
- waddstr(dialog, instr);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + input_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- while (1) {
- key = wgetch(dialog);
- if (button == -1) { /* Input box selected */
- switch (key) {
- case TAB:
- case KEY_UP:
- case KEY_DOWN:
- break;
- case KEY_LEFT:
- if (scrlx && !input_x) {
- --scrlx;
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x);
- for (i = 0; i < box_width; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[scrlx + input_x + i] ? instr[scrlx + input_x + i] : ' ');
- wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- else if (input_x) {
- wmove(dialog, box_y, --input_x + box_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- continue;
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- if (input_x + scrlx < len) {
- if (input_x == box_width - 1) {
- ++scrlx;
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x);
- for (i = scrlx; i < scrlx + box_width; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[i] ? instr[i] : ' ');
- wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- else {
- wmove(dialog, box_y, ++input_x + box_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- }
- continue;
- case 0177:
-#if defined(__SCO__) || defined(__UNIXWARE__)
- case '\b':
- if (input_x || scrlx) {
- wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
- if (scrlx + input_x < len)
- memmove(instr + scrlx + input_x - 1,
- instr + scrlx + input_x,
- len - (scrlx + input_x));
- instr[--len] = '\0';
- if (!input_x) {
- scrlx = scrlx < box_width - 1 ? 0 : scrlx - (box_width - 1);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x);
- for (i = 0; i < box_width; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[scrlx + input_x + i] ? instr[scrlx + input_x + i] : ' ');
- input_x = len - scrlx;
- }
- else {
- wmove(dialog, box_y, --input_x + box_x);
- for (i = scrlx + input_x; i < len &&
- i < scrlx + box_width; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[i]);
- if (i < scrlx + box_width)
- waddch(dialog, ' ');
- }
- wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- continue;
- case KEY_HOME:
- case CONTROL_A:
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x);
- if (scrlx != 0) {
- scrlx = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < box_width; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[i] ? instr[i] : ' ');
- }
- input_x = 0;
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case CONTROL_D:
- if (input_x + scrlx < len) {
- memmove(instr + scrlx + input_x,
- instr + scrlx + input_x + 1,
- len - (scrlx + input_x));
- instr[--len] = '\0';
- for (i = scrlx + input_x; i < len &&
- i < scrlx + box_width; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[i]);
- if (i < scrlx + box_width)
- waddch(dialog, ' ');
- wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- break;
- case CONTROL_E:
- case KEY_END:
- if (box_width + scrlx < len) {
- input_x = box_width - 1;
- scrlx = len - box_width + 1;
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x);
- for (i = scrlx; i < scrlx + box_width; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[i] ? instr[i] : ' ');
- wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- else {
- input_x = len - scrlx;
- wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- break;
- case CONTROL_K:
- if (len) {
- for (i = input_x; i < box_width; i++)
- waddch(dialog, ' ');
- for (i = scrlx + input_x; i < len; i++)
- instr[i] = '\0';
- len = scrlx + input_x;
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + input_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (key < 0x100 && isprint(key)) {
- if (scrlx + input_x < sizeof(instr) - 1) {
- wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
- if (scrlx + input_x < len) {
- memmove(instr + scrlx + input_x + 1,
- instr + scrlx + input_x,
- len - (scrlx + input_x));
- }
- instr[scrlx + input_x] = key;
- instr[++len] = '\0';
- if (input_x == box_width - 1) {
- scrlx++;
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x);
- for (i = 0; i < box_width - 1; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[scrlx + i]);
- }
- else {
- wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x++ + box_x);
- for (i = scrlx + input_x - 1; i < len &&
- i < scrlx + box_width; i++)
- waddch(dialog, instr[i]);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x);
- }
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- else
- flash(); /* Alarm user about overflow */
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- switch (key) {
- case KEY_UP:
- case KEY_LEFT:
- switch (button) {
- case -1:
- button = 1; /* Indicates "Cancel" button is selected */
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, TRUE);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case 0:
- button = -1; /* Indicates input box is selected */
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + input_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case 1:
- button = 0; /* Indicates "OK" button is selected */
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case TAB:
- case KEY_DOWN:
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- switch (button) {
- case -1:
- button = 0; /* Indicates "OK" button is selected */
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case 0:
- button = 1; /* Indicates "Cancel" button is selected */
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, TRUE);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case 1:
- button = -1; /* Indicates input box is selected */
- PaintButton(dialog, label2, y, x2, FALSE);
- PaintButton(dialog, label1, y, x1, TRUE);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + input_x);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case ' ':
- case '\r':
- case '\n':
- delwin(dialog);
- return (button != 1 ? XtNewString(instr) : NULL);
- }
- }