path: root/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaCpyArea.c
diff options
authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2010-05-16 20:50:58 +0000
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2010-05-16 20:50:58 +0000
commit1c94119ae26b94a60bb2c2b33494ed43c3b8a52f (patch)
treecfe0c736c95314edac7d9f1065be9c13026ed0c1 /xorg-server/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaCpyArea.c
parent6b29aa4559aeb6f795caee047561654bfa0a1954 (diff)
svn merge -r588:HEAD ^/branches/released .
Diffstat (limited to 'xorg-server/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaCpyArea.c')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 387 deletions
diff --git a/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaCpyArea.c b/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaCpyArea.c
index 6a898cd5f..eefd8d38d 100644
--- a/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaCpyArea.c
+++ b/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaCpyArea.c
@@ -1,387 +1,387 @@
-#include <xorg-config.h>
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "xf86.h"
-#include "xf86_OSproc.h"
-#include <X11/X.h>
-#include "scrnintstr.h"
-#include "xf86str.h"
-#include "xaa.h"
-#include "xaalocal.h"
-#include "migc.h"
-#include "gcstruct.h"
-#include "pixmapstr.h"
- Written mostly by Harm Hanemaayer (H.Hanemaayer@inter.nl.net).
- */
- DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable,
- DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
- GC *pGC,
- int srcx, int srcy,
- int width, int height,
- int dstx, int dsty )
- if(pDstDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
- if((pSrcDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) ||
- if(infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBlt &&
- CHECK_ROP(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags) &&
- CHECK_ROPSRC(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags) &&
- CHECK_PLANEMASK(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags))
- return (XAABitBlt( pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable,
- pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty,
- XAADoBitBlt, 0L));
- } else {
- if(infoRec->WritePixmap &&
- ((pDstDrawable->bitsPerPixel == pSrcDrawable->bitsPerPixel) ||
- ((pDstDrawable->bitsPerPixel == 24) &&
- (pSrcDrawable->bitsPerPixel == 32) &&
- (infoRec->WritePixmapFlags & CONVERT_32BPP_TO_24BPP))) &&
- CHECK_ROP(pGC,infoRec->WritePixmapFlags) &&
- CHECK_ROPSRC(pGC,infoRec->WritePixmapFlags) &&
- CHECK_PLANEMASK(pGC,infoRec->WritePixmapFlags) &&
- CHECK_NO_GXCOPY(pGC,infoRec->WritePixmapFlags))
- return (XAABitBlt( pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable,
- pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty,
- XAADoImageWrite, 0L));
- }
- } else if(IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pDstDrawable)){
- if((pSrcDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) ||
- if(infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBlt &&
- CHECK_ROP(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags) &&
- CHECK_ROPSRC(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags) &&
- CHECK_PLANEMASK(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags))
- return (XAABitBlt( pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable,
- pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty,
- XAADoBitBlt, 0L));
- }
- }
- return (XAAFallbackOps.CopyArea(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC,
- srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty));
- DrawablePtr pSrc,
- DrawablePtr pDst,
- GC *pGC,
- RegionPtr prgnDst,
- DDXPointPtr pptSrc )
- int nbox, careful;
- BoxPtr pbox, pboxTmp, pboxNext, pboxBase, pboxNew1, pboxNew2;
- DDXPointPtr pptTmp, pptNew1, pptNew2;
- int xdir, ydir;
- /* XXX we have to err on the side of safety when both are windows,
- * because we don't know if IncludeInferiors is being used.
- */
- careful = ((pSrc == pDst) ||
- ((pSrc->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) &&
- (pDst->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)));
- pbox = REGION_RECTS(prgnDst);
- nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(prgnDst);
- pboxNew1 = NULL;
- pptNew1 = NULL;
- pboxNew2 = NULL;
- pptNew2 = NULL;
- if (careful && (pptSrc->y < pbox->y1)) {
- /* walk source botttom to top */
- ydir = -1;
- if (nbox > 1) {
- /* keep ordering in each band, reverse order of bands */
- pboxNew1 = (BoxPtr)xalloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * nbox);
- if(!pboxNew1)
- return;
- pptNew1 = (DDXPointPtr)xalloc(sizeof(DDXPointRec) * nbox);
- if(!pptNew1) {
- xfree(pboxNew1);
- return;
- }
- pboxBase = pboxNext = pbox+nbox-1;
- while (pboxBase >= pbox) {
- while ((pboxNext >= pbox) &&
- (pboxBase->y1 == pboxNext->y1))
- pboxNext--;
- pboxTmp = pboxNext+1;
- pptTmp = pptSrc + (pboxTmp - pbox);
- while (pboxTmp <= pboxBase) {
- *pboxNew1++ = *pboxTmp++;
- *pptNew1++ = *pptTmp++;
- }
- pboxBase = pboxNext;
- }
- pboxNew1 -= nbox;
- pbox = pboxNew1;
- pptNew1 -= nbox;
- pptSrc = pptNew1;
- }
- } else {
- /* walk source top to bottom */
- ydir = 1;
- }
- if (careful && (pptSrc->x < pbox->x1)) {
- /* walk source right to left */
- xdir = -1;
- if (nbox > 1) {
- /* reverse order of rects in each band */
- pboxNew2 = (BoxPtr)xalloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * nbox);
- pptNew2 = (DDXPointPtr)xalloc(sizeof(DDXPointRec) * nbox);
- if(!pboxNew2 || !pptNew2) {
- if (pptNew2) xfree(pptNew2);
- if (pboxNew2) xfree(pboxNew2);
- if (pboxNew1) {
- xfree(pptNew1);
- xfree(pboxNew1);
- }
- return;
- }
- pboxBase = pboxNext = pbox;
- while (pboxBase < pbox+nbox) {
- while ((pboxNext < pbox+nbox) &&
- (pboxNext->y1 == pboxBase->y1))
- pboxNext++;
- pboxTmp = pboxNext;
- pptTmp = pptSrc + (pboxTmp - pbox);
- while (pboxTmp != pboxBase) {
- *pboxNew2++ = *--pboxTmp;
- *pptNew2++ = *--pptTmp;
- }
- pboxBase = pboxNext;
- }
- pboxNew2 -= nbox;
- pbox = pboxNew2;
- pptNew2 -= nbox;
- pptSrc = pptNew2;
- }
- } else {
- /* walk source left to right */
- xdir = 1;
- }
- (*infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBlt)(infoRec->pScrn, nbox, pptSrc, pbox,
- xdir, ydir, pGC->alu, pGC->planemask);
- if (pboxNew2) {
- xfree(pptNew2);
- xfree(pboxNew2);
- }
- if (pboxNew1) {
- xfree(pptNew1);
- xfree(pboxNew1);
- }
- DrawablePtr pSrc,
- DrawablePtr pDst,
- GC *pGC,
- RegionPtr prgnDst,
- DDXPointPtr pptSrc )
- int srcwidth;
- unsigned char* psrcBase; /* start of image */
- unsigned char* srcPntr; /* index into the image */
- BoxPtr pbox = REGION_RECTS(prgnDst);
- int nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(prgnDst);
- int Bpp = pSrc->bitsPerPixel >> 3;
- psrcBase = (unsigned char *)((PixmapPtr)pSrc)->devPrivate.ptr;
- srcwidth = (int)((PixmapPtr)pSrc)->devKind;
- for(; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--) {
- srcPntr = psrcBase + (pptSrc->y * srcwidth) + (pptSrc->x * Bpp);
- (*infoRec->WritePixmap)(infoRec->pScrn, pbox->x1, pbox->y1,
- pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1, srcPntr, srcwidth,
- pGC->alu, pGC->planemask, -1, pSrc->bitsPerPixel, pSrc->depth);
- }
- DrawablePtr pSrc,
- DrawablePtr pDst,
- GC *pGC,
- RegionPtr prgnDst,
- DDXPointPtr pptSrc )
- int dstwidth;
- unsigned char* pdstBase; /* start of image */
- unsigned char* dstPntr; /* index into the image */
- BoxPtr pbox = REGION_RECTS(prgnDst);
- int nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(prgnDst);
- int Bpp = pSrc->bitsPerPixel >> 3; /* wouldn't get here unless both
- src and dst have same bpp */
- pdstBase = (unsigned char *)((PixmapPtr)pDst)->devPrivate.ptr;
- dstwidth = (int)((PixmapPtr)pDst)->devKind;
- for(; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--) {
- dstPntr = pdstBase + (pbox->y1 * dstwidth) + (pbox->x1 * Bpp);
- (*infoRec->ReadPixmap)(infoRec->pScrn, pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y,
- pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1, dstPntr, dstwidth,
- pSrc->bitsPerPixel, pSrc->depth);
- }
- ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,
- int nbox,
- DDXPointPtr pptSrc,
- BoxPtr pbox,
- int xdir, int ydir,
- int alu,
- unsigned int planemask )
- int dirsetup;
- if ((!(infoRec->CopyAreaFlags & ONLY_TWO_BITBLT_DIRECTIONS)
- || (xdir == ydir)) &&
- (!(infoRec->CopyAreaFlags & ONLY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_BITBLT)
- || (xdir == 1))) {
- (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- xdir, ydir, alu, planemask, -1);
- for (; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--)
- (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y,
- pbox->x1, pbox->y1, pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
- SET_SYNC_FLAG(infoRec);
- return;
- }
- if (infoRec->CopyAreaFlags & ONLY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_BITBLT) {
- /*
- * This is the case of a chip that only supports xdir = 1,
- * with ydir = 1 or ydir = -1, but we have xdir = -1.
- */
- (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- 1, ydir, alu, planemask, -1);
- for (; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--)
- if (pptSrc->y != pbox->y1 || pptSrc->x >= pbox->x1)
- /* No problem. Do a xdir = 1 blit instead. */
- (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y, pbox->x1, pbox->y1,
- pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
- else
- {
- /*
- * This is the difficult case. Needs striping into
- * non-overlapping horizontal chunks.
- */
- int stripeWidth, w, fullStripes, extra, i;
- stripeWidth = 16;
- w = pbox->x2 - pbox->x1;
- if (pbox->x1 - pptSrc->x < stripeWidth)
- stripeWidth = pbox->x1 - pptSrc->x;
- fullStripes = w / stripeWidth;
- extra = w % stripeWidth;
- /* First, take care of the little bit on the far right */
- if (extra)
- (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- pptSrc->x + fullStripes * stripeWidth, pptSrc->y,
- pbox->x1 + fullStripes * stripeWidth, pbox->y1,
- extra, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
- /* Now, take care of the rest of the blit */
- for (i = fullStripes - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- pptSrc->x + i * stripeWidth, pptSrc->y,
- pbox->x1 + i * stripeWidth, pbox->y1,
- stripeWidth, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
- }
- SET_SYNC_FLAG(infoRec);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Now the case of a chip that only supports xdir = ydir = 1 or
- * xdir = ydir = -1, but we have xdir != ydir.
- */
- dirsetup = 0; /* No direction set up yet. */
- for (; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--) {
- if (xdir == 1 && pptSrc->y != pbox->y1) {
- /* Do a xdir = ydir = -1 blit instead. */
- if (dirsetup != -1) {
- (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- -1, -1, alu, planemask, -1);
- dirsetup = -1;
- }
- (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y,
- pbox->x1, pbox->y1, pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
- }
- else if (xdir == -1 && pptSrc->y != pbox->y1) {
- /* Do a xdir = ydir = 1 blit instead. */
- if (dirsetup != 1) {
- (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- 1, 1, alu, planemask, -1);
- dirsetup = 1;
- }
- (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y,
- pbox->x1, pbox->y1, pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
- }
- else
- if (xdir == 1) {
- /*
- * xdir = 1, ydir = -1.
- * Perform line-by-line xdir = ydir = 1 blits, going up.
- */
- int i;
- if (dirsetup != 1) {
- (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- 1, 1, alu, planemask, -1);
- dirsetup = 1;
- }
- for (i = pbox->y2 - pbox->y1 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y + i, pbox->x1, pbox->y1 + i,
- pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, 1);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * xdir = -1, ydir = 1.
- * Perform line-by-line xdir = ydir = -1 blits, going down.
- */
- int i;
- if (dirsetup != -1) {
- (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- -1, -1, alu, planemask, -1);
- dirsetup = -1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < pbox->y2 - pbox->y1; i++)
- (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
- pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y + i, pbox->x1, pbox->y1 + i,
- pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, 1);
- }
- } /* next box */
- SET_SYNC_FLAG(infoRec);
+#include <xorg-config.h>
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "xf86.h"
+#include "xf86_OSproc.h"
+#include <X11/X.h>
+#include "scrnintstr.h"
+#include "xf86str.h"
+#include "xaa.h"
+#include "xaalocal.h"
+#include "migc.h"
+#include "gcstruct.h"
+#include "pixmapstr.h"
+ Written mostly by Harm Hanemaayer (H.Hanemaayer@inter.nl.net).
+ */
+ DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable,
+ DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
+ GC *pGC,
+ int srcx, int srcy,
+ int width, int height,
+ int dstx, int dsty )
+ if(pDstDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
+ if((pSrcDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) ||
+ if(infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBlt &&
+ CHECK_ROP(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags) &&
+ CHECK_ROPSRC(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags) &&
+ CHECK_PLANEMASK(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags))
+ return (XAABitBlt( pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable,
+ pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty,
+ XAADoBitBlt, 0L));
+ } else {
+ if(infoRec->WritePixmap &&
+ ((pDstDrawable->bitsPerPixel == pSrcDrawable->bitsPerPixel) ||
+ ((pDstDrawable->bitsPerPixel == 24) &&
+ (pSrcDrawable->bitsPerPixel == 32) &&
+ (infoRec->WritePixmapFlags & CONVERT_32BPP_TO_24BPP))) &&
+ CHECK_ROP(pGC,infoRec->WritePixmapFlags) &&
+ CHECK_ROPSRC(pGC,infoRec->WritePixmapFlags) &&
+ CHECK_PLANEMASK(pGC,infoRec->WritePixmapFlags) &&
+ CHECK_NO_GXCOPY(pGC,infoRec->WritePixmapFlags))
+ return (XAABitBlt( pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable,
+ pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty,
+ XAADoImageWrite, 0L));
+ }
+ } else if(IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pDstDrawable)){
+ if((pSrcDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) ||
+ if(infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBlt &&
+ CHECK_ROP(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags) &&
+ CHECK_ROPSRC(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags) &&
+ CHECK_PLANEMASK(pGC,infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags))
+ return (XAABitBlt( pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable,
+ pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty,
+ XAADoBitBlt, 0L));
+ }
+ }
+ return (XAAFallbackOps.CopyArea(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC,
+ srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty));
+ DrawablePtr pSrc,
+ DrawablePtr pDst,
+ GC *pGC,
+ RegionPtr prgnDst,
+ DDXPointPtr pptSrc )
+ int nbox, careful;
+ BoxPtr pbox, pboxTmp, pboxNext, pboxBase, pboxNew1, pboxNew2;
+ DDXPointPtr pptTmp, pptNew1, pptNew2;
+ int xdir, ydir;
+ /* XXX we have to err on the side of safety when both are windows,
+ * because we don't know if IncludeInferiors is being used.
+ */
+ careful = ((pSrc == pDst) ||
+ ((pSrc->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) &&
+ (pDst->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)));
+ pbox = REGION_RECTS(prgnDst);
+ nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(prgnDst);
+ pboxNew1 = NULL;
+ pptNew1 = NULL;
+ pboxNew2 = NULL;
+ pptNew2 = NULL;
+ if (careful && (pptSrc->y < pbox->y1)) {
+ /* walk source botttom to top */
+ ydir = -1;
+ if (nbox > 1) {
+ /* keep ordering in each band, reverse order of bands */
+ pboxNew1 = (BoxPtr)malloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * nbox);
+ if(!pboxNew1)
+ return;
+ pptNew1 = (DDXPointPtr)malloc(sizeof(DDXPointRec) * nbox);
+ if(!pptNew1) {
+ free(pboxNew1);
+ return;
+ }
+ pboxBase = pboxNext = pbox+nbox-1;
+ while (pboxBase >= pbox) {
+ while ((pboxNext >= pbox) &&
+ (pboxBase->y1 == pboxNext->y1))
+ pboxNext--;
+ pboxTmp = pboxNext+1;
+ pptTmp = pptSrc + (pboxTmp - pbox);
+ while (pboxTmp <= pboxBase) {
+ *pboxNew1++ = *pboxTmp++;
+ *pptNew1++ = *pptTmp++;
+ }
+ pboxBase = pboxNext;
+ }
+ pboxNew1 -= nbox;
+ pbox = pboxNew1;
+ pptNew1 -= nbox;
+ pptSrc = pptNew1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* walk source top to bottom */
+ ydir = 1;
+ }
+ if (careful && (pptSrc->x < pbox->x1)) {
+ /* walk source right to left */
+ xdir = -1;
+ if (nbox > 1) {
+ /* reverse order of rects in each band */
+ pboxNew2 = (BoxPtr)malloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * nbox);
+ pptNew2 = (DDXPointPtr)malloc(sizeof(DDXPointRec) * nbox);
+ if(!pboxNew2 || !pptNew2) {
+ if (pptNew2) free(pptNew2);
+ if (pboxNew2) free(pboxNew2);
+ if (pboxNew1) {
+ free(pptNew1);
+ free(pboxNew1);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ pboxBase = pboxNext = pbox;
+ while (pboxBase < pbox+nbox) {
+ while ((pboxNext < pbox+nbox) &&
+ (pboxNext->y1 == pboxBase->y1))
+ pboxNext++;
+ pboxTmp = pboxNext;
+ pptTmp = pptSrc + (pboxTmp - pbox);
+ while (pboxTmp != pboxBase) {
+ *pboxNew2++ = *--pboxTmp;
+ *pptNew2++ = *--pptTmp;
+ }
+ pboxBase = pboxNext;
+ }
+ pboxNew2 -= nbox;
+ pbox = pboxNew2;
+ pptNew2 -= nbox;
+ pptSrc = pptNew2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* walk source left to right */
+ xdir = 1;
+ }
+ (*infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBlt)(infoRec->pScrn, nbox, pptSrc, pbox,
+ xdir, ydir, pGC->alu, pGC->planemask);
+ if (pboxNew2) {
+ free(pptNew2);
+ free(pboxNew2);
+ }
+ if (pboxNew1) {
+ free(pptNew1);
+ free(pboxNew1);
+ }
+ DrawablePtr pSrc,
+ DrawablePtr pDst,
+ GC *pGC,
+ RegionPtr prgnDst,
+ DDXPointPtr pptSrc )
+ int srcwidth;
+ unsigned char* psrcBase; /* start of image */
+ unsigned char* srcPntr; /* index into the image */
+ BoxPtr pbox = REGION_RECTS(prgnDst);
+ int nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(prgnDst);
+ int Bpp = pSrc->bitsPerPixel >> 3;
+ psrcBase = (unsigned char *)((PixmapPtr)pSrc)->devPrivate.ptr;
+ srcwidth = (int)((PixmapPtr)pSrc)->devKind;
+ for(; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--) {
+ srcPntr = psrcBase + (pptSrc->y * srcwidth) + (pptSrc->x * Bpp);
+ (*infoRec->WritePixmap)(infoRec->pScrn, pbox->x1, pbox->y1,
+ pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1, srcPntr, srcwidth,
+ pGC->alu, pGC->planemask, -1, pSrc->bitsPerPixel, pSrc->depth);
+ }
+ DrawablePtr pSrc,
+ DrawablePtr pDst,
+ GC *pGC,
+ RegionPtr prgnDst,
+ DDXPointPtr pptSrc )
+ int dstwidth;
+ unsigned char* pdstBase; /* start of image */
+ unsigned char* dstPntr; /* index into the image */
+ BoxPtr pbox = REGION_RECTS(prgnDst);
+ int nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(prgnDst);
+ int Bpp = pSrc->bitsPerPixel >> 3; /* wouldn't get here unless both
+ src and dst have same bpp */
+ pdstBase = (unsigned char *)((PixmapPtr)pDst)->devPrivate.ptr;
+ dstwidth = (int)((PixmapPtr)pDst)->devKind;
+ for(; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--) {
+ dstPntr = pdstBase + (pbox->y1 * dstwidth) + (pbox->x1 * Bpp);
+ (*infoRec->ReadPixmap)(infoRec->pScrn, pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y,
+ pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1, dstPntr, dstwidth,
+ pSrc->bitsPerPixel, pSrc->depth);
+ }
+ ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,
+ int nbox,
+ DDXPointPtr pptSrc,
+ BoxPtr pbox,
+ int xdir, int ydir,
+ int alu,
+ unsigned int planemask )
+ int dirsetup;
+ if ((!(infoRec->CopyAreaFlags & ONLY_TWO_BITBLT_DIRECTIONS)
+ || (xdir == ydir)) &&
+ (!(infoRec->CopyAreaFlags & ONLY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_BITBLT)
+ || (xdir == 1))) {
+ (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ xdir, ydir, alu, planemask, -1);
+ for (; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--)
+ (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y,
+ pbox->x1, pbox->y1, pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
+ SET_SYNC_FLAG(infoRec);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (infoRec->CopyAreaFlags & ONLY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_BITBLT) {
+ /*
+ * This is the case of a chip that only supports xdir = 1,
+ * with ydir = 1 or ydir = -1, but we have xdir = -1.
+ */
+ (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ 1, ydir, alu, planemask, -1);
+ for (; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--)
+ if (pptSrc->y != pbox->y1 || pptSrc->x >= pbox->x1)
+ /* No problem. Do a xdir = 1 blit instead. */
+ (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y, pbox->x1, pbox->y1,
+ pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * This is the difficult case. Needs striping into
+ * non-overlapping horizontal chunks.
+ */
+ int stripeWidth, w, fullStripes, extra, i;
+ stripeWidth = 16;
+ w = pbox->x2 - pbox->x1;
+ if (pbox->x1 - pptSrc->x < stripeWidth)
+ stripeWidth = pbox->x1 - pptSrc->x;
+ fullStripes = w / stripeWidth;
+ extra = w % stripeWidth;
+ /* First, take care of the little bit on the far right */
+ if (extra)
+ (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ pptSrc->x + fullStripes * stripeWidth, pptSrc->y,
+ pbox->x1 + fullStripes * stripeWidth, pbox->y1,
+ extra, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
+ /* Now, take care of the rest of the blit */
+ for (i = fullStripes - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ pptSrc->x + i * stripeWidth, pptSrc->y,
+ pbox->x1 + i * stripeWidth, pbox->y1,
+ stripeWidth, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
+ }
+ SET_SYNC_FLAG(infoRec);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now the case of a chip that only supports xdir = ydir = 1 or
+ * xdir = ydir = -1, but we have xdir != ydir.
+ */
+ dirsetup = 0; /* No direction set up yet. */
+ for (; nbox; pbox++, pptSrc++, nbox--) {
+ if (xdir == 1 && pptSrc->y != pbox->y1) {
+ /* Do a xdir = ydir = -1 blit instead. */
+ if (dirsetup != -1) {
+ (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ -1, -1, alu, planemask, -1);
+ dirsetup = -1;
+ }
+ (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y,
+ pbox->x1, pbox->y1, pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
+ }
+ else if (xdir == -1 && pptSrc->y != pbox->y1) {
+ /* Do a xdir = ydir = 1 blit instead. */
+ if (dirsetup != 1) {
+ (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ 1, 1, alu, planemask, -1);
+ dirsetup = 1;
+ }
+ (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y,
+ pbox->x1, pbox->y1, pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);
+ }
+ else
+ if (xdir == 1) {
+ /*
+ * xdir = 1, ydir = -1.
+ * Perform line-by-line xdir = ydir = 1 blits, going up.
+ */
+ int i;
+ if (dirsetup != 1) {
+ (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ 1, 1, alu, planemask, -1);
+ dirsetup = 1;
+ }
+ for (i = pbox->y2 - pbox->y1 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y + i, pbox->x1, pbox->y1 + i,
+ pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * xdir = -1, ydir = 1.
+ * Perform line-by-line xdir = ydir = -1 blits, going down.
+ */
+ int i;
+ if (dirsetup != -1) {
+ (*infoRec->SetupForScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ -1, -1, alu, planemask, -1);
+ dirsetup = -1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < pbox->y2 - pbox->y1; i++)
+ (*infoRec->SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy)(pScrn,
+ pptSrc->x, pptSrc->y + i, pbox->x1, pbox->y1 + i,
+ pbox->x2 - pbox->x1, 1);
+ }
+ } /* next box */
+ SET_SYNC_FLAG(infoRec);