path: root/libX11/libX11.def
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libX11/libX11.def')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libX11/libX11.def b/libX11/libX11.def
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d2977e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libX11/libX11.def
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ _XAllocScratch
+ _XAllocTemp
+ _XDeqAsyncHandler
+ _XEatData
+ _XEatDataWords
+ _XFlushGCCache
+ _XFlushIt
+ _XFreeTemp
+ _XGetAsyncReply
+ _XGetBitsPerPixel
+ _XGetRequest
+ _XGetScanlinePad
+ _Xglobal_lock
+ _Xglobal_lock_p
+ _XInitImageFuncPtrs
+ _XIOError
+ _XLockMutex_fn
+ _XLockMutex_fn_p
+ _XRead
+ _XReadPad
+ _XReply
+ _XSend
+ _XSetLastRequestRead
+ _Xsetlocale
+ _XUnlockMutex_fn
+ _XUnlockMutex_fn_p
+ _XVIDtoVisual
+ XAddConnectionWatch
+ XAddExtension
+ XAddHost
+ XAllocColor
+ XAllocColorCells
+ XAllocIconSize
+ XAllocNamedColor
+ XAllocSizeHints
+ XAllocStandardColormap
+ XBell
+ XChangeGC
+ XChangeProperty
+ XChangeWindowAttributes
+ XCheckIfEvent
+ XClearArea
+ XClipBox
+ XCloseDisplay
+ XCloseIM
+ XConfigureWindow
+ XConvertCase
+ XConvertSelection
+ XCopyArea
+ XCopyPlane
+ XCreateBitmapFromData
+ XCreateColormap
+ XCreateFontCursor
+ XCreateFontSet
+ XCreateGC
+ XCreateGlyphCursor
+ XCreateIC
+ XCreateImage
+ XCreatePixmap
+ XCreatePixmapCursor
+ XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData
+ XCreateRegion
+ XCreateSimpleWindow
+ XCreateWindow
+ XDefaultColormap
+ XDefaultDepth
+ XDefaultScreen
+ XDefaultVisual
+ XDefineCursor
+ XDeleteContext
+ XDeleteProperty
+ XDestroyIC
+ XDestroyRegion
+ XDestroyWindow
+ XDisableAccessControl
+ XDisplayKeycodes
+ XDisplayName
+ XDisplayOfIM
+ XDisplayOfScreen
+ XDisplayString
+ XDrawArc
+ XDrawArcs
+ XDrawImageString
+ XDrawLine
+ XDrawLines
+ XDrawPoint
+ XDrawPoints
+ XDrawRectangle
+ XDrawSegments
+ XDrawString
+ XDrawString16
+ XEmptyRegion
+ XEnableAccessControl
+ XEqualRegion
+ XESetCloseDisplay
+ XESetCopyGC
+ XESetCreateFont
+ XESetCreateGC
+ XESetError
+ XESetErrorString
+ XESetEventToWire
+ XESetFlushGC
+ XESetFreeFont
+ XESetFreeGC
+ XESetWireToEvent
+ XEventsQueued
+ XExtentsOfFontSet
+ XFetchBuffer
+ XFetchName
+ XFillArc
+ XFillArcs
+ XFillPolygon
+ XFillRectangle
+ XFillRectangles
+ XFilterEvent
+ XFindContext
+ XFlush
+ XFontsOfFontSet
+ XFree
+ XFreeColormap
+ XFreeColors
+ XFreeCursor
+ XFreeExtensionList
+ XFreeFont
+ XFreeFontSet
+ XFreeGC
+ XFreeModifiermap
+ XFreePixmap
+ XFreeStringList
+ XGContextFromGC
+ XGetAtomName
+ XGetClassHint
+ XGetDefault
+ XGetErrorDatabaseText
+ XGetErrorText
+ XGetFontProperty
+ XGetGCValues
+ XGetGeometry
+ XGetICValues
+ XGetImage
+ XGetIMValues
+ XGetInputFocus
+ XGetKeyboardMapping
+ XGetModifierMapping
+ XGetRGBColormaps
+ XGetSelectionOwner
+ XGetVisualInfo
+ XGetWindowAttributes
+ XGetWindowProperty
+ XGetWMHints
+ XGetWMName
+ XGetWMNormalHints
+ XGetWMProtocols
+ XGrabButton
+ XGrabKey
+ XGrabKeyboard
+ XGrabPointer
+ XGrabServer
+ XIconifyWindow
+ XIfEvent
+ XInitExtension
+ XInitThreads
+ XInternAtom
+ XInternAtoms
+ XIntersectRegion
+ XkbAddGeomColor
+ XkbAddGeomDoodad
+ XkbAddGeomKey
+ XkbAddGeomOutline
+ XkbAddGeomOverlay
+ XkbAddGeomOverlayRow
+ XkbAddGeomProperty
+ XkbAddGeomRow
+ XkbAddGeomSection
+ XkbAddGeomShape
+ XkbAllocClientMap
+ XkbAllocCompatMap
+ XkbAllocControls
+ XkbAllocGeometry
+ XkbAllocGeomKeyAliases
+ XkbAllocIndicatorMaps
+ XkbAllocKeyboard
+ XkbAllocNames
+ XkbAllocServerMap
+ XkbBell
+ XkbBellEvent
+ XkbComputeEffectiveMap
+ XkbComputeSectionBounds
+ XkbComputeShapeBounds
+ XkbGetCompatMap
+ XkbGetControls
+ XkbGetGeometry
+ XkbGetIndicatorMap
+ XkbGetMap
+ XkbGetNames
+ XkbGetUpdatedMap
+ XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes
+ XkbLibraryVersion
+ XkbLookupKeySym
+ XkbOpenDisplay
+ XkbResizeKeyActions
+ XkbResizeKeySyms
+ XkbSetCompatMap
+ XkbSetGeometry
+ XkbSetIndicatorMap
+ XkbSetMap
+ XkbSetNames
+ XkbVirtualModsToReal
+ XKeysymToString
+ XKillClient
+ XListDepths
+ XListExtensions
+ XListHosts
+ XListPixmapFormats
+ XLoadFont
+ XLoadQueryFont
+ XLookupColor
+ XLookupString
+ XLowerWindow
+ XMapRaised
+ XMapSubwindows
+ XMapWindow
+ XMatchVisualInfo
+ XMaxRequestSize
+ XmbDrawImageString
+ XmbDrawString
+ XmbLookupString
+ XmbTextEscapement
+ XmbTextListToTextProperty
+ XmbTextPropertyToTextList
+ XMoveResizeWindow
+ XNextEvent
+ XNextRequest
+ XOpenDisplay
+ XOpenIM
+ XParseColor
+ XPeekEvent
+ XPeekIfEvent
+ XPending
+ XProcessInternalConnection
+ XPutBackEvent
+ XPutImage
+ XQueryColor
+ XQueryColors
+ XQueryExtension
+ XQueryFont
+ XQueryPointer
+ XQueryTree
+ XRaiseWindow
+ XReadBitmapFileData
+ XRecolorCursor
+ XRectInRegion
+ XRefreshKeyboardMapping
+ XRemoveHost
+ XResourceManagerString
+ XrmCombineDatabase
+ XrmCombineFileDatabase
+ XrmDestroyDatabase
+ XrmEnumerateDatabase
+ XrmGetDatabase
+ XrmGetFileDatabase
+ XrmGetResource
+ XrmGetStringDatabase
+ XrmInitialize
+ XrmMergeDatabases
+ XrmParseCommand
+ XrmPermStringToQuark
+ XrmPutLineResource
+ XrmPutStringResource
+ XrmQGetResource
+ XrmQGetSearchList
+ XrmQGetSearchResource
+ XrmQPutResource
+ XrmQuarkToString
+ XrmSetDatabase
+ XrmStringToBindingQuarkList
+ XrmStringToQuark
+ XrmUniqueQuark
+ XRotateBuffers
+ XSaveContext
+ XScreenNumberOfScreen
+ XScreenResourceString
+ XSelectInput
+ XSendEvent
+ XSetArcMode
+ XSetAuthorization
+ XSetBackground
+ XSetClipMask
+ XSetClipOrigin
+ XSetClipRectangles
+ XSetCloseDownMode
+ XSetCommand
+ XSetDashes
+ XSetErrorHandler
+ XSetFillRule
+ XSetFillStyle
+ XSetFont
+ XSetForeground
+ XSetFunction
+ XSetGraphicsExposures
+ XSetICFocus
+ XSetIconSizes
+ XSetICValues
+ XSetInputFocus
+ XSetIOErrorHandler
+ XSetLocaleModifiers
+ XSetPlaneMask
+ XSetRegion
+ XSetRGBColormaps
+ XSetSelectionOwner
+ XSetStipple
+ XSetSubwindowMode
+ XSetTile
+ XSetTransientForHint
+ XSetTSOrigin
+ XSetWindowBorder
+ XSetWindowBorderPixmap
+ XSetWindowBorderWidth
+ XSetWMHints
+ XSetWMIconName
+ XSetWMName
+ XSetWMNormalHints
+ XSetWMProperties
+ XSetWMProtocols
+ XStoreColors
+ XStoreName
+ XStringToKeysym
+ XSubtractRegion
+ XSupportsLocale
+ XSync
+ XSynchronize
+ XTextWidth
+ XTextWidth16
+ XTranslateCoordinates
+ XUndefineCursor
+ XUngrabButton
+ XUngrabKey
+ XUngrabKeyboard
+ XUngrabPointer
+ XUngrabServer
+ XUnionRectWithRegion
+ XUnionRegion
+ XUnloadFont
+ XUnmapWindow
+ XUnsetICFocus
+ Xutf8TextListToTextProperty
+ Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList
+ XVaCreateNestedList
+ XVisualIDFromVisual
+ XwcDrawImageString
+ XwcDrawString
+ XwcFreeStringList
+ XwcLookupString
+ XwcTextEscapement
+ XwcTextListToTextProperty
+ XwcTextPropertyToTextList
+ XWithdrawWindow
+ XWMGeometry \ No newline at end of file