path: root/libX11/specs/libX11/CH15
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+.\" Copyright \(co 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1996 X Consortium
+.\" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+.\" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+.\" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+.\" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+.\" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+.\" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+.\" the following conditions:
+.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+.\" in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall
+.\" not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+.\" other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
+.\" from the X Consortium.
+.\" Copyright \(co 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by
+.\" Digital Equipment Corporation
+.\" Portions Copyright \(co 1990, 1991 by
+.\" Tektronix, Inc.
+.\" Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this documentation for
+.\" any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+.\" copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice
+.\" and this permission notice appear in all copies, and that the names of
+.\" Digital and Tektronix not be used in in advertising or publicity pertaining
+.\" to this documentation without specific, written prior permission.
+.\" Digital and Tektronix makes no representations about the suitability
+.\" of this documentation for any purpose.
+.\" It is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
+.sp 1
+.ce 3
+\s+1\fBChapter 15\fP\s-1
+\s+1\fBResource Manager Functions\fP\s-1
+.sp 2
+.nr H1 15
+.nr H2 0
+.nr H3 0
+.nr H4 0
+.nr H5 0
+Chapter 15: Resource Manager Functions
+A program often needs a variety of options in the X environment
+(for example, fonts, colors, icons, and cursors).
+Specifying all of these options on the command line is awkward
+because users may want to customize many aspects of the program
+and need a convenient way to establish these customizations as
+the default settings.
+The resource manager is provided for this purpose.
+Resource specifications are usually stored in human-readable files
+and in server properties.
+The resource manager is a database manager with a twist.
+In most database systems,
+you perform a query using an imprecise specification,
+and you get back a set of records.
+The resource manager, however, allows you to specify a large
+set of values with an imprecise specification, to query the database
+with a precise specification, and to get back only a single value.
+This should be used by applications that need to know what the
+user prefers for colors, fonts, and other resources.
+It is this use as a database for dealing with X resources that
+inspired the name ``Resource Manager,''
+although the resource manager can be and is used in other ways.
+For example,
+a user of your application may want to specify
+that all windows should have a blue background
+but that all mail-reading windows should have a red background.
+With well-engineered and coordinated applications,
+a user can define this information using only two lines of specifications.
+As an example of how the resource manager works,
+consider a mail-reading application called xmh.
+Assume that it is designed so that it uses a
+complex window hierarchy all the way down to individual command buttons,
+which may be actual small subwindows in some toolkits.
+These are often called objects or widgets.
+In such toolkit systems,
+each user interface object can be composed of other objects
+and can be assigned a name and a class.
+Fully qualified names or classes can have arbitrary numbers of component names,
+but a fully qualified name always has the same number of component names as a
+fully qualified class.
+This generally reflects the structure of the application as composed
+of these objects, starting with the application itself.
+For example, the xmh mail program has a name ``xmh'' and is one
+of a class of ``Mail'' programs.
+By convention, the first character of class components is capitalized,
+and the first letter of name components is in lowercase.
+Each name and class finally has an attribute
+(for example, ``foreground'' or ``font'').
+If each window is properly assigned a name and class,
+it is easy for the user to specify attributes of any portion
+of the application.
+At the top level,
+the application might consist of a paned window (that is, a window divided
+into several sections) named ``toc''.
+One pane of the paned window is a button box window named ``buttons''
+and is filled with command buttons.
+One of these command buttons is used to incorporate
+new mail and has the name ``incorporate''.
+This window has a fully qualified name, ``xmh.toc.buttons.incorporate'',
+and a fully qualified class, ``Xmh.Paned.Box.Command''.
+Its fully qualified name is the name of its parent, ``xmh.toc.buttons'',
+followed by its name, ``incorporate''.
+Its class is the class of its parent, ``Xmh.Paned.Box'',
+followed by its particular class, ``Command''.
+The fully qualified name of a resource is
+the attribute's name appended to the object's fully qualified
+name, and the fully qualified class is its class appended to the object's
+The incorporate button might need the following resources:
+Title string,
+Foreground color for its inactive state,
+Background color for its inactive state,
+Foreground color for its active state, and
+Background color for its active state.
+Each resource is considered
+to be an attribute of the button and, as such, has a name and a class.
+For example, the foreground color for the button in
+its active state might be named ``activeForeground'',
+and its class might be ``Foreground''.
+When an application looks up a resource (for example, a color),
+it passes the complete name and complete class of the resource
+to a look-up routine.
+The resource manager compares this complete specification
+against the incomplete specifications of entries in the resource
+database, finds the best match, and returns the corresponding
+value for that entry.
+The definitions for the resource manager are contained in
+.hN X11/Xresource.h .
+.NH 2
+Resource File Syntax
+\*(SN Resource File Syntax
+The syntax of a resource file is a sequence of resource lines
+terminated by newline characters or the end of the file.
+The syntax of an individual resource line is:
+.\" Start marker code here
+.Ds 0
+.TA 1.5i 1.75i
+.ta 1.5i 1.75i
+ResourceLine = Comment | IncludeFile | ResourceSpec | <empty line>
+Comment = "!" {<any character except null or newline>}
+IncludeFile = "#" WhiteSpace "include" WhiteSpace FileName WhiteSpace
+FileName = <valid filename for operating system>
+ResourceSpec = WhiteSpace ResourceName WhiteSpace ":" WhiteSpace Value
+ResourceName = [Binding] {Component Binding} ComponentName
+Binding = "\&." | "*"
+WhiteSpace = {<space> | <horizontal tab>}
+Component = "?" | ComponentName
+ComponentName = NameChar {NameChar}
+NameChar = "a"\-"z" | "A"\-"Z" | "0"\-"9" | "_" | "-"
+Value = {<any character except null or unescaped newline>}
+.\" End marker code here
+Elements separated by vertical bar (|) are alternatives.
+Curly braces ({\&.\&.\&.}) indicate zero or more repetitions
+of the enclosed elements.
+Square brackets ([\&.\&.\&.]) indicate that the enclosed element is optional.
+Quotes ("\&.\&.\&.") are used around literal characters.
+IncludeFile lines are interpreted by replacing the line with the
+contents of the specified file.
+The word ``include'' must be in lowercase.
+The file name is interpreted relative to the directory of the file in
+which the line occurs (for example, if the file name contains no
+directory or contains a relative directory specification).
+If a ResourceName contains a contiguous sequence of two or more Binding
+characters, the sequence will be replaced with a single ``\&.'' character
+if the sequence contains only ``\&.'' characters;
+otherwise, the sequence will be replaced with a single ``*'' character.
+A resource database never contains more than one entry for a given
+ResourceName. If a resource file contains multiple lines with the
+same ResourceName, the last line in the file is used.
+Any white space characters before or after the name or colon in a ResourceSpec
+are ignored.
+To allow a Value to begin with white space,
+the two-character sequence ``\^\\\^\fIspace\fP'' (backslash followed by space)
+is recognized and replaced by a space character,
+and the two-character sequence ``\^\\\^\fItab\fP''
+(backslash followed by horizontal tab)
+is recognized and replaced by a horizontal tab character.
+To allow a Value to contain embedded newline characters,
+the two-character sequence ``\^\\\^n'' is recognized and replaced by a
+newline character.
+To allow a Value to be broken across multiple lines in a text file,
+the two-character sequence ``\^\\\^\fInewline\fP''
+(backslash followed by newline) is
+recognized and removed from the value.
+To allow a Value to contain arbitrary character codes,
+the four-character sequence ``\^\\\^\fInnn\fP'',
+where each \fIn\fP is a digit character in the range of ``0''\^\-``7'',
+is recognized and replaced with a single byte that contains
+the octal value specified by the sequence.
+Finally, the two-character sequence ``\^\\\\'' is recognized
+and replaced with a single backslash.
+As an example of these sequences,
+the following resource line contains a value consisting of four
+characters: a backslash, a null, a ``z'', and a newline:
+magic.values: \\\\\\\^000\^\\
+.NH 2
+Resource Manager Matching Rules
+\*(SN Resource Manager Matching Rules
+The algorithm for determining which resource database entry
+matches a given query is the heart of the resource manager.
+All queries must fully specify the name and class of the desired resource
+(use of the characters ``*'' and ``?'' is not permitted).
+The library supports up to 100 components in a full name or class.
+Resources are stored in the database with only partially specified
+names and classes, using pattern matching constructs.
+An asterisk (*) is a loose binding and is used to represent any number
+of intervening components, including none.
+A period (.) is a tight binding and is used to separate immediately
+adjacent components.
+A question mark (?) is used to match any single component name or class.
+A database entry cannot end in a loose binding;
+the final component (which cannot be the character ``?'') must be specified.
+The lookup algorithm searches the database for the entry that most
+closely matches (is most specific for) the full name and class being queried.
+When more than one database entry matches the full name and class,
+precedence rules are used to select just one.
+The full name and class are scanned from left to right (from highest
+level in the hierarchy to lowest), one component at a time.
+At each level, the corresponding component and/or binding of each
+matching entry is determined, and these matching components and
+bindings are compared according to precedence rules.
+Each of the rules is applied at each level before moving to the next level,
+until a rule selects a single entry over all others.
+The rules, in order of precedence, are:
+.IP 1. 5
+An entry that contains a matching component (whether name, class,
+or the character ``?'')
+takes precedence over entries that elide the level (that is, entries
+that match the level in a loose binding).
+.IP 2. 5
+An entry with a matching name takes precedence over both
+entries with a matching class and entries that match using the character ``?''.
+An entry with a matching class takes precedence over
+entries that match using the character ``?''.
+.IP 3. 5
+An entry preceded by a tight binding takes precedence over entries
+preceded by a loose binding.
+To illustrate these rules,
+consider the following resource database entries:
+.TA 2.5i 3.5i
+.ta 2.5i 3.5i
+xmh*Paned*activeForeground: red \fI(entry A)\fP
+*incorporate.Foreground: blue \fI(entry B)\fP
+xmh.toc*Command*activeForeground: green \fI(entry C)\fP
+xmh.toc*?.Foreground: white \fI(entry D)\fP
+xmh.toc*Command.activeForeground: black \fI(entry E)\fP
+Consider a query for the resource:
+.TA 3.5i
+.ta 3.5i
+xmh.toc.messagefunctions.incorporate.activeForeground \fI(name)\fP
+Xmh.Paned.Box.Command.Foreground \fI(class)\fP
+At the first level (xmh, Xmh), rule 1 eliminates entry B.
+At the second level (toc, Paned), rule 2 eliminates entry A.
+At the third level (messagefunctions, Box), no entries are eliminated.
+At the fourth level (incorporate, Command), rule 2 eliminates entry D.
+At the fifth level (activeForeground, Foreground), rule 3 eliminates entry C.
+.NH 2
+\*(SN Quarks
+Most uses of the resource manager involve defining names,
+classes, and representation types as string constants.
+However, always referring to strings in the resource manager can be slow,
+because it is so heavily used in some toolkits.
+To solve this problem,
+a shorthand for a string is used in place of the string
+in many of the resource manager functions.
+Simple comparisons can be performed rather than string comparisons.
+The shorthand name for a string is called a quark and is the
+.PN XrmQuark .
+On some occasions,
+you may want to allocate a quark that has no string equivalent.
+A quark is to a string what an atom is to a string in the server,
+but its use is entirely local to your application.
+To allocate a new quark, use
+.PN XrmUniqueQuark .
+.IN "XrmUniqueQuark" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+XrmQuark XrmUniqueQuark\^(\|)
+.PN XrmUniqueQuark
+function allocates a quark that is guaranteed not to represent any string that
+is known to the resource manager.
+Each name, class, and representation type is typedef'd as an
+.PN XrmQuark .
+.Ds 0
+typedef int XrmQuark, *XrmQuarkList;
+typedef XrmQuark XrmName;
+typedef XrmQuark XrmClass;
+typedef XrmQuark XrmRepresentation;
+#define NULLQUARK ((XrmQuark) 0)
+Lists are represented as null-terminated arrays of quarks.
+The size of the array must be large enough for the number of components used.
+.Ds 0
+typedef XrmQuarkList XrmNameList;
+typedef XrmQuarkList XrmClassList;
+To convert a string to a quark, use
+.PN XrmStringToQuark
+.PN XrmPermStringToQuark .
+.IN "XrmStringToQuark" "" "@DEF@"
+.IN "XrmPermStringToQuark" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+#define XrmStringToName(string) XrmStringToQuark(string)
+#define XrmStringToClass(string) XrmStringToQuark(string)
+#define XrmStringToRepresentation(string) XrmStringToQuark(string)
+XrmQuark XrmStringToQuark\^(\^\fIstring\fP\^)
+ char *\fIstring\fP\^;
+XrmQuark XrmPermStringToQuark\^(\^\fIstring\fP\^)
+ char *\fIstring\fP\^;
+.ds Ql
+.IP \fIstring\fP 1i
+Specifies the string for which a quark\*(Ql is to be allocated.
+These functions can be used to convert from string to quark representation.
+If the string is not in the Host Portable Character Encoding,
+the conversion is implementation-dependent.
+The string argument to
+.PN XrmStringToQuark
+need not be permanently allocated storage.
+.PN XrmPermStringToQuark
+is just like
+.PN XrmStringToQuark ,
+except that Xlib is permitted to assume the string argument is permanently
+and, hence, that it can be used as the value to be returned by
+.PN XrmQuarkToString .
+For any given quark, if
+.PN XrmStringToQuark
+returns a non-NULL value,
+all future calls will return the same value (identical address).
+To convert a quark to a string, use
+.PN XrmQuarkToString .
+.IN "XrmQuarkToString" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+#define XrmNameToString(name) XrmQuarkToString(name)
+#define XrmClassToString(class) XrmQuarkToString(class)
+#define XrmRepresentationToString(type) XrmQuarkToString(type)
+char *XrmQuarkToString\^(\^\fIquark\fP\^)
+ XrmQuark \fIquark\fP\^;
+.IP \fIquark\fP 1i
+Specifies the quark for which the equivalent string is desired.
+These functions can be used to convert from quark representation to string.
+The string pointed to by the return value must not be modified or freed.
+The returned string is byte-for-byte equal to the original
+string passed to one of the string-to-quark routines.
+If no string exists for that quark,
+.PN XrmQuarkToString
+returns NULL.
+For any given quark, if
+.PN XrmQuarkToString
+returns a non-NULL value,
+all future calls will return the same value (identical address).
+To convert a string with one or more components to a quark list, use
+.PN XrmStringToQuarkList .
+.IN "XrmStringToQuarkList" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+#define XrmStringToNameList(str, name) XrmStringToQuarkList((str), (name))
+#define XrmStringToClassList(str, class) XrmStringToQuarkList((str), (class))
+void XrmStringToQuarkList\^(\^\fIstring\fP, \fIquarks_return\fP\^)
+ char *\fIstring\fP\^;
+ XrmQuarkList \fIquarks_return\fP\^;
+.ds Ql \ list
+.IP \fIstring\fP 1i
+Specifies the string for which a quark\*(Ql is to be allocated.
+.IP \fIquarks_return\fP 1i
+Returns the list of quarks.
+The caller must allocate sufficient space for the quarks list before calling
+.PN XrmStringToQuarkList .
+.PN XrmStringToQuarkList
+function converts the null-terminated string (generally a fully qualified name)
+to a list of quarks.
+Note that the string must be in the valid ResourceName format
+(see section 15.1).
+If the string is not in the Host Portable Character Encoding,
+the conversion is implementation-dependent.
+A binding list is a list of type
+.PN XrmBindingList
+and indicates if components of name or class lists are bound tightly or loosely
+(that is, if wildcarding of intermediate components is specified).
+.Ds 0
+typedef enum {XrmBindTightly, XrmBindLoosely} XrmBinding, *XrmBindingList;
+.PN XrmBindTightly
+indicates that a period separates the components, and
+.PN XrmBindLoosely
+indicates that an asterisk separates the components.
+To convert a string with one or more components to a binding list
+and a quark list, use
+.PN XrmStringToBindingQuarkList .
+.IN "XrmStringToBindingQuarkList" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+XrmStringToBindingQuarkList\^(\^\fIstring\fP, \fIbindings_return\fP, \
+ char *\fIstring\fP\^;
+ XrmBindingList \fIbindings_return\fP\^;
+ XrmQuarkList \fIquarks_return\fP\^;
+.ds Ql \ list
+.IP \fIstring\fP 1i
+Specifies the string for which a quark\*(Ql is to be allocated.
+.IP \fIbindings_return\fP 1i
+Returns the binding list.
+The caller must allocate sufficient space for the binding list before calling
+.PN XrmStringToBindingQuarkList .
+.IP \fIquarks_return\fP 1i
+Returns the list of quarks.
+The caller must allocate sufficient space for the quarks list before calling
+.PN XrmStringToBindingQuarkList .
+Component names in the list are separated by a period or
+an asterisk character.
+The string must be in the format of a valid ResourceName (see section 15.1).
+If the string does not start with a period or an asterisk,
+a tight binding is assumed.
+For example, the string ``*a.b*c'' becomes:
+.Ds 0
+.TA .75i 1.5i 2.25i
+.ta .75i 1.5i 2.25i
+quarks: a b c
+bindings: loose tight loose
+.NH 2
+Creating and Storing Databases
+\*(SN Creating and Storing Databases
+.IN "XrmDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+A resource database is an opaque type,
+.PN XrmDatabase .
+Each database value is stored in an
+.PN XrmValue
+This structure consists of a size, an address, and a representation type.
+The size is specified in bytes.
+The representation type is a way for you to store data tagged by some
+application-defined type (for example, the strings ``font'' or ``color'').
+It has nothing to do with the C data type or with its class.
+.PN XrmValue
+structure is defined as:
+.IN "XrmValue" "" "@DEF@"
+.Ds 0
+.TA .5i 3i
+.ta .5i 3i
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int size;
+ XPointer addr;
+} XrmValue, *XrmValuePtr;
+To initialize the resource manager, use
+.PN XrmInitialize .
+.IN "XrmInitialize" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmInitialize\^(\|);
+To retrieve a database from disk, use
+.PN XrmGetFileDatabase .
+.IN "XrmGetFileDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+XrmDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase\^(\^\fIfilename\fP\^)
+ char *\fIfilename\fP\^;
+.IP \fIfilename\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database file name.
+.PN XrmGetFileDatabase
+function opens the specified file,
+creates a new resource database, and loads it with the specifications
+read in from the specified file.
+The specified file should contain a sequence of entries in valid ResourceLine
+format (see section 15.1); the database that results from reading a file
+with incorrect syntax is implementation-dependent.
+The file is parsed in the current locale,
+and the database is created in the current locale.
+If it cannot open the specified file,
+.PN XrmGetFileDatabase
+returns NULL.
+To store a copy of a database to disk, use
+.PN XrmPutFileDatabase .
+.IN "XrmPutFileDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmPutFileDatabase\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIstored_db\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase \fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ char *\fIstored_db\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the database that is to be used.
+.IP \fIstored_db\fP 1i
+Specifies the file name for the stored database.
+.PN XrmPutFileDatabase
+function stores a copy of the specified database in the specified file.
+Text is written to the file as a sequence of entries in valid
+ResourceLine format (see section 15.1).
+The file is written in the locale of the database.
+Entries containing resource names that are not in the Host Portable Character
+Encoding or containing values that are not in the encoding of the database
+locale, are written in an implementation-dependent manner.
+The order in which entries are written is implementation-dependent.
+Entries with representation types other than ``String'' are ignored.
+To obtain a pointer to the screen-independent resources of a display, use
+.PN XResourceManagerString .
+.IN "XResourceManagerString" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+char *XResourceManagerString\^(\^\fIdisplay\fP\^)
+ Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
+Specifies the connection to the X server.
+.PN XResourceManagerString
+function returns the RESOURCE_MANAGER property from the server's root
+window of screen zero, which was returned when the connection was opened using
+.PN XOpenDisplay .
+The property is converted from type STRING to the current locale.
+The conversion is identical to that produced by
+.PN XmbTextPropertyToTextList
+for a single element STRING property.
+The returned string is owned by Xlib and should not be freed by the client.
+The property value must be in a format that is acceptable to
+.PN XrmGetStringDatabase .
+If no property exists, NULL is returned.
+To obtain a pointer to the screen-specific resources of a screen, use
+.PN XScreenResourceString .
+.IN "XScreenResourceString" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+char *XScreenResourceString\^(\^\fIscreen\fP\^)
+ Screen *\fIscreen\fP\^;
+.IP \fIscreen\fP 1i
+Specifies the screen.
+.PN XScreenResourceString
+function returns the SCREEN_RESOURCES property from the root window of the
+specified screen.
+The property is converted from type STRING to the current locale.
+The conversion is identical to that produced by
+.PN XmbTextPropertyToTextList
+for a single element STRING property.
+The property value must be in a format that is acceptable to
+.PN XrmGetStringDatabase .
+If no property exists, NULL is returned.
+The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string by using
+.PN XFree .
+To create a database from a string, use
+.PN XrmGetStringDatabase .
+.IN "XrmGetStringDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+XrmDatabase XrmGetStringDatabase\^(\^\fIdata\fP\^)
+ char *\fIdata\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdata\fP 1i
+Specifies the database contents using a string.
+.PN XrmGetStringDatabase
+function creates a new database and stores the resources specified
+in the specified null-terminated string.
+.PN XrmGetStringDatabase
+is similar to
+.PN XrmGetFileDatabase
+except that it reads the information out of a string instead of out of a file.
+The string should contain a sequence of entries in valid ResourceLine
+format (see section 15.1) terminated by a null character;
+the database that results from using a string
+with incorrect syntax is implementation-dependent.
+The string is parsed in the current locale,
+and the database is created in the current locale.
+To obtain the locale name of a database, use
+.PN XrmLocaleOfDatabase .
+.IN "XrmLocaleOfDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+char *XrmLocaleOfDatabase\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase \fIdatabase\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+.PN XrmLocaleOfDatabase
+function returns the name of the locale bound to the specified
+database, as a null-terminated string.
+The returned locale name string is owned by Xlib and should not be
+modified or freed by the client.
+Xlib is not permitted to free the string until the database is destroyed.
+Until the string is freed,
+it will not be modified by Xlib.
+To destroy a resource database and free its allocated memory, use
+.PN XrmDestroyDatabase .
+.IN "XrmDestroyDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmDestroyDatabase\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase \fIdatabase\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+If database is NULL,
+.PN XrmDestroyDatabase
+returns immediately.
+To associate a resource database with a display, use
+.PN XrmSetDatabase .
+.IN "XrmSetDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmSetDatabase\^(\^\fIdisplay\fP\^, \fIdatabase\fP\^)
+ Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^;
+ XrmDatabase \fIdatabase\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
+Specifies the connection to the X server.
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+.PN XrmSetDatabase
+function associates the specified resource database (or NULL)
+with the specified display.
+The database previously associated with the display (if any) is not destroyed.
+A client or toolkit may find this function convenient for retaining a database
+once it is constructed.
+To get the resource database associated with a display, use
+.PN XrmGetDatabase .
+.IN "XrmGetDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+XrmDatabase XrmGetDatabase\^(\^\fIdisplay\fP\^)
+ Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
+Specifies the connection to the X server.
+.PN XrmGetDatabase
+function returns the database associated with the specified display.
+It returns NULL if a database has not yet been set.
+.NH 2
+Merging Resource Databases
+\*(SN Merging Resource Databases
+To merge the contents of a resource file into a database, use
+.PN XrmCombineFileDatabase .
+.IN "XrmCombineFileDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+Status XrmCombineFileDatabase(\^\fIfilename\fP, \fItarget_db\fP, \fIoverride\fP\^)
+ char *\fIfilename\fP;
+ XrmDatabase *\fItarget_db\fP\^;
+ Bool \fIoverride\fP;
+.IP \fIfilename\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database file name.
+.IP \fItarget_db\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database into which the source
+database is to be merged.
+.IP \fIoverride\fP 1i
+Specifies whether source entries override target ones.
+.PN XrmCombineFileDatabase
+function merges the contents of a resource file into a database.
+If the same specifier is used for an entry in both the file and
+the database,
+the entry in the file will replace the entry in the database
+if override is
+.PN True ;
+otherwise, the entry in the file is discarded.
+The file is parsed in the current locale.
+If the file cannot be read,
+a zero status is returned;
+otherwise, a nonzero status is returned.
+If target_db contains NULL,
+.PN XrmCombineFileDatabase
+creates and returns a new database to it.
+Otherwise, the database pointed to by target_db is not destroyed by the merge.
+The database entries are merged without changing values or types,
+regardless of the locale of the database.
+The locale of the target database is not modified.
+To merge the contents of one database into another database, use
+.PN XrmCombineDatabase .
+.IN "XrmCombineDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmCombineDatabase(\^\fIsource_db\fP, \fItarget_db\fP, \fIoverride\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase \fIsource_db\fP, *\fItarget_db\fP\^;
+ Bool \fIoverride\fP;
+.IP \fIsource_db\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database that is to be merged into the target database.
+.IP \fItarget_db\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database into which the source
+database is to be merged.
+.IP \fIoverride\fP 1i
+Specifies whether source entries override target ones.
+.PN XrmCombineDatabase
+function merges the contents of one database into another.
+If the same specifier is used for an entry in both databases,
+the entry in the source_db will replace the entry in the target_db
+if override is
+.PN True ;
+otherwise, the entry in source_db is discarded.
+If target_db contains NULL,
+.PN XrmCombineDatabase
+simply stores source_db in it.
+Otherwise, source_db is destroyed by the merge, but the database pointed
+to by target_db is not destroyed.
+The database entries are merged without changing values or types,
+regardless of the locales of the databases.
+The locale of the target database is not modified.
+To merge the contents of one database into another database with override
+semantics, use
+.PN XrmMergeDatabases .
+.IN "XrmMergeDatabases" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmMergeDatabases(\^\fIsource_db\fP, \fItarget_db\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase \fIsource_db\fP, *\fItarget_db\fP\^;
+.IP \fIsource_db\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database that is to be merged into the target database.
+.IP \fItarget_db\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database into which the source
+database is to be merged.
+Calling the
+.PN XrmMergeDatabases
+function is equivalent to calling the
+.PN XrmCombineDatabase
+function with an override argument of
+.PN True .
+.NH 2
+Looking Up Resources
+\*(SN Looking Up Resources
+To retrieve a resource from a resource database, use
+.PN XrmGetResource ,
+.PN XrmQGetResource ,
+.PN XrmQGetSearchResource .
+.IN "XrmGetResource" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+Bool XrmGetResource\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIstr_name\fP, \fIstr_class\fP, \
+\fIstr_type_return\fP, \fIvalue_return\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase \fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ char *\fIstr_name\fP\^;
+ char *\fIstr_class\fP\^;
+ char **\fIstr_type_return\fP\^;
+ XrmValue *\fIvalue_return\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the database that is to be used.
+.IP \fIstr_name\fP 1i
+Specifies the fully qualified name of the value being retrieved (as a string).
+.IP \fIstr_class\fP 1i
+Specifies the fully qualified class of the value being retrieved (as a string).
+.IP \fIstr_type_return\fP 1i
+Returns the representation type of the destination (as a string).
+.IP \fIvalue_return\fP 1i
+Returns the value in the database.
+.IN "XrmQGetResource" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+Bool XrmQGetResource\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIquark_name\fP, \fIquark_class\fP, \
+\fIquark_type_return\fP, \fIvalue_return\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase \fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ XrmNameList \fIquark_name\fP\^;
+ XrmClassList \fIquark_class\fP\^;
+ XrmRepresentation *\fIquark_type_return\fP\^;
+ XrmValue *\fIvalue_return\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the database that is to be used.
+.IP \fIquark_name\fP 1i
+Specifies the fully qualified name of the value being retrieved (as a quark).
+.IP \fIquark_class\fP 1i
+Specifies the fully qualified class of the value being retrieved (as a quark).
+.IP \fIquark_type_return\fP 1i
+Returns the representation type of the destination (as a quark).
+.IP \fIvalue_return\fP 1i
+Returns the value in the database.
+.PN XrmGetResource
+.PN XrmQGetResource
+functions retrieve a resource from the specified database.
+Both take a fully qualified name/class pair, a destination
+resource representation, and the address of a value
+(size/address pair).
+The value and returned type point into database memory;
+therefore, you must not modify the data.
+The database only frees or overwrites entries on
+.PN XrmPutResource ,
+.PN XrmQPutResource ,
+.PN XrmMergeDatabases .
+A client that is not storing new values into the database or
+is not merging the database should be safe using the address passed
+back at any time until it exits.
+If a resource was found, both
+.PN XrmGetResource
+.PN XrmQGetResource
+.PN True ;
+otherwise, they return
+.PN False .
+delim %%
+Most applications and toolkits do not make random probes
+into a resource database to fetch resources.
+The X toolkit access pattern for a resource database is quite stylized.
+A series of from 1 to 20 probes is made with only the
+last name/class differing in each probe.
+.PN XrmGetResource
+function is at worst a %2 sup n% algorithm,
+where \fIn\fP is the length of the name/class list.
+This can be improved upon by the application programmer by prefetching a list
+of database levels that might match the first part of a name/class list.
+To obtain a list of database levels, use
+.PN XrmQGetSearchList .
+.IN "XrmQGetSearchList" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+typedef XrmHashTable *XrmSearchList;
+Bool XrmQGetSearchList\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fInames\fP, \fIclasses\fP, \
+\fIlist_return\fP, \fIlist_length\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase \fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ XrmNameList \fInames\fP\^;
+ XrmClassList \fIclasses\fP\^;
+ XrmSearchList \fIlist_return\fP\^;
+ int \fIlist_length\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the database that is to be used.
+.IP \fInames\fP 1i
+Specifies a list of resource names.
+.IP \fIclasses\fP 1i
+Specifies a list of resource classes.
+.IP \fIlist_return\fP 1i
+Returns a search list for further use.
+The caller must allocate sufficient space for the list before calling
+.PN XrmQGetSearchList .
+.IP \fIlist_length\fP 1i
+Specifies the number of entries (not the byte size) allocated for list_return.
+.PN XrmQGetSearchList
+function takes a list of names and classes
+and returns a list of database levels where a match might occur.
+The returned list is in best-to-worst order and
+uses the same algorithm as
+.PN XrmGetResource
+for determining precedence.
+If list_return was large enough for the search list,
+.PN XrmQGetSearchList
+.PN True ;
+otherwise, it returns
+.PN False .
+The size of the search list that the caller must allocate is
+dependent upon the number of levels and wildcards in the resource specifiers
+that are stored in the database.
+The worst case length is %3 sup n%,
+where \fIn\fP is the number of name or class components in names or classes.
+When using
+.PN XrmQGetSearchList
+followed by multiple probes for resources with a common name and class prefix,
+only the common prefix should be specified in the name and class list to
+.PN XrmQGetSearchList .
+To search resource database levels for a given resource, use
+.PN XrmQGetSearchResource .
+.IN "XrmQGetSearchResource" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+Bool XrmQGetSearchResource\^(\^\fIlist\fP, \fIname\fP, \fIclass\fP, \
+\fItype_return\fP, \fIvalue_return\fP\^)
+ XrmSearchList \fIlist\fP\^;
+ XrmName \fIname\fP\^;
+ XrmClass \fIclass\fP\^;
+ XrmRepresentation *\fItype_return\fP\^;
+ XrmValue *\fIvalue_return\fP\^;
+.IP \fIlist\fP 1i
+Specifies the search list returned by
+.PN XrmQGetSearchList .
+.IP \fIname\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource name.
+.IP \fIclass\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource class.
+.IP \fItype_return\fP 1i
+Returns data representation type.
+.IP \fIvalue_return\fP 1i
+Returns the value in the database.
+.PN XrmQGetSearchResource
+function searches the specified database levels for the resource
+that is fully identified by the specified name and class.
+The search stops with the first match.
+.PN XrmQGetSearchResource
+.PN True
+if the resource was found;
+otherwise, it returns
+.PN False .
+A call to
+.PN XrmQGetSearchList
+with a name and class list containing all but the last component
+of a resource name followed by a call to
+.PN XrmQGetSearchResource
+with the last component name and class returns the same database entry as
+.PN XrmGetResource
+.PN XrmQGetResource
+with the fully qualified name and class.
+.NH 2
+Storing into a Resource Database
+\*(SN Storing into a Resource Database
+To store resources into the database, use
+.PN XrmPutResource
+.PN XrmQPutResource .
+Both functions take a partial resource specification, a
+representation type, and a value.
+This value is copied into the specified database.
+.IN "XrmPutResource" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmPutResource\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIspecifier\fP, \fItype\fP, \fIvalue\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase *\fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ char *\fIspecifier\fP\^;
+ char *\fItype\fP\^;
+ XrmValue *\fIvalue\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+.IP \fIspecifier\fP 1i
+Specifies a complete or partial specification of the resource.
+.IP \fItype\fP 1i
+Specifies the type of the resource.
+.IP \fIvalue\fP 1i
+Specifies the value of the resource, which is specified as a string.
+If database contains NULL,
+.PN XrmPutResource
+creates a new database and returns a pointer to it.
+.PN XrmPutResource
+is a convenience function that calls
+.PN XrmStringToBindingQuarkList
+followed by:
+XrmQPutResource(database, bindings, quarks, XrmStringToQuark(type), value)
+If the specifier and type are not in the Host Portable Character Encoding,
+the result is implementation-dependent.
+The value is stored in the database without modification.
+.IN "XrmQPutResource" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmQPutResource\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIbindings\fP, \fIquarks\fP, \
+\fItype\fP, \fIvalue\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase *\fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ XrmBindingList \fIbindings\fP\^;
+ XrmQuarkList \fIquarks\fP\^;
+ XrmRepresentation \fItype\fP\^;
+ XrmValue *\fIvalue\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+.IP \fIbindings\fP 1i
+Specifies a list of bindings.
+.IP \fIquarks\fP 1i
+Specifies the complete or partial name or the class list of the resource.
+.IP \fItype\fP 1i
+Specifies the type of the resource.
+.IP \fIvalue\fP 1i
+Specifies the value of the resource, which is specified as a string.
+If database contains NULL,
+.PN XrmQPutResource
+creates a new database and returns a pointer to it.
+If a resource entry with the identical bindings and quarks already
+exists in the database, the previous type and value are replaced by the new
+specified type and value.
+The value is stored in the database without modification.
+To add a resource that is specified as a string, use
+.PN XrmPutStringResource .
+.IN "XrmPutStringResource" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmPutStringResource\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIspecifier\fP, \fIvalue\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase *\fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ char *\fIspecifier\fP\^;
+ char *\fIvalue\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+.IP \fIspecifier\fP 1i
+Specifies a complete or partial specification of the resource.
+.IP \fIvalue\fP 1i
+Specifies the value of the resource, which is specified as a string.
+If database contains NULL,
+.PN XrmPutStringResource
+creates a new database and returns a pointer to it.
+.PN XrmPutStringResource
+adds a resource with the specified value to the specified database.
+.PN XrmPutStringResource
+is a convenience function that first calls
+.PN XrmStringToBindingQuarkList
+on the specifier and then calls
+.PN XrmQPutResource ,
+using a ``String'' representation type.
+If the specifier is not in the Host Portable Character Encoding,
+the result is implementation-dependent.
+The value is stored in the database without modification.
+To add a string resource using quarks as a specification, use
+.PN XrmQPutStringResource .
+.IN "XrmQPutStringResource" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmQPutStringResource\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIbindings\fP, \fIquarks\fP, \
+ XrmDatabase *\fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ XrmBindingList \fIbindings\fP\^;
+ XrmQuarkList \fIquarks\fP\^;
+ char *\fIvalue\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+.IP \fIbindings\fP 1i
+Specifies a list of bindings.
+.IP \fIquarks\fP 1i
+Specifies the complete or partial name or the class list of the resource.
+.IP \fIvalue\fP 1i
+Specifies the value of the resource, which is specified as a string.
+If database contains NULL,
+.PN XrmQPutStringResource
+creates a new database and returns a pointer to it.
+.PN XrmQPutStringResource
+is a convenience routine that constructs an
+.PN XrmValue
+for the value string (by calling
+.PN strlen
+to compute the size) and
+then calls
+.PN XrmQPutResource ,
+using a ``String'' representation type.
+The value is stored in the database without modification.
+To add a single resource entry that is specified as a string that contains
+both a name and a value, use
+.PN XrmPutLineResource .
+.IN "XrmPutLineResource" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmPutLineResource\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIline\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase *\fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ char *\fIline\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+.IP \fIline\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource name and value pair as a single string.
+If database contains NULL,
+.PN XrmPutLineResource
+creates a new database and returns a pointer to it.
+.PN XrmPutLineResource
+adds a single resource entry to the specified database.
+The line should be in valid ResourceLine format (see section 15.1)
+terminated by a newline or null character;
+the database that results from using a string
+with incorrect syntax is implementation-dependent.
+The string is parsed in the locale of the database.
+If the
+.PN ResourceName
+is not in the Host Portable Character Encoding,
+the result is implementation-dependent.
+Note that comment lines are not stored.
+.NH 2
+Enumerating Database Entries
+\*(SN Enumerating Database Entries
+To enumerate the entries of a database, use
+.PN XrmEnumerateDatabase .
+.IN "XrmEnumerateDatabase" "" "@DEF@"
+lw(.5i) lw(2i) lw(2.5i).
+T} T{
+.PN XrmEnumAllLevels
+T} T{
+T} T{
+.PN XrmEnumOneLevel
+T} T{
+.FD 0
+Bool XrmEnumerateDatabase\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIname_prefix\fP, \fIclass_prefix\fP, \fImode\fP, \fIproc\fP, \fIarg\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase \fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ XrmNameList \fIname_prefix\fP\^;
+ XrmClassList \fIclass_prefix\fP\^;
+ int \fImode\fP\^;
+ Bool (\^*\fIproc\fP\^)\^(\^)\^;
+ XPointer \fIarg\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+.IP \fIname_prefix\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource name prefix.
+.IP \fIclass_prefix\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource class prefix.
+.IP \fImode\fP 1i
+Specifies the number of levels to enumerate.
+.IP \fIproc\fP 1i
+Specifies the procedure that is to be called for each matching entry.
+.IP \fIarg\fP 1i
+Specifies the user-supplied argument that will be passed to the procedure.
+.PN XrmEnumerateDatabase
+function calls the specified procedure for each resource in the database
+that would match some completion of the given name/class resource prefix.
+The order in which resources are found is implementation-dependent.
+If mode is
+.PN XrmEnumOneLevel ,
+a resource must match the given name/class prefix with
+just a single name and class appended. If mode is
+.PN XrmEnumAllLevels ,
+the resource must match the given name/class prefix with one or more names and
+classes appended.
+If the procedure returns
+.PN True ,
+the enumeration terminates and the function returns
+.PN True .
+If the procedure always returns
+.PN False ,
+all matching resources are enumerated and the function returns
+.PN False .
+The procedure is called with the following arguments:
+.\" Start marker code here
+.Ds 0
+.TA .5i 3i
+.ta .5i 3i
+(*\fIproc\fP\^)(\^\fIdatabase\fP, \fIbindings\fP, \fIquarks\fP, \fItype\fP, \fIvalue\fP, \fIarg\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase *\fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ XrmBindingList \fIbindings\fP\^;
+ XrmQuarkList \fIquarks\fP\^;
+ XrmRepresentation *\fItype\fP\^;
+ XrmValue *\fIvalue\fP\^;
+ XPointer \fIarg\fP\^;
+.\" End marker code here
+The bindings and quarks lists are terminated by
+Note that pointers
+to the database and type are passed, but these values should not be modified.
+The procedure must not modify the database.
+If Xlib has been initialized for threads, the procedure is called with
+the database locked and the result of a call by the procedure to any
+Xlib function using the same database is not defined.
+.NH 2
+Parsing Command Line Options
+\*(SN Parsing Command Line Options
+.PN XrmParseCommand
+function can be used to parse the command line arguments to a program
+and modify a resource database with selected entries from the command line.
+.IN "XrmOptionKind" "" "@DEF@"
+.Ds 0
+.TA .5i 2.5i
+.ta .5i 2.5i
+typedef enum {
+ XrmoptionNoArg, /* Value is specified in XrmOptionDescRec.value */
+ XrmoptionIsArg, /* Value is the option string itself */
+ XrmoptionStickyArg, /* Value is characters immediately following option */
+ XrmoptionSepArg, /* Value is next argument in argv */
+ XrmoptionResArg, /* Resource and value in next argument in argv */
+ XrmoptionSkipArg, /* Ignore this option and the next argument in argv */
+ XrmoptionSkipLine, /* Ignore this option and the rest of argv */
+ XrmoptionSkipNArgs /* Ignore this option and the next
+ \ \ \ XrmOptionDescRec.value arguments in argv */
+} XrmOptionKind;
+Note that
+.PN XrmoptionSkipArg
+is equivalent to
+.PN XrmoptionSkipNArgs
+with the
+.PN XrmOptionDescRec.value
+field containing the value one.
+Note also that the value zero for
+.PN XrmoptionSkipNArgs
+indicates that only the option itself is to be skipped.
+.IN "XrmOptionDescRec" "" "@DEF@"
+.Ds 0
+.TA .5i 2.5i
+.ta .5i 2.5i
+typedef struct {
+ char *option; /* Option specification string in argv */
+ char *specifier; /* Binding and resource name (sans application name) */
+ XrmOptionKind argKind; /* Which style of option it is */
+ XPointer value; /* Value to provide if XrmoptionNoArg or
+ \ \ \ XrmoptionSkipNArgs */
+} XrmOptionDescRec, *XrmOptionDescList;
+To load a resource database from a C command line, use
+.PN XrmParseCommand .
+.IN "XrmParseCommand" "" "@DEF@"
+.FD 0
+void XrmParseCommand\^(\^\fIdatabase\fP\^, \^\fItable\fP\^, \^\fItable_count\fP\^, \
+\^\fIname\fP\^, \^\fIargc_in_out\fP\^, \^\fIargv_in_out\fP\^)
+ XrmDatabase *\fIdatabase\fP\^;
+ XrmOptionDescList \fItable\fP\^;
+ int \fItable_count\fP\^;
+ char *\fIname\fP\^;
+ int *\fIargc_in_out\fP\^;
+ char **\fIargv_in_out\fP\^;
+.IP \fIdatabase\fP 1i
+Specifies the resource database.
+.IP \fItable\fP 1i
+Specifies the table of command line arguments to be parsed.
+.IP \fItable_count\fP 1i
+Specifies the number of entries in the table.
+.IP \fIname\fP 1i
+Specifies the application name.
+.IP \fIargc_in_out\fP 1i
+Specifies the number of arguments and returns the number of remaining arguments.
+.IP \fIargv_in_out\fP 1i
+Specifies the command line arguments
+and returns the remaining arguments.
+.PN XrmParseCommand
+function parses an (argc, argv) pair according to the specified option table,
+loads recognized options into the specified database with type ``String,''
+and modifies the (argc, argv) pair to remove all recognized options.
+If database contains NULL,
+.PN XrmParseCommand
+creates a new database and returns a pointer to it.
+Otherwise, entries are added to the database specified.
+If a database is created, it is created in the current locale.
+The specified table is used to parse the command line.
+Recognized options in the table are removed from argv,
+and entries are added to the specified resource database
+in the order they occur in argv.
+The table entries contain information on the option string,
+the option name, the style of option,
+and a value to provide if the option kind is
+.PN XrmoptionNoArg .
+The option names are compared byte-for-byte to arguments in argv,
+independent of any locale.
+The resource values given in the table are stored in the resource database
+without modification.
+All resource database entries are created
+using a ``String'' representation type.
+The argc argument specifies the number of arguments in argv
+and is set on return to the remaining number of arguments that were not parsed.
+The name argument should be the name of your application
+for use in building the database entry.
+The name argument is prefixed to the resourceName in the option table
+before storing a database entry.
+The name argument is treated as a single component, even if it
+has embedded periods.
+No separating (binding) character is inserted,
+so the table must contain either a period (.) or an asterisk (*)
+as the first character in each resourceName entry.
+To specify a more completely qualified resource name,
+the resourceName entry can contain multiple components.
+If the name argument and the resourceNames are not in the
+Host Portable Character Encoding,
+the result is implementation-dependent.
+The following provides a sample option table:
+.Ds 0
+.TA 1.25i 3.25i 4.75i
+.ta 1.25i 3.25i 4.75i
+static XrmOptionDescRec opTable[] = {
+{"\-background", "*background", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-bd", "*borderColor", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-bg", "*background", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-borderwidth", "*TopLevelShell.borderWidth", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-bordercolor", "*borderColor", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-bw", "*TopLevelShell.borderWidth", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-display", ".display", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-fg", "*foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-fn", "*font", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-font", "*font", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-foreground", "*foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-geometry", ".TopLevelShell.geometry", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-iconic", ".TopLevelShell.iconic", XrmoptionNoArg, (XPointer) "on"},
+{"\-name", ".name", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-reverse", "*reverseVideo", XrmoptionNoArg, (XPointer) "on"},
+{"\-rv", "*reverseVideo", XrmoptionNoArg, (XPointer) "on"},
+{"\-synchronous", "*synchronous", XrmoptionNoArg, (XPointer) "on"},
+{"\-title", ".TopLevelShell.title", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+{"\-xrm", NULL, XrmoptionResArg, (XPointer) NULL},
+In this table, if the \-background (or \-bg) option is used to set
+background colors, the stored resource specifier matches all
+resources of attribute background.
+If the \-borderwidth option is used,
+the stored resource specifier applies only to border width
+attributes of class TopLevelShell (that is, outer-most windows, including
+pop-up windows).
+If the \-title option is used to set a window name,
+only the topmost application windows receive the resource.
+When parsing the command line,
+any unique unambiguous abbreviation for an option name in the table is
+considered a match for the option.
+Note that uppercase and lowercase matter.