path: root/mesalib/src/mapi/mapi_abi.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mesalib/src/mapi/mapi_abi.py')
1 files changed, 873 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mesalib/src/mapi/mapi_abi.py b/mesalib/src/mapi/mapi_abi.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6bfcfa9af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mesalib/src/mapi/mapi_abi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Mesa 3-D graphics library
+# Version: 7.9
+# Copyright (C) 2010 LunarG Inc.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# Authors:
+# Chia-I Wu <olv@lunarg.com>
+import sys
+# make it possible to import glapi
+import os
+GLAPI = os.path.join(".", os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "glapi/gen")
+import re
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import gl_XML
+import glX_XML
+# number of dynamic entries
+class ABIEntry(object):
+ """Represent an ABI entry."""
+ _match_c_param = re.compile(
+ '^(?P<type>[\w\s*]+?)(?P<name>\w+)(\[(?P<array>\d+)\])?$')
+ def __init__(self, cols, attrs, xml_data = None):
+ self._parse(cols)
+ self.slot = attrs['slot']
+ self.hidden = attrs['hidden']
+ self.alias = attrs['alias']
+ self.handcode = attrs['handcode']
+ self.xml_data = xml_data
+ def c_prototype(self):
+ return '%s %s(%s)' % (self.c_return(), self.name, self.c_params())
+ def c_return(self):
+ ret = self.ret
+ if not ret:
+ ret = 'void'
+ return ret
+ def c_params(self):
+ """Return the parameter list used in the entry prototype."""
+ c_params = []
+ for t, n, a in self.params:
+ sep = '' if t.endswith('*') else ' '
+ arr = '[%d]' % a if a else ''
+ c_params.append(t + sep + n + arr)
+ if not c_params:
+ c_params.append('void')
+ return ", ".join(c_params)
+ def c_args(self):
+ """Return the argument list used in the entry invocation."""
+ c_args = []
+ for t, n, a in self.params:
+ c_args.append(n)
+ return ", ".join(c_args)
+ def _parse(self, cols):
+ ret = cols.pop(0)
+ if ret == 'void':
+ ret = None
+ name = cols.pop(0)
+ params = []
+ if not cols:
+ raise Exception(cols)
+ elif len(cols) == 1 and cols[0] == 'void':
+ pass
+ else:
+ for val in cols:
+ params.append(self._parse_param(val))
+ self.ret = ret
+ self.name = name
+ self.params = params
+ def _parse_param(self, c_param):
+ m = self._match_c_param.match(c_param)
+ if not m:
+ raise Exception('unrecognized param ' + c_param)
+ c_type = m.group('type').strip()
+ c_name = m.group('name')
+ c_array = m.group('array')
+ c_array = int(c_array) if c_array else 0
+ return (c_type, c_name, c_array)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.c_prototype()
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ # compare slot, alias, and then name
+ res = cmp(self.slot, other.slot)
+ if not res:
+ if not self.alias:
+ res = -1
+ elif not other.alias:
+ res = 1
+ if not res:
+ res = cmp(self.name, other.name)
+ return res
+def abi_parse_xml(xml):
+ """Parse a GLAPI XML file for ABI entries."""
+ api = gl_XML.parse_GL_API(xml, glX_XML.glx_item_factory())
+ entry_dict = {}
+ for func in api.functionIterateByOffset():
+ # make sure func.name appear first
+ entry_points = func.entry_points[:]
+ entry_points.remove(func.name)
+ entry_points.insert(0, func.name)
+ for name in entry_points:
+ attrs = {
+ 'slot': func.offset,
+ 'hidden': not func.is_static_entry_point(name),
+ 'alias': None if name == func.name else func.name,
+ 'handcode': bool(func.has_different_protocol(name)),
+ }
+ # post-process attrs
+ if attrs['alias']:
+ try:
+ alias = entry_dict[attrs['alias']]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Exception('failed to alias %s' % attrs['alias'])
+ if alias.alias:
+ raise Exception('recursive alias %s' % ent.name)
+ attrs['alias'] = alias
+ if attrs['handcode']:
+ attrs['handcode'] = func.static_glx_name(name)
+ else:
+ attrs['handcode'] = None
+ if entry_dict.has_key(name):
+ raise Exception('%s is duplicated' % (name))
+ cols = []
+ cols.append(func.return_type)
+ cols.append(name)
+ params = func.get_parameter_string(name)
+ cols.extend([p.strip() for p in params.split(',')])
+ ent = ABIEntry(cols, attrs, func)
+ entry_dict[ent.name] = ent
+ entries = entry_dict.values()
+ entries.sort()
+ return entries
+def abi_parse_line(line):
+ cols = [col.strip() for col in line.split(',')]
+ attrs = {
+ 'slot': -1,
+ 'hidden': False,
+ 'alias': None,
+ 'handcode': None,
+ }
+ # extract attributes from the first column
+ vals = cols[0].split(':')
+ while len(vals) > 1:
+ val = vals.pop(0)
+ if val.startswith('slot='):
+ attrs['slot'] = int(val[5:])
+ elif val == 'hidden':
+ attrs['hidden'] = True
+ elif val.startswith('alias='):
+ attrs['alias'] = val[6:]
+ elif val.startswith('handcode='):
+ attrs['handcode'] = val[9:]
+ elif not val:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception('unknown attribute %s' % val)
+ cols[0] = vals[0]
+ return (attrs, cols)
+def abi_parse(filename):
+ """Parse a CSV file for ABI entries."""
+ fp = open(filename) if filename != '-' else sys.stdin
+ lines = [line.strip() for line in fp.readlines()
+ if not line.startswith('#') and line.strip()]
+ entry_dict = {}
+ next_slot = 0
+ for line in lines:
+ attrs, cols = abi_parse_line(line)
+ # post-process attributes
+ if attrs['alias']:
+ try:
+ alias = entry_dict[attrs['alias']]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Exception('failed to alias %s' % attrs['alias'])
+ if alias.alias:
+ raise Exception('recursive alias %s' % ent.name)
+ slot = alias.slot
+ attrs['alias'] = alias
+ else:
+ slot = next_slot
+ next_slot += 1
+ if attrs['slot'] < 0:
+ attrs['slot'] = slot
+ elif attrs['slot'] != slot:
+ raise Exception('invalid slot in %s' % (line))
+ ent = ABIEntry(cols, attrs)
+ if entry_dict.has_key(ent.name):
+ raise Exception('%s is duplicated' % (ent.name))
+ entry_dict[ent.name] = ent
+ entries = entry_dict.values()
+ entries.sort()
+ return entries
+def abi_sanity_check(entries):
+ if not entries:
+ return
+ all_names = []
+ last_slot = entries[-1].slot
+ i = 0
+ for slot in xrange(last_slot + 1):
+ if entries[i].slot != slot:
+ raise Exception('entries are not ordered by slots')
+ if entries[i].alias:
+ raise Exception('first entry of slot %d aliases %s'
+ % (slot, entries[i].alias.name))
+ handcode = None
+ while i < len(entries) and entries[i].slot == slot:
+ ent = entries[i]
+ if not handcode and ent.handcode:
+ handcode = ent.handcode
+ elif ent.handcode != handcode:
+ raise Exception('two aliases with handcode %s != %s',
+ ent.handcode, handcode)
+ if ent.name in all_names:
+ raise Exception('%s is duplicated' % (ent.name))
+ if ent.alias and ent.alias.name not in all_names:
+ raise Exception('failed to alias %s' % (ent.alias.name))
+ all_names.append(ent.name)
+ i += 1
+ if i < len(entries):
+ raise Exception('there are %d invalid entries' % (len(entries) - 1))
+class ABIPrinter(object):
+ """MAPI Printer"""
+ def __init__(self, entries):
+ self.entries = entries
+ # sort entries by their names
+ self.entries_sorted_by_names = self.entries[:]
+ self.entries_sorted_by_names.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
+ self.indent = ' ' * 3
+ self.noop_warn = 'noop_warn'
+ self.noop_generic = 'noop_generic'
+ self.current_get = 'entry_current_get'
+ self.api_defines = []
+ self.api_headers = ['"KHR/khrplatform.h"']
+ self.api_call = 'KHRONOS_APICALL'
+ self.api_entry = 'KHRONOS_APIENTRY'
+ self.api_attrs = 'KHRONOS_APIATTRIBUTES'
+ self.c_header = ''
+ self.lib_need_table_size = True
+ self.lib_need_noop_array = True
+ self.lib_need_stubs = True
+ self.lib_need_all_entries = True
+ self.lib_need_non_hidden_entries = False
+ def c_notice(self):
+ return '/* This file is automatically generated by mapi_abi.py. Do not modify. */'
+ def c_public_includes(self):
+ """Return includes of the client API headers."""
+ defines = ['#define ' + d for d in self.api_defines]
+ includes = ['#include ' + h for h in self.api_headers]
+ return "\n".join(defines + includes)
+ def need_entry_point(self, ent):
+ """Return True if an entry point is needed for the entry."""
+ # non-handcode hidden aliases may share the entry they alias
+ use_alias = (ent.hidden and ent.alias and not ent.handcode)
+ return not use_alias
+ def c_public_declarations(self, prefix):
+ """Return the declarations of public entry points."""
+ decls = []
+ for ent in self.entries:
+ if not self.need_entry_point(ent):
+ continue
+ export = self.api_call if not ent.hidden else ''
+ decls.append(self._c_decl(ent, prefix, True, export) + ';')
+ return "\n".join(decls)
+ def c_mapi_table(self):
+ """Return defines of the dispatch table size."""
+ num_static_entries = self.entries[-1].slot + 1
+ return ('#define MAPI_TABLE_NUM_STATIC %d\n' + \
+ '#define MAPI_TABLE_NUM_DYNAMIC %d') % (
+ num_static_entries, ABI_NUM_DYNAMIC_ENTRIES)
+ def c_mapi_table_initializer(self, prefix):
+ """Return the array initializer for mapi_table_fill."""
+ entries = [self._c_function(ent, prefix)
+ for ent in self.entries if not ent.alias]
+ pre = self.indent + '(mapi_proc) '
+ return pre + (',\n' + pre).join(entries)
+ def c_mapi_table_spec(self):
+ """Return the spec for mapi_init."""
+ specv1 = []
+ line = '"1'
+ for ent in self.entries:
+ if not ent.alias:
+ line += '\\0"\n'
+ specv1.append(line)
+ line = '"'
+ line += '%s\\0' % ent.name
+ line += '";'
+ specv1.append(line)
+ return self.indent + self.indent.join(specv1)
+ def _c_function(self, ent, prefix, mangle=False, stringify=False):
+ """Return the function name of an entry."""
+ formats = {
+ True: { True: '%s_STR(%s)', False: '%s(%s)' },
+ False: { True: '"%s%s"', False: '%s%s' },
+ }
+ fmt = formats[prefix.isupper()][stringify]
+ name = ent.name
+ if mangle and ent.hidden:
+ name = '_dispatch_stub_' + str(ent.slot)
+ return fmt % (prefix, name)
+ def _c_function_call(self, ent, prefix):
+ """Return the function name used for calling."""
+ if ent.handcode:
+ # _c_function does not handle this case
+ formats = { True: '%s(%s)', False: '%s%s' }
+ fmt = formats[prefix.isupper()]
+ name = fmt % (prefix, ent.handcode)
+ elif self.need_entry_point(ent):
+ name = self._c_function(ent, prefix, True)
+ else:
+ name = self._c_function(ent.alias, prefix, True)
+ return name
+ def _c_decl(self, ent, prefix, mangle=False, export=''):
+ """Return the C declaration for the entry."""
+ decl = '%s %s %s(%s)' % (ent.c_return(), self.api_entry,
+ self._c_function(ent, prefix, mangle), ent.c_params())
+ if export:
+ decl = export + ' ' + decl
+ if self.api_attrs:
+ decl += ' ' + self.api_attrs
+ return decl
+ def _c_cast(self, ent):
+ """Return the C cast for the entry."""
+ cast = '%s (%s *)(%s)' % (
+ ent.c_return(), self.api_entry, ent.c_params())
+ return cast
+ def c_private_declarations(self, prefix):
+ """Return the declarations of private functions."""
+ decls = [self._c_decl(ent, prefix) + ';'
+ for ent in self.entries if not ent.alias]
+ return "\n".join(decls)
+ def c_public_dispatches(self, prefix, no_hidden):
+ """Return the public dispatch functions."""
+ dispatches = []
+ for ent in self.entries:
+ if ent.hidden and no_hidden:
+ continue
+ if not self.need_entry_point(ent):
+ continue
+ export = self.api_call if not ent.hidden else ''
+ proto = self._c_decl(ent, prefix, True, export)
+ cast = self._c_cast(ent)
+ ret = ''
+ if ent.ret:
+ ret = 'return '
+ stmt1 = self.indent
+ stmt1 += 'const struct mapi_table *_tbl = %s();' % (
+ self.current_get)
+ stmt2 = self.indent
+ stmt2 += 'mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[%d];' % (
+ ent.slot)
+ stmt3 = self.indent
+ stmt3 += '%s((%s) _func)(%s);' % (ret, cast, ent.c_args())
+ disp = '%s\n{\n%s\n%s\n%s\n}' % (proto, stmt1, stmt2, stmt3)
+ if ent.handcode:
+ disp = '#if 0\n' + disp + '\n#endif'
+ dispatches.append(disp)
+ return '\n\n'.join(dispatches)
+ def c_public_initializer(self, prefix):
+ """Return the initializer for public dispatch functions."""
+ names = []
+ for ent in self.entries:
+ if ent.alias:
+ continue
+ name = '%s(mapi_func) %s' % (self.indent,
+ self._c_function_call(ent, prefix))
+ names.append(name)
+ return ',\n'.join(names)
+ def c_stub_string_pool(self):
+ """Return the string pool for use by stubs."""
+ # sort entries by their names
+ sorted_entries = self.entries[:]
+ sorted_entries.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
+ pool = []
+ offsets = {}
+ count = 0
+ for ent in sorted_entries:
+ offsets[ent] = count
+ pool.append('%s' % (ent.name))
+ count += len(ent.name) + 1
+ pool_str = self.indent + '"' + \
+ ('\\0"\n' + self.indent + '"').join(pool) + '";'
+ return (pool_str, offsets)
+ def c_stub_initializer(self, prefix, pool_offsets):
+ """Return the initializer for struct mapi_stub array."""
+ stubs = []
+ for ent in self.entries_sorted_by_names:
+ stubs.append('%s{ (void *) %d, %d, NULL }' % (
+ self.indent, pool_offsets[ent], ent.slot))
+ return ',\n'.join(stubs)
+ def c_noop_functions(self, prefix, warn_prefix):
+ """Return the noop functions."""
+ noops = []
+ for ent in self.entries:
+ if ent.alias:
+ continue
+ proto = self._c_decl(ent, prefix, False, 'static')
+ stmt1 = self.indent;
+ space = ''
+ for t, n, a in ent.params:
+ stmt1 += "%s(void) %s;" % (space, n)
+ space = ' '
+ if ent.params:
+ stmt1 += '\n';
+ stmt1 += self.indent + '%s(%s);' % (self.noop_warn,
+ self._c_function(ent, warn_prefix, False, True))
+ if ent.ret:
+ stmt2 = self.indent + 'return (%s) 0;' % (ent.ret)
+ noop = '%s\n{\n%s\n%s\n}' % (proto, stmt1, stmt2)
+ else:
+ noop = '%s\n{\n%s\n}' % (proto, stmt1)
+ noops.append(noop)
+ return '\n\n'.join(noops)
+ def c_noop_initializer(self, prefix, use_generic):
+ """Return an initializer for the noop dispatch table."""
+ entries = [self._c_function(ent, prefix)
+ for ent in self.entries if not ent.alias]
+ if use_generic:
+ entries = [self.noop_generic] * len(entries)
+ entries.extend([self.noop_generic] * ABI_NUM_DYNAMIC_ENTRIES)
+ pre = self.indent + '(mapi_func) '
+ return pre + (',\n' + pre).join(entries)
+ def c_asm_gcc(self, prefix, no_hidden):
+ asm = []
+ for ent in self.entries:
+ if ent.hidden and no_hidden:
+ continue
+ if not self.need_entry_point(ent):
+ continue
+ name = self._c_function(ent, prefix, True, True)
+ if ent.handcode:
+ asm.append('#if 0')
+ if ent.hidden:
+ asm.append('".hidden "%s"\\n"' % (name))
+ if ent.alias and not (ent.alias.hidden and no_hidden):
+ asm.append('".globl "%s"\\n"' % (name))
+ asm.append('".set "%s", "%s"\\n"' % (name,
+ self._c_function(ent.alias, prefix, True, True)))
+ else:
+ asm.append('STUB_ASM_ENTRY(%s)"\\n"' % (name))
+ asm.append('"\\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("%d")"\\n"' % (ent.slot))
+ if ent.handcode:
+ asm.append('#endif')
+ asm.append('')
+ return "\n".join(asm)
+ def output_for_lib(self):
+ print self.c_notice()
+ if self.c_header:
+ print
+ print self.c_header
+ print
+ print '#ifdef MAPI_TMP_DEFINES'
+ print self.c_public_includes()
+ print
+ print self.c_public_declarations(self.prefix_lib)
+ print '#undef MAPI_TMP_DEFINES'
+ print '#endif /* MAPI_TMP_DEFINES */'
+ if self.lib_need_table_size:
+ print
+ print '#ifdef MAPI_TMP_TABLE'
+ print self.c_mapi_table()
+ print '#undef MAPI_TMP_TABLE'
+ print '#endif /* MAPI_TMP_TABLE */'
+ if self.lib_need_noop_array:
+ print
+ print '#ifdef MAPI_TMP_NOOP_ARRAY'
+ print '#ifdef DEBUG'
+ print
+ print self.c_noop_functions(self.prefix_noop, self.prefix_warn)
+ print
+ print 'const mapi_func table_%s_array[] = {' % (self.prefix_noop)
+ print self.c_noop_initializer(self.prefix_noop, False)
+ print '};'
+ print
+ print '#else /* DEBUG */'
+ print
+ print 'const mapi_func table_%s_array[] = {' % (self.prefix_noop)
+ print self.c_noop_initializer(self.prefix_noop, True)
+ print '};'
+ print
+ print '#endif /* DEBUG */'
+ print '#undef MAPI_TMP_NOOP_ARRAY'
+ print '#endif /* MAPI_TMP_NOOP_ARRAY */'
+ if self.lib_need_stubs:
+ pool, pool_offsets = self.c_stub_string_pool()
+ print
+ print '#ifdef MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_STUBS'
+ print 'static const char public_string_pool[] ='
+ print pool
+ print
+ print 'static const struct mapi_stub public_stubs[] = {'
+ print self.c_stub_initializer(self.prefix_lib, pool_offsets)
+ print '};'
+ print '#undef MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_STUBS'
+ print '#endif /* MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_STUBS */'
+ if self.lib_need_all_entries:
+ print
+ print '#ifdef MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_ENTRIES'
+ print self.c_public_dispatches(self.prefix_lib, False)
+ print
+ print 'static const mapi_func public_entries[] = {'
+ print self.c_public_initializer(self.prefix_lib)
+ print '};'
+ print '#undef MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_ENTRIES'
+ print '#endif /* MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_ENTRIES */'
+ print
+ print '#ifdef MAPI_TMP_STUB_ASM_GCC'
+ print '__asm__('
+ print self.c_asm_gcc(self.prefix_lib, False)
+ print ');'
+ print '#undef MAPI_TMP_STUB_ASM_GCC'
+ print '#endif /* MAPI_TMP_STUB_ASM_GCC */'
+ if self.lib_need_non_hidden_entries:
+ all_hidden = True
+ for ent in self.entries:
+ if not ent.hidden:
+ all_hidden = False
+ break
+ if not all_hidden:
+ print
+ print self.c_public_dispatches(self.prefix_lib, True)
+ print
+ print '/* does not need public_entries */'
+ print '#endif /* MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_ENTRIES_NO_HIDDEN */'
+ print
+ print '__asm__('
+ print self.c_asm_gcc(self.prefix_lib, True)
+ print ');'
+ print '#endif /* MAPI_TMP_STUB_ASM_GCC_NO_HIDDEN */'
+ def output_for_app(self):
+ print self.c_notice()
+ print
+ print self.c_private_declarations(self.prefix_app)
+ print
+ print '#ifdef API_TMP_DEFINE_SPEC'
+ print
+ print 'static const char %s_spec[] =' % (self.prefix_app)
+ print self.c_mapi_table_spec()
+ print
+ print 'static const mapi_proc %s_procs[] = {' % (self.prefix_app)
+ print self.c_mapi_table_initializer(self.prefix_app)
+ print '};'
+ print
+ print '#endif /* API_TMP_DEFINE_SPEC */'
+class GLAPIPrinter(ABIPrinter):
+ """OpenGL API Printer"""
+ def __init__(self, entries):
+ for ent in entries:
+ self._override_for_api(ent)
+ super(GLAPIPrinter, self).__init__(entries)
+ self.api_defines = ['GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES']
+ self.api_headers = ['"GL/gl.h"', '"GL/glext.h"']
+ self.api_call = 'GLAPI'
+ self.api_entry = 'APIENTRY'
+ self.api_attrs = ''
+ self.lib_need_table_size = False
+ self.lib_need_noop_array = False
+ self.lib_need_stubs = False
+ self.lib_need_all_entries = False
+ self.lib_need_non_hidden_entries = True
+ self.prefix_lib = 'GLAPI_PREFIX'
+ self.prefix_app = '_mesa_'
+ self.prefix_noop = 'noop'
+ self.prefix_warn = self.prefix_lib
+ self.c_header = self._get_c_header()
+ def _override_for_api(self, ent):
+ """Override attributes of an entry if necessary for this
+ printer."""
+ # By default, no override is necessary.
+ pass
+ def _get_c_header(self):
+ header = """#ifndef _GLAPI_TMP_H_
+#define _GLAPI_TMP_H_
+#define GLAPI_PREFIX(func) mgl##func
+#define GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(func) "mgl"#func
+#define GLAPI_PREFIX(func) gl##func
+#define GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(func) "gl"#func
+#endif /* USE_MGL_NAMESPACE */
+typedef int GLfixed;
+typedef int GLclampx;
+#endif /* _GLAPI_TMP_H_ */"""
+ return header
+class ES1APIPrinter(GLAPIPrinter):
+ """OpenGL ES 1.x API Printer"""
+ def __init__(self, entries):
+ super(ES1APIPrinter, self).__init__(entries)
+ self.prefix_lib = 'gl'
+ self.prefix_warn = 'gl'
+ def _override_for_api(self, ent):
+ if ent.xml_data is None:
+ raise Exception('ES2 API printer requires XML input')
+ ent.hidden = ent.name not in \
+ ent.xml_data.entry_points_for_api_version('es1')
+ ent.handcode = False
+ def _get_c_header(self):
+ header = """#ifndef _GLAPI_TMP_H_
+#define _GLAPI_TMP_H_
+typedef int GLfixed;
+typedef int GLclampx;
+#endif /* _GLAPI_TMP_H_ */"""
+ return header
+class ES2APIPrinter(GLAPIPrinter):
+ """OpenGL ES 2.x API Printer"""
+ def __init__(self, entries):
+ super(ES2APIPrinter, self).__init__(entries)
+ self.prefix_lib = 'gl'
+ self.prefix_warn = 'gl'
+ def _override_for_api(self, ent):
+ if ent.xml_data is None:
+ raise Exception('ES2 API printer requires XML input')
+ ent.hidden = ent.name not in \
+ ent.xml_data.entry_points_for_api_version('es2')
+ ent.handcode = False
+ def _get_c_header(self):
+ header = """#ifndef _GLAPI_TMP_H_
+#define _GLAPI_TMP_H_
+typedef int GLfixed;
+typedef int GLclampx;
+#endif /* _GLAPI_TMP_H_ */"""
+ return header
+class SharedGLAPIPrinter(GLAPIPrinter):
+ """Shared GLAPI API Printer"""
+ def __init__(self, entries):
+ super(SharedGLAPIPrinter, self).__init__(entries)
+ self.lib_need_table_size = True
+ self.lib_need_noop_array = True
+ self.lib_need_stubs = True
+ self.lib_need_all_entries = True
+ self.lib_need_non_hidden_entries = False
+ self.prefix_lib = 'shared'
+ self.prefix_warn = 'gl'
+ def _override_for_api(self, ent):
+ ent.hidden = True
+ ent.handcode = False
+ def _get_c_header(self):
+ header = """#ifndef _GLAPI_TMP_H_
+#define _GLAPI_TMP_H_
+typedef int GLfixed;
+typedef int GLclampx;
+#endif /* _GLAPI_TMP_H_ */"""
+ return header
+class VGAPIPrinter(ABIPrinter):
+ """OpenVG API Printer"""
+ def __init__(self, entries):
+ super(VGAPIPrinter, self).__init__(entries)
+ self.api_defines = ['VG_VGEXT_PROTOTYPES']
+ self.api_headers = ['"VG/openvg.h"', '"VG/vgext.h"']
+ self.api_call = 'VG_API_CALL'
+ self.api_entry = 'VG_API_ENTRY'
+ self.api_attrs = 'VG_API_EXIT'
+ self.prefix_lib = 'vg'
+ self.prefix_app = 'vega'
+ self.prefix_noop = 'noop'
+ self.prefix_warn = 'vg'
+def parse_args():
+ printers = ['vgapi', 'glapi', 'es1api', 'es2api', 'shared-glapi']
+ modes = ['lib', 'app']
+ parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] <filename>')
+ parser.add_option('-p', '--printer', dest='printer',
+ help='printer to use: %s' % (", ".join(printers)))
+ parser.add_option('-m', '--mode', dest='mode',
+ help='target user: %s' % (", ".join(modes)))
+ options, args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args or options.printer not in printers or \
+ options.mode not in modes:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return (args[0], options)
+def main():
+ printers = {
+ 'vgapi': VGAPIPrinter,
+ 'glapi': GLAPIPrinter,
+ 'es1api': ES1APIPrinter,
+ 'es2api': ES2APIPrinter,
+ 'shared-glapi': SharedGLAPIPrinter,
+ }
+ filename, options = parse_args()
+ if filename.endswith('.xml'):
+ entries = abi_parse_xml(filename)
+ else:
+ entries = abi_parse(filename)
+ abi_sanity_check(entries)
+ printer = printers[options.printer](entries)
+ if options.mode == 'lib':
+ printer.output_for_lib()
+ else:
+ printer.output_for_app()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()