diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/mesa.def')
-rw-r--r-- | mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/mesa.def | 385 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/mesa.def b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/mesa.def deleted file mode 100644 index a52207b63..000000000 --- a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/mesa.def +++ /dev/null @@ -1,385 +0,0 @@ -; -; Module definition file for Mesa (OPENGL32.DLL) -; -; Note: The OpenGL functions use the STDCALL -; function calling convention. Microsoft's -; OPENGL32 uses this convention and so must the -; Mesa OPENGL32 so that the Mesa DLL can be used -; as a drop-in replacement. -; -; The linker exports STDCALL entry points with -; 'decorated' names; e.g., _glBegin@0, where the -; trailing number is the number of bytes of -; parameter data pushed onto the stack. The -; callee is responsible for popping this data -; off the stack, usually via a RETF n instruction. -; -; However, the Microsoft OPENGL32.DLL does not export -; the decorated names, even though the calling convention -; is STDCALL. So, this module definition file is -; needed to force the Mesa OPENGL32.DLL to export the -; symbols in the same manner as the Microsoft DLL. -; Were it not for this problem, this file would not -; be needed (for the gl* functions) since the entry -; points are compiled with dllexport declspec. -; -EXPORTS - glAccum - glAlphaFunc - glAreTexturesResident - glArrayElement - glBegin - glBindTexture - glBitmap - glBlendFunc - glCallList - glCallLists - glClear - glClearAccum - glClearColor - glClearDepth - glClearIndex - glClearStencil - glClipPlane - glColor3b - glColor3bv - glColor3d - glColor3dv - glColor3f - glColor3fv - glColor3i - glColor3iv - glColor3s - glColor3sv - glColor3ub - glColor3ubv - glColor3ui - glColor3uiv - glColor3us - glColor3usv - glColor4b - glColor4bv - glColor4d - glColor4dv - glColor4f - glColor4fv - glColor4i - glColor4iv - glColor4s - glColor4sv - glColor4ub - glColor4ubv - glColor4ui - glColor4uiv - glColor4us - glColor4usv - glColorMask - glColorMaterial - glColorPointer - glCopyPixels - glCopyTexImage1D - glCopyTexImage2D - glCopyTexSubImage1D - glCopyTexSubImage2D - glCullFace - glDeleteLists - glDeleteTextures - glDepthFunc - glDepthMask - glDepthRange - glDisable - glDisableClientState - glDrawArrays - glDrawBuffer - glDrawElements - glDrawPixels - glEdgeFlag - glEdgeFlagPointer - glEdgeFlagv - glEnable - glEnableClientState - glEnd - glEndList - glEvalCoord1d - glEvalCoord1dv - glEvalCoord1f - glEvalCoord1fv - glEvalCoord2d - glEvalCoord2dv - glEvalCoord2f - glEvalCoord2fv - glEvalMesh1 - glEvalMesh2 - glEvalPoint1 - glEvalPoint2 - glFeedbackBuffer - glFinish - glFlush - glFogf - glFogfv - glFogi - glFogiv - glFrontFace - glFrustum - glGenLists - glGenTextures - glGetBooleanv - glGetClipPlane - glGetDoublev - glGetError - glGetFloatv - glGetIntegerv - glGetLightfv - glGetLightiv - glGetMapdv - glGetMapfv - glGetMapiv - glGetMaterialfv - glGetMaterialiv - glGetPixelMapfv - glGetPixelMapuiv - glGetPixelMapusv - glGetPointerv - glGetPolygonStipple - glGetString - glGetTexEnvfv - glGetTexEnviv - glGetTexGendv - glGetTexGenfv - glGetTexGeniv - glGetTexImage - glGetTexLevelParameterfv - glGetTexLevelParameteriv - glGetTexParameterfv - glGetTexParameteriv - glHint - glIndexMask - glIndexPointer - glIndexd - glIndexdv - glIndexf - glIndexfv - glIndexi - glIndexiv - glIndexs - glIndexsv - glIndexub - glIndexubv - glInitNames - glInterleavedArrays - glIsEnabled - glIsList - glIsTexture - glLightModelf - glLightModelfv - glLightModeli - glLightModeliv - glLightf - glLightfv - glLighti - glLightiv - glLineStipple - glLineWidth - glListBase - glLoadIdentity - glLoadMatrixd - glLoadMatrixf - glLoadName - glLogicOp - glMap1d - glMap1f - glMap2d - glMap2f - glMapGrid1d - glMapGrid1f - glMapGrid2d - glMapGrid2f - glMaterialf - glMaterialfv - glMateriali - glMaterialiv - glMatrixMode - glMultMatrixd - glMultMatrixf - glNewList - glNormal3b - glNormal3bv - glNormal3d - glNormal3dv - glNormal3f - glNormal3fv - glNormal3i - glNormal3iv - glNormal3s - glNormal3sv - glNormalPointer - glOrtho - glPassThrough - glPixelMapfv - glPixelMapuiv - glPixelMapusv - glPixelStoref - glPixelStorei - glPixelTransferf - glPixelTransferi - glPixelZoom - glPointSize - glPolygonMode - glPolygonOffset - glPolygonStipple - glPopAttrib - glPopClientAttrib - glPopMatrix - glPopName - glPrioritizeTextures - glPushAttrib - glPushClientAttrib - glPushMatrix - glPushName - glRasterPos2d - glRasterPos2dv - glRasterPos2f - glRasterPos2fv - glRasterPos2i - glRasterPos2iv - glRasterPos2s - glRasterPos2sv - glRasterPos3d - glRasterPos3dv - glRasterPos3f - glRasterPos3fv - glRasterPos3i - glRasterPos3iv - glRasterPos3s - glRasterPos3sv - glRasterPos4d - glRasterPos4dv - glRasterPos4f - glRasterPos4fv - glRasterPos4i - glRasterPos4iv - glRasterPos4s - glRasterPos4sv - glReadBuffer - glReadPixels - glRectd - glRectdv - glRectf - glRectfv - glRecti - glRectiv - glRects - glRectsv - glRenderMode - glRotated - glRotatef - glScaled - glScalef - glScissor - glSelectBuffer - glShadeModel - glStencilFunc - glStencilMask - glStencilOp - glTexCoord1d - glTexCoord1dv - glTexCoord1f - glTexCoord1fv - glTexCoord1i - glTexCoord1iv - glTexCoord1s - glTexCoord1sv - glTexCoord2d - glTexCoord2dv - glTexCoord2f - glTexCoord2fv - glTexCoord2i - glTexCoord2iv - glTexCoord2s - glTexCoord2sv - glTexCoord3d - glTexCoord3dv - glTexCoord3f - glTexCoord3fv - glTexCoord3i - glTexCoord3iv - glTexCoord3s - glTexCoord3sv - glTexCoord4d - glTexCoord4dv - glTexCoord4f - glTexCoord4fv - glTexCoord4i - glTexCoord4iv - glTexCoord4s - glTexCoord4sv - glTexCoordPointer - glTexEnvf - glTexEnvfv - glTexEnvi - glTexEnviv - glTexGend - glTexGendv - glTexGenf - glTexGenfv - glTexGeni - glTexGeniv - glTexImage1D - glTexImage2D - glTexParameterf - glTexParameterfv - glTexParameteri - glTexParameteriv - glTexSubImage1D - glTexSubImage2D - glTranslated - glTranslatef - glVertex2d - glVertex2dv - glVertex2f - glVertex2fv - glVertex2i - glVertex2iv - glVertex2s - glVertex2sv - glVertex3d - glVertex3dv - glVertex3f - glVertex3fv - glVertex3i - glVertex3iv - glVertex3s - glVertex3sv - glVertex4d - glVertex4dv - glVertex4f - glVertex4fv - glVertex4i - glVertex4iv - glVertex4s - glVertex4sv - glVertexPointer - glViewport - wglChoosePixelFormat - wglCopyContext - wglCreateContext - wglCreateLayerContext - wglDeleteContext - wglDescribeLayerPlane - wglDescribePixelFormat - wglGetCurrentContext - wglGetCurrentDC - wglGetLayerPaletteEntries - wglGetPixelFormat - wglGetProcAddress - wglMakeCurrent - wglRealizeLayerPalette - wglSetLayerPaletteEntries - wglSetPixelFormat - wglShareLists - wglSwapBuffers - wglSwapLayerBuffers - wglUseFontBitmapsA - wglUseFontBitmapsW - wglUseFontOutlinesA - wglUseFontOutlinesW |