path: root/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows')
5 files changed, 5476 insertions, 5476 deletions
diff --git a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/mesa.def b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/mesa.def
index d5c98801d..fbf275609 100644
--- a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/mesa.def
+++ b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/mesa.def
@@ -1,856 +1,856 @@
-; DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by mesadef.py script
-;DESCRIPTION 'Mesa (OpenGL work-alike) for Win32'
-; Module definition file for Mesa (OPENGL32.DLL)
-; Note: The OpenGL functions use the STDCALL
-; function calling convention. Microsoft's
-; OPENGL32 uses this convention and so must the
-; Mesa OPENGL32 so that the Mesa DLL can be used
-; as a drop-in replacement.
-; The linker exports STDCALL entry points with
-; 'decorated' names; e.g., _glBegin@0, where the
-; trailing number is the number of bytes of
-; parameter data pushed onto the stack. The
-; callee is responsible for popping this data
-; off the stack, usually via a RETF n instruction.
-; However, the Microsoft OPENGL32.DLL does not export
-; the decorated names, even though the calling convention
-; is STDCALL. So, this module definition file is
-; needed to force the Mesa OPENGL32.DLL to export the
-; symbols in the same manner as the Microsoft DLL.
-; Were it not for this problem, this file would not
-; be needed (for the gl* functions) since the entry
-; points are compiled with dllexport declspec.
- glNewList
- glEndList
- glCallList
- glCallLists
- glDeleteLists
- glGenLists
- glListBase
- glBegin
- glBitmap
- glColor3b
- glColor3bv
- glColor3d
- glColor3dv
- glColor3f
- glColor3fv
- glColor3i
- glColor3iv
- glColor3s
- glColor3sv
- glColor3ub
- glColor3ubv
- glColor3ui
- glColor3uiv
- glColor3us
- glColor3usv
- glColor4b
- glColor4bv
- glColor4d
- glColor4dv
- glColor4f
- glColor4fv
- glColor4i
- glColor4iv
- glColor4s
- glColor4sv
- glColor4ub
- glColor4ubv
- glColor4ui
- glColor4uiv
- glColor4us
- glColor4usv
- glEdgeFlag
- glEdgeFlagv
- glEnd
- glIndexd
- glIndexdv
- glIndexf
- glIndexfv
- glIndexi
- glIndexiv
- glIndexs
- glIndexsv
- glNormal3b
- glNormal3bv
- glNormal3d
- glNormal3dv
- glNormal3f
- glNormal3fv
- glNormal3i
- glNormal3iv
- glNormal3s
- glNormal3sv
- glRasterPos2d
- glRasterPos2dv
- glRasterPos2f
- glRasterPos2fv
- glRasterPos2i
- glRasterPos2iv
- glRasterPos2s
- glRasterPos2sv
- glRasterPos3d
- glRasterPos3dv
- glRasterPos3f
- glRasterPos3fv
- glRasterPos3i
- glRasterPos3iv
- glRasterPos3s
- glRasterPos3sv
- glRasterPos4d
- glRasterPos4dv
- glRasterPos4f
- glRasterPos4fv
- glRasterPos4i
- glRasterPos4iv
- glRasterPos4s
- glRasterPos4sv
- glRectd
- glRectdv
- glRectf
- glRectfv
- glRecti
- glRectiv
- glRects
- glRectsv
- glTexCoord1d
- glTexCoord1dv
- glTexCoord1f
- glTexCoord1fv
- glTexCoord1i
- glTexCoord1iv
- glTexCoord1s
- glTexCoord1sv
- glTexCoord2d
- glTexCoord2dv
- glTexCoord2f
- glTexCoord2fv
- glTexCoord2i
- glTexCoord2iv
- glTexCoord2s
- glTexCoord2sv
- glTexCoord3d
- glTexCoord3dv
- glTexCoord3f
- glTexCoord3fv
- glTexCoord3i
- glTexCoord3iv
- glTexCoord3s
- glTexCoord3sv
- glTexCoord4d
- glTexCoord4dv
- glTexCoord4f
- glTexCoord4fv
- glTexCoord4i
- glTexCoord4iv
- glTexCoord4s
- glTexCoord4sv
- glVertex2d
- glVertex2dv
- glVertex2f
- glVertex2fv
- glVertex2i
- glVertex2iv
- glVertex2s
- glVertex2sv
- glVertex3d
- glVertex3dv
- glVertex3f
- glVertex3fv
- glVertex3i
- glVertex3iv
- glVertex3s
- glVertex3sv
- glVertex4d
- glVertex4dv
- glVertex4f
- glVertex4fv
- glVertex4i
- glVertex4iv
- glVertex4s
- glVertex4sv
- glClipPlane
- glColorMaterial
- glCullFace
- glFogf
- glFogfv
- glFogi
- glFogiv
- glFrontFace
- glHint
- glLightf
- glLightfv
- glLighti
- glLightiv
- glLightModelf
- glLightModelfv
- glLightModeli
- glLightModeliv
- glLineStipple
- glLineWidth
- glMaterialf
- glMaterialfv
- glMateriali
- glMaterialiv
- glPointSize
- glPolygonMode
- glPolygonStipple
- glScissor
- glShadeModel
- glTexParameterf
- glTexParameterfv
- glTexParameteri
- glTexParameteriv
- glTexImage1D
- glTexImage2D
- glTexEnvf
- glTexEnvfv
- glTexEnvi
- glTexEnviv
- glTexGend
- glTexGendv
- glTexGenf
- glTexGenfv
- glTexGeni
- glTexGeniv
- glFeedbackBuffer
- glSelectBuffer
- glRenderMode
- glInitNames
- glLoadName
- glPassThrough
- glPopName
- glPushName
- glDrawBuffer
- glClear
- glClearAccum
- glClearIndex
- glClearColor
- glClearStencil
- glClearDepth
- glStencilMask
- glColorMask
- glDepthMask
- glIndexMask
- glAccum
- glDisable
- glEnable
- glFinish
- glFlush
- glPopAttrib
- glPushAttrib
- glMap1d
- glMap1f
- glMap2d
- glMap2f
- glMapGrid1d
- glMapGrid1f
- glMapGrid2d
- glMapGrid2f
- glEvalCoord1d
- glEvalCoord1dv
- glEvalCoord1f
- glEvalCoord1fv
- glEvalCoord2d
- glEvalCoord2dv
- glEvalCoord2f
- glEvalCoord2fv
- glEvalMesh1
- glEvalPoint1
- glEvalMesh2
- glEvalPoint2
- glAlphaFunc
- glBlendFunc
- glLogicOp
- glStencilFunc
- glStencilOp
- glDepthFunc
- glPixelZoom
- glPixelTransferf
- glPixelTransferi
- glPixelStoref
- glPixelStorei
- glPixelMapfv
- glPixelMapuiv
- glPixelMapusv
- glReadBuffer
- glCopyPixels
- glReadPixels
- glDrawPixels
- glGetBooleanv
- glGetClipPlane
- glGetDoublev
- glGetError
- glGetFloatv
- glGetIntegerv
- glGetLightfv
- glGetLightiv
- glGetMapdv
- glGetMapfv
- glGetMapiv
- glGetMaterialfv
- glGetMaterialiv
- glGetPixelMapfv
- glGetPixelMapuiv
- glGetPixelMapusv
- glGetPolygonStipple
- glGetString
- glGetTexEnvfv
- glGetTexEnviv
- glGetTexGendv
- glGetTexGenfv
- glGetTexGeniv
- glGetTexImage
- glGetTexParameterfv
- glGetTexParameteriv
- glGetTexLevelParameterfv
- glGetTexLevelParameteriv
- glIsEnabled
- glIsList
- glDepthRange
- glFrustum
- glLoadIdentity
- glLoadMatrixf
- glLoadMatrixd
- glMatrixMode
- glMultMatrixf
- glMultMatrixd
- glOrtho
- glPopMatrix
- glPushMatrix
- glRotated
- glRotatef
- glScaled
- glScalef
- glTranslated
- glTranslatef
- glViewport
- glArrayElement
- glColorPointer
- glDisableClientState
- glDrawArrays
- glDrawElements
- glEdgeFlagPointer
- glEnableClientState
- glGetPointerv
- glIndexPointer
- glInterleavedArrays
- glNormalPointer
- glTexCoordPointer
- glVertexPointer
- glPolygonOffset
- glCopyTexImage1D
- glCopyTexImage2D
- glCopyTexSubImage1D
- glCopyTexSubImage2D
- glTexSubImage1D
- glTexSubImage2D
- glAreTexturesResident
- glBindTexture
- glDeleteTextures
- glGenTextures
- glIsTexture
- glPrioritizeTextures
- glIndexub
- glIndexubv
- glPopClientAttrib
- glPushClientAttrib
- glBlendColor
- glBlendEquation
- glDrawRangeElements
- glColorTable
- glColorTableParameterfv
- glColorTableParameteriv
- glCopyColorTable
- glGetColorTable
- glGetColorTableParameterfv
- glGetColorTableParameteriv
- glColorSubTable
- glCopyColorSubTable
- glConvolutionFilter1D
- glConvolutionFilter2D
- glConvolutionParameterf
- glConvolutionParameterfv
- glConvolutionParameteri
- glConvolutionParameteriv
- glCopyConvolutionFilter1D
- glCopyConvolutionFilter2D
- glGetConvolutionFilter
- glGetConvolutionParameterfv
- glGetConvolutionParameteriv
- glGetSeparableFilter
- glSeparableFilter2D
- glGetHistogram
- glGetHistogramParameterfv
- glGetHistogramParameteriv
- glGetMinmax
- glGetMinmaxParameterfv
- glGetMinmaxParameteriv
- glHistogram
- glMinmax
- glResetHistogram
- glResetMinmax
- glTexImage3D
- glTexSubImage3D
- glCopyTexSubImage3D
- glActiveTextureARB
- glClientActiveTextureARB
- glMultiTexCoord1dARB
- glMultiTexCoord1dvARB
- glMultiTexCoord1fARB
- glMultiTexCoord1fvARB
- glMultiTexCoord1iARB
- glMultiTexCoord1ivARB
- glMultiTexCoord1sARB
- glMultiTexCoord1svARB
- glMultiTexCoord2dARB
- glMultiTexCoord2dvARB
- glMultiTexCoord2fARB
- glMultiTexCoord2fvARB
- glMultiTexCoord2iARB
- glMultiTexCoord2ivARB
- glMultiTexCoord2sARB
- glMultiTexCoord2svARB
- glMultiTexCoord3dARB
- glMultiTexCoord3dvARB
- glMultiTexCoord3fARB
- glMultiTexCoord3fvARB
- glMultiTexCoord3iARB
- glMultiTexCoord3ivARB
- glMultiTexCoord3sARB
- glMultiTexCoord3svARB
- glMultiTexCoord4dARB
- glMultiTexCoord4dvARB
- glMultiTexCoord4fARB
- glMultiTexCoord4fvARB
- glMultiTexCoord4iARB
- glMultiTexCoord4ivARB
- glMultiTexCoord4sARB
- glMultiTexCoord4svARB
- glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB
- glLoadTransposeMatrixdARB
- glMultTransposeMatrixfARB
- glMultTransposeMatrixdARB
- glSampleCoverageARB
- glCompressedTexImage3DARB
- glCompressedTexImage2DARB
- glCompressedTexImage1DARB
- glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB
- glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB
- glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB
- glGetCompressedTexImageARB
- glActiveTexture
- glClientActiveTexture
- glMultiTexCoord1d
- glMultiTexCoord1dv
- glMultiTexCoord1f
- glMultiTexCoord1fv
- glMultiTexCoord1i
- glMultiTexCoord1iv
- glMultiTexCoord1s
- glMultiTexCoord1sv
- glMultiTexCoord2d
- glMultiTexCoord2dv
- glMultiTexCoord2f
- glMultiTexCoord2fv
- glMultiTexCoord2i
- glMultiTexCoord2iv
- glMultiTexCoord2s
- glMultiTexCoord2sv
- glMultiTexCoord3d
- glMultiTexCoord3dv
- glMultiTexCoord3f
- glMultiTexCoord3fv
- glMultiTexCoord3i
- glMultiTexCoord3iv
- glMultiTexCoord3s
- glMultiTexCoord3sv
- glMultiTexCoord4d
- glMultiTexCoord4dv
- glMultiTexCoord4f
- glMultiTexCoord4fv
- glMultiTexCoord4i
- glMultiTexCoord4iv
- glMultiTexCoord4s
- glMultiTexCoord4sv
- glLoadTransposeMatrixf
- glLoadTransposeMatrixd
- glMultTransposeMatrixf
- glMultTransposeMatrixd
- glSampleCoverage
- glCompressedTexImage3D
- glCompressedTexImage2D
- glCompressedTexImage1D
- glCompressedTexSubImage3D
- glCompressedTexSubImage2D
- glCompressedTexSubImage1D
- glGetCompressedTexImage
- glBlendColorEXT
- glPolygonOffsetEXT
- glTexImage3DEXT
- glTexSubImage3DEXT
- glTexSubImage1DEXT
- glTexSubImage2DEXT
- glCopyTexImage1DEXT
- glCopyTexImage2DEXT
- glCopyTexSubImage1DEXT
- glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT
- glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT
- glAreTexturesResidentEXT
- glBindTextureEXT
- glDeleteTexturesEXT
- glGenTexturesEXT
- glIsTextureEXT
- glPrioritizeTexturesEXT
- glArrayElementEXT
- glColorPointerEXT
- glDrawArraysEXT
- glEdgeFlagPointerEXT
- glGetPointervEXT
- glIndexPointerEXT
- glNormalPointerEXT
- glTexCoordPointerEXT
- glVertexPointerEXT
- glBlendEquationEXT
- glPointParameterfEXT
- glPointParameterfvEXT
- glPointParameterfARB
- glPointParameterfvARB
- glColorTableEXT
- glGetColorTableEXT
- glGetColorTableParameterivEXT
- glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT
- glLockArraysEXT
- glUnlockArraysEXT
- glDrawRangeElementsEXT
- glSecondaryColor3bEXT
- glSecondaryColor3bvEXT
- glSecondaryColor3dEXT
- glSecondaryColor3dvEXT
- glSecondaryColor3fEXT
- glSecondaryColor3fvEXT
- glSecondaryColor3iEXT
- glSecondaryColor3ivEXT
- glSecondaryColor3sEXT
- glSecondaryColor3svEXT
- glSecondaryColor3ubEXT
- glSecondaryColor3ubvEXT
- glSecondaryColor3uiEXT
- glSecondaryColor3uivEXT
- glSecondaryColor3usEXT
- glSecondaryColor3usvEXT
- glSecondaryColorPointerEXT
- glMultiDrawArraysEXT
- glMultiDrawElementsEXT
- glFogCoordfEXT
- glFogCoordfvEXT
- glFogCoorddEXT
- glFogCoorddvEXT
- glFogCoordPointerEXT
- glBlendFuncSeparateEXT
- glFlushVertexArrayRangeNV
- glVertexArrayRangeNV
- glCombinerParameterfvNV
- glCombinerParameterfNV
- glCombinerParameterivNV
- glCombinerParameteriNV
- glCombinerInputNV
- glCombinerOutputNV
- glFinalCombinerInputNV
- glGetCombinerInputParameterfvNV
- glGetCombinerInputParameterivNV
- glGetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV
- glGetCombinerOutputParameterivNV
- glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV
- glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV
- glResizeBuffersMESA
- glWindowPos2dMESA
- glWindowPos2dvMESA
- glWindowPos2fMESA
- glWindowPos2fvMESA
- glWindowPos2iMESA
- glWindowPos2ivMESA
- glWindowPos2sMESA
- glWindowPos2svMESA
- glWindowPos3dMESA
- glWindowPos3dvMESA
- glWindowPos3fMESA
- glWindowPos3fvMESA
- glWindowPos3iMESA
- glWindowPos3ivMESA
- glWindowPos3sMESA
- glWindowPos3svMESA
- glWindowPos4dMESA
- glWindowPos4dvMESA
- glWindowPos4fMESA
- glWindowPos4fvMESA
- glWindowPos4iMESA
- glWindowPos4ivMESA
- glWindowPos4sMESA
- glWindowPos4svMESA
- glWindowPos2dARB
- glWindowPos2fARB
- glWindowPos2iARB
- glWindowPos2sARB
- glWindowPos2dvARB
- glWindowPos2fvARB
- glWindowPos2ivARB
- glWindowPos2svARB
- glWindowPos3dARB
- glWindowPos3fARB
- glWindowPos3iARB
- glWindowPos3sARB
- glWindowPos3dvARB
- glWindowPos3fvARB
- glWindowPos3ivARB
- glWindowPos3svARB
- glAreProgramsResidentNV
- glBindProgramNV
- glDeleteProgramsNV
- glExecuteProgramNV
- glGenProgramsNV
- glGetProgramParameterdvNV
- glGetProgramParameterfvNV
- glGetProgramivNV
- glGetProgramStringNV
- glGetTrackMatrixivNV
- glGetVertexAttribdvNV
- glGetVertexAttribfvNV
- glGetVertexAttribivNV
- glGetVertexAttribPointervNV
- glIsProgramNV
- glLoadProgramNV
- glProgramParameter4dNV
- glProgramParameter4dvNV
- glProgramParameter4fNV
- glProgramParameter4fvNV
- glProgramParameters4dvNV
- glProgramParameters4fvNV
- glRequestResidentProgramsNV
- glTrackMatrixNV
- glVertexAttribPointerNV
- glVertexAttrib1dNV
- glVertexAttrib1dvNV
- glVertexAttrib1fNV
- glVertexAttrib1fvNV
- glVertexAttrib1sNV
- glVertexAttrib1svNV
- glVertexAttrib2dNV
- glVertexAttrib2dvNV
- glVertexAttrib2fNV
- glVertexAttrib2fvNV
- glVertexAttrib2sNV
- glVertexAttrib2svNV
- glVertexAttrib3dNV
- glVertexAttrib3dvNV
- glVertexAttrib3fNV
- glVertexAttrib3fvNV
- glVertexAttrib3sNV
- glVertexAttrib3svNV
- glVertexAttrib4dNV
- glVertexAttrib4dvNV
- glVertexAttrib4fNV
- glVertexAttrib4fvNV
- glVertexAttrib4sNV
- glVertexAttrib4svNV
- glVertexAttrib4ubNV
- glVertexAttrib4ubvNV
- glVertexAttribs1dvNV
- glVertexAttribs1fvNV
- glVertexAttribs1svNV
- glVertexAttribs2dvNV
- glVertexAttribs2fvNV
- glVertexAttribs2svNV
- glVertexAttribs3dvNV
- glVertexAttribs3fvNV
- glVertexAttribs3svNV
- glVertexAttribs4dvNV
- glVertexAttribs4fvNV
- glVertexAttribs4svNV
- glVertexAttribs4ubvNV
- glPointParameteriNV
- glPointParameterivNV
- glFogCoordf
- glFogCoordfv
- glFogCoordd
- glFogCoorddv
- glFogCoordPointer
- glMultiDrawArrays
- glMultiDrawElements
- glPointParameterf
- glPointParameterfv
- glPointParameteri
- glPointParameteriv
- glSecondaryColor3b
- glSecondaryColor3bv
- glSecondaryColor3d
- glSecondaryColor3dv
- glSecondaryColor3f
- glSecondaryColor3fv
- glSecondaryColor3i
- glSecondaryColor3iv
- glSecondaryColor3s
- glSecondaryColor3sv
- glSecondaryColor3ub
- glSecondaryColor3ubv
- glSecondaryColor3ui
- glSecondaryColor3uiv
- glSecondaryColor3us
- glSecondaryColor3usv
- glSecondaryColorPointer
- glWindowPos2d
- glWindowPos2dv
- glWindowPos2f
- glWindowPos2fv
- glWindowPos2i
- glWindowPos2iv
- glWindowPos2s
- glWindowPos2sv
- glWindowPos3d
- glWindowPos3dv
- glWindowPos3f
- glWindowPos3fv
- glWindowPos3i
- glWindowPos3iv
- glWindowPos3s
- glWindowPos3sv
- glVertexAttrib1sARB
- glVertexAttrib1fARB
- glVertexAttrib1dARB
- glVertexAttrib2sARB
- glVertexAttrib2fARB
- glVertexAttrib2dARB
- glVertexAttrib3sARB
- glVertexAttrib3fARB
- glVertexAttrib3dARB
- glVertexAttrib4sARB
- glVertexAttrib4fARB
- glVertexAttrib4dARB
- glVertexAttrib4NubARB
- glVertexAttrib1svARB
- glVertexAttrib1fvARB
- glVertexAttrib1dvARB
- glVertexAttrib2svARB
- glVertexAttrib2fvARB
- glVertexAttrib2dvARB
- glVertexAttrib3svARB
- glVertexAttrib3fvARB
- glVertexAttrib3dvARB
- glVertexAttrib4bvARB
- glVertexAttrib4svARB
- glVertexAttrib4ivARB
- glVertexAttrib4ubvARB
- glVertexAttrib4usvARB
- glVertexAttrib4uivARB
- glVertexAttrib4fvARB
- glVertexAttrib4dvARB
- glVertexAttrib4NbvARB
- glVertexAttrib4NsvARB
- glVertexAttrib4NivARB
- glVertexAttrib4NubvARB
- glVertexAttrib4NusvARB
- glVertexAttrib4NuivARB
- glVertexAttribPointerARB
- glEnableVertexAttribArrayARB
- glDisableVertexAttribArrayARB
- glProgramStringARB
- glBindProgramARB
- glDeleteProgramsARB
- glGenProgramsARB
- glIsProgramARB
- glProgramEnvParameter4dARB
- glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB
- glProgramEnvParameter4fARB
- glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB
- glProgramLocalParameter4dARB
- glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB
- glProgramLocalParameter4fARB
- glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB
- glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB
- glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB
- glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB
- glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB
- glGetProgramivARB
- glGetProgramStringARB
- glGetVertexAttribdvARB
- glGetVertexAttribfvARB
- glGetVertexAttribivARB
- glGetVertexAttribPointervARB
- glProgramNamedParameter4fNV
- glProgramNamedParameter4dNV
- glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV
- glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV
- glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV
- glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV
- glBindBufferARB
- glBufferDataARB
- glBufferSubDataARB
- glDeleteBuffersARB
- glGenBuffersARB
- glGetBufferParameterivARB
- glGetBufferPointervARB
- glGetBufferSubDataARB
- glIsBufferARB
- glMapBufferARB
- glUnmapBufferARB
- glGenQueriesARB
- glDeleteQueriesARB
- glIsQueryARB
- glBeginQueryARB
- glEndQueryARB
- glGetQueryivARB
- glGetQueryObjectivARB
- glGetQueryObjectuivARB
- glBindBuffer
- glBufferData
- glBufferSubData
- glDeleteBuffers
- glGenBuffers
- glGetBufferParameteriv
- glGetBufferPointerv
- glGetBufferSubData
- glIsBuffer
- glMapBuffer
- glUnmapBuffer
- glGenQueries
- glDeleteQueries
- glIsQuery
- glBeginQuery
- glEndQuery
- glGetQueryiv
- glGetQueryObjectiv
- glGetQueryObjectuiv
- wglChoosePixelFormat
- wglCopyContext
- wglCreateContext
- wglCreateLayerContext
- wglDeleteContext
- wglDescribeLayerPlane
- wglDescribePixelFormat
- wglGetCurrentContext
- wglGetCurrentDC
- wglGetLayerPaletteEntries
- wglGetPixelFormat
- wglGetProcAddress
- wglMakeCurrent
- wglRealizeLayerPalette
- wglSetLayerPaletteEntries
- wglSetPixelFormat
- wglShareLists
- wglSwapBuffers
- wglSwapLayerBuffers
- wglUseFontBitmapsA
- wglUseFontBitmapsW
- wglUseFontOutlinesA
- wglUseFontOutlinesW
- wglGetExtensionsStringARB
+; DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by mesadef.py script
+;DESCRIPTION 'Mesa (OpenGL work-alike) for Win32'
+; Module definition file for Mesa (OPENGL32.DLL)
+; Note: The OpenGL functions use the STDCALL
+; function calling convention. Microsoft's
+; OPENGL32 uses this convention and so must the
+; Mesa OPENGL32 so that the Mesa DLL can be used
+; as a drop-in replacement.
+; The linker exports STDCALL entry points with
+; 'decorated' names; e.g., _glBegin@0, where the
+; trailing number is the number of bytes of
+; parameter data pushed onto the stack. The
+; callee is responsible for popping this data
+; off the stack, usually via a RETF n instruction.
+; However, the Microsoft OPENGL32.DLL does not export
+; the decorated names, even though the calling convention
+; is STDCALL. So, this module definition file is
+; needed to force the Mesa OPENGL32.DLL to export the
+; symbols in the same manner as the Microsoft DLL.
+; Were it not for this problem, this file would not
+; be needed (for the gl* functions) since the entry
+; points are compiled with dllexport declspec.
+ glNewList
+ glEndList
+ glCallList
+ glCallLists
+ glDeleteLists
+ glGenLists
+ glListBase
+ glBegin
+ glBitmap
+ glColor3b
+ glColor3bv
+ glColor3d
+ glColor3dv
+ glColor3f
+ glColor3fv
+ glColor3i
+ glColor3iv
+ glColor3s
+ glColor3sv
+ glColor3ub
+ glColor3ubv
+ glColor3ui
+ glColor3uiv
+ glColor3us
+ glColor3usv
+ glColor4b
+ glColor4bv
+ glColor4d
+ glColor4dv
+ glColor4f
+ glColor4fv
+ glColor4i
+ glColor4iv
+ glColor4s
+ glColor4sv
+ glColor4ub
+ glColor4ubv
+ glColor4ui
+ glColor4uiv
+ glColor4us
+ glColor4usv
+ glEdgeFlag
+ glEdgeFlagv
+ glEnd
+ glIndexd
+ glIndexdv
+ glIndexf
+ glIndexfv
+ glIndexi
+ glIndexiv
+ glIndexs
+ glIndexsv
+ glNormal3b
+ glNormal3bv
+ glNormal3d
+ glNormal3dv
+ glNormal3f
+ glNormal3fv
+ glNormal3i
+ glNormal3iv
+ glNormal3s
+ glNormal3sv
+ glRasterPos2d
+ glRasterPos2dv
+ glRasterPos2f
+ glRasterPos2fv
+ glRasterPos2i
+ glRasterPos2iv
+ glRasterPos2s
+ glRasterPos2sv
+ glRasterPos3d
+ glRasterPos3dv
+ glRasterPos3f
+ glRasterPos3fv
+ glRasterPos3i
+ glRasterPos3iv
+ glRasterPos3s
+ glRasterPos3sv
+ glRasterPos4d
+ glRasterPos4dv
+ glRasterPos4f
+ glRasterPos4fv
+ glRasterPos4i
+ glRasterPos4iv
+ glRasterPos4s
+ glRasterPos4sv
+ glRectd
+ glRectdv
+ glRectf
+ glRectfv
+ glRecti
+ glRectiv
+ glRects
+ glRectsv
+ glTexCoord1d
+ glTexCoord1dv
+ glTexCoord1f
+ glTexCoord1fv
+ glTexCoord1i
+ glTexCoord1iv
+ glTexCoord1s
+ glTexCoord1sv
+ glTexCoord2d
+ glTexCoord2dv
+ glTexCoord2f
+ glTexCoord2fv
+ glTexCoord2i
+ glTexCoord2iv
+ glTexCoord2s
+ glTexCoord2sv
+ glTexCoord3d
+ glTexCoord3dv
+ glTexCoord3f
+ glTexCoord3fv
+ glTexCoord3i
+ glTexCoord3iv
+ glTexCoord3s
+ glTexCoord3sv
+ glTexCoord4d
+ glTexCoord4dv
+ glTexCoord4f
+ glTexCoord4fv
+ glTexCoord4i
+ glTexCoord4iv
+ glTexCoord4s
+ glTexCoord4sv
+ glVertex2d
+ glVertex2dv
+ glVertex2f
+ glVertex2fv
+ glVertex2i
+ glVertex2iv
+ glVertex2s
+ glVertex2sv
+ glVertex3d
+ glVertex3dv
+ glVertex3f
+ glVertex3fv
+ glVertex3i
+ glVertex3iv
+ glVertex3s
+ glVertex3sv
+ glVertex4d
+ glVertex4dv
+ glVertex4f
+ glVertex4fv
+ glVertex4i
+ glVertex4iv
+ glVertex4s
+ glVertex4sv
+ glClipPlane
+ glColorMaterial
+ glCullFace
+ glFogf
+ glFogfv
+ glFogi
+ glFogiv
+ glFrontFace
+ glHint
+ glLightf
+ glLightfv
+ glLighti
+ glLightiv
+ glLightModelf
+ glLightModelfv
+ glLightModeli
+ glLightModeliv
+ glLineStipple
+ glLineWidth
+ glMaterialf
+ glMaterialfv
+ glMateriali
+ glMaterialiv
+ glPointSize
+ glPolygonMode
+ glPolygonStipple
+ glScissor
+ glShadeModel
+ glTexParameterf
+ glTexParameterfv
+ glTexParameteri
+ glTexParameteriv
+ glTexImage1D
+ glTexImage2D
+ glTexEnvf
+ glTexEnvfv
+ glTexEnvi
+ glTexEnviv
+ glTexGend
+ glTexGendv
+ glTexGenf
+ glTexGenfv
+ glTexGeni
+ glTexGeniv
+ glFeedbackBuffer
+ glSelectBuffer
+ glRenderMode
+ glInitNames
+ glLoadName
+ glPassThrough
+ glPopName
+ glPushName
+ glDrawBuffer
+ glClear
+ glClearAccum
+ glClearIndex
+ glClearColor
+ glClearStencil
+ glClearDepth
+ glStencilMask
+ glColorMask
+ glDepthMask
+ glIndexMask
+ glAccum
+ glDisable
+ glEnable
+ glFinish
+ glFlush
+ glPopAttrib
+ glPushAttrib
+ glMap1d
+ glMap1f
+ glMap2d
+ glMap2f
+ glMapGrid1d
+ glMapGrid1f
+ glMapGrid2d
+ glMapGrid2f
+ glEvalCoord1d
+ glEvalCoord1dv
+ glEvalCoord1f
+ glEvalCoord1fv
+ glEvalCoord2d
+ glEvalCoord2dv
+ glEvalCoord2f
+ glEvalCoord2fv
+ glEvalMesh1
+ glEvalPoint1
+ glEvalMesh2
+ glEvalPoint2
+ glAlphaFunc
+ glBlendFunc
+ glLogicOp
+ glStencilFunc
+ glStencilOp
+ glDepthFunc
+ glPixelZoom
+ glPixelTransferf
+ glPixelTransferi
+ glPixelStoref
+ glPixelStorei
+ glPixelMapfv
+ glPixelMapuiv
+ glPixelMapusv
+ glReadBuffer
+ glCopyPixels
+ glReadPixels
+ glDrawPixels
+ glGetBooleanv
+ glGetClipPlane
+ glGetDoublev
+ glGetError
+ glGetFloatv
+ glGetIntegerv
+ glGetLightfv
+ glGetLightiv
+ glGetMapdv
+ glGetMapfv
+ glGetMapiv
+ glGetMaterialfv
+ glGetMaterialiv
+ glGetPixelMapfv
+ glGetPixelMapuiv
+ glGetPixelMapusv
+ glGetPolygonStipple
+ glGetString
+ glGetTexEnvfv
+ glGetTexEnviv
+ glGetTexGendv
+ glGetTexGenfv
+ glGetTexGeniv
+ glGetTexImage
+ glGetTexParameterfv
+ glGetTexParameteriv
+ glGetTexLevelParameterfv
+ glGetTexLevelParameteriv
+ glIsEnabled
+ glIsList
+ glDepthRange
+ glFrustum
+ glLoadIdentity
+ glLoadMatrixf
+ glLoadMatrixd
+ glMatrixMode
+ glMultMatrixf
+ glMultMatrixd
+ glOrtho
+ glPopMatrix
+ glPushMatrix
+ glRotated
+ glRotatef
+ glScaled
+ glScalef
+ glTranslated
+ glTranslatef
+ glViewport
+ glArrayElement
+ glColorPointer
+ glDisableClientState
+ glDrawArrays
+ glDrawElements
+ glEdgeFlagPointer
+ glEnableClientState
+ glGetPointerv
+ glIndexPointer
+ glInterleavedArrays
+ glNormalPointer
+ glTexCoordPointer
+ glVertexPointer
+ glPolygonOffset
+ glCopyTexImage1D
+ glCopyTexImage2D
+ glCopyTexSubImage1D
+ glCopyTexSubImage2D
+ glTexSubImage1D
+ glTexSubImage2D
+ glAreTexturesResident
+ glBindTexture
+ glDeleteTextures
+ glGenTextures
+ glIsTexture
+ glPrioritizeTextures
+ glIndexub
+ glIndexubv
+ glPopClientAttrib
+ glPushClientAttrib
+ glBlendColor
+ glBlendEquation
+ glDrawRangeElements
+ glColorTable
+ glColorTableParameterfv
+ glColorTableParameteriv
+ glCopyColorTable
+ glGetColorTable
+ glGetColorTableParameterfv
+ glGetColorTableParameteriv
+ glColorSubTable
+ glCopyColorSubTable
+ glConvolutionFilter1D
+ glConvolutionFilter2D
+ glConvolutionParameterf
+ glConvolutionParameterfv
+ glConvolutionParameteri
+ glConvolutionParameteriv
+ glCopyConvolutionFilter1D
+ glCopyConvolutionFilter2D
+ glGetConvolutionFilter
+ glGetConvolutionParameterfv
+ glGetConvolutionParameteriv
+ glGetSeparableFilter
+ glSeparableFilter2D
+ glGetHistogram
+ glGetHistogramParameterfv
+ glGetHistogramParameteriv
+ glGetMinmax
+ glGetMinmaxParameterfv
+ glGetMinmaxParameteriv
+ glHistogram
+ glMinmax
+ glResetHistogram
+ glResetMinmax
+ glTexImage3D
+ glTexSubImage3D
+ glCopyTexSubImage3D
+ glActiveTextureARB
+ glClientActiveTextureARB
+ glMultiTexCoord1dARB
+ glMultiTexCoord1dvARB
+ glMultiTexCoord1fARB
+ glMultiTexCoord1fvARB
+ glMultiTexCoord1iARB
+ glMultiTexCoord1ivARB
+ glMultiTexCoord1sARB
+ glMultiTexCoord1svARB
+ glMultiTexCoord2dARB
+ glMultiTexCoord2dvARB
+ glMultiTexCoord2fARB
+ glMultiTexCoord2fvARB
+ glMultiTexCoord2iARB
+ glMultiTexCoord2ivARB
+ glMultiTexCoord2sARB
+ glMultiTexCoord2svARB
+ glMultiTexCoord3dARB
+ glMultiTexCoord3dvARB
+ glMultiTexCoord3fARB
+ glMultiTexCoord3fvARB
+ glMultiTexCoord3iARB
+ glMultiTexCoord3ivARB
+ glMultiTexCoord3sARB
+ glMultiTexCoord3svARB
+ glMultiTexCoord4dARB
+ glMultiTexCoord4dvARB
+ glMultiTexCoord4fARB
+ glMultiTexCoord4fvARB
+ glMultiTexCoord4iARB
+ glMultiTexCoord4ivARB
+ glMultiTexCoord4sARB
+ glMultiTexCoord4svARB
+ glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB
+ glLoadTransposeMatrixdARB
+ glMultTransposeMatrixfARB
+ glMultTransposeMatrixdARB
+ glSampleCoverageARB
+ glCompressedTexImage3DARB
+ glCompressedTexImage2DARB
+ glCompressedTexImage1DARB
+ glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB
+ glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB
+ glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB
+ glGetCompressedTexImageARB
+ glActiveTexture
+ glClientActiveTexture
+ glMultiTexCoord1d
+ glMultiTexCoord1dv
+ glMultiTexCoord1f
+ glMultiTexCoord1fv
+ glMultiTexCoord1i
+ glMultiTexCoord1iv
+ glMultiTexCoord1s
+ glMultiTexCoord1sv
+ glMultiTexCoord2d
+ glMultiTexCoord2dv
+ glMultiTexCoord2f
+ glMultiTexCoord2fv
+ glMultiTexCoord2i
+ glMultiTexCoord2iv
+ glMultiTexCoord2s
+ glMultiTexCoord2sv
+ glMultiTexCoord3d
+ glMultiTexCoord3dv
+ glMultiTexCoord3f
+ glMultiTexCoord3fv
+ glMultiTexCoord3i
+ glMultiTexCoord3iv
+ glMultiTexCoord3s
+ glMultiTexCoord3sv
+ glMultiTexCoord4d
+ glMultiTexCoord4dv
+ glMultiTexCoord4f
+ glMultiTexCoord4fv
+ glMultiTexCoord4i
+ glMultiTexCoord4iv
+ glMultiTexCoord4s
+ glMultiTexCoord4sv
+ glLoadTransposeMatrixf
+ glLoadTransposeMatrixd
+ glMultTransposeMatrixf
+ glMultTransposeMatrixd
+ glSampleCoverage
+ glCompressedTexImage3D
+ glCompressedTexImage2D
+ glCompressedTexImage1D
+ glCompressedTexSubImage3D
+ glCompressedTexSubImage2D
+ glCompressedTexSubImage1D
+ glGetCompressedTexImage
+ glBlendColorEXT
+ glPolygonOffsetEXT
+ glTexImage3DEXT
+ glTexSubImage3DEXT
+ glTexSubImage1DEXT
+ glTexSubImage2DEXT
+ glCopyTexImage1DEXT
+ glCopyTexImage2DEXT
+ glCopyTexSubImage1DEXT
+ glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT
+ glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT
+ glAreTexturesResidentEXT
+ glBindTextureEXT
+ glDeleteTexturesEXT
+ glGenTexturesEXT
+ glIsTextureEXT
+ glPrioritizeTexturesEXT
+ glArrayElementEXT
+ glColorPointerEXT
+ glDrawArraysEXT
+ glEdgeFlagPointerEXT
+ glGetPointervEXT
+ glIndexPointerEXT
+ glNormalPointerEXT
+ glTexCoordPointerEXT
+ glVertexPointerEXT
+ glBlendEquationEXT
+ glPointParameterfEXT
+ glPointParameterfvEXT
+ glPointParameterfARB
+ glPointParameterfvARB
+ glColorTableEXT
+ glGetColorTableEXT
+ glGetColorTableParameterivEXT
+ glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT
+ glLockArraysEXT
+ glUnlockArraysEXT
+ glDrawRangeElementsEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3bEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3bvEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3dEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3dvEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3fEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3fvEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3iEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3ivEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3sEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3svEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3ubEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3ubvEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3uiEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3uivEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3usEXT
+ glSecondaryColor3usvEXT
+ glSecondaryColorPointerEXT
+ glMultiDrawArraysEXT
+ glMultiDrawElementsEXT
+ glFogCoordfEXT
+ glFogCoordfvEXT
+ glFogCoorddEXT
+ glFogCoorddvEXT
+ glFogCoordPointerEXT
+ glBlendFuncSeparateEXT
+ glFlushVertexArrayRangeNV
+ glVertexArrayRangeNV
+ glCombinerParameterfvNV
+ glCombinerParameterfNV
+ glCombinerParameterivNV
+ glCombinerParameteriNV
+ glCombinerInputNV
+ glCombinerOutputNV
+ glFinalCombinerInputNV
+ glGetCombinerInputParameterfvNV
+ glGetCombinerInputParameterivNV
+ glGetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV
+ glGetCombinerOutputParameterivNV
+ glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV
+ glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV
+ glResizeBuffersMESA
+ glWindowPos2dMESA
+ glWindowPos2dvMESA
+ glWindowPos2fMESA
+ glWindowPos2fvMESA
+ glWindowPos2iMESA
+ glWindowPos2ivMESA
+ glWindowPos2sMESA
+ glWindowPos2svMESA
+ glWindowPos3dMESA
+ glWindowPos3dvMESA
+ glWindowPos3fMESA
+ glWindowPos3fvMESA
+ glWindowPos3iMESA
+ glWindowPos3ivMESA
+ glWindowPos3sMESA
+ glWindowPos3svMESA
+ glWindowPos4dMESA
+ glWindowPos4dvMESA
+ glWindowPos4fMESA
+ glWindowPos4fvMESA
+ glWindowPos4iMESA
+ glWindowPos4ivMESA
+ glWindowPos4sMESA
+ glWindowPos4svMESA
+ glWindowPos2dARB
+ glWindowPos2fARB
+ glWindowPos2iARB
+ glWindowPos2sARB
+ glWindowPos2dvARB
+ glWindowPos2fvARB
+ glWindowPos2ivARB
+ glWindowPos2svARB
+ glWindowPos3dARB
+ glWindowPos3fARB
+ glWindowPos3iARB
+ glWindowPos3sARB
+ glWindowPos3dvARB
+ glWindowPos3fvARB
+ glWindowPos3ivARB
+ glWindowPos3svARB
+ glAreProgramsResidentNV
+ glBindProgramNV
+ glDeleteProgramsNV
+ glExecuteProgramNV
+ glGenProgramsNV
+ glGetProgramParameterdvNV
+ glGetProgramParameterfvNV
+ glGetProgramivNV
+ glGetProgramStringNV
+ glGetTrackMatrixivNV
+ glGetVertexAttribdvNV
+ glGetVertexAttribfvNV
+ glGetVertexAttribivNV
+ glGetVertexAttribPointervNV
+ glIsProgramNV
+ glLoadProgramNV
+ glProgramParameter4dNV
+ glProgramParameter4dvNV
+ glProgramParameter4fNV
+ glProgramParameter4fvNV
+ glProgramParameters4dvNV
+ glProgramParameters4fvNV
+ glRequestResidentProgramsNV
+ glTrackMatrixNV
+ glVertexAttribPointerNV
+ glVertexAttrib1dNV
+ glVertexAttrib1dvNV
+ glVertexAttrib1fNV
+ glVertexAttrib1fvNV
+ glVertexAttrib1sNV
+ glVertexAttrib1svNV
+ glVertexAttrib2dNV
+ glVertexAttrib2dvNV
+ glVertexAttrib2fNV
+ glVertexAttrib2fvNV
+ glVertexAttrib2sNV
+ glVertexAttrib2svNV
+ glVertexAttrib3dNV
+ glVertexAttrib3dvNV
+ glVertexAttrib3fNV
+ glVertexAttrib3fvNV
+ glVertexAttrib3sNV
+ glVertexAttrib3svNV
+ glVertexAttrib4dNV
+ glVertexAttrib4dvNV
+ glVertexAttrib4fNV
+ glVertexAttrib4fvNV
+ glVertexAttrib4sNV
+ glVertexAttrib4svNV
+ glVertexAttrib4ubNV
+ glVertexAttrib4ubvNV
+ glVertexAttribs1dvNV
+ glVertexAttribs1fvNV
+ glVertexAttribs1svNV
+ glVertexAttribs2dvNV
+ glVertexAttribs2fvNV
+ glVertexAttribs2svNV
+ glVertexAttribs3dvNV
+ glVertexAttribs3fvNV
+ glVertexAttribs3svNV
+ glVertexAttribs4dvNV
+ glVertexAttribs4fvNV
+ glVertexAttribs4svNV
+ glVertexAttribs4ubvNV
+ glPointParameteriNV
+ glPointParameterivNV
+ glFogCoordf
+ glFogCoordfv
+ glFogCoordd
+ glFogCoorddv
+ glFogCoordPointer
+ glMultiDrawArrays
+ glMultiDrawElements
+ glPointParameterf
+ glPointParameterfv
+ glPointParameteri
+ glPointParameteriv
+ glSecondaryColor3b
+ glSecondaryColor3bv
+ glSecondaryColor3d
+ glSecondaryColor3dv
+ glSecondaryColor3f
+ glSecondaryColor3fv
+ glSecondaryColor3i
+ glSecondaryColor3iv
+ glSecondaryColor3s
+ glSecondaryColor3sv
+ glSecondaryColor3ub
+ glSecondaryColor3ubv
+ glSecondaryColor3ui
+ glSecondaryColor3uiv
+ glSecondaryColor3us
+ glSecondaryColor3usv
+ glSecondaryColorPointer
+ glWindowPos2d
+ glWindowPos2dv
+ glWindowPos2f
+ glWindowPos2fv
+ glWindowPos2i
+ glWindowPos2iv
+ glWindowPos2s
+ glWindowPos2sv
+ glWindowPos3d
+ glWindowPos3dv
+ glWindowPos3f
+ glWindowPos3fv
+ glWindowPos3i
+ glWindowPos3iv
+ glWindowPos3s
+ glWindowPos3sv
+ glVertexAttrib1sARB
+ glVertexAttrib1fARB
+ glVertexAttrib1dARB
+ glVertexAttrib2sARB
+ glVertexAttrib2fARB
+ glVertexAttrib2dARB
+ glVertexAttrib3sARB
+ glVertexAttrib3fARB
+ glVertexAttrib3dARB
+ glVertexAttrib4sARB
+ glVertexAttrib4fARB
+ glVertexAttrib4dARB
+ glVertexAttrib4NubARB
+ glVertexAttrib1svARB
+ glVertexAttrib1fvARB
+ glVertexAttrib1dvARB
+ glVertexAttrib2svARB
+ glVertexAttrib2fvARB
+ glVertexAttrib2dvARB
+ glVertexAttrib3svARB
+ glVertexAttrib3fvARB
+ glVertexAttrib3dvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4bvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4svARB
+ glVertexAttrib4ivARB
+ glVertexAttrib4ubvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4usvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4uivARB
+ glVertexAttrib4fvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4dvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4NbvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4NsvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4NivARB
+ glVertexAttrib4NubvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4NusvARB
+ glVertexAttrib4NuivARB
+ glVertexAttribPointerARB
+ glEnableVertexAttribArrayARB
+ glDisableVertexAttribArrayARB
+ glProgramStringARB
+ glBindProgramARB
+ glDeleteProgramsARB
+ glGenProgramsARB
+ glIsProgramARB
+ glProgramEnvParameter4dARB
+ glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB
+ glProgramEnvParameter4fARB
+ glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB
+ glProgramLocalParameter4dARB
+ glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB
+ glProgramLocalParameter4fARB
+ glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB
+ glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB
+ glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB
+ glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB
+ glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB
+ glGetProgramivARB
+ glGetProgramStringARB
+ glGetVertexAttribdvARB
+ glGetVertexAttribfvARB
+ glGetVertexAttribivARB
+ glGetVertexAttribPointervARB
+ glProgramNamedParameter4fNV
+ glProgramNamedParameter4dNV
+ glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV
+ glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV
+ glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV
+ glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV
+ glBindBufferARB
+ glBufferDataARB
+ glBufferSubDataARB
+ glDeleteBuffersARB
+ glGenBuffersARB
+ glGetBufferParameterivARB
+ glGetBufferPointervARB
+ glGetBufferSubDataARB
+ glIsBufferARB
+ glMapBufferARB
+ glUnmapBufferARB
+ glGenQueriesARB
+ glDeleteQueriesARB
+ glIsQueryARB
+ glBeginQueryARB
+ glEndQueryARB
+ glGetQueryivARB
+ glGetQueryObjectivARB
+ glGetQueryObjectuivARB
+ glBindBuffer
+ glBufferData
+ glBufferSubData
+ glDeleteBuffers
+ glGenBuffers
+ glGetBufferParameteriv
+ glGetBufferPointerv
+ glGetBufferSubData
+ glIsBuffer
+ glMapBuffer
+ glUnmapBuffer
+ glGenQueries
+ glDeleteQueries
+ glIsQuery
+ glBeginQuery
+ glEndQuery
+ glGetQueryiv
+ glGetQueryObjectiv
+ glGetQueryObjectuiv
+ wglChoosePixelFormat
+ wglCopyContext
+ wglCreateContext
+ wglCreateLayerContext
+ wglDeleteContext
+ wglDescribeLayerPlane
+ wglDescribePixelFormat
+ wglGetCurrentContext
+ wglGetCurrentDC
+ wglGetLayerPaletteEntries
+ wglGetPixelFormat
+ wglGetProcAddress
+ wglMakeCurrent
+ wglRealizeLayerPalette
+ wglSetLayerPaletteEntries
+ wglSetPixelFormat
+ wglShareLists
+ wglSwapBuffers
+ wglSwapLayerBuffers
+ wglUseFontBitmapsA
+ wglUseFontBitmapsW
+ wglUseFontOutlinesA
+ wglUseFontOutlinesW
+ wglGetExtensionsStringARB
diff --git a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wgl.c b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wgl.c
index 1dafe6e29..fc2d937a1 100644
--- a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wgl.c
+++ b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wgl.c
@@ -1,707 +1,707 @@
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
- * File name : wgl.c
- * WGL stuff. Added by Oleg Letsinsky, ajl@ultersys.ru
- * Some things originated from the 3Dfx WGL functions
- */
- * This file contains the implementation of the wgl* functions for
- * Mesa on Windows. Since these functions are provided by Windows in
- * GDI/OpenGL, we must supply our versions that work with Mesa here.
- */
-/* We're essentially building part of GDI here, so define this so that
- * we get the right export linkage. */
-#ifdef __MINGW32__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <windef.h>
-#include <wincon.h>
-#include <winbase.h>
-# if defined(BUILD_GL32)
-# define WINGDIAPI __declspec(dllexport)
-# else
-# define __W32API_USE_DLLIMPORT__
-# endif
-#include <wingdi.h>
-#include "GL/mesa_wgl.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define _GDI32_
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "main/config.h"
-#include "glapi/glapi.h"
-#include "GL/wmesa.h" /* protos for wmesa* functions */
- * Pixel Format Descriptors
- */
-/* Extend the PFD to include DB flag */
-struct __pixelformat__
- GLboolean doubleBuffered;
-/* These are the PFD's supported by this driver. */
-struct __pixelformat__ pfd[] =
-#if 0
- /* Double Buffer, alpha */
- {
- {
- 24,
- 8, 0,
- 8, 8,
- 8, 16,
- 8, 24,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0
- },
- },
- /* Single Buffer, alpha */
- {
- {
- 24,
- 8, 0,
- 8, 8,
- 8, 16,
- 8, 24,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0
- },
- },
- /* Double Buffer, no alpha */
- {
- {
- 24,
- 8, 0,
- 8, 8,
- 8, 16,
- 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0
- },
- },
- /* Single Buffer, no alpha */
- {
- {
- 24,
- 8, 0,
- 8, 8,
- 8, 16,
- 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0
- },
- },
-int npfd = sizeof(pfd) / sizeof(pfd[0]);
- * Contexts
- */
-typedef struct {
- WMesaContext ctx;
-} MesaWglCtx;
-static MesaWglCtx wgl_ctx[MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT];
-static unsigned ctx_count = 0;
-static int ctx_current = -1;
-static unsigned curPFD = 0;
-static HDC CurrentHDC = 0;
- int i = 0;
- if (!ctx_count) {
- for(i=0;i<MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT;i++) {
- wgl_ctx[i].ctx = NULL;
- }
- }
- for( i = 0; i < MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) {
- if ( wgl_ctx[i].ctx == NULL ) {
- wgl_ctx[i].ctx =
- WMesaCreateContext(hdc, NULL, (GLboolean)GL_TRUE,
- (GLboolean) (pfd[curPFD-1].doubleBuffered ?
- (GLboolean)(pfd[curPFD-1].pfd.cAlphaBits ?
- if (wgl_ctx[i].ctx == NULL)
- break;
- ctx_count++;
- return ((HGLRC)wgl_ctx[i].ctx);
- }
- }
- SetLastError(0);
- return(NULL);
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) {
- if ( wgl_ctx[i].ctx == (WMesaContext) hglrc ){
- WMesaMakeCurrent((WMesaContext) hglrc, NULL);
- WMesaDestroyContext(wgl_ctx[i].ctx);
- wgl_ctx[i].ctx = NULL;
- ctx_count--;
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }
- SetLastError(0);
- return(FALSE);
- if (ctx_current < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return (HGLRC) wgl_ctx[ctx_current].ctx;
- return CurrentHDC;
- int i;
- CurrentHDC = hdc;
- if (!hdc || !hglrc) {
- WMesaMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
- ctx_current = -1;
- return TRUE;
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) {
- if ( wgl_ctx[i].ctx == (WMesaContext) hglrc ) {
- WMesaMakeCurrent( (WMesaContext) hglrc, hdc );
- ctx_current = i;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglChoosePixelFormat(HDC hdc,
- int i,best = -1,bestdelta = 0x7FFFFFFF,delta;
- (void) hdc;
- if(ppfd->nSize != sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) || ppfd->nVersion != 1)
- {
- SetLastError(0);
- return(0);
- }
- for(i = 0; i < npfd;i++)
- {
- delta = 0;
- if(
- (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW) &&
- !(pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW))
- continue;
- if(
- (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP) &&
- !(pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP))
- continue;
- if(
- (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_GDI) &&
- !(pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_GDI))
- continue;
- if(
- (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL) &&
- !(pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL))
- continue;
- if(
- !(ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER_DONTCARE) &&
- ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER) !=
- (pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER)))
- continue;
- if(
- !(ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_STEREO_DONTCARE) &&
- ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_STEREO) !=
- (pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_STEREO)))
- continue;
- if(ppfd->iPixelType != pfd[i].pfd.iPixelType)
- delta++;
- if(ppfd->cAlphaBits != pfd[i].pfd.cAlphaBits)
- delta++;
- if(delta < bestdelta)
- {
- best = i + 1;
- bestdelta = delta;
- if(bestdelta == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- if(best == -1)
- {
- SetLastError(0);
- return(0);
- }
- return(best);
-WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglDescribePixelFormat(HDC hdc,
- int iPixelFormat,
- UINT nBytes,
- (void) hdc;
- if(ppfd == NULL)
- return(npfd);
- if(iPixelFormat < 1 || iPixelFormat > npfd ||
- {
- SetLastError(0);
- return(0);
- }
- *ppfd = pfd[iPixelFormat - 1].pfd;
- return(npfd);
- PROC p = (PROC) _glapi_get_proc_address((const char *) lpszProc);
- if (p)
- return p;
- SetLastError(0);
- return(NULL);
-WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglGetPixelFormat(HDC hdc)
- (void) hdc;
- if(curPFD == 0) {
- SetLastError(0);
- return(0);
- }
- return(curPFD);
-WINGDIAPI BOOL GLAPIENTRY wglSetPixelFormat(HDC hdc,int iPixelFormat,
- (void) hdc;
- if(iPixelFormat < 1 || iPixelFormat > npfd ||
- ppfd->nSize != sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR)) {
- SetLastError(0);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- curPFD = iPixelFormat;
- return(TRUE);
- WMesaSwapBuffers(hdc);
- return TRUE;
-static FIXED FixedFromDouble(double d)
- long l = (long) (d * 65536L);
- return *(FIXED *) (void *) &l;
-** This is cribbed from FX/fxwgl.c, and seems to implement support
-** for bitmap fonts where the wglUseFontBitmapsA() code implements
-** support for outline fonts. In combination they hopefully give
-** fairly generic support for fonts.
-static BOOL wglUseFontBitmaps_FX(HDC fontDevice, DWORD firstChar,
- DWORD numChars, DWORD listBase)
-#define VERIFY(a) a
- TEXTMETRIC metric;
- BITMAPINFO *dibInfo;
- HDC bitDevice;
- COLORREF tempColor;
- int i;
- VERIFY(GetTextMetrics(fontDevice, &metric));
- dibInfo = (BITMAPINFO *) calloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + sizeof(RGBQUAD), 1);
- dibInfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- dibInfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- dibInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 1;
- dibInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- bitDevice = CreateCompatibleDC(fontDevice);
- /* Swap fore and back colors so the bitmap has the right polarity */
- tempColor = GetBkColor(bitDevice);
- SetBkColor(bitDevice, GetTextColor(bitDevice));
- SetTextColor(bitDevice, tempColor);
- /* Place chars based on base line */
- VERIFY(SetTextAlign(bitDevice, TA_BASELINE) != GDI_ERROR ? 1 : 0);
- for(i = 0; i < (int)numChars; i++) {
- SIZE size;
- char curChar;
- int charWidth,charHeight,bmapWidth,bmapHeight,numBytes,res;
- HBITMAP bitObject;
- HGDIOBJ origBmap;
- unsigned char *bmap;
- curChar = (char)(i + firstChar);
- /* Find how high/wide this character is */
- VERIFY(GetTextExtentPoint32(bitDevice, &curChar, 1, &size));
- /* Create the output bitmap */
- charWidth = size.cx;
- charHeight = size.cy;
- /* Round up to the next multiple of 32 bits */
- bmapWidth = ((charWidth + 31) / 32) * 32;
- bmapHeight = charHeight;
- bitObject = CreateCompatibleBitmap(bitDevice,
- bmapWidth,
- bmapHeight);
- /* VERIFY(bitObject); */
- /* Assign the output bitmap to the device */
- origBmap = SelectObject(bitDevice, bitObject);
- (void) VERIFY(origBmap);
- VERIFY( PatBlt( bitDevice, 0, 0, bmapWidth, bmapHeight,BLACKNESS ) );
- /* Use our source font on the device */
- VERIFY(SelectObject(bitDevice, GetCurrentObject(fontDevice,OBJ_FONT)));
- /* Draw the character */
- VERIFY(TextOut(bitDevice, 0, metric.tmAscent, &curChar, 1));
- /* Unselect our bmap object */
- VERIFY(SelectObject(bitDevice, origBmap));
- /* Convert the display dependant representation to a 1 bit deep DIB */
- numBytes = (bmapWidth * bmapHeight) / 8;
- bmap = malloc(numBytes);
- dibInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = bmapWidth;
- dibInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = bmapHeight;
- res = GetDIBits(bitDevice, bitObject, 0, bmapHeight, bmap,
- dibInfo,
- /* VERIFY(res); */
- /* Create the GL object */
- glNewList(i + listBase, GL_COMPILE);
- glBitmap(bmapWidth, bmapHeight, 0.0, (GLfloat)metric.tmDescent,
- (GLfloat)charWidth, 0.0,
- bmap);
- glEndList();
- /* CheckGL(); */
- /* Destroy the bmap object */
- DeleteObject(bitObject);
- /* Deallocate the bitmap data */
- free(bmap);
- }
- /* Destroy the DC */
- VERIFY(DeleteDC(bitDevice));
- free(dibInfo);
- return TRUE;
-#undef VERIFY
- DWORD count, DWORD listBase)
- int i;
- GLuint font_list;
- DWORD size;
- HANDLE hBits;
- LPSTR lpBits;
- MAT2 mat;
- int success = TRUE;
- if (count == 0)
- return FALSE;
- font_list = listBase;
- mat.eM11 = FixedFromDouble(1);
- mat.eM12 = FixedFromDouble(0);
- mat.eM21 = FixedFromDouble(0);
- mat.eM22 = FixedFromDouble(-1);
- memset(&gm,0,sizeof(gm));
- /*
- ** If we can't get the glyph outline, it may be because this is a fixed
- ** font. Try processing it that way.
- */
- if( GetGlyphOutline(hdc, first, GGO_BITMAP, &gm, 0, NULL, &mat)
- == GDI_ERROR ) {
- return wglUseFontBitmaps_FX( hdc, first, count, listBase );
- }
- /*
- ** Otherwise process all desired characters.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < (int)count; i++) {
- DWORD err;
- glNewList( font_list+i, GL_COMPILE );
- /* allocate space for the bitmap/outline */
- size = GetGlyphOutline(hdc, first + i, GGO_BITMAP,
- &gm, 0, NULL, &mat);
- if (size == GDI_ERROR) {
- glEndList( );
- err = GetLastError();
- success = FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- hBits = GlobalAlloc(GHND, size+1);
- lpBits = GlobalLock(hBits);
- err =
- GetGlyphOutline(hdc, /* handle to device context */
- first + i, /* character to query */
- GGO_BITMAP, /* format of data to return */
- &gm, /* ptr to structure for metrics*/
- size, /* size of buffer for data */
- lpBits, /* pointer to buffer for data */
- &mat /* pointer to transformation */
- /* matrix structure */
- );
- if (err == GDI_ERROR) {
- GlobalUnlock(hBits);
- GlobalFree(hBits);
- glEndList( );
- err = GetLastError();
- success = FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- glBitmap(gm.gmBlackBoxX,gm.gmBlackBoxY,
- (GLfloat)-gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x,
- (GLfloat)gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y,
- (GLfloat)gm.gmCellIncX,
- (GLfloat)gm.gmCellIncY,
- (const GLubyte * )lpBits);
- GlobalUnlock(hBits);
- GlobalFree(hBits);
- glEndList( );
- }
- return success;
- HGLRC hglrc2)
- WMesaShareLists((WMesaContext)hglrc1, (WMesaContext)hglrc2);
- return(TRUE);
- HGLRC hglrcDst,
- UINT mask)
- (void) hglrcSrc; (void) hglrcDst; (void) mask;
- return(FALSE);
- int iLayerPlane)
- SetLastError(0);
- if (iLayerPlane == 0)
- return wglCreateContext( hdc );
- return(NULL);
- DWORD first,
- DWORD count,
- DWORD listBase)
- (void) hdc; (void) first; (void) count; (void) listBase;
- return FALSE;
- DWORD first,
- DWORD count,
- DWORD listBase,
- FLOAT deviation,
- FLOAT extrusion,
- int format,
- (void) hdc; (void) first; (void) count;
- (void) listBase; (void) deviation; (void) extrusion; (void) format;
- (void) lpgmf;
- SetLastError(0);
- return(FALSE);
- DWORD first,
- DWORD count,
- DWORD listBase,
- FLOAT deviation,
- FLOAT extrusion,
- int format,
- (void) hdc; (void) first; (void) count;
- (void) listBase; (void) deviation; (void) extrusion; (void) format;
- (void) lpgmf;
- SetLastError(0);
- return(FALSE);
- int iPixelFormat,
- int iLayerPlane,
- UINT nBytes,
- (void) hdc; (void) iPixelFormat; (void) iLayerPlane;
- (void) nBytes; (void) plpd;
- SetLastError(0);
- return(FALSE);
-WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglSetLayerPaletteEntries(HDC hdc,
- int iLayerPlane,
- int iStart,
- int cEntries,
- (void) hdc; (void) iLayerPlane; (void) iStart;
- (void) cEntries; (void) pcr;
- SetLastError(0);
- return(0);
-WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglGetLayerPaletteEntries(HDC hdc,
- int iLayerPlane,
- int iStart,
- int cEntries,
- COLORREF *pcr)
- (void) hdc; (void) iLayerPlane; (void) iStart; (void) cEntries; (void) pcr;
- SetLastError(0);
- return(0);
-WINGDIAPI BOOL GLAPIENTRY wglRealizeLayerPalette(HDC hdc,
- int iLayerPlane,
- BOOL bRealize)
- (void) hdc; (void) iLayerPlane; (void) bRealize;
- SetLastError(0);
- return(FALSE);
- UINT fuPlanes)
- (void) hdc; (void) fuPlanes;
- SetLastError(0);
- return(FALSE);
-WINGDIAPI const char * GLAPIENTRY wglGetExtensionsStringARB(HDC hdc)
- return "WGL_ARB_extensions_string";
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ */
+ * File name : wgl.c
+ * WGL stuff. Added by Oleg Letsinsky, ajl@ultersys.ru
+ * Some things originated from the 3Dfx WGL functions
+ */
+ * This file contains the implementation of the wgl* functions for
+ * Mesa on Windows. Since these functions are provided by Windows in
+ * GDI/OpenGL, we must supply our versions that work with Mesa here.
+ */
+/* We're essentially building part of GDI here, so define this so that
+ * we get the right export linkage. */
+#ifdef __MINGW32__
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <windef.h>
+#include <wincon.h>
+#include <winbase.h>
+# if defined(BUILD_GL32)
+# define WINGDIAPI __declspec(dllexport)
+# else
+# define __W32API_USE_DLLIMPORT__
+# endif
+#include <wingdi.h>
+#include "GL/mesa_wgl.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define _GDI32_
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "main/config.h"
+#include "glapi/glapi.h"
+#include "GL/wmesa.h" /* protos for wmesa* functions */
+ * Pixel Format Descriptors
+ */
+/* Extend the PFD to include DB flag */
+struct __pixelformat__
+ GLboolean doubleBuffered;
+/* These are the PFD's supported by this driver. */
+struct __pixelformat__ pfd[] =
+#if 0
+ /* Double Buffer, alpha */
+ {
+ {
+ 24,
+ 8, 0,
+ 8, 8,
+ 8, 16,
+ 8, 24,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0
+ },
+ },
+ /* Single Buffer, alpha */
+ {
+ {
+ 24,
+ 8, 0,
+ 8, 8,
+ 8, 16,
+ 8, 24,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0
+ },
+ },
+ /* Double Buffer, no alpha */
+ {
+ {
+ 24,
+ 8, 0,
+ 8, 8,
+ 8, 16,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0
+ },
+ },
+ /* Single Buffer, no alpha */
+ {
+ {
+ 24,
+ 8, 0,
+ 8, 8,
+ 8, 16,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0
+ },
+ },
+int npfd = sizeof(pfd) / sizeof(pfd[0]);
+ * Contexts
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ WMesaContext ctx;
+} MesaWglCtx;
+static MesaWglCtx wgl_ctx[MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT];
+static unsigned ctx_count = 0;
+static int ctx_current = -1;
+static unsigned curPFD = 0;
+static HDC CurrentHDC = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (!ctx_count) {
+ for(i=0;i<MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT;i++) {
+ wgl_ctx[i].ctx = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) {
+ if ( wgl_ctx[i].ctx == NULL ) {
+ wgl_ctx[i].ctx =
+ WMesaCreateContext(hdc, NULL, (GLboolean)GL_TRUE,
+ (GLboolean) (pfd[curPFD-1].doubleBuffered ?
+ (GLboolean)(pfd[curPFD-1].pfd.cAlphaBits ?
+ if (wgl_ctx[i].ctx == NULL)
+ break;
+ ctx_count++;
+ return ((HGLRC)wgl_ctx[i].ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(NULL);
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) {
+ if ( wgl_ctx[i].ctx == (WMesaContext) hglrc ){
+ WMesaMakeCurrent((WMesaContext) hglrc, NULL);
+ WMesaDestroyContext(wgl_ctx[i].ctx);
+ wgl_ctx[i].ctx = NULL;
+ ctx_count--;
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(FALSE);
+ if (ctx_current < 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return (HGLRC) wgl_ctx[ctx_current].ctx;
+ return CurrentHDC;
+ int i;
+ CurrentHDC = hdc;
+ if (!hdc || !hglrc) {
+ WMesaMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
+ ctx_current = -1;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < MESAWGL_CTX_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) {
+ if ( wgl_ctx[i].ctx == (WMesaContext) hglrc ) {
+ WMesaMakeCurrent( (WMesaContext) hglrc, hdc );
+ ctx_current = i;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglChoosePixelFormat(HDC hdc,
+ int i,best = -1,bestdelta = 0x7FFFFFFF,delta;
+ (void) hdc;
+ if(ppfd->nSize != sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) || ppfd->nVersion != 1)
+ {
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < npfd;i++)
+ {
+ delta = 0;
+ if(
+ (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW) &&
+ !(pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW))
+ continue;
+ if(
+ (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP) &&
+ !(pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP))
+ continue;
+ if(
+ (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_GDI) &&
+ !(pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_GDI))
+ continue;
+ if(
+ (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL) &&
+ !(pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL))
+ continue;
+ if(
+ !(ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER_DONTCARE) &&
+ ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER) !=
+ (pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER)))
+ continue;
+ if(
+ !(ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_STEREO_DONTCARE) &&
+ ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_STEREO) !=
+ (pfd[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_STEREO)))
+ continue;
+ if(ppfd->iPixelType != pfd[i].pfd.iPixelType)
+ delta++;
+ if(ppfd->cAlphaBits != pfd[i].pfd.cAlphaBits)
+ delta++;
+ if(delta < bestdelta)
+ {
+ best = i + 1;
+ bestdelta = delta;
+ if(bestdelta == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(best == -1)
+ {
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ return(best);
+WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglDescribePixelFormat(HDC hdc,
+ int iPixelFormat,
+ UINT nBytes,
+ (void) hdc;
+ if(ppfd == NULL)
+ return(npfd);
+ if(iPixelFormat < 1 || iPixelFormat > npfd ||
+ {
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ *ppfd = pfd[iPixelFormat - 1].pfd;
+ return(npfd);
+ PROC p = (PROC) _glapi_get_proc_address((const char *) lpszProc);
+ if (p)
+ return p;
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(NULL);
+WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglGetPixelFormat(HDC hdc)
+ (void) hdc;
+ if(curPFD == 0) {
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ return(curPFD);
+WINGDIAPI BOOL GLAPIENTRY wglSetPixelFormat(HDC hdc,int iPixelFormat,
+ (void) hdc;
+ if(iPixelFormat < 1 || iPixelFormat > npfd ||
+ ppfd->nSize != sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR)) {
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ curPFD = iPixelFormat;
+ return(TRUE);
+ WMesaSwapBuffers(hdc);
+ return TRUE;
+static FIXED FixedFromDouble(double d)
+ long l = (long) (d * 65536L);
+ return *(FIXED *) (void *) &l;
+** This is cribbed from FX/fxwgl.c, and seems to implement support
+** for bitmap fonts where the wglUseFontBitmapsA() code implements
+** support for outline fonts. In combination they hopefully give
+** fairly generic support for fonts.
+static BOOL wglUseFontBitmaps_FX(HDC fontDevice, DWORD firstChar,
+ DWORD numChars, DWORD listBase)
+#define VERIFY(a) a
+ TEXTMETRIC metric;
+ BITMAPINFO *dibInfo;
+ HDC bitDevice;
+ COLORREF tempColor;
+ int i;
+ VERIFY(GetTextMetrics(fontDevice, &metric));
+ dibInfo = (BITMAPINFO *) calloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + sizeof(RGBQUAD), 1);
+ dibInfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ dibInfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ dibInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 1;
+ dibInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ bitDevice = CreateCompatibleDC(fontDevice);
+ /* Swap fore and back colors so the bitmap has the right polarity */
+ tempColor = GetBkColor(bitDevice);
+ SetBkColor(bitDevice, GetTextColor(bitDevice));
+ SetTextColor(bitDevice, tempColor);
+ /* Place chars based on base line */
+ VERIFY(SetTextAlign(bitDevice, TA_BASELINE) != GDI_ERROR ? 1 : 0);
+ for(i = 0; i < (int)numChars; i++) {
+ SIZE size;
+ char curChar;
+ int charWidth,charHeight,bmapWidth,bmapHeight,numBytes,res;
+ HBITMAP bitObject;
+ HGDIOBJ origBmap;
+ unsigned char *bmap;
+ curChar = (char)(i + firstChar);
+ /* Find how high/wide this character is */
+ VERIFY(GetTextExtentPoint32(bitDevice, &curChar, 1, &size));
+ /* Create the output bitmap */
+ charWidth = size.cx;
+ charHeight = size.cy;
+ /* Round up to the next multiple of 32 bits */
+ bmapWidth = ((charWidth + 31) / 32) * 32;
+ bmapHeight = charHeight;
+ bitObject = CreateCompatibleBitmap(bitDevice,
+ bmapWidth,
+ bmapHeight);
+ /* VERIFY(bitObject); */
+ /* Assign the output bitmap to the device */
+ origBmap = SelectObject(bitDevice, bitObject);
+ (void) VERIFY(origBmap);
+ VERIFY( PatBlt( bitDevice, 0, 0, bmapWidth, bmapHeight,BLACKNESS ) );
+ /* Use our source font on the device */
+ VERIFY(SelectObject(bitDevice, GetCurrentObject(fontDevice,OBJ_FONT)));
+ /* Draw the character */
+ VERIFY(TextOut(bitDevice, 0, metric.tmAscent, &curChar, 1));
+ /* Unselect our bmap object */
+ VERIFY(SelectObject(bitDevice, origBmap));
+ /* Convert the display dependant representation to a 1 bit deep DIB */
+ numBytes = (bmapWidth * bmapHeight) / 8;
+ bmap = malloc(numBytes);
+ dibInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = bmapWidth;
+ dibInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = bmapHeight;
+ res = GetDIBits(bitDevice, bitObject, 0, bmapHeight, bmap,
+ dibInfo,
+ /* VERIFY(res); */
+ /* Create the GL object */
+ glNewList(i + listBase, GL_COMPILE);
+ glBitmap(bmapWidth, bmapHeight, 0.0, (GLfloat)metric.tmDescent,
+ (GLfloat)charWidth, 0.0,
+ bmap);
+ glEndList();
+ /* CheckGL(); */
+ /* Destroy the bmap object */
+ DeleteObject(bitObject);
+ /* Deallocate the bitmap data */
+ free(bmap);
+ }
+ /* Destroy the DC */
+ VERIFY(DeleteDC(bitDevice));
+ free(dibInfo);
+ return TRUE;
+#undef VERIFY
+ DWORD count, DWORD listBase)
+ int i;
+ GLuint font_list;
+ DWORD size;
+ HANDLE hBits;
+ LPSTR lpBits;
+ MAT2 mat;
+ int success = TRUE;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ font_list = listBase;
+ mat.eM11 = FixedFromDouble(1);
+ mat.eM12 = FixedFromDouble(0);
+ mat.eM21 = FixedFromDouble(0);
+ mat.eM22 = FixedFromDouble(-1);
+ memset(&gm,0,sizeof(gm));
+ /*
+ ** If we can't get the glyph outline, it may be because this is a fixed
+ ** font. Try processing it that way.
+ */
+ if( GetGlyphOutline(hdc, first, GGO_BITMAP, &gm, 0, NULL, &mat)
+ == GDI_ERROR ) {
+ return wglUseFontBitmaps_FX( hdc, first, count, listBase );
+ }
+ /*
+ ** Otherwise process all desired characters.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)count; i++) {
+ DWORD err;
+ glNewList( font_list+i, GL_COMPILE );
+ /* allocate space for the bitmap/outline */
+ size = GetGlyphOutline(hdc, first + i, GGO_BITMAP,
+ &gm, 0, NULL, &mat);
+ if (size == GDI_ERROR) {
+ glEndList( );
+ err = GetLastError();
+ success = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ hBits = GlobalAlloc(GHND, size+1);
+ lpBits = GlobalLock(hBits);
+ err =
+ GetGlyphOutline(hdc, /* handle to device context */
+ first + i, /* character to query */
+ GGO_BITMAP, /* format of data to return */
+ &gm, /* ptr to structure for metrics*/
+ size, /* size of buffer for data */
+ lpBits, /* pointer to buffer for data */
+ &mat /* pointer to transformation */
+ /* matrix structure */
+ );
+ if (err == GDI_ERROR) {
+ GlobalUnlock(hBits);
+ GlobalFree(hBits);
+ glEndList( );
+ err = GetLastError();
+ success = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ glBitmap(gm.gmBlackBoxX,gm.gmBlackBoxY,
+ (GLfloat)-gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x,
+ (GLfloat)gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y,
+ (GLfloat)gm.gmCellIncX,
+ (GLfloat)gm.gmCellIncY,
+ (const GLubyte * )lpBits);
+ GlobalUnlock(hBits);
+ GlobalFree(hBits);
+ glEndList( );
+ }
+ return success;
+ HGLRC hglrc2)
+ WMesaShareLists((WMesaContext)hglrc1, (WMesaContext)hglrc2);
+ return(TRUE);
+ HGLRC hglrcDst,
+ UINT mask)
+ (void) hglrcSrc; (void) hglrcDst; (void) mask;
+ return(FALSE);
+ int iLayerPlane)
+ SetLastError(0);
+ if (iLayerPlane == 0)
+ return wglCreateContext( hdc );
+ return(NULL);
+ DWORD first,
+ DWORD count,
+ DWORD listBase)
+ (void) hdc; (void) first; (void) count; (void) listBase;
+ return FALSE;
+ DWORD first,
+ DWORD count,
+ DWORD listBase,
+ FLOAT deviation,
+ FLOAT extrusion,
+ int format,
+ (void) hdc; (void) first; (void) count;
+ (void) listBase; (void) deviation; (void) extrusion; (void) format;
+ (void) lpgmf;
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(FALSE);
+ DWORD first,
+ DWORD count,
+ DWORD listBase,
+ FLOAT deviation,
+ FLOAT extrusion,
+ int format,
+ (void) hdc; (void) first; (void) count;
+ (void) listBase; (void) deviation; (void) extrusion; (void) format;
+ (void) lpgmf;
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(FALSE);
+ int iPixelFormat,
+ int iLayerPlane,
+ UINT nBytes,
+ (void) hdc; (void) iPixelFormat; (void) iLayerPlane;
+ (void) nBytes; (void) plpd;
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(FALSE);
+WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglSetLayerPaletteEntries(HDC hdc,
+ int iLayerPlane,
+ int iStart,
+ int cEntries,
+ (void) hdc; (void) iLayerPlane; (void) iStart;
+ (void) cEntries; (void) pcr;
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(0);
+WINGDIAPI int GLAPIENTRY wglGetLayerPaletteEntries(HDC hdc,
+ int iLayerPlane,
+ int iStart,
+ int cEntries,
+ COLORREF *pcr)
+ (void) hdc; (void) iLayerPlane; (void) iStart; (void) cEntries; (void) pcr;
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(0);
+WINGDIAPI BOOL GLAPIENTRY wglRealizeLayerPalette(HDC hdc,
+ int iLayerPlane,
+ BOOL bRealize)
+ (void) hdc; (void) iLayerPlane; (void) bRealize;
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(FALSE);
+ UINT fuPlanes)
+ (void) hdc; (void) fuPlanes;
+ SetLastError(0);
+ return(FALSE);
+WINGDIAPI const char * GLAPIENTRY wglGetExtensionsStringARB(HDC hdc)
+ return "WGL_ARB_extensions_string";
diff --git a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wmesa.c b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wmesa.c
index 35a150d06..47580c4e9 100644
--- a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wmesa.c
+++ b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wmesa.c
@@ -1,1658 +1,1658 @@
- * Windows (Win32/Win64) device driver for Mesa
- *
- */
-#include "wmesadef.h"
-#include "colors.h"
-#include "GL/wmesa.h"
-#include <winuser.h>
-#include "main/context.h"
-#include "main/extensions.h"
-#include "main/framebuffer.h"
-#include "main/renderbuffer.h"
-#include "main/macros.h"
-#include "drivers/common/driverfuncs.h"
-#include "drivers/common/meta.h"
-#include "vbo/vbo.h"
-#include "swrast/swrast.h"
-#include "swrast_setup/swrast_setup.h"
-#include "tnl/tnl.h"
-#include "tnl/t_context.h"
-#include "tnl/t_pipeline.h"
-/* linked list of our Framebuffers (windows) */
-static WMesaFramebuffer FirstFramebuffer = NULL;
- * Create a new WMesaFramebuffer object which will correspond to the
- * given HDC (Window handle).
- */
-static WMesaFramebuffer
-wmesa_new_framebuffer(HDC hdc, struct gl_config *visual)
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb
- = (WMesaFramebuffer) malloc(sizeof(struct wmesa_framebuffer));
- if (pwfb) {
- _mesa_initialize_window_framebuffer(&pwfb->Base, visual);
- pwfb->hDC = hdc;
- /* insert at head of list */
- pwfb->next = FirstFramebuffer;
- FirstFramebuffer = pwfb;
- }
- return pwfb;
- * Given an hdc, free the corresponding WMesaFramebuffer
- */
-static void
-wmesa_free_framebuffer(HDC hdc)
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb, prev;
- for (pwfb = FirstFramebuffer; pwfb; pwfb = pwfb->next) {
- if (pwfb->hDC == hdc)
- break;
- prev = pwfb;
- }
- if (pwfb) {
- struct gl_framebuffer *fb;
- if (pwfb == FirstFramebuffer)
- FirstFramebuffer = pwfb->next;
- else
- prev->next = pwfb->next;
- fb = &pwfb->Base;
- _mesa_reference_framebuffer(&fb, NULL);
- }
- * Given an hdc, return the corresponding WMesaFramebuffer
- */
-static WMesaFramebuffer
-wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(HDC hdc)
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb;
- for (pwfb = FirstFramebuffer; pwfb; pwfb = pwfb->next) {
- if (pwfb->hDC == hdc)
- return pwfb;
- }
- return NULL;
- * Given a struct gl_framebuffer, return the corresponding WMesaFramebuffer.
- */
-static WMesaFramebuffer wmesa_framebuffer(struct gl_framebuffer *fb)
- return (WMesaFramebuffer) fb;
- * Given a struct gl_context, return the corresponding WMesaContext.
- */
-static WMesaContext wmesa_context(const struct gl_context *ctx)
- return (WMesaContext) ctx;
- * Every driver should implement a GetString function in order to
- * return a meaningful GL_RENDERER string.
- */
-static const GLubyte *wmesa_get_string(struct gl_context *ctx, GLenum name)
- return (name == GL_RENDERER) ?
- (GLubyte *) "Mesa Windows GDI Driver" : NULL;
- * Determine the pixel format based on the pixel size.
- */
-static void wmSetPixelFormat(WMesaFramebuffer pwfb, HDC hDC)
- pwfb->cColorBits = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL);
- /* Only 16 and 32 bit targets are supported now */
- assert(pwfb->cColorBits == 0 ||
- pwfb->cColorBits == 16 ||
- pwfb->cColorBits == 24 ||
- pwfb->cColorBits == 32);
- switch(pwfb->cColorBits){
- case 8:
- pwfb->pixelformat = PF_INDEX8;
- break;
- case 16:
- pwfb->pixelformat = PF_5R6G5B;
- break;
- case 24:
- case 32:
- pwfb->pixelformat = PF_8R8G8B;
- break;
- default:
- pwfb->pixelformat = PF_BADFORMAT;
- }
- * Create DIB for back buffer.
- * We write into this memory with the span routines and then blit it
- * to the window on a buffer swap.
- */
-static BOOL wmCreateBackingStore(WMesaFramebuffer pwfb, long lxSize, long lySize)
- LPBITMAPINFO pbmi = &(pwfb->bmi);
- HDC hic;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biWidth = lxSize;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight= -lySize;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = GetDeviceCaps(pwfb->hDC, BITSPIXEL);
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- pwfb->cColorBits = pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount;
- pwfb->ScanWidth = (lxSize * (pwfb->cColorBits / 8) + 3) & ~3;
- hic = CreateIC("display", NULL, NULL, NULL);
- pwfb->dib_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hic);
- pwfb->hbmDIB = CreateDIBSection(hic,
- &pwfb->bmi,
- (void **)&(pwfb->pbPixels),
- 0,
- 0);
- pwfb->hOldBitmap = SelectObject(pwfb->dib_hDC, pwfb->hbmDIB);
- DeleteDC(hic);
- wmSetPixelFormat(pwfb, pwfb->hDC);
- return TRUE;
-static void wmDeleteBackingStore(WMesaFramebuffer pwfb)
- if (pwfb->hbmDIB) {
- SelectObject(pwfb->dib_hDC, pwfb->hOldBitmap);
- DeleteDC(pwfb->dib_hDC);
- DeleteObject(pwfb->hbmDIB);
- }
- * Find the width and height of the window named by hdc.
- */
-static void
-get_window_size(HDC hdc, GLuint *width, GLuint *height)
- if (WindowFromDC(hdc)) {
- RECT rect;
- GetClientRect(WindowFromDC(hdc), &rect);
- *width = rect.right - rect.left;
- *height = rect.bottom - rect.top;
- }
- else { /* Memory context */
- /* From contributed code - use the size of the desktop
- * for the size of a memory context (?) */
- *width = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES);
- *height = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES);
- }
-static void
-wmesa_get_buffer_size(struct gl_framebuffer *buffer, GLuint *width, GLuint *height)
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(buffer);
- get_window_size(pwfb->hDC, width, height);
-static void wmesa_flush(struct gl_context *ctx)
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->WinSysDrawBuffer);
- if (ctx->Visual.doubleBufferMode == 1) {
- BitBlt(pwfb->hDC, 0, 0, pwfb->Base.Width, pwfb->Base.Height,
- pwfb->dib_hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- }
- else {
- /* Do nothing for single buffer */
- }
-/***** CLEAR Functions *****/
-/* If we do not implement these, Mesa clears the buffers via the pixel
- * span writing interface, which is very slow for a clear operation.
- */
- * Set the color used to clear the color buffer.
- */
-static void clear_color(struct gl_context *ctx, const GLfloat color[4])
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- GLubyte col[3];
- CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(col[0], color[0]);
- CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(col[1], color[1]);
- CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(col[2], color[2]);
- pwc->clearColorRef = RGB(col[0], col[1], col[2]);
- DeleteObject(pwc->clearPen);
- DeleteObject(pwc->clearBrush);
- pwc->clearPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, pwc->clearColorRef);
- pwc->clearBrush = CreateSolidBrush(pwc->clearColorRef);
- * Clear the specified region of the color buffer using the clear color
- * or index as specified by one of the two functions above.
- *
- * This procedure clears either the front and/or the back COLOR buffers.
- * Only the "left" buffer is cleared since we are not stereo.
- * Clearing of the other non-color buffers is left to the swrast.
- */
-static void clear(struct gl_context *ctx, GLbitfield mask)
-#define FLIP(Y) (ctx->DrawBuffer->Height - (Y) - 1)
- const GLint x = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin;
- const GLint y = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin;
- const GLint height = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin;
- const GLint width = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin;
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- int done = 0;
- /* Let swrast do all the work if the masks are not set to
- * clear all channels. */
- if (!ctx->Color.ColorMask[0][0] ||
- !ctx->Color.ColorMask[0][1] ||
- !ctx->Color.ColorMask[0][2] ||
- !ctx->Color.ColorMask[0][3]) {
- _swrast_Clear(ctx, mask);
- return;
- }
- /* Back buffer */
- if (mask & BUFFER_BIT_BACK_LEFT) {
- int i, rowSize;
- UINT bytesPerPixel = pwfb->cColorBits / 8;
- LPBYTE lpb, clearRow;
- LPWORD lpw;
- BYTE bColor;
- WORD wColor;
- BYTE r, g, b;
- DWORD dwColor;
- LPDWORD lpdw;
- /* Try for a fast clear - clearing entire buffer with a single
- * byte value. */
- if (width == ctx->DrawBuffer->Width &&
- height == ctx->DrawBuffer->Height) { /* entire buffer */
- /* Now check for an easy clear value */
- switch (bytesPerPixel) {
- case 1:
- bColor = BGR8(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
- memset(pwfb->pbPixels, bColor,
- pwfb->ScanWidth * height);
- done = 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- wColor = BGR16(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
- if (((wColor >> 8) & 0xff) == (wColor & 0xff)) {
- memset(pwfb->pbPixels, wColor & 0xff,
- pwfb->ScanWidth * height);
- done = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- /* fall through */
- case 4:
- if (GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef) ==
- GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef) &&
- GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef) ==
- GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef)) {
- memset(pwfb->pbPixels,
- GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- pwfb->ScanWidth * height);
- done = 1;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- } /* all */
- if (!done) {
- /* Need to clear a row at a time. Begin by setting the first
- * row in the area to be cleared to the clear color. */
- clearRow = pwfb->pbPixels +
- pwfb->ScanWidth * FLIP(y) +
- bytesPerPixel * x;
- switch (bytesPerPixel) {
- case 1:
- lpb = clearRow;
- bColor = BGR8(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
- memset(lpb, bColor, width);
- break;
- case 2:
- lpw = (LPWORD)clearRow;
- wColor = BGR16(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
- for (i=0; i<width; i++)
- *lpw++ = wColor;
- break;
- case 3:
- lpb = clearRow;
- r = GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef);
- g = GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef);
- b = GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef);
- for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
- *lpb++ = b;
- *lpb++ = g;
- *lpb++ = r;
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- lpdw = (LPDWORD)clearRow;
- dwColor = BGR32(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
- GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
- for (i=0; i<width; i++)
- *lpdw++ = dwColor;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } /* switch */
- /* copy cleared row to other rows in buffer */
- lpb = clearRow - pwfb->ScanWidth;
- rowSize = width * bytesPerPixel;
- for (i=1; i<height; i++) {
- memcpy(lpb, clearRow, rowSize);
- lpb -= pwfb->ScanWidth;
- }
- } /* not done */
- } /* back buffer */
- /* front buffer */
- if (mask & BUFFER_BIT_FRONT_LEFT) {
- HDC DC = pwc->hDC;
- HPEN Old_Pen = SelectObject(DC, pwc->clearPen);
- HBRUSH Old_Brush = SelectObject(DC, pwc->clearBrush);
- Rectangle(DC,
- x,
- FLIP(y) + 1,
- x + width + 1,
- FLIP(y) - height + 1);
- SelectObject(DC, Old_Pen);
- SelectObject(DC, Old_Brush);
- } /* front buffer */
- /* Call swrast if there is anything left to clear (like DEPTH) */
- if (mask)
- _swrast_Clear(ctx, mask);
-#undef FLIP
-/***** PIXEL Functions *****/
-#define FLIP(Y) (rb->Height - (Y) - 1)
- ** Front Buffer reading/writing
- ** These are slow, but work with all non-indexed visual types.
- **/
-/* Write a horizontal span of RGBA color pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgba_span_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(pwc->hDC);
- HBITMAP bmp=0;
- HDC mdc=0;
- typedef union
- {
- unsigned i;
- struct {
- unsigned b:8, g:8, r:8, a:8;
- };
- } BGRA;
- BGRA *bgra, c;
- GLuint i;
- if (n < 16) { // the value 16 is just guessed
- y=FLIP(y);
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y,
- RGB(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]));
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y,
- RGB(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]));
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!pwfb) {
- _mesa_problem(NULL, "wmesa: write_rgba_span_front on unknown hdc");
- return;
- }
- bgra=malloc(n*sizeof(BGRA));
- if (!bgra) {
- _mesa_problem(NULL, "wmesa: write_rgba_span_front: out of memory");
- return;
- }
- c.a=0;
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- c.r=rgba[i][RCOMP];
- c.g=rgba[i][GCOMP];
- c.b=rgba[i][BCOMP];
- c.a=rgba[i][ACOMP];
- bgra[i]=c;
- }
- else
- bgra[i].i=0;
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- c.r=rgba[i][RCOMP];
- c.g=rgba[i][GCOMP];
- c.b=rgba[i][BCOMP];
- c.a=rgba[i][ACOMP];
- bgra[i]=c;
- }
- }
- bmp=CreateBitmap(n, 1, 1, 32, bgra);
- mdc=CreateCompatibleDC(pwfb->hDC);
- SelectObject(mdc, bmp);
- y=FLIP(y);
- BitBlt(pwfb->hDC, x, y, n, 1, mdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- SelectObject(mdc, 0);
- DeleteObject(bmp);
- DeleteDC(mdc);
- free(bgra);
- }
-/* Write a horizontal span of RGB color pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgb_span_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgb)[3] = (const GLubyte (*)[3])values;
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- GLuint i;
- (void) ctx;
- y=FLIP(y);
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y, RGB(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
- rgb[i][BCOMP]));
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y, RGB(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
- rgb[i][BCOMP]));
- }
- * Write a horizontal span of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
- * is used for all pixels.
- */
-static void write_mono_rgba_span_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *value,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- COLORREF colorref;
- (void) ctx;
- colorref = RGB(color[RCOMP], color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
- y=FLIP(y);
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y, colorref);
- }
- else
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y, colorref);
-/* Write an array of RGBA pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgba_pixels_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n,
- const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- (void) ctx;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x[i], FLIP(y[i]),
- RGB(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
- rgba[i][BCOMP]));
- * Write an array of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
- * is used for all pixels.
- */
-static void write_mono_rgba_pixels_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n,
- const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const void *value,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- COLORREF colorref;
- (void) ctx;
- colorref = RGB(color[RCOMP], color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x[i], FLIP(y[i]), colorref);
-/* Read a horizontal span of color pixels. */
-static void read_rgba_span_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- void *values)
- GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- GLuint i;
- y = FLIP(y);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- Color = GetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y);
- rgba[i][RCOMP] = GetRValue(Color);
- rgba[i][GCOMP] = GetGValue(Color);
- rgba[i][BCOMP] = GetBValue(Color);
- rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
- }
-/* Read an array of color pixels. */
-static void read_rgba_pixels_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- void *values)
- GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- GLuint i;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- GLint y2 = FLIP(y[i]);
- Color = GetPixel(pwc->hDC, x[i], y2);
- rgba[i][RCOMP] = GetRValue(Color);
- rgba[i][GCOMP] = GetGValue(Color);
- rgba[i][BCOMP] = GetBValue(Color);
- rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
- }
-/* DOUBLE BUFFER 32-bit */
-#define WMSETPIXEL32(pwc, y, x, r, g, b) { \
-LPDWORD lpdw = ((LPDWORD)((pwc)->pbPixels + (pwc)->ScanWidth * (y)) + (x)); \
-*lpdw = BGR32((r),(g),(b)); }
-/* Write a horizontal span of RGBA color pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgba_span_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- GLuint i;
- LPDWORD lpdw;
- (void) ctx;
- y=FLIP(y);
- lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- lpdw[i] = BGR32(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
- rgba[i][BCOMP]);
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- *lpdw++ = BGR32(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
- rgba[i][BCOMP]);
- }
-/* Write a horizontal span of RGB color pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgb_span_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgb)[3] = (const GLubyte (*)[3])values;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- GLuint i;
- LPDWORD lpdw;
- (void) ctx;
- y=FLIP(y);
- lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- lpdw[i] = BGR32(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
- rgb[i][BCOMP]);
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- *lpdw++ = BGR32(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
- rgb[i][BCOMP]);
- }
- * Write a horizontal span of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
- * is used for all pixels.
- */
-static void write_mono_rgba_span_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *value,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
- LPDWORD lpdw;
- DWORD pixel;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
- y=FLIP(y);
- pixel = BGR32(color[RCOMP], color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- lpdw[i] = pixel;
- }
- else
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- *lpdw++ = pixel;
-/* Write an array of RGBA pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgba_pixels_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- WMSETPIXEL32(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]), x[i],
- rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]);
- * Write an array of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
- * is used for all pixels.
- */
-static void write_mono_rgba_pixels_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n,
- const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const void *value,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- WMSETPIXEL32(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]),x[i],color[RCOMP],
- color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
-/* Read a horizontal span of color pixels. */
-static void read_rgba_span_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- void *values)
- GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i;
- DWORD pixel;
- LPDWORD lpdw;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- y = FLIP(y);
- lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- pixel = lpdw[i];
- rgba[i][RCOMP] = (GLubyte)((pixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
- rgba[i][GCOMP] = (GLubyte)((pixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
- rgba[i][BCOMP] = (GLubyte)(pixel & 0x000000ff);
- rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
- }
-/* Read an array of color pixels. */
-static void read_rgba_pixels_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- void *values)
- GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i;
- DWORD pixel;
- LPDWORD lpdw;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- GLint y2 = FLIP(y[i]);
- lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y2)) + x[i];
- pixel = *lpdw;
- rgba[i][RCOMP] = (GLubyte)((pixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
- rgba[i][GCOMP] = (GLubyte)((pixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
- rgba[i][BCOMP] = (GLubyte)(pixel & 0x000000ff);
- rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
- }
-/* DOUBLE BUFFER 24-bit */
-#define WMSETPIXEL24(pwc, y, x, r, g, b) { \
-LPBYTE lpb = ((LPBYTE)((pwc)->pbPixels + (pwc)->ScanWidth * (y)) + (3 * x)); \
-lpb[0] = (b); \
-lpb[1] = (g); \
-lpb[2] = (r); }
-/* Write a horizontal span of RGBA color pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgba_span_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- GLuint i;
- LPBYTE lpb;
- (void) ctx;
- y=FLIP(y);
- lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + (3 * x);
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i]) {
- lpb[3*i] = rgba[i][BCOMP];
- lpb[3*i+1] = rgba[i][GCOMP];
- lpb[3*i+2] = rgba[i][RCOMP];
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- *lpb++ = rgba[i][BCOMP];
- *lpb++ = rgba[i][GCOMP];
- *lpb++ = rgba[i][RCOMP];
- }
- }
-/* Write a horizontal span of RGB color pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgb_span_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgb)[3] = (const GLubyte (*)[3])values;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- GLuint i;
- LPBYTE lpb;
- (void) ctx;
- y=FLIP(y);
- lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + (3 * x);
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i]) {
- lpb[3*i] = rgb[i][BCOMP];
- lpb[3*i+1] = rgb[i][GCOMP];
- lpb[3*i+2] = rgb[i][RCOMP];
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- *lpb++ = rgb[i][BCOMP];
- *lpb++ = rgb[i][GCOMP];
- *lpb++ = rgb[i][RCOMP];
- }
- }
- * Write a horizontal span of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
- * is used for all pixels.
- */
-static void write_mono_rgba_span_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *value,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
- LPBYTE lpb;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + (3 * x);
- y=FLIP(y);
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i]) {
- lpb[3*i] = color[BCOMP];
- lpb[3*i+1] = color[GCOMP];
- lpb[3*i+2] = color[RCOMP];
- }
- }
- else
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- *lpb++ = color[BCOMP];
- *lpb++ = color[GCOMP];
- *lpb++ = color[RCOMP];
- }
-/* Write an array of RGBA pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgba_pixels_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- WMSETPIXEL24(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]), x[i],
- rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]);
- * Write an array of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
- * is used for all pixels.
- */
-static void write_mono_rgba_pixels_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n,
- const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const void *value,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- WMSETPIXEL24(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]),x[i],color[RCOMP],
- color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
-/* Read a horizontal span of color pixels. */
-static void read_rgba_span_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- void *values)
- GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i;
- LPBYTE lpb;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- y = FLIP(y);
- lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + (3 * x);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- rgba[i][RCOMP] = lpb[3*i+2];
- rgba[i][GCOMP] = lpb[3*i+1];
- rgba[i][BCOMP] = lpb[3*i];
- rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
- }
-/* Read an array of color pixels. */
-static void read_rgba_pixels_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- void *values)
- GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i;
- LPBYTE lpb;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- GLint y2 = FLIP(y[i]);
- lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y2)) + (3 * x[i]);
- rgba[i][RCOMP] = lpb[3*i+2];
- rgba[i][GCOMP] = lpb[3*i+1];
- rgba[i][BCOMP] = lpb[3*i];
- rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
- }
-/* DOUBLE BUFFER 16-bit */
-#define WMSETPIXEL16(pwc, y, x, r, g, b) { \
-LPWORD lpw = ((LPWORD)((pwc)->pbPixels + (pwc)->ScanWidth * (y)) + (x)); \
-*lpw = BGR16((r),(g),(b)); }
-/* Write a horizontal span of RGBA color pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgba_span_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- GLuint i;
- LPWORD lpw;
- (void) ctx;
- y=FLIP(y);
- lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- lpw[i] = BGR16(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
- rgba[i][BCOMP]);
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- *lpw++ = BGR16(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
- rgba[i][BCOMP]);
- }
-/* Write a horizontal span of RGB color pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgb_span_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgb)[3] = (const GLubyte (*)[3])values;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- GLuint i;
- LPWORD lpw;
- (void) ctx;
- y=FLIP(y);
- lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- lpw[i] = BGR16(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
- rgb[i][BCOMP]);
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- *lpw++ = BGR16(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
- rgb[i][BCOMP]);
- }
- * Write a horizontal span of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
- * is used for all pixels.
- */
-static void write_mono_rgba_span_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const void *value,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
- LPWORD lpw;
- WORD pixel;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- (void) ctx;
- lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
- y=FLIP(y);
- pixel = BGR16(color[RCOMP], color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
- if (mask) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- lpw[i] = pixel;
- }
- else
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- *lpw++ = pixel;
-/* Write an array of RGBA pixels with a boolean mask. */
-static void write_rgba_pixels_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const void *values,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- (void) ctx;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- WMSETPIXEL16(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]), x[i],
- rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]);
- * Write an array of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
- * is used for all pixels.
- */
-static void write_mono_rgba_pixels_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n,
- const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const void *value,
- const GLubyte *mask)
- const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
- GLuint i;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- (void) ctx;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- if (mask[i])
- WMSETPIXEL16(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]),x[i],color[RCOMP],
- color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
-/* Read a horizontal span of color pixels. */
-static void read_rgba_span_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- void *values)
- GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i, pixel;
- LPWORD lpw;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- y = FLIP(y);
- lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- pixel = lpw[i];
- /* Windows uses 5,5,5 for 16-bit */
- rgba[i][RCOMP] = (pixel & 0x7c00) >> 7;
- rgba[i][GCOMP] = (pixel & 0x03e0) >> 2;
- rgba[i][BCOMP] = (pixel & 0x001f) << 3;
- rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
- }
-/* Read an array of color pixels. */
-static void read_rgba_pixels_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- void *values)
- GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
- GLuint i, pixel;
- LPWORD lpw;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- GLint y2 = FLIP(y[i]);
- lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y2)) + x[i];
- pixel = *lpw;
- /* Windows uses 5,5,5 for 16-bit */
- rgba[i][RCOMP] = (pixel & 0x7c00) >> 7;
- rgba[i][GCOMP] = (pixel & 0x03e0) >> 2;
- rgba[i][BCOMP] = (pixel & 0x001f) << 3;
- rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
- }
-/***** BUFFER Functions *****/
-static void
-wmesa_delete_renderbuffer(struct gl_renderbuffer *rb)
- free(rb);
- * This is called by Mesa whenever it determines that the window size
- * has changed. Do whatever's needed to cope with that.
- */
-static GLboolean
-wmesa_renderbuffer_storage(struct gl_context *ctx,
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
- GLenum internalFormat,
- GLuint width,
- GLuint height)
- rb->Width = width;
- rb->Height = height;
- return GL_TRUE;
- * Plug in the Get/PutRow/Values functions for a renderbuffer depending
- * on if we're drawing to the front or back color buffer.
- */
-static void
-wmesa_set_renderbuffer_funcs(struct gl_renderbuffer *rb, int pixelformat,
- int cColorBits, int double_buffer)
- if (double_buffer) {
- /* back buffer */
- /* Picking the correct span functions is important because
- * the DIB was allocated with the indicated depth. */
- switch(pixelformat) {
- case PF_5R6G5B:
- rb->PutRow = write_rgba_span_16;
- rb->PutRowRGB = write_rgb_span_16;
- rb->PutMonoRow = write_mono_rgba_span_16;
- rb->PutValues = write_rgba_pixels_16;
- rb->PutMonoValues = write_mono_rgba_pixels_16;
- rb->GetRow = read_rgba_span_16;
- rb->GetValues = read_rgba_pixels_16;
- break;
- case PF_8R8G8B:
- if (cColorBits == 24)
- {
- rb->PutRow = write_rgba_span_24;
- rb->PutRowRGB = write_rgb_span_24;
- rb->PutMonoRow = write_mono_rgba_span_24;
- rb->PutValues = write_rgba_pixels_24;
- rb->PutMonoValues = write_mono_rgba_pixels_24;
- rb->GetRow = read_rgba_span_24;
- rb->GetValues = read_rgba_pixels_24;
- }
- else
- {
- rb->PutRow = write_rgba_span_32;
- rb->PutRowRGB = write_rgb_span_32;
- rb->PutMonoRow = write_mono_rgba_span_32;
- rb->PutValues = write_rgba_pixels_32;
- rb->PutMonoValues = write_mono_rgba_pixels_32;
- rb->GetRow = read_rgba_span_32;
- rb->GetValues = read_rgba_pixels_32;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* front buffer (actual Windows window) */
- rb->PutRow = write_rgba_span_front;
- rb->PutRowRGB = write_rgb_span_front;
- rb->PutMonoRow = write_mono_rgba_span_front;
- rb->PutValues = write_rgba_pixels_front;
- rb->PutMonoValues = write_mono_rgba_pixels_front;
- rb->GetRow = read_rgba_span_front;
- rb->GetValues = read_rgba_pixels_front;
- }
- * Called by ctx->Driver.ResizeBuffers()
- * Resize the front/back colorbuffers to match the latest window size.
- */
-static void
-wmesa_resize_buffers(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_framebuffer *buffer,
- GLuint width, GLuint height)
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(buffer);
- if (pwfb->Base.Width != width || pwfb->Base.Height != height) {
- /* Realloc back buffer */
- if (ctx->Visual.doubleBufferMode == 1) {
- wmDeleteBackingStore(pwfb);
- wmCreateBackingStore(pwfb, width, height);
- }
- }
- _mesa_resize_framebuffer(ctx, buffer, width, height);
- * Called by glViewport.
- * This is a good time for us to poll the current window size and adjust
- * our renderbuffers to match the current window size.
- * Remember, we have no opportunity to respond to conventional
- * resize events since the driver has no event loop.
- * Thus, we poll.
- * MakeCurrent also ends up making a call here, so that ensures
- * we get the viewport set correctly, even if the app does not call
- * glViewport and relies on the defaults.
- */
-static void wmesa_viewport(struct gl_context *ctx,
- GLint x, GLint y,
- GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
- GLuint new_width, new_height;
- wmesa_get_buffer_size(ctx->WinSysDrawBuffer, &new_width, &new_height);
- /**
- * Resize buffers if the window size changed.
- */
- wmesa_resize_buffers(ctx, ctx->WinSysDrawBuffer, new_width, new_height);
- ctx->NewState |= _NEW_BUFFERS; /* to update scissor / window bounds */
- * Called when the driver should update it's state, based on the new_state
- * flags.
- */
-static void wmesa_update_state(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint new_state)
- _swrast_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
- _swsetup_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
- _vbo_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
- _tnl_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
- /* TODO - This code is not complete yet because I
- * don't know what to do for all state updates.
- */
- if (new_state & _NEW_BUFFERS) {
- }
-/***** WMESA Functions *****/
-WMesaContext WMesaCreateContext(HDC hDC,
- GLboolean rgb_flag,
- GLboolean db_flag,
- GLboolean alpha_flag)
- WMesaContext c;
- struct dd_function_table functions;
- GLint red_bits, green_bits, blue_bits, alpha_bits;
- struct gl_context *ctx;
- struct gl_config *visual;
- (void) Pal;
- /* Indexed mode not supported */
- if (!rgb_flag)
- return NULL;
- /* Allocate wmesa context */
- c = CALLOC_STRUCT(wmesa_context);
- if (!c)
- return NULL;
-#if 0
- /* I do not understand this contributed code */
- /* Support memory and device contexts */
- if(WindowFromDC(hDC) != NULL) {
- c->hDC = GetDC(WindowFromDC(hDC)); /* huh ???? */
- }
- else {
- c->hDC = hDC;
- }
- c->hDC = hDC;
- /* Get data for visual */
- /* Dealing with this is actually a bit of overkill because Mesa will end
- * up treating all color component size requests less than 8 by using
- * a single byte per channel. In addition, the interface to the span
- * routines passes colors as an entire byte per channel anyway, so there
- * is nothing to be saved by telling the visual to be 16 bits if the device
- * is 16 bits. That is, Mesa is going to compute colors down to 8 bits per
- * channel anyway.
- * But we go through the motions here anyway.
- */
- switch (GetDeviceCaps(c->hDC, BITSPIXEL)) {
- case 16:
- red_bits = green_bits = blue_bits = 5;
- alpha_bits = 0;
- break;
- default:
- red_bits = green_bits = blue_bits = 8;
- alpha_bits = 8;
- break;
- }
- /* Create visual based on flags */
- visual = _mesa_create_visual(db_flag, /* db_flag */
- GL_FALSE, /* stereo */
- red_bits, green_bits, blue_bits, /* color RGB */
- alpha_flag ? alpha_bits : 0, /* color A */
- 8, /* stencil_bits */
- 16,16,16, /* accum RGB */
- alpha_flag ? 16 : 0, /* accum A */
- 1); /* num samples */
- if (!visual) {
- free(c);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Set up driver functions */
- _mesa_init_driver_functions(&functions);
- functions.GetString = wmesa_get_string;
- functions.UpdateState = wmesa_update_state;
- functions.GetBufferSize = wmesa_get_buffer_size;
- functions.Flush = wmesa_flush;
- functions.Clear = clear;
- functions.ClearColor = clear_color;
- functions.ResizeBuffers = wmesa_resize_buffers;
- functions.Viewport = wmesa_viewport;
- /* initialize the Mesa context data */
- ctx = &c->gl_ctx;
- _mesa_initialize_context(ctx, API_OPENGL, visual,
- NULL, &functions, (void *)c);
- /* visual no longer needed - it was copied by _mesa_initialize_context() */
- _mesa_destroy_visual(visual);
- _mesa_enable_sw_extensions(ctx);
- _mesa_enable_1_3_extensions(ctx);
- _mesa_enable_1_4_extensions(ctx);
- _mesa_enable_1_5_extensions(ctx);
- _mesa_enable_2_0_extensions(ctx);
- _mesa_enable_2_1_extensions(ctx);
- _mesa_meta_init(ctx);
- /* Initialize the software rasterizer and helper modules. */
- if (!_swrast_CreateContext(ctx) ||
- !_vbo_CreateContext(ctx) ||
- !_tnl_CreateContext(ctx) ||
- !_swsetup_CreateContext(ctx)) {
- _mesa_free_context_data(ctx);
- free(c);
- return NULL;
- }
- _swsetup_Wakeup(ctx);
- TNL_CONTEXT(ctx)->Driver.RunPipeline = _tnl_run_pipeline;
- return c;
-void WMesaDestroyContext( WMesaContext pwc )
- struct gl_context *ctx = &pwc->gl_ctx;
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb;
- if (cur_ctx == ctx) {
- /* unbind current if deleting current context */
- WMesaMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
- }
- /* clean up frame buffer resources */
- pwfb = wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(pwc->hDC);
- if (pwfb) {
- if (ctx->Visual.doubleBufferMode == 1)
- wmDeleteBackingStore(pwfb);
- wmesa_free_framebuffer(pwc->hDC);
- }
- /* Release for device, not memory contexts */
- if (WindowFromDC(pwc->hDC) != NULL)
- {
- ReleaseDC(WindowFromDC(pwc->hDC), pwc->hDC);
- }
- DeleteObject(pwc->clearPen);
- DeleteObject(pwc->clearBrush);
- _mesa_meta_free(ctx);
- _swsetup_DestroyContext(ctx);
- _tnl_DestroyContext(ctx);
- _vbo_DestroyContext(ctx);
- _swrast_DestroyContext(ctx);
- _mesa_free_context_data(ctx);
- free(pwc);
- * Create a new color renderbuffer.
- */
-static struct gl_renderbuffer *
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb = CALLOC_STRUCT(gl_renderbuffer);
- if (!rb)
- return NULL;
- _mesa_init_renderbuffer(rb, (GLuint)0);
- rb->_BaseFormat = GL_RGBA;
- rb->InternalFormat = GL_RGBA;
- rb->DataType = CHAN_TYPE;
- rb->Delete = wmesa_delete_renderbuffer;
- rb->AllocStorage = wmesa_renderbuffer_storage;
- return rb;
-void WMesaMakeCurrent(WMesaContext c, HDC hdc)
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb;
- {
- /* return if already current */
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- if (pwc && c == pwc && pwc->hDC == hdc)
- return;
- }
- pwfb = wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(hdc);
- /* Lazy creation of framebuffers */
- if (c && !pwfb && hdc) {
- struct gl_renderbuffer *rb;
- struct gl_config *visual = &c->gl_ctx.Visual;
- GLuint width, height;
- get_window_size(hdc, &width, &height);
- c->clearPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, 0);
- c->clearBrush = CreateSolidBrush(0);
- pwfb = wmesa_new_framebuffer(hdc, visual);
- /* Create back buffer if double buffered */
- if (visual->doubleBufferMode == 1) {
- wmCreateBackingStore(pwfb, width, height);
- }
- /* make render buffers */
- if (visual->doubleBufferMode == 1) {
- rb = wmesa_new_renderbuffer();
- _mesa_add_renderbuffer(&pwfb->Base, BUFFER_BACK_LEFT, rb);
- wmesa_set_renderbuffer_funcs(rb, pwfb->pixelformat, pwfb->cColorBits, 1);
- }
- rb = wmesa_new_renderbuffer();
- _mesa_add_renderbuffer(&pwfb->Base, BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT, rb);
- wmesa_set_renderbuffer_funcs(rb, pwfb->pixelformat, pwfb->cColorBits, 0);
- /* Let Mesa own the Depth, Stencil, and Accum buffers */
- _mesa_add_soft_renderbuffers(&pwfb->Base,
- GL_FALSE, /* color */
- visual->depthBits > 0,
- visual->stencilBits > 0,
- visual->accumRedBits > 0,
- visual->alphaBits >0,
- }
- if (c && pwfb)
- _mesa_make_current(&c->gl_ctx, &pwfb->Base, &pwfb->Base);
- else
- _mesa_make_current(NULL, NULL, NULL);
-void WMesaSwapBuffers( HDC hdc )
- WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
- WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(hdc);
- if (!pwfb) {
- _mesa_problem(NULL, "wmesa: swapbuffers on unknown hdc");
- return;
- }
- /* If we're swapping the buffer associated with the current context
- * we have to flush any pending rendering commands first.
- */
- if (pwc->hDC == hdc) {
- _mesa_notifySwapBuffers(ctx);
- BitBlt(pwfb->hDC, 0, 0, pwfb->Base.Width, pwfb->Base.Height,
- pwfb->dib_hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- }
- else {
- /* XXX for now only allow swapping current window */
- _mesa_problem(NULL, "wmesa: can't swap non-current window");
- }
-void WMesaShareLists(WMesaContext ctx_to_share, WMesaContext ctx)
- _mesa_share_state(&ctx->gl_ctx, &ctx_to_share->gl_ctx);
+ * Windows (Win32/Win64) device driver for Mesa
+ *
+ */
+#include "wmesadef.h"
+#include "colors.h"
+#include "GL/wmesa.h"
+#include <winuser.h>
+#include "main/context.h"
+#include "main/extensions.h"
+#include "main/framebuffer.h"
+#include "main/renderbuffer.h"
+#include "main/macros.h"
+#include "drivers/common/driverfuncs.h"
+#include "drivers/common/meta.h"
+#include "vbo/vbo.h"
+#include "swrast/swrast.h"
+#include "swrast_setup/swrast_setup.h"
+#include "tnl/tnl.h"
+#include "tnl/t_context.h"
+#include "tnl/t_pipeline.h"
+/* linked list of our Framebuffers (windows) */
+static WMesaFramebuffer FirstFramebuffer = NULL;
+ * Create a new WMesaFramebuffer object which will correspond to the
+ * given HDC (Window handle).
+ */
+static WMesaFramebuffer
+wmesa_new_framebuffer(HDC hdc, struct gl_config *visual)
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb
+ = (WMesaFramebuffer) malloc(sizeof(struct wmesa_framebuffer));
+ if (pwfb) {
+ _mesa_initialize_window_framebuffer(&pwfb->Base, visual);
+ pwfb->hDC = hdc;
+ /* insert at head of list */
+ pwfb->next = FirstFramebuffer;
+ FirstFramebuffer = pwfb;
+ }
+ return pwfb;
+ * Given an hdc, free the corresponding WMesaFramebuffer
+ */
+static void
+wmesa_free_framebuffer(HDC hdc)
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb, prev;
+ for (pwfb = FirstFramebuffer; pwfb; pwfb = pwfb->next) {
+ if (pwfb->hDC == hdc)
+ break;
+ prev = pwfb;
+ }
+ if (pwfb) {
+ struct gl_framebuffer *fb;
+ if (pwfb == FirstFramebuffer)
+ FirstFramebuffer = pwfb->next;
+ else
+ prev->next = pwfb->next;
+ fb = &pwfb->Base;
+ _mesa_reference_framebuffer(&fb, NULL);
+ }
+ * Given an hdc, return the corresponding WMesaFramebuffer
+ */
+static WMesaFramebuffer
+wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(HDC hdc)
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb;
+ for (pwfb = FirstFramebuffer; pwfb; pwfb = pwfb->next) {
+ if (pwfb->hDC == hdc)
+ return pwfb;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * Given a struct gl_framebuffer, return the corresponding WMesaFramebuffer.
+ */
+static WMesaFramebuffer wmesa_framebuffer(struct gl_framebuffer *fb)
+ return (WMesaFramebuffer) fb;
+ * Given a struct gl_context, return the corresponding WMesaContext.
+ */
+static WMesaContext wmesa_context(const struct gl_context *ctx)
+ return (WMesaContext) ctx;
+ * Every driver should implement a GetString function in order to
+ * return a meaningful GL_RENDERER string.
+ */
+static const GLubyte *wmesa_get_string(struct gl_context *ctx, GLenum name)
+ return (name == GL_RENDERER) ?
+ (GLubyte *) "Mesa Windows GDI Driver" : NULL;
+ * Determine the pixel format based on the pixel size.
+ */
+static void wmSetPixelFormat(WMesaFramebuffer pwfb, HDC hDC)
+ pwfb->cColorBits = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL);
+ /* Only 16 and 32 bit targets are supported now */
+ assert(pwfb->cColorBits == 0 ||
+ pwfb->cColorBits == 16 ||
+ pwfb->cColorBits == 24 ||
+ pwfb->cColorBits == 32);
+ switch(pwfb->cColorBits){
+ case 8:
+ pwfb->pixelformat = PF_INDEX8;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ pwfb->pixelformat = PF_5R6G5B;
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ case 32:
+ pwfb->pixelformat = PF_8R8G8B;
+ break;
+ default:
+ pwfb->pixelformat = PF_BADFORMAT;
+ }
+ * Create DIB for back buffer.
+ * We write into this memory with the span routines and then blit it
+ * to the window on a buffer swap.
+ */
+static BOOL wmCreateBackingStore(WMesaFramebuffer pwfb, long lxSize, long lySize)
+ LPBITMAPINFO pbmi = &(pwfb->bmi);
+ HDC hic;
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biWidth = lxSize;
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight= -lySize;
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = GetDeviceCaps(pwfb->hDC, BITSPIXEL);
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
+ pbmi->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
+ pwfb->cColorBits = pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount;
+ pwfb->ScanWidth = (lxSize * (pwfb->cColorBits / 8) + 3) & ~3;
+ hic = CreateIC("display", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ pwfb->dib_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hic);
+ pwfb->hbmDIB = CreateDIBSection(hic,
+ &pwfb->bmi,
+ (void **)&(pwfb->pbPixels),
+ 0,
+ 0);
+ pwfb->hOldBitmap = SelectObject(pwfb->dib_hDC, pwfb->hbmDIB);
+ DeleteDC(hic);
+ wmSetPixelFormat(pwfb, pwfb->hDC);
+ return TRUE;
+static void wmDeleteBackingStore(WMesaFramebuffer pwfb)
+ if (pwfb->hbmDIB) {
+ SelectObject(pwfb->dib_hDC, pwfb->hOldBitmap);
+ DeleteDC(pwfb->dib_hDC);
+ DeleteObject(pwfb->hbmDIB);
+ }
+ * Find the width and height of the window named by hdc.
+ */
+static void
+get_window_size(HDC hdc, GLuint *width, GLuint *height)
+ if (WindowFromDC(hdc)) {
+ RECT rect;
+ GetClientRect(WindowFromDC(hdc), &rect);
+ *width = rect.right - rect.left;
+ *height = rect.bottom - rect.top;
+ }
+ else { /* Memory context */
+ /* From contributed code - use the size of the desktop
+ * for the size of a memory context (?) */
+ *width = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES);
+ *height = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES);
+ }
+static void
+wmesa_get_buffer_size(struct gl_framebuffer *buffer, GLuint *width, GLuint *height)
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(buffer);
+ get_window_size(pwfb->hDC, width, height);
+static void wmesa_flush(struct gl_context *ctx)
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->WinSysDrawBuffer);
+ if (ctx->Visual.doubleBufferMode == 1) {
+ BitBlt(pwfb->hDC, 0, 0, pwfb->Base.Width, pwfb->Base.Height,
+ pwfb->dib_hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Do nothing for single buffer */
+ }
+/***** CLEAR Functions *****/
+/* If we do not implement these, Mesa clears the buffers via the pixel
+ * span writing interface, which is very slow for a clear operation.
+ */
+ * Set the color used to clear the color buffer.
+ */
+static void clear_color(struct gl_context *ctx, const GLfloat color[4])
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ GLubyte col[3];
+ CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(col[0], color[0]);
+ CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(col[1], color[1]);
+ CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(col[2], color[2]);
+ pwc->clearColorRef = RGB(col[0], col[1], col[2]);
+ DeleteObject(pwc->clearPen);
+ DeleteObject(pwc->clearBrush);
+ pwc->clearPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, pwc->clearColorRef);
+ pwc->clearBrush = CreateSolidBrush(pwc->clearColorRef);
+ * Clear the specified region of the color buffer using the clear color
+ * or index as specified by one of the two functions above.
+ *
+ * This procedure clears either the front and/or the back COLOR buffers.
+ * Only the "left" buffer is cleared since we are not stereo.
+ * Clearing of the other non-color buffers is left to the swrast.
+ */
+static void clear(struct gl_context *ctx, GLbitfield mask)
+#define FLIP(Y) (ctx->DrawBuffer->Height - (Y) - 1)
+ const GLint x = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin;
+ const GLint y = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin;
+ const GLint height = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin;
+ const GLint width = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin;
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ int done = 0;
+ /* Let swrast do all the work if the masks are not set to
+ * clear all channels. */
+ if (!ctx->Color.ColorMask[0][0] ||
+ !ctx->Color.ColorMask[0][1] ||
+ !ctx->Color.ColorMask[0][2] ||
+ !ctx->Color.ColorMask[0][3]) {
+ _swrast_Clear(ctx, mask);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Back buffer */
+ if (mask & BUFFER_BIT_BACK_LEFT) {
+ int i, rowSize;
+ UINT bytesPerPixel = pwfb->cColorBits / 8;
+ LPBYTE lpb, clearRow;
+ LPWORD lpw;
+ BYTE bColor;
+ WORD wColor;
+ BYTE r, g, b;
+ DWORD dwColor;
+ LPDWORD lpdw;
+ /* Try for a fast clear - clearing entire buffer with a single
+ * byte value. */
+ if (width == ctx->DrawBuffer->Width &&
+ height == ctx->DrawBuffer->Height) { /* entire buffer */
+ /* Now check for an easy clear value */
+ switch (bytesPerPixel) {
+ case 1:
+ bColor = BGR8(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
+ memset(pwfb->pbPixels, bColor,
+ pwfb->ScanWidth * height);
+ done = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ wColor = BGR16(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
+ if (((wColor >> 8) & 0xff) == (wColor & 0xff)) {
+ memset(pwfb->pbPixels, wColor & 0xff,
+ pwfb->ScanWidth * height);
+ done = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /* fall through */
+ case 4:
+ if (GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef) ==
+ GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef) &&
+ GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef) ==
+ GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef)) {
+ memset(pwfb->pbPixels,
+ GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ pwfb->ScanWidth * height);
+ done = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* all */
+ if (!done) {
+ /* Need to clear a row at a time. Begin by setting the first
+ * row in the area to be cleared to the clear color. */
+ clearRow = pwfb->pbPixels +
+ pwfb->ScanWidth * FLIP(y) +
+ bytesPerPixel * x;
+ switch (bytesPerPixel) {
+ case 1:
+ lpb = clearRow;
+ bColor = BGR8(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
+ memset(lpb, bColor, width);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ lpw = (LPWORD)clearRow;
+ wColor = BGR16(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
+ for (i=0; i<width; i++)
+ *lpw++ = wColor;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ lpb = clearRow;
+ r = GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef);
+ g = GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef);
+ b = GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef);
+ for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
+ *lpb++ = b;
+ *lpb++ = g;
+ *lpb++ = r;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ lpdw = (LPDWORD)clearRow;
+ dwColor = BGR32(GetRValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetGValue(pwc->clearColorRef),
+ GetBValue(pwc->clearColorRef));
+ for (i=0; i<width; i++)
+ *lpdw++ = dwColor;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ } /* switch */
+ /* copy cleared row to other rows in buffer */
+ lpb = clearRow - pwfb->ScanWidth;
+ rowSize = width * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (i=1; i<height; i++) {
+ memcpy(lpb, clearRow, rowSize);
+ lpb -= pwfb->ScanWidth;
+ }
+ } /* not done */
+ } /* back buffer */
+ /* front buffer */
+ if (mask & BUFFER_BIT_FRONT_LEFT) {
+ HDC DC = pwc->hDC;
+ HPEN Old_Pen = SelectObject(DC, pwc->clearPen);
+ HBRUSH Old_Brush = SelectObject(DC, pwc->clearBrush);
+ Rectangle(DC,
+ x,
+ FLIP(y) + 1,
+ x + width + 1,
+ FLIP(y) - height + 1);
+ SelectObject(DC, Old_Pen);
+ SelectObject(DC, Old_Brush);
+ } /* front buffer */
+ /* Call swrast if there is anything left to clear (like DEPTH) */
+ if (mask)
+ _swrast_Clear(ctx, mask);
+#undef FLIP
+/***** PIXEL Functions *****/
+#define FLIP(Y) (rb->Height - (Y) - 1)
+ ** Front Buffer reading/writing
+ ** These are slow, but work with all non-indexed visual types.
+ **/
+/* Write a horizontal span of RGBA color pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgba_span_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(pwc->hDC);
+ HBITMAP bmp=0;
+ HDC mdc=0;
+ typedef union
+ {
+ unsigned i;
+ struct {
+ unsigned b:8, g:8, r:8, a:8;
+ };
+ } BGRA;
+ BGRA *bgra, c;
+ GLuint i;
+ if (n < 16) { // the value 16 is just guessed
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y,
+ RGB(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]));
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y,
+ RGB(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!pwfb) {
+ _mesa_problem(NULL, "wmesa: write_rgba_span_front on unknown hdc");
+ return;
+ }
+ bgra=malloc(n*sizeof(BGRA));
+ if (!bgra) {
+ _mesa_problem(NULL, "wmesa: write_rgba_span_front: out of memory");
+ return;
+ }
+ c.a=0;
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ if (mask[i]) {
+ c.r=rgba[i][RCOMP];
+ c.g=rgba[i][GCOMP];
+ c.b=rgba[i][BCOMP];
+ c.a=rgba[i][ACOMP];
+ bgra[i]=c;
+ }
+ else
+ bgra[i].i=0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ c.r=rgba[i][RCOMP];
+ c.g=rgba[i][GCOMP];
+ c.b=rgba[i][BCOMP];
+ c.a=rgba[i][ACOMP];
+ bgra[i]=c;
+ }
+ }
+ bmp=CreateBitmap(n, 1, 1, 32, bgra);
+ mdc=CreateCompatibleDC(pwfb->hDC);
+ SelectObject(mdc, bmp);
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ BitBlt(pwfb->hDC, x, y, n, 1, mdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+ SelectObject(mdc, 0);
+ DeleteObject(bmp);
+ DeleteDC(mdc);
+ free(bgra);
+ }
+/* Write a horizontal span of RGB color pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgb_span_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgb)[3] = (const GLubyte (*)[3])values;
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ GLuint i;
+ (void) ctx;
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y, RGB(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
+ rgb[i][BCOMP]));
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y, RGB(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
+ rgb[i][BCOMP]));
+ }
+ * Write a horizontal span of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
+ * is used for all pixels.
+ */
+static void write_mono_rgba_span_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *value,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ COLORREF colorref;
+ (void) ctx;
+ colorref = RGB(color[RCOMP], color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y, colorref);
+ }
+ else
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y, colorref);
+/* Write an array of RGBA pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgba_pixels_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n,
+ const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ (void) ctx;
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x[i], FLIP(y[i]),
+ RGB(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
+ rgba[i][BCOMP]));
+ * Write an array of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
+ * is used for all pixels.
+ */
+static void write_mono_rgba_pixels_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n,
+ const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ const void *value,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ COLORREF colorref;
+ (void) ctx;
+ colorref = RGB(color[RCOMP], color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ SetPixel(pwc->hDC, x[i], FLIP(y[i]), colorref);
+/* Read a horizontal span of color pixels. */
+static void read_rgba_span_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ void *values)
+ GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ GLuint i;
+ y = FLIP(y);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ Color = GetPixel(pwc->hDC, x+i, y);
+ rgba[i][RCOMP] = GetRValue(Color);
+ rgba[i][GCOMP] = GetGValue(Color);
+ rgba[i][BCOMP] = GetBValue(Color);
+ rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
+ }
+/* Read an array of color pixels. */
+static void read_rgba_pixels_front(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ void *values)
+ GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ GLuint i;
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ GLint y2 = FLIP(y[i]);
+ Color = GetPixel(pwc->hDC, x[i], y2);
+ rgba[i][RCOMP] = GetRValue(Color);
+ rgba[i][GCOMP] = GetGValue(Color);
+ rgba[i][BCOMP] = GetBValue(Color);
+ rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
+ }
+/* DOUBLE BUFFER 32-bit */
+#define WMSETPIXEL32(pwc, y, x, r, g, b) { \
+LPDWORD lpdw = ((LPDWORD)((pwc)->pbPixels + (pwc)->ScanWidth * (y)) + (x)); \
+*lpdw = BGR32((r),(g),(b)); }
+/* Write a horizontal span of RGBA color pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgba_span_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ GLuint i;
+ LPDWORD lpdw;
+ (void) ctx;
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ lpdw[i] = BGR32(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
+ rgba[i][BCOMP]);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ *lpdw++ = BGR32(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
+ rgba[i][BCOMP]);
+ }
+/* Write a horizontal span of RGB color pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgb_span_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgb)[3] = (const GLubyte (*)[3])values;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ GLuint i;
+ LPDWORD lpdw;
+ (void) ctx;
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ lpdw[i] = BGR32(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
+ rgb[i][BCOMP]);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ *lpdw++ = BGR32(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
+ rgb[i][BCOMP]);
+ }
+ * Write a horizontal span of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
+ * is used for all pixels.
+ */
+static void write_mono_rgba_span_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *value,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
+ LPDWORD lpdw;
+ DWORD pixel;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ pixel = BGR32(color[RCOMP], color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ lpdw[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ else
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ *lpdw++ = pixel;
+/* Write an array of RGBA pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgba_pixels_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ WMSETPIXEL32(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]), x[i],
+ rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]);
+ * Write an array of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
+ * is used for all pixels.
+ */
+static void write_mono_rgba_pixels_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n,
+ const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ const void *value,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ WMSETPIXEL32(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]),x[i],color[RCOMP],
+ color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
+/* Read a horizontal span of color pixels. */
+static void read_rgba_span_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ void *values)
+ GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i;
+ DWORD pixel;
+ LPDWORD lpdw;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ y = FLIP(y);
+ lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ pixel = lpdw[i];
+ rgba[i][RCOMP] = (GLubyte)((pixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
+ rgba[i][GCOMP] = (GLubyte)((pixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
+ rgba[i][BCOMP] = (GLubyte)(pixel & 0x000000ff);
+ rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
+ }
+/* Read an array of color pixels. */
+static void read_rgba_pixels_32(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ void *values)
+ GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i;
+ DWORD pixel;
+ LPDWORD lpdw;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ GLint y2 = FLIP(y[i]);
+ lpdw = ((LPDWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y2)) + x[i];
+ pixel = *lpdw;
+ rgba[i][RCOMP] = (GLubyte)((pixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
+ rgba[i][GCOMP] = (GLubyte)((pixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
+ rgba[i][BCOMP] = (GLubyte)(pixel & 0x000000ff);
+ rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
+ }
+/* DOUBLE BUFFER 24-bit */
+#define WMSETPIXEL24(pwc, y, x, r, g, b) { \
+LPBYTE lpb = ((LPBYTE)((pwc)->pbPixels + (pwc)->ScanWidth * (y)) + (3 * x)); \
+lpb[0] = (b); \
+lpb[1] = (g); \
+lpb[2] = (r); }
+/* Write a horizontal span of RGBA color pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgba_span_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ GLuint i;
+ LPBYTE lpb;
+ (void) ctx;
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + (3 * x);
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i]) {
+ lpb[3*i] = rgba[i][BCOMP];
+ lpb[3*i+1] = rgba[i][GCOMP];
+ lpb[3*i+2] = rgba[i][RCOMP];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ *lpb++ = rgba[i][BCOMP];
+ *lpb++ = rgba[i][GCOMP];
+ *lpb++ = rgba[i][RCOMP];
+ }
+ }
+/* Write a horizontal span of RGB color pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgb_span_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgb)[3] = (const GLubyte (*)[3])values;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ GLuint i;
+ LPBYTE lpb;
+ (void) ctx;
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + (3 * x);
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i]) {
+ lpb[3*i] = rgb[i][BCOMP];
+ lpb[3*i+1] = rgb[i][GCOMP];
+ lpb[3*i+2] = rgb[i][RCOMP];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ *lpb++ = rgb[i][BCOMP];
+ *lpb++ = rgb[i][GCOMP];
+ *lpb++ = rgb[i][RCOMP];
+ }
+ }
+ * Write a horizontal span of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
+ * is used for all pixels.
+ */
+static void write_mono_rgba_span_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *value,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
+ LPBYTE lpb;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + (3 * x);
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i]) {
+ lpb[3*i] = color[BCOMP];
+ lpb[3*i+1] = color[GCOMP];
+ lpb[3*i+2] = color[RCOMP];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ *lpb++ = color[BCOMP];
+ *lpb++ = color[GCOMP];
+ *lpb++ = color[RCOMP];
+ }
+/* Write an array of RGBA pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgba_pixels_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ WMSETPIXEL24(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]), x[i],
+ rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]);
+ * Write an array of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
+ * is used for all pixels.
+ */
+static void write_mono_rgba_pixels_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n,
+ const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ const void *value,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ WMSETPIXEL24(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]),x[i],color[RCOMP],
+ color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
+/* Read a horizontal span of color pixels. */
+static void read_rgba_span_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ void *values)
+ GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i;
+ LPBYTE lpb;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ y = FLIP(y);
+ lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + (3 * x);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ rgba[i][RCOMP] = lpb[3*i+2];
+ rgba[i][GCOMP] = lpb[3*i+1];
+ rgba[i][BCOMP] = lpb[3*i];
+ rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
+ }
+/* Read an array of color pixels. */
+static void read_rgba_pixels_24(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ void *values)
+ GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i;
+ LPBYTE lpb;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ GLint y2 = FLIP(y[i]);
+ lpb = ((LPBYTE)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y2)) + (3 * x[i]);
+ rgba[i][RCOMP] = lpb[3*i+2];
+ rgba[i][GCOMP] = lpb[3*i+1];
+ rgba[i][BCOMP] = lpb[3*i];
+ rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
+ }
+/* DOUBLE BUFFER 16-bit */
+#define WMSETPIXEL16(pwc, y, x, r, g, b) { \
+LPWORD lpw = ((LPWORD)((pwc)->pbPixels + (pwc)->ScanWidth * (y)) + (x)); \
+*lpw = BGR16((r),(g),(b)); }
+/* Write a horizontal span of RGBA color pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgba_span_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ GLuint i;
+ LPWORD lpw;
+ (void) ctx;
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ lpw[i] = BGR16(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
+ rgba[i][BCOMP]);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ *lpw++ = BGR16(rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP],
+ rgba[i][BCOMP]);
+ }
+/* Write a horizontal span of RGB color pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgb_span_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgb)[3] = (const GLubyte (*)[3])values;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ GLuint i;
+ LPWORD lpw;
+ (void) ctx;
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ lpw[i] = BGR16(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
+ rgb[i][BCOMP]);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ *lpw++ = BGR16(rgb[i][RCOMP], rgb[i][GCOMP],
+ rgb[i][BCOMP]);
+ }
+ * Write a horizontal span of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
+ * is used for all pixels.
+ */
+static void write_mono_rgba_span_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ const void *value,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
+ LPWORD lpw;
+ WORD pixel;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ (void) ctx;
+ lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
+ y=FLIP(y);
+ pixel = BGR16(color[RCOMP], color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
+ if (mask) {
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ lpw[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ else
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ *lpw++ = pixel;
+/* Write an array of RGBA pixels with a boolean mask. */
+static void write_rgba_pixels_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ const void *values,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (const GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ (void) ctx;
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ WMSETPIXEL16(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]), x[i],
+ rgba[i][RCOMP], rgba[i][GCOMP], rgba[i][BCOMP]);
+ * Write an array of pixels with a boolean mask. The current color
+ * is used for all pixels.
+ */
+static void write_mono_rgba_pixels_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n,
+ const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ const void *value,
+ const GLubyte *mask)
+ const GLchan *color = (const GLchan *)value;
+ GLuint i;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ (void) ctx;
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (mask[i])
+ WMSETPIXEL16(pwfb, FLIP(y[i]),x[i],color[RCOMP],
+ color[GCOMP], color[BCOMP]);
+/* Read a horizontal span of color pixels. */
+static void read_rgba_span_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
+ void *values)
+ GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i, pixel;
+ LPWORD lpw;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ y = FLIP(y);
+ lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y)) + x;
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ pixel = lpw[i];
+ /* Windows uses 5,5,5 for 16-bit */
+ rgba[i][RCOMP] = (pixel & 0x7c00) >> 7;
+ rgba[i][GCOMP] = (pixel & 0x03e0) >> 2;
+ rgba[i][BCOMP] = (pixel & 0x001f) << 3;
+ rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
+ }
+/* Read an array of color pixels. */
+static void read_rgba_pixels_16(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
+ void *values)
+ GLubyte (*rgba)[4] = (GLubyte (*)[4])values;
+ GLuint i, pixel;
+ LPWORD lpw;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ GLint y2 = FLIP(y[i]);
+ lpw = ((LPWORD)(pwfb->pbPixels + pwfb->ScanWidth * y2)) + x[i];
+ pixel = *lpw;
+ /* Windows uses 5,5,5 for 16-bit */
+ rgba[i][RCOMP] = (pixel & 0x7c00) >> 7;
+ rgba[i][GCOMP] = (pixel & 0x03e0) >> 2;
+ rgba[i][BCOMP] = (pixel & 0x001f) << 3;
+ rgba[i][ACOMP] = 255;
+ }
+/***** BUFFER Functions *****/
+static void
+wmesa_delete_renderbuffer(struct gl_renderbuffer *rb)
+ free(rb);
+ * This is called by Mesa whenever it determines that the window size
+ * has changed. Do whatever's needed to cope with that.
+ */
+static GLboolean
+wmesa_renderbuffer_storage(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
+ GLenum internalFormat,
+ GLuint width,
+ GLuint height)
+ rb->Width = width;
+ rb->Height = height;
+ return GL_TRUE;
+ * Plug in the Get/PutRow/Values functions for a renderbuffer depending
+ * on if we're drawing to the front or back color buffer.
+ */
+static void
+wmesa_set_renderbuffer_funcs(struct gl_renderbuffer *rb, int pixelformat,
+ int cColorBits, int double_buffer)
+ if (double_buffer) {
+ /* back buffer */
+ /* Picking the correct span functions is important because
+ * the DIB was allocated with the indicated depth. */
+ switch(pixelformat) {
+ case PF_5R6G5B:
+ rb->PutRow = write_rgba_span_16;
+ rb->PutRowRGB = write_rgb_span_16;
+ rb->PutMonoRow = write_mono_rgba_span_16;
+ rb->PutValues = write_rgba_pixels_16;
+ rb->PutMonoValues = write_mono_rgba_pixels_16;
+ rb->GetRow = read_rgba_span_16;
+ rb->GetValues = read_rgba_pixels_16;
+ break;
+ case PF_8R8G8B:
+ if (cColorBits == 24)
+ {
+ rb->PutRow = write_rgba_span_24;
+ rb->PutRowRGB = write_rgb_span_24;
+ rb->PutMonoRow = write_mono_rgba_span_24;
+ rb->PutValues = write_rgba_pixels_24;
+ rb->PutMonoValues = write_mono_rgba_pixels_24;
+ rb->GetRow = read_rgba_span_24;
+ rb->GetValues = read_rgba_pixels_24;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rb->PutRow = write_rgba_span_32;
+ rb->PutRowRGB = write_rgb_span_32;
+ rb->PutMonoRow = write_mono_rgba_span_32;
+ rb->PutValues = write_rgba_pixels_32;
+ rb->PutMonoValues = write_mono_rgba_pixels_32;
+ rb->GetRow = read_rgba_span_32;
+ rb->GetValues = read_rgba_pixels_32;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* front buffer (actual Windows window) */
+ rb->PutRow = write_rgba_span_front;
+ rb->PutRowRGB = write_rgb_span_front;
+ rb->PutMonoRow = write_mono_rgba_span_front;
+ rb->PutValues = write_rgba_pixels_front;
+ rb->PutMonoValues = write_mono_rgba_pixels_front;
+ rb->GetRow = read_rgba_span_front;
+ rb->GetValues = read_rgba_pixels_front;
+ }
+ * Called by ctx->Driver.ResizeBuffers()
+ * Resize the front/back colorbuffers to match the latest window size.
+ */
+static void
+wmesa_resize_buffers(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_framebuffer *buffer,
+ GLuint width, GLuint height)
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_framebuffer(buffer);
+ if (pwfb->Base.Width != width || pwfb->Base.Height != height) {
+ /* Realloc back buffer */
+ if (ctx->Visual.doubleBufferMode == 1) {
+ wmDeleteBackingStore(pwfb);
+ wmCreateBackingStore(pwfb, width, height);
+ }
+ }
+ _mesa_resize_framebuffer(ctx, buffer, width, height);
+ * Called by glViewport.
+ * This is a good time for us to poll the current window size and adjust
+ * our renderbuffers to match the current window size.
+ * Remember, we have no opportunity to respond to conventional
+ * resize events since the driver has no event loop.
+ * Thus, we poll.
+ * MakeCurrent also ends up making a call here, so that ensures
+ * we get the viewport set correctly, even if the app does not call
+ * glViewport and relies on the defaults.
+ */
+static void wmesa_viewport(struct gl_context *ctx,
+ GLint x, GLint y,
+ GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
+ GLuint new_width, new_height;
+ wmesa_get_buffer_size(ctx->WinSysDrawBuffer, &new_width, &new_height);
+ /**
+ * Resize buffers if the window size changed.
+ */
+ wmesa_resize_buffers(ctx, ctx->WinSysDrawBuffer, new_width, new_height);
+ ctx->NewState |= _NEW_BUFFERS; /* to update scissor / window bounds */
+ * Called when the driver should update it's state, based on the new_state
+ * flags.
+ */
+static void wmesa_update_state(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint new_state)
+ _swrast_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
+ _swsetup_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
+ _vbo_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
+ _tnl_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
+ /* TODO - This code is not complete yet because I
+ * don't know what to do for all state updates.
+ */
+ if (new_state & _NEW_BUFFERS) {
+ }
+/***** WMESA Functions *****/
+WMesaContext WMesaCreateContext(HDC hDC,
+ GLboolean rgb_flag,
+ GLboolean db_flag,
+ GLboolean alpha_flag)
+ WMesaContext c;
+ struct dd_function_table functions;
+ GLint red_bits, green_bits, blue_bits, alpha_bits;
+ struct gl_context *ctx;
+ struct gl_config *visual;
+ (void) Pal;
+ /* Indexed mode not supported */
+ if (!rgb_flag)
+ return NULL;
+ /* Allocate wmesa context */
+ c = CALLOC_STRUCT(wmesa_context);
+ if (!c)
+ return NULL;
+#if 0
+ /* I do not understand this contributed code */
+ /* Support memory and device contexts */
+ if(WindowFromDC(hDC) != NULL) {
+ c->hDC = GetDC(WindowFromDC(hDC)); /* huh ???? */
+ }
+ else {
+ c->hDC = hDC;
+ }
+ c->hDC = hDC;
+ /* Get data for visual */
+ /* Dealing with this is actually a bit of overkill because Mesa will end
+ * up treating all color component size requests less than 8 by using
+ * a single byte per channel. In addition, the interface to the span
+ * routines passes colors as an entire byte per channel anyway, so there
+ * is nothing to be saved by telling the visual to be 16 bits if the device
+ * is 16 bits. That is, Mesa is going to compute colors down to 8 bits per
+ * channel anyway.
+ * But we go through the motions here anyway.
+ */
+ switch (GetDeviceCaps(c->hDC, BITSPIXEL)) {
+ case 16:
+ red_bits = green_bits = blue_bits = 5;
+ alpha_bits = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ red_bits = green_bits = blue_bits = 8;
+ alpha_bits = 8;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Create visual based on flags */
+ visual = _mesa_create_visual(db_flag, /* db_flag */
+ GL_FALSE, /* stereo */
+ red_bits, green_bits, blue_bits, /* color RGB */
+ alpha_flag ? alpha_bits : 0, /* color A */
+ 8, /* stencil_bits */
+ 16,16,16, /* accum RGB */
+ alpha_flag ? 16 : 0, /* accum A */
+ 1); /* num samples */
+ if (!visual) {
+ free(c);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Set up driver functions */
+ _mesa_init_driver_functions(&functions);
+ functions.GetString = wmesa_get_string;
+ functions.UpdateState = wmesa_update_state;
+ functions.GetBufferSize = wmesa_get_buffer_size;
+ functions.Flush = wmesa_flush;
+ functions.Clear = clear;
+ functions.ClearColor = clear_color;
+ functions.ResizeBuffers = wmesa_resize_buffers;
+ functions.Viewport = wmesa_viewport;
+ /* initialize the Mesa context data */
+ ctx = &c->gl_ctx;
+ _mesa_initialize_context(ctx, API_OPENGL, visual,
+ NULL, &functions, (void *)c);
+ /* visual no longer needed - it was copied by _mesa_initialize_context() */
+ _mesa_destroy_visual(visual);
+ _mesa_enable_sw_extensions(ctx);
+ _mesa_enable_1_3_extensions(ctx);
+ _mesa_enable_1_4_extensions(ctx);
+ _mesa_enable_1_5_extensions(ctx);
+ _mesa_enable_2_0_extensions(ctx);
+ _mesa_enable_2_1_extensions(ctx);
+ _mesa_meta_init(ctx);
+ /* Initialize the software rasterizer and helper modules. */
+ if (!_swrast_CreateContext(ctx) ||
+ !_vbo_CreateContext(ctx) ||
+ !_tnl_CreateContext(ctx) ||
+ !_swsetup_CreateContext(ctx)) {
+ _mesa_free_context_data(ctx);
+ free(c);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ _swsetup_Wakeup(ctx);
+ TNL_CONTEXT(ctx)->Driver.RunPipeline = _tnl_run_pipeline;
+ return c;
+void WMesaDestroyContext( WMesaContext pwc )
+ struct gl_context *ctx = &pwc->gl_ctx;
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb;
+ if (cur_ctx == ctx) {
+ /* unbind current if deleting current context */
+ WMesaMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ /* clean up frame buffer resources */
+ pwfb = wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(pwc->hDC);
+ if (pwfb) {
+ if (ctx->Visual.doubleBufferMode == 1)
+ wmDeleteBackingStore(pwfb);
+ wmesa_free_framebuffer(pwc->hDC);
+ }
+ /* Release for device, not memory contexts */
+ if (WindowFromDC(pwc->hDC) != NULL)
+ {
+ ReleaseDC(WindowFromDC(pwc->hDC), pwc->hDC);
+ }
+ DeleteObject(pwc->clearPen);
+ DeleteObject(pwc->clearBrush);
+ _mesa_meta_free(ctx);
+ _swsetup_DestroyContext(ctx);
+ _tnl_DestroyContext(ctx);
+ _vbo_DestroyContext(ctx);
+ _swrast_DestroyContext(ctx);
+ _mesa_free_context_data(ctx);
+ free(pwc);
+ * Create a new color renderbuffer.
+ */
+static struct gl_renderbuffer *
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb = CALLOC_STRUCT(gl_renderbuffer);
+ if (!rb)
+ return NULL;
+ _mesa_init_renderbuffer(rb, (GLuint)0);
+ rb->_BaseFormat = GL_RGBA;
+ rb->InternalFormat = GL_RGBA;
+ rb->DataType = CHAN_TYPE;
+ rb->Delete = wmesa_delete_renderbuffer;
+ rb->AllocStorage = wmesa_renderbuffer_storage;
+ return rb;
+void WMesaMakeCurrent(WMesaContext c, HDC hdc)
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb;
+ {
+ /* return if already current */
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ if (pwc && c == pwc && pwc->hDC == hdc)
+ return;
+ }
+ pwfb = wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(hdc);
+ /* Lazy creation of framebuffers */
+ if (c && !pwfb && hdc) {
+ struct gl_renderbuffer *rb;
+ struct gl_config *visual = &c->gl_ctx.Visual;
+ GLuint width, height;
+ get_window_size(hdc, &width, &height);
+ c->clearPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, 0);
+ c->clearBrush = CreateSolidBrush(0);
+ pwfb = wmesa_new_framebuffer(hdc, visual);
+ /* Create back buffer if double buffered */
+ if (visual->doubleBufferMode == 1) {
+ wmCreateBackingStore(pwfb, width, height);
+ }
+ /* make render buffers */
+ if (visual->doubleBufferMode == 1) {
+ rb = wmesa_new_renderbuffer();
+ _mesa_add_renderbuffer(&pwfb->Base, BUFFER_BACK_LEFT, rb);
+ wmesa_set_renderbuffer_funcs(rb, pwfb->pixelformat, pwfb->cColorBits, 1);
+ }
+ rb = wmesa_new_renderbuffer();
+ _mesa_add_renderbuffer(&pwfb->Base, BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT, rb);
+ wmesa_set_renderbuffer_funcs(rb, pwfb->pixelformat, pwfb->cColorBits, 0);
+ /* Let Mesa own the Depth, Stencil, and Accum buffers */
+ _mesa_add_soft_renderbuffers(&pwfb->Base,
+ GL_FALSE, /* color */
+ visual->depthBits > 0,
+ visual->stencilBits > 0,
+ visual->accumRedBits > 0,
+ visual->alphaBits >0,
+ }
+ if (c && pwfb)
+ _mesa_make_current(&c->gl_ctx, &pwfb->Base, &pwfb->Base);
+ else
+ _mesa_make_current(NULL, NULL, NULL);
+void WMesaSwapBuffers( HDC hdc )
+ WMesaContext pwc = wmesa_context(ctx);
+ WMesaFramebuffer pwfb = wmesa_lookup_framebuffer(hdc);
+ if (!pwfb) {
+ _mesa_problem(NULL, "wmesa: swapbuffers on unknown hdc");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If we're swapping the buffer associated with the current context
+ * we have to flush any pending rendering commands first.
+ */
+ if (pwc->hDC == hdc) {
+ _mesa_notifySwapBuffers(ctx);
+ BitBlt(pwfb->hDC, 0, 0, pwfb->Base.Width, pwfb->Base.Height,
+ pwfb->dib_hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* XXX for now only allow swapping current window */
+ _mesa_problem(NULL, "wmesa: can't swap non-current window");
+ }
+void WMesaShareLists(WMesaContext ctx_to_share, WMesaContext ctx)
+ _mesa_share_state(&ctx->gl_ctx, &ctx_to_share->gl_ctx);
diff --git a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wmesadef.h b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wmesadef.h
index 9fda88390..344f9488b 100644
--- a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wmesadef.h
+++ b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gdi/wmesadef.h
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-#ifndef WMESADEF_H
-#define WMESADEF_H
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "main/context.h"
- * The Windows Mesa rendering context, derived from struct gl_context.
- */
-struct wmesa_context {
- struct gl_context gl_ctx; /* The core GL/Mesa context */
- HDC hDC;
- COLORREF clearColorRef;
- HPEN clearPen;
- HBRUSH clearBrush;
- * Windows framebuffer, derived from gl_framebuffer
- */
-struct wmesa_framebuffer
- struct gl_framebuffer Base;
- HDC hDC;
- int pixelformat;
- GLuint ScanWidth;
- int cColorBits;
- /* back buffer DIB fields */
- HDC dib_hDC;
- HBITMAP hOldBitmap;
- PBYTE pbPixels;
- struct wmesa_framebuffer *next;
-typedef struct wmesa_framebuffer *WMesaFramebuffer;
-#endif /* WMESADEF_H */
+#ifndef WMESADEF_H
+#define WMESADEF_H
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "main/context.h"
+ * The Windows Mesa rendering context, derived from struct gl_context.
+ */
+struct wmesa_context {
+ struct gl_context gl_ctx; /* The core GL/Mesa context */
+ HDC hDC;
+ COLORREF clearColorRef;
+ HPEN clearPen;
+ HBRUSH clearBrush;
+ * Windows framebuffer, derived from gl_framebuffer
+ */
+struct wmesa_framebuffer
+ struct gl_framebuffer Base;
+ HDC hDC;
+ int pixelformat;
+ GLuint ScanWidth;
+ int cColorBits;
+ /* back buffer DIB fields */
+ HDC dib_hDC;
+ HBITMAP hOldBitmap;
+ PBYTE pbPixels;
+ struct wmesa_framebuffer *next;
+typedef struct wmesa_framebuffer *WMesaFramebuffer;
+#endif /* WMESADEF_H */
diff --git a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gldirect/dglcontext.c b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gldirect/dglcontext.c
index 9aedd2e3c..bc4839cfe 100644
--- a/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gldirect/dglcontext.c
+++ b/mesalib/src/mesa/drivers/windows/gldirect/dglcontext.c
@@ -1,2212 +1,2212 @@
-* Mesa 3-D graphics library
-* Direct3D Driver Interface
-* ========================================================================
-* Copyright (C) 1991-2004 SciTech Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
-* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
-* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
-* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
-* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-* ======================================================================
-* Language: ANSI C
-* Environment: Windows 9x (Win32)
-* Description: Context handling.
-#include "dglcontext.h"
-// Get compile errors without this. KeithH
-//#include "scitech.h" // ibool, etc.
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
-#include "gld_driver.h"
-extern void _gld_mesa_warning(struct gl_context *, char *);
-extern void _gld_mesa_fatal(struct gl_context *, char *);
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
-// TODO: Clean out old DX6-specific code from GLD 2.x CAD driver
-// if it is no longer being built as part of GLDirect. (DaveM)
-// ***********************************************************************
-#define GLDERR_NONE 0
-#define GLDERR_MEM 1
-#define GLDERR_DDRAW 2
-#define GLDERR_D3D 3
-#define GLDERR_BPP 4
-char szResourceWarning[] =
-"GLDirect does not have enough video memory resources\n"
-"to support the requested OpenGL rendering context.\n\n"
-"You may have to reduce the current display resolution\n"
-"to obtain satisfactory OpenGL performance.\n";
-char szDDrawWarning[] =
-"GLDirect is unable to initialize DirectDraw for the\n"
-"requested OpenGL rendering context.\n\n"
-"You will have to check the DirectX control panel\n"
-"for further information.\n";
-char szD3DWarning[] =
-"GLDirect is unable to initialize Direct3D for the\n"
-"requested OpenGL rendering context.\n\n"
-"You may have to change the display mode resolution\n"
-"color depth or check the DirectX control panel for\n"
-"further information.\n";
-char szBPPWarning[] =
-"GLDirect is unable to use the selected color depth for\n"
-"the requested OpenGL rendering context.\n\n"
-"You will have to change the display mode resolution\n"
-"color depth with the Display Settings control panel.\n";
-int nContextError = GLDERR_NONE;
-// ***********************************************************************
-#define VENDORID_ATI 0x1002
-static DWORD devATIRagePro[] = {
- 0x4742, // 3D RAGE PRO BGA AGP 1X/2X
- 0x4744, // 3D RAGE PRO BGA AGP 1X only
- 0x4749, // 3D RAGE PRO BGA PCI 33 MHz
- 0x4750, // 3D RAGE PRO PQFP PCI 33 MHz
- 0x4751, // 3D RAGE PRO PQFP PCI 33 MHz limited 3D
- 0x4C42, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-312 AGP 133 MHz
- 0x4C44, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-312 AGP 66 MHz
- 0x4C49, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-312 PCI 33 MHz
- 0x4C50, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-256 PCI 33 MHz
- 0x4C51, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-256 PCI 33 MHz limited 3D
-static DWORD devATIRageIIplus[] = {
- 0x4755, // 3D RAGE II+
- 0x4756, // 3D RAGE IIC PQFP PCI
- 0x4757, // 3D RAGE IIC BGA AGP
- 0x475A, // 3D RAGE IIC PQFP AGP
- 0x4C47, // 3D RAGE LT-G
-// ***********************************************************************
-#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
-extern DGL_mesaFuncs mesaFuncs;
-extern DWORD dwLogging;
-#pragma message("compiling DGLCONTEXT.C vars for multi-threaded support")
-CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection; // for serialized access
-DWORD dwTLSCurrentContext = 0xFFFFFFFF; // TLS index for current context
-DWORD dwTLSPixelFormat = 0xFFFFFFFF; // TLS index for current pixel format
-HGLRC iCurrentContext = 0; // Index of current context (static)
-BOOL bContextReady = FALSE; // Context state ready ?
-DGL_ctx ctxlist[DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS]; // Context list
-// ***********************************************************************
-static BOOL bHaveWin95 = FALSE;
-static BOOL bHaveWinNT = FALSE;
-static BOOL bHaveWin2K = FALSE;
-Detect the installed OS type.
-static void DetectOS(void)
- OSVERSIONINFO VersionInformation;
- LPOSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInformation = &VersionInformation;
- VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(VersionInformation);
- GetVersionEx(lpVersionInformation);
- switch (VersionInformation.dwPlatformId) {
- bHaveWin95 = TRUE;
- bHaveWinNT = FALSE;
- bHaveWin2K = FALSE;
- break;
- bHaveWin95 = FALSE;
- if (VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion <= 4) {
- bHaveWinNT = TRUE;
- bHaveWin2K = FALSE;
- }
- else {
- bHaveWinNT = FALSE;
- bHaveWin2K = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- bHaveWin95 = FALSE;
- bHaveWinNT = FALSE;
- bHaveWin2K = FALSE;
- break;
- }
-// ***********************************************************************
-HWND hWndEvent = NULL; // event monitor window
-HWND hWndLastActive = NULL; // last active client window
-LONG __stdcall GLD_EventWndProc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Checks if the HGLRC is valid in range of context list.
-BOOL dglIsValidContext(
- HGLRC a)
- return ((int)a > 0 && (int)a <= DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS);
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Convert a HGLRC to a pointer into the context list.
-DGL_ctx* dglGetContextAddress(
- const HGLRC a)
- if (dglIsValidContext(a))
- return &ctxlist[(int)a-1];
- return NULL;
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Return the current HGLRC (however it may be stored for multi-threading).
-HGLRC dglGetCurrentContext(void)
- // load from thread-specific instance
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded) {
- // protect against calls from arbitrary threads
- __try {
- hGLRC = (HGLRC)TlsGetValue(dwTLSCurrentContext);
- }
- hGLRC = iCurrentContext;
- }
- }
- // load from global static var
- else {
- hGLRC = iCurrentContext;
- }
- return hGLRC;
- return iCurrentContext;
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Set the current HGLRC (however it may be stored for multi-threading).
-void dglSetCurrentContext(HGLRC hGLRC)
- // store in thread-specific instance
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded) {
- // protect against calls from arbitrary threads
- __try {
- TlsSetValue(dwTLSCurrentContext, (LPVOID)hGLRC);
- }
- iCurrentContext = hGLRC;
- }
- }
- // store in global static var
- else {
- iCurrentContext = hGLRC;
- }
- iCurrentContext = hGLRC;
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Return the current HDC only for a currently active HGLRC.
-HDC dglGetCurrentDC(void)
- DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
- hGLRC = dglGetCurrentContext();
- if (hGLRC) {
- lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(hGLRC);
- return lpCtx->hDC;
- }
- return 0;
-// ***********************************************************************
-void dglInitContextState()
- int i;
- // Allocate thread local storage indexes for current context and pixel format
- dwTLSCurrentContext = TlsAlloc();
- dwTLSPixelFormat = TlsAlloc();
- dglSetCurrentContext(NULL); // No current rendering context
- // Clear all context data
- ZeroMemory(ctxlist, sizeof(ctxlist[0]) * DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS);
- for (i=0; i<DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS; i++)
- ctxlist[i].bAllocated = FALSE; // Flag context as unused
- // This section of code crashes the dll in circumstances where the app
- // creates and destroys contexts.
- // Register the class for our event monitor window
- wc.style = 0;
- wc.lpfnWndProc = GLD_EventWndProc;
- wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
- wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
- wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), IDI_APPLICATION);
- wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
- wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- wc.lpszClassName = "GLDIRECT";
- RegisterClass(&wc);
- // Create the non-visible window to monitor all broadcast messages
- hWndEvent = CreateWindowEx(
- 0,0,0,0,
- NULL,NULL,GetModuleHandle(NULL),NULL);
- // Create a critical section object for serializing access to
- // DirectDraw and DDStereo create/destroy functions in multiple threads
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- InitializeCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- // Context state is now initialized and ready
- bContextReady = TRUE;
-// ***********************************************************************
-void dglDeleteContextState()
- int i;
- static BOOL bOnceIsEnough = FALSE;
- // Only call once, from either DGL_exitDriver(), or DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
- if (bOnceIsEnough)
- return;
- bOnceIsEnough = TRUE;
- for (i=0; i<DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS; i++) {
- if (ctxlist[i].bAllocated == TRUE) {
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "** Context %i not deleted - cleaning up.", (i+1));
- dglDeleteContext((HGLRC)(i+1));
- }
- }
- // Context state is no longer ready
- bContextReady = FALSE;
- // If executed when DLL unloads, DDraw objects may be invalid.
- // So catch any page faults with this exception handler.
-__try {
- // Release final DirectDraw interfaces
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant) {
-// RELEASE(glb.lpGlobalPalette);
-// RELEASE(glb.lpDepth4);
-// RELEASE(glb.lpBack4);
-// RELEASE(glb.lpPrimary4);
-// RELEASE(glb.lpDD4);
- }
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "Exception raised in dglDeleteContextState.");
- // Destroy our event monitor window
- if (hWndEvent) {
- DestroyWindow(hWndEvent);
- hWndEvent = hWndLastActive = NULL;
- }
- // Destroy the critical section object
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- DeleteCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- // Release thread local storage indexes for current HGLRC and pixel format
- TlsFree(dwTLSPixelFormat);
- TlsFree(dwTLSCurrentContext);
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Application Window message handler interception
-static LONG __stdcall dglWndProc(
- HWND hwnd,
- UINT msg,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam)
- DGL_ctx* lpCtx = NULL;
- LONG lpfnWndProc = 0L;
- int i;
- RECT rect;
- BOOL bQuit = FALSE;
- BOOL bMain = FALSE;
- LONG rc;
- // Get the window's message handler *before* it is unhooked in WM_DESTROY
- // Is this the main window?
- if (hwnd == glb.hWndActive) {
- bMain = TRUE;
- lpfnWndProc = glb.lpfnWndProc;
- }
- // Search for DGL context matching window handle
- for (i=0; i<DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS; i++) {
- if (ctxlist[i].hWnd == hwnd) {
- lpCtx = &ctxlist[i];
- lpfnWndProc = lpCtx->lpfnWndProc;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Not one of ours...
- if (!lpfnWndProc)
- return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
- // Intercept messages amd process *before* passing on to window
- switch (msg) {
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- glb.bPixelformatsDirty = TRUE;
- break;
- glb.bAppActive = (BOOL)wParam;
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Calling app has been %s", glb.bAppActive ? "activated" : "de-activated");
- break;
- // Eat the GDI erase event for the GL window
- if (!lpCtx || !lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent)
- break;
- lpCtx->bGDIEraseBkgnd = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- case WM_PAINT:
- // Eat the invalidated update region if render scene is in progress
- if (!lpCtx || !lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent)
- break;
- if (lpCtx->bFrameStarted) {
- if (GetUpdateRect(hwnd, &rect, FALSE)) {
- BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
- EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
- ValidateRect(hwnd, &rect);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // Call the appropriate window message handler
- rc = CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)lpfnWndProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
- // Intercept messages and process *after* passing on to window
- switch (msg) {
- case WM_QUIT:
- case WM_DESTROY:
- bQuit = TRUE;
- if (lpCtx && lpCtx->bAllocated) {
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "WM_DESTROY detected for HWND=%X, HDC=%X, HGLRC=%d", hwnd, lpCtx->hDC, i+1);
- dglDeleteContext((HGLRC)(i+1));
- }
- break;
-#if 0
- case WM_SIZE:
- // Resize surfaces to fit window but not viewport (in case app did not bother)
- if (!lpCtx || !lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent)
- break;
- w = LOWORD(lParam);
- h = HIWORD(lParam);
- if (lpCtx->dwWidth < w || lpCtx->dwHeight < h) {
- if (!dglWglResizeBuffers(lpCtx->glCtx, TRUE))
- dglWglResizeBuffers(lpCtx->glCtx, FALSE);
- }
- break;
- }
- // If the main window is quitting, then so should we...
- if (bMain && bQuit) {
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "shutting down after WM_DESTROY detected for main HWND=%X", hwnd);
- dglDeleteContextState();
- dglExitDriver();
- }
- return rc;
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Driver Window message handler
-static LONG __stdcall GLD_EventWndProc(
- HWND hwnd,
- UINT msg,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam)
- switch (msg) {
- // May be sent by splash screen dialog on exit
- if (LOWORD(wParam) == WA_ACTIVE && glb.hWndActive) {
- SetForegroundWindow(glb.hWndActive);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Intercepted Keyboard handler for detecting hot keys.
- int code,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam)
- HWND hWnd, hWndFrame;
- DGL_ctx* lpCtx = NULL;
- int cmd = 0, dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, i;
- static BOOL bAltPressed = FALSE;
- static BOOL bCtrlPressed = FALSE;
- static BOOL bShiftPressed = FALSE;
- RECT r, rf, rc;
- POINT pt;
- BOOL bForceReshape = FALSE;
- return CallNextHookEx(hKeyHook, code, wParam, lParam);
-// ***********************************************************************
-HWND hWndMatch;
-// Window handle enumeration procedure.
-BOOL CALLBACK dglEnumChildProc(
- HWND hWnd,
- LPARAM lParam)
- RECT rect;
- // Find window handle with matching client rect.
- GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect);
- if (EqualRect(&rect, (RECT*)lParam)) {
- hWndMatch = hWnd;
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Continue with next child window.
- return TRUE;
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Find window handle with matching client rect.
-HWND dglFindWindowRect(
- RECT* pRect)
- hWndMatch = NULL;
- EnumChildWindows(GetForegroundWindow(), dglEnumChildProc, (LPARAM)pRect);
- return hWndMatch;
-// ***********************************************************************
-#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
-void dglChooseDisplayMode(
- DGL_ctx *lpCtx)
- // Note: Choose an exact match if possible.
- int i;
- DWORD area;
- DWORD bestarea;
- DDSURFACEDESC2 *lpDDSD = NULL; // Mode list pointer
- DDSURFACEDESC2 *lpBestDDSD = NULL; // Pointer to best
- lpDDSD = glb.lpDisplayModes;
- for (i=0; i<glb.nDisplayModeCount; i++, lpDDSD++) {
- if ((lpDDSD->dwWidth == lpCtx->dwWidth) &&
- (lpDDSD->dwHeight == lpCtx->dwHeight))
- goto matched; // Mode has been exactly matched
- // Choose modes that are larger in both dimensions than
- // the window, but smaller in area than the current best.
- if ( (lpDDSD->dwWidth >= lpCtx->dwWidth) &&
- (lpDDSD->dwHeight >= lpCtx->dwHeight))
- {
- if (lpBestDDSD == NULL) {
- lpBestDDSD = lpDDSD;
- bestarea = lpDDSD->dwWidth * lpDDSD->dwHeight;
- continue;
- }
- area = lpDDSD->dwWidth * lpDDSD->dwHeight;
- if (area < bestarea) {
- lpBestDDSD = lpDDSD;
- bestarea = area;
- }
- }
- }
- // Safety check
- if (lpBestDDSD == NULL) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL, "dglChooseDisplayMode");
- return;
- }
- lpCtx->dwModeWidth = lpBestDDSD->dwWidth;
- lpCtx->dwModeHeight = lpBestDDSD->dwHeight;
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Matched (%ldx%ld) to (%ldx%ld)",
- lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight, lpCtx->dwModeWidth, lpCtx->dwModeHeight);
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
-// ***********************************************************************
-static BOOL IsDevice(
- DWORD *lpDeviceIdList,
- DWORD dwDeviceId,
- int count)
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<count; i++)
- if (dwDeviceId == lpDeviceIdList[i])
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
-// ***********************************************************************
-void dglTestForBrokenCards(
- DGL_ctx *lpCtx)
-#ifndef _GLD3
- DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER dddi; // DX6 device identifier
- // Sanity check.
- if (lpCtx == NULL) {
- // Testing for broken cards is sensitive area, so we don't want
- // anything saying "broken cards" in the error message. ;)
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "Null context passed to TFBC\n");
- return;
- }
- if (lpCtx->lpDD4 == NULL) {
- // Testing for broken cards is sensitive area, so we don't want
- // anything saying "broken cards" in the error message. ;)
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "Null DD4 passed to TFBC\n");
- return;
- }
- // Microsoft really fucked up with the GetDeviceIdentifier function
- // on Windows 2000, since it locks up on stock driers on the CD. Updated
- // drivers from vendors appear to work, but we can't identify the drivers
- // without this function!!! For now we skip these tests on Windows 2000.
- if ((GetVersion() & 0x80000000UL) == 0)
- return;
- // Obtain device info
- if (FAILED(IDirectDraw4_GetDeviceIdentifier(lpCtx->lpDD4, &dddi, 0)))
- return;
- // Useful info. Log it.
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "DirectDraw: VendorId=0x%x, DeviceId=0x%x", dddi.dwVendorId, dddi.dwDeviceId);
- // Vendor 1: ATI
- if (dddi.dwVendorId == VENDORID_ATI) {
- // Test A: ATI Rage PRO
- if (IsDevice(devATIRagePro, dddi.dwDeviceId, sizeof(devATIRagePro)))
- glb.bUseMipmaps = FALSE;
- // Test B: ATI Rage II+
- if (IsDevice(devATIRageIIplus, dddi.dwDeviceId, sizeof(devATIRageIIplus)))
- glb.bEmulateAlphaTest = TRUE;
- }
- // Vendor 2: Matrox
- if (dddi.dwVendorId == 0x102B) {
- // Test: Matrox G400 stencil buffer support does not work for AutoCAD
- if (dddi.dwDeviceId == 0x0525) {
- lpCtx->lpPF->pfd.cStencilBits = 0;
- if (lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF != -1) {
- glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF].dwStencilBitDepth = 0;
- glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF].dwStencilBitMask = 0;
- glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF].dwFlags &= ~DDPF_STENCILBUFFER;
- }
- }
- }
-#endif // _GLD3
-// ***********************************************************************
-BOOL dglCreateContextBuffers(
- HDC a,
- DGL_ctx *lpCtx,
- BOOL bFallback)
- HRESULT hResult;
- int i;
-// DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
-#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- DWORD dwFlags;
- DDSCAPS2 ddscaps2;
- D3DDEVICEDESC D3DHWDevDesc; // Direct3D Hardware description
- D3DDEVICEDESC D3DHELDevDesc; // Direct3D Hardware Emulation Layer
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- float inv_aspect;
- GLenum bDoubleBuffer; // TRUE if double buffer required
- GLenum bDepthBuffer; // TRUE if depth buffer required
- const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *lpPFD = &lpCtx->lpPF->pfd;
- // Vars for Mesa visual
- DWORD dwDepthBits = 0;
- DWORD dwStencilBits = 0;
- DWORD dwAlphaBits = 0;
- DWORD bDouble = GL_FALSE;
- DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd2DisplayMode;
- BOOL bFullScrnWin = FALSE; // fullscreen-size window ?
- DDBLTFX ddbltfx;
- DWORD dwMemoryType = (bFallback) ? DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY : glb.dwMemoryType;
- BOOL bBogusWindow = FALSE; // non-drawable window ?
- DWORD dwColorRef = 0; // GDI background color
- RECT rcDst; // GDI window rect
- POINT pt; // GDI window point
- // Palette used for creating default global palette
- PALETTEENTRY ppe[256];
-#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- // Vertex buffer description. Used for creation of vertex buffers
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglCreateContextBuffers for HDC=%X", a);
- nContextError = GLDERR_NONE;
- // Serialize access to DirectDraw object creation or DDS start
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- // Check for back buffer
- bDoubleBuffer = GL_TRUE; //(lpPFD->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
- // Since we always do back buffering, check if we emulate front buffering
- lpCtx->EmulateSingle =
-#if 0 // Don't have to mimic MS OpenGL behavior for front-buffering (DaveM)
- lpCtx->EmulateSingle |=
- (lpPFD->dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_GDI) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- // Check for depth buffer
- bDepthBuffer = (lpPFD->cDepthBits) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
- lpCtx->bDoubleBuffer = bDoubleBuffer;
- lpCtx->bDepthBuffer = bDepthBuffer;
- // Set the Fullscreen flag for the context.
-// lpCtx->bFullscreen = glb.bFullscreen;
- // Obtain the dimensions of the rendering window
- lpCtx->hDC = a; // Cache DC
- lpCtx->hWnd = WindowFromDC(lpCtx->hDC);
- // Check for non-window DC = memory DC ?
- if (lpCtx->hWnd == NULL) {
- // bitmap memory contexts are always single-buffered
- lpCtx->EmulateSingle = TRUE;
- bBogusWindow = TRUE;
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Non-Window Memory Device Context");
- if (GetClipBox(lpCtx->hDC, &lpCtx->rcScreenRect) == ERROR) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_WARN, "GetClipBox failed in dglCreateContext\n");
- SetRect(&lpCtx->rcScreenRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- else if (!GetClientRect(lpCtx->hWnd, &lpCtx->rcScreenRect)) {
- bBogusWindow = TRUE;
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_WARN, "GetClientRect failed in dglCreateContext\n");
- SetRect(&lpCtx->rcScreenRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- lpCtx->dwWidth = lpCtx->rcScreenRect.right - lpCtx->rcScreenRect.left;
- lpCtx->dwHeight = lpCtx->rcScreenRect.bottom - lpCtx->rcScreenRect.top;
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Input window %X: w=%i, h=%i",
- lpCtx->hWnd, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
- // What if app only zeroes one dimension instead of both? (DaveM)
- if ( (lpCtx->dwWidth == 0) || (lpCtx->dwHeight == 0) ) {
- // Make the buffer size something sensible
- lpCtx->dwWidth = 8;
- lpCtx->dwHeight = 8;
- }
- // Set defaults
- lpCtx->dwModeWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth;
- lpCtx->dwModeHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight;
- // Find best display mode for fullscreen
- if (glb.bFullscreen || !glb.bPrimary) {
- dglChooseDisplayMode(lpCtx);
- }
- // Misc initialisation
- lpCtx->bCanRender = FALSE; // No rendering allowed yet
- lpCtx->bSceneStarted = FALSE;
- lpCtx->bFrameStarted = FALSE;
- // Detect OS (specifically 'Windows 2000' or 'Windows XP')
- DetectOS();
- // NOTE: WinNT not supported
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "OS: %s", bHaveWin95 ? "Win9x" : (bHaveWin2K ? "Win2000/XP" : "Unsupported") );
- // Test for Fullscreen
- if (bHaveWin95) { // Problems with fullscreen on Win2K/XP
- if ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) == lpCtx->dwWidth) &&
- (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) == lpCtx->dwHeight))
- {
- // Workaround for some apps that crash when going fullscreen.
- //lpCtx->bFullscreen = TRUE;
- }
- }
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- _gldDriver.CreateDrawable(lpCtx, glb.bDirectDrawPersistant, glb.bPersistantBuffers);
- // Check if DirectDraw has already been created by original GLRC (DaveM)
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bDirectDraw) {
- lpCtx->lpDD4 = glb.lpDD4;
- IDirectDraw4_AddRef(lpCtx->lpDD4);
- goto SkipDirectDrawCreate;
- }
- // Create DirectDraw object
- if (glb.bPrimary)
- hResult = DirectDrawCreate(NULL, &lpCtx->lpDD1, NULL);
- else {
- // A non-primary device is to be used.
- // Force context to be Fullscreen, secondary adaptors can not
- // be used in a window.
- hResult = DirectDrawCreate(&glb.ddGuid, &lpCtx->lpDD1, NULL);
- lpCtx->bFullscreen = TRUE;
- }
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to initialize DirectDraw", "GLDirect", MB_OK);
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to create DirectDraw interface", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_DDRAW;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Query for DX6 IDirectDraw4.
- hResult = IDirectDraw_QueryInterface(lpCtx->lpDD1,
- &IID_IDirectDraw4,
- (void**)&lpCtx->lpDD4);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- MessageBox(NULL, "GLDirect requires DirectX 6.0 or above", "GLDirect", MB_OK);
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to create DirectDraw4 interface", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_DDRAW;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Cache DirectDraw interface for subsequent GLRCs
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && !glb.bDirectDraw) {
- glb.lpDD4 = lpCtx->lpDD4;
- IDirectDraw4_AddRef(glb.lpDD4);
- glb.bDirectDraw = TRUE;
- }
- // Now we have a DD4 interface we can check for broken cards
- dglTestForBrokenCards(lpCtx);
- // Test if primary device can use flipping instead of blitting
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd2DisplayMode, sizeof(ddsd2DisplayMode));
- ddsd2DisplayMode.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2DisplayMode);
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_GetDisplayMode(
- lpCtx->lpDD4,
- &ddsd2DisplayMode);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) {
- if ( (lpCtx->dwWidth == ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth) &&
- (lpCtx->dwHeight == ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight) ) {
- // We have a fullscreen-size window
- bFullScrnWin = TRUE;
- // OK to use DirectDraw fullscreen mode ?
- if (glb.bPrimary && !glb.bFullscreenBlit && !lpCtx->EmulateSingle && !glb.bDirectDrawPersistant) {
- lpCtx->bFullscreen = TRUE;
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_INFO, "Primary upgraded to page flipping.\n");
- }
- }
- // Cache the display mode dimensions
- lpCtx->dwModeWidth = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth;
- lpCtx->dwModeHeight = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight;
- }
- // Clamp the effective window dimensions to primary surface.
- // We need to do this for D3D viewport dimensions even if wide
- // surfaces are supported. This also is a good idea for handling
- // whacked-out window dimensions passed for non-drawable windows
- // like Solid Edge. (DaveM)
- if (lpCtx->dwWidth > ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth)
- lpCtx->dwWidth = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth;
- if (lpCtx->dwHeight > ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight)
- lpCtx->dwHeight = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight;
- // Check for non-RGB desktop resolution
- if (!lpCtx->bFullscreen && ddsd2DisplayMode.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount <= 8) {
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Desktop color depth %d bpp not supported",
- ddsd2DisplayMode.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount);
- nContextError = GLDERR_BPP;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Window: w=%i, h=%i (%s)",
- lpCtx->dwWidth,
- lpCtx->dwHeight,
- lpCtx->bFullscreen ? "fullscreen" : "windowed");
-#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- // Obtain ddraw caps
- ZeroMemory(&lpCtx->ddCaps, sizeof(DDCAPS));
- lpCtx->ddCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DDCAPS);
- if (glb.bHardware) {
- // Get HAL caps
- IDirectDraw4_GetCaps(lpCtx->lpDD4, &lpCtx->ddCaps, NULL);
- } else {
- // Get HEL caps
- IDirectDraw4_GetCaps(lpCtx->lpDD4, NULL, &lpCtx->ddCaps);
- }
- // If this flag is present then we can't default to Mesa
- // SW rendering between BeginScene() and EndScene().
- if (lpCtx->ddCaps.dwCaps2 & DDCAPS2_NO2DDURING3DSCENE) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_INFO,
- "Warning : No 2D allowed during 3D scene.\n");
- }
- // Query for DX6 Direct3D3 interface
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_QueryInterface(lpCtx->lpDD4,
- &IID_IDirect3D3,
- (void**)&lpCtx->lpD3D3);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to initialize Direct3D", "GLDirect", MB_OK);
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to create Direct3D interface", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_D3D;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Context creation
- if (lpCtx->bFullscreen) {
- // Disable warning popups when in fullscreen mode
- ddlogWarnOption(FALSE);
- // Have to release persistant primary surface if fullscreen mode
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bDirectDrawPrimary) {
- RELEASE(glb.lpPrimary4);
- glb.bDirectDrawPrimary = FALSE;
- }
- if (glb.bFastFPU)
- dwFlags |= DDSCL_FPUSETUP; // fast FPU setup optional (DaveM)
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel(lpCtx->lpDD4, lpCtx->hWnd, dwFlags);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to set Exclusive Fullscreen mode", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_SetDisplayMode(lpCtx->lpDD4,
- lpCtx->dwModeWidth,
- lpCtx->dwModeHeight,
- lpPFD->cColorBits,
- 0,
- 0);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "SetDisplayMode failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // ** The display mode has changed, so dont use MessageBox! **
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd2, sizeof(ddsd2));
- ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2);
- if (bDoubleBuffer) {
- // Double buffered
- // Primary surface
- ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE |
- dwMemoryType;
- ddsd2.dwBackBufferCount = 1;
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpFront4, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateSurface (primary) failed", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Render target surface
- ZeroMemory(&ddscaps2, sizeof(ddscaps2)); // Clear the entire struct.
- ddscaps2.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER;
- hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_GetAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpFront4, &ddscaps2, &lpCtx->lpBack4);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "GetAttachedSurface failed", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- } else {
- // Single buffered
- // Primary surface
- ddsd2.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS;
- ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE |
- dwMemoryType;
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpFront4, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateSurface (primary) failed", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- lpCtx->lpBack4 = NULL;
- }
- } else {
- // OK to enable warning popups in windowed mode
- ddlogWarnOption(glb.bMessageBoxWarnings);
- dwFlags = DDSCL_NORMAL;
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- if (glb.bFastFPU)
- dwFlags |= DDSCL_FPUSETUP; // fast FPU setup optional (DaveM)
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel(lpCtx->lpDD4,
- lpCtx->hWnd,
- dwFlags);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to set Normal coop level", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Has Primary surface already been created for original GLRC ?
- // Note this can only be applicable for windowed modes
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bDirectDrawPrimary) {
- lpCtx->lpFront4 = glb.lpPrimary4;
- IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(lpCtx->lpFront4);
- // Update the window on the default clipper
- IDirectDrawSurface4_GetClipper(lpCtx->lpFront4, &lpddClipper);
- IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd(lpddClipper, 0, lpCtx->hWnd);
- IDirectDrawClipper_Release(lpddClipper);
- goto SkipPrimaryCreate;
- }
- // Primary surface
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd2, sizeof(ddsd2));
- ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2);
- ddsd2.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS;
- ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE;
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpFront4, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateSurface (primary) failed", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Cache Primary surface for subsequent GLRCs
- // Note this can only be applicable to subsequent windowed modes
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && !glb.bDirectDrawPrimary) {
- glb.lpPrimary4 = lpCtx->lpFront4;
- IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(glb.lpPrimary4);
- glb.bDirectDrawPrimary = TRUE;
- }
- // Clipper object
- hResult = DirectDrawCreateClipper(0, &lpddClipper, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateClipper failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- hResult = IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd(lpddClipper, 0, lpCtx->hWnd);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- RELEASE(lpddClipper);
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "SetHWnd failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_SetClipper(lpCtx->lpFront4, lpddClipper);
- RELEASE(lpddClipper); // We have finished with it.
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "SetClipper failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- if (bDoubleBuffer) {
- // Render target surface
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd2, sizeof(ddsd2));
- ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2);
- ddsd2.dwWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth;
- ddsd2.dwHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight;
- ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE |
- dwMemoryType;
- // Reserve the entire desktop size for persistant buffers option
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers) {
- ddsd2.dwWidth = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth;
- ddsd2.dwHeight = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight;
- }
- // Re-use original back buffer if persistant buffers exist
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && glb.lpBack4)
- hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(lpCtx->lpBack4 = glb.lpBack4);
- else
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpBack4, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Create Backbuffer failed", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && !glb.lpBack4)
- IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(glb.lpBack4 = lpCtx->lpBack4);
- } else {
- lpCtx->lpBack4 = NULL;
- }
- }
- //
- // Now create the Z-buffer
- //
- lpCtx->bStencil = FALSE; // Default to no stencil buffer
- if (bDepthBuffer && (lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF != -1)) {
- // Get z-buffer dimensions from the render target
- // Setup the surface desc for the z-buffer.
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd2, sizeof(ddsd2));
- ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2);
- ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER | dwMemoryType;
- ddsd2.dwWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth;
- ddsd2.dwHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight;
- memcpy(&ddsd2.ddpfPixelFormat,
- &glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF],
- sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT) );
- // Reserve the entire desktop size for persistant buffers option
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers) {
- ddsd2.dwWidth = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth;
- ddsd2.dwHeight = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight;
- }
- // Create a z-buffer
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && glb.lpDepth4)
- hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(lpCtx->lpDepth4 = glb.lpDepth4);
- else
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpDepth4, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateSurface (ZBuffer) failed", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && !glb.lpDepth4)
- IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(glb.lpDepth4 = lpCtx->lpDepth4);
- else if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && glb.lpDepth4 && glb.lpBack4)
- IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(glb.lpBack4, 0, glb.lpDepth4);
- // Attach Zbuffer to render target
- TRY(IDirectDrawSurface4_AddAttachedSurface(
- bDoubleBuffer ? lpCtx->lpBack4 : lpCtx->lpFront4,
- lpCtx->lpDepth4),
- "dglCreateContext: Attach Zbuffer");
- if (glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF].dwFlags & DDPF_STENCILBUFFER) {
- lpCtx->bStencil = TRUE;
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_INFO, "Depth buffer has stencil\n");
- }
- }
- // Clear all back buffers and Z-buffers in case of memory recycling.
- ZeroMemory(&ddbltfx, sizeof(ddbltfx));
- ddbltfx.dwSize = sizeof(ddbltfx);
- IDirectDrawSurface4_Blt(lpCtx->lpBack4, NULL, NULL, NULL,
- if (lpCtx->lpDepth4)
- IDirectDrawSurface4_Blt(lpCtx->lpDepth4, NULL, NULL, NULL,
- // Now that we have a Z-buffer we can create the 3D device
- hResult = IDirect3D3_CreateDevice(lpCtx->lpD3D3,
- &glb.d3dGuid,
- bDoubleBuffer ? lpCtx->lpBack4 : lpCtx->lpFront4,
- &lpCtx->lpDev3,
- NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to create Direct3D device", hResult);
- nContextError = GLDERR_D3D;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // We must do this as soon as the device is created
- dglInitStateCaches(lpCtx);
- // Obtain the D3D Device Description
- D3DHWDevDesc.dwSize = D3DHELDevDesc.dwSize = sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC);
- TRY(IDirect3DDevice3_GetCaps(lpCtx->lpDev3,
- &D3DHWDevDesc,
- &D3DHELDevDesc),
- "dglCreateContext: GetCaps failed");
- // Choose the relevant description and cache it in the context.
- // We will use this description later for caps checking
- memcpy( &lpCtx->D3DDevDesc,
- glb.bHardware ? &D3DHWDevDesc : &D3DHELDevDesc,
- sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC));
- // Now we can examine the texture formats
- if (!dglBuildTextureFormatList(lpCtx->lpDev3)) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "dglBuildTextureFormatList failed\n");
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Get the pixel format of the back buffer
- lpCtx->ddpfRender.dwSize = sizeof(lpCtx->ddpfRender);
- if (bDoubleBuffer)
- hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_GetPixelFormat(
- lpCtx->lpBack4,
- &lpCtx->ddpfRender);
- else
- hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_GetPixelFormat(
- lpCtx->lpFront4,
- &lpCtx->ddpfRender);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "GetPixelFormat failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Find a pixel packing function suitable for this surface
- pxClassifyPixelFormat(&lpCtx->ddpfRender,
- &lpCtx->fnPackFunc,
- &lpCtx->fnUnpackFunc,
- &lpCtx->fnPackSpanFunc);
- // Viewport
- hResult = IDirect3D3_CreateViewport(lpCtx->lpD3D3, &lpCtx->lpViewport3, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateViewport failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- hResult = IDirect3DDevice3_AddViewport(lpCtx->lpDev3, lpCtx->lpViewport3);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "AddViewport failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Initialise the viewport
- // Note screen coordinates are used for viewport clipping since D3D
- // transform operations are not used in the GLD CAD driver. (DaveM)
- inv_aspect = (float)lpCtx->dwHeight/(float)lpCtx->dwWidth;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwSize = sizeof(lpCtx->d3dViewport);
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwX = 0;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwY = 0;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvClipX = 0; // -1.0f;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvClipY = 0; // inv_aspect;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvClipWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth; // 2.0f;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvClipHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight; // 2.0f * inv_aspect;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvMinZ = 0.0f;
- lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvMaxZ = 1.0f;
- TRY(IDirect3DViewport3_SetViewport2(lpCtx->lpViewport3, &lpCtx->d3dViewport), "dglCreateContext: SetViewport2");
- hResult = IDirect3DDevice3_SetCurrentViewport(lpCtx->lpDev3, lpCtx->lpViewport3);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "SetCurrentViewport failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- lpCtx->dwBPP = lpPFD->cColorBits;
- lpCtx->iZBufferPF = lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF;
- // Set last texture to NULL
- for (i=0; i<MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; i++) {
- lpCtx->ColorOp[i] = D3DTOP_DISABLE;
- lpCtx->AlphaOp[i] = D3DTOP_DISABLE;
- lpCtx->tObj[i] = NULL;
- }
- // Default to perspective correct texture mapping
- dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREPERSPECTIVE, TRUE, "TexturePersp");
- // Set the default culling mode
- lpCtx->cullmode = D3DCULL_NONE;
- dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE, "CullMode");
- // Disable specular
- dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_SPECULARENABLE, FALSE, "SpecularEnable");
- // Disable subpixel correction
-// dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_SUBPIXEL, FALSE, "SubpixelEnable");
- // Disable dithering
- dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE, FALSE, "DitherEnable");
- // Initialise the primitive caches
-// lpCtx->dwNextLineVert = 0;
-// lpCtx->dwNextTriVert = 0;
- // Init the global texture palette
- lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette = NULL;
- // Init the HW/SW usage counters
-// lpCtx->dwHWUsageCount = lpCtx->dwSWUsageCount = 0L;
- //
- // Create two D3D vertex buffers.
- // One will hold the pre-transformed data with the other one
- // being used to hold the post-transformed & clipped verts.
- //
-#if 0 // never used (DaveM)
- vbufdesc.dwSize = sizeof(D3DVERTEXBUFFERDESC);
- vbufdesc.dwCaps = D3DVBCAPS_WRITEONLY;
- if (glb.bHardware == FALSE)
- vbufdesc.dwCaps = D3DVBCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY;
- vbufdesc.dwNumVertices = 32768; // For the time being
- // Source vertex buffer
- vbufdesc.dwFVF = DGL_LVERTEX;
- hResult = IDirect3D3_CreateVertexBuffer(lpCtx->lpD3D3, &vbufdesc, &lpCtx->m_vbuf, 0, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateVertexBuffer(src) failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Destination vertex buffer
- vbufdesc.dwFVF = (glb.bMultitexture == FALSE) ? D3DFVF_TLVERTEX : (D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_TEX2);
- hResult = IDirect3D3_CreateVertexBuffer(lpCtx->lpD3D3, &vbufdesc, &lpCtx->m_pvbuf, 0, NULL);
- if(FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateVertexBuffer(dst) failed", hResult);
- goto return_with_error;
- }
-#endif _USE_GLD3_WGL
- //
- // Now create the Mesa context
- //
- // Create the Mesa visual
- if (lpPFD->cDepthBits)
- dwDepthBits = 16;
- if (lpPFD->cStencilBits)
- dwStencilBits = 8;
- if (lpPFD->cAlphaBits) {
- dwAlphaBits = 8;
- bAlphaSW = GL_TRUE;
- }
- if (lpPFD->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER)
- bDouble = GL_TRUE;
-// lpCtx->EmulateSingle =
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- lpCtx->glVis = _mesa_create_visual(
- bDouble, /* double buffer */
- GL_FALSE, // stereo
- lpPFD->cRedBits,
- lpPFD->cGreenBits,
- lpPFD->cBlueBits,
- dwAlphaBits,
- dwDepthBits,
- dwStencilBits,
- lpPFD->cAccumRedBits, // accum bits
- lpPFD->cAccumGreenBits, // accum bits
- lpPFD->cAccumBlueBits, // accum bits
- lpPFD->cAccumAlphaBits, // accum alpha bits
- 1 // num samples
- );
-#else // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- lpCtx->glVis = (*mesaFuncs.gl_create_visual)(
- GL_TRUE, // RGB mode
- bAlphaSW, // Is an alpha buffer required?
- bDouble, // Is an double-buffering required?
- GL_FALSE, // stereo
- dwDepthBits, // depth_size
- dwStencilBits, // stencil_size
- lpPFD->cAccumBits, // accum_size
- 0, // colour-index bits
- lpPFD->cRedBits, // Red bit count
- lpPFD->cGreenBits, // Green bit count
- lpPFD->cBlueBits, // Blue bit count
- dwAlphaBits // Alpha bit count
- );
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- if (lpCtx->glVis == NULL) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "gl_create_visual failed\n");
- goto return_with_error;
- }
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- lpCtx->glCtx = _mesa_create_context(API_OPENGL, lpCtx->glVis, NULL, (void *)lpCtx, GL_TRUE);
- // Create the Mesa context
- lpCtx->glCtx = (*mesaFuncs.gl_create_context)(
- lpCtx->glVis, // Mesa visual
- NULL, // share list context
- (void *)lpCtx, // Pointer to our driver context
- GL_TRUE // Direct context flag
- );
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- if (lpCtx->glCtx == NULL) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "gl_create_context failed\n");
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- // Create the Mesa framebuffer
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- lpCtx->glBuffer = _mesa_create_framebuffer(
- lpCtx->glVis,
- lpCtx->glVis->depthBits > 0,
- lpCtx->glVis->stencilBits > 0,
- lpCtx->glVis->accumRedBits > 0,
- GL_FALSE //swalpha
- );
- lpCtx->glBuffer = (*mesaFuncs.gl_create_framebuffer)(lpCtx->glVis);
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- if (lpCtx->glBuffer == NULL) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "gl_create_framebuffer failed\n");
- goto return_with_error;
- }
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- // Init Mesa internals
- _swrast_CreateContext( lpCtx->glCtx );
- _vbo_CreateContext( lpCtx->glCtx );
- _tnl_CreateContext( lpCtx->glCtx );
- _swsetup_CreateContext( lpCtx->glCtx );
- _gldDriver.InitialiseMesa(lpCtx);
- lpCtx->glCtx->imports.warning = _gld_mesa_warning;
- lpCtx->glCtx->imports.fatal = _gld_mesa_fatal;
- // Tell Mesa how many texture stages we have
- glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures = lpCtx->D3DDevDesc.wMaxSimultaneousTextures;
- // Only use as many Units as the spec requires
- if (glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures > MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS)
- glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures = MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS;
- lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureUnits = glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures;
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Texture stages : %d", glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures);
- // Set the max texture size.
- // NOTE: clamped to a max of 1024 for extra performance!
- lpCtx->dwMaxTextureSize = (lpCtx->D3DDevDesc.dwMaxTextureWidth <= 1024) ? lpCtx->D3DDevDesc.dwMaxTextureWidth : 1024;
-// Texture resize takes place elsewhere. KH
-// NOTE: This was added to workaround an issue with the Intel app.
-#if 0
- lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureSize = lpCtx->dwMaxTextureSize;
- lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureSize = 1024;
- lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxDrawBuffers = 1;
- // Setup the Display Driver pointers
- dglSetupDDPointers(lpCtx->glCtx);
- // Initialise all the Direct3D renderstates
- dglInitStateD3D(lpCtx->glCtx);
-#if 0
- // Signal a reload of texture state on next glBegin
- lpCtx->m_texHandleValid = FALSE;
- lpCtx->m_mtex = FALSE;
- lpCtx->m_texturing = FALSE;
- // Set default texture unit state
-// dglSetTexture(lpCtx, 0, NULL);
-// dglSetTexture(lpCtx, 1, NULL);
- //
- // Set the global texture palette to default values.
- //
- // Clear the entire palette
- ZeroMemory(ppe, sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * 256);
- // Fill the palette with a default colour.
- // A garish colour is used to catch bugs. Here Magenta is used.
- for (i=0; i < 256; i++) {
- ppe[i].peRed = 255;
- ppe[i].peGreen = 0;
- ppe[i].peBlue = 255;
- }
- RELEASE(lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette);
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && glb.lpGlobalPalette)
- hResult = IDirectDrawPalette_AddRef(lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette = glb.lpGlobalPalette);
- else
- hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreatePalette(
- lpCtx->lpDD4,
- ppe,
- &(lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette),
- NULL);
- if (FAILED(hResult)) {
- ddlogError(DDLOG_ERROR, "Default CreatePalette failed\n", hResult);
- lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette = NULL;
- goto return_with_error;
- }
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && !glb.lpGlobalPalette)
- IDirectDrawPalette_AddRef(glb.lpGlobalPalette = lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette);
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- // ** If we have made it to here then we can enable rendering **
- lpCtx->bCanRender = TRUE;
-// ddlogMessage(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglCreateContextBuffers succeded\n");
- // Release serialized access
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- return TRUE;
- // Clean up before returning.
- // This is critical for secondary devices.
- lpCtx->bCanRender = FALSE;
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- // Destroy the Mesa context
- if (lpCtx->glBuffer)
- _mesa_destroy_framebuffer(lpCtx->glBuffer);
- if (lpCtx->glCtx)
- _mesa_destroy_context(lpCtx->glCtx);
- if (lpCtx->glVis)
- _mesa_destroy_visual(lpCtx->glVis);
- // Destroy driver data
- _gldDriver.DestroyDrawable(lpCtx);
- // Destroy the Mesa context
- if (lpCtx->glBuffer)
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_framebuffer)(lpCtx->glBuffer);
- if (lpCtx->glCtx)
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_context)(lpCtx->glCtx);
- if (lpCtx->glVis)
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_visual)(lpCtx->glVis);
- RELEASE(lpCtx->m_pvbuf); // Release D3D vertex buffer
- RELEASE(lpCtx->m_vbuf); // Release D3D vertex buffer
- if (lpCtx->lpViewport3) {
- if (lpCtx->lpDev3) IDirect3DDevice3_DeleteViewport(lpCtx->lpDev3, lpCtx->lpViewport3);
- RELEASE(lpCtx->lpViewport3);
- lpCtx->lpViewport3 = NULL;
- }
- RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDev3);
- if (lpCtx->lpDepth4) {
- if (lpCtx->lpBack4)
- IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpBack4, 0L, lpCtx->lpDepth4);
- else
- IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpFront4, 0L, lpCtx->lpDepth4);
- RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDepth4);
- lpCtx->lpDepth4 = NULL;
- }
- RELEASE(lpCtx->lpBack4);
- RELEASE(lpCtx->lpFront4);
- else
- if (lpCtx->bFullscreen) {
- IDirectDraw4_RestoreDisplayMode(lpCtx->lpDD4);
- IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel(lpCtx->lpDD4, NULL, DDSCL_NORMAL);
- }
- RELEASE(lpCtx->lpD3D3);
- RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDD4);
- RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDD1);
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- lpCtx->bAllocated = FALSE;
- // Release serialized access
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- return FALSE;
-// ***********************************************************************
-HGLRC dglCreateContext(
- HDC a,
- const DGL_pixelFormat *lpPF)
- int i;
- DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
- static BOOL bWarnOnce = TRUE;
- DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
- char szMsg[256];
- HWND hWnd;
- LONG lpfnWndProc;
- // Validate license
- if (!dglValidate())
- return NULL;
- // Is context state ready ?
- if (!bContextReady)
- return NULL;
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglCreateContext for HDC=%X, ThreadId=%X", a, dwThreadId);
- // Find next free context.
- // Also ensure that only one Fullscreen context is created at any one time.
- hGLRC = 0; // Default to Not Found
- for (i=0; i<DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS; i++) {
- if (ctxlist[i].bAllocated) {
- if (/*glb.bFullscreen && */ctxlist[i].bFullscreen)
- break;
- } else {
- hGLRC = (HGLRC)(i+1);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Bail if no GLRC was found
- if (!hGLRC)
- return NULL;
- // Set the context pointer
- lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(hGLRC);
- // Make sure that context is zeroed before we do anything.
- // MFC and C++ apps call wglCreateContext() and wglDeleteContext() multiple times,
- // even though only one context is ever used by the app, so keep it clean. (DaveM)
- ZeroMemory(lpCtx, sizeof(DGL_ctx));
- lpCtx->bAllocated = TRUE;
- // Flag that buffers need creating on next wglMakeCurrent call.
- lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent = FALSE;
- lpCtx->lpPF = (DGL_pixelFormat *)lpPF; // cache pixel format
- lpCtx->bCanRender = FALSE;
- // Create all the internal resources here, not in dglMakeCurrent().
- // We do a re-size check in dglMakeCurrent in case of re-allocations. (DaveM)
- // We now try context allocations twice, first with video memory,
- // then again with system memory. This is similar to technique
- // used for dglWglResizeBuffers(). (DaveM)
- if (lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent == FALSE) {
- if (!dglCreateContextBuffers(a, lpCtx, FALSE)) {
- if (glb.bMessageBoxWarnings && bWarnOnce && dwLogging) {
- bWarnOnce = FALSE;
- switch (nContextError) {
- case GLDERR_DDRAW: strcpy(szMsg, szDDrawWarning); break;
- case GLDERR_D3D: strcpy(szMsg, szD3DWarning); break;
- case GLDERR_MEM: strcpy(szMsg, szResourceWarning); break;
- case GLDERR_BPP: strcpy(szMsg, szBPPWarning); break;
- default: strcpy(szMsg, "");
- }
- if (strlen(szMsg))
- MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, "GLDirect", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
- }
- // Only need to try again if memory error
- if (nContextError == GLDERR_MEM) {
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "dglCreateContext failed 1st time with video memory");
- }
- else {
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_ERROR, "dglCreateContext failed");
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- // Now that we have a hWnd, we can intercept the WindowProc.
- hWnd = lpCtx->hWnd;
- if (hWnd) {
- // Only hook individual window handler once if not hooked before.
- lpfnWndProc = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC);
- if (lpfnWndProc != (LONG)dglWndProc) {
- lpCtx->lpfnWndProc = lpfnWndProc;
- SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)dglWndProc);
- }
- // Find the parent window of the app too.
- if (glb.hWndActive == NULL) {
- while (hWnd != NULL) {
- glb.hWndActive = hWnd;
- hWnd = GetParent(hWnd);
- }
- // Hook the parent window too.
- lpfnWndProc = GetWindowLong(glb.hWndActive, GWL_WNDPROC);
- if (glb.hWndActive == lpCtx->hWnd)
- glb.lpfnWndProc = lpCtx->lpfnWndProc;
- else if (lpfnWndProc != (LONG)dglWndProc)
- glb.lpfnWndProc = lpfnWndProc;
- if (glb.lpfnWndProc)
- SetWindowLong(glb.hWndActive, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)dglWndProc);
- }
- }
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglCreateContext succeeded for HGLRC=%d", (int)hGLRC);
- return hGLRC;
-// ***********************************************************************
-// Make a DirectGL context current
-// Used by wgl functions and dgl functions
-BOOL dglMakeCurrent(
- HDC a,
- HGLRC b)
- int context;
- DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
- HWND hWnd;
- BOOL bNeedResize = FALSE;
- BOOL bWindowChanged, bContextChanged;
- DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
- LONG lpfnWndProc;
- // Validate license
- if (!dglValidate())
- return FALSE;
- // Is context state ready ?
- if (!bContextReady)
- return FALSE;
- context = (int)b; // This is as a result of STRICT!
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglMakeCurrent: HDC=%X, HGLRC=%d, ThreadId=%X", a, context, dwThreadId);
- // If the HGLRC is NULL then make no context current;
- // Ditto if the HDC is NULL either. (DaveM)
- if (context == 0 || a == 0) {
- // Corresponding Mesa operation
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- _mesa_make_current(NULL, NULL);
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_make_current)(NULL, NULL);
- dglSetCurrentContext(0);
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Make sure the HGLRC is in range
- if ((context > DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS) || (context < 0)) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "dglMakeCurrent: HGLRC out of range\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Find address of context and make sure that it has been allocated
- lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(b);
- if (!lpCtx->bAllocated) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "dglMakeCurrent: Context not allocated\n");
-// return FALSE;
- return TRUE; // HACK: Shuts up "WebLab Viewer Pro". KeithH
- }
- // Serialize access to DirectDraw or DDS operations
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- // Check if window has changed
- hWnd = (a != lpCtx->hDC) ? WindowFromDC(a) : lpCtx->hWnd;
- bWindowChanged = (hWnd != lpCtx->hWnd) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- bContextChanged = (b != dglGetCurrentContext()) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- // If the window has changed, make sure the clipper is updated. (DaveM)
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && !lpCtx->bFullscreen && (bWindowChanged || bContextChanged)) {
- lpCtx->hWnd = hWnd;
-#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- IDirectDrawSurface4_GetClipper(lpCtx->lpFront4, &lpddClipper);
- IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd(lpddClipper, 0, lpCtx->hWnd);
- IDirectDrawClipper_Release(lpddClipper);
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- }
- // Make sure hDC and hWnd is current. (DaveM)
- // Obtain the dimensions of the rendering window
- lpCtx->hDC = a; // Cache DC
- lpCtx->hWnd = hWnd;
- hWndLastActive = hWnd;
- // Check for non-window DC = memory DC ?
- if (hWnd == NULL) {
- if (GetClipBox(a, &lpCtx->rcScreenRect) == ERROR) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_WARN, "GetClipBox failed in dglMakeCurrent\n");
- SetRect(&lpCtx->rcScreenRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- else if (!GetClientRect(lpCtx->hWnd, &lpCtx->rcScreenRect)) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_WARN, "GetClientRect failed in dglMakeCurrent\n");
- SetRect(&lpCtx->rcScreenRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- // Check if buffers need to be re-sized;
- // If so, wait until Mesa GL stuff is setup before re-sizing;
- if (lpCtx->dwWidth != lpCtx->rcScreenRect.right - lpCtx->rcScreenRect.left ||
- lpCtx->dwHeight != lpCtx->rcScreenRect.bottom - lpCtx->rcScreenRect.top)
- bNeedResize = TRUE;
- // Now we can update our globals
- dglSetCurrentContext(b);
- // Corresponding Mesa operation
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- _mesa_make_current(lpCtx->glCtx, lpCtx->glBuffer);
- lpCtx->glCtx->Driver.UpdateState(lpCtx->glCtx, _NEW_ALL);
- if (bNeedResize) {
- // Resize buffers (Note Mesa GL needs to be setup beforehand);
- // Resize Mesa internal buffer too via glViewport() command,
- // which subsequently calls dglWglResizeBuffers() too.
- lpCtx->glCtx->Driver.Viewport(lpCtx->glCtx, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
- lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent = TRUE;
- }
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_make_current)(lpCtx->glCtx, lpCtx->glBuffer);
- dglSetupDDPointers(lpCtx->glCtx);
- // Insure DirectDraw surfaces fit current window DC
- if (bNeedResize) {
- // Resize buffers (Note Mesa GL needs to be setup beforehand);
- // Resize Mesa internal buffer too via glViewport() command,
- // which subsequently calls dglWglResizeBuffers() too.
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_Viewport)(lpCtx->glCtx, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
- lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent = TRUE;
- }
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglMakeCurrent: width = %d, height = %d", lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
- // We have to clear D3D back buffer and render state if emulated front buffering
- // for different window (but not context) like in Solid Edge.
- if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers
- && (bWindowChanged /* || bContextChanged */) && lpCtx->EmulateSingle) {
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
-// IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(lpCtx->pDev);
-// lpCtx->bSceneStarted = FALSE;
- GL_TRUE, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
- IDirect3DDevice3_EndScene(lpCtx->lpDev3);
- lpCtx->bSceneStarted = FALSE;
- GL_TRUE, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- }
- // The first time we call MakeCurrent we set the initial viewport size
- if (lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent == FALSE)
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- lpCtx->glCtx->Driver.Viewport(lpCtx->glCtx, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_Viewport)(lpCtx->glCtx, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent = TRUE;
- // Release serialized access
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- return TRUE;
-// ***********************************************************************
-BOOL dglDeleteContext(
- HGLRC a)
- DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
- DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
- char argstr[256];
-#if 0 // We have enough trouble throwing exceptions as it is... (DaveM)
- // Validate license
- if (!dglValidate())
- return FALSE;
- // Is context state ready ?
- if (!bContextReady)
- return FALSE;
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglDeleteContext: Deleting context HGLRC=%d, ThreadId=%X", (int)a, dwThreadId);
- // Make sure the HGLRC is in range
- if (((int) a> DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS) || ((int)a < 0)) {
- ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "dglDeleteCurrent: HGLRC out of range\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Make sure context is valid
- lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(a);
- if (!lpCtx->bAllocated) {
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "Tried to delete unallocated context HGLRC=%d", (int)a);
-// return FALSE;
- return TRUE; // HACK: Shuts up "WebLab Viewer Pro". KeithH
- }
- // Make sure context is de-activated
- if (a == dglGetCurrentContext()) {
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "dglDeleteContext: context HGLRC=%d still active", (int)a);
- dglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
- }
- // Serialize access to DirectDraw or DDS operations
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- // We are about to destroy all Direct3D objects.
- // Therefore we must disable rendering
- lpCtx->bCanRender = FALSE;
- // This exception handler was installed to catch some
- // particularly nasty apps. Console apps that call exit()
- // fall into this catagory (i.e. Win32 Glut).
- // VC cannot successfully implement multiple exception handlers
- // if more than one exception occurs. Therefore reverting back to
- // single exception handler as Keith originally had it. (DaveM)
-#define WARN_MESSAGE(p) strcpy(argstr, (#p));
-__try {
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_framebuffer);
- if (lpCtx->glBuffer)
- _mesa_destroy_framebuffer(lpCtx->glBuffer);
- WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_context);
- if (lpCtx->glCtx)
- _mesa_destroy_context(lpCtx->glCtx);
- WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_visual);
- if (lpCtx->glVis)
- _mesa_destroy_visual(lpCtx->glVis);
- _gldDriver.DestroyDrawable(lpCtx);
- // Destroy the Mesa context
- WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_framebuffer);
- if (lpCtx->glBuffer)
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_framebuffer)(lpCtx->glBuffer);
- WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_context);
- if (lpCtx->glCtx)
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_context)(lpCtx->glCtx);
- WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_visual);
- if (lpCtx->glVis)
- (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_visual)(lpCtx->glVis);
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->m_pvbuf); // release D3D vertex buffer
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->m_vbuf); // release D3D vertex buffer
- // Delete the global palette
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette);
- // Clean up.
- if (lpCtx->lpViewport3) {
- if (lpCtx->lpDev3) IDirect3DDevice3_DeleteViewport(lpCtx->lpDev3, lpCtx->lpViewport3);
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpViewport3);
- lpCtx->lpViewport3 = NULL;
- }
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDev3);
- if (lpCtx->lpDepth4) {
- if (lpCtx->lpBack4)
- IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpBack4, 0L, lpCtx->lpDepth4);
- else
- IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpFront4, 0L, lpCtx->lpDepth4);
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDepth4);
- lpCtx->lpDepth4 = NULL;
- }
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpBack4);
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpFront4);
- if (lpCtx->bFullscreen) {
- IDirectDraw4_RestoreDisplayMode(lpCtx->lpDD4);
- IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel(lpCtx->lpDD4, NULL, DDSCL_NORMAL);
- }
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpD3D3);
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDD4);
- SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDD1);
-#endif // _ULSE_GLD3_WGL
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "Exception raised in dglDeleteContext: %s", argstr);
- // Restore the window message handler because this context may be used
- // again by another window with a *different* message handler. (DaveM)
- if (lpCtx->lpfnWndProc) {
- SetWindowLong(lpCtx->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)lpCtx->lpfnWndProc);
- lpCtx->lpfnWndProc = (LONG)NULL;
- }
- lpCtx->bAllocated = FALSE; // This context is now free for use
- // Release serialized access
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- return TRUE;
-// ***********************************************************************
-BOOL dglSwapBuffers(
- HDC hDC)
- RECT rSrcRect; // Source rectangle
- RECT rDstRect; // Destination rectangle
- POINT pt;
- HRESULT hResult;
- DWORD dwBlitFlags;
-// DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
- HGLRC hGLRC = dglGetCurrentContext();
- DGL_ctx *lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(hGLRC);
- HWND hWnd;
- HDC hDCAux; // for memory DC
- int x,y,w,h; // for memory DC BitBlt
-#if 0 // Perhaps not a good idea. Called too often. KH
- // Validate license
- if (!dglValidate())
- return FALSE;
- if (!lpCtx) {
- return TRUE; //FALSE; // No current context
- }
- if (!lpCtx->bCanRender) {
- // Don't return false else some apps will bail.
- return TRUE;
- }
- hWnd = lpCtx->hWnd;
- if (hDC != lpCtx->hDC) {
- ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "dglSwapBuffers: HDC=%X does not match HDC=%X for HGLRC=%d", hDC, lpCtx->hDC, hGLRC);
- hWnd = WindowFromDC(hDC);
- }
-#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- // Ensure that the surfaces exist before we tell
- // the device to render to them.
- IDirectDraw4_RestoreAllSurfaces(lpCtx->lpDD4);
- // Make sure that the vertex caches have been emptied
-// dglStateChange(lpCtx);
- // Some OpenGL programs don't issue a glFinish - check for it here.
- if (lpCtx->bSceneStarted) {
- IDirect3DDevice3_EndScene(lpCtx->lpDev3);
- lpCtx->bSceneStarted = FALSE;
- }
-#if 0
- // If the calling app is not active then we don't need to Blit/Flip.
- // We can therefore simply return TRUE.
- if (!glb.bAppActive)
- return TRUE;
- // Addendum: This is WRONG! We should bail if the app is *minimized*,
- // not merely if the app is just plain 'not active'.
- // KeithH, 27/May/2000.
- // Check for non-window DC = memory DC ?
- if (hWnd == NULL) {
- if (GetClipBox(hDC, &rSrcRect) == ERROR)
- return TRUE;
- // Use GDI BitBlt instead from compatible DirectDraw DC
- x = rSrcRect.left;
- y = rSrcRect.top;
- w = rSrcRect.right - rSrcRect.left;
- h = rSrcRect.bottom - rSrcRect.top;
- // Ack. DX8 does not have a GetDC() function...
- // TODO: Defer to DX7 or DX9 drivers... (DaveM)
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Bail if window client region is not drawable, like in Solid Edge
- if (!IsWindow(hWnd) /* || !IsWindowVisible(hWnd) */ || !GetClientRect(hWnd, &rSrcRect))
- return TRUE;
- // Serialize access to DirectDraw or DDS operations
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
-#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
- // Notify Mesa of impending swap, so Mesa can flush internal buffers.
- _mesa_notifySwapBuffers(lpCtx->glCtx);
- // Now perform driver buffer swap
- _gldDriver.SwapBuffers(lpCtx, hDC, hWnd);
- if (lpCtx->bFullscreen) {
- // Sync with retrace if required
- if (glb.bWaitForRetrace) {
- IDirectDraw4_WaitForVerticalBlank(
- lpCtx->lpDD4,
- 0);
- }
- // Perform the fullscreen flip
- TRY(IDirectDrawSurface4_Flip(
- lpCtx->lpFront4,
- "dglSwapBuffers: Flip");
- } else {
- // Calculate current window position and size
- pt.x = pt.y = 0;
- ClientToScreen(hWnd, &pt);
- GetClientRect(hWnd, &rDstRect);
- if (rDstRect.right > lpCtx->dwModeWidth)
- rDstRect.right = lpCtx->dwModeWidth;
- if (rDstRect.bottom > lpCtx->dwModeHeight)
- rDstRect.bottom = lpCtx->dwModeHeight;
- OffsetRect(&rDstRect, pt.x, pt.y);
- rSrcRect.left = rSrcRect.top = 0;
- rSrcRect.right = lpCtx->dwWidth;
- rSrcRect.bottom = lpCtx->dwHeight;
- if (rSrcRect.right > lpCtx->dwModeWidth)
- rSrcRect.right = lpCtx->dwModeWidth;
- if (rSrcRect.bottom > lpCtx->dwModeHeight)
- rSrcRect.bottom = lpCtx->dwModeHeight;
- if (glb.bWaitForRetrace) {
- // Sync the blit to the vertical retrace
- ZeroMemory(&bltFX, sizeof(bltFX));
- bltFX.dwSize = sizeof(bltFX);
- dwBlitFlags = DDBLT_WAIT | DDBLT_DDFX;
- lpBltFX = &bltFX;
- } else {
- dwBlitFlags = DDBLT_WAIT;
- lpBltFX = NULL;
- }
- // Perform the actual blit
- TRY(IDirectDrawSurface4_Blt(
- lpCtx->lpFront4,
- &rDstRect,
- lpCtx->lpBack4, // Blit source
- &rSrcRect,
- dwBlitFlags,
- lpBltFX),
- "dglSwapBuffers: Blt");
- }
-#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
- // Release serialized access
- if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
- LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
- // TODO: Re-instate rendering bitmap snapshot feature??? (DaveM)
- // Render frame is completed
- ValidateRect(hWnd, NULL);
- lpCtx->bFrameStarted = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
-// ***********************************************************************
+* Mesa 3-D graphics library
+* Direct3D Driver Interface
+* ========================================================================
+* Copyright (C) 1991-2004 SciTech Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
+* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+* ======================================================================
+* Language: ANSI C
+* Environment: Windows 9x (Win32)
+* Description: Context handling.
+#include "dglcontext.h"
+// Get compile errors without this. KeithH
+//#include "scitech.h" // ibool, etc.
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+#include "gld_driver.h"
+extern void _gld_mesa_warning(struct gl_context *, char *);
+extern void _gld_mesa_fatal(struct gl_context *, char *);
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+// TODO: Clean out old DX6-specific code from GLD 2.x CAD driver
+// if it is no longer being built as part of GLDirect. (DaveM)
+// ***********************************************************************
+#define GLDERR_NONE 0
+#define GLDERR_MEM 1
+#define GLDERR_DDRAW 2
+#define GLDERR_D3D 3
+#define GLDERR_BPP 4
+char szResourceWarning[] =
+"GLDirect does not have enough video memory resources\n"
+"to support the requested OpenGL rendering context.\n\n"
+"You may have to reduce the current display resolution\n"
+"to obtain satisfactory OpenGL performance.\n";
+char szDDrawWarning[] =
+"GLDirect is unable to initialize DirectDraw for the\n"
+"requested OpenGL rendering context.\n\n"
+"You will have to check the DirectX control panel\n"
+"for further information.\n";
+char szD3DWarning[] =
+"GLDirect is unable to initialize Direct3D for the\n"
+"requested OpenGL rendering context.\n\n"
+"You may have to change the display mode resolution\n"
+"color depth or check the DirectX control panel for\n"
+"further information.\n";
+char szBPPWarning[] =
+"GLDirect is unable to use the selected color depth for\n"
+"the requested OpenGL rendering context.\n\n"
+"You will have to change the display mode resolution\n"
+"color depth with the Display Settings control panel.\n";
+int nContextError = GLDERR_NONE;
+// ***********************************************************************
+#define VENDORID_ATI 0x1002
+static DWORD devATIRagePro[] = {
+ 0x4742, // 3D RAGE PRO BGA AGP 1X/2X
+ 0x4744, // 3D RAGE PRO BGA AGP 1X only
+ 0x4749, // 3D RAGE PRO BGA PCI 33 MHz
+ 0x4750, // 3D RAGE PRO PQFP PCI 33 MHz
+ 0x4751, // 3D RAGE PRO PQFP PCI 33 MHz limited 3D
+ 0x4C42, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-312 AGP 133 MHz
+ 0x4C44, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-312 AGP 66 MHz
+ 0x4C49, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-312 PCI 33 MHz
+ 0x4C50, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-256 PCI 33 MHz
+ 0x4C51, // 3D RAGE LT PRO BGA-256 PCI 33 MHz limited 3D
+static DWORD devATIRageIIplus[] = {
+ 0x4755, // 3D RAGE II+
+ 0x4756, // 3D RAGE IIC PQFP PCI
+ 0x4757, // 3D RAGE IIC BGA AGP
+ 0x475A, // 3D RAGE IIC PQFP AGP
+ 0x4C47, // 3D RAGE LT-G
+// ***********************************************************************
+#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+extern DGL_mesaFuncs mesaFuncs;
+extern DWORD dwLogging;
+#pragma message("compiling DGLCONTEXT.C vars for multi-threaded support")
+CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection; // for serialized access
+DWORD dwTLSCurrentContext = 0xFFFFFFFF; // TLS index for current context
+DWORD dwTLSPixelFormat = 0xFFFFFFFF; // TLS index for current pixel format
+HGLRC iCurrentContext = 0; // Index of current context (static)
+BOOL bContextReady = FALSE; // Context state ready ?
+DGL_ctx ctxlist[DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS]; // Context list
+// ***********************************************************************
+static BOOL bHaveWin95 = FALSE;
+static BOOL bHaveWinNT = FALSE;
+static BOOL bHaveWin2K = FALSE;
+Detect the installed OS type.
+static void DetectOS(void)
+ OSVERSIONINFO VersionInformation;
+ LPOSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInformation = &VersionInformation;
+ VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(VersionInformation);
+ GetVersionEx(lpVersionInformation);
+ switch (VersionInformation.dwPlatformId) {
+ bHaveWin95 = TRUE;
+ bHaveWinNT = FALSE;
+ bHaveWin2K = FALSE;
+ break;
+ bHaveWin95 = FALSE;
+ if (VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion <= 4) {
+ bHaveWinNT = TRUE;
+ bHaveWin2K = FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ bHaveWinNT = FALSE;
+ bHaveWin2K = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ bHaveWin95 = FALSE;
+ bHaveWinNT = FALSE;
+ bHaveWin2K = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+// ***********************************************************************
+HWND hWndEvent = NULL; // event monitor window
+HWND hWndLastActive = NULL; // last active client window
+LONG __stdcall GLD_EventWndProc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Checks if the HGLRC is valid in range of context list.
+BOOL dglIsValidContext(
+ HGLRC a)
+ return ((int)a > 0 && (int)a <= DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS);
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Convert a HGLRC to a pointer into the context list.
+DGL_ctx* dglGetContextAddress(
+ const HGLRC a)
+ if (dglIsValidContext(a))
+ return &ctxlist[(int)a-1];
+ return NULL;
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Return the current HGLRC (however it may be stored for multi-threading).
+HGLRC dglGetCurrentContext(void)
+ // load from thread-specific instance
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded) {
+ // protect against calls from arbitrary threads
+ __try {
+ hGLRC = (HGLRC)TlsGetValue(dwTLSCurrentContext);
+ }
+ hGLRC = iCurrentContext;
+ }
+ }
+ // load from global static var
+ else {
+ hGLRC = iCurrentContext;
+ }
+ return hGLRC;
+ return iCurrentContext;
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Set the current HGLRC (however it may be stored for multi-threading).
+void dglSetCurrentContext(HGLRC hGLRC)
+ // store in thread-specific instance
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded) {
+ // protect against calls from arbitrary threads
+ __try {
+ TlsSetValue(dwTLSCurrentContext, (LPVOID)hGLRC);
+ }
+ iCurrentContext = hGLRC;
+ }
+ }
+ // store in global static var
+ else {
+ iCurrentContext = hGLRC;
+ }
+ iCurrentContext = hGLRC;
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Return the current HDC only for a currently active HGLRC.
+HDC dglGetCurrentDC(void)
+ DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
+ hGLRC = dglGetCurrentContext();
+ if (hGLRC) {
+ lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(hGLRC);
+ return lpCtx->hDC;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// ***********************************************************************
+void dglInitContextState()
+ int i;
+ // Allocate thread local storage indexes for current context and pixel format
+ dwTLSCurrentContext = TlsAlloc();
+ dwTLSPixelFormat = TlsAlloc();
+ dglSetCurrentContext(NULL); // No current rendering context
+ // Clear all context data
+ ZeroMemory(ctxlist, sizeof(ctxlist[0]) * DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS);
+ for (i=0; i<DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS; i++)
+ ctxlist[i].bAllocated = FALSE; // Flag context as unused
+ // This section of code crashes the dll in circumstances where the app
+ // creates and destroys contexts.
+ // Register the class for our event monitor window
+ wc.style = 0;
+ wc.lpfnWndProc = GLD_EventWndProc;
+ wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
+ wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
+ wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
+ wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), IDI_APPLICATION);
+ wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+ wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
+ wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
+ wc.lpszClassName = "GLDIRECT";
+ RegisterClass(&wc);
+ // Create the non-visible window to monitor all broadcast messages
+ hWndEvent = CreateWindowEx(
+ 0,0,0,0,
+ NULL,NULL,GetModuleHandle(NULL),NULL);
+ // Create a critical section object for serializing access to
+ // DirectDraw and DDStereo create/destroy functions in multiple threads
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ // Context state is now initialized and ready
+ bContextReady = TRUE;
+// ***********************************************************************
+void dglDeleteContextState()
+ int i;
+ static BOOL bOnceIsEnough = FALSE;
+ // Only call once, from either DGL_exitDriver(), or DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
+ if (bOnceIsEnough)
+ return;
+ bOnceIsEnough = TRUE;
+ for (i=0; i<DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS; i++) {
+ if (ctxlist[i].bAllocated == TRUE) {
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "** Context %i not deleted - cleaning up.", (i+1));
+ dglDeleteContext((HGLRC)(i+1));
+ }
+ }
+ // Context state is no longer ready
+ bContextReady = FALSE;
+ // If executed when DLL unloads, DDraw objects may be invalid.
+ // So catch any page faults with this exception handler.
+__try {
+ // Release final DirectDraw interfaces
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant) {
+// RELEASE(glb.lpGlobalPalette);
+// RELEASE(glb.lpDepth4);
+// RELEASE(glb.lpBack4);
+// RELEASE(glb.lpPrimary4);
+// RELEASE(glb.lpDD4);
+ }
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "Exception raised in dglDeleteContextState.");
+ // Destroy our event monitor window
+ if (hWndEvent) {
+ DestroyWindow(hWndEvent);
+ hWndEvent = hWndLastActive = NULL;
+ }
+ // Destroy the critical section object
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ // Release thread local storage indexes for current HGLRC and pixel format
+ TlsFree(dwTLSPixelFormat);
+ TlsFree(dwTLSCurrentContext);
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Application Window message handler interception
+static LONG __stdcall dglWndProc(
+ HWND hwnd,
+ UINT msg,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam)
+ DGL_ctx* lpCtx = NULL;
+ LONG lpfnWndProc = 0L;
+ int i;
+ RECT rect;
+ BOOL bQuit = FALSE;
+ BOOL bMain = FALSE;
+ LONG rc;
+ // Get the window's message handler *before* it is unhooked in WM_DESTROY
+ // Is this the main window?
+ if (hwnd == glb.hWndActive) {
+ bMain = TRUE;
+ lpfnWndProc = glb.lpfnWndProc;
+ }
+ // Search for DGL context matching window handle
+ for (i=0; i<DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS; i++) {
+ if (ctxlist[i].hWnd == hwnd) {
+ lpCtx = &ctxlist[i];
+ lpfnWndProc = lpCtx->lpfnWndProc;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Not one of ours...
+ if (!lpfnWndProc)
+ return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
+ // Intercept messages amd process *before* passing on to window
+ switch (msg) {
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ glb.bPixelformatsDirty = TRUE;
+ break;
+ glb.bAppActive = (BOOL)wParam;
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Calling app has been %s", glb.bAppActive ? "activated" : "de-activated");
+ break;
+ // Eat the GDI erase event for the GL window
+ if (!lpCtx || !lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent)
+ break;
+ lpCtx->bGDIEraseBkgnd = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+ case WM_PAINT:
+ // Eat the invalidated update region if render scene is in progress
+ if (!lpCtx || !lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent)
+ break;
+ if (lpCtx->bFrameStarted) {
+ if (GetUpdateRect(hwnd, &rect, FALSE)) {
+ BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
+ EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
+ ValidateRect(hwnd, &rect);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Call the appropriate window message handler
+ rc = CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)lpfnWndProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
+ // Intercept messages and process *after* passing on to window
+ switch (msg) {
+ case WM_QUIT:
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ bQuit = TRUE;
+ if (lpCtx && lpCtx->bAllocated) {
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "WM_DESTROY detected for HWND=%X, HDC=%X, HGLRC=%d", hwnd, lpCtx->hDC, i+1);
+ dglDeleteContext((HGLRC)(i+1));
+ }
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ // Resize surfaces to fit window but not viewport (in case app did not bother)
+ if (!lpCtx || !lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent)
+ break;
+ w = LOWORD(lParam);
+ h = HIWORD(lParam);
+ if (lpCtx->dwWidth < w || lpCtx->dwHeight < h) {
+ if (!dglWglResizeBuffers(lpCtx->glCtx, TRUE))
+ dglWglResizeBuffers(lpCtx->glCtx, FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the main window is quitting, then so should we...
+ if (bMain && bQuit) {
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "shutting down after WM_DESTROY detected for main HWND=%X", hwnd);
+ dglDeleteContextState();
+ dglExitDriver();
+ }
+ return rc;
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Driver Window message handler
+static LONG __stdcall GLD_EventWndProc(
+ HWND hwnd,
+ UINT msg,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam)
+ switch (msg) {
+ // May be sent by splash screen dialog on exit
+ if (LOWORD(wParam) == WA_ACTIVE && glb.hWndActive) {
+ SetForegroundWindow(glb.hWndActive);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Intercepted Keyboard handler for detecting hot keys.
+ int code,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam)
+ HWND hWnd, hWndFrame;
+ DGL_ctx* lpCtx = NULL;
+ int cmd = 0, dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, i;
+ static BOOL bAltPressed = FALSE;
+ static BOOL bCtrlPressed = FALSE;
+ static BOOL bShiftPressed = FALSE;
+ RECT r, rf, rc;
+ POINT pt;
+ BOOL bForceReshape = FALSE;
+ return CallNextHookEx(hKeyHook, code, wParam, lParam);
+// ***********************************************************************
+HWND hWndMatch;
+// Window handle enumeration procedure.
+BOOL CALLBACK dglEnumChildProc(
+ HWND hWnd,
+ LPARAM lParam)
+ RECT rect;
+ // Find window handle with matching client rect.
+ GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect);
+ if (EqualRect(&rect, (RECT*)lParam)) {
+ hWndMatch = hWnd;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Continue with next child window.
+ return TRUE;
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Find window handle with matching client rect.
+HWND dglFindWindowRect(
+ RECT* pRect)
+ hWndMatch = NULL;
+ EnumChildWindows(GetForegroundWindow(), dglEnumChildProc, (LPARAM)pRect);
+ return hWndMatch;
+// ***********************************************************************
+#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+void dglChooseDisplayMode(
+ DGL_ctx *lpCtx)
+ // Note: Choose an exact match if possible.
+ int i;
+ DWORD area;
+ DWORD bestarea;
+ DDSURFACEDESC2 *lpDDSD = NULL; // Mode list pointer
+ DDSURFACEDESC2 *lpBestDDSD = NULL; // Pointer to best
+ lpDDSD = glb.lpDisplayModes;
+ for (i=0; i<glb.nDisplayModeCount; i++, lpDDSD++) {
+ if ((lpDDSD->dwWidth == lpCtx->dwWidth) &&
+ (lpDDSD->dwHeight == lpCtx->dwHeight))
+ goto matched; // Mode has been exactly matched
+ // Choose modes that are larger in both dimensions than
+ // the window, but smaller in area than the current best.
+ if ( (lpDDSD->dwWidth >= lpCtx->dwWidth) &&
+ (lpDDSD->dwHeight >= lpCtx->dwHeight))
+ {
+ if (lpBestDDSD == NULL) {
+ lpBestDDSD = lpDDSD;
+ bestarea = lpDDSD->dwWidth * lpDDSD->dwHeight;
+ continue;
+ }
+ area = lpDDSD->dwWidth * lpDDSD->dwHeight;
+ if (area < bestarea) {
+ lpBestDDSD = lpDDSD;
+ bestarea = area;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Safety check
+ if (lpBestDDSD == NULL) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL, "dglChooseDisplayMode");
+ return;
+ }
+ lpCtx->dwModeWidth = lpBestDDSD->dwWidth;
+ lpCtx->dwModeHeight = lpBestDDSD->dwHeight;
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Matched (%ldx%ld) to (%ldx%ld)",
+ lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight, lpCtx->dwModeWidth, lpCtx->dwModeHeight);
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+// ***********************************************************************
+static BOOL IsDevice(
+ DWORD *lpDeviceIdList,
+ DWORD dwDeviceId,
+ int count)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<count; i++)
+ if (dwDeviceId == lpDeviceIdList[i])
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+// ***********************************************************************
+void dglTestForBrokenCards(
+ DGL_ctx *lpCtx)
+#ifndef _GLD3
+ DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER dddi; // DX6 device identifier
+ // Sanity check.
+ if (lpCtx == NULL) {
+ // Testing for broken cards is sensitive area, so we don't want
+ // anything saying "broken cards" in the error message. ;)
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "Null context passed to TFBC\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lpCtx->lpDD4 == NULL) {
+ // Testing for broken cards is sensitive area, so we don't want
+ // anything saying "broken cards" in the error message. ;)
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "Null DD4 passed to TFBC\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Microsoft really fucked up with the GetDeviceIdentifier function
+ // on Windows 2000, since it locks up on stock driers on the CD. Updated
+ // drivers from vendors appear to work, but we can't identify the drivers
+ // without this function!!! For now we skip these tests on Windows 2000.
+ if ((GetVersion() & 0x80000000UL) == 0)
+ return;
+ // Obtain device info
+ if (FAILED(IDirectDraw4_GetDeviceIdentifier(lpCtx->lpDD4, &dddi, 0)))
+ return;
+ // Useful info. Log it.
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "DirectDraw: VendorId=0x%x, DeviceId=0x%x", dddi.dwVendorId, dddi.dwDeviceId);
+ // Vendor 1: ATI
+ if (dddi.dwVendorId == VENDORID_ATI) {
+ // Test A: ATI Rage PRO
+ if (IsDevice(devATIRagePro, dddi.dwDeviceId, sizeof(devATIRagePro)))
+ glb.bUseMipmaps = FALSE;
+ // Test B: ATI Rage II+
+ if (IsDevice(devATIRageIIplus, dddi.dwDeviceId, sizeof(devATIRageIIplus)))
+ glb.bEmulateAlphaTest = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Vendor 2: Matrox
+ if (dddi.dwVendorId == 0x102B) {
+ // Test: Matrox G400 stencil buffer support does not work for AutoCAD
+ if (dddi.dwDeviceId == 0x0525) {
+ lpCtx->lpPF->pfd.cStencilBits = 0;
+ if (lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF != -1) {
+ glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF].dwStencilBitDepth = 0;
+ glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF].dwStencilBitMask = 0;
+ glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF].dwFlags &= ~DDPF_STENCILBUFFER;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // _GLD3
+// ***********************************************************************
+BOOL dglCreateContextBuffers(
+ HDC a,
+ DGL_ctx *lpCtx,
+ BOOL bFallback)
+ HRESULT hResult;
+ int i;
+// DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
+#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ DWORD dwFlags;
+ DDSCAPS2 ddscaps2;
+ D3DDEVICEDESC D3DHWDevDesc; // Direct3D Hardware description
+ D3DDEVICEDESC D3DHELDevDesc; // Direct3D Hardware Emulation Layer
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ float inv_aspect;
+ GLenum bDoubleBuffer; // TRUE if double buffer required
+ GLenum bDepthBuffer; // TRUE if depth buffer required
+ const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *lpPFD = &lpCtx->lpPF->pfd;
+ // Vars for Mesa visual
+ DWORD dwDepthBits = 0;
+ DWORD dwStencilBits = 0;
+ DWORD dwAlphaBits = 0;
+ DWORD bDouble = GL_FALSE;
+ DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd2DisplayMode;
+ BOOL bFullScrnWin = FALSE; // fullscreen-size window ?
+ DDBLTFX ddbltfx;
+ DWORD dwMemoryType = (bFallback) ? DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY : glb.dwMemoryType;
+ BOOL bBogusWindow = FALSE; // non-drawable window ?
+ DWORD dwColorRef = 0; // GDI background color
+ RECT rcDst; // GDI window rect
+ POINT pt; // GDI window point
+ // Palette used for creating default global palette
+ PALETTEENTRY ppe[256];
+#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ // Vertex buffer description. Used for creation of vertex buffers
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglCreateContextBuffers for HDC=%X", a);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_NONE;
+ // Serialize access to DirectDraw object creation or DDS start
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ // Check for back buffer
+ bDoubleBuffer = GL_TRUE; //(lpPFD->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
+ // Since we always do back buffering, check if we emulate front buffering
+ lpCtx->EmulateSingle =
+#if 0 // Don't have to mimic MS OpenGL behavior for front-buffering (DaveM)
+ lpCtx->EmulateSingle |=
+ (lpPFD->dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_GDI) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ // Check for depth buffer
+ bDepthBuffer = (lpPFD->cDepthBits) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
+ lpCtx->bDoubleBuffer = bDoubleBuffer;
+ lpCtx->bDepthBuffer = bDepthBuffer;
+ // Set the Fullscreen flag for the context.
+// lpCtx->bFullscreen = glb.bFullscreen;
+ // Obtain the dimensions of the rendering window
+ lpCtx->hDC = a; // Cache DC
+ lpCtx->hWnd = WindowFromDC(lpCtx->hDC);
+ // Check for non-window DC = memory DC ?
+ if (lpCtx->hWnd == NULL) {
+ // bitmap memory contexts are always single-buffered
+ lpCtx->EmulateSingle = TRUE;
+ bBogusWindow = TRUE;
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Non-Window Memory Device Context");
+ if (GetClipBox(lpCtx->hDC, &lpCtx->rcScreenRect) == ERROR) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_WARN, "GetClipBox failed in dglCreateContext\n");
+ SetRect(&lpCtx->rcScreenRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!GetClientRect(lpCtx->hWnd, &lpCtx->rcScreenRect)) {
+ bBogusWindow = TRUE;
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_WARN, "GetClientRect failed in dglCreateContext\n");
+ SetRect(&lpCtx->rcScreenRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ lpCtx->dwWidth = lpCtx->rcScreenRect.right - lpCtx->rcScreenRect.left;
+ lpCtx->dwHeight = lpCtx->rcScreenRect.bottom - lpCtx->rcScreenRect.top;
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Input window %X: w=%i, h=%i",
+ lpCtx->hWnd, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
+ // What if app only zeroes one dimension instead of both? (DaveM)
+ if ( (lpCtx->dwWidth == 0) || (lpCtx->dwHeight == 0) ) {
+ // Make the buffer size something sensible
+ lpCtx->dwWidth = 8;
+ lpCtx->dwHeight = 8;
+ }
+ // Set defaults
+ lpCtx->dwModeWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth;
+ lpCtx->dwModeHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight;
+ // Find best display mode for fullscreen
+ if (glb.bFullscreen || !glb.bPrimary) {
+ dglChooseDisplayMode(lpCtx);
+ }
+ // Misc initialisation
+ lpCtx->bCanRender = FALSE; // No rendering allowed yet
+ lpCtx->bSceneStarted = FALSE;
+ lpCtx->bFrameStarted = FALSE;
+ // Detect OS (specifically 'Windows 2000' or 'Windows XP')
+ DetectOS();
+ // NOTE: WinNT not supported
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "OS: %s", bHaveWin95 ? "Win9x" : (bHaveWin2K ? "Win2000/XP" : "Unsupported") );
+ // Test for Fullscreen
+ if (bHaveWin95) { // Problems with fullscreen on Win2K/XP
+ if ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) == lpCtx->dwWidth) &&
+ (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) == lpCtx->dwHeight))
+ {
+ // Workaround for some apps that crash when going fullscreen.
+ //lpCtx->bFullscreen = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ _gldDriver.CreateDrawable(lpCtx, glb.bDirectDrawPersistant, glb.bPersistantBuffers);
+ // Check if DirectDraw has already been created by original GLRC (DaveM)
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bDirectDraw) {
+ lpCtx->lpDD4 = glb.lpDD4;
+ IDirectDraw4_AddRef(lpCtx->lpDD4);
+ goto SkipDirectDrawCreate;
+ }
+ // Create DirectDraw object
+ if (glb.bPrimary)
+ hResult = DirectDrawCreate(NULL, &lpCtx->lpDD1, NULL);
+ else {
+ // A non-primary device is to be used.
+ // Force context to be Fullscreen, secondary adaptors can not
+ // be used in a window.
+ hResult = DirectDrawCreate(&glb.ddGuid, &lpCtx->lpDD1, NULL);
+ lpCtx->bFullscreen = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to initialize DirectDraw", "GLDirect", MB_OK);
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to create DirectDraw interface", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_DDRAW;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Query for DX6 IDirectDraw4.
+ hResult = IDirectDraw_QueryInterface(lpCtx->lpDD1,
+ &IID_IDirectDraw4,
+ (void**)&lpCtx->lpDD4);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ MessageBox(NULL, "GLDirect requires DirectX 6.0 or above", "GLDirect", MB_OK);
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to create DirectDraw4 interface", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_DDRAW;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Cache DirectDraw interface for subsequent GLRCs
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && !glb.bDirectDraw) {
+ glb.lpDD4 = lpCtx->lpDD4;
+ IDirectDraw4_AddRef(glb.lpDD4);
+ glb.bDirectDraw = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Now we have a DD4 interface we can check for broken cards
+ dglTestForBrokenCards(lpCtx);
+ // Test if primary device can use flipping instead of blitting
+ ZeroMemory(&ddsd2DisplayMode, sizeof(ddsd2DisplayMode));
+ ddsd2DisplayMode.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2DisplayMode);
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_GetDisplayMode(
+ lpCtx->lpDD4,
+ &ddsd2DisplayMode);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) {
+ if ( (lpCtx->dwWidth == ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth) &&
+ (lpCtx->dwHeight == ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight) ) {
+ // We have a fullscreen-size window
+ bFullScrnWin = TRUE;
+ // OK to use DirectDraw fullscreen mode ?
+ if (glb.bPrimary && !glb.bFullscreenBlit && !lpCtx->EmulateSingle && !glb.bDirectDrawPersistant) {
+ lpCtx->bFullscreen = TRUE;
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_INFO, "Primary upgraded to page flipping.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Cache the display mode dimensions
+ lpCtx->dwModeWidth = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth;
+ lpCtx->dwModeHeight = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight;
+ }
+ // Clamp the effective window dimensions to primary surface.
+ // We need to do this for D3D viewport dimensions even if wide
+ // surfaces are supported. This also is a good idea for handling
+ // whacked-out window dimensions passed for non-drawable windows
+ // like Solid Edge. (DaveM)
+ if (lpCtx->dwWidth > ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth)
+ lpCtx->dwWidth = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth;
+ if (lpCtx->dwHeight > ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight)
+ lpCtx->dwHeight = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight;
+ // Check for non-RGB desktop resolution
+ if (!lpCtx->bFullscreen && ddsd2DisplayMode.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount <= 8) {
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Desktop color depth %d bpp not supported",
+ ddsd2DisplayMode.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_BPP;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Window: w=%i, h=%i (%s)",
+ lpCtx->dwWidth,
+ lpCtx->dwHeight,
+ lpCtx->bFullscreen ? "fullscreen" : "windowed");
+#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ // Obtain ddraw caps
+ ZeroMemory(&lpCtx->ddCaps, sizeof(DDCAPS));
+ lpCtx->ddCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DDCAPS);
+ if (glb.bHardware) {
+ // Get HAL caps
+ IDirectDraw4_GetCaps(lpCtx->lpDD4, &lpCtx->ddCaps, NULL);
+ } else {
+ // Get HEL caps
+ IDirectDraw4_GetCaps(lpCtx->lpDD4, NULL, &lpCtx->ddCaps);
+ }
+ // If this flag is present then we can't default to Mesa
+ // SW rendering between BeginScene() and EndScene().
+ if (lpCtx->ddCaps.dwCaps2 & DDCAPS2_NO2DDURING3DSCENE) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_INFO,
+ "Warning : No 2D allowed during 3D scene.\n");
+ }
+ // Query for DX6 Direct3D3 interface
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_QueryInterface(lpCtx->lpDD4,
+ &IID_IDirect3D3,
+ (void**)&lpCtx->lpD3D3);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to initialize Direct3D", "GLDirect", MB_OK);
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to create Direct3D interface", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_D3D;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Context creation
+ if (lpCtx->bFullscreen) {
+ // Disable warning popups when in fullscreen mode
+ ddlogWarnOption(FALSE);
+ // Have to release persistant primary surface if fullscreen mode
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bDirectDrawPrimary) {
+ RELEASE(glb.lpPrimary4);
+ glb.bDirectDrawPrimary = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (glb.bFastFPU)
+ dwFlags |= DDSCL_FPUSETUP; // fast FPU setup optional (DaveM)
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel(lpCtx->lpDD4, lpCtx->hWnd, dwFlags);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to set Exclusive Fullscreen mode", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_SetDisplayMode(lpCtx->lpDD4,
+ lpCtx->dwModeWidth,
+ lpCtx->dwModeHeight,
+ lpPFD->cColorBits,
+ 0,
+ 0);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "SetDisplayMode failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // ** The display mode has changed, so dont use MessageBox! **
+ ZeroMemory(&ddsd2, sizeof(ddsd2));
+ ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2);
+ if (bDoubleBuffer) {
+ // Double buffered
+ // Primary surface
+ ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE |
+ dwMemoryType;
+ ddsd2.dwBackBufferCount = 1;
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpFront4, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateSurface (primary) failed", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Render target surface
+ ZeroMemory(&ddscaps2, sizeof(ddscaps2)); // Clear the entire struct.
+ ddscaps2.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER;
+ hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_GetAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpFront4, &ddscaps2, &lpCtx->lpBack4);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "GetAttachedSurface failed", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Single buffered
+ // Primary surface
+ ddsd2.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS;
+ ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE |
+ dwMemoryType;
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpFront4, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateSurface (primary) failed", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ lpCtx->lpBack4 = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // OK to enable warning popups in windowed mode
+ ddlogWarnOption(glb.bMessageBoxWarnings);
+ dwFlags = DDSCL_NORMAL;
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ if (glb.bFastFPU)
+ dwFlags |= DDSCL_FPUSETUP; // fast FPU setup optional (DaveM)
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel(lpCtx->lpDD4,
+ lpCtx->hWnd,
+ dwFlags);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to set Normal coop level", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Has Primary surface already been created for original GLRC ?
+ // Note this can only be applicable for windowed modes
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bDirectDrawPrimary) {
+ lpCtx->lpFront4 = glb.lpPrimary4;
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(lpCtx->lpFront4);
+ // Update the window on the default clipper
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_GetClipper(lpCtx->lpFront4, &lpddClipper);
+ IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd(lpddClipper, 0, lpCtx->hWnd);
+ IDirectDrawClipper_Release(lpddClipper);
+ goto SkipPrimaryCreate;
+ }
+ // Primary surface
+ ZeroMemory(&ddsd2, sizeof(ddsd2));
+ ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2);
+ ddsd2.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS;
+ ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE;
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpFront4, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateSurface (primary) failed", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Cache Primary surface for subsequent GLRCs
+ // Note this can only be applicable to subsequent windowed modes
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && !glb.bDirectDrawPrimary) {
+ glb.lpPrimary4 = lpCtx->lpFront4;
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(glb.lpPrimary4);
+ glb.bDirectDrawPrimary = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Clipper object
+ hResult = DirectDrawCreateClipper(0, &lpddClipper, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateClipper failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ hResult = IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd(lpddClipper, 0, lpCtx->hWnd);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ RELEASE(lpddClipper);
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "SetHWnd failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_SetClipper(lpCtx->lpFront4, lpddClipper);
+ RELEASE(lpddClipper); // We have finished with it.
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "SetClipper failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ if (bDoubleBuffer) {
+ // Render target surface
+ ZeroMemory(&ddsd2, sizeof(ddsd2));
+ ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2);
+ ddsd2.dwWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth;
+ ddsd2.dwHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight;
+ ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE |
+ dwMemoryType;
+ // Reserve the entire desktop size for persistant buffers option
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers) {
+ ddsd2.dwWidth = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth;
+ ddsd2.dwHeight = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight;
+ }
+ // Re-use original back buffer if persistant buffers exist
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && glb.lpBack4)
+ hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(lpCtx->lpBack4 = glb.lpBack4);
+ else
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpBack4, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Create Backbuffer failed", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && !glb.lpBack4)
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(glb.lpBack4 = lpCtx->lpBack4);
+ } else {
+ lpCtx->lpBack4 = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Now create the Z-buffer
+ //
+ lpCtx->bStencil = FALSE; // Default to no stencil buffer
+ if (bDepthBuffer && (lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF != -1)) {
+ // Get z-buffer dimensions from the render target
+ // Setup the surface desc for the z-buffer.
+ ZeroMemory(&ddsd2, sizeof(ddsd2));
+ ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2);
+ ddsd2.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER | dwMemoryType;
+ ddsd2.dwWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth;
+ ddsd2.dwHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight;
+ memcpy(&ddsd2.ddpfPixelFormat,
+ &glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF],
+ sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT) );
+ // Reserve the entire desktop size for persistant buffers option
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers) {
+ ddsd2.dwWidth = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwWidth;
+ ddsd2.dwHeight = ddsd2DisplayMode.dwHeight;
+ }
+ // Create a z-buffer
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && glb.lpDepth4)
+ hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(lpCtx->lpDepth4 = glb.lpDepth4);
+ else
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(lpCtx->lpDD4, &ddsd2, &lpCtx->lpDepth4, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateSurface (ZBuffer) failed", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_MEM;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && !glb.lpDepth4)
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_AddRef(glb.lpDepth4 = lpCtx->lpDepth4);
+ else if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && glb.lpDepth4 && glb.lpBack4)
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(glb.lpBack4, 0, glb.lpDepth4);
+ // Attach Zbuffer to render target
+ TRY(IDirectDrawSurface4_AddAttachedSurface(
+ bDoubleBuffer ? lpCtx->lpBack4 : lpCtx->lpFront4,
+ lpCtx->lpDepth4),
+ "dglCreateContext: Attach Zbuffer");
+ if (glb.lpZBufferPF[lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF].dwFlags & DDPF_STENCILBUFFER) {
+ lpCtx->bStencil = TRUE;
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_INFO, "Depth buffer has stencil\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear all back buffers and Z-buffers in case of memory recycling.
+ ZeroMemory(&ddbltfx, sizeof(ddbltfx));
+ ddbltfx.dwSize = sizeof(ddbltfx);
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_Blt(lpCtx->lpBack4, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ if (lpCtx->lpDepth4)
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_Blt(lpCtx->lpDepth4, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ // Now that we have a Z-buffer we can create the 3D device
+ hResult = IDirect3D3_CreateDevice(lpCtx->lpD3D3,
+ &glb.d3dGuid,
+ bDoubleBuffer ? lpCtx->lpBack4 : lpCtx->lpFront4,
+ &lpCtx->lpDev3,
+ NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "Unable to create Direct3D device", hResult);
+ nContextError = GLDERR_D3D;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // We must do this as soon as the device is created
+ dglInitStateCaches(lpCtx);
+ // Obtain the D3D Device Description
+ D3DHWDevDesc.dwSize = D3DHELDevDesc.dwSize = sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC);
+ TRY(IDirect3DDevice3_GetCaps(lpCtx->lpDev3,
+ &D3DHWDevDesc,
+ &D3DHELDevDesc),
+ "dglCreateContext: GetCaps failed");
+ // Choose the relevant description and cache it in the context.
+ // We will use this description later for caps checking
+ memcpy( &lpCtx->D3DDevDesc,
+ glb.bHardware ? &D3DHWDevDesc : &D3DHELDevDesc,
+ sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC));
+ // Now we can examine the texture formats
+ if (!dglBuildTextureFormatList(lpCtx->lpDev3)) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "dglBuildTextureFormatList failed\n");
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Get the pixel format of the back buffer
+ lpCtx->ddpfRender.dwSize = sizeof(lpCtx->ddpfRender);
+ if (bDoubleBuffer)
+ hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_GetPixelFormat(
+ lpCtx->lpBack4,
+ &lpCtx->ddpfRender);
+ else
+ hResult = IDirectDrawSurface4_GetPixelFormat(
+ lpCtx->lpFront4,
+ &lpCtx->ddpfRender);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "GetPixelFormat failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Find a pixel packing function suitable for this surface
+ pxClassifyPixelFormat(&lpCtx->ddpfRender,
+ &lpCtx->fnPackFunc,
+ &lpCtx->fnUnpackFunc,
+ &lpCtx->fnPackSpanFunc);
+ // Viewport
+ hResult = IDirect3D3_CreateViewport(lpCtx->lpD3D3, &lpCtx->lpViewport3, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateViewport failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ hResult = IDirect3DDevice3_AddViewport(lpCtx->lpDev3, lpCtx->lpViewport3);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "AddViewport failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Initialise the viewport
+ // Note screen coordinates are used for viewport clipping since D3D
+ // transform operations are not used in the GLD CAD driver. (DaveM)
+ inv_aspect = (float)lpCtx->dwHeight/(float)lpCtx->dwWidth;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwSize = sizeof(lpCtx->d3dViewport);
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwX = 0;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwY = 0;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dwHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvClipX = 0; // -1.0f;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvClipY = 0; // inv_aspect;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvClipWidth = lpCtx->dwWidth; // 2.0f;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvClipHeight = lpCtx->dwHeight; // 2.0f * inv_aspect;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvMinZ = 0.0f;
+ lpCtx->d3dViewport.dvMaxZ = 1.0f;
+ TRY(IDirect3DViewport3_SetViewport2(lpCtx->lpViewport3, &lpCtx->d3dViewport), "dglCreateContext: SetViewport2");
+ hResult = IDirect3DDevice3_SetCurrentViewport(lpCtx->lpDev3, lpCtx->lpViewport3);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "SetCurrentViewport failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ lpCtx->dwBPP = lpPFD->cColorBits;
+ lpCtx->iZBufferPF = lpCtx->lpPF->iZBufferPF;
+ // Set last texture to NULL
+ for (i=0; i<MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; i++) {
+ lpCtx->ColorOp[i] = D3DTOP_DISABLE;
+ lpCtx->AlphaOp[i] = D3DTOP_DISABLE;
+ lpCtx->tObj[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ // Default to perspective correct texture mapping
+ dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREPERSPECTIVE, TRUE, "TexturePersp");
+ // Set the default culling mode
+ lpCtx->cullmode = D3DCULL_NONE;
+ dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE, "CullMode");
+ // Disable specular
+ dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_SPECULARENABLE, FALSE, "SpecularEnable");
+ // Disable subpixel correction
+// dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_SUBPIXEL, FALSE, "SubpixelEnable");
+ // Disable dithering
+ dglSetRenderState(lpCtx, D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE, FALSE, "DitherEnable");
+ // Initialise the primitive caches
+// lpCtx->dwNextLineVert = 0;
+// lpCtx->dwNextTriVert = 0;
+ // Init the global texture palette
+ lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette = NULL;
+ // Init the HW/SW usage counters
+// lpCtx->dwHWUsageCount = lpCtx->dwSWUsageCount = 0L;
+ //
+ // Create two D3D vertex buffers.
+ // One will hold the pre-transformed data with the other one
+ // being used to hold the post-transformed & clipped verts.
+ //
+#if 0 // never used (DaveM)
+ vbufdesc.dwSize = sizeof(D3DVERTEXBUFFERDESC);
+ vbufdesc.dwCaps = D3DVBCAPS_WRITEONLY;
+ if (glb.bHardware == FALSE)
+ vbufdesc.dwCaps = D3DVBCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY;
+ vbufdesc.dwNumVertices = 32768; // For the time being
+ // Source vertex buffer
+ vbufdesc.dwFVF = DGL_LVERTEX;
+ hResult = IDirect3D3_CreateVertexBuffer(lpCtx->lpD3D3, &vbufdesc, &lpCtx->m_vbuf, 0, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateVertexBuffer(src) failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Destination vertex buffer
+ vbufdesc.dwFVF = (glb.bMultitexture == FALSE) ? D3DFVF_TLVERTEX : (D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_TEX2);
+ hResult = IDirect3D3_CreateVertexBuffer(lpCtx->lpD3D3, &vbufdesc, &lpCtx->m_pvbuf, 0, NULL);
+ if(FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "CreateVertexBuffer(dst) failed", hResult);
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+#endif _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ //
+ // Now create the Mesa context
+ //
+ // Create the Mesa visual
+ if (lpPFD->cDepthBits)
+ dwDepthBits = 16;
+ if (lpPFD->cStencilBits)
+ dwStencilBits = 8;
+ if (lpPFD->cAlphaBits) {
+ dwAlphaBits = 8;
+ bAlphaSW = GL_TRUE;
+ }
+ if (lpPFD->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER)
+ bDouble = GL_TRUE;
+// lpCtx->EmulateSingle =
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ lpCtx->glVis = _mesa_create_visual(
+ bDouble, /* double buffer */
+ GL_FALSE, // stereo
+ lpPFD->cRedBits,
+ lpPFD->cGreenBits,
+ lpPFD->cBlueBits,
+ dwAlphaBits,
+ dwDepthBits,
+ dwStencilBits,
+ lpPFD->cAccumRedBits, // accum bits
+ lpPFD->cAccumGreenBits, // accum bits
+ lpPFD->cAccumBlueBits, // accum bits
+ lpPFD->cAccumAlphaBits, // accum alpha bits
+ 1 // num samples
+ );
+#else // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ lpCtx->glVis = (*mesaFuncs.gl_create_visual)(
+ GL_TRUE, // RGB mode
+ bAlphaSW, // Is an alpha buffer required?
+ bDouble, // Is an double-buffering required?
+ GL_FALSE, // stereo
+ dwDepthBits, // depth_size
+ dwStencilBits, // stencil_size
+ lpPFD->cAccumBits, // accum_size
+ 0, // colour-index bits
+ lpPFD->cRedBits, // Red bit count
+ lpPFD->cGreenBits, // Green bit count
+ lpPFD->cBlueBits, // Blue bit count
+ dwAlphaBits // Alpha bit count
+ );
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ if (lpCtx->glVis == NULL) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "gl_create_visual failed\n");
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ lpCtx->glCtx = _mesa_create_context(API_OPENGL, lpCtx->glVis, NULL, (void *)lpCtx, GL_TRUE);
+ // Create the Mesa context
+ lpCtx->glCtx = (*mesaFuncs.gl_create_context)(
+ lpCtx->glVis, // Mesa visual
+ NULL, // share list context
+ (void *)lpCtx, // Pointer to our driver context
+ GL_TRUE // Direct context flag
+ );
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ if (lpCtx->glCtx == NULL) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "gl_create_context failed\n");
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ // Create the Mesa framebuffer
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ lpCtx->glBuffer = _mesa_create_framebuffer(
+ lpCtx->glVis,
+ lpCtx->glVis->depthBits > 0,
+ lpCtx->glVis->stencilBits > 0,
+ lpCtx->glVis->accumRedBits > 0,
+ GL_FALSE //swalpha
+ );
+ lpCtx->glBuffer = (*mesaFuncs.gl_create_framebuffer)(lpCtx->glVis);
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ if (lpCtx->glBuffer == NULL) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_CRITICAL_OR_WARN, "gl_create_framebuffer failed\n");
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ // Init Mesa internals
+ _swrast_CreateContext( lpCtx->glCtx );
+ _vbo_CreateContext( lpCtx->glCtx );
+ _tnl_CreateContext( lpCtx->glCtx );
+ _swsetup_CreateContext( lpCtx->glCtx );
+ _gldDriver.InitialiseMesa(lpCtx);
+ lpCtx->glCtx->imports.warning = _gld_mesa_warning;
+ lpCtx->glCtx->imports.fatal = _gld_mesa_fatal;
+ // Tell Mesa how many texture stages we have
+ glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures = lpCtx->D3DDevDesc.wMaxSimultaneousTextures;
+ // Only use as many Units as the spec requires
+ if (glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures > MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS)
+ glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures = MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS;
+ lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureUnits = glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures;
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "Texture stages : %d", glb.wMaxSimultaneousTextures);
+ // Set the max texture size.
+ // NOTE: clamped to a max of 1024 for extra performance!
+ lpCtx->dwMaxTextureSize = (lpCtx->D3DDevDesc.dwMaxTextureWidth <= 1024) ? lpCtx->D3DDevDesc.dwMaxTextureWidth : 1024;
+// Texture resize takes place elsewhere. KH
+// NOTE: This was added to workaround an issue with the Intel app.
+#if 0
+ lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureSize = lpCtx->dwMaxTextureSize;
+ lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureSize = 1024;
+ lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxDrawBuffers = 1;
+ // Setup the Display Driver pointers
+ dglSetupDDPointers(lpCtx->glCtx);
+ // Initialise all the Direct3D renderstates
+ dglInitStateD3D(lpCtx->glCtx);
+#if 0
+ // Signal a reload of texture state on next glBegin
+ lpCtx->m_texHandleValid = FALSE;
+ lpCtx->m_mtex = FALSE;
+ lpCtx->m_texturing = FALSE;
+ // Set default texture unit state
+// dglSetTexture(lpCtx, 0, NULL);
+// dglSetTexture(lpCtx, 1, NULL);
+ //
+ // Set the global texture palette to default values.
+ //
+ // Clear the entire palette
+ ZeroMemory(ppe, sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * 256);
+ // Fill the palette with a default colour.
+ // A garish colour is used to catch bugs. Here Magenta is used.
+ for (i=0; i < 256; i++) {
+ ppe[i].peRed = 255;
+ ppe[i].peGreen = 0;
+ ppe[i].peBlue = 255;
+ }
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette);
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && glb.lpGlobalPalette)
+ hResult = IDirectDrawPalette_AddRef(lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette = glb.lpGlobalPalette);
+ else
+ hResult = IDirectDraw4_CreatePalette(
+ lpCtx->lpDD4,
+ ppe,
+ &(lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette),
+ NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hResult)) {
+ ddlogError(DDLOG_ERROR, "Default CreatePalette failed\n", hResult);
+ lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette = NULL;
+ goto return_with_error;
+ }
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers && !glb.lpGlobalPalette)
+ IDirectDrawPalette_AddRef(glb.lpGlobalPalette = lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette);
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ // ** If we have made it to here then we can enable rendering **
+ lpCtx->bCanRender = TRUE;
+// ddlogMessage(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglCreateContextBuffers succeded\n");
+ // Release serialized access
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ return TRUE;
+ // Clean up before returning.
+ // This is critical for secondary devices.
+ lpCtx->bCanRender = FALSE;
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ // Destroy the Mesa context
+ if (lpCtx->glBuffer)
+ _mesa_destroy_framebuffer(lpCtx->glBuffer);
+ if (lpCtx->glCtx)
+ _mesa_destroy_context(lpCtx->glCtx);
+ if (lpCtx->glVis)
+ _mesa_destroy_visual(lpCtx->glVis);
+ // Destroy driver data
+ _gldDriver.DestroyDrawable(lpCtx);
+ // Destroy the Mesa context
+ if (lpCtx->glBuffer)
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_framebuffer)(lpCtx->glBuffer);
+ if (lpCtx->glCtx)
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_context)(lpCtx->glCtx);
+ if (lpCtx->glVis)
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_visual)(lpCtx->glVis);
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->m_pvbuf); // Release D3D vertex buffer
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->m_vbuf); // Release D3D vertex buffer
+ if (lpCtx->lpViewport3) {
+ if (lpCtx->lpDev3) IDirect3DDevice3_DeleteViewport(lpCtx->lpDev3, lpCtx->lpViewport3);
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->lpViewport3);
+ lpCtx->lpViewport3 = NULL;
+ }
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDev3);
+ if (lpCtx->lpDepth4) {
+ if (lpCtx->lpBack4)
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpBack4, 0L, lpCtx->lpDepth4);
+ else
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpFront4, 0L, lpCtx->lpDepth4);
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDepth4);
+ lpCtx->lpDepth4 = NULL;
+ }
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->lpBack4);
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->lpFront4);
+ else
+ if (lpCtx->bFullscreen) {
+ IDirectDraw4_RestoreDisplayMode(lpCtx->lpDD4);
+ IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel(lpCtx->lpDD4, NULL, DDSCL_NORMAL);
+ }
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->lpD3D3);
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDD4);
+ RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDD1);
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ lpCtx->bAllocated = FALSE;
+ // Release serialized access
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ return FALSE;
+// ***********************************************************************
+HGLRC dglCreateContext(
+ HDC a,
+ const DGL_pixelFormat *lpPF)
+ int i;
+ DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
+ static BOOL bWarnOnce = TRUE;
+ DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ char szMsg[256];
+ HWND hWnd;
+ LONG lpfnWndProc;
+ // Validate license
+ if (!dglValidate())
+ return NULL;
+ // Is context state ready ?
+ if (!bContextReady)
+ return NULL;
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglCreateContext for HDC=%X, ThreadId=%X", a, dwThreadId);
+ // Find next free context.
+ // Also ensure that only one Fullscreen context is created at any one time.
+ hGLRC = 0; // Default to Not Found
+ for (i=0; i<DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS; i++) {
+ if (ctxlist[i].bAllocated) {
+ if (/*glb.bFullscreen && */ctxlist[i].bFullscreen)
+ break;
+ } else {
+ hGLRC = (HGLRC)(i+1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Bail if no GLRC was found
+ if (!hGLRC)
+ return NULL;
+ // Set the context pointer
+ lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(hGLRC);
+ // Make sure that context is zeroed before we do anything.
+ // MFC and C++ apps call wglCreateContext() and wglDeleteContext() multiple times,
+ // even though only one context is ever used by the app, so keep it clean. (DaveM)
+ ZeroMemory(lpCtx, sizeof(DGL_ctx));
+ lpCtx->bAllocated = TRUE;
+ // Flag that buffers need creating on next wglMakeCurrent call.
+ lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent = FALSE;
+ lpCtx->lpPF = (DGL_pixelFormat *)lpPF; // cache pixel format
+ lpCtx->bCanRender = FALSE;
+ // Create all the internal resources here, not in dglMakeCurrent().
+ // We do a re-size check in dglMakeCurrent in case of re-allocations. (DaveM)
+ // We now try context allocations twice, first with video memory,
+ // then again with system memory. This is similar to technique
+ // used for dglWglResizeBuffers(). (DaveM)
+ if (lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent == FALSE) {
+ if (!dglCreateContextBuffers(a, lpCtx, FALSE)) {
+ if (glb.bMessageBoxWarnings && bWarnOnce && dwLogging) {
+ bWarnOnce = FALSE;
+ switch (nContextError) {
+ case GLDERR_DDRAW: strcpy(szMsg, szDDrawWarning); break;
+ case GLDERR_D3D: strcpy(szMsg, szD3DWarning); break;
+ case GLDERR_MEM: strcpy(szMsg, szResourceWarning); break;
+ case GLDERR_BPP: strcpy(szMsg, szBPPWarning); break;
+ default: strcpy(szMsg, "");
+ }
+ if (strlen(szMsg))
+ MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, "GLDirect", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
+ }
+ // Only need to try again if memory error
+ if (nContextError == GLDERR_MEM) {
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "dglCreateContext failed 1st time with video memory");
+ }
+ else {
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_ERROR, "dglCreateContext failed");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now that we have a hWnd, we can intercept the WindowProc.
+ hWnd = lpCtx->hWnd;
+ if (hWnd) {
+ // Only hook individual window handler once if not hooked before.
+ lpfnWndProc = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC);
+ if (lpfnWndProc != (LONG)dglWndProc) {
+ lpCtx->lpfnWndProc = lpfnWndProc;
+ SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)dglWndProc);
+ }
+ // Find the parent window of the app too.
+ if (glb.hWndActive == NULL) {
+ while (hWnd != NULL) {
+ glb.hWndActive = hWnd;
+ hWnd = GetParent(hWnd);
+ }
+ // Hook the parent window too.
+ lpfnWndProc = GetWindowLong(glb.hWndActive, GWL_WNDPROC);
+ if (glb.hWndActive == lpCtx->hWnd)
+ glb.lpfnWndProc = lpCtx->lpfnWndProc;
+ else if (lpfnWndProc != (LONG)dglWndProc)
+ glb.lpfnWndProc = lpfnWndProc;
+ if (glb.lpfnWndProc)
+ SetWindowLong(glb.hWndActive, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)dglWndProc);
+ }
+ }
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglCreateContext succeeded for HGLRC=%d", (int)hGLRC);
+ return hGLRC;
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Make a DirectGL context current
+// Used by wgl functions and dgl functions
+BOOL dglMakeCurrent(
+ HDC a,
+ HGLRC b)
+ int context;
+ DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
+ HWND hWnd;
+ BOOL bNeedResize = FALSE;
+ BOOL bWindowChanged, bContextChanged;
+ DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ LONG lpfnWndProc;
+ // Validate license
+ if (!dglValidate())
+ return FALSE;
+ // Is context state ready ?
+ if (!bContextReady)
+ return FALSE;
+ context = (int)b; // This is as a result of STRICT!
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglMakeCurrent: HDC=%X, HGLRC=%d, ThreadId=%X", a, context, dwThreadId);
+ // If the HGLRC is NULL then make no context current;
+ // Ditto if the HDC is NULL either. (DaveM)
+ if (context == 0 || a == 0) {
+ // Corresponding Mesa operation
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ _mesa_make_current(NULL, NULL);
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_make_current)(NULL, NULL);
+ dglSetCurrentContext(0);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // Make sure the HGLRC is in range
+ if ((context > DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS) || (context < 0)) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "dglMakeCurrent: HGLRC out of range\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Find address of context and make sure that it has been allocated
+ lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(b);
+ if (!lpCtx->bAllocated) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "dglMakeCurrent: Context not allocated\n");
+// return FALSE;
+ return TRUE; // HACK: Shuts up "WebLab Viewer Pro". KeithH
+ }
+ // Serialize access to DirectDraw or DDS operations
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ // Check if window has changed
+ hWnd = (a != lpCtx->hDC) ? WindowFromDC(a) : lpCtx->hWnd;
+ bWindowChanged = (hWnd != lpCtx->hWnd) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ bContextChanged = (b != dglGetCurrentContext()) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ // If the window has changed, make sure the clipper is updated. (DaveM)
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && !lpCtx->bFullscreen && (bWindowChanged || bContextChanged)) {
+ lpCtx->hWnd = hWnd;
+#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_GetClipper(lpCtx->lpFront4, &lpddClipper);
+ IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd(lpddClipper, 0, lpCtx->hWnd);
+ IDirectDrawClipper_Release(lpddClipper);
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ }
+ // Make sure hDC and hWnd is current. (DaveM)
+ // Obtain the dimensions of the rendering window
+ lpCtx->hDC = a; // Cache DC
+ lpCtx->hWnd = hWnd;
+ hWndLastActive = hWnd;
+ // Check for non-window DC = memory DC ?
+ if (hWnd == NULL) {
+ if (GetClipBox(a, &lpCtx->rcScreenRect) == ERROR) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_WARN, "GetClipBox failed in dglMakeCurrent\n");
+ SetRect(&lpCtx->rcScreenRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!GetClientRect(lpCtx->hWnd, &lpCtx->rcScreenRect)) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_WARN, "GetClientRect failed in dglMakeCurrent\n");
+ SetRect(&lpCtx->rcScreenRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ // Check if buffers need to be re-sized;
+ // If so, wait until Mesa GL stuff is setup before re-sizing;
+ if (lpCtx->dwWidth != lpCtx->rcScreenRect.right - lpCtx->rcScreenRect.left ||
+ lpCtx->dwHeight != lpCtx->rcScreenRect.bottom - lpCtx->rcScreenRect.top)
+ bNeedResize = TRUE;
+ // Now we can update our globals
+ dglSetCurrentContext(b);
+ // Corresponding Mesa operation
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ _mesa_make_current(lpCtx->glCtx, lpCtx->glBuffer);
+ lpCtx->glCtx->Driver.UpdateState(lpCtx->glCtx, _NEW_ALL);
+ if (bNeedResize) {
+ // Resize buffers (Note Mesa GL needs to be setup beforehand);
+ // Resize Mesa internal buffer too via glViewport() command,
+ // which subsequently calls dglWglResizeBuffers() too.
+ lpCtx->glCtx->Driver.Viewport(lpCtx->glCtx, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
+ lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent = TRUE;
+ }
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_make_current)(lpCtx->glCtx, lpCtx->glBuffer);
+ dglSetupDDPointers(lpCtx->glCtx);
+ // Insure DirectDraw surfaces fit current window DC
+ if (bNeedResize) {
+ // Resize buffers (Note Mesa GL needs to be setup beforehand);
+ // Resize Mesa internal buffer too via glViewport() command,
+ // which subsequently calls dglWglResizeBuffers() too.
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_Viewport)(lpCtx->glCtx, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
+ lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent = TRUE;
+ }
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglMakeCurrent: width = %d, height = %d", lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
+ // We have to clear D3D back buffer and render state if emulated front buffering
+ // for different window (but not context) like in Solid Edge.
+ if (glb.bDirectDrawPersistant && glb.bPersistantBuffers
+ && (bWindowChanged /* || bContextChanged */) && lpCtx->EmulateSingle) {
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+// IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(lpCtx->pDev);
+// lpCtx->bSceneStarted = FALSE;
+ GL_TRUE, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
+ IDirect3DDevice3_EndScene(lpCtx->lpDev3);
+ lpCtx->bSceneStarted = FALSE;
+ GL_TRUE, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ }
+ // The first time we call MakeCurrent we set the initial viewport size
+ if (lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent == FALSE)
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ lpCtx->glCtx->Driver.Viewport(lpCtx->glCtx, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_Viewport)(lpCtx->glCtx, 0, 0, lpCtx->dwWidth, lpCtx->dwHeight);
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ lpCtx->bHasBeenCurrent = TRUE;
+ // Release serialized access
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ return TRUE;
+// ***********************************************************************
+BOOL dglDeleteContext(
+ HGLRC a)
+ DGL_ctx* lpCtx;
+ DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ char argstr[256];
+#if 0 // We have enough trouble throwing exceptions as it is... (DaveM)
+ // Validate license
+ if (!dglValidate())
+ return FALSE;
+ // Is context state ready ?
+ if (!bContextReady)
+ return FALSE;
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_SYSTEM, "dglDeleteContext: Deleting context HGLRC=%d, ThreadId=%X", (int)a, dwThreadId);
+ // Make sure the HGLRC is in range
+ if (((int) a> DGL_MAX_CONTEXTS) || ((int)a < 0)) {
+ ddlogMessage(DDLOG_ERROR, "dglDeleteCurrent: HGLRC out of range\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Make sure context is valid
+ lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(a);
+ if (!lpCtx->bAllocated) {
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "Tried to delete unallocated context HGLRC=%d", (int)a);
+// return FALSE;
+ return TRUE; // HACK: Shuts up "WebLab Viewer Pro". KeithH
+ }
+ // Make sure context is de-activated
+ if (a == dglGetCurrentContext()) {
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "dglDeleteContext: context HGLRC=%d still active", (int)a);
+ dglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ // Serialize access to DirectDraw or DDS operations
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ // We are about to destroy all Direct3D objects.
+ // Therefore we must disable rendering
+ lpCtx->bCanRender = FALSE;
+ // This exception handler was installed to catch some
+ // particularly nasty apps. Console apps that call exit()
+ // fall into this catagory (i.e. Win32 Glut).
+ // VC cannot successfully implement multiple exception handlers
+ // if more than one exception occurs. Therefore reverting back to
+ // single exception handler as Keith originally had it. (DaveM)
+#define WARN_MESSAGE(p) strcpy(argstr, (#p));
+__try {
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_framebuffer);
+ if (lpCtx->glBuffer)
+ _mesa_destroy_framebuffer(lpCtx->glBuffer);
+ WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_context);
+ if (lpCtx->glCtx)
+ _mesa_destroy_context(lpCtx->glCtx);
+ WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_visual);
+ if (lpCtx->glVis)
+ _mesa_destroy_visual(lpCtx->glVis);
+ _gldDriver.DestroyDrawable(lpCtx);
+ // Destroy the Mesa context
+ WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_framebuffer);
+ if (lpCtx->glBuffer)
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_framebuffer)(lpCtx->glBuffer);
+ WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_context);
+ if (lpCtx->glCtx)
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_context)(lpCtx->glCtx);
+ WARN_MESSAGE(gl_destroy_visual);
+ if (lpCtx->glVis)
+ (*mesaFuncs.gl_destroy_visual)(lpCtx->glVis);
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->m_pvbuf); // release D3D vertex buffer
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->m_vbuf); // release D3D vertex buffer
+ // Delete the global palette
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpGlobalPalette);
+ // Clean up.
+ if (lpCtx->lpViewport3) {
+ if (lpCtx->lpDev3) IDirect3DDevice3_DeleteViewport(lpCtx->lpDev3, lpCtx->lpViewport3);
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpViewport3);
+ lpCtx->lpViewport3 = NULL;
+ }
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDev3);
+ if (lpCtx->lpDepth4) {
+ if (lpCtx->lpBack4)
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpBack4, 0L, lpCtx->lpDepth4);
+ else
+ IDirectDrawSurface4_DeleteAttachedSurface(lpCtx->lpFront4, 0L, lpCtx->lpDepth4);
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDepth4);
+ lpCtx->lpDepth4 = NULL;
+ }
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpBack4);
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpFront4);
+ if (lpCtx->bFullscreen) {
+ IDirectDraw4_RestoreDisplayMode(lpCtx->lpDD4);
+ IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel(lpCtx->lpDD4, NULL, DDSCL_NORMAL);
+ }
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpD3D3);
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDD4);
+ SAFE_RELEASE(lpCtx->lpDD1);
+#endif // _ULSE_GLD3_WGL
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "Exception raised in dglDeleteContext: %s", argstr);
+ // Restore the window message handler because this context may be used
+ // again by another window with a *different* message handler. (DaveM)
+ if (lpCtx->lpfnWndProc) {
+ SetWindowLong(lpCtx->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)lpCtx->lpfnWndProc);
+ lpCtx->lpfnWndProc = (LONG)NULL;
+ }
+ lpCtx->bAllocated = FALSE; // This context is now free for use
+ // Release serialized access
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ return TRUE;
+// ***********************************************************************
+BOOL dglSwapBuffers(
+ HDC hDC)
+ RECT rSrcRect; // Source rectangle
+ RECT rDstRect; // Destination rectangle
+ POINT pt;
+ HRESULT hResult;
+ DWORD dwBlitFlags;
+// DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ HGLRC hGLRC = dglGetCurrentContext();
+ DGL_ctx *lpCtx = dglGetContextAddress(hGLRC);
+ HWND hWnd;
+ HDC hDCAux; // for memory DC
+ int x,y,w,h; // for memory DC BitBlt
+#if 0 // Perhaps not a good idea. Called too often. KH
+ // Validate license
+ if (!dglValidate())
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!lpCtx) {
+ return TRUE; //FALSE; // No current context
+ }
+ if (!lpCtx->bCanRender) {
+ // Don't return false else some apps will bail.
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ hWnd = lpCtx->hWnd;
+ if (hDC != lpCtx->hDC) {
+ ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_WARN, "dglSwapBuffers: HDC=%X does not match HDC=%X for HGLRC=%d", hDC, lpCtx->hDC, hGLRC);
+ hWnd = WindowFromDC(hDC);
+ }
+#ifndef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ // Ensure that the surfaces exist before we tell
+ // the device to render to them.
+ IDirectDraw4_RestoreAllSurfaces(lpCtx->lpDD4);
+ // Make sure that the vertex caches have been emptied
+// dglStateChange(lpCtx);
+ // Some OpenGL programs don't issue a glFinish - check for it here.
+ if (lpCtx->bSceneStarted) {
+ IDirect3DDevice3_EndScene(lpCtx->lpDev3);
+ lpCtx->bSceneStarted = FALSE;
+ }
+#if 0
+ // If the calling app is not active then we don't need to Blit/Flip.
+ // We can therefore simply return TRUE.
+ if (!glb.bAppActive)
+ return TRUE;
+ // Addendum: This is WRONG! We should bail if the app is *minimized*,
+ // not merely if the app is just plain 'not active'.
+ // KeithH, 27/May/2000.
+ // Check for non-window DC = memory DC ?
+ if (hWnd == NULL) {
+ if (GetClipBox(hDC, &rSrcRect) == ERROR)
+ return TRUE;
+ // Use GDI BitBlt instead from compatible DirectDraw DC
+ x = rSrcRect.left;
+ y = rSrcRect.top;
+ w = rSrcRect.right - rSrcRect.left;
+ h = rSrcRect.bottom - rSrcRect.top;
+ // Ack. DX8 does not have a GetDC() function...
+ // TODO: Defer to DX7 or DX9 drivers... (DaveM)
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // Bail if window client region is not drawable, like in Solid Edge
+ if (!IsWindow(hWnd) /* || !IsWindowVisible(hWnd) */ || !GetClientRect(hWnd, &rSrcRect))
+ return TRUE;
+ // Serialize access to DirectDraw or DDS operations
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+#ifdef _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ // Notify Mesa of impending swap, so Mesa can flush internal buffers.
+ _mesa_notifySwapBuffers(lpCtx->glCtx);
+ // Now perform driver buffer swap
+ _gldDriver.SwapBuffers(lpCtx, hDC, hWnd);
+ if (lpCtx->bFullscreen) {
+ // Sync with retrace if required
+ if (glb.bWaitForRetrace) {
+ IDirectDraw4_WaitForVerticalBlank(
+ lpCtx->lpDD4,
+ 0);
+ }
+ // Perform the fullscreen flip
+ TRY(IDirectDrawSurface4_Flip(
+ lpCtx->lpFront4,
+ "dglSwapBuffers: Flip");
+ } else {
+ // Calculate current window position and size
+ pt.x = pt.y = 0;
+ ClientToScreen(hWnd, &pt);
+ GetClientRect(hWnd, &rDstRect);
+ if (rDstRect.right > lpCtx->dwModeWidth)
+ rDstRect.right = lpCtx->dwModeWidth;
+ if (rDstRect.bottom > lpCtx->dwModeHeight)
+ rDstRect.bottom = lpCtx->dwModeHeight;
+ OffsetRect(&rDstRect, pt.x, pt.y);
+ rSrcRect.left = rSrcRect.top = 0;
+ rSrcRect.right = lpCtx->dwWidth;
+ rSrcRect.bottom = lpCtx->dwHeight;
+ if (rSrcRect.right > lpCtx->dwModeWidth)
+ rSrcRect.right = lpCtx->dwModeWidth;
+ if (rSrcRect.bottom > lpCtx->dwModeHeight)
+ rSrcRect.bottom = lpCtx->dwModeHeight;
+ if (glb.bWaitForRetrace) {
+ // Sync the blit to the vertical retrace
+ ZeroMemory(&bltFX, sizeof(bltFX));
+ bltFX.dwSize = sizeof(bltFX);
+ dwBlitFlags = DDBLT_WAIT | DDBLT_DDFX;
+ lpBltFX = &bltFX;
+ } else {
+ dwBlitFlags = DDBLT_WAIT;
+ lpBltFX = NULL;
+ }
+ // Perform the actual blit
+ TRY(IDirectDrawSurface4_Blt(
+ lpCtx->lpFront4,
+ &rDstRect,
+ lpCtx->lpBack4, // Blit source
+ &rSrcRect,
+ dwBlitFlags,
+ lpBltFX),
+ "dglSwapBuffers: Blt");
+ }
+#endif // _USE_GLD3_WGL
+ // Release serialized access
+ if (glb.bMultiThreaded)
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection);
+ // TODO: Re-instate rendering bitmap snapshot feature??? (DaveM)
+ // Render frame is completed
+ ValidateRect(hWnd, NULL);
+ lpCtx->bFrameStarted = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+// ***********************************************************************