path: root/mesalib/src/mesa/glapi/glX_proto_size.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'mesalib/src/mesa/glapi/glX_proto_size.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 704 deletions
diff --git a/mesalib/src/mesa/glapi/glX_proto_size.py b/mesalib/src/mesa/glapi/glX_proto_size.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 95cb5110c..000000000
--- a/mesalib/src/mesa/glapi/glX_proto_size.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2005
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
-# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
-# on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub
-# license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
-# the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
-# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
-# Software.
-# Authors:
-# Ian Romanick <idr@us.ibm.com>
-import gl_XML, glX_XML
-import license
-import sys, getopt, copy, string
-class glx_enum_function:
- def __init__(self, func_name, enum_dict):
- self.name = func_name
- self.mode = 1
- self.sig = None
- # "enums" is a set of lists. The element in the set is the
- # value of the enum. The list is the list of names for that
- # value. For example, [0x8126] = {"POINT_SIZE_MIN",
- self.enums = {}
- # "count" is indexed by count values. Each element of count
- # is a list of index to "enums" that have that number of
- # associated data elements. For example, [4] =
- # GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE} (the enum names are used here,
- # but the actual hexadecimal values would be in the array).
- self.count = {}
- # Fill self.count and self.enums using the dictionary of enums
- # that was passed in. The generic Get functions (e.g.,
- # GetBooleanv and friends) are handled specially here. In
- # the data the generic Get functions are refered to as "Get".
- if func_name in ["GetIntegerv", "GetBooleanv", "GetFloatv", "GetDoublev"]:
- match_name = "Get"
- else:
- match_name = func_name
- mode_set = 0
- for enum_name in enum_dict:
- e = enum_dict[ enum_name ]
- if e.functions.has_key( match_name ):
- [count, mode] = e.functions[ match_name ]
- if mode_set and mode != self.mode:
- raise RuntimeError("Not all enums for %s have the same mode." % (func_name))
- self.mode = mode
- if self.enums.has_key( e.value ):
- if e.name not in self.enums[ e.value ]:
- self.enums[ e.value ].append( e )
- else:
- if not self.count.has_key( count ):
- self.count[ count ] = []
- self.enums[ e.value ] = [ e ]
- self.count[ count ].append( e.value )
- return
- def signature( self ):
- if self.sig == None:
- self.sig = ""
- for i in self.count:
- if i == None:
- raise RuntimeError("i is None. WTF?")
- self.count[i].sort()
- for e in self.count[i]:
- self.sig += "%04x,%d," % (e, i)
- return self.sig
- def is_set( self ):
- return self.mode
- def PrintUsingTable(self):
- """Emit the body of the __gl*_size function using a pair
- of look-up tables and a mask. The mask is calculated such
- that (e & mask) is unique for all the valid values of e for
- this function. The result of (e & mask) is used as an index
- into the first look-up table. If it matches e, then the
- same entry of the second table is returned. Otherwise zero
- is returned.
- It seems like this should cause better code to be generated.
- However, on x86 at least, the resulting .o file is about 20%
- larger then the switch-statment version. I am leaving this
- code in because the results may be different on other
- platforms (e.g., PowerPC or x86-64)."""
- return 0
- count = 0
- for a in self.enums:
- count += 1
- if self.count.has_key(-1):
- return 0
- # Determine if there is some mask M, such that M = (2^N) - 1,
- # that will generate unique values for all of the enums.
- mask = 0
- for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]:
- mask = (1 << i) - 1
- fail = 0;
- for a in self.enums:
- for b in self.enums:
- if a != b:
- if (a & mask) == (b & mask):
- fail = 1;
- if not fail:
- break;
- else:
- mask = 0
- if (mask != 0) and (mask < (2 * count)):
- masked_enums = {}
- masked_count = {}
- for i in range(0, mask + 1):
- masked_enums[i] = "0";
- masked_count[i] = 0;
- for c in self.count:
- for e in self.count[c]:
- i = e & mask
- enum_obj = self.enums[e][0]
- masked_enums[i] = '0x%04x /* %s */' % (e, enum_obj.name )
- masked_count[i] = c
- print ' static const GLushort a[%u] = {' % (mask + 1)
- for e in masked_enums:
- print ' %s, ' % (masked_enums[e])
- print ' };'
- print ' static const GLubyte b[%u] = {' % (mask + 1)
- for c in masked_count:
- print ' %u, ' % (masked_count[c])
- print ' };'
- print ' const unsigned idx = (e & 0x%02xU);' % (mask)
- print ''
- print ' return (e == a[idx]) ? (GLint) b[idx] : 0;'
- return 1;
- else:
- return 0;
- def PrintUsingSwitch(self, name):
- """Emit the body of the __gl*_size function using a
- switch-statement."""
- print ' switch( e ) {'
- for c in self.count:
- for e in self.count[c]:
- first = 1
- # There may be multiple enums with the same
- # value. This happens has extensions are
- # promoted from vendor-specific or EXT to
- # ARB and to the core. Emit the first one as
- # a case label, and emit the others as
- # commented-out case labels.
- list = {}
- for enum_obj in self.enums[e]:
- list[ enum_obj.priority() ] = enum_obj.name
- keys = list.keys()
- keys.sort()
- for k in keys:
- j = list[k]
- if first:
- print ' case GL_%s:' % (j)
- first = 0
- else:
- print '/* case GL_%s:*/' % (j)
- if c == -1:
- print ' return __gl%s_variable_size( e );' % (name)
- else:
- print ' return %u;' % (c)
- print ' default: return 0;'
- print ' }'
- def Print(self, name):
- print '__gl%s_size( GLenum e )' % (name)
- print '{'
- if not self.PrintUsingTable():
- self.PrintUsingSwitch(name)
- print '}'
- print ''
-class glx_server_enum_function(glx_enum_function):
- def __init__(self, func, enum_dict):
- glx_enum_function.__init__(self, func.name, enum_dict)
- self.function = func
- return
- def signature( self ):
- if self.sig == None:
- sig = glx_enum_function.signature(self)
- p = self.function.variable_length_parameter()
- if p:
- sig += "%u" % (p.size())
- self.sig = sig
- return self.sig;
- def Print(self, name, printer):
- f = self.function
- printer.common_func_print_just_header( f )
- fixup = []
- foo = {}
- for param_name in f.count_parameter_list:
- o = f.offset_of( param_name )
- foo[o] = param_name
- for param_name in f.counter_list:
- o = f.offset_of( param_name )
- foo[o] = param_name
- keys = foo.keys()
- keys.sort()
- for o in keys:
- p = f.parameters_by_name[ foo[o] ]
- printer.common_emit_one_arg(p, "pc", 0)
- fixup.append( p.name )
- print ' GLsizei compsize;'
- print ''
- printer.common_emit_fixups(fixup)
- print ''
- print ' compsize = __gl%s_size(%s);' % (f.name, string.join(f.count_parameter_list, ","))
- p = f.variable_length_parameter()
- print ' return __GLX_PAD(%s);' % (p.size_string())
- print '}'
- print ''
-class PrintGlxSizeStubs_common(gl_XML.gl_print_base):
- do_get = (1 << 0)
- do_set = (1 << 1)
- def __init__(self, which_functions):
- gl_XML.gl_print_base.__init__(self)
- self.name = "glX_proto_size.py (from Mesa)"
- self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( "(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004", "IBM")
- self.emit_set = ((which_functions & PrintGlxSizeStubs_common.do_set) != 0)
- self.emit_get = ((which_functions & PrintGlxSizeStubs_common.do_get) != 0)
- return
-class PrintGlxSizeStubs_c(PrintGlxSizeStubs_common):
- def printRealHeader(self):
- print ''
- print '#include <GL/gl.h>'
- if self.emit_get:
- print '#include "indirect_size_get.h"'
- print '#include "glxserver.h"'
- print '#include "indirect_util.h"'
- print '#include "indirect_size.h"'
- print ''
- self.printPure()
- print ''
- self.printFastcall()
- print ''
- self.printVisibility( "INTERNAL", "internal" )
- print ''
- print ''
- print '#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__APPLE__)'
- print '# undef HAVE_ALIAS'
- print '#endif'
- print '#ifdef HAVE_ALIAS'
- print '# define ALIAS2(from,to) \\'
- print ' INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __gl ## from ## _size( GLenum e ) \\'
- print ' __attribute__ ((alias( # to )));'
- print '# define ALIAS(from,to) ALIAS2( from, __gl ## to ## _size )'
- print '#else'
- print '# define ALIAS(from,to) \\'
- print ' INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __gl ## from ## _size( GLenum e ) \\'
- print ' { return __gl ## to ## _size( e ); }'
- print '#endif'
- print ''
- print ''
- def printBody(self, api):
- enum_sigs = {}
- aliases = []
- for func in api.functionIterateGlx():
- ef = glx_enum_function( func.name, api.enums_by_name )
- if len(ef.enums) == 0:
- continue
- if (ef.is_set() and self.emit_set) or (not ef.is_set() and self.emit_get):
- sig = ef.signature()
- if enum_sigs.has_key( sig ):
- aliases.append( [func.name, enum_sigs[ sig ]] )
- else:
- enum_sigs[ sig ] = func.name
- ef.Print( func.name )
- for [alias_name, real_name] in aliases:
- print 'ALIAS( %s, %s )' % (alias_name, real_name)
-class PrintGlxSizeStubs_h(PrintGlxSizeStubs_common):
- def printRealHeader(self):
- print """/**
- * \\file
- * Prototypes for functions used to determine the number of data elements in
- * various GLX protocol messages.
- *
- * \\author Ian Romanick <idr@us.ibm.com>
- */
- self.printPure();
- print ''
- self.printFastcall();
- print ''
- self.printVisibility( "INTERNAL", "internal" );
- print ''
- def printBody(self, api):
- for func in api.functionIterateGlx():
- ef = glx_enum_function( func.name, api.enums_by_name )
- if len(ef.enums) == 0:
- continue
- if (ef.is_set() and self.emit_set) or (not ef.is_set() and self.emit_get):
- print 'extern INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __gl%s_size(GLenum);' % (func.name)
-class PrintGlxReqSize_common(gl_XML.gl_print_base):
- """Common base class for PrintGlxSizeReq_h and PrintGlxSizeReq_h.
- The main purpose of this common base class is to provide the infrastructure
- for the derrived classes to iterate over the same set of functions.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- gl_XML.gl_print_base.__init__(self)
- self.name = "glX_proto_size.py (from Mesa)"
- self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( "(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005", "IBM")
-class PrintGlxReqSize_h(PrintGlxReqSize_common):
- def __init__(self):
- PrintGlxReqSize_common.__init__(self)
- self.header_tag = "_INDIRECT_REQSIZE_H_"
- def printRealHeader(self):
- self.printVisibility("HIDDEN", "hidden")
- print ''
- self.printPure()
- print ''
- def printBody(self, api):
- for func in api.functionIterateGlx():
- if not func.ignore and func.has_variable_size_request():
- print 'extern PURE HIDDEN int __glX%sReqSize(const GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);' % (func.name)
-class PrintGlxReqSize_c(PrintGlxReqSize_common):
- """Create the server-side 'request size' functions.
- Create the server-side functions that are used to determine what the
- size of a varible length command should be. The server then uses
- this value to determine if the incoming command packed it malformed.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- PrintGlxReqSize_common.__init__(self)
- self.counter_sigs = {}
- def printRealHeader(self):
- print ''
- print '#include <GL/gl.h>'
- print '#include "glxserver.h"'
- print '#include "glxbyteorder.h"'
- print '#include "indirect_size.h"'
- print '#include "indirect_reqsize.h"'
- print ''
- print '#define __GLX_PAD(x) (((x) + 3) & ~3)'
- print ''
- print '#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__)'
- print '# undef HAVE_ALIAS'
- print '#endif'
- print '#ifdef HAVE_ALIAS'
- print '# define ALIAS2(from,to) \\'
- print ' GLint __glX ## from ## ReqSize( const GLbyte * pc, Bool swap ) \\'
- print ' __attribute__ ((alias( # to )));'
- print '# define ALIAS(from,to) ALIAS2( from, __glX ## to ## ReqSize )'
- print '#else'
- print '# define ALIAS(from,to) \\'
- print ' GLint __glX ## from ## ReqSize( const GLbyte * pc, Bool swap ) \\'
- print ' { return __glX ## to ## ReqSize( pc, swap ); }'
- print '#endif'
- print ''
- print ''
- def printBody(self, api):
- aliases = []
- enum_functions = {}
- enum_sigs = {}
- for func in api.functionIterateGlx():
- if not func.has_variable_size_request(): continue
- ef = glx_server_enum_function( func, api.enums_by_name )
- if len(ef.enums) == 0: continue
- sig = ef.signature()
- if not enum_functions.has_key(func.name):
- enum_functions[ func.name ] = sig
- if not enum_sigs.has_key( sig ):
- enum_sigs[ sig ] = ef
- for func in api.functionIterateGlx():
- # Even though server-handcode fuctions are on "the
- # list", and prototypes are generated for them, there
- # isn't enough information to generate a size
- # function. If there was enough information, they
- # probably wouldn't need to be handcoded in the first
- # place!
- if func.server_handcode: continue
- if not func.has_variable_size_request(): continue
- if enum_functions.has_key(func.name):
- sig = enum_functions[func.name]
- ef = enum_sigs[ sig ]
- if ef.name != func.name:
- aliases.append( [func.name, ef.name] )
- else:
- ef.Print( func.name, self )
- elif func.images:
- self.printPixelFunction(func)
- elif func.has_variable_size_request():
- a = self.printCountedFunction(func)
- if a: aliases.append(a)
- for [alias_name, real_name] in aliases:
- print 'ALIAS( %s, %s )' % (alias_name, real_name)
- return
- def common_emit_fixups(self, fixup):
- """Utility function to emit conditional byte-swaps."""
- if fixup:
- print ' if (swap) {'
- for name in fixup:
- print ' %s = bswap_32(%s);' % (name, name)
- print ' }'
- return
- def common_emit_one_arg(self, p, pc, adjust):
- offset = p.offset
- dst = p.string()
- src = '(%s *)' % (p.type_string())
- print '%-18s = *%11s(%s + %u);' % (dst, src, pc, offset + adjust);
- return
- def common_func_print_just_header(self, f):
- print 'int'
- print '__glX%sReqSize( const GLbyte * pc, Bool swap )' % (f.name)
- print '{'
- def printPixelFunction(self, f):
- self.common_func_print_just_header(f)
- f.offset_of( f.parameters[0].name )
- [dim, w, h, d, junk] = f.get_images()[0].get_dimensions()
- print ' GLint row_length = * (GLint *)(pc + 4);'
- if dim < 3:
- fixup = ['row_length', 'skip_rows', 'alignment']
- print ' GLint image_height = 0;'
- print ' GLint skip_images = 0;'
- print ' GLint skip_rows = * (GLint *)(pc + 8);'
- print ' GLint alignment = * (GLint *)(pc + 16);'
- else:
- fixup = ['row_length', 'image_height', 'skip_rows', 'skip_images', 'alignment']
- print ' GLint image_height = * (GLint *)(pc + 8);'
- print ' GLint skip_rows = * (GLint *)(pc + 16);'
- print ' GLint skip_images = * (GLint *)(pc + 20);'
- print ' GLint alignment = * (GLint *)(pc + 32);'
- img = f.images[0]
- for p in f.parameterIterateGlxSend():
- if p.name in [w, h, d, img.img_format, img.img_type, img.img_target]:
- self.common_emit_one_arg(p, "pc", 0)
- fixup.append( p.name )
- print ''
- self.common_emit_fixups(fixup)
- if img.img_null_flag:
- print ''
- print ' if (*(CARD32 *) (pc + %s))' % (img.offset - 4)
- print ' return 0;'
- print ''
- print ' return __glXImageSize(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,' % (img.img_format, img.img_type, img.img_target, w, h, d )
- print ' image_height, row_length, skip_images,'
- print ' skip_rows, alignment);'
- print '}'
- print ''
- return
- def printCountedFunction(self, f):
- sig = ""
- offset = 0
- fixup = []
- params = []
- plus = ''
- size = ''
- param_offsets = {}
- # Calculate the offset of each counter parameter and the
- # size string for the variable length parameter(s). While
- # that is being done, calculate a unique signature for this
- # function.
- for p in f.parameterIterateGlxSend():
- if p.is_counter:
- fixup.append( p.name )
- params.append( p )
- elif p.counter:
- s = p.size()
- if s == 0: s = 1
- sig += "(%u,%u)" % (f.offset_of(p.counter), s)
- size += '%s%s' % (plus, p.size_string())
- plus = ' + '
- # If the calculated signature matches a function that has
- # already be emitted, don't emit this function. Instead, add
- # it to the list of function aliases.
- if self.counter_sigs.has_key(sig):
- n = self.counter_sigs[sig];
- alias = [f.name, n]
- else:
- alias = None
- self.counter_sigs[sig] = f.name
- self.common_func_print_just_header(f)
- for p in params:
- self.common_emit_one_arg(p, "pc", 0)
- print ''
- self.common_emit_fixups(fixup)
- print ''
- print ' return __GLX_PAD(%s);' % (size)
- print '}'
- print ''
- return alias
-def show_usage():
- print "Usage: %s [-f input_file_name] -m output_mode [--only-get | --only-set] [--get-alias-set]" % sys.argv[0]
- print " -m output_mode Output mode can be one of 'size_c' or 'size_h'."
- print " --only-get Only emit 'get'-type functions."
- print " --only-set Only emit 'set'-type functions."
- print ""
- print "By default, both 'get' and 'set'-type functions are emitted."
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- file_name = "gl_API.xml"
- try:
- (args, trail) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:m:h:", ["only-get", "only-set", "header-tag"])
- except Exception,e:
- show_usage()
- mode = None
- header_tag = None
- which_functions = PrintGlxSizeStubs_common.do_get | PrintGlxSizeStubs_common.do_set
- for (arg,val) in args:
- if arg == "-f":
- file_name = val
- elif arg == "-m":
- mode = val
- elif arg == "--only-get":
- which_functions = PrintGlxSizeStubs_common.do_get
- elif arg == "--only-set":
- which_functions = PrintGlxSizeStubs_common.do_set
- elif (arg == '-h') or (arg == "--header-tag"):
- header_tag = val
- if mode == "size_c":
- printer = PrintGlxSizeStubs_c( which_functions )
- elif mode == "size_h":
- printer = PrintGlxSizeStubs_h( which_functions )
- if header_tag:
- printer.header_tag = header_tag
- elif mode == "reqsize_c":
- printer = PrintGlxReqSize_c()
- elif mode == "reqsize_h":
- printer = PrintGlxReqSize_h()
- else:
- show_usage()
- api = gl_XML.parse_GL_API( file_name, glX_XML.glx_item_factory() )
- printer.Print( api )