path: root/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/modexp512-x86_64.pl
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Diffstat (limited to 'openssl/crypto/bn/asm/modexp512-x86_64.pl')
1 files changed, 1496 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/modexp512-x86_64.pl b/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/modexp512-x86_64.pl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54aeb0192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/modexp512-x86_64.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1496 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Intel Corp.
+# Author: Vinodh.Gopal@intel.com
+# Jim Guilford
+# Erdinc.Ozturk@intel.com
+# Maxim.Perminov@intel.com
+# More information about algorithm used can be found at:
+# http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/srds2009/escs2009_submission_Gopal.pdf
+# ====================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+# distribution.
+# 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
+# software must display the following acknowledgment:
+# "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+# for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.OpenSSL.org/)"
+# 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
+# endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+# prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
+# licensing@OpenSSL.org.
+# 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
+# nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
+# permission of the OpenSSL Project.
+# 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
+# acknowledgment:
+# "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+# for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.OpenSSL.org/)"
+# ====================================================================
+$flavour = shift;
+$output = shift;
+if ($flavour =~ /\./) { $output = $flavour; undef $flavour; }
+my $win64=0; $win64=1 if ($flavour =~ /[nm]asm|mingw64/ || $output =~ /\.asm$/);
+$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
+( $xlate="${dir}x86_64-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate ) or
+( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/x86_64-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate) or
+die "can't locate x86_64-xlate.pl";
+open STDOUT,"| $^X $xlate $flavour $output";
+use strict;
+my $code=".text\n\n";
+my $m=0;
+# Define x512 macros
+#MULSTEP_512_ADD MACRO x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, dst, src1, src2, add_src, tmp1, tmp2
+# uses rax, rdx, and args
+sub MULSTEP_512_ADD
+ my ($x, $DST, $SRC2, $ASRC, $OP, $TMP)=@_;
+ my @X=@$x; # make a copy
+ mov (+8*0)($SRC2), %rax
+ mul $OP # rdx:rax = %OP * [0]
+ mov ($ASRC), $X[0]
+ add %rax, $X[0]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[0], $DST
+for(my $i=1;$i<8;$i++) {
+ mov %rdx, $TMP
+ mov (+8*$i)($SRC2), %rax
+ mul $OP # rdx:rax = %OP * [$i]
+ mov (+8*$i)($ASRC), $X[$i]
+ add %rax, $X[$i]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $TMP, $X[$i]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+#MULSTEP_512 MACRO x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, dst, src2, src1_val, tmp
+# uses rax, rdx, and args
+sub MULSTEP_512
+ my ($x, $DST, $SRC2, $OP, $TMP)=@_;
+ my @X=@$x; # make a copy
+ mov (+8*0)($SRC2), %rax
+ mul $OP # rdx:rax = %OP * [0]
+ add %rax, $X[0]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[0], $DST
+for(my $i=1;$i<8;$i++) {
+ mov %rdx, $TMP
+ mov (+8*$i)($SRC2), %rax
+ mul $OP # rdx:rax = %OP * [$i]
+ add %rax, $X[$i]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $TMP, $X[$i]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+# Swizzle Macros
+# macro to copy data from flat space to swizzled table
+#MACRO swizzle pDst, pSrc, tmp1, tmp2
+# pDst and pSrc are modified
+sub swizzle
+ my ($pDst, $pSrc, $cnt, $d0)=@_;
+ mov \$8, $cnt
+ mov ($pSrc), $d0
+ mov $d0#w, ($pDst)
+ shr \$16, $d0
+ mov $d0#w, (+64*1)($pDst)
+ shr \$16, $d0
+ mov $d0#w, (+64*2)($pDst)
+ shr \$16, $d0
+ mov $d0#w, (+64*3)($pDst)
+ lea 8($pSrc), $pSrc
+ lea 64*4($pDst), $pDst
+ dec $cnt
+ jnz loop_$m
+ $m++;
+# macro to copy data from swizzled table to flat space
+#MACRO unswizzle pDst, pSrc, tmp*3
+sub unswizzle
+ my ($pDst, $pSrc, $cnt, $d0, $d1)=@_;
+ mov \$4, $cnt
+ movzxw (+64*3+256*0)($pSrc), $d0
+ movzxw (+64*3+256*1)($pSrc), $d1
+ shl \$16, $d0
+ shl \$16, $d1
+ mov (+64*2+256*0)($pSrc), $d0#w
+ mov (+64*2+256*1)($pSrc), $d1#w
+ shl \$16, $d0
+ shl \$16, $d1
+ mov (+64*1+256*0)($pSrc), $d0#w
+ mov (+64*1+256*1)($pSrc), $d1#w
+ shl \$16, $d0
+ shl \$16, $d1
+ mov (+64*0+256*0)($pSrc), $d0#w
+ mov (+64*0+256*1)($pSrc), $d1#w
+ mov $d0, (+8*0)($pDst)
+ mov $d1, (+8*1)($pDst)
+ lea 256*2($pSrc), $pSrc
+ lea 8*2($pDst), $pDst
+ sub \$1, $cnt
+ jnz loop_$m
+ $m++;
+# Data Structures
+# Reduce Data
+# Offset Value
+# 0C0 Carries
+# 0B8 X2[10]
+# 0B0 X2[9]
+# 0A8 X2[8]
+# 0A0 X2[7]
+# 098 X2[6]
+# 090 X2[5]
+# 088 X2[4]
+# 080 X2[3]
+# 078 X2[2]
+# 070 X2[1]
+# 068 X2[0]
+# 060 X1[12] P[10]
+# 058 X1[11] P[9] Z[8]
+# 050 X1[10] P[8] Z[7]
+# 048 X1[9] P[7] Z[6]
+# 040 X1[8] P[6] Z[5]
+# 038 X1[7] P[5] Z[4]
+# 030 X1[6] P[4] Z[3]
+# 028 X1[5] P[3] Z[2]
+# 020 X1[4] P[2] Z[1]
+# 018 X1[3] P[1] Z[0]
+# 010 X1[2] P[0] Y[2]
+# 008 X1[1] Q[1] Y[1]
+# 000 X1[0] Q[0] Y[0]
+my $X1_offset = 0; # 13 qwords
+my $X2_offset = $X1_offset + 13*8; # 11 qwords
+my $Carries_offset = $X2_offset + 11*8; # 1 qword
+my $Q_offset = 0; # 2 qwords
+my $P_offset = $Q_offset + 2*8; # 11 qwords
+my $Y_offset = 0; # 3 qwords
+my $Z_offset = $Y_offset + 3*8; # 9 qwords
+my $Red_Data_Size = $Carries_offset + 1*8; # (25 qwords)
+# Stack Frame
+# offset value
+# ... <old stack contents>
+# ...
+# 280 Garray
+# 278 tmp16[15]
+# ... ...
+# 200 tmp16[0]
+# 1F8 tmp[7]
+# ... ...
+# 1C0 tmp[0]
+# 1B8 GT[7]
+# ... ...
+# 180 GT[0]
+# 178 Reduce Data
+# ... ...
+# 0B8 Reduce Data
+# 0B0 reserved
+# 0A8 reserved
+# 0A0 reserved
+# 098 reserved
+# 090 reserved
+# 088 reduce result addr
+# 080 exp[8]
+# ...
+# 048 exp[1]
+# 040 exp[0]
+# 038 reserved
+# 030 loop_idx
+# 028 pg
+# 020 i
+# 018 pData ; arg 4
+# 010 pG ; arg 2
+# 008 pResult ; arg 1
+# 000 rsp ; stack pointer before subtract
+my $rsp_offset = 0;
+my $pResult_offset = 8*1 + $rsp_offset;
+my $pG_offset = 8*1 + $pResult_offset;
+my $pData_offset = 8*1 + $pG_offset;
+my $i_offset = 8*1 + $pData_offset;
+my $pg_offset = 8*1 + $i_offset;
+my $loop_idx_offset = 8*1 + $pg_offset;
+my $reserved1_offset = 8*1 + $loop_idx_offset;
+my $exp_offset = 8*1 + $reserved1_offset;
+my $red_result_addr_offset= 8*9 + $exp_offset;
+my $reserved2_offset = 8*1 + $red_result_addr_offset;
+my $Reduce_Data_offset = 8*5 + $reserved2_offset;
+my $GT_offset = $Red_Data_Size + $Reduce_Data_offset;
+my $tmp_offset = 8*8 + $GT_offset;
+my $tmp16_offset = 8*8 + $tmp_offset;
+my $garray_offset = 8*16 + $tmp16_offset;
+my $mem_size = 8*8*32 + $garray_offset;
+# Offsets within Reduce Data
+# struct MODF_2FOLD_MONT_512_C1_DATA {
+# UINT64 t[8][8];
+# UINT64 m[8];
+# UINT64 m1[8]; /* 2^768 % m */
+# UINT64 m2[8]; /* 2^640 % m */
+# UINT64 k1[2]; /* (- 1/m) % 2^128 */
+# };
+my $T = 0;
+my $M = 512; # = 8 * 8 * 8
+my $M1 = 576; # = 8 * 8 * 9 /* += 8 * 8 */
+my $M2 = 640; # = 8 * 8 * 10 /* += 8 * 8 */
+my $K1 = 704; # = 8 * 8 * 11 /* += 8 * 8 */
+# MULADD_128x512 : Function to multiply 128-bits (2 qwords) by 512-bits (8 qwords)
+# and add 512-bits (8 qwords)
+# to get 640 bits (10 qwords)
+# Input: 128-bit mul source: [rdi+8*1], rbp
+# 512-bit mul source: [rsi+8*n]
+# 512-bit add source: r15, r14, ..., r9, r8
+# Output: r9, r8, r15, r14, r13, r12, r11, r10, [rcx+8*1], [rcx+8*0]
+# Clobbers all regs except: rcx, rsi, rdi
+.type MULADD_128x512,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align 16
+ &MULSTEP_512([map("%r$_",(8..15))], "(+8*0)(%rcx)", "%rsi", "%rbp", "%rbx");
+ mov (+8*1)(%rdi), %rbp
+ &MULSTEP_512([map("%r$_",(9..15,8))], "(+8*1)(%rcx)", "%rsi", "%rbp", "%rbx");
+ ret
+.size MULADD_128x512,.-MULADD_128x512
+#MULADD_256x512 MACRO pDst, pA, pB, OP, TMP, X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1, X0
+# Inputs: pDst: Destination (768 bits, 12 qwords)
+# pA: Multiplicand (1024 bits, 16 qwords)
+# pB: Multiplicand (512 bits, 8 qwords)
+# Dst = Ah * B + Al
+# where Ah is (in qwords) A[15:12] (256 bits) and Al is A[7:0] (512 bits)
+# Results in X3 X2 X1 X0 X7 X6 X5 X4 Dst[3:0]
+# Uses registers: arguments, RAX, RDX
+sub MULADD_256x512
+ my ($pDst, $pA, $pB, $OP, $TMP, $X)=@_;
+ mov (+8*12)($pA), $OP
+ &MULSTEP_512_ADD($X, "(+8*0)($pDst)", $pB, $pA, $OP, $TMP);
+ push(@$X,shift(@$X));
+ mov (+8*13)($pA), $OP
+ &MULSTEP_512($X, "(+8*1)($pDst)", $pB, $OP, $TMP);
+ push(@$X,shift(@$X));
+ mov (+8*14)($pA), $OP
+ &MULSTEP_512($X, "(+8*2)($pDst)", $pB, $OP, $TMP);
+ push(@$X,shift(@$X));
+ mov (+8*15)($pA), $OP
+ &MULSTEP_512($X, "(+8*3)($pDst)", $pB, $OP, $TMP);
+ push(@$X,shift(@$X));
+# mont_reduce(UINT64 *x, /* 1024 bits, 16 qwords */
+# UINT64 *m, /* 512 bits, 8 qwords */
+# MODF_2FOLD_MONT_512_C1_DATA *data,
+# UINT64 *r) /* 512 bits, 8 qwords */
+# Input: x (number to be reduced): tmp16 (Implicit)
+# m (modulus): [pM] (Implicit)
+# data (reduce data): [pData] (Implicit)
+# Output: r (result): Address in [red_res_addr]
+# result also in: r9, r8, r15, r14, r13, r12, r11, r10
+my @X=map("%r$_",(8..15));
+.type mont_reduce,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align 16
+my $STACK_DEPTH = 8;
+ #
+ # X1 = Xh * M1 + Xl
+ lea (+$Reduce_Data_offset+$X1_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp), %rdi # pX1 (Dst) 769 bits, 13 qwords
+ mov (+$pData_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp), %rsi # pM1 (Bsrc) 512 bits, 8 qwords
+ add \$$M1, %rsi
+ lea (+$tmp16_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp), %rcx # X (Asrc) 1024 bits, 16 qwords
+ &MULADD_256x512("%rdi", "%rcx", "%rsi", "%rbp", "%rbx", \@X); # rotates @X 4 times
+ # results in r11, r10, r9, r8, r15, r14, r13, r12, X1[3:0]
+ xor %rax, %rax
+ # X1 += xl
+ add (+8*8)(%rcx), $X[4]
+ adc (+8*9)(%rcx), $X[5]
+ adc (+8*10)(%rcx), $X[6]
+ adc (+8*11)(%rcx), $X[7]
+ adc \$0, %rax
+ # X1 is now rax, r11-r8, r15-r12, tmp16[3:0]
+ #
+ # check for carry ;; carry stored in rax
+ mov $X[4], (+8*8)(%rdi) # rdi points to X1
+ mov $X[5], (+8*9)(%rdi)
+ mov $X[6], %rbp
+ mov $X[7], (+8*11)(%rdi)
+ mov %rax, (+$Reduce_Data_offset+$Carries_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp)
+ mov (+8*0)(%rdi), $X[4]
+ mov (+8*1)(%rdi), $X[5]
+ mov (+8*2)(%rdi), $X[6]
+ mov (+8*3)(%rdi), $X[7]
+ # X1 is now stored in: X1[11], rbp, X1[9:8], r15-r8
+ # rdi -> X1
+ # rsi -> M1
+ #
+ # X2 = Xh * M2 + Xl
+ # do first part (X2 = Xh * M2)
+ add \$8*10, %rdi # rdi -> pXh ; 128 bits, 2 qwords
+ # Xh is actually { [rdi+8*1], rbp }
+ add \$`$M2-$M1`, %rsi # rsi -> M2
+ lea (+$Reduce_Data_offset+$X2_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp), %rcx # rcx -> pX2 ; 641 bits, 11 qwords
+ unshift(@X,pop(@X)); unshift(@X,pop(@X));
+ call MULADD_128x512 # args in rcx, rdi / rbp, rsi, r15-r8
+ # result in r9, r8, r15, r14, r13, r12, r11, r10, X2[1:0]
+ mov (+$Reduce_Data_offset+$Carries_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp), %rax
+ # X2 += Xl
+ add (+8*8-8*10)(%rdi), $X[6] # (-8*10) is to adjust rdi -> Xh to Xl
+ adc (+8*9-8*10)(%rdi), $X[7]
+ mov $X[6], (+8*8)(%rcx)
+ mov $X[7], (+8*9)(%rcx)
+ adc %rax, %rax
+ mov %rax, (+$Reduce_Data_offset+$Carries_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp)
+ lea (+$Reduce_Data_offset+$Q_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp), %rdi # rdi -> pQ ; 128 bits, 2 qwords
+ add \$`$K1-$M2`, %rsi # rsi -> pK1 ; 128 bits, 2 qwords
+ # MUL_128x128t128 rdi, rcx, rsi ; Q = X2 * K1 (bottom half)
+ # B1:B0 = rsi[1:0] = K1[1:0]
+ # A1:A0 = rcx[1:0] = X2[1:0]
+ # Result = rdi[1],rbp = Q[1],rbp
+ mov (%rsi), %r8 # B0
+ mov (+8*1)(%rsi), %rbx # B1
+ mov (%rcx), %rax # A0
+ mul %r8 # B0
+ mov %rax, %rbp
+ mov %rdx, %r9
+ mov (+8*1)(%rcx), %rax # A1
+ mul %r8 # B0
+ add %rax, %r9
+ mov (%rcx), %rax # A0
+ mul %rbx # B1
+ add %rax, %r9
+ mov %r9, (+8*1)(%rdi)
+ # end MUL_128x128t128
+ sub \$`$K1-$M`, %rsi
+ mov (%rcx), $X[6]
+ mov (+8*1)(%rcx), $X[7] # r9:r8 = X2[1:0]
+ call MULADD_128x512 # args in rcx, rdi / rbp, rsi, r15-r8
+ # result in r9, r8, r15, r14, r13, r12, r11, r10, X2[1:0]
+ # load first half of m to rdx, rdi, rbx, rax
+ # moved this here for efficiency
+ mov (+8*0)(%rsi), %rax
+ mov (+8*1)(%rsi), %rbx
+ mov (+8*2)(%rsi), %rdi
+ mov (+8*3)(%rsi), %rdx
+ # continue with reduction
+ mov (+$Reduce_Data_offset+$Carries_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp), %rbp
+ add (+8*8)(%rcx), $X[6]
+ adc (+8*9)(%rcx), $X[7]
+ #accumulate the final carry to rbp
+ adc %rbp, %rbp
+ # Add in overflow corrections: R = (X2>>128) += T[overflow]
+ # R = {r9, r8, r15, r14, ..., r10}
+ shl \$3, %rbp
+ mov (+$pData_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp), %rcx # rsi -> Data (and points to T)
+ add %rcx, %rbp # pT ; 512 bits, 8 qwords, spread out
+ # rsi will be used to generate a mask after the addition
+ xor %rsi, %rsi
+ add (+8*8*0)(%rbp), $X[0]
+ adc (+8*8*1)(%rbp), $X[1]
+ adc (+8*8*2)(%rbp), $X[2]
+ adc (+8*8*3)(%rbp), $X[3]
+ adc (+8*8*4)(%rbp), $X[4]
+ adc (+8*8*5)(%rbp), $X[5]
+ adc (+8*8*6)(%rbp), $X[6]
+ adc (+8*8*7)(%rbp), $X[7]
+ # if there is a carry: rsi = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
+ # if carry is clear: rsi = 0x0000000000000000
+ sbb \$0, %rsi
+ # if carry is clear, subtract 0. Otherwise, subtract 256 bits of m
+ and %rsi, %rax
+ and %rsi, %rbx
+ and %rsi, %rdi
+ and %rsi, %rdx
+ mov \$1, %rbp
+ sub %rax, $X[0]
+ sbb %rbx, $X[1]
+ sbb %rdi, $X[2]
+ sbb %rdx, $X[3]
+ # if there is a borrow: rbp = 0
+ # if there is no borrow: rbp = 1
+ # this is used to save the borrows in between the first half and the 2nd half of the subtraction of m
+ sbb \$0, %rbp
+ #load second half of m to rdx, rdi, rbx, rax
+ add \$$M, %rcx
+ mov (+8*4)(%rcx), %rax
+ mov (+8*5)(%rcx), %rbx
+ mov (+8*6)(%rcx), %rdi
+ mov (+8*7)(%rcx), %rdx
+ # use the rsi mask as before
+ # if carry is clear, subtract 0. Otherwise, subtract 256 bits of m
+ and %rsi, %rax
+ and %rsi, %rbx
+ and %rsi, %rdi
+ and %rsi, %rdx
+ # if rbp = 0, there was a borrow before, it is moved to the carry flag
+ # if rbp = 1, there was not a borrow before, carry flag is cleared
+ sub \$1, %rbp
+ sbb %rax, $X[4]
+ sbb %rbx, $X[5]
+ sbb %rdi, $X[6]
+ sbb %rdx, $X[7]
+ # write R back to memory
+ mov (+$red_result_addr_offset+$STACK_DEPTH)(%rsp), %rsi
+ mov $X[0], (+8*0)(%rsi)
+ mov $X[1], (+8*1)(%rsi)
+ mov $X[2], (+8*2)(%rsi)
+ mov $X[3], (+8*3)(%rsi)
+ mov $X[4], (+8*4)(%rsi)
+ mov $X[5], (+8*5)(%rsi)
+ mov $X[6], (+8*6)(%rsi)
+ mov $X[7], (+8*7)(%rsi)
+ ret
+.size mont_reduce,.-mont_reduce
+#MUL_512x512 MACRO pDst, pA, pB, x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, tmp*2
+# Inputs: pDst: Destination (1024 bits, 16 qwords)
+# pA: Multiplicand (512 bits, 8 qwords)
+# pB: Multiplicand (512 bits, 8 qwords)
+# Uses registers rax, rdx, args
+# B operand in [pB] and also in x7...x0
+sub MUL_512x512
+ my ($pDst, $pA, $pB, $x, $OP, $TMP, $pDst_o)=@_;
+ my ($pDst, $pDst_o) = ($pDst =~ m/([^+]*)\+?(.*)?/);
+ my @X=@$x; # make a copy
+ mov (+8*0)($pA), $OP
+ mov $X[0], %rax
+ mul $OP # rdx:rax = %OP * [0]
+ mov %rax, (+$pDst_o+8*0)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+for(my $i=1;$i<8;$i++) {
+ mov $X[$i], %rax
+ mul $OP # rdx:rax = %OP * [$i]
+ add %rax, $X[$i-1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[$i]
+for(my $i=1;$i<8;$i++) {
+ mov (+8*$i)($pA), $OP
+ &MULSTEP_512(\@X, "(+$pDst_o+8*$i)($pDst)", $pB, $OP, $TMP);
+ push(@X,shift(@X));
+ mov $X[0], (+$pDst_o+8*8)($pDst)
+ mov $X[1], (+$pDst_o+8*9)($pDst)
+ mov $X[2], (+$pDst_o+8*10)($pDst)
+ mov $X[3], (+$pDst_o+8*11)($pDst)
+ mov $X[4], (+$pDst_o+8*12)($pDst)
+ mov $X[5], (+$pDst_o+8*13)($pDst)
+ mov $X[6], (+$pDst_o+8*14)($pDst)
+ mov $X[7], (+$pDst_o+8*15)($pDst)
+# mont_mul_a3b : subroutine to compute (Src1 * Src2) % M (all 512-bits)
+# Input: src1: Address of source 1: rdi
+# src2: Address of source 2: rsi
+# Output: dst: Address of destination: [red_res_addr]
+# src2 and result also in: r9, r8, r15, r14, r13, r12, r11, r10
+# Temp: Clobbers [tmp16], all registers
+.type mont_mul_a3b,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align 16
+ #
+ # multiply tmp = src1 * src2
+ # For multiply: dst = rcx, src1 = rdi, src2 = rsi
+ # stack depth is extra 8 from call
+ &MUL_512x512("%rsp+$tmp16_offset+8", "%rdi", "%rsi", [map("%r$_",(10..15,8..9))], "%rbp", "%rbx");
+ #
+ # Dst = tmp % m
+ # Call reduce(tmp, m, data, dst)
+ # tail recursion optimization: jmp to mont_reduce and return from there
+ jmp mont_reduce
+ # call mont_reduce
+ # ret
+.size mont_mul_a3b,.-mont_mul_a3b
+#SQR_512 MACRO pDest, pA, x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, tmp*4
+# Input in memory [pA] and also in x7...x0
+# Uses all argument registers plus rax and rdx
+# This version computes all of the off-diagonal terms into memory,
+# and then it adds in the diagonal terms
+sub SQR_512
+ my ($pDst, $pA, $x, $A, $tmp, $x7, $x6, $pDst_o)=@_;
+ my ($pDst, $pDst_o) = ($pDst =~ m/([^+]*)\+?(.*)?/);
+ my @X=@$x; # make a copy
+ # ------------------
+ # first pass 01...07
+ # ------------------
+ mov $X[0], $A
+ mov $X[1],%rax
+ mul $A
+ mov %rax, (+$pDst_o+8*1)($pDst)
+for(my $i=2;$i<8;$i++) {
+ mov %rdx, $X[$i-2]
+ mov $X[$i],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[$i-2]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $x7
+ mov $X[0], (+$pDst_o+8*2)($pDst)
+ # ------------------
+ # second pass 12...17
+ # ------------------
+ mov (+8*1)($pA), $A
+ mov (+8*2)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[1], (+$pDst_o+8*3)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov (+8*3)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[2]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[2]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[2], (+$pDst_o+8*4)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov (+8*4)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[3]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[3]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov (+8*5)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[4]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[4]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov $X[6],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[5]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[5]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov $X[7],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $x7
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $x7
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[1]
+ # ------------------
+ # third pass 23...27
+ # ------------------
+ mov (+8*2)($pA), $A
+ mov (+8*3)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[3]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[3], (+$pDst_o+8*5)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov (+8*4)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[4]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[4]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[4], (+$pDst_o+8*6)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov (+8*5)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[5]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[5]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov $X[6],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $x7
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $x7
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov $X[7],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[2]
+ # ------------------
+ # fourth pass 34...37
+ # ------------------
+ mov (+8*3)($pA), $A
+ mov (+8*4)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[5]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[5], (+$pDst_o+8*7)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov (+8*5)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $x7
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $x7
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $x7, (+$pDst_o+8*8)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov $X[6],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov $X[7],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[2]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[2]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[5]
+ # ------------------
+ # fifth pass 45...47
+ # ------------------
+ mov (+8*4)($pA), $A
+ mov (+8*5)($pA),%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[1], (+$pDst_o+8*9)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov $X[6],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[2]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[2]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[2], (+$pDst_o+8*10)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov $X[7],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[5]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[5]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $X[1]
+ # ------------------
+ # sixth pass 56...57
+ # ------------------
+ mov (+8*5)($pA), $A
+ mov $X[6],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[5]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[5], (+$pDst_o+8*11)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[0]
+ mov $X[7],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ add $X[0], $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[1], (+$pDst_o+8*12)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $X[2]
+ # ------------------
+ # seventh pass 67
+ # ------------------
+ mov $X[6], $A
+ mov $X[7],%rax
+ mul $A
+ add %rax, $X[2]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[2], (+$pDst_o+8*13)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, (+$pDst_o+8*14)($pDst)
+ # start finalize (add in squares, and double off-terms)
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*1)($pDst), $X[0]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*2)($pDst), $X[1]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*3)($pDst), $X[2]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*4)($pDst), $X[3]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*5)($pDst), $X[4]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*6)($pDst), $X[5]
+ mov (+8*3)($pA), %rax
+ mul %rax
+ mov %rax, $x6
+ mov %rdx, $X[6]
+ add $X[0], $X[0]
+ adc $X[1], $X[1]
+ adc $X[2], $X[2]
+ adc $X[3], $X[3]
+ adc $X[4], $X[4]
+ adc $X[5], $X[5]
+ adc \$0, $X[6]
+ mov (+8*0)($pA), %rax
+ mul %rax
+ mov %rax, (+$pDst_o+8*0)($pDst)
+ mov %rdx, $A
+ mov (+8*1)($pA), %rax
+ mul %rax
+ add $A, $X[0]
+ adc %rax, $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $A
+ mov $X[0], (+$pDst_o+8*1)($pDst)
+ mov $X[1], (+$pDst_o+8*2)($pDst)
+ mov (+8*2)($pA), %rax
+ mul %rax
+ add $A, $X[2]
+ adc %rax, $X[3]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $A
+ mov $X[2], (+$pDst_o+8*3)($pDst)
+ mov $X[3], (+$pDst_o+8*4)($pDst)
+ xor $tmp, $tmp
+ add $A, $X[4]
+ adc $x6, $X[5]
+ adc \$0, $tmp
+ mov $X[4], (+$pDst_o+8*5)($pDst)
+ mov $X[5], (+$pDst_o+8*6)($pDst)
+ # %%tmp has 0/1 in column 7
+ # %%A6 has a full value in column 7
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*7)($pDst), $X[0]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*8)($pDst), $X[1]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*9)($pDst), $X[2]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*10)($pDst), $X[3]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*11)($pDst), $X[4]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*12)($pDst), $X[5]
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*13)($pDst), $x6
+ mov (+$pDst_o+8*14)($pDst), $x7
+ mov $X[7], %rax
+ mul %rax
+ mov %rax, $X[7]
+ mov %rdx, $A
+ add $X[0], $X[0]
+ adc $X[1], $X[1]
+ adc $X[2], $X[2]
+ adc $X[3], $X[3]
+ adc $X[4], $X[4]
+ adc $X[5], $X[5]
+ adc $x6, $x6
+ adc $x7, $x7
+ adc \$0, $A
+ add $tmp, $X[0]
+ mov (+8*4)($pA), %rax
+ mul %rax
+ add $X[6], $X[0]
+ adc %rax, $X[1]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $tmp
+ mov $X[0], (+$pDst_o+8*7)($pDst)
+ mov $X[1], (+$pDst_o+8*8)($pDst)
+ mov (+8*5)($pA), %rax
+ mul %rax
+ add $tmp, $X[2]
+ adc %rax, $X[3]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov %rdx, $tmp
+ mov $X[2], (+$pDst_o+8*9)($pDst)
+ mov $X[3], (+$pDst_o+8*10)($pDst)
+ mov (+8*6)($pA), %rax
+ mul %rax
+ add $tmp, $X[4]
+ adc %rax, $X[5]
+ adc \$0, %rdx
+ mov $X[4], (+$pDst_o+8*11)($pDst)
+ mov $X[5], (+$pDst_o+8*12)($pDst)
+ add %rdx, $x6
+ adc $X[7], $x7
+ adc \$0, $A
+ mov $x6, (+$pDst_o+8*13)($pDst)
+ mov $x7, (+$pDst_o+8*14)($pDst)
+ mov $A, (+$pDst_o+8*15)($pDst)
+# sqr_reduce: subroutine to compute Result = reduce(Result * Result)
+# input and result also in: r9, r8, r15, r14, r13, r12, r11, r10
+.type sqr_reduce,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align 16
+ mov (+$pResult_offset+8)(%rsp), %rcx
+ &SQR_512("%rsp+$tmp16_offset+8", "%rcx", [map("%r$_",(10..15,8..9))], "%rbx", "%rbp", "%rsi", "%rdi");
+ # tail recursion optimization: jmp to mont_reduce and return from there
+ jmp mont_reduce
+ # call mont_reduce
+ # ret
+.size sqr_reduce,.-sqr_reduce
+#mod_exp_512(UINT64 *result, /* 512 bits, 8 qwords */
+# UINT64 *g, /* 512 bits, 8 qwords */
+# UINT64 *exp, /* 512 bits, 8 qwords */
+# struct mod_ctx_512 *data)
+# window size = 5
+# table size = 2^5 = 32
+#table_entries equ 32
+#table_size equ table_entries * 8
+.globl mod_exp_512
+.type mod_exp_512,\@function,4
+ push %rbp
+ push %rbx
+ push %r12
+ push %r13
+ push %r14
+ push %r15
+ # adjust stack down and then align it with cache boundary
+ mov %rsp, %r8
+ sub \$$mem_size, %rsp
+ and \$-64, %rsp
+ # store previous stack pointer and arguments
+ mov %r8, (+$rsp_offset)(%rsp)
+ mov %rdi, (+$pResult_offset)(%rsp)
+ mov %rsi, (+$pG_offset)(%rsp)
+ mov %rcx, (+$pData_offset)(%rsp)
+ # transform g into montgomery space
+ # GT = reduce(g * C2) = reduce(g * (2^256))
+ # reduce expects to have the input in [tmp16]
+ pxor %xmm4, %xmm4
+ movdqu (+16*0)(%rsi), %xmm0
+ movdqu (+16*1)(%rsi), %xmm1
+ movdqu (+16*2)(%rsi), %xmm2
+ movdqu (+16*3)(%rsi), %xmm3
+ movdqa %xmm4, (+$tmp16_offset+16*0)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm4, (+$tmp16_offset+16*1)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm4, (+$tmp16_offset+16*6)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm4, (+$tmp16_offset+16*7)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm0, (+$tmp16_offset+16*2)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm1, (+$tmp16_offset+16*3)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm2, (+$tmp16_offset+16*4)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm3, (+$tmp16_offset+16*5)(%rsp)
+ # load pExp before rdx gets blown away
+ movdqu (+16*0)(%rdx), %xmm0
+ movdqu (+16*1)(%rdx), %xmm1
+ movdqu (+16*2)(%rdx), %xmm2
+ movdqu (+16*3)(%rdx), %xmm3
+ lea (+$GT_offset)(%rsp), %rbx
+ mov %rbx, (+$red_result_addr_offset)(%rsp)
+ call mont_reduce
+ # Initialize tmp = C
+ lea (+$tmp_offset)(%rsp), %rcx
+ xor %rax, %rax
+ mov %rax, (+8*0)(%rcx)
+ mov %rax, (+8*1)(%rcx)
+ mov %rax, (+8*3)(%rcx)
+ mov %rax, (+8*4)(%rcx)
+ mov %rax, (+8*5)(%rcx)
+ mov %rax, (+8*6)(%rcx)
+ mov %rax, (+8*7)(%rcx)
+ mov %rax, (+$exp_offset+8*8)(%rsp)
+ movq \$1, (+8*2)(%rcx)
+ lea (+$garray_offset)(%rsp), %rbp
+ mov %rcx, %rsi # pTmp
+ mov %rbp, %rdi # Garray[][0]
+ &swizzle("%rdi", "%rcx", "%rax", "%rbx");
+ # for (rax = 31; rax != 0; rax--) {
+ # tmp = reduce(tmp * G)
+ # swizzle(pg, tmp);
+ # pg += 2; }
+ mov \$31, %rax
+ mov %rax, (+$i_offset)(%rsp)
+ mov %rbp, (+$pg_offset)(%rsp)
+ # rsi -> pTmp
+ mov %rsi, (+$red_result_addr_offset)(%rsp)
+ mov (+8*0)(%rsi), %r10
+ mov (+8*1)(%rsi), %r11
+ mov (+8*2)(%rsi), %r12
+ mov (+8*3)(%rsi), %r13
+ mov (+8*4)(%rsi), %r14
+ mov (+8*5)(%rsi), %r15
+ mov (+8*6)(%rsi), %r8
+ mov (+8*7)(%rsi), %r9
+ lea (+$GT_offset)(%rsp), %rdi
+ call mont_mul_a3b
+ lea (+$tmp_offset)(%rsp), %rsi
+ mov (+$pg_offset)(%rsp), %rbp
+ add \$2, %rbp
+ mov %rbp, (+$pg_offset)(%rsp)
+ mov %rsi, %rcx # rcx = rsi = addr of tmp
+ &swizzle("%rbp", "%rcx", "%rax", "%rbx");
+ mov (+$i_offset)(%rsp), %rax
+ sub \$1, %rax
+ mov %rax, (+$i_offset)(%rsp)
+ jne init_loop
+ #
+ # Copy exponent onto stack
+ movdqa %xmm0, (+$exp_offset+16*0)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm1, (+$exp_offset+16*1)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm2, (+$exp_offset+16*2)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm3, (+$exp_offset+16*3)(%rsp)
+ #
+ # Do exponentiation
+ # Initialize result to G[exp{511:507}]
+ mov (+$exp_offset+62)(%rsp), %eax
+ mov %rax, %rdx
+ shr \$11, %rax
+ and \$0x07FF, %edx
+ mov %edx, (+$exp_offset+62)(%rsp)
+ lea (+$garray_offset)(%rsp,%rax,2), %rsi
+ mov (+$pResult_offset)(%rsp), %rdx
+ &unswizzle("%rdx", "%rsi", "%rbp", "%rbx", "%rax");
+ #
+ # Loop variables
+ # rcx = [loop_idx] = index: 510-5 to 0 by 5
+ movq \$505, (+$loop_idx_offset)(%rsp)
+ mov (+$pResult_offset)(%rsp), %rcx
+ mov %rcx, (+$red_result_addr_offset)(%rsp)
+ mov (+8*0)(%rcx), %r10
+ mov (+8*1)(%rcx), %r11
+ mov (+8*2)(%rcx), %r12
+ mov (+8*3)(%rcx), %r13
+ mov (+8*4)(%rcx), %r14
+ mov (+8*5)(%rcx), %r15
+ mov (+8*6)(%rcx), %r8
+ mov (+8*7)(%rcx), %r9
+ jmp sqr_2
+ call sqr_reduce
+ call sqr_reduce
+ call sqr_reduce
+ call sqr_reduce
+ call sqr_reduce
+ #
+ # Do multiply, first look up proper value in Garray
+ mov (+$loop_idx_offset)(%rsp), %rcx # bit index
+ mov %rcx, %rax
+ shr \$4, %rax # rax is word pointer
+ mov (+$exp_offset)(%rsp,%rax,2), %edx
+ and \$15, %rcx
+ shrq %cl, %rdx
+ and \$0x1F, %rdx
+ lea (+$garray_offset)(%rsp,%rdx,2), %rsi
+ lea (+$tmp_offset)(%rsp), %rdx
+ mov %rdx, %rdi
+ &unswizzle("%rdx", "%rsi", "%rbp", "%rbx", "%rax");
+ # rdi = tmp = pG
+ #
+ # Call mod_mul_a1(pDst, pSrc1, pSrc2, pM, pData)
+ # result result pG M Data
+ mov (+$pResult_offset)(%rsp), %rsi
+ call mont_mul_a3b
+ #
+ # finish loop
+ mov (+$loop_idx_offset)(%rsp), %rcx
+ sub \$5, %rcx
+ mov %rcx, (+$loop_idx_offset)(%rsp)
+ jge main_loop_a3b
+ #
+ # transform result out of Montgomery space
+ # result = reduce(result)
+ mov (+$pResult_offset)(%rsp), %rdx
+ pxor %xmm4, %xmm4
+ movdqu (+16*0)(%rdx), %xmm0
+ movdqu (+16*1)(%rdx), %xmm1
+ movdqu (+16*2)(%rdx), %xmm2
+ movdqu (+16*3)(%rdx), %xmm3
+ movdqa %xmm4, (+$tmp16_offset+16*4)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm4, (+$tmp16_offset+16*5)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm4, (+$tmp16_offset+16*6)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm4, (+$tmp16_offset+16*7)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm0, (+$tmp16_offset+16*0)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm1, (+$tmp16_offset+16*1)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm2, (+$tmp16_offset+16*2)(%rsp)
+ movdqa %xmm3, (+$tmp16_offset+16*3)(%rsp)
+ call mont_reduce
+ # If result > m, subract m
+ # load result into r15:r8
+ mov (+$pResult_offset)(%rsp), %rax
+ mov (+8*0)(%rax), %r8
+ mov (+8*1)(%rax), %r9
+ mov (+8*2)(%rax), %r10
+ mov (+8*3)(%rax), %r11
+ mov (+8*4)(%rax), %r12
+ mov (+8*5)(%rax), %r13
+ mov (+8*6)(%rax), %r14
+ mov (+8*7)(%rax), %r15
+ # subtract m
+ mov (+$pData_offset)(%rsp), %rbx
+ add \$$M, %rbx
+ sub (+8*0)(%rbx), %r8
+ sbb (+8*1)(%rbx), %r9
+ sbb (+8*2)(%rbx), %r10
+ sbb (+8*3)(%rbx), %r11
+ sbb (+8*4)(%rbx), %r12
+ sbb (+8*5)(%rbx), %r13
+ sbb (+8*6)(%rbx), %r14
+ sbb (+8*7)(%rbx), %r15
+ # if Carry is clear, replace result with difference
+ mov (+8*0)(%rax), %rsi
+ mov (+8*1)(%rax), %rdi
+ mov (+8*2)(%rax), %rcx
+ mov (+8*3)(%rax), %rdx
+ cmovnc %r8, %rsi
+ cmovnc %r9, %rdi
+ cmovnc %r10, %rcx
+ cmovnc %r11, %rdx
+ mov %rsi, (+8*0)(%rax)
+ mov %rdi, (+8*1)(%rax)
+ mov %rcx, (+8*2)(%rax)
+ mov %rdx, (+8*3)(%rax)
+ mov (+8*4)(%rax), %rsi
+ mov (+8*5)(%rax), %rdi
+ mov (+8*6)(%rax), %rcx
+ mov (+8*7)(%rax), %rdx
+ cmovnc %r12, %rsi
+ cmovnc %r13, %rdi
+ cmovnc %r14, %rcx
+ cmovnc %r15, %rdx
+ mov %rsi, (+8*4)(%rax)
+ mov %rdi, (+8*5)(%rax)
+ mov %rcx, (+8*6)(%rax)
+ mov %rdx, (+8*7)(%rax)
+ mov (+$rsp_offset)(%rsp), %rsi
+ mov 0(%rsi),%r15
+ mov 8(%rsi),%r14
+ mov 16(%rsi),%r13
+ mov 24(%rsi),%r12
+ mov 32(%rsi),%rbx
+ mov 40(%rsi),%rbp
+ lea 48(%rsi),%rsp
+ ret
+.size mod_exp_512, . - mod_exp_512
+if ($win64) {
+my $rec="%rcx";
+my $frame="%rdx";
+my $context="%r8";
+my $disp="%r9";
+.extern __imp_RtlVirtualUnwind
+.type mod_exp_512_se_handler,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align 16
+ push %rsi
+ push %rdi
+ push %rbx
+ push %rbp
+ push %r12
+ push %r13
+ push %r14
+ push %r15
+ pushfq
+ sub \$64,%rsp
+ mov 120($context),%rax # pull context->Rax
+ mov 248($context),%rbx # pull context->Rip
+ lea .Lbody(%rip),%r10
+ cmp %r10,%rbx # context->Rip<prologue label
+ jb .Lin_prologue
+ mov 152($context),%rax # pull context->Rsp
+ lea .Lepilogue(%rip),%r10
+ cmp %r10,%rbx # context->Rip>=epilogue label
+ jae .Lin_prologue
+ mov $rsp_offset(%rax),%rax # pull saved Rsp
+ mov 32(%rax),%rbx
+ mov 40(%rax),%rbp
+ mov 24(%rax),%r12
+ mov 16(%rax),%r13
+ mov 8(%rax),%r14
+ mov 0(%rax),%r15
+ lea 48(%rax),%rax
+ mov %rbx,144($context) # restore context->Rbx
+ mov %rbp,160($context) # restore context->Rbp
+ mov %r12,216($context) # restore context->R12
+ mov %r13,224($context) # restore context->R13
+ mov %r14,232($context) # restore context->R14
+ mov %r15,240($context) # restore context->R15
+ mov 8(%rax),%rdi
+ mov 16(%rax),%rsi
+ mov %rax,152($context) # restore context->Rsp
+ mov %rsi,168($context) # restore context->Rsi
+ mov %rdi,176($context) # restore context->Rdi
+ mov 40($disp),%rdi # disp->ContextRecord
+ mov $context,%rsi # context
+ mov \$154,%ecx # sizeof(CONTEXT)
+ .long 0xa548f3fc # cld; rep movsq
+ mov $disp,%rsi
+ xor %rcx,%rcx # arg1, UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER
+ mov 8(%rsi),%rdx # arg2, disp->ImageBase
+ mov 0(%rsi),%r8 # arg3, disp->ControlPc
+ mov 16(%rsi),%r9 # arg4, disp->FunctionEntry
+ mov 40(%rsi),%r10 # disp->ContextRecord
+ lea 56(%rsi),%r11 # &disp->HandlerData
+ lea 24(%rsi),%r12 # &disp->EstablisherFrame
+ mov %r10,32(%rsp) # arg5
+ mov %r11,40(%rsp) # arg6
+ mov %r12,48(%rsp) # arg7
+ mov %rcx,56(%rsp) # arg8, (NULL)
+ call *__imp_RtlVirtualUnwind(%rip)
+ mov \$1,%eax # ExceptionContinueSearch
+ add \$64,%rsp
+ popfq
+ pop %r15
+ pop %r14
+ pop %r13
+ pop %r12
+ pop %rbp
+ pop %rbx
+ pop %rdi
+ pop %rsi
+ ret
+.size mod_exp_512_se_handler,.-mod_exp_512_se_handler
+.section .pdata
+.align 4
+ .rva .LSEH_begin_mod_exp_512
+ .rva .LSEH_end_mod_exp_512
+ .rva .LSEH_info_mod_exp_512
+.section .xdata
+.align 8
+ .byte 9,0,0,0
+ .rva mod_exp_512_se_handler
+sub reg_part {
+my ($reg,$conv)=@_;
+ if ($reg =~ /%r[0-9]+/) { $reg .= $conv; }
+ elsif ($conv eq "b") { $reg =~ s/%[er]([^x]+)x?/%$1l/; }
+ elsif ($conv eq "w") { $reg =~ s/%[er](.+)/%$1/; }
+ elsif ($conv eq "d") { $reg =~ s/%[er](.+)/%e$1/; }
+ return $reg;
+$code =~ s/(%[a-z0-9]+)#([bwd])/reg_part($1,$2)/gem;
+$code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval $1/gem;
+$code =~ s/(\(\+[^)]+\))/eval $1/gem;
+print $code;
+close STDOUT;