path: root/pixman
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pixman')
15 files changed, 13692 insertions, 13311 deletions
diff --git a/pixman/Makefile.am b/pixman/Makefile.am
index 062c58a89..b12b212fd 100644
--- a/pixman/Makefile.am
+++ b/pixman/Makefile.am
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
-SUBDIRS = pixman test demos
-$(pkgconfig_DATA): pixman-1.pc.in
- distdir="$(distdir)-`date '+%Y%m%d'`"; \
- test -d "$(srcdir)/.git" && distdir=$$distdir-`cd "$(srcdir)" && git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-6`; \
- $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distdir="$$distdir" dist
-RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT = $$(if test "x$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)" = "x$$(echo "$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)/2*2" | bc)" ; then echo release; else echo snapshot; fi)
-RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST = $(USERNAME)@cairographics.org
-RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR = /srv/cairo.freedesktop.org/www/releases
-RELEASE_CAIRO_URL = http://cairographics.org/releases
-RELEASE_XORG_URL = http://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib
-RELEASE_XORG_HOST = $(USERNAME)@xorg.freedesktop.org
-RELEASE_XORG_DIR = /srv/xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib
-RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_LIST = cairo-announce@cairographics.org, xorg-announce@lists.freedesktop.org
-tar_gz = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
-tar_bz2 = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2
-sha1_tgz = $(tar_gz).sha1
-md5_tgz = $(tar_gz).md5
-sha1_tbz2 = $(tar_bz2).sha1
-md5_tbz2 = $(tar_bz2).md5
-gpg_file = $(sha1_tgz).asc
-$(sha1_tgz): $(tar_gz)
- sha1sum $^ > $@
-$(md5_tgz): $(tar_gz)
- md5sum $^ > $@
-$(sha1_tbz2): $(tar_bz2)
- sha1sum $^ > $@
-$(md5_tbz2): $(tar_bz2)
- md5sum $^ > $@
-$(gpg_file): $(sha1_tgz)
- @echo "Please enter your GPG password to sign the checksum."
- gpg --armor --sign $^
-HASHFILES = $(sha1_tgz) $(sha1_tbz2) $(md5_tgz) $(md5_tbz2)
- @echo -n "Checking that no $(VERSION) release already exists at $(RELEASE_XORG_HOST)..."
- @ssh $(RELEASE_XORG_HOST) test ! -e $(RELEASE_XORG_DIR)/$(tar_gz) \
- || (echo "Ouch." && echo "Found: $(RELEASE_XORG_HOST):$(RELEASE_XORG_DIR)/$(tar_gz)" \
- && echo "Refusing to try to generate a new release of the same name." \
- && false)
- @ssh $(RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST) test ! -e $(RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR)/$(tar_gz) \
- || (echo "Ouch." && echo "Found: $(RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST):$(RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR)/$(tar_gz)" \
- && echo "Refusing to try to generate a new release of the same name." \
- && false)
- @echo "Good."
- $(RM) $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(HASHFILES) $(gpg_file)
- @if [[ "$(PREV)" == "" ]]; then \
- echo "" && \
- echo "You must set the PREV variable on the make command line to" && \
- echo "the last version." && \
- echo "" && \
- echo "For example:" && \
- echo " make PREV=0.7.3" && \
- echo "" && \
- false; \
- fi
-release-check: ensure-prev release-verify-newer release-remove-old distcheck
- git tag -u $(GPGKEY) -m "$(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) release" $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
-release-upload: release-check $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(sha1_tgz) $(sha1_tbz2) $(md5_tgz) $(gpg_file)
- mkdir -p releases
- scp $(tar_gz) $(sha1_tgz) $(gpg_file) $(RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST):$(RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR)
- scp $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(RELEASE_XORG_HOST):$(RELEASE_XORG_DIR)
-release-publish-message: $(HASHFILES) ensure-prev
- @echo "Please follow the instructions in RELEASING to push stuff out and"
- @echo "send out the announcement mails. Here is the excerpt you need:"
- @echo ""
- @echo "Lists: $(RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_LIST)"
- @echo "Subject: [ANNOUNCE] $(PACKAGE) release $(VERSION) now available"
- @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
- @echo "A new $(PACKAGE) release $(VERSION) is now available"
- @echo ""
- @echo "tar.gz:"
- @echo " $(RELEASE_CAIRO_URL)/$(tar_gz)"
- @echo " $(RELEASE_XORG_URL)/$(tar_gz)"
- @echo ""
- @echo "tar.bz2:"
- @echo " $(RELEASE_XORG_URL)/$(tar_bz2)"
- @echo ""
- @echo "Hashes:"
- @echo -n " MD5: "
- @cat $(md5_tgz)
- @echo -n " MD5: "
- @cat $(md5_tbz2)
- @echo -n " SHA1: "
- @cat $(sha1_tgz)
- @echo -n " SHA1: "
- @cat $(sha1_tbz2)
- @echo ""
- @echo "GPG signature:"
- @echo " $(RELEASE_CAIRO_URL)/$(gpg_file)"
- @echo " (signed by `git config --get user.name` <`git config --get user.email`>)"
- @echo ""
- @echo "Git:"
- @echo " git://git.freedesktop.org/git/pixman"
- @echo " tag: $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)"
- @echo ""
- @echo "Log:"
- @git log --no-merges "$(PACKAGE)-$(PREV)".."$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)" | git shortlog | awk '{ printf "\t"; print ; }' | cut -b1-80
- @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
- @echo ""
-release-publish: release-upload release-tag release-publish-message
-.PHONY: release-upload release-publish release-publish-message release-tag
+SUBDIRS = pixman test demos
+$(pkgconfig_DATA): pixman-1.pc.in
+ distdir="$(distdir)-`date '+%Y%m%d'`"; \
+ test -d "$(srcdir)/.git" && distdir=$$distdir-`cd "$(srcdir)" && git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-6`; \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distdir="$$distdir" dist
+RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT = $$(if test "x$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)" = "x$$(echo "$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)/2*2" | bc)" ; then echo release; else echo snapshot; fi)
+RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST = $(USERNAME)@cairographics.org
+RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR = /srv/cairo.freedesktop.org/www/releases
+RELEASE_CAIRO_URL = http://cairographics.org/releases
+RELEASE_XORG_URL = http://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib
+RELEASE_XORG_HOST = $(USERNAME)@xorg.freedesktop.org
+RELEASE_XORG_DIR = /srv/xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib
+RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_LIST = cairo-announce@cairographics.org, xorg-announce@lists.freedesktop.org
+tar_gz = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+tar_bz2 = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2
+sha1_tgz = $(tar_gz).sha1
+md5_tgz = $(tar_gz).md5
+sha1_tbz2 = $(tar_bz2).sha1
+md5_tbz2 = $(tar_bz2).md5
+gpg_file = $(sha1_tgz).asc
+$(sha1_tgz): $(tar_gz)
+ sha1sum $^ > $@
+$(md5_tgz): $(tar_gz)
+ md5sum $^ > $@
+$(sha1_tbz2): $(tar_bz2)
+ sha1sum $^ > $@
+$(md5_tbz2): $(tar_bz2)
+ md5sum $^ > $@
+$(gpg_file): $(sha1_tgz)
+ @echo "Please enter your GPG password to sign the checksum."
+ gpg --armor --sign $^
+HASHFILES = $(sha1_tgz) $(sha1_tbz2) $(md5_tgz) $(md5_tbz2)
+ @echo -n "Checking that no $(VERSION) release already exists at $(RELEASE_XORG_HOST)..."
+ @ssh $(RELEASE_XORG_HOST) test ! -e $(RELEASE_XORG_DIR)/$(tar_gz) \
+ || (echo "Ouch." && echo "Found: $(RELEASE_XORG_HOST):$(RELEASE_XORG_DIR)/$(tar_gz)" \
+ && echo "Refusing to try to generate a new release of the same name." \
+ && false)
+ @ssh $(RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST) test ! -e $(RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR)/$(tar_gz) \
+ || (echo "Ouch." && echo "Found: $(RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST):$(RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR)/$(tar_gz)" \
+ && echo "Refusing to try to generate a new release of the same name." \
+ && false)
+ @echo "Good."
+ $(RM) $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(HASHFILES) $(gpg_file)
+ @if [[ "$(PREV)" == "" ]]; then \
+ echo "" && \
+ echo "You must set the PREV variable on the make command line to" && \
+ echo "the last version." && \
+ echo "" && \
+ echo "For example:" && \
+ echo " make PREV=0.7.3" && \
+ echo "" && \
+ false; \
+ fi
+release-check: ensure-prev release-verify-newer release-remove-old distcheck
+ git tag -u $(GPGKEY) -m "$(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) release" $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+release-upload: release-check $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(sha1_tgz) $(sha1_tbz2) $(md5_tgz) $(gpg_file)
+ mkdir -p releases
+ scp $(tar_gz) $(sha1_tgz) $(gpg_file) $(RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST):$(RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR)
+ scp $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(RELEASE_XORG_HOST):$(RELEASE_XORG_DIR)
+release-publish-message: $(HASHFILES) ensure-prev
+ @echo "Please follow the instructions in RELEASING to push stuff out and"
+ @echo "send out the announcement mails. Here is the excerpt you need:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Lists: $(RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_LIST)"
+ @echo "Subject: [ANNOUNCE] $(PACKAGE) release $(VERSION) now available"
+ @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
+ @echo "A new $(PACKAGE) release $(VERSION) is now available"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "tar.gz:"
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_CAIRO_URL)/$(tar_gz)"
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_XORG_URL)/$(tar_gz)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "tar.bz2:"
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_XORG_URL)/$(tar_bz2)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Hashes:"
+ @echo -n " MD5: "
+ @cat $(md5_tgz)
+ @echo -n " MD5: "
+ @cat $(md5_tbz2)
+ @echo -n " SHA1: "
+ @cat $(sha1_tgz)
+ @echo -n " SHA1: "
+ @cat $(sha1_tbz2)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "GPG signature:"
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_CAIRO_URL)/$(gpg_file)"
+ @echo " (signed by `git config --get user.name` <`git config --get user.email`>)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Git:"
+ @echo " git://git.freedesktop.org/git/pixman"
+ @echo " tag: $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Log:"
+ @git log --no-merges "$(PACKAGE)-$(PREV)".."$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)" | git shortlog | awk '{ printf "\t"; print ; }' | cut -b1-80
+ @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
+ @echo ""
+release-publish: release-upload release-tag release-publish-message
+.PHONY: release-upload release-publish release-publish-message release-tag
diff --git a/pixman/configure.ac b/pixman/configure.ac
index 8d96647f9..4a4759e91 100644
--- a/pixman/configure.ac
+++ b/pixman/configure.ac
@@ -1,821 +1,821 @@
-dnl Copyright 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
-dnl Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
-dnl documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
-dnl the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
-dnl copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
-dnl documentation, and that the name of Red Hat not be used in
-dnl advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
-dnl specific, written prior permission. Red Hat makes no
-dnl representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It
-dnl is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
-dnl Process this file with autoconf to create configure.
-# Pixman versioning scheme
-# - The version in git has an odd MICRO version number
-# - Released versions both development and stable have an even MICRO
-# version number
-# - Released development versions have an odd MINOR number
-# - Released stable versions have an even MINOR number
-# - Versions that break ABI must have a new MAJOR number
-# - If you break the ABI, then at least this must be done:
-# - increment MAJOR
-# - In the first development release where you break ABI, find
-# all instances of "pixman-n" and change them to pixman-(n+1)
-# This needs to be done at least in
-# configure.ac
-# all Makefile.am's
-# pixman-n.pc.in
-# This ensures that binary incompatible versions can be installed
-# in parallel. See http://www106.pair.com/rhp/parallel.html for
-# more information
-m4_define([pixman_major], 0)
-m4_define([pixman_minor], 21)
-m4_define([pixman_micro], 5)
-AC_INIT(pixman, pixman_version, [pixman@lists.freedesktop.org], pixman)
-AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2])
-# Suppress verbose compile lines
-m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])])
-test_CFLAGS=${CFLAGS+set} # We may override autoconf default CFLAGS.
-dnl PIXMAN_LINK_WITH_ENV(env-setup, program, true-action, false-action)
-dnl Compiles and links the given program in the environment setup by env-setup
-dnl and executes true-action on success and false-action on failure.
- save_LIBS="$LIBS"
- LIBS=""
- $1
- [$2],
- [pixman_cc_stderr=`test -f conftest.err && cat conftest.err`
- pixman_cc_flag=yes],
- [pixman_cc_stderr=`test -f conftest.err && cat conftest.err`
- pixman_cc_flag=no])
- if test "x$pixman_cc_stderr" != "x"; then
- pixman_cc_flag=no
- fi
- if test "x$pixman_cc_flag" = "xyes"; then
- ifelse([$3], , :, [$3])
- else
- ifelse([$4], , :, [$4])
- fi
- LIBS="$save_LIBS"
-dnl Find a -Werror for catching warnings.
-for w in -Werror -errwarn; do
- if test "z$WERROR" = "z"; then
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the compiler supports $w])
- [CFLAGS=$w],
- [int main(int c, char **v) { (void)c; (void)v; return 0; }],
- [WERROR=$w; yesno=yes], [yesno=no])
- AC_MSG_RESULT($_yesno)
- fi
-dnl PIXMAN_CHECK_CFLAG(flag, [program])
-dnl Adds flag to CFLAGS if the given program links without warnings or errors.
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the compiler supports $1])
- [CFLAGS="$WERROR $1"],
- [$2
- int main(int c, char **v) { (void)c; (void)v; return 0; }
- ],
- [_yesno=yes],
- [_yesno=no])
- if test "x$_yesno" = xyes; then
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT($_yesno)
-# Checks for Sun Studio compilers
-AC_CHECK_DECL([__SUNPRO_C], [SUNCC="yes"], [SUNCC="no"])
-AC_CHECK_DECL([__amd64], [AMD64_ABI="yes"], [AMD64_ABI="no"])
-# Default CFLAGS to -O -g rather than just the -g from AC_PROG_CC
-# if we're using Sun Studio and neither the user nor a config.site
-# has set CFLAGS.
-if test $SUNCC = yes && \
- test "$test_CFLAGS" == "" && \
- test "$CFLAGS" = "-g"
- CFLAGS="-O -g"
-# We ignore pixman_major in the version here because the major version should
-# always be encoded in the actual library name. Ie., the soname is:
-# pixman-$(pixman_major).0.minor.micro
-m4_define([lt_current], [pixman_minor])
-m4_define([lt_revision], [pixman_micro])
-m4_define([lt_age], [pixman_minor])
-# Check for dependencies
-AC_PATH_PROG(PERL, perl, no)
-if test "x$PERL" = xno; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Perl is required to build pixman.])
-dnl =========================================================================
-dnl OpenMP for the test suite?
-# Check for OpenMP support (only supported by autoconf >=2.62)
-m4_ifdef([AC_OPENMP], [AC_OPENMP])
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern unsigned int lcg_seed;
-#pragma omp threadprivate(lcg_seed)
-unsigned int lcg_seed;
-unsigned function(unsigned a, unsigned b)
- lcg_seed ^= b;
- return ((a + b) ^ a ) + lcg_seed;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- int i;
- int n1 = 0, n2 = argc;
- unsigned checksum = 0;
- int verbose = argv != NULL;
- unsigned (*test_function)(unsigned, unsigned);
- test_function = function;
- #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:checksum) default(none) \
- shared(n1, n2, test_function, verbose)
- for (i = n1; i < n2; i++)
- {
- unsigned crc = test_function (i, 0);
- if (verbose)
- printf ("%d: %08X\n", i, crc);
- checksum += crc;
- }
- printf("%u\n", checksum);
- return 0;
- [openmp_test_program],
- [have_openmp=yes],
- [have_openmp=no])
-if test "x$have_openmp" = "xyes"; then
- AC_DEFINE(USE_OPENMP, 1, [use OpenMP in the test suite])
-dnl =========================================================================
-dnl -fvisibility stuff
-PIXMAN_CHECK_CFLAG([-fvisibility=hidden], [dnl
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#error Have -fvisibility but it is ignored and generates a warning
-error Need GCC 4.0 for visibility
-PIXMAN_CHECK_CFLAG([-xldscope=hidden], [dnl
-#if defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x550)
-error Need Sun Studio 8 for visibility
-dnl ===========================================================================
-dnl Check for MMX
-if test "x$MMX_CFLAGS" = "x" ; then
- if test "x$SUNCC" = "xyes"; then
- # Sun Studio doesn't have an -xarch=mmx flag, so we have to use sse
- # but if we're building 64-bit, mmx & sse support is on by default and
- # -xarch=sse throws an error instead
- if test "$AMD64_ABI" = "no" ; then
- MMX_CFLAGS="-xarch=sse"
- fi
- else
- MMX_CFLAGS="-mmmx -Winline"
- fi
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use MMX intrinsics)
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 4))
-error "Need GCC >= 3.4 for MMX intrinsics"
-#include <mmintrin.h>
-int main () {
- __m64 v = _mm_cvtsi32_si64 (1);
- return _mm_cvtsi64_si32 (v);
-}], have_mmx_intrinsics=yes)
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-mmx],
- [disable MMX fast paths])],
- [enable_mmx=$enableval], [enable_mmx=auto])
-if test $enable_mmx = no ; then
- have_mmx_intrinsics=disabled
-if test $have_mmx_intrinsics = yes ; then
- AC_DEFINE(USE_MMX, 1, [use MMX compiler intrinsics])
-if test $enable_mmx = yes && test $have_mmx_intrinsics = no ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([MMX intrinsics not detected])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_MMX, test $have_mmx_intrinsics = yes)
-dnl ===========================================================================
-dnl Check for SSE2
-if test "x$SSE2_CFLAGS" = "x" ; then
- if test "x$SUNCC" = "xyes"; then
- # SSE2 is enabled by default in the Sun Studio 64-bit environment
- if test "$AMD64_ABI" = "no" ; then
- SSE2_CFLAGS="-xarch=sse2"
- fi
- else
- SSE2_CFLAGS="-msse2 -Winline"
- fi
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use SSE2 intrinsics)
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 2))
-# if !defined(__amd64__) && !defined(__x86_64__)
-# error "Need GCC >= 4.2 for SSE2 intrinsics on x86"
-# endif
-#include <mmintrin.h>
-#include <xmmintrin.h>
-#include <emmintrin.h>
-int main () {
- __m128i a = _mm_set1_epi32 (0), b = _mm_set1_epi32 (0), c;
- c = _mm_xor_si128 (a, b);
- return 0;
-}], have_sse2_intrinsics=yes)
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-sse2],
- [disable SSE2 fast paths])],
- [enable_sse2=$enableval], [enable_sse2=auto])
-if test $enable_sse2 = no ; then
- have_sse2_intrinsics=disabled
-if test $have_sse2_intrinsics = yes ; then
- AC_DEFINE(USE_SSE2, 1, [use SSE2 compiler intrinsics])
-if test $enable_sse2 = yes && test $have_sse2_intrinsics = no ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([SSE2 intrinsics not detected])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SSE2, test $have_sse2_intrinsics = yes)
-dnl ===========================================================================
-dnl Other special flags needed when building code using MMX or SSE instructions
-case $host_os in
- solaris*)
- # When building 32-bit binaries, apply a mapfile to ensure that the
- # binaries aren't flagged as only able to run on MMX+SSE capable CPUs
- # since they check at runtime before using those instructions.
- # Not all linkers grok the mapfile format so we check for that first.
- if test "$AMD64_ABI" = "no" ; then
- use_hwcap_mapfile=no
- AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use a hardware capability map file)
- hwcap_save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"
- HWCAP_LDFLAGS='-Wl,-M,$(srcdir)/solaris-hwcap.mapfile'
- LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-M,pixman/solaris-hwcap.mapfile"
- AC_LINK_IFELSE([int main() { return 0; }],
- use_hwcap_mapfile=yes,
- LDFLAGS="$hwcap_save_LDFLAGS"
- AC_MSG_RESULT($use_hwcap_mapfile)
- fi
- if test "x$MMX_LDFLAGS" = "x" ; then
- fi
- if test "x$SSE2_LDFLAGS" = "x" ; then
- fi
- ;;
-dnl ===========================================================================
-dnl Check for VMX/Altivec
-if test -n "`$CC -v 2>&1 | grep version | grep Apple`"; then
- VMX_CFLAGS="-faltivec"
- VMX_CFLAGS="-maltivec -mabi=altivec"
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use VMX/Altivec intrinsics)
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 4))
-error "Need GCC >= 3.4 for sane altivec support"
-#include <altivec.h>
-int main () {
- vector unsigned int v = vec_splat_u32 (1);
- v = vec_sub (v, v);
- return 0;
-}], have_vmx_intrinsics=yes)
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-vmx],
- [disable VMX fast paths])],
- [enable_vmx=$enableval], [enable_vmx=auto])
-if test $enable_vmx = no ; then
- have_vmx_intrinsics=disabled
-if test $have_vmx_intrinsics = yes ; then
- AC_DEFINE(USE_VMX, 1, [use VMX compiler intrinsics])
-if test $enable_vmx = yes && test $have_vmx_intrinsics = no ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([VMX intrinsics not detected])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_VMX, test $have_vmx_intrinsics = yes)
-dnl ==========================================================================
-dnl Check if assembler is gas compatible and supports ARM SIMD instructions
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use ARM SIMD assembler)
-CFLAGS="-x assembler-with-cpp $CFLAGS"
-.arch armv6
-.object_arch armv4
-#ifndef __ARM_EABI__
-#error EABI is required (to be sure that calling conventions are compatible)
-pld [r0]
-uqadd8 r0, r0, r0]], have_arm_simd=yes)
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-arm-simd],
- [disable ARM SIMD fast paths])],
- [enable_arm_simd=$enableval], [enable_arm_simd=auto])
-if test $enable_arm_simd = no ; then
- have_arm_simd=disabled
-if test $have_arm_simd = yes ; then
- AC_DEFINE(USE_ARM_SIMD, 1, [use ARM SIMD assembly optimizations])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_ARM_SIMD, test $have_arm_simd = yes)
-if test $enable_arm_simd = yes && test $have_arm_simd = no ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([ARM SIMD intrinsics not detected])
-dnl ==========================================================================
-dnl Check if assembler is gas compatible and supports NEON instructions
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use ARM NEON assembler)
-CFLAGS="-x assembler-with-cpp $CFLAGS"
-.fpu neon
-.arch armv7a
-.object_arch armv4
-.eabi_attribute 10, 0
-#ifndef __ARM_EABI__
-#error EABI is required (to be sure that calling conventions are compatible)
-pld [r0]
-vmovn.u16 d0, q0]], have_arm_neon=yes)
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-arm-neon],
- [disable ARM NEON fast paths])],
- [enable_arm_neon=$enableval], [enable_arm_neon=auto])
-if test $enable_arm_neon = no ; then
- have_arm_neon=disabled
-if test $have_arm_neon = yes ; then
- AC_DEFINE(USE_ARM_NEON, 1, [use ARM NEON assembly optimizations])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_ARM_NEON, test $have_arm_neon = yes)
-if test $enable_arm_neon = yes && test $have_arm_neon = no ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([ARM NEON intrinsics not detected])
-dnl =========================================================================================
-dnl Check for GNU-style inline assembly support
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use GNU-style inline assembler)
-int main () {
- /* Most modern architectures have a NOP instruction, so this is a fairly generic test. */
- asm volatile ( "\tnop\n" : : : "cc", "memory" );
- return 0;
-}], have_gcc_inline_asm=yes)
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-gcc-inline-asm],
- [disable GNU-style inline assembler])],
- [enable_gcc_inline_asm=$enableval], [enable_gcc_inline_asm=auto])
-if test $enable_gcc_inline_asm = no ; then
- have_gcc_inline_asm=disabled
-if test $have_gcc_inline_asm = yes ; then
- AC_DEFINE(USE_GCC_INLINE_ASM, 1, [use GNU-style inline assembler])
-if test $enable_gcc_inline_asm = yes && test $have_gcc_inline_asm = no ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([GNU-style inline assembler not detected])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_GCC_INLINE_ASM, test $have_gcc_inline_asm = yes)
-dnl ==============================================
-dnl Static test programs
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-static-testprogs],
- [build test programs as static binaries [default=no]])],
- [enable_static_testprogs=$enableval], [enable_static_testprogs=no])
-if test "x$enable_static_testprogs" = "xyes" ; then
-dnl ==============================================
-dnl Timers
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-timers],
- [enable TIMER_BEGIN and TIMER_END macros [default=no]])],
- [enable_timers=$enableval], [enable_timers=no])
-if test $enable_timers = yes ; then
-dnl ===================================
-dnl GTK+
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-gtk],
- [enable tests using GTK+ [default=auto]])],
- [enable_gtk=$enableval], [enable_gtk=auto])
-if test $enable_gtk = yes ; then
- AC_CHECK_LIB([pixman-1], [pixman_version_string])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTK, [gtk+-2.0 pixman-1])
-if test $enable_gtk = auto ; then
- AC_CHECK_LIB([pixman-1], [pixman_version_string], [enable_gtk=auto], [enable_gtk=no])
-if test $enable_gtk = auto ; then
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTK, [gtk+-2.0 pixman-1], [enable_gtk=yes], [enable_gtk=no])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GTK, [test "x$enable_gtk" = xyes])
-dnl =====================================
-dnl posix_memalign, sigaction, alarm, gettimeofday
-AC_CHECK_FUNC(posix_memalign, have_posix_memalign=yes, have_posix_memalign=no)
-if test x$have_posix_memalign = xyes; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN, 1, [Whether we have posix_memalign()])
-AC_CHECK_FUNC(sigaction, have_sigaction=yes, have_sigaction=no)
-if test x$have_sigaction = xyes; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SIGACTION, 1, [Whether we have sigaction()])
-AC_CHECK_FUNC(alarm, have_alarm=yes, have_alarm=no)
-if test x$have_alarm = xyes; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ALARM, 1, [Whether we have alarm()])
- [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H, [1], [Define to 1 if we have <sys/mman.h>])])
-AC_CHECK_FUNC(mprotect, have_mprotect=yes, have_mprotect=no)
-if test x$have_mprotect = xyes; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MPROTECT, 1, [Whether we have mprotect()])
-AC_CHECK_FUNC(getpagesize, have_getpagesize=yes, have_getpagesize=no)
-if test x$have_getpagesize = xyes; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETPAGESIZE, 1, [Whether we have getpagesize()])
- [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FENV_H, [1], [Define to 1 if we have <fenv.h>])])
-AC_CHECK_LIB(m, feenableexcept, have_feenableexcept=yes, have_feenableexcept=no)
-if test x$have_feenableexcept = xyes; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FEENABLEEXCEPT, 1, [Whether we have feenableexcept()])
-AC_CHECK_FUNC(gettimeofday, have_gettimeofday=yes, have_gettimeofday=no)
-AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/time.h, have_sys_time_h=yes, have_sys_time_h=no)
-if test x$have_gettimeofday = xyes && test x$have_sys_time_h = xyes; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY, 1, [Whether we have gettimeofday()])
-dnl =====================================
-dnl Thread local storage
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(for __thread)
-#if defined(__MINGW32__) && !(__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5))
-#error This MinGW version has broken __thread support
-#ifdef __OpenBSD__
-#error OpenBSD has broken __thread support
-static __thread int x ;
-int main () { x = 123; return x; }
-], support_for__thread=yes)
-if test $support_for__thread = yes; then
- AC_DEFINE([TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS__THREAD],[],[Whether the tool chain supports __thread])
-dnl posix tls
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-static pthread_once_t once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
-static pthread_key_t key;
-static void
-make_key (void)
- pthread_key_create (&key, NULL);
-main ()
- void *value = NULL;
- if (pthread_once (&once_control, make_key) != 0)
- {
- value = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- value = pthread_getspecific (key);
- if (!value)
- {
- value = malloc (100);
- pthread_setspecific (key, value);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- if test "z$support_for_pthread_setspecific" != "zyes"; then
- [$1], [pthread_test_program],
- support_for_pthread_setspecific=yes])
- fi
-if test $support_for__thread = no; then
- support_for_pthread_setspecific=no
- AC_MSG_CHECKING(for pthread_setspecific)
- PIXMAN_CHECK_PTHREAD([CFLAGS="-pthread"; LDFLAGS="-pthread"])
- if test $support_for_pthread_setspecific = yes; then
- AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PTHREAD_SETSPECIFIC], [], [Whether pthread_setspecific() is supported])
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT($support_for_pthread_setspecific);
-dnl =====================================
-dnl __attribute__((constructor))
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(for __attribute__((constructor)))
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7))
-/* attribute 'constructor' is supported since gcc 2.7, but some compilers
- * may only pretend to be gcc, so let's try to actually use it
- */
-static int x = 1;
-static void __attribute__((constructor)) constructor_function () { x = 0; }
-int main (void) { return x; }
-#error not gcc or gcc version is older than 2.7
-], support_for_attribute_constructor=yes)
-if test x$support_for_attribute_constructor = xyes; then
- [],[Whether the tool chain supports __attribute__((constructor))])
- pixman-1-uninstalled.pc
- Makefile
- pixman/Makefile
- pixman/pixman-version.h
- demos/Makefile
- test/Makefile])
-m4_if(m4_eval(pixman_minor % 2), [1], [
- echo
- echo "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
- echo
- echo " Thanks for testing this development snapshot of pixman. Please"
- echo " report any problems you find, either by sending email to "
- echo
- echo " pixman@lists.freedesktop.org"
- echo
- echo " or by filing a bug at "
- echo
- echo " https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=pixman "
- echo
- echo " If you are looking for a stable release of pixman, please note "
- echo " that stable releases have _even_ minor version numbers. Ie., "
- echo " pixman-0.]m4_eval(pixman_minor & ~1)[.x are stable releases, whereas pixman-$PIXMAN_VERSION_MAJOR.$PIXMAN_VERSION_MINOR.$PIXMAN_VERSION_MICRO is a "
- echo " development snapshot that may contain bugs and experimental "
- echo " features. "
- echo
- echo "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
- echo
+dnl Copyright 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
+dnl Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+dnl documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+dnl the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+dnl copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+dnl documentation, and that the name of Red Hat not be used in
+dnl advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
+dnl specific, written prior permission. Red Hat makes no
+dnl representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It
+dnl is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to create configure.
+# Pixman versioning scheme
+# - The version in git has an odd MICRO version number
+# - Released versions both development and stable have an even MICRO
+# version number
+# - Released development versions have an odd MINOR number
+# - Released stable versions have an even MINOR number
+# - Versions that break ABI must have a new MAJOR number
+# - If you break the ABI, then at least this must be done:
+# - increment MAJOR
+# - In the first development release where you break ABI, find
+# all instances of "pixman-n" and change them to pixman-(n+1)
+# This needs to be done at least in
+# configure.ac
+# all Makefile.am's
+# pixman-n.pc.in
+# This ensures that binary incompatible versions can be installed
+# in parallel. See http://www106.pair.com/rhp/parallel.html for
+# more information
+m4_define([pixman_major], 0)
+m4_define([pixman_minor], 21)
+m4_define([pixman_micro], 5)
+AC_INIT(pixman, pixman_version, [pixman@lists.freedesktop.org], pixman)
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2])
+# Suppress verbose compile lines
+m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])])
+test_CFLAGS=${CFLAGS+set} # We may override autoconf default CFLAGS.
+dnl PIXMAN_LINK_WITH_ENV(env-setup, program, true-action, false-action)
+dnl Compiles and links the given program in the environment setup by env-setup
+dnl and executes true-action on success and false-action on failure.
+ save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ LIBS=""
+ $1
+ [$2],
+ [pixman_cc_stderr=`test -f conftest.err && cat conftest.err`
+ pixman_cc_flag=yes],
+ [pixman_cc_stderr=`test -f conftest.err && cat conftest.err`
+ pixman_cc_flag=no])
+ if test "x$pixman_cc_stderr" != "x"; then
+ pixman_cc_flag=no
+ fi
+ if test "x$pixman_cc_flag" = "xyes"; then
+ ifelse([$3], , :, [$3])
+ else
+ ifelse([$4], , :, [$4])
+ fi
+ LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+dnl Find a -Werror for catching warnings.
+for w in -Werror -errwarn; do
+ if test "z$WERROR" = "z"; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the compiler supports $w])
+ [CFLAGS=$w],
+ [int main(int c, char **v) { (void)c; (void)v; return 0; }],
+ [WERROR=$w; yesno=yes], [yesno=no])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($_yesno)
+ fi
+dnl PIXMAN_CHECK_CFLAG(flag, [program])
+dnl Adds flag to CFLAGS if the given program links without warnings or errors.
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the compiler supports $1])
+ [CFLAGS="$WERROR $1"],
+ [$2
+ int main(int c, char **v) { (void)c; (void)v; return 0; }
+ ],
+ [_yesno=yes],
+ [_yesno=no])
+ if test "x$_yesno" = xyes; then
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($_yesno)
+# Checks for Sun Studio compilers
+AC_CHECK_DECL([__SUNPRO_C], [SUNCC="yes"], [SUNCC="no"])
+AC_CHECK_DECL([__amd64], [AMD64_ABI="yes"], [AMD64_ABI="no"])
+# Default CFLAGS to -O -g rather than just the -g from AC_PROG_CC
+# if we're using Sun Studio and neither the user nor a config.site
+# has set CFLAGS.
+if test $SUNCC = yes && \
+ test "$test_CFLAGS" == "" && \
+ test "$CFLAGS" = "-g"
+ CFLAGS="-O -g"
+# We ignore pixman_major in the version here because the major version should
+# always be encoded in the actual library name. Ie., the soname is:
+# pixman-$(pixman_major).0.minor.micro
+m4_define([lt_current], [pixman_minor])
+m4_define([lt_revision], [pixman_micro])
+m4_define([lt_age], [pixman_minor])
+# Check for dependencies
+AC_PATH_PROG(PERL, perl, no)
+if test "x$PERL" = xno; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Perl is required to build pixman.])
+dnl =========================================================================
+dnl OpenMP for the test suite?
+# Check for OpenMP support (only supported by autoconf >=2.62)
+m4_ifdef([AC_OPENMP], [AC_OPENMP])
+#include <stdio.h>
+extern unsigned int lcg_seed;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(lcg_seed)
+unsigned int lcg_seed;
+unsigned function(unsigned a, unsigned b)
+ lcg_seed ^= b;
+ return ((a + b) ^ a ) + lcg_seed;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int i;
+ int n1 = 0, n2 = argc;
+ unsigned checksum = 0;
+ int verbose = argv != NULL;
+ unsigned (*test_function)(unsigned, unsigned);
+ test_function = function;
+ #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:checksum) default(none) \
+ shared(n1, n2, test_function, verbose)
+ for (i = n1; i < n2; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned crc = test_function (i, 0);
+ if (verbose)
+ printf ("%d: %08X\n", i, crc);
+ checksum += crc;
+ }
+ printf("%u\n", checksum);
+ return 0;
+ [openmp_test_program],
+ [have_openmp=yes],
+ [have_openmp=no])
+if test "x$have_openmp" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_OPENMP, 1, [use OpenMP in the test suite])
+dnl =========================================================================
+dnl -fvisibility stuff
+PIXMAN_CHECK_CFLAG([-fvisibility=hidden], [dnl
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#error Have -fvisibility but it is ignored and generates a warning
+error Need GCC 4.0 for visibility
+PIXMAN_CHECK_CFLAG([-xldscope=hidden], [dnl
+#if defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x550)
+error Need Sun Studio 8 for visibility
+dnl ===========================================================================
+dnl Check for MMX
+if test "x$MMX_CFLAGS" = "x" ; then
+ if test "x$SUNCC" = "xyes"; then
+ # Sun Studio doesn't have an -xarch=mmx flag, so we have to use sse
+ # but if we're building 64-bit, mmx & sse support is on by default and
+ # -xarch=sse throws an error instead
+ if test "$AMD64_ABI" = "no" ; then
+ MMX_CFLAGS="-xarch=sse"
+ fi
+ else
+ MMX_CFLAGS="-mmmx -Winline"
+ fi
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use MMX intrinsics)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 4))
+error "Need GCC >= 3.4 for MMX intrinsics"
+#include <mmintrin.h>
+int main () {
+ __m64 v = _mm_cvtsi32_si64 (1);
+ return _mm_cvtsi64_si32 (v);
+}], have_mmx_intrinsics=yes)
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-mmx],
+ [disable MMX fast paths])],
+ [enable_mmx=$enableval], [enable_mmx=auto])
+if test $enable_mmx = no ; then
+ have_mmx_intrinsics=disabled
+if test $have_mmx_intrinsics = yes ; then
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_MMX, 1, [use MMX compiler intrinsics])
+if test $enable_mmx = yes && test $have_mmx_intrinsics = no ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([MMX intrinsics not detected])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_MMX, test $have_mmx_intrinsics = yes)
+dnl ===========================================================================
+dnl Check for SSE2
+if test "x$SSE2_CFLAGS" = "x" ; then
+ if test "x$SUNCC" = "xyes"; then
+ # SSE2 is enabled by default in the Sun Studio 64-bit environment
+ if test "$AMD64_ABI" = "no" ; then
+ SSE2_CFLAGS="-xarch=sse2"
+ fi
+ else
+ SSE2_CFLAGS="-msse2 -Winline"
+ fi
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use SSE2 intrinsics)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 2))
+# if !defined(__amd64__) && !defined(__x86_64__)
+# error "Need GCC >= 4.2 for SSE2 intrinsics on x86"
+# endif
+#include <mmintrin.h>
+#include <xmmintrin.h>
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+int main () {
+ __m128i a = _mm_set1_epi32 (0), b = _mm_set1_epi32 (0), c;
+ c = _mm_xor_si128 (a, b);
+ return 0;
+}], have_sse2_intrinsics=yes)
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-sse2],
+ [disable SSE2 fast paths])],
+ [enable_sse2=$enableval], [enable_sse2=auto])
+if test $enable_sse2 = no ; then
+ have_sse2_intrinsics=disabled
+if test $have_sse2_intrinsics = yes ; then
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_SSE2, 1, [use SSE2 compiler intrinsics])
+if test $enable_sse2 = yes && test $have_sse2_intrinsics = no ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([SSE2 intrinsics not detected])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SSE2, test $have_sse2_intrinsics = yes)
+dnl ===========================================================================
+dnl Other special flags needed when building code using MMX or SSE instructions
+case $host_os in
+ solaris*)
+ # When building 32-bit binaries, apply a mapfile to ensure that the
+ # binaries aren't flagged as only able to run on MMX+SSE capable CPUs
+ # since they check at runtime before using those instructions.
+ # Not all linkers grok the mapfile format so we check for that first.
+ if test "$AMD64_ABI" = "no" ; then
+ use_hwcap_mapfile=no
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use a hardware capability map file)
+ hwcap_save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"
+ HWCAP_LDFLAGS='-Wl,-M,$(srcdir)/solaris-hwcap.mapfile'
+ LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-M,pixman/solaris-hwcap.mapfile"
+ AC_LINK_IFELSE([int main() { return 0; }],
+ use_hwcap_mapfile=yes,
+ LDFLAGS="$hwcap_save_LDFLAGS"
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($use_hwcap_mapfile)
+ fi
+ if test "x$MMX_LDFLAGS" = "x" ; then
+ fi
+ if test "x$SSE2_LDFLAGS" = "x" ; then
+ fi
+ ;;
+dnl ===========================================================================
+dnl Check for VMX/Altivec
+if test -n "`$CC -v 2>&1 | grep version | grep Apple`"; then
+ VMX_CFLAGS="-faltivec"
+ VMX_CFLAGS="-maltivec -mabi=altivec"
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use VMX/Altivec intrinsics)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 4))
+error "Need GCC >= 3.4 for sane altivec support"
+#include <altivec.h>
+int main () {
+ vector unsigned int v = vec_splat_u32 (1);
+ v = vec_sub (v, v);
+ return 0;
+}], have_vmx_intrinsics=yes)
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-vmx],
+ [disable VMX fast paths])],
+ [enable_vmx=$enableval], [enable_vmx=auto])
+if test $enable_vmx = no ; then
+ have_vmx_intrinsics=disabled
+if test $have_vmx_intrinsics = yes ; then
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_VMX, 1, [use VMX compiler intrinsics])
+if test $enable_vmx = yes && test $have_vmx_intrinsics = no ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([VMX intrinsics not detected])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_VMX, test $have_vmx_intrinsics = yes)
+dnl ==========================================================================
+dnl Check if assembler is gas compatible and supports ARM SIMD instructions
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use ARM SIMD assembler)
+CFLAGS="-x assembler-with-cpp $CFLAGS"
+.arch armv6
+.object_arch armv4
+#ifndef __ARM_EABI__
+#error EABI is required (to be sure that calling conventions are compatible)
+pld [r0]
+uqadd8 r0, r0, r0]], have_arm_simd=yes)
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-arm-simd],
+ [disable ARM SIMD fast paths])],
+ [enable_arm_simd=$enableval], [enable_arm_simd=auto])
+if test $enable_arm_simd = no ; then
+ have_arm_simd=disabled
+if test $have_arm_simd = yes ; then
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_ARM_SIMD, 1, [use ARM SIMD assembly optimizations])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_ARM_SIMD, test $have_arm_simd = yes)
+if test $enable_arm_simd = yes && test $have_arm_simd = no ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([ARM SIMD intrinsics not detected])
+dnl ==========================================================================
+dnl Check if assembler is gas compatible and supports NEON instructions
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use ARM NEON assembler)
+CFLAGS="-x assembler-with-cpp $CFLAGS"
+.fpu neon
+.arch armv7a
+.object_arch armv4
+.eabi_attribute 10, 0
+#ifndef __ARM_EABI__
+#error EABI is required (to be sure that calling conventions are compatible)
+pld [r0]
+vmovn.u16 d0, q0]], have_arm_neon=yes)
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-arm-neon],
+ [disable ARM NEON fast paths])],
+ [enable_arm_neon=$enableval], [enable_arm_neon=auto])
+if test $enable_arm_neon = no ; then
+ have_arm_neon=disabled
+if test $have_arm_neon = yes ; then
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_ARM_NEON, 1, [use ARM NEON assembly optimizations])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_ARM_NEON, test $have_arm_neon = yes)
+if test $enable_arm_neon = yes && test $have_arm_neon = no ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([ARM NEON intrinsics not detected])
+dnl =========================================================================================
+dnl Check for GNU-style inline assembly support
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use GNU-style inline assembler)
+int main () {
+ /* Most modern architectures have a NOP instruction, so this is a fairly generic test. */
+ asm volatile ( "\tnop\n" : : : "cc", "memory" );
+ return 0;
+}], have_gcc_inline_asm=yes)
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-gcc-inline-asm],
+ [disable GNU-style inline assembler])],
+ [enable_gcc_inline_asm=$enableval], [enable_gcc_inline_asm=auto])
+if test $enable_gcc_inline_asm = no ; then
+ have_gcc_inline_asm=disabled
+if test $have_gcc_inline_asm = yes ; then
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_GCC_INLINE_ASM, 1, [use GNU-style inline assembler])
+if test $enable_gcc_inline_asm = yes && test $have_gcc_inline_asm = no ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([GNU-style inline assembler not detected])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_GCC_INLINE_ASM, test $have_gcc_inline_asm = yes)
+dnl ==============================================
+dnl Static test programs
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-static-testprogs],
+ [build test programs as static binaries [default=no]])],
+ [enable_static_testprogs=$enableval], [enable_static_testprogs=no])
+if test "x$enable_static_testprogs" = "xyes" ; then
+dnl ==============================================
+dnl Timers
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-timers],
+ [enable TIMER_BEGIN and TIMER_END macros [default=no]])],
+ [enable_timers=$enableval], [enable_timers=no])
+if test $enable_timers = yes ; then
+dnl ===================================
+dnl GTK+
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-gtk],
+ [enable tests using GTK+ [default=auto]])],
+ [enable_gtk=$enableval], [enable_gtk=auto])
+if test $enable_gtk = yes ; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([pixman-1], [pixman_version_string])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTK, [gtk+-2.0 pixman-1])
+if test $enable_gtk = auto ; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([pixman-1], [pixman_version_string], [enable_gtk=auto], [enable_gtk=no])
+if test $enable_gtk = auto ; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTK, [gtk+-2.0 pixman-1], [enable_gtk=yes], [enable_gtk=no])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GTK, [test "x$enable_gtk" = xyes])
+dnl =====================================
+dnl posix_memalign, sigaction, alarm, gettimeofday
+AC_CHECK_FUNC(posix_memalign, have_posix_memalign=yes, have_posix_memalign=no)
+if test x$have_posix_memalign = xyes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN, 1, [Whether we have posix_memalign()])
+AC_CHECK_FUNC(sigaction, have_sigaction=yes, have_sigaction=no)
+if test x$have_sigaction = xyes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SIGACTION, 1, [Whether we have sigaction()])
+AC_CHECK_FUNC(alarm, have_alarm=yes, have_alarm=no)
+if test x$have_alarm = xyes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ALARM, 1, [Whether we have alarm()])
+ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H, [1], [Define to 1 if we have <sys/mman.h>])])
+AC_CHECK_FUNC(mprotect, have_mprotect=yes, have_mprotect=no)
+if test x$have_mprotect = xyes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MPROTECT, 1, [Whether we have mprotect()])
+AC_CHECK_FUNC(getpagesize, have_getpagesize=yes, have_getpagesize=no)
+if test x$have_getpagesize = xyes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETPAGESIZE, 1, [Whether we have getpagesize()])
+ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FENV_H, [1], [Define to 1 if we have <fenv.h>])])
+AC_CHECK_LIB(m, feenableexcept, have_feenableexcept=yes, have_feenableexcept=no)
+if test x$have_feenableexcept = xyes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FEENABLEEXCEPT, 1, [Whether we have feenableexcept()])
+AC_CHECK_FUNC(gettimeofday, have_gettimeofday=yes, have_gettimeofday=no)
+AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/time.h, have_sys_time_h=yes, have_sys_time_h=no)
+if test x$have_gettimeofday = xyes && test x$have_sys_time_h = xyes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY, 1, [Whether we have gettimeofday()])
+dnl =====================================
+dnl Thread local storage
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for __thread)
+#if defined(__MINGW32__) && !(__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5))
+#error This MinGW version has broken __thread support
+#ifdef __OpenBSD__
+#error OpenBSD has broken __thread support
+static __thread int x ;
+int main () { x = 123; return x; }
+], support_for__thread=yes)
+if test $support_for__thread = yes; then
+ AC_DEFINE([TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS__THREAD],[],[Whether the tool chain supports __thread])
+dnl posix tls
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+static pthread_once_t once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+static pthread_key_t key;
+static void
+make_key (void)
+ pthread_key_create (&key, NULL);
+main ()
+ void *value = NULL;
+ if (pthread_once (&once_control, make_key) != 0)
+ {
+ value = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value = pthread_getspecific (key);
+ if (!value)
+ {
+ value = malloc (100);
+ pthread_setspecific (key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ if test "z$support_for_pthread_setspecific" != "zyes"; then
+ [$1], [pthread_test_program],
+ support_for_pthread_setspecific=yes])
+ fi
+if test $support_for__thread = no; then
+ support_for_pthread_setspecific=no
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for pthread_setspecific)
+ PIXMAN_CHECK_PTHREAD([CFLAGS="-pthread"; LDFLAGS="-pthread"])
+ if test $support_for_pthread_setspecific = yes; then
+ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PTHREAD_SETSPECIFIC], [], [Whether pthread_setspecific() is supported])
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($support_for_pthread_setspecific);
+dnl =====================================
+dnl __attribute__((constructor))
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for __attribute__((constructor)))
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7))
+/* attribute 'constructor' is supported since gcc 2.7, but some compilers
+ * may only pretend to be gcc, so let's try to actually use it
+ */
+static int x = 1;
+static void __attribute__((constructor)) constructor_function () { x = 0; }
+int main (void) { return x; }
+#error not gcc or gcc version is older than 2.7
+], support_for_attribute_constructor=yes)
+if test x$support_for_attribute_constructor = xyes; then
+ [],[Whether the tool chain supports __attribute__((constructor))])
+ pixman-1-uninstalled.pc
+ Makefile
+ pixman/Makefile
+ pixman/pixman-version.h
+ demos/Makefile
+ test/Makefile])
+m4_if(m4_eval(pixman_minor % 2), [1], [
+ echo
+ echo "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
+ echo
+ echo " Thanks for testing this development snapshot of pixman. Please"
+ echo " report any problems you find, either by sending email to "
+ echo
+ echo " pixman@lists.freedesktop.org"
+ echo
+ echo " or by filing a bug at "
+ echo
+ echo " https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=pixman "
+ echo
+ echo " If you are looking for a stable release of pixman, please note "
+ echo " that stable releases have _even_ minor version numbers. Ie., "
+ echo " pixman-0.]m4_eval(pixman_minor & ~1)[.x are stable releases, whereas pixman-$PIXMAN_VERSION_MAJOR.$PIXMAN_VERSION_MINOR.$PIXMAN_VERSION_MICRO is a "
+ echo " development snapshot that may contain bugs and experimental "
+ echo " features. "
+ echo
+ echo "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
+ echo
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/config.h b/pixman/pixman/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50adacc11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pixman/pixman/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+/* config.h. Generated from config.h.in by configure. */
+/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */
+/* Define if building universal (internal helper macro) */
+/* Include compose table cache support */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <endian.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_ENDIAN_H 1
+/* Use dlopen to load shared libraries */
+#define HAVE_DLOPEN 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getpagesize' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
+/* launchd support available */
+/* #undef HAVE_LAUNCHD */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `poll' function. */
+#define HAVE_POLL 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have a working `mmap' system call. */
+#define HAVE_MMAP 1
+/* Use shl_load to load shared libraries */
+/* #undef HAVE_SHL_LOAD */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `socklen_t'. */
+#define HAVE_SOCKLEN_T 0
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/poll.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_POLL_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtol' function. */
+#define HAVE_STRTOL 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
+/* Support IPv6 for TCP connections */
+/* #undef IPv6 */
+/* Support dynamically loaded font modules */
+/* Support os-specific local connections */
+/* #undef LOCALCONN */
+/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.
+ */
+#define LT_OBJDIR ".libs/"
+/* Disable XLOCALEDIR environment variable */
+#define NO_XLOCALEDIR 1
+/* Name of package */
+#define PACKAGE "pixman"
+/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ""sandmann@daimi.au.dk""
+/* Define to the full name of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_NAME "pixman"
+/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_STRING "pixman 0.19.1"
+/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "pixman"
+/* Define to the version of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.19.1"
+/* Major version of this package */
+/* Minor version of this package */
+/* Patch version of this package */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+#define STDC_HEADERS 1
+/* Support TCP socket connections */
+#define TCPCONN 1
+/* launchd support available */
+/* #undef TRANS_REOPEN */
+/* use MMX compiler intrinsics */
+#define USE_MMX 1
+/* Support UNIX socket connections */
+#define UNIXCONN 1
+/* Split some i18n functions into loadable modules */
+/* #undef USE_DYNAMIC_LC */
+/* Use the X cursor library to load cursors */
+/* use SSE2 compiler intrinsics */
+#undef USE_SSE2
+/* use VMX compiler intrinsics */
+#undef USE_VMX
+/* poll() function is available */
+#define USE_POLL 1
+/* Use XCB for low-level protocol implementation */
+#define USE_XCB 1
+/* Version number of package */
+#define VERSION "0.15.18"
+/* Support bdf format bitmap font files */
+/* Location of libX11 data */
+#define X11_DATADIR "/usr/share/X11"
+/* Location of libX11 library data */
+#define X11_LIBDIR "/usr/lib/X11"
+/* Include support for XCMS */
+#define XCMS 1
+/* Location of error message database */
+#define XERRORDB "XErrorDB"
+/* Enable XF86BIGFONT extension */
+/* #undef XF86BIGFONT */
+/* Use XKB */
+#define XKB 1
+/* Location of keysym database */
+#define XKEYSYMDB "XKeysymDB"
+/* support for X Locales */
+#define XLOCALE 1
+/* Location of libX11 locale data */
+#define XLOCALEDATADIR "locale"
+/* Location of libX11 locale data */
+#define XLOCALEDIR "locale"
+/* Location of libX11 locale libraries */
+#define XLOCALELIBDIR "locale"
+/* Whether libX11 is compiled with thread support */
+#define XTHREADS /**/
+/* Whether libX11 needs to use MT safe API's */
+#define XUSE_MTSAFE_API /**/
+/* Enable GNU and other extensions to the C environment for glibc */
+/* #undef _GNU_SOURCE */
+/* Support bitmap font files */
+#define XFONT_BITMAP 1
+/* Support built-in fonts */
+/* Support the X Font Services Protocol */
+#define XFONT_FC 1
+/* Support fonts in files */
+/* Support FreeType rasterizer for nearly all font file formats */
+/* Support pcf format bitmap font files */
+/* Support snf format bitmap font files */
+/* Support Speedo font files */
+#define XFONT_SPEEDO 1
+/* Support IBM Type 1 rasterizer for Type1 font files */
+#define XFONT_TYPE1 1
+/* Support bzip2 for bitmap fonts */
+/* Support gzip for bitmap fonts */
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/makefile b/pixman/pixman/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eef65121f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pixman/pixman/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+LIBRARY = libpixman-1
+CSRCS = \
+ pixman-access.c \
+ pixman-access-accessors.c \
+ pixman-cpu.c \
+ pixman-gradient-walker.c \
+ pixman-region16.c \
+ pixman-region32.c \
+ pixman-image.c \
+ pixman-implementation.c \
+ pixman-combine32.c \
+ pixman-combine64.c \
+ pixman-general.c \
+ pixman.c \
+ pixman-fast-path.c \
+ pixman-solid-fill.c \
+ pixman-conical-gradient.c \
+ pixman-linear-gradient.c \
+ pixman-radial-gradient.c \
+ pixman-bits-image.c \
+ pixman-utils.c \
+ pixman-edge.c \
+ pixman-edge-accessors.c \
+ pixman-trap.c \
+ pixman-timer.c \
+ pixman-matrix.c
+BUILT_SOURCES = pixman-combine32.h pixman-combine32.c pixman-combine64.h pixman-combine64.c
+$(OBJDIR)\pixman-combine32.c : pixman-combine.c.template $(OBJDIR)\pixman-combine32.h make-combine.pl
+ perl make-combine.pl 8 < pixman-combine.c.template > $@
+$(OBJDIR)\pixman-combine32.h : pixman-combine.h.template make-combine.pl
+ perl make-combine.pl 8 < pixman-combine.h.template > $@
+$(OBJDIR)\pixman-combine64.c : pixman-combine.c.template $(OBJDIR)\pixman-combine64.h make-combine.pl
+ perl make-combine.pl 16 < pixman-combine.c.template > $@
+$(OBJDIR)\pixman-combine64.h : pixman-combine.h.template make-combine.pl
+ perl make-combine.pl 16 < pixman-combine.h.template > $@
+## mmx code
+#if USE_MMX
+#noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libpixman-mmx.la
+CSRCS += \
+ pixman-mmx.c
+# pixman-mmx.h
+#libpixman_mmx_la_CFLAGS = $(DEP_CFLAGS) $(MMX_CFLAGS)
+#libpixman_mmx_la_LIBADD = $(DEP_LIBS)
+#libpixman_1_la_LIBADD += libpixman-mmx.la
+## vmx code
+#if USE_VMX
+#noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libpixman-vmx.la
+#libpixman_vmx_la_SOURCES = \
+# pixman-vmx.c \
+# pixman-vmx.h \
+# pixman-combine32.h
+#libpixman_vmx_la_CFLAGS = $(DEP_CFLAGS) $(VMX_CFLAGS)
+#libpixman_vmx_la_LIBADD = $(DEP_LIBS)
+#libpixman_1_la_LIBADD += libpixman-vmx.la
+# sse2 code
+#if USE_SSE2
+#noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libpixman-sse2.la
+#libpixman_sse2_la_SOURCES = \
+# pixman-sse2.c \
+# pixman-sse2.h
+#libpixman_sse2_la_CFLAGS = $(DEP_CFLAGS) $(SSE2_CFLAGS)
+#libpixman_sse2_la_LIBADD = $(DEP_LIBS)
+#libpixman_1_la_LIBADD += libpixman-sse2.la
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-common.h b/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-common.h
index 9b1322b6c..7420d9305 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-common.h
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-common.h
@@ -1,364 +1,364 @@
- * Copyright © 2010 Nokia Corporation
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
- * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
- * Software.
- *
- *
- * Author: Siarhei Siamashka (siarhei.siamashka@nokia.com)
- */
-#include "pixman-fast-path.h"
-/* Define some macros which can expand into proxy functions between
- * ARM assembly optimized functions and the rest of pixman fast path API.
- *
- * All the low level ARM assembly functions have to use ARM EABI
- * calling convention and take up to 8 arguments:
- * width, height, dst, dst_stride, src, src_stride, mask, mask_stride
- *
- * The arguments are ordered with the most important coming first (the
- * first 4 arguments are passed to function in registers, the rest are
- * on stack). The last arguments are optional, for example if the
- * function is not using mask, then 'mask' and 'mask_stride' can be
- * omitted when doing a function call.
- *
- * Arguments 'src' and 'mask' contain either a pointer to the top left
- * pixel of the composited rectangle or a pixel color value depending
- * on the function type. In the case of just a color value (solid source
- * or mask), the corresponding stride argument is unused.
- */
-#define SKIP_ZERO_SRC 1
-#define SKIP_ZERO_MASK 2
-#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST(cputype, name, \
- src_type, src_cnt, \
- dst_type, dst_cnt) \
-void \
-pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
- int32_t h, \
- dst_type *dst, \
- int32_t dst_stride, \
- src_type *src, \
- int32_t src_stride); \
- \
-static void \
-cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
- pixman_op_t op, \
- pixman_image_t * src_image, \
- pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
- pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
- int32_t src_x, \
- int32_t src_y, \
- int32_t mask_x, \
- int32_t mask_y, \
- int32_t dest_x, \
- int32_t dest_y, \
- int32_t width, \
- int32_t height) \
-{ \
- dst_type *dst_line; \
- src_type *src_line; \
- int32_t dst_stride, src_stride; \
- \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, src_type, \
- src_stride, src_line, src_cnt); \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
- dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
- \
- pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
- dst_line, dst_stride, \
- src_line, src_stride); \
-#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_DST(flags, cputype, name, \
- dst_type, dst_cnt) \
-void \
-pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
- int32_t h, \
- dst_type *dst, \
- int32_t dst_stride, \
- uint32_t src); \
- \
-static void \
-cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
- pixman_op_t op, \
- pixman_image_t * src_image, \
- pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
- pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
- int32_t src_x, \
- int32_t src_y, \
- int32_t mask_x, \
- int32_t mask_y, \
- int32_t dest_x, \
- int32_t dest_y, \
- int32_t width, \
- int32_t height) \
-{ \
- dst_type *dst_line; \
- int32_t dst_stride; \
- uint32_t src; \
- \
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid ( \
- imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format); \
- \
- if ((flags & SKIP_ZERO_SRC) && src == 0) \
- return; \
- \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
- dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
- \
- pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
- dst_line, dst_stride, \
- src); \
-#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_MASK_DST(flags, cputype, name, \
- mask_type, mask_cnt, \
- dst_type, dst_cnt) \
-void \
-pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
- int32_t h, \
- dst_type *dst, \
- int32_t dst_stride, \
- uint32_t src, \
- int32_t unused, \
- mask_type *mask, \
- int32_t mask_stride); \
- \
-static void \
-cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
- pixman_op_t op, \
- pixman_image_t * src_image, \
- pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
- pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
- int32_t src_x, \
- int32_t src_y, \
- int32_t mask_x, \
- int32_t mask_y, \
- int32_t dest_x, \
- int32_t dest_y, \
- int32_t width, \
- int32_t height) \
-{ \
- dst_type *dst_line; \
- mask_type *mask_line; \
- int32_t dst_stride, mask_stride; \
- uint32_t src; \
- \
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid ( \
- imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format); \
- \
- if ((flags & SKIP_ZERO_SRC) && src == 0) \
- return; \
- \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
- dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, mask_type, \
- mask_stride, mask_line, mask_cnt); \
- \
- pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
- dst_line, dst_stride, \
- src, 0, \
- mask_line, mask_stride); \
-#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_N_DST(flags, cputype, name, \
- src_type, src_cnt, \
- dst_type, dst_cnt) \
-void \
-pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
- int32_t h, \
- dst_type *dst, \
- int32_t dst_stride, \
- src_type *src, \
- int32_t src_stride, \
- uint32_t mask); \
- \
-static void \
-cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
- pixman_op_t op, \
- pixman_image_t * src_image, \
- pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
- pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
- int32_t src_x, \
- int32_t src_y, \
- int32_t mask_x, \
- int32_t mask_y, \
- int32_t dest_x, \
- int32_t dest_y, \
- int32_t width, \
- int32_t height) \
-{ \
- dst_type *dst_line; \
- src_type *src_line; \
- int32_t dst_stride, src_stride; \
- uint32_t mask; \
- \
- mask = _pixman_image_get_solid ( \
- imp, mask_image, dst_image->bits.format); \
- \
- if ((flags & SKIP_ZERO_MASK) && mask == 0) \
- return; \
- \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
- dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, src_type, \
- src_stride, src_line, src_cnt); \
- \
- pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
- dst_line, dst_stride, \
- src_line, src_stride, \
- mask); \
-#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST(cputype, name, \
- src_type, src_cnt, \
- mask_type, mask_cnt, \
- dst_type, dst_cnt) \
-void \
-pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
- int32_t h, \
- dst_type *dst, \
- int32_t dst_stride, \
- src_type *src, \
- int32_t src_stride, \
- mask_type *mask, \
- int32_t mask_stride); \
- \
-static void \
-cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
- pixman_op_t op, \
- pixman_image_t * src_image, \
- pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
- pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
- int32_t src_x, \
- int32_t src_y, \
- int32_t mask_x, \
- int32_t mask_y, \
- int32_t dest_x, \
- int32_t dest_y, \
- int32_t width, \
- int32_t height) \
-{ \
- dst_type *dst_line; \
- src_type *src_line; \
- mask_type *mask_line; \
- int32_t dst_stride, src_stride, mask_stride; \
- \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
- dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, src_type, \
- src_stride, src_line, src_cnt); \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, mask_type, \
- mask_stride, mask_line, mask_cnt); \
- \
- pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
- dst_line, dst_stride, \
- src_line, src_stride, \
- mask_line, mask_stride); \
-#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_SCALED_NEAREST_SRC_DST(cputype, name, op, \
- src_type, dst_type) \
-void \
-pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_##name##_##op##_asm_##cputype ( \
- int32_t w, \
- dst_type * dst, \
- const src_type * src, \
- pixman_fixed_t vx, \
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x); \
- \
-static force_inline void \
-scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op (dst_type * pd, \
- const src_type * ps, \
- int32_t w, \
- pixman_fixed_t vx, \
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
- pixman_fixed_t max_vx, \
- pixman_bool_t zero_src) \
-{ \
- pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_##name##_##op##_asm_##cputype (w, pd, ps, \
- vx, unit_x);\
-} \
- \
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (cputype##_##name##_cover_##op, \
- scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op, \
- src_type, dst_type, COVER) \
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (cputype##_##name##_none_##op, \
- scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op, \
- src_type, dst_type, NONE) \
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (cputype##_##name##_pad_##op, \
- scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op, \
- src_type, dst_type, PAD)
-/* Provide entries for the fast path table */
-#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_SCALED_NEAREST_SRC_A8_DST(flags, cputype, name, op, \
- src_type, dst_type) \
-void \
-pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_##name##_##op##_asm_##cputype ( \
- int32_t w, \
- dst_type * dst, \
- const src_type * src, \
- pixman_fixed_t vx, \
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
- const uint8_t * mask); \
- \
-static force_inline void \
-scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op (const uint8_t * mask, \
- dst_type * pd, \
- const src_type * ps, \
- int32_t w, \
- pixman_fixed_t vx, \
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
- pixman_fixed_t max_vx, \
- pixman_bool_t zero_src) \
-{ \
- if ((flags & SKIP_ZERO_SRC) && zero_src) \
- return; \
- pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_##name##_##op##_asm_##cputype (w, pd, ps, \
- vx, unit_x, \
- mask); \
-} \
- \
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (cputype##_##name##_cover_##op, \
- scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op,\
- src_type, uint8_t, dst_type, COVER, TRUE, FALSE)\
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (cputype##_##name##_none_##op, \
- scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op,\
- src_type, uint8_t, dst_type, NONE, TRUE, FALSE) \
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (cputype##_##name##_pad_##op, \
- scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op,\
- src_type, uint8_t, dst_type, PAD, TRUE, FALSE)
-/* Provide entries for the fast path table */
+ * Copyright © 2010 Nokia Corporation
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+ * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+ * Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Siarhei Siamashka (siarhei.siamashka@nokia.com)
+ */
+#include "pixman-fast-path.h"
+/* Define some macros which can expand into proxy functions between
+ * ARM assembly optimized functions and the rest of pixman fast path API.
+ *
+ * All the low level ARM assembly functions have to use ARM EABI
+ * calling convention and take up to 8 arguments:
+ * width, height, dst, dst_stride, src, src_stride, mask, mask_stride
+ *
+ * The arguments are ordered with the most important coming first (the
+ * first 4 arguments are passed to function in registers, the rest are
+ * on stack). The last arguments are optional, for example if the
+ * function is not using mask, then 'mask' and 'mask_stride' can be
+ * omitted when doing a function call.
+ *
+ * Arguments 'src' and 'mask' contain either a pointer to the top left
+ * pixel of the composited rectangle or a pixel color value depending
+ * on the function type. In the case of just a color value (solid source
+ * or mask), the corresponding stride argument is unused.
+ */
+#define SKIP_ZERO_SRC 1
+#define SKIP_ZERO_MASK 2
+#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST(cputype, name, \
+ src_type, src_cnt, \
+ dst_type, dst_cnt) \
+void \
+pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
+ int32_t h, \
+ dst_type *dst, \
+ int32_t dst_stride, \
+ src_type *src, \
+ int32_t src_stride); \
+ \
+static void \
+cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
+ pixman_op_t op, \
+ pixman_image_t * src_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
+ int32_t src_x, \
+ int32_t src_y, \
+ int32_t mask_x, \
+ int32_t mask_y, \
+ int32_t dest_x, \
+ int32_t dest_y, \
+ int32_t width, \
+ int32_t height) \
+{ \
+ dst_type *dst_line; \
+ src_type *src_line; \
+ int32_t dst_stride, src_stride; \
+ \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, src_type, \
+ src_stride, src_line, src_cnt); \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
+ dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
+ \
+ pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
+ dst_line, dst_stride, \
+ src_line, src_stride); \
+#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_DST(flags, cputype, name, \
+ dst_type, dst_cnt) \
+void \
+pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
+ int32_t h, \
+ dst_type *dst, \
+ int32_t dst_stride, \
+ uint32_t src); \
+ \
+static void \
+cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
+ pixman_op_t op, \
+ pixman_image_t * src_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
+ int32_t src_x, \
+ int32_t src_y, \
+ int32_t mask_x, \
+ int32_t mask_y, \
+ int32_t dest_x, \
+ int32_t dest_y, \
+ int32_t width, \
+ int32_t height) \
+{ \
+ dst_type *dst_line; \
+ int32_t dst_stride; \
+ uint32_t src; \
+ \
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid ( \
+ imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format); \
+ \
+ if ((flags & SKIP_ZERO_SRC) && src == 0) \
+ return; \
+ \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
+ dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
+ \
+ pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
+ dst_line, dst_stride, \
+ src); \
+#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_MASK_DST(flags, cputype, name, \
+ mask_type, mask_cnt, \
+ dst_type, dst_cnt) \
+void \
+pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
+ int32_t h, \
+ dst_type *dst, \
+ int32_t dst_stride, \
+ uint32_t src, \
+ int32_t unused, \
+ mask_type *mask, \
+ int32_t mask_stride); \
+ \
+static void \
+cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
+ pixman_op_t op, \
+ pixman_image_t * src_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
+ int32_t src_x, \
+ int32_t src_y, \
+ int32_t mask_x, \
+ int32_t mask_y, \
+ int32_t dest_x, \
+ int32_t dest_y, \
+ int32_t width, \
+ int32_t height) \
+{ \
+ dst_type *dst_line; \
+ mask_type *mask_line; \
+ int32_t dst_stride, mask_stride; \
+ uint32_t src; \
+ \
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid ( \
+ imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format); \
+ \
+ if ((flags & SKIP_ZERO_SRC) && src == 0) \
+ return; \
+ \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
+ dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, mask_type, \
+ mask_stride, mask_line, mask_cnt); \
+ \
+ pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
+ dst_line, dst_stride, \
+ src, 0, \
+ mask_line, mask_stride); \
+#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_N_DST(flags, cputype, name, \
+ src_type, src_cnt, \
+ dst_type, dst_cnt) \
+void \
+pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
+ int32_t h, \
+ dst_type *dst, \
+ int32_t dst_stride, \
+ src_type *src, \
+ int32_t src_stride, \
+ uint32_t mask); \
+ \
+static void \
+cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
+ pixman_op_t op, \
+ pixman_image_t * src_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
+ int32_t src_x, \
+ int32_t src_y, \
+ int32_t mask_x, \
+ int32_t mask_y, \
+ int32_t dest_x, \
+ int32_t dest_y, \
+ int32_t width, \
+ int32_t height) \
+{ \
+ dst_type *dst_line; \
+ src_type *src_line; \
+ int32_t dst_stride, src_stride; \
+ uint32_t mask; \
+ \
+ mask = _pixman_image_get_solid ( \
+ imp, mask_image, dst_image->bits.format); \
+ \
+ if ((flags & SKIP_ZERO_MASK) && mask == 0) \
+ return; \
+ \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
+ dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, src_type, \
+ src_stride, src_line, src_cnt); \
+ \
+ pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
+ dst_line, dst_stride, \
+ src_line, src_stride, \
+ mask); \
+#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST(cputype, name, \
+ src_type, src_cnt, \
+ mask_type, mask_cnt, \
+ dst_type, dst_cnt) \
+void \
+pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (int32_t w, \
+ int32_t h, \
+ dst_type *dst, \
+ int32_t dst_stride, \
+ src_type *src, \
+ int32_t src_stride, \
+ mask_type *mask, \
+ int32_t mask_stride); \
+ \
+static void \
+cputype##_composite_##name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
+ pixman_op_t op, \
+ pixman_image_t * src_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
+ int32_t src_x, \
+ int32_t src_y, \
+ int32_t mask_x, \
+ int32_t mask_y, \
+ int32_t dest_x, \
+ int32_t dest_y, \
+ int32_t width, \
+ int32_t height) \
+{ \
+ dst_type *dst_line; \
+ src_type *src_line; \
+ mask_type *mask_line; \
+ int32_t dst_stride, src_stride, mask_stride; \
+ \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, dst_type, \
+ dst_stride, dst_line, dst_cnt); \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, src_type, \
+ src_stride, src_line, src_cnt); \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, mask_type, \
+ mask_stride, mask_line, mask_cnt); \
+ \
+ pixman_composite_##name##_asm_##cputype (width, height, \
+ dst_line, dst_stride, \
+ src_line, src_stride, \
+ mask_line, mask_stride); \
+#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_SCALED_NEAREST_SRC_DST(cputype, name, op, \
+ src_type, dst_type) \
+void \
+pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_##name##_##op##_asm_##cputype ( \
+ int32_t w, \
+ dst_type * dst, \
+ const src_type * src, \
+ pixman_fixed_t vx, \
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x); \
+ \
+static force_inline void \
+scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op (dst_type * pd, \
+ const src_type * ps, \
+ int32_t w, \
+ pixman_fixed_t vx, \
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
+ pixman_fixed_t max_vx, \
+ pixman_bool_t zero_src) \
+{ \
+ pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_##name##_##op##_asm_##cputype (w, pd, ps, \
+ vx, unit_x);\
+} \
+ \
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (cputype##_##name##_cover_##op, \
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op, \
+ src_type, dst_type, COVER) \
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (cputype##_##name##_none_##op, \
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op, \
+ src_type, dst_type, NONE) \
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (cputype##_##name##_pad_##op, \
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op, \
+ src_type, dst_type, PAD)
+/* Provide entries for the fast path table */
+#define PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_SCALED_NEAREST_SRC_A8_DST(flags, cputype, name, op, \
+ src_type, dst_type) \
+void \
+pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_##name##_##op##_asm_##cputype ( \
+ int32_t w, \
+ dst_type * dst, \
+ const src_type * src, \
+ pixman_fixed_t vx, \
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
+ const uint8_t * mask); \
+ \
+static force_inline void \
+scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op (const uint8_t * mask, \
+ dst_type * pd, \
+ const src_type * ps, \
+ int32_t w, \
+ pixman_fixed_t vx, \
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
+ pixman_fixed_t max_vx, \
+ pixman_bool_t zero_src) \
+{ \
+ if ((flags & SKIP_ZERO_SRC) && zero_src) \
+ return; \
+ pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_##name##_##op##_asm_##cputype (w, pd, ps, \
+ vx, unit_x, \
+ mask); \
+} \
+ \
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (cputype##_##name##_cover_##op, \
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op,\
+ src_type, uint8_t, dst_type, COVER, TRUE, FALSE)\
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (cputype##_##name##_none_##op, \
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op,\
+ src_type, uint8_t, dst_type, NONE, TRUE, FALSE) \
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (cputype##_##name##_pad_##op, \
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_##cputype##_##name##_##op,\
+ src_type, uint8_t, dst_type, PAD, TRUE, FALSE)
+/* Provide entries for the fast path table */
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-neon-asm.S b/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-neon-asm.S
index 47daf457c..617217beb 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-neon-asm.S
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-neon-asm.S
@@ -1,2393 +1,2393 @@
- * Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
- * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
- * Software.
- *
- *
- * Author: Siarhei Siamashka (siarhei.siamashka@nokia.com)
- */
- * This file contains implementations of NEON optimized pixel processing
- * functions. There is no full and detailed tutorial, but some functions
- * (those which are exposing some new or interesting features) are
- * extensively commented and can be used as examples.
- *
- * You may want to have a look at the comments for following functions:
- * - pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_asm_neon
- * - pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_asm_neon
- */
-/* Prevent the stack from becoming executable for no reason... */
-#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__ELF__)
-.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
- .text
- .fpu neon
- .arch armv7a
- .object_arch armv4
- .eabi_attribute 10, 0 /* suppress Tag_FP_arch */
- .eabi_attribute 12, 0 /* suppress Tag_Advanced_SIMD_arch */
- .arm
- .altmacro
-#include "pixman-arm-neon-asm.h"
-/* Global configuration options and preferences */
- * The code can optionally make use of unaligned memory accesses to improve
- * performance of handling leading/trailing pixels for each scanline.
- * Configuration variable RESPECT_STRICT_ALIGNMENT can be set to 0 for
- * example in linux if unaligned memory accesses are not configured to
- * generate.exceptions.
- */
- * Set default prefetch type. There is a choice between the following options:
- *
- * PREFETCH_TYPE_NONE (may be useful for the ARM cores where PLD is set to work
- * as NOP to workaround some HW bugs or for whatever other reason)
- *
- * PREFETCH_TYPE_SIMPLE (may be useful for simple single-issue ARM cores where
- * advanced prefetch intruduces heavy overhead)
- *
- * PREFETCH_TYPE_ADVANCED (useful for superscalar cores such as ARM Cortex-A8
- * which can run ARM and NEON instructions simultaneously so that extra ARM
- * instructions do not add (many) extra cycles, but improve prefetch efficiency)
- *
- * Note: some types of function can't support advanced prefetch and fallback
- * to simple one (those which handle 24bpp pixels)
- */
-/* Prefetch distance in pixels for simple prefetch */
- * Implementation of pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_asm_neon
- *
- * This function takes a8r8g8b8 source buffer, r5g6b5 destination buffer and
- * performs OVER compositing operation. Function fast_composite_over_8888_0565
- * from pixman-fast-path.c does the same in C and can be used as a reference.
- *
- * First we need to have some NEON assembly code which can do the actual
- * operation on the pixels and provide it to the template macro.
- *
- * Template macro quite conveniently takes care of emitting all the necessary
- * code for memory reading and writing (including quite tricky cases of
- * handling unaligned leading/trailing pixels), so we only need to deal with
- * the data in NEON registers.
- *
- * NEON registers allocation in general is recommented to be the following:
- * d0, d1, d2, d3 - contain loaded source pixel data
- * d4, d5, d6, d7 - contain loaded destination pixels (if they are needed)
- * d24, d25, d26, d27 - contain loading mask pixel data (if mask is used)
- * d28, d29, d30, d31 - place for storing the result (destination pixels)
- *
- * As can be seen above, four 64-bit NEON registers are used for keeping
- * intermediate pixel data and up to 8 pixels can be processed in one step
- * for 32bpp formats (16 pixels for 16bpp, 32 pixels for 8bpp).
- *
- * This particular function uses the following registers allocation:
- * d0, d1, d2, d3 - contain loaded source pixel data
- * d4, d5 - contain loaded destination pixels (they are needed)
- * d28, d29 - place for storing the result (destination pixels)
- */
- * Step one. We need to have some code to do some arithmetics on pixel data.
- * This is implemented as a pair of macros: '*_head' and '*_tail'. When used
- * back-to-back, they take pixel data from {d0, d1, d2, d3} and {d4, d5},
- * perform all the needed calculations and write the result to {d28, d29}.
- * The rationale for having two macros and not just one will be explained
- * later. In practice, any single monolitic function which does the work can
- * be split into two parts in any arbitrary way without affecting correctness.
- *
- * There is one special trick here too. Common template macro can optionally
- * make our life a bit easier by doing R, G, B, A color components
- * deinterleaving for 32bpp pixel formats (and this feature is used in
- * 'pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_asm_neon' function). So it means that
- * instead of having 8 packed pixels in {d0, d1, d2, d3} registers, we
- * actually use d0 register for blue channel (a vector of eight 8-bit
- * values), d1 register for green, d2 for red and d3 for alpha. This
- * simple conversion can be also done with a few NEON instructions:
- *
- * Packed to planar conversion:
- * vuzp.8 d0, d1
- * vuzp.8 d2, d3
- * vuzp.8 d1, d3
- * vuzp.8 d0, d2
- *
- * Planar to packed conversion:
- * vzip.8 d0, d2
- * vzip.8 d1, d3
- * vzip.8 d2, d3
- * vzip.8 d0, d1
- *
- * But pixel can be loaded directly in planar format using VLD4.8 NEON
- * instruction. It is 1 cycle slower than VLD1.32, so this is not always
- * desirable, that's why deinterleaving is optional.
- *
- * But anyway, here is the code:
- */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head
- /* convert 8 r5g6b5 pixel data from {d4, d5} to planar 8-bit format
- and put data into d6 - red, d7 - green, d30 - blue */
- vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8
- vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
- vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
- vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5
- vmvn.8 d3, d3 /* invert source alpha */
- vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
- vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
- /* now do alpha blending, storing results in 8-bit planar format
- into d16 - red, d19 - green, d18 - blue */
- vmull.u8 q10, d3, d6
- vmull.u8 q11, d3, d7
- vmull.u8 q12, d3, d30
- vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q3, q11, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q12, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d20, q10, q13
- vraddhn.u16 d23, q11, q3
- vraddhn.u16 d22, q12, q15
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- /* ... continue alpha blending */
- vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d20
- vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q11
- /* convert the result to r5g6b5 and store it into {d28, d29} */
- vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8
- vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
- vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
- vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
- vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
- * OK, now we got almost everything that we need. Using the above two
- * macros, the work can be done right. But now we want to optimize
- * it a bit. ARM Cortex-A8 is an in-order core, and benefits really
- * a lot from good code scheduling and software pipelining.
- *
- * Let's construct some code, which will run in the core main loop.
- * Some pseudo-code of the main loop will look like this:
- * head
- * while (...) {
- * tail
- * head
- * }
- * tail
- *
- * It may look a bit weird, but this setup allows to hide instruction
- * latencies better and also utilize dual-issue capability more
- * efficiently (make pairs of load-store and ALU instructions).
- *
- * So what we need now is a '*_tail_head' macro, which will be used
- * in the core main loop. A trivial straightforward implementation
- * of this macro would look like this:
- *
- * pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- * vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
- * vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
- * vld4.32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [SRC]!
- * pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head
- * cache_preload 8, 8
- *
- * Now it also got some VLD/VST instructions. We simply can't move from
- * processing one block of pixels to the other one with just arithmetics.
- * The previously processed data needs to be written to memory and new
- * data needs to be fetched. Fortunately, this main loop does not deal
- * with partial leading/trailing pixels and can load/store a full block
- * of pixels in a bulk. Additionally, destination buffer is already
- * 16 bytes aligned here (which is good for performance).
- *
- * New things here are DST_R, DST_W, SRC and MASK identifiers. These
- * are the aliases for ARM registers which are used as pointers for
- * accessing data. We maintain separate pointers for reading and writing
- * destination buffer (DST_R and DST_W).
- *
- * Another new thing is 'cache_preload' macro. It is used for prefetching
- * data into CPU L2 cache and improve performance when dealing with large
- * images which are far larger than cache size. It uses one argument
- * (actually two, but they need to be the same here) - number of pixels
- * in a block. Looking into 'pixman-arm-neon-asm.h' can provide some
- * details about this macro. Moreover, if good performance is needed
- * the code from this macro needs to be copied into '*_tail_head' macro
- * and mixed with the rest of code for optimal instructions scheduling.
- * We are actually doing it below.
- *
- * Now after all the explanations, here is the optimized code.
- * Different instruction streams (originaling from '*_head', '*_tail'
- * and 'cache_preload' macro) use different indentation levels for
- * better readability. Actually taking the code from one of these
- * indentation levels and ignoring a few VLD/VST instructions would
- * result in exactly the code from '*_head', '*_tail' or 'cache_preload'
- * macro!
- */
-#if 1
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d20
- vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
- vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q11
- vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
- vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
- vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8
- PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
- vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
- PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
- vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5
- PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
- vmvn.8 d3, d3
- PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
- vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
- vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
- vmull.u8 q10, d3, d6
- PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
- vmull.u8 q11, d3, d7
- vmull.u8 q12, d3, d30
- PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
- vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
- PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
- vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
- PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
- vrshr.u16 q3, q11, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q12, #8
- PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
- vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
- vraddhn.u16 d20, q10, q13
- vraddhn.u16 d23, q11, q3
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
- vraddhn.u16 d22, q12, q15
- vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
-/* If we did not care much about the performance, we would just use this... */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
- vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
- fetch_src_pixblock
- pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head
- cache_preload 8, 8
- * And now the final part. We are using 'generate_composite_function' macro
- * to put all the stuff together. We are specifying the name of the function
- * which we want to get, number of bits per pixel for the source, mask and
- * destination (0 if unused, like mask in this case). Next come some bit
- * flags:
- * FLAG_DST_READWRITE - tells that the destination buffer is both read
- * and written, for write-only buffer we would use
- * FLAG_DST_WRITEONLY flag instead
- * FLAG_DEINTERLEAVE_32BPP - tells that we prefer to work with planar data
- * and separate color channels for 32bpp format.
- * The next things are:
- * - the number of pixels processed per iteration (8 in this case, because
- * that's the maximum what can fit into four 64-bit NEON registers).
- * - prefetch distance, measured in pixel blocks. In this case it is 5 times
- * by 8 pixels. That would be 40 pixels, or up to 160 bytes. Optimal
- * prefetch distance can be selected by running some benchmarks.
- *
- * After that we specify some macros, these are 'default_init',
- * 'default_cleanup' here which are empty (but it is possible to have custom
- * init/cleanup macros to be able to save/restore some extra NEON registers
- * like d8-d15 or do anything else) followed by
- * 'pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head',
- * 'pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail' and
- * 'pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head'
- * which we got implemented above.
- *
- * The last part is the NEON registers allocation scheme.
- */
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 24 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_head
- /* convert 8 r5g6b5 pixel data from {d4, d5} to planar 8-bit format
- and put data into d6 - red, d7 - green, d30 - blue */
- vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8
- vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
- vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
- vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5
- vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
- vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
- /* now do alpha blending, storing results in 8-bit planar format
- into d16 - red, d19 - green, d18 - blue */
- vmull.u8 q10, d3, d6
- vmull.u8 q11, d3, d7
- vmull.u8 q12, d3, d30
- vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q3, q11, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q12, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d20, q10, q13
- vraddhn.u16 d23, q11, q3
- vraddhn.u16 d22, q12, q15
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- /* ... continue alpha blending */
- vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d20
- vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q11
- /* convert the result to r5g6b5 and store it into {d28, d29} */
- vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8
- vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
- vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
- vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
- vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
- vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
- pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_head
- cache_preload 8, 8
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_0565_init
- vld1.32 {d3[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d0, d3[0]
- vdup.8 d1, d3[1]
- vdup.8 d2, d3[2]
- vdup.8 d3, d3[3]
- vmvn.8 d3, d3 /* invert source alpha */
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_n_0565_asm_neon, 0, 0, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_n_0565_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 24 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head
- vshll.u8 q8, d1, #8
- vshll.u8 q14, d2, #8
- vshll.u8 q9, d0, #8
-.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
- vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
-.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
- PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
- fetch_src_pixblock
- PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
- vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
- PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
- vshll.u8 q8, d1, #8
- vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
- PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
- vshll.u8 q14, d2, #8
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
- vshll.u8 q9, d0, #8
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_head
- vshrn.u16 d30, q0, #8
- vshrn.u16 d29, q0, #3
- vsli.u16 q0, q0, #5
- vmov.u8 d31, #255
- vsri.u8 d30, d30, #5
- vsri.u8 d29, d29, #6
- vshrn.u16 d28, q0, #2
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- fetch_src_pixblock
- pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_head
- cache_preload 8, 8
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_asm_neon, 16, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_head
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
- fetch_src_pixblock
- PF add PF_X, PF_X, #32
- PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
- vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #32
- PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
- vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
- PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
- PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_asm_neon, 8, 0, 8, \
- 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- fetch_src_pixblock
- PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
- vld1.32 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
- vst1.32 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
- PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
- PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
- pixman_composite_scanline_add_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
- vmvn.8 d24, d3 /* get inverted alpha */
- /* do alpha blending */
- vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
- vmull.u8 q9, d24, d5
- vmull.u8 q10, d24, d6
- vmull.u8 q11, d24, d7
-.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
-.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
- PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
- fetch_src_pixblock
- PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
- vmvn.8 d22, d3
- PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
- vmull.u8 q8, d22, d4
- PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
- vmull.u8 q9, d22, d5
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
- vmull.u8 q10, d22, d6
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
- vmull.u8 q11, d22, d7
-generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
- pixman_composite_scanline_out_reverse_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
- PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
- fetch_src_pixblock
- PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
- vmvn.8 d22, d3
- PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
- vmull.u8 q8, d22, d4
- PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
- vmull.u8 q9, d22, d5
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
- vmull.u8 q10, d22, d6
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
- vmull.u8 q11, d22, d7
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
- pixman_composite_scanline_over_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
- cache_preload 8, 8
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_init
- vld1.32 {d3[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d0, d3[0]
- vdup.8 d1, d3[1]
- vdup.8 d2, d3[2]
- vdup.8 d3, d3[3]
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_asm_neon, 0, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
- PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
- vld4.8 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_R, :128]!
- vmvn.8 d22, d3
- PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
- vmull.u8 q8, d22, d4
- PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
- vmull.u8 q9, d22, d5
- vmull.u8 q10, d22, d6
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
- vmull.u8 q11, d22, d7
-.macro pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_init
- vld1.32 {d7[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d4, d7[0]
- vdup.8 d5, d7[1]
- vdup.8 d6, d7[2]
- vdup.8 d7, d7[3]
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_asm_neon, 0, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 4, /* src_basereg */ \
- 24 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
- vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8 /* IN for SRC pixels (part1) */
- vmull.u8 q1, d24, d9
- vmull.u8 q6, d24, d10
- vmull.u8 q7, d24, d11
- vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8 /* convert DST_R data to 32-bpp (part1) */
- vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
- vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
- vrshr.u16 q8, q0, #8 /* IN for SRC pixels (part2) */
- vrshr.u16 q9, q1, #8
- vrshr.u16 q10, q6, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q7, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q11
- vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5 /* convert DST_R data to 32-bpp (part2) */
- vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
- vmvn.8 d3, d3
- vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
- vmull.u8 q8, d3, d6 /* now do alpha blending */
- vmull.u8 q9, d3, d7
- vmull.u8 q10, d3, d30
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- /* 3 cycle bubble (after vmull.u8) */
- vrshr.u16 q13, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q10, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d16, q8, q13
- vraddhn.u16 d27, q9, q11
- vraddhn.u16 d26, q10, q15
- vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d16
- /* 1 cycle bubble */
- vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q13
- vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8 /* convert to 16bpp */
- vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
- vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
- vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
- /* 1 cycle bubble */
- vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
- vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vmull.u8 q6, d24, d10
- vrshr.u16 q13, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q10, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d16, q8, q13
- vraddhn.u16 d27, q9, q11
- vraddhn.u16 d26, q10, q15
- vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d16
- vmull.u8 q1, d24, d9
- vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q13
- vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8
- vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8
- vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
- vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
- vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
- vmull.u8 q7, d24, d11
- vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
- cache_preload 8, 8
- vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
- vrshr.u16 q8, q0, #8
- vrshr.u16 q9, q1, #8
- vrshr.u16 q10, q6, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q7, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q11
- vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5
- vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
- vmvn.8 d3, d3
- vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
- vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
- vmull.u8 q8, d3, d6
- vmull.u8 q9, d3, d7
- vmull.u8 q10, d3, d30
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_asm_neon, 32, 8, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 8, /* src_basereg */ \
- 24 /* mask_basereg */
- * This function needs a special initialization of solid mask.
- * Solid source pixel data is fetched from stack at ARGS_STACK_OFFSET
- * offset, split into color components and replicated in d8-d11
- * registers. Additionally, this function needs all the NEON registers,
- * so it has to save d8-d15 registers which are callee saved according
- * to ABI. These registers are restored from 'cleanup' macro. All the
- * other NEON registers are caller saved, so can be clobbered freely
- * without introducing any problems.
- */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_init
- vpush {d8-d15}
- vld1.32 {d11[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d8, d11[0]
- vdup.8 d9, d11[1]
- vdup.8 d10, d11[2]
- vdup.8 d11, d11[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_cleanup
- vpop {d8-d15}
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_asm_neon, 0, 8, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_init, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_init
- add DUMMY, sp, #(ARGS_STACK_OFFSET + 8)
- vpush {d8-d15}
- vld1.32 {d24[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d24, d24[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_cleanup
- vpop {d8-d15}
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_init, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 8, /* src_basereg */ \
- 24 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_tail
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vst1.16 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
- fetch_src_pixblock
- cache_preload 16, 16
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_asm_neon, 16, 0, 16, \
- 16, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_tail
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vst1.8 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_init
- vld1.32 {d0[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vsli.u64 d0, d0, #8
- vsli.u64 d0, d0, #16
- vsli.u64 d0, d0, #32
- vorr d1, d0, d0
- vorr q1, q0, q0
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_cleanup
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8_asm_neon, 0, 0, 8, \
- 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 0, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8_init, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vst1.16 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_init
- vld1.32 {d0[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vsli.u64 d0, d0, #16
- vsli.u64 d0, d0, #32
- vorr d1, d0, d0
- vorr q1, q0, q0
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_cleanup
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_n_0565_asm_neon, 0, 0, 16, \
- 16, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 0, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_src_n_0565_init, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_0565_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vst1.32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_init
- vld1.32 {d0[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vsli.u64 d0, d0, #32
- vorr d1, d0, d0
- vorr q1, q0, q0
-.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_cleanup
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8888_asm_neon, 0, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 0, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8888_init, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8888_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
-.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vst1.32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
- fetch_src_pixblock
- cache_preload 8, 8
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_head
- vorr q0, q0, q2
- vorr q1, q1, q2
-.macro pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
-.macro pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vst1.32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vorr q0, q0, q2
- vorr q1, q1, q2
- cache_preload 8, 8
-.macro pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_init
- vmov.u8 q2, #0xFF
- vshl.u32 q2, q2, #24
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_head
- /* expecting deinterleaved source data in {d8, d9, d10, d11} */
- /* d8 - blue, d9 - green, d10 - red, d11 - alpha */
- /* and destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
- /* mask is in d24 (d25, d26, d27 are unused) */
- /* in */
- vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8
- vmull.u8 q1, d24, d9
- vmull.u8 q6, d24, d10
- vmull.u8 q7, d24, d11
- vrshr.u16 q10, q0, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q1, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q7, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q11
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
- vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q13
- vmvn.8 d24, d3 /* get inverted alpha */
- /* source: d0 - blue, d1 - green, d2 - red, d3 - alpha */
- /* destination: d4 - blue, d5 - green, d6 - red, d7 - alpha */
- /* now do alpha blending */
- vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
- vmull.u8 q9, d24, d5
- vmull.u8 q10, d24, d6
- vmull.u8 q11, d24, d7
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- cache_preload 8, 8
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_init
- vpush {d8-d15}
- vld1.32 {d11[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d8, d11[0]
- vdup.8 d9, d11[1]
- vdup.8 d10, d11[2]
- vdup.8 d11, d11[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_cleanup
- vpop {d8-d15}
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_asm_neon, 0, 8, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_init, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head
- vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8
- vmull.u8 q1, d25, d8
- vmull.u8 q6, d26, d8
- vmull.u8 q7, d27, d8
- vrshr.u16 q10, q0, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q1, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q7, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q11
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
- vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q13
- vmvn.8 q12, q0
- vmvn.8 q13, q1
- vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
- vmull.u8 q9, d25, d5
- vmull.u8 q10, d26, d6
- vmull.u8 q11, d27, d7
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- cache_preload 32, 32
- vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_init
- vpush {d8-d15}
- vld1.32 {d8[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d8, d8[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_cleanup
- vpop {d8-d15}
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_asm_neon, 0, 8, 8, \
- 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_init, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_head
- /*
- * 'combine_mask_ca' replacement
- *
- * input: solid src (n) in {d8, d9, d10, d11}
- * dest in {d4, d5, d6, d7 }
- * mask in {d24, d25, d26, d27}
- * output: updated src in {d0, d1, d2, d3 }
- * updated mask in {d24, d25, d26, d3 }
- */
- vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8
- vmull.u8 q1, d25, d9
- vmull.u8 q6, d26, d10
- vmull.u8 q7, d27, d11
- vmull.u8 q9, d11, d25
- vmull.u8 q12, d11, d24
- vmull.u8 q13, d11, d26
- vrshr.u16 q8, q0, #8
- vrshr.u16 q10, q1, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q6, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q11
- vrshr.u16 q11, q12, #8
- vrshr.u16 q8, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q6, q13, #8
- vrshr.u16 q10, q7, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d24, q12, q11
- vraddhn.u16 d25, q9, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d26, q13, q6
- vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q10
- /*
- * 'combine_over_ca' replacement
- *
- * output: updated dest in {d28, d29, d30, d31}
- */
- vmvn.8 d24, d24
- vmvn.8 d25, d25
- vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
- vmull.u8 q9, d25, d5
- vmvn.8 d26, d26
- vmvn.8 d27, d3
- vmull.u8 q10, d26, d6
- vmull.u8 q11, d27, d7
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_tail
- /* ... continue 'combine_over_ca' replacement */
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q6, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q7, q11, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q6, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q7, q11
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- vrshr.u16 q6, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q7, q11, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q6, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q7, q11
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
- cache_preload 8, 8
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_head
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_init
- vpush {d8-d15}
- vld1.32 {d11[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d8, d11[0]
- vdup.8 d9, d11[1]
- vdup.8 d10, d11[2]
- vdup.8 d11, d11[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_cleanup
- vpop {d8-d15}
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_asm_neon, 0, 32, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_init, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_head
- /* expecting source data in {d0, d1, d2, d3} */
- /* and destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
- vmull.u8 q8, d4, d3
- vmull.u8 q9, d5, d3
- vmull.u8 q10, d6, d3
- vmull.u8 q11, d7, d3
-.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q8, q14
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q9, q15
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q10, q12
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q11, q13
-.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
- pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail
- vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- cache_preload 32, 32
- pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_head
- vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
-.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_init
- vld1.32 {d3[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d3, d3[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_cleanup
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_in_n_8_asm_neon, 0, 0, 8, \
- 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_in_n_8_init, \
- pixman_composite_in_n_8_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 24 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head
- /* expecting source data in {d8, d9, d10, d11} */
- /* d8 - blue, d9 - green, d10 - red, d11 - alpha */
- /* and destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
- /* mask is in d24, d25, d26, d27 */
- vmull.u8 q0, d24, d11
- vmull.u8 q1, d25, d11
- vmull.u8 q6, d26, d11
- vmull.u8 q7, d27, d11
- vrshr.u16 q10, q0, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q1, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q7, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q11
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
- vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q13
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
-.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
- vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- cache_preload 32, 32
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_init
- vpush {d8-d15}
- vld1.32 {d11[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d11, d11[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_cleanup
- vpop {d8-d15}
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_asm_neon, 0, 8, 8, \
- 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_init, \
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_head
- /* expecting source data in {d0, d1, d2, d3} */
- /* destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
- /* mask in {d24, d25, d26, d27} */
- vmull.u8 q8, d24, d0
- vmull.u8 q9, d25, d1
- vmull.u8 q10, d26, d2
- vmull.u8 q11, d27, d3
- vrshr.u16 q0, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q1, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q12, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d3, q13, q11
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
- vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- fetch_src_pixblock
- cache_preload 32, 32
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_init
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_cleanup
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_asm_neon, 8, 8, 8, \
- 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_init, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
- /* expecting source data in {d0, d1, d2, d3} */
- /* destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
- /* mask in {d24, d25, d26, d27} */
- vmull.u8 q8, d27, d0
- vmull.u8 q9, d27, d1
- vmull.u8 q10, d27, d2
- vmull.u8 q11, d27, d3
- /* 1 cycle bubble */
- vrsra.u16 q8, q8, #8
- vrsra.u16 q9, q9, #8
- vrsra.u16 q10, q10, #8
- vrsra.u16 q11, q11, #8
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- /* 2 cycle bubble */
- vrshrn.u16 d28, q8, #8
- vrshrn.u16 d29, q9, #8
- vrshrn.u16 d30, q10, #8
- vrshrn.u16 d31, q11, #8
- vqadd.u8 q14, q2, q14
- /* 1 cycle bubble */
- vqadd.u8 q15, q3, q15
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vrshrn.u16 d28, q8, #8
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- vrshrn.u16 d29, q9, #8
- vmull.u8 q8, d27, d0
- vrshrn.u16 d30, q10, #8
- vmull.u8 q9, d27, d1
- vrshrn.u16 d31, q11, #8
- vmull.u8 q10, d27, d2
- vqadd.u8 q14, q2, q14
- vmull.u8 q11, d27, d3
- vqadd.u8 q15, q3, q15
- vrsra.u16 q8, q8, #8
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- vrsra.u16 q9, q9, #8
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- vrsra.u16 q10, q10, #8
- cache_preload 8, 8
- vrsra.u16 q11, q11, #8
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
- pixman_composite_scanline_add_mask_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8_8888_asm_neon, 32, 8, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 27 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_init
- vld1.32 {d3[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d0, d3[0]
- vdup.8 d1, d3[1]
- vdup.8 d2, d3[2]
- vdup.8 d3, d3[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_cleanup
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_asm_neon, 0, 8, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_init, \
- pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 27 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_init
- add DUMMY, sp, #(ARGS_STACK_OFFSET + 8)
- vld1.32 {d27[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d27, d27[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_cleanup
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_init, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 27 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
- /* expecting source data in {d0, d1, d2, d3} */
- /* destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
- /* solid mask is in d15 */
- /* 'in' */
- vmull.u8 q8, d15, d3
- vmull.u8 q6, d15, d2
- vmull.u8 q5, d15, d1
- vmull.u8 q4, d15, d0
- vrshr.u16 q13, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q5, #8
- vrshr.u16 q10, q4, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d3, q8, q13
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q5, q11
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q4, q10
- vmvn.8 d24, d3 /* get inverted alpha */
- /* now do alpha blending */
- vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
- vmull.u8 q9, d24, d5
- vmull.u8 q10, d24, d6
- vmull.u8 q11, d24, d7
-.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
- vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- fetch_src_pixblock
- cache_preload 8, 8
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
-generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
- pixman_composite_scanline_out_reverse_mask_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 12 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
- vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- fetch_src_pixblock
- cache_preload 8, 8
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_init
- add DUMMY, sp, #48
- vpush {d8-d15}
- vld1.32 {d15[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d15, d15[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_cleanup
- vpop {d8-d15}
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_init, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- fetch_src_pixblock
- cache_preload 8, 8
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 12 /* mask_basereg */
-generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
- pixman_composite_scanline_over_mask_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 12 /* mask_basereg */
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- fetch_src_pixblock
- cache_preload 8, 8
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_8888_asm_neon, 32, 8, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 15 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_head
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_tail
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vst3.8 {d0, d1, d2}, [DST_W]!
- fetch_src_pixblock
- cache_preload 8, 8
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_asm_neon, 24, 0, 24, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_head
- vswp d0, d2
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_tail
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vst4.8 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W]!
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vswp d0, d2
- cache_preload 8, 8
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_init
- veor d3, d3, d3
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_asm_neon, 24, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_head
- vshll.u8 q8, d1, #8
- vshll.u8 q9, d2, #8
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_tail
- vshll.u8 q14, d0, #8
- vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
- vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
-.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vshll.u8 q14, d0, #8
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
- vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
- vshll.u8 q8, d1, #8
- vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
- vshll.u8 q9, d2, #8
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_asm_neon, 24, 0, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_head
- vmull.u8 q8, d3, d0
- vmull.u8 q9, d3, d1
- vmull.u8 q10, d3, d2
-.macro pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vrshr.u16 q11, q8, #8
- vswp d3, d31
- vrshr.u16 q12, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q11, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q12, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q13, q10
-.macro pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vrshr.u16 q11, q8, #8
- vswp d3, d31
- vrshr.u16 q12, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q11, q8
- PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
- PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q12, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q13, q10
- vmull.u8 q8, d3, d0
- vmull.u8 q9, d3, d1
- vmull.u8 q10, d3, d2
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
- PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_head
- vmull.u8 q8, d3, d0
- vmull.u8 q9, d3, d1
- vmull.u8 q10, d3, d2
-.macro pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail
- vrshr.u16 q11, q8, #8
- vswp d3, d31
- vrshr.u16 q12, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q11, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q12, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q13, q10
-.macro pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
- vrshr.u16 q11, q8, #8
- vswp d3, d31
- vrshr.u16 q12, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q11, q8
- PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
- PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
- PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q12, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q13, q10
- vmull.u8 q8, d3, d0
- vmull.u8 q9, d3, d1
- vmull.u8 q10, d3, d2
- vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
- PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
- PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
- PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
- PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
- /* mask is in d15 */
- convert_0565_to_x888 q4, d2, d1, d0
- convert_0565_to_x888 q5, d6, d5, d4
- /* source pixel data is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
- /* destination pixel data is in {d4, d5, d6, XX} */
- vmvn.8 d7, d15
- vmull.u8 q6, d15, d2
- vmull.u8 q5, d15, d1
- vmull.u8 q4, d15, d0
- vmull.u8 q8, d7, d4
- vmull.u8 q9, d7, d5
- vmull.u8 q13, d7, d6
- vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q5, #8
- vrshr.u16 q10, q4, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q5, q11
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q4, q10
-.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q13, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q13
- vqadd.u8 q0, q0, q14
- vqadd.u8 q1, q1, q15
- /* 32bpp result is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
- convert_8888_to_0565 d2, d1, d0, q14, q15, q3
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vld1.16 {d10, d11}, [DST_R, :128]!
- cache_preload 8, 8
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
- vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_asm_neon, 16, 8, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 8, /* src_basereg */ \
- 15 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_init
- add DUMMY, sp, #(ARGS_STACK_OFFSET + 8)
- vpush {d8-d15}
- vld1.32 {d15[0]}, [DUMMY]
- vdup.8 d15, d15[3]
-.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_cleanup
- vpop {d8-d15}
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_asm_neon, 16, 0, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_init, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 8, /* src_basereg */ \
- 15 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
- /* mask is in d15 */
- convert_0565_to_x888 q4, d2, d1, d0
- convert_0565_to_x888 q5, d6, d5, d4
- /* source pixel data is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
- /* destination pixel data is in {d4, d5, d6, XX} */
- vmull.u8 q6, d15, d2
- vmull.u8 q5, d15, d1
- vmull.u8 q4, d15, d0
- vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
- vrshr.u16 q11, q5, #8
- vrshr.u16 q10, q4, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q5, q11
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q4, q10
-.macro pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- vqadd.u8 q0, q0, q2
- vqadd.u8 q1, q1, q3
- /* 32bpp result is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
- convert_8888_to_0565 d2, d1, d0, q14, q15, q3
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- fetch_mask_pixblock
- pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- fetch_src_pixblock
- vld1.16 {d10, d11}, [DST_R, :128]!
- cache_preload 8, 8
- pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
- vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_asm_neon, 16, 8, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 8, /* src_basereg */ \
- 15 /* mask_basereg */
-.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
- /* mask is in d15 */
- convert_0565_to_x888 q5, d6, d5, d4
- /* destination pixel data is in {d4, d5, d6, xx} */
- vmvn.8 d24, d15 /* get inverted alpha */
- /* now do alpha blending */
- vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
- vmull.u8 q9, d24, d5
- vmull.u8 q10, d24, d6
-.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
- vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
- vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
- vraddhn.u16 d0, q14, q8
- vraddhn.u16 d1, q15, q9
- vraddhn.u16 d2, q12, q10
- /* 32bpp result is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
- convert_8888_to_0565 d2, d1, d0, q14, q15, q3
-/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
-.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
- fetch_src_pixblock
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
- vld1.16 {d10, d11}, [DST_R, :128]!
- cache_preload 8, 8
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
- vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
-generate_composite_function \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_asm_neon, 8, 0, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 15, /* src_basereg */ \
- 0 /* mask_basereg */
-generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
- pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_8888_8888_OVER_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
- pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_8888_0565_OVER_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 0, /* src_basereg */ \
- 24 /* mask_basereg */
-generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
- pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_8888_0565_SRC_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
-generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
- pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_0565_8888_SRC_asm_neon, 16, 0, 32, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init, \
- default_cleanup, \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
-generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
- pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_8888_8_0565_OVER_asm_neon, 32, 8, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 8, /* src_basereg */ \
- 24 /* mask_basereg */
-generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
- pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_0565_8_0565_OVER_asm_neon, 16, 8, 16, \
- 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
- default_init_need_all_regs, \
- default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
- pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
- 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
- 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
- 8, /* src_basereg */ \
- 15 /* mask_basereg */
+ * Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+ * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+ * Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Siarhei Siamashka (siarhei.siamashka@nokia.com)
+ */
+ * This file contains implementations of NEON optimized pixel processing
+ * functions. There is no full and detailed tutorial, but some functions
+ * (those which are exposing some new or interesting features) are
+ * extensively commented and can be used as examples.
+ *
+ * You may want to have a look at the comments for following functions:
+ * - pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_asm_neon
+ * - pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_asm_neon
+ */
+/* Prevent the stack from becoming executable for no reason... */
+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__ELF__)
+.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+ .text
+ .fpu neon
+ .arch armv7a
+ .object_arch armv4
+ .eabi_attribute 10, 0 /* suppress Tag_FP_arch */
+ .eabi_attribute 12, 0 /* suppress Tag_Advanced_SIMD_arch */
+ .arm
+ .altmacro
+#include "pixman-arm-neon-asm.h"
+/* Global configuration options and preferences */
+ * The code can optionally make use of unaligned memory accesses to improve
+ * performance of handling leading/trailing pixels for each scanline.
+ * Configuration variable RESPECT_STRICT_ALIGNMENT can be set to 0 for
+ * example in linux if unaligned memory accesses are not configured to
+ * generate.exceptions.
+ */
+ * Set default prefetch type. There is a choice between the following options:
+ *
+ * PREFETCH_TYPE_NONE (may be useful for the ARM cores where PLD is set to work
+ * as NOP to workaround some HW bugs or for whatever other reason)
+ *
+ * PREFETCH_TYPE_SIMPLE (may be useful for simple single-issue ARM cores where
+ * advanced prefetch intruduces heavy overhead)
+ *
+ * PREFETCH_TYPE_ADVANCED (useful for superscalar cores such as ARM Cortex-A8
+ * which can run ARM and NEON instructions simultaneously so that extra ARM
+ * instructions do not add (many) extra cycles, but improve prefetch efficiency)
+ *
+ * Note: some types of function can't support advanced prefetch and fallback
+ * to simple one (those which handle 24bpp pixels)
+ */
+/* Prefetch distance in pixels for simple prefetch */
+ * Implementation of pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_asm_neon
+ *
+ * This function takes a8r8g8b8 source buffer, r5g6b5 destination buffer and
+ * performs OVER compositing operation. Function fast_composite_over_8888_0565
+ * from pixman-fast-path.c does the same in C and can be used as a reference.
+ *
+ * First we need to have some NEON assembly code which can do the actual
+ * operation on the pixels and provide it to the template macro.
+ *
+ * Template macro quite conveniently takes care of emitting all the necessary
+ * code for memory reading and writing (including quite tricky cases of
+ * handling unaligned leading/trailing pixels), so we only need to deal with
+ * the data in NEON registers.
+ *
+ * NEON registers allocation in general is recommented to be the following:
+ * d0, d1, d2, d3 - contain loaded source pixel data
+ * d4, d5, d6, d7 - contain loaded destination pixels (if they are needed)
+ * d24, d25, d26, d27 - contain loading mask pixel data (if mask is used)
+ * d28, d29, d30, d31 - place for storing the result (destination pixels)
+ *
+ * As can be seen above, four 64-bit NEON registers are used for keeping
+ * intermediate pixel data and up to 8 pixels can be processed in one step
+ * for 32bpp formats (16 pixels for 16bpp, 32 pixels for 8bpp).
+ *
+ * This particular function uses the following registers allocation:
+ * d0, d1, d2, d3 - contain loaded source pixel data
+ * d4, d5 - contain loaded destination pixels (they are needed)
+ * d28, d29 - place for storing the result (destination pixels)
+ */
+ * Step one. We need to have some code to do some arithmetics on pixel data.
+ * This is implemented as a pair of macros: '*_head' and '*_tail'. When used
+ * back-to-back, they take pixel data from {d0, d1, d2, d3} and {d4, d5},
+ * perform all the needed calculations and write the result to {d28, d29}.
+ * The rationale for having two macros and not just one will be explained
+ * later. In practice, any single monolitic function which does the work can
+ * be split into two parts in any arbitrary way without affecting correctness.
+ *
+ * There is one special trick here too. Common template macro can optionally
+ * make our life a bit easier by doing R, G, B, A color components
+ * deinterleaving for 32bpp pixel formats (and this feature is used in
+ * 'pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_asm_neon' function). So it means that
+ * instead of having 8 packed pixels in {d0, d1, d2, d3} registers, we
+ * actually use d0 register for blue channel (a vector of eight 8-bit
+ * values), d1 register for green, d2 for red and d3 for alpha. This
+ * simple conversion can be also done with a few NEON instructions:
+ *
+ * Packed to planar conversion:
+ * vuzp.8 d0, d1
+ * vuzp.8 d2, d3
+ * vuzp.8 d1, d3
+ * vuzp.8 d0, d2
+ *
+ * Planar to packed conversion:
+ * vzip.8 d0, d2
+ * vzip.8 d1, d3
+ * vzip.8 d2, d3
+ * vzip.8 d0, d1
+ *
+ * But pixel can be loaded directly in planar format using VLD4.8 NEON
+ * instruction. It is 1 cycle slower than VLD1.32, so this is not always
+ * desirable, that's why deinterleaving is optional.
+ *
+ * But anyway, here is the code:
+ */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ /* convert 8 r5g6b5 pixel data from {d4, d5} to planar 8-bit format
+ and put data into d6 - red, d7 - green, d30 - blue */
+ vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8
+ vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
+ vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
+ vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5
+ vmvn.8 d3, d3 /* invert source alpha */
+ vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
+ vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
+ /* now do alpha blending, storing results in 8-bit planar format
+ into d16 - red, d19 - green, d18 - blue */
+ vmull.u8 q10, d3, d6
+ vmull.u8 q11, d3, d7
+ vmull.u8 q12, d3, d30
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q3, q11, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q12, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d20, q10, q13
+ vraddhn.u16 d23, q11, q3
+ vraddhn.u16 d22, q12, q15
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ /* ... continue alpha blending */
+ vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d20
+ vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q11
+ /* convert the result to r5g6b5 and store it into {d28, d29} */
+ vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8
+ vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
+ vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
+ vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
+ vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
+ * OK, now we got almost everything that we need. Using the above two
+ * macros, the work can be done right. But now we want to optimize
+ * it a bit. ARM Cortex-A8 is an in-order core, and benefits really
+ * a lot from good code scheduling and software pipelining.
+ *
+ * Let's construct some code, which will run in the core main loop.
+ * Some pseudo-code of the main loop will look like this:
+ * head
+ * while (...) {
+ * tail
+ * head
+ * }
+ * tail
+ *
+ * It may look a bit weird, but this setup allows to hide instruction
+ * latencies better and also utilize dual-issue capability more
+ * efficiently (make pairs of load-store and ALU instructions).
+ *
+ * So what we need now is a '*_tail_head' macro, which will be used
+ * in the core main loop. A trivial straightforward implementation
+ * of this macro would look like this:
+ *
+ * pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ * vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ * vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ * vld4.32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [SRC]!
+ * pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ * cache_preload 8, 8
+ *
+ * Now it also got some VLD/VST instructions. We simply can't move from
+ * processing one block of pixels to the other one with just arithmetics.
+ * The previously processed data needs to be written to memory and new
+ * data needs to be fetched. Fortunately, this main loop does not deal
+ * with partial leading/trailing pixels and can load/store a full block
+ * of pixels in a bulk. Additionally, destination buffer is already
+ * 16 bytes aligned here (which is good for performance).
+ *
+ * New things here are DST_R, DST_W, SRC and MASK identifiers. These
+ * are the aliases for ARM registers which are used as pointers for
+ * accessing data. We maintain separate pointers for reading and writing
+ * destination buffer (DST_R and DST_W).
+ *
+ * Another new thing is 'cache_preload' macro. It is used for prefetching
+ * data into CPU L2 cache and improve performance when dealing with large
+ * images which are far larger than cache size. It uses one argument
+ * (actually two, but they need to be the same here) - number of pixels
+ * in a block. Looking into 'pixman-arm-neon-asm.h' can provide some
+ * details about this macro. Moreover, if good performance is needed
+ * the code from this macro needs to be copied into '*_tail_head' macro
+ * and mixed with the rest of code for optimal instructions scheduling.
+ * We are actually doing it below.
+ *
+ * Now after all the explanations, here is the optimized code.
+ * Different instruction streams (originaling from '*_head', '*_tail'
+ * and 'cache_preload' macro) use different indentation levels for
+ * better readability. Actually taking the code from one of these
+ * indentation levels and ignoring a few VLD/VST instructions would
+ * result in exactly the code from '*_head', '*_tail' or 'cache_preload'
+ * macro!
+ */
+#if 1
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d20
+ vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q11
+ vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
+ vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
+ vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8
+ PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
+ PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
+ vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5
+ PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ vmvn.8 d3, d3
+ PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
+ vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
+ vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
+ vmull.u8 q10, d3, d6
+ PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
+ vmull.u8 q11, d3, d7
+ vmull.u8 q12, d3, d30
+ PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
+ vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
+ PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
+ vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
+ PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
+ vrshr.u16 q3, q11, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q12, #8
+ PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
+ vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
+ vraddhn.u16 d20, q10, q13
+ vraddhn.u16 d23, q11, q3
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
+ vraddhn.u16 d22, q12, q15
+ vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+/* If we did not care much about the performance, we would just use this... */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ * And now the final part. We are using 'generate_composite_function' macro
+ * to put all the stuff together. We are specifying the name of the function
+ * which we want to get, number of bits per pixel for the source, mask and
+ * destination (0 if unused, like mask in this case). Next come some bit
+ * flags:
+ * FLAG_DST_READWRITE - tells that the destination buffer is both read
+ * and written, for write-only buffer we would use
+ * FLAG_DST_WRITEONLY flag instead
+ * FLAG_DEINTERLEAVE_32BPP - tells that we prefer to work with planar data
+ * and separate color channels for 32bpp format.
+ * The next things are:
+ * - the number of pixels processed per iteration (8 in this case, because
+ * that's the maximum what can fit into four 64-bit NEON registers).
+ * - prefetch distance, measured in pixel blocks. In this case it is 5 times
+ * by 8 pixels. That would be 40 pixels, or up to 160 bytes. Optimal
+ * prefetch distance can be selected by running some benchmarks.
+ *
+ * After that we specify some macros, these are 'default_init',
+ * 'default_cleanup' here which are empty (but it is possible to have custom
+ * init/cleanup macros to be able to save/restore some extra NEON registers
+ * like d8-d15 or do anything else) followed by
+ * 'pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head',
+ * 'pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail' and
+ * 'pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head'
+ * which we got implemented above.
+ *
+ * The last part is the NEON registers allocation scheme.
+ */
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 24 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ /* convert 8 r5g6b5 pixel data from {d4, d5} to planar 8-bit format
+ and put data into d6 - red, d7 - green, d30 - blue */
+ vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8
+ vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
+ vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
+ vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5
+ vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
+ vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
+ /* now do alpha blending, storing results in 8-bit planar format
+ into d16 - red, d19 - green, d18 - blue */
+ vmull.u8 q10, d3, d6
+ vmull.u8 q11, d3, d7
+ vmull.u8 q12, d3, d30
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q3, q11, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q12, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d20, q10, q13
+ vraddhn.u16 d23, q11, q3
+ vraddhn.u16 d22, q12, q15
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ /* ... continue alpha blending */
+ vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d20
+ vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q11
+ /* convert the result to r5g6b5 and store it into {d28, d29} */
+ vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8
+ vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
+ vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
+ vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
+ vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_0565_init
+ vld1.32 {d3[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d0, d3[0]
+ vdup.8 d1, d3[1]
+ vdup.8 d2, d3[2]
+ vdup.8 d3, d3[3]
+ vmvn.8 d3, d3 /* invert source alpha */
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_0565_asm_neon, 0, 0, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_0565_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 24 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ vshll.u8 q8, d1, #8
+ vshll.u8 q14, d2, #8
+ vshll.u8 q9, d0, #8
+.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
+ vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
+.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
+ PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
+ vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
+ PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
+ vshll.u8 q8, d1, #8
+ vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
+ vshll.u8 q14, d2, #8
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
+ vshll.u8 q9, d0, #8
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ vshrn.u16 d30, q0, #8
+ vshrn.u16 d29, q0, #3
+ vsli.u16 q0, q0, #5
+ vmov.u8 d31, #255
+ vsri.u8 d30, d30, #5
+ vsri.u8 d29, d29, #6
+ vshrn.u16 d28, q0, #2
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_asm_neon, 16, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_head
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ PF add PF_X, PF_X, #32
+ PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
+ vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #32
+ PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
+ vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
+ PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
+ PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_asm_neon, 8, 0, 8, \
+ 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
+ vld1.32 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
+ vst1.32 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
+ PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
+ PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
+ pixman_composite_scanline_add_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ vmvn.8 d24, d3 /* get inverted alpha */
+ /* do alpha blending */
+ vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
+ vmull.u8 q9, d24, d5
+ vmull.u8 q10, d24, d6
+ vmull.u8 q11, d24, d7
+.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
+.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
+ PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
+ vmvn.8 d22, d3
+ PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
+ vmull.u8 q8, d22, d4
+ PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
+ vmull.u8 q9, d22, d5
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
+ vmull.u8 q10, d22, d6
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
+ vmull.u8 q11, d22, d7
+generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
+ pixman_composite_scanline_out_reverse_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
+ PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
+ vmvn.8 d22, d3
+ PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
+ vmull.u8 q8, d22, d4
+ PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
+ vmull.u8 q9, d22, d5
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
+ vmull.u8 q10, d22, d6
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
+ vmull.u8 q11, d22, d7
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
+ pixman_composite_scanline_over_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_init
+ vld1.32 {d3[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d0, d3[0]
+ vdup.8 d1, d3[1]
+ vdup.8 d2, d3[2]
+ vdup.8 d3, d3[3]
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_asm_neon, 0, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
+ PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
+ vld4.8 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ vmvn.8 d22, d3
+ PF pld, [PF_DST, PF_X, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
+ vmull.u8 q8, d22, d4
+ PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
+ vmull.u8 q9, d22, d5
+ vmull.u8 q10, d22, d6
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_DST, DST_STRIDE, lsl #dst_bpp_shift]!
+ vmull.u8 q11, d22, d7
+.macro pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_init
+ vld1.32 {d7[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d4, d7[0]
+ vdup.8 d5, d7[1]
+ vdup.8 d6, d7[2]
+ vdup.8 d7, d7[3]
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_asm_neon, 0, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_reverse_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 24 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8 /* IN for SRC pixels (part1) */
+ vmull.u8 q1, d24, d9
+ vmull.u8 q6, d24, d10
+ vmull.u8 q7, d24, d11
+ vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8 /* convert DST_R data to 32-bpp (part1) */
+ vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
+ vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
+ vrshr.u16 q8, q0, #8 /* IN for SRC pixels (part2) */
+ vrshr.u16 q9, q1, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q6, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q7, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q11
+ vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5 /* convert DST_R data to 32-bpp (part2) */
+ vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
+ vmvn.8 d3, d3
+ vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
+ vmull.u8 q8, d3, d6 /* now do alpha blending */
+ vmull.u8 q9, d3, d7
+ vmull.u8 q10, d3, d30
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ /* 3 cycle bubble (after vmull.u8) */
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q10, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d16, q8, q13
+ vraddhn.u16 d27, q9, q11
+ vraddhn.u16 d26, q10, q15
+ vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d16
+ /* 1 cycle bubble */
+ vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q13
+ vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8 /* convert to 16bpp */
+ vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
+ vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
+ vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
+ /* 1 cycle bubble */
+ vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vld1.16 {d4, d5}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ vshrn.u16 d6, q2, #8
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ vshrn.u16 d7, q2, #3
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vmull.u8 q6, d24, d10
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q10, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d16, q8, q13
+ vraddhn.u16 d27, q9, q11
+ vraddhn.u16 d26, q10, q15
+ vqadd.u8 d16, d2, d16
+ vmull.u8 q1, d24, d9
+ vqadd.u8 q9, q0, q13
+ vshll.u8 q14, d16, #8
+ vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8
+ vshll.u8 q8, d19, #8
+ vshll.u8 q9, d18, #8
+ vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
+ vmull.u8 q7, d24, d11
+ vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ vsli.u16 q2, q2, #5
+ vrshr.u16 q8, q0, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q9, q1, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q6, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q7, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q11
+ vsri.u8 d6, d6, #5
+ vsri.u8 d7, d7, #6
+ vmvn.8 d3, d3
+ vshrn.u16 d30, q2, #2
+ vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ vmull.u8 q8, d3, d6
+ vmull.u8 q9, d3, d7
+ vmull.u8 q10, d3, d30
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_asm_neon, 32, 8, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 8, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 24 /* mask_basereg */
+ * This function needs a special initialization of solid mask.
+ * Solid source pixel data is fetched from stack at ARGS_STACK_OFFSET
+ * offset, split into color components and replicated in d8-d11
+ * registers. Additionally, this function needs all the NEON registers,
+ * so it has to save d8-d15 registers which are callee saved according
+ * to ABI. These registers are restored from 'cleanup' macro. All the
+ * other NEON registers are caller saved, so can be clobbered freely
+ * without introducing any problems.
+ */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_init
+ vpush {d8-d15}
+ vld1.32 {d11[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d8, d11[0]
+ vdup.8 d9, d11[1]
+ vdup.8 d10, d11[2]
+ vdup.8 d11, d11[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_cleanup
+ vpop {d8-d15}
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_asm_neon, 0, 8, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_init, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_0565_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_init
+ add DUMMY, sp, #(ARGS_STACK_OFFSET + 8)
+ vpush {d8-d15}
+ vld1.32 {d24[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d24, d24[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_cleanup
+ vpop {d8-d15}
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_init, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_0565_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 8, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 24 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vst1.16 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ cache_preload 16, 16
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_asm_neon, 16, 0, 16, \
+ 16, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_tail
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vst1.8 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_init
+ vld1.32 {d0[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vsli.u64 d0, d0, #8
+ vsli.u64 d0, d0, #16
+ vsli.u64 d0, d0, #32
+ vorr d1, d0, d0
+ vorr q1, q0, q0
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8_cleanup
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8_asm_neon, 0, 0, 8, \
+ 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 0, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8_init, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vst1.16 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_init
+ vld1.32 {d0[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vsli.u64 d0, d0, #16
+ vsli.u64 d0, d0, #32
+ vorr d1, d0, d0
+ vorr q1, q0, q0
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_0565_cleanup
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_0565_asm_neon, 0, 0, 16, \
+ 16, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 0, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_0565_init, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_0565_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vst1.32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_init
+ vld1.32 {d0[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vsli.u64 d0, d0, #32
+ vorr d1, d0, d0
+ vorr q1, q0, q0
+.macro pixman_composite_src_n_8888_cleanup
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8888_asm_neon, 0, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 0, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8888_init, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8888_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+.macro pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vst1.32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ vorr q0, q0, q2
+ vorr q1, q1, q2
+.macro pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+.macro pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vst1.32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vorr q0, q0, q2
+ vorr q1, q1, q2
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+.macro pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_init
+ vmov.u8 q2, #0xFF
+ vshl.u32 q2, q2, #24
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_x888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ /* expecting deinterleaved source data in {d8, d9, d10, d11} */
+ /* d8 - blue, d9 - green, d10 - red, d11 - alpha */
+ /* and destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
+ /* mask is in d24 (d25, d26, d27 are unused) */
+ /* in */
+ vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8
+ vmull.u8 q1, d24, d9
+ vmull.u8 q6, d24, d10
+ vmull.u8 q7, d24, d11
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q0, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q1, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q7, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q11
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
+ vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q13
+ vmvn.8 d24, d3 /* get inverted alpha */
+ /* source: d0 - blue, d1 - green, d2 - red, d3 - alpha */
+ /* destination: d4 - blue, d5 - green, d6 - red, d7 - alpha */
+ /* now do alpha blending */
+ vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
+ vmull.u8 q9, d24, d5
+ vmull.u8 q10, d24, d6
+ vmull.u8 q11, d24, d7
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_init
+ vpush {d8-d15}
+ vld1.32 {d11[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d8, d11[0]
+ vdup.8 d9, d11[1]
+ vdup.8 d10, d11[2]
+ vdup.8 d11, d11[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_cleanup
+ vpop {d8-d15}
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_asm_neon, 0, 8, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_init, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head
+ vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8
+ vmull.u8 q1, d25, d8
+ vmull.u8 q6, d26, d8
+ vmull.u8 q7, d27, d8
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q0, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q1, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q7, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q11
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
+ vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q13
+ vmvn.8 q12, q0
+ vmvn.8 q13, q1
+ vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
+ vmull.u8 q9, d25, d5
+ vmull.u8 q10, d26, d6
+ vmull.u8 q11, d27, d7
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ cache_preload 32, 32
+ vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_init
+ vpush {d8-d15}
+ vld1.32 {d8[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d8, d8[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_cleanup
+ vpop {d8-d15}
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_asm_neon, 0, 8, 8, \
+ 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_init, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_head
+ /*
+ * 'combine_mask_ca' replacement
+ *
+ * input: solid src (n) in {d8, d9, d10, d11}
+ * dest in {d4, d5, d6, d7 }
+ * mask in {d24, d25, d26, d27}
+ * output: updated src in {d0, d1, d2, d3 }
+ * updated mask in {d24, d25, d26, d3 }
+ */
+ vmull.u8 q0, d24, d8
+ vmull.u8 q1, d25, d9
+ vmull.u8 q6, d26, d10
+ vmull.u8 q7, d27, d11
+ vmull.u8 q9, d11, d25
+ vmull.u8 q12, d11, d24
+ vmull.u8 q13, d11, d26
+ vrshr.u16 q8, q0, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q1, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q6, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q11
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q12, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q8, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q6, q13, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q7, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d24, q12, q11
+ vraddhn.u16 d25, q9, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d26, q13, q6
+ vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q10
+ /*
+ * 'combine_over_ca' replacement
+ *
+ * output: updated dest in {d28, d29, d30, d31}
+ */
+ vmvn.8 d24, d24
+ vmvn.8 d25, d25
+ vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
+ vmull.u8 q9, d25, d5
+ vmvn.8 d26, d26
+ vmvn.8 d27, d3
+ vmull.u8 q10, d26, d6
+ vmull.u8 q11, d27, d7
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_tail
+ /* ... continue 'combine_over_ca' replacement */
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q6, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q7, q11, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q6, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q7, q11
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ vrshr.u16 q6, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q7, q11, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q6, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q7, q11
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_head
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_init
+ vpush {d8-d15}
+ vld1.32 {d11[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d8, d11[0]
+ vdup.8 d9, d11[1]
+ vdup.8 d10, d11[2]
+ vdup.8 d11, d11[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_cleanup
+ vpop {d8-d15}
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_asm_neon, 0, 32, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_init, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_head
+ /* expecting source data in {d0, d1, d2, d3} */
+ /* and destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
+ vmull.u8 q8, d4, d3
+ vmull.u8 q9, d5, d3
+ vmull.u8 q10, d6, d3
+ vmull.u8 q11, d7, d3
+.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q8, q14
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q9, q15
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q10, q12
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q11, q13
+.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail
+ vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ cache_preload 32, 32
+ pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_head
+ vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_init
+ vld1.32 {d3[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d3, d3[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_in_n_8_cleanup
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_in_n_8_asm_neon, 0, 0, 8, \
+ 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_in_n_8_init, \
+ pixman_composite_in_n_8_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_in_n_8_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 24 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head
+ /* expecting source data in {d8, d9, d10, d11} */
+ /* d8 - blue, d9 - green, d10 - red, d11 - alpha */
+ /* and destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
+ /* mask is in d24, d25, d26, d27 */
+ vmull.u8 q0, d24, d11
+ vmull.u8 q1, d25, d11
+ vmull.u8 q6, d26, d11
+ vmull.u8 q7, d27, d11
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q0, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q1, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q7, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q11
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
+ vraddhn.u16 d3, q7, q13
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
+.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
+ vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ cache_preload 32, 32
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_init
+ vpush {d8-d15}
+ vld1.32 {d11[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d11, d11[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_cleanup
+ vpop {d8-d15}
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_asm_neon, 0, 8, 8, \
+ 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_init, \
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_head
+ /* expecting source data in {d0, d1, d2, d3} */
+ /* destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
+ /* mask in {d24, d25, d26, d27} */
+ vmull.u8 q8, d24, d0
+ vmull.u8 q9, d25, d1
+ vmull.u8 q10, d26, d2
+ vmull.u8 q11, d27, d3
+ vrshr.u16 q0, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q1, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q0, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q1, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q12, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d3, q13, q11
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q2
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q3
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail
+ vst1.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ vld1.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ cache_preload 32, 32
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_init
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_cleanup
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_asm_neon, 8, 8, 8, \
+ 32, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_init, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8_8_8_process_pixblock_tail_head
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ /* expecting source data in {d0, d1, d2, d3} */
+ /* destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
+ /* mask in {d24, d25, d26, d27} */
+ vmull.u8 q8, d27, d0
+ vmull.u8 q9, d27, d1
+ vmull.u8 q10, d27, d2
+ vmull.u8 q11, d27, d3
+ /* 1 cycle bubble */
+ vrsra.u16 q8, q8, #8
+ vrsra.u16 q9, q9, #8
+ vrsra.u16 q10, q10, #8
+ vrsra.u16 q11, q11, #8
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ /* 2 cycle bubble */
+ vrshrn.u16 d28, q8, #8
+ vrshrn.u16 d29, q9, #8
+ vrshrn.u16 d30, q10, #8
+ vrshrn.u16 d31, q11, #8
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q2, q14
+ /* 1 cycle bubble */
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q3, q15
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vrshrn.u16 d28, q8, #8
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ vrshrn.u16 d29, q9, #8
+ vmull.u8 q8, d27, d0
+ vrshrn.u16 d30, q10, #8
+ vmull.u8 q9, d27, d1
+ vrshrn.u16 d31, q11, #8
+ vmull.u8 q10, d27, d2
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q2, q14
+ vmull.u8 q11, d27, d3
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q3, q15
+ vrsra.u16 q8, q8, #8
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ vrsra.u16 q9, q9, #8
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ vrsra.u16 q10, q10, #8
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ vrsra.u16 q11, q11, #8
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
+ pixman_composite_scanline_add_mask_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8_8888_asm_neon, 32, 8, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 27 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_init
+ vld1.32 {d3[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d0, d3[0]
+ vdup.8 d1, d3[1]
+ vdup.8 d2, d3[2]
+ vdup.8 d3, d3[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_cleanup
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_asm_neon, 0, 8, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_init, \
+ pixman_composite_add_n_8_8888_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 27 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_init
+ add DUMMY, sp, #(ARGS_STACK_OFFSET + 8)
+ vld1.32 {d27[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d27, d27[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_cleanup
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_init, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_n_8888_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 27 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ /* expecting source data in {d0, d1, d2, d3} */
+ /* destination data in {d4, d5, d6, d7} */
+ /* solid mask is in d15 */
+ /* 'in' */
+ vmull.u8 q8, d15, d3
+ vmull.u8 q6, d15, d2
+ vmull.u8 q5, d15, d1
+ vmull.u8 q4, d15, d0
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q5, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q4, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d3, q8, q13
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q5, q11
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q4, q10
+ vmvn.8 d24, d3 /* get inverted alpha */
+ /* now do alpha blending */
+ vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
+ vmull.u8 q9, d24, d5
+ vmull.u8 q10, d24, d6
+ vmull.u8 q11, d24, d7
+.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q11, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q10
+ vraddhn.u16 d31, q13, q11
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
+ pixman_composite_scanline_out_reverse_mask_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 12 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vqadd.u8 q14, q0, q14
+ vqadd.u8 q15, q1, q15
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_init
+ add DUMMY, sp, #48
+ vpush {d8-d15}
+ vld1.32 {d15[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d15, d15[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_cleanup
+ vpop {d8-d15}
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_init, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_8888_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 12 /* mask_basereg */
+generate_composite_function_single_scanline \
+ pixman_composite_scanline_over_mask_asm_neon, 32, 32, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 12 /* mask_basereg */
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_8888_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vld4.8 {d4, d5, d6, d7}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_8888_asm_neon, 32, 8, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_n_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 15 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_head
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_tail
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vst3.8 {d0, d1, d2}, [DST_W]!
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_asm_neon, 24, 0, 24, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_0888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_head
+ vswp d0, d2
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_tail
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vst4.8 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [DST_W]!
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vswp d0, d2
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_init
+ veor d3, d3, d3
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_asm_neon, 24, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_8888_rev_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 0, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_head
+ vshll.u8 q8, d1, #8
+ vshll.u8 q9, d2, #8
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_tail
+ vshll.u8 q14, d0, #8
+ vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
+ vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
+.macro pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vshll.u8 q14, d0, #8
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vsri.u16 q14, q8, #5
+ vsri.u16 q14, q9, #11
+ vshll.u8 q8, d1, #8
+ vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ vshll.u8 q9, d2, #8
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_asm_neon, 24, 0, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0888_0565_rev_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ vmull.u8 q8, d3, d0
+ vmull.u8 q9, d3, d1
+ vmull.u8 q10, d3, d2
+.macro pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q8, #8
+ vswp d3, d31
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q11, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q12, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q13, q10
+.macro pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q8, #8
+ vswp d3, d31
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q11, q8
+ PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
+ PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q12, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q13, q10
+ vmull.u8 q8, d3, d0
+ vmull.u8 q9, d3, d1
+ vmull.u8 q10, d3, d2
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
+ PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_pixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_head
+ vmull.u8 q8, d3, d0
+ vmull.u8 q9, d3, d1
+ vmull.u8 q10, d3, d2
+.macro pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q8, #8
+ vswp d3, d31
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q11, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q12, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q13, q10
+.macro pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q8, #8
+ vswp d3, d31
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q13, q10, #8
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q11, q8
+ PF add PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF tst PF_CTL, #0xF
+ PF addne PF_X, PF_X, #8
+ PF subne PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #1
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q12, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q13, q10
+ vmull.u8 q8, d3, d0
+ vmull.u8 q9, d3, d1
+ vmull.u8 q10, d3, d2
+ vst4.8 {d28, d29, d30, d31}, [DST_W, :128]!
+ PF cmp PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF pld, [PF_SRC, PF_X, lsl #src_bpp_shift]
+ PF subge PF_X, PF_X, ORIG_W
+ PF subges PF_CTL, PF_CTL, #0x10
+ PF ldrgeb DUMMY, [PF_SRC, SRC_STRIDE, lsl #src_bpp_shift]!
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 10, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ /* mask is in d15 */
+ convert_0565_to_x888 q4, d2, d1, d0
+ convert_0565_to_x888 q5, d6, d5, d4
+ /* source pixel data is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
+ /* destination pixel data is in {d4, d5, d6, XX} */
+ vmvn.8 d7, d15
+ vmull.u8 q6, d15, d2
+ vmull.u8 q5, d15, d1
+ vmull.u8 q4, d15, d0
+ vmull.u8 q8, d7, d4
+ vmull.u8 q9, d7, d5
+ vmull.u8 q13, d7, d6
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q5, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q4, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q5, q11
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q4, q10
+.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q13, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d28, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d29, q15, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d30, q12, q13
+ vqadd.u8 q0, q0, q14
+ vqadd.u8 q1, q1, q15
+ /* 32bpp result is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
+ convert_8888_to_0565 d2, d1, d0, q14, q15, q3
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vld1.16 {d10, d11}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_asm_neon, 16, 8, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 8, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 15 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_init
+ add DUMMY, sp, #(ARGS_STACK_OFFSET + 8)
+ vpush {d8-d15}
+ vld1.32 {d15[0]}, [DUMMY]
+ vdup.8 d15, d15[3]
+.macro pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_cleanup
+ vpop {d8-d15}
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_asm_neon, 16, 0, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_init, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_n_0565_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 8, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 15 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ /* mask is in d15 */
+ convert_0565_to_x888 q4, d2, d1, d0
+ convert_0565_to_x888 q5, d6, d5, d4
+ /* source pixel data is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
+ /* destination pixel data is in {d4, d5, d6, XX} */
+ vmull.u8 q6, d15, d2
+ vmull.u8 q5, d15, d1
+ vmull.u8 q4, d15, d0
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q6, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q11, q5, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q10, q4, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q6, q12
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q5, q11
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q4, q10
+.macro pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ vqadd.u8 q0, q0, q2
+ vqadd.u8 q1, q1, q3
+ /* 32bpp result is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
+ convert_8888_to_0565 d2, d1, d0, q14, q15, q3
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ fetch_mask_pixblock
+ pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ vld1.16 {d10, d11}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_asm_neon, 16, 8, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_add_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 8, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 15 /* mask_basereg */
+.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ /* mask is in d15 */
+ convert_0565_to_x888 q5, d6, d5, d4
+ /* destination pixel data is in {d4, d5, d6, xx} */
+ vmvn.8 d24, d15 /* get inverted alpha */
+ /* now do alpha blending */
+ vmull.u8 q8, d24, d4
+ vmull.u8 q9, d24, d5
+ vmull.u8 q10, d24, d6
+.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ vrshr.u16 q14, q8, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q15, q9, #8
+ vrshr.u16 q12, q10, #8
+ vraddhn.u16 d0, q14, q8
+ vraddhn.u16 d1, q15, q9
+ vraddhn.u16 d2, q12, q10
+ /* 32bpp result is in {d0, d1, d2, XX} */
+ convert_8888_to_0565 d2, d1, d0, q14, q15, q3
+/* TODO: expand macros and do better instructions scheduling */
+.macro pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+ fetch_src_pixblock
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail
+ vld1.16 {d10, d11}, [DST_R, :128]!
+ cache_preload 8, 8
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_head
+ vst1.16 {d28, d29}, [DST_W, :128]!
+generate_composite_function \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_asm_neon, 8, 0, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ 5, /* prefetch distance */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_out_reverse_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 15, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 0 /* mask_basereg */
+generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
+ pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_8888_8888_OVER_asm_neon, 32, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
+ pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_8888_0565_OVER_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 0, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 24 /* mask_basereg */
+generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
+ pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_8888_0565_SRC_asm_neon, 32, 0, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head
+generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
+ pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_0565_8888_SRC_asm_neon, 16, 0, 32, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init, \
+ default_cleanup, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_8888_process_pixblock_tail_head
+generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
+ pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_8888_8_0565_OVER_asm_neon, 32, 8, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_8888_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 4, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 8, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 24 /* mask_basereg */
+generate_composite_function_nearest_scanline \
+ pixman_scaled_nearest_scanline_0565_8_0565_OVER_asm_neon, 16, 8, 16, \
+ 8, /* number of pixels, processed in a single block */ \
+ default_init_need_all_regs, \
+ default_cleanup_need_all_regs, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_head, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail, \
+ pixman_composite_over_0565_8_0565_process_pixblock_tail_head, \
+ 28, /* dst_w_basereg */ \
+ 10, /* dst_r_basereg */ \
+ 8, /* src_basereg */ \
+ 15 /* mask_basereg */
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-neon.c b/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-neon.c
index 3e0c0d1c2..24a8b0886 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-neon.c
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-arm-neon.c
@@ -1,441 +1,441 @@
- * Copyright © 2009 ARM Ltd, Movial Creative Technologies Oy
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of ARM Ltd not be used in
- * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
- * specific, written prior permission. ARM Ltd makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It
- * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Author: Ian Rickards (ian.rickards@arm.com)
- * Author: Jonathan Morton (jonathan.morton@movial.com)
- * Author: Markku Vire (markku.vire@movial.com)
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "pixman-private.h"
-#include "pixman-arm-common.h"
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_8888_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_x888_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0565_0565,
- uint16_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0888_0888,
- uint8_t, 3, uint8_t, 3)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_8888_0565,
- uint32_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0565_8888,
- uint16_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0888_8888_rev,
- uint8_t, 3, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0888_0565_rev,
- uint8_t, 3, uint16_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_pixbuf_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_rpixbuf_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
- uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, add_8888_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, over_8888_0565,
- uint32_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, over_8888_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, out_reverse_8_0565,
- uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
- uint16_t, 1)
- uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_DST (SKIP_ZERO_SRC, neon, over_reverse_n_8888,
- uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_DST (0, neon, in_n_8,
- uint8_t, 1)
- uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
- uint8_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_MASK_DST (SKIP_ZERO_SRC, neon, over_n_8888_8888_ca,
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
- uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1)
- uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1)
- uint8_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
- uint32_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
- uint16_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
- uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, add_0565_8_0565,
- uint16_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, add_8888_8_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, add_8888_8888_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, over_8888_8_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, over_8888_8888_8888,
- uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, over_8888_8_0565,
- uint32_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
-PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, over_0565_8_0565,
- uint16_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
- uint32_t, uint32_t)
- uint32_t, uint16_t)
- uint32_t, uint16_t)
- uint16_t, uint32_t)
- OVER, uint32_t, uint16_t)
- OVER, uint16_t, uint16_t)
-pixman_composite_src_n_8_asm_neon (int32_t w,
- int32_t h,
- uint8_t *dst,
- int32_t dst_stride,
- uint8_t src);
-pixman_composite_src_n_0565_asm_neon (int32_t w,
- int32_t h,
- uint16_t *dst,
- int32_t dst_stride,
- uint16_t src);
-pixman_composite_src_n_8888_asm_neon (int32_t w,
- int32_t h,
- uint32_t *dst,
- int32_t dst_stride,
- uint32_t src);
-static pixman_bool_t
-pixman_fill_neon (uint32_t *bits,
- int stride,
- int bpp,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- uint32_t _xor)
- /* stride is always multiple of 32bit units in pixman */
- uint32_t byte_stride = stride * sizeof(uint32_t);
- switch (bpp)
- {
- case 8:
- pixman_composite_src_n_8_asm_neon (
- width,
- height,
- (uint8_t *)(((char *) bits) + y * byte_stride + x),
- byte_stride,
- _xor & 0xff);
- return TRUE;
- case 16:
- pixman_composite_src_n_0565_asm_neon (
- width,
- height,
- (uint16_t *)(((char *) bits) + y * byte_stride + x * 2),
- byte_stride / 2,
- _xor & 0xffff);
- return TRUE;
- case 32:
- pixman_composite_src_n_8888_asm_neon (
- width,
- height,
- (uint32_t *)(((char *) bits) + y * byte_stride + x * 4),
- byte_stride / 4,
- _xor);
- return TRUE;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
-static pixman_bool_t
-pixman_blt_neon (uint32_t *src_bits,
- uint32_t *dst_bits,
- int src_stride,
- int dst_stride,
- int src_bpp,
- int dst_bpp,
- int src_x,
- int src_y,
- int dst_x,
- int dst_y,
- int width,
- int height)
- if (src_bpp != dst_bpp)
- return FALSE;
- switch (src_bpp)
- {
- case 16:
- pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_asm_neon (
- width, height,
- (uint16_t *)(((char *) dst_bits) +
- dst_y * dst_stride * 4 + dst_x * 2), dst_stride * 2,
- (uint16_t *)(((char *) src_bits) +
- src_y * src_stride * 4 + src_x * 2), src_stride * 2);
- return TRUE;
- case 32:
- pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_asm_neon (
- width, height,
- (uint32_t *)(((char *) dst_bits) +
- dst_y * dst_stride * 4 + dst_x * 4), dst_stride,
- (uint32_t *)(((char *) src_bits) +
- src_y * src_stride * 4 + src_x * 4), src_stride);
- return TRUE;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
-static const pixman_fast_path_t arm_neon_fast_paths[] =
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_src_0565_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_src_0565_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_src_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_src_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_src_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_src_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_0565_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_0565_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_0565_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_0565_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_x888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_x888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r8g8b8, null, r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_0888_0888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_0888_8888_rev),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_src_0888_0565_rev),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, pixbuf, pixbuf, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_pixbuf_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, pixbuf, pixbuf, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_pixbuf_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_n_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_n_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_n_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_8888_n_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, solid, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_8888_n_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, r5g6b5, solid, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_0565_n_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, b5g6r5, solid, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_0565_n_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_8888_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_8888_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, r5g6b5, a8, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_0565_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, b5g6r5, a8, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_0565_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_x888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_x888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8, neon_composite_add_n_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_add_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8, a8, a8, neon_composite_add_8_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, r5g6b5, a8, r5g6b5, neon_composite_add_0565_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, b5g6r5, a8, b5g6r5, neon_composite_add_0565_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_add_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_8888_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, solid, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_8888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, solid, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_add_8888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8, null, a8, neon_composite_add_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_add_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, solid, null, a8, neon_composite_in_n_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OUT_REVERSE, a8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_out_reverse_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OUT_REVERSE, a8, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_out_reverse_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, neon_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, neon_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, neon_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, neon_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, neon_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, neon_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, neon_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, neon_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, neon_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, neon_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, x8b8g8r8, neon_0565_8888),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, x8r8g8b8, neon_0565_8888),
- /* Note: NONE repeat is not supported yet */
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (SRC, r5g6b5, a8r8g8b8, neon_0565_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (SRC, b5g6r5, a8b8g8r8, neon_0565_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (SRC, r5g6b5, a8r8g8b8, neon_0565_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (SRC, b5g6r5, a8b8g8r8, neon_0565_8888),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, neon_8888_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, neon_8888_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, r5g6b5, r5g6b5, neon_0565_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, b5g6r5, b5g6r5, neon_0565_8_0565),
-static pixman_bool_t
-arm_neon_blt (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- uint32_t * src_bits,
- uint32_t * dst_bits,
- int src_stride,
- int dst_stride,
- int src_bpp,
- int dst_bpp,
- int src_x,
- int src_y,
- int dst_x,
- int dst_y,
- int width,
- int height)
- if (!pixman_blt_neon (
- src_bits, dst_bits, src_stride, dst_stride, src_bpp, dst_bpp,
- src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height))
- {
- return _pixman_implementation_blt (
- imp->delegate,
- src_bits, dst_bits, src_stride, dst_stride, src_bpp, dst_bpp,
- src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
- }
- return TRUE;
-static pixman_bool_t
-arm_neon_fill (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- uint32_t * bits,
- int stride,
- int bpp,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- uint32_t xor)
- if (pixman_fill_neon (bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor))
- return TRUE;
- return _pixman_implementation_fill (
- imp->delegate, bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor);
-#define BIND_COMBINE_U(name) \
-void \
-pixman_composite_scanline_##name##_mask_asm_neon (int32_t w, \
- const uint32_t *dst, \
- const uint32_t *src, \
- const uint32_t *mask); \
- \
-void \
-pixman_composite_scanline_##name##_asm_neon (int32_t w, \
- const uint32_t *dst, \
- const uint32_t *src); \
- \
-static void \
-neon_combine_##name##_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
- pixman_op_t op, \
- uint32_t * dest, \
- const uint32_t * src, \
- const uint32_t * mask, \
- int width) \
-{ \
- if (mask) \
- pixman_composite_scanline_##name##_mask_asm_neon (width, dest, \
- src, mask); \
- else \
- pixman_composite_scanline_##name##_asm_neon (width, dest, src); \
-BIND_COMBINE_U (out_reverse)
-pixman_implementation_t *
-_pixman_implementation_create_arm_neon (pixman_implementation_t *fallback)
- pixman_implementation_t *imp =
- _pixman_implementation_create (fallback, arm_neon_fast_paths);
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OVER] = neon_combine_over_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_ADD] = neon_combine_add_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE] = neon_combine_out_reverse_u;
- imp->blt = arm_neon_blt;
- imp->fill = arm_neon_fill;
- return imp;
+ * Copyright © 2009 ARM Ltd, Movial Creative Technologies Oy
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation, and that the name of ARM Ltd not be used in
+ * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
+ * specific, written prior permission. ARM Ltd makes no
+ * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It
+ * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Ian Rickards (ian.rickards@arm.com)
+ * Author: Jonathan Morton (jonathan.morton@movial.com)
+ * Author: Markku Vire (markku.vire@movial.com)
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "pixman-private.h"
+#include "pixman-arm-common.h"
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_8888_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_x888_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0565_0565,
+ uint16_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0888_0888,
+ uint8_t, 3, uint8_t, 3)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_8888_0565,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0565_8888,
+ uint16_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0888_8888_rev,
+ uint8_t, 3, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_0888_0565_rev,
+ uint8_t, 3, uint16_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_pixbuf_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, src_rpixbuf_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+ uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, add_8888_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, over_8888_0565,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, over_8888_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (neon, out_reverse_8_0565,
+ uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+ uint16_t, 1)
+ uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_DST (SKIP_ZERO_SRC, neon, over_reverse_n_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_DST (0, neon, in_n_8,
+ uint8_t, 1)
+ uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+ uint8_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_MASK_DST (SKIP_ZERO_SRC, neon, over_n_8888_8888_ca,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+ uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1)
+ uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1)
+ uint8_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+ uint32_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+ uint16_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+ uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, add_0565_8_0565,
+ uint16_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, add_8888_8_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, add_8888_8888_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, over_8888_8_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, over_8888_8888_8888,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, over_8888_8_0565,
+ uint32_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_MASK_DST (neon, over_0565_8_0565,
+ uint16_t, 1, uint8_t, 1, uint16_t, 1)
+ uint32_t, uint32_t)
+ uint32_t, uint16_t)
+ uint32_t, uint16_t)
+ uint16_t, uint32_t)
+ OVER, uint32_t, uint16_t)
+ OVER, uint16_t, uint16_t)
+pixman_composite_src_n_8_asm_neon (int32_t w,
+ int32_t h,
+ uint8_t *dst,
+ int32_t dst_stride,
+ uint8_t src);
+pixman_composite_src_n_0565_asm_neon (int32_t w,
+ int32_t h,
+ uint16_t *dst,
+ int32_t dst_stride,
+ uint16_t src);
+pixman_composite_src_n_8888_asm_neon (int32_t w,
+ int32_t h,
+ uint32_t *dst,
+ int32_t dst_stride,
+ uint32_t src);
+static pixman_bool_t
+pixman_fill_neon (uint32_t *bits,
+ int stride,
+ int bpp,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ uint32_t _xor)
+ /* stride is always multiple of 32bit units in pixman */
+ uint32_t byte_stride = stride * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ switch (bpp)
+ {
+ case 8:
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8_asm_neon (
+ width,
+ height,
+ (uint8_t *)(((char *) bits) + y * byte_stride + x),
+ byte_stride,
+ _xor & 0xff);
+ return TRUE;
+ case 16:
+ pixman_composite_src_n_0565_asm_neon (
+ width,
+ height,
+ (uint16_t *)(((char *) bits) + y * byte_stride + x * 2),
+ byte_stride / 2,
+ _xor & 0xffff);
+ return TRUE;
+ case 32:
+ pixman_composite_src_n_8888_asm_neon (
+ width,
+ height,
+ (uint32_t *)(((char *) bits) + y * byte_stride + x * 4),
+ byte_stride / 4,
+ _xor);
+ return TRUE;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static pixman_bool_t
+pixman_blt_neon (uint32_t *src_bits,
+ uint32_t *dst_bits,
+ int src_stride,
+ int dst_stride,
+ int src_bpp,
+ int dst_bpp,
+ int src_x,
+ int src_y,
+ int dst_x,
+ int dst_y,
+ int width,
+ int height)
+ if (src_bpp != dst_bpp)
+ return FALSE;
+ switch (src_bpp)
+ {
+ case 16:
+ pixman_composite_src_0565_0565_asm_neon (
+ width, height,
+ (uint16_t *)(((char *) dst_bits) +
+ dst_y * dst_stride * 4 + dst_x * 2), dst_stride * 2,
+ (uint16_t *)(((char *) src_bits) +
+ src_y * src_stride * 4 + src_x * 2), src_stride * 2);
+ return TRUE;
+ case 32:
+ pixman_composite_src_8888_8888_asm_neon (
+ width, height,
+ (uint32_t *)(((char *) dst_bits) +
+ dst_y * dst_stride * 4 + dst_x * 4), dst_stride,
+ (uint32_t *)(((char *) src_bits) +
+ src_y * src_stride * 4 + src_x * 4), src_stride);
+ return TRUE;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static const pixman_fast_path_t arm_neon_fast_paths[] =
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_src_0565_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_src_0565_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_src_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_src_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_src_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_src_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_0565_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_0565_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_0565_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_0565_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_x888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_x888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r8g8b8, null, r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_0888_0888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_0888_8888_rev),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_src_0888_0565_rev),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, pixbuf, pixbuf, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_pixbuf_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, pixbuf, pixbuf, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_rpixbuf_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_pixbuf_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_n_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_n_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_n_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_8888_n_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, solid, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_8888_n_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, r5g6b5, solid, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_0565_n_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, b5g6r5, solid, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_0565_n_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_8888_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_8888_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, r5g6b5, a8, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_0565_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, b5g6r5, a8, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_0565_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_over_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_over_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_src_x888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_src_x888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8, neon_composite_add_n_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_add_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8, a8, a8, neon_composite_add_8_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, r5g6b5, a8, r5g6b5, neon_composite_add_0565_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, b5g6r5, a8, b5g6r5, neon_composite_add_0565_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_add_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_8888_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, solid, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_8888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, solid, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_add_8888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8, null, a8, neon_composite_add_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_add_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_add_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, solid, null, a8, neon_composite_in_n_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, neon_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8b8g8r8, neon_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OUT_REVERSE, a8, null, r5g6b5, neon_composite_out_reverse_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OUT_REVERSE, a8, null, b5g6r5, neon_composite_out_reverse_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, neon_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, neon_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, neon_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, neon_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, neon_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, neon_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, neon_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, neon_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, neon_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, neon_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, x8b8g8r8, neon_0565_8888),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, x8r8g8b8, neon_0565_8888),
+ /* Note: NONE repeat is not supported yet */
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (SRC, r5g6b5, a8r8g8b8, neon_0565_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (SRC, b5g6r5, a8b8g8r8, neon_0565_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (SRC, r5g6b5, a8r8g8b8, neon_0565_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (SRC, b5g6r5, a8b8g8r8, neon_0565_8888),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, neon_8888_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, neon_8888_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, r5g6b5, r5g6b5, neon_0565_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_ARM_SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, b5g6r5, b5g6r5, neon_0565_8_0565),
+static pixman_bool_t
+arm_neon_blt (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ uint32_t * src_bits,
+ uint32_t * dst_bits,
+ int src_stride,
+ int dst_stride,
+ int src_bpp,
+ int dst_bpp,
+ int src_x,
+ int src_y,
+ int dst_x,
+ int dst_y,
+ int width,
+ int height)
+ if (!pixman_blt_neon (
+ src_bits, dst_bits, src_stride, dst_stride, src_bpp, dst_bpp,
+ src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height))
+ {
+ return _pixman_implementation_blt (
+ imp->delegate,
+ src_bits, dst_bits, src_stride, dst_stride, src_bpp, dst_bpp,
+ src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static pixman_bool_t
+arm_neon_fill (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ uint32_t * bits,
+ int stride,
+ int bpp,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ uint32_t xor)
+ if (pixman_fill_neon (bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor))
+ return TRUE;
+ return _pixman_implementation_fill (
+ imp->delegate, bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor);
+#define BIND_COMBINE_U(name) \
+void \
+pixman_composite_scanline_##name##_mask_asm_neon (int32_t w, \
+ const uint32_t *dst, \
+ const uint32_t *src, \
+ const uint32_t *mask); \
+ \
+void \
+pixman_composite_scanline_##name##_asm_neon (int32_t w, \
+ const uint32_t *dst, \
+ const uint32_t *src); \
+ \
+static void \
+neon_combine_##name##_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
+ pixman_op_t op, \
+ uint32_t * dest, \
+ const uint32_t * src, \
+ const uint32_t * mask, \
+ int width) \
+{ \
+ if (mask) \
+ pixman_composite_scanline_##name##_mask_asm_neon (width, dest, \
+ src, mask); \
+ else \
+ pixman_composite_scanline_##name##_asm_neon (width, dest, src); \
+BIND_COMBINE_U (out_reverse)
+pixman_implementation_t *
+_pixman_implementation_create_arm_neon (pixman_implementation_t *fallback)
+ pixman_implementation_t *imp =
+ _pixman_implementation_create (fallback, arm_neon_fast_paths);
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OVER] = neon_combine_over_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_ADD] = neon_combine_add_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE] = neon_combine_out_reverse_u;
+ imp->blt = arm_neon_blt;
+ imp->fill = arm_neon_fill;
+ return imp;
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-compiler.h b/pixman/pixman/pixman-compiler.h
index 8f6c787f6..ebbffc3f3 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman/pixman-compiler.h
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-compiler.h
@@ -89,10 +89,22 @@
# define PIXMAN_GET_THREAD_LOCAL(name) \
-#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__WIN64)
-# include <windows.h>
+/* We can't include <windows.h> as it causes carious clashes with
+ * identifiers in pixman, sigh. So just declare the functions we need
+ * here.
+ */
+extern long __stdcall InterlockedCompareExchange(long volatile *, long, long);
+#define InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(d,e,c) \
+ (void *)InterlockedCompareExchange((long volatile *)(d),(long)(e),(long)(c))
+extern int __stdcall TlsAlloc (void);
+extern void * __stdcall TlsGetValue (unsigned);
+extern int __stdcall TlsSetValue (unsigned, void *);
+extern void * __stdcall CreateMutexA(void *, int, char *);
+extern int __stdcall CloseHandle(void *);
+extern unsigned __stdcall WaitForSingleObject (void *, unsigned);
+extern int __stdcall ReleaseMutex (void *);
# define PIXMAN_DEFINE_THREAD_LOCAL(type, name) \
static volatile int tls_ ## name ## _initialized = 0; \
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-fast-path.c b/pixman/pixman/pixman-fast-path.c
index 92f030871..5c0965d83 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman/pixman-fast-path.c
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-fast-path.c
@@ -1,2228 +1,2228 @@
-/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*- */
- * Copyright © 2000 SuSE, Inc.
- * Copyright © 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of SuSE not be used in advertising or
- * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
- * written prior permission. SuSE makes no representations about the
- * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
- * without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Author: Keith Packard, SuSE, Inc.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "pixman-private.h"
-#include "pixman-combine32.h"
-#include "pixman-fast-path.h"
-static force_inline uint32_t
-fetch_24 (uint8_t *a)
- if (((unsigned long)a) & 1)
- {
- return (*a << 16) | (*(uint16_t *)(a + 1));
- return *a | (*(uint16_t *)(a + 1) << 8);
- }
- else
- {
- return (*(uint16_t *)a << 8) | *(a + 2);
- return *(uint16_t *)a | (*(a + 2) << 16);
- }
-static force_inline void
-store_24 (uint8_t *a,
- uint32_t v)
- if (((unsigned long)a) & 1)
- {
- *a = (uint8_t) (v >> 16);
- *(uint16_t *)(a + 1) = (uint16_t) (v);
- *a = (uint8_t) (v);
- *(uint16_t *)(a + 1) = (uint16_t) (v >> 8);
- }
- else
- {
- *(uint16_t *)a = (uint16_t)(v >> 8);
- *(a + 2) = (uint8_t)v;
- *(uint16_t *)a = (uint16_t)v;
- *(a + 2) = (uint8_t)(v >> 16);
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-over (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t dest)
- uint32_t a = ~src >> 24;
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (dest, a, src);
- return dest;
-static uint32_t
-in (uint32_t x,
- uint8_t y)
- uint16_t a = y;
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8 (x, a);
- return x;
- * Naming convention:
- *
- * op_src_mask_dest
- */
-static void
-fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *src, *src_line;
- uint32_t *dst, *dst_line;
- uint8_t *mask, *mask_line;
- int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
- uint8_t m;
- uint32_t s, d;
- int32_t w;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- m = *mask++;
- if (m)
- {
- s = *src | 0xff000000;
- if (m == 0xff)
- {
- *dst = s;
- }
- else
- {
- d = in (s, m);
- *dst = over (d, *dst);
- }
- }
- src++;
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_in_n_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dest_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint16_t t;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dest_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dest_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- if (srca == 0xff)
- {
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- m = *mask++;
- if (m == 0)
- *dst = 0;
- else if (m != 0xff)
- *dst = MUL_UN8 (m, *dst, t);
- dst++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- m = *mask++;
- m = MUL_UN8 (m, srca, t);
- if (m == 0)
- *dst = 0;
- else if (m != 0xff)
- *dst = MUL_UN8 (m, *dst, t);
- dst++;
- }
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_in_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dest_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *src_line, *src;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint8_t s;
- uint16_t t;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint8_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dest_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- s = *src++;
- if (s == 0)
- *dst = 0;
- else if (s != 0xff)
- *dst = MUL_UN8 (s, *dst, t);
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_over_n_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- m = *mask++;
- if (m == 0xff)
- {
- if (srca == 0xff)
- *dst = src;
- else
- *dst = over (src, *dst);
- }
- else if (m)
- {
- d = in (src, m);
- *dst = over (d, *dst);
- }
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_add_n_8888_8888_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, s;
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- uint32_t *mask_line, *mask, ma;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- ma = *mask++;
- if (ma)
- {
- d = *dst;
- s = src;
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4_ADD_UN8x4 (s, ma, d);
- *dst = s;
- }
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca, s;
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- uint32_t *mask_line, *mask, ma;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- ma = *mask++;
- if (ma == 0xffffffff)
- {
- if (srca == 0xff)
- *dst = src;
- else
- *dst = over (src, *dst);
- }
- else if (ma)
- {
- d = *dst;
- s = src;
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4 (s, ma);
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8 (ma, srca);
- ma = ~ma;
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4_ADD_UN8x4 (d, ma, s);
- *dst = d;
- }
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_over_n_8_0888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t d;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 3);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- m = *mask++;
- if (m == 0xff)
- {
- if (srca == 0xff)
- {
- d = src;
- }
- else
- {
- d = fetch_24 (dst);
- d = over (src, d);
- }
- store_24 (dst, d);
- }
- else if (m)
- {
- d = over (in (src, m), fetch_24 (dst));
- store_24 (dst, d);
- }
- dst += 3;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_over_n_8_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint16_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t d;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- m = *mask++;
- if (m == 0xff)
- {
- if (srca == 0xff)
- {
- d = src;
- }
- else
- {
- d = *dst;
- d = over (src, CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d));
- }
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
- }
- else if (m)
- {
- d = *dst;
- d = over (in (src, m), CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d));
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
- }
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca, s;
- uint16_t src16;
- uint16_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t d;
- uint32_t *mask_line, *mask, ma;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- src16 = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (src);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- ma = *mask++;
- if (ma == 0xffffffff)
- {
- if (srca == 0xff)
- {
- *dst = src16;
- }
- else
- {
- d = *dst;
- d = over (src, CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d));
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
- }
- }
- else if (ma)
- {
- d = *dst;
- d = CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d);
- s = src;
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4 (s, ma);
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8 (ma, srca);
- ma = ~ma;
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4_ADD_UN8x4 (d, ma, s);
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
- }
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_over_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- uint8_t a;
- int32_t w;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- s = *src++;
- a = s >> 24;
- if (a == 0xff)
- *dst = s;
- else if (s)
- *dst = over (s, *dst);
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_src_x888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- *dst++ = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
- }
-#if 0
-static void
-fast_composite_over_8888_0888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t d;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
- uint8_t a;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 3);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- s = *src++;
- a = s >> 24;
- if (a)
- {
- if (a == 0xff)
- d = s;
- else
- d = over (s, fetch_24 (dst));
- store_24 (dst, d);
- }
- dst += 3;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_over_8888_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint16_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t d;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
- uint8_t a;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- s = *src++;
- a = s >> 24;
- if (s)
- {
- if (a == 0xff)
- {
- d = s;
- }
- else
- {
- d = *dst;
- d = over (s, CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d));
- }
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
- }
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_src_x888_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint16_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- s = *src++;
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (s);
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_add_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *src_line, *src;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint8_t s, d;
- uint16_t t;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint8_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- s = *src++;
- if (s)
- {
- if (s != 0xff)
- {
- d = *dst;
- t = d + s;
- s = t | (0 - (t >> 8));
- }
- *dst = s;
- }
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_add_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t s, d;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- s = *src++;
- if (s)
- {
- if (s != 0xffffffff)
- {
- d = *dst;
- if (d)
- UN8x4_ADD_UN8x4 (s, d);
- }
- *dst = s;
- }
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_add_n_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t src;
- uint8_t sa;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- sa = (src >> 24);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- uint16_t tmp;
- uint16_t a;
- uint32_t m, d;
- uint32_t r;
- a = *mask++;
- d = *dst;
- m = MUL_UN8 (sa, a, tmp);
- r = ADD_UN8 (m, d, tmp);
- *dst++ = r;
- }
- }
-#define CREATE_BITMASK(n) (0x80000000 >> (n))
-#define UPDATE_BITMASK(n) ((n) >> 1)
-#define CREATE_BITMASK(n) (1 << (n))
-#define UPDATE_BITMASK(n) ((n) << 1)
-#define TEST_BIT(p, n) \
- (*((p) + ((n) >> 5)) & CREATE_BITMASK ((n) & 31))
-#define SET_BIT(p, n) \
- do { *((p) + ((n) >> 5)) |= CREATE_BITMASK ((n) & 31); } while (0);
-static void
-fast_composite_add_1000_1000 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, 0, src_y, uint32_t,
- src_stride, src_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, 0, dest_y, uint32_t,
- dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w--)
- {
- /*
- * TODO: improve performance by processing uint32_t data instead
- * of individual bits
- */
- if (TEST_BIT (src, src_x + w))
- SET_BIT (dst, dest_x + w);
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_over_n_1_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint32_t *dst, *dst_line;
- uint32_t *mask, *mask_line;
- int mask_stride, dst_stride;
- uint32_t bitcache, bitmask;
- int32_t w;
- if (width <= 0)
- return;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t,
- dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, 0, mask_y, uint32_t,
- mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- mask_line += mask_x >> 5;
- if (srca == 0xff)
- {
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- bitcache = *mask++;
- bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (mask_x & 31);
- while (w--)
- {
- if (bitmask == 0)
- {
- bitcache = *mask++;
- bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (0);
- }
- if (bitcache & bitmask)
- *dst = src;
- bitmask = UPDATE_BITMASK (bitmask);
- dst++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- bitcache = *mask++;
- bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (mask_x & 31);
- while (w--)
- {
- if (bitmask == 0)
- {
- bitcache = *mask++;
- bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (0);
- }
- if (bitcache & bitmask)
- *dst = over (src, *dst);
- bitmask = UPDATE_BITMASK (bitmask);
- dst++;
- }
- }
- }
-static void
-fast_composite_over_n_1_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint16_t *dst, *dst_line;
- uint32_t *mask, *mask_line;
- int mask_stride, dst_stride;
- uint32_t bitcache, bitmask;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t d;
- uint16_t src565;
- if (width <= 0)
- return;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t,
- dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, 0, mask_y, uint32_t,
- mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- mask_line += mask_x >> 5;
- if (srca == 0xff)
- {
- src565 = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (src);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- bitcache = *mask++;
- bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (mask_x & 31);
- while (w--)
- {
- if (bitmask == 0)
- {
- bitcache = *mask++;
- bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (0);
- }
- if (bitcache & bitmask)
- *dst = src565;
- bitmask = UPDATE_BITMASK (bitmask);
- dst++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- bitcache = *mask++;
- bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (mask_x & 31);
- while (w--)
- {
- if (bitmask == 0)
- {
- bitcache = *mask++;
- bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (0);
- }
- if (bitcache & bitmask)
- {
- d = over (src, CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (*dst));
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
- }
- bitmask = UPDATE_BITMASK (bitmask);
- dst++;
- }
- }
- }
- * Simple bitblt
- */
-static void
-fast_composite_solid_fill (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- if (dst_image->bits.format == PIXMAN_a1)
- {
- src = src >> 31;
- }
- else if (dst_image->bits.format == PIXMAN_a8)
- {
- src = src >> 24;
- }
- else if (dst_image->bits.format == PIXMAN_r5g6b5 ||
- dst_image->bits.format == PIXMAN_b5g6r5)
- {
- src = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (src);
- }
- pixman_fill (dst_image->bits.bits, dst_image->bits.rowstride,
- PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (dst_image->bits.format),
- dest_x, dest_y,
- width, height,
- src);
-static void
-fast_composite_src_memcpy (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- int bpp = PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (dst_image->bits.format) / 8;
- uint32_t n_bytes = width * bpp;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- uint8_t *dst;
- uint8_t *src;
- src_stride = src_image->bits.rowstride * 4;
- dst_stride = dst_image->bits.rowstride * 4;
- src = (uint8_t *)src_image->bits.bits + src_y * src_stride + src_x * bpp;
- dst = (uint8_t *)dst_image->bits.bits + dest_y * dst_stride + dest_x * bpp;
- while (height--)
- {
- memcpy (dst, src, n_bytes);
- dst += dst_stride;
- src += src_stride;
- }
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_cover, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, SRC, COVER)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_none, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, SRC, NONE)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_pad, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, SRC, PAD)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_normal, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, SRC, NORMAL)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_cover, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, OVER, COVER)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_none, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, OVER, NONE)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_pad, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, OVER, PAD)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_normal, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, OVER, NORMAL)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_cover, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, SRC, COVER)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_none, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, SRC, NONE)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_pad, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, SRC, PAD)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_normal, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, SRC, NORMAL)
-FAST_NEAREST (565_565_normal, 0565, 0565, uint16_t, uint16_t, SRC, NORMAL)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_cover, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, OVER, COVER)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_none, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, OVER, NONE)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_pad, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, OVER, PAD)
-FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_normal, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, OVER, NORMAL)
-/* Use more unrolling for src_0565_0565 because it is typically CPU bound */
-static force_inline void
-scaled_nearest_scanline_565_565_SRC (uint16_t * dst,
- const uint16_t * src,
- int32_t w,
- pixman_fixed_t vx,
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x,
- pixman_fixed_t max_vx,
- pixman_bool_t fully_transparent_src)
- uint16_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
- while ((w -= 4) >= 0)
- {
- tmp1 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp2 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp3 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp4 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- *dst++ = tmp1;
- *dst++ = tmp2;
- *dst++ = tmp3;
- *dst++ = tmp4;
- }
- if (w & 2)
- {
- tmp1 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp2 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- *dst++ = tmp1;
- *dst++ = tmp2;
- }
- if (w & 1)
- *dst++ = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- scaled_nearest_scanline_565_565_SRC,
- uint16_t, uint16_t, COVER)
- scaled_nearest_scanline_565_565_SRC,
- uint16_t, uint16_t, NONE)
- scaled_nearest_scanline_565_565_SRC,
- uint16_t, uint16_t, PAD)
-static force_inline uint32_t
-fetch_nearest (pixman_repeat_t src_repeat,
- pixman_format_code_t format,
- uint32_t *src, int x, int src_width)
- if (repeat (src_repeat, &x, src_width))
- {
- if (format == PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8)
- return *(src + x) | 0xff000000;
- else
- return *(src + x);
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
-static force_inline void
-combine_over (uint32_t s, uint32_t *dst)
- if (s)
- {
- uint8_t ia = 0xff - (s >> 24);
- if (ia)
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (*dst, ia, s);
- else
- *dst = s;
- }
-static force_inline void
-combine_src (uint32_t s, uint32_t *dst)
- *dst = s;
-static void
-fast_composite_scaled_nearest (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line;
- uint32_t *src_line;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int src_width, src_height;
- pixman_repeat_t src_repeat;
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x, unit_y;
- pixman_format_code_t src_format;
- pixman_vector_t v;
- pixman_fixed_t vy;
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- /* pass in 0 instead of src_x and src_y because src_x and src_y need to be
- * transformed from destination space to source space
- */
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, 0, 0, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- /* reference point is the center of the pixel */
- v.vector[0] = pixman_int_to_fixed (src_x) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
- v.vector[1] = pixman_int_to_fixed (src_y) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
- v.vector[2] = pixman_fixed_1;
- if (!pixman_transform_point_3d (src_image->common.transform, &v))
- return;
- unit_x = src_image->common.transform->matrix[0][0];
- unit_y = src_image->common.transform->matrix[1][1];
- /* Round down to closest integer, ensuring that 0.5 rounds to 0, not 1 */
- v.vector[0] -= pixman_fixed_e;
- v.vector[1] -= pixman_fixed_e;
- src_height = src_image->bits.height;
- src_width = src_image->bits.width;
- src_repeat = src_image->common.repeat;
- src_format = src_image->bits.format;
- vy = v.vector[1];
- while (height--)
- {
- pixman_fixed_t vx = v.vector[0];
- int y = pixman_fixed_to_int (vy);
- uint32_t *dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- /* adjust the y location by a unit vector in the y direction
- * this is equivalent to transforming y+1 of the destination point to source space */
- vy += unit_y;
- if (!repeat (src_repeat, &y, src_height))
- {
- if (op == PIXMAN_OP_SRC)
- memset (dst, 0, sizeof (*dst) * width);
- }
- else
- {
- int w = width;
- uint32_t *src = src_line + y * src_stride;
- while (w >= 2)
- {
- uint32_t s1, s2;
- int x1, x2;
- x1 = pixman_fixed_to_int (vx);
- vx += unit_x;
- x2 = pixman_fixed_to_int (vx);
- vx += unit_x;
- w -= 2;
- s1 = fetch_nearest (src_repeat, src_format, src, x1, src_width);
- s2 = fetch_nearest (src_repeat, src_format, src, x2, src_width);
- if (op == PIXMAN_OP_OVER)
- {
- combine_over (s1, dst++);
- combine_over (s2, dst++);
- }
- else
- {
- combine_src (s1, dst++);
- combine_src (s2, dst++);
- }
- }
- while (w--)
- {
- uint32_t s;
- int x;
- x = pixman_fixed_to_int (vx);
- vx += unit_x;
- s = fetch_nearest (src_repeat, src_format, src, x, src_width);
- if (op == PIXMAN_OP_OVER)
- combine_over (s, dst++);
- else
- combine_src (s, dst++);
- }
- }
- }
-#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 64
-#define FAST_SIMPLE_ROTATE(suffix, pix_type) \
- \
-static void \
-blt_rotated_90_trivial_##suffix (pix_type *dst, \
- int dst_stride, \
- const pix_type *src, \
- int src_stride, \
- int w, \
- int h) \
-{ \
- int x, y; \
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) \
- { \
- const pix_type *s = src + (h - y - 1); \
- pix_type *d = dst + dst_stride * y; \
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++) \
- { \
- *d++ = *s; \
- s += src_stride; \
- } \
- } \
-} \
- \
-static void \
-blt_rotated_270_trivial_##suffix (pix_type *dst, \
- int dst_stride, \
- const pix_type *src, \
- int src_stride, \
- int w, \
- int h) \
-{ \
- int x, y; \
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) \
- { \
- const pix_type *s = src + src_stride * (w - 1) + y; \
- pix_type *d = dst + dst_stride * y; \
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++) \
- { \
- *d++ = *s; \
- s -= src_stride; \
- } \
- } \
-} \
- \
-static void \
-blt_rotated_90_##suffix (pix_type *dst, \
- int dst_stride, \
- const pix_type *src, \
- int src_stride, \
- int W, \
- int H) \
-{ \
- int x; \
- int leading_pixels = 0, trailing_pixels = 0; \
- const int TILE_SIZE = CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(pix_type); \
- \
- /* \
- * split processing into handling destination as TILE_SIZExH cache line \
- * aligned vertical stripes (optimistically assuming that destination \
- * stride is a multiple of cache line, if not - it will be just a bit \
- * slower) \
- */ \
- \
- if ((uintptr_t)dst & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) \
- { \
- leading_pixels = TILE_SIZE - (((uintptr_t)dst & \
- (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) / sizeof(pix_type)); \
- if (leading_pixels > W) \
- leading_pixels = W; \
- \
- /* unaligned leading part NxH (where N < TILE_SIZE) */ \
- blt_rotated_90_trivial_##suffix ( \
- dst, \
- dst_stride, \
- src, \
- src_stride, \
- leading_pixels, \
- H); \
- \
- dst += leading_pixels; \
- src += leading_pixels * src_stride; \
- W -= leading_pixels; \
- } \
- \
- if ((uintptr_t)(dst + W) & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) \
- { \
- trailing_pixels = (((uintptr_t)(dst + W) & \
- (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) / sizeof(pix_type)); \
- if (trailing_pixels > W) \
- trailing_pixels = W; \
- W -= trailing_pixels; \
- } \
- \
- for (x = 0; x < W; x += TILE_SIZE) \
- { \
- /* aligned middle part TILE_SIZExH */ \
- blt_rotated_90_trivial_##suffix ( \
- dst + x, \
- dst_stride, \
- src + src_stride * x, \
- src_stride, \
- H); \
- } \
- \
- if (trailing_pixels) \
- { \
- /* unaligned trailing part NxH (where N < TILE_SIZE) */ \
- blt_rotated_90_trivial_##suffix ( \
- dst + W, \
- dst_stride, \
- src + W * src_stride, \
- src_stride, \
- trailing_pixels, \
- H); \
- } \
-} \
- \
-static void \
-blt_rotated_270_##suffix (pix_type *dst, \
- int dst_stride, \
- const pix_type *src, \
- int src_stride, \
- int W, \
- int H) \
-{ \
- int x; \
- int leading_pixels = 0, trailing_pixels = 0; \
- const int TILE_SIZE = CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(pix_type); \
- \
- /* \
- * split processing into handling destination as TILE_SIZExH cache line \
- * aligned vertical stripes (optimistically assuming that destination \
- * stride is a multiple of cache line, if not - it will be just a bit \
- * slower) \
- */ \
- \
- if ((uintptr_t)dst & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) \
- { \
- leading_pixels = TILE_SIZE - (((uintptr_t)dst & \
- (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) / sizeof(pix_type)); \
- if (leading_pixels > W) \
- leading_pixels = W; \
- \
- /* unaligned leading part NxH (where N < TILE_SIZE) */ \
- blt_rotated_270_trivial_##suffix ( \
- dst, \
- dst_stride, \
- src + src_stride * (W - leading_pixels), \
- src_stride, \
- leading_pixels, \
- H); \
- \
- dst += leading_pixels; \
- W -= leading_pixels; \
- } \
- \
- if ((uintptr_t)(dst + W) & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) \
- { \
- trailing_pixels = (((uintptr_t)(dst + W) & \
- (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) / sizeof(pix_type)); \
- if (trailing_pixels > W) \
- trailing_pixels = W; \
- W -= trailing_pixels; \
- src += trailing_pixels * src_stride; \
- } \
- \
- for (x = 0; x < W; x += TILE_SIZE) \
- { \
- /* aligned middle part TILE_SIZExH */ \
- blt_rotated_270_trivial_##suffix ( \
- dst + x, \
- dst_stride, \
- src + src_stride * (W - x - TILE_SIZE), \
- src_stride, \
- H); \
- } \
- \
- if (trailing_pixels) \
- { \
- /* unaligned trailing part NxH (where N < TILE_SIZE) */ \
- blt_rotated_270_trivial_##suffix ( \
- dst + W, \
- dst_stride, \
- src - trailing_pixels * src_stride, \
- src_stride, \
- trailing_pixels, \
- H); \
- } \
-} \
- \
-static void \
-fast_composite_rotate_90_##suffix (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
- pixman_op_t op, \
- pixman_image_t * src_image, \
- pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
- pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
- int32_t src_x, \
- int32_t src_y, \
- int32_t mask_x, \
- int32_t mask_y, \
- int32_t dest_x, \
- int32_t dest_y, \
- int32_t width, \
- int32_t height) \
-{ \
- pix_type *dst_line; \
- pix_type *src_line; \
- int dst_stride, src_stride; \
- int src_x_t, src_y_t; \
- \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, pix_type, \
- dst_stride, dst_line, 1); \
- src_x_t = -src_y + pixman_fixed_to_int ( \
- src_image->common.transform->matrix[0][2] + \
- pixman_fixed_1 / 2 - pixman_fixed_e) - height;\
- src_y_t = src_x + pixman_fixed_to_int ( \
- src_image->common.transform->matrix[1][2] + \
- pixman_fixed_1 / 2 - pixman_fixed_e); \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x_t, src_y_t, pix_type, \
- src_stride, src_line, 1); \
- blt_rotated_90_##suffix (dst_line, dst_stride, src_line, src_stride, \
- width, height); \
-} \
- \
-static void \
-fast_composite_rotate_270_##suffix (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
- pixman_op_t op, \
- pixman_image_t * src_image, \
- pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
- pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
- int32_t src_x, \
- int32_t src_y, \
- int32_t mask_x, \
- int32_t mask_y, \
- int32_t dest_x, \
- int32_t dest_y, \
- int32_t width, \
- int32_t height) \
-{ \
- pix_type *dst_line; \
- pix_type *src_line; \
- int dst_stride, src_stride; \
- int src_x_t, src_y_t; \
- \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, pix_type, \
- dst_stride, dst_line, 1); \
- src_x_t = src_y + pixman_fixed_to_int ( \
- src_image->common.transform->matrix[0][2] + \
- pixman_fixed_1 / 2 - pixman_fixed_e); \
- src_y_t = -src_x + pixman_fixed_to_int ( \
- src_image->common.transform->matrix[1][2] + \
- pixman_fixed_1 / 2 - pixman_fixed_e) - width; \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x_t, src_y_t, pix_type, \
- src_stride, src_line, 1); \
- blt_rotated_270_##suffix (dst_line, dst_stride, src_line, src_stride, \
- width, height); \
-FAST_SIMPLE_ROTATE (8, uint8_t)
-FAST_SIMPLE_ROTATE (565, uint16_t)
-FAST_SIMPLE_ROTATE (8888, uint32_t)
-static const pixman_fast_path_t c_fast_paths[] =
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, r5g6b5, fast_composite_over_n_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, b5g6r5, fast_composite_over_n_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8_0888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8_0888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_1_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_1_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_1_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_1_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, r5g6b5, fast_composite_over_n_1_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, b5g6r5, fast_composite_over_n_1_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, fast_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, fast_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_over_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, fast_composite_over_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_add_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_add_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8, null, a8, fast_composite_add_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a1, null, a1, fast_composite_add_1000_1000),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (ADD, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_add_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8, fast_composite_add_n_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, a1, fast_composite_solid_fill),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, a8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_solid_fill),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_x888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_x888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8a8, null, b8g8r8x8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8a8, null, b8g8r8a8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8x8, null, b8g8r8x8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, b5g6r5, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r8g8b8, null, r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8, null, b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x1r5g5b5, null, x1r5g5b5, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a1r5g5b5, null, x1r5g5b5, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8, null, a8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_src_x888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_src_x888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, fast_composite_src_x888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, fast_composite_src_x888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, a8, null, a8, fast_composite_in_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, solid, a8, a8, fast_composite_in_n_8_8),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, 8888_565),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, 8888_565),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, r5g6b5, 565_565),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, 8888_565),
-#define NEAREST_FAST_PATH(op,s,d) \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_null, 0, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest, \
- }
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8),
- NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8),
-#define SIMPLE_ROTATE_FLAGS(angle) \
- (FAST_PATH_ROTATE_ ## angle ## _TRANSFORM | \
-#define SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH(op,s,d,suffix) \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_null, 0, \
- fast_composite_rotate_90_##suffix, \
- }, \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_null, 0, \
- fast_composite_rotate_270_##suffix, \
- }
- SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, 8888),
- SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888),
- SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888),
- SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, r5g6b5, 565),
-#define A1_FILL_MASK(n, offs) (((1 << (n)) - 1) << (32 - (offs) - (n)))
-#define A1_FILL_MASK(n, offs) (((1 << (n)) - 1) << (offs))
-static force_inline void
-pixman_fill1_line (uint32_t *dst, int offs, int width, int v)
- if (offs)
- {
- int leading_pixels = 32 - offs;
- if (leading_pixels >= width)
- {
- if (v)
- *dst |= A1_FILL_MASK (width, offs);
- else
- *dst &= ~A1_FILL_MASK (width, offs);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (v)
- *dst++ |= A1_FILL_MASK (leading_pixels, offs);
- else
- *dst++ &= ~A1_FILL_MASK (leading_pixels, offs);
- width -= leading_pixels;
- }
- }
- while (width >= 32)
- {
- if (v)
- *dst++ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- else
- *dst++ = 0;
- width -= 32;
- }
- if (width > 0)
- {
- if (v)
- *dst |= A1_FILL_MASK (width, 0);
- else
- *dst &= ~A1_FILL_MASK (width, 0);
- }
-static void
-pixman_fill1 (uint32_t *bits,
- int stride,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- uint32_t xor)
- uint32_t *dst = bits + y * stride + (x >> 5);
- int offs = x & 31;
- if (xor & 1)
- {
- while (height--)
- {
- pixman_fill1_line (dst, offs, width, 1);
- dst += stride;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (height--)
- {
- pixman_fill1_line (dst, offs, width, 0);
- dst += stride;
- }
- }
-static void
-pixman_fill8 (uint32_t *bits,
- int stride,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- uint32_t xor)
- int byte_stride = stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t);
- uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *) bits;
- uint8_t v = xor & 0xff;
- int i;
- dst = dst + y * byte_stride + x;
- while (height--)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
- dst[i] = v;
- dst += byte_stride;
- }
-static void
-pixman_fill16 (uint32_t *bits,
- int stride,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- uint32_t xor)
- int short_stride =
- (stride * (int)sizeof (uint32_t)) / (int)sizeof (uint16_t);
- uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)bits;
- uint16_t v = xor & 0xffff;
- int i;
- dst = dst + y * short_stride + x;
- while (height--)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
- dst[i] = v;
- dst += short_stride;
- }
-static void
-pixman_fill32 (uint32_t *bits,
- int stride,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- uint32_t xor)
- int i;
- bits = bits + y * stride + x;
- while (height--)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
- bits[i] = xor;
- bits += stride;
- }
-static pixman_bool_t
-fast_path_fill (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- uint32_t * bits,
- int stride,
- int bpp,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- uint32_t xor)
- switch (bpp)
- {
- case 1:
- pixman_fill1 (bits, stride, x, y, width, height, xor);
- break;
- case 8:
- pixman_fill8 (bits, stride, x, y, width, height, xor);
- break;
- case 16:
- pixman_fill16 (bits, stride, x, y, width, height, xor);
- break;
- case 32:
- pixman_fill32 (bits, stride, x, y, width, height, xor);
- break;
- default:
- return _pixman_implementation_fill (
- imp->delegate, bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor);
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
-pixman_implementation_t *
-_pixman_implementation_create_fast_path (pixman_implementation_t *fallback)
- pixman_implementation_t *imp = _pixman_implementation_create (fallback, c_fast_paths);
- imp->fill = fast_path_fill;
- return imp;
+/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*- */
+ * Copyright © 2000 SuSE, Inc.
+ * Copyright © 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation, and that the name of SuSE not be used in advertising or
+ * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
+ * written prior permission. SuSE makes no representations about the
+ * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
+ * without express or implied warranty.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Keith Packard, SuSE, Inc.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "pixman-private.h"
+#include "pixman-combine32.h"
+#include "pixman-fast-path.h"
+static force_inline uint32_t
+fetch_24 (uint8_t *a)
+ if (((unsigned long)a) & 1)
+ {
+ return (*a << 16) | (*(uint16_t *)(a + 1));
+ return *a | (*(uint16_t *)(a + 1) << 8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (*(uint16_t *)a << 8) | *(a + 2);
+ return *(uint16_t *)a | (*(a + 2) << 16);
+ }
+static force_inline void
+store_24 (uint8_t *a,
+ uint32_t v)
+ if (((unsigned long)a) & 1)
+ {
+ *a = (uint8_t) (v >> 16);
+ *(uint16_t *)(a + 1) = (uint16_t) (v);
+ *a = (uint8_t) (v);
+ *(uint16_t *)(a + 1) = (uint16_t) (v >> 8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(uint16_t *)a = (uint16_t)(v >> 8);
+ *(a + 2) = (uint8_t)v;
+ *(uint16_t *)a = (uint16_t)v;
+ *(a + 2) = (uint8_t)(v >> 16);
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+over (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t dest)
+ uint32_t a = ~src >> 24;
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (dest, a, src);
+ return dest;
+static uint32_t
+in (uint32_t x,
+ uint8_t y)
+ uint16_t a = y;
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8 (x, a);
+ return x;
+ * Naming convention:
+ *
+ * op_src_mask_dest
+ */
+static void
+fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *src, *src_line;
+ uint32_t *dst, *dst_line;
+ uint8_t *mask, *mask_line;
+ int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
+ uint8_t m;
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ int32_t w;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ m = *mask++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ s = *src | 0xff000000;
+ if (m == 0xff)
+ {
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d = in (s, m);
+ *dst = over (d, *dst);
+ }
+ }
+ src++;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_in_n_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dest_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint16_t t;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dest_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dest_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ if (srca == 0xff)
+ {
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ m = *mask++;
+ if (m == 0)
+ *dst = 0;
+ else if (m != 0xff)
+ *dst = MUL_UN8 (m, *dst, t);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ m = *mask++;
+ m = MUL_UN8 (m, srca, t);
+ if (m == 0)
+ *dst = 0;
+ else if (m != 0xff)
+ *dst = MUL_UN8 (m, *dst, t);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_in_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dest_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *src_line, *src;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint8_t s;
+ uint16_t t;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint8_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dest_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ if (s == 0)
+ *dst = 0;
+ else if (s != 0xff)
+ *dst = MUL_UN8 (s, *dst, t);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_over_n_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ m = *mask++;
+ if (m == 0xff)
+ {
+ if (srca == 0xff)
+ *dst = src;
+ else
+ *dst = over (src, *dst);
+ }
+ else if (m)
+ {
+ d = in (src, m);
+ *dst = over (d, *dst);
+ }
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_add_n_8888_8888_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, s;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ uint32_t *mask_line, *mask, ma;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ ma = *mask++;
+ if (ma)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ s = src;
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4_ADD_UN8x4 (s, ma, d);
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca, s;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ uint32_t *mask_line, *mask, ma;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ ma = *mask++;
+ if (ma == 0xffffffff)
+ {
+ if (srca == 0xff)
+ *dst = src;
+ else
+ *dst = over (src, *dst);
+ }
+ else if (ma)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ s = src;
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4 (s, ma);
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8 (ma, srca);
+ ma = ~ma;
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4_ADD_UN8x4 (d, ma, s);
+ *dst = d;
+ }
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_over_n_8_0888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t d;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 3);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ m = *mask++;
+ if (m == 0xff)
+ {
+ if (srca == 0xff)
+ {
+ d = src;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d = fetch_24 (dst);
+ d = over (src, d);
+ }
+ store_24 (dst, d);
+ }
+ else if (m)
+ {
+ d = over (in (src, m), fetch_24 (dst));
+ store_24 (dst, d);
+ }
+ dst += 3;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_over_n_8_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint16_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t d;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ m = *mask++;
+ if (m == 0xff)
+ {
+ if (srca == 0xff)
+ {
+ d = src;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ d = over (src, CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d));
+ }
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
+ }
+ else if (m)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ d = over (in (src, m), CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d));
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
+ }
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca, s;
+ uint16_t src16;
+ uint16_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t d;
+ uint32_t *mask_line, *mask, ma;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ src16 = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (src);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ ma = *mask++;
+ if (ma == 0xffffffff)
+ {
+ if (srca == 0xff)
+ {
+ *dst = src16;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ d = over (src, CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d));
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ma)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ d = CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d);
+ s = src;
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4 (s, ma);
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8 (ma, srca);
+ ma = ~ma;
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8x4_ADD_UN8x4 (d, ma, s);
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
+ }
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_over_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ uint8_t a;
+ int32_t w;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ a = s >> 24;
+ if (a == 0xff)
+ *dst = s;
+ else if (s)
+ *dst = over (s, *dst);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_src_x888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ *dst++ = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
+ }
+#if 0
+static void
+fast_composite_over_8888_0888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t d;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
+ uint8_t a;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 3);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ a = s >> 24;
+ if (a)
+ {
+ if (a == 0xff)
+ d = s;
+ else
+ d = over (s, fetch_24 (dst));
+ store_24 (dst, d);
+ }
+ dst += 3;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_over_8888_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint16_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t d;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
+ uint8_t a;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ a = s >> 24;
+ if (s)
+ {
+ if (a == 0xff)
+ {
+ d = s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ d = over (s, CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (d));
+ }
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
+ }
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_src_x888_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint16_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (s);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_add_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *src_line, *src;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint8_t s, d;
+ uint16_t t;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint8_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ if (s)
+ {
+ if (s != 0xff)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ t = d + s;
+ s = t | (0 - (t >> 8));
+ }
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_add_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ if (s)
+ {
+ if (s != 0xffffffff)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ if (d)
+ UN8x4_ADD_UN8x4 (s, d);
+ }
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_add_n_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t src;
+ uint8_t sa;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ sa = (src >> 24);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ uint16_t tmp;
+ uint16_t a;
+ uint32_t m, d;
+ uint32_t r;
+ a = *mask++;
+ d = *dst;
+ m = MUL_UN8 (sa, a, tmp);
+ r = ADD_UN8 (m, d, tmp);
+ *dst++ = r;
+ }
+ }
+#define CREATE_BITMASK(n) (0x80000000 >> (n))
+#define UPDATE_BITMASK(n) ((n) >> 1)
+#define CREATE_BITMASK(n) (1 << (n))
+#define UPDATE_BITMASK(n) ((n) << 1)
+#define TEST_BIT(p, n) \
+ (*((p) + ((n) >> 5)) & CREATE_BITMASK ((n) & 31))
+#define SET_BIT(p, n) \
+ do { *((p) + ((n) >> 5)) |= CREATE_BITMASK ((n) & 31); } while (0);
+static void
+fast_composite_add_1000_1000 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, 0, src_y, uint32_t,
+ src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, 0, dest_y, uint32_t,
+ dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ /*
+ * TODO: improve performance by processing uint32_t data instead
+ * of individual bits
+ */
+ if (TEST_BIT (src, src_x + w))
+ SET_BIT (dst, dest_x + w);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_over_n_1_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint32_t *dst, *dst_line;
+ uint32_t *mask, *mask_line;
+ int mask_stride, dst_stride;
+ uint32_t bitcache, bitmask;
+ int32_t w;
+ if (width <= 0)
+ return;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t,
+ dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, 0, mask_y, uint32_t,
+ mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ mask_line += mask_x >> 5;
+ if (srca == 0xff)
+ {
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ bitcache = *mask++;
+ bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (mask_x & 31);
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ if (bitmask == 0)
+ {
+ bitcache = *mask++;
+ bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (0);
+ }
+ if (bitcache & bitmask)
+ *dst = src;
+ bitmask = UPDATE_BITMASK (bitmask);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ bitcache = *mask++;
+ bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (mask_x & 31);
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ if (bitmask == 0)
+ {
+ bitcache = *mask++;
+ bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (0);
+ }
+ if (bitcache & bitmask)
+ *dst = over (src, *dst);
+ bitmask = UPDATE_BITMASK (bitmask);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+fast_composite_over_n_1_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint16_t *dst, *dst_line;
+ uint32_t *mask, *mask_line;
+ int mask_stride, dst_stride;
+ uint32_t bitcache, bitmask;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t d;
+ uint16_t src565;
+ if (width <= 0)
+ return;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t,
+ dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, 0, mask_y, uint32_t,
+ mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ mask_line += mask_x >> 5;
+ if (srca == 0xff)
+ {
+ src565 = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (src);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ bitcache = *mask++;
+ bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (mask_x & 31);
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ if (bitmask == 0)
+ {
+ bitcache = *mask++;
+ bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (0);
+ }
+ if (bitcache & bitmask)
+ *dst = src565;
+ bitmask = UPDATE_BITMASK (bitmask);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ bitcache = *mask++;
+ bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (mask_x & 31);
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ if (bitmask == 0)
+ {
+ bitcache = *mask++;
+ bitmask = CREATE_BITMASK (0);
+ }
+ if (bitcache & bitmask)
+ {
+ d = over (src, CONVERT_0565_TO_0888 (*dst));
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (d);
+ }
+ bitmask = UPDATE_BITMASK (bitmask);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Simple bitblt
+ */
+static void
+fast_composite_solid_fill (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ if (dst_image->bits.format == PIXMAN_a1)
+ {
+ src = src >> 31;
+ }
+ else if (dst_image->bits.format == PIXMAN_a8)
+ {
+ src = src >> 24;
+ }
+ else if (dst_image->bits.format == PIXMAN_r5g6b5 ||
+ dst_image->bits.format == PIXMAN_b5g6r5)
+ {
+ src = CONVERT_8888_TO_0565 (src);
+ }
+ pixman_fill (dst_image->bits.bits, dst_image->bits.rowstride,
+ PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (dst_image->bits.format),
+ dest_x, dest_y,
+ width, height,
+ src);
+static void
+fast_composite_src_memcpy (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ int bpp = PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (dst_image->bits.format) / 8;
+ uint32_t n_bytes = width * bpp;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ uint8_t *dst;
+ uint8_t *src;
+ src_stride = src_image->bits.rowstride * 4;
+ dst_stride = dst_image->bits.rowstride * 4;
+ src = (uint8_t *)src_image->bits.bits + src_y * src_stride + src_x * bpp;
+ dst = (uint8_t *)dst_image->bits.bits + dest_y * dst_stride + dest_x * bpp;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ memcpy (dst, src, n_bytes);
+ dst += dst_stride;
+ src += src_stride;
+ }
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_cover, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, SRC, COVER)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_none, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, SRC, NONE)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_pad, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, SRC, PAD)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_normal, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, SRC, NORMAL)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_cover, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, OVER, COVER)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_none, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, OVER, NONE)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_pad, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, OVER, PAD)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_8888_normal, 8888, 8888, uint32_t, uint32_t, OVER, NORMAL)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_cover, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, SRC, COVER)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_none, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, SRC, NONE)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_pad, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, SRC, PAD)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_normal, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, SRC, NORMAL)
+FAST_NEAREST (565_565_normal, 0565, 0565, uint16_t, uint16_t, SRC, NORMAL)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_cover, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, OVER, COVER)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_none, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, OVER, NONE)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_pad, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, OVER, PAD)
+FAST_NEAREST (8888_565_normal, 8888, 0565, uint32_t, uint16_t, OVER, NORMAL)
+/* Use more unrolling for src_0565_0565 because it is typically CPU bound */
+static force_inline void
+scaled_nearest_scanline_565_565_SRC (uint16_t * dst,
+ const uint16_t * src,
+ int32_t w,
+ pixman_fixed_t vx,
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x,
+ pixman_fixed_t max_vx,
+ pixman_bool_t fully_transparent_src)
+ uint16_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
+ while ((w -= 4) >= 0)
+ {
+ tmp1 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp2 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp3 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp4 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ *dst++ = tmp1;
+ *dst++ = tmp2;
+ *dst++ = tmp3;
+ *dst++ = tmp4;
+ }
+ if (w & 2)
+ {
+ tmp1 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp2 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ *dst++ = tmp1;
+ *dst++ = tmp2;
+ }
+ if (w & 1)
+ *dst++ = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_565_565_SRC,
+ uint16_t, uint16_t, COVER)
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_565_565_SRC,
+ uint16_t, uint16_t, NONE)
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_565_565_SRC,
+ uint16_t, uint16_t, PAD)
+static force_inline uint32_t
+fetch_nearest (pixman_repeat_t src_repeat,
+ pixman_format_code_t format,
+ uint32_t *src, int x, int src_width)
+ if (repeat (src_repeat, &x, src_width))
+ {
+ if (format == PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8)
+ return *(src + x) | 0xff000000;
+ else
+ return *(src + x);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+static force_inline void
+combine_over (uint32_t s, uint32_t *dst)
+ if (s)
+ {
+ uint8_t ia = 0xff - (s >> 24);
+ if (ia)
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (*dst, ia, s);
+ else
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+static force_inline void
+combine_src (uint32_t s, uint32_t *dst)
+ *dst = s;
+static void
+fast_composite_scaled_nearest (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line;
+ uint32_t *src_line;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int src_width, src_height;
+ pixman_repeat_t src_repeat;
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x, unit_y;
+ pixman_format_code_t src_format;
+ pixman_vector_t v;
+ pixman_fixed_t vy;
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ /* pass in 0 instead of src_x and src_y because src_x and src_y need to be
+ * transformed from destination space to source space
+ */
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, 0, 0, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ /* reference point is the center of the pixel */
+ v.vector[0] = pixman_int_to_fixed (src_x) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
+ v.vector[1] = pixman_int_to_fixed (src_y) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
+ v.vector[2] = pixman_fixed_1;
+ if (!pixman_transform_point_3d (src_image->common.transform, &v))
+ return;
+ unit_x = src_image->common.transform->matrix[0][0];
+ unit_y = src_image->common.transform->matrix[1][1];
+ /* Round down to closest integer, ensuring that 0.5 rounds to 0, not 1 */
+ v.vector[0] -= pixman_fixed_e;
+ v.vector[1] -= pixman_fixed_e;
+ src_height = src_image->bits.height;
+ src_width = src_image->bits.width;
+ src_repeat = src_image->common.repeat;
+ src_format = src_image->bits.format;
+ vy = v.vector[1];
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ pixman_fixed_t vx = v.vector[0];
+ int y = pixman_fixed_to_int (vy);
+ uint32_t *dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ /* adjust the y location by a unit vector in the y direction
+ * this is equivalent to transforming y+1 of the destination point to source space */
+ vy += unit_y;
+ if (!repeat (src_repeat, &y, src_height))
+ {
+ if (op == PIXMAN_OP_SRC)
+ memset (dst, 0, sizeof (*dst) * width);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int w = width;
+ uint32_t *src = src_line + y * src_stride;
+ while (w >= 2)
+ {
+ uint32_t s1, s2;
+ int x1, x2;
+ x1 = pixman_fixed_to_int (vx);
+ vx += unit_x;
+ x2 = pixman_fixed_to_int (vx);
+ vx += unit_x;
+ w -= 2;
+ s1 = fetch_nearest (src_repeat, src_format, src, x1, src_width);
+ s2 = fetch_nearest (src_repeat, src_format, src, x2, src_width);
+ if (op == PIXMAN_OP_OVER)
+ {
+ combine_over (s1, dst++);
+ combine_over (s2, dst++);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ combine_src (s1, dst++);
+ combine_src (s2, dst++);
+ }
+ }
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ uint32_t s;
+ int x;
+ x = pixman_fixed_to_int (vx);
+ vx += unit_x;
+ s = fetch_nearest (src_repeat, src_format, src, x, src_width);
+ if (op == PIXMAN_OP_OVER)
+ combine_over (s, dst++);
+ else
+ combine_src (s, dst++);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 64
+#define FAST_SIMPLE_ROTATE(suffix, pix_type) \
+ \
+static void \
+blt_rotated_90_trivial_##suffix (pix_type *dst, \
+ int dst_stride, \
+ const pix_type *src, \
+ int src_stride, \
+ int w, \
+ int h) \
+{ \
+ int x, y; \
+ for (y = 0; y < h; y++) \
+ { \
+ const pix_type *s = src + (h - y - 1); \
+ pix_type *d = dst + dst_stride * y; \
+ for (x = 0; x < w; x++) \
+ { \
+ *d++ = *s; \
+ s += src_stride; \
+ } \
+ } \
+} \
+ \
+static void \
+blt_rotated_270_trivial_##suffix (pix_type *dst, \
+ int dst_stride, \
+ const pix_type *src, \
+ int src_stride, \
+ int w, \
+ int h) \
+{ \
+ int x, y; \
+ for (y = 0; y < h; y++) \
+ { \
+ const pix_type *s = src + src_stride * (w - 1) + y; \
+ pix_type *d = dst + dst_stride * y; \
+ for (x = 0; x < w; x++) \
+ { \
+ *d++ = *s; \
+ s -= src_stride; \
+ } \
+ } \
+} \
+ \
+static void \
+blt_rotated_90_##suffix (pix_type *dst, \
+ int dst_stride, \
+ const pix_type *src, \
+ int src_stride, \
+ int W, \
+ int H) \
+{ \
+ int x; \
+ int leading_pixels = 0, trailing_pixels = 0; \
+ const int TILE_SIZE = CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(pix_type); \
+ \
+ /* \
+ * split processing into handling destination as TILE_SIZExH cache line \
+ * aligned vertical stripes (optimistically assuming that destination \
+ * stride is a multiple of cache line, if not - it will be just a bit \
+ * slower) \
+ */ \
+ \
+ if ((uintptr_t)dst & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) \
+ { \
+ leading_pixels = TILE_SIZE - (((uintptr_t)dst & \
+ (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) / sizeof(pix_type)); \
+ if (leading_pixels > W) \
+ leading_pixels = W; \
+ \
+ /* unaligned leading part NxH (where N < TILE_SIZE) */ \
+ blt_rotated_90_trivial_##suffix ( \
+ dst, \
+ dst_stride, \
+ src, \
+ src_stride, \
+ leading_pixels, \
+ H); \
+ \
+ dst += leading_pixels; \
+ src += leading_pixels * src_stride; \
+ W -= leading_pixels; \
+ } \
+ \
+ if ((uintptr_t)(dst + W) & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) \
+ { \
+ trailing_pixels = (((uintptr_t)(dst + W) & \
+ (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) / sizeof(pix_type)); \
+ if (trailing_pixels > W) \
+ trailing_pixels = W; \
+ W -= trailing_pixels; \
+ } \
+ \
+ for (x = 0; x < W; x += TILE_SIZE) \
+ { \
+ /* aligned middle part TILE_SIZExH */ \
+ blt_rotated_90_trivial_##suffix ( \
+ dst + x, \
+ dst_stride, \
+ src + src_stride * x, \
+ src_stride, \
+ H); \
+ } \
+ \
+ if (trailing_pixels) \
+ { \
+ /* unaligned trailing part NxH (where N < TILE_SIZE) */ \
+ blt_rotated_90_trivial_##suffix ( \
+ dst + W, \
+ dst_stride, \
+ src + W * src_stride, \
+ src_stride, \
+ trailing_pixels, \
+ H); \
+ } \
+} \
+ \
+static void \
+blt_rotated_270_##suffix (pix_type *dst, \
+ int dst_stride, \
+ const pix_type *src, \
+ int src_stride, \
+ int W, \
+ int H) \
+{ \
+ int x; \
+ int leading_pixels = 0, trailing_pixels = 0; \
+ const int TILE_SIZE = CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(pix_type); \
+ \
+ /* \
+ * split processing into handling destination as TILE_SIZExH cache line \
+ * aligned vertical stripes (optimistically assuming that destination \
+ * stride is a multiple of cache line, if not - it will be just a bit \
+ * slower) \
+ */ \
+ \
+ if ((uintptr_t)dst & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) \
+ { \
+ leading_pixels = TILE_SIZE - (((uintptr_t)dst & \
+ (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) / sizeof(pix_type)); \
+ if (leading_pixels > W) \
+ leading_pixels = W; \
+ \
+ /* unaligned leading part NxH (where N < TILE_SIZE) */ \
+ blt_rotated_270_trivial_##suffix ( \
+ dst, \
+ dst_stride, \
+ src + src_stride * (W - leading_pixels), \
+ src_stride, \
+ leading_pixels, \
+ H); \
+ \
+ dst += leading_pixels; \
+ W -= leading_pixels; \
+ } \
+ \
+ if ((uintptr_t)(dst + W) & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) \
+ { \
+ trailing_pixels = (((uintptr_t)(dst + W) & \
+ (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) / sizeof(pix_type)); \
+ if (trailing_pixels > W) \
+ trailing_pixels = W; \
+ W -= trailing_pixels; \
+ src += trailing_pixels * src_stride; \
+ } \
+ \
+ for (x = 0; x < W; x += TILE_SIZE) \
+ { \
+ /* aligned middle part TILE_SIZExH */ \
+ blt_rotated_270_trivial_##suffix ( \
+ dst + x, \
+ dst_stride, \
+ src + src_stride * (W - x - TILE_SIZE), \
+ src_stride, \
+ H); \
+ } \
+ \
+ if (trailing_pixels) \
+ { \
+ /* unaligned trailing part NxH (where N < TILE_SIZE) */ \
+ blt_rotated_270_trivial_##suffix ( \
+ dst + W, \
+ dst_stride, \
+ src - trailing_pixels * src_stride, \
+ src_stride, \
+ trailing_pixels, \
+ H); \
+ } \
+} \
+ \
+static void \
+fast_composite_rotate_90_##suffix (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
+ pixman_op_t op, \
+ pixman_image_t * src_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
+ int32_t src_x, \
+ int32_t src_y, \
+ int32_t mask_x, \
+ int32_t mask_y, \
+ int32_t dest_x, \
+ int32_t dest_y, \
+ int32_t width, \
+ int32_t height) \
+{ \
+ pix_type *dst_line; \
+ pix_type *src_line; \
+ int dst_stride, src_stride; \
+ int src_x_t, src_y_t; \
+ \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, pix_type, \
+ dst_stride, dst_line, 1); \
+ src_x_t = -src_y + pixman_fixed_to_int ( \
+ src_image->common.transform->matrix[0][2] + \
+ pixman_fixed_1 / 2 - pixman_fixed_e) - height;\
+ src_y_t = src_x + pixman_fixed_to_int ( \
+ src_image->common.transform->matrix[1][2] + \
+ pixman_fixed_1 / 2 - pixman_fixed_e); \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x_t, src_y_t, pix_type, \
+ src_stride, src_line, 1); \
+ blt_rotated_90_##suffix (dst_line, dst_stride, src_line, src_stride, \
+ width, height); \
+} \
+ \
+static void \
+fast_composite_rotate_270_##suffix (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
+ pixman_op_t op, \
+ pixman_image_t * src_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
+ int32_t src_x, \
+ int32_t src_y, \
+ int32_t mask_x, \
+ int32_t mask_y, \
+ int32_t dest_x, \
+ int32_t dest_y, \
+ int32_t width, \
+ int32_t height) \
+{ \
+ pix_type *dst_line; \
+ pix_type *src_line; \
+ int dst_stride, src_stride; \
+ int src_x_t, src_y_t; \
+ \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, pix_type, \
+ dst_stride, dst_line, 1); \
+ src_x_t = src_y + pixman_fixed_to_int ( \
+ src_image->common.transform->matrix[0][2] + \
+ pixman_fixed_1 / 2 - pixman_fixed_e); \
+ src_y_t = -src_x + pixman_fixed_to_int ( \
+ src_image->common.transform->matrix[1][2] + \
+ pixman_fixed_1 / 2 - pixman_fixed_e) - width; \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, src_x_t, src_y_t, pix_type, \
+ src_stride, src_line, 1); \
+ blt_rotated_270_##suffix (dst_line, dst_stride, src_line, src_stride, \
+ width, height); \
+FAST_SIMPLE_ROTATE (8, uint8_t)
+FAST_SIMPLE_ROTATE (565, uint16_t)
+FAST_SIMPLE_ROTATE (8888, uint32_t)
+static const pixman_fast_path_t c_fast_paths[] =
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, r5g6b5, fast_composite_over_n_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, b5g6r5, fast_composite_over_n_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8_0888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8_0888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_1_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_1_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_1_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_1_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, r5g6b5, fast_composite_over_n_1_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a1, b5g6r5, fast_composite_over_n_1_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, fast_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, fast_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_over_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, fast_composite_over_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_add_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_add_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8, null, a8, fast_composite_add_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a1, null, a1, fast_composite_add_1000_1000),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (ADD, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_add_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8, fast_composite_add_n_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, a1, fast_composite_solid_fill),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, a8, fast_composite_solid_fill),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_solid_fill),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_x888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_x888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8a8, null, b8g8r8x8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8a8, null, b8g8r8a8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8x8, null, b8g8r8x8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, b5g6r5, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r8g8b8, null, r8g8b8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b8g8r8, null, b8g8r8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x1r5g5b5, null, x1r5g5b5, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a1r5g5b5, null, x1r5g5b5, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8, null, a8, fast_composite_src_memcpy),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_src_x888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, fast_composite_src_x888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, fast_composite_src_x888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, fast_composite_src_x888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, a8, null, a8, fast_composite_in_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, solid, a8, a8, fast_composite_in_n_8_8),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, 8888_565),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, 8888_565),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, r5g6b5, 565_565),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, 8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, 8888_565),
+#define NEAREST_FAST_PATH(op,s,d) \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_null, 0, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest, \
+ }
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8),
+ NEAREST_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8),
+#define SIMPLE_ROTATE_FLAGS(angle) \
+ (FAST_PATH_ROTATE_ ## angle ## _TRANSFORM | \
+#define SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH(op,s,d,suffix) \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_null, 0, \
+ fast_composite_rotate_90_##suffix, \
+ }, \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_null, 0, \
+ fast_composite_rotate_270_##suffix, \
+ }
+ SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, 8888),
+ SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888),
+ SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 8888),
+ SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, r5g6b5, 565),
+#define A1_FILL_MASK(n, offs) (((1 << (n)) - 1) << (32 - (offs) - (n)))
+#define A1_FILL_MASK(n, offs) (((1 << (n)) - 1) << (offs))
+static force_inline void
+pixman_fill1_line (uint32_t *dst, int offs, int width, int v)
+ if (offs)
+ {
+ int leading_pixels = 32 - offs;
+ if (leading_pixels >= width)
+ {
+ if (v)
+ *dst |= A1_FILL_MASK (width, offs);
+ else
+ *dst &= ~A1_FILL_MASK (width, offs);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (v)
+ *dst++ |= A1_FILL_MASK (leading_pixels, offs);
+ else
+ *dst++ &= ~A1_FILL_MASK (leading_pixels, offs);
+ width -= leading_pixels;
+ }
+ }
+ while (width >= 32)
+ {
+ if (v)
+ *dst++ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ else
+ *dst++ = 0;
+ width -= 32;
+ }
+ if (width > 0)
+ {
+ if (v)
+ *dst |= A1_FILL_MASK (width, 0);
+ else
+ *dst &= ~A1_FILL_MASK (width, 0);
+ }
+static void
+pixman_fill1 (uint32_t *bits,
+ int stride,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ uint32_t xor)
+ uint32_t *dst = bits + y * stride + (x >> 5);
+ int offs = x & 31;
+ if (xor & 1)
+ {
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ pixman_fill1_line (dst, offs, width, 1);
+ dst += stride;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ pixman_fill1_line (dst, offs, width, 0);
+ dst += stride;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+pixman_fill8 (uint32_t *bits,
+ int stride,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ uint32_t xor)
+ int byte_stride = stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t);
+ uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *) bits;
+ uint8_t v = xor & 0xff;
+ int i;
+ dst = dst + y * byte_stride + x;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
+ dst[i] = v;
+ dst += byte_stride;
+ }
+static void
+pixman_fill16 (uint32_t *bits,
+ int stride,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ uint32_t xor)
+ int short_stride =
+ (stride * (int)sizeof (uint32_t)) / (int)sizeof (uint16_t);
+ uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)bits;
+ uint16_t v = xor & 0xffff;
+ int i;
+ dst = dst + y * short_stride + x;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
+ dst[i] = v;
+ dst += short_stride;
+ }
+static void
+pixman_fill32 (uint32_t *bits,
+ int stride,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ uint32_t xor)
+ int i;
+ bits = bits + y * stride + x;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
+ bits[i] = xor;
+ bits += stride;
+ }
+static pixman_bool_t
+fast_path_fill (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ uint32_t * bits,
+ int stride,
+ int bpp,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ uint32_t xor)
+ switch (bpp)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ pixman_fill1 (bits, stride, x, y, width, height, xor);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ pixman_fill8 (bits, stride, x, y, width, height, xor);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ pixman_fill16 (bits, stride, x, y, width, height, xor);
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ pixman_fill32 (bits, stride, x, y, width, height, xor);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return _pixman_implementation_fill (
+ imp->delegate, bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor);
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+pixman_implementation_t *
+_pixman_implementation_create_fast_path (pixman_implementation_t *fallback)
+ pixman_implementation_t *imp = _pixman_implementation_create (fallback, c_fast_paths);
+ imp->fill = fast_path_fill;
+ return imp;
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-fast-path.h b/pixman/pixman/pixman-fast-path.h
index d08122293..b5f524353 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman/pixman-fast-path.h
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-fast-path.h
@@ -1,590 +1,590 @@
-/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*- */
- * Copyright © 2000 SuSE, Inc.
- * Copyright © 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of SuSE not be used in advertising or
- * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
- * written prior permission. SuSE makes no representations about the
- * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
- * without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Author: Keith Packard, SuSE, Inc.
- */
-#include "pixman-private.h"
-static force_inline pixman_bool_t
-repeat (pixman_repeat_t repeat, int *c, int size)
- if (repeat == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE)
- {
- if (*c < 0 || *c >= size)
- return FALSE;
- }
- else if (repeat == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL)
- {
- while (*c >= size)
- *c -= size;
- while (*c < 0)
- *c += size;
- }
- else if (repeat == PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD)
- {
- *c = CLIP (*c, 0, size - 1);
- }
- else /* REFLECT */
- {
- *c = MOD (*c, size * 2);
- if (*c >= size)
- *c = size * 2 - *c - 1;
- }
- return TRUE;
- * For each scanline fetched from source image with PAD repeat:
- * - calculate how many pixels need to be padded on the left side
- * - calculate how many pixels need to be padded on the right side
- * - update width to only count pixels which are fetched from the image
- * All this information is returned via 'width', 'left_pad', 'right_pad'
- * arguments. The code is assuming that 'unit_x' is positive.
- *
- * Note: 64-bit math is used in order to avoid potential overflows, which
- * is probably excessive in many cases. This particular function
- * may need its own correctness test and performance tuning.
- */
-static force_inline void
-pad_repeat_get_scanline_bounds (int32_t source_image_width,
- pixman_fixed_t vx,
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x,
- int32_t * width,
- int32_t * left_pad,
- int32_t * right_pad)
- int64_t max_vx = (int64_t) source_image_width << 16;
- int64_t tmp;
- if (vx < 0)
- {
- tmp = ((int64_t) unit_x - 1 - vx) / unit_x;
- if (tmp > *width)
- {
- *left_pad = *width;
- *width = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- *left_pad = (int32_t) tmp;
- *width -= (int32_t) tmp;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- *left_pad = 0;
- }
- tmp = ((int64_t) unit_x - 1 - vx + max_vx) / unit_x - *left_pad;
- if (tmp < 0)
- {
- *right_pad = *width;
- *width = 0;
- }
- else if (tmp >= *width)
- {
- *right_pad = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- *right_pad = *width - (int32_t) tmp;
- *width = (int32_t) tmp;
- }
-/* A macroified version of specialized nearest scalers for some
- * common 8888 and 565 formats. It supports SRC and OVER ops.
- *
- * There are two repeat versions, one that handles repeat normal,
- * and one without repeat handling that only works if the src region
- * used is completely covered by the pre-repeated source samples.
- *
- * The loops are unrolled to process two pixels per iteration for better
- * performance on most CPU architectures (superscalar processors
- * can issue several operations simultaneously, other processors can hide
- * instructions latencies by pipelining operations). Unrolling more
- * does not make much sense because the compiler will start running out
- * of spare registers soon.
- */
-#define GET_8888_ALPHA(s) ((s) >> 24)
- /* This is not actually used since we don't have an OVER with
- 565 source, but it is needed to build. */
-#define GET_0565_ALPHA(s) 0xff
-#define FAST_NEAREST_SCANLINE(scanline_func_name, SRC_FORMAT, DST_FORMAT, \
- src_type_t, dst_type_t, OP, repeat_mode) \
-static force_inline void \
-scanline_func_name (dst_type_t *dst, \
- const src_type_t *src, \
- int32_t w, \
- pixman_fixed_t vx, \
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
- pixman_fixed_t max_vx, \
- pixman_bool_t fully_transparent_src) \
-{ \
- uint32_t d; \
- src_type_t s1, s2; \
- uint8_t a1, a2; \
- int x1, x2; \
- \
- if (PIXMAN_OP_ ## OP == PIXMAN_OP_OVER && fully_transparent_src) \
- return; \
- \
- abort(); \
- \
- while ((w -= 2) >= 0) \
- { \
- x1 = vx >> 16; \
- vx += unit_x; \
- if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL) \
- { \
- /* This works because we know that unit_x is positive */ \
- while (vx >= max_vx) \
- vx -= max_vx; \
- } \
- s1 = src[x1]; \
- \
- x2 = vx >> 16; \
- vx += unit_x; \
- if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL) \
- { \
- /* This works because we know that unit_x is positive */ \
- while (vx >= max_vx) \
- vx -= max_vx; \
- } \
- s2 = src[x2]; \
- \
- { \
- a1 = GET_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _ALPHA(s1); \
- a2 = GET_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _ALPHA(s2); \
- \
- if (a1 == 0xff) \
- { \
- *dst = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s1); \
- } \
- else if (s1) \
- { \
- d = CONVERT_ ## DST_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (*dst); \
- s1 = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (s1); \
- a1 ^= 0xff; \
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (d, a1, s1); \
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (d); \
- } \
- dst++; \
- \
- if (a2 == 0xff) \
- { \
- *dst = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s2); \
- } \
- else if (s2) \
- { \
- d = CONVERT_## DST_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (*dst); \
- s2 = CONVERT_## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (s2); \
- a2 ^= 0xff; \
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (d, a2, s2); \
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (d); \
- } \
- dst++; \
- } \
- else /* PIXMAN_OP_SRC */ \
- { \
- *dst++ = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s1); \
- *dst++ = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s2); \
- } \
- } \
- \
- if (w & 1) \
- { \
- x1 = vx >> 16; \
- s1 = src[x1]; \
- \
- { \
- a1 = GET_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _ALPHA(s1); \
- \
- if (a1 == 0xff) \
- { \
- *dst = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s1); \
- } \
- else if (s1) \
- { \
- d = CONVERT_## DST_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (*dst); \
- s1 = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (s1); \
- a1 ^= 0xff; \
- UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (d, a1, s1); \
- *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (d); \
- } \
- dst++; \
- } \
- else /* PIXMAN_OP_SRC */ \
- { \
- *dst++ = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s1); \
- } \
- } \
-#define FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_INT(scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, mask_type_t, \
- dst_type_t, repeat_mode, have_mask, mask_is_solid) \
-static void \
-fast_composite_scaled_nearest ## scale_func_name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
- pixman_op_t op, \
- pixman_image_t * src_image, \
- pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
- pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
- int32_t src_x, \
- int32_t src_y, \
- int32_t mask_x, \
- int32_t mask_y, \
- int32_t dst_x, \
- int32_t dst_y, \
- int32_t width, \
- int32_t height) \
-{ \
- dst_type_t *dst_line; \
- mask_type_t *mask_line; \
- src_type_t *src_first_line; \
- int y; \
- pixman_fixed_t max_vx = INT32_MAX; /* suppress uninitialized variable warning */ \
- pixman_fixed_t max_vy; \
- pixman_vector_t v; \
- pixman_fixed_t vx, vy; \
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x, unit_y; \
- int32_t left_pad, right_pad; \
- \
- src_type_t *src; \
- dst_type_t *dst; \
- mask_type_t solid_mask; \
- const mask_type_t *mask = &solid_mask; \
- int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride; \
- \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dst_x, dst_y, dst_type_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1); \
- if (have_mask) \
- { \
- if (mask_is_solid) \
- solid_mask = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, mask_image, dst_image->bits.format); \
- else \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, mask_type_t, \
- mask_stride, mask_line, 1); \
- } \
- /* pass in 0 instead of src_x and src_y because src_x and src_y need to be \
- * transformed from destination space to source space */ \
- PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, 0, 0, src_type_t, src_stride, src_first_line, 1); \
- \
- /* reference point is the center of the pixel */ \
- v.vector[0] = pixman_int_to_fixed (src_x) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2; \
- v.vector[1] = pixman_int_to_fixed (src_y) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2; \
- v.vector[2] = pixman_fixed_1; \
- \
- if (!pixman_transform_point_3d (src_image->common.transform, &v)) \
- return; \
- \
- unit_x = src_image->common.transform->matrix[0][0]; \
- unit_y = src_image->common.transform->matrix[1][1]; \
- \
- /* Round down to closest integer, ensuring that 0.5 rounds to 0, not 1 */ \
- v.vector[0] -= pixman_fixed_e; \
- v.vector[1] -= pixman_fixed_e; \
- \
- vx = v.vector[0]; \
- vy = v.vector[1]; \
- \
- if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL) \
- { \
- /* Clamp repeating positions inside the actual samples */ \
- max_vx = src_image->bits.width << 16; \
- max_vy = src_image->bits.height << 16; \
- \
- repeat (PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL, &vx, max_vx); \
- repeat (PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL, &vy, max_vy); \
- } \
- \
- if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD || \
- PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE) \
- { \
- pad_repeat_get_scanline_bounds (src_image->bits.width, vx, unit_x, \
- &width, &left_pad, &right_pad); \
- vx += left_pad * unit_x; \
- } \
- \
- while (--height >= 0) \
- { \
- dst = dst_line; \
- dst_line += dst_stride; \
- if (have_mask && !mask_is_solid) \
- { \
- mask = mask_line; \
- mask_line += mask_stride; \
- } \
- \
- y = vy >> 16; \
- vy += unit_y; \
- if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL) \
- repeat (PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL, &vy, max_vy); \
- if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD) \
- { \
- repeat (PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD, &y, src_image->bits.height); \
- src = src_first_line + src_stride * y; \
- if (left_pad > 0) \
- { \
- scanline_func (mask, dst, src, left_pad, 0, 0, 0, FALSE); \
- } \
- if (width > 0) \
- { \
- scanline_func (mask + (mask_is_solid ? 0 : left_pad), \
- dst + left_pad, src, width, vx, unit_x, 0, FALSE); \
- } \
- if (right_pad > 0) \
- { \
- scanline_func (mask + (mask_is_solid ? 0 : left_pad + width), \
- dst + left_pad + width, src + src_image->bits.width - 1, \
- right_pad, 0, 0, 0, FALSE); \
- } \
- } \
- else if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE) \
- { \
- static const src_type_t zero[1] = { 0 }; \
- if (y < 0 || y >= src_image->bits.height) \
- { \
- scanline_func (mask, dst, zero, left_pad + width + right_pad, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); \
- continue; \
- } \
- src = src_first_line + src_stride * y; \
- if (left_pad > 0) \
- { \
- scanline_func (mask, dst, zero, left_pad, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); \
- } \
- if (width > 0) \
- { \
- scanline_func (mask + (mask_is_solid ? 0 : left_pad), \
- dst + left_pad, src, width, vx, unit_x, 0, FALSE); \
- } \
- if (right_pad > 0) \
- { \
- scanline_func (mask + (mask_is_solid ? 0 : left_pad + width), \
- dst + left_pad + width, zero, right_pad, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); \
- } \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- src = src_first_line + src_stride * y; \
- scanline_func (mask, dst, src, width, vx, unit_x, max_vx, FALSE); \
- } \
- } \
-/* A workaround for old sun studio, see: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32764 */
-#define FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON(scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, mask_type_t, \
- dst_type_t, repeat_mode, have_mask, mask_is_solid) \
- FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_INT(_ ## scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, mask_type_t, \
- dst_type_t, repeat_mode, have_mask, mask_is_solid)
-#define FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_NOMASK(scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, dst_type_t, \
- repeat_mode) \
- static force_inline void \
- scanline_func##scale_func_name##_wrapper ( \
- const uint8_t *mask, \
- dst_type_t *dst, \
- const src_type_t *src, \
- int32_t w, \
- pixman_fixed_t vx, \
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
- pixman_fixed_t max_vx, \
- pixman_bool_t fully_transparent_src) \
- { \
- scanline_func (dst, src, w, vx, unit_x, max_vx, fully_transparent_src); \
- } \
- FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_INT (scale_func_name, scanline_func##scale_func_name##_wrapper, \
- src_type_t, uint8_t, dst_type_t, repeat_mode, FALSE, FALSE)
-#define FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP(scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, dst_type_t, \
- repeat_mode) \
- FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_NOMASK(_ ## scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, \
- dst_type_t, repeat_mode)
-#define FAST_NEAREST(scale_func_name, SRC_FORMAT, DST_FORMAT, \
- src_type_t, dst_type_t, OP, repeat_mode) \
- FAST_NEAREST_SCANLINE(scaled_nearest_scanline_ ## scale_func_name ## _ ## OP, \
- SRC_FORMAT, DST_FORMAT, src_type_t, dst_type_t, \
- OP, repeat_mode) \
- FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_NOMASK(_ ## scale_func_name ## _ ## OP, \
- scaled_nearest_scanline_ ## scale_func_name ## _ ## OP, \
- src_type_t, dst_type_t, repeat_mode)
-#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NORMAL(op,s,d,func) \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- PIXMAN_null, 0, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _normal ## _ ## op, \
- }
-#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD(op,s,d,func) \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- PIXMAN_null, 0, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _pad ## _ ## op, \
- }
-#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE(op,s,d,func) \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- PIXMAN_null, 0, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _none ## _ ## op, \
- }
-#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER(op,s,d,func) \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- PIXMAN_null, 0, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _cover ## _ ## op, \
- }
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _normal ## _ ## op, \
- }
-#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH_PAD(op,s,d,func) \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _pad ## _ ## op, \
- }
-#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH_NONE(op,s,d,func) \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _none ## _ ## op, \
- }
-#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH_COVER(op,s,d,func) \
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _cover ## _ ## op, \
- }
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _normal ## _ ## op, \
- }
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _pad ## _ ## op, \
- }
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _none ## _ ## op, \
- }
- { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
- PIXMAN_ ## s, \
- fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _cover ## _ ## op, \
- }
-/* Prefer the use of 'cover' variant, because it is faster */
-#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH(op,s,d,func) \
-#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH(op,s,d,func) \
+/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*- */
+ * Copyright © 2000 SuSE, Inc.
+ * Copyright © 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation, and that the name of SuSE not be used in advertising or
+ * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
+ * written prior permission. SuSE makes no representations about the
+ * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
+ * without express or implied warranty.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Keith Packard, SuSE, Inc.
+ */
+#include "pixman-private.h"
+static force_inline pixman_bool_t
+repeat (pixman_repeat_t repeat, int *c, int size)
+ if (repeat == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE)
+ {
+ if (*c < 0 || *c >= size)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (repeat == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL)
+ {
+ while (*c >= size)
+ *c -= size;
+ while (*c < 0)
+ *c += size;
+ }
+ else if (repeat == PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD)
+ {
+ *c = CLIP (*c, 0, size - 1);
+ }
+ else /* REFLECT */
+ {
+ *c = MOD (*c, size * 2);
+ if (*c >= size)
+ *c = size * 2 - *c - 1;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * For each scanline fetched from source image with PAD repeat:
+ * - calculate how many pixels need to be padded on the left side
+ * - calculate how many pixels need to be padded on the right side
+ * - update width to only count pixels which are fetched from the image
+ * All this information is returned via 'width', 'left_pad', 'right_pad'
+ * arguments. The code is assuming that 'unit_x' is positive.
+ *
+ * Note: 64-bit math is used in order to avoid potential overflows, which
+ * is probably excessive in many cases. This particular function
+ * may need its own correctness test and performance tuning.
+ */
+static force_inline void
+pad_repeat_get_scanline_bounds (int32_t source_image_width,
+ pixman_fixed_t vx,
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x,
+ int32_t * width,
+ int32_t * left_pad,
+ int32_t * right_pad)
+ int64_t max_vx = (int64_t) source_image_width << 16;
+ int64_t tmp;
+ if (vx < 0)
+ {
+ tmp = ((int64_t) unit_x - 1 - vx) / unit_x;
+ if (tmp > *width)
+ {
+ *left_pad = *width;
+ *width = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *left_pad = (int32_t) tmp;
+ *width -= (int32_t) tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *left_pad = 0;
+ }
+ tmp = ((int64_t) unit_x - 1 - vx + max_vx) / unit_x - *left_pad;
+ if (tmp < 0)
+ {
+ *right_pad = *width;
+ *width = 0;
+ }
+ else if (tmp >= *width)
+ {
+ *right_pad = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *right_pad = *width - (int32_t) tmp;
+ *width = (int32_t) tmp;
+ }
+/* A macroified version of specialized nearest scalers for some
+ * common 8888 and 565 formats. It supports SRC and OVER ops.
+ *
+ * There are two repeat versions, one that handles repeat normal,
+ * and one without repeat handling that only works if the src region
+ * used is completely covered by the pre-repeated source samples.
+ *
+ * The loops are unrolled to process two pixels per iteration for better
+ * performance on most CPU architectures (superscalar processors
+ * can issue several operations simultaneously, other processors can hide
+ * instructions latencies by pipelining operations). Unrolling more
+ * does not make much sense because the compiler will start running out
+ * of spare registers soon.
+ */
+#define GET_8888_ALPHA(s) ((s) >> 24)
+ /* This is not actually used since we don't have an OVER with
+ 565 source, but it is needed to build. */
+#define GET_0565_ALPHA(s) 0xff
+#define FAST_NEAREST_SCANLINE(scanline_func_name, SRC_FORMAT, DST_FORMAT, \
+ src_type_t, dst_type_t, OP, repeat_mode) \
+static force_inline void \
+scanline_func_name (dst_type_t *dst, \
+ const src_type_t *src, \
+ int32_t w, \
+ pixman_fixed_t vx, \
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
+ pixman_fixed_t max_vx, \
+ pixman_bool_t fully_transparent_src) \
+{ \
+ uint32_t d; \
+ src_type_t s1, s2; \
+ uint8_t a1, a2; \
+ int x1, x2; \
+ \
+ if (PIXMAN_OP_ ## OP == PIXMAN_OP_OVER && fully_transparent_src) \
+ return; \
+ \
+ abort(); \
+ \
+ while ((w -= 2) >= 0) \
+ { \
+ x1 = vx >> 16; \
+ vx += unit_x; \
+ if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL) \
+ { \
+ /* This works because we know that unit_x is positive */ \
+ while (vx >= max_vx) \
+ vx -= max_vx; \
+ } \
+ s1 = src[x1]; \
+ \
+ x2 = vx >> 16; \
+ vx += unit_x; \
+ if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL) \
+ { \
+ /* This works because we know that unit_x is positive */ \
+ while (vx >= max_vx) \
+ vx -= max_vx; \
+ } \
+ s2 = src[x2]; \
+ \
+ { \
+ a1 = GET_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _ALPHA(s1); \
+ a2 = GET_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _ALPHA(s2); \
+ \
+ if (a1 == 0xff) \
+ { \
+ *dst = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s1); \
+ } \
+ else if (s1) \
+ { \
+ d = CONVERT_ ## DST_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (*dst); \
+ s1 = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (s1); \
+ a1 ^= 0xff; \
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (d, a1, s1); \
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (d); \
+ } \
+ dst++; \
+ \
+ if (a2 == 0xff) \
+ { \
+ *dst = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s2); \
+ } \
+ else if (s2) \
+ { \
+ d = CONVERT_## DST_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (*dst); \
+ s2 = CONVERT_## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (s2); \
+ a2 ^= 0xff; \
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (d, a2, s2); \
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (d); \
+ } \
+ dst++; \
+ } \
+ else /* PIXMAN_OP_SRC */ \
+ { \
+ *dst++ = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s1); \
+ *dst++ = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s2); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ \
+ if (w & 1) \
+ { \
+ x1 = vx >> 16; \
+ s1 = src[x1]; \
+ \
+ { \
+ a1 = GET_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _ALPHA(s1); \
+ \
+ if (a1 == 0xff) \
+ { \
+ *dst = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s1); \
+ } \
+ else if (s1) \
+ { \
+ d = CONVERT_## DST_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (*dst); \
+ s1 = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_8888 (s1); \
+ a1 ^= 0xff; \
+ UN8x4_MUL_UN8_ADD_UN8x4 (d, a1, s1); \
+ *dst = CONVERT_8888_TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (d); \
+ } \
+ dst++; \
+ } \
+ else /* PIXMAN_OP_SRC */ \
+ { \
+ *dst++ = CONVERT_ ## SRC_FORMAT ## _TO_ ## DST_FORMAT (s1); \
+ } \
+ } \
+#define FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_INT(scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, mask_type_t, \
+ dst_type_t, repeat_mode, have_mask, mask_is_solid) \
+static void \
+fast_composite_scaled_nearest ## scale_func_name (pixman_implementation_t *imp, \
+ pixman_op_t op, \
+ pixman_image_t * src_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image, \
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image, \
+ int32_t src_x, \
+ int32_t src_y, \
+ int32_t mask_x, \
+ int32_t mask_y, \
+ int32_t dst_x, \
+ int32_t dst_y, \
+ int32_t width, \
+ int32_t height) \
+{ \
+ dst_type_t *dst_line; \
+ mask_type_t *mask_line; \
+ src_type_t *src_first_line; \
+ int y; \
+ pixman_fixed_t max_vx = INT32_MAX; /* suppress uninitialized variable warning */ \
+ pixman_fixed_t max_vy; \
+ pixman_vector_t v; \
+ pixman_fixed_t vx, vy; \
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x, unit_y; \
+ int32_t left_pad, right_pad; \
+ \
+ src_type_t *src; \
+ dst_type_t *dst; \
+ mask_type_t solid_mask; \
+ const mask_type_t *mask = &solid_mask; \
+ int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride; \
+ \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (dst_image, dst_x, dst_y, dst_type_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1); \
+ if (have_mask) \
+ { \
+ if (mask_is_solid) \
+ solid_mask = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, mask_image, dst_image->bits.format); \
+ else \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, mask_type_t, \
+ mask_stride, mask_line, 1); \
+ } \
+ /* pass in 0 instead of src_x and src_y because src_x and src_y need to be \
+ * transformed from destination space to source space */ \
+ PIXMAN_IMAGE_GET_LINE (src_image, 0, 0, src_type_t, src_stride, src_first_line, 1); \
+ \
+ /* reference point is the center of the pixel */ \
+ v.vector[0] = pixman_int_to_fixed (src_x) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2; \
+ v.vector[1] = pixman_int_to_fixed (src_y) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2; \
+ v.vector[2] = pixman_fixed_1; \
+ \
+ if (!pixman_transform_point_3d (src_image->common.transform, &v)) \
+ return; \
+ \
+ unit_x = src_image->common.transform->matrix[0][0]; \
+ unit_y = src_image->common.transform->matrix[1][1]; \
+ \
+ /* Round down to closest integer, ensuring that 0.5 rounds to 0, not 1 */ \
+ v.vector[0] -= pixman_fixed_e; \
+ v.vector[1] -= pixman_fixed_e; \
+ \
+ vx = v.vector[0]; \
+ vy = v.vector[1]; \
+ \
+ if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL) \
+ { \
+ /* Clamp repeating positions inside the actual samples */ \
+ max_vx = src_image->bits.width << 16; \
+ max_vy = src_image->bits.height << 16; \
+ \
+ repeat (PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL, &vx, max_vx); \
+ repeat (PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL, &vy, max_vy); \
+ } \
+ \
+ if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD || \
+ PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE) \
+ { \
+ pad_repeat_get_scanline_bounds (src_image->bits.width, vx, unit_x, \
+ &width, &left_pad, &right_pad); \
+ vx += left_pad * unit_x; \
+ } \
+ \
+ while (--height >= 0) \
+ { \
+ dst = dst_line; \
+ dst_line += dst_stride; \
+ if (have_mask && !mask_is_solid) \
+ { \
+ mask = mask_line; \
+ mask_line += mask_stride; \
+ } \
+ \
+ y = vy >> 16; \
+ vy += unit_y; \
+ if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL) \
+ repeat (PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL, &vy, max_vy); \
+ if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD) \
+ { \
+ repeat (PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD, &y, src_image->bits.height); \
+ src = src_first_line + src_stride * y; \
+ if (left_pad > 0) \
+ { \
+ scanline_func (mask, dst, src, left_pad, 0, 0, 0, FALSE); \
+ } \
+ if (width > 0) \
+ { \
+ scanline_func (mask + (mask_is_solid ? 0 : left_pad), \
+ dst + left_pad, src, width, vx, unit_x, 0, FALSE); \
+ } \
+ if (right_pad > 0) \
+ { \
+ scanline_func (mask + (mask_is_solid ? 0 : left_pad + width), \
+ dst + left_pad + width, src + src_image->bits.width - 1, \
+ right_pad, 0, 0, 0, FALSE); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else if (PIXMAN_REPEAT_ ## repeat_mode == PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE) \
+ { \
+ static const src_type_t zero[1] = { 0 }; \
+ if (y < 0 || y >= src_image->bits.height) \
+ { \
+ scanline_func (mask, dst, zero, left_pad + width + right_pad, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); \
+ continue; \
+ } \
+ src = src_first_line + src_stride * y; \
+ if (left_pad > 0) \
+ { \
+ scanline_func (mask, dst, zero, left_pad, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); \
+ } \
+ if (width > 0) \
+ { \
+ scanline_func (mask + (mask_is_solid ? 0 : left_pad), \
+ dst + left_pad, src, width, vx, unit_x, 0, FALSE); \
+ } \
+ if (right_pad > 0) \
+ { \
+ scanline_func (mask + (mask_is_solid ? 0 : left_pad + width), \
+ dst + left_pad + width, zero, right_pad, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ src = src_first_line + src_stride * y; \
+ scanline_func (mask, dst, src, width, vx, unit_x, max_vx, FALSE); \
+ } \
+ } \
+/* A workaround for old sun studio, see: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32764 */
+#define FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON(scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, mask_type_t, \
+ dst_type_t, repeat_mode, have_mask, mask_is_solid) \
+ FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_INT(_ ## scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, mask_type_t, \
+ dst_type_t, repeat_mode, have_mask, mask_is_solid)
+#define FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_NOMASK(scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, dst_type_t, \
+ repeat_mode) \
+ static force_inline void \
+ scanline_func##scale_func_name##_wrapper ( \
+ const uint8_t *mask, \
+ dst_type_t *dst, \
+ const src_type_t *src, \
+ int32_t w, \
+ pixman_fixed_t vx, \
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x, \
+ pixman_fixed_t max_vx, \
+ pixman_bool_t fully_transparent_src) \
+ { \
+ scanline_func (dst, src, w, vx, unit_x, max_vx, fully_transparent_src); \
+ } \
+ FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_INT (scale_func_name, scanline_func##scale_func_name##_wrapper, \
+ src_type_t, uint8_t, dst_type_t, repeat_mode, FALSE, FALSE)
+#define FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP(scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, dst_type_t, \
+ repeat_mode) \
+ FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_NOMASK(_ ## scale_func_name, scanline_func, src_type_t, \
+ dst_type_t, repeat_mode)
+#define FAST_NEAREST(scale_func_name, SRC_FORMAT, DST_FORMAT, \
+ src_type_t, dst_type_t, OP, repeat_mode) \
+ FAST_NEAREST_SCANLINE(scaled_nearest_scanline_ ## scale_func_name ## _ ## OP, \
+ SRC_FORMAT, DST_FORMAT, src_type_t, dst_type_t, \
+ OP, repeat_mode) \
+ FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_NOMASK(_ ## scale_func_name ## _ ## OP, \
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_ ## scale_func_name ## _ ## OP, \
+ src_type_t, dst_type_t, repeat_mode)
+#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NORMAL(op,s,d,func) \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ PIXMAN_null, 0, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _normal ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD(op,s,d,func) \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ PIXMAN_null, 0, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _pad ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE(op,s,d,func) \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ PIXMAN_null, 0, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _none ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER(op,s,d,func) \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ PIXMAN_null, 0, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _cover ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _normal ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH_PAD(op,s,d,func) \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _pad ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH_NONE(op,s,d,func) \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _none ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH_COVER(op,s,d,func) \
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _cover ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _normal ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _pad ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _none ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+ { PIXMAN_OP_ ## op, \
+ PIXMAN_ ## s, \
+ fast_composite_scaled_nearest_ ## func ## _cover ## _ ## op, \
+ }
+/* Prefer the use of 'cover' variant, because it is faster */
+#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH(op,s,d,func) \
+#define SIMPLE_NEAREST_A8_MASK_FAST_PATH(op,s,d,func) \
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-mmx.c b/pixman/pixman/pixman-mmx.c
index 027234773..88442f70e 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman/pixman-mmx.c
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-mmx.c
@@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ to_m64 (uint64_t x)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define to_uint64(arg) arg.M64_MEMBER
static force_inline uint64_t
to_uint64 (__m64 x)
@@ -164,6 +167,7 @@ to_uint64 (__m64 x)
return (uint64_t)x;
static force_inline __m64
shift (__m64 v,
@@ -310,11 +314,15 @@ pack8888 (__m64 lo, __m64 hi)
return _mm_packs_pu16 (lo, hi);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define store8888(v) _mm_cvtsi64_si32 (pack8888 (v, _mm_setzero_si64 ()))
static force_inline uint32_t
store8888 (__m64 v)
return _mm_cvtsi64_si32 (pack8888 (v, _mm_setzero_si64 ()));
/* Expand 16 bits positioned at @pos (0-3) of a mmx register into
@@ -417,6 +425,13 @@ pix_add_mul (__m64 x, __m64 a, __m64 y, __m64 b)
/* --------------- MMX code patch for fbcompose.c --------------------- */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define combine(src, mask) \
+ ((mask) ? \
+ store8888 (pix_multiply (load8888 (*src), expand_alpha (load8888 (*mask)))) \
+ : \
+ *src)
static force_inline uint32_t
combine (const uint32_t *src, const uint32_t *mask)
@@ -435,6 +450,7 @@ combine (const uint32_t *src, const uint32_t *mask)
return ssrc;
static void
mmx_combine_over_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
@@ -1685,7 +1701,7 @@ mmx_composite_over_8888_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
vdest = pack_565 (
over (vsrc, expand_alpha (vsrc), vdest), vdest, 0);
- *dst = to_uint64 (vdest);
+ *dst = to_uint64 (vdest)&0xffff;
@@ -1728,7 +1744,7 @@ mmx_composite_over_8888_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
vdest = pack_565 (over (vsrc, expand_alpha (vsrc), vdest), vdest, 0);
- *dst = to_uint64 (vdest);
+ *dst = to_uint64 (vdest) & 0xffff;
@@ -1943,7 +1959,7 @@ pixman_fill_mmx (uint32_t *bits,
while (w >= 2 && ((unsigned long)d & 3))
- *(uint16_t *)d = xor;
+ *(uint16_t *)d = (xor & 0xffff);
w -= 2;
d += 2;
@@ -1996,7 +2012,7 @@ pixman_fill_mmx (uint32_t *bits,
while (w >= 2)
- *(uint16_t *)d = xor;
+ *(uint16_t *)d = (xor & 0xffff);
w -= 2;
d += 2;
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-sse2.c b/pixman/pixman/pixman-sse2.c
index 88287b453..e7ecc8733 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman/pixman-sse2.c
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-sse2.c
@@ -1,5965 +1,5965 @@
- * Copyright © 2008 Rodrigo Kumpera
- * Copyright © 2008 André Tupinambá
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of Red Hat not be used in advertising or
- * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
- * written prior permission. Red Hat makes no representations about the
- * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
- * without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Author: Rodrigo Kumpera (kumpera@gmail.com)
- * André Tupinambá (andrelrt@gmail.com)
- *
- * Based on work by Owen Taylor and Søren Sandmann
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <xmmintrin.h> /* for _mm_shuffle_pi16 and _MM_SHUFFLE */
-#include <emmintrin.h> /* for SSE2 intrinsics */
-#include "pixman-private.h"
-#include "pixman-combine32.h"
-#include "pixman-fast-path.h"
-static __m128i mask_0080;
-static __m128i mask_00ff;
-static __m128i mask_0101;
-static __m128i mask_ffff;
-static __m128i mask_ff000000;
-static __m128i mask_alpha;
-static __m128i mask_565_r;
-static __m128i mask_565_g1, mask_565_g2;
-static __m128i mask_565_b;
-static __m128i mask_red;
-static __m128i mask_green;
-static __m128i mask_blue;
-static __m128i mask_565_fix_rb;
-static __m128i mask_565_fix_g;
-static force_inline __m128i
-unpack_32_1x128 (uint32_t data)
- return _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (_mm_cvtsi32_si128 (data), _mm_setzero_si128 ());
-static force_inline void
-unpack_128_2x128 (__m128i data, __m128i* data_lo, __m128i* data_hi)
- *data_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- *data_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
-static force_inline __m128i
-unpack_565_to_8888 (__m128i lo)
- __m128i r, g, b, rb, t;
- r = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_slli_epi32 (lo, 8), mask_red);
- g = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_slli_epi32 (lo, 5), mask_green);
- b = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_slli_epi32 (lo, 3), mask_blue);
- rb = _mm_or_si128 (r, b);
- t = _mm_and_si128 (rb, mask_565_fix_rb);
- t = _mm_srli_epi32 (t, 5);
- rb = _mm_or_si128 (rb, t);
- t = _mm_and_si128 (g, mask_565_fix_g);
- t = _mm_srli_epi32 (t, 6);
- g = _mm_or_si128 (g, t);
- return _mm_or_si128 (rb, g);
-static force_inline void
-unpack_565_128_4x128 (__m128i data,
- __m128i* data0,
- __m128i* data1,
- __m128i* data2,
- __m128i* data3)
- __m128i lo, hi;
- lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi16 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- lo = unpack_565_to_8888 (lo);
- hi = unpack_565_to_8888 (hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (lo, data0, data1);
- unpack_128_2x128 (hi, data2, data3);
-static force_inline uint16_t
-pack_565_32_16 (uint32_t pixel)
- return (uint16_t) (((pixel >> 8) & 0xf800) |
- ((pixel >> 5) & 0x07e0) |
- ((pixel >> 3) & 0x001f));
-static force_inline __m128i
-pack_2x128_128 (__m128i lo, __m128i hi)
- return _mm_packus_epi16 (lo, hi);
-static force_inline __m128i
-pack_565_2x128_128 (__m128i lo, __m128i hi)
- __m128i data;
- __m128i r, g1, g2, b;
- data = pack_2x128_128 (lo, hi);
- r = _mm_and_si128 (data, mask_565_r);
- g1 = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_slli_epi32 (data, 3), mask_565_g1);
- g2 = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_srli_epi32 (data, 5), mask_565_g2);
- b = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_srli_epi32 (data, 3), mask_565_b);
- return _mm_or_si128 (_mm_or_si128 (_mm_or_si128 (r, g1), g2), b);
-static force_inline __m128i
-pack_565_4x128_128 (__m128i* xmm0, __m128i* xmm1, __m128i* xmm2, __m128i* xmm3)
- return _mm_packus_epi16 (pack_565_2x128_128 (*xmm0, *xmm1),
- pack_565_2x128_128 (*xmm2, *xmm3));
-static force_inline int
-is_opaque (__m128i x)
- __m128i ffs = _mm_cmpeq_epi8 (x, x);
- return (_mm_movemask_epi8 (_mm_cmpeq_epi8 (x, ffs)) & 0x8888) == 0x8888;
-static force_inline int
-is_zero (__m128i x)
- return _mm_movemask_epi8 (
- _mm_cmpeq_epi8 (x, _mm_setzero_si128 ())) == 0xffff;
-static force_inline int
-is_transparent (__m128i x)
- return (_mm_movemask_epi8 (
- _mm_cmpeq_epi8 (x, _mm_setzero_si128 ())) & 0x8888) == 0x8888;
-static force_inline __m128i
-expand_pixel_32_1x128 (uint32_t data)
- return _mm_shuffle_epi32 (unpack_32_1x128 (data), _MM_SHUFFLE (1, 0, 1, 0));
-static force_inline __m128i
-expand_alpha_1x128 (__m128i data)
- return _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (_mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data,
- _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)),
- _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
-static force_inline void
-expand_alpha_2x128 (__m128i data_lo,
- __m128i data_hi,
- __m128i* alpha_lo,
- __m128i* alpha_hi)
- __m128i lo, hi;
- lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
- hi = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
- *alpha_lo = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
- *alpha_hi = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
-static force_inline void
-expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (__m128i data_lo,
- __m128i data_hi,
- __m128i* alpha_lo,
- __m128i* alpha_hi)
- __m128i lo, hi;
- lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
- hi = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
- *alpha_lo = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
- *alpha_hi = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
-static force_inline void
-pix_multiply_2x128 (__m128i* data_lo,
- __m128i* data_hi,
- __m128i* alpha_lo,
- __m128i* alpha_hi,
- __m128i* ret_lo,
- __m128i* ret_hi)
- __m128i lo, hi;
- lo = _mm_mullo_epi16 (*data_lo, *alpha_lo);
- hi = _mm_mullo_epi16 (*data_hi, *alpha_hi);
- lo = _mm_adds_epu16 (lo, mask_0080);
- hi = _mm_adds_epu16 (hi, mask_0080);
- *ret_lo = _mm_mulhi_epu16 (lo, mask_0101);
- *ret_hi = _mm_mulhi_epu16 (hi, mask_0101);
-static force_inline void
-pix_add_multiply_2x128 (__m128i* src_lo,
- __m128i* src_hi,
- __m128i* alpha_dst_lo,
- __m128i* alpha_dst_hi,
- __m128i* dst_lo,
- __m128i* dst_hi,
- __m128i* alpha_src_lo,
- __m128i* alpha_src_hi,
- __m128i* ret_lo,
- __m128i* ret_hi)
- __m128i t1_lo, t1_hi;
- __m128i t2_lo, t2_hi;
- pix_multiply_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi, alpha_dst_lo, alpha_dst_hi, &t1_lo, &t1_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (dst_lo, dst_hi, alpha_src_lo, alpha_src_hi, &t2_lo, &t2_hi);
- *ret_lo = _mm_adds_epu8 (t1_lo, t2_lo);
- *ret_hi = _mm_adds_epu8 (t1_hi, t2_hi);
-static force_inline void
-negate_2x128 (__m128i data_lo,
- __m128i data_hi,
- __m128i* neg_lo,
- __m128i* neg_hi)
- *neg_lo = _mm_xor_si128 (data_lo, mask_00ff);
- *neg_hi = _mm_xor_si128 (data_hi, mask_00ff);
-static force_inline void
-invert_colors_2x128 (__m128i data_lo,
- __m128i data_hi,
- __m128i* inv_lo,
- __m128i* inv_hi)
- __m128i lo, hi;
- lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
- hi = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
- *inv_lo = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
- *inv_hi = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
-static force_inline void
-over_2x128 (__m128i* src_lo,
- __m128i* src_hi,
- __m128i* alpha_lo,
- __m128i* alpha_hi,
- __m128i* dst_lo,
- __m128i* dst_hi)
- __m128i t1, t2;
- negate_2x128 (*alpha_lo, *alpha_hi, &t1, &t2);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (dst_lo, dst_hi, &t1, &t2, dst_lo, dst_hi);
- *dst_lo = _mm_adds_epu8 (*src_lo, *dst_lo);
- *dst_hi = _mm_adds_epu8 (*src_hi, *dst_hi);
-static force_inline void
-over_rev_non_pre_2x128 (__m128i src_lo,
- __m128i src_hi,
- __m128i* dst_lo,
- __m128i* dst_hi)
- __m128i lo, hi;
- __m128i alpha_lo, alpha_hi;
- expand_alpha_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi);
- lo = _mm_or_si128 (alpha_lo, mask_alpha);
- hi = _mm_or_si128 (alpha_hi, mask_alpha);
- invert_colors_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi, &src_lo, &src_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&src_lo, &src_hi, &lo, &hi, &lo, &hi);
- over_2x128 (&lo, &hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi, dst_lo, dst_hi);
-static force_inline void
-in_over_2x128 (__m128i* src_lo,
- __m128i* src_hi,
- __m128i* alpha_lo,
- __m128i* alpha_hi,
- __m128i* mask_lo,
- __m128i* mask_hi,
- __m128i* dst_lo,
- __m128i* dst_hi)
- __m128i s_lo, s_hi;
- __m128i a_lo, a_hi;
- pix_multiply_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi, mask_lo, mask_hi, &s_lo, &s_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (alpha_lo, alpha_hi, mask_lo, mask_hi, &a_lo, &a_hi);
- over_2x128 (&s_lo, &s_hi, &a_lo, &a_hi, dst_lo, dst_hi);
-/* load 4 pixels from a 16-byte boundary aligned address */
-static force_inline __m128i
-load_128_aligned (__m128i* src)
- return _mm_load_si128 (src);
-/* load 4 pixels from a unaligned address */
-static force_inline __m128i
-load_128_unaligned (const __m128i* src)
- return _mm_loadu_si128 (src);
-/* save 4 pixels using Write Combining memory on a 16-byte
- * boundary aligned address
- */
-static force_inline void
-save_128_write_combining (__m128i* dst,
- __m128i data)
- _mm_stream_si128 (dst, data);
-/* save 4 pixels on a 16-byte boundary aligned address */
-static force_inline void
-save_128_aligned (__m128i* dst,
- __m128i data)
- _mm_store_si128 (dst, data);
-/* save 4 pixels on a unaligned address */
-static force_inline void
-save_128_unaligned (__m128i* dst,
- __m128i data)
- _mm_storeu_si128 (dst, data);
-static force_inline __m128i
-load_32_1x128 (uint32_t data)
- return _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (data);
-static force_inline __m128i
-expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (__m128i data)
- return _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
-static force_inline __m128i
-expand_pixel_8_1x128 (uint8_t data)
- return _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (
- unpack_32_1x128 ((uint32_t)data), _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
-static force_inline __m128i
-pix_multiply_1x128 (__m128i data,
- __m128i alpha)
- return _mm_mulhi_epu16 (_mm_adds_epu16 (_mm_mullo_epi16 (data, alpha),
- mask_0080),
- mask_0101);
-static force_inline __m128i
-pix_add_multiply_1x128 (__m128i* src,
- __m128i* alpha_dst,
- __m128i* dst,
- __m128i* alpha_src)
- __m128i t1 = pix_multiply_1x128 (*src, *alpha_dst);
- __m128i t2 = pix_multiply_1x128 (*dst, *alpha_src);
- return _mm_adds_epu8 (t1, t2);
-static force_inline __m128i
-negate_1x128 (__m128i data)
- return _mm_xor_si128 (data, mask_00ff);
-static force_inline __m128i
-invert_colors_1x128 (__m128i data)
- return _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
-static force_inline __m128i
-over_1x128 (__m128i src, __m128i alpha, __m128i dst)
- return _mm_adds_epu8 (src, pix_multiply_1x128 (dst, negate_1x128 (alpha)));
-static force_inline __m128i
-in_over_1x128 (__m128i* src, __m128i* alpha, __m128i* mask, __m128i* dst)
- return over_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (*src, *mask),
- pix_multiply_1x128 (*alpha, *mask),
- *dst);
-static force_inline __m128i
-over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (__m128i src, __m128i dst)
- __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (src);
- return over_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (invert_colors_1x128 (src),
- _mm_or_si128 (alpha, mask_alpha)),
- alpha,
- dst);
-static force_inline uint32_t
-pack_1x128_32 (__m128i data)
- return _mm_cvtsi128_si32 (_mm_packus_epi16 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
-static force_inline __m128i
-expand565_16_1x128 (uint16_t pixel)
- __m128i m = _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (pixel);
- m = unpack_565_to_8888 (m);
- return _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (m, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src, uint32_t dst)
- uint8_t a;
- __m128i xmms;
- a = src >> 24;
- if (a == 0xff)
- {
- return src;
- }
- else if (src)
- {
- xmms = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- return pack_1x128_32 (
- over_1x128 (xmms, expand_alpha_1x128 (xmms),
- unpack_32_1x128 (dst)));
- }
- return dst;
-static force_inline uint32_t
-combine1 (const uint32_t *ps, const uint32_t *pm)
- uint32_t s = *ps;
- if (pm)
- {
- __m128i ms, mm;
- mm = unpack_32_1x128 (*pm);
- mm = expand_alpha_1x128 (mm);
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- ms = pix_multiply_1x128 (ms, mm);
- s = pack_1x128_32 (ms);
- }
- return s;
-static force_inline __m128i
-combine4 (const __m128i *ps, const __m128i *pm)
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_msk_lo, xmm_msk_hi;
- __m128i s;
- if (pm)
- {
- xmm_msk_lo = load_128_unaligned (pm);
- if (is_transparent (xmm_msk_lo))
- return _mm_setzero_si128 ();
- }
- s = load_128_unaligned (ps);
- if (pm)
- {
- unpack_128_2x128 (s, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_msk_lo, &xmm_msk_lo, &xmm_msk_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_msk_lo, xmm_msk_hi, &xmm_msk_lo, &xmm_msk_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_msk_lo, &xmm_msk_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- s = pack_2x128_128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi);
- }
- return s;
-static force_inline void
-core_combine_over_u_sse2_mask (uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t* ps,
- const uint32_t* pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, d;
- /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
- while (w && ((unsigned long)pd & 15))
- {
- d = *pd;
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- if (s)
- *pd = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- pd++;
- ps++;
- pm++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- __m128i mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i *)pm);
- if (!is_zero (mask))
- {
- __m128i src;
- __m128i src_hi, src_lo;
- __m128i mask_hi, mask_lo;
- __m128i alpha_hi, alpha_lo;
- src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i *)ps);
- if (is_opaque (_mm_and_si128 (src, mask)))
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)pd, src);
- }
- else
- {
- __m128i dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i *)pd);
- __m128i dst_hi, dst_lo;
- unpack_128_2x128 (mask, &mask_lo, &mask_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (src, &src_lo, &src_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (mask_lo, mask_hi, &mask_lo, &mask_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&src_lo, &src_hi,
- &mask_lo, &mask_hi,
- &src_lo, &src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (dst, &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi,
- &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi);
- over_2x128 (&src_lo, &src_hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi,
- &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i *)pd,
- pack_2x128_128 (dst_lo, dst_hi));
- }
- }
- pm += 4;
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- d = *pd;
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- if (s)
- *pd = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- pd++;
- ps++;
- pm++;
- w--;
- }
-static force_inline void
-core_combine_over_u_sse2_no_mask (uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t* ps,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, d;
- /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
- while (w && ((unsigned long)pd & 15))
- {
- d = *pd;
- s = *ps;
- if (s)
- *pd = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- pd++;
- ps++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- __m128i src;
- __m128i src_hi, src_lo, dst_hi, dst_lo;
- __m128i alpha_hi, alpha_lo;
- src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i *)ps);
- if (!is_zero (src))
- {
- if (is_opaque (src))
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)pd, src);
- }
- else
- {
- __m128i dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i *)pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (src, &src_lo, &src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (dst, &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi,
- &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi);
- over_2x128 (&src_lo, &src_hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi,
- &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i *)pd,
- pack_2x128_128 (dst_lo, dst_hi));
- }
- }
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- d = *pd;
- s = *ps;
- if (s)
- *pd = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- pd++;
- ps++;
- w--;
- }
-static force_inline void
-sse2_combine_over_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- if (pm)
- core_combine_over_u_sse2_mask (pd, ps, pm, w);
- else
- core_combine_over_u_sse2_no_mask (pd, ps, w);
-static void
-sse2_combine_over_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, d;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
- while (w &&
- ((unsigned long)pd & 15))
- {
- d = *pd;
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- *pd++ = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (d, s);
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- /* I'm loading unaligned because I'm not sure
- * about the address alignment.
- */
- xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- over_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- /* rebuid the 4 pixel data and save*/
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd,
- pack_2x128_128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi));
- w -= 4;
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- d = *pd;
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- *pd++ = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (d, s);
- ps++;
- w--;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src, uint32_t dst)
- uint32_t maska = src >> 24;
- if (maska == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else if (maska != 0xff)
- {
- return pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (dst),
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (src))));
- }
- return dst;
-static void
-sse2_combine_in_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, d;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (d, s);
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
- xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*) ps, (__m128i*) pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd,
- pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- w -= 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (d, s);
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
-static void
-sse2_combine_in_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, d;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- ps++;
- w--;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
- xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*) ps, (__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- w -= 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
-static void
-sse2_combine_out_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
- {
- uint32_t s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- uint32_t d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (d), negate_1x128 (
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s)))));
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- ps++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint32_t s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- uint32_t d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (d), negate_1x128 (
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s)))));
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- w--;
- }
-static void
-sse2_combine_out_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
- {
- uint32_t s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- uint32_t d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (s), negate_1x128 (
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d)))));
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*) ps, (__m128i*)pm);
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- w -= 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint32_t s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- uint32_t d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (s), negate_1x128 (
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d)))));
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t dst)
- __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
- __m128i sa = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (s));
- __m128i da = expand_alpha_1x128 (d);
- return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&s, &da, &d, &sa));
-static void
-sse2_combine_atop_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, d;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
- while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
- pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- w -= 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_reverse_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t dst)
- __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
- __m128i sa = expand_alpha_1x128 (s);
- __m128i da = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (d));
- return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&s, &da, &d, &sa));
-static void
-sse2_combine_atop_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, d;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
- while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_reverse_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- ps++;
- w--;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- w -= 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_reverse_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- ps++;
- w--;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_xor_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t dst)
- __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
- __m128i neg_d = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (d));
- __m128i neg_s = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (s));
- return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&s, &neg_d, &d, &neg_s));
-static void
-sse2_combine_xor_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * dst,
- const uint32_t * src,
- const uint32_t * mask,
- int width)
- int w = width;
- uint32_t s, d;
- uint32_t* pd = dst;
- const uint32_t* ps = src;
- const uint32_t* pm = mask;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
- while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_xor_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_src = combine4 ((__m128i*) ps, (__m128i*) pm);
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- w -= 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_xor_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
-static force_inline void
-sse2_combine_add_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * dst,
- const uint32_t * src,
- const uint32_t * mask,
- int width)
- int w = width;
- uint32_t s, d;
- uint32_t* pd = dst;
- const uint32_t* ps = src;
- const uint32_t* pm = mask;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- *pd++ = _mm_cvtsi128_si32 (
- _mm_adds_epu8 (_mm_cvtsi32_si128 (s), _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- __m128i s;
- s = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, _mm_adds_epu8 (s, load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd)));
- pd += 4;
- ps += 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w--)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- ps++;
- *pd++ = _mm_cvtsi128_si32 (
- _mm_adds_epu8 (_mm_cvtsi32_si128 (s), _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (d)));
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t dst)
- __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- __m128i md = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
- uint32_t sa = src >> 24;
- uint32_t da = ~dst >> 24;
- if (sa > da)
- {
- ms = pix_multiply_1x128 (
- ms, expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (DIV_UN8 (da, sa) << 24)));
- }
- return pack_1x128_32 (_mm_adds_epu16 (md, ms));
-static void
-sse2_combine_saturate_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, d;
- uint32_t pack_cmp;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_dst;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- w--;
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
- pack_cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (
- _mm_cmpgt_epi32 (
- _mm_srli_epi32 (xmm_src, 24),
- _mm_srli_epi32 (_mm_xor_si128 (xmm_dst, mask_ff000000), 24)));
- /* if some alpha src is grater than respective ~alpha dst */
- if (pack_cmp)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps++, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- s = combine1 (ps++, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- s = combine1 (ps++, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- s = combine1 (ps++, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
- else
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd, _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_dst, xmm_src));
- pd += 4;
- ps += 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- }
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w--)
- {
- s = combine1 (ps, pm);
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- ps++;
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- }
-static void
-sse2_combine_src_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)));
- w--;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_over_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t mask,
- uint32_t dst)
- __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- __m128i expAlpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (s);
- __m128i unpk_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (mask);
- __m128i unpk_dst = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
- return pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&s, &expAlpha, &unpk_mask, &unpk_dst));
-static void
-sse2_combine_over_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_over_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_over_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_over_reverse_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t mask,
- uint32_t dst)
- __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
- return pack_1x128_32 (
- over_1x128 (d, expand_alpha_1x128 (d),
- pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (src),
- unpack_32_1x128 (mask))));
-static void
-sse2_combine_over_reverse_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_over_reverse_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- over_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_over_reverse_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
-static void
-sse2_combine_in_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d))));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d))));
- w--;
- }
-static void
-sse2_combine_in_reverse_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (d),
- pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m),
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s)))));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (d),
- pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m),
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s)))));
- w--;
- }
-static void
-sse2_combine_out_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d)))));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d)))));
- w--;
- }
-static void
-sse2_combine_out_reverse_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (d),
- negate_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (m),
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s))))));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (d),
- negate_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (m),
- expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s))))));
- w--;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t mask,
- uint32_t dst)
- __m128i m = unpack_32_1x128 (mask);
- __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
- __m128i sa = expand_alpha_1x128 (s);
- __m128i da = expand_alpha_1x128 (d);
- s = pix_multiply_1x128 (s, m);
- m = negate_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (m, sa));
- return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&d, &m, &s, &da));
-static void
-sse2_combine_atop_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_reverse_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t mask,
- uint32_t dst)
- __m128i m = unpack_32_1x128 (mask);
- __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
- __m128i da = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (d));
- __m128i sa = expand_alpha_1x128 (s);
- s = pix_multiply_1x128 (s, m);
- m = pix_multiply_1x128 (m, sa);
- return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&d, &m, &s, &da));
-static void
-sse2_combine_atop_reverse_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_reverse_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_reverse_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
-static force_inline uint32_t
-core_combine_xor_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
- uint32_t mask,
- uint32_t dst)
- __m128i a = unpack_32_1x128 (mask);
- __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
- __m128i alpha_dst = negate_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (
- a, expand_alpha_1x128 (s)));
- __m128i dest = pix_multiply_1x128 (s, a);
- __m128i alpha_src = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (d));
- return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&d,
- &alpha_dst,
- &dest,
- &alpha_src));
-static void
-sse2_combine_xor_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_xor_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
- negate_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = core_combine_xor_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
- w--;
- }
-static void
-sse2_combine_add_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- uint32_t * pd,
- const uint32_t * ps,
- const uint32_t * pm,
- int w)
- uint32_t s, m, d;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- _mm_adds_epu8 (pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s),
- unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
- xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (
- _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_dst_lo),
- _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_src_hi, xmm_dst_hi)));
- ps += 4;
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *ps++;
- m = *pm++;
- d = *pd;
- *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- _mm_adds_epu8 (pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s),
- unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
-static force_inline __m128i
-create_mask_16_128 (uint16_t mask)
- return _mm_set1_epi16 (mask);
-/* Work around a code generation bug in Sun Studio 12. */
-#if defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590)
-# define create_mask_2x32_128(mask0, mask1) \
- (_mm_set_epi32 ((mask0), (mask1), (mask0), (mask1)))
-static force_inline __m128i
-create_mask_2x32_128 (uint32_t mask0,
- uint32_t mask1)
- return _mm_set_epi32 (mask0, mask1, mask0, mask1);
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_n_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src;
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- int32_t w;
- int dst_stride;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- d = *dst;
- *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (xmm_src,
- xmm_alpha,
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- /* rebuid the 4 pixel data and save*/
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- w -= 4;
- dst += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- d = *dst;
- *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (xmm_src,
- xmm_alpha,
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_n_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src;
- uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- int32_t w;
- int dst_stride;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- d = *dst;
- *dst++ = pack_565_32_16 (
- pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (xmm_src,
- xmm_alpha,
- expand565_16_1x128 (d))));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 8)
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
- over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- xmm_dst = pack_565_4x128_128 (
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, xmm_dst);
- dst += 8;
- w -= 8;
- }
- while (w--)
- {
- d = *dst;
- *dst++ = pack_565_32_16 (
- pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (xmm_src, xmm_alpha,
- expand565_16_1x128 (d))));
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_add_n_8888_8888_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint32_t *dst_line, d;
- uint32_t *mask_line, m;
- uint32_t pack_cmp;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_dst;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- xmm_src = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (
- create_mask_2x32_128 (src, src), _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
- mmx_src = xmm_src;
- mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
- while (height--)
- {
- int w = width;
- const uint32_t *pm = (uint32_t *)mask_line;
- uint32_t *pd = (uint32_t *)dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- m = *pm++;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *pd;
- mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *pd = pack_1x128_32 (
- _mm_adds_epu8 (pix_multiply_1x128 (mmx_mask, mmx_src),
- mmx_dest));
- }
- pd++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- pack_cmp =
- _mm_movemask_epi8 (
- _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
- /* if all bits in mask are zero, pack_cmp are equal to 0xffff */
- if (pack_cmp != 0xffff)
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- xmm_mask_hi = pack_2x128_128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_mask_hi, xmm_dst));
- }
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- m = *pm++;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *pd;
- mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *pd = pack_1x128_32 (
- _mm_adds_epu8 (pix_multiply_1x128 (mmx_mask, mmx_src),
- mmx_dest));
- }
- pd++;
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src;
- uint32_t *dst_line, d;
- uint32_t *mask_line, m;
- uint32_t pack_cmp;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- xmm_src = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (
- create_mask_2x32_128 (src, src), _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
- mmx_src = xmm_src;
- mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
- while (height--)
- {
- int w = width;
- const uint32_t *pm = (uint32_t *)mask_line;
- uint32_t *pd = (uint32_t *)dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
- {
- m = *pm++;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *pd;
- mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *pd = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&mmx_src,
- &mmx_alpha,
- &mmx_mask,
- &mmx_dest));
- }
- pd++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
- pack_cmp =
- _mm_movemask_epi8 (
- _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
- /* if all bits in mask are zero, pack_cmp are equal to 0xffff */
- if (pack_cmp != 0xffff)
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- pd += 4;
- pm += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- m = *pm++;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *pd;
- mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *pd = pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (&mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest));
- }
- pd++;
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src;
- uint32_t mask;
- int32_t w;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- __m128i xmm_mask;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- mask = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, mask_image, PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8);
- xmm_mask = create_mask_16_128 (mask >> 24);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- uint32_t s = *src++;
- if (s)
- {
- uint32_t d = *dst;
- __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (ms);
- __m128i dest = xmm_mask;
- __m128i alpha_dst = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (&ms, &alpha, &dest, &alpha_dst));
- }
- dst++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
- if (!is_zero (xmm_src))
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_mask, &xmm_mask,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- dst += 4;
- src += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint32_t s = *src++;
- if (s)
- {
- uint32_t d = *dst;
- __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (ms);
- __m128i mask = xmm_mask;
- __m128i dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (&ms, &alpha, &mask, &dest));
- }
- dst++;
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_src_x888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src;
- int32_t w;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- *dst++ = *src++ | 0xff000000;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 16)
- {
- __m128i xmm_src1, xmm_src2, xmm_src3, xmm_src4;
- xmm_src1 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src + 0);
- xmm_src2 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src + 1);
- xmm_src3 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src + 2);
- xmm_src4 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src + 3);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst + 0, _mm_or_si128 (xmm_src1, mask_ff000000));
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst + 1, _mm_or_si128 (xmm_src2, mask_ff000000));
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst + 2, _mm_or_si128 (xmm_src3, mask_ff000000));
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst + 3, _mm_or_si128 (xmm_src4, mask_ff000000));
- dst += 16;
- src += 16;
- w -= 16;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- *dst++ = *src++ | 0xff000000;
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src;
- uint32_t mask;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- mask = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, mask_image, PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8);
- xmm_mask = create_mask_16_128 (mask >> 24);
- xmm_alpha = mask_00ff;
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- uint32_t s = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
- uint32_t d = *dst;
- __m128i src = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- __m128i alpha = xmm_alpha;
- __m128i mask = xmm_mask;
- __m128i dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (&src, &alpha, &mask, &dest));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_src = _mm_or_si128 (
- load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src), mask_ff000000);
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_mask, &xmm_mask,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- dst += 4;
- src += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint32_t s = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
- uint32_t d = *dst;
- __m128i src = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- __m128i alpha = xmm_alpha;
- __m128i mask = xmm_mask;
- __m128i dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (&src, &alpha, &mask, &dest));
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- dst = dst_line;
- src = src_line;
- while (height--)
- {
- sse2_combine_over_u (imp, op, dst, src, NULL, width);
- dst += dst_stride;
- src += src_stride;
- }
-static force_inline uint16_t
-composite_over_8888_0565pixel (uint32_t src, uint16_t dst)
- __m128i ms;
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
- return pack_565_32_16 (
- pack_1x128_32 (
- over_1x128 (
- ms, expand_alpha_1x128 (ms), expand565_16_1x128 (dst))));
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_8888_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- src = src_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
- while (w &&
- ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
- {
- s = *src++;
- d = *dst;
- *dst++ = composite_over_8888_0565pixel (s, d);
- w--;
- }
- /* It's a 8 pixel loop */
- while (w >= 8)
- {
- /* I'm loading unaligned because I'm not sure
- * about the address alignment.
- */
- xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*) src);
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) dst);
- /* Unpacking */
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- /* I'm loading next 4 pixels from memory
- * before to optimze the memory read.
- */
- xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*) (src + 4));
- over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
- /* Unpacking */
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_565_4x128_128 (
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3));
- w -= 8;
- dst += 8;
- src += 8;
- }
- while (w--)
- {
- s = *src++;
- d = *dst;
- *dst++ = composite_over_8888_0565pixel (s, d);
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t m, d;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha, xmm_def;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- xmm_def = create_mask_2x32_128 (src, src);
- xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
- mmx_src = xmm_src;
- mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- uint8_t m = *mask++;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *dst;
- mmx_mask = expand_pixel_8_1x128 (m);
- mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&mmx_src,
- &mmx_alpha,
- &mmx_mask,
- &mmx_dest));
- }
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- m = *((uint32_t*)mask);
- if (srca == 0xff && m == 0xffffffff)
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, xmm_def);
- }
- else if (m)
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) dst);
- xmm_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- /* Unpacking */
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- w -= 4;
- dst += 4;
- mask += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint8_t m = *mask++;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *dst;
- mmx_mask = expand_pixel_8_1x128 (m);
- mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&mmx_src,
- &mmx_alpha,
- &mmx_mask,
- &mmx_dest));
- }
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static pixman_bool_t
-pixman_fill_sse2 (uint32_t *bits,
- int stride,
- int bpp,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- uint32_t data)
- uint32_t byte_width;
- uint8_t *byte_line;
- __m128i xmm_def;
- if (bpp == 8)
- {
- uint8_t b;
- uint16_t w;
- stride = stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 1;
- byte_line = (uint8_t *)(((uint8_t *)bits) + stride * y + x);
- byte_width = width;
- stride *= 1;
- b = data & 0xff;
- w = (b << 8) | b;
- data = (w << 16) | w;
- }
- else if (bpp == 16)
- {
- stride = stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 2;
- byte_line = (uint8_t *)(((uint16_t *)bits) + stride * y + x);
- byte_width = 2 * width;
- stride *= 2;
- data = (data & 0xffff) * 0x00010001;
- }
- else if (bpp == 32)
- {
- stride = stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 4;
- byte_line = (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t *)bits) + stride * y + x);
- byte_width = 4 * width;
- stride *= 4;
- }
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- xmm_def = create_mask_2x32_128 (data, data);
- while (height--)
- {
- int w;
- uint8_t *d = byte_line;
- byte_line += stride;
- w = byte_width;
- while (w >= 1 && ((unsigned long)d & 1))
- {
- *(uint8_t *)d = data;
- w -= 1;
- d += 1;
- }
- while (w >= 2 && ((unsigned long)d & 3))
- {
- *(uint16_t *)d = data;
- w -= 2;
- d += 2;
- }
- while (w >= 4 && ((unsigned long)d & 15))
- {
- *(uint32_t *)d = data;
- w -= 4;
- d += 4;
- }
- while (w >= 128)
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 16), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 32), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 48), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 64), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 80), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 96), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 112), xmm_def);
- d += 128;
- w -= 128;
- }
- if (w >= 64)
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 16), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 32), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 48), xmm_def);
- d += 64;
- w -= 64;
- }
- if (w >= 32)
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm_def);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 16), xmm_def);
- d += 32;
- w -= 32;
- }
- if (w >= 16)
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm_def);
- d += 16;
- w -= 16;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- *(uint32_t *)d = data;
- w -= 4;
- d += 4;
- }
- if (w >= 2)
- {
- *(uint16_t *)d = data;
- w -= 2;
- d += 2;
- }
- if (w >= 1)
- {
- *(uint8_t *)d = data;
- w -= 1;
- d += 1;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-static void
-sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t m;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_def;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- {
- pixman_fill_sse2 (dst_image->bits.bits, dst_image->bits.rowstride,
- PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (dst_image->bits.format),
- dest_x, dest_y, width, height, 0);
- return;
- }
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- xmm_def = create_mask_2x32_128 (src, src);
- xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- uint8_t m = *mask++;
- if (m)
- {
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (xmm_src, expand_pixel_8_1x128 (m)));
- }
- else
- {
- *dst = 0;
- }
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- m = *((uint32_t*)mask);
- if (srca == 0xff && m == 0xffffffff)
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, xmm_def);
- }
- else if (m)
- {
- xmm_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- /* Unpacking */
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi));
- }
- else
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- }
- w -= 4;
- dst += 4;
- mask += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint8_t m = *mask++;
- if (m)
- {
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- xmm_src, expand_pixel_8_1x128 (m)));
- }
- else
- {
- *dst = 0;
- }
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_n_8_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src, srca;
- uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t m;
- __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- srca = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
- mmx_src = xmm_src;
- mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- m = *mask++;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *dst;
- mmx_mask = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m));
- mmx_dest = expand565_16_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_565_32_16 (
- pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (
- &mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest)));
- }
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- while (w >= 8)
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) dst);
- unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- m = *((uint32_t*)mask);
- mask += 4;
- if (m)
- {
- xmm_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- /* Unpacking */
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
- }
- m = *((uint32_t*)mask);
- mask += 4;
- if (m)
- {
- xmm_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
- /* Unpacking */
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- }
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_565_4x128_128 (
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3));
- w -= 8;
- dst += 8;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- m = *mask++;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *dst;
- mmx_mask = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m));
- mmx_dest = expand565_16_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_565_32_16 (
- pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (
- &mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest)));
- }
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t opaque, zero;
- __m128i ms;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- s = *src++;
- d = *dst;
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- *dst++ = pack_565_32_16 (
- pack_1x128_32 (
- over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (ms, expand565_16_1x128 (d))));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 8)
- {
- /* First round */
- xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- opaque = is_opaque (xmm_src);
- zero = is_zero (xmm_src);
- unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- /* preload next round*/
- xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(src + 4));
- if (opaque)
- {
- invert_colors_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
- }
- else if (!zero)
- {
- over_rev_non_pre_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
- }
- /* Second round */
- opaque = is_opaque (xmm_src);
- zero = is_zero (xmm_src);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- if (opaque)
- {
- invert_colors_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- }
- else if (!zero)
- {
- over_rev_non_pre_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- }
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_565_4x128_128 (
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3));
- w -= 8;
- src += 8;
- dst += 8;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *src++;
- d = *dst;
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- *dst++ = pack_565_32_16 (
- pack_1x128_32 (
- over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (ms, expand565_16_1x128 (d))));
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t opaque, zero;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- s = *src++;
- d = *dst;
- *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
- opaque = is_opaque (xmm_src_hi);
- zero = is_zero (xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- if (opaque)
- {
- invert_colors_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- else if (!zero)
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- over_rev_non_pre_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- w -= 4;
- dst += 4;
- src += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = *src++;
- d = *dst;
- *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (
- over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src;
- uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
- uint32_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int w;
- uint32_t pack_cmp;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
- __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
- mmx_src = xmm_src;
- mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
- while (height--)
- {
- w = width;
- mask = mask_line;
- dst = dst_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
- {
- m = *(uint32_t *) mask;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *dst;
- mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- mmx_dest = expand565_16_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_565_32_16 (
- pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (
- &mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest)));
- }
- w--;
- dst++;
- mask++;
- }
- while (w >= 8)
- {
- /* First round */
- xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)mask);
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- pack_cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (
- _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
- unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- /* preload next round */
- xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(mask + 4));
- /* preload next round */
- if (pack_cmp != 0xffff)
- {
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
- }
- /* Second round */
- pack_cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (
- _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- if (pack_cmp != 0xffff)
- {
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
- &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
- }
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_565_4x128_128 (
- &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3));
- w -= 8;
- dst += 8;
- mask += 8;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- m = *(uint32_t *) mask;
- if (m)
- {
- d = *dst;
- mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
- mmx_dest = expand565_16_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_565_32_16 (
- pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (
- &mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest)));
- }
- w--;
- dst++;
- mask++;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_in_n_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- uint32_t d, m;
- uint32_t src;
- uint8_t sa;
- int32_t w;
- __m128i xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- sa = src >> 24;
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src));
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
- {
- m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
- d = (uint32_t) *dst;
- *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (xmm_alpha,
- unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 16)
- {
- xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)mask);
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- mask += 16;
- dst += 16;
- w -= 16;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
- d = (uint32_t) *dst;
- *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- xmm_alpha, unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_in_n_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- int dst_stride;
- uint32_t d;
- uint32_t src;
- int32_t w;
- __m128i xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src));
- src = src >> 24;
- if (src == 0xff)
- return;
- if (src == 0x00)
- {
- pixman_fill (dst_image->bits.bits, dst_image->bits.rowstride,
- 8, dest_x, dest_y, width, height, src);
- return;
- }
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
- {
- d = (uint32_t) *dst;
- *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- xmm_alpha,
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 16)
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- dst += 16;
- w -= 16;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- d = (uint32_t) *dst;
- *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- xmm_alpha,
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_in_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *src_line, *src;
- int src_stride, dst_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t s, d;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint8_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
- {
- s = (uint32_t) *src++;
- d = (uint32_t) *dst;
- *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 16)
- {
- xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- src += 16;
- dst += 16;
- w -= 16;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- s = (uint32_t) *src++;
- d = (uint32_t) *dst;
- *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_add_n_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
- int dst_stride, mask_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t src;
- uint8_t sa;
- uint32_t m, d;
- __m128i xmm_alpha;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- sa = src >> 24;
- xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src));
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
- {
- m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
- d = (uint32_t) *dst;
- *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
- _mm_adds_epu16 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- xmm_alpha, unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 16)
- {
- xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)mask);
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- xmm_dst_lo = _mm_adds_epu16 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_dst_lo);
- xmm_dst_hi = _mm_adds_epu16 (xmm_mask_hi, xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- mask += 16;
- dst += 16;
- w -= 16;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
- d = (uint32_t) *dst;
- *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
- _mm_adds_epu16 (
- pix_multiply_1x128 (
- xmm_alpha, unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
- unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_add_n_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- int dst_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint32_t src;
- __m128i xmm_src;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- src >>= 24;
- if (src == 0x00)
- return;
- if (src == 0xff)
- {
- pixman_fill (dst_image->bits.bits, dst_image->bits.rowstride,
- 8, dest_x, dest_y, width, height, 0xff);
- return;
- }
- src = (src << 24) | (src << 16) | (src << 8) | src;
- xmm_src = _mm_set_epi32 (src, src, src, src);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
- {
- *dst = (uint8_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si32 (
- _mm_adds_epu8 (
- xmm_src,
- _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (*dst)));
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- while (w >= 16)
- {
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_src, load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst)));
- dst += 16;
- w -= 16;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- *dst = (uint8_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si32 (
- _mm_adds_epu8 (
- xmm_src,
- _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (*dst)));
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_add_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint8_t *src_line, *src;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- int32_t w;
- uint16_t t;
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint8_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- src = src_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src_line += src_stride;
- w = width;
- /* Small head */
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 3)
- {
- t = (*dst) + (*src++);
- *dst++ = t | (0 - (t >> 8));
- w--;
- }
- sse2_combine_add_u (imp, op,
- (uint32_t*)dst, (uint32_t*)src, NULL, w >> 2);
- /* Small tail */
- dst += w & 0xfffc;
- src += w & 0xfffc;
- w &= 3;
- while (w)
- {
- t = (*dst) + (*src++);
- *dst++ = t | (0 - (t >> 8));
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_add_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- uint32_t *src_line, *src;
- int dst_stride, src_stride;
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- sse2_combine_add_u (imp, op, dst, src, NULL, width);
- }
-static pixman_bool_t
-pixman_blt_sse2 (uint32_t *src_bits,
- uint32_t *dst_bits,
- int src_stride,
- int dst_stride,
- int src_bpp,
- int dst_bpp,
- int src_x,
- int src_y,
- int dst_x,
- int dst_y,
- int width,
- int height)
- uint8_t * src_bytes;
- uint8_t * dst_bytes;
- int byte_width;
- if (src_bpp != dst_bpp)
- return FALSE;
- if (src_bpp == 16)
- {
- src_stride = src_stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 2;
- dst_stride = dst_stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 2;
- src_bytes =(uint8_t *)(((uint16_t *)src_bits) + src_stride * (src_y) + (src_x));
- dst_bytes = (uint8_t *)(((uint16_t *)dst_bits) + dst_stride * (dst_y) + (dst_x));
- byte_width = 2 * width;
- src_stride *= 2;
- dst_stride *= 2;
- }
- else if (src_bpp == 32)
- {
- src_stride = src_stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 4;
- dst_stride = dst_stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 4;
- src_bytes = (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t *)src_bits) + src_stride * (src_y) + (src_x));
- dst_bytes = (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t *)dst_bits) + dst_stride * (dst_y) + (dst_x));
- byte_width = 4 * width;
- src_stride *= 4;
- dst_stride *= 4;
- }
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (height--)
- {
- int w;
- uint8_t *s = src_bytes;
- uint8_t *d = dst_bytes;
- src_bytes += src_stride;
- dst_bytes += dst_stride;
- w = byte_width;
- while (w >= 2 && ((unsigned long)d & 3))
- {
- *(uint16_t *)d = *(uint16_t *)s;
- w -= 2;
- s += 2;
- d += 2;
- }
- while (w >= 4 && ((unsigned long)d & 15))
- {
- *(uint32_t *)d = *(uint32_t *)s;
- w -= 4;
- s += 4;
- d += 4;
- }
- while (w >= 64)
- {
- __m128i xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3;
- xmm0 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(s));
- xmm1 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(s + 16));
- xmm2 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(s + 32));
- xmm3 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(s + 48));
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm0);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 16), xmm1);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 32), xmm2);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 48), xmm3);
- s += 64;
- d += 64;
- w -= 64;
- }
- while (w >= 16)
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)d, load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)s) );
- w -= 16;
- d += 16;
- s += 16;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- *(uint32_t *)d = *(uint32_t *)s;
- w -= 4;
- s += 4;
- d += 4;
- }
- if (w >= 2)
- {
- *(uint16_t *)d = *(uint16_t *)s;
- w -= 2;
- s += 2;
- d += 2;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-static void
-sse2_composite_copy_area (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- pixman_blt_sse2 (src_image->bits.bits,
- dst_image->bits.bits,
- src_image->bits.rowstride,
- dst_image->bits.rowstride,
- PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (src_image->bits.format),
- PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (dst_image->bits.format),
- src_x, src_y, dest_x, dest_y, width, height);
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *src, *src_line, s;
- uint32_t *dst, *dst_line, d;
- uint8_t *mask, *mask_line;
- uint32_t m;
- int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
- int32_t w;
- __m128i ms;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- s = 0xff000000 | *src++;
- m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
- d = *dst;
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- if (m != 0xff)
- {
- __m128i ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m));
- __m128i md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- ms = in_over_1x128 (&ms, &mask_00ff, &ma, &md);
- }
- *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (ms);
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- m = *(uint32_t*) mask;
- xmm_src = _mm_or_si128 (
- load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src), mask_ff000000);
- if (m == 0xffffffff)
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, xmm_src);
- }
- else
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (unpack_32_1x128 (m), _mm_setzero_si128());
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (
- xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &mask_00ff, &mask_00ff, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- src += 4;
- dst += 4;
- mask += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
- if (m)
- {
- s = 0xff000000 | *src;
- if (m == 0xff)
- {
- *dst = s;
- }
- else
- {
- __m128i ma, md, ms;
- d = *dst;
- ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m));
- md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &mask_00ff, &ma, &md));
- }
- }
- src++;
- dst++;
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *src, *src_line, s;
- uint32_t *dst, *dst_line, d;
- uint8_t *mask, *mask_line;
- uint32_t m;
- int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
- int32_t w;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, xmm_srca_lo, xmm_srca_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- uint32_t sa;
- s = *src++;
- m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
- d = *dst;
- sa = s >> 24;
- if (m)
- {
- if (sa == 0xff && m == 0xff)
- {
- *dst = s;
- }
- else
- {
- __m128i ms, md, ma, msa;
- ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (m));
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- msa = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (sa));
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &msa, &ma, &md));
- }
- }
- dst++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- m = *(uint32_t *) mask;
- if (m)
- {
- xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
- if (m == 0xffffffff && is_opaque (xmm_src))
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)dst, xmm_src);
- }
- else
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i *)dst);
- xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (unpack_32_1x128 (m), _mm_setzero_si128());
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_srca_lo, &xmm_srca_hi);
- expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_srca_lo, &xmm_srca_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- }
- src += 4;
- dst += 4;
- mask += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint32_t sa;
- s = *src++;
- m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
- d = *dst;
- sa = s >> 24;
- if (m)
- {
- if (sa == 0xff && m == 0xff)
- {
- *dst = s;
- }
- else
- {
- __m128i ms, md, ma, msa;
- ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (m));
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- msa = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (sa));
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &msa, &ma, &md));
- }
- }
- dst++;
- w--;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_reverse_n_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t src;
- uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
- __m128i xmm_src;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dsta_hi, xmm_dsta_lo;
- int dst_stride;
- int32_t w;
- src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
- if (src == 0)
- return;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
- while (height--)
- {
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- __m128i vd;
- vd = unpack_32_1x128 (*dst);
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (vd, expand_alpha_1x128 (vd),
- xmm_src));
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- __m128i tmp_lo, tmp_hi;
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dsta_lo, &xmm_dsta_hi);
- tmp_lo = xmm_src;
- tmp_hi = xmm_src;
- over_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
- &xmm_dsta_lo, &xmm_dsta_hi,
- &tmp_lo, &tmp_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (tmp_lo, tmp_hi));
- w -= 4;
- dst += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- __m128i vd;
- vd = unpack_32_1x128 (*dst);
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (vd, expand_alpha_1x128 (vd),
- xmm_src));
- w--;
- dst++;
- }
- }
-static void
-sse2_composite_over_8888_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_op_t op,
- pixman_image_t * src_image,
- pixman_image_t * mask_image,
- pixman_image_t * dst_image,
- int32_t src_x,
- int32_t src_y,
- int32_t mask_x,
- int32_t mask_y,
- int32_t dest_x,
- int32_t dest_y,
- int32_t width,
- int32_t height)
- uint32_t *src, *src_line, s;
- uint32_t *dst, *dst_line, d;
- uint32_t *mask, *mask_line;
- uint32_t m;
- int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
- int32_t w;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, xmm_srca_lo, xmm_srca_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
- dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
- mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
- src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
- while (height--)
- {
- src = src_line;
- src_line += src_stride;
- dst = dst_line;
- dst_line += dst_stride;
- mask = mask_line;
- mask_line += mask_stride;
- w = width;
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- uint32_t sa;
- s = *src++;
- m = (*mask++) >> 24;
- d = *dst;
- sa = s >> 24;
- if (m)
- {
- if (sa == 0xff && m == 0xff)
- {
- *dst = s;
- }
- else
- {
- __m128i ms, md, ma, msa;
- ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (m));
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- msa = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (sa));
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &msa, &ma, &md));
- }
- }
- dst++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)mask);
- if (!is_transparent (xmm_mask))
- {
- xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
- if (is_opaque (xmm_mask) && is_opaque (xmm_src))
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)dst, xmm_src);
- }
- else
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i *)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_srca_lo, &xmm_srca_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_srca_lo, &xmm_srca_hi,
- &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- }
- src += 4;
- dst += 4;
- mask += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint32_t sa;
- s = *src++;
- m = (*mask++) >> 24;
- d = *dst;
- sa = s >> 24;
- if (m)
- {
- if (sa == 0xff && m == 0xff)
- {
- *dst = s;
- }
- else
- {
- __m128i ms, md, ma, msa;
- ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (m));
- ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- msa = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (sa));
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &msa, &ma, &md));
- }
- }
- dst++;
- w--;
- }
- }
-/* A variant of 'sse2_combine_over_u' with minor tweaks */
-static force_inline void
-scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_8888_OVER (uint32_t* pd,
- const uint32_t* ps,
- int32_t w,
- pixman_fixed_t vx,
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x,
- pixman_fixed_t max_vx,
- pixman_bool_t fully_transparent_src)
- uint32_t s, d;
- const uint32_t* pm = NULL;
- __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- if (fully_transparent_src)
- return;
- /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
- while (w && ((unsigned long)pd & 15))
- {
- d = *pd;
- s = combine1 (ps + (vx >> 16), pm);
- vx += unit_x;
- *pd++ = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- __m128i tmp;
- uint32_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
- tmp1 = ps[vx >> 16];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp2 = ps[vx >> 16];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp3 = ps[vx >> 16];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp4 = ps[vx >> 16];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp = _mm_set_epi32 (tmp4, tmp3, tmp2, tmp1);
- xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)&tmp, (__m128i*)pm);
- if (is_opaque (xmm_src_hi))
- {
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd, xmm_src_hi);
- }
- else if (!is_zero (xmm_src_hi))
- {
- xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (
- xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- /* rebuid the 4 pixel data and save*/
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd,
- pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- w -= 4;
- pd += 4;
- if (pm)
- pm += 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- d = *pd;
- s = combine1 (ps + (vx >> 16), pm);
- vx += unit_x;
- *pd++ = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
- if (pm)
- pm++;
- w--;
- }
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (sse2_8888_8888_cover_OVER,
- scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_8888_OVER,
- uint32_t, uint32_t, COVER)
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (sse2_8888_8888_none_OVER,
- scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_8888_OVER,
- uint32_t, uint32_t, NONE)
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (sse2_8888_8888_pad_OVER,
- scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_8888_OVER,
- uint32_t, uint32_t, PAD)
-static force_inline void
-scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_n_8888_OVER (const uint32_t * mask,
- uint32_t * dst,
- const uint32_t * src,
- int32_t w,
- pixman_fixed_t vx,
- pixman_fixed_t unit_x,
- pixman_fixed_t max_vx,
- pixman_bool_t zero_src)
- __m128i xmm_mask;
- __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
- __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
- __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
- if (zero_src || (*mask >> 24) == 0)
- return;
- xmm_mask = create_mask_16_128 (*mask >> 24);
- while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
- {
- uint32_t s = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- if (s)
- {
- uint32_t d = *dst;
- __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (ms);
- __m128i dest = xmm_mask;
- __m128i alpha_dst = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (&ms, &alpha, &dest, &alpha_dst));
- }
- dst++;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- uint32_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
- tmp1 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp2 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp3 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- tmp4 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- xmm_src = _mm_set_epi32 (tmp4, tmp3, tmp2, tmp1);
- if (!is_zero (xmm_src))
- {
- xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
- unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
- in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
- &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
- &xmm_mask, &xmm_mask,
- &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
- }
- dst += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint32_t s = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
- vx += unit_x;
- if (s)
- {
- uint32_t d = *dst;
- __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
- __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (ms);
- __m128i mask = xmm_mask;
- __m128i dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
- *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
- in_over_1x128 (&ms, &alpha, &mask, &dest));
- }
- dst++;
- w--;
- }
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (sse2_8888_n_8888_cover_OVER,
- scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_n_8888_OVER,
- uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, COVER, TRUE, TRUE)
- scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_n_8888_OVER,
- uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, PAD, TRUE, TRUE)
-FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (sse2_8888_n_8888_none_OVER,
- scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_n_8888_OVER,
- uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, NONE, TRUE, TRUE)
-static const pixman_fast_path_t sse2_fast_paths[] =
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_n_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_over_n_8_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_n_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_over_8888_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, solid, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, solid, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, solid, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, solid, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, solid, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, solid, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, pixbuf, pixbuf, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, pixbuf, pixbuf, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, pixbuf, pixbuf, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_0565),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (ADD, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_add_n_8888_8888_ca),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8, null, a8, sse2_composite_add_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_add_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_add_8888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8, sse2_composite_add_n_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, null, a8, sse2_composite_add_n_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, a8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, a8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_src_x888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_src_x888_8888),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_copy_area),
- /* PIXMAN_OP_IN */
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, a8, null, a8, sse2_composite_in_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, solid, a8, a8, sse2_composite_in_n_8_8),
- PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, solid, null, a8, sse2_composite_in_n_8),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_SOLID_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_n_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_SOLID_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_n_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_SOLID_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_n_8888),
- SIMPLE_NEAREST_SOLID_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_n_8888),
-static pixman_bool_t
-sse2_blt (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- uint32_t * src_bits,
- uint32_t * dst_bits,
- int src_stride,
- int dst_stride,
- int src_bpp,
- int dst_bpp,
- int src_x,
- int src_y,
- int dst_x,
- int dst_y,
- int width,
- int height)
- if (!pixman_blt_sse2 (
- src_bits, dst_bits, src_stride, dst_stride, src_bpp, dst_bpp,
- src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height))
- {
- return _pixman_implementation_blt (
- imp->delegate,
- src_bits, dst_bits, src_stride, dst_stride, src_bpp, dst_bpp,
- src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
- }
- return TRUE;
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__amd64__)
-static pixman_bool_t
-sse2_fill (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- uint32_t * bits,
- int stride,
- int bpp,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- uint32_t xor)
- if (!pixman_fill_sse2 (bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor))
- {
- return _pixman_implementation_fill (
- imp->delegate, bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor);
- }
- return TRUE;
-static uint32_t *
-sse2_fetch_x8r8g8b8 (pixman_iter_t *iter, const uint32_t *mask)
- int w = iter->width;
- __m128i ff000000 = mask_ff000000;
- uint32_t *dst = iter->buffer;
- uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *)iter->bits;
- iter->bits += iter->stride;
- while (w && ((unsigned long)dst) & 0x0f)
- {
- *dst++ = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 4)
- {
- save_128_aligned (
- (__m128i *)dst, _mm_or_si128 (
- load_128_unaligned ((__m128i *)src), ff000000));
- dst += 4;
- src += 4;
- w -= 4;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- *dst++ = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
- w--;
- }
- return iter->buffer;
-static uint32_t *
-sse2_fetch_r5g6b5 (pixman_iter_t *iter, const uint32_t *mask)
- int w = iter->width;
- uint32_t *dst = iter->buffer;
- uint16_t *src = (uint16_t *)iter->bits;
- __m128i ff000000 = mask_ff000000;
- iter->bits += iter->stride;
- while (w && ((unsigned long)dst) & 0x0f)
- {
- uint16_t s = *src++;
- *dst++ = CONVERT_0565_TO_8888 (s);
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 8)
- {
- __m128i lo, hi, s;
- s = _mm_loadu_si128 ((__m128i *)src);
- lo = unpack_565_to_8888 (_mm_unpacklo_epi16 (s, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
- hi = unpack_565_to_8888 (_mm_unpackhi_epi16 (s, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)(dst + 0), _mm_or_si128 (lo, ff000000));
- save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)(dst + 4), _mm_or_si128 (hi, ff000000));
- dst += 8;
- src += 8;
- w -= 8;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- uint16_t s = *src++;
- *dst++ = CONVERT_0565_TO_8888 (s);
- w--;
- }
- return iter->buffer;
-static uint32_t *
-sse2_fetch_a8 (pixman_iter_t *iter, const uint32_t *mask)
- int w = iter->width;
- uint32_t *dst = iter->buffer;
- uint8_t *src = iter->bits;
- __m128i xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6;
- iter->bits += iter->stride;
- while (w && (((unsigned long)dst) & 15))
- {
- *dst++ = *(src++) << 24;
- w--;
- }
- while (w >= 16)
- {
- xmm0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)src);
- xmm1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm0);
- xmm2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm0);
- xmm3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm1);
- xmm4 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm1);
- xmm5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm2);
- xmm6 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm2);
- _mm_store_si128(((__m128i *)(dst + 0)), xmm3);
- _mm_store_si128(((__m128i *)(dst + 4)), xmm4);
- _mm_store_si128(((__m128i *)(dst + 8)), xmm5);
- _mm_store_si128(((__m128i *)(dst + 12)), xmm6);
- dst += 16;
- src += 16;
- w -= 16;
- }
- while (w)
- {
- *dst++ = *(src++) << 24;
- w--;
- }
- return iter->buffer;
-typedef struct
- pixman_format_code_t format;
- pixman_iter_get_scanline_t get_scanline;
-} fetcher_info_t;
-static const fetcher_info_t fetchers[] =
- { PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8, sse2_fetch_x8r8g8b8 },
- { PIXMAN_r5g6b5, sse2_fetch_r5g6b5 },
- { PIXMAN_a8, sse2_fetch_a8 },
- { PIXMAN_null }
-static void
-sse2_src_iter_init (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
- pixman_iter_t *iter,
- pixman_image_t *image,
- int x, int y, int width, int height,
- uint8_t *buffer, iter_flags_t flags)
-#define FLAGS \
- if ((flags & ITER_NARROW) &&
- (image->common.flags & FLAGS) == FLAGS &&
- x >= 0 && y >= 0 &&
- x + width <= image->bits.width &&
- y + height <= image->bits.height)
- {
- const fetcher_info_t *f;
- for (f = &fetchers[0]; f->format != PIXMAN_null; f++)
- {
- if (image->common.extended_format_code == f->format)
- {
- uint8_t *b = (uint8_t *)image->bits.bits;
- int s = image->bits.rowstride * 4;
- iter->bits = b + s * y + x * PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (f->format) / 8;
- iter->stride = s;
- iter->width = width;
- iter->buffer = (uint32_t *)buffer;
- iter->get_scanline = f->get_scanline;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- _pixman_implementation_src_iter_init (
- imp->delegate, iter, image, x, y, width, height, buffer, flags);
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__amd64__)
-pixman_implementation_t *
-_pixman_implementation_create_sse2 (pixman_implementation_t *fallback)
- pixman_implementation_t *imp = _pixman_implementation_create (fallback, sse2_fast_paths);
- /* SSE2 constants */
- mask_565_r = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00f80000, 0x00f80000);
- mask_565_g1 = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00070000, 0x00070000);
- mask_565_g2 = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x000000e0, 0x000000e0);
- mask_565_b = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x0000001f, 0x0000001f);
- mask_red = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00f80000, 0x00f80000);
- mask_green = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x0000fc00, 0x0000fc00);
- mask_blue = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x000000f8, 0x000000f8);
- mask_565_fix_rb = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00e000e0, 0x00e000e0);
- mask_565_fix_g = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x0000c000, 0x0000c000);
- mask_0080 = create_mask_16_128 (0x0080);
- mask_00ff = create_mask_16_128 (0x00ff);
- mask_0101 = create_mask_16_128 (0x0101);
- mask_ffff = create_mask_16_128 (0xffff);
- mask_ff000000 = create_mask_2x32_128 (0xff000000, 0xff000000);
- mask_alpha = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00ff0000, 0x00000000);
- /* Set up function pointers */
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OVER] = sse2_combine_over_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OVER_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_over_reverse_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_IN] = sse2_combine_in_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_IN_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_in_reverse_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OUT] = sse2_combine_out_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_out_reverse_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_ATOP] = sse2_combine_atop_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_ATOP_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_atop_reverse_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_XOR] = sse2_combine_xor_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_ADD] = sse2_combine_add_u;
- imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_SATURATE] = sse2_combine_saturate_u;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_SRC] = sse2_combine_src_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_OVER] = sse2_combine_over_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_OVER_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_over_reverse_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_IN] = sse2_combine_in_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_IN_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_in_reverse_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_OUT] = sse2_combine_out_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_out_reverse_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_ATOP] = sse2_combine_atop_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_ATOP_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_atop_reverse_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_XOR] = sse2_combine_xor_ca;
- imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_ADD] = sse2_combine_add_ca;
- imp->blt = sse2_blt;
- imp->fill = sse2_fill;
- imp->src_iter_init = sse2_src_iter_init;
- return imp;
+ * Copyright © 2008 Rodrigo Kumpera
+ * Copyright © 2008 André Tupinambá
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation, and that the name of Red Hat not be used in advertising or
+ * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
+ * written prior permission. Red Hat makes no representations about the
+ * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
+ * without express or implied warranty.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Rodrigo Kumpera (kumpera@gmail.com)
+ * André Tupinambá (andrelrt@gmail.com)
+ *
+ * Based on work by Owen Taylor and Søren Sandmann
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <xmmintrin.h> /* for _mm_shuffle_pi16 and _MM_SHUFFLE */
+#include <emmintrin.h> /* for SSE2 intrinsics */
+#include "pixman-private.h"
+#include "pixman-combine32.h"
+#include "pixman-fast-path.h"
+static __m128i mask_0080;
+static __m128i mask_00ff;
+static __m128i mask_0101;
+static __m128i mask_ffff;
+static __m128i mask_ff000000;
+static __m128i mask_alpha;
+static __m128i mask_565_r;
+static __m128i mask_565_g1, mask_565_g2;
+static __m128i mask_565_b;
+static __m128i mask_red;
+static __m128i mask_green;
+static __m128i mask_blue;
+static __m128i mask_565_fix_rb;
+static __m128i mask_565_fix_g;
+static force_inline __m128i
+unpack_32_1x128 (uint32_t data)
+ return _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (_mm_cvtsi32_si128 (data), _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+static force_inline void
+unpack_128_2x128 (__m128i data, __m128i* data_lo, __m128i* data_hi)
+ *data_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ *data_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+static force_inline __m128i
+unpack_565_to_8888 (__m128i lo)
+ __m128i r, g, b, rb, t;
+ r = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_slli_epi32 (lo, 8), mask_red);
+ g = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_slli_epi32 (lo, 5), mask_green);
+ b = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_slli_epi32 (lo, 3), mask_blue);
+ rb = _mm_or_si128 (r, b);
+ t = _mm_and_si128 (rb, mask_565_fix_rb);
+ t = _mm_srli_epi32 (t, 5);
+ rb = _mm_or_si128 (rb, t);
+ t = _mm_and_si128 (g, mask_565_fix_g);
+ t = _mm_srli_epi32 (t, 6);
+ g = _mm_or_si128 (g, t);
+ return _mm_or_si128 (rb, g);
+static force_inline void
+unpack_565_128_4x128 (__m128i data,
+ __m128i* data0,
+ __m128i* data1,
+ __m128i* data2,
+ __m128i* data3)
+ __m128i lo, hi;
+ lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi16 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ lo = unpack_565_to_8888 (lo);
+ hi = unpack_565_to_8888 (hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (lo, data0, data1);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (hi, data2, data3);
+static force_inline uint16_t
+pack_565_32_16 (uint32_t pixel)
+ return (uint16_t) (((pixel >> 8) & 0xf800) |
+ ((pixel >> 5) & 0x07e0) |
+ ((pixel >> 3) & 0x001f));
+static force_inline __m128i
+pack_2x128_128 (__m128i lo, __m128i hi)
+ return _mm_packus_epi16 (lo, hi);
+static force_inline __m128i
+pack_565_2x128_128 (__m128i lo, __m128i hi)
+ __m128i data;
+ __m128i r, g1, g2, b;
+ data = pack_2x128_128 (lo, hi);
+ r = _mm_and_si128 (data, mask_565_r);
+ g1 = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_slli_epi32 (data, 3), mask_565_g1);
+ g2 = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_srli_epi32 (data, 5), mask_565_g2);
+ b = _mm_and_si128 (_mm_srli_epi32 (data, 3), mask_565_b);
+ return _mm_or_si128 (_mm_or_si128 (_mm_or_si128 (r, g1), g2), b);
+static force_inline __m128i
+pack_565_4x128_128 (__m128i* xmm0, __m128i* xmm1, __m128i* xmm2, __m128i* xmm3)
+ return _mm_packus_epi16 (pack_565_2x128_128 (*xmm0, *xmm1),
+ pack_565_2x128_128 (*xmm2, *xmm3));
+static force_inline int
+is_opaque (__m128i x)
+ __m128i ffs = _mm_cmpeq_epi8 (x, x);
+ return (_mm_movemask_epi8 (_mm_cmpeq_epi8 (x, ffs)) & 0x8888) == 0x8888;
+static force_inline int
+is_zero (__m128i x)
+ return _mm_movemask_epi8 (
+ _mm_cmpeq_epi8 (x, _mm_setzero_si128 ())) == 0xffff;
+static force_inline int
+is_transparent (__m128i x)
+ return (_mm_movemask_epi8 (
+ _mm_cmpeq_epi8 (x, _mm_setzero_si128 ())) & 0x8888) == 0x8888;
+static force_inline __m128i
+expand_pixel_32_1x128 (uint32_t data)
+ return _mm_shuffle_epi32 (unpack_32_1x128 (data), _MM_SHUFFLE (1, 0, 1, 0));
+static force_inline __m128i
+expand_alpha_1x128 (__m128i data)
+ return _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (_mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data,
+ _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)),
+ _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+static force_inline void
+expand_alpha_2x128 (__m128i data_lo,
+ __m128i data_hi,
+ __m128i* alpha_lo,
+ __m128i* alpha_hi)
+ __m128i lo, hi;
+ lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+ hi = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+ *alpha_lo = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+ *alpha_hi = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+static force_inline void
+expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (__m128i data_lo,
+ __m128i data_hi,
+ __m128i* alpha_lo,
+ __m128i* alpha_hi)
+ __m128i lo, hi;
+ lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+ hi = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+ *alpha_lo = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+ *alpha_hi = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+static force_inline void
+pix_multiply_2x128 (__m128i* data_lo,
+ __m128i* data_hi,
+ __m128i* alpha_lo,
+ __m128i* alpha_hi,
+ __m128i* ret_lo,
+ __m128i* ret_hi)
+ __m128i lo, hi;
+ lo = _mm_mullo_epi16 (*data_lo, *alpha_lo);
+ hi = _mm_mullo_epi16 (*data_hi, *alpha_hi);
+ lo = _mm_adds_epu16 (lo, mask_0080);
+ hi = _mm_adds_epu16 (hi, mask_0080);
+ *ret_lo = _mm_mulhi_epu16 (lo, mask_0101);
+ *ret_hi = _mm_mulhi_epu16 (hi, mask_0101);
+static force_inline void
+pix_add_multiply_2x128 (__m128i* src_lo,
+ __m128i* src_hi,
+ __m128i* alpha_dst_lo,
+ __m128i* alpha_dst_hi,
+ __m128i* dst_lo,
+ __m128i* dst_hi,
+ __m128i* alpha_src_lo,
+ __m128i* alpha_src_hi,
+ __m128i* ret_lo,
+ __m128i* ret_hi)
+ __m128i t1_lo, t1_hi;
+ __m128i t2_lo, t2_hi;
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi, alpha_dst_lo, alpha_dst_hi, &t1_lo, &t1_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (dst_lo, dst_hi, alpha_src_lo, alpha_src_hi, &t2_lo, &t2_hi);
+ *ret_lo = _mm_adds_epu8 (t1_lo, t2_lo);
+ *ret_hi = _mm_adds_epu8 (t1_hi, t2_hi);
+static force_inline void
+negate_2x128 (__m128i data_lo,
+ __m128i data_hi,
+ __m128i* neg_lo,
+ __m128i* neg_hi)
+ *neg_lo = _mm_xor_si128 (data_lo, mask_00ff);
+ *neg_hi = _mm_xor_si128 (data_hi, mask_00ff);
+static force_inline void
+invert_colors_2x128 (__m128i data_lo,
+ __m128i data_hi,
+ __m128i* inv_lo,
+ __m128i* inv_hi)
+ __m128i lo, hi;
+ lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
+ hi = _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data_hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
+ *inv_lo = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
+ *inv_hi = _mm_shufflehi_epi16 (hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
+static force_inline void
+over_2x128 (__m128i* src_lo,
+ __m128i* src_hi,
+ __m128i* alpha_lo,
+ __m128i* alpha_hi,
+ __m128i* dst_lo,
+ __m128i* dst_hi)
+ __m128i t1, t2;
+ negate_2x128 (*alpha_lo, *alpha_hi, &t1, &t2);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (dst_lo, dst_hi, &t1, &t2, dst_lo, dst_hi);
+ *dst_lo = _mm_adds_epu8 (*src_lo, *dst_lo);
+ *dst_hi = _mm_adds_epu8 (*src_hi, *dst_hi);
+static force_inline void
+over_rev_non_pre_2x128 (__m128i src_lo,
+ __m128i src_hi,
+ __m128i* dst_lo,
+ __m128i* dst_hi)
+ __m128i lo, hi;
+ __m128i alpha_lo, alpha_hi;
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi);
+ lo = _mm_or_si128 (alpha_lo, mask_alpha);
+ hi = _mm_or_si128 (alpha_hi, mask_alpha);
+ invert_colors_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi, &src_lo, &src_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&src_lo, &src_hi, &lo, &hi, &lo, &hi);
+ over_2x128 (&lo, &hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi, dst_lo, dst_hi);
+static force_inline void
+in_over_2x128 (__m128i* src_lo,
+ __m128i* src_hi,
+ __m128i* alpha_lo,
+ __m128i* alpha_hi,
+ __m128i* mask_lo,
+ __m128i* mask_hi,
+ __m128i* dst_lo,
+ __m128i* dst_hi)
+ __m128i s_lo, s_hi;
+ __m128i a_lo, a_hi;
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi, mask_lo, mask_hi, &s_lo, &s_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (alpha_lo, alpha_hi, mask_lo, mask_hi, &a_lo, &a_hi);
+ over_2x128 (&s_lo, &s_hi, &a_lo, &a_hi, dst_lo, dst_hi);
+/* load 4 pixels from a 16-byte boundary aligned address */
+static force_inline __m128i
+load_128_aligned (__m128i* src)
+ return _mm_load_si128 (src);
+/* load 4 pixels from a unaligned address */
+static force_inline __m128i
+load_128_unaligned (const __m128i* src)
+ return _mm_loadu_si128 (src);
+/* save 4 pixels using Write Combining memory on a 16-byte
+ * boundary aligned address
+ */
+static force_inline void
+save_128_write_combining (__m128i* dst,
+ __m128i data)
+ _mm_stream_si128 (dst, data);
+/* save 4 pixels on a 16-byte boundary aligned address */
+static force_inline void
+save_128_aligned (__m128i* dst,
+ __m128i data)
+ _mm_store_si128 (dst, data);
+/* save 4 pixels on a unaligned address */
+static force_inline void
+save_128_unaligned (__m128i* dst,
+ __m128i data)
+ _mm_storeu_si128 (dst, data);
+static force_inline __m128i
+load_32_1x128 (uint32_t data)
+ return _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (data);
+static force_inline __m128i
+expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (__m128i data)
+ return _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+static force_inline __m128i
+expand_pixel_8_1x128 (uint8_t data)
+ return _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 ((uint32_t)data), _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+static force_inline __m128i
+pix_multiply_1x128 (__m128i data,
+ __m128i alpha)
+ return _mm_mulhi_epu16 (_mm_adds_epu16 (_mm_mullo_epi16 (data, alpha),
+ mask_0080),
+ mask_0101);
+static force_inline __m128i
+pix_add_multiply_1x128 (__m128i* src,
+ __m128i* alpha_dst,
+ __m128i* dst,
+ __m128i* alpha_src)
+ __m128i t1 = pix_multiply_1x128 (*src, *alpha_dst);
+ __m128i t2 = pix_multiply_1x128 (*dst, *alpha_src);
+ return _mm_adds_epu8 (t1, t2);
+static force_inline __m128i
+negate_1x128 (__m128i data)
+ return _mm_xor_si128 (data, mask_00ff);
+static force_inline __m128i
+invert_colors_1x128 (__m128i data)
+ return _mm_shufflelo_epi16 (data, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 0, 1, 2));
+static force_inline __m128i
+over_1x128 (__m128i src, __m128i alpha, __m128i dst)
+ return _mm_adds_epu8 (src, pix_multiply_1x128 (dst, negate_1x128 (alpha)));
+static force_inline __m128i
+in_over_1x128 (__m128i* src, __m128i* alpha, __m128i* mask, __m128i* dst)
+ return over_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (*src, *mask),
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (*alpha, *mask),
+ *dst);
+static force_inline __m128i
+over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (__m128i src, __m128i dst)
+ __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (src);
+ return over_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (invert_colors_1x128 (src),
+ _mm_or_si128 (alpha, mask_alpha)),
+ alpha,
+ dst);
+static force_inline uint32_t
+pack_1x128_32 (__m128i data)
+ return _mm_cvtsi128_si32 (_mm_packus_epi16 (data, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
+static force_inline __m128i
+expand565_16_1x128 (uint16_t pixel)
+ __m128i m = _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (pixel);
+ m = unpack_565_to_8888 (m);
+ return _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (m, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src, uint32_t dst)
+ uint8_t a;
+ __m128i xmms;
+ a = src >> 24;
+ if (a == 0xff)
+ {
+ return src;
+ }
+ else if (src)
+ {
+ xmms = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ return pack_1x128_32 (
+ over_1x128 (xmms, expand_alpha_1x128 (xmms),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (dst)));
+ }
+ return dst;
+static force_inline uint32_t
+combine1 (const uint32_t *ps, const uint32_t *pm)
+ uint32_t s = *ps;
+ if (pm)
+ {
+ __m128i ms, mm;
+ mm = unpack_32_1x128 (*pm);
+ mm = expand_alpha_1x128 (mm);
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ ms = pix_multiply_1x128 (ms, mm);
+ s = pack_1x128_32 (ms);
+ }
+ return s;
+static force_inline __m128i
+combine4 (const __m128i *ps, const __m128i *pm)
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_msk_lo, xmm_msk_hi;
+ __m128i s;
+ if (pm)
+ {
+ xmm_msk_lo = load_128_unaligned (pm);
+ if (is_transparent (xmm_msk_lo))
+ return _mm_setzero_si128 ();
+ }
+ s = load_128_unaligned (ps);
+ if (pm)
+ {
+ unpack_128_2x128 (s, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_msk_lo, &xmm_msk_lo, &xmm_msk_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_msk_lo, xmm_msk_hi, &xmm_msk_lo, &xmm_msk_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_msk_lo, &xmm_msk_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ s = pack_2x128_128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi);
+ }
+ return s;
+static force_inline void
+core_combine_over_u_sse2_mask (uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t* ps,
+ const uint32_t* pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)pd & 15))
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ if (s)
+ *pd = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ pd++;
+ ps++;
+ pm++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ __m128i mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i *)pm);
+ if (!is_zero (mask))
+ {
+ __m128i src;
+ __m128i src_hi, src_lo;
+ __m128i mask_hi, mask_lo;
+ __m128i alpha_hi, alpha_lo;
+ src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i *)ps);
+ if (is_opaque (_mm_and_si128 (src, mask)))
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)pd, src);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __m128i dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i *)pd);
+ __m128i dst_hi, dst_lo;
+ unpack_128_2x128 (mask, &mask_lo, &mask_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (src, &src_lo, &src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (mask_lo, mask_hi, &mask_lo, &mask_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&src_lo, &src_hi,
+ &mask_lo, &mask_hi,
+ &src_lo, &src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (dst, &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi,
+ &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi);
+ over_2x128 (&src_lo, &src_hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi,
+ &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i *)pd,
+ pack_2x128_128 (dst_lo, dst_hi));
+ }
+ }
+ pm += 4;
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ if (s)
+ *pd = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ pd++;
+ ps++;
+ pm++;
+ w--;
+ }
+static force_inline void
+core_combine_over_u_sse2_no_mask (uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t* ps,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)pd & 15))
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ s = *ps;
+ if (s)
+ *pd = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ pd++;
+ ps++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ __m128i src;
+ __m128i src_hi, src_lo, dst_hi, dst_lo;
+ __m128i alpha_hi, alpha_lo;
+ src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i *)ps);
+ if (!is_zero (src))
+ {
+ if (is_opaque (src))
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)pd, src);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __m128i dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i *)pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (src, &src_lo, &src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (dst, &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (src_lo, src_hi,
+ &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi);
+ over_2x128 (&src_lo, &src_hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi,
+ &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i *)pd,
+ pack_2x128_128 (dst_lo, dst_hi));
+ }
+ }
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ s = *ps;
+ if (s)
+ *pd = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ pd++;
+ ps++;
+ w--;
+ }
+static force_inline void
+sse2_combine_over_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ if (pm)
+ core_combine_over_u_sse2_mask (pd, ps, pm, w);
+ else
+ core_combine_over_u_sse2_no_mask (pd, ps, w);
+static void
+sse2_combine_over_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
+ while (w &&
+ ((unsigned long)pd & 15))
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ *pd++ = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (d, s);
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ /* I'm loading unaligned because I'm not sure
+ * about the address alignment.
+ */
+ xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ over_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ /* rebuid the 4 pixel data and save*/
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd,
+ pack_2x128_128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi));
+ w -= 4;
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ *pd++ = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (d, s);
+ ps++;
+ w--;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src, uint32_t dst)
+ uint32_t maska = src >> 24;
+ if (maska == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (maska != 0xff)
+ {
+ return pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (dst),
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (src))));
+ }
+ return dst;
+static void
+sse2_combine_in_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (d, s);
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*) ps, (__m128i*) pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd,
+ pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (d, s);
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+static void
+sse2_combine_in_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ ps++;
+ w--;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*) ps, (__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_in_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+static void
+sse2_combine_out_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
+ {
+ uint32_t s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ uint32_t d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d), negate_1x128 (
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s)))));
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ ps++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint32_t s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ uint32_t d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d), negate_1x128 (
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s)))));
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ w--;
+ }
+static void
+sse2_combine_out_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
+ {
+ uint32_t s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ uint32_t d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (s), negate_1x128 (
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d)))));
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*) ps, (__m128i*)pm);
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint32_t s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ uint32_t d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (s), negate_1x128 (
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d)))));
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t dst)
+ __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
+ __m128i sa = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (s));
+ __m128i da = expand_alpha_1x128 (d);
+ return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&s, &da, &d, &sa));
+static void
+sse2_combine_atop_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
+ pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_reverse_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t dst)
+ __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
+ __m128i sa = expand_alpha_1x128 (s);
+ __m128i da = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (d));
+ return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&s, &da, &d, &sa));
+static void
+sse2_combine_atop_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_reverse_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ ps++;
+ w--;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_reverse_atop_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ ps++;
+ w--;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_xor_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t dst)
+ __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
+ __m128i neg_d = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (d));
+ __m128i neg_s = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (s));
+ return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&s, &neg_d, &d, &neg_s));
+static void
+sse2_combine_xor_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * dst,
+ const uint32_t * src,
+ const uint32_t * mask,
+ int width)
+ int w = width;
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ uint32_t* pd = dst;
+ const uint32_t* ps = src;
+ const uint32_t* pm = mask;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long) pd & 15))
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_xor_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_src = combine4 ((__m128i*) ps, (__m128i*) pm);
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_xor_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+static force_inline void
+sse2_combine_add_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * dst,
+ const uint32_t * src,
+ const uint32_t * mask,
+ int width)
+ int w = width;
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ uint32_t* pd = dst;
+ const uint32_t* ps = src;
+ const uint32_t* pm = mask;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ *pd++ = _mm_cvtsi128_si32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (_mm_cvtsi32_si128 (s), _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ __m128i s;
+ s = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, _mm_adds_epu8 (s, load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd)));
+ pd += 4;
+ ps += 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ ps++;
+ *pd++ = _mm_cvtsi128_si32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (_mm_cvtsi32_si128 (s), _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (d)));
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t dst)
+ __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ __m128i md = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
+ uint32_t sa = src >> 24;
+ uint32_t da = ~dst >> 24;
+ if (sa > da)
+ {
+ ms = pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ ms, expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (DIV_UN8 (da, sa) << 24)));
+ }
+ return pack_1x128_32 (_mm_adds_epu16 (md, ms));
+static void
+sse2_combine_saturate_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ uint32_t pack_cmp;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_dst;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ w--;
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src = combine4 ((__m128i*)ps, (__m128i*)pm);
+ pack_cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (
+ _mm_cmpgt_epi32 (
+ _mm_srli_epi32 (xmm_src, 24),
+ _mm_srli_epi32 (_mm_xor_si128 (xmm_dst, mask_ff000000), 24)));
+ /* if some alpha src is grater than respective ~alpha dst */
+ if (pack_cmp)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps++, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ s = combine1 (ps++, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ s = combine1 (ps++, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ s = combine1 (ps++, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd, _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_dst, xmm_src));
+ pd += 4;
+ ps += 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ }
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = combine1 (ps, pm);
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_saturate_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ ps++;
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ }
+static void
+sse2_combine_src_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)));
+ w--;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_over_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t mask,
+ uint32_t dst)
+ __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ __m128i expAlpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (s);
+ __m128i unpk_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (mask);
+ __m128i unpk_dst = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
+ return pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&s, &expAlpha, &unpk_mask, &unpk_dst));
+static void
+sse2_combine_over_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_over_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_over_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_over_reverse_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t mask,
+ uint32_t dst)
+ __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
+ return pack_1x128_32 (
+ over_1x128 (d, expand_alpha_1x128 (d),
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (src),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (mask))));
+static void
+sse2_combine_over_reverse_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_over_reverse_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ over_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_over_reverse_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+static void
+sse2_combine_in_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d))));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d))));
+ w--;
+ }
+static void
+sse2_combine_in_reverse_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d),
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m),
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s)))));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d),
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m),
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s)))));
+ w--;
+ }
+static void
+sse2_combine_out_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d)))));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (d)))));
+ w--;
+ }
+static void
+sse2_combine_out_reverse_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d),
+ negate_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (m),
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s))))));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d),
+ negate_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (m),
+ expand_alpha_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s))))));
+ w--;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t mask,
+ uint32_t dst)
+ __m128i m = unpack_32_1x128 (mask);
+ __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
+ __m128i sa = expand_alpha_1x128 (s);
+ __m128i da = expand_alpha_1x128 (d);
+ s = pix_multiply_1x128 (s, m);
+ m = negate_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (m, sa));
+ return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&d, &m, &s, &da));
+static void
+sse2_combine_atop_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_reverse_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t mask,
+ uint32_t dst)
+ __m128i m = unpack_32_1x128 (mask);
+ __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
+ __m128i da = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (d));
+ __m128i sa = expand_alpha_1x128 (s);
+ s = pix_multiply_1x128 (s, m);
+ m = pix_multiply_1x128 (m, sa);
+ return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&d, &m, &s, &da));
+static void
+sse2_combine_atop_reverse_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_reverse_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_reverse_atop_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+static force_inline uint32_t
+core_combine_xor_ca_pixel_sse2 (uint32_t src,
+ uint32_t mask,
+ uint32_t dst)
+ __m128i a = unpack_32_1x128 (mask);
+ __m128i s = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ __m128i d = unpack_32_1x128 (dst);
+ __m128i alpha_dst = negate_1x128 (pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ a, expand_alpha_1x128 (s)));
+ __m128i dest = pix_multiply_1x128 (s, a);
+ __m128i alpha_src = negate_1x128 (expand_alpha_1x128 (d));
+ return pack_1x128_32 (pix_add_multiply_1x128 (&d,
+ &alpha_dst,
+ &dest,
+ &alpha_src));
+static void
+sse2_combine_xor_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_src_lo, xmm_alpha_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_xor_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_src_lo, &xmm_alpha_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_alpha_dst_lo, xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi);
+ negate_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ pix_add_multiply_2x128 (
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_dst_lo, &xmm_alpha_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_xor_ca_pixel_sse2 (s, m, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+static void
+sse2_combine_add_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ uint32_t s, m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)ps);
+ xmm_mask_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_dst_lo),
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_src_hi, xmm_dst_hi)));
+ ps += 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *ps++;
+ m = *pm++;
+ d = *pd;
+ *pd++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+static force_inline __m128i
+create_mask_16_128 (uint16_t mask)
+ return _mm_set1_epi16 (mask);
+/* Work around a code generation bug in Sun Studio 12. */
+#if defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590)
+# define create_mask_2x32_128(mask0, mask1) \
+ (_mm_set_epi32 ((mask0), (mask1), (mask0), (mask1)))
+static force_inline __m128i
+create_mask_2x32_128 (uint32_t mask0,
+ uint32_t mask1)
+ return _mm_set_epi32 (mask0, mask1, mask0, mask1);
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_n_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ int32_t w;
+ int dst_stride;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (xmm_src,
+ xmm_alpha,
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ /* rebuid the 4 pixel data and save*/
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ w -= 4;
+ dst += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (xmm_src,
+ xmm_alpha,
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_n_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src;
+ uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ int32_t w;
+ int dst_stride;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ *dst++ = pack_565_32_16 (
+ pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (xmm_src,
+ xmm_alpha,
+ expand565_16_1x128 (d))));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 8)
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
+ over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ xmm_dst = pack_565_4x128_128 (
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, xmm_dst);
+ dst += 8;
+ w -= 8;
+ }
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ *dst++ = pack_565_32_16 (
+ pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (xmm_src, xmm_alpha,
+ expand565_16_1x128 (d))));
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_add_n_8888_8888_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, d;
+ uint32_t *mask_line, m;
+ uint32_t pack_cmp;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_dst;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ xmm_src = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (
+ create_mask_2x32_128 (src, src), _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
+ mmx_src = xmm_src;
+ mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ int w = width;
+ const uint32_t *pm = (uint32_t *)mask_line;
+ uint32_t *pd = (uint32_t *)dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ m = *pm++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *pd = pack_1x128_32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (pix_multiply_1x128 (mmx_mask, mmx_src),
+ mmx_dest));
+ }
+ pd++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ pack_cmp =
+ _mm_movemask_epi8 (
+ _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
+ /* if all bits in mask are zero, pack_cmp are equal to 0xffff */
+ if (pack_cmp != 0xffff)
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ xmm_mask_hi = pack_2x128_128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_mask_hi, xmm_dst));
+ }
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ m = *pm++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *pd = pack_1x128_32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (pix_multiply_1x128 (mmx_mask, mmx_src),
+ mmx_dest));
+ }
+ pd++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, d;
+ uint32_t *mask_line, m;
+ uint32_t pack_cmp;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ xmm_src = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (
+ create_mask_2x32_128 (src, src), _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
+ mmx_src = xmm_src;
+ mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ int w = width;
+ const uint32_t *pm = (uint32_t *)mask_line;
+ uint32_t *pd = (uint32_t *)dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)pd & 15)
+ {
+ m = *pm++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *pd = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&mmx_src,
+ &mmx_alpha,
+ &mmx_mask,
+ &mmx_dest));
+ }
+ pd++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)pm);
+ pack_cmp =
+ _mm_movemask_epi8 (
+ _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
+ /* if all bits in mask are zero, pack_cmp are equal to 0xffff */
+ if (pack_cmp != 0xffff)
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)pd, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ pd += 4;
+ pm += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ m = *pm++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *pd = pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (&mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest));
+ }
+ pd++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ uint32_t mask;
+ int32_t w;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ __m128i xmm_mask;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ mask = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, mask_image, PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8);
+ xmm_mask = create_mask_16_128 (mask >> 24);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ uint32_t s = *src++;
+ if (s)
+ {
+ uint32_t d = *dst;
+ __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (ms);
+ __m128i dest = xmm_mask;
+ __m128i alpha_dst = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (&ms, &alpha, &dest, &alpha_dst));
+ }
+ dst++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
+ if (!is_zero (xmm_src))
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_mask, &xmm_mask,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ dst += 4;
+ src += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint32_t s = *src++;
+ if (s)
+ {
+ uint32_t d = *dst;
+ __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (ms);
+ __m128i mask = xmm_mask;
+ __m128i dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (&ms, &alpha, &mask, &dest));
+ }
+ dst++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_src_x888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ int32_t w;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ *dst++ = *src++ | 0xff000000;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 16)
+ {
+ __m128i xmm_src1, xmm_src2, xmm_src3, xmm_src4;
+ xmm_src1 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src + 0);
+ xmm_src2 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src + 1);
+ xmm_src3 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src + 2);
+ xmm_src4 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src + 3);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst + 0, _mm_or_si128 (xmm_src1, mask_ff000000));
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst + 1, _mm_or_si128 (xmm_src2, mask_ff000000));
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst + 2, _mm_or_si128 (xmm_src3, mask_ff000000));
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst + 3, _mm_or_si128 (xmm_src4, mask_ff000000));
+ dst += 16;
+ src += 16;
+ w -= 16;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ *dst++ = *src++ | 0xff000000;
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ uint32_t mask;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ mask = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, mask_image, PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8);
+ xmm_mask = create_mask_16_128 (mask >> 24);
+ xmm_alpha = mask_00ff;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ uint32_t s = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
+ uint32_t d = *dst;
+ __m128i src = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ __m128i alpha = xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i mask = xmm_mask;
+ __m128i dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (&src, &alpha, &mask, &dest));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_src = _mm_or_si128 (
+ load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src), mask_ff000000);
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_mask, &xmm_mask,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ dst += 4;
+ src += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint32_t s = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
+ uint32_t d = *dst;
+ __m128i src = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ __m128i alpha = xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i mask = xmm_mask;
+ __m128i dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (&src, &alpha, &mask, &dest));
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ dst = dst_line;
+ src = src_line;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ sse2_combine_over_u (imp, op, dst, src, NULL, width);
+ dst += dst_stride;
+ src += src_stride;
+ }
+static force_inline uint16_t
+composite_over_8888_0565pixel (uint32_t src, uint16_t dst)
+ __m128i ms;
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (src);
+ return pack_565_32_16 (
+ pack_1x128_32 (
+ over_1x128 (
+ ms, expand_alpha_1x128 (ms), expand565_16_1x128 (dst))));
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_8888_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ src = src_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
+ while (w &&
+ ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ d = *dst;
+ *dst++ = composite_over_8888_0565pixel (s, d);
+ w--;
+ }
+ /* It's a 8 pixel loop */
+ while (w >= 8)
+ {
+ /* I'm loading unaligned because I'm not sure
+ * about the address alignment.
+ */
+ xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*) src);
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) dst);
+ /* Unpacking */
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ /* I'm loading next 4 pixels from memory
+ * before to optimze the memory read.
+ */
+ xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*) (src + 4));
+ over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
+ /* Unpacking */
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_565_4x128_128 (
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3));
+ w -= 8;
+ dst += 8;
+ src += 8;
+ }
+ while (w--)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ d = *dst;
+ *dst++ = composite_over_8888_0565pixel (s, d);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha, xmm_def;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ xmm_def = create_mask_2x32_128 (src, src);
+ xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
+ mmx_src = xmm_src;
+ mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ uint8_t m = *mask++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ mmx_mask = expand_pixel_8_1x128 (m);
+ mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&mmx_src,
+ &mmx_alpha,
+ &mmx_mask,
+ &mmx_dest));
+ }
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ m = *((uint32_t*)mask);
+ if (srca == 0xff && m == 0xffffffff)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, xmm_def);
+ }
+ else if (m)
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) dst);
+ xmm_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ /* Unpacking */
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ w -= 4;
+ dst += 4;
+ mask += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint8_t m = *mask++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ mmx_mask = expand_pixel_8_1x128 (m);
+ mmx_dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&mmx_src,
+ &mmx_alpha,
+ &mmx_mask,
+ &mmx_dest));
+ }
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static pixman_bool_t
+pixman_fill_sse2 (uint32_t *bits,
+ int stride,
+ int bpp,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ uint32_t data)
+ uint32_t byte_width;
+ uint8_t *byte_line;
+ __m128i xmm_def;
+ if (bpp == 8)
+ {
+ uint8_t b;
+ uint16_t w;
+ stride = stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 1;
+ byte_line = (uint8_t *)(((uint8_t *)bits) + stride * y + x);
+ byte_width = width;
+ stride *= 1;
+ b = data & 0xff;
+ w = (b << 8) | b;
+ data = (w << 16) | w;
+ }
+ else if (bpp == 16)
+ {
+ stride = stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 2;
+ byte_line = (uint8_t *)(((uint16_t *)bits) + stride * y + x);
+ byte_width = 2 * width;
+ stride *= 2;
+ data = (data & 0xffff) * 0x00010001;
+ }
+ else if (bpp == 32)
+ {
+ stride = stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 4;
+ byte_line = (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t *)bits) + stride * y + x);
+ byte_width = 4 * width;
+ stride *= 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ xmm_def = create_mask_2x32_128 (data, data);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ int w;
+ uint8_t *d = byte_line;
+ byte_line += stride;
+ w = byte_width;
+ while (w >= 1 && ((unsigned long)d & 1))
+ {
+ *(uint8_t *)d = data;
+ w -= 1;
+ d += 1;
+ }
+ while (w >= 2 && ((unsigned long)d & 3))
+ {
+ *(uint16_t *)d = data;
+ w -= 2;
+ d += 2;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4 && ((unsigned long)d & 15))
+ {
+ *(uint32_t *)d = data;
+ w -= 4;
+ d += 4;
+ }
+ while (w >= 128)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 16), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 32), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 48), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 64), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 80), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 96), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 112), xmm_def);
+ d += 128;
+ w -= 128;
+ }
+ if (w >= 64)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 16), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 32), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 48), xmm_def);
+ d += 64;
+ w -= 64;
+ }
+ if (w >= 32)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm_def);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 16), xmm_def);
+ d += 32;
+ w -= 32;
+ }
+ if (w >= 16)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm_def);
+ d += 16;
+ w -= 16;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ *(uint32_t *)d = data;
+ w -= 4;
+ d += 4;
+ }
+ if (w >= 2)
+ {
+ *(uint16_t *)d = data;
+ w -= 2;
+ d += 2;
+ }
+ if (w >= 1)
+ {
+ *(uint8_t *)d = data;
+ w -= 1;
+ d += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t m;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_def;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ {
+ pixman_fill_sse2 (dst_image->bits.bits, dst_image->bits.rowstride,
+ PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (dst_image->bits.format),
+ dest_x, dest_y, width, height, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ xmm_def = create_mask_2x32_128 (src, src);
+ xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ uint8_t m = *mask++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (xmm_src, expand_pixel_8_1x128 (m)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *dst = 0;
+ }
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ m = *((uint32_t*)mask);
+ if (srca == 0xff && m == 0xffffffff)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, xmm_def);
+ }
+ else if (m)
+ {
+ xmm_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ /* Unpacking */
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ }
+ w -= 4;
+ dst += 4;
+ mask += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint8_t m = *mask++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ xmm_src, expand_pixel_8_1x128 (m)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *dst = 0;
+ }
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_n_8_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src, srca;
+ uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t m;
+ __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ srca = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
+ mmx_src = xmm_src;
+ mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ m = *mask++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ mmx_mask = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m));
+ mmx_dest = expand565_16_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_565_32_16 (
+ pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (
+ &mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest)));
+ }
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 8)
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) dst);
+ unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ m = *((uint32_t*)mask);
+ mask += 4;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ xmm_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ /* Unpacking */
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
+ }
+ m = *((uint32_t*)mask);
+ mask += 4;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ xmm_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ());
+ /* Unpacking */
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ }
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_565_4x128_128 (
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3));
+ w -= 8;
+ dst += 8;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ m = *mask++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ mmx_mask = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m));
+ mmx_dest = expand565_16_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_565_32_16 (
+ pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (
+ &mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest)));
+ }
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_0565 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t opaque, zero;
+ __m128i ms;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ d = *dst;
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ *dst++ = pack_565_32_16 (
+ pack_1x128_32 (
+ over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (ms, expand565_16_1x128 (d))));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 8)
+ {
+ /* First round */
+ xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ opaque = is_opaque (xmm_src);
+ zero = is_zero (xmm_src);
+ unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ /* preload next round*/
+ xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(src + 4));
+ if (opaque)
+ {
+ invert_colors_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
+ }
+ else if (!zero)
+ {
+ over_rev_non_pre_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
+ }
+ /* Second round */
+ opaque = is_opaque (xmm_src);
+ zero = is_zero (xmm_src);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ if (opaque)
+ {
+ invert_colors_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ }
+ else if (!zero)
+ {
+ over_rev_non_pre_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ }
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_565_4x128_128 (
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3));
+ w -= 8;
+ src += 8;
+ dst += 8;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ d = *dst;
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ *dst++ = pack_565_32_16 (
+ pack_1x128_32 (
+ over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (ms, expand565_16_1x128 (d))));
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src, s;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t opaque, zero;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ d = *dst;
+ *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_src_hi = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
+ opaque = is_opaque (xmm_src_hi);
+ zero = is_zero (xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ if (opaque)
+ {
+ invert_colors_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ else if (!zero)
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ over_rev_non_pre_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ w -= 4;
+ dst += 4;
+ src += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = *src++;
+ d = *dst;
+ *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (
+ over_rev_non_pre_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src;
+ uint16_t *dst_line, *dst, d;
+ uint32_t *mask_line, *mask, m;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int w;
+ uint32_t pack_cmp;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst0, xmm_dst1, xmm_dst2, xmm_dst3;
+ __m128i mmx_src, mmx_alpha, mmx_mask, mmx_dest;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint16_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (xmm_src);
+ mmx_src = xmm_src;
+ mmx_alpha = xmm_alpha;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ w = width;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ dst = dst_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
+ {
+ m = *(uint32_t *) mask;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ mmx_dest = expand565_16_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_565_32_16 (
+ pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (
+ &mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest)));
+ }
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ mask++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 8)
+ {
+ /* First round */
+ xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)mask);
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ pack_cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (
+ _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
+ unpack_565_128_4x128 (xmm_dst,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ /* preload next round */
+ xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(mask + 4));
+ /* preload next round */
+ if (pack_cmp != 0xffff)
+ {
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1);
+ }
+ /* Second round */
+ pack_cmp = _mm_movemask_epi8 (
+ _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (xmm_mask, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ if (pack_cmp != 0xffff)
+ {
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src, &xmm_src,
+ &xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3);
+ }
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_565_4x128_128 (
+ &xmm_dst0, &xmm_dst1, &xmm_dst2, &xmm_dst3));
+ w -= 8;
+ dst += 8;
+ mask += 8;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ m = *(uint32_t *) mask;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ d = *dst;
+ mmx_mask = unpack_32_1x128 (m);
+ mmx_dest = expand565_16_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_565_32_16 (
+ pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (
+ &mmx_src, &mmx_alpha, &mmx_mask, &mmx_dest)));
+ }
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ mask++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_in_n_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ uint32_t d, m;
+ uint32_t src;
+ uint8_t sa;
+ int32_t w;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ sa = src >> 24;
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src));
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
+ {
+ m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
+ d = (uint32_t) *dst;
+ *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (xmm_alpha,
+ unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 16)
+ {
+ xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)mask);
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ mask += 16;
+ dst += 16;
+ w -= 16;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
+ d = (uint32_t) *dst;
+ *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ xmm_alpha, unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_in_n_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ int dst_stride;
+ uint32_t d;
+ uint32_t src;
+ int32_t w;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src));
+ src = src >> 24;
+ if (src == 0xff)
+ return;
+ if (src == 0x00)
+ {
+ pixman_fill (dst_image->bits.bits, dst_image->bits.rowstride,
+ 8, dest_x, dest_y, width, height, src);
+ return;
+ }
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
+ {
+ d = (uint32_t) *dst;
+ *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ xmm_alpha,
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 16)
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ dst += 16;
+ w -= 16;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ d = (uint32_t) *dst;
+ *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ xmm_alpha,
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_in_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *src_line, *src;
+ int src_stride, dst_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint8_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
+ {
+ s = (uint32_t) *src++;
+ d = (uint32_t) *dst;
+ *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 16)
+ {
+ xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ src += 16;
+ dst += 16;
+ w -= 16;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ s = (uint32_t) *src++;
+ d = (uint32_t) *dst;
+ *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (s), unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_add_n_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *mask_line, *mask;
+ int dst_stride, mask_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t src;
+ uint8_t sa;
+ uint32_t m, d;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ sa = src >> 24;
+ xmm_alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src));
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
+ {
+ m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
+ d = (uint32_t) *dst;
+ *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu16 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ xmm_alpha, unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 16)
+ {
+ xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)mask);
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x128 (&xmm_alpha, &xmm_alpha,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ xmm_dst_lo = _mm_adds_epu16 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_dst_lo);
+ xmm_dst_hi = _mm_adds_epu16 (xmm_mask_hi, xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ mask += 16;
+ dst += 16;
+ w -= 16;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
+ d = (uint32_t) *dst;
+ *dst++ = (uint8_t) pack_1x128_32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu16 (
+ pix_multiply_1x128 (
+ xmm_alpha, unpack_32_1x128 (m)),
+ unpack_32_1x128 (d)));
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_add_n_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ int dst_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint32_t src;
+ __m128i xmm_src;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ src >>= 24;
+ if (src == 0x00)
+ return;
+ if (src == 0xff)
+ {
+ pixman_fill (dst_image->bits.bits, dst_image->bits.rowstride,
+ 8, dest_x, dest_y, width, height, 0xff);
+ return;
+ }
+ src = (src << 24) | (src << 16) | (src << 8) | src;
+ xmm_src = _mm_set_epi32 (src, src, src, src);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)dst & 15))
+ {
+ *dst = (uint8_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (
+ xmm_src,
+ _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (*dst)));
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 16)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, _mm_adds_epu8 (xmm_src, load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst)));
+ dst += 16;
+ w -= 16;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ *dst = (uint8_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si32 (
+ _mm_adds_epu8 (
+ xmm_src,
+ _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (*dst)));
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_add_8_8 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint8_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint8_t *src_line, *src;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ uint16_t t;
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint8_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint8_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ src = src_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ w = width;
+ /* Small head */
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 3)
+ {
+ t = (*dst) + (*src++);
+ *dst++ = t | (0 - (t >> 8));
+ w--;
+ }
+ sse2_combine_add_u (imp, op,
+ (uint32_t*)dst, (uint32_t*)src, NULL, w >> 2);
+ /* Small tail */
+ dst += w & 0xfffc;
+ src += w & 0xfffc;
+ w &= 3;
+ while (w)
+ {
+ t = (*dst) + (*src++);
+ *dst++ = t | (0 - (t >> 8));
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_add_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ sse2_combine_add_u (imp, op, dst, src, NULL, width);
+ }
+static pixman_bool_t
+pixman_blt_sse2 (uint32_t *src_bits,
+ uint32_t *dst_bits,
+ int src_stride,
+ int dst_stride,
+ int src_bpp,
+ int dst_bpp,
+ int src_x,
+ int src_y,
+ int dst_x,
+ int dst_y,
+ int width,
+ int height)
+ uint8_t * src_bytes;
+ uint8_t * dst_bytes;
+ int byte_width;
+ if (src_bpp != dst_bpp)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (src_bpp == 16)
+ {
+ src_stride = src_stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 2;
+ dst_stride = dst_stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 2;
+ src_bytes =(uint8_t *)(((uint16_t *)src_bits) + src_stride * (src_y) + (src_x));
+ dst_bytes = (uint8_t *)(((uint16_t *)dst_bits) + dst_stride * (dst_y) + (dst_x));
+ byte_width = 2 * width;
+ src_stride *= 2;
+ dst_stride *= 2;
+ }
+ else if (src_bpp == 32)
+ {
+ src_stride = src_stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 4;
+ dst_stride = dst_stride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t) / 4;
+ src_bytes = (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t *)src_bits) + src_stride * (src_y) + (src_x));
+ dst_bytes = (uint8_t *)(((uint32_t *)dst_bits) + dst_stride * (dst_y) + (dst_x));
+ byte_width = 4 * width;
+ src_stride *= 4;
+ dst_stride *= 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ int w;
+ uint8_t *s = src_bytes;
+ uint8_t *d = dst_bytes;
+ src_bytes += src_stride;
+ dst_bytes += dst_stride;
+ w = byte_width;
+ while (w >= 2 && ((unsigned long)d & 3))
+ {
+ *(uint16_t *)d = *(uint16_t *)s;
+ w -= 2;
+ s += 2;
+ d += 2;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4 && ((unsigned long)d & 15))
+ {
+ *(uint32_t *)d = *(uint32_t *)s;
+ w -= 4;
+ s += 4;
+ d += 4;
+ }
+ while (w >= 64)
+ {
+ __m128i xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3;
+ xmm0 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(s));
+ xmm1 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(s + 16));
+ xmm2 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(s + 32));
+ xmm3 = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)(s + 48));
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d), xmm0);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 16), xmm1);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 32), xmm2);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)(d + 48), xmm3);
+ s += 64;
+ d += 64;
+ w -= 64;
+ }
+ while (w >= 16)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)d, load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)s) );
+ w -= 16;
+ d += 16;
+ s += 16;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ *(uint32_t *)d = *(uint32_t *)s;
+ w -= 4;
+ s += 4;
+ d += 4;
+ }
+ if (w >= 2)
+ {
+ *(uint16_t *)d = *(uint16_t *)s;
+ w -= 2;
+ s += 2;
+ d += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+sse2_composite_copy_area (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ pixman_blt_sse2 (src_image->bits.bits,
+ dst_image->bits.bits,
+ src_image->bits.rowstride,
+ dst_image->bits.rowstride,
+ PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (src_image->bits.format),
+ PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (dst_image->bits.format),
+ src_x, src_y, dest_x, dest_y, width, height);
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *src, *src_line, s;
+ uint32_t *dst, *dst_line, d;
+ uint8_t *mask, *mask_line;
+ uint32_t m;
+ int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ __m128i ms;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ s = 0xff000000 | *src++;
+ m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
+ d = *dst;
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ if (m != 0xff)
+ {
+ __m128i ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m));
+ __m128i md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ ms = in_over_1x128 (&ms, &mask_00ff, &ma, &md);
+ }
+ *dst++ = pack_1x128_32 (ms);
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ m = *(uint32_t*) mask;
+ xmm_src = _mm_or_si128 (
+ load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src), mask_ff000000);
+ if (m == 0xffffffff)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, xmm_src);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (unpack_32_1x128 (m), _mm_setzero_si128());
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (
+ xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &mask_00ff, &mask_00ff, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ src += 4;
+ dst += 4;
+ mask += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ s = 0xff000000 | *src;
+ if (m == 0xff)
+ {
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __m128i ma, md, ms;
+ d = *dst;
+ ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (unpack_32_1x128 (m));
+ md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &mask_00ff, &ma, &md));
+ }
+ }
+ src++;
+ dst++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *src, *src_line, s;
+ uint32_t *dst, *dst_line, d;
+ uint8_t *mask, *mask_line;
+ uint32_t m;
+ int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, xmm_srca_lo, xmm_srca_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint8_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ uint32_t sa;
+ s = *src++;
+ m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
+ d = *dst;
+ sa = s >> 24;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ if (sa == 0xff && m == 0xff)
+ {
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __m128i ms, md, ma, msa;
+ ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (m));
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ msa = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (sa));
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &msa, &ma, &md));
+ }
+ }
+ dst++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ m = *(uint32_t *) mask;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
+ if (m == 0xffffffff && is_opaque (xmm_src))
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)dst, xmm_src);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i *)dst);
+ xmm_mask = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (unpack_32_1x128 (m), _mm_setzero_si128());
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_srca_lo, &xmm_srca_hi);
+ expand_alpha_rev_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_srca_lo, &xmm_srca_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ }
+ src += 4;
+ dst += 4;
+ mask += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint32_t sa;
+ s = *src++;
+ m = (uint32_t) *mask++;
+ d = *dst;
+ sa = s >> 24;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ if (sa == 0xff && m == 0xff)
+ {
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __m128i ms, md, ma, msa;
+ ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (m));
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ msa = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (sa));
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &msa, &ma, &md));
+ }
+ }
+ dst++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_reverse_n_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t src;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ __m128i xmm_src;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dsta_hi, xmm_dsta_lo;
+ int dst_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dst_image->bits.format);
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x128 (src);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ __m128i vd;
+ vd = unpack_32_1x128 (*dst);
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (vd, expand_alpha_1x128 (vd),
+ xmm_src));
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ __m128i tmp_lo, tmp_hi;
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dsta_lo, &xmm_dsta_hi);
+ tmp_lo = xmm_src;
+ tmp_hi = xmm_src;
+ over_2x128 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dsta_lo, &xmm_dsta_hi,
+ &tmp_lo, &tmp_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (tmp_lo, tmp_hi));
+ w -= 4;
+ dst += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ __m128i vd;
+ vd = unpack_32_1x128 (*dst);
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (over_1x128 (vd, expand_alpha_1x128 (vd),
+ xmm_src));
+ w--;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sse2_composite_over_8888_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ pixman_image_t * src_image,
+ pixman_image_t * mask_image,
+ pixman_image_t * dst_image,
+ int32_t src_x,
+ int32_t src_y,
+ int32_t mask_x,
+ int32_t mask_y,
+ int32_t dest_x,
+ int32_t dest_y,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height)
+ uint32_t *src, *src_line, s;
+ uint32_t *dst, *dst_line, d;
+ uint32_t *mask, *mask_line;
+ uint32_t m;
+ int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, xmm_srca_lo, xmm_srca_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_mask, xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi;
+ dst_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, uint32_t, mask_stride, mask_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ mask = mask_line;
+ mask_line += mask_stride;
+ w = width;
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ uint32_t sa;
+ s = *src++;
+ m = (*mask++) >> 24;
+ d = *dst;
+ sa = s >> 24;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ if (sa == 0xff && m == 0xff)
+ {
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __m128i ms, md, ma, msa;
+ ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (m));
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ msa = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (sa));
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &msa, &ma, &md));
+ }
+ }
+ dst++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ xmm_mask = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)mask);
+ if (!is_transparent (xmm_mask))
+ {
+ xmm_src = load_128_unaligned ((__m128i*)src);
+ if (is_opaque (xmm_mask) && is_opaque (xmm_src))
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)dst, xmm_src);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i *)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_mask, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_srca_lo, &xmm_srca_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_mask_lo, xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi, &xmm_srca_lo, &xmm_srca_hi,
+ &xmm_mask_lo, &xmm_mask_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ }
+ src += 4;
+ dst += 4;
+ mask += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint32_t sa;
+ s = *src++;
+ m = (*mask++) >> 24;
+ d = *dst;
+ sa = s >> 24;
+ if (m)
+ {
+ if (sa == 0xff && m == 0xff)
+ {
+ *dst = s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __m128i ms, md, ma, msa;
+ ma = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (m));
+ ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ md = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ msa = expand_alpha_rev_1x128 (load_32_1x128 (sa));
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (in_over_1x128 (&ms, &msa, &ma, &md));
+ }
+ }
+ dst++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ }
+/* A variant of 'sse2_combine_over_u' with minor tweaks */
+static force_inline void
+scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_8888_OVER (uint32_t* pd,
+ const uint32_t* ps,
+ int32_t w,
+ pixman_fixed_t vx,
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x,
+ pixman_fixed_t max_vx,
+ pixman_bool_t fully_transparent_src)
+ uint32_t s, d;
+ const uint32_t* pm = NULL;
+ __m128i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ if (fully_transparent_src)
+ return;
+ /* Align dst on a 16-byte boundary */
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)pd & 15))
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ s = combine1 (ps + (vx >> 16), pm);
+ vx += unit_x;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ __m128i tmp;
+ uint32_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
+ tmp1 = ps[vx >> 16];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp2 = ps[vx >> 16];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp3 = ps[vx >> 16];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp4 = ps[vx >> 16];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp = _mm_set_epi32 (tmp4, tmp3, tmp2, tmp1);
+ xmm_src_hi = combine4 ((__m128i*)&tmp, (__m128i*)pm);
+ if (is_opaque (xmm_src_hi))
+ {
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd, xmm_src_hi);
+ }
+ else if (!is_zero (xmm_src_hi))
+ {
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*) pd);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (
+ xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ /* rebuid the 4 pixel data and save*/
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i*)pd,
+ pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ w -= 4;
+ pd += 4;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ d = *pd;
+ s = combine1 (ps + (vx >> 16), pm);
+ vx += unit_x;
+ *pd++ = core_combine_over_u_pixel_sse2 (s, d);
+ if (pm)
+ pm++;
+ w--;
+ }
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (sse2_8888_8888_cover_OVER,
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_8888_OVER,
+ uint32_t, uint32_t, COVER)
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (sse2_8888_8888_none_OVER,
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_8888_OVER,
+ uint32_t, uint32_t, NONE)
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP (sse2_8888_8888_pad_OVER,
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_8888_OVER,
+ uint32_t, uint32_t, PAD)
+static force_inline void
+scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_n_8888_OVER (const uint32_t * mask,
+ uint32_t * dst,
+ const uint32_t * src,
+ int32_t w,
+ pixman_fixed_t vx,
+ pixman_fixed_t unit_x,
+ pixman_fixed_t max_vx,
+ pixman_bool_t zero_src)
+ __m128i xmm_mask;
+ __m128i xmm_src, xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m128i xmm_alpha_lo, xmm_alpha_hi;
+ if (zero_src || (*mask >> 24) == 0)
+ return;
+ xmm_mask = create_mask_16_128 (*mask >> 24);
+ while (w && (unsigned long)dst & 15)
+ {
+ uint32_t s = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ if (s)
+ {
+ uint32_t d = *dst;
+ __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (ms);
+ __m128i dest = xmm_mask;
+ __m128i alpha_dst = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (&ms, &alpha, &dest, &alpha_dst));
+ }
+ dst++;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ uint32_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
+ tmp1 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp2 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp3 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ tmp4 = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ xmm_src = _mm_set_epi32 (tmp4, tmp3, tmp2, tmp1);
+ if (!is_zero (xmm_src))
+ {
+ xmm_dst = load_128_aligned ((__m128i*)dst);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_src, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_128_2x128 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x128 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi);
+ in_over_2x128 (&xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_alpha_lo, &xmm_alpha_hi,
+ &xmm_mask, &xmm_mask,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i*)dst, pack_2x128_128 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ }
+ dst += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint32_t s = src[pixman_fixed_to_int (vx)];
+ vx += unit_x;
+ if (s)
+ {
+ uint32_t d = *dst;
+ __m128i ms = unpack_32_1x128 (s);
+ __m128i alpha = expand_alpha_1x128 (ms);
+ __m128i mask = xmm_mask;
+ __m128i dest = unpack_32_1x128 (d);
+ *dst = pack_1x128_32 (
+ in_over_1x128 (&ms, &alpha, &mask, &dest));
+ }
+ dst++;
+ w--;
+ }
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (sse2_8888_n_8888_cover_OVER,
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_n_8888_OVER,
+ uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, COVER, TRUE, TRUE)
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_n_8888_OVER,
+ uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, PAD, TRUE, TRUE)
+FAST_NEAREST_MAINLOOP_COMMON (sse2_8888_n_8888_none_OVER,
+ scaled_nearest_scanline_sse2_8888_n_8888_OVER,
+ uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, NONE, TRUE, TRUE)
+static const pixman_fast_path_t sse2_fast_paths[] =
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_n_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_over_n_8_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, null, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_n_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_over_8888_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, a8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, a8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_x888_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, solid, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, solid, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, solid, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, solid, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_x888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, solid, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, solid, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, solid, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_8888_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_over_n_8888_0565_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, pixbuf, pixbuf, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, pixbuf, pixbuf, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, pixbuf, pixbuf, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, rpixbuf, rpixbuf, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_over_pixbuf_0565),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, x8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (ADD, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_add_n_8888_8888_ca),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8, null, a8, sse2_composite_add_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_add_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_add_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, a8, a8, sse2_composite_add_n_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, solid, null, a8, sse2_composite_add_n_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, a8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, a8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, solid, a8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_src_n_8_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_src_x888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_src_x888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, x8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, null, r5g6b5, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (SRC, b5g6r5, null, b5g6r5, sse2_composite_copy_area),
+ /* PIXMAN_OP_IN */
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, a8, null, a8, sse2_composite_in_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, solid, a8, a8, sse2_composite_in_n_8_8),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN, solid, null, a8, sse2_composite_in_n_8),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_COVER (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_NONE (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_FAST_PATH_PAD (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_SOLID_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_n_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_SOLID_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_n_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_SOLID_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, sse2_8888_n_8888),
+ SIMPLE_NEAREST_SOLID_MASK_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, x8b8g8r8, sse2_8888_n_8888),
+static pixman_bool_t
+sse2_blt (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ uint32_t * src_bits,
+ uint32_t * dst_bits,
+ int src_stride,
+ int dst_stride,
+ int src_bpp,
+ int dst_bpp,
+ int src_x,
+ int src_y,
+ int dst_x,
+ int dst_y,
+ int width,
+ int height)
+ if (!pixman_blt_sse2 (
+ src_bits, dst_bits, src_stride, dst_stride, src_bpp, dst_bpp,
+ src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height))
+ {
+ return _pixman_implementation_blt (
+ imp->delegate,
+ src_bits, dst_bits, src_stride, dst_stride, src_bpp, dst_bpp,
+ src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__amd64__)
+static pixman_bool_t
+sse2_fill (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ uint32_t * bits,
+ int stride,
+ int bpp,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ uint32_t xor)
+ if (!pixman_fill_sse2 (bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor))
+ {
+ return _pixman_implementation_fill (
+ imp->delegate, bits, stride, bpp, x, y, width, height, xor);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static uint32_t *
+sse2_fetch_x8r8g8b8 (pixman_iter_t *iter, const uint32_t *mask)
+ int w = iter->width;
+ __m128i ff000000 = mask_ff000000;
+ uint32_t *dst = iter->buffer;
+ uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *)iter->bits;
+ iter->bits += iter->stride;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)dst) & 0x0f)
+ {
+ *dst++ = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 4)
+ {
+ save_128_aligned (
+ (__m128i *)dst, _mm_or_si128 (
+ load_128_unaligned ((__m128i *)src), ff000000));
+ dst += 4;
+ src += 4;
+ w -= 4;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ *dst++ = (*src++) | 0xff000000;
+ w--;
+ }
+ return iter->buffer;
+static uint32_t *
+sse2_fetch_r5g6b5 (pixman_iter_t *iter, const uint32_t *mask)
+ int w = iter->width;
+ uint32_t *dst = iter->buffer;
+ uint16_t *src = (uint16_t *)iter->bits;
+ __m128i ff000000 = mask_ff000000;
+ iter->bits += iter->stride;
+ while (w && ((unsigned long)dst) & 0x0f)
+ {
+ uint16_t s = *src++;
+ *dst++ = CONVERT_0565_TO_8888 (s);
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 8)
+ {
+ __m128i lo, hi, s;
+ s = _mm_loadu_si128 ((__m128i *)src);
+ lo = unpack_565_to_8888 (_mm_unpacklo_epi16 (s, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
+ hi = unpack_565_to_8888 (_mm_unpackhi_epi16 (s, _mm_setzero_si128 ()));
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)(dst + 0), _mm_or_si128 (lo, ff000000));
+ save_128_aligned ((__m128i *)(dst + 4), _mm_or_si128 (hi, ff000000));
+ dst += 8;
+ src += 8;
+ w -= 8;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ uint16_t s = *src++;
+ *dst++ = CONVERT_0565_TO_8888 (s);
+ w--;
+ }
+ return iter->buffer;
+static uint32_t *
+sse2_fetch_a8 (pixman_iter_t *iter, const uint32_t *mask)
+ int w = iter->width;
+ uint32_t *dst = iter->buffer;
+ uint8_t *src = iter->bits;
+ __m128i xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6;
+ iter->bits += iter->stride;
+ while (w && (((unsigned long)dst) & 15))
+ {
+ *dst++ = *(src++) << 24;
+ w--;
+ }
+ while (w >= 16)
+ {
+ xmm0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)src);
+ xmm1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm0);
+ xmm2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm0);
+ xmm3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm1);
+ xmm4 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm1);
+ xmm5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm2);
+ xmm6 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16 (_mm_setzero_si128(), xmm2);
+ _mm_store_si128(((__m128i *)(dst + 0)), xmm3);
+ _mm_store_si128(((__m128i *)(dst + 4)), xmm4);
+ _mm_store_si128(((__m128i *)(dst + 8)), xmm5);
+ _mm_store_si128(((__m128i *)(dst + 12)), xmm6);
+ dst += 16;
+ src += 16;
+ w -= 16;
+ }
+ while (w)
+ {
+ *dst++ = *(src++) << 24;
+ w--;
+ }
+ return iter->buffer;
+typedef struct
+ pixman_format_code_t format;
+ pixman_iter_get_scanline_t get_scanline;
+} fetcher_info_t;
+static const fetcher_info_t fetchers[] =
+ { PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8, sse2_fetch_x8r8g8b8 },
+ { PIXMAN_r5g6b5, sse2_fetch_r5g6b5 },
+ { PIXMAN_a8, sse2_fetch_a8 },
+ { PIXMAN_null }
+static void
+sse2_src_iter_init (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_iter_t *iter,
+ pixman_image_t *image,
+ int x, int y, int width, int height,
+ uint8_t *buffer, iter_flags_t flags)
+#define FLAGS \
+ if ((flags & ITER_NARROW) &&
+ (image->common.flags & FLAGS) == FLAGS &&
+ x >= 0 && y >= 0 &&
+ x + width <= image->bits.width &&
+ y + height <= image->bits.height)
+ {
+ const fetcher_info_t *f;
+ for (f = &fetchers[0]; f->format != PIXMAN_null; f++)
+ {
+ if (image->common.extended_format_code == f->format)
+ {
+ uint8_t *b = (uint8_t *)image->bits.bits;
+ int s = image->bits.rowstride * 4;
+ iter->bits = b + s * y + x * PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (f->format) / 8;
+ iter->stride = s;
+ iter->width = width;
+ iter->buffer = (uint32_t *)buffer;
+ iter->get_scanline = f->get_scanline;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _pixman_implementation_src_iter_init (
+ imp->delegate, iter, image, x, y, width, height, buffer, flags);
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__amd64__)
+pixman_implementation_t *
+_pixman_implementation_create_sse2 (pixman_implementation_t *fallback)
+ pixman_implementation_t *imp = _pixman_implementation_create (fallback, sse2_fast_paths);
+ /* SSE2 constants */
+ mask_565_r = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00f80000, 0x00f80000);
+ mask_565_g1 = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00070000, 0x00070000);
+ mask_565_g2 = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x000000e0, 0x000000e0);
+ mask_565_b = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x0000001f, 0x0000001f);
+ mask_red = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00f80000, 0x00f80000);
+ mask_green = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x0000fc00, 0x0000fc00);
+ mask_blue = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x000000f8, 0x000000f8);
+ mask_565_fix_rb = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00e000e0, 0x00e000e0);
+ mask_565_fix_g = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x0000c000, 0x0000c000);
+ mask_0080 = create_mask_16_128 (0x0080);
+ mask_00ff = create_mask_16_128 (0x00ff);
+ mask_0101 = create_mask_16_128 (0x0101);
+ mask_ffff = create_mask_16_128 (0xffff);
+ mask_ff000000 = create_mask_2x32_128 (0xff000000, 0xff000000);
+ mask_alpha = create_mask_2x32_128 (0x00ff0000, 0x00000000);
+ /* Set up function pointers */
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OVER] = sse2_combine_over_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OVER_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_over_reverse_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_IN] = sse2_combine_in_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_IN_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_in_reverse_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OUT] = sse2_combine_out_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_out_reverse_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_ATOP] = sse2_combine_atop_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_ATOP_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_atop_reverse_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_XOR] = sse2_combine_xor_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_ADD] = sse2_combine_add_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_SATURATE] = sse2_combine_saturate_u;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_SRC] = sse2_combine_src_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_OVER] = sse2_combine_over_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_OVER_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_over_reverse_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_IN] = sse2_combine_in_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_IN_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_in_reverse_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_OUT] = sse2_combine_out_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_out_reverse_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_ATOP] = sse2_combine_atop_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_ATOP_REVERSE] = sse2_combine_atop_reverse_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_XOR] = sse2_combine_xor_ca;
+ imp->combine_32_ca[PIXMAN_OP_ADD] = sse2_combine_add_ca;
+ imp->blt = sse2_blt;
+ imp->fill = sse2_fill;
+ imp->src_iter_init = sse2_src_iter_init;
+ return imp;
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-trap.c b/pixman/pixman/pixman-trap.c
index 6e85acd49..a1a07128e 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman/pixman-trap.c
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-trap.c
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ _pixman_edge_multi_init (pixman_edge_t * e,
if (ne > 0)
- int nx = ne / e->dy;
- ne -= nx * e->dy;
+ pixman_fixed_48_16_t nx = ne / e->dy;
+ ne -= nx * (pixman_fixed_48_16_t)e->dy;
stepx += nx * e->signdx;
diff --git a/pixman/pixman/pixman-version.h b/pixman/pixman/pixman-version.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70642e961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pixman/pixman/pixman-version.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright © 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+ * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+ * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+ * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+ * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Carl D. Worth <cworth@cworth.org>
+ */
+#ifndef PIXMAN_H__
+# error pixman-version.h should only be included by pixman.h
+#define PIXMAN_VERSION_STRING "0.19.1"
+#define PIXMAN_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, micro) ( \
+ ((major) * 10000) \
+ + ((minor) * 100) \
+ + ((micro) * 1))
+#endif /* PIXMAN_VERSION_H__ */
diff --git a/pixman/test/scaling-test.c b/pixman/test/scaling-test.c
index dbb9d39b0..2a0826a46 100644
--- a/pixman/test/scaling-test.c
+++ b/pixman/test/scaling-test.c
@@ -1,368 +1,368 @@
- * Test program, which can detect some problems with nearest neighbour
- * and bilinear scaling in pixman. Testing is done by running lots
- * of random SRC and OVER compositing operations a8r8g8b8, x8a8r8g8b8
- * and r5g6b5 color formats.
- *
- * Script 'fuzzer-find-diff.pl' can be used to narrow down the problem in
- * the case of test failure.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "utils.h"
-#define MAX_SRC_WIDTH 48
-#define MAX_SRC_HEIGHT 8
-#define MAX_DST_WIDTH 48
-#define MAX_DST_HEIGHT 8
-#define MAX_STRIDE 4
- * Composite operation with pseudorandom images
- */
-test_composite (int testnum,
- int verbose)
- int i;
- pixman_image_t * src_img;
- pixman_image_t * mask_img;
- pixman_image_t * dst_img;
- pixman_transform_t transform;
- pixman_region16_t clip;
- int src_width, src_height;
- int mask_width, mask_height;
- int dst_width, dst_height;
- int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
- int src_x, src_y;
- int mask_x, mask_y;
- int dst_x, dst_y;
- int src_bpp;
- int mask_bpp = 1;
- int dst_bpp;
- int w, h;
- pixman_fixed_t scale_x = 65536, scale_y = 65536;
- pixman_fixed_t translate_x = 0, translate_y = 0;
- pixman_fixed_t mask_scale_x = 65536, mask_scale_y = 65536;
- pixman_fixed_t mask_translate_x = 0, mask_translate_y = 0;
- pixman_op_t op;
- pixman_repeat_t repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE;
- pixman_repeat_t mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE;
- pixman_format_code_t src_fmt, dst_fmt;
- uint32_t * srcbuf;
- uint32_t * dstbuf;
- uint32_t * maskbuf;
- uint32_t crc32;
- lcg_srand (testnum);
- src_bpp = (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0) ? 2 : 4;
- dst_bpp = (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0) ? 2 : 4;
- switch (lcg_rand_n (3))
- {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- src_width = lcg_rand_n (MAX_SRC_WIDTH) + 1;
- src_height = lcg_rand_n (MAX_SRC_HEIGHT) + 1;
- if (lcg_rand_n (2))
- {
- mask_width = lcg_rand_n (MAX_SRC_WIDTH) + 1;
- mask_height = lcg_rand_n (MAX_SRC_HEIGHT) + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- mask_width = mask_height = 1;
- }
- dst_width = lcg_rand_n (MAX_DST_WIDTH) + 1;
- dst_height = lcg_rand_n (MAX_DST_HEIGHT) + 1;
- src_stride = src_width * src_bpp + lcg_rand_n (MAX_STRIDE) * src_bpp;
- mask_stride = mask_width * mask_bpp + lcg_rand_n (MAX_STRIDE) * mask_bpp;
- dst_stride = dst_width * dst_bpp + lcg_rand_n (MAX_STRIDE) * dst_bpp;
- if (src_stride & 3)
- src_stride += 2;
- if (mask_stride & 1)
- mask_stride += 1;
- if (mask_stride & 2)
- mask_stride += 2;
- if (dst_stride & 3)
- dst_stride += 2;
- src_x = -(src_width / 4) + lcg_rand_n (src_width * 3 / 2);
- src_y = -(src_height / 4) + lcg_rand_n (src_height * 3 / 2);
- mask_x = -(mask_width / 4) + lcg_rand_n (mask_width * 3 / 2);
- mask_y = -(mask_height / 4) + lcg_rand_n (mask_height * 3 / 2);
- dst_x = -(dst_width / 4) + lcg_rand_n (dst_width * 3 / 2);
- dst_y = -(dst_height / 4) + lcg_rand_n (dst_height * 3 / 2);
- w = lcg_rand_n (dst_width * 3 / 2 - dst_x);
- h = lcg_rand_n (dst_height * 3 / 2 - dst_y);
- srcbuf = (uint32_t *)malloc (src_stride * src_height);
- maskbuf = (uint32_t *)malloc (mask_stride * mask_height);
- dstbuf = (uint32_t *)malloc (dst_stride * dst_height);
- for (i = 0; i < src_stride * src_height; i++)
- *((uint8_t *)srcbuf + i) = lcg_rand_n (256);
- for (i = 0; i < mask_stride * mask_height; i++)
- *((uint8_t *)maskbuf + i) = lcg_rand_n (256);
- for (i = 0; i < dst_stride * dst_height; i++)
- *((uint8_t *)dstbuf + i) = lcg_rand_n (256);
- src_fmt = src_bpp == 4 ? (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0 ?
- PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8 : PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8) : PIXMAN_r5g6b5;
- dst_fmt = dst_bpp == 4 ? (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0 ?
- PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8 : PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8) : PIXMAN_r5g6b5;
- src_img = pixman_image_create_bits (
- src_fmt, src_width, src_height, srcbuf, src_stride);
- mask_img = pixman_image_create_bits (
- PIXMAN_a8, mask_width, mask_height, maskbuf, mask_stride);
- dst_img = pixman_image_create_bits (
- dst_fmt, dst_width, dst_height, dstbuf, dst_stride);
- image_endian_swap (src_img, src_bpp * 8);
- image_endian_swap (dst_img, dst_bpp * 8);
- if (lcg_rand_n (4) > 0)
- {
- scale_x = -32768 * 3 + lcg_rand_N (65536 * 5);
- scale_y = -32768 * 3 + lcg_rand_N (65536 * 5);
- translate_x = lcg_rand_N (65536);
- translate_y = lcg_rand_N (65536);
- pixman_transform_init_scale (&transform, scale_x, scale_y);
- pixman_transform_translate (&transform, NULL, translate_x, translate_y);
- pixman_image_set_transform (src_img, &transform);
- }
- if (lcg_rand_n (2) > 0)
- {
- mask_scale_x = -32768 * 3 + lcg_rand_N (65536 * 5);
- mask_scale_y = -32768 * 3 + lcg_rand_N (65536 * 5);
- mask_translate_x = lcg_rand_N (65536);
- mask_translate_y = lcg_rand_N (65536);
- pixman_transform_init_scale (&transform, mask_scale_x, mask_scale_y);
- pixman_transform_translate (&transform, NULL, mask_translate_x, mask_translate_y);
- pixman_image_set_transform (mask_img, &transform);
- }
- switch (lcg_rand_n (4))
- {
- case 0:
- mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE;
- break;
- case 1:
- mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL;
- break;
- case 2:
- mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD;
- break;
- case 3:
- mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_REFLECT;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- pixman_image_set_repeat (mask_img, mask_repeat);
- switch (lcg_rand_n (4))
- {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 3:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- pixman_image_set_repeat (src_img, repeat);
- if (lcg_rand_n (2))
- pixman_image_set_filter (src_img, PIXMAN_FILTER_NEAREST, NULL, 0);
- else
- pixman_image_set_filter (src_img, PIXMAN_FILTER_BILINEAR, NULL, 0);
- if (lcg_rand_n (2))
- pixman_image_set_filter (mask_img, PIXMAN_FILTER_NEAREST, NULL, 0);
- else
- pixman_image_set_filter (mask_img, PIXMAN_FILTER_BILINEAR, NULL, 0);
- if (verbose)
- {
- printf ("src_fmt=%08X, dst_fmt=%08X\n", src_fmt, dst_fmt);
- printf ("op=%d, scale_x=%d, scale_y=%d, repeat=%d\n",
- op, scale_x, scale_y, repeat);
- printf ("translate_x=%d, translate_y=%d\n",
- translate_x, translate_y);
- printf ("src_width=%d, src_height=%d, dst_width=%d, dst_height=%d\n",
- src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height);
- printf ("src_x=%d, src_y=%d, dst_x=%d, dst_y=%d\n",
- src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y);
- printf ("w=%d, h=%d\n", w, h);
- }
- if (lcg_rand_n (8) == 0)
- {
- pixman_box16_t clip_boxes[2];
- int n = lcg_rand_n (2) + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- clip_boxes[i].x1 = lcg_rand_n (src_width);
- clip_boxes[i].y1 = lcg_rand_n (src_height);
- clip_boxes[i].x2 =
- clip_boxes[i].x1 + lcg_rand_n (src_width - clip_boxes[i].x1);
- clip_boxes[i].y2 =
- clip_boxes[i].y1 + lcg_rand_n (src_height - clip_boxes[i].y1);
- if (verbose)
- {
- printf ("source clip box: [%d,%d-%d,%d]\n",
- clip_boxes[i].x1, clip_boxes[i].y1,
- clip_boxes[i].x2, clip_boxes[i].y2);
- }
- }
- pixman_region_init_rects (&clip, clip_boxes, n);
- pixman_image_set_clip_region (src_img, &clip);
- pixman_image_set_source_clipping (src_img, 1);
- pixman_region_fini (&clip);
- }
- if (lcg_rand_n (8) == 0)
- {
- pixman_box16_t clip_boxes[2];
- int n = lcg_rand_n (2) + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- clip_boxes[i].x1 = lcg_rand_n (mask_width);
- clip_boxes[i].y1 = lcg_rand_n (mask_height);
- clip_boxes[i].x2 =
- clip_boxes[i].x1 + lcg_rand_n (mask_width - clip_boxes[i].x1);
- clip_boxes[i].y2 =
- clip_boxes[i].y1 + lcg_rand_n (mask_height - clip_boxes[i].y1);
- if (verbose)
- {
- printf ("mask clip box: [%d,%d-%d,%d]\n",
- clip_boxes[i].x1, clip_boxes[i].y1,
- clip_boxes[i].x2, clip_boxes[i].y2);
- }
- }
- pixman_region_init_rects (&clip, clip_boxes, n);
- pixman_image_set_clip_region (mask_img, &clip);
- pixman_image_set_source_clipping (mask_img, 1);
- pixman_region_fini (&clip);
- }
- if (lcg_rand_n (8) == 0)
- {
- pixman_box16_t clip_boxes[2];
- int n = lcg_rand_n (2) + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- clip_boxes[i].x1 = lcg_rand_n (dst_width);
- clip_boxes[i].y1 = lcg_rand_n (dst_height);
- clip_boxes[i].x2 =
- clip_boxes[i].x1 + lcg_rand_n (dst_width - clip_boxes[i].x1);
- clip_boxes[i].y2 =
- clip_boxes[i].y1 + lcg_rand_n (dst_height - clip_boxes[i].y1);
- if (verbose)
- {
- printf ("destination clip box: [%d,%d-%d,%d]\n",
- clip_boxes[i].x1, clip_boxes[i].y1,
- clip_boxes[i].x2, clip_boxes[i].y2);
- }
- }
- pixman_region_init_rects (&clip, clip_boxes, n);
- pixman_image_set_clip_region (dst_img, &clip);
- pixman_region_fini (&clip);
- }
- if (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0)
- pixman_image_composite (op, src_img, NULL, dst_img,
- src_x, src_y, 0, 0, dst_x, dst_y, w, h);
- else
- pixman_image_composite (op, src_img, mask_img, dst_img,
- src_x, src_y, mask_x, mask_y, dst_x, dst_y, w, h);
- if (dst_fmt == PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8)
- {
- /* ignore unused part */
- for (i = 0; i < dst_stride * dst_height / 4; i++)
- dstbuf[i] &= 0xFFFFFF;
- }
- image_endian_swap (dst_img, dst_bpp * 8);
- if (verbose)
- {
- int j;
- for (i = 0; i < dst_height; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < dst_stride; j++)
- printf ("%02X ", *((uint8_t *)dstbuf + i * dst_stride + j));
- printf ("\n");
- }
- }
- pixman_image_unref (src_img);
- pixman_image_unref (mask_img);
- pixman_image_unref (dst_img);
- crc32 = compute_crc32 (0, dstbuf, dst_stride * dst_height);
- free (srcbuf);
- free (maskbuf);
- free (dstbuf);
- return crc32;
-main (int argc, const char *argv[])
- pixman_disable_out_of_bounds_workaround ();
- return fuzzer_test_main("scaling", 8000000, 0x80DF1CB2,
- test_composite, argc, argv);
+ * Test program, which can detect some problems with nearest neighbour
+ * and bilinear scaling in pixman. Testing is done by running lots
+ * of random SRC and OVER compositing operations a8r8g8b8, x8a8r8g8b8
+ * and r5g6b5 color formats.
+ *
+ * Script 'fuzzer-find-diff.pl' can be used to narrow down the problem in
+ * the case of test failure.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#define MAX_SRC_WIDTH 48
+#define MAX_SRC_HEIGHT 8
+#define MAX_DST_WIDTH 48
+#define MAX_DST_HEIGHT 8
+#define MAX_STRIDE 4
+ * Composite operation with pseudorandom images
+ */
+test_composite (int testnum,
+ int verbose)
+ int i;
+ pixman_image_t * src_img;
+ pixman_image_t * mask_img;
+ pixman_image_t * dst_img;
+ pixman_transform_t transform;
+ pixman_region16_t clip;
+ int src_width, src_height;
+ int mask_width, mask_height;
+ int dst_width, dst_height;
+ int src_stride, mask_stride, dst_stride;
+ int src_x, src_y;
+ int mask_x, mask_y;
+ int dst_x, dst_y;
+ int src_bpp;
+ int mask_bpp = 1;
+ int dst_bpp;
+ int w, h;
+ pixman_fixed_t scale_x = 65536, scale_y = 65536;
+ pixman_fixed_t translate_x = 0, translate_y = 0;
+ pixman_fixed_t mask_scale_x = 65536, mask_scale_y = 65536;
+ pixman_fixed_t mask_translate_x = 0, mask_translate_y = 0;
+ pixman_op_t op;
+ pixman_repeat_t repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE;
+ pixman_repeat_t mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE;
+ pixman_format_code_t src_fmt, dst_fmt;
+ uint32_t * srcbuf;
+ uint32_t * dstbuf;
+ uint32_t * maskbuf;
+ uint32_t crc32;
+ lcg_srand (testnum);
+ src_bpp = (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0) ? 2 : 4;
+ dst_bpp = (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0) ? 2 : 4;
+ switch (lcg_rand_n (3))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ src_width = lcg_rand_n (MAX_SRC_WIDTH) + 1;
+ src_height = lcg_rand_n (MAX_SRC_HEIGHT) + 1;
+ if (lcg_rand_n (2))
+ {
+ mask_width = lcg_rand_n (MAX_SRC_WIDTH) + 1;
+ mask_height = lcg_rand_n (MAX_SRC_HEIGHT) + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mask_width = mask_height = 1;
+ }
+ dst_width = lcg_rand_n (MAX_DST_WIDTH) + 1;
+ dst_height = lcg_rand_n (MAX_DST_HEIGHT) + 1;
+ src_stride = src_width * src_bpp + lcg_rand_n (MAX_STRIDE) * src_bpp;
+ mask_stride = mask_width * mask_bpp + lcg_rand_n (MAX_STRIDE) * mask_bpp;
+ dst_stride = dst_width * dst_bpp + lcg_rand_n (MAX_STRIDE) * dst_bpp;
+ if (src_stride & 3)
+ src_stride += 2;
+ if (mask_stride & 1)
+ mask_stride += 1;
+ if (mask_stride & 2)
+ mask_stride += 2;
+ if (dst_stride & 3)
+ dst_stride += 2;
+ src_x = -(src_width / 4) + lcg_rand_n (src_width * 3 / 2);
+ src_y = -(src_height / 4) + lcg_rand_n (src_height * 3 / 2);
+ mask_x = -(mask_width / 4) + lcg_rand_n (mask_width * 3 / 2);
+ mask_y = -(mask_height / 4) + lcg_rand_n (mask_height * 3 / 2);
+ dst_x = -(dst_width / 4) + lcg_rand_n (dst_width * 3 / 2);
+ dst_y = -(dst_height / 4) + lcg_rand_n (dst_height * 3 / 2);
+ w = lcg_rand_n (dst_width * 3 / 2 - dst_x);
+ h = lcg_rand_n (dst_height * 3 / 2 - dst_y);
+ srcbuf = (uint32_t *)malloc (src_stride * src_height);
+ maskbuf = (uint32_t *)malloc (mask_stride * mask_height);
+ dstbuf = (uint32_t *)malloc (dst_stride * dst_height);
+ for (i = 0; i < src_stride * src_height; i++)
+ *((uint8_t *)srcbuf + i) = lcg_rand_n (256);
+ for (i = 0; i < mask_stride * mask_height; i++)
+ *((uint8_t *)maskbuf + i) = lcg_rand_n (256);
+ for (i = 0; i < dst_stride * dst_height; i++)
+ *((uint8_t *)dstbuf + i) = lcg_rand_n (256);
+ src_fmt = src_bpp == 4 ? (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0 ?
+ PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8 : PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8) : PIXMAN_r5g6b5;
+ dst_fmt = dst_bpp == 4 ? (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0 ?
+ PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8 : PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8) : PIXMAN_r5g6b5;
+ src_img = pixman_image_create_bits (
+ src_fmt, src_width, src_height, srcbuf, src_stride);
+ mask_img = pixman_image_create_bits (
+ PIXMAN_a8, mask_width, mask_height, maskbuf, mask_stride);
+ dst_img = pixman_image_create_bits (
+ dst_fmt, dst_width, dst_height, dstbuf, dst_stride);
+ image_endian_swap (src_img, src_bpp * 8);
+ image_endian_swap (dst_img, dst_bpp * 8);
+ if (lcg_rand_n (4) > 0)
+ {
+ scale_x = -32768 * 3 + lcg_rand_N (65536 * 5);
+ scale_y = -32768 * 3 + lcg_rand_N (65536 * 5);
+ translate_x = lcg_rand_N (65536);
+ translate_y = lcg_rand_N (65536);
+ pixman_transform_init_scale (&transform, scale_x, scale_y);
+ pixman_transform_translate (&transform, NULL, translate_x, translate_y);
+ pixman_image_set_transform (src_img, &transform);
+ }
+ if (lcg_rand_n (2) > 0)
+ {
+ mask_scale_x = -32768 * 3 + lcg_rand_N (65536 * 5);
+ mask_scale_y = -32768 * 3 + lcg_rand_N (65536 * 5);
+ mask_translate_x = lcg_rand_N (65536);
+ mask_translate_y = lcg_rand_N (65536);
+ pixman_transform_init_scale (&transform, mask_scale_x, mask_scale_y);
+ pixman_transform_translate (&transform, NULL, mask_translate_x, mask_translate_y);
+ pixman_image_set_transform (mask_img, &transform);
+ }
+ switch (lcg_rand_n (4))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_NORMAL;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_PAD;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ mask_repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_REFLECT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ pixman_image_set_repeat (mask_img, mask_repeat);
+ switch (lcg_rand_n (4))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ pixman_image_set_repeat (src_img, repeat);
+ if (lcg_rand_n (2))
+ pixman_image_set_filter (src_img, PIXMAN_FILTER_NEAREST, NULL, 0);
+ else
+ pixman_image_set_filter (src_img, PIXMAN_FILTER_BILINEAR, NULL, 0);
+ if (lcg_rand_n (2))
+ pixman_image_set_filter (mask_img, PIXMAN_FILTER_NEAREST, NULL, 0);
+ else
+ pixman_image_set_filter (mask_img, PIXMAN_FILTER_BILINEAR, NULL, 0);
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ printf ("src_fmt=%08X, dst_fmt=%08X\n", src_fmt, dst_fmt);
+ printf ("op=%d, scale_x=%d, scale_y=%d, repeat=%d\n",
+ op, scale_x, scale_y, repeat);
+ printf ("translate_x=%d, translate_y=%d\n",
+ translate_x, translate_y);
+ printf ("src_width=%d, src_height=%d, dst_width=%d, dst_height=%d\n",
+ src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height);
+ printf ("src_x=%d, src_y=%d, dst_x=%d, dst_y=%d\n",
+ src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y);
+ printf ("w=%d, h=%d\n", w, h);
+ }
+ if (lcg_rand_n (8) == 0)
+ {
+ pixman_box16_t clip_boxes[2];
+ int n = lcg_rand_n (2) + 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ clip_boxes[i].x1 = lcg_rand_n (src_width);
+ clip_boxes[i].y1 = lcg_rand_n (src_height);
+ clip_boxes[i].x2 =
+ clip_boxes[i].x1 + lcg_rand_n (src_width - clip_boxes[i].x1);
+ clip_boxes[i].y2 =
+ clip_boxes[i].y1 + lcg_rand_n (src_height - clip_boxes[i].y1);
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ printf ("source clip box: [%d,%d-%d,%d]\n",
+ clip_boxes[i].x1, clip_boxes[i].y1,
+ clip_boxes[i].x2, clip_boxes[i].y2);
+ }
+ }
+ pixman_region_init_rects (&clip, clip_boxes, n);
+ pixman_image_set_clip_region (src_img, &clip);
+ pixman_image_set_source_clipping (src_img, 1);
+ pixman_region_fini (&clip);
+ }
+ if (lcg_rand_n (8) == 0)
+ {
+ pixman_box16_t clip_boxes[2];
+ int n = lcg_rand_n (2) + 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ clip_boxes[i].x1 = lcg_rand_n (mask_width);
+ clip_boxes[i].y1 = lcg_rand_n (mask_height);
+ clip_boxes[i].x2 =
+ clip_boxes[i].x1 + lcg_rand_n (mask_width - clip_boxes[i].x1);
+ clip_boxes[i].y2 =
+ clip_boxes[i].y1 + lcg_rand_n (mask_height - clip_boxes[i].y1);
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ printf ("mask clip box: [%d,%d-%d,%d]\n",
+ clip_boxes[i].x1, clip_boxes[i].y1,
+ clip_boxes[i].x2, clip_boxes[i].y2);
+ }
+ }
+ pixman_region_init_rects (&clip, clip_boxes, n);
+ pixman_image_set_clip_region (mask_img, &clip);
+ pixman_image_set_source_clipping (mask_img, 1);
+ pixman_region_fini (&clip);
+ }
+ if (lcg_rand_n (8) == 0)
+ {
+ pixman_box16_t clip_boxes[2];
+ int n = lcg_rand_n (2) + 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ clip_boxes[i].x1 = lcg_rand_n (dst_width);
+ clip_boxes[i].y1 = lcg_rand_n (dst_height);
+ clip_boxes[i].x2 =
+ clip_boxes[i].x1 + lcg_rand_n (dst_width - clip_boxes[i].x1);
+ clip_boxes[i].y2 =
+ clip_boxes[i].y1 + lcg_rand_n (dst_height - clip_boxes[i].y1);
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ printf ("destination clip box: [%d,%d-%d,%d]\n",
+ clip_boxes[i].x1, clip_boxes[i].y1,
+ clip_boxes[i].x2, clip_boxes[i].y2);
+ }
+ }
+ pixman_region_init_rects (&clip, clip_boxes, n);
+ pixman_image_set_clip_region (dst_img, &clip);
+ pixman_region_fini (&clip);
+ }
+ if (lcg_rand_n (2) == 0)
+ pixman_image_composite (op, src_img, NULL, dst_img,
+ src_x, src_y, 0, 0, dst_x, dst_y, w, h);
+ else
+ pixman_image_composite (op, src_img, mask_img, dst_img,
+ src_x, src_y, mask_x, mask_y, dst_x, dst_y, w, h);
+ if (dst_fmt == PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8)
+ {
+ /* ignore unused part */
+ for (i = 0; i < dst_stride * dst_height / 4; i++)
+ dstbuf[i] &= 0xFFFFFF;
+ }
+ image_endian_swap (dst_img, dst_bpp * 8);
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ int j;
+ for (i = 0; i < dst_height; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < dst_stride; j++)
+ printf ("%02X ", *((uint8_t *)dstbuf + i * dst_stride + j));
+ printf ("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ pixman_image_unref (src_img);
+ pixman_image_unref (mask_img);
+ pixman_image_unref (dst_img);
+ crc32 = compute_crc32 (0, dstbuf, dst_stride * dst_height);
+ free (srcbuf);
+ free (maskbuf);
+ free (dstbuf);
+ return crc32;
+main (int argc, const char *argv[])
+ pixman_disable_out_of_bounds_workaround ();
+ return fuzzer_test_main("scaling", 8000000, 0x80DF1CB2,
+ test_composite, argc, argv);