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Diffstat (limited to 'xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec')
-rw-r--r-- | xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec | 2088 |
1 files changed, 1870 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec b/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec index 55e2d3b4c..379f251e6 100644 --- a/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec +++ b/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec @@ -1,13 +1,18 @@ # gl.spec file # DON'T REMOVE PREVIOUS LINE!!! libspec depends on it! # +# THIS FILE IS OBSOLETE. Please migrate away from using the +# ".spec" files to the XML Registry. See +# http://www.opengl.org/registry/api/README.txt +# for more information. +# # Copyright (c) 1991-2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 The Khronos Group Inc. +# Copyright (c) 2006-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. # # This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License Version # 2.0. For details, see http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ . # -# $Revision: 19329 $ on $Date: 2012-09-28 12:26:05 -0700 (Fri, 28 Sep 2012) $ +# $Revision: 22136 $ on $Date: 2013-06-24 04:04:33 -0700 (Mon, 24 Jun 2013) $ required-props: # Description of a parameter @@ -24,7 +29,7 @@ vectorequiv: * category: display-list drawing drawing-control feedback framebuf misc modeling pixel-op pixel-rw state-req xform category: VERSION_1_0 VERSION_1_1 VERSION_1_2 VERSION_1_3 VERSION_1_4 VERSION_1_5 VERSION_2_0 VERSION_2_1 VERSION_3_0 VERSION_3_1 VERSION_3_2 VERSION_3_3 VERSION_4_0 VERSION_4_1 VERSION_4_2 VERSION_4_3 category: 3DFX_tbuffer -category: AMD_conservative_depth AMD_debug_output AMD_draw_buffers_blend AMD_multi_draw_indirect AMD_name_gen_delete AMD_performance_monitor AMD_sample_positions AMD_sparse_texture AMD_stencil_operation_extended AMD_vertex_shader_tesselator +category: AMD_conservative_depth AMD_debug_output AMD_draw_buffers_blend AMD_multi_draw_indirect AMD_name_gen_delete AMD_performance_monitor AMD_sample_positions AMD_sparse_texture AMD_stencil_operation_extended AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator category: APPLE_aux_depth_stencil APPLE_element_array APPLE_fence APPLE_float_pixels APPLE_flush_buffer_range APPLE_object_purgeable APPLE_row_bytes APPLE_texture_range APPLE_vertex_array_object APPLE_vertex_array_range APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators category: ARB_ES2_compatibility ARB_base_instance ARB_blend_func_extended ARB_cl_event ARB_color_buffer_float ARB_copy_buffer ARB_debug_output ARB_depth_buffer_float ARB_draw_buffers ARB_draw_buffers_blend ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex ARB_draw_indirect ARB_draw_instanced ARB_fragment_program ARB_fragment_shader ARB_framebuffer_object ARB_framebuffer_sRGB ARB_geometry_shader4 ARB_get_program_binary ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 ARB_half_float_vertex ARB_instanced_arrays ARB_internalformat_query ARB_map_buffer_range ARB_matrix_palette ARB_multisample ARB_multitexture ARB_occlusion_query ARB_point_parameters ARB_provoking_vertex ARB_robustness ARB_sample_shading ARB_sampler_objects ARB_separate_shader_objects ARB_shader_atomic_counters ARB_shader_image_load_store ARB_shader_objects ARB_shader_subroutine ARB_shading_language_include ARB_sync ARB_tessellation_shader ARB_texture_buffer_object ARB_texture_compression ARB_texture_compression_rgtc ARB_texture_multisample ARB_texture_rectangle ARB_texture_rg ARB_texture_storage ARB_timer_query ARB_transform_feedback2 ARB_transform_feedback3 ARB_transform_feedback_instanced ARB_transpose_matrix ARB_uniform_buffer_object ARB_vertex_array_object ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit ARB_vertex_blend ARB_vertex_buffer_object ARB_vertex_program ARB_vertex_shader ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev ARB_viewport_array ARB_window_pos category: ARB_clear_buffer_object ARB_compute_shader ARB_copy_image ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments ARB_internalformat_query2 ARB_invalidate_subdata ARB_multi_draw_indirect ARB_program_interface_query ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object ARB_texture_buffer_range ARB_texture_storage_multisample ARB_texture_view ARB_vertex_attrib_binding @@ -32,12 +37,14 @@ category: ATI_draw_buffers ATI_draw_buffers ATI_element_array ATI_envmap_bumpmap category: EXT_bindable_uniform EXT_blend_color EXT_blend_equation_separate EXT_blend_func_separate EXT_blend_minmax EXT_color_subtable EXT_compiled_vertex_array EXT_convolution EXT_coordinate_frame EXT_copy_texture EXT_cull_vertex EXT_depth_bounds_test EXT_direct_state_access EXT_draw_buffers2 EXT_draw_instanced EXT_draw_range_elements EXT_fog_coord EXT_framebuffer_blit EXT_framebuffer_multisample EXT_framebuffer_object EXT_geometry_shader4 EXT_gpu_program_parameters EXT_gpu_shader4 EXT_histogram EXT_index_func EXT_index_material EXT_light_texture EXT_multi_draw_arrays EXT_multisample EXT_paletted_texture EXT_pixel_transform EXT_point_parameters EXT_polygon_offset EXT_provoking_vertex EXT_secondary_color EXT_separate_shader_objects EXT_shader_image_load_store EXT_stencil_clear_tag EXT_stencil_two_side EXT_subtexture EXT_texture3D EXT_texture_buffer_object EXT_texture_integer EXT_texture_object EXT_texture_perturb_normal EXT_texture_snorm EXT_texture_swizzle EXT_timer_query EXT_transform_feedback EXT_vertex_array EXT_vertex_array_bgra EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit EXT_vertex_shader EXT_vertex_weighting EXT_x11_sync_object category: GREMEDY_frame_terminator GREMEDY_string_marker category: HP_image_transform -category: IBM_multimode_draw_arrays IBM_vertex_array_lists +category: IBM_multimode_draw_arrays IBM_static_data IBM_vertex_array_lists category: INGR_blend_func_separate -category: INTEL_parallel_arrays +category: INTEL_parallel_arrays INTEL_map_texture category: KHR_debug category: MESAX_texture_stack MESA_resize_buffers MESA_window_pos -category: NV_bindless_texture NV_conditional_render NV_copy_image NV_depth_buffer_float NV_evaluators NV_explicit_multisample NV_fence NV_float_buffer NV_fragment_program NV_fragment_program NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage NV_geometry_program4 NV_gpu_program4 NV_gpu_program5 NV_gpu_shader5 NV_half_float NV_half_float NV_occlusion_query NV_parameter_buffer_object NV_parameter_buffer_object2 NV_path_rendering NV_pixel_data_range NV_pixel_data_range NV_point_sprite NV_present_video NV_primitive_restart NV_primitive_restart NV_register_combiners NV_register_combiners2 NV_shader_buffer_load NV_texture_barrier NV_texture_expand_normal NV_texture_expand_normal NV_texture_multisample NV_transform_feedback NV_transform_feedback2 NV_vdpau_interop NV_vdpau_interop NV_vertex_array_range NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory NV_vertex_program NV_vertex_program1_1_dcc NV_vertex_program2 NV_vertex_program4 NV_video_capture +category: NV_bindless_texture NV_conditional_render NV_copy_image NV_depth_buffer_float NV_evaluators NV_explicit_multisample NV_fence NV_float_buffer NV_fragment_program NV_fragment_program NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage NV_geometry_program4 NV_gpu_program4 NV_gpu_program5 NV_gpu_shader5 NV_half_float NV_half_float NV_occlusion_query NV_parameter_buffer_object NV_parameter_buffer_object2 NV_path_rendering NV_pixel_data_range NV_pixel_data_range NV_point_sprite NV_present_video NV_primitive_restart NV_primitive_restart NV_register_combiners NV_register_combiners2 NV_shader_buffer_load NV_texture_barrier NV_texture_expand_normal NV_texture_expand_normal NV_texture_multisample NV_transform_feedback NV_transform_feedback2 NV_vdpau_interop NV_vdpau_interop NV_vertex_array_range NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory NV_vertex_program NV_vertex_program1_1_dcc NV_vertex_program2 NV_vertex_program4 NV_video_capture NV_draw_texture +category: NVX_conditional_render +category: OES_byte_coordinates OES_fixed_point OES_single_precision OES_query_matrix category: PGI_misc_hints category: S3_s3tc category: SGIS_detail_texture SGIS_fog_function SGIS_multisample SGIS_pixel_texture SGIS_point_parameters SGIS_sharpen_texture SGIS_texture4D SGIS_texture_color_mask SGIS_texture_filter4 SGIX_async SGIX_flush_raster SGIX_fragment_lighting SGIX_framezoom SGIX_igloo_interface SGIX_instruments SGIX_list_priority SGIX_pixel_texture SGIX_polynomial_ffd SGIX_reference_plane SGIX_sprite SGIX_tag_sample_buffer SGI_color_table @@ -224,6 +231,11 @@ passthru: #ifndef GL_NV_vdpau_interop passthru: typedef GLintptr GLvdpauSurfaceNV; passthru: #endif passthru: +passthru: #ifndef GL_OES_fixed_point +passthru: /* GLint must be 32 bits, a relatively safe assumption on modern CPUs */ +passthru: typedef GLint GLfixed; +passthru: #endif +passthru: ############################################################################### ############################################################################### @@ -877,7 +889,7 @@ ListBase(base) Begin(mode) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value category VERSION_1_0 # old: drawing profile compatibility version 1.0 @@ -3800,7 +3812,7 @@ Translatef(x, y, z) DrawArrays(mode, first, count) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param first Int32 in value param count SizeI in value category VERSION_1_1 @@ -3812,7 +3824,7 @@ DrawArrays(mode, first, count) DrawElements(mode, count, type, indices) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param count SizeI in value param type DrawElementsType in value param indices Void in array [COMPSIZE(count/type)] @@ -4207,7 +4219,7 @@ BlendEquation(mode) DrawRangeElements(mode, start, end, count, type, indices) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param start UInt32 in value param end UInt32 in value param count SizeI in value @@ -4238,7 +4250,6 @@ TexImage3D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, dlflags handcode glxflags client-handcode server-handcode EXT version 1.2 - deprecated 3.1 glxropcode 4114 offset 371 @@ -5412,7 +5423,7 @@ BlendFuncSeparate(sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha) # first and count are really 'in' MultiDrawArrays(mode, first, count, drawcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param first Int32 in array [COMPSIZE(count)] param count SizeI in array [COMPSIZE(drawcount)] param drawcount SizeI in value @@ -5423,7 +5434,7 @@ MultiDrawArrays(mode, first, count, drawcount) MultiDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices, drawcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param count SizeI in array [COMPSIZE(drawcount)] param type DrawElementsType in value param indices ConstVoidPointer in array [COMPSIZE(drawcount)] @@ -8120,7 +8131,7 @@ passthru: /* ARB_vertex_array_object */ DrawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, instancecount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param first Int32 in value param count SizeI in value param instancecount SizeI in value @@ -8134,7 +8145,7 @@ DrawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, instancecount) DrawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type, indices, instancecount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param count SizeI in value param type DrawElementsType in value param indices Void in array [COMPSIZE(count/type)] @@ -11068,7 +11079,7 @@ newcategory: ARB_depth_buffer_float DrawArraysInstancedARB(mode, first, count, primcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param first Int32 in value param count SizeI in value param primcount SizeI in value @@ -11083,7 +11094,7 @@ DrawArraysInstancedARB(mode, first, count, primcount) DrawElementsInstancedARB(mode, count, type, indices, primcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param count SizeI in value param type DrawElementsType in value param indices Void in array [COMPSIZE(count/type)] @@ -17550,7 +17561,7 @@ ColorPointerEXT(size, type, stride, count, pointer) DrawArraysEXT(mode, first, count) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param first Int32 in value param count SizeI in value category EXT_vertex_array @@ -17777,12 +17788,16 @@ newcategory: SGIX_pixel_tiles ############################################################################### # # Extension #51 -# SGIX_texture_select commands +# SGIS_texture_select commands +# +# This used to be SGIX_texture_select, which was inconsistent with +# enumext.spec and wrong according to the SGI extension spec. # ############################################################################### # (none) -newcategory: SGIX_texture_select +newcategory: SGIS_texture_select +passthru: /* This used to be SGIX prefix, which was an error in the header */ ############################################################################### # @@ -18917,7 +18932,7 @@ newcategory: HP_texture_lighting # Spec entries to be written DrawRangeElementsEXT(mode, start, end, count, type, indices) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param start UInt32 in value param end UInt32 in value param count SizeI in value @@ -19507,7 +19522,7 @@ TextureNormalEXT(mode) # first and count are really 'in' MultiDrawArraysEXT(mode, first, count, primcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param first Int32 in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] param count SizeI in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] param primcount SizeI in value @@ -19518,7 +19533,7 @@ MultiDrawArraysEXT(mode, first, count, primcount) MultiDrawElementsEXT(mode, count, type, indices, primcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param count SizeI in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] param type DrawElementsType in value param indices VoidPointer in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] @@ -20620,15 +20635,6 @@ newcategory: NV_texgen_reflection ############################################################################### # -# Extension #??? -# @ EXT_texture_cube_map commands -# -############################################################################### - -# (none) - -############################################################################### -# # Extension #180 - skipped # Extension #181 - skipped # @@ -21228,7 +21234,7 @@ WindowPos4svMESA(v) # ############################################################################### -#@@ (none yet) +newcategory: EXT_texture_compression_s3tc ############################################################################### # @@ -21249,7 +21255,7 @@ newcategory: IBM_cull_vertex MultiModeDrawArraysIBM(mode, first, count, primcount, modestride) return void - param mode BeginMode in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] + param mode PrimitiveType in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] param first Int32 in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] param count SizeI in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] param primcount SizeI in value @@ -21262,7 +21268,7 @@ MultiModeDrawArraysIBM(mode, first, count, primcount, modestride) MultiModeDrawElementsIBM(mode, count, type, indices, primcount, modestride) return void - param mode BeginMode in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] + param mode PrimitiveType in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] param count SizeI in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] param type DrawElementsType in value param indices ConstVoidPointer in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)] @@ -21668,6 +21674,29 @@ SetFenceNV(fence, condition) ############################################################################### # +# Extension #223 +# IBM_static_data commands +# +############################################################################### + +FlushStaticDataIBM(target) + return void + param target GLenum in value + category IBM_static_data + version 1.0 + glxflags ignore + +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #224 +# IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat commands +# +############################################################################### +# (none) +newcategory: IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat + +############################################################################### +# # Extension #225 # NV_evaluators commands # @@ -24318,7 +24347,7 @@ ElementPointerATI(type, pointer) DrawElementArrayATI(mode, count) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param count SizeI in value category ATI_element_array dlflags handcode @@ -24328,7 +24357,7 @@ DrawElementArrayATI(mode, count) DrawRangeElementArrayATI(mode, start, end, count) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param start UInt32 in value param end UInt32 in value param count SizeI in value @@ -24347,7 +24376,7 @@ DrawRangeElementArrayATI(mode, start, end, count) DrawMeshArraysSUN(mode, first, count, width) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param first Int32 in value param count SizeI in value param width SizeI in value @@ -24567,9 +24596,6 @@ newcategory: APPLE_client_storage # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - -# @@@ like #256 ATI_element_array ElementPointerAPPLE(type, pointer) return void param type ElementPointerTypeATI in value @@ -24583,7 +24609,7 @@ ElementPointerAPPLE(type, pointer) DrawElementArrayAPPLE(mode, first, count) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param first Int32 in value param count SizeI in value category APPLE_element_array @@ -24595,7 +24621,7 @@ DrawElementArrayAPPLE(mode, first, count) DrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE(mode, start, end, first, count) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param start UInt32 in value param end UInt32 in value param first Int32 in value @@ -24609,7 +24635,7 @@ DrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE(mode, start, end, first, count) MultiDrawElementArrayAPPLE(mode, first, count, primcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param first Int32 in array [primcount] param count SizeI in array [primcount] param primcount SizeI in value @@ -24622,7 +24648,7 @@ MultiDrawElementArrayAPPLE(mode, first, count, primcount) MultiDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE(mode, start, end, first, count, primcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param start UInt32 in value param end UInt32 in value param first Int32 in array [primcount] @@ -24642,9 +24668,6 @@ MultiDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE(mode, start, end, first, count, primcount) # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - -# @@@ like #222 NV_fence GenFencesAPPLE(n, fences) return void param n SizeI in value @@ -24785,9 +24808,6 @@ IsVertexArrayAPPLE(array) # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - -# @@@ like #190 NV_vertex_array_range, VertexArrayRangeAPPLE(length, pointer) return void param length SizeI in value @@ -24863,6 +24883,7 @@ DrawBuffersATI(n, bufs) # Extension #278 - WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float # ############################################################################### + newcategory: ATI_pixel_format_float passthru: /* This is really a WGL extension, but defines some associated GL enums. passthru: * ATI does not export "GL_ATI_pixel_format_float" in the GL_EXTENSIONS string. @@ -24905,8 +24926,6 @@ newcategory: NV_float_buffer # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - # Some NV_fragment_program entry points are shared with ARB_vertex_program, # and are only included in that #define block, for now. newcategory: NV_fragment_program @@ -24924,38 +24943,38 @@ ProgramNamedParameter4fNV(id, len, name, x, y, z, w) category NV_fragment_program version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV + glxvectorequiv ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV offset 682 -ProgramNamedParameter4dNV(id, len, name, x, y, z, w) +ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(id, len, name, v) return void param id UInt32 in value param len SizeI in value param name UInt8 in array [1] - param x Float64 in value - param y Float64 in value - param z Float64 in value - param w Float64 in value + param v Float32 in array [4] category NV_fragment_program version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4218 glxflags ignore - offset 683 + offset 684 -ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(id, len, name, v) +ProgramNamedParameter4dNV(id, len, name, x, y, z, w) return void param id UInt32 in value param len SizeI in value param name UInt8 in array [1] - param v Float32 in array [4] + param x Float64 in value + param y Float64 in value + param z Float64 in value + param w Float64 in value category NV_fragment_program version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore - offset 684 + vectorequiv ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV + glxvectorequiv ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV + offset 683 ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(id, len, name, v) return void @@ -24966,7 +24985,7 @@ ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(id, len, name, v) category NV_fragment_program version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4219 glxflags ignore offset 685 @@ -24980,7 +24999,7 @@ GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(id, len, name, params) dlflags notlistable version 1.2 extension - glxsingle ? + glxvendorpriv 1310 glxflags ignore offset 686 @@ -24994,7 +25013,7 @@ GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(id, len, name, params) dlflags notlistable version 1.2 extension - glxsingle ? + glxvendorpriv 1311 glxflags ignore offset 687 @@ -25005,8 +25024,6 @@ GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(id, len, name, params) # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - Vertex2hNV(x, y) return void param x Half16NV in value @@ -25014,8 +25031,8 @@ Vertex2hNV(x, y) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv Vertex2hvNV + glxvectorequiv Vertex2hvNV offset ? Vertex2hvNV(v) @@ -25024,7 +25041,7 @@ Vertex2hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4240 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25036,8 +25053,8 @@ Vertex3hNV(x, y, z) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv Vertex3hvNV + glxvectorequiv Vertex3hvNV offset ? Vertex3hvNV(v) @@ -25046,7 +25063,7 @@ Vertex3hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4241 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25059,8 +25076,8 @@ Vertex4hNV(x, y, z, w) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv Vertex4hvNV + glxvectorequiv Vertex4hvNV offset ? Vertex4hvNV(v) @@ -25069,7 +25086,7 @@ Vertex4hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4242 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25081,8 +25098,8 @@ Normal3hNV(nx, ny, nz) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv Normal3hvNV + glxvectorequiv Normal3hvNV offset ? Normal3hvNV(v) @@ -25091,7 +25108,7 @@ Normal3hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4243 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25103,8 +25120,8 @@ Color3hNV(red, green, blue) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv Color3hvNV + glxvectorequiv Color3hvNV offset ? Color3hvNV(v) @@ -25113,7 +25130,7 @@ Color3hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4244 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25126,8 +25143,8 @@ Color4hNV(red, green, blue, alpha) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv Color4hvNV + glxvectorequiv Color4hvNV offset ? Color4hvNV(v) @@ -25136,7 +25153,7 @@ Color4hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4245 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25146,8 +25163,8 @@ TexCoord1hNV(s) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv TexCoord1hvNV + glxvectorequiv TexCoord1hvNV offset ? TexCoord1hvNV(v) @@ -25156,7 +25173,7 @@ TexCoord1hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4246 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25167,8 +25184,8 @@ TexCoord2hNV(s, t) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv TexCoord2hvNV + glxvectorequiv TexCoord2hvNV offset ? TexCoord2hvNV(v) @@ -25177,7 +25194,7 @@ TexCoord2hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4247 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25189,8 +25206,8 @@ TexCoord3hNV(s, t, r) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv TexCoord3hvNV + glxvectorequiv TexCoord3hvNV offset ? TexCoord3hvNV(v) @@ -25199,7 +25216,7 @@ TexCoord3hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4248 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25212,8 +25229,8 @@ TexCoord4hNV(s, t, r, q) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv TexCoord4hvNV + glxvectorequiv TexCoord4hvNV offset ? TexCoord4hvNV(v) @@ -25222,7 +25239,7 @@ TexCoord4hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4249 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25233,8 +25250,8 @@ MultiTexCoord1hNV(target, s) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv MultiTexCoord1hvNV + glxvectorequiv MultiTexCoord1hvNV offset ? MultiTexCoord1hvNV(target, v) @@ -25244,7 +25261,7 @@ MultiTexCoord1hvNV(target, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4250 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25256,8 +25273,8 @@ MultiTexCoord2hNV(target, s, t) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv MultiTexCoord2hvNV + glxvectorequiv MultiTexCoord2hvNV offset ? MultiTexCoord2hvNV(target, v) @@ -25267,7 +25284,7 @@ MultiTexCoord2hvNV(target, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4251 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25280,8 +25297,8 @@ MultiTexCoord3hNV(target, s, t, r) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv MultiTexCoord3hvNV + glxvectorequiv MultiTexCoord3hvNV offset ? MultiTexCoord3hvNV(target, v) @@ -25291,7 +25308,7 @@ MultiTexCoord3hvNV(target, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4252 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25305,8 +25322,8 @@ MultiTexCoord4hNV(target, s, t, r, q) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv MultiTexCoord4hvNV + glxvectorequiv MultiTexCoord4hvNV offset ? MultiTexCoord4hvNV(target, v) @@ -25316,7 +25333,7 @@ MultiTexCoord4hvNV(target, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4253 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25326,8 +25343,8 @@ FogCoordhNV(fog) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv FogCoordhvNV + glxvectorequiv FogCoordhvNV offset ? FogCoordhvNV(fog) @@ -25336,7 +25353,7 @@ FogCoordhvNV(fog) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4254 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25348,8 +25365,8 @@ SecondaryColor3hNV(red, green, blue) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv SecondaryColor3hvNV + glxvectorequiv SecondaryColor3hvNV offset ? SecondaryColor3hvNV(v) @@ -25358,7 +25375,7 @@ SecondaryColor3hvNV(v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4255 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25368,8 +25385,8 @@ VertexWeighthNV(weight) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv VertexWeighthvNV + glxvectorequiv VertexWeighthvNV offset ? VertexWeighthvNV(weight) @@ -25378,7 +25395,7 @@ VertexWeighthvNV(weight) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4256 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25389,8 +25406,8 @@ VertexAttrib1hNV(index, x) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv VertexAttrib1hvNV + glxvectorequiv VertexAttrib1hvNV offset ? VertexAttrib1hvNV(index, v) @@ -25400,7 +25417,7 @@ VertexAttrib1hvNV(index, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4257 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25412,8 +25429,8 @@ VertexAttrib2hNV(index, x, y) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv VertexAttrib2hvNV + glxvectorequiv VertexAttrib2hvNV offset ? VertexAttrib2hvNV(index, v) @@ -25423,7 +25440,7 @@ VertexAttrib2hvNV(index, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4258 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25436,8 +25453,8 @@ VertexAttrib3hNV(index, x, y, z) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv VertexAttrib3hvNV + glxvectorequiv VertexAttrib3hvNV offset ? VertexAttrib3hvNV(index, v) @@ -25447,7 +25464,7 @@ VertexAttrib3hvNV(index, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4259 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25461,8 +25478,8 @@ VertexAttrib4hNV(index, x, y, z, w) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? - glxflags ignore + vectorequiv VertexAttrib4hvNV + glxvectorequiv VertexAttrib4hvNV offset ? VertexAttrib4hvNV(index, v) @@ -25472,7 +25489,7 @@ VertexAttrib4hvNV(index, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4260 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25484,7 +25501,7 @@ VertexAttribs1hvNV(index, n, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4261 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25496,7 +25513,7 @@ VertexAttribs2hvNV(index, n, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4262 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25508,7 +25525,7 @@ VertexAttribs3hvNV(index, n, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4263 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25520,7 +25537,7 @@ VertexAttribs4hvNV(index, n, v) category NV_half_float version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4264 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -25531,8 +25548,6 @@ VertexAttribs4hvNV(index, n, v) # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - PixelDataRangeNV(target, length, pointer) return void param target PixelDataRangeTargetNV in value @@ -25562,8 +25577,6 @@ FlushPixelDataRangeNV(target) # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - PrimitiveRestartNV() return void category NV_primitive_restart @@ -25611,8 +25624,6 @@ newcategory: NV_vertex_program2 # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - MapObjectBufferATI(buffer) return VoidPointer param buffer UInt32 in value @@ -25640,8 +25651,6 @@ UnmapObjectBufferATI(buffer) # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - StencilOpSeparateATI(face, sfail, dpfail, dppass) return void param face StencilFaceDirection in value @@ -25675,8 +25684,6 @@ StencilFuncSeparateATI(frontfunc, backfunc, ref, mask) # ############################################################################### -# @@ Need to verify/add GLX protocol - VertexAttribArrayObjectATI(index, size, type, normalized, stride, buffer, offset) return void param index UInt32 in value @@ -25721,50 +25728,1556 @@ GetVertexAttribArrayObjectivATI(index, pname, params) ############################################################################### # -# Extension #291 - OpenGL ES only, not in glext.h +# Extension #291 # OES_byte_coordinates commands # ############################################################################### -# void Vertex{234}bOES(T coords) -# void Vertex{234}bvOES(T *coords) -# void TexCoord{1234}bOES(T coords) -# void TexCoord{1234}bvOES(T *coords) -# void MultiTexCoord{1234}bOES(enum texture, T coords) -# void MultiTexCoord{1234}bvOES(enum texture, T *coords) -# All are handcode - mapped to non-byte GLX protocol on client side +MultiTexCoord1bOES(texture, s) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param s Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord1bvOES(texture, coords) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param coords ConstByte in array [1] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? -# newcategory: OES_byte_coordinates +MultiTexCoord2bOES(texture, s, t) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param s Int8 in value + param t Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord2bvOES(texture, coords) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param coords ConstByte in array [2] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord3bOES(texture, s, t, r) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param s Int8 in value + param t Int8 in value + param r Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord3bvOES(texture, coords) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param coords ConstByte in array [3] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord4bOES(texture, s, t, r, q) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param s Int8 in value + param t Int8 in value + param r Int8 in value + param q Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord4bvOES(texture, coords) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param coords ConstByte in array [4] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord1bOES(s) + return void + param s Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord1bvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstByte in array [1] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord2bOES(s, t) + return void + param s Int8 in value + param t Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord2bvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstByte in array [2] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord3bOES(s, t, r) + return void + param s Int8 in value + param t Int8 in value + param r Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord3bvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstByte in array [3] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord4bOES(s, t, r, q) + return void + param s Int8 in value + param t Int8 in value + param r Int8 in value + param q Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord4bvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstByte in array [4] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex2bOES(x) + return void + param x Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex2bvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstByte in array [2] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex3bOES(x, y) + return void + param x Int8 in value + param y Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex3bvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstByte in array [3] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex4bOES(x, y, z) + return void + param x Int8 in value + param y Int8 in value + param z Int8 in value + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex4bvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstByte in array [4] + category OES_byte_coordinates + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? ############################################################################### # -# Extension #292 - OpenGL ES only, not in glext.h +# Extension #292 # OES_fixed_point commands # ############################################################################### -# Too many to list in just a comment - see spec in the extension registry -# All are handcode - mapped to non-byte GLX protocol on client side +# ??? VERIFY DONE ??? +## Many of these are compatibility profile only + +AccumxOES(op, value) + return void + param op GLenum in value + param value Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +AlphaFuncxOES(func, ref) + return void + param func GLenum in value + param ref ClampedFixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +BitmapxOES(width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap) + return void + param width SizeI in value + param height SizeI in value + param xorig Fixed in value + param yorig Fixed in value + param xmove Fixed in value + param ymove Fixed in value + param bitmap ConstUByte in array [COMPSIZE()] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +BlendColorxOES(red, green, blue, alpha) + return void + param red ClampedFixed in value + param green ClampedFixed in value + param blue ClampedFixed in value + param alpha ClampedFixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +ClearAccumxOES(red, green, blue, alpha) + return void + param red ClampedFixed in value + param green ClampedFixed in value + param blue ClampedFixed in value + param alpha ClampedFixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +ClearColorxOES(red, green, blue, alpha) + return void + param red ClampedFixed in value + param green ClampedFixed in value + param blue ClampedFixed in value + param alpha ClampedFixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +ClearDepthxOES(depth) + return void + param depth ClampedFixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +ClipPlanexOES(plane, equation) + return void + param plane GLenum in value + param equation ConstFixed in array [4] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Color3xOES(red, green, blue) + return void + param red Fixed in value + param green Fixed in value + param blue Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Color4xOES(red, green, blue, alpha) + return void + param red Fixed in value + param green Fixed in value + param blue Fixed in value + param alpha Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Color3xvOES(components) + return void + param components ConstFixed in array [3] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Color4xvOES(components) + return void + param components ConstFixed in array [4] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +ConvolutionParameterxOES(target, pname, param) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +ConvolutionParameterxvOES(target, pname, params) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params ConstFixed in array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +DepthRangexOES(n, f) + return void + param n ClampedFixed in value + param f ClampedFixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +EvalCoord1xOES(u) + return void + param u Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +EvalCoord2xOES(u, v) + return void + param u Fixed in value + param v Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +EvalCoord1xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [1] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +EvalCoord2xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [2] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +FeedbackBufferxOES(n, type, buffer) + return void + param n SizeI in value + param type GLenum in value + param buffer Fixed in array [n] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +FogxOES(pname, param) + return void + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +FogxvOES(pname, param) + return void + param pname GLenum in value + param param ConstFixed in array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +FrustumxOES(l, r, b, t, n, f) + return void + param l Fixed in value + param r Fixed in value + param b Fixed in value + param t Fixed in value + param n Fixed in value + param f Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetClipPlanexOES(plane, equation) + return void + param plane GLenum in value + param equation Fixed out array [4] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetConvolutionParameterxvOES(target, pname, params) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params Fixed out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetFixedvOES(pname, params) + return void + param pname GLenum in value + param params Fixed out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetHistogramParameterxvOES(target, pname, params) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params Fixed out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetLightxOES(light, pname, params) + return void + param light GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params Fixed out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetMapxvOES(target, query, v) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param query GLenum in value + param v Fixed out array [COMPSIZE(query)] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetMaterialxOES(face, pname, param) + return void + param face GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetPixelMapxv(map, size, values) + return void + param map GLenum in value + param size Int32 in value + param values Fixed out array [size] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetTexEnvxvOES(target, pname, params) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params Fixed out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetTexGenxvOES(coord, pname, params) + return void + param coord GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params Fixed out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetTexLevelParameterxvOES(target, level, pname, params) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param level Int32 in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params Fixed out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +GetTexParameterxvOES(target, pname, params) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params Fixed out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +IndexxOES(component) + return void + param component Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +IndexxvOES(component) + return void + param component ConstFixed in array [1] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +LightModelxOES(pname, param) + return void + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +LightModelxvOES(pname, param) + return void + param pname GLenum in value + param param ConstFixed in array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +LightxOES(light, pname, param) + return void + param light GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +LightxvOES(light, pname, params) + return void + param light GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params ConstFixed in array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +LineWidthxOES(width) + return void + param width Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +LoadMatrixxOES(m) + return void + param m ConstFixed in array [16] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +LoadTransposeMatrixxOES(m) + return void + param m ConstFixed in array [16] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Map1xOES(target, u1, u2, stride, order, points) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param u1 Fixed in value + param u2 Fixed in value + param stride Int32 in value + param order Int32 in value + param points Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Map2xOES(target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, points) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param u1 Fixed in value + param u2 Fixed in value + param ustride Int32 in value + param uorder Int32 in value + param v1 Fixed in value + param v2 Fixed in value + param vstride Int32 in value + param vorder Int32 in value + param points Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MapGrid1xOES(n, u1, u2) + return void + param n Int32 in value + param u1 Fixed in value + param u2 Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MapGrid2xOES(n, u1, u2, v1, v2) + return void + param n Int32 in value + param u1 Fixed in value + param u2 Fixed in value + param v1 Fixed in value + param v2 Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MaterialxOES(face, pname, param) + return void + param face GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MaterialxvOES(face, pname, param) + return void + param face GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param param ConstFixed in array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultMatrixxOES(m) + return void + param m ConstFixed in array [16] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultTransposeMatrixxOES(m) + return void + param m ConstFixed in array [16] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord1xOES(texture, s) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param s Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord2xOES(texture, s, t) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param s Fixed in value + param t Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord3xOES(texture, s, t, r) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param s Fixed in value + param t Fixed in value + param r Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord4xOES(texture, s, t, r, q) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param s Fixed in value + param t Fixed in value + param r Fixed in value + param q Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord1xvOES(texture, coords) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param coords ConstFixed in array [1] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord2xvOES(texture, coords) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param coords ConstFixed in array [2] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord3xvOES(texture, coords) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param coords ConstFixed in array [3] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MultiTexCoord4xvOES(texture, coords) + return void + param texture GLenum in value + param coords ConstFixed in array [4] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Normal3xOES(nx, ny, nz) + return void + param nx Fixed in value + param ny Fixed in value + param nz Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Normal3xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [3] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? -# newcategory: OES_fixed_point +OrthoxOES(l, r, b, t, n, f) + return void + param l Fixed in value + param r Fixed in value + param b Fixed in value + param t Fixed in value + param n Fixed in value + param f Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +PassThroughxOES(token) + return void + param token Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +PixelMapx(map, size, values) + return void + param map GLenum in value + param size Int32 in value + param values ConstFixed in array [size] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +PixelStorex(pname, param) + return void + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +PixelTransferxOES(pname, param) + return void + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +PixelZoomxOES(xfactor, yfactor) + return void + param xfactor Fixed in value + param yfactor Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +PointParameterxvOES(pname, params) + return void + param pname GLenum in value + param params ConstFixed in array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +PointSizexOES(size) + return void + param size Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +PolygonOffsetxOES(factor, units) + return void + param factor Fixed in value + param units Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +PrioritizeTexturesxOES(n, textures, priorities) + return void + param n SizeI in value + param textures UInt32 in array [n] + param priorities ClampedFixed in array [n] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +RasterPos2xOES(x, y) + return void + param x Fixed in value + param y Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +RasterPos3xOES(x, y, z) + return void + param x Fixed in value + param y Fixed in value + param z Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +RasterPos4xOES(x, y, z, w) + return void + param x Fixed in value + param y Fixed in value + param z Fixed in value + param w Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +RasterPos2xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [2] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +RasterPos3xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [3] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +RasterPos4xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [4] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +RectxOES(x1, y1, x2, y2) + return void + param x1 Fixed in value + param y1 Fixed in value + param x2 Fixed in value + param y2 Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +RectxvOES(v1, v2) + return void + param v1 ConstFixed in array [2] + param v2 ConstFixed in array [2] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +RotatexOES(angle, x, y, z) + return void + param angle Fixed in value + param x Fixed in value + param y Fixed in value + param z Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +SampleCoverageOES(value, invert) + return void + param value ClampedFixed in value + param invert Boolean in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +ScalexOES(x, y, z) + return void + param x Fixed in value + param y Fixed in value + param z Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord1xOES(s) + return void + param s Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord2xOES(s, t) + return void + param s Fixed in value + param t Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord3xOES(s, t, r) + return void + param s Fixed in value + param t Fixed in value + param r Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord4xOES(s, t, r, q) + return void + param s Fixed in value + param t Fixed in value + param r Fixed in value + param q Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord1xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [1] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord2xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [2] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord3xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [3] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexCoord4xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [4] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexEnvxOES(target, pname, param) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexEnvxvOES(target, pname, params) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params ConstFixed in array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexGenxOES(coord, pname, param) + return void + param coord GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexGenxvOES(coord, pname, params) + return void + param coord GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params ConstFixed in array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexParameterxOES(target, pname, param) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param param Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TexParameterxvOES(target, pname, params) + return void + param target GLenum in value + param pname GLenum in value + param params ConstFixed in array [COMPSIZE(pname)] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +TranslatexOES(x, y, z) + return void + param x Fixed in value + param y Fixed in value + param z Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex2xOES(x) + return void + param x Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex3xOES(x, y) + return void + param x Fixed in value + param y Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex4xOES(x, y, z) + return void + param x Fixed in value + param y Fixed in value + param z Fixed in value + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex2xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [2] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex3xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [3] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +Vertex4xvOES(coords) + return void + param coords ConstFixed in array [4] + category OES_fixed_point + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? ############################################################################### # -# Extension #293 - OpenGL ES only, not in glext.h +# Extension #293 # OES_single_precision commands # ############################################################################### -# void DepthRangefOES(clampf n, clampf f) -# void FrustumfOES(float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f) -# void OrthofOES(float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f) -# void ClipPlanefOES(enum plane, const float* equation) -# void glClearDepthfOES(clampd depth) -# GLX ropcodes 4308-4312 (not respectively, see extension spec) -# void GetClipPlanefOES(enum plane, float* equation) -# GLX vendor private 1421 +DepthRangefOES(n, f) + return void + param n ClampedFloat32 in value + param f ClampedFloat32 in value + category OES_single_precision + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +FrustumfOES(l, r, b, t, n, f) + return void + param l Float32 in value + param r Float32 in value + param b Float32 in value + param t Float32 in value + param n Float32 in value + param f Float32 in value + category OES_single_precision + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +OrthofOES(l, r, b, t, n, f) + return void + param l Float32 in value + param r Float32 in value + param b Float32 in value + param t Float32 in value + param n Float32 in value + param f Float32 in value + category OES_single_precision + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +ClipPlanefOES(plane, equation) + return void + param plane GLenum in value + param equation ConstFloat32 in array [4] + category OES_single_precision + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +ClearDepthfOES(depth) + return void + param depth ClampedFloat32 in value + category OES_single_precision + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? -# newcategory: OES_single_precision +GetClipPlanefOES(plane, equation) + return void + param plane GLenum in value + param equation Float32 out array [4] + category OES_single_precision + dlflags notlistable + version 4.3 + extension + glxsingle ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? ############################################################################### # @@ -25774,11 +27287,11 @@ GetVertexAttribArrayObjectivATI(index, pname, params) ############################################################################### # (none) -# newcategory: OES_compressed_paletted_texture +newcategory: OES_compressed_paletted_texture ############################################################################### # -# Extension #295 - This is an OpenGL ES extension, but also implemented in Mesa +# Extension #295 # OES_read_format commands # ############################################################################### @@ -25788,15 +27301,21 @@ newcategory: OES_read_format ############################################################################### # -# Extension #296 - OpenGL ES only, not in glext.h +# Extension #296 # OES_query_matrix commands # ############################################################################### -# bitfield queryMatrixxOES(fixed mantissa[16], int exponent[16]) -# All are handcode - mapped to non-byte GLX protocol on client side - -# newcategory: OES_query_matrix +QueryMatrixxOES(mantissa, exponent) + return GLbitfield + param mantissa Fixed out array [16] + param exponent Int32 out array [16] + category OES_query_matrix + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? ############################################################################### # @@ -27084,7 +28603,7 @@ Uniform4uivEXT(location, count, value) DrawArraysInstancedEXT(mode, start, count, primcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param start Int32 in value param count SizeI in value param primcount SizeI in value @@ -27099,7 +28618,7 @@ DrawArraysInstancedEXT(mode, start, count, primcount) DrawElementsInstancedEXT(mode, count, type, indices, primcount) return void - param mode BeginMode in value + param mode PrimitiveType in value param count SizeI in value param type DrawElementsType in value param indices Void in array [COMPSIZE(count/type)] @@ -27197,6 +28716,7 @@ DepthRangedNV(zNear, zFar) extension soft WINSOFT NV50 version 2.0 glfflags ignore + glxropcode 4283 glxflags ignore ClearDepthdNV(depth) @@ -27206,6 +28726,7 @@ ClearDepthdNV(depth) extension soft WINSOFT NV50 version 2.0 glfflags ignore + glxropcode 4284 glxflags ignore DepthBoundsdNV(zmin, zmax) @@ -27216,6 +28737,7 @@ DepthBoundsdNV(zmin, zmax) extension soft WINSOFT NV50 version 2.0 glfflags ignore + glxropcode 4285 glxflags ignore ############################################################################### @@ -27277,11 +28799,11 @@ newcategory: NV_geometry_shader4 # ############################################################################### -ProgramBufferParametersfvNV(target, buffer, index, count, params) +ProgramBufferParametersfvNV(target, bindingIndex, wordIndex, count, params) return void param target ProgramTarget in value - param buffer UInt32 in value - param index UInt32 in value + param bindingIndex UInt32 in value + param wordIndex UInt32 in value param count SizeI in value param params Float32 in array [count] category NV_parameter_buffer_object @@ -27290,11 +28812,11 @@ ProgramBufferParametersfvNV(target, buffer, index, count, params) glfflags ignore glxflags ignore -ProgramBufferParametersIivNV(target, buffer, index, count, params) +ProgramBufferParametersIivNV(target, bindingIndex, wordIndex, count, params) return void param target ProgramTarget in value - param buffer UInt32 in value - param index UInt32 in value + param bindingIndex UInt32 in value + param wordIndex UInt32 in value param count SizeI in value param params Int32 in array [count] category NV_parameter_buffer_object @@ -27303,11 +28825,11 @@ ProgramBufferParametersIivNV(target, buffer, index, count, params) glfflags ignore glxflags ignore -ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV(target, buffer, index, count, params) +ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV(target, bindingIndex, wordIndex, count, params) return void param target ProgramTarget in value - param buffer UInt32 in value - param index UInt32 in value + param bindingIndex UInt32 in value + param wordIndex UInt32 in value param count SizeI in value param params UInt32 in array [count] category NV_parameter_buffer_object @@ -27639,7 +29161,6 @@ GetTexParameterIivEXT(target, pname, params) param params Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] category EXT_texture_integer dlflags notlistable - version 1.0 version 2.0 extension soft WINSOFT NV50 glfflags ignore @@ -27653,7 +29174,6 @@ GetTexParameterIuivEXT(target, pname, params) param params UInt32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)] category EXT_texture_integer dlflags notlistable - version 1.0 version 2.0 extension soft WINSOFT NV50 glfflags ignore @@ -27735,26 +29255,6 @@ EndConditionalRenderNV() # ############################################################################### -# TBD -# void PresentFrameKeyedNV(uint video_slot, uint64EXT minPresentTime, -# uint beginPresentTimeId, uint -# presentDurationId, enum type, enum target0, -# uint fill0, uint key0, enum target1, uint -# fill1, uint key1); -# -# void PresentFrameDualFillNV(uint video_slot, uint64EXT -# minPresentTime, uint beginPresentTimeId, -# uint presentDurationId, enum type, enum -# target0, uint fill0, enum target1, uint -# fill1, enum target2, uint fill2, enum -# target3, uint fill3); -# -# void GetVideoivNV(uint video_slot, enum pname, int *params); -# void GetVideouivNV(uint video_slot, enum pname, uint *params); -# void GetVideoi64vNV(uint video_slot, enum pname, int64EXT *params); -# void GetVideoui64vNV(uint video_slot, enum pname, uint64EXT *params); -# void VideoParameterivNV(uint video_slot, enum pname, const int *params); - PresentFrameKeyedNV(video_slot, minPresentTime, beginPresentTimeId, presentDurationId, type, target0, fill0, key0, target1, fill1, key1) return void param video_slot UInt32 in value @@ -31111,14 +32611,14 @@ newcategory: AMD_texture_texture4 ############################################################################### # # Extension #363 -# AMD_vertex_shader_tesselator commands +# AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator commands # ############################################################################### TessellationFactorAMD(factor) return void param factor Float32 in value - category AMD_vertex_shader_tesselator + category AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator version 2.0 glxsingle ? glxflags ignore @@ -31127,7 +32627,7 @@ TessellationFactorAMD(factor) TessellationModeAMD(mode) return void param mode GLenum in value - category AMD_vertex_shader_tesselator + category AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator version 2.0 glxsingle ? glxflags ignore @@ -31637,7 +33137,7 @@ CopyImageSubDataNV(srcName, srcTarget, srcLevel, srcX, srcY, srcZ, dstName, dstT category NV_copy_image version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4291 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -32021,7 +33521,7 @@ TextureBarrierNV() category NV_texture_barrier version 1.2 extension - glxropcode ? + glxropcode 4348 glxflags ignore offset ? @@ -34195,7 +35695,7 @@ IsImageHandleResidentNV(handle) # (none) newcategory: NV_shader_atomic_float -[############################################################################### +############################################################################### # # Extension #420 # AMD_query_buffer_object commands @@ -34206,8 +35706,76 @@ newcategory: NV_shader_atomic_float newcategory: AMD_query_buffer_object ############################################################################### + +############################################################################### # # Extension #421 +# NV_compute_program5 commands +# +############################################################################### + +# (none) +newcategory: NV_compute_program5 + +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #422 +# NV_shader_storage_buffer_object commands +# +############################################################################### + +# (none) +newcategory: NV_shader_storage_buffer_object + +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #423 +# NV_shader_atomic_counters commands +# +############################################################################### + +# (none) +newcategory: NV_shader_atomic_counters + +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #424 +# NV_deep_texture3D commands +# +############################################################################### + +# (none) +newcategory: NV_deep_texture3D + +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #425 +# NVX_conditional_render enum: +# +############################################################################### + +BeginConditionalRenderNVX(id) + return void + param id UInt32 in value + category NVX_conditional_render + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +EndConditionalRenderNVX() + return void + category NVX_conditional_render + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #426 # AMD_sparse_texture commands # ############################################################################### @@ -34245,3 +35813,87 @@ TextureStorageSparseAMD(texture, target, internalFormat, width, height, depth, l glxflags ignore offset ? +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #427 - GLX_EXT_buffer_age +# +############################################################################### + +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #428 +# AMD_shader_trinary_minmax commands +# +############################################################################### + +# (none) +newcategory: AMD_shader_trinary_minmax + +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #429 +# INTEL_map_texture commands +# +############################################################################### + +SyncTextureINTEL(texture) + return void + param texture UInt32 in value + category INTEL_map_texture + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +UnmapTexture2DINTEL(texture, level) + return void + param texture UInt32 in value + param level Int32 in value + category INTEL_map_texture + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +MapTexture2DINTEL(texture, level, access, stride, layout) + return VoidPointer + param texture UInt32 in value + param level Int32 in value + param access GLbitfield in value + param stride Int32 in array [1] + param layout GLenum in array [1] + category INTEL_map_texture + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? + +############################################################################### +# +# Extension #430 +# NV_draw_texture commands +# +############################################################################### + +DrawTextureNV(texture, sampler, x0, y0, x1, y1, z, s0, t0, s1, t1) + return void + param texture UInt32 in value + param sampler UInt32 in value + param x0 Float32 in value + param y0 Float32 in value + param x1 Float32 in value + param y1 Float32 in value + param z Float32 in value + param s0 Float32 in value + param t0 Float32 in value + param s1 Float32 in value + param t1 Float32 in value + category NV_draw_texture + version 4.3 + extension + glxropcode ? + glxflags ignore + offset ? |