path: root/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec
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1 files changed, 4698 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec b/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec
index 98f364d53..83a2669fc 100644
--- a/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec
+++ b/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/gl.spec
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
# DON'T REMOVE PREVIOUS LINE!!! libspec depends on it!
# Copyright (c) 1991-2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Khronos Group Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 The Khronos Group Inc.
# This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License Version
# 2.0. For details, see http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ .
+# $Revision: 12194 $ on $Date: 2010-08-09 02:56:00 -0700 (Mon, 09 Aug 2010) $
# Description of a parameter
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ vectorequiv: *
# Category this function falls in. While there are many categories for
# early GL 1.0 functions, later functions just have a core version
# (e.g. VERSION_major_minor) or extension name for the category.
-category: display-list drawing drawing-control feedback framebuf misc modeling pixel-op pixel-rw state-req xform VERSION_1_0 VERSION_1_0_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_1 VERSION_1_1_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_2 VERSION_1_2_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_3 VERSION_1_3_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_4 VERSION_1_4_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_5 VERSION_2_0 VERSION_2_1 VERSION_3_0 VERSION_3_0_DEPRECATED VERSION_3_1 VERSION_3_2 ATI_element_array ATI_envmap_bumpmap ATI_fragment_shader ATI_pn_triangles ATI_vertex_array_object ATI_vertex_streams EXT_blend_color EXT_blend_minmax EXT_convolution EXT_copy_texture EXT_histogram EXT_polygon_offset EXT_subtexture EXT_texture3D EXT_texture_object EXT_vertex_array EXT_vertex_shader SGIS_detail_texture SGIS_multisample SGIS_pixel_texture ARB_point_parameters EXT_point_parameters SGIS_point_parameters SGIS_sharpen_texture SGIS_texture4D SGIS_texture_filter4 SGIX_async SGIX_flush_raster SGIX_fragment_lighting SGIX_framezoom SGIX_igloo_interface SGIX_instruments SGIX_list_priority SGIX_pixel_texture SGIX_polynomial_ffd SGIX_reference_plane SGIX_sprite SGIX_tag_sample_buffer SGI_color_table ARB_multitexture ARB_multisample ARB_texture_compression ARB_transpose_matrix ARB_vertex_blend ARB_matrix_palette EXT_compiled_vertex_array EXT_cull_vertex EXT_index_func EXT_index_material EXT_draw_range_elements EXT_vertex_weighting INGR_blend_func_separate NV_evaluators NV_fence NV_occlusion_query NV_point_sprite NV_register_combiners NV_register_combiners2 NV_vertex_array_range NV_vertex_program NV_vertex_program1_1_dcc MESA_resize_buffers MESA_window_pos PGI_misc_hints EXT_fog_coord EXT_blend_func_separate EXT_color_subtable EXT_coordinate_frame EXT_light_texture EXT_multi_draw_arrays EXT_paletted_texture EXT_pixel_transform EXT_secondary_color EXT_texture_perturb_normal HP_image_transform IBM_multimode_draw_arrays IBM_vertex_array_lists INTEL_parallel_arrays SUNX_constant_data SUN_global_alpha SUN_mesh_array SUN_triangle_list SUN_vertex 3DFX_tbuffer EXT_multisample SGIS_fog_function SGIS_texture_color_mask ARB_window_pos EXT_stencil_two_side EXT_depth_bounds_test EXT_blend_equation_separate ARB_vertex_program ARB_fragment_program ARB_vertex_buffer_object ARB_occlusion_query ARB_shader_objects ARB_vertex_shader ARB_fragment_shader S3_s3tc ATI_draw_buffers ATI_texture_env_combine3 ATI_texture_float NV_float_buffer NV_fragment_program NV_half_float NV_pixel_data_range NV_primitive_restart NV_texture_expand_normal NV_texture_expand_normal NV_vertex_program2 APPLE_element_array APPLE_fence APPLE_vertex_array_object APPLE_vertex_array_range ATI_draw_buffers NV_fragment_program NV_half_float NV_pixel_data_range NV_primitive_restart ATI_map_object_buffer ATI_separate_stencil ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object ARB_draw_buffers ARB_texture_rectangle ARB_color_buffer_float EXT_framebuffer_object GREMEDY_string_marker EXT_stencil_clear_tag EXT_framebuffer_blit EXT_framebuffer_multisample MESAX_texture_stack EXT_timer_query EXT_gpu_program_parameters APPLE_flush_buffer_range NV_gpu_program4 NV_geometry_program4 EXT_geometry_shader4 NV_vertex_program4 EXT_gpu_shader4 EXT_draw_instanced EXT_texture_buffer_object NV_depth_buffer_float NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage NV_parameter_buffer_object EXT_draw_buffers2 NV_transform_feedback EXT_bindable_uniform EXT_texture_integer GREMEDY_frame_terminator NV_conditional_render NV_present_video EXT_transform_feedback ARB_depth_buffer_float ARB_draw_instanced ARB_framebuffer_object ARB_framebuffer_sRGB ARB_geometry_shader4 ARB_half_float_vertex ARB_instanced_arrays ARB_map_buffer_range ARB_texture_buffer_object ARB_texture_compression_rgtc ARB_texture_rg ARB_vertex_array_object EXT_direct_state_access EXT_vertex_array_bgra EXT_texture_swizzle NV_explicit_multisample NV_transform_feedback2 ATI_meminfo AMD_performance_monitor AMD_vertex_shader_tesselator EXT_provoking_vertex ARB_uniform_buffer_object ARB_copy_buffer EXT_texture_snorm AMD_draw_buffers_blend APPLE_texture_range APPLE_float_pixels APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators APPLE_aux_depth_stencil APPLE_object_purgeable APPLE_row_bytes ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex ARB_provoking_vertex ARB_sync ARB_texture_multisample ARB_draw_buffers_blend ARB_sample_shading NV_video_capture NV_copy_image EXT_separate_shader_objects NV_parameter_buffer_object2 NV_shader_buffer_load NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory NV_texture_barrier
+category: display-list drawing drawing-control feedback framebuf misc modeling pixel-op pixel-rw state-req xform VERSION_1_0 VERSION_1_0_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_1 VERSION_1_1_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_2 VERSION_1_2_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_3 VERSION_1_3_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_4 VERSION_1_4_DEPRECATED VERSION_1_5 VERSION_2_0 VERSION_2_1 VERSION_3_0 VERSION_3_0_DEPRECATED VERSION_3_1 VERSION_3_2 VERSION_3_3 VERSION_4_0 VERSION_4_1 VERSION_4_1_DEPRECATED ATI_element_array ATI_envmap_bumpmap ATI_fragment_shader ATI_pn_triangles ATI_vertex_array_object ATI_vertex_streams EXT_blend_color EXT_blend_minmax EXT_convolution EXT_copy_texture EXT_histogram EXT_polygon_offset EXT_subtexture EXT_texture3D EXT_texture_object EXT_vertex_array EXT_vertex_shader SGIS_detail_texture SGIS_multisample SGIS_pixel_texture ARB_point_parameters EXT_point_parameters SGIS_point_parameters SGIS_sharpen_texture SGIS_texture4D SGIS_texture_filter4 SGIX_async SGIX_flush_raster SGIX_fragment_lighting SGIX_framezoom SGIX_igloo_interface SGIX_instruments SGIX_list_priority SGIX_pixel_texture SGIX_polynomial_ffd SGIX_reference_plane SGIX_sprite SGIX_tag_sample_buffer SGI_color_table ARB_multitexture ARB_multisample ARB_texture_compression ARB_transpose_matrix ARB_vertex_blend ARB_matrix_palette EXT_compiled_vertex_array EXT_cull_vertex EXT_index_func EXT_index_material EXT_draw_range_elements EXT_vertex_weighting INGR_blend_func_separate NV_evaluators NV_fence NV_occlusion_query NV_point_sprite NV_register_combiners NV_register_combiners2 NV_vertex_array_range NV_vertex_program NV_vertex_program1_1_dcc MESA_resize_buffers MESA_window_pos PGI_misc_hints EXT_fog_coord EXT_blend_func_separate EXT_color_subtable EXT_coordinate_frame EXT_light_texture EXT_multi_draw_arrays EXT_paletted_texture EXT_pixel_transform EXT_secondary_color EXT_texture_perturb_normal HP_image_transform IBM_multimode_draw_arrays IBM_vertex_array_lists INTEL_parallel_arrays SUNX_constant_data SUN_global_alpha SUN_mesh_array SUN_triangle_list SUN_vertex 3DFX_tbuffer EXT_multisample SGIS_fog_function SGIS_texture_color_mask ARB_window_pos EXT_stencil_two_side EXT_depth_bounds_test EXT_blend_equation_separate ARB_vertex_program ARB_fragment_program ARB_vertex_buffer_object ARB_occlusion_query ARB_shader_objects ARB_vertex_shader ARB_fragment_shader S3_s3tc ATI_draw_buffers ATI_texture_env_combine3 ATI_texture_float NV_float_buffer NV_fragment_program NV_half_float NV_pixel_data_range NV_primitive_restart NV_texture_expand_normal NV_texture_expand_normal NV_vertex_program2 APPLE_element_array APPLE_fence APPLE_vertex_array_object APPLE_vertex_array_range ATI_draw_buffers NV_fragment_program NV_half_float NV_pixel_data_range NV_primitive_restart ATI_map_object_buffer ATI_separate_stencil ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object ARB_draw_buffers ARB_texture_rectangle ARB_color_buffer_float EXT_framebuffer_object GREMEDY_string_marker EXT_stencil_clear_tag EXT_framebuffer_blit EXT_framebuffer_multisample MESAX_texture_stack EXT_timer_query EXT_gpu_program_parameters APPLE_flush_buffer_range NV_gpu_program4 NV_geometry_program4 EXT_geometry_shader4 NV_vertex_program4 EXT_gpu_shader4 EXT_draw_instanced EXT_texture_buffer_object NV_depth_buffer_float NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage NV_parameter_buffer_object EXT_draw_buffers2 NV_transform_feedback EXT_bindable_uniform EXT_texture_integer GREMEDY_frame_terminator NV_conditional_render NV_present_video EXT_transform_feedback ARB_depth_buffer_float ARB_draw_instanced ARB_framebuffer_object ARB_framebuffer_sRGB ARB_geometry_shader4 ARB_half_float_vertex ARB_instanced_arrays ARB_map_buffer_range ARB_texture_buffer_object ARB_texture_compression_rgtc ARB_texture_rg ARB_vertex_array_object EXT_direct_state_access EXT_vertex_array_bgra EXT_texture_swizzle NV_explicit_multisample NV_transform_feedback2 ATI_meminfo AMD_performance_monitor AMD_vertex_shader_tesselator EXT_provoking_vertex ARB_uniform_buffer_object ARB_copy_buffer EXT_texture_snorm AMD_draw_buffers_blend APPLE_texture_range APPLE_float_pixels APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators APPLE_aux_depth_stencil APPLE_object_purgeable APPLE_row_bytes ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex ARB_provoking_vertex ARB_sync ARB_texture_multisample ARB_draw_buffers_blend ARB_sample_shading NV_video_capture NV_copy_image EXT_separate_shader_objects NV_parameter_buffer_object2 NV_shader_buffer_load NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory NV_texture_barrier ARB_shading_language_include ARB_blend_func_extended ARB_sampler_objects ARB_timer_query ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev ARB_draw_indirect ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 ARB_shader_subroutine ARB_tessellation_shader ARB_transform_feedback2 ARB_transform_feedback3 AMD_conservative_depth NV_vdpau_interop ARB_ES2_compatibility ARB_get_program_binary ARB_separate_shader_objects ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit ARB_viewport_array ARB_cl_event ARB_debug_output ARB_robustness EXT_shader_image_load_store EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit NV_gpu_shader5 NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit AMD_name_gen_delete AMD_debug_output NV_vdpau_interop NV_gpu_program5
# Categories for extensions with no functions - need not be included now
# ARB_texture_env_add ARB_texture_cube_map ARB_texture_border_clamp
@@ -59,10 +60,11 @@ category: display-list drawing drawing-control feedback framebuf misc modeling p
# EXT_vertex_array_bgra ARB_depth_clamp ARB_fragment_coord_conventions
# ARB_seamless_cube_map ARB_vertex_array_bgra ARB_texture_cube_map_array
# ARB_texture_gather ARB_texture_query_lod
+# AMD_shader_stencil_export AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture
# Core version in which a function was introduced, or against
# which an extension can be implemented
-version: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.1 3.2
+version: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 4.1
# Core version in which a function was removed
deprecated: 3.1
# GLX Single, Rendering, or Vendor Private opcode
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ glextmask: *
# glxsingle, glxropcode, and other GLX allocations to vendors
# are used here, but the master registry for GLX is in
-# /ogl/trunk/doc/registry/extensions.reserved
+# /repos/ogl/trunk/doc/registry/extensions.reserved
# XFree86 dispatch offsets: 0-645
# 578-641 NV_vertex_program
@@ -102,14 +104,13 @@ glextmask: *
# - append new ARB and non-ARB extensions to the appropriate portion of
# the spec file, in extension number order.
-# - use tabs, not spaces
+# - leading tabs are suggested. Whitespace of any sort may be used elsewhere.
# - set glxflags to "ignore" until GLX is updated to support the new command
# - add new data types to typemaps/spec2wire.map
# - add extension name in alphabetical order to category list
# - add commands within an extension in spec order
# - use existing command entries as a model (where possible)
-# - when reserving new glxropcodes, update
-# gfx/lib/opengl/doc/glspec/extensions.reserved to indicate this
+# - when reserving new glxropcodes, update extensions.reserved (per above)
@@ -192,12 +193,30 @@ passthru: typedef int64_t GLint64EXT;
passthru: typedef uint64_t GLuint64EXT;
passthru: #endif
-passthru: #ifndef ARB_sync
+passthru: #ifndef GL_ARB_sync
passthru: typedef int64_t GLint64;
passthru: typedef uint64_t GLuint64;
passthru: typedef struct __GLsync *GLsync;
passthru: #endif
+passthru: #ifndef GL_ARB_cl_event
+passthru: /* These incomplete types let us declare types compatible with OpenCL's cl_context and cl_event */
+passthru: struct _cl_context;
+passthru: struct _cl_event;
+passthru: #endif
+passthru: #ifndef GL_ARB_debug_output
+passthru: typedef void (APIENTRY *GLDEBUGPROCARB)(GLenum source,GLenum type,GLuint id,GLenum severity,GLsizei length,const GLchar *message,GLvoid *userParam);
+passthru: #endif
+passthru: #ifndef GL_AMD_debug_output
+passthru: typedef void (APIENTRY *GLDEBUGPROCAMD)(GLuint id,GLenum category,GLenum severity,GLsizei length,const GLchar *message,GLvoid *userParam);
+passthru: #endif
+passthru: #ifndef GL_NV_vdpau_interop
+passthru: typedef GLintptr GLvdpauSurfaceNV;
+passthru: #endif
@@ -5044,8 +5063,8 @@ BlendFuncSeparate(sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha)
MultiDrawArrays(mode, first, count, primcount)
return void
param mode BeginMode in value
- param first Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(count)]
- param count SizeI out array [COMPSIZE(primcount)]
+ param first Int32 in array [COMPSIZE(count)]
+ param count SizeI in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)]
param primcount SizeI in value
category VERSION_1_4
version 1.4
@@ -5791,10 +5810,10 @@ StencilOpSeparate(face, sfail, dpfail, dppass)
glxflags ignore
offset ?
-StencilFuncSeparate(frontfunc, backfunc, ref, mask)
+StencilFuncSeparate(face, func, ref, mask)
return void
- param frontfunc StencilFunction in value
- param backfunc StencilFunction in value
+ param face StencilFaceDirection in value
+ param func StencilFunction in value
param ref ClampedStencilValue in value
param mask MaskedStencilValue in value
category VERSION_2_0
@@ -6064,7 +6083,7 @@ GetUniformfv(program, location, params)
return void
param program UInt32 in value
param location Int32 in value
- param params Float32 out array [location]
+ param params Float32 out array [COMPSIZE(location)]
category VERSION_2_0
dlflags notlistable
version 2.0
@@ -6077,7 +6096,7 @@ GetUniformiv(program, location, params)
return void
param program UInt32 in value
param location Int32 in value
- param params Int32 out array [location]
+ param params Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(location)]
category VERSION_2_0
dlflags notlistable
version 2.0
@@ -7826,18 +7845,8 @@ GetBufferParameteri64v(target, pname, params)
# OpenGL 3.2 (ARB_fragment_coord_conventions) commands - none
# OpenGL 3.2 (ARB_geometry_shader4) commands
-ProgramParameteri(program, pname, value)
- return void
- param program UInt32 in value
- param pname GLenum in value
- param value Int32 in value
- category VERSION_3_2
- version 1.2
- extension
- glxropcode ?
- glxflags ignore
- offset ?
+# ProgramParameteriARB was NOT promoted to core 3.2, but
+# IS part of core 4.1 through other ARB extensions.
FramebufferTexture(target, attachment, texture, level)
return void
@@ -7852,34 +7861,11 @@ FramebufferTexture(target, attachment, texture, level)
glxflags ignore
offset ?
-# FramebufferTextureLayer redeclared in ARB_framebuffer_object
+# FramebufferTextureLayer already declared in ARB_framebuffer_object
# FramebufferTextureLayer(target, attachment, texture, level, layer)
-# return void
-# param target GLenum in value
-# param attachment GLenum in value
-# param texture UInt32 in value
-# param level Int32 in value
-# param layer Int32 in value
-# category VERSION_3_2
-# version 1.2
-# extension
-# glxropcode ?
-# glxflags ignore
-# offset ?
-FramebufferTextureFace(target, attachment, texture, level, face)
- return void
- param target GLenum in value
- param attachment GLenum in value
- param texture UInt32 in value
- param level Int32 in value
- param face GLenum in value
- category VERSION_3_2
- version 1.2
- extension
- glxropcode ?
- glxflags ignore
- offset ?
+# Not promoted to the core along with the rest
+# FramebufferTextureFace(target, attachment, texture, level, face)
# OpenGL 3.2 (ARB_seamless_cube_map) commands - none
# OpenGL 3.2 (ARB_vertex_array_bgra) commands - none
@@ -7894,6 +7880,147 @@ passthru: /* ARB_texture_multisample */
+# OpenGL 3.3 commands
+# New commands in OpenGL 3.3
+# OpenGL 3.3 (ARB_instanced_arrays) commands
+VertexAttribDivisor(index, divisor)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param divisor UInt32 in value
+ category VERSION_3_3
+ version 1.1
+ extension
+ glfflags ignore
+ glxflags ignore
+passthru: /* OpenGL 3.3 also reuses entry points from these extensions: */
+passthru: /* ARB_blend_func_extended */
+passthru: /* ARB_sampler_objects */
+passthru: /* ARB_explicit_attrib_location, but it has none */
+passthru: /* ARB_occlusion_query2 (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_shader_bit_encoding (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_texture_swizzle (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_timer_query */
+passthru: /* ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev */
+# OpenGL 4.0 commands
+# New commands in OpenGL 4.0 - none
+# OpenGL 4.0 (ARB_sample_shading) commands
+ return void
+ param value ClampedColorF in value
+ category VERSION_4_0
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# OpenGL 4.0 (ARB_draw_buffers_blend) commands
+BlendEquationi(buf, mode)
+ return void
+ param buf UInt32 in value
+ param mode GLenum in value
+ category VERSION_4_0
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+BlendEquationSeparatei(buf, modeRGB, modeAlpha)
+ return void
+ param buf UInt32 in value
+ param modeRGB GLenum in value
+ param modeAlpha GLenum in value
+ category VERSION_4_0
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+BlendFunci(buf, src, dst)
+ return void
+ param buf UInt32 in value
+ param src GLenum in value
+ param dst GLenum in value
+ category VERSION_4_0
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+BlendFuncSeparatei(buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha)
+ return void
+ param buf UInt32 in value
+ param srcRGB GLenum in value
+ param dstRGB GLenum in value
+ param srcAlpha GLenum in value
+ param dstAlpha GLenum in value
+ category VERSION_4_0
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+passthru: /* OpenGL 4.0 also reuses entry points from these extensions: */
+passthru: /* ARB_texture_query_lod (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_draw_indirect */
+passthru: /* ARB_gpu_shader5 (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 */
+passthru: /* ARB_shader_subroutine */
+passthru: /* ARB_tessellation_shader */
+passthru: /* ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_texture_cube_map_array (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_texture_gather (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_transform_feedback2 */
+passthru: /* ARB_transform_feedback3 */
+# OpenGL 4.1 commands
+# New commands in OpenGL 4.1 - none
+newcategory: VERSION_4_1
+passthru: /* OpenGL 4.1 also reuses entry points from these extensions: */
+passthru: /* ARB_ES2_compatibility */
+passthru: /* ARB_get_program_binary */
+passthru: /* ARB_separate_shader_objects */
+passthru: /* ARB_shader_precision (no entry points) */
+passthru: /* ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit */
+passthru: /* ARB_viewport_array */
# ARB extensions, in order by ARB extension number
@@ -10276,7 +10403,7 @@ GetUniformfvARB(programObj, location, params)
return void
param programObj handleARB in value
param location Int32 in value
- param params Float32 out array [location]
+ param params Float32 out array [COMPSIZE(location)]
category ARB_shader_objects
dlflags notlistable
version 1.2
@@ -10289,7 +10416,7 @@ GetUniformivARB(programObj, location, params)
return void
param programObj handleARB in value
param location Int32 in value
- param params Int32 out array [location]
+ param params Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(location)]
category ARB_shader_objects
dlflags notlistable
version 1.2
@@ -10551,6 +10678,8 @@ IsRenderbuffer(renderbuffer)
glxflags ignore
offset ?
+# GLX opcode changed so it can be differentiated from BindRenderbufferEXT
+# (see ARB_framebuffer_object extension spec revision 23)
BindRenderbuffer(target, renderbuffer)
return void
param target RenderbufferTarget in value
@@ -10558,7 +10687,7 @@ BindRenderbuffer(target, renderbuffer)
category ARB_framebuffer_object
version 3.0
- glxropcode 4316
+ glxropcode 235
glxflags ignore
offset ?
@@ -10620,6 +10749,8 @@ IsFramebuffer(framebuffer)
glxflags ignore
offset ?
+# GLX opcode changed so it can be differentiated from BindFramebufferEXT
+# (see ARB_framebuffer_object extension spec revision 23)
BindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer)
return void
param target FramebufferTarget in value
@@ -10627,7 +10758,7 @@ BindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer)
category ARB_framebuffer_object
version 3.0
- glxropcode 4319
+ glxropcode 236
glxflags ignore
offset ?
@@ -10787,7 +10918,8 @@ FramebufferTextureLayer(target, attachment, texture, level, layer)
extension soft WINSOFT
dlflags notlistable
glfflags ignore
- glxflags ignore
+ glxropcode 237
+ offset ?
@@ -10817,6 +10949,7 @@ ProgramParameteriARB(program, pname, value)
extension soft WINSOFT
glfflags ignore
glxflags ignore
+ alias ProgramParameteri
FramebufferTextureARB(target, attachment, texture, level)
return void
@@ -11443,7 +11576,7 @@ newcategory: ARB_vertex_array_bgra
-BlendEquationi(buf, mode)
+BlendEquationiARB(buf, mode)
return void
param buf UInt32 in value
param mode GLenum in value
@@ -11453,8 +11586,9 @@ BlendEquationi(buf, mode)
glxropcode ?
glxflags ignore
offset ?
+ alias BlendEquationi
-BlendEquationSeparatei(buf, modeRGB, modeAlpha)
+BlendEquationSeparateiARB(buf, modeRGB, modeAlpha)
return void
param buf UInt32 in value
param modeRGB GLenum in value
@@ -11465,8 +11599,9 @@ BlendEquationSeparatei(buf, modeRGB, modeAlpha)
glxropcode ?
glxflags ignore
offset ?
+ alias BlendEquationSeparatei
-BlendFunci(buf, src, dst)
+BlendFunciARB(buf, src, dst)
return void
param buf UInt32 in value
param src GLenum in value
@@ -11477,8 +11612,9 @@ BlendFunci(buf, src, dst)
glxropcode ?
glxflags ignore
offset ?
+ alias BlendFunci
-BlendFuncSeparatei(buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha)
+BlendFuncSeparateiARB(buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha)
return void
param buf UInt32 in value
param srcRGB GLenum in value
@@ -11491,6 +11627,7 @@ BlendFuncSeparatei(buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha)
glxropcode ?
glxflags ignore
offset ?
+ alias BlendFuncSeparatei
@@ -11499,7 +11636,7 @@ BlendFuncSeparatei(buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha)
return void
param value ClampedColorF in value
category ARB_sample_shading
@@ -11508,6 +11645,7 @@ MinSampleShading(value)
glxropcode ?
glxflags ignore
offset ?
+ alias MinSampleShading
@@ -11546,6 +11684,2993 @@ newcategory: ARB_texture_query_lod
+# ARB Extension #76
+# ARB_shading_language_include commands
+NamedStringARB(type, namelen, name, stringlen, string)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param namelen Int32 in value
+ param name Char in array [namelen]
+ param stringlen Int32 in value
+ param string Char in array [stringlen]
+ category ARB_shading_language_include
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DeleteNamedStringARB(namelen, name)
+ return void
+ param namelen Int32 in value
+ param name Char in array [namelen]
+ category ARB_shading_language_include
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+CompileShaderIncludeARB(shader, count, path, length)
+ return void
+ param shader UInt32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param path CharPointer in array [count]
+ param length Int32 in array [count]
+ category ARB_shading_language_include
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+IsNamedStringARB(namelen, name)
+ return Boolean
+ param namelen Int32 in value
+ param name Char in array [namelen]
+ category ARB_shading_language_include
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetNamedStringARB(namelen, name, bufSize, stringlen, string)
+ return void
+ param namelen Int32 in value
+ param name Char in array [namelen]
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param stringlen Int32 out array [1]
+ param string Char out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_shading_language_include
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetNamedStringivARB(namelen, name, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param namelen Int32 in value
+ param name Char in array [namelen]
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_shading_language_include
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #77
+# ARB_texture_compression_bptc commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_texture_compression_bptc
+# ARB Extension #78
+# ARB_blend_func_extended commands
+BindFragDataLocationIndexed(program, colorNumber, index, name)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param colorNumber UInt32 in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param name Char in array []
+ category ARB_blend_func_extended
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetFragDataIndex(program, name)
+ return Int32
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param name Char in array []
+ category ARB_blend_func_extended
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #79
+# ARB_explicit_attrib_location commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_explicit_attrib_location
+# ARB Extension #80
+# ARB_occlusion_query2 commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_occlusion_query2
+# ARB Extension #81
+# ARB_sampler_objects commands
+GenSamplers(count, samplers)
+ return void
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param samplers UInt32 out array [count]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DeleteSamplers(count, samplers)
+ return void
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param samplers UInt32 in array [count]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return Boolean
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+BindSampler(unit, sampler)
+ return void
+ param unit UInt32 in value
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+SamplerParameteri(sampler, pname, param)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param param Int32 in value
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+SamplerParameteriv(sampler, pname, param)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param param Int32 in array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+SamplerParameterf(sampler, pname, param)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param param Float32 in value
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+SamplerParameterfv(sampler, pname, param)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param param Float32 in array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+SamplerParameterIiv(sampler, pname, param)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param param Int32 in array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+SamplerParameterIuiv(sampler, pname, param)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param param UInt32 in array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetSamplerParameteriv(sampler, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetSamplerParameterIiv(sampler, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetSamplerParameterfv(sampler, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Float32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetSamplerParameterIuiv(sampler, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param sampler UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params UInt32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_sampler_objects
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #82
+# ARB_shader_bit_encoding commands
+# (none)
+newcategroy: ARB_shader_bit_encoding
+# ARB Extension #83
+# ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui
+# ARB Extension #84
+# ARB_texture_swizzle commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_texture_swizzle
+# ARB Extension #85
+# ARB_timer_query commands
+QueryCounter(id, target)
+ return void
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ param target GLenum in value
+ category ARB_timer_query
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetQueryObjecti64v(id, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Int64 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_timer_query
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetQueryObjectui64v(id, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params UInt64 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_timer_query
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #86
+# ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev commands
+VertexP2ui(type, value)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param value UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexP2uiv(type, value)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexP3ui(type, value)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param value UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexP3uiv(type, value)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexP4ui(type, value)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param value UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexP4uiv(type, value)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+TexCoordP1ui(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+TexCoordP1uiv(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+TexCoordP2ui(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+TexCoordP2uiv(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+TexCoordP3ui(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+TexCoordP3uiv(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+TexCoordP4ui(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+TexCoordP4uiv(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+MultiTexCoordP1ui(texture, type, coords)
+ return void
+ param texture GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+MultiTexCoordP1uiv(texture, type, coords)
+ return void
+ param texture GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+MultiTexCoordP2ui(texture, type, coords)
+ return void
+ param texture GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+MultiTexCoordP2uiv(texture, type, coords)
+ return void
+ param texture GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+MultiTexCoordP3ui(texture, type, coords)
+ return void
+ param texture GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+MultiTexCoordP3uiv(texture, type, coords)
+ return void
+ param texture GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+MultiTexCoordP4ui(texture, type, coords)
+ return void
+ param texture GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+MultiTexCoordP4uiv(texture, type, coords)
+ return void
+ param texture GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+NormalP3ui(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+NormalP3uiv(type, coords)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param coords UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ColorP3ui(type, color)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param color UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ColorP3uiv(type, color)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param color UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ColorP4ui(type, color)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param color UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ColorP4uiv(type, color)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param color UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+SecondaryColorP3ui(type, color)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param color UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+SecondaryColorP3uiv(type, color)
+ return void
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param color UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribP1ui(index, type, normalized, value)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param normalized Boolean in value
+ param value UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribP1uiv(index, type, normalized, value)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param normalized Boolean in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribP2ui(index, type, normalized, value)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param normalized Boolean in value
+ param value UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribP2uiv(index, type, normalized, value)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param normalized Boolean in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribP3ui(index, type, normalized, value)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param normalized Boolean in value
+ param value UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribP3uiv(index, type, normalized, value)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param normalized Boolean in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribP4ui(index, type, normalized, value)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param normalized Boolean in value
+ param value UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribP4uiv(index, type, normalized, value)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param normalized Boolean in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #87
+# ARB_draw_indirect commands
+DrawArraysIndirect(mode, indirect)
+ return void
+ param mode GLenum in value
+ param indirect Void in array []
+ category ARB_draw_indirect
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DrawElementsIndirect(mode, type, indirect)
+ return void
+ param mode GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param indirect Void in array []
+ category ARB_draw_indirect
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #88
+# ARB_gpu_shader5 commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_gpu_shader5
+# ARB Extension #89
+# ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 commands
+Uniform1d(location, x)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform2d(location, x, y)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform3d(location, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ param z Float64 in value
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform4d(location, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ param z Float64 in value
+ param w Float64 in value
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform1dv(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform2dv(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform3dv(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform4dv(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformMatrix2dv(location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformMatrix3dv(location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformMatrix4dv(location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformMatrix2x3dv(location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformMatrix2x4dv(location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformMatrix3x2dv(location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformMatrix3x4dv(location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformMatrix4x2dv(location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformMatrix4x3dv(location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetUniformdv(program, location, params)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param params Float64 out array [COMPSIZE(location)]
+ category ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #90
+# ARB_shader_subroutine commands
+GetSubroutineUniformLocation(program, shadertype, name)
+ return Int32
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param shadertype GLenum in value
+ param name Char in array []
+ category ARB_shader_subroutine
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetSubroutineIndex(program, shadertype, name)
+ return UInt32
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param shadertype GLenum in value
+ param name Char in array []
+ category ARB_shader_subroutine
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetActiveSubroutineUniformiv(program, shadertype, index, pname, values)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param shadertype GLenum in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param values Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_shader_subroutine
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(program, shadertype, index, bufsize, length, name)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param shadertype GLenum in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param bufsize SizeI in value
+ param length SizeI out array [1]
+ param name Char out array [bufsize]
+ category ARB_shader_subroutine
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetActiveSubroutineName(program, shadertype, index, bufsize, length, name)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param shadertype GLenum in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param bufsize SizeI in value
+ param length SizeI out array [1]
+ param name Char out array [bufsize]
+ category ARB_shader_subroutine
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+UniformSubroutinesuiv(shadertype, count, indices)
+ return void
+ param shadertype GLenum in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param indices UInt32 in array [count]
+ category ARB_shader_subroutine
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetUniformSubroutineuiv(shadertype, location, params)
+ return void
+ param shadertype GLenum in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param params UInt32 out array [1]
+ category ARB_shader_subroutine
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetProgramStageiv(program, shadertype, pname, values)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param shadertype GLenum in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param values Int32 out array [1]
+ category ARB_shader_subroutine
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #91
+# ARB_tessellation_shader commands
+PatchParameteri(pname, value)
+ return void
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param value Int32 in value
+ category ARB_tessellation_shader
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+PatchParameterfv(pname, values)
+ return void
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param values Float32 in array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_tessellation_shader
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #92
+# ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32
+# ARB Extension #93
+# ARB_transform_feedback2 commands
+BindTransformFeedback(target, id)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_transform_feedback2
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DeleteTransformFeedbacks(n, ids)
+ return void
+ param n SizeI in value
+ param ids UInt32 in array [n]
+ category ARB_transform_feedback2
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GenTransformFeedbacks(n, ids)
+ return void
+ param n SizeI in value
+ param ids UInt32 out array [n]
+ category ARB_transform_feedback2
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return Boolean
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_transform_feedback2
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return void
+ category ARB_transform_feedback2
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return void
+ category ARB_transform_feedback2
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DrawTransformFeedback(mode, id)
+ return void
+ param mode GLenum in value
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_transform_feedback2
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #94
+# ARB_transform_feedback3 commands
+DrawTransformFeedbackStream(mode, id, stream)
+ return void
+ param mode GLenum in value
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ param stream UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_transform_feedback3
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+BeginQueryIndexed(target, index, id)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_transform_feedback3
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+EndQueryIndexed(target, index)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_transform_feedback3
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetQueryIndexediv(target, index, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_transform_feedback3
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #95
+# ARB_ES2_compatibility commands
+ return void
+ category ARB_ES2_compatibility
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ShaderBinary(count, shaders, binaryformat, binary, length)
+ return void
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param shaders UInt32 in array [count]
+ param binaryformat GLenum in value
+ param binary Void in array [length]
+ param length SizeI in value
+ category ARB_ES2_compatibility
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetShaderPrecisionFormat(shadertype, precisiontype, range, precision)
+ return void
+ param shadertype GLenum in value
+ param precisiontype GLenum in value
+ param range Int32 out array [2]
+ param precision Int32 out array [2]
+ category ARB_ES2_compatibility
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DepthRangef(n, f)
+ return void
+ param n ClampedFloat32 in value
+ param f ClampedFloat32 in value
+ category ARB_ES2_compatibility
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return void
+ param d ClampedFloat32 in value
+ category ARB_ES2_compatibility
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #96
+# ARB_get_program_binary commands
+GetProgramBinary(program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param length SizeI out array [1]
+ param binaryFormat GLenum out array [1]
+ param binary Void out array [COMPSIZE(length)]
+ category ARB_get_program_binary
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramBinary(program, binaryFormat, binary, length)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param binaryFormat GLenum in value
+ param binary Void in array [length]
+ param length SizeI in value
+ category ARB_get_program_binary
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramParameteri(program, pname, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param pname ProgramParameterPName in value
+ param value Int32 in value
+ category ARB_get_program_binary
+ version 3.0
+ extension soft WINSOFT
+ glfflags ignore
+ glxflags ignore
+# ARB Extension #97
+# ARB_separate_shader_objects commands
+UseProgramStages(pipeline, stages, program)
+ return void
+ param pipeline UInt32 in value
+ param stages GLbitfield in value
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ActiveShaderProgram(pipeline, program)
+ return void
+ param pipeline UInt32 in value
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+CreateShaderProgramv(type, count, strings)
+ return UInt32
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param strings CharPointer in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return void
+ param pipeline UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DeleteProgramPipelines(n, pipelines)
+ return void
+ param n SizeI in value
+ param pipelines UInt32 in array [n]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GenProgramPipelines(n, pipelines)
+ return void
+ param n SizeI in value
+ param pipelines UInt32 out array [n]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return Boolean
+ param pipeline UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+#@ ProgramParameteri also in ARB_get_program_binary
+GetProgramPipelineiv(pipeline, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param pipeline UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1i(program, location, v0)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Int32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1iv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1f(program, location, v0)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Float32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1fv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1d(program, location, v0)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Float64 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1dv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [1]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1ui(program, location, v0)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1uiv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [1]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2i(program, location, v0, v1)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Int32 in value
+ param v1 Int32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2iv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int32 in array [2]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2f(program, location, v0, v1)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Float32 in value
+ param v1 Float32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2fv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float32 in array [2]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2d(program, location, v0, v1)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Float64 in value
+ param v1 Float64 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2dv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [2]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2ui(program, location, v0, v1)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 UInt32 in value
+ param v1 UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2uiv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [2]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3i(program, location, v0, v1, v2)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Int32 in value
+ param v1 Int32 in value
+ param v2 Int32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3iv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int32 in array [3]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3f(program, location, v0, v1, v2)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Float32 in value
+ param v1 Float32 in value
+ param v2 Float32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3fv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float32 in array [3]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3d(program, location, v0, v1, v2)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Float64 in value
+ param v1 Float64 in value
+ param v2 Float64 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3dv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [3]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3ui(program, location, v0, v1, v2)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 UInt32 in value
+ param v1 UInt32 in value
+ param v2 UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3uiv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [3]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4i(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Int32 in value
+ param v1 Int32 in value
+ param v2 Int32 in value
+ param v3 Int32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4iv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int32 in array [4]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4f(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Float32 in value
+ param v1 Float32 in value
+ param v2 Float32 in value
+ param v3 Float32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4fv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float32 in array [4]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4d(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 Float64 in value
+ param v1 Float64 in value
+ param v2 Float64 in value
+ param v3 Float64 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4dv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [4]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4ui(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param v0 UInt32 in value
+ param v1 UInt32 in value
+ param v2 UInt32 in value
+ param v3 UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4uiv(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt32 in array [4]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix2fv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float32 in array [2]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix3fv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float32 in array [3]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix4fv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float32 in array [4]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix2dv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [2]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix3dv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [3]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix4dv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [4]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float32 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float32 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float32 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float32 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float32 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float32 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return void
+ param pipeline UInt32 in value
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetProgramPipelineInfoLog(pipeline, bufSize, length, infoLog)
+ return void
+ param pipeline UInt32 in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param length SizeI out array [1]
+ param infoLog Char out array [COMPSIZE(length)]
+ category ARB_separate_shader_objects
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #98
+# ARB_shader_precision commands
+# ARB Extension #99
+# ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit commands
+VertexAttribL1d(index, x)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL2d(index, x, y)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL3d(index, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ param z Float64 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL4d(index, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ param z Float64 in value
+ param w Float64 in value
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL1dv(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Float64 in array [1]
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL2dv(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Float64 in array [2]
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL3dv(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Float64 in array [3]
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL4dv(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Float64 in array [4]
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribLPointer(index, size, type, stride, pointer)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param size Int32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param stride SizeI in value
+ param pointer Void in array [size]
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetVertexAttribLdv(index, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Float64 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+#@ VertexArrayVertexAttribLOffsetEXT also in EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+# ARB Extension #100
+# ARB_viewport_array commands
+ViewportArrayv(first, count, v)
+ return void
+ param first UInt32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param v Float32 in array [COMPSIZE(count)]
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ViewportIndexedf(index, x, y, w, h)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Float32 in value
+ param y Float32 in value
+ param w Float32 in value
+ param h Float32 in value
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ViewportIndexedfv(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Float32 in array [4]
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ScissorArrayv(first, count, v)
+ return void
+ param first UInt32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param v Int32 in array [COMPSIZE(count)]
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ScissorIndexed(index, left, bottom, width, height)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param left Int32 in value
+ param bottom Int32 in value
+ param width SizeI in value
+ param height SizeI in value
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ScissorIndexedv(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Int32 in array [4]
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DepthRangeArrayv(first, count, v)
+ return void
+ param first UInt32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param v ClampedFloat64 in array [COMPSIZE(count)]
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DepthRangeIndexed(index, n, f)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param n ClampedFloat64 in value
+ param f ClampedFloat64 in value
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetFloati_v(target, index, data)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param data Float32 out array [COMPSIZE(target)]
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetDoublei_v(target, index, data)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param data Float64 out array [COMPSIZE(target)]
+ category ARB_viewport_array
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #101 - GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness
+# ARB Extension #102 - WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness
+# ARB Extension #103
+# ARB_cl_event commands
+CreateSyncFromCLeventARB(context, event, flags)
+ return sync
+ param context cl_context in value
+ param event cl_event in value
+ param flags GLbitfield in value
+ category ARB_cl_event
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #104
+# ARB_debug_output commands
+DebugMessageControlARB(source, type, severity, count, ids, enabled)
+ return void
+ param source GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param severity GLenum in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param ids UInt32 in array [count]
+ param enabled Boolean in value
+ category ARB_debug_output
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DebugMessageInsertARB(source, type, id, severity, length, buf)
+ return void
+ param source GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ param severity GLenum in value
+ param length SizeI in value
+ param buf Char in array [length]
+ category ARB_debug_output
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DebugMessageCallbackARB(callback, userParam)
+ return void
+ param callback GLDEBUGPROCARB in value
+ param userParam Void in array [COMPSIZE(callback)]
+ category ARB_debug_output
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetDebugMessageLogARB(count, bufsize, sources, types, ids, severities, lengths, messageLog)
+ return UInt32
+ param count UInt32 in value
+ param bufsize SizeI in value
+ param sources GLenum out array [count]
+ param types GLenum out array [count]
+ param ids UInt32 out array [count]
+ param severities GLenum out array [count]
+ param lengths SizeI out array [count]
+ param messageLog Char out array [COMPSIZE(lengths)]
+ category ARB_debug_output
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+#@ GetPointerv is redeclared in this extension
+# ARB Extension #105
+# ARB_robustness commands
+ return GLenum
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnMapdvARB(target, query, bufSize, v)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param query GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param v Float64 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnMapfvARB(target, query, bufSize, v)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param query GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param v Float32 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnMapivARB(target, query, bufSize, v)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param query GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param v Int32 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnPixelMapfvARB(map, bufSize, values)
+ return void
+ param map GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param values Float32 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnPixelMapuivARB(map, bufSize, values)
+ return void
+ param map GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param values UInt32 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnPixelMapusvARB(map, bufSize, values)
+ return void
+ param map GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param values UInt16 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnPolygonStippleARB(bufSize, pattern)
+ return void
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param pattern UInt8 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnColorTableARB(target, format, type, bufSize, table)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param format GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param table Void out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnConvolutionFilterARB(target, format, type, bufSize, image)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param format GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param image Void out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnSeparableFilterARB(target, format, type, rowBufSize, row, columnBufSize, column, span)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param format GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param rowBufSize SizeI in value
+ param row Void out array [rowBufSize]
+ param columnBufSize SizeI in value
+ param column Void out array [columnBufSize]
+ param span Void out array [0]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnHistogramARB(target, reset, format, type, bufSize, values)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param reset Boolean in value
+ param format GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param values Void out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnMinmaxARB(target, reset, format, type, bufSize, values)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param reset Boolean in value
+ param format GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param values Void out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnTexImageARB(target, level, format, type, bufSize, img)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param level Int32 in value
+ param format GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param img Void out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ReadnPixelsARB(x, y, width, height, format, type, bufSize, data)
+ return void
+ param x Int32 in value
+ param y Int32 in value
+ param width SizeI in value
+ param height SizeI in value
+ param format GLenum in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param data Void out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnCompressedTexImageARB(target, lod, bufSize, img)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param lod Int32 in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param img Void out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnUniformfvARB(program, location, bufSize, params)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param params Float32 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnUniformivARB(program, location, bufSize, params)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param params Int32 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnUniformuivARB(program, location, bufSize, params)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param params UInt32 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetnUniformdvARB(program, location, bufSize, params)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param params Float64 out array [bufSize]
+ category ARB_robustness
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# ARB Extension #106
+# ARB_shader_stencil_export commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_shader_stencil_export
@@ -14624,8 +17749,8 @@ TextureNormalEXT(mode)
MultiDrawArraysEXT(mode, first, count, primcount)
return void
param mode BeginMode in value
- param first Int32 out array [COMPSIZE(primcount)]
- param count SizeI out array [COMPSIZE(primcount)]
+ param first Int32 in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)]
+ param count SizeI in array [COMPSIZE(primcount)]
param primcount SizeI in value
category EXT_multi_draw_arrays
version 1.1
@@ -21050,6 +24175,9 @@ newcategory: NV_vertex_program3
+# (none)
+# newcategory: EXT_texture_compression_dxt1
# Extension #310
@@ -21067,6 +24195,7 @@ IsRenderbufferEXT(renderbuffer)
glxflags ignore
alias IsRenderbuffer
+# Not aliased to BindRenderbuffer
BindRenderbufferEXT(target, renderbuffer)
return void
param target RenderbufferTarget in value
@@ -21076,7 +24205,6 @@ BindRenderbufferEXT(target, renderbuffer)
glxropcode 4316
glxflags ignore
- alias BindRenderbuffer
DeleteRenderbuffersEXT(n, renderbuffers)
return void
@@ -21136,6 +24264,7 @@ IsFramebufferEXT(framebuffer)
glxflags ignore
alias IsFramebuffer
+# Not aliased to BindFramebuffer
BindFramebufferEXT(target, framebuffer)
return void
param target FramebufferTarget in value
@@ -21145,7 +24274,6 @@ BindFramebufferEXT(target, framebuffer)
glxropcode 4319
glxflags ignore
- alias BindFramebuffer
DeleteFramebuffersEXT(n, framebuffers)
return void
@@ -22596,11 +25724,11 @@ BindBufferBaseNV(target, index, buffer)
extension soft WINSOFT
alias BindBufferBase
-TransformFeedbackVaryingsNV(program, count, varyings, bufferMode)
+TransformFeedbackVaryingsNV(program, count, locations, bufferMode)
return void
param program UInt32 in value
param count SizeI in value
- param varyings CharPointer in array [count]
+ param locations Int32 in array [count]
param bufferMode GLenum in value
category NV_transform_feedback
version 1.5
@@ -22661,6 +25789,24 @@ GetTransformFeedbackVaryingNV(program, index, location)
glxflags ignore
alias GetTransformFeedbackVarying
+# These commands require ARB_transform_feedback3
+#@@ void TransformFeedbackStreamAttribsNV(sizei count, const int * attribs, sizei nbuffers, const int *bufstreams, enum bufferMode);
+TransformFeedbackStreamAttribsNV(count, attribs, nbuffers, bufstreams, bufferMode)
+ return void
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param attribs Int32 in array [count]
+ param nbuffers SizeI in value
+ param bufstreams Int32 in array [nbuffers]
+ param bufferMode GLenum in value
+ category NV_transform_feedback
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
# Extension #342
@@ -25259,6 +28405,42 @@ UnmapNamedBufferEXT(buffer)
glxflags ignore
glfflags ignore
+MapNamedBufferRangeEXT(buffer, offset, length, access)
+ return VoidPointer
+ param buffer UInt32 in value
+ param offset Intptr in value
+ param length Sizeiptr in value
+ param access BufferAccessMask in value
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ extension soft WINSOFT
+ dlflags notlistable
+ glxflags ignore
+ glfflags ignore
+FlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT(buffer, offset, length)
+ return void
+ param buffer UInt32 in value
+ param offset Intptr in value
+ param length Sizeiptr in value
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ extension soft WINSOFT
+ dlflags notlistable
+ glxflags ignore
+ glfflags ignore
+NamedCopyBufferSubDataEXT(readBuffer, writeBuffer, readOffset, writeOffset, size)
+ return void
+ param readBuffer UInt32 in value
+ param writeBuffer UInt32 in value
+ param readOffset Intptr in value
+ param writeOffset Intptr in value
+ param size Sizeiptr in value
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ extension soft WINSOFT
+ dlflags notlistable
+ glxflags ignore
+ glfflags ignore
# New named buffer queries
GetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(buffer, pname, params)
@@ -25621,6 +28803,257 @@ MultiTexRenderbufferEXT(texunit, target, renderbuffer)
glxflags ignore
glextmask GL_MASK_NV_explicit_multisample
+# New ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 commands
+ProgramUniform1dEXT(program, location, x)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2dEXT(program, location, x, y)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3dEXT(program, location, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ param z Float64 in value
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4dEXT(program, location, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ param z Float64 in value
+ param w Float64 in value
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1dvEXT(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2dvEXT(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3dvEXT(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4dvEXT(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix2dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix3dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix4dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param transpose Boolean in value
+ param value Float64 in array [count]
+ category EXT_direct_state_access
+ subcategory ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
+ version 1.2
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
# Extension #354
@@ -25823,7 +29256,7 @@ GetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD(group, counter, pname, data)
param group UInt32 in value
param counter UInt32 in value
param pname GLenum in value
- param data void out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ param data Void out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
category AMD_performance_monitor
dlflags notlistable
version 1.2
@@ -26505,6 +29938,7 @@ CreateShaderProgramEXT(type, string)
+# (none)
newcategory: NV_parameter_buffer_object2
@@ -26545,7 +29979,7 @@ IsBufferResidentNV(target)
glxflags ignore
offset ?
-NamedMakeBufferResidentNV(buffer, access)
+MakeNamedBufferResidentNV(buffer, access)
return void
param buffer UInt32 in value
param access GLenum in value
@@ -26556,7 +29990,7 @@ NamedMakeBufferResidentNV(buffer, access)
glxflags ignore
offset ?
return void
param buffer UInt32 in value
category NV_shader_buffer_load
@@ -26842,3 +30276,1194 @@ TextureBarrierNV()
glxflags ignore
offset ?
+# Extension #382
+# AMD_shader_stencil_export commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: AMD_shader_stencil_export
+# Extension #383
+# AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture
+# Extension #384 - GLX_INTEL_swap_event
+# Extension #385
+# AMD_conservative_depth commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: AMD_conservative_depth
+# Extension #386
+# EXT_shader_image_load_store commands
+BindImageTextureEXT(index, texture, level, layered, layer, access, format)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param texture UInt32 in value
+ param level Int32 in value
+ param layered Boolean in value
+ param layer Int32 in value
+ param access GLenum in value
+ param format Int32 in value
+ category EXT_shader_image_load_store
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return void
+ param barriers GLbitfield in value
+ category EXT_shader_image_load_store
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# Extension #387
+# EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit commands
+VertexAttribL1dEXT(index, x)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL2dEXT(index, x, y)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL3dEXT(index, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ param z Float64 in value
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL4dEXT(index, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Float64 in value
+ param y Float64 in value
+ param z Float64 in value
+ param w Float64 in value
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL1dvEXT(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Float64 in array [1]
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL2dvEXT(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Float64 in array [2]
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL3dvEXT(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Float64 in array [3]
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL4dvEXT(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Float64 in array [4]
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribLPointerEXT(index, size, type, stride, pointer)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param size Int32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param stride SizeI in value
+ param pointer Void in array [size]
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetVertexAttribLdvEXT(index, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Float64 out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# Also in ARB_vertex_array_64bit. Supposedly dependent on another
+# unregistered extension, EXT_direct_state_access_memory
+VertexArrayVertexAttribLOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, index, size, type, stride, offset)
+ return void
+ param vaobj UInt32 in value
+ param buffer UInt32 in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param size Int32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param stride SizeI in value
+ param offset BufferOffset in value
+ category EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# Extension #388
+# NV_gpu_program5 commands
+# These commands require ARB_shader_subroutine
+#@@ void ProgramSubroutineParametersuivNV(enum target, sizei count, const uint *params);
+#@@ void GetProgramSubroutineParameteruivNV(enum target, uint index, uint *param);
+ProgramSubroutineParametersuivNV(target, count, params)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param params UInt32 in array [count]
+ category NV_gpu_program5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetProgramSubroutineParameteruivNV(target, index, param)
+ return void
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param param UInt32 out array [COMPSIZE(target)]
+ category NV_gpu_program5
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# Extension #389
+# NV_gpu_shader5 commands
+Uniform1i64NV(location, x)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform2i64NV(location, x, y)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ param y Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform3i64NV(location, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ param y Int64EXT in value
+ param z Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform4i64NV(location, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ param y Int64EXT in value
+ param z Int64EXT in value
+ param w Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform1i64vNV(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int64EXT in array [count]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform2i64vNV(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*2)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform3i64vNV(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*3)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform4i64vNV(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*4)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform1ui64NV(location, x)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform2ui64NV(location, x, y)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ param y UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform3ui64NV(location, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ param y UInt64EXT in value
+ param z UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform4ui64NV(location, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ param y UInt64EXT in value
+ param z UInt64EXT in value
+ param w UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform1ui64vNV(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt64EXT in array [count]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform2ui64vNV(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*2)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform3ui64vNV(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*3)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+Uniform4ui64vNV(location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*4)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetUniformi64vNV(program, location, params)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param params Int64EXT out array [COMPSIZE(location)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1i64NV(program, location, x)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2i64NV(program, location, x, y)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ param y Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3i64NV(program, location, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ param y Int64EXT in value
+ param z Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4i64NV(program, location, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ param y Int64EXT in value
+ param z Int64EXT in value
+ param w Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1i64vNV(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int64EXT in array [count]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2i64vNV(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*2)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3i64vNV(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*3)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4i64vNV(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value Int64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*4)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1ui64NV(program, location, x)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2ui64NV(program, location, x, y)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ param y UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3ui64NV(program, location, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ param y UInt64EXT in value
+ param z UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4ui64NV(program, location, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ param y UInt64EXT in value
+ param z UInt64EXT in value
+ param w UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform1ui64vNV(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt64EXT in array [count]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform2ui64vNV(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*2)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform3ui64vNV(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*3)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ProgramUniform4ui64vNV(program, location, count, value)
+ return void
+ param program UInt32 in value
+ param location Int32 in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param value UInt64EXT in array [COMPSIZE(count*4)]
+ category NV_gpu_shader5
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+#@ GetUniformui64vNV also in NV_shader_buffer_load
+# Extension #390
+# NV_shader_buffer_store commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: NV_shader_buffer_store
+# Extension #391
+# NV_tessellation_program5 commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: NV_tessellation_program5
+# Extension #392
+# NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit commands
+VertexAttribL1i64NV(index, x)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL2i64NV(index, x, y)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ param y Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL3i64NV(index, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ param y Int64EXT in value
+ param z Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL4i64NV(index, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x Int64EXT in value
+ param y Int64EXT in value
+ param z Int64EXT in value
+ param w Int64EXT in value
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL1i64vNV(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Int64EXT in array [1]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL2i64vNV(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Int64EXT in array [2]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL3i64vNV(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Int64EXT in array [3]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL4i64vNV(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v Int64EXT in array [4]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL1ui64NV(index, x)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL2ui64NV(index, x, y)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ param y UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL3ui64NV(index, x, y, z)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ param y UInt64EXT in value
+ param z UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL4ui64NV(index, x, y, z, w)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param x UInt64EXT in value
+ param y UInt64EXT in value
+ param z UInt64EXT in value
+ param w UInt64EXT in value
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL1ui64vNV(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v UInt64EXT in array [1]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL2ui64vNV(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v UInt64EXT in array [2]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL3ui64vNV(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v UInt64EXT in array [3]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VertexAttribL4ui64vNV(index, v)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param v UInt64EXT in array [4]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetVertexAttribLi64vNV(index, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params Int64EXT out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetVertexAttribLui64vNV(index, pname, params)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param params UInt64EXT out array [COMPSIZE(pname)]
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+#@ VertexAttribLFormatNV also requires NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory
+VertexAttribLFormatNV(index, size, type, stride)
+ return void
+ param index UInt32 in value
+ param size Int32 in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param stride SizeI in value
+ category NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# Extension #393
+# NV_multisample_coverage commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: NV_multisample_coverage
+# Extension #394
+# AMD_name_gen_delete commands
+GenNamesAMD(identifier, num, names)
+ return void
+ param identifier GLenum in value
+ param num UInt32 in value
+ param names UInt32 out array [num]
+ category AMD_name_gen_delete
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DeleteNamesAMD(identifier, num, names)
+ return void
+ param identifier GLenum in value
+ param num UInt32 in value
+ param names UInt32 in array [num]
+ category AMD_name_gen_delete
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+IsNameAMD(identifier, name)
+ return Boolean
+ param identifier GLenum in value
+ param name UInt32 in value
+ category AMD_name_gen_delete
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# Extension #395
+# AMD_debug_output commands
+DebugMessageEnableAMD(category, severity, count, ids, enabled)
+ return void
+ param category GLenum in value
+ param severity GLenum in value
+ param count SizeI in value
+ param ids UInt32 in array [count]
+ param enabled Boolean in value
+ category AMD_debug_output
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DebugMessageInsertAMD(category, severity, id, length, buf)
+ return void
+ param category GLenum in value
+ param severity GLenum in value
+ param id UInt32 in value
+ param length SizeI in value
+ param buf Char in array [length]
+ category AMD_debug_output
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+DebugMessageCallbackAMD(callback, userParam)
+ return void
+ param callback GLDEBUGPROCAMD in value
+ param userParam Void out reference
+ category AMD_debug_output
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+GetDebugMessageLogAMD(count, bufsize, categories, severities, ids, lengths, message)
+ return UInt32
+ param count UInt32 in value
+ param bufsize SizeI in value
+ param categories GLenum out array [count]
+ param severities UInt32 out array [count]
+ param ids UInt32 out array [count]
+ param lengths SizeI out array [count]
+ param message Char out array [bufsize]
+ category AMD_debug_output
+ dlflags notlistable
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxsingle ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# Extension #396
+# NV_vdpau_interop commands
+VDPAUInitNV(vdpDevice, getProcAddress)
+ return void
+ param vdpDevice Void in reference
+ param getProcAddress Void in reference
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return void
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV(vdpSurface, target, numTextureNames, textureNames)
+ return vdpauSurfaceNV
+ param vdpSurface Void out reference
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param numTextureNames SizeI in value
+ param textureNames UInt32 in array [numTextureNames]
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV(vdpSurface, target, numTextureNames, textureNames)
+ return vdpauSurfaceNV
+ param vdpSurface Void out reference
+ param target GLenum in value
+ param numTextureNames SizeI in value
+ param textureNames UInt32 in array [numTextureNames]
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return void
+ param surface vdpauSurfaceNV in value
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+ return void
+ param surface vdpauSurfaceNV in value
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV(surface, pname, bufSize, length, values)
+ return void
+ param surface vdpauSurfaceNV in value
+ param pname GLenum in value
+ param bufSize SizeI in value
+ param length SizeI out reference
+ param values Int32 out array [length]
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV(surface, access)
+ return void
+ param surface vdpauSurfaceNV in value
+ param access GLenum in value
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VDPAUMapSurfacesNV(numSurfaces, surfaces)
+ return void
+ param numSurfaces SizeI in value
+ param surfaces vdpauSurfaceNV in array [numSurfaces]
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV(numSurface, surfaces)
+ return void
+ param numSurface SizeI in value
+ param surfaces vdpauSurfaceNV in array [numSurface]
+ category NV_vdpau_interop
+ version 4.1
+ extension
+ glxropcode ?
+ glxflags ignore
+ offset ?
+# Extension #397
+# AMD_transform_feedback3_lines_triangles commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: AMD_transform_feedback3_lines_triangles
+# Extension #398 - GLX_AMD_gpu_association