path: root/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/wglext.spec
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Diffstat (limited to 'xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/wglext.spec')
1 files changed, 1210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/wglext.spec b/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/wglext.spec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77d168e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xorg-server/hw/xwin/glx/wglext.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,1210 @@
+# wglext.spec file
+# DON'T REMOVE PREVIOUS LINE!!! libspec depends on it!
+# THIS FILE IS OBSOLETE. Please migrate away from using the
+# ".spec" files to the XML Registry. See
+# http://www.opengl.org/registry/api/README.txt
+# for more information.
+# Copyright (c) 1991-2002 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2013 The Khronos Group, Inc.
+# This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License Version
+# 2.0. For details, see http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ .
+# $Revision: 21963 $ on $Date: 2013-06-13 02:52:31 -0700 (Thu, 13 Jun 2013) $
+param: retval retained
+category: wgl ARB_buffer_region ARB_extensions_string ARB_pixel_format ARB_make_current_read ARB_pbuffer ARB_render_texture ARB_pixel_format_float EXT_display_color_table EXT_extensions_string EXT_make_current_read EXT_pbuffer EXT_pixel_format EXT_swap_control OML_sync_control I3D_digital_video_control I3D_gamma I3D_genlock I3D_image_buffer I3D_swap_frame_lock I3D_swap_frame_usage NV_vertex_array_range 3DL_stereo_control NV_swap_group NV_video_output NV_present_video ARB_create_context NV_gpu_affinity AMD_gpu_association NV_video_capture NV_copy_image ARB_framebuffer_sRGB NV_DX_interop
+# required-props in wgl.spec (which is not used for anything):
+# dlflags: notlistable handcode
+# wglflags: client-handcode server-handcode non-dispatch
+# Boilerplate to define types used by some extensions. This is done
+# up front, since it involves some complexities in protecting
+# the declarations whether or not the -protect flag is given to
+# the generator scripts.
+passthru: #ifndef WGL_ARB_pbuffer
+passthru: #endif
+passthru: #ifndef WGL_EXT_pbuffer
+passthru: #endif
+passthru: #ifndef WGL_NV_present_video
+passthru: #endif
+passthru: #ifndef WGL_NV_video_output
+passthru: #endif
+passthru: #ifndef WGL_NV_gpu_affinity
+passthru: typedef struct _GPU_DEVICE {
+passthru: DWORD cb;
+passthru: CHAR DeviceName[32];
+passthru: CHAR DeviceString[128];
+passthru: DWORD Flags;
+passthru: RECT rcVirtualScreen;
+passthru: } GPU_DEVICE, *PGPU_DEVICE;
+passthru: #endif
+passthru: #ifndef WGL_NV_video_capture
+passthru: #endif
+# ARB Extension #4
+# ARB_buffer_region commands
+CreateBufferRegionARB(hDC, iLayerPlane, uType)
+ return HANDLE
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param iLayerPlane int in value
+ param uType UINT in value
+ category ARB_buffer_region
+ return VOID
+ param hRegion HANDLE in value
+ category ARB_buffer_region
+SaveBufferRegionARB(hRegion, x, y, width, height)
+ return BOOL
+ param hRegion HANDLE in value
+ param x int in value
+ param y int in value
+ param width int in value
+ param height int in value
+ category ARB_buffer_region
+RestoreBufferRegionARB(hRegion, x, y, width, height, xSrc, ySrc)
+ return BOOL
+ param hRegion HANDLE in value
+ param x int in value
+ param y int in value
+ param width int in value
+ param height int in value
+ param xSrc int in value
+ param ySrc int in value
+ category ARB_buffer_region
+# ARB Extension #5
+# ARB_multisample commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_multisample
+# ARB Extension #8
+# ARB_extensions_string commands
+ return String
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ category ARB_extensions_string
+# ARB Extension #9
+# ARB_pixel_format commands
+GetPixelFormatAttribivARB(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, piValues)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param iPixelFormat int in value
+ param iLayerPlane int in value
+ param nAttributes UINT in value
+ param piAttributes int in array [nAttributes]
+ param piValues int out array [nAttributes]
+ category ARB_pixel_format
+GetPixelFormatAttribfvARB(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, pfValues)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param iPixelFormat int in value
+ param iLayerPlane int in value
+ param nAttributes UINT in value
+ param piAttributes int in array [nAttributes]
+ param pfValues FLOAT out array [nAttributes]
+ category ARB_pixel_format
+ChoosePixelFormatARB(hdc, piAttribIList, pfAttribFList, nMaxFormats, piFormats, nNumFormats)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param piAttribIList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ param pfAttribFList FLOAT in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ param nMaxFormats UINT in value
+ param piFormats int out array [COMPSIZE(nNumFormats)]
+ param nNumFormats UINT out reference
+ category ARB_pixel_format
+# ARB Extension #10
+# ARB_make_current_read commands
+MakeContextCurrentARB(hDrawDC, hReadDC, hglrc)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDrawDC HDC in value
+ param hReadDC HDC in value
+ param hglrc HGLRC in value
+ category ARB_make_current_read
+ return HDC
+ category ARB_make_current_read
+# ARB Extension #11
+# ARB_pbuffer commands
+CreatePbufferARB(hDC, iPixelFormat, iWidth, iHeight, piAttribList)
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param iPixelFormat int in value
+ param iWidth int in value
+ param iHeight int in value
+ param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ category ARB_pbuffer
+ return HDC
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ category ARB_pbuffer
+ReleasePbufferDCARB(hPbuffer, hDC)
+ return int
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ category ARB_pbuffer
+ return BOOL
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ category ARB_pbuffer
+QueryPbufferARB(hPbuffer, iAttribute, piValue)
+ return BOOL
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ param iAttribute int in value
+ param piValue int out reference
+ category ARB_pbuffer
+# ARB Extension #20
+# ARB_render_texture commands
+BindTexImageARB(hPbuffer, iBuffer)
+ return BOOL
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ param iBuffer int in value
+ category ARB_render_texture
+ReleaseTexImageARB(hPbuffer, iBuffer)
+ return BOOL
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ param iBuffer int in value
+ category ARB_render_texture
+SetPbufferAttribARB(hPbuffer, piAttribList)
+ return BOOL
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ category ARB_render_texture
+# ARB Extension #39
+# ARB_pixel_format_float commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_pixel_format_float
+# ARB Extension #46
+# ARB_framebuffer_sRGB commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_framebuffer_sRGB
+# ARB Extension #55
+# ARB_create_context commands
+CreateContextAttribsARB(hDC, hShareContext, attribList)
+ return HGLRC
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param hShareContext HGLRC in value
+ param attribList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ category ARB_create_context
+# ARB Extension #74
+# ARB_create_context_profile commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_create_context_profile
+# ARB Extension #102
+# ARB_create_context_robustness commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ARB_create_context_robustness
+# Extension #167
+# EXT_display_color_table commands
+ return GLboolean
+ param id GLushort in value
+ category EXT_display_color_table
+LoadDisplayColorTableEXT(table, length)
+ return GLboolean
+ param table GLushort in array [length]
+ param length GLuint in value
+ category EXT_display_color_table
+ return GLboolean
+ param id GLushort in value
+ category EXT_display_color_table
+ return VOID
+ param id GLushort in value
+ category EXT_display_color_table
+# Extension #168
+# EXT_extensions_string commands
+ return String
+ category EXT_extensions_string
+# Extension #169
+# EXT_make_current_read commands
+MakeContextCurrentEXT(hDrawDC, hReadDC, hglrc)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDrawDC HDC in value
+ param hReadDC HDC in value
+ param hglrc HGLRC in value
+ category EXT_make_current_read
+ return HDC
+ category EXT_make_current_read
+# Extension #171
+# EXT_pbuffer commands
+CreatePbufferEXT(hDC, iPixelFormat, iWidth, iHeight, piAttribList)
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param iPixelFormat int in value
+ param iWidth int in value
+ param iHeight int in value
+ param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ category EXT_pbuffer
+ return HDC
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value
+ category EXT_pbuffer
+ReleasePbufferDCEXT(hPbuffer, hDC)
+ return int
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ category EXT_pbuffer
+ return BOOL
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value
+ category EXT_pbuffer
+QueryPbufferEXT(hPbuffer, iAttribute, piValue)
+ return BOOL
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value
+ param iAttribute int in value
+ param piValue int out reference
+ category EXT_pbuffer
+# Extension #170
+# EXT_pixel_format commands
+GetPixelFormatAttribivEXT(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, piValues)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param iPixelFormat int in value
+ param iLayerPlane int in value
+ param nAttributes UINT in value
+ param piAttributes int out array [nAttributes]
+ param piValues int out array [nAttributes]
+ category EXT_pixel_format
+GetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, pfValues)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param iPixelFormat int in value
+ param iLayerPlane int in value
+ param nAttributes UINT in value
+ param piAttributes int out array [nAttributes]
+ param pfValues FLOAT out array [nAttributes]
+ category EXT_pixel_format
+ChoosePixelFormatEXT(hdc, piAttribIList, pfAttribFList, nMaxFormats, piFormats, nNumFormats)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param piAttribIList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ param pfAttribFList FLOAT in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ param nMaxFormats UINT in value
+ param piFormats int out array [COMPSIZE(nNumFormats)]
+ param nNumFormats UINT out reference
+ category EXT_pixel_format
+# Extension #172
+# EXT_swap_control commands
+ return BOOL
+ param interval int in value
+ category EXT_swap_control
+ return int
+ category EXT_swap_control
+# Extension #177
+# EXT_depth_float commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: EXT_depth_float
+# Extension #190
+# NV_vertex_array_range commands
+AllocateMemoryNV(size, readfreq, writefreq, priority)
+ return VoidPointer
+ param size GLsizei in value
+ param readfreq GLfloat in value
+ param writefreq GLfloat in value
+ param priority GLfloat in value
+ category NV_vertex_array_range
+ return void
+ param pointer void out array [1]
+ category NV_vertex_array_range
+# Extension #207
+# 3DFX_multisample commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: 3DFX_multisample
+# Extension #209
+# EXT_multisample commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: EXT_multisample
+# Extension #242
+# OML_sync_control commands
+GetSyncValuesOML(hdc, ust, msc, sbc)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param ust INT64 out array [1]
+ param msc INT64 out array [1]
+ param sbc INT64 out array [1]
+ category OML_sync_control
+GetMscRateOML(hdc, numerator, denominator)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param numerator INT32 out array [1]
+ param denominator INT32 out array [1]
+ category OML_sync_control
+SwapBuffersMscOML(hdc, target_msc, divisor, remainder)
+ return INT64
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param target_msc INT64 in value
+ param divisor INT64 in value
+ param remainder INT64 in value
+ category OML_sync_control
+SwapLayerBuffersMscOML(hdc, fuPlanes, target_msc, divisor, remainder)
+ return INT64
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param fuPlanes int in value
+ param target_msc INT64 in value
+ param divisor INT64 in value
+ param remainder INT64 in value
+ category OML_sync_control
+WaitForMscOML(hdc, target_msc, divisor, remainder , ust, msc, sbc)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param target_msc INT64 in value
+ param divisor INT64 in value
+ param remainder INT64 in value
+ param ust INT64 out array [1]
+ param msc INT64 out array [1]
+ param sbc INT64 out array [1]
+ category OML_sync_control
+WaitForSbcOML(hdc, target_sbc, ust, msc, sbc)
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ param target_sbc INT64 in value
+ param ust INT64 out array [1]
+ param msc INT64 out array [1]
+ param sbc INT64 out array [1]
+ category OML_sync_control
+# Extension #250
+# I3D_digital_video_control commands
+GetDigitalVideoParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param iAttribute int in value
+ param piValue int out array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)]
+ category I3D_digital_video_control
+SetDigitalVideoParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param iAttribute int in value
+ param piValue int in array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)]
+ category I3D_digital_video_control
+# Extension #251
+# I3D_gamma commands
+GetGammaTableParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param iAttribute int in value
+ param piValue int out array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)]
+ category I3D_gamma
+SetGammaTableParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param iAttribute int in value
+ param piValue int in array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)]
+ category I3D_gamma
+GetGammaTableI3D(hDC, iEntries, puRed, puGreen, puBlue)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param iEntries int in value
+ param puRed USHORT out array [iEntries]
+ param puGreen USHORT out array [iEntries]
+ param puBlue USHORT out array [iEntries]
+ category I3D_gamma
+SetGammaTableI3D(hDC, iEntries, puRed, puGreen, puBlue)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param iEntries int in value
+ param puRed USHORT in array [iEntries]
+ param puGreen USHORT in array [iEntries]
+ param puBlue USHORT in array [iEntries]
+ category I3D_gamma
+# Extension #252
+# I3D_genlock commands
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ category I3D_genlock
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ category I3D_genlock
+IsEnabledGenlockI3D(hDC, pFlag)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param pFlag BOOL out reference
+ category I3D_genlock
+GenlockSourceI3D(hDC, uSource)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uSource UINT in value
+ category I3D_genlock
+GetGenlockSourceI3D(hDC, uSource)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uSource UINT out reference
+ category I3D_genlock
+GenlockSourceEdgeI3D(hDC, uEdge)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uEdge UINT in value
+ category I3D_genlock
+GetGenlockSourceEdgeI3D(hDC, uEdge)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uEdge UINT out reference
+ category I3D_genlock
+GenlockSampleRateI3D(hDC, uRate)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uRate UINT in value
+ category I3D_genlock
+GetGenlockSampleRateI3D(hDC, uRate)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uRate UINT out reference
+ category I3D_genlock
+GenlockSourceDelayI3D(hDC, uDelay)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uDelay UINT in value
+ category I3D_genlock
+GetGenlockSourceDelayI3D(hDC, uDelay)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uDelay UINT out reference
+ category I3D_genlock
+QueryGenlockMaxSourceDelayI3D(hDC, uMaxLineDelay, uMaxPixelDelay)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uMaxLineDelay UINT out reference
+ param uMaxPixelDelay UINT out reference
+ category I3D_genlock
+# Extension #253
+# I3D_image_buffer commands
+CreateImageBufferI3D(hDC, dwSize, uFlags)
+ return LPVOID
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param dwSize DWORD in value
+ param uFlags UINT in value
+ category I3D_image_buffer
+DestroyImageBufferI3D(hDC, pAddress)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param pAddress LPVOID in value
+ category I3D_image_buffer
+AssociateImageBufferEventsI3D(hDC, pEvent, pAddress, pSize, count)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param pEvent HANDLE in array [count]
+ param pAddress LPVOID in array [count]
+ param pSize DWORD in array [count]
+ param count UINT in value
+ category I3D_image_buffer
+ReleaseImageBufferEventsI3D(hDC, pAddress, count)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param pAddress LPVOID in array [count]
+ param count UINT in value
+ category I3D_image_buffer
+# Extension #254
+# I3D_swap_frame_lock commands
+ return BOOL
+ category I3D_swap_frame_lock
+ return BOOL
+ category I3D_swap_frame_lock
+ return BOOL
+ param pFlag BOOL out reference
+ category I3D_swap_frame_lock
+ return BOOL
+ param pFlag BOOL out reference
+ category I3D_swap_frame_lock
+# Extension #255
+# I3D_swap_frame_usage commands
+ return BOOL
+ param pUsage float out reference
+ category I3D_swap_frame_usage
+ return BOOL
+ category I3D_swap_frame_usage
+ return BOOL
+ category I3D_swap_frame_usage
+QueryFrameTrackingI3D(pFrameCount, pMissedFrames, pLastMissedUsage)
+ return BOOL
+ param pFrameCount DWORD out reference
+ param pMissedFrames DWORD out reference
+ param pLastMissedUsage float out reference
+ category I3D_swap_frame_usage
+# Extension #278
+# ATI_pixel_format_float commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: ATI_pixel_format_float
+# Extension #281
+# NV_float_buffer commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: NV_float_buffer
+# Extension #313
+# 3DL_stereo_control commands
+SetStereoEmitterState3DL(hDC, uState)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uState UINT in value
+ category 3DL_stereo_control
+# Extension #328
+# EXT_pixel_format_packed_float commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: EXT_pixel_format_packed_float
+# Extension #337
+# EXT_framebuffer_sRGB commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: EXT_framebuffer_sRGB
+# Extension #347
+# NV_present_video commands
+EnumerateVideoDevicesNV(hDC, phDeviceList)
+ return int
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param phDeviceList HVIDEOOUTPUTDEVICENV out array
+ category NV_present_video
+BindVideoDeviceNV(hDC, uVideoSlot, hVideoDevice, piAttribList)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param uVideoSlot uint in value
+ param hVideoDevice HVIDEOOUTPUTDEVICENV in value
+ param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ category NV_present_video
+QueryCurrentContextNV(iAttribute, piValue)
+ return BOOL
+ param iAttribute int in value
+ param piValue int out array [COMPSIZE()]
+ category NV_present_video
+# Extension #349
+# NV_video_output commands
+GetVideoDeviceNV(hDC, numDevices, hVideoDevice)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param numDevices int in value
+ param hVideoDevice HPVIDEODEV out reference
+ category NV_video_output
+ return BOOL
+ param hVideoDevice HPVIDEODEV in value
+ category NV_video_output
+BindVideoImageNV(hVideoDevice, hPbuffer, iVideoBuffer)
+ return BOOL
+ param hVideoDevice HPVIDEODEV in value
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ param iVideoBuffer int in value
+ category NV_video_output
+ReleaseVideoImageNV(hPbuffer, iVideoBuffer)
+ return BOOL
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ param iVideoBuffer int in value
+ category NV_video_output
+SendPbufferToVideoNV(hPbuffer, iBufferType, pulCounterPbuffer, bBlock)
+ return BOOL
+ param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
+ param iBufferType int in value
+ param pulCounterPbuffer ulong out reference
+ param bBlock BOOL in value
+ category NV_video_output
+GetVideoInfoNV(hpVideoDevice, pulCounterOutputPbuffer, pulCounterOutputVideo)
+ return BOOL
+ param hpVideoDevice HPVIDEODEV in value
+ param pulCounterOutputPbuffer ulong out reference
+ param pulCounterOutputVideo ulong out reference
+ category NV_video_output
+# Extension #351
+# NV_swap_group commands
+JoinSwapGroupNV(hDC, group)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param group GLuint in value
+ category NV_swap_group
+BindSwapBarrierNV(group, barrier)
+ return BOOL
+ param group GLuint in value
+ param barrier GLuint in value
+ category NV_swap_group
+QuerySwapGroupNV(hDC, group, barrier)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param group GLuint out reference
+ param barrier GLuint out reference
+ category NV_swap_group
+QueryMaxSwapGroupsNV(hDC, maxGroups, maxBarriers)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param maxGroups GLuint out reference
+ param maxBarriers GLuint out reference
+ category NV_swap_group
+QueryFrameCountNV(hDC, count)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ param count GLuint out reference
+ category NV_swap_group
+ return BOOL
+ param hDC HDC in value
+ category NV_swap_group
+# Extension #355
+# NV_gpu_affinity commands
+EnumGpusNV(iGpuIndex, phGpu)
+ return BOOL
+ param iGpuIndex UINT in value
+ param phGpu HGPUNV out reference
+ category NV_gpu_affinity
+EnumGpuDevicesNV(hGpu, iDeviceIndex, lpGpuDevice)
+ return BOOL
+ param hGpu HGPUNV in value
+ param iDeviceIndex UINT in value
+ param lpGpuDevice PGPU_DEVICE in value
+ category NV_gpu_affinity
+ return HDC
+ param phGpuList HGPUNV in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ category NV_gpu_affinity
+EnumGpusFromAffinityDCNV(hAffinityDC, iGpuIndex, hGpu)
+ return BOOL
+ param hAffinityDC HDC in value
+ param iGpuIndex UINT in value
+ param hGpu HGPUNV out reference
+ category NV_gpu_affinity
+ return BOOL
+ param hdc HDC in value
+ category NV_gpu_affinity
+# Extension #361
+# AMD_gpu_association commands
+GetGPUIDsAMD(maxCount, ids)
+ return UINT
+ param maxCount UINT in value
+ param ids UINT out array [maxCount]
+ category AMD_gpu_association
+GetGPUInfoAMD(id, property, dataType, size, data)
+ return INT
+ param id UINT in value
+ param property int in value
+ param dataType GLenum in value
+ param size UINT in value
+ param data void out array [COMPSIZE(dataType,size)]
+ category AMD_gpu_association
+ return UINT
+ param hglrc HGLRC in value
+ category AMD_gpu_association
+ return HGLRC
+ param id UINT in value
+ category AMD_gpu_association
+CreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD(id, hShareContext, attribList)
+ return HGLRC
+ param id UINT in value
+ param hShareContext HGLRC in value
+ param attribList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
+ category AMD_gpu_association
+ return BOOL
+ param hglrc HGLRC in value
+ category AMD_gpu_association
+ return BOOL
+ param hglrc HGLRC in value
+ category AMD_gpu_association
+ return HGLRC
+ category AMD_gpu_association
+BlitContextFramebufferAMD(dstCtx, srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter)
+ return VOID
+ param dstCtx HGLRC in value
+ param srcX0 GLint in value
+ param srcY0 GLint in value
+ param srcX1 GLint in value
+ param srcY1 GLint in value
+ param dstX0 GLint in value
+ param dstY0 GLint in value
+ param dstX1 GLint in value
+ param dstY1 GLint in value
+ param mask GLbitfield in value
+ param filter GLenum in value
+ category AMD_gpu_association
+# Extension #374
+# NV_video_capture commands
+BindVideoCaptureDeviceNV(uVideoSlot, hDevice)
+ return BOOL
+ param uVideoSlot UINT in value
+ param hDevice HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV in value
+ category NV_video_capture
+EnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(hDc, phDeviceList)
+ return UINT
+ param hDc HDC in value
+ param phDeviceList HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV out reference
+ category NV_video_capture
+LockVideoCaptureDeviceNV(hDc, hDevice)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDc HDC in value
+ param hDevice HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV in value
+ category NV_video_capture
+QueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(hDc, hDevice, iAttribute, piValue)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDc HDC in value
+ param hDevice HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV in value
+ param iAttribute int in value
+ param piValue int out reference
+ category NV_video_capture
+ReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV(hDc, hDevice)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDc HDC in value
+ param hDevice HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV in value
+ category NV_video_capture
+# Extension #376
+# NV_copy_image commands
+CopyImageSubDataNV(hSrcRC, srcName, srcTarget, srcLevel, srcX, srcY, srcZ, hDstRC, dstName, dstTarget, dstLevel, dstX, dstY, dstZ, width, height, depth)
+ return BOOL
+ param hSrcRC HGLRC in value
+ param srcName GLuint in value
+ param srcTarget GLenum in value
+ param srcLevel GLint in value
+ param srcX GLint in value
+ param srcY GLint in value
+ param srcZ GLint in value
+ param hDstRC HGLRC in value
+ param dstName GLuint in value
+ param dstTarget GLenum in value
+ param dstLevel GLint in value
+ param dstX GLint in value
+ param dstY GLint in value
+ param dstZ GLint in value
+ param width GLsizei in value
+ param height GLsizei in value
+ param depth GLsizei in value
+ category NV_copy_image
+# Extension #393
+# NV_multisample_coverage commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: NV_multisample_coverage
+# Extension #407
+# NV_DX_interop commands
+DXSetResourceShareHandleNV(dxObject, shareHandle)
+ return BOOL
+ param dxObject void out array [1]
+ param shareHandle HANDLE in value
+ category NV_DX_interop
+ return HANDLE
+ param dxDevice void out array [1]
+ category NV_DX_interop
+ return BOOL
+ param hDevice HANDLE in value
+ category NV_DX_interop
+DXRegisterObjectNV(hDevice, dxObject, name, type, access)
+ return HANDLE
+ param hDevice HANDLE in value
+ param dxObject void out array [1]
+ param name GLuint in value
+ param type GLenum in value
+ param access GLenum in value
+ category NV_DX_interop
+DXUnregisterObjectNV(hDevice, hObject)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDevice HANDLE in value
+ param hObject HANDLE in value
+ category NV_DX_interop
+DXObjectAccessNV(hObject, access)
+ return BOOL
+ param hObject HANDLE in value
+ param access GLenum in value
+ category NV_DX_interop
+DXLockObjectsNV(hDevice, count, hObjects)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDevice HANDLE in value
+ param count GLint in value
+ param hObjects HANDLE out array [count]
+ category NV_DX_interop
+DXUnlockObjectsNV(hDevice, count, hObjects)
+ return BOOL
+ param hDevice HANDLE in value
+ param count GLint in value
+ param hObjects HANDLE out array [count]
+ category NV_DX_interop
+# Extension #412
+# NV_DX_interop2 commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: NV_DX_interop2
+# Extension #415
+# EXT_swap_control_tear commands
+# (none)
+newcategory: EXT_swap_control_tear